8,270 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2019
    1. He talks mostly about time and how rare yet valuable it is. 

      how does this fit here?

    2. In Collins’ Commencement Address, the genre is a graduation speech.

      okay--good, clear statement. But do you want to insert a topic sentence to give your reader a heads up about the rest of the paragraph's focus?

    3. There are three sources that I’ve read that stand out when it comes to genre, audience, and purpose. They are the Commencement Address by Billy Collins, How to Tame a Wild Tongue by Gloria Anzaldua, and Spoken Word Commencement spoken by Donovan Livingston.

      This is a helpful introduction

    4. in which you’re writing in

      in which you are writing

    5. These terms are all rhetorical situations.

      part of

    6. we don’t

      note the shift from "you" to "we"

    7. you have

      why the shift to "you"?

    8. Anzaldua, Gloria. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.” Everettsd, www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf.    Collins, Billy. “Commencement Address.” Poet Laureate Billy Collins Gives Brilliand and Witty Commencement Address at Colorado College, 2008, http://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm.   Livingston, Donovan “Donovan Livingston’s Harvard Graduate School of Education Student Speech.” Youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XGUpKITeJM&t=268s 

      Close to MLA format--please include dates of publication and access.

    1. (I.E people who have felt the same kind of discrimination)

      Can you be more precise: future educators

    2. In Donovan Livingston’s commencement address at Harvard,

      can you work on giving transitions and more informative topic sentences--to assist your reader?

    3. reach everyone with their remarks

      can you be more precise?

    4. by Susan Blau and Kathryn Burak, It explains

      Blau and Burak explain

    5. That leaves us with the present, the elusive moment where everything takes place but is moving to fast to comprehend”(Bil

      not sure what the quote is actually doing here

    6. work of writing.

      I see no Works Cited nor a post write

    1. I believe that part of her purpose in this piece was to inform the Americans

      okay: is this paragraph about purpose? if so, why bury it in the paragraph? put at the beginning?

    2. , her audience is her fellow Chicanos.

      should this be in another paragraph? I thought this paragraph was to focus on genre

    3. I would classify this work as a memoir,


    4. How to Tame a Wild Tongue

      titles of shorter pieces may require quotation marks; longer italics?

    5. Another piece of writing that may be less known

      transition needs work, no?

    6. To a reader today, this may seem confusing, however, we must take into consideration that King was writing to clergymen, who knew exactly who Jesus, Amos, and Paul were, and would be able to understand the analogy of considering them extremists.

      good point and use of source

    7. We can determine that this is a letter because King is specifically writing a response to the eight clergymen and not to the population as a whole.

      yes: but what else does the letter genre suggest to you?

    8. you are

      why the shift to "you"?

    9. Writing In the Works, genre is defined as “a type of writing – from informative report to a blog posting – and each type of writing requires particular rhetorical moves.”

      cite page?

    10. The first, and most popular piece, is “The Letter from Birmingham Jail,” written by Martin Luther King Jr. The second is called, How to Tame a Wild Tongue,written by Gloria Anzaldua. Finally, I will be discussing the commencement address given by Billy Collins at Colorado College in 2008. Each of these works brings forth a different genre, and purpose, and was written for a different audience. Let’s dive deeper and discover how these elements affect a piece of writing.

      a useful introduction

    11. are so important, however, having

      edit for comma fault here and elsewhere

    12. nzaldua, Gloria. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.” Anzaldua, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera. 1987. 33-44. Collins, Billy. n.d.   —. Billy Collins. 28 May 2008. 22 September 2019.   Jr., Martin Luther King. Letter From Birmingham Jail. August 1963. 22 September 2019.   Susan Blau, Kathryn Burak. “Writing in the Works.” Susan Blau, Kathryn Burak. Boston : Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2015. 2-44.

      not quite consistently MLA format Please alphabetize by author's last name Please include web addresses

    1. for Anzaldua to tell the audience about past experiences in her life

      again, can you be more precise?

    2. Spanish speaking individuals

      including Chicanos?

    3. genre presented is a memoir


    4. Collins speech as listed in its title, is the genre

      transition? a more expensive topic sentence?

    5. Some example of how blacks were treated differently include not being able to sleep in a hotel, signs above certain objects saying white and black, being called “nigger”, and daily never know what will happen next/what to expect. “When you take a cross-country drive and find it necessary to sleep night after night in the uncomfortable corners of your automobile because no motel will accept you.” “When you are humiliated day in and day out by nagging signs reading “white” and “colored”. “When your first name becomes “nigger”. ” Living constantly at tiptoe stance, never knowing what to expect next.”

      not sure how these passages fit your purpose in this paragraph

    6. was to express that he wante

      can you be more precise as to purpose? to explain, to justify, to implore

    7. King wrote this letter to Birmingham with a purpose.

      from Birmingham?

    8. King’s letter to Birmingham has the genre of a letter, formal

      do you want to insert a topic sentence that introduces all three terms or is this entire paragraph on genre?

    9. ting to is the eight white religious leaders of the south. Those eight religious people are the eight Clergy


    10. to whom King

      whom King

    11. then stories


    12. a letter, formal

      formal letter

    13. Composition is what tells a story

      not sure what this means But the rest of the paragraph is helpful

    14. Citations-

      Works Cited Please alphabetize by author's last name and include dates of publication and access

    1. Collins is seeking to inspire and to challenge.

      exactly: nicely done

    2. Moving on to a piece fairly different than King’s

      Can you work on this transition to improve? And can you provide a focusing topic sentence?

    3. His purpose was to justify his actions


    4. King makes several references to the Bible; using what his audience understands. For example, this quote: “…and just as the Apostle Paul left his little village of Tarsus and carried the gospel of Jesus Christ to practically every hamlet and city of the Greco-Roman world, I too am compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond my particular hometown.” (King).

      nice use of source

    5. Men well-versed in the Holy Scriptures. 


    6. Perhaps more of a professional letter, but a letter, nonetheless

      note the fragment

    7. Firstly, is Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter from Birmingham Jail.

      This is helpful but can you come up with a more informative and meaningful topic sentence?

    8. They are the most basic components of a work. This essay will explain these three components through the writings of Martin Luther King Jr., poet Billy Collins, and writer Gloria Anzaldua

      helpful opening paragraph

    9. Bibliography

      Works Cited Not quite in MLA form--please include web addresses, dates of access and publication

    1. example of Anzalduas purpose and audience is paragraph

      have you identified her audience?

    2. “i remember being caught speaking spanish

      please quote accurately, including capitalization

    3. threw out


    4. Throughout this letter King manages to hit all of the key elements of making a successful work of writing, giving his audience a straightforward understanding of his purpose.

      have you identified his purpose?

    5. The next piece of discussion was, “Letter from Birmingham Jail” written by Martin Luther King Jr. I

      do you want to insert a topic sentence to help focus the paragraph and assist your reader?

    6. n this short quote Collins hits each key element, showing us he understands that the audience is a “group of young strangers”. The purpose of this speech is also told in this quote, “dispensing advice”(Collins1)

      good use of source

    7. Mr. Collins understands his audience and purpose.

      Do you want to use this as your topic sentence? It seems buried here

    8. This is important when meeting the appeal of your audience, allowing the reader a smooth experience when grasping your main idea.

      you're on to something here: seeing a link between genre and audience. Perhaps you make more of this in your Theory of Writing section?

    9. Let’s break down each key term that we discussed in the first paragraph that makes a successful composition

      This paragraph is helpful--thanks

    10. help you

      why the shift to "you"?

    11. is a hard task to do in writing, we

      edit for punctuation, here and elsewhere (comma used like period)

    12. how to compose my own piece of successful writing!

      no post write

    13. “Commencement Speech Transcript” (may 19 2008) Billy Collins  “How Tame a Wild Tongue” (1987) Gloria Anzaldua “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (august 1963)  Martin Luther King Jr.

      Not in MLA format Please alphabetize by author's last name

    1. the audiences attention


    2. Collins’ purpose of this was to bring his contemporary poetry into the world so more people could use it during rough times.

      wouldn't his purpose be to teach and inspire these young people?

    3. Billy Collins Commencement Address was about a depressing topic: death

      really? You might want to dive deeper into the reading of his talk

    4. “when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six year old daughter why she can’t go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see ominous clouds of inferiority beginning to form in her little mental sky, and see her beginning to distort her personality by developing an unconscious bitterness toward white people;” (King 12)

      a powerful passage but how does it fit your needs in this paragraph? how does it support your analysis of genre, audience, and purpose?

    5. Martin Luther King Jr’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” was a letter that responded to a letter in the newspaper

      yes: can you provide a transition?

    6. audience is anyone who has experienced alienation due to the language they speak

      can you be more precise? Chicanos/as?

    7. Those three components will be examined with Gloria Anzaldua’s “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”, Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” and Billy Collins Commencement Address at Colorado College.

      good: this is helpful to set things up

    8. as a whole

      I don't see a Works Cited list or a post write

    1. Collin’s Audience are younger students

      good: what evidence do you have that he is thinking of young people when he speaks?

    2. Billy Collin  “poet laureate” demonstrating illustration to be profoundly understanding through a clearer observation

      Can you begin with a clear topic sentence to help focus your analysis?

    3. Anzaldua’s Genre is based on racism

      Can you identify the genre that she uses?

    4. Anzaldúa engages the Audience in “How To Tame a Wild Tongue.” by providing and displaying different scenarios from her point of view showing her audience what it feels like to live through situations as a Chinaco

      Yes: good. But might it be helpful to begin with a topic sentence that introduces the three key terms and then to identify the audience that Anzaldua is trying to reach?

    5. Martin Luther King “ Letters From Birmingham Jail” the audience is the eight Clergymen we become aware of all the hardships Martin Luther King and everyone in Birmingham encounters which includes racism and slavery. 

      again, I think you have more than one sentence here. Can you stop after "Clergymen"? Do you see why?

    6. The ability to learn from challenges you’ve experienced and motivate others, giving them a hope that there’s a better destiny even if that means facing resentment

      not a sentence

    7. The authors focus on the main three key terms Genre,  Audience and Purpose will be defined throughout the articles including the main idea of what makes these authors successful writers

      does not seem to be a sentence: perhaps you are trying to say too much at once? edit?

    8. facing resentment. 

      no post write?

    9. King, Martin Luther, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” 16 Apr, 1963.               Anzaldua, Gloria. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”. Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza. Aunt Lute Books, 2012.         Blau, Susan, and Kathryn Burak. Writing in the Works. Boston, Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2017         Collins, William James “Poet laureate”.  The New York Public Library (1992) 

      not quite MLA format: please alphabetize by author's last name and include web addresses and dates that you visited the site last

    1. In conclusion, a thorough work of writing, always factors in the three key terms. The artistic composition characterized by a specific form, content and style. The person to whom the writer is writing and the purpose it is serving. 


    2. When speaking he wanted every graduate to hear his message and take it in a way that would change the way they saw the world. He was asking them to see in light, the things that had been hidden from existence for so long.


    3. is pushing his audience to question

      identify his audience more precisely? future educators? Show how he is thinking of educators in. his poems?

    4. Livingston opened his speech with a powerful verse, “At the time of his remarks I couldn’t read- couldn’t write. Any attempt to do so, punishable by death… we have known of knowledge’s infinite power. Yet somehow, we’ve never questioned the keeper of the keys- The guardians of information.”

      explain what is poetic about these lines?

    5. In Donovan Livingston’s speech,

      transition needed?

    6. By explaining that this is something unusual for him to do it opens the door to say things that are typically left unsaid. When writing this MLK Jr. wanted to directly address the religious leaders involved in degrading him and his movement.

      good but can you show how he speaks directly to these clergymen? how he is mindful of them?

    7. n the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by MLK Jr., his purpose

      In his letter, Martin Luther King . . .

    8. In Billy Collins commencement address his audience is clear.

      Can you insert a topic sentence that will inform you reader as to the point of the entire paragraph?

    9. The piece is written with the purpose of entertaining and informing


    10. choose from, in our situation today

      note comma fault (comma splice--using comma like period)

    11. you focus

      any reason for using "you"?

    12. Livingston, Donovan. “Donovan Livingston’s Student Speech.” Facebook Watch, https://www.facebook.com/HarvardEducation/videos/10153893399331387. King, Martin Luther, and Jr. “Letter From Birmingham City Jail.” CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE in Focus, https://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/documents/Letter_Birmingham_Jail.pdf. Collins, Billy. “Commencement Address .” Poet Laureate Billy Collins Gives Brilliand and Witty Commencement Address at Colorado College, 2008, https://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm.

      Works Cited Please alphabetize by author's last name. Please include dates of publication and dates of access

    13. The person to whom the writer is writing and the purpose it is serving. 

      note fragment no post write?

    1. When you

      why use the "you" hear?

    2. persuade children and even adults to embrace their culture instead of hiding form it

      okay: good

    3. Purpose.

      transition needed?

    4. In my personal opinion audience is a very significant term.

      I'm confused. Is this your topic sentence? If so, will the entire paragraph focus on audience? And will you be discussing all three sources in terms of audience? I see only Collins referenced. And I think I see you mention genre and purpose, too? I'd like you to work on sharpening your organization and focus, okay?

    5. please an audience for example, Collins Commencement speech.

      edit for punctuation, here and elsewhere?

    6. who you

      why the shift to "you"?

    7. when writing

      when one is writing

    8. connected, they all

      note comma splice (using commas like periods)

    9. compliment e


    10. Genre, defined as the type of piece being written based off of style and tone.

      And here

    11. Genre, Audience, and purpose. Three simple words, with a much more complex meaning than the average would define.

      note the fragments here

    12. *revising conclusion*

      I don't see a Works Cited list and a post write

    1. Billy Collins presented a commencement speech in 2008 for the graduating class of Colorado Colleg

      I sense the need for a transition and perhaps revised topic sentence?

    2. ell it was for them directly. He wanted to make his speech mean something and to be memorable to his audience

      be more precise? these are future teachers? What evidence is there that Livingston is speaking to teachers?

    3. During Donovan Livingston’s spoken word commencement address, his audience was Harvard’s graduating class of 2016

      okay: but can you insert a topic sentence to help prepare your reader for the paragraph?

    4. Martin Luther King Junior is seen as an activist but he can also be seen as a writer.

      Can you revise this to be a true topic sentence, including our key terms?

    5. When he wrote he referred to religion by using comparisons between religion and law, the religious leaders

      good: can you quote an example?

    6. Letters are a form of writing that is more direct to one person or group of people. King wrote this in the form of a letter so it would be directed towards the eight white religious leaders. H

      yes: good

    7. For example, the letter from Birmingham jail when he was sentenced for participating in a non-violent protest against segregation.

      note that this is not a sentence

    8. letter from Birmingham jail

      please capitalize and punctuate title?

    9. What is the purpose of authors choosing the genre, purpose, and audience of their writing? What are they in the first place?

      I can see that you are trying to set this essay up but I wonder if you might begin with statements rather than questions: For example, "Authors work hard at understanding their purpose, genre, and audience"?

    10. you can

      why the shift to "you"?

    11. works

      I don't see a list of Works Cited and a post write.

    1. you’re

      why the shift to "you're""

    2. American’s


    3. that every day their world changes and having a diploma or education doesn’t secure you anything. They must learn how to use their knowledge to meet the needs of society because just having an education doesn’t solidify anything.  

      seems more summary of message than analysis of purpose

    4. his graduation class,

      that is, future teachers

    5. His genre is a commencement speech

      Yes: but might you also add "spoken word poetry"? Can you draw evidence to show the poetic qualities of the talk?

    6. King, 2019

      not quit4 MLA form--year not needed in text

    7. Disturbed


    8. King wanted to justify that his nonviolent campaign

      good: quote or paraphrase with evidence?

    9. ntended for his audience to be the eight white clergymen,

      good. But slow down: can you show evidence that King is mindful of his audience?

    10. King’s genre was a freedom letter.

      okay: not sure what you mean by "freedom" here

    11. The first piece of literature I will asses is Martin Luther King’s Letter to Birmingham.  K

      in your topic sentence, don't you want to introduce the key term that will focus your analysis?

    12. Letter to Birmingham

      not the correct and full title--and remember to punctuate titles, okay?

    13. asses


    14. determine their purposes for writing

      only purpose or genre and audience, too?

    15. A more than exceptional piece of literature,

      not sure what this means: these terms can apply to all compositions, fiction or non-fiction, right?

    16. King, Martin Luther, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” 16 Apr. 1963. Web. 22 Sept. 2019. Education, Harvard Graduate School. “Donovan Livingston’s Harvard Graduate School of Education Student Speech.” YouTube, YouTube, 25 May 2016, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XGUpKITeJM. Anzaldua, Gloria. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”. Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza. Aunt Lute Books, 2012. Print. Blau, Susan, and Kathryn Burak. Writing in the Works. Boston, Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2017.

      Close to MLA form Please alphabetize by author's last name Omit bullets include web addresses of all web sources Include dates of access for all web sources List sources actually used (web rather than print sources)

    1. he Future off the metaphorical table, Collins presents the idea of appreciating the present above stressing what will never arrive. That this is a time of growth and change, where once outside the regimented school courses and independent, that these students will better themselves. 

      you seem to be summarizing the message here and elsewhere rather than doing an analysis of genre, audience, purpose

    2. manner of doing so coming from how he’s chosen to make his address.

      use the key term genre?

    3. A commencement address is a tradition going back many years and as such has a formula for those being paid to go on stage an


    4. With the sense of being apart of a group, the strength and reassurance that there are other than understand and are like you, uncertainties and isolation will begin to occur. Spanish is a highly regulated language with a book treated as sacred among purists. If a person’s dialect is not there,

      still waiting for your analysis

    5. The Spanish language has been a prominent language for cultures all over the world,


    6. There was a complacency present in the South when it came to the matter of rights for the African Americans who were free yet bore social chains as degrading as their ancestors. Leaders of communities as the eight who wrote MLK Jr. were not acquainted with how their advice was just one contribution to the problem

      Can you provide a topic sentence that points to your rhetorical analysis of the source?

    7. himself to Paul, “I too am compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond my particular hometown. Like Paul, I must constantly respond to the Macedonian call for aid. .

      might be appropriate when discussing King's awareness of audience?

    8. hat there are just and unjust laws, the latter of which is not truly one at all (MLK Jr. , Page 3). This reference to St. Augustine shows King’s inherit grasp of how the religious leaders would know this figure and the significance of his insight. Drawing from the writings of an  unchallengeable author to align with King’s explained motives makes counter argument almost impossible as well as adding credibility to the protests. King’s choice to write a letter while in jail e

      focus: is this paragraph supposed to be about audience? I don't see that word used often enough in this paragraph (see earlier comment about need for topic sentence)

    9. At the  time of 1968, the United States was a nation divided by prejudice which was at the beginning of a movement that would bring the issue into the forefront for all to face. The infancy of the Civil Rights Movement was guided most famously by the well-spoken Martin Luther King Jr., a well educated man with a background in religion. As he was in the town of Birmingham for a peaceful protest, police confronted the group, leading to MLK Jr. going to jail willingly for his part in the demonstration.

      I appreciate the context but can you start your analysis earlier with a clear topic sentence?

    10. purpose of a piece is what the writer is intending to get across,

      try to be more precise and accurate: purpose is what the writing is doing not saying

    11. is who

      is the person who

    12. To show how each source of writing utilizes the three concepts, definitions are in order.

      I appreciate what you are trying to do here in terms of orienting your reader but I wonder if you might be a bit less formal (without necessarily using the first person)

    13. Collins, Billy. “Commencement Speech.” 19 May 2008, Colorado Springs, Colorado College. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.” Borderlands/La Frontera, by Gloria Anzaldua, Aunt Lute Books, 1987, pp. 33–45. King Jr., Martin Luther. “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” Received by Eight white religious leaders of the South, Birmingham Jail, Aug. 1963, Birmingham, Alabama.

      not quite MLA form Please alphabetize by author's last name and include web addresses for each, as well as dates of publication and dates of access

    14. Bibliography

      Works Cited

    15. How was the Intro and Conclusion? Did the transitions work or were they too vague? Is this a mess? Was there sufficient analysis or too much summarizing?

      I like these questions

    1. if you

      why the shift to "you"?

    2. was telling the graduates to live in the present and compose your life of moments

      Are you confusing purpose with message?

    3. xpressed the fact that Jesus was an extremist of love and Amos an extremist of justice

      put earlier in the audience section?

    4. speaks to her natives

      rephrase: speaks to her fellow Chicanos/as?

    5. It was his response to a public statement of concern and caution issued by eight white religious leaders of the South”

      yes: but can you quote from the letter itself to show that King is mindful of his audience?

    6. intended audience were the eight-white religious’ leaders of the South.


    7. is intended for.

      is intended.

    8. audience is for whom

      audience is the person for whom

    9. could be seen as many genres due to the fact that she starts the writing with a story, then continues talking about her life, and writes in an essay format.

      can you provide evidence from the source?

    10. because it could be seen as a memoir, a personal narrative, and an essay


    11. Martin Luther King Jr.’s piece, his writing

      revise wording: In his letter, King. . . .

    12. a speech

      a commencement speech? try to be more precise, okay?

    13. First, the genre is the category of a composition.

      This opening seems abrupt to me. Might you define the terms in a separate paragraph?

    14. The three key points that will be discussed for each writing will be genre, audience, and purpose. These terms will be defined within each writing piece and how the pieces differ from each other, or how they may be similar.

      This is a helpful introduction.

    15. Source Citations

      Works Cited

      You are close to MLA form. You just need to include date of publication and date of access

    1. being a speech

      it is also a spoken word poem: what evidence in terms of style do we have for this?

    2. Donovan Livingston’s’ commencement address “Lift Off”, is a speech that was given to graduates from Harvard’s Graduate school of Education. T

      revise topic sentence and include transition?

    3. deliver his core message, which is to seize the day, to the students.

      I think you forgot to consider Collins' purpose?

    4. the Graduates

      the graduates

    5. Billy Collins’ commencement address to Colorado college is effective in delivering a message to his audience.

      good topic sentence but needing transition?

    6. The purpose of King’s letter was to convince the clergymen to stop waiting, to act now, and that peaceful protest is the best way to cause change.

      yes: the purpose is to inform/persuade but you are confusing purpose with message at the end of this sentence--be more precise, okay?

    7. As a result, King uses many religious references throughout his letter because he knows that a religious argument will work particularly well on the clergymen because of their knowledge of, and devotion to faith. For example, the clergymen said that peaceful protest will cause violence in response Martin Luther King states “Isn’t this like condemning Jesus because His unique God consciousness and never-ceasing devotion to His will precipitated the evil act of crucifixion?” (King pg. 3).

      good--nicely done

    8. a specific audience that he’s writing too

      yes, as all letters must

    9. ll three efficiently and effectively use genre to deliver a message to their audience and ultimately achieve their purpose.

      a good opening statement

    10. purpose, the goal of the writing

      more precisely: what the writing does

    11. too,


    12. clear and their message is understood.

      Works Cited?

    1. How does the audience pertain to the genre, of course if you don’t categorize literature, movies and entertainment you don’t know what to expect and then the ‘audience’ will not be drawn into the piece of writing.

      edit for punctuation, here and elsewhere

    2. I felt like the analogy was comparing the matter as to our lives and the particles as moments from your past, a

      is this metaphor suggestive of poetry? Does poetry enter in this speech?

    3. Collins  ‘purpose’ was  to encourage and motivate

      Collins' "purpose" Good observation

    4. Graduation speeches can be motivating and inspirational.


    5. ”Love your enemies, bless them that curse you pray for them that despitefully use you. Was not Paul an extremist for the gospel of Jesus Christ?” “Was not Martin Luther King an extremist?”(pg.4

      might you move this earlier when discussing audience?

    6. he genre of this writing is a letter in response to the eight religious leaders that wrote to him firs


    7. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most influential people of the twentieth century, even though he was assassinated.

      you will need a transition and topic sentence here

    8. This sentence revealed the ‘purpose’ to me because it entailed nationality, racism and discrimination

      please be more precise when identifying the author's purpose

    9. The ‘audience’ that


    10. this is a memoir/autobiography.

      okay: good

    11. Gloria explains

      Use author's last name only

    12. Gloria Anzaldua’s “How To Tame A Wild Tongue” is a chapter in her book published in 1987 ‘Borderlands/la Frontera’.

      please substitute with a true topic sentence: insert key terms?

    13. The ‘purpose’ is what or who the author is  writing about.

      not really: please make a distinction between purpose and message

    14. clear, what you want

      edit for punctuation why the shift to "you"?

    15. When a Writer sits down to write, they need to consider what they want to communicate and to whom. This falls under the rhetorical situation which includes choices about genre, purpose, and audience. I will be explaining the meaning and importance of these three important guidelines writers use. I will also analyze three authors and how they used these terms in their writing and show examples from their own words too. First author will be Gloria Anzaldua’s memoir, “How To Tame A Wild Tongue”. Second author will be Martin Luther King Jr.’s, letter from Birmingham Alabama Jail and, lastly Billy Collin’s commencement address.

      a useful introduction--thanks

    16. there wouldn’t be a systematic flow of words to be understood.

      no post write?

    17. Notes Gloria Anzaldua “How To Tame A Wild Tongue” 1987 published book ‘Borderlands/la Frontera Martin Luther King Jr ‘Birmingham Alabama Jail Letter’ written August 1963 Billy Collins Colorado State College commencement address May 19 2008

      Not in MLA format

    1. Of which, his commencement speech was not conventional.


    2. Collins writing


    3. Unlike both, King and Anzalduas having large obstacles in their path in regards of issues, such as inequality, Billy Collins did not have a writing similar to theirs.

      not really sure what this is saying

    4. What Anzalduas is doing is reinforcing the purpose to have people keep on using their native language.

      I think you confuse purpose with message: please be precise

    5. That position would be for people who went through or are currently going through being forced

      good: Chicanos?

    6. is because throughout the writing Anzaldua provides us first hand experiences to inform us, the reader, of what’s happening along the Mexican/Texan border

      I don't follow the logic: might it be a memoir/autobiography?

    7. Just as King was able to get his message across about inequality and the injustice that was happening, Anzaldua also did a fantastic job of getting her message across in her book,

      I appreciate the effort at transition

    8. Even though King has done nothing but be a promoter of peace, he was compared to being an extremist. In response King states “Was not Jesus an extremist in love?”(4) He does a great job writing that because not only is Jesus a religious figure, he is also a figure of peace

      move earlier when discussing audience?

    9. wants to justify his approach

      okay: good--evidence?

    10. When it comes to Kings letter, his purpose
