8,270 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2019
    1. literature composition.

      I might suggest deleting "literature" and keeping "compositions"

    2. Beginning with genre.

      not a sentence

    3. Before we analyze these writings specifically let’s discuss the definition of these key terms and what they illustrate.

      okay: I can see that you are in control here and are mindful of your reader's need for structure: good

    4. pieces of literature

      are they all "literature," are they varied compositions, in diverse genres?

    5. Does this writing explain each term/definition precisely?  

      good question

    6. 1. Anzaldua, Gloria. “How to tame a wild tongue” https://genius.com/Gloria-anzaldua-how-to-tame-a-wild-tongue-annotated 2. Aggad-Clerx Faten “Every 60 seconds in Africa” Pecha Kucha presentation: 29 February,2016 3. Livingston, Donovan. “Lift, off” Spoken word poetry: May 25, 2016. www.gse.harvard.edu/news/16/05/lift

      close but not quite MLA format. Remember to remove the numbers, add web addresses and dates of access

    1. The purpose of this essay is to encourage others like her to stay true to themselve


    2. genre of this work is an essay, a memoir, an autobiography, and can also be poetry

      okay: good

    3. The last source


    4. The purpose of this lecture is that Africa is not

      remember that purpose is not the same thing as message: please be more precise

    5. The audience she is trying to reach out to is America because during her presentation she based on Donald Trump to get a point across and she is also reaching out to the Europeans because Europe is also going through turmoil and poverty while Africa should not be the only country looked at that way

      Can you be a bit more precise as to why she singles out America and Europe?

    6. lecture known as a Pechakucha

      powerpoint, visual-medium?

    7.    The next source

      can you offer a more meaningful transition?

    8. messages should apply to anyone

      this seems to undermine your earlier statement that the speech is aimed at young graduates, no?

    9. The purpose of this speech is to motivate t


    10. he genre of Collins work is a commencement speech

      okay: you've identified the genre. Now describe the usual features of the genre? Slow down, okay?

    11. students


    12. having it be very motivational and a positive outlook for the here and now and to not stress about the future.

      please rephrase perhaps start a new sentence?

    13. mencement speech that occurred at Colorado College on May 19, 2008 this work i

      note the lack of period between two sentences here

    14. Collins commencement


    15. he purpose and message

      these are different, right? How does purpose differ from message?

    16. flow, audience

      why use a comma? shouldn't this be a period or semicolon?

    17. you are

      why the shift to "you"?

    18. that is asked

      not sure of the meaning/phrasing here

    19. Anzaldúa, Gloria. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”. Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza. Aunt Lute Books, 2012. Print. Collins, Billy. “Commencement Address”. 19 May 2008. http://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm Web. Faten Agged-Clerx, “Every Sixty Seconds In Africa”, February 29th, 2016, https://www.pechakucha.com/presentations/every-60-seconds-in-africa-dot-dot-dot  

      pretty good form Just remember to include web addresses and dates of access

    1. The metrical and lyrical devices he is able to employ through the multiple voices used lead to increased audience interaction, which give his remarks emotional and interactive elements that are usually absent from commencement speeches.

      very nicely observed

    2. Billy Collins and Donovan Livingston also have a strong understanding of audience,

      nice transition

    3. His reasoning for choosing these references came from King’s understanding of his audience. King knew the Biblical references he chose would have a deeper affect on a member of the clergy than on the average citizen


    4. reinforcing his arguments with passages from the Bible and St. Augustine.


    5. Writing from a jail cell in the Jim Crow South, King uses the simple and personal genre of letter

      I like the fluency, variety, and control in your writing

    6. can even combine genres

      indeed--good insight

    7. At other times an author will be able to play with the conventions of the genre they are writing in, along with the expectations of their audience, as Billy Collins and Donovan Livingston

      good point

    8. The audience also affects genre, as their expectations (along with past works) inform the conventions that come with the author’s choice

      this is a good and important connection that you may want to develop in your Theory of Writing

    9. Effective writers are good communicators. In order to effectively communicate, the author must understand the genre they are writing in, the audience they are speaking to (along with their expectations), and the purpose of their piece. These elements work interdependently to form the “rhetorical situation”, and the cohesion of the work will hinge on the author’s understanding of these concepts, and their interaction.

      good, clear and useful opening

    10. King, Martin Luther, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail”. 16 Apr. 1963. Web. Anzaldúa, Gloria. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”. Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza. Aunt Lute Books, 2012. Print. Collins, Billy. “Commencement Address”. 19 May 2008. http://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm Web. Livingston, Donovan. “Lift Off,” Harvard School of Education, 15 May 2016.

      You are close to MLA form. You will need to alphabetize, include web addresses for all and dates of access.

    1. King, Martin Luther. “Letter from Birmingham Jail”. Research and Education Institute, 16 Apr. 1963, okra.stanford.edu/transcription/document_images/undecided/630416-019.pdf.

      pretty good form but needs to add date of access right? and no bullets--just alphabetical order

    2. “Every 60 Seconds in Africa…” PechaKucha 20×20, Faten Aggad-Clerx, 29 Feb. 2016, www.pechakucha.com/presentations/every-60-seconds-in-africa-dot-dot-dot.  “Harvard Graduate School of Education.” Katie Couric – You Can Watch #GenderRevolution Right Here,…, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 25 May 2016, www.facebook.com/HarvardEducation/videos/10153893399331387.

      not quite in MLA format. Start with author's last name, okay? And I'm not sure what Katie Couric is doing in the second item.

    3. stands out to me is the fact that the genre often influences the audience the writer is writing for and the actual purpose for the writer writing for example if I wanted to tell a story about myself then I would do a sort of autobiography on that story from my life. E

      good point note need to edit for punctuation

    4. is King rebutting the argument the clergymen were giving to arrestin


    5. your students

      why the shift to "your" and "you"?

    6. is to motivate the students of 2016


    7. The purpose is to tell people that the new s portrays Africa in a very bad light when it is not as bad as the news says a

      okay: try to separate the purpose from the message, okay?

    8. “Letter from Birmingham Jail” whose audience was the clergymen who where opposed to his views with his movement and thought he needed to slow down as seen in this quote “YOU spoke of our activity in Birmingham as extreme. At first I was rather disappointed that fellow clergymen would see my nonviolent efforts as those of an extremist.”(Martin Luther Kings Jr pg4).

      shouldn't this be moved into the earlier, section on King's audience?

    9. different Audiences

      lower case a in audience

    10. there is no holes s

      there are no

    11. wake up! Lift your voices until you’ve patched every hole in a child’s broken sky. Wake up every child so they know of their celestial potential.”(Donovan Line 73-75)

      isn't he speaking to the teachers of these kids? Please try to be more precise when identifying his audience.

    12. Aggad focused on two different groups one being the news industry and the other is the people who view the incorrect media on Africa with how bad they make Africa seem but I would say if I needed to be more specific it would be Europeans more directly since throughout the work she restates using Europe as examples like showing the slums in France where it is worse then in Africa as I said earlier that was shown on slide 13. “

      please edit for mechanics and phrasing: see how long and winding this sentence is? I'd be glad to help.

    13. he genre for the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Luther Kings Jr has a very interesting letter format which was also personal and only meant to be read by a specific group of people.

      again, can you develop your analysis? The choice of the letter genre is in part dictated by the letter that King receives from the eight clergymen. But the letter also suggests a more personal approach than, say, an essay, no? Want to break up this long paragraph?

    14. The reason for this is to connect closer with the audience he was speaking to at the time since poetry tends to be more emotional. 

      Can you say more about the connection between the choice of a poem and Livingston's young audience?

    15. The next work Donovan Livingstons Spoken Word Commencement Address

      indent for paragraph?

    16. ture of the jungle in France where it looks a lot worse then a large portion of Africa which shows how the visuals only help backup the spoken message.

      okay--good point. I would elaborate on this point--the choice of genre, which is graphics based, is just right for the subject.

    17. switching and they don’t have much on a slide just images to support the spoken message.

      edit for punctuation

    18. as a PechaKucha which

      edit for punctuation: insert comma

    19. The PechaKucha presentation “Every 60 Seconds in Africa” by Aggad-clerx, Donovan Livingston’s Spoken Word Commencement Address at Harvard, and Martin Luther Kings Jr’s piece titled “Letter from Birmingham Jail”. A

      note fragment

    20. there was three

      there were

    21. which is the reason that motivated the author enough to write and publish their work.

      more precisely: purpose refers to what the writing is doing--informing, arguing, and so forth

    22. the authors


  2. Dec 2018
    1. With the brochure, I was targeting a more younger audi


    2. Rationale and reflection

      Keep these separate?

    3. Major Assignment #3 2nd Draft

      I'm having difficulty reading these.

      Please create a separate link and label each genre.

    1. Works Cited:

      good form

    2. I chose genres that I was familiar with, yet would pertain to younger generations. I kept designs simple, yet attractive to the eye. Overall, I am pleased with the information I encountered and my ability to represent it in a stylistic manner.

      I like the description of your research but can you also describe the process of composing in these genres?

    3. The next genre I chose was a magazine article. I f

      why this genre, exactly?

    4. he overall style of the infographic is rather simple. I chose basic, earth-toned colors and kept designs minimal. I did this to inexplicitly demonstrate the idea of minimalism.

      move to reflection?

    5. whom are looking

      who are looking

    6. Each student was asked to conduct an infographic, however I found this genre to be quite useful for my topic.

      edit for comma fault

    1. 5 Ways to Think Like An Engineer and Become the Go-To …powerwrighttech.com/5-ways-to-think-like-an-engineer-and-become-the-go-to-person-for-problem-solving/. Browne, Clayton. “What Are the Traits Necessary to Be an Engineer?” Chron.com, 21 Nov. 2017, work.chron.com/traits-necessary-engineer-11081.html. Floyd, Megan. “Swamp Fox Engineers Build Homes for Navajo Veterans during Training Mission to New Mexico.” 169th Fighter Wing, Official United States Air Force Website, Gallup, New Mexico, 11 July 2018, www.169fw.ang.af.mil/News/Photos/igphoto/2001944591/.

      pretty good form but needing dates of access.

    2. On canva, I chose a template with blue colors and a simple layout as I wanted to choose the most professional style possible.

      good. Say more about your composing process?

    3. From this template, it was easy to put my information into text boxes and switch out the template’s pictures for my own. I found pictures with the setting on Google that was labeled only pictures for reuse. I also made sure my information went in an order that made sense for the reader as each page would be turned.

      good on process

    4. I first chose to do a brochure because with my topic being how engineers solve problems I thought a brochure would successfully display my information

      move to rationale?

    5. The third and final genre I have incorporated in my composition is a news article

      why this genre?

    6. ncluding a brochure

      Can you explain why you chose this genre for this audience?

    7. how they think

      how engineers think

    1. Berkman, et al. “SOCIAL NETWORKS, HOST RESISTANCE, AND MORTALITY: A NINE-YEAR FOLLOW-UP STUDY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY RESIDENTS.” OUP Academic, Oxford University Press, 1 Feb. 1979, academic.oup.com/aje/article-abstract/109/2/186/74197.

      date of access?

    2. References:

      Per MLA: Works Cited

    3. While a brochure is generally meant to sell the viewer on the good aspects of research. The brochure was a great way to convince perspective parents that a special daycare will properly socialize their baby and is important with statistics to back up this theory. I needed to convince parents that attending my daycare was crucial while others are not.

      move to rationale?

      I'd like to see you describe the process of composing these genres instead

    4. For the PSA I needed to have my audience worry about the detrimental effects on lack of socialization later on in life vs with the brochure I could focus on how to properly assimilate a baby and not how to avoid the scary problems brought up in the PSA. As a genre, a PSA is meant to grab your attention and use facts and worrisome graphics to scare the viewer. Public service announcements are used for topics like drunk driving or cigarette use. The goal is to leave an image and a message ingrained in your mind for the next time you think of that certain topic.

      move to rationale?

    5. plan to make more of a spoof brochure

      why a brochure? why "spoof"?

    6. With the public service announcement

      why did you choose the genre? why does it speak to your audience? why does it fit your topic?

    7. there was either  blogs

      there were

    8. “what is the importance of socialization for humans”.

      use question mark?

    9. Piktochart- https://create.piktochart.com/infographic/saved/34739772# Brochure- https://create.piktochart.com/presentation/saved/34828911#

      I can't access these

    10. Piktochart- https://create.piktochart.com/infographic/saved/34739772# Brochure- https://create.piktochart.com/presentation/saved/34828911# PSA- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CDzFErVS_he_JfnPczILheIjeGW-S1ZPVHPN4vzuJts/edit?usp=sharing

      Create links?

    1. Work Cited

      please combine and alphabetize into one list

    2. By doing these three genres of an infographic, brochure, and magazine I was able to focus on appealing to a specific type of audience. While starting this assignment at first I had trouble trying to narrow down to just one type of audience that would benefit from these genres as well with the information each one contained. My initial thoughts while thinking of an audience for this assignment was that anyone could easily be the target audience. This was because I felt it was important for people to be educated and informed about depression, but as I continued to think about the assignment I realized a more logical audience would be the people who are struggling with depression on a daily basis. With picking those who are faced with depression as my audience, I was able to take advantage of my genres like the brochure to give my readers information that will help them improve their lives such as depression hotlines.

      please put in rationale. For this section, I'd like you to describe step by step the process you took in composing these three genres

    3. allow my audience

      describe your audience?

    4. For my second genre, I created a brochure

      why did you choose this genre?

    5. Justification

      edit for capitals here and elsewhere?

    6. Rational


    7. Introduction

      a useful introduction

    8. the three genre’s

      the three genres

    1. Mathew, Paul G., et al. “Snored to Death: The Symptoms and Dangers of Untreated Sleep Apnea.” Harvard Health Blog, Harvard Health Publishing, 20 Dec. 2017, www.health.harvard.edu/blog/snored-to-death-the-symptoms-and-dangers-of-untreated-sleep-apnea-2017021311159.

      dates of access?

    2. After all of my genres were designed

      I appreciate the process info up to this point but you will now need to describe the process of putting together these genres right?

    3. My audience

      who is that audience, precisely?

    4. I felt that something about sleep apnea as a PSA would be important.

      explain why this genre for this subject?

    5. When making this magazine article I started off by making a cover page, this cover page stated what the next two articles from the magazine would be about. I

      move to reflection?

    6. Then onto the commonness or “prevalence” of sleep apnea. I made this a short yet informational infographic, I didn’t want to make it to long because I wanted the audience to be able to read it and get out of it, what sleep apnea is, what the risk of it is and how many people it effects. This is significant to them because it isn’t too much information that will overwhelm them, it is just enough.

      move to reflection?

    7. https://www.canva.com/design/DADJbgyp25w/-gLcphKv1qK_ADhXnXh9-w/edit

      Can you create a link?

    1. Aguirre, Claudia. “What Would Happen If You Didn’t Sleep?” TED: Ideas Worth Spreading, www.ted.com/talks/claudia_aguirre_what_would_happen_if_you_didn_t_sleep “CDC Features.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 7 Nov. 2018, www.cdc.gov/features/dsdrowsydriving/index.html. Department of Health & Human Services. “Sleep Deprivation.” Better Health Channel, Department of Health & Human Services, 30 June 2014, www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/sleep-deprivation. “Deprivation.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/deprivation. “Dictionary.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dictionary. FNP, Kathleen Davis. “Sleep Deprivation: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 25 Jan. 2018, www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/307334.php. “Get Enough Sleep.” Healthfinder.gov, healthfinder.gov/HealthTopics/Category/everyday-healthy-living/mental-health-and-relationship/get-enough-sleep. “How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?” National Sleep Foundation, www.sleepfoundation.org/excessivesleepiness/content/how-much-sleep-do-we-really-need-0

      no bullets required. End each item with Date of Access (after URL).

    2. My intended audience for this brochure are adults who may find themselves sleep deprived

      good--this is helpful

    3. My plan was to make my infographic the color blue since my topic is about sleep and blue Is a calming color that I believe represents sleep the best. I used pictures to go along with my information and tried to make them eye catching. I also did not want my infographic to be too long or boring. Therefore, I used what I believed to be the most interesting and important information.

      Can you put this into the reflection section?

    1. Stefanie Jörg,#1 Diana A. Grohme,#2 Melanie Erzler,#2 Marilene Binsfeld,4 Aiden Haghikia,5 Dominik N. Müller,6Ralf A. Linker,1 and Markus

      why the numbers? not quite in MLA, I think

    2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5097114/

      put before date of access?

    3. My purpose has always been to raise awareness and using these 3 genres was a great way to introduce my subject and purpose in a more direct way. Also, in a more creative way. I enjoyed making the info-graphic. It tested my creative skills, which, usually I am not so great at. Canva was a helpful tool for this. It was fun picking out graphics to use to capture my audience. This assignment was a pretty extensive assignment with a lot of work to it. I originally wanted to do a podcast but I ended up going with a magazine article instead. I figured I would be able to get more across to my audience by using not only words but images as well. I was more confident in doing so.

      I'd like you to focus on your composing process in this section.

    4. my audience

      please define that audience?

    5. The reason I chose this was to show that toxins in our food are bad for you

      but why this genre? Does it speak to your audience? subject?

    6. I chose to use a picture of a woman who is at a young age, completely exhausted, and slouching and leaning on a washer or dryer. I used this to show how people with autoimmunity actually feel on the inside.

      in reflection?

    7. I decided to use this because I could use a picture to really draw in my audience and make them think about Autoimmunity and its effects on one who has it.

      okay: good reason

    8. I used a purple background and purple butterflies in it. The reason for this is because purple is the color for Lupus. A purple ribbon is used to raise awareness and honor people who suffer from it. The butterfly is used because it represents the rash that most people with the disease get. It is called the butterfly rash that shows up on ones cheeks that look like a butterfly.

      in reflection?

    9. I chose to use shocking and deep statistics and facts in hopes to get my audience to really understand that Autoimmune diseases can be quite serious.

      why not put this in the reflection section about process?

    10. Which is one of the more serious of the diseases.

      edit for fragment?

    11. one particular Autoimmune disease.

      why the capital letter?

    1. Andersen-Parrado, Patricia. “An understanding of stress and its causes + homeopathy can spell relief.” Better Nutrition, Oct. 1997, p. 18. Health & Wellness Resource Center, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A19846973/HWRC?u=mlin_s_bristcc&sid=HWRC&xid=3818d0cf. Accessed 14 Oct. 2018.

      good form

    2. I used the red font to get people’s attention and to show red as “stop”and read.

      good--shows me something of your process. Anything else?

    3. . The color, fonts and charts were made for an easy and appealing read for the audience.

      okay--say more about the process of putting the infographic together

    4. In picking a brochure, I knew that I could get the most readers to discuss the topic with their children who are suffering or to get parents to read who could be worried about their children.

      talk about the process of putting together a brochure

    5. I really liked this one because it is a quick and easy way to show people the true importance of your topic. This was a chance for me to show my creative side in a important way.

      good rationale

    6. While creating it I imagined that parents could discuss it with their children.

      okay: good

    7. graphic, info graphics

      edit for comma splice (using comma like period)?

    8. My first Genre

      why capitalize "Genre"?

    1. Dipublikasikan, Tanggal. “Apple.” IPhone Service Pricing – Apple Support, 2018, support.apple.com/kb/PH24835?viewlocale=en_US&locale=id_ID. “How Do Musician’s Brains Work While Playing?” ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 30 Nov. 2016, www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/11/161130114154.htm. “KU Research Establishes Link between Music Education, Academic Achievement.” The University of Kansas, 15 Jan. 2014, news.ku.edu/2014/01/14/ku-research-establishes-link-between-music-education-and-academic-achievement. “Music Lessons May Boost IQ and Grades.” American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, 2006, www.apa.org/monitor/jun06/iq.aspx. Parr, Ben. “7 Ways to Capture Someone’s Attention.” Harvard Business Review, 3 Mar. 2015, hbr.org/2015/03/7-ways-to-capture-someones-attention. Post Write: 

      separate each source from another and include dates of access?

    2. said before people do not want to wait for information anymore. Being less than a minute long I hope to grab my audience’s attention and show them what is possible with the skill. Just like any salesman you generally should show what your product is capable of doing and this is just that.

      what was your inspiration? how did you compose it? what instruments did you use?

    3. hort video


    4. Therefore, my second genre is a news article. There is a lot more information on this source because I felt that the older people are more patient and are more likely to read the two pages of information. In my opinion younger people do not want to wait for the proper information. We are living in a day in age where everything is instantaneous and for young people waiting a little longer to find the information is a rarity

      move to rationale? describe composing process?

    5. Although I only have three bullet points on it. I find that the pictures speak louder than the words because in reality, most people look at the pictures and do not take time to read the actual information. The infographic is convenient because  it is easily shareable and can cover a wide range of my audience.

      please describe the process of composing the genre

    6. and I feel very comfortable and confident with presenting the skills I have obtained

      okay: fair enough. But as you say shortly it is also logical to use music, given your subject

    7. I figured that older people generally pay attention to news articles more than the younger generations  so it is geared towards them slightly.

      not sure I follow: why a news article if millenials aren't likely to read that genre?

    8. Millennial’s


    1. Reflection

      Do you have a rationale section, too?

      The reflection section was to describe the process in putting together your composition in three genres

    2. I chose this article to provide an example of both excessive force by an officer and why a citizen may be scared of police. In this incident officers responded to a call that a woman was acting crazy with a kitchen knife. When the officers arrived they saw Sharon Chadwick outside and then her roommate Amy Hughes came outside holding a kitchen knife. The cops told her to drop it, and not knowing if she heard them or not began to fire. The woman survived and later sued the officer for excessive force. She wasn’t posing a threat to anyone even though it did look like it when she walked out with a kitchen knife. This was just bad judgment in my opinion, the officers saw a weapon and just shot thinking she was going to harm someone. Mistakes happen, but when a cop makes a mistake it can be fatal and luckily this time it wasn’t. The officer ultimately got away with it because of laws protecting him. This shows citizens that an officer can shoot first, and then think if it was right or not later. Also, this puts the picture in their mind that no matter what an officer does he can get away with it. Like the article says, this teaches people that an officer can shoot you, even if you’re doing nothing wrong, and get away with it.

      not sure what I'm reading: is this the news article? It doesn't seem to read like one. I'm confused.

    3. “Liptak, A. (2018, April 02). Supreme Court Rules for Police Officer in Excessive Force Case. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/02/us/politics/supreme-court-rules-for-police-officer-in-excessive-force-case.html        “

      not sure what this is doing here

    4. Genre#3  News Paper article

      I don't see three genres

    1. Works Cited 

      good form but take care to cite sources within the genres when borrowing

    2. When I was creating my infographic, I was thinking about using dark colors like black and gray. I thought that maybe having such dreary colors for a visual representation would not catch anyone’s attention, which is not what I want. So, I went with the blue and gray color scheme. Although I did not have any data on mine, I decided that I should put a little picture that has to do with what I talked about next to it.

      good detail

    3.  I chose this genre because I thought it would be fun to make little blog posts about what is happening in our brain when we experience fear and talk about how fear can create stress, and why we crave fear

      Can you say more about why this genre is right for your audience?

    4. more for people who are experiencing and struggling with their phobias

      good and precise

    5. Infogrpahic

      typo Also can you create a hyper link from this word, rather than using the entire URL?

    1. Thomas Kerr, et al. “Supervised Injection Facilities in Canada: Past, Present, and Future.” Harm Reduction Journal, BioMed Central, 18 May 2017, harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-017-0154-1.

      not quite in MLA form

    2. WWW.CANVA.COM Statista

      Please use MLA form

    3. The sources that I used from my research essay is the academic journal written by Thomas Kerr and an article written by Amethyst Recovery Center. The academic journal explains some benefits from opening a safe injection site as well as results that Vancouver has seen since opening an injection site. This source is beneficial to my composition project because the source provides information on the potential benefits of injection sites which will be discussed in the brochure. Another source that I will be using from my research essay is an article written by Amethyst Recovery Center. This source is beneficial to my composition project because it discusses the pros and cons of injection cites which will also be discussed in the brochur

      why include this? What's your purpose in this section?

    4. First, I created a theme for it. I used medical related images in the background and used colors that typically are seen in a medical facility. T

      good: helpful glimpse into composing process

    5. Canva is a website t

      label "Reflection"?

    6. me for my last genre, a brochure

      Please explain why you chose these genres

    7. I will go about meeting the expectations of this audience by providing them with statistical facts on drug use in communities, these statistics will demonstrate how much drug-related issues have risen over the years, allowing the readers to fully understand how bad this issue really is.

      edit for comma fault (comma splice)

    8. my target audience is community members that experience drug-related crime

      okay: good

    1. https://www.bristolcc.edu:2235/statistics/721597/percentage-of-tattooed-body-of-americans/ https://www.bristolcc.edu:2235/statistics/721567/number-of-tattoos-united-states/ https://www.bristolcc.edu:2235/statistics/722523/visible-tattoos-suitability-for-various-professions-us/ https://www.bristolcc.edu:2235/statistics/721517/reasons-for-having-a-tattoo-done-by-americans/

      not in MLA form

    2. genre#1- photo essay genre#2- infographic genre#3- brochure

      can you create links for these?

    1. https://appliedpsychologydegree.usc.edu/blog/thinking-vs-feeling-the-psychology-of-advertising/ “Thinking vs. Feeling: The Psychology of Advertising” July 13, 2018 https://www.adassoc.org.uk/advertisings-big-questions/how-does-advertising-work/ “How does Advertising Work?” November 4, 2018 https://www.helpscout.net/blog/psychology-of-color/ “The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding” February 28, 2018    

      not in MLA format

    2. Also mentioned in my rationale, the main purpose of this composition was to educate people about what advertisers are doing in order to get consumers to purchase products, and how it affects us without our knowing. Another purpose was also to give those wanting to go into the advertising industry a bit of background knowledge of the basics of creating an advertisement.

      put into Rationale section?

    3. When I began working on this assignment, I first wrote my newspaper article, then moved on to my textbook passage. While working on both of those genres, I continued to work on the infographic as well. I used Piktochart for my infographic, and even though it took some getting used to because I’d never made an infographic before, I found the website to be very helpful, especially when it came to the actual graphics.

      okay: you do start to describe your composing process. But it's just a start: please explain in detail and with patience your composing process

    4. I also think that a topic like mine is something that a newspaper article would cover.

      why, exactly? For what audience?

    5. , due to the fact that I am a student myself, that I am more familiar with the textbook genre than some of the genres included in the list

      good reason

    6. I found the newspaper article to be the most fitting for my topic.

      Please explain

    7. I still believe that it is important to know, at least, that there are things going on in our minds that we are unaware of

      I agree

    8. Assignment: Create your own fictional brand or company and give it its own logo, then write an essay telling why you chose the particular colors that you did for the logo. When designing the logo, be sure to think about what you are selling, and what emotion you should try to have associated with your brand. What type of people would want to purchase your product? What kinds of interests or needs would this group most likely have? What colors would be the best to use in order for them to associate the appropriate emotion with your brand?

      nice touch: a creative assignment

    9. In the same way, brands like Target and Netflix use red in order for consumers to associate them with the feeling of excitement. Imagine that the Lowe’s logo is yellow instead of blue. Y


    10. The photo below

      I don't see a photo You remind me that it would be nice if you could make this appear like a page in a textbook--graphics and all

    11. you might be wondering

      why the second person? Do textbooks typically use it? May be so

    12. Regardless of how it’s done, the truth is that advertisements do try to influence us without our realizing, but as stated earlier, we, as humans, are subconsciously influenced by everything we do and see. Although there’s nothing we can do to stop ourselves from being influenced by advertising, we can, at least, be aware that it is happening.

      clearly written piece The more I think about it, the more this might be appropriate for a magazine, like "Consumer Beware" (or Reports)

    13. Well, while the narrator lists off all the possible side effects, you will see people in these commercials who are clearly content with their life;

      good, perceptive observation

    14. you seems

      the use of the second person "you" seems to suggest an informal piece of writing--not a news piece (which is conventionally objectively about the news)

    15. recalled…our

      . . . .[O]ur

    16. Newspaper Article:

      Do you want to give your newspaper a title? And do you want to give the appearance of a newspaper? Canva might help?

    1. Proctor, Helen S., Gemma Carder, and Amelia R. Cornish. “Searching for Animal Sentience: A Systematic Review of the Scientific Literature.” Animals : an Open Access Journal from MDPI 3.3 (2013): 882–906. PMC. Web. 15 Oct. 2018.

      Good, MLA form

    2. Travis, Hellen A. “PetMD.” PetMD, 2018, www.petmd.com/dog/behavior/dog-brain-facts-understanding-canine-cognition.   Westfell, Scottie. “Retriver Man.” Retriver Man, 2012, retrieverman.net/2012/07/05/the-problem-with-the-claims-about-brain-size-and-the-dog-domestication/.

      dates of access?

    3. I then listed basic facts about the feelings they can experience

      okay: I'm getting a glimpse into your composing process

    4. For the infographic

      Beginning of your "reflection" section?

    5. My main target audience would be all ages.

      who reads magazines? Try to zero in on audience, okay?

    6. Specifically, a national geographic or discovery type of magazine.


    7. the younger generations

      mostly younger people would gravitate toward instagram, no?

    8. which lots of readers

      okay but can you describe your intended audience?

    9. they do!

      she does

    10. While developing my initial research paper the topic of animal consciousness intrigued me

      Please use "Rationale" and "Reflection" as headings.

    11. Magazine: 

      link not working

    12. Instagram- @animalconscious

      no link?

    1. briggs, steven. “Important Theories in Criminology: Why People Commit Crime.” Dummies, www.dummies.com/education/psychology/important-theories-in-criminology-why-people-commit-crime/.

      capitalize author's last name, include dates of publication and access. Not that you are missing two sources, right?

    2. Reflection:


    3. I chose do to a Profile

      why did you choose this genre? Try to explain, in light of your subject and audience

    4. I chose a Power point.

      why did you choose this genre? What was there about the genre that seemed right considering your subject and your audience?

    5. This genre is a great way to engage the reader quickly even if they aren’t interested in the topic

      okay: good. This genre of course was required.

    1. In my final genre, I’ll be doing a photo essay. I believe this will get my point across the most efficiently because it’s visual and a lot of people find it easier to understand. This is where I’ll take pictures of branding that companies use and match it to the colors and what they’re supposed to make you feel. There will be about 5-7 pictures with a caption for each.

      Please describe composing process once you've completed the photo essay

    2. This piece will contain

      I assume you will use the past tense in your final draft? And you will provide more detail about your process?

    3. There was nothing too bold or too distracting that took away from the main point. I used bright colors in my “logo” that would catch the readers attention. Using dark, boring colors would literally bore the viewer. I added 3 fun facts about colors that I thought were the most important to know.

      This is helpful detail about your composing process.

    4. it benefits my project because it allows me to visually represent my information. Pe

      yes--good point

    5. One being an infographic.

      note fragment

    6. Have these corporations helped us or were they used against us.

      not sure I follow: are you referencing the apps or the corporations?

    7. like hungry, social, or upset

      perhaps you might elaborate here?

    1. California Police Department. Crime Prevention Message.https://police.ucr.edu/crimepreventionreminder.pdf  

      incomplete per MLA: date of upublication, date of access

    2. FBI. “Number of Reported Cases of Property Crime in The United States from 1990 to 2017.” Statista – The Statistics Portal, Statista, www.statista.com/statistics/191208/reported-cases-of-property-crime-in-the-us-since-1990/, Accessed 19 Nov 2018  

      pretty good form but need to alphabetize

    3. I put graphic within the piece in order to grab the readers attention. This would make the reader be more interested.

      okay; can you provide more detail as to how you put the compositions together?

    4. maybe the audience would be a criminal justice class

      good specificity as to audience here

    5. Meaning I didn’t do neon colors because my subject is based on crime, which indicated in low colors such as tones of greys and a tiny bit of yellow to acknowledge the “crime tape”, which is the tape police officers use to isolate, protect and preserve a crime scene.

      edit for fragment?

    6. My infographic focused on how not everyone knows right from wrong. My color base was mainly calm and serious colors due to the subject of my overall question, while still being able to use the background image of the thought of a crime scene tape. Crime scene tape is used as a barrier tape, its used to isolate, protect and preserve a crime scene

      This descriptive detail might more properly belong to your reflection, in which you describe your composing process?

    7. Flyer:

      flyer hard to read


      not sure of the relevance of this presentation to your research project

    1. https://www.canva.com/design/DADKDJOEY1Q/share?role=EDITOR&token=f_f5HtrvQs4dnDy3opkZwg&utm_content=DADKDJOEY1Q&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton

      hyper link?

    2. Who Is Using AI?

      please create an infographic, upon which you can places these good data points

    3. https://www.canva.com/design/DADKDJAzxMU/POZiJXu9tzTCp11_84dkuA/view?utm_content=DADKDJAzxMU&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton

      please create a hyper link.

    1. Postwrite-

      I don't see a list of works cited

    2. the rhetorical devices that were used in the creation of this project are Enumeratio

      I don't follow