- Jul 2021
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No search results for this paper. Could be The Daily Telegraph although i couldn't find any sources that the paper went by this name.
The Daily Telegraph is referred to by name later in this novel making it unlikely to be the same newspaper.
I am alone in the castle with those awful women. Faugh! Mina is a woman, and there is nought in common.
These women are separate from their gender and different creatures from Mina.
that they did dare much for her sake.
The whole endeavor to kill Dracula is framed to save Mina, not England, and not the world.
His bundle of names links all our little band of men together; but we call him Quincey.
These men are all linked again in yet another way.
And, to our bitter grief, with a smile and in silence, he died, a gallant gentleman.
Earned a place in the class system of England through his sacrifice.
But, on the instant, came the sweep and flash of Jonathan’s great knife. I shrieked as I saw it shear through the throat; whilst at the same moment Mr. Morris’s bowie knife plunged into the heart.
Killed by multiple men, similar to how Lucy was saved by multiple.
have gypsies on all sides.”
Then, with the fear on me of what might be, I drew a ring so big for her comfort, round where Madam Mina sat; and over the ring I passed some of the wafer, and I broke it fine so that all was well guarded. She sat still all the time—so still as one dead; and she grew whiter and ever whiter till the snow was not more pale; and no word she said. But when I drew near, she clung to me, and I could know that the poor soul shook her from head to feet with a tremor that was pain to feel. I said to her presently, when she had grown more quiet:— “Will you not come over to the fire?” for I wished to make a test of what she could. She rose obedient, but when she have made a step she stopped, and stood as one stricken. “Why not go on?” I asked. She shook her head, and, coming back, sat down in her place. Then, looking at me with open eyes, as of one waked from sleep, she said simply:— “I cannot!” and remained silent. I rejoiced, for I knew that what she could not, none of those that we dreaded could. Though there might be danger to her body, yet her soul was safe!
tell me that she have eat already—that she was so hungry that she would not wait. I like it not, and I have grave doubts; but I fear to affright her, and so I am silent of it. She help me and I eat alone; and then we wrap in fur and lie beside the fire, and I tell her to sleep while I watch. But presently I forget all of watching; and when I sudden remember that I watch, I find her lying quiet, but awake, and looking at me with so bright eyes. Once, twice more the same occur, and I get much sleep till before morning.
Sleep during the day, lack of appetite, and awake at night. Clues to her transformation.
ohn Seward, M.D
Use of professional title in personal note.
the people are brave, and strong, and simple, and seem full of nice qualities. They are very, very superstitious. In the first house where we stopped, when the woman who served us saw the scar on my forehead, she crossed herself and put out two fingers towards me, to keep off the evil eye. I believe they went to the trouble of putting an extra amount of garlic into our food; and I can’t abide garlic
The horses seem to know that they are being kindly treated, for they go willingly their full stage at best speed.
Humanization of animals and show of their morality that they treat them well. Can be contrasted with how the horses were treated during Jonathan's journey to the castle.
We saw in this a way of smoothing matters, so at Fundu, where the Bistritza runs into the Sereth, we got a Roumanian flag which we now fly conspicuously.
The men were scared every time we turned our electric lamp on them, and fell on their knees and prayed.
One of the saddles has a movable horn, and can be easily adapted for Mina, if required.
And, too, it made me think of the wonderful power of money! What can it not do when it is properly applied; and what might it do when basely used. I felt so thankful that Lord Godalming is rich, and that both he and Mr. Morris, who also has plenty of money, are willing to spend it so freely.
Pruth or the Sereth
I feel so grateful to the man who invented the “Traveller’s” typewriter, and to Mr. Morris for getting this one for me. I should have felt quite astray doing the work if I had to write with a pen...
Dr. Seward feels the same about writing his diaries versus narrating into his phonograph
“This is the work of a Slovak!”
We found Hildesheim in his office, a Hebrew of rather the Adelphi Theatre type, with a nose like a sheep, and a fez.
but the supersteetion of foreigners is pairfectly rideeculous!
Juxtaposed with his perfectly reasonable superstitions just a paragraph before
the men began to grumble; some o’ them, the Roumanians
since he does not speak any foreign language.
Probably because he is American and outside of class (professional need to know languages to do business and nobility learns languages in school).
Machete knife
Varna to Galatz
Bulgaria to Romania
We, however, are not selfish, and we believe that God is with us through all this blackness, and these many dark hours.
They are separate beings from Dracula entirely.
The hunter is taken in his own snare, as the great Psalmist says.
To begin, have you ever study the philosophy of crime? ‘Yes’ and ‘No.’ You, John, yes; for it is a study of insanity. You, no, Madam Mina; for crime touch you not—not but once. Still, your mind works true, and argues not a particulari ad universale. There is this peculiarity in criminals. It is so constant, in all countries and at all times, that even police, who know not much from philosophy, come to know it empirically, that it is. That is to be empiric. The criminal always work at one crime—that is the true criminal who seems predestinate to crime, and who will of none other. This criminal has not full man-brain. He is clever and cunning and resourceful; but he be not of man-stature as to brain. He be of child-brain in much. Now this criminal of ours is predestinate to crime also; he, too, have child-brain, and it is of the child to do what he have done.
Criminal as a personality, an identity. Criminals are inherently separate from the rest of society and different from "normal" people.
“Can’t we get a special?” asked Lord Godalming. Van Helsing shook his head: “I fear not. This land is very different from yours or mine; even if we did have a special, it would probably not arrive as soon as our regular train.
Expectation of privileges due to class. Class not respected in other countries.
But even if it were not, we should stand or fall by our act, and perhaps some day this very script may be evidence to come between some of us and a rope.
It is very clear here that they are knowingly about to commit murder but they believe they are morally correct and others will agree.
Godalming told the shippers that he fancied that the box sent aboard might contain something stolen from a friend of his, and got a half consent that he might open it at his own risk. The owner gave him a paper telling the Captain to give him every facility in doing whatever he chose on board the ship, and also a similar authorisation to his agent at Varna. We have seen the agent, who was much impressed with Godalming’s kindly manner to him, and we are all satisfied that whatever he can do to aid our wishes will be done.
It is mentioned that Goldaming's "kindly manner" influenced the agent. In reality, it was probably his class status. This also reinforces the belief that people of higher classes are better people.
We left Charing Cross on the morning of the 12th, got to Paris the same night, and took the places secured for us in the Orient Express.
I want you to read the Burial Service.
“This is what I can give into the hotch-pot.” I could not but note the quaint legal phrase which she used in such a place, and with all seriousness.
Using a professional legal term.
And to superstition must we trust at the first; it was man’s faith in the early, and it have its root in faith still.
as I said it I felt that from that instant a door had been shut between us
Dracula has interfered in their relationship. It has been a big point so far that husband and wife will share no secrets, but now Dracula is an unwelcome third party separating Jonathan and Mina from each other.
I can see the characteristics of the vampire coming in her face.
“the Vampire’s baptism of blood.”
Oh, if such an one was to come from God, and not the Devil, what a force for good might he not be in this old world of ours.
He find out the place of all the world most of promise for him.
Prominence of England.
“Aha!” he said, “your simile of the tiger good, for me, and I shall adopt him. Your man-eater, as they of India call the tiger who has once tasted blood of the human, care no more for the other prey, but prowl unceasing till he get him. This that we hunt from our village is a tiger, too, a man-eater, and he never cease to prowl.
The very place, where he have been alive, Un-Dead for all these centuries, is full of strangeness of the geologic and chemical world. There are deep caverns and fissures that reach none know whither. There have been volcanoes, some of whose openings still send out waters of strange properties, and gases that kill or make to vivify. Doubtless, there is something magnetic or electric in some of these combinations of occult forces which work for physical life in strange way; and in himself were from the first some great qualities. In a hard and warlike time he was celebrate that he have more iron nerve, more subtle brain, more braver heart, than any man. In him some vital principle have in strange way found their utmost; and as his body keep strong and grow and thrive, so his brain grow too. All this without that diabolic aid which is surely to him; for it have to yield to the powers that come from, and are, symbolic of good.
Dracula was strengthened by Transylvania, a vampire could not grow as strong as he in England because the geography is so different. Status of East vs. West again.
We have the best proof of that: your own evidence, when in the hypnotic trance this morning.
Czarina Catherine
Russian nobility. Bridge between East and West.
Omne ignotum pro magnifico
Latin: everything unknown is grand (rough translation)
I felt sure that he must go by the Danube mouth; or by somewhere in the Black Sea, since by that way he come.
Jack Straw’s Castle
Public house aka bar named after leader of the Peasant's Revolt in the 14th century.
A modern look at the location.
"Jack Straw's Castle, Hampstead, NW3" by Ewan-M is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Also done in the Gazette, the child is genderless.
He will let two scientists see his case, if he will not let two friends
He can use the respect others have for his status as a professional but personal relationships and networking will always be there to fall back on and use.
To believe in things that you cannot.
To defeat Dracula requires that these educated, professional men fall back on lore and legend.
wherefore the qualities of brutes are in some men, and not in others?
Usually used in a racist manner (see previous annotations about physiognomy).
corporeal transference. No? Nor in materialisation. No? Nor in astral bodies. No? Nor in the reading of thought. No? Nor in hypnotism——”
Mystic practices that were growing in popularity, like seances (Arthur Conan Doyle). Hypnotism however has been accepted as a scientific method.
it is the fault of our science that it wants to explain all
This was a time of great disagreement between science and it's professions vs. the Church and legends.
I have no data on which to found a conjecture.
A scientific mind requires data to support conclusions.
It was the doubt as to the reality of the whole thing that knocked me over. I felt impotent, and in the dark, and distrustful. But, now that I know, I am not afraid, even of the Count.
This affirms his sanity and his intelligence, therefore his manhood.
so little an egoist
This was Lucy's flaw to an extent. She was not exactly humble.
6:25 to-night from Launceston and will be here at 10:18, so that I shall have no fear to-night. Will you, therefore, instead of lunching with us, please come to breakfast at eight o’clock, if this be not too early for you? You can get away, if you are in a hurry, by the 10:30 train, which will bring you to Paddington by 2:35
This shows just how exact and punctual the train schedules are for England. They can plan this precisely and trust the train system.
Your husband is noble nature, and you are noble too,
And for their good traits they were rewarded upon the death of Hawkins, perpetuating the myth that the rich are good and the poor are bad. Mina and Jonathan are able to progress in their social class because of their good nature.
I could not resist the temptation of mystifying him a bit
She is not putting up with the sexism.
Ah, then you have good memory for facts, for details? It is not always so with young ladies.” “No, doctor, but I wrote it all down at the time. I can show it to you if you like.”
Mina admits here that she falls short of male expectations, a fraught memory, but she makes up for it by recording her days, a male activity.
Ellen Terry
The Westminster Gazette,
rthur was saying that he felt since then as if they two had been really married and that she was his wife in the sight of God. None of us said a word of the other operations, and none of us ever shall.
This would make all 4 men wed to Lucy, although since Arthur was first his would be the most respected. The others would be illegal and immoral. However, even without the legalities of marriage they are all bound to Lucy.
as in his illness he had forgotten all that this episode had reminded him of
PTSD symptoms.
Lord Godalming
He has earned this family title now that his father has passed.
entailed property of Lucy’s father’s which now, in default of direct issue, went back to a distant branch of the family, the whole estate, real and personal, was left absolutely to Arthur Holmwood.
Patrilineal. Since Lucy is a woman it would rare for her to inherit anything from her family line.
You forget that I am a lawyer as well as a doctor.
Professional on two levels.
Kiss me
Seducing him like the women did to Jonathan. We've never seen this side of Lucy before her transformation.
Patrick Hennessey, M. D., M. R. C. S. L. K. Q. C. P. I., etc., etc.,
Professional, almost to the point of absurdity. He has so many letters and points of status following his name.
junior partner of the important firm Hawkins & Harker;
His status is increasing, both from professional intellect and from lineage (though not blood) like nobility.
His very heart was bleeding, and it took all the manhood of him—and there was a royal lot of it, too—to keep him from breaking down
Seward has already broken down crying.
I had only got his telegram early in the morning
Failure of technology. They couldn't rely on it.
Good-bye, dear Arthur, if I should not survive this night. God keep you, dear, and God help me!
This mirrors Jonathan's entries/fears that he would have to say good-bye to Mina through his journal but he was able to escape.
Here’s his head all cut and full of broken glass. ’E’s been a-gettin’ over some bloomin’ wall or other.
It's obvious that Dracula doesn't care the animals he uses as their keepers do.
The Pall Mall Gazette,
lying like Ophelia in the play
She dies. Reference to Hamlet shows intelligence and schooling.
See, I place them myself in your room. I make myself the wreath that you are to wear.
Now we see the educated professor of science turning to myth and legend when science can not provide solutions.
Somehow Arthur feels very, very close to me. I seem to feel his presence warm about me.
The importance of blood. It connects them and makes Dracula's violence more disturbing. He is taking this important fluid without her consent, almost a sexual assault.
You are a man, and it is a man we want
Even though Lucy is a woman and therefore a woman's blood would be best for her health they think that a man's blood will offer her more strength.
There must be transfusion of blood at once. Is it you or me?”
Absolutely no discussion of blood type as that was unknown at the time.
You were only student then; now you are master,
Similar relationship as Lucy and Mina, student and teacher, except Lucy and Mina wouldn't be expected to become academics. They leave school to do household and other womanly duties.
wonderful smoky beauty of a sunset over London, with its lurid lights and inky shadows and all the marvellous tints that come on foul clouds even as on foul water
Due to factory pollution, this is the beginning stages of the industrial revolution.
when he was a student here
Van Helsing was educated in London, making England responsible for his intelligence. The country has a reputation good enough to bring in foreign students.
descriptive special article for The Daily Telegraph
Abraham Van Helsing, M. D., D. Ph., D. Lit., etc., etc.,
Very educated. A medical doctor, doctor of philosophy, and also of literature.
He is a philosopher and a metaphysician, and one of the most advanced scientists of his day; and he has, I believe, an absolutely open mind. This, with an iron nerve, a temper of the ice-brook, an indomitable resolution, self-command, and toleration exalted from virtues to blessings, and the kindliest and truest heart that beats—these form his equipment for the noble work that he is doing for mankind
Needed to defeat Dracula. He is a great scientific mind but is also not limited to the science of his time.
Mina Harker
Name has changed to Jonathan's, they are now one and bonded.
when you came from the schoolroom to prepare for the world of life.
Lucy was once a pupil of Mina's. Though friends now I'm sure this distance/authority remains at some level.
my ideas of the trust between husband and wife: there should be no secret, no concealment
Lucy said the same thing.
If I don’t sleep at once, chloral, the modern Morpheus—C2HCl3O. H2O!
Shows off his science knowledge by citing the elemental make up of the drug. This separates him from other drug users who may be ignorant.
it is the ancient chapel of the mansion.
Probably the closest he could get to Castle Dracula in England. He is looking for antiquity.
something that looked like a good-sized bird
Dracula is able to control/use animals, usually wolves or dogs. This could be a bird or a bat which Dracula is able to transform into.
Some of the “New Women” writers will some day start an idea that men and women should be allowed to see each other asleep before proposing or accepting. But I suppose the New Woman won’t condescend in future to accept; she will do the proposing herself. And a nice job she will make of it, too!
Mina knows that women's roles are changing. Though she is progressive for the time she does so safely, these women go even further and are judged.
Just now she was quite upset by a little thing which I did not much heed, though I am myself very fond of animals. One of the men who came up here often to look for the boats was followed by his dog. The dog is always with him. They are both quiet persons, and I never saw the man angry, nor heard the dog bark. During the service the dog would not come to its master, who was on the seat with us, but kept a few yards off, barking and howling. Its master spoke to it gently, and then harshly, and then angrily; but it would neither come nor cease to make a noise. It was in a sort of fury, with its eyes savage, and all its hairs bristling out like a cat’s tail when puss is on the war-path. Finally the man, too, got angry, and jumped down and kicked the dog, and then took it by the scruff of the neck and half dragged and half threw it on the tombstone on which the seat is fixed. The moment it touched the stone the poor thing became quiet and fell all into a tremble. It did not try to get away, but crouched down, quivering and cowering, and was in such a pitiable state of terror that I tried, though without effect, to comfort it. Lucy was full of pity, too, but she did not attempt to touch the dog, but looked at it in an agonised sort of way.
Animal welfare. Lucy is becoming inhuman and a threat to "good" creatures.
It was better to die like a man; to die like a sailor in blue water no man can object. But I am captain, and I must not leave my ship.
Here the captain faces conflicting values. His job requires him to go down with his ship but his manhood asks that he not die by a hand like Dracula's.
a few of the members of the S. P. C. A., which is very strong in Whitby,
Animal welfare. The S.P.C.A. (also R.S.P.C.A) was fairly new at this time.
Surgeon J. M. Caffyn,
New professional. Surgeons used to be barbers and lower-class but study of medicine has increased their status. Now that they go to school and earn a title they have also earned respect in society.
sleep-walkers always go out on roofs of houses and along the edges of cliffs and then get suddenly wakened and fall over with a despairing cry that echoes all over the place.
This phenomenon was recorded in newspapers, usually to hide a suicide. Somnambulism was used in relation to crimes with young women, almost as an alibi.
Men sneered at vivisection
Experimental surgery on live animals. Animal welfare was beginning to become a huge topic for England, mostly about work horses and dogs. (See previous annotation about hierarchy of animals).
Coastal town in England. This photo is of the church/castle that Dracula uses in the town.
"Dracula's castle, Whitby, England" by floating worlds is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
strong jaw and the good forehead
Physiognomy, judgement of character based on facial features. A popular pseudoscience of Victorian society.
Example of a phonograph from 1897.
"Edison phonograph cylinder duplicator, c 1897 (phonographs; cylinder duplicators)" by Thomas Alva Edison is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
THREE proposals
Lucy's 3 suitors also embody 3 different levels of British social class. Dr. Seward represents the new and upcoming professional class. Hon. Arthur is old British nobility and Mr. Morris is American and therefore exists outside of the class system.
Example of a typewriter of 1897.
"Underwood Typewriter, 1897 (typewriters)" by Wagner, Franz Xavier is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
9 May.
The narrative now goes back to soon after Jonathan left.
Monster, give me my child!
How a woman is expected to act, to dare to fight Dracula himself to protect her child
I was becoming hypnotised
Mystic practice that is becoming scientific around this time.
there was a gasp and a low wail, as of a half-smothered child
Since women are supposed to have a motherly instinct this shows that these spectres are no longer women and no longer human.
just touching and pausing there.
Whole experience is very sensuous in a way encounters with Dracula can not be for Jonathan and in a way other women of this novel are not described.
his eyes blazed with a sort of demoniac fury, and he suddenly made a grab at my throat. I drew away, and his hand touched the string of beads which held the crucifix. It made an instant change in him, for the fury passed so quickly that I could hardly believe that it was ever there.
Predatory desire for his blood is stopped by the Christian protection.
English Bradshaw’s Guide
a vast number of English books
English is peak society, a true sign of intelligence for Dracula to have books in English than in another European language. Also provides clues about his next target to conquer.
excuse me that I do not join you; but I have dined already, and I do not sup.
Count Dracula?” He bowed in a courtly way as he replied:— “I am Dracula;
Harker uses the title, respecting his nobility. Dracula does not because he exists outside of society and therefore class structures. Count is equivalent to an earl in the UK.
tall old man, clean shaven save for a long white moustache,
British Museum
Colonial/imperial force. All knowledge will be viewed and interpreted from this Western lens. Example of a reading room that Harker may have used (and Stoker himself when researching this novel).
"Enlightenment room, British museum" by mendhak is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
there are no maps of this country as yet to compare with our own Ordnance Survey maps
Superiority of British society. No maps to compare when searched where? The British Museum? The country's own government buildings?
Examples of an Ordance Survey completed 5 years after the publication of Dracula.
He must hypnotise me before the dawn, and then I shall be able to speak
Hypnosis was mentioned earlier in reference to Charcot as a legitimate medical/scientific practice
Your girls that you all love are mine already; and through them you and others shall yet be mine—my creatures, to do my bidding and to be my jackals when I want to feed.
for your Vampire, though in all afterwards he can come when and how he will, must at the first make entry only when asked thereto by an inmate
Soldier, statesman, and alchemist—which latter was the highest development of the science-knowledge of his time
He would be friends with Seward and Van Helsing in another life
you are a solicitor and the Incorporated Law Society might tell you that you should have known better.
Jonathan's professional class holds him to a standard an American and a nobleman are not
brought from a far distant land for such fell use
whom, each in his own way, we loved
Affections have moved from Lucy to Mina
As he had placed the Wafer on Mina’s forehead, it had seared it—had burned into the flesh as though it had been a piece of white-hot metal.
not if they knew the man was properly employed
We want here no more concealments. Our hope now is in knowing all.
This group has very few boundaries, especially between the men. They all gave blood to Lucy, entering a pseudo-polyamorous marriage together, and they promised to share everything as Lucy and Mina believed all married couples should do.
with her mouth to the open wound in his breast.
By her side stood a tall, thin man, clad in black.
An uninvited third party to the marital bed
He is here, and we know his purpose.
To attack Mina
if you will fall down and worship me
Van Helsing is off to the British Museum looking up some authorities on ancient medicine. The old physicians took account of things which their followers do not accept, and the Professor is searching for witch and demon cures which may be useful to us later.
This is how Stoker himself conducted research for this novel and Harker was shown doing the same to prepare for his journey to Dracula. It can be assumed that at least some of the "authorities" are from colonized countries. This is a foreign threat to England and thus requires foreign knowledge.
kept saying his prayers somewhat loudly.
Biblical figure, father of Methuselah mentioned earlier
This burglary business is getting serious;
Another example of crossing class boundaries, these men are committing criminal acts which is usually done by those in the underclass, however we understand them to be morally correct.
I am myself a professional man.” Here I handed him my card. “In this instance I am not prompted by curiosity; I act on the part of Lord Godalming, who wishes to know something of the property which was, he understood, lately for sale.” These words put a different complexion on affairs.
Though the professional class is rising, nobility is still the most valued.
phonetic spelling had again misled me
a wonderful dog’s-eared notebook
Similar to the diaries and records kept by the group narrating this story
taking a late tea out of a saucer. He is a decent, intelligent fellow, distinctly a good, reliable type of workman, and with a headpiece of his own.
Set opposite pf Snelling
he had begun too early on his expected debauch
Lower classes of England were associated with drunkenness and debauchery
The mist was spreading, and was now close up to the house, so that I could see it lying thick against the wall, as though it were stealing up to the windows.
he Draculas were, says Arminius, a great and noble race, though now and again were scions who were held by their coevals to have had dealings with the Evil One.
He must, indeed, have been that Voivode Dracula who won his name against the Turk, over the great river on the very frontier of Turkey-land.
Ties back to the stories Dracula told Jonathan about his family history which were in fact just his own stories
he vampire live on, and cannot die by mere passing of the time; he can flourish when that he can fatten on the blood of the living. Even more, we have seen amongst us that he can even grow younger; that his vital faculties grow strenuous, and seem as though they refresh themselves when his special pabulum is plenty. But he cannot flourish without this diet; he eat not as others. Even friend Jonathan, who lived with him for weeks, did never see him to eat, never! He throws no shadow; he make in the mirror no reflect, as again Jonathan observe. He has the strength of many of his hand—witness again Jonathan when he shut the door against the wolfs, and when he help him from the diligence too. He can transform himself to wolf, as we gather from the ship arrival in Whitby, when he tear open the dog; he can be as bat, as Madam Mina saw him on the window at Whitby, and as friend John saw him fly from this so near house, and as my friend Quincey saw him at the window of Miss Lucy. He can come in mist which he create—that noble ship’s captain proved him of this; but, from what we know, the distance he can make this mist is limited, and it can only be round himself. He come on moonlight rays as elemental dust—as again Jonathan saw those sisters in the castle of Dracula. He become so small—we ourselves saw Miss Lucy, ere she was at peace, slip through a hairbreadth space at the tomb door. He can, when once he find his way, come out from anything or into anything, no matter how close it be bound or even fused up with fire—solder you call it. He can see in the dark—no small power this, in a world which is one half shut from the light. Ah, but hear me through. He can do all these things, yet he is not free. Nay; he is even more prisoner than the slave of the galley, than the madman in his cell. He cannot go where he lists; he who is not of nature has yet to obey some of nature’s laws—why we know not. He may not enter anywhere at the first, unless there be some one of the household who bid him to come; though afterwards he can come as he please. His power ceases, as does that of all evil things, at the coming of the day. Only at certain times can he have limited freedom. If he be not at the place whither he is bound, he can only change himself at noon or at exact sunrise or sunset. These things are we told, and in this record of ours we have proof by inference. Thus, whereas he can do as he will within his limit, when he have his earth-home, his coffin-home, his hell-home, the place unhallowed, as we saw when he went to the grave of the suicide at Whitby; still at other time he can only change when the time come. It is said, too, that he can only pass running water at the slack or the flood of the tide. Then there are things which so afflict him that he has no power, as the garlic that we know of; and as for things sacred, as this symbol, my crucifix, that was amongst us even now when we resolve, to them he is nothing, but in their presence he take his place far off and silent with respect. There are others, too, which I shall tell you of, lest in our seeking we may need them. The branch of wild rose on his coffin keep him that he move not from it; a sacred bullet fired into the coffin kill him so that he be true dead; and as for the stake through him, we know already of its peace; or the cut-off head that giveth rest. We have seen it with our eyes.
In old Greece, in old Rome; he flourish in Germany all over, in France, in India, even in the Chernosese; and in China, so far from us in all ways, there even is he, and the peoples fear him at this day. He have follow the wake of the berserker Icelander, the devil-begotten Hun, the Slav, the Saxon, the Magyar.
There are such beings as vampires; some of us have evidence that they exist. Even had we not the proof of our own unhappy experience, the teachings and the records of the past give proof enough for sane peoples. I admit that at the first I was sceptic. Were it not that through long years I have train myself to keep an open mind, I could not have believe until such time as that fact thunder on my ear. ‘See! see! I prove; I prove.’ Alas! Had I known at the first what now I know—nay, had I even guess at him—one so precious life had been spared to many of us who did love her. But that is gone; and we must so work, that other poor souls perish not, whilst we can save. The nosferatu do not die like the bee when he sting once. He is only stronger; and being stronger, have yet more power to work evil. This vampire which is amongst us is of himself so strong in person as twenty men; he is of cunning more than mortal, for his cunning be the growth of ages; he have still the aids of necromancy, which is, as his etymology imply, the divination by the dead, and all the dead that he can come nigh to are for him at command; he is brute, and more than brute; he is devil in callous, and the heart of him is not; he can, within limitations, appear at will when, and where, and in any of the forms that are to him; he can, within his range, direct the elements; the storm, the fog, the thunder; he can command all the meaner things: the rat, and the owl, and the bat—the moth, and the fox, and the wolf; he can grow and become small; and he can at times vanish and come unknown. How then are we to begin our strike to destroy him? How shall we find his where; and having found it, how can we destroy?
She has man’s brain—a brain that a man should have were he much gifted—and a woman’s heart.
Here was my own pet lunatic—the most pronounced of his type that I had ever met with—talking elemental philosophy, and with the manner of a polished gentleman.
Crossing class boundaries
We women have something of the mother in us that makes us rise above smaller matters when the mother-spirit is invoked
Which is what makes Lucy attack of children so repulsive and clearly against her nature.
I suppose there is something in woman’s nature that makes a man free to break down before her and express his feelings on the tender or emotional side without feeling it derogatory to his manhood
Lord Godalming and Mr. Morris arrived earlier than we expected. Dr. Seward
Another clear example hierarchy of societal hierarchy
From thence I went on to Carter Paterson’s central office, where I met with the utmost courtesy.
Jonathan is able to follow a very clear paper trail left by Dracula because British society is very organized. Everybody is polite and willing to help. Contrast this with his experiences in Eastern Europe.
He is uncommonly clever, if one can judge from his face
Physiognomy, again
But do you know that, although I have kept the diary for months past, it never once struck me how I was going to find any particular part of it in case I wanted to look it up?
Flaws of technology
Why, this beats even shorthand!
Excited by innovation and progress
sweet-faced, dainty-looking girl
Woman. She's likely older than Lucy after all.
Norse mythology
she shall take her place with the other Angels.
Not sentenced to hell since she was a Christian in life
Of course, Arthur wore black, for he was in deep mourning, but the rest of us wore it by instinct
The sweetness was turned to adamantine, heartless cruelty, and the purity to voluptuous wantonness
She has gone from innocent object of affection to sexual temptress
The Host. I brought it from Amsterdam. I have an Indulgence.
my honour as a gentleman or my faith as a Christian is concerned
Nobility and religion.
indeed it would be almost as great a marvel as the other to find that Van Helsing was mad
Even with his close friend his intellectual curiosity still comes out
So it is that she differ from all other.
Even as a vampire Lucy is different from the rest and this is thanks to Van Helsing's expertise
The lips were red, nay redder than before; and on the cheeks was a delicate bloom
From the youth of the children
some influence which came and went.
that such a thing is here in London in the nineteenth century?
English society is supposed to be civil and advanced, not terrorized by creatures like vampiric bats, or worse vampires themselves.
Can you tell me why in the Pampas, ay and elsewhere, there are bats that come at night and open the veins of cattle and horses and suck dry their veins;
Also mentioned by Morris
‘Old Parr
English legend
Biblical figure
there are things done to-day in electrical science which would have been deemed unholy by the very men who discovered electricity
Science and technology have advanced in such a way they can be confused with magic.
you could catch the quick 3:34 train, which will leave you at Paddington before eight.” He was surprised at my knowledge of the trains off-hand, but he does not know that I have made up all the trains to and from Exeter, so that I may help Jonathan in case he is in a hurry.
Importance of the trains in England and their accuracy.
I shall get my typewriter this very hour and begin transcribing
with my poor wife dead to me, but alive by Church’s law, though no wits, all gone—even I, who am faithful husband to this now-no-wife, am bigamist.
Violated Church (and natural) laws
that dear boy, so of the age of mine own boy had I been so blessed that he live, and with his hair and eyes the same. There, you know now why I love him so. And yet when he say things that touch my husband-heart to the quick, and make my father-heart yearn to him as to no other man—not even to you, friend John, for we are more level in experiences than father and son—
Several different relationships at play here. Arthur speaks to Van Helsing's role as a father and husband. A father because he looks like Van Helsing's own late son, a husband because Van Helsing is/was also one. Seward and Van Helsing have a relationship of intellectual equals and thus Van Helsing does not worry over him like he does Arthur
just as a woman does. I tried to be stern with him, as one is to a woman under the circumstances; but it had no effect. Men and women are so different in manifestations of nervous strength or weakness!
like a moral Viking
Ancient and respected (white) race of warriors
Hyde Park Corner
No, no, not that, for God’s sake! not yet at any rate.
His rank has changed and came at the expense of his father's life
the solicitor came: Mr. Marquand, of Wholeman, Sons, Marquand & Lidderdale
no good to her, to us, to science, to human knowledge—why do it? Without such it is monstrous.”
The utility of such acts is required to make it moral and therefore human
Lucy was breathing somewhat stertorously
The garlic is probably hurting her now that she's beginning to transform
left him a fortune which to people of our modest bringing up is wealth beyond the dream of avarice,
All the same, however, she went on with the action of tearing, as though the material were still in her hands; finally she lifted her hands and opened them as though scattering the fragments.
Dracula is able to control her while she sleeps and is vunerable
Once again we went through that ghastly operation.
Now all 4 men have transferred blood to Lucy.
A brave man’s blood is the best thing on this earth when a woman is in trouble
Have not heard from Seward for three days, and am terribly anxious. Cannot leave. Father still in same condition. Send me word how Lucy is. Do not delay.—Holmwood.
The bond of these men takes precedence over their love for Lucy. Male relationships were very important during this time and thought to be the strongest bond.
with that obedience to the etiquette of death which the British woman of the lower classes always rigidly observes
I was stern with them, however, and would not let them talk. I told them that one life was bad enough to lose, and that if they delayed they would sacrifice Miss Lucy.
No chance to recover, only to serve
with a look of terror fixed upon it.
Similar to the old sailor in Whitby
cursed the laziness of the servants that they should lie abed at such an hour
a whole myriad of little specks seemed to come blowing in through the broken window, and wheeling and circling round like the pillar of
Just as the women Jonathan saw at Castle Dracula
He was lying on his belly on the floor licking up, like a dog, the blood which had fallen from my wounded wrist.
Carfax, Sussex