2,410 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. That will be part of the story.

      Always ask: wlhat was tlhe most poem-worhty part of this?

    2. extract

      like a tooth or like an herbal remedy?

    3. catches in the corner

      Big summer and early fall storms often start in Africa and the Sahara as dust. Eventually it blows across the Atlantic and end up in Kentucky in the corner of my eye.<br /> I love how poetry is like really great comedy--the joke lands but the comedian keeps it going like this bit by Mitch Hedberg

      This and then this and then this and finally onto the next bit.


    4. what will this morning wind bring?


      Allen Ginsburg called it the archetypal poem of the English language. When I discuss what "small rain" might mean with my students, thus commences the idea of poetry. Figurative language is not intended to obscure. It is intended to be better, to be able to carry more freight.

  2. Jun 2024
    1. pen thoughts

      The pen is thinking. Reminds me of Tom Waits' song "The Piano has been drinking"


    2. back-lit screen

      Got me to thinking about the word back-lit. Back-lit by whom? How? What happens when the power goes down?

    3. Here I transcribe my thoughts  from verses in my mind

      Write every day why Because we think every day,

    4. Hidden Poems  on Paper

      I'm always looking for revealed poetry like dust over a brass plaque.

  3. May 2024
    1. You’re trying something new and it’s quick.

      Try out new versions of your self, your creative self even if they make you uncomfortable.

    2. To be like, this is what I have now. This three-foot wooden man who loves me.

      Explore the truths inherent in your craft, speak them out loud, share them with others in and out of your discipline.

    3. “What are those dynamics?” This is kind of the dynamic, typically. In my mind, Jerry’s an old-fashioned man who loves beautiful women.

      What are the dynamics that make your craft work, that makes it hard to do or easy to do, that explains why you are so passionate about it. Always be observing and reflecting.

    4. “Bottle of beer.” That’s a classic one. But also, I think if we say something that ends up not being funny on stage, I’m like, “Oh, he said it.” There’s this thing where I don’t have to take responsibility for my bad writing because I’m like, “He wrote that.”

      Observe what makes your discipline worth caring about.

    5. “Oh, magicians learn magic to be cool, suave, and get girls to like them.” And ventriloquists learn ventriloquism because they just want someone to talk to, and that’s why they’re so sweet.

      Understand the psychology of your craft and what draws you to its mastery.

    6. being around people who are just really excited and that’s what ventriloquists are like.

      Keep an attitude of support not competition as part of your approach/stance to your craft.

    7. I went to a ventriloquism convention in Kentucky, there were five other Jerry Mahoneys’.

      Gather with your community in the real world: conventions, performances, etc.

    8. The community is so small

      Find your community, preferably a small one.

    9. And so when the puppeteer is really good, it’s amazing to watch.

      Observe the amazing part of your craft that drew you to it in the first place and continues to do so.

    10. the history of ventriloquism

      Every skill has both a personal history and a historical context, big history that you can learn as way of bolstering your own passion for the craft.

    11. So I made Jerry my manager.

      Relate your work to other parts of your life.

    12. I joked that it’d be so fun to learn ventriloquism.

      Share your wishes out loud.

    13. no one actually knew that I was practicing anything. It was like I was just walking down the street.

      Fly under the radar with yourself as an audience of one. Lots of these types of performances. For example if you need to act out a Moth story night use an app like Oasis to be your audience of one. Or to share with audiences of one elsewhere.

    14. they were really curious about what it was because no one had seen ventriloquism in person, and it’s so exciting to see.

      Observe your learning self.

    15. that day in the park, everyone was stopping to talk to Nick, Jerry, and me. I was like, “Oh my god, this is so magical.”

      Perform/do the thing in a low stakes public place.

    16. showed me how to use him.

      find a practitioner who can introduce you to the skill.

    17. “There’s a dummy in my closet. I’ll lend it to you.”

      Say yes to stuff that fits your protopassion.

    18. was saying one of the first phrases you say with ventriloquism, which is, “I like to hike.”

      Look for entry trick: Twigger's Micromastery.

    19. I am trying to tease out how to go from zero to skilled, a worthwhile checklist for anyone contemplating any future.

  4. Apr 2024
    1. Yet it is enoughTo simply watch and write,Bearing witness to this world.And having documented such truth,The poet can mosey right alongUnencumbered, humble, complete.

      I like the turn here. It is enough to bear witness, to document, to walk right by unburdened and complete

    2. the forgotten spaces,

      synaptic sparking

    3. fade from view.

      in the rearview:

    4. the phase changes.

      it is even better at making the smallest crossings over.

    5. [Please note the phase change here:#clmooc #smallpoems]

      These hashtags are clearly wormholes and broadcast signal for others. Walk right back:


    6. from marking to doing.

      Invisible code here for poets or poet wannabees: all poems are phase shifters. That makes them concrete. This poem, for example, does a little turn in the middle, like a sonnet, where it moves from observing and writing down to judging and moving on. At some point you mark the phase changes as done and you share your voice. That is pretty concrete.

      One thing that this AI work with Claude has done is to make me articulate the liminality and the phase shifts in my poetry in order to make it better. Clearer and less prideful.

    7. [Please note the social annotation.]

      The use of a social annotation tool like Hypothesis is a classic and concrete example of a liminal margin. It is in the margin of the page and it is a place to share. You cross a threshold here from the poem to the margin.

      and if that wasn't clear try this annotated image of pasture where sheep have been grazing.

    1. Please note the phase change here: #clmooc #smallpoems]

      These hashtags are clearly wormholes and broadcast signal for others. Walk right back:


    2. Yet it is enough To simply watch and write, Bearing witness to this world. And having documented such truth, The poet can mosey right along Unencumbered, humble, complete.

      I like the turn here.<br /> It is enough to bear witness, to document, to walk right by unburdened and complete

    3. the phase changes.

      it is even better at making the smallest crossings over.

    4. the forgotten spaces

      synaptic sparking

    5. fade from view.

      in the rearview:

    6. [Please note the social annotation.]

      The use of a social annotation tool like Hypothesis is a classic and concrete example of a liminal margin. It is in the margin of the page and it is a place to share. You cross a threshold here from the poem to the margin.

      and if that wasn't clear try this annotated image of pasture where sheep have been grazing.

    7. from marking to doing.

      Invisible code here for poets or poet wannabees: all poems are phase shifters. That makes them concrete. This poem, for example, does a little turn in the middle, like a sonnet, where it moves from observing and writing down to judging and moving on. At some point you mark the phase changes as done and you share your voice. That is pretty concrete.

      One thing that this AI work with Claude has done is to make me articulate the liminality and the phase shifts in my poetry in order to make it better. Clearer and less prideful.

  5. Mar 2024
    1. reliable and unreliable information

      I do like this distinction. I do have to ask: who is gonna validate your parking ticket?

    2. he SIFT model, which stands for Stop; Investigate the source; Find better coverage; and Trace claims, quotations, and media to the original context.

      I used this model in my university writing programs. One thing I discovered was that not many learners were interested in yet another protocol for bullshit detection. Many just assume that know it when they see it. They don't. They know obvious examples, but there are many subtle marketers and propagandists out there under our radars.

    3. misinformation and disinformation

      and what about malinformation? Is there any space between these two words? What is the Venn of these words? Are the words now part of the propaganda of the moment?

    1. Remember–an empty creel is full of something not there,  something un-fished for yet caught.

      Zen AF, n'est ce pas? OOOOOPs another question.

    2. sometimes when you fish for answers you catch questions.

      Or is it vice versa/ Or is it both?

    3. maybe

      Is this the right word? Kinda mealy mouthed adverb.

    4. Why is the fishing bad today?

      Do you stand warned that this might be more than about fishing? I mean...look at all the questions. It is so unfair to the reader. It has to be about the act of creating.

    5. scaly bright and quick in the light

      Say this aloud and say you don't like it. It is the rhythm and the simple rhyme. And it is the truth about fish and ideas, slippery, seen and gone.

  6. Feb 2024
    1. it is capable of creating poetry that resonates on a human level.

      Folks don't read poetry anyway. How can they be expected to read and empathize with AI generate poetry? Reminds me of this in Woody Allen's Sleeper:


    2. it’s true that AI

      Hard to believe that all AI does is predict the next most likely word. As if human agency is all about the next adjacent possible word. I have heard it described that way.

    3. Ghost in the Machine
    1. something unrecognizably more interesting

      surface notes


      it is not easy to see

      frame don't fit

      lwords don't hit.

    2. discarded verse

      I saw "discarded vase"

    3. Just imagine the weeds

      the pile begins to heat up

      tendrils of holy steamy compost

      just like

      Roethke imsgined

      from the unwnsted daffs

      under a table

    4. I’m fed up

      food and ideas

      full of nothing to say

      but still,


      not still,


    5. words could become compost –

      scraps become compost

    6. I wish

      Who, the poet or the avatar, the homunculus of the poem?

  7. Oct 2023
    1. new technological solutions

      Or return to older solutions, tech and lo-tech and no tech

    2. seeking partnerships

      I am terrible at this.

    3. consultants, mentors, or industry peers can guide teams

      And they can only do what they can do. Liminal thresholds are every where.

    4. Your Vision

      The "north star" metaphor comes to mind.

    5. a clear vision f

      What if the vision is clear, but wrong.?

  8. Jun 2023
    1. fleeting



    2. leave not even footprints,

      The caver's creed:


      *Take nothing but pictures.

      Leave nothing but carefully placed footprints.

      Kill nothing but time.*

    3. a destruction machine,

      Yes, it is built into our essence---catabolism and anabolism. And then there is our old frenemy-entropy who reminds us that try as we might we can't unburn wood.

    1. a clarifying mental model for how things work.

      How do things work? Define things and define work.

    2. we must embrace our own limitations, which feels, paradoxically, like giving up before we ever get going.

      Seems counterintuitive, zen. Embrace your own suck.

    1. poem nearly always worth the salvaging

      poems worth the salvaging is such a good way of thinking about reuse and remix

  9. May 2023
    1. Feeding A Poem Into

      I thought this line said--'Finding a Poem in an AI Art Machine" Well...it is only fit that I responded with this post. Csn you guess the secret betrayal?

    1. wise, peaceful, and ethical.

      Laughable, isn't it. What is the wise-peaceable-moral algo?

    1. human values and ethics, rather than solely pursuing technological progress.

      I ask whether technology is classic Pandora's Box--once the attitude is out, you cannot re-box it. Or at least we haven't figured out a way.

      Once this margin has been populated with annotations I want to redo the prompt to include them as an alternative point of view in the dialogue.


      I recommend this website for shear density of surprise. New vocabulary, new ideas, new newness.

    3. Devising a prompt (AKA a question) is the key to ChatGPT. I am still uncertain what a good question is in AI's "mind". It might be something "way strange" and "un-questionly".

  10. Apr 2023
    1. could I unplug with my own hand?

      Yes, you can. And the filters can be very light or completely opaque (if you crave the dark).

  11. Mar 2023
    1. to be the cause of nothing.

      That would make you the unmoved mover, yes?

      I am glad you considered the question in this reply by asking another question. Ande I be 'splainin' , too.

  12. Jan 2023
    1. But despite their obviously unsatisfactory quality, derangement syndromes of one sort or the other replaced the expansive logics of caring of the past. At its heart, tribalism, in the sense of the modern slur rather than the historic condition, is about degeneracy in logics of caring.

      I think what Rao means here is that tribalism allows us to kill the other tribe. It what I fear from the Christian Warrior movement. There can be no logic of caring or rather as Rao puts it, that logic has become degenerate in that the caring is limited to your tribe.

    2. sound and fury signifying nothing.

      Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow”


      (from Macbeth, spoken by Macbeth)

      Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,

      Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,

      To the last syllable of recorded time;

      And all our yesterdays have lighted fools

      The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!

      Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,

      That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,

      And then is heard no more. It is a tale

      Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

      Signifying nothing.

    3. The Logics of Caring

      Is this caring the same as empathy? Reply as you read. I will do the same.

    4. This

      Our calendar paint by number that we call our lives.

    5. Somewhere deep down you know this is no way to live.

      this = cold starting a year (reminded of cold starting diesel engines without benefit of heat plugs), paint by numbers: word goals, book goals, pound goals, prize goals, employment goals--all paint by number Everests. Love this metaphor of paint by numbers, others' strings attached. What happens when you don't have your own internal strings? You collapse in a heap in the face of a sociopath with scissors.

    6. nihilism lurking menacingly under a theater of meaning-making.

      Iago. January is Iago.

    7. 2023 hasn’t really started yet

      Our obsession wwith fresh starts. Is this even possible?

  13. Dec 2022
    1. No future, because, right now, there is literally no future, right now we are condemned to collapse.”

      Hell no they say to our future. There is no time. There is only the end of times.

    2. No future, for capital will always defeat any strategy based on a next-ness, for against airy notions of tomorrow’s world, they can posit the cold hard facts of today counted out in wages and jobs.

      No future folk will press our needs over those of the quotidien present: jobs, money,

    3. No future, for we will never convince the majority to fight for the sake of a time they cannot imagine.

      no future folk will fight for what they cannot foresee.

    4. we cannot win there.

      no one can win there.

    5. As an utter necessity we must abandon the future

      I hereby abandon the future

    1. 2. No hierarchy

      Defang the hierarchy! Flattening all the management levels and leadership.

    2. 1. Total transparency

      All info all of the time available to all makes for a trusting space. Plus, a more active way to help all your people understand what they are seeing.

    3. “Do nothing unless you have asked people first and involved them…”

      I think this is why we don't do this more often--our organizational structures can't imagine employees even starting the process much less choosing it.

    4. from K2K Emocionando.
    5. Successfully Abolished

      The way this is put is to let you know that these are already successful in the world. Encouraging.

    6. My main purpose here is to suggest ways we can apply these 'components' to what we have for learners already or to suggest ways the components can completely supplant the older paths. For example, there is a suggestion that we can change layers of management and have a better system. My question will be this: How?

  14. Nov 2022
    1. you can see better what this feeling is like

      My granddaughter is clearly in the romantic stage: how do you make cookies. Her grandmother is in several stages at once. There is the romance of teaching your granddaughter how to make cookies. There is the precision of honing a skill, teaching her granddaughter. And there is generalization of applying that skill with her granddaughter. This is what I mean by asking why we obscure what is quite clear if you just watch the video and read the interview.

    2. this approach

      This approach also mirrors Harold Jarche's "seek-make sense-share" You seek the answer to the question you love. You acquire knowledge and skills and apply them but you don't lose the romance. Your passion becomes more precise and nestled in your explorations and doings. You make sense. You share with your networks what you have learned and you apply it to refine both the original question and the original answers.

    3. One thing led to the next.

      Her example from her own life:

      • attracted to working with red clay
      • Google searching the word “terra cotta”
      • know more about the material and the associations of it
      • then that led me to a lot of stuff, a good Pandora’s box.
    4. I frame it

      Ato's new and simpler frame:

      • being curious
      • wanting to learn more
      • don’t see it as sophisticated or complicated
      • look a little bit deeper into this thing that you love
      • look deeper into the way you make a living
      • second nature to look deeper
    5. don’t really frame it as research

      It wasn't a 'research journey'. That narrative frame don't hunt and don't hit.

    6. seeking out mentors and creating your own independent research

      The struggle in interviews is to gather together someone else's experiences into a useful pile. The hidden question here is this: how did you figure out what you wanted to do with your one precious life? You will see in Ato's response how she 'corrects' the interview's trajectory.

    7. got interested

      The interviewer is dancing around the issue of Ota's origin story.

    1. Why do bats hang upside down when they sleep?

      My hypothesis: dropping down is a more efficient way to launch than flapping wings. It is a better adaptive behaviou.

      Search "adaptive behavior bats hanging upside down" result: my hypothesis was right. All the better to fly.

      adaptive behavior bats hanging upside down


    2. I've seen many different kinds of bat in my travels and that makes me wonder: Just how many different kinds of bat species are there?  

      search "bat diversity"

      Around the world there are about 5,400 types of mammal and of those, more than 1,300 are bats.

    3. what eats bats?

      hypothesis: anything above them in their food chains: humans, raptors, etc.

      search: bat predation

      hawks, owls, alligators, snakes

  15. Oct 2022
    1. To become better readers and writers we haveto ask of each other a little bit more.© Zadie Smith

      and more.

    2. The art is in theattempt, and this matter of understanding-that-which-is-outside-of-ourselves using only what we haveinside ourselves amounts to some of the hardest intellectual and emotional work you'll ever do. It is awriter's duty. It is also a reader's duty. Did I mention that yet?

      took forever to get to the reader's duty.

    3. I don't care if it refuses to use the letter e or crosses five continents and two thousandpages. What unites great novels is the individual manner in which they articulate experience and force usto be attentive, waking us from the sleepwalk of our lives.

      I see this as being more and more problematic. Gaining attention.

    4. To rummage through a purse is tosleepwalk through a sentence - a small enough betrayal of self, but a betrayal all the same

      It is also a failure to read close and careful and slow.

    5. To writers, writing well is not simply a matterof skill, but a question of character. What does it take, after all, to write well? What personal qualities doesit require? What personal resources does a bad writer lack? In most areas of human endeavour we arenot shy of making these connections between personality and capacity. Why do we never talk aboutthese things when we talk about books?

      more questions

    6. How have you let yourself down?"


    7. What were yourbest hopes?


    8. How did you dream of your book before it was created?


    9. what do you yourselfthink is wrong with your writing?


  16. Sep 2022
    1. Joy Williams’ essay

      Her essay is a hilarious put down of all things precious about writing. And all I am doing is pulling on her avatar, her mask. I love how she is Socratic in her insistence that as a writier she knows that she knows nothing. Ha! What a troll she is!

    1. hull

      husks and hulls

    2. in extremis
    3. re Building the Ship as We Sail It
    4. The%writer%must%do%all%this%alone,%in%secret,%in%drudgery,%in%confusion,%awkwardly,%one%word%at%a%time.

      Poor baby...


      Just click through...writers are an acquired taste...you either get 'em or you don't..and that's how they want it....it's how I expect it.

    5. Why%do%I%write?

      I have an experience of my mother that I am trying to express that I know is true. That epistemology is true, but the saying of it is all manner of false, approximate. The doing is all wrong. untrued in the machinists sense, off, useless.

    6. %The%ocean%is%vast.

      Yeah? So what?

    7. that%great%cold%elemental%grace%which%knows%us.

      I have not a clue as to who or what this might be. See, two can play it this way of ugly iconoclasm.

    8. Nothing%the%daughter,%the%writer,%had%ever%written%or%could%ever%write%could%help%my%mother%who%had%named%me.

      Such a streak of nihilism, a river of abhorrence so strong, a current of nasty gaslighting this essay is, so true yet so faux.

    9. %am%not%being%disingenuous%here.%I

      So you say if you have to say it, if you care about convincing me, well...who are you to say?

    10. his%is%the%life%of%man.

      I have learned to respond to this nonsense with a simple mantra, "So you say, so you say, so you say." I condemn the writer with their own act of saying and writing.

    11. Somethingness.%

      Oh,,, god no,,, surely not the Muse,,, no.

    12. Those%horrid%hours%are%the%writer’s%days%and%nights%when%he%is%writing.%

      I love these horrid hours where nothing is expected because no one is around to expect it except the cats who sit on your notebook with muddy paws. And they don't expect anything from you or anyone else.

    13. Language%accepts%the%writer%as%its%host,%it%feeds%off%the%writer,%it%makes%him%a%husk.%

      The apple eats itself to the husky core.

    14. But%a%writer%isn’t%supposed%to%make%friends%with%his%writing,%I%don’t%think.

      So is the writer isn't supposed to make enemies either?

    15. the%koan%of%writing

      Disappearing enso, writing down the emptiness.

    16. &Husks


      husk, n.1


      [Late ME. huske, of uncertain origin.    A common word since c 1400, of which no earlier trace has been found. Conjectures have been offered of its relationship to Ger. hülse, Du. hulze, huls, which (notwithstanding the identity of sense) appear to be historically and phonetically untenable, and of its ultimate derivation from hús ‘house’, which is perhaps possible: cf. for the form, chink, dalk, halk, holk, polk, stalk (and see Kluge, Stammbildung. §61); for the sense, LG. hûske = Ger. häuschen, ‘little house’, in E. Fris. also ‘core (of an apple)’, ‘case’ (e.g. spectacle-case), ‘paper bag’; also MDu. huuskijn, huusken, Du. huisken, ‘little house’, core (of an apple); Ger. gehäuse, ‘case, capsule’, etc. The connexion of Norwegian husk ‘piece of leather used to enlarge a shoe-last’, is quite uncertain.]

      1. a.1.a The dry outer integument of certain fruits and seeds; esp. the hard fibrous sheath of grain, nuts, etc.; a glume or rind; spec. in U.S., the outer covering of an ear of maize or Indian corn.

      1398 Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvii. cliv. (1495), Codde and an huske hyght Siliqua.    c 1400 Mandeville xxi. (1839) 188 As the Note of the Haselle hathe an Husk with outen.    Ibid. (Roxb.) 94 Þe macez er þe huskes of þe nutemuge.    c 1440 Promp. Parv. 254/2 Huske of frute, or oþer lyke, corticillus.    1474 Caxton Chesse 81 The huske whiche is about the grayn.    1548 Udall Erasm. Par. Luke xv. (R.), To fil his bealie‥with the verai huskes and coddes, wherwith the hogges were fedde.    1557 N. T. (Genev.) Luke xv. 16 The huskes [Wycl., Tind., Coverd. coddis, coddes] that the swyne ate.    1631 Widdowes Nat. Philos. (ed. 2) 36 The Chesnut‥is covered with a sharpe huske, and within it hath a red huske.    1665 Hooke Microgr. 156 Carret seeds are like a cleft of a Coco-Nut Husk.    1704 J. Harris Lex. Techn. s.v. Verdegrease, The Husks of pressed Grapes.    1830 M. Donovan Dom. Econ. I. 87 The malt is parched until it has acquired a slight tinge of yellowness on the husk.    1855 Longfellow Hiaw. xiii. 29 The women who in Autumn Stripped the yellow husks of harvest.

      †b.1.b The calyx or involucre of a flower. Obs.

      1450–1530 Myrr. our Ladye 210 Whyche floure yf he se yt not yet sprynge oute of the huske.    1727–41 Chambers Cycl., Husks, among botanists, the part which a flower grows out of‥Of these there are several kinds, as bulbous or round husks, bottle husks, middle husks, foot husks, hose husks.

      c.1.c Husks collectively, husky matter.

      1883 C. J. Wills Mod. Persia 233 By about the twenty-fourth day the wine was ready for clearing of the husk.    Ibid. 234 The sweet wine had already no husk in it.

      2.2 Applied to animal coverings or shells: †a.2.a The coriaceous wing-case of an insect; an elytron. Obs. b.2.b The shell or case of a chrysalis; a cocoon. ? arch. c.2.c In Georgia, U.S., an oyster shell.

      1552 Huloet, Byttel flye with a blacke huske.    1616 Surfl. & Markh. Country Farme 488 Euerie one [silkworm] shutting vp himselfe in his scale or huske, which they make and build vp in two daies.    1653 Walton Angler xii. 226 A good bait is the young brood of Wasps or Bees, baked or hardned in their husks.    1665 Hooke Microgr. 187 Several of them flew away in Gnats, leaving their husks behind them in the water floating under the surface.    Ibid. 215 They seem cover'd, upon the upper side of them, with a small husk, not unlike the scale, or shell of a Wood-louse.    1802 Paley Nat. Theol. xix. (1830) 228 This [chrysalis] also in its turn dies; its dead and brittle husk falls to pieces, and makes way for the appearance of the fly or moth.    1842 Tennyson Two Voices ii, I saw the dragon-fly Come from the wells where he did lie. An inner impulse rent the veil Of his old husk.

      3.3 techn. Applied to a frame of various kinds: see quots.

      1688 R. Holme Armoury iii. 100/2 Husk is a square Frame of Moulding‥set over the Mantle Tree of a Chimney between two Pillasters.    1873 Knight Dict. Mech., Husk, the supporting frame of a run of millstones.

      4.4 transf. and fig. a.4.a The outside or external part of anything; mostly in depreciatory sense, the mere rough or worthless exterior, as contrasted with the substantial inner part or essence.

      1547–64 Bauldwin Mor. Philos. (Palfr.) 98 That‥the bitternesse & hardnesse of his [Death's] rough huske should hinder vs from the sweet taste of such a comfortable kirnell.    1644 Hunton Vind. Treat. Monarchy iii. 10 A few huskes of reason.    1652 L. S. People's Liberty xvi. 39 Their acquiescing in God's choice should be the pith and kernel of the precept, and the setting up of a King onely the husk and shell of it.    1841–4 Emerson Ess., Friendship Wks. (Bohn) I. 85 Bashfulness and apathy are a tough husk, in which a delicate organization is protected from premature ripening.    1861–8 Lowell Emerson Pr. Wks. 1890 I. 355 He‥gave us ravishing glimpses of an ideal under the dry husk of our New England.    1887 W. H. Stone Harveian Oration 21 The mere reproduction of the dry husks of thought termed words.

      b.4.b Applied to the human body.

      a 1677 Barrow Serm. Wks. 1716 I. 62 May not our soul‥challenge a good share of our time‥or shall this mortal husk engross it all?    1818 M. G. Lewis Jrnl. W. Ind. (1834) 102 It is a matter of perfect indifference to me what becomes of this little ugly husk of mine, when once I shall have ‘shuffled off this mortal coil’.

      †c.4.c Applied to a person. Obs.

      1601 ? Marston Pasquil & Kath. i. 76 in Simpson Sch. Shaks. (1878) II. 138 You keepe too great a house‥Yon same drie throated huskes Will sucke you vp.    Ibid. iv. 39    Ibid. 183 Bra. Iu. How like you the new Poet Mellidus? Bra. Sig. A slight bubling spirit, a Corke, a Huske.

      d.4.d A figure or ornament somewhat resembling a husk.

      1934 Burlington Mag. Oct. p. xv/2 The tablet is carved with festoons, and the frieze and jambs inlaid with festoons and pendants of husks and coloured marble.    1955 R. Fastnedge Eng. Furnit. Styles 285 Husk, with ‘honeysuckle’ ‘wheat-ear’ a favourite ornament on furniture of the Adam and Hepplewhite periods.    1971 Country Life 3 June 1356/3 The ground paint was decorated with motifs such as festoons of drapery and husks, interlacing hearts, urn patterns, and so on.

      5.5 attrib. and Comb. (from 1), as husk-porridge; husk-like adj.; ‘in the husk’, as husk corn, husk nut; (from 4 d) husk design, husk festoon, husk ornament, husk pattern; husk-hackler, ‘a machine for tearing corn-husks into shreds for stuffing for mattresses, pillows, cushions, etc.’ (Knight Dict. Mech. 1875).

      1687 S. Sewall Diary 3 Oct. (1878) I. 191 *Husk Corn.

      1904 P. Macquoid Hist. Eng. Furnit. vii. 191 The sides are inlaid with the‥ *husk design so popular at this time.    1973 Country Life 31 May 1567 Chestnut wood window seats‥the‥legs‥faced by well carved husk design.

      1770 J. Wedgwood Let. 20 Aug. (1965) 94 First, his Majesty approved of the *husk festoons in particular, and I think more so than the desert pattern.

      1796 Withering Brit. Plants (ed. 3) II. 60 Flowers with valves like grasses, and *husk-like calyxes.

      1888 Pall Mall G. 24 Jan. 5/2 The *husk nuts piled on the top.

      1934 Burlington Mag. Oct. 165/1 The back shows the honeysuckle, *husk or catkin ornament.    1960 H. Hayward Antique Coll. 146/2 Husk ornament, an ornamental motif resembling the husk of a wheat ear used continually by architects and craftsmen during the Adam period.

      1876 C. Schreiber Jrnl. 14 Nov. (1911) I. 485 A good set of Wedgewood, *husk pattern.

      1851 Mrs. Browning Casa Guidi Wind. i. 1003 To see the people swallow hot *Husk-porridge which his chartered churchmen stir.

    17. his%awareness%was%inadequate%for%the%task%the%story%imposed%upon%it.”

      The rhythm of this line seems very much like the sound of poetry. And the sense of it. It makes an outrageous claim: the story is alive, even imposing, and although the story is dependent upon the writer, it is the story that is the taskmaster, judging Forster.

    1. We can model every software development process as a queueing system. In such a system, tasks come in on one end, and software comes out on the other.

      Wow--tasks in-->software out

    2. As a developer works on a particular task, there can be fixed amounts of time at which we’ll evaluate whether we should cut scope or cut losses. Those are preemption points.


    3. A system will produce what it can produce, regardless of whether you set a goal.


    4. At the root of deadlines’ pointlessness is the fact that you can’t control outcomes. You can only control the processes that generate those outcomes.


    1. but also broader socialpractices,

      MIght this be the "chilling effect" of censorship?

    2. ess visible aspectsof digital communication environments t

      Very circumspect way of putting this.

    3. The text is reading you--ominous, the surveillance state with the suggestion that we need to initiate the souveillance state onto the algorithms.

    1. but also broader social practices

      MIght this be the "chilling effect" of censorship?

    2. The text is reading you--ominous, the surveillance state with the suggestion that we need to initiate the souveillance state onto the algorithms.

    3. less visible aspects of digital communication environments

      Very circumspect way of putting this.

    1. A poem of possibility. A poem about assumptions. It is about aweful futures or awe-inspired ones. Fear or love.

    2. Nothing.

      Are we there yet? No, the wormhole broke and we are hopelessly lost in the slipways of time and space. Yes, but the space is not evenly distributed and we are waiting for the Sifting Machine to shake things out to a safe and solid level.

    3. Did I Miss Anything?

      Ultimate FOMO or JOMO (joy of missing out).

    1. But this is what I remember most: When we walked through the dim school hallway and out the door, there was a feeling of lightness that would sweep through the class as blue sky unfurled above us. There was joy as we walked out onto the grass—and that joy was a form of equity as well.

      Finally, something that resonates with Gaia.

    2. I was fighting for equity

      the Procrustean Bed of diversity, inclusivity, and equity.

    3. engines of equity

      Gross. Reminds me of Blake and[ his dark Satanic mills (the English churches or as I contend today's schools both public and private.

    4. privilege and inequity

      These are the last two items I consider when I am in nature. It is an intrinsic value, good in and of itself. Why? Because we arose from it as a species not so long ago.

    1. think about it as our own Facebook newsfeed with Course and other activity all in one place

      Can't quite envision this since FB is my nemesis, but I will try to work it out.

  17. Aug 2022
    1. The stories of these five industries and organizationsreveal an extensive variety of tactics used to manufacturedoubt within numerous organizations with impacts onenvironmental health and public health.

      Question: how did all of these industries learn from each other how to manufacture doubt?

    2. work/actions and harmful effects.

      X causes Y. Seems simple, but what the opposition wants is to create doubt with the word "causes", thus taking advantage of scientific method's careful and controlled use of the difference between causation and correlation. All of these groups have turned scientific method's greatest strength back on itself. There is a big difference between doubt and skepticism.

    3. Like an invasive species,

      “A lie will go round the world while truth is pulling its boots on.” C. H. Spurgeon

    4. My purpose here is to suggest a trail through this article:

      1. Skim and annotate if strong need to do so.
      2. Read Abstract more closely. You can respond in the margins with questions.
      3. Read Tables. Respond with questions, observations, links, images, videos.
      4. Close read the body of the article. Annotate.
      5. Follow up on references.

      You can, of course, ignore these suggestions or do them in any order or just randomly work your way through the publication. You can (and I have done this before) read the article backward. One of the purposes of social annotation is to collaborate toward deeper understanding. Make it so using any tools you might have learned in your life.

    5. manufacture doubt

      Echoes of Chomsky and manufactured consent.

    1. I am going to add some optional 'reading and doing' directions to my posts. Might be helpful.

      1. You might listen to the poem first.
      2. You might answer the question that Trethewey asks first. Maybe you can engage in the margins with it.
      3. You can make all or part of your responses public or private.
      4. You can start a group to consider the question.
      5. You can have at it in the order presented: my intro--> Twitter thread--> my response to the thread-->check out the link-->listen to the poem.
      6. Perch in the margins with the withered wild grapes and the black haw and the redbuds.
      7. Join in the work of forecasting your own life.
    1. could you share with us how you learn new complex topics

      This is worthwhile for all of us who share complex topics with others and want to get better at that.

    1. Lots of grace

      This is a word whose definition is highly variable...necessarily so. Each class will define it differently and they will decide how it is expressed. That is the measure of how successful a class becomes.

    2. what our students need is grace and time

      I would add to this, "Learners need grace and time every day."

    3. feel safe

      Not sure what "feel safe" means. It is a baseline of something but I don't know what specifically. I think it rises up, it emerges from care and connection. We learn together and what constitutes 'safe' becomes. For example, the safety of improv on stage in a drama class is debatable, but we do it in stages and eventually it feels safe or at least safer.

    1. How do publishers design and organize content for their audience and purpose?

      I will just say this: there are both tried and true and normed audiences and purposes as well as dynamic and non-evergreen contents. This is vague I understand but the kinds of content in social media is always changing. When the algorithm changes so, too, does the shape and style of content. I don't know if the larger values, audience and purpose, change, but I suspect the even larger ones like empathy are super evergreen. Sorry. I wish I had more time to make this shorter.

    2. How do readers and writers determine and develop relevant, accurate, and complete topics/content?

      Here is how I do it:

      1. Listen and sense the kinesthetic tickle of being on the trail of something that answers an important question. Knowing has a 'feel' to it.
      2. Adopt the attitude of many futurists: strong opinions, loosely held. Practically speaking, this means that our potential answers to these big questions are filtered through these strong opinions, but that we can change the filters if we remain open to it.
      3. Share with networks from the inners (personal and face-to-face) to the outers (often many degrees of separation beyond).
    3. What strategies and processes do collaborators need for success?

      You need a space to gather, make sense of, and share your answers as they develop.

    4. How do researchers investigate successfully?

      Start with an essential question that matters to you.

    1. everyone

      No. There must be gadflies, skeptics--the dubious and unconvinced.

    2. consistent

      In order to be professional and trusted, teacher need be reliable, but like Emerson said, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of a small mind."

  18. Jul 2022
    1. what are we going to do to move to supporting students with trauma?

      One of my objections to the "therapeutic"- ization of the teaching and learning environment is that I am not in any way trained (other than as a fellow empathic card carrying member of the human condition) to be a therapist. Having admitted this lack of expertise, if I try to treat someone's trauma is that ethical? No. It is not. But the learning to help learners is a super-wide remit. We probably do trauma therapy anyway, but we do it piecemeal or we do it under the umbrella of being a caring person or a good Christian or an ethically charged adult.

    2. as a consistent practice.

      Does this mean we all have to 'do' and 'act' in the same way? Sounds like a cult.

    3. Trauma is also defined as an exceptional experience in which powerful and dangerous events overwhelm a person’s capacity to cope (Souers & Hall, 2018)

      I see this as a more standard definition of trauma. Can an event be traumatic if comes from the outside?

    4. some sort of trauma

      Don't we describe birth as a trauma? And isn't it generally considered a necessary 'kickstart' for the independent function of ...all of us? Maybe that is a bad metaphor. What do we mean by violence. Some philosophies like Stoicism say we have power over how we respond to violence even if it only to endure. I worry about any belief systems that are based upon acceptance as a central tenet.

    5. The truth of the matter is that trauma does not discriminate nor does it matter if it is violence or long term versus short term.

      I do get this idea, but it also implies that "trauma" is anything we want to call it. That is not a useful definition or rather it is unhelpful. I happen to think that while definitions can change over time and in our own lives, we need definitions as stakes in the ground we can tie ropes to as we have conversations.

    1. maybe work harder to demonstrate the power of words,

      I would like to work harder at showing how words and images can work better together. A good meme does this in spades.

    2. I hope we don’t reduce our world of communication to only the visual

      Not likely, but any move toward that will probably be glacially slow. Why? Any comm system that is less useful than the one it aims to replace, will fail. Evolutionarily, it makes sense. Linguists note this when they write about the value of an emoticon that is less handy than the words it replaces.

    3. Yeah, and I don’t know.

      You don't have to predict the future, you just have to consider the near and far possibilities. Or non-possibilities.

    4. Yet

      Yes, the pull of a new emergent future, the feedforward world, and the waning push of the past, the feedback world. That straddle across is what teachers need to be good at else how can they be of any use to our current generations of learners?

    5. My old newspaper is a shadow of its old self.

      Print journalism was the original disrupted industry.

    6. USA Today, became an experiment

      Yes, I remember the the newspaper box that was shaped like a TV set.

    7. text-heavy world

      And you lived IRL, too. Interviews, listening at meetings, calling folks on the phone.

    1. I didn't start out in 2007 to write a programming language that naturally supports decentralized programming using the actor-model while being cloud-native, serverless, and databaseless. Indeed, if I had, I likely wouldn't have succeeded. Instead picos evolved from a simple rule language for modifying web pages to a powerful, general-purpose programming system for building any decentralized application.

      Lots of concepts ping like hail on a car hood for me. I don't really understand them but they resonate: decentralized programming, cloud-native, serverless, databaseless. It all seems like fungi in nature or the apricot you mention in an earlier post. I especially like the idea of learning systems "evolving from a simple rule language". Yes, I want to evolve and roll my own learning system then I want to teach others how to do it.

    1. Against ‘text’

      Contra Text


  19. wentalearn.blogspot.com wentalearn.blogspot.com
    1. People come and go in your life

      Revolving doors

      round and round my life.

    2. Each one contributes to the

      A circle quartered by glass.

      I am seeing you, but not hearing

      or touching

      or knowing.

    3. Can we feel the peace with the ones that stay

      The nature of doors

      is to hold

      across a liminal space,

      a threshold

    4. Even aim to be the peacemaker?

      It is our intent that holds

      the peace or not,

      our intent.

    1. on-going, real-world, applications.

      We need tools and templates and mind schemas for answering questions. And those questions should be our questions. In other words I am uninterested in teaching any reading or writing skill that is not pragmatically tied to person curiosity. I used this idea as part of my "capstone" in every class I ever taught. It is Ken Macrorie's idea of the "I-Search Paper". You learn how to research by researching. You learn how to draft and revise by drafting and revising. You learn how to summarize by.... you get the idea. And all of this work is done in the service of a question that you think is important. This is about as far from abstract as you can get. My problem in the higher ed classroom was that by the time students came to me, they were beaten down and incurious. It would often take me half a semester to get them to buy into the idea that your questions and desires are cosmically important.

    2. A learning project could encourage such deeper learning.

      I would love to see you "mine" your own tutor-mentor work as part of this deep dive.

    3. what more could I know about an issue that would help me find solutions


  20. Jun 2022
    1. beyond all repair.


      but we all fear our world

      and physics asserts

      that all our lives are ruled

      by entropy and


      beyond repair.

      Forgive yourself

      for being a shitty carpenter.

    2. just let worries deconstruct over summer break,

      let the house deconstruct

      a bit, too.

      It's desuetude will keep.

    3. but how does one fix a house so far gone?

      if you let it maybe it fixes you