5,074 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      - This study investigated how genetic variation in the human protein PKR can enable sensitivity or resistance to a viral inhibitor from the vaccinia virus called K3.

      - The authors generated a collection of PKR mutants and characterized their activity in a high-throughput yeast assay to identify 1) which mutations alter PKR's intrinsic biochemical activity, 2) which mutations allow for PKR to escape from viral K3, and 3) which mutations allow for escape from a mutant version of K3 that was previously known to inhibit PKR more efficiently.

      - As a result of this work, the authors generated a detailed map of residues at the PKR-K3 binding surface and the functional impacts of single mutation changes at these sites.


      - Experiments assessed each PKR variant against three different alleles of the K3 antagonist, allowing for a combinatorial view of how each PKR mutant performs in different settings.

      - Nice development of a useful, high-throughput yeast assay to assess PKR activity, with highly detailed methods to facilitate open science and reproducibility.

      - The authors generated a very clean, high-quality, and well-replicated dataset.


      - The authors chose to focus solely on testing residues in or near the PKR-K3 predicted binding interface. As a result, there was only a moderately complex library of PKR mutants tested. The residues selected for investigation were logical, but this limited the potential for observing allosteric interactions or other less-expected results.

      - For residues of interest, some kind of independent validation assay would have been useful to demonstrate that this yeast fitness-based assay is a reliable and quantitative readout of PKR activity.

      - As written, the current version of the manuscript could use more context to help a general reader understand 1) what was previously known about these PKR and K3 variants, 2) what was known about how other genes involved in arms races evolve, or 3) what predictions or goals the authors had at the beginning of their experiment. As a result, this paper mostly provides a detailed catalog of variants and their effects. This will be a useful reference for those carrying out detailed, biochemical studies of PKR or K3, but any broader lessons are limited.

      I felt there was a missed opportunity to connect the study's findings to outside evolutionary genetic information, beyond asking if there was overlap with PKR sites that a single previous study had identified as positively selected. For example, are there any signals of balancing selection for PKR? How much allelic diversity is there within humans, and are people typically heterozygous for PKR variants? Relatedly, although PKR variants were tested in isolation here, would the authors expect their functional impacts to be recessive or dominant, and would this alter their interpretations? On the viral diversity side, how much variation is there among K3 sequences? Is there an elevated evolutionary rate, for example, in K3 at residues that contact PKR sites that can confer resistance? None of these additions are essential, but some kind of discussion or analysis like this would help to connect the yeast-based PKR phenotypic assay presented here back to the real-world context for these genes.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      (1) To further explore the genetic basis of asthenoteratozoospermia, the authors performed whole-exome sequencing analyses among infertile males affected by asthenoteratozoospermia. Four unrelated Han Chinese patients were found to carry biallelic variations of DNAH3, a gene encoding IDA-associated protein.<br /> (2) To verify the function of IDA associated protein DNAH3, the authors generated a Dnah3-KO mouse model and revealed that the loss of DNAH3 leads to severe male infertility as a result of the severe reduction in sperm movement with the abnormal IDA and mitochondrion structures.<br /> (3) Mechanically, they confirmed decreased expression of IDA-associated proteins (including DNAH1, DNAH6 and DNALI1) in the spermatozoa from patients with DNAH3 mutations and Dnah3-KO male mice.<br /> (4) Then, they also found that male infertility caused by DNAH3 deficiency could be rescued by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment in humans and mice.


      (1) In addition to existing research, the authors provided novel variants of DNAH3 as important factors leading to asthenoteratozoospermia. This further expands the spectrum of pathogenic variants in asthenoteratozoospermia.<br /> (2) By mechanistic studies, they found that DNAH3 deficiency led to decreased expression of IDA-associated proteins, which may be used to explain the disruption of sperm motility and reduced fertility caused by DNAH3 deficiency.<br /> (3) Then, successful ICSI outcomes were observed in patients with DNAH3 mutations and Dnah3 KO mice, which will provide an important reference for genetic counselling and clinical treatment of male infertility.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, Mehrhof and Nord study a large dataset of participants collected online (n=958 after exclusions) who performed a simple effort-based choice task. They report that the level of effort and reward influence choices in a way that is expected from prior work. They then relate choice preferences to neuropsychiatric syndromes and, in a smaller sample (n<200), to people's circadian preferences, i.e., whether they are a morning-preferring or evening-preferring chronotype. They find relationships between the choice bias (a model parameter capturing the likelihood to accept effort-reward challenges, like an intercept) and anhedonia and apathy, as well as chronotype. People with higher anhedonia and apathy and an evening chronotype are less likely to accept challenges (more negative choice bias). People with an evening chronotype are also more reward sensitive and more likely to accept challenges in the evening, compared to the morning.


      This is an interesting and well-written manuscript which replicates some known results and introduces a new consideration related to chronotype relationships which have not been explored before. It uses a large sample size and includes analyses related to transdiagnostic as well as diagnostic criteria.


      The authors do not explore how chronotype and depression are related (does one mediate the effect of the other etc). Both variables are included in the same model in the revised article now which is a great improvement, but it also means psychopathology and circadian rhythms are treated as distinct phenomena and their relationship in predicting effort-reward preferences is not examined.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Granule cells' axons bifurcate to form parallel fibers (PFs) and ascending axons (AAs). While the significance of PFs on cerebellar plasticity is widely acknowledged, the importance of AAs remains unclear. In the current paper, Conti and Auger conducted electrophysiological experiments in rat cerebellar slices and identified a new form of synaptic plasticity in the AA-Purkinje cell (PC) synapses.


      The authors applied simultaneous stimulation of AAs and PFs and recorded from PCs and discovered that the strength of AA-PC synapses and PF-PC synapses change in opposite directions: while AA-PC EPSCs increased, PFs-EPSCs decreased. This finding suggests that synaptic responses to AAs and PFs in PCs are jointly regulated, working as an additional mechanism to integrate motor/sensory input. The existence of such plasticity mechanisms may offer new perspectives in studying and modeling cerebellum-dependent behavior. Overall, the experiments are performed well.


      There are two weaknesses. First, the baseline of electrophysiological recordings is influenced significantly by run-down, limiting the interpretability of the data. Because the amplitude of AA-EPSCs is relatively small, the run-down may have masked some of the changes in EPSCs. However, the authors managed this difficulty using appropriate controls and statistical analysis. Second, while the authors show AA-LTP depends on mGluR, NMDA receptors, and GABA-A receptors, which cell types express these receptors and how they contribute to plasticity is not clarified. Cell-type-specific knockdown of these receptors may clarify this point in future studies.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Heer and Sheffield provide a well-written manuscript that clearly articulates the theoretical motivation to investigate specific catecholaminergic projections to dorsal CA1 of the hippocampus during a reward-based behavior. Using 2-photon calcium imaging in two groups of cre transgenic mice, the authors examine activity of VTA-CA1 dopamine and LC-CA1 noradrenergic axons during reward seeking in a linear track virtual reality (VR) task. The authors provide a descriptive account of VTA and LC activities during walking, approach to reward, and environment change. Their results demonstrate LC-CA1 axons are activated by walking onset, modulated by walking velocity, and heighten their activity during environment change. In contrast, VTA-CA1 axons were most activated during approach to reward locations. Together the authors provide a functional dissociation between these catecholamine projections to CA1. A major strength to their approach is the methodological rigor of 2-photon recording, data processing, and analysis approaches to accommodate their unequal LC-CA1 and VTA-CA1 sample sizes. These important systems neuroscience studies provide solid evidence that will contribute to the broader field of navigation and memory.


      The conclusions of this manuscript are mostly well supported by the data. However, increasing the sample size of the VTA-CA1 group and using experimental methods that are identical among LC-CA1 and VTA-CA1 groups would help to fully support the author's conclusions.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The lateral cortex of the inferior colliculus (LC) is a region of the auditory midbrain noted for receiving both auditory and somatosensory input. Anatomical studies have established that somatosensory input primarily impinges on "modular" regions of the LC, which are characterized by high densities of GABAergic neurons, while auditory input is more prominent in the "matrix" regions that surround the modules. However, how auditory and somatosensory stimuli shape activity, both individually and when combined, in the modular and matrix regions of the LC has remained unknown.

      The major obstacle to progress has been the location of the LC on the lateral edge of the inferior colliculus where it cannot be accessed in vivo using conventional imaging approaches. The authors overcame this obstacle by developing methods to implant a microprism adjacent to the LC. By redirecting light from the lateral surface of the LC to the dorsal surface of the microprism, the microprism enabled two-photon imaging of the LC via a dorsal approach in anesthetized and awake mice. Then, by crossing GAD-67-GFP mice with Thy1-jRGECO1a mice, the authors showed that they could identify LC modules in vivo using GFP fluorescence while assessing neural responses to auditory, somatosensory, and multimodal stimuli using Ca2+ imaging. Critically, the authors also validated the accuracy of the microprism technique by directly comparing results obtained with a microprism to data collected using conventional imaging of the dorsal-most LC modules, which are directly visible on the dorsal IC surface, finding good correlations between the approaches.

      Through this innovative combination of techniques, the authors found that matrix neurons were more sensitive to auditory stimuli than modular neurons, modular neurons were more sensitive to somatosensory stimuli than matrix neurons, and bimodal, auditory-somatosensory stimuli were more likely to suppress activity in matrix neurons and enhance activity in modular neurons. Interestingly, despite their higher sensitivity to somatosensory stimuli than matrix neurons, modular neurons in the anesthetized prep were overall more responsive to auditory stimuli than somatosensory stimuli (albeit with a tendency to have offset responses to sounds). This suggests that modular neurons should not be thought of as primarily representing somatosensory input, but rather as being more prone to having their auditory responses modified by somatosensory input. However, this trend was different in the awake prep, where modular neurons became more responsive to somatosensory stimuli. Thus, to this reviewer, one of the most intriguing results of the present study is the extent to which neural responses in the LC changed in the awake preparation. While this is not entirely unexpected, the magnitude and stimulus specificity of the changes caused by anesthesia highlight the extent to which higher-level sensory processing is affected by anesthesia and strongly suggests that future studies of LC function should be conducted in awake animals.

      Together, the results of this study expand our understanding of the functional roles of matrix and module neurons by showing that responses in LC subregions are more complicated than might have been expected based on anatomy alone. The development of the microprism technique for imaging the LC will be a boon to the field, finally enabling much-needed studies of LC function in vivo. The experiments were well-designed and well-controlled, the limitations of two-photon imaging for tracking neural activity are acknowledged, and appropriate statistical tests were used.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This manuscript shows that mutations that disable the gene encoding the PTTH gene cause an increase in female receptivity (they mate more quickly), a phenotype that can be reversed by feeding these mutants the molting hormone, 20-hydoxyecdysone (20E). The use of an inducible system reveals that inhibition or activation of PTTH neurons during the larval stages increases and decreases female receptivity, respectively, suggesting that PTTH is required during the larval stages to affect the receptivity of the (adult) female fly. Showing that these neurons express the sex-determining gene dsx leads the authors to show that interfering with 20E actions in pC1 neurons, which are dsx-positive neurons known to regulate female receptivity, reduces female receptivity and increases the arborization pattern of pC1 neurons. The work concludes by showing that targeted knockdown of EcRA in pC1 neurons causes 527 genes to be differentially expressed in the brains of female flies, of which 123 passed a false discovery rate cutoff of 0.01; interestingly, the gene showing the greatest down-regulation was the gene encoding dopamine beta-monooxygenase.

      This reviewer appreciates the effort that was done to revise the manuscript and address the various comments made by the reviewers. Nevertheless, I feel that the main concerns remain. These are not necessarily due to an unwillingness on the part of the authors to address them, but rather to difficulties that are inherent to trying to assign specific roles to EcR and pC1 neurons at a time when major changes are occurring (or are about to occur) in the nervous system, and do so using tools that are currently not sharp or specific enough. Many of the conclusions are supported by the results and those that may have alternative interpretations can remain more speculative until better tools become available. It is, nevertheless, an interesting and provocative piece of work.


      This is an interesting piece of work, which may shed light on the basis for the observation noted previously that flies lacking PTTH neurons show reproductive defects ("... females show reduced fecundity"; McBrayer, 2007; DOI 10.1016/j.devcel.2007.11.003).


      There are some results whose interpretation seem ambiguous and findings whose causal relationship is implied but not demonstrated.

      (1) At some level, the findings reported here are not at all surprising. Since 20E regulates the profound changes that occur in the central nervous system (CNS) during metamorphosis, it is not surprising that PTTH would play a role in this process. Although animals lacking PTTH (rather paradoxically) live to adulthood, they do show greatly extended larval instars and a corresponding great delay in the 20E rise that signals the start of metamorphosis. For this reason, concluding that PTTH plays a SPECIFIC role in regulating female receptivity seems a little misleading, since the metamorphic remodeling of the entire CNS is likely altered in PTTH mutants. Since these mutants produce overall normal (albeit larger--due to their prolonged larval stages) adults, these alterations are likely to be subtle. Courtship has been reported as one defect expressed by animals lacking PTTH neurons, but this behavior may stand out because reduced fertility and increased male-male courtship (McBrayer, 2007) would be noticeable defects to researchers handling these flies. By contrast, detecting defects in other behaviors (e.g., optomotor responses, learning and memory, sleep, etc) would require closer examination. For this reason I would ask the authors to temper their statement that PTTH is SPECIFICALLY involved in regulating female receptivity.<br /> (2) The link between PTTH and the role of pC1 neurons in regulating female receptivity is not clear. Again, since 20E controls the metamorphic changes that occur in the CNS, it is not surprising that 20E would regulate the arborization of pC1 neurons. And since these neurons have been implicated in female receptivity, it would therefore be expected that altering 20E signaling in pC1 neurons would affect this phenotype. However, this does not mean that the defects in female receptivity expressed by PTTH mutants are due to defects in pC1 arborization. For this the authors would at least have to show that PTTH mutants show the changes in pC1 arborization shown in Fig. 6. And even then the most that could be said is that the changes observed in these neurons "may contribute" to the observed behavioral changes. Indeed, the changes observed in female receptivity may be caused by PTTH/20E actions on different neurons.<br /> (3) Some of the results need commenting on, or refining, or revising:<br /> (a) For some assays PTTH behaves sometimes like a recessive gene and at other times like a semi-dominant, and yet at others like a dominant gene. For instance, in Fig. 1D-G, PTTH[-]/+ flies behave like wildtype (D), express an intermediate phenotype (E-F), or behave like the mutant (G). This may all be correct but merits some comment.<br /> (b) Some of the conclusions are overstated. i) Although Fig. 2E-G does show that silencing the PTTH neurons during the larval stages affects copulation rate (E) the strength of the conclusion is tempered by the behavior of one of the controls (tub-GAL80[ts]/+, UAS-Kir2.1/+) in panels F and G, where it behaves essentially the same as the experimental group (and quite differently from the PTTH-GAL4/+ control; blue line).(Incidentally, the corresponding copulation latency should also be shown for these data.). ii) For Fig. 5I-K, the conclusion stated is that "Knock-down of EcR-A during pupal stage significantly decreased the copulation rate." Although strictly correct, the problem is that panel J is the only one for which the behavior of the control lacking the RNAi is not the same as that of the experimental group. Thus, it could just be that when the experiment was done at the pupal stage is the only situation when the controls were both different from the experimental. Again, the results shown in J are strictly speaking correct but the statement is too definitive given the behavior of one of the controls in panels I and K. Note also that panel F shows that the UAS-RNAi control causes a massive decrease in female fertility, yet no mention is made of this fact.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors conducted a human fMRI study investigating the omission of expected electrical shocks with varying probabilities. Participants were informed of the probability of shock and shock intensity trial-by-trial. The time point corresponding to the absence of the expected shock (with varying probability) was framed as a prediction error producing the cognitive state of relief/pleasure for the participant. fMRI activity in the VTA/SN and ventral putamen corresponded to the surprising omission of a high probability shock. Participants' subjective relief at having not been shocked correlated with activity in brain regions typically associated with reward-prediction errors. The overall conclusion of the manuscript was that the absence of an expected aversive outcome in human fMRI looks like a reward-prediction error seen in other studies that use positive outcomes.


      Overall, I found this to be a well-written human neuroimaging study investigating an often overlooked question on the role of aversive prediction errors, and how they may differ from reward-related prediction errors. The paper is well-written and the fMRI methods seem mostly rigorous and solid.

      Once again, the authors were very responsive to feedback. I have no further comments.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors have done a good job of creating a "resource" paper for the study of gut regeneration in sea cucumbers. They present a single-cell RNAseq atlas for the reconstitution of Holothuria glaberrima gut following self-evisceration in response to a potassium chloride injection. The authors provide data characterizing cellular populations and precursors of the regenerating anlage at 9 days post evisceration. As a "Tools and Resources" contribution to eLife, this work, with some revisions, could be appropriate. It will be impactful in the fields of regeneration, particularly in invertebrates, but also in comparative studies in other species, including evolutionary studies. Some of these comparative studies could extend to vertebrates and could therefore impact regenerative medicine in the future.

      Strengths:<br /> • Novel and useful information for a model organism and question for which this type of data has not yet been reported<br /> • Single-cell gene expression data will be valuable for developing testable hypotheses in the future<br /> • Marker genes for cell types provided to the field<br /> • Interesting predictions about possible lineage relationships between cells during sea cucumber gut regeneration

      Weaknesses:<br /> • Possible theoretical advances regarding lineage trajectories of cells during sea cucumber gut regeneration, but the claims that can be made with this data alone are still predictive<br /> • Better microscopy is needed for many figures to be convincing<br /> • Some minor additions to the figures will help readers understand the data more clearly

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This study by Dalal and Haddad analyzes two facets of cooperative recruitment of M/TCs as discerned through direct, ChR2-mediated spot stimulations:

      (1) mutual inhibition and<br /> (2) entrainment of action potential timing within the gamma frequency range.

      This investigation is conducted by contrasting the evoked activity elicited by a "central" stimulus spot, which induces an excitatory response alone, with that elicited when paired with stimulations of surrounding areas. Additionally, the effect of Gad2-expressing granule cells is examined.

      Based on the observed distance dependence and the impact of GC stimulations, the authors infer that mutual inhibition and gamma entrainment are mediated by distinct mechanisms.


      The results presented in this study offer a nice in vivo validation of the significant in vitro findings previously reported by Arevian, Kapoor, and Urban in 2008. Additionally, the distance-dependent analysis provides some mechanistic insights.


      The results largely reproduce previously reported findings, including those from the authors' own work, such as Dalal and Haddad (2022), where a key highlight was "Modulating GC activities dissociates MTCs odor-evoked gamma synchrony from firing rates." Some interpretations, particularly the claim regarding the distance independence of the entrainment effect, may be considered over-interpretations.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors aimed to characterize the cardiovascular effects of acute and repetitive taVNS as an index of safety. The authors concluded that taVNS treatment did not induce adverse cardiovascular effects, such as bradycardia or QT prolongation.


      This study has the potential to contribute important information about the clinical utility of taVNS as a safe immunomodulatory treatment approach for SAH patients.


      A number of limitations were identified:

      (1) A primary hypothesis should be clearly stated. Even though the authors state the design is a randomized clinical trial, several aspects of the study appear to be exploratory. The method of randomization was not stated. I am assuming it is a forced randomization given the small sample size and approximately equal numbers in each arm.

      (2) The authors "first investigated whether taVNS treatment induced bradycardia or QT prolongation, both potential adverse effects of vagus nerve stimulation. This analysis showed no significant differences in heart rate calculated from 24-hour ECG recording between groups." A justification should be provided for why a difference is expected from 20 minutes of taVNS over a period of 24 hours. Acute ECG changes are a concern for increasing arrhythmic risk, for example, due to cardiac electrical restitution properties.

      (3) More rigorous evaluation is necessary to support the conclusion that taVNS did not change heart rate, HRV, QTc, etc. For example, shifts in peak frequencies of the high-frequency vs. low-frequency power may be effective at distinguishing the effects of taVNS. Further, compensatory sympathetic responses due to taVNS should be explored by quantifying the changes in the trajectory of these metrics during and following taVNS.

      (4) The authors do not state how the QT was corrected and at what range of heart rates. Because all forms of corrections are approximations, the actual QT data should be reported along with the corrected QT.

      (5) The QT extraction method needs to be more robust. For example, in Figure 2C, the baseline voltage of the ECG is shifting while the threshold appears to be fixed. If indeed the threshold is not dynamic and does not account for baseline fluctuations (e.g., due to impedance changes from respiration), then the measures of the QT intervals were likely inaccurate.

      (6) More statistical rigor is needed. For example, in Figure 2D, the change in heart rate for days 5-7, 8-10, and 11-13 is clearly a bimodal distribution and as such, should not be analyzed as a single distribution. Similarly, Figure 2E also shows a bimodal distribution. Without the QT data, it is unclear whether this is due to the application of the heart rate correction method.

      (7) Figure 3A shows a number of outliers. A SDNN range of 200 msec should raise concern for a non-sinus rhythm such as arrhythmia or artifact, instead of sinus arrhythmia. Moreover, Figure 3B shows that the Sham RMSSD data distribution is substantially skewed by the presence of at least 3 outliers, resulting in lower RMSSD values compared to taVNS. What types of artifact or arrhythmia discrimination did the authors employ to ensure the reported analysis is on sinus rhythm? The overall results seem to be driven by outliers.

      (8) The above concern will also affect the power analysis, which was reported by authors to have been performed based on the t-test assuming the medium effect size, but the details of sample size calculations were not reported, e.g., X% power, t-test assumed Bonferroni correction in the power analysis, etc.

      (9) If the study was designed to show a cardiovascular effect, I am surprised that N=10 per group was considered to be sufficiently powered given the extensive reports in the literature on how HRV measures (except when pathologically low) vary within individuals. Moreover, HRV measures are especially susceptible to noise, artifacts, and outliers.

      If the study was designed to show a lack of cardiovascular effect (as the conclusions and introduction seem to suggest), then a several-fold larger sample size is warranted.

    1. International cooperation and an approach to ADM and machine learning grounded in human rights.

      Llamado a la acción

      Una revisión a nivel de agencias de la ONU sobre la aplicación de las leyes y estándares internacionales de derechos humanos existentes para la gestión de los datos automatizados, el aprendizaje automático y el género: esto puede guiar y provocar el pensamiento creativo para un enfoque basado en los derechos humanos que sea adecuado para el propósito en la era digital que cambia rápidamente.

      Desarrollo de un conjunto de métricas para la inclusión digital: debe acordarse urgentemente, medirse en todo el mundo y detallarse con datos desagregados por sexo en los informes anuales de instituciones como la ONU, el Fondo Monetario Internacional, la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones, el Banco Mundial y otros bancos multilaterales de desarrollo, y la OCDE.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Why mitochondria are finely maintained in the female germ cell (oocyte), zygotes, and preimplantation embryos? Mitochondrial fusion seems beneficial in somatic cells to compensate for mitochondria with mutated mtDNA that potentially defuel the respiratory activity if accumulated above a certain threshold. However, in the germ cells, it may rather increase the risk of transmitting mutated mtDNA to the next generation, as authors discussed. Also, finely maintained mitochondria would also be beneficial for efficient removal when damaged. Due in part to the limited suitable model, the physiological role of mitochondrial fission in embryos were obscure. In this study, authors demonstrated that mitochondrial fission prevents multiple adverse outcomes, even including the aberrant demixing of parental genome in zygotic stage. This is an important study that could contribute by proposing a new mechanism for solving problems that actually arise in the field of reproductive medicine. The conclusion is simple and clear, but the high level of technology has made it possible to overcome the difficulties of proving the results, making this an extremely excellent study.

      Seemingly, there are few apparent shortcomings. Following are the specific comments to activate the further open discussion.<br /> - Line 246: Comments on cristae morphology of mitochondria in Drp1-depleted embryos would better be added.<br /> - Regarding Figure 2H: If possible, a representative picture of Ateam would better be included in the figure. As the authors discussed in line 458, Ateam may be able to detect whether any alterations of local energy demand occurred in the Drp1-depleted embryos.<br /> - Line 282: In Figure 3-Video 1, mitochondria were seemingly more aggregated around female pronucleus. Is it OK to understand that there is no gender preference of pronuclei being encircled by more aggregated mitochondria?<br /> - Line 317: A little more explanation of the "variability" would be fine. Does that basically mean that the Ca2+ response in both Drp1-depleted blastomeres were lower than control and blastomere with more highly aggregated mitochondria show severer phenotype compared to the other blastomere with fewer mito?<br /> - Regarding Figure 5B (& Figure 1-figure supplement 1B): Do authors think that there would be less abnormalities in the embryos if Drp1 is trim-awayed after 2-cell or 4-cell, in which mitochondria are less involved in the spindle?

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The pathomechanism underlying Sjögren's syndrome (SS) remains elusive. The Authors have studied if altered calcium signaling might be a factor in SS development in a commonly used mouse model. They provide a thorough and straightforward characterization of the salivary gland fluid secretion, cytoplasmic calcium signaling and mitochondrial morphology and respiration. A special strength of the study is the spectacular in vivo imaging, very few if any groups could have succeeded with the studies. The Authors show that the cytoplasmic calcium signaling is upregulated in the SS model and the Ca2+ regulated Cl- channels normally localized and function, still fluid secretion is suppressed. They also find altered localization of the IP3R and speculate about lesser exposure of Cl- channels to high local [Ca2+]. In addition, they describe changes in mitochondrial morphology and function that might also contribute to the attenuated secretory response. Although, the exact contribution of calcium and mitochondria to secretory dysfunction remains to be determined, the results seem to be useful for a range of scientists.

      Comments on revised version:

      I appreciate the Authors' responses and am satisfied with the revised manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This is a well-designed and rigorous comparative study of the conformational dynamics of two chemokine receptors, the canonical CXCR4 and the atypical ACKR3, using single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy. These receptors play a role in cell migration and may be relevant for developing drugs targeting tumor growth in cancers. The authors use single-molecule FRET to obtain distributions of a specific intermolecular distance that changes upon activation of the receptor and track differences between the two receptors in the apo state, and in response to ligands and mutations. The picture emerging is that more dynamic conformations promote more basal activity and more promiscuous coupling of the receptor to effectors.


      The study is well designed to test the main hypothesis, the sample preparation and the experiments conducted are sound and the data analysis is rigorous. The technique, smFRET, allows for the detection of several substates, even those that are rarely sampled, and it can provide a "connectivity map" by looking at the transition probabilities between states. The receptors are reconstituted in nanodiscs to create a native-like environment. The examples of raw donor/acceptor intensity traces and FRET traces look convincing and the data analysis is reliable to extract the sub-states of the ensemble. The role of specific residues in creating a more flat conformational landscape in ACKR3 (e.g., Y257 and the C34-C287 bridge) is well documented in the paper.


      The kinetics side of the analysis is mentioned, but not described and discussed. I am not sure why since the data contains that information. For instance, it is not clear if greater conformational flexibility is accompanied by faster transitions between states or not.

      The method to choose the number of states seems reasonable, but the "similarity" of states argument (Figures S4 and S6) is not that clear.

      Also, the "dynamics" explanation offered for ACKR3's failure to couple and activate G proteins is not very convincing. In other studies, it was shown that activation of GPCRs by agonists leads to an increase in local dynamics around the TM6 labelling site, but that did not prevent G protein coupling and activation.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This manuscript reports a detailed model of the rat non-barrel somatosensory cortex, consisting of 4.2 million morphologically and biophysically detailed neuron models, arranged in space and connected according to highly sophisticated rules informed by diverse experimental data. Due to its breadth and sophistication, the model will undoubtedly be of interest to the community, and the reporting of anatomical details of modeling in this paper is important for understanding all the assumptions and procedures involved in constructing the model. While a useful contribution to this field, the model and the manuscript could be improved by employing data more directly and comparing simple features of the model's connectivity - in particular, connection probabilities - with relevant experimental data.

      The manuscript is well-written overall but contains a substantial number of confusing or unclear statements, and some important information is not provided.

      Below, major concerns are listed, followed by more specific but still important issues.


      (1) Cortical connectivity.

      Section 2.3, "Local, mid-range and extrinsic connectivity modeled separately", and Figure 4: I am confused about what is done here and why. The authors have target data for connectivity (Figure 4B1). But then they use an apposition-based algorithm that results in connectivity that is quite different from the data (Figure 4B2, C). They then use a correction based on the data (Figure 4E) to arrive at a more realistic connectivity. Why not set the connectivity based on the data right away then? That would seem like a more straightforward approach.

      The same comment applies to Section 2.4., "Specificity of axonal targeting": the distributions of synapses on different types of target cell compartments were not well captured by the original model based on axon-dendrite overlap and pruning, so the authors introduced further pruning to match data specificity. While details of this process and what worked and what didn't may be interesting to some, overall it is not surprising, as it has been well known that cell types exhibit connectivity that is much more specific than "Peters rule" or its simple variations. The question is, since one has the data, why not use the data in the first place to set up the connectivity, instead of using the convoluted process of employing axon-dendrite overlap followed by multiple corrections?

      Most importantly, what is missing from the whole paper is the characterization of connection probabilities, at least for the local circuit within one area. Such connection probabilities can be obtained from the data that the authors already use here, such as the MICRONS dataset. Another good source of such data is Campagnola et al., Science, 2022. Both datasets are for mouse V1, but they provide a comprehensive characterization across all cortical layers, thus offering a good benchmark for comparison of the model with the data. It would be important for the authors to show how connection probabilities realized in their model for different cell types compared to these data.

      (2) Section 2.5, "Structure of thalamic inputs" and Figure 6.

      The text in section 2.5 should provide more details on what was done - namely, that the thalamic axons were generated based on the axon density profiles and then synapses were established based on their overall with cortical dendrites. Figure S10 where the target axon densities from data and the model axon densities are compared is not even mentioned here. Now, Figure S10 only shows that the axon densities were generated in a way that matches the data reasonably well. However, how can we know that it results in connectivity that agrees with data? Are there data sources that can be used for that purpose? For example, the authors show that in their model "the peaks of the mean number of thalamic inputs per neuron occur at lower depths than the peaks of the synaptic density". Is this prediction of the model consistent with any available data?

      Most importantly, the authors should show how the different cell types in their model are targeted by the thalamic inputs in each layer. Experimental studies have been done suggesting specificity in targeting of interneuron types by thalamic axons, such as PV cells being targeted strongly whereas SST and VIP cells being targeted less.

      (3) "We have therefore made not only the model but also most of our tool chain openly available to the public (Figure 1; step 7)."<br /> In fact it is not the whole model that is made publicly available, but only about 5% of it (211,000 out of 4,200,000 neurons). Also, why is "most" of the tool chain made openly available, and not the whole tool chain?


      "At each soma location, a reconstruction of the corresponding m-type was chosen based on the size and shape of its dendritic and axonal trees (Figure S6). Additionally, it was rotated to according to the orientation towards the cortical surface at that point."

      After this procedure, were cells additionally rotated around the white matter-pia axis? If yes, then how much and randomly or not? If not, then why not? Such rotations would seem important because otherwise additional order potentially not present in the real cortex is introduced in the model affecting connectivity and possibly also in vivo physiology (such as the dynamics of the extracellular electric field).

      The term "new in vivo reconstructions" for the 58 neurons used in this paper in addition to "in vitro reconstructions" is a misnomer. It is not straightforward to see where the procedure is described, but then one finds that the part of Methods that describes experimental manipulations is mostly about that (so, a clearer pointer to that part of Methods could be useful). However, the description in Methods makes it clear that it is only labeling that is done in vivo; the microscopy and reconstruction are done subsequently in vitro. I would recommend changing the terminology here, as it is confusing. Also, can the authors show reconstructions of these neurons in the supplementary figures? Is the reconstruction shown in Figure 4A representative?

      In the Discussion, "This was taken into account during the modeling of the anatomical composition, e.g. by using three-dimensional, layer-specific neuron density profiles that match biological measurements, and by ensuring the biologically correct orientation of model neurons with respect to the orientation towards the cortical surface. As local connectivity was derived from axo-dendritic appositions in the anatomical model, it was strongly affected by these aspects.<br /> However, this approach alone was insufficient at the large spatial scale of the model, as it was limited to connections at distances below 1000μm."

      As mentioned above, it is not clear that this approach was sufficient for local connectivity either. It would be great if the authors showed a systematic comparison of local connection probabilities between different cell types in their model with experimental data and commented here in the Discussion about how well the model agrees with the data.

      In the Discussion: "The combined connectome therefore captures important correlations at that level, such as slender-tufted layer 5 PCs sending strong non-local cortico-cortical connections, but thick-tufted layer 5 PCs not." (Also the corresponding findings in Results.)

      If I understand this statement correctly, it may not agree with biological data. See analysis from MICRONS dataset in Bodor et al., https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.10.18.562531v1.

      Table 2 is confusing. What do pluses and minuses mean? What does it mean that some entries have two pluses? This table is not mentioned anywhere else in the text. If pluses mean some meaningful predictions of the model, then their distribution in the table seems quite liberal and arbitrary. It is not clear to me that the model makes that many predictions, especially for type-specificity and plasticity. Also, why is the hippocampus mentioned in this table? I don't see anything about the hippocampus anywhere else in the paper.

      In the Discussion, "Thus, we made the tools to improve our model also openly available (see Data and Code availability section)."<br /> As mentioned before, the authors themselves write that they made "most of our tool chain openly available to the public", but not all of it.

      Table S2 has multiple question marks. It is not clear whether the "predictions" listed in that table are truly well-thought-out and/or whether experimental confirmations are real.

      Introduction: It would be quite appropriate to cite here Einevoll et al., Neuron, 2019 ("The Scientific Case for Brain Simulations").

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      It has been previously reported in many high-profile papers, that C. elegans can learn to avoid pathogens. Moreover, this learned pathogen avoidance can be passed on to future generations - up to the F5 generation in some reports. In this paper, Gainey et al. set out to replicate these findings. They successfully replicated pathogen avoidance in the exposed animals, as well as a strong increase in daf-7 expression in ASI neurons in F1 animals, as determined by a daf-7::GFP reporter construct. However, they failed to see strong evidence for pathogen avoidance or daf-7 overexpression in the F2 generation. The failure of replication is the major focus of this work.

      Given their failure to replicate these findings, the authors embark on a thorough test of various experimental confounders that may have impacted their results. They also re-analyze the small RNA sequencing and mRNA sequencing data from one of the previously published papers and draw some new conclusions, extending this analysis.


      (1) The authors provide a thorough description of their methods, and a marked-up version of a published protocol that describes how they adapted the protocol to their lab conditions. It should be easy to replicate the experiments.

      (2) The authors test the source of bacteria, growth temperature (of both C. elegans and bacteria), and light/dark husbandry conditions. They also supply all their raw data, so that the sample size for each testing plate can be easily seen (in the supplementary data). None of these variations appears to have a measurable effect on pathogen avoidance in the F2 generation, with all but one of the experiments failing to exhibit learned pathogen avoidance.

      (3) The small RNA seq and mRNA seq analysis is well performed and extends the results shown in the original paper. The original paper did not give many details of the small RNA analysis, which was an oversight. Although not a major focus of this paper, it is a worthwhile extension of the previous work.

      (4) It is rare that negative results such as these are accessible. Although the authors were unable to determine the reason that their results differ from those previously published, it is important to document these attempts in detail, as has been done here. Behavioral assays are notoriously difficult to perform and public discourse around these attempts may give clarity to the difficulties faced by a controversial field.


      (1) Although the "standard" conditions have been tested over multiple biological replicates, many of the potential confounders that may have altered the results have been tested only once or twice. For example, changing the incubation temperature to 25{degree sign}C was tested in only two biological replicates (Exp 5.1 and 5.2) - and one of these experiments actually resulted in apparent pathogen avoidance inheritance in the F2 generation (but not in the F1). An alternative pathogen source was tested in only one biological replicate (Exp 3). Given the variability observed in the F2 generation, increasing biological replicates would have added to the strengths of the report.

      (2) A key difference between the methods used here and those published previously, is an increase in the age of the animals used for training - from mostly L4 to mostly young adults. I was unable to find a clear example of an experiment when these two conditions were compared, although the authors state that it made no difference to their results.

      (3) The original paper reports a transgenerational avoidance effect up to the F5 generation. Although in this work the authors failed to see avoidance in the F2 generation, it would have been prudent to extend their tests for more generations in at least a couple of their experiments to ensure that the F2 generation was not an aberration (although this reviewer acknowledges that this seems unlikely to be the case).

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Sun et al. present a manuscript detailing the phenotypic characterization of loss of Znhit1 in male germ cells. Znhit1 is a subunit of the chromatin regulating complex SRCAP that functions to deposit the histone variant H2A.Z. Given that meiosis, and specifically meiotic recombination, occurs in the context of the dynamic condensing of chromosomes, the role of chromatin regulators in general, and histone variants specifically, in mammalian meiosis is an active area of research. Previous work has shown that H2A.Z is found at the locations of recombination in plants, although H2A.Z was previously not found at recombination sites in mammalian meiosis. Here the authors use a conditional approach to ablate Znhit1 in spermatocytes and characterize a block in meiosis in prophase I in the transition from pachytene to diplotene stage.


      The authors combine current methods in immunohistochemistry and functional genomics to provide strong evidence of meiotic block upon the loss of Znhit1. They find that loss of Znhit1 leads to reduced incorporation of the histone variant H2A.Z, specifically at promoters and enhancers. Further, RNA sequencing found more genes are down-regulated upon loss of Znhit1 compared to upregulated, suggesting that incorporation of H2A.Z is critical for the expression of genes necessary for successful meiotic progression.

      A strength of the manuscript is tying the locations of changes in H2A.Z deposition with binding of the transcription factor A-MYB, providing a mechanism that can potentially combine the changes in chromatin regulation with variable binding of a transcription factor in gene expression in pachytene stage spermatocytes.


      A weakness in the single-cell RNA experiment using cells from 16-day-old male mice. The authors suggest that the rationale for the experiment was to determine where the Znhit1-sKO mutant showed an arrest in meiosis, and claim that this is the pachytene stage. However, in the 'first wave' of meiosis 16-day-old mice are just beginning to enter pachytene, so cells from later meiotic stages will be largely absent in these tubules. This is clear from the UMAP showing a similar pattern of cell distributions between wild-type and mutant mice. Using older mice would have better demonstrated where the mutant and wild-type mice differ in cell-type composition.

      The authors use the term pachytene genome activation (PGS) in the manuscript to suggest a novel process by which genes are specifically increased in expression in the pachytene stage of meiotic prophase I, without reference to literature that establishes the term. If the authors are putting forward a new concept defined by this term, it would strengthen the manuscript to describe it further and delineate what the genes are that are activated and discuss potential mechanisms.

      Generally speaking, the authors present solid evidence for a pachytene block in male germ cell development in mice lacking Znhit1 in spermatocytes. The evidence supporting a change in gene expression during pachytene, that more genes are downregulated in the mutant compared to increased expression, and changes in histone modification dynamics and placement of H2A.Z all support a role in alterations in meiotic gene regulation. However, the support that changes in H2A.Z impacting meiotic recombination (as suggested in the manuscript title) is less supported, rather than a general cell arrest in the pachytene stage leading to cell death. The conclusions around the role of Znhit1 influencing meiotic recombination directly could use further justification or mechanistic hypothesis.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Simoes et al enhanced dynamic glucose-enhanced (DGE) deuterium spectroscopy with Deuterium Metabolic Imaging (DMI) to characterize the kinetics of glucose conversion in two murine models of glioblastoma (GBM). The authors combined spectroscopic imaging and noise attenuation with histological analysis and showcased the efficacy of metabolic markers determined from DGE DMI to correlate with histological features of the tumors. This approach is also potent to differentiate the two models from GL261 and CT2A.


      The primary strength of this study is to highlight the significance of DGE DMI in interrogating the metabolic flux from glucose. The authors focused on glutamine/glutamate and lactate. They attempted to correlate the imaging findings with in-depth histological analysis to depict the link between metabolic features and pathological characteristics such as cell density, infiltration, and distant migration.


      (1) A lack of genetic interrogation is a major weakness of this study. It was unclear what underlying genetic/epigenetic aberrations in GL261 and CT2A account for the metabolic difference observed with DGE DMI. A correlative metabolic confirmation using mass spectrometry of the two tumor specimens would give insight into the observed imaging findings.

      (2) A better depiction of the imaging features and tumor heterogeneity would support the authors' multimodal attempt.

      (3) Integration of the various cell types in the tumor microenvironment, as allowed with the resolution of DGE DMI, will explain the observed difference between GL261 and CT2A. Is there a higher percentage of infiltrative "other cells" observed in GL261 tumor?

      (4)This underlying technology with DGE DMI is capable of identifying more heterogeneous GBM tumors. A validation cohort of additional in vivo models will offer additional support to the potential clinical impact of this study.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Out of the 20 Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) highlighted by the WHO, three are caused by members of the trypanosomatids, namely Leishmanaisis, Trypanosomiasis, and Chagas disease. Trypanosomal glycolytic enzymes including pyruvate kinase (PyK) have long been recognised as potential targets. In this important study, single-chain camelid antibodies have been developed as novel and potent inhibitors of PyK from the T, congolense. To gain structural insight into the mode of action, binding was further characterised by biophysical and structural methods, including crystal structure determination of the enzyme-nanobody complex. The results revealed a novel allosteric mechanism/pathway with significant potential for the future development of novel drugs targeting allosteric and/or cryptic binding sites.


      This paper covers an important area of science towards the development of novel therapies for three of the Neglected Tropical Diseases. The manuscript is very clearly written with excellent graphics making it accessible to a wide readership beyond experts. Particular strengths are the wide range of experimental and computational techniques applied to an important biological problem. The use of nanobodies in all areas from biophysical binding experiments and X-ray crystallography to in-vivo studies is particularly impressive. This is likely to inspire researchers from many areas to consider the use of nanobodies in their fields.


      There is no particular weakness, but I think the computational analysis of allostery, which basically relies on a single server could have been more detailed.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The present study proposes a neural circuit model consisting of coupled sensory and memory networks to explain the circuit mechanism of the cardinal effect in orientation perception which is characterized by the bias towards the oblique orientation and the largest variance at the oblique orientation.


      The authors have done numerical simulations and preliminary analysis of the neural circuit model to show the model successfully reproduces the cardinal effect. And the paper is well-written overall. As far as I know, most of the studies on the cardinal effect are at the level of statistical models, and the current study provides one possibility of how neural circuit models reproduce such an effect.


      There are no major weaknesses and flaws in the present study, although I suggest the author conduct further analysis to deepen our understanding of the circuit mechanism of the cardinal effects. Please find my recommendations for concrete comments.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This paper builds on the authors' original development of a near infrared (NIR) FRET sensor by reporting in vivo real-time measurements for gamma-secretase activity in the mouse cortex. The in vivo application of the sensor using state-of-the-art techniques is supported by a clear description and straightforward data, and the project represents significant progress because so few biosensors work in vivo. Notably, the NIR biosensor is detectable to ~ 100 µm depth in the cortex. A minor limitation is that this sensor has a relatively modest ΔF as reported in Houser et al, which is an additional challenge for its use in vivo. Thus, the data is fully dependent on post-capture processing and computational analyses. This can unintentionally introduce biases but is not an insurmountable issue with the proper controls that the authors have performed here.

      The following opportunity for improving the system didn't initially present itself until the authors performed an important test of the FRET sensor in vivo following DAPT treatment. The authors get credit for diligently reporting the unexpected decrease in 720/670 FRET ratio. In turn this has led to a suggestion that this sensor would benefit from a control that is insensitive to gamma-secretase activity. FRET influences that are independent of gamma-secretase activity could be distinguished by this control.

      From previous results in cultured neurons, the authors expected an increase in FRET following DAPT treatment in vivo. These expectations fit with the sensor's mode-of-action because a block of gamma-secretase activity should retain the fluorophores in proximity. When the authors observed decreased FRET, the conclusion was that the sensor performs differently in different cellular contexts. However, a major concern is that mechanistically it is unclear how this could occur with this type of sensor. The relative orientation of fluorophores indeed can contribute to FRET efficiency in tension-based sensors. However, the proteolysis expected with gamma-secretase activity would release tension and orientation constraints. Thus, the major contributing FRET factor is expected to be distance, not orientation. Alternative possibilities that could inadvertently affect readouts include an additional DAPT target in vivo sequestering the inhibitor, secondary pH effects on FRET, photo-bleaching, or an unidentified fluorophore quencher in vivo stimulated by DAPT. Ultimately this new FRET sensor would benefit from a control that is insensitive to gamma-secretase activity. FRET influences that are independent of gamma-secretase activity could be distinguished by this control.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This manuscript describes a study of the olfactory tubercle in the context of reward representation in the brain. The authors do so by studying the responses of OT neurons to odors with various reward contingencies and compare systematically to the ventral pallidum. Through careful tracing, they present convincing anatomical evidence that the projection from the olfactory tubercle is restricted to the lateral portion of the ventral pallidum.

      Using a clever behavioral paradigm, the authors then investigate how D1 receptor- vs. D2 receptor-expressing neurons of the OT respond to odors as mice learn different contingencies. The authors find that, while the D1-expressing OT neurons are modulated marginally more by the rewarded odor than the D2-expressing OT neurons as mice learn the contingencies, this modulation is significantly less than is observed for the ventral pallidum. In addition, neither of the OT neuron classes shows conspicuous amount of modulation by the reward itself. In contrast, the OT neurons contained information that could distinguish odor identities. These observations have led the authors to conclude that the primary feature represented in the OT may not be reward.


      The highly localized projection pattern from olfactory tubercle to ventral pallidum is a valuable finding and suggests that studying this connection may give unique insights into the transformation of odor by reward association.

      Comparison of olfactory tubervle vs. ventral pallidum is a good strategy to further clarify the olfactory tubercle's position in value representation in the brain.


      The study comes to a different conclusion about the olfactory tubercle regarding reward representations from several other prior works. Whether this stems from a difference in the experimental configurations such as behavioral paradigms used or indeed points to a conceptually different role for the olfactory tubercle remains to be seen.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      GluK1 forms glutamate-gated ion channels with an important function in synaptic transmission and neuronal excitability. Alternative RNA splicing has been described for these channels, allowing the diversification of GluK1 channels. The GluK1 splice variant GluK1-1a contains 15 residues in the amino-terminal domain, resulting from the Exon 9 splice insert. GluK1-1a displays significant expression in different regions of the brain, likely co-expressing with other Gluk channels. The impact of the 15 residues on GluK1 channel properties and the overall structure has not been studied yet. The paper by Dhingra et al. aims to evaluate the impact of the Exon 9 splice insert on GluK1.1 channel function and structure. This work uses electrophysiological approaches, including whole-cell and patch clamp recordings, to determine the effect of the splice insert on GluK1.1 gating properties, including desensitization, agonist efficacy, recovery from desensitization, and rectification. By using mutagenesis and biochemical approaches, the authors studied the role of positively charged residues in the splice insert on channel properties and the interaction with modulatory Neto proteins. This work also shows the effect of the splice insert on the regulation of GluK1 channels by Neto proteins. Finally, by using Cryo-EM and single-particle analysis, the authors reconstructed a model for a homomeric GluK1-1a channel. Overall, this work provides two major milestones: 1) the first functional characterization of the GluK1-1a variant and 2) the first structure of this channel.

      The functional data supporting the role of the insert on channel properties is convincing, although the current data does not provide significant insights about the mechanism. The overall structure in a putative desensitized state shows no differences with channels lacking the splice insert. However, some domains, including most of the 15 residues unique for the GluK1-1a variant were not resolved, suggesting high flexibility or conformational heterogeneity in those regions. Also, the low resolution of the obtained structures precludes conclusions on the structural basis for the role of the insert in channel function/regulation. Nonetheless, this paper represents an important advance in the study of glutamate receptors and invites the field to elucidate the structural basis for gating properties in GluK1-1a channels as well as other glutamate receptors. A more in-depth study about the role of splicing variants on ligand binding affinity, regulation by modulatory subunits such as Neto proteins, and the potential impact of this specific variant on heteromeric channels would also be relevant.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Understanding the structure and function of the photosynthetic machinery is crucial for grasping its mode of action. Photosystem I (PSI) plays a vital role in light-driven electron transfer, which is essential for generating cellular reducing power. A primary strategy to mitigate light and environmental stresses involves incorporating peripheral light-harvesting proteins. Among various lineages, the number of LHCIs and their protein and pigment compositions differ significantly in PSI-LHCI structures. However, it is still unclear how LHCIs recognize their specific binding sites in the PSI core. This study aims to address this question by obtaining a high-resolution structure of the PSI supercomplex, including fucoxanthin chlorophyll a/c-binding proteins (FCPs), referred to as PSI-FCPI, isolated from the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Through structural and sequence analyses, distinct protein-protein interactions are identified at the interfaces between FCPI and PSI subunits, as well as among FCPI subunits themselves.


      The primary strength of this work lies in its superb isolation and structural determination, followed by clear discussion and conclusions. However, the interactions among the protein complexes and their relevance in formulating general rules are not definitively established. While efficiency is a crucial aspect, preventing damage is equally important, and currently, we cannot infer this from the provided structures.


      The interactions among the protein complexes and their relevance in formulating general rules are not definitively established. While efficiency is a crucial aspect, preventing damage is equally important, and currently, we cannot infer this from the provided structures.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors investigated the assembly and polar localization of the chemosensory cluster in P. aeruginosa. They discovered that a certain protein (FlhF) is required for the polar localization of the chemosensory cluster while a fully-assembled motor is necessary for the assembly of the cluster. They found that flagella and chemosensory clusters always co-localize in the cell; either at the cell pole in wild-type cells or randomly-located in the cell in FlhF mutant cells. They hypothesize that this co-localization is required to keep the level of another protein (CheY-P), which controls motor switching, at low levels as the presence of high levels of this protein (if the flagella and chemosensory clusters were not co-localized) is associated with high-levels of c-di-GMP and cell aggregations.


      The manuscript is clearly written and straightforward. The authors applied multiple techniques to study the bacterial motility system including fluorescence light microscopy and gene editing. In general, the work enhances our understanding of the subtlety of interaction between the chemosensory cluster and the flagellar motor to regulate cell motility.


      The major weakness in this paper is that the authors never discussed how the flagellar gene expression is controlled in P. aeruginosa. For example, in E. coli there is a transcriptional hierarchy for the flagellar genes (early, middle, and late genes, see Chilcott and Hughes, 2000). Similarly, Campylobacter and Helicobacter have a different regulatory cascade for their flagellar genes (See Lertsethtakarn, Ottemann, and Hendrixson, 2011). How does the expression of flagellar genes in P. aeruginosa compare to other species? How many classes are there for these genes? Is there a hierarchy in their expression and how does this affect the results of the FliF and FliG mutants? In other words, if FliF and FliG are in class I (as in E. coli) then their absence might affect the expression of other later flagellar genes in subsequent classes (i.e., chemosensory genes). Also, in both FliF and FliG mutants no assembly intermediates of the flagellar motor are present in the cell as FliG is required for the assembly of FliF (see Hiroyuki Terashima et al. 2020, Kaplan et al. 2019, Kaplan et al. 2022). It could be argued that when the motor is not assembled then this will affect the expression of the other genes (e.g., those of the chemosensory cluster) which might play a role in the decreased level of chemosensory clusters the authors find in these mutants.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, Davies and Plate set out to discover conserved host interactors of coronavirus non-structural proteins (Nsp). They used 293T cells to ectopically express flag-tagged Nsp2 and Nsp4 from five human and mouse coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-1 and 2, and analyzed their interaction with host proteins by affinity purification mass-spectrometry (AP-MS). To confirm whether such interactors play a role in coronavirus infection, the authors measured the effects of individual knockdowns on replication of murine hepatitis virus (MHV) in mouse Delayed Brain Tumor cells. Using this approach, they identified a previously undescribed interactor of Nsp2, Malectin (Mlec), which is involved in glycoprotein processing and shows a potent pro-viral function in both MHV and SARS-CoV-2. Although the authors were unable to confirm this interaction in MHV-infected cells, they show that infection remodels many other Mlec interactions, recruiting it to the ER complex that catalyzes protein glycosylation (OST). Mlec knockdown reduced viral RNA and protein levels during MHV infection, although such effects were not limited to specific viral proteins. However, knockdown reduced the levels of five viral glycopeptides that map to Spike protein, suggesting it may be affected by Mlec.

      Strengths:<br /> This is an elegant study that uses a state-of-the-art quantitative proteomic approach to identify host proteins that play critical roles in viral infection. Instead of focusing on a single protein from a single virus, it compares the interactomes of two viral proteins from five related viruses, generating a high confidence dataset. The functional follow-ups using multiple live and reporter viruses, including MHV and CoV2 variants, convincingly depict a pro-viral role for Mlec, a protein not previously implicated in coronavirus biology.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Although a commonly used approach, AP-MS of ectopically expressed viral proteins may not accurately capture infection-related interactions. The authors observed Mlec-Nsp2 interactions in transfected 293T cells (1C) but were unable to reproduce those in mouse cells infected with MHV (3C). EIF4E2/GIGYF2, two bonafide interactors of CoV2 Nsp2 from previous studies, are listed as depleted compared to negative controls (S1D). Most other CoV2 Nsp2 interactors are also depleted by the same analysis (S1D). Previously reported MERS Nsp2 interactors, including ASCC1 and TCF25, are also not detected (S1D). Furthermore, although GIGYF2 was not identified as an interactor of MHV Nsp2/4 in human cells (S1D), its knockdown in mouse cells reduced MHV titers about 1000 fold (S4). The authors should attempt to explain these discrepancies.

      More importantly, the authors were unable to establish a direct link between Mlec and the biogenesis of any viral or host proteins, by mass-spectrometry or otherwise. Although it is clear that Mlec promotes coronavirus infection, the mechanism remains unclear. Its knockdown does not affect the proteome composition of uninfected cells (S15B), suggesting it is not required for proteome maintenance under normal conditions. The only viral glycopeptides detected during MHV infection originated from Spike (5D), although other viral proteins are also known to be glycosylated. Cells depleted for Mlec produce ~4-fold less Spike protein (4E) but no more than 2-fold less glycosylated spike peptides (5D), compounding the interpretation of Mlec effects on viral protein biogenesis. Furthermore, Spike is not essential for the pro-viral role of Mlec, given that Mlec knockdown reduces replication of SARS-CoV-2 replicons that express all viral proteins except for Spike (6A/B).

      Any of the observed effects on viral protein levels could be secondary to multiple other processes. Interventions that delay infection for any reason could lead to an imbalance of viral protein levels because Spike and other structural proteins are produced at a much higher rate than non-structural proteins due to the higher abundance of their cognate subgenomic RNAs. Similarly, the observation that Mlec depletion attenuates MHV-mediated changes to the host proteome (S15C/D) can also be attributed to indirect effects on viral replication, regardless of glycoprotein processing. In the discussion, the authors acknowledge that Mlec may indirectly affect infection through modulation of replication complex formation or ER stress, but do not offer any supporting evidence. Interestingly, plant homologs of Mlec are implicated in innate immunity, favoring a more global role for Mlec in mammalian coronavirus infections.

      Finally, the observation that both Nsp2 (3C) and Mlec (3E/F) are recruited to the OST complex during MHV infection neither support nor refute any of these alternate hypotheses, given that Mlec is known to interact with OST in uninfected cells and that Nsp2 may interact with OST as part of the full length unprocessed Orf1a, as it co-translationally translocates into the ER.

      Therefore, the main claims about the role of Mlec in coronavirus protein biogenesis are only partially supported.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors establish reagents and define experimental parameters useful for defining neurons retrograde to a neuron of interest.


      A clever approach, careful optimization, novel reagents, and convincing data together lead to convincing conclusions.


      In the current version of the manuscript, the tracing results could be better centered with respect to past work, certain methods could be presented more clearly, and other approaches worth considering.


      Trans-neuronal tracing in the larval zebrafish preparation has lagged behind rodent models, limiting "circuit-cracking" experiments. Previous work has demonstrated that pseudotyped rabies virus-mediated tracing could work, but published data suggested that there was considerable room for optimization. The authors take a major step forward here, identifying a number of key parameters to achieve success and establishing new transgenic reagents that incorporate modern intersectional approaches. As a proof of concept, the manuscript concludes with a rough characterization of inputs to cerebellar Purkinje cells. The work will be of considerable interest to neuroscientists who use the zebrafish model.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors of this study have examined which cation channels specifically confer to ventral tegmental area dopaminergic neurones their autonomic (spontaneous) firing properties. Having brought evidence for the key role played by NALCN and TRPC6 channels therein, the authors aimed at measuring whether these channels play some role in so-called depression-like (but see below) behaviors triggered by chronic exposure to different stressors. Following evidence for a down-regulation of TRPC6 protein expression in ventral tegmental area dopaminergic cells of stressed animals, the authors provide evidence through viral expression protocols for a causal link between such a down-regulation and so-called depression-like behaviors. The main strength of this study lies on a comprehensive bottom-up approach ranging from patch-clamp recordings to behavioral tasks. These tasks mainly address anxiety-like behaviors and so-called depression-like behaviors (sucrose choice, forced swim test, tail suspension test). The results gathered by means of these procedures are clearcut.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This study looked at slow changes in neuronal activity (on the order of minutes to hours) in the superior colliculus (SC) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) of two monkeys. They found that SC activity shows slow drift in neuronal activity like in the cortex. They then computed a motor index in SC neurons. By definition, this index is low if the neuron has stronger visual responses than motor responses, and it is low if the neuron has weaker visual responses and stronger motor responses. The authors found that the slow drift in neuronal activity was more prevalent in the low motor index SC neurons and less prevalent in the high motor index neurons. In addition, the authors measured pupil diameter and found it to correlate with slow drifts in neuronal activity, but only in the neurons with lower motor index of the SC. They concluded that arousal signals affecting slow drifts in neuronal modulations are brain-wide. They also concluded that these signals are not present in the deepest SC layers, and they interpreted this to mean that this minimizes the impact of arousal on unwanted eye movements.


      The paper is clear and well-written.

      Showing slow drifts in the SC activity is important to demonstrate that cortical slow drifts could be brain-wide.


      However, I am concerned about two main points:

      First, the authors repeatedly say that the "output" layers of the SC are the ones with the highest motor indices. This might not necessarily be accurate. For example, current thresholds for evoking saccades are lowest in the intermediate layers, and Mohler & Wurtz 1972 suggested that the output of the SC might be in the intermediate layers. Also, even if it were true that the high motor index neurons are the output, they are very few in the authors' data (this is also true in a lot of other labs, where it is less likely to see purely motor neurons in the SC). So, this makes one wonder if the electrode channels were simply too deep and already out of the SC? In other words, it seems important to show distributions of encountered neurons (regardless of the motor index) across depth, in order to better know how to interpret the tails of the distributions in the motor index histogram and in the other panels of Figure Supplement 1. I elaborate more on these points in the detailed comments below.

      Second, the authors find that the SC cells with a low motor index are modulated by pupil diameter. However, this could be completely independent of an "arousal signal". These cells have substantial visual responses. If the pupil diameter changes, then their activity should be influenced since the monkey is watching a luminous display. So, in this regard, the fact that they do not see "an arousal signal" in most motor neurons (through the pupil diameter analyses) is not evidence that the arousal signal is filtered out from the motor neurons. It could simply be that these neurons simply do not get affected by the pupil diameter because they do not have visual sensitivity. So, even with the pupil data, it is still a bit tricky for me to interpret that arousal signals are excluded from the "output layers" of the SC.

      I think that a remedy to the first point above is to change the text to make it a bit more descriptive and less interpretive. For example, just say that the slow drifts were less evident among the neurons with high motor index.

      For the second point, I think that it is important to consider the alternative caveat of different amounts of light entering the system. Changes in light level caused by pupil diameter variations can be quite large.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Different types of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) have different temporal properties - most prominently a distinction between sustained vs. transient responses to contrast. This has been well established in multiple species, including mice. In general, RGCs with dendrites that stratify close to the ganglion cell layer (GCL) are sustained; whereas those that stratify near the middle of the inner plexiform layer (IPL) are transient. This difference in RGC spiking responses aligns with similar differences in excitatory synaptic currents as well as with differences in glutamate release in the respective layers - shown previously and here, with a glutamate sensor (iGluSnFR) expressed in the RGCs of interest. Differences in glutamate release were not explained by differences in the distinct presynaptic bipolar cells' voltage responses, which were quite similar to one another. Rather, the difference in transient vs. sustained responses seems to emerge at the bipolar cell axon terminals in the form of glutamate release. This difference in the temporal pattern of glutamate release was correlated with differences in the size of synaptic ribbons (larger in the bipolar cells with more sustained responses), which also correlated with a greater number of vesicles in the vicinity of the larger ribbons.

      The main conclusion of the study relates to a correlation (because it is difficult to manipulate ribbon size or vesicle density experimentally): the bipolar cells with increased ribbon size/vesicle number would have a greater possibility of sustained release, which would be reflected in the postsynaptic RGC synaptic currents and RGC firing rates. This model proposes a mechanism for temporal channels that is independent of synaptic inhibition. Indeed, some experiments in the paper suggest that inhibition cannot explain the transient nature of glutamate release onto one of the RGC types. Still, it is surprising that such a diverse set of inhibitory interneurons in the retina would not play some role in diversifying the temporal properties of RGC responses.


      (1) The study uses a systematic approach to evaluating temporal properties of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) spiking outputs, excitatory synaptic inputs, presynaptic voltage responses, and presynaptic glutamate release. The combination of these experiments demonstrates an important step in the conversion from voltage to glutamate release in shaping response dynamics in RGCs.

      (2) The study uses a combination of electrophysiology, two-photon imaging, and scanning block-face EM to build a quantitative and coherent story about specific retinal circuits and their functional properties.


      (1) There were some interesting aspects of the study that were not completely resolved, and resolving some of these issues may go beyond the current study. For example, it was interesting that different extracellular media (Ames medium vs. ACSF) generated different degrees of transient vs. sustained responses in RGCs, but it was unclear how these media might have impacted ion channels at different levels of the circuit that could explain the effects on temporal tuning.

      (2) It was surprising that inhibition played such a small role in generating temporal tuning. At the same time, there were some gaps in the investigation of inhibition (e.g., IPSCs were not measured in either of the RGC types; pharmacology was used to investigate responses only in the transient RGCs).

      (3) There could be additional discussion and references to the literature describing several topics, including: temporal dynamics of glutamate release at different levels of the IPL; previous evidence that release sites from a single presynaptic neuron can differ in their temporal properties depending on the postsynaptic target; previous investigations of the role of inhibition in temporal tuning within retinal circuitry.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Wang and van Ede investigate whether and how attention re-orients within visual working memory following expected and unexpected centrally presented memory tests. Using a combination of spatial modulations in neural activity (EEG-alpha lateralization) and gaze bias quantified as time courses of microsaccade rate, the authors examined how retro cues with varying levels of reliability influence attentional deployment and subsequent memory performance. The conclusion is that attentional re-orienting occurs within visual working memory, even when tested centrally, with distinct patterns following expected and unexpected tests. The findings provide new value for the field and are likely of broad interest and impact, by highlighting working memory as an action-bound process (in)dependent on (an ambiguous) past.


      The study uniquely integrates behavioral data (accuracy and reaction time), EEG-alpha activity, and gaze tracking to provide a comprehensive analysis of attentional re-orienting within visual working memory. As typical for this research group, the validity of the findings follows from the task design that effectively manipulates the reliability of retro cues and isolates attentional processes related to memory tests. The use of well-established markers for spatial attention (i.e. alpha lateralization) and more recently entangled dependent variable (gaze bias) is commendable. Utilizing these dependent metrics, the concise report presents a thorough analysis of the scaling effects of cue reliability on attentional deployment, both at the behavioral and neural levels. The clear demonstration of prolonged attentional deployment following unexpected memory tests is particularly noteworthy, although there are no significant time clusters per definition as time isn't a factor in a statistical sense, the jackknife approach is convincing. Overall, the evidence is compelling allowing the conclusion of a second stage of internal attentional deployment following both expected and unexpected memory tests, highlighting the importance of memory verification and re-orienting processes.


      I want to stress upfront that these weaknesses are not specific to the presented work and do not affect my recommendation of the paper in its present form.

      The sample size is consistent with previous studies, a larger sample could enhance the generalizability and robustness of the findings. The authors acknowledge high noise levels in EEG-alpha activity, which may affect the reliability of this marker. This is a general issue in non-invasive electrophysiology that cannot be handled by the authors but an interested reader should be aware of it. Effectively, the sensitivity of the gaze analysis appears "better" in part due to the better SNR. The latter also sets the boundaries for single-tiral analyses as the authors correctly mention. In terms of generalizability, I am convinced that the main outcome will likely generalize to different samples and stimulus types. Yet, as typical for the field future research could explore different contexts and task demands to validate and extend the findings. The authors provide here how and why (including sharing of data and code).

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      On islands in the pacific, beachrock occurs near high tide level, composed of calcareous material. The surface of the beach rock is colonised by cyanobacteria and some eukaryotic algae. On Heron Island on the Southern Great Barrier Reef, beach rock occurs on the north and south side of the island in continuous slabs, which slope gently upwards toward the island. Thus the upper beach rock is only inundated at extreme high tides. On the south side, the major photosynthetic organism is a cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis, which forms tough smooth mats over all the beach rock. This cyanobacterium belongs to a newly discovered class called FaRLiP photosynthesisers, which carry out conventional photosynthesis under visible radiation using chlorophyll a (Chl a) but which deactivate most of the Chl a under near infra -red radiation (NIR) and produce chlorophyll f and chlorophyll d which can absorb NIR (700 - 760 nm). These NIR Chl molecules are repositioned in the reaction centres. In addition, an NIR-activated allophycocyanin (a phycobiliprotein) is synthesised and placed in the reaction centres. These FaRLiP cyanobacteria can carry out photosynthesis and primary production when placed under NIR. Here it is shown that in the mats of Chroococcidiopsis on the beach rock the upper layers carry out conventional photosynthesis while the lower layers carry out FaRLiP photosynthesis. It is shown that the FaRLiP-activated lower layers can produce up to 20% of the total photosynthetic primary production.


      The authors have researched sections of beachrock obtained from the beach rock on Heron Island. The Beach Rock on Heron Island occurs on both sides of the Island lying in a semi-horizontal position slightly sloping upwards toward the Island. At normal high tide, only the upper parts are not submerged. Black crusts occur in the uppermost parts of the beachrock. Brown crusts occur in the intermediate sites and pink crusts occur at the lowest part of the beachrock.

      The crusts are made up largely of cyanobacteria and the major component is a cyanobacterium of one species, tentatively identified by shape, pigmentation, and partial DNA analysis as Chroococcidiopsis.

      In this investigation sections of the beach rock from different levels have been analysed using three techniques:

      (1) Hyperspectral analysis to determine the layout of pigmented cells and their spectra.

      (2) Bioluminescence to determine the spectra of the cells in the sections.

      (3) Oxygen analysis, using luminescence lifetime imaging on special films closely applied to vertical sections of the beachrock.

      (4) Oxygen production from the surface of three-dimensional blocks of beach rock, illuminated with white light or Near Infra Red (NIR) radiation, from above.

      In addition, pigmentation has been analysed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).

      These techniques allow the following conclusions:

      (1) Scytonemin is a main screening compound for UV irradiation.

      (2) Carotenoids also play a part in screening from UV and probably visible radiation.

      (3) The cyanobacteria occur near the rock surface and contain Chl a plus some Chl f and a small amount of Chl d.

      (4) HPLC pigment analysis confirms the presence of Chl a plus Chl f and a small amount of Chl d.

      (5) The deeper layer with FaRLiP cyanobacteria produces oxygen under both visible light and NIR irradiation, with different P vs I curves.

      (6) Using the oxygen chamber to measure oxygen exchange above the beach rock surface, it was shown that high respiration meant that only with the brown samples was significant oxygen released to the water column at lower light levels, i.e. respiration accounted for most of the primary production of oxygen except at the highest visible light intensities. And with NIR much lower levels of oxygen production only breaking compensation significantly in the brown samples.

      (7) FaRLiP primary production was significant in the deeper layer.

      The major new conclusion from these studies is that FaRLiP photosynthesis is a significant factor in this biofilm, and possibly other biofilms. Visible light is mostly absorbed in the upper layers and NIR reaching the lower layers induces FaRLiP photosynthesis and primary production, which can be up to 20% of the total primary production of the film.


      The techniques are sufficient to justify the conclusions, especially the new result that the FaRLiP photosynthesis deeper in the films is surprisingly active with relatively high primary productivity. This is an important conclusion but it must be realised that there is some way to go to polish up the results and gain more quantitative results.

      Firstly the beachrock is a heterogeneous material. So cutting a section leaves a non-homogeneous surface where various sand grains are removed, cut, or not removed. This means that when applying a luminescence film, the results are dependent on the uniformity of the surface or rather the lack of conformity. This needs to be taken into consideration in future studies.

      Furthermore, previous papers have revealed that pits in the beach rock are important sites for FaRLiP cyanobacteria and the paper needs to make clear that these pits were avoided here.

      Secondly, while Chroococcidiopsis is the major alga/cyanobacterium present, other algae/cyanobacteria are present and their presence needs to be factored into the results. In this regard we need more microscopic images of the surface and cross-sections of the beachrock, to reveal the nature of the bacterial and algal organisms.

      Thirdly, it is not clear from this paper how far the identification of Chroococcidiopsis is firm. Presumably preliminary DNA analyses have been carried out on tell-tale genes (rRNA?). At some stage, a complete genome will be needed. Mention should be made about what has been done and what is contemplated.

      Fourthly, the acclimation to FaRLiP is time-dependent. How long does it take in these beach rock sections? And has sufficient notice been taken of this time-dependent process?

      Fifthly, FaRLiP is a sophisticated system as shown by Mascoli et al, 2022. It is activated in NIR by red-shifted allophycocyanin. It is also dependent on the allocation of Chl f and Chl d to special positions in the reaction centre. All this may take some time and be light-dependent. This may explain the curious increase in the slopes of light vs productivity of Fig 4 (Pink and Black) for NIR light.

      The fifth point needs to be taken into account in any rewrite of the paper. The authors assume that the upwardly sloping P vs I curve is explained as follows:<br /> "This can be explained by the light attenuation due to scattering and absorption in the compacted beachrock biofilm, which prevented saturation of NIR-driven photosynthesis in the endolithic layer even at levels of incident light similar to solar irradiation on mid-day exposed beachrock."

      Activation of the FaRLiP system also needs to be considered.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The paper investigates the effects of long-term linguistic experience on early auditory processing, a subject that has been relatively less studied compared to short-term influences. Using MEG, the study examines brain responses to auditory stimuli in speakers of Spanish and Basque, whose syntactic rules provide different degrees of exposure to durational patterns (long-short vs short-long). The findings suggest that both long-term language experience as well as short-term transitional probabilities can shape auditory predictive coding for non-linguistic sound sequences, evidenced by differences in mismatch negativity amplitudes localised to left auditory cortex.


      The study integrates linguistics and auditory neuroscience in an interesting interdisciplinary way that may interest linguists as well as neuroscientists. The fact that long-term language experience affects early auditory predictive coding is important for understanding group and individual differences in domain-general auditory perception. It has importance for neurocognitive models of auditory perception (e.g. inclusion of long-term priors), and will be of interest to researchers in linguistics, auditory neuroscience, and the relationship between language and perception. The inclusion of a control condition based on pitch is also a strength.


      The main weaknesses are the strength of the effects and generalisability. Only two languages were examined, Spanish and Basque. The sample size is also relatively small by today's standards, with N=20 in each group. Furthermore, the crucial effects are all mostly in the .01>P<.05 range, such as the crucial interaction P=.03, although I note the methods used to derive the results are sound and state-of-the-art. It would be nice to see it replicated in the future, with more participants and other languages. It would also have been nice to see behavioural data that could be correlated with neural data to better understand the real-world consequences of the effect.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This study aims to understand gene regulation of the plant bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae. Although the function of some TFs has been characterized in this strain, a global picture of the gene regulatory network remains elusive. The authors conducted a large-scale ChIP-seq analysis, covering 170 out of 301 TFs of this strain, and revealed gene regulatory hierarchy with functional validation of some previously uncharacterized TFs.


      - This study provides one of the largest ChIP-seq datasets for a single bacterial strain, covering more than half of its TFs. This impressive resource enabled comprehensive systems-level analysis of the TF hierarchy.<br /> - This study identified novel gene regulation and function with validations through biochemical and genetic experiments.<br /> - The authors conducted broad analyses including comparisons between different bacterial strains, providing further insights into the diversity and conservation of gene regulatory mechanisms.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The mechanisms governing the initial female-specific activation of Sex-lethal (Sxl) in the soma, the subsequent maintenance of female-specific expression and the various functions of Sxl in somatic sex determination and dosage compensation are well documented. While Sxl is also expressed in the female germline where it plays a critical role during oogenesis, the pathway that is responsible for turning Sxl on in germ cells has been a long-standing mystery. This manuscript from Goyal et al describes studies aimed at elucidating the mechanism(s) for the sex-specific activation of the Sex-lethal (Sxl) gene in the female germline of Drosophila.

      In the soma, the Sxl establishment promoter, Sxl-Pe, is regulated in pre-cellular blastoderm embryos in somatic cells by several X-linked transcription factors (sis-a, sis-b, sis-c and runt). At this stage of development, the expression of these transcription factors is proportional to gene dose, 2x females and 1x in males. The cumulative two-fold difference in the expression of these transcription factors is sufficient to turn Sxl-Pe on in female embryos. Transcripts from the Sxl-Pe promoter encode an "early" version of the female Sxl protein, and they function to activate a splicing positive autoregulatory loop by promoting the female-specific splicing of the initial pre-mRNAs derived from the Sxl maintenance promoter, Sxl-Pm (which is located upstream of Sxl-Pm). These female Sxl-Pm mRNAs encode a Sxl protein with a different N-terminus from the Sxl-Pe mRNAs, and they function to maintain female-specific splicing in the soma during the remainder of development.

      In this manuscript, the authors are trying to understand how the Sxl-Pm positive autoregulatory loop is established in germ cells. If Sxl-Pe is used and its activation precedes Sxl-Pm as is true in the soma, they should be able to detect Sxl-Pe transcripts in germ cells before Sxl-Pm transcripts appear. To test this possibility, they generated RNA FISH probes complementary to the Sxl-Pe first exon (which is part of an intron sequence in the Sxl-Pm transcript) and to a "common sequence" that labels both Sxl-Pe and Sxl-Pm transcripts. Transcripts labeled by both probes were detected in germ cells beginning at stage 5 (and reaching a peak at stage 10), so either the Sxl-Pm and Sxl-Pe promoters turn on simultaneously, or Sxl-Pe is not active.

      They next switched to Sxl-Pe reporters. The first Sxl-Pe:gfp reporter they used has a 1.5 kb upstream region which in other studies was found to be sufficient to drive sex-specific expression in the soma of blastoderm embryos. Also like the endogenous Sxl gene it is not expressed in germ cells at this early stage. In 2011, Hashiyama et al reported that this 1.5 kb promoter fragment was able to drive gfp expression in Vasa-positive germ cells later in development in stage 9/10 embryos. However, because of the high background of gfp in the nearby soma, their result wasn't especially convincing. Though they don't show the data, Goyal et al indicated that unlike Hashiyama et al they were unable to detect gfp expressed from this reporter in germ cells. Goyal et al extended the upstream sequences in the reporter to 5 kb, but they were still unable to detect germline expression of gfp.

      Goyal et al then generated a more complicated reporter which extends 5 kb upstream of the Sxl-Pe start site and 5 kb downstream-ending at or near 4th exon of the Sxl-Pm transcript (the Sxl-Pe10 kb reporter). (The authors were not explicit as to whether the 5 kb downstream sequence extended beyond the 4th exon splice junction-in which case splicing could potentially occur with an upstream exon(s)-or terminated prior to the splice junction as seems to be indicated in their diagram.) With this reporter, they were able to detect sex-specific gfp expression in the germline beginning in L1 (first instar larva). With the caveat that gfp detection might be delayed compared to the onset of reporter activation, these findings indicated that the sequences in the reporter are able to drive sex-specific transcription in the germline at least as early as L1.

      The authors next tagged the N-terminal end of the Sxl-Pe protein with HA (using Crispr/Cas9) and the N-terminal end of Sxl-Pm protein with Flag. They report that the HA-Sxl-Pe protein is first detected in the soma at stage 9 of embryogenesis. Somatic HA-Sxl-Pe protein persists into L1, but is no longer detected in L2. However, while somatic HA-Sxl-Pe protein is detected, they were unable to detect HA-Sxl-Pe protein in germ cells. In the case of FLAG-Sxl-Pm, it could first be detected in L2 germ cells indicating that at this juncture the Sxl-positive autoregulatory loop has been activated. This contrasts with Sxl-Pm transcripts which are observed in a few germ cells at stage 5 of embryogenesis, and in most germ cells by stage 10. The authors propose (based on the expression pattern of the Sxl-Pe10kb reporter and the appearance of Flag-Sxl-Pm protein) that Sxl-Pe comes on in germ cells in L1, and that the Sxl-Pe protein activates the female splicing of Sxl-Pm transcripts, giving detectable Flag-Sxl-Pm proteins beginning in L2.

      To investigate the signals that activate Sxl-Pe in germ cells, the authors tested four of the X-linked genes (sis-a, sis-b, sis-c, and runt) that function to activate Sxl-Pe in the soma in early embryos. RNAi knockdown of sis-b, sis-c, and runt had no apparent effect on oogenesis. In contrast, knockdown of sis-a resulted in tumorous ovaries, a phenotype associated with Sxl mutations. (Three different RNAi transgenes were tested-two gave this phenotype, the third did not.) Sxl-Pe10kb reporter activity in L1 female germ cells is also dependent on sis-A.

      Several approaches were used to confirm a role for sis-a in a) oogenesis and b) the activation of the Sxl-Pm autoregulatory loop. They showed that sis-a germline clones (using tissue-specific Crispr/Cas9 editing) resulted in the tumorous ovary phenotype and reduced the expression of Sxl protein in these ovaries. They found that sis-a transcripts and GFP-tagged Sis-A protein are present in germ cells. Finally, they showed tumorous ovary phenotype induced by germline RNAi knockdown of sis-a can be partially rescued by expressing Sxl in the germ cells.


      While this manuscript addresses a longstanding puzzle - the mechanism activating the Sxl autoregulatory loop in female germ cells-and likely identified an important germline transcriptional activator of Sxl, sis-a, the data that they've generated doesn't make a compelling story. At every step, there are puzzle pieces that don't fit the narrative. In addition, some of their findings are inconsistent with many previous studies.

      (1) The authors used RNA FISH to time the expression of Sxl-Pe and Sxl-Pm transcripts in germ cells. Transcripts complementary to Sxl-Pe and Sxl-Pm were detected at the same time in embryos beginning at stage 5. This is not a definitive experiment as it could mean a) that Sxl-Pe and Sxl-Pm turn on at the same time, b) that Sxl-Pe comes on after Sxl-Pm (as suggested by the Sxl-Pe10kb reporter) or c) Sxl-Pe never comes on.

      (2) Hashiyama et al reported that they detected gfp expression in stage 9/10 germ cells from a 1.5 kb Sxl-Pe-gfp. As noted above, this result wasn't entirely convincing and thus it isn't surprising that Goyal et al were unable to reproduce it. Extending the upstream sequences to just before the 1st exon of Sxl-Pm transcripts also didn't give gfp expression in germ cells. Only when they added 5 kb downstream did they detect gfp expression. However, from this result, it isn't possible to conclude that the Sxl-Pe promoter is actually driving gfp expression in L1 germ cells. Instead, the Sxl promoter active in the germ line could be anywhere in their 10 kb reporter.

      (3) At least one experiment suggests that Sxl-Pe never comes on in germ cells. The authors tagged the N-terminus of the Sxl-Pe protein with HA and the N-terminus of the Sxl-Pm protein with Flag. Though they could detect HA-Sxl-Pe protein in the soma, they didn't detect it in germ cells. On the other hand, the Flag-Sxl-Pm protein was detected in L2 germ cells (but not earlier). These results would more or less fit with those obtained for the 10 kb reporter and would support the following model: Prior to L1, Sxl-Pm transcripts are expressed and spliced in the male pattern in both male and female germ cells. During L1, Sxl protein expressed via a mechanism that depends upon a 10 kb region spanning Sxl-Pe (but not on Sxl-Pe) is produced and by L2 there are sufficient amounts of this protein to switch the splicing of Sxl-Pm transcripts from a male to a female pattern-generating Flag-tagged Sxl-Pm protein.

      (4) The 10kb reporter is sex-specific, but not germline-specific. The levels of gfp in female L1 somatic cells are equal to if not greater than those in L1 female germ cells. That the Sxl-Pe10kb reporter is active in the soma complicates the conclusion that it represents a germ line-specific promoter. Germline activity is, however, sensitive to sis-A knockdowns which is plus. Presumably, somatic expression of the reporter wouldn't be sensitive to a (late) sis-A knockdown- but this wasn't shown.

      (5) Their results with the HA-Sxl-Pe protein don't fit with many previous studies-assuming that the authors have explained their results properly. They report that HA-Sxl-Pe protein is first detected in the soma at stage 9 of embryogenesis and that it then persists till L2. However, previous studies have shown that Sxl-Pe transcripts and then Sxl-Pe proteins are first detected in ~NC11-NC12 embryos. In RNase protection experiments, the Sxl-Pe exon is observed in 2-4 hr embryos, but not detected in 5-8 hr, 14-12 hr, L1, L2, L3, or pupae. Northerns give pretty much the same picture. Western blots also show that Sxl-Pe proteins are first detectable around the blastoderm stage. So it is not at all clear why HA-Sxl-Pe proteins are first observed at stage 9 which, of course, is well after the time that the Sxl-Pm autoregulatory loop is established.

      Given the obvious problems with the initial timing of somatic expression described here, it is hard to know what to make of the fact that HA-tagged Sxl-Pe proteins aren't observed in germ cells.

      As for the presence of HA-Sxl-Pe proteins later than expected: While RNase protection/Northern experiments showed that Sxl-Pe mRNAs are expressed in 2-4 hr embryos and disappear thereafter, one could argue from the published Western experiments that the Sxl-PE proteins expressed at the blastoderm stage persist at least until the end embryogenesis, though perhaps at somewhat lower levels than at earlier points in development. So the fact that Goyal et al were able to detect HA-Sxl-Pe proteins in stage 9 embryos and later on in L1 larva probably isn't completely unexpected. What is unexpected is that the HA-Sxl-Pe proteins weren't present earlier.

      (6) The authors use RNAi and germline clones to demonstrate that sis-A is required for proper oogenesis: when sis-A activity is compromised in germ cells, i) tumorous ovary phenotypes are observed and ii) there is a reduction in the expression of Sxl-Pm protein. They are also able to rescue the phenotypic effects of sis-a knockdown by expressing a Sxl-Pm protein. While the experiments indicating sis-a is important for normal oogenesis and that at least one of its functions is to ensure that sufficient Sxl is present in the germline stem cells seem convincing, other findings would make the reader wonder whether Sis-A is actually functioning (directly) to activate Sxl transcription from promoter X.

      The authors show that sis-a mRNAs and proteins are expressed in stage 3-5 germ cells (PGCs). This is not unexpected as the X-linked transcription factors that turn Sxl-Pe on are expressed prior to nuclear migration, so their protein products should be present in early PGCs. The available evidence suggests that their transcription is shut down in PGCs by the factors responsible for transcriptional quiescence (e.g., nos and pgc) in which case transcripts might be detected in only one or two PGC-which fits with their images. However, it is hard to believe that expression of Sis-A protein in pre-blastoderm embryos is relevant to the observed activation of the Sxl-Pm autoregulatory loop hours later in L2 larva.

      It is also not clear how the very low level of gfp-Sis-A seen in only a small subset of migrating germ cells in stage 10 embryos (Figure S6) would be responsible for activating the Sxl-Pe10kb reporter in L1. It seems likely that the small amount of protein seen in stage 10 embryos is left over from the pre-cellular blastoderm stage. In this case, it would not be surprising to discover that the residual protein is present in both female and male stage 10 germ cells. This would raise further doubts about the relevance of the gfp-Sis-A at these early stages.

      In fact, given the evidence presented implicating sis-a in activating Sxl, (the germline activation of the Sxl-Pe10kb reporter, the RNAi knockdowns, and the germ cell-specific sis-a clones) it is clear that the sis-A RNAs and proteins seen in pre-cellular blastoderm PGCs aren't relevant. The germline clone experiment (and also the RNAi knockdowns) indicates that sis-A must be transcribed in germ cells after Cas9 editing has taken place. Presumably, this would be after transcription is reactivated in the germline (~stage 10) and after the formation of the embryonic gonad (stage 14) so that the somatic gonadal cells can signal to the germ cells. With respect to the reporter, the relevant time frame for showing that sis-A is present in germ cells would be even later in L1.

      (7) As noted above, the data in this manuscript do not support the idea that Sxl-Pe proteins activate the Sxl-Pm female splicing in the germline. Flybase indicates that there is at least one other Sxl promoter that could potentially generate a transcript that includes the male exon but still could encode a Sxl protein. This promoter "Sxl-Px" is located downstream of Sxl-Pm and from its position it could have been included in the authors' 10 kb reporter. The reported splicing pattern of the endogenous transcript skips exon2, and instead links an exon just downstream of Sxl-Px to the male exon. The male exon is then spliced to exon4. If the translation doesn't start and end at one of the small upstream orfs in the exons close to Sxl-Px and the male exon, a translation could begin with an AUG codon in exon4 that is in frame with the Sxl protein coding sequence. This would produce a Sxl protein that lacks aa sequences from N-terminus, but still retains some function.

      Another possible explanation for how gfp is expressed from the 10 kb reporter is that the transcript includes the "z" exon described by Cline et al., 2010.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript by Haggerty and Atwood, the authors use a repeated binge drinking paradigm to assess how water and ethanol intake changes in male in female mice as well as measure changes in anterior insular cortex to dorsolateral striatum terminal activity using fiber photometry. They find that overall, males and females have similar overall water and ethanol intake, but females appear to be more efficient alcohol drinkers. Using fiber photometry, they show that the anterior insular cortex (AIC) to dorsolateral striatum projections (DLS) projections have sex, fluid, and lateralization differences. The male left circuit was most robust when aligned to ethanol drinking, and water was somewhat less robust. Male right, and female and left and right, had essentially no change in photometry activity. To some degree, the changes in terminal activity appear to be related to fluid exposure over time, as well as within-session differences in trial-by-trial intake. Overall, the authors provide an exhaustive analysis of the behavioral and photometric data, thus providing the scientific community with a rich information set to continue to study this interesting circuit. However, although the analysis is impressive, there are a few inconsistencies regarding specific measures (e.g., AUC, duration of licking) that do not quite fit together across analytic domains. This does not reduce the rigor of the work, but it does somewhat limit the interpretability of the data, at least within the scope of this single manuscript.


      - The authors use high-resolution licking data to characterize ingestive behaviors.<br /> - The authors account for a variety of important variables, such as fluid type, brain lateralization, and sex.<br /> - The authors provide a nice discussion on how this data fits with other data, both from their laboratory and others'.<br /> - The lateralization discovery is particularly novel.


      - The volume of data and number of variables provided makes it difficult to find a cohesive link between data sets. This limits interpretability.<br /> - The authors describe a clear sex difference in the photometry circuit activity. However, I am curious about whether female mice that drink more similarly to males (e.g., less efficiently?) also show increased activity in the left circuit, similar to males. Oppositely, do very efficient males show weaker calcium activity in the circuit? Ultimately, I am curious about how the circuit activity maps to the behaviors described in Figures 1 and 2.<br /> - What does the change in water-drinking calcium imaging across time in males mean? Especially considering that alcohol-related signals do not seem to change much over time, I am not sure what it means to have water drinking change.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This work addresses the problem of determining the subunit composition of receptive fields of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). RGCs process stimuli through non-linear transforms that largely (although not entirely) reflect the individual contributions of their input bipolar cells, which themselves process visual stimuli nonlinearly. Thus, using the correct system identification methods might correctly model the RGC cells, while revealing details of the underlying circuit, including the function of the presynaptic components. It is now well established that a model of the form of an LNLN cascade can potentially capture this bipolar-RGC circuit, although the devil is in the details. The authors present an improved method of non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) - which is one approach to this system identification problem - that can speed things up by a factor of 100, and in doing so infer plausible mosaics of the bipolar cell types supporting the identified RGC types that are recorded from.

      As written, the focus of this paper seems almost entirely methodological, supporting the sped-up version of NMF, called STNMF. The >100x speedup potentially makes a lot more measurements available, since it enables much more comprehensive scans across model meta-parameters, although has its own complications that must also be methodologically addressed. The results presented are largely a demonstration and validation of the potential power of this approach using example recordings in the peripheral marmoset retina. I do not think the results themselves are meant to be evaluated as definitive, since they are often based on examples and are largely confirmatory of what is already known.


      I have very few concerns about the paper methodologically: these methods are well laid out and demonstrated (at least up to the level of my expertise and interest), including validation with established literature.

      I am also enthusiastic about some of the potential results in the retina outlined (but not fully fleshed out) in the later sections of the paper.


      My main critique is to question the conceptual advance in this paper: what did we learn, and what is the targeted audience of interest? Establishing this is particularly dire for this manuscript since NMF has already been established and expounded on as a useful approach in this context (including by the author most recently in 2017) so any of the scientific results is already achievable with enough computer power using existing approaches. As currently cast, the conceptual advances here are purely methodological and relate to the utility of speeding up the approach. Also, they do not appear to generalize to other problems outside of the narrow range that it is currently applied.

      Thus, two paths to improving the manuscript would be either:<br /> (1) target readers interested in the retina by fully fleshing out the current results and add more to make this into a paper about the retina rather than about the STNMF method, or<br /> (2) demonstrate that the methods might be useful outside of the very narrow set of conditions specific to identifying nonlinear bipolar cell subunits in peripheral retina under white noise stimulation.

      In its current state, the Discussion addressing limitations and generality seems to suggest applicability past this narrow condition, which I do not think is the case: but would be happy to be convinced otherwise.

      For fleshing out scientific results, in the current manuscript, they are currently presented to validate the approach and are largely confirmatory for what we already know about the retina (which allows for this validation). Also, much of the results are measurements based on examples, and not accumulated past a single recording in some cases. Finally, it is not clear to the extent that these results depend on the specific recordings in the peripheral marmoset retina: what about more central in the retina, or in other species?

      For demonstrating the utility of the methodology: here are some of the main limitations to generalizing past this specific case:<br /> (1) the necessity of linear or near-linear processing in previous layers;<br /> (2) lack of any negative components;<br /> (3) lack of ability to account for other influences on spiking than the positive contributions of LN subunits;<br /> (4) necessity of white noise stimulation that is specifically sized for a uniform subunit size.

      Together, I believe this precludes potential applications to other areas in the brain: further back in the visual system will require non-linear transforms as well as the convergence of positive and negative inputs. Other sensory systems like the auditory system are even more non-linear well before getting to even mid-level pre-cortical structures and also combine positive and negative influences. Given the importance of inhibition in the retina (including what is thought to be an important role of amacrine cells in shaping RGC responses), it is not clear how general this approach is in the retina, although the specific results shown are believable. How could this approach generalize, realistically? Could applications to other types of data be demonstrated, and/or plausibly get by these fundamental limitations? How?

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      MiR-802 appears to accumulate before macrophage numbers increase in adipose tissue in both mice and humans. The phenotype of miR-802 overexpression and deletion in vivo is sticking and novel. Deletion of miR-802 in adipose tissue after obesity onset also attenuated Adipose inflammation and improved systemic glucose homeostasis. Understanding how miR-802 affects the crosstalk between macrophage and adipocyte is a major point. For example, does miR-802 change the inflammatory of macrophages as it increases Traf3 expression in adipocytes? This is important because macrophages are the input if inflammatory mediators that will activate the TNFR receptor signaling pathway, potentially Traf3, resulting in impaired insulin stimulated Glut4 translocation and glucose uptake. Also, modulation of miR-802 levels in vivo leads to alterations in adiposity. Here, what is a direct effect of miR-802 and what is a result of simply reduced adiposity? One point that os ket is what triggers miR-802 expression, especially in obesity.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors of this manuscript sought to illuminate a link between a behavioral measure of integration and neural markers of cortical integration associated with systems consolidation (post-encoding connectivity, change in representational neural overlap). To that aim, participants incidentally encoded sequences of objects in the fMRI scanner. Unbeknownst to participants, the first two objects of the presented ABC triplet sequences overlapped for a given pair of sequences. This allowed the authors to probe the integration of unique C objects that were never directly presented in the same sequence, but which shared the same preceding A and B objects. They encoded one set of objects on Day 1 (remote condition), another set of objects 24 hours later (recent condition) and tested implicit and explicit memory for the learned sequences on Day 2. They additionally collected baseline and post-encoding resting-state scans. As their measure of behavioral integration, the authors examined reaction time during an Old/New judgement task for C objects depending on if they were preceded by a C object from an overlapping sequence (primed condition) versus a baseline object. They found faster reaction times for the primed objects compared to the control condition for remote but not recently learned objects, suggesting that the C objects from overlapping sequences became integrated over time. They then examined pattern similarity in a priori ROIs as a measure of neural integration and found that participants showing evidence of integration of C objects from overlapping sequences in the medial prefrontal cortex for remotely learned objects also showed a stronger implicit priming effect between those C objects over time. When they examined the change in connectivity between their ROIs after encoding, they also found that connectivity between the posterior hippocampus and lateral occipital cortex correlated with larger priming effects for remotely learned objects, and that lateral occipital connectivity with the medial prefrontal cortex was related to neural integration of remote objects from overlapping sequences.

      The authors aim to provide evidence of a relationship between behavioral and neural measures of integration with consolidation is interesting, important, and difficult to achieve given the longitudinal nature of studies required to answer this question. Strengths of this study include a creative behavioral task, and solid modelling approaches for fMRI data with careful control for several known confounds such as bold activation on pattern analysis results, motion, and physiological noise. The authors replicate their behavioral observations across two separate experiments, one of which included a large sample size, and found similar results that speak to the reliability of the observed behavioral phenomenon. In addition, they document several correlations between neural measures and task performance, lending functional significance to their neural findings.

      However, this study is not without notable weaknesses that limit the strength of the manuscript. The authors report a behavioral priming effect suggestive of integration of remote but not recent memories, leading to the interpretation that the priming effect emerges with consolidation. However, they did not observe a reliable interaction between the priming condition and learning session (recent/remote) on reaction times, meaning that the priming effect for remote memories was not reliably greater than that observed for recent. In addition, the emergence of a priming effect for remote memories does not appear to be due to faster reaction times for primed targets over time (the condition of interest), but rather, slower reaction times for control items in the remote condition compared to recent. These issues limit the strength of the claim that the priming effect observed is due to C items of interest being integrated in a consolidation-dependent manner.

      Similarly, the interactions between neural variables of interest and learning session needed to strongly show a significant consolidation-related effect in the brain were sometimes tenuous. There was no reliable difference in neural representational pattern analysis fit to a model of neural integration between the short and long delays in the medial prefrontal cortex or lateral occipital cortex, nor was the posterior hippocampus-lateral occipital cortex post-encoding connectivity correlation with subsequent priming significantly different for recent and remote memories. While the relationship between integration model fit in the medial prefrontal cortex and subsequent priming (which was significantly different from that occurring for recent memories) was one of the stronger findings of the paper in favor of a consolidation-related effect on behavior, is it possible that lack of a behavioral priming effect for recent memories due to possible issues with the control condition could mask a correlation between neural and behavioral integration in the recent memory condition?

      These limitations are especially notable when one considers that priming does not classically require a period of prolonged consolidation to occur, and prominent models of systems consolidation rather pertain to explicit memory. While the authors have provided evidence that neural integration in the medial prefrontal cortex, as well as post-encoding coupling between the lateral occipital cortex and posterior hippocampus, are related to faster reaction times for primed objects of overlapping sequences compared to their control condition, more work is needed to verify that the observed findings indeed reflect consolidation dependent integration as proposed.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The cognitive striatum, also known as the dorsomedial striatum, receives input from brain regions involved in high-level cognition and plays a crucial role in processing cognitive information. However, despite its importance, the extent to which different projection pathways of the striatum contribute to this information processing remains unclear. In this paper, Bruce et al. conducted a study using various causal and correlational techniques to investigate how these pathways collectively contribute to interval timing in mice. Their results were consistent with previous research, showing that the direct and indirect striatal pathways perform opposing roles in processing elapsed time. Based on their findings, the authors proposed a revised computational model in which two separate accumulators track evidence for elapsed time in opposing directions. These results have significant implications for understanding the neural mechanisms underlying cognitive impairment in neurological and psychiatric disorders, as disruptions in the balance between direct and indirect pathway activity are commonly observed in such conditions.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors employed a well-established approach to study interval timing and employed optogenetic tagging to observe the behavior of specific cell types in the striatum. Additionally, the authors utilized two complementary techniques to assess the impact of manipulating the activity of these pathways on behavior. Finally, the authors utilized their experimental findings to enhance the theoretical comprehension of interval timing using a computational model.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The behavioral task used in this study is best suited for investigating elapsed time perception, rather than interval timing. Timing bisection tasks are often employed to study interval timing in humans and animals. In the optogenetic experiment, the laser was kept on for too long (18 seconds) at high power (12 mW). This has been shown to cause adverse effects on population activity (for example, through heating the tissue) that are not necessarily related to their function during the task epochs. Given the systemic delivery of pharmacological interventions, it is difficult to conclude that the effects are specific to the dorsomedial striatum. Future studies should use the local infusion of drugs into the dorsomedial striatum.

      Comments on revised version:

      Thank you for the comprehensive revisions. Most of my (addressable) concerns were addressed. The current version of your manuscript appears significantly improved.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this work, the authors conducted a large-scale field trial of 130 indica accessions in normal vs. moderate salt stress conditions. The experiment consists of 3 replicates for each accession in each treatment, making it 780 plants in total. Leaf transcriptome, plant traits, and final yield were collected. Starting from a quantitative genetics framework, the authors first dissected the heritability and selection forces acting on gene expression. After summarizing the selection force acting on gene expression (or plant traits) in each environment, the authors described the difference in gene expression correlation between environments. The final part consists of eQTL investigation and categorizing cis- and trans-effects acting on gene expression.

      Building on the group's previous study and using a similar methodology (Groen et al. 2020, 2021), the unique aspect of this study is in incorporating large-scale empirical field works and combining gene expression data with plant traits. Unlike many systems biology studies, this study strongly emphasizes the quantitative genetics perspective and investigates the empirical fitness effects of gene expression data. The large amounts of RNAseq data (one sample for each plant individual) also allow heritability calculation. This study also utilizes the population genetics perspective to test for traces of selection around eQTL. As there are too many genes to fit in multiple regression (for selection analysis) and to construct the G-matrix (for breeder's equation), grouping genes into PCs is a very good idea.

      Building on large amounts of data, this study conducted many analyses and described some patterns, but a central message or hypothesis would still be necessary. Currently, the selection analysis, transcript correlation structure change, and eQTL parts seem to be independent. The manuscript currently looks like a combination of several parallel works, and this is reflected in the Results, where each part has its own short introduction (e.g., 185-187, 261-266, 349-353). It would be great to discuss how these patterns observed could be translated to larger biological insights. On a related note, since this and the previous studies (focusing on dry-wet environments) use a similar methodology, one would also wonder what the conclusions from these studies would be. How do they agree or disagree with each other?

      Many analyses were done separately for each environment, and results from these two environments are listed together for comparison. Especially for the eQTL part, no specific comparison was discussed between the two environments. It would be interesting to consider whether one could fit the data in more coherent models specifically modeling the X-by-environment effects, where X might be transcripts, PCs, traits, transcript-transcript correlation, or eQTLs.

      As stated, grouping genes into PCs is a good idea, but although in theory, the PCs are orthogonal, each gene still has some loadings on each PC (ie. each PC is not controlled by a completely different set of genes). Another possibility is to use any gene grouping method, such as WGCNA, to group genes into modules and use the PC1 of each module. There, each module would consist of completely different sets of genes, and one would be more likely to separate the biological functions of each module. I wonder whether the authors could discuss the pros and cons of these methods.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study, Ver Heul et al. investigate the role of RAG expression in ILC2 functions. While RAG genes are not required for the development of ILCs, previous studies have reported a history of expression in these cells. The authors aim to determine the potential consequences of this expression in mature cells. They demonstrate that ILC2s from RAG1 or RAG2 deficient mice exhibit increased expression of IL-5 and IL-13 and suggest that these cells are expanded in the absence of RAG expression. However, it is unclear whether this effect is due to a direct impact of RAG genes or a consequence of the lack of T and B cells in this condition. This ambiguity represents a key issue with this study: distinguishing the direct effects of RAG genes from the indirect consequences of a lymphopenic environment.

      The authors focus their study on ILC2s found in the skin-draining lymph nodes, omitting analysis of tissues where ILC2s are more enriched, such as the gut, lungs, and fat tissue. This approach is surprising given the goal of evaluating the role of RAG genes in ILC2s across different tissues. The study shows that ILC2s derived from RAG-/- mice are more activated than those from WT mice, and RAG-deficient mice show increased inflammation in an atopic dermatitis (AD)-like disease model. The authors use an elegant model to distinguish ILC2s with a history of RAG expression from those that never expressed RAG genes. However, this model is currently limited to transcriptional and epigenomic analyses, which suggest that RAG genes suppress the type 2 regulome at the Th2 locus in ILC2s.

      The authors report a higher frequency of ILC2s in RAG-/- mice in skin-draining lymph nodes, which is expected as these mice lack T and B cells, leading to ILC expansion. Previous studies have reported hyper-activation of ILCs in RAG-deficient mice, suggesting that this is not necessarily an intrinsic phenomenon. For example, RAG-/- mice exhibit hyperphosphorylation of STAT3 in the gut, leading to hyperactivation of ILC3s. This study does not currently provide conclusive evidence of an intrinsic role of RAG genes in the hyperactivation of ILC2s. The splenocyte chimera model is artificial and does not reflect a normal environment in tissues other than the spleen. Similarly, the mixed BM model does not demonstrate an intrinsic role of RAG genes, as RAG1-/- BM cells cannot contribute to the B and T cell pool, leading to an expected expansion of ILC2s. As the data are currently presented it is expected that a proportion of IL-5-producing cells will come from the RAG1-/- BM.

      Overall, the level of analysis could be improved. Total cell numbers are not presented, the response of other immune cells to IL-5 and IL-13 (except the eosinophils in the splenocyte chimera mice) is not analyzed, and the analysis is limited to skin-draining lymph nodes.

      The authors have a promising model in which they can track ILC2s that have expressed RAG or not. They need to perform a comprehensive characterization of ILC2s in these mice, which develop in a normal environment with T and B cells. Approximately 50% of the ILC2s have a history of RAG expression. It would be valuable to know whether these cells differ from ILC2s that never expressed RAG, in terms of proliferation and expression of IL-5 and IL-13. These analyses should be conducted in different tissues, as ILC2s adapt their phenotype and transcriptional landscape to their environment. Additionally, the authors should perform their AD-like disease model in these mice.

      The authors provide a valuable dataset of single-nuclei RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) and ATAC sequencing (snATAC-seq) from RAGexp (RAG fate map-positive) and RAGnaïve (RAG fate map-negative) ILC2s. This elegant approach demonstrates that ILC2s with a history of RAG expression are epigenomically suppressed. However, key genes such as IL-5 and IL-13 do not appear to be differentially regulated between RAGexp and RAGnaïve ILC2s according to Table S5. Although the authors show that the regulome activity of IL-5 and IL-13 is decreased in RAGexp ILC2s, how do the authors explain that these genes are not differentially expressed between the RAGexp and RAGnaïve ILC2? I think that it is important to validate this in vivo.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The manuscript of Haertter and coworkers studied the variation of length of a single sarcomere and the response of microfibrils made by sarcomeres of cardiomyocytes on soft gel substrates of varying stiffnesses.

      The measurements at the level of a single sarcomere are an important new result of this manuscript. They are done by combining the labeling of the sarcomeres z line using genetic manipulation and a sophisticated tracking program using machine learning. This single sarcomere analysis shows strong heterogeneities of the sarcomeres that can show fast oscillations not synchronized with the average behavior of the cell<br /> and what the authors call popping events which are large amplitude oscillations. Another important result is the fact that cardiomyocyte contractility decreases with the substrate stiffness although the properties of single sarcomeres do not seem to depend on substrate stiffness.

      The authors suggest that the cardiomyocyte cell behavior is dominated by sarcomere heterogeneity. They show that the heterogeneity between sarcomeres is stochastic and that the contribution of static heterogeneity (such as composition differences between sarcomeres)<br /> is small.


      All the results are to my knowledge new and original and deserve attention.


      However, I find the manuscript a bit frustrating because the authors only give very qualitative explanations of the phenomena that they observe. They mention that popping could be explained by a nonlinear force-velocity relation of the sarcomere leading to a rapid detachment of all motors. However, they do not explicitly provide a theoretical description. How would the popping depend on the parameters and in particular on the substrate stiffness? Would the popping statistics be affected by the stiffness? It is also not clear to me how the dependence on the soft gel stiffness of the cardiomyocyte cell can be explained by the stochasticity of the sarcomere properties. Can any of the results found by the authors be explained by existing theories of cardiomyocytes? The only one I know is that of Safran and coworkers.

      I also found the paper very difficult to read. The authors should perhaps reorganize the structure of the presentation in order to highlight what the new and important results are.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Yang et al reported in this paper that TGF-beta induces SIRT4 activation, TGF-beta activated SIRT4 then modulates U2AF2 alternative splicing, U2AF2 in turn causes CCN2 for expression. The mechanism is described as this: mitochondrial SIRT4 transport into the cytoplasm in response to TGF-β stimulation, phosphorylated by ERK in the cytoplasm, and pathway and then undergo nuclear translocation by forming the complex with importin α1. In the nucleus, SIRT4 can then deacetylate U2AF2 at K413 to facilitate the splicing of CCN2 pre-mRNA to promote CCN2 protein expression. Moreover, they used exosomes to deliver Sirt4 antibodies to mitigate renal fibrosis in a mouse model. TGF-beta has been widely reported for its role in fibrosis induction.


      TGF-beta induction of SIRT4 translocation from mitochondria to nuclei for epigenetics or gene regulation remains largely unknown. The findings presented here that SIRT4 is involved in U2AF2 deacetylation and CCN2 expression are interesting.


      SIRT4 plays a critical role in mitochondria involved in respiratory chain reaction. This role of SIRT4 is critically involved in many cell functions. It is hard to rule out such a mitochondrial activity of SIRT4 in renal fibrosis. Moreover, the major concern is what kind of message mitochondrial SIRT4 proteins receive from TGF-beta. Although nuclear SIRT4 is increased in response to TNF treatment, it is likely de novo synthesized SIRT4 proteins can also undergo nuclear translocation upon cytokine stimulation. TGF-beta-induced mitochondrial calcium uptake and acetyl-CoA should be evaluated for calcium and acetyl-CoA may contribute to the gene expression regulation in nuclei.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The study investigated decision making in rats choosing between small immediate rewards and larger delayed rewards, in a task design where the size of the immediate rewards decreased when this option was chosen and increased when it was not chosen. The authors conceptualise this task as involving two different types of cognitive effort; 'resistance-based' effort putatively needed to resist the smaller immediate reward, and 'resource-based' effort needed to track the changing value of the immediate reward option. They argue based on analyses of the behaviour, and computational modelling, that rats use different strategies in different sessions, with one strategy in which they consistently choose the delayed reward option irrespective of the current immediate reward size, and another strategy in which they preferentially choose the immediate reward option when the immediate reward size is large, and the delayed reward option when the immediate reward size is small. The authors recorded neural activity in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and argue that ACC neurons track the value of the immediate reward option irrespective of the strategy the rats are using. They further argue that the strategy the rats are using modulates their estimated value of the immediate reward option, and that oscillatory activity in the 6-12Hz theta band occurs when subjects use the 'resistance-based' strategy of choosing the delayed option irrespective of the current value of the immediate reward option. If solid, these findings will be of interest to researchers working on cognitive control and ACCs involvement in decision making. However, there are some issues with the experiment design, reporting, modelling and analysis which currently preclude high confidence in the validity of the conclusions.


      The behavioural task used is interesting and the recording methods should enable the collection of good quality single unit and LFP electrophysiology data. The authors recorded from a sizable sample of subjects for this type of study. The approach of splitting the data into sessions where subjects used different strategies and then examining the neural correlates of each is in principle interesting, though I have some reservations about the strength of evidence for the existence of multiple strategies.


      The dataset is very unbalanced in terms of both the number of sessions contributed by each subject, and their distribution across the different putative behavioural strategies (see table 1), with some subjects contributing 9 or 10 sessions and others only one session, and it is not clear from the text why this is the case. Further, only 3 subjects contribute any sessions to one of the behavioural strategies, while 7 contribute data to the other such that apparent differences in brain activity between the two strategies could in fact reflect differences between subjects, which could arise due to e.g. differences in electrode placement. To firm up the conclusion that neural activity is different in sessions where different strategies are thought to be employed, it would be important to account for potential cross-subject variation in the data. The current statistical methods don't do this as they all assume fixed effects (e.g. using trials or neurons as the experimental unit and ignoring which subject the neuron/trial came from).

      It is not obvious that the differences in behaviour between the sessions characterised as using the 'G1' and 'G2' strategies actually imply the use of different strategies, because the behavioural task was different in these sessions, with a shorter wait (4 seconds vs 8 seconds) for the delayed reward in the G1 strategy sessions where the subjects consistently preferred the delayed reward irrespective of the current immediate reward size. Therefore the differences in behaviour could be driven by difference in the task (i.e. external world) rather than a difference in strategy (internal to the subject). It seems plausible that the higher value of the delayed reward option when the delay is shorter could account for the high probability of choosing this option irrespective of the current value of the immediate reward option, without appealing to the subjects using a different strategy.

      Further, even if the differences in behaviour do reflect different behavioural strategies, it is not obvious that these correspond to allocation of different types of cognitive effort. For example, subjects' failure to modify their choice probabilities to track the changing value of the immediate reward option might be due simply to valuing the delayed reward option higher, rather than not allocating cognitive effort to tracking immediate option value (indeed this is suggested by the neural data). Conversely, if the rats assign higher value to the delayed reward option in the G1 sessions, it is not obvious that choosing it requires overcoming 'resistance' through cognitive effort.

      The RL modelling used to characterise the subject's behavioural strategies made some unusual and arguably implausible assumptions:

      i) The goal of the agent was to maximise the value of the immediate reward option (ival), rather than the standard assumption in RL modelling that the goal is to maximise long-run (e.g. temporally discounted) reward. It is not obvious why the rats should be expected to care about maximising the value of only one of their two choice options rather than distributing their choices to try and maximise long run reward.

      ii) The modelling assumed that the subject's choice could occur in 7 different states, defined by the history of their recent choices, such that every successive choice was made in a different state from the previous choice. This is a highly unusual assumption (most modelling of 2AFC tasks assumes all choices occur in the same state), as it causes learning on one trial not to generalise to the next trial, but only to other future trials where the recent choice history is the same.

      iii) The value update was non-standard in that rather than using the trial outcome (i.e. the amount of reward obtained) as the update target, it instead appeared to use some function of the value of the immediate reward option (it was not clear to me from the methods exactly how the fival and fqmax terms in the equation are calculated) irrespective of whether the immediate reward option was actually chosen.

      iv) The model used an e-greedy decision rule such that the probability of choosing the highest value option did not depend on the magnitude of the value difference between the two options. Typically, behavioural modelling uses a softmax decision rule to capture a graded relationship between choice probability and value difference.

      v) Unlike typical RL modelling where the learned value differences drive changes in subjects' choice preferences from trial to trial, to capture sensitivity to the value of the immediately rewarding option the authors had to add in a bias term which depended directly on this value (not mediated by any trial-to-trial learning). It is not clear how the rat is supposed to know the current trial ival if not by learning over previous trials, nor what purpose the learning component of the model serves if not to track the value of the immediate reward option.

      Given the task design, a more standard modelling approach would be to treat each choice as occurring in the same state, with the (temporally discounted) value of the outcomes obtained on each trial updating the value of the chosen option, and choice probabilities driven in a graded way (e.g. softmax) by the estimated value difference between the options. It would be useful to explicitly perform model comparison (e.g. using cross-validated log-likelihood with fitted parameters) of the authors proposed model against more standard modelling approaches to test whether their assumptions are justified. It would also be useful to use logistic regression to evaluate how the history of choices and outcomes on recent trials affects the current trial choice, and compare these granular aspects of the choice data with simulated data from the model.

      There were also some issues with the analyses of neural data which preclude strong confidence in their conclusions:

      Figure 4I makes the striking claim that ACC neurons track the value of the immediately rewarding option equally accurately in sessions where two putative behavioural strategies were used, despite the behaviour being insensitive to this variable in the G1 strategy sessions. The analysis quantifies the strength of correlation between a component of the activity extracted using a decoding analysis and the value of the immediate reward option. However, as far as I could see this analysis was not done in a cross-validated manner (i.e. evaluating the correlation strength on test data that was not used for either training the MCML model or selecting which component to use for the correlation). As such, the chance level correlation will certainly be greater than 0, and it is not clear whether the observed correlations are greater than expected by chance.

      An additional caveat with the claim that ACC is tracking the value of the immediate reward option is that this value likely correlates with other behavioural variables, notably the current choice and recent choice history, that may be encoded in ACC. Encoding analyses (e.g. using linear regression to predict neural activity from behavioural variables) could allow quantification of the variance in ACC activity uniquely explained by option values after controlling for possible influence of other variables such as choice history (e.g. using a coefficient of partial determination).

      Figure 5 argues that there are systematic differences in how ACC neurons represent the value of the immediate option (ival) in the G1 and G2 strategy sessions. This is interesting if true, but it appears possible that the effect is an artefact of the different distribution of option values between the two session types. Specifically, due to the way that ival is updated based on the subjects' choices, in G1 sessions where the subjects are mostly choosing the delayed option, ival will on average be higher than in G2 sessions where they are choosing the immediate option more often. The relative number of high, medium and low ival trials in the G1 and G2 sessions will therefore be different, which could drive systematic differences in the regression fit in the absence of real differences in the activity-value relationship. I have created an ipython notebook illustrating this, available at: https://notebooksharing.space/view/a3c4504aebe7ad3f075aafaabaf93102f2a28f8c189ab9176d4807cf1565f4e3. To verify that this is not driving the effect it would be important to balance the number of trials at each ival level across sessions (e.g. by subsampling trials) before running the regression.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This manuscript reports some interesting and important patterns. The results on sex-bias in different tissues and across four taxa would benefit from alternative (or additional) presentation styles. In my view, the most important results are with respect to alpha (fraction of beneficial amino acid changes) in relation to sex-bias (though the authors have made this as a somewhat minor point in this version).

      The part that the authors emphasize I don't find very interesting (i.e., the sexes have overlapping expression profiles in many nongonadal tissues), nor do I believe they have the appropriate data necessary to convincingly demonstrate this (which would require multiple measures from the same individual).

      This study reports several interesting patterns with respect to sex differences in gene expression across organs of four mice taxa. An alternative presentation of the data would yield a clearer and more convincing case that the patterns the authors claim are legitimate.

      I recommend that the authors clarify what qualifies as "sex-bias".

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In their manuscript, Lenka et al present data that could suggest an "in trans" model of Parkin ubiquitination activity. Parkin is an intensely studied E3 ligase implicated in mitophagy, whereby missense mutations to the PARK2 gene are known to cause autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism. From a mechanistic point of view, Parkin is extremely complex. Its activity is tightly controlled by several modes of auto-inhibition that must be released by queues of mitochondrial damage. While the general overview of Parkin activation has been mapped out in recent years, several details have remained murky. In particular, whether Parkin dimerizes as part of its feed-forward signaling mechanism, and whether said dimerization can facilitate ligase activation, has remained unclear. Here, Lenka et al. use various truncation mutants of Parkin in an attempt to understand the likelihood of dimerization (in support of an "in trans" model for catalysis).


      The results are bolstered by several distinct approaches including analytical SEC with cleavable Parkin constructs, ITC interaction studies, ubiquitination assays, protein crystallography, and cellular localization studies.


      As presented, however, the storyline is very confusing to follow and several lines of experimentation felt like distractions from the primary message. Furthermore, many experiments could only indirectly support the author's conclusions, and therefore the final picture of what new features can be firmly added to the model of Parkin activation and function is unclear.

      Following peer review and revision, the claims are still not fully supported by direct evidence. While the experimental system may be necessary and/or convenient given the unique challenges in studying Parkin, it does not directly speak toward the conclusions that the authors make, nor does it provide an accurate representation of biology.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This paper used RNAseq, ATACseq, and Hi-C to assess gene expression, chromatin accessibility, and chromatin physical associations for native CD4+ T cells as they respond to stimulation through TCR and CD28. With these data in hand, the author identified 423 GWAS signals to their respective target genes, where most of these were not in the proximal promoter, but rather distal enhancers. The IL-2 gene was used as an example to identify new distal cis regulatory regions required for optimal IL-2 gene transcription. These distal elements interact with the proximal IL2 promoter region. When the distal enhancer contained an autoimmune SNP, it affected IL-2 gene transcription. The authors also identified genetic risk variants that were associated to genes upon activation. Some of these regulate proliferation and cytokine production, but others were novel.


      This paper provides a wealth of data related to gene expression after CD4 T cells are activated through the TCR and CD28. An important strength of this paper is that these data were intensively analyzed to uncover autoimmune disease SNPs in cis acting regions. Many of these could be assigned to likely target genes even though they often are in distal enhancers. These findings help to provide a better understanding concerning the mechanism by which GWAS risk elements impact gene expression.

      Another strength to this study was the proof-of-principle studies examining the IL-2 gene. Not only were new cis acting enhancers discovered, but they were functionally shown to be important in regulating IL-2 expression, including susceptibility to colitis. Their importance was also established with respect to such distal enhancers harboring disease relevant SNPs, which were shown to affect IL-2 transcription.

      The data from this study were also mined against past Crispr screens that identified genes that control aspects of CD4 T cell activation. From these comparisons, novel genes were identified that function during T cell activation.


      A weakness from this study is that few individuals were analyzed, i.e., RNAseq and ATACseq (n=3) and HiC (n=2). Thus, the authors may have underestimated potentially relevant risk associations by their chromatin capture-based methodology. This might account for low overlap of their data with the eQTL-based approach or the HIEI truth set.

      The authors explain that the low overlap is not due to few GWAS associations by HiC. The expanded discussion in the revised manuscript provides a framework to help explain inherent differences between these methods that may contribute to the low overlap.


      This study indicates that defining distal chromatin interacting regions help to identify distal genetic elements, including relevant variants, that contribute to gene activation.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In the present study, the author revealed that cardiomyocyte-specific deletion of mouse AARS2 exhibited evident cardiomyopathy with impaired cardiac function, notable cardiac fibrosis, and cardiomyocyte apoptosis. Cardiomyocyte-specific AARS2 overexpression in mice improved cardiac function and reduced cardiac fibrosis after myocardial infarction (MI), without affecting cardiomyocyte proliferation and coronary angiogenesis. Mechanistically, AARS2 overexpression suppressed cardiomyocyte apoptosis and mitochondrial reactive oxide species production, and changed cellular metabolism from oxidative phosphorylation toward glycolysis in cardiomyocytes, thus leading to cardiomyocyte survival from ischemia and hypoxia stress. Ribo-Seq revealed that AARS2 overexpression increased pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2) protein translation and the ratio of PKM2 dimers to tetramers that promote glycolysis. Additionally, PKM2 activator TEPP-46 reversed cardiomyocyte apoptosis and cardiac fibrosis caused by AARS2 deficiency. Thus, this study demonstrates that AARS2 plays an essential role in protecting cardiomyocytes from ischemic pressure via fine-tuning PKM2-mediated energy metabolism, and presents a novel cardiac protective AARS2-PKM2 signaling during the pathogenesis of MI. This study provides some new knowledge in the field, and there are still some questions that need to be addressed in order to better support the authors' views.

      (1) WGA staining showed obvious cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in the AARS2 cKO heart. Whether AARS affects cardiac hypertrophy needs to be further tested.

      (2) The authors observed that AARS2 can improve myocardial infarction, and whether AARS2 has an effect on other heart diseases.

      (3) Studies have shown that hypoxia conditions can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, including abnormal division and fusion. AARS2 also affects mitochondrial division and fusion and interacts with mitochondrial proteins, including FIS and DRP1, the authors are suggested to verify.

      (4) The authors only examined the role of AARS2 in cardiomyocytes, and fibroblasts are also an important cell type in the heart. Authors should examine the expression and function of AARS2 in fibroblasts.

      (5) Overexpression of AARS2 can inhibit the production of mtROS, and has a protective effect on myocardial ischemia and H/ R-induced injury, and the occurrence of iron death is also closely related to ROS, whether AARS protects myocardial by regulating the occurrence of iron death?

      (6) Please revise the English grammar and writing style of the manuscript, spelling and grammatical errors should be excluded.

      (7) Recent studies have shown that a decrease in oxygen levels leads to an increase in AARS2, and lactic acid rises rapidly without being oxidized. Both of these factors inhibit oxidative phosphorylation and muscle ATP production by increasing mitochondrial lactate acylation, thereby inhibiting exercise capacity and preventing the accumulation of reactive oxygen species ROS. The key role of protein lactate acylation modification in regulating oxidative phosphorylation of mitochondria, and the importance of metabolites such as lactate regulating cell function through feedback mechanisms, i.e. cells adapt to low oxygen through metabolic regulation to reduce ROS production and oxidative damage, and therefore whether AARS2 in the heart also acts in this way.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Vazquez-Fernandez et al. present a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the S. cerevisiae APC/C complex, providing new insights into its structure and function. The authors determined the medium-resolution structures of three recombinant S. cerevisiae APC/C complexes, including unphosphorylated apo-APC/C (4.9 Å), the ternary APC/CCDH1-substrate complex (APC/CCDH1:Hsl1 , 4.0 Å), and phosphorylated apo-APC/C (4.4 Å). Prior structures of human, E. cuniculi, S. cerevisiae, and S. pombe APC/C subunits, as well as AlphaFold2 predictions were used to guide model building. Although the determined structures are not sufficient to fully explain the molecular mechanism of APC/C activation and regulation in S. cerevisiae, they provide valuable insights into the similarities and differences with the human complex, shedding light on the conserved and divergent features of APC/C function.

      The manuscript synthesizes the structural analysis of the APC/C complex in S. cerevisiae, with literature into a cohesive and clear picture of the complex's structure and function. It is well-written and clear, making the complex biology of the APC/C complex accessible to a wide range of readers. The complex forms a triangular shape, with a central cavity surrounded by two modules: the TPR lobe and the platform module. The TPR lobe consists of three TPR proteins (APC3, APC6, and APC8), which stack on top of each other to form a quasi-symmetric structure. The platform module is composed of the large APC1 subunit, together with APC4 and APC5. The authors also analyzed the structure of several smaller subunits that are involved in regulating the activity of the APC/C complex and showed their structural similarities to and discrepancies from their human counterparts. These subunits, including CDC26/APC12, SWM1/APC13, APC9, and MND2/APC15, form extended, irregular structures that simultaneously contact multiple large globular APC/C subunits.

      While the authors report the similarity between the overall structure of S. cerevisiae and human APC/C complexes, they also found two unexpected differences. First, in the S. cerevisiae apo-complex, the E2 binding site on APC11RING is accessible, whereas, in humans, it requires CDH1 binding. Second, a structural element similar to the human APC1 auto-inhibitory segment is missing in S. cerevisiae. In humans, the phosphorylation-dependent displacement of this segment allows CDC20 binding to APC/C. In S. cerevisiae, the binding requires phosphorylation however the structures reported here are suggestive that this could involve a different (presently unknown) mechanism. These structural insights highlight the importance of understanding the species-specific features of APC/C function.


      The manuscript does a great job of revealing new structures.

      Opportunity for increasing impact: It would have been nice if some functional differences were demonstrated, for example regarding the mechanism of CDC20 binding, and the comparison between apo-APC/C and ternary APC/CCDH1:Hsl1 does not explain the molecular activation mechanism of S. cerevisiae APC/C. Nonetheless, the authors nicely integrate their data with well-established literature on the similarities and differences between yeast and human systems.


      The authors should cite and discuss Cole Ferguson et al., Mol Cell 2022. This study describes the loss of APC7 in human disease and provides a detailed structural and biochemical examination of the effects of APC7 loss on human APC/C. Given that much of our understanding of APC7 comes from this work, it should be highlighted in the introduction and discussed in depth in light of the new work on S. cerevisiae APC/C.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Bell and colleagues studied how different splice isoforms of voltage-gated CaV2 calcium channels affect channel expression, localization, function, synaptic transmission, and locomotor behavior at the larval Drosophila neuromuscular junction. They reveal that one mutually exclusive exon located in the fourth transmembrane domain encoding the voltage sensor is essential for calcium channel expression, function, active zone localization, and synaptic transmission. Furthermore, a second mutually exclusive exon residing in an intracellular loop containing the binding sites for Caβ and G-protein βγ subunits promotes the expression and synaptic localization of around ~50% of CaV2 channels, thereby contributing to ~50% of synaptic transmission. This isoform enhances release probability, as evident from increased short-term depression, is vital for homeostatic potentiation of neurotransmitter release induced by glutamate receptor impairment, and promotes locomotion. The roles of the two other tested isoforms remain less clear.


      The study is based on solid data that was obtained with a diverse set of approaches. Moreover, it generated valuable transgenic flies that will facilitate future research on the role of calcium channel splice isoforms in neural function.


      (1) Based on the data shown in Figures 2A-C, and 2H, it is difficult to judge the localization of the cac isoforms. Could they analyze cac localization with regard to Brp localization (similar to Figure 3; the term "co-localization" should be avoided for confocal data), as well as cac and Brp fluorescence intensity in the different genotypes for the experiments shown in Figure 2 and 3 (Brp intensity appears lower in the dI-IIA example shown in Figure 3G)? Furthermore, heterozygous dIS4B imaging data (Figure 2C) should be quantified and compared to heterozygous cacsfGFP/+.

      (2) They conclude that I-II splicing is not required for cac localization (p. 13). However, cac channel number is reduced in dI-IIB. Could the channels be mis-localized (e.g., in the soma/axon)? What is their definition of localization? Could cac be also mis-localized in dIS4B? Furthermore, the Western Blots indicate a prominent decrease in cac levels in dIS4B/+ and dI-IIB (Figure 1D). How do the decreased protein levels seen in both genotypes fit to a "localization" defect? Could decreased cac expression levels explain the phenotypes alone?

      (3) Cac-IS4B is required for Cav2 expression, active zone localization, and synaptic transmission. Similarly, loss of cac-I-IIB reduces calcium channel expression and number. Hence, the major phenotype of the tested splice isoforms is the loss of/a reduction in Cav2 channel number. What is the physiological role of these isoforms? Is the idea that channel numbers can be regulated by splicing? Is there any data from other systems relating channel number regulation to splicing (vs. transcription or post-transcriptional regulation)?

      (4) Although not supported by statistics, and as appreciated by the authors (p. 14), there is a slight increase in PSC amplitude in dIS4A mutants (Figure 2). Similarly, PSC amplitudes appear slightly larger (Figure 3J), and cac fluorescence intensity is slightly higher (Figure 3H) in dI-IIA mutants. Furthermore, cac intensity and PSC amplitude distributions appear larger in dI-IIA mutants (Figures 3H, J), suggesting a correlation between cac levels and release. Can they exclude that IS4A and/or I-IIA negatively regulate release? I suggest increasing the sample size for Canton S to assess whether dIS4A mutant PSCs differ from controls (Figure 2E). Experiments at lower extracellular calcium may help reveal potential increases in PSC amplitude in the two genotypes (but are not required). A potential increase in PSC amplitude in either isoform would be very interesting because it would suggest that cac splicing could negatively regulate release.

      (5) They provide compelling evidence that IS4A is required for the amplitude of somatic sustained HVA calcium currents. However, the evidence for effects on biophysical properties and activation voltage (p. 13) is less convincing. Is the phenotype confined to the sustained phase, or are other aspects of the current also affected (Figure 2J)? Could they also show the quantification of further parameters, such as CaV2 peak current density, charge density, as well as inactivation kinetics for the two genotypes? I also suggest plotting peak-normalized HVA current density and conductance (G/Gmax) as a function of Vm. Could a decrease in current density due to decreased channel expression be the only phenotype? How would changes in the sustained phase translate into altered synaptic transmission in response to AP stimulation?

      (6) Why was the STED data analysis confined to the same optical section, and not to max. intensity z-projections? How many and which optical sections were considered for each active zone? What were the criteria for choosing the optical sections? Was synapse orientation considered for the nearest neighbor Cac - Brp cluster distance analysis? How do the nearest-neighbor distances compare between "planar" and "side-view" Brp puncta?

      (7) Cac clusters localize to the Brp center (e.g., Liu et al., 2011). They conclude that Cav2 localization within Brp is not affected in the cac variants (p. 8). However, their analysis is not informative regarding a potential offset between the central cac cluster and the Brp "ring". Did they/could they analyze cac localization with regard to Brp ring center localization of planar synapses, as well as Brp-ring dimensions?

      (8) Given the accelerated PSC decay/ decreased half width in dI-IIA (Fig. 5Q), I recommend reporting PSC charge in Figure 3, and PPR charge in Figures 5A-D. The charge-based PPRs of dI-IIA mutants likely resemble WT more closely than the amplitude-based PPR. In addition, miniature PSC decay kinetics should be reported, as they may contribute to altered decay kinetics. How could faster cac inactivation kinetics in response to single AP stimulation result in a decreased PSC half-width? Is there any evidence for an effect of calcium current inactivation on PSC kinetics? On a similar note, is there any evidence that AP waveform changes accelerate PSC kinetics? PSC decay kinetics are mainly determined by GluR decay kinetics/desensitization. The arguments supporting the role of cac splice isoforms in PSC kinetics outlined in the discussion section are not convincing and should be revised.

      (9) Paired-pulse ratios (PPRs): On how many sweeps are the PPRs based? In which sequence were the intervals applied? Are PPR values based on the average of the second over the first PSC amplitudes of all sweeps, or on the PPRs of each sweep and then averaged? The latter calculation may result in spurious facilitation, and thus to the large PPRs seen in dI-IIB mutants (Kim & Alger, 2001; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.21-24-09608.2001).

      (10) Could the dI-IIB phenotype be simply explained by a decrease in channel number/ release probability? To test this, I propose investigating PPRs and short-term dynamics during train stimulation at lower extracellular Ca2+ concentration in WT. The Ca2+ concentration could be titrated such that the first PSC amplitude is similar between WT and dI-IIB mutants. This experiment would test if the increased PPR/depression variability is a secondary consequence of a decrease in Ca2+ influx, or specific to the splice isoform.

      (11) How were the depression kinetics analyzed? How many trains were used for each cell, and how do the tau values depend on the first PSC amplitude? Time constants in the range of a few (5-10) milliseconds are not informative for train stimulations with a frequency of 1 or 10 Hz (the unit is missing in Figure 5H). Also, the data shown in Figures 5E-K suggest slower time constants than 5-10 ms. Together, are the data indeed consistent with the idea that dI-IIB does not only affect cac channel number, but also PPR/depression variability (p. 9)?

      (12) The GFP-tagged I-IIA and mEOS4b-tagged I-IIB cac puncta shown in Figure 6N appear larger than the Brp puncta. Endogenously tagged cac puncta are typically smaller than Brp puncta (Gratz et al., 2019). Also, the I-IIA and I-IIB fluorescence sometimes appear to be partially non-overlapping. First, I suggest adding panels that show all three channels merged. Second, could they analyze the area and area overlap of I-IIA and I-IIB with regard to each other and to Brp, and compare it to cac-GFP? Any speculation as to how the different tags could affect localization? Finally, I recommend moving the dI-IIA and dI-IIB localization data shown in Figure 6N to an earlier figure (Figure 1 or Figure 3).

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This paper proposes a computational account for the phenomenon of pattern differentiation (i.e., items having distinct neural representations when they are similar). The computational model relies on a learning mechanism of the nonmonotonic plasticity hypothesis, fast learning rate and inhibitory oscillations. In the revised paper, the authors justified the initialization of the model, added empirical evidence supporting the use of two turning points in the NMPH function and provided details of the learning mechanisms of the model. The relatively simple architecture of the model makes its dynamics accessible to the human mind. Furthermore, using similar model parameters, this model produces simulated data consistent with empirical data of pattern differentiation. The authors also provide insightful discussion on the factors contributing to differentiation as opposed to integration.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this work, Link and colleagues have investigated the localization and function of the actomyosin system in the parasite Trypanosoma brucei, which represents a highly divergent and streamlined version of this important cytoskeletal pathway. Using a variety of cutting-edge methods, the authors have shown that the T. brucei Myo1 homolog is a dynamic motor that can translocate actin, suggesting that it may not function as a more passive crosslinker. Using expansion microscopy, iEM, and CLEM, the authors show that MyoI localizes to the endosomal pathway, specifically the portion tasked with internalizing and targeting cargo for degradation, not the recycling endosomes. The glycosomes also appear to be associated with MyoI, which was previously not known. An actin chromobody was employed to determine the localization of filamentous actin in cells, which was correlated with the localization of Myo1. Interestingly, the pool of actomyosin was not always closely associated with the flagellar pocket region, suggesting that portions of the endolysomal system may remain at a distance from the sole site of parasite endocytosis. Lastly, the authors used actin-perturbing drugs to show that disrupting actin causes a collapse of the endosomal system in T. brucei, which they have shown recently does not comprise distinct compartments but instead a single continuous membrane system with subdomains containing distinct Rab markers.


      Overall, the quality of the work is extremely high. It contains a wide variety of methods, including biochemistry, biophysics, and advanced microscopy that are all well deployed to answer the central question. The data is also well quantitated to provide additional rigor to the results. The main premise, that actomyosin is essential for the overall structure of the T. brucei endocytic system, is well supported and is of general interest, considering how uniquely configured this pathway is in this divergent eukaryote and how important it is to the elevated rates of endocytosis that are necessary for this parasite to inhabit its host.

      Comments on revised version:

      The revised manuscript has addressed the main issue, the lack of TbMyo1 functional data that was brought up during the first round of review. I find it interesting that Myo1 depletion has what appears to be a limited effect on endocytosis while producing a similar fragmentation of the endocytic pathway to what is seen with the LatA treatments. As CCV remains in both LatA treatments and TbMyo1 RNAi, it seems apparent that the organization of the endocytic pathway is not required for at least basal levels of endocytosis.

      My other points were well addressed by the rebuttal. I am satisfied with the update.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This study characterizes the relative stability of semantic representations in the human brain using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. The authors suggest that representations in the early stages of processing within the visual system are stable over hours, weeks, and months, while representations in later stages of processing - within the medial temporal lobe - change more rapidly, sometimes within the span of a single fMRI session.

      To make this claim, the authors conduct a series of analyses using a well-established fMRI dataset. This begins with a decoding analysis to identify regions that contain reliable object-specific information. This approach identifies early stages within canonical visual cortices (e.g., primary visual cortex, V1), as well as downstream regions within the medial temporal lobe (MTL); this includes perirhinal cortex (PRC), parahippocampal cortex (PHC), and several subfields within the hippocampal cortex (e.g., CA1). Next, they identify regions that are correlated with "semantic features" associated with these objects, determined using word2vec embeddings of each of these object names. Several regions within the MTL (CA1, PRC, PHC) were significantly correlated with these word2vec embeddings. The authors then turn their analyses to representational change across two different timescales. Between scan sessions, regions at early stages of visual processing (e.g., V1) contain relatively stable representations, while regions within the MTL decreased their auto-correlation across sessions, suggesting that there is increased representational change/drift in the MTL. Finally, the authors demonstrate that there is representational change with PHC within a single scan session - changes that reflect the statistics of visual experiences.


      The analyses conducted in this study are solid and creative and they yield compelling theoretical results. Beyond the paper's central claims, this study also highlights the utility of publicly available datasets (i.e., NSD) in exploring and evaluating novel theoretical ideas.

      Especially compelling is the combined analysis used to estimate reliable item-level representations, first, and then the long-term drift of item representations (i.e., between sessions). The design choices for modeling the fMRI data (e.g., the cross-validated approach to predicting voxel-level responses) reflect state-of-the-art analysis methods, while the control regions used in these analyses (e.g., V1) provide compelling contrasts to the experimental effects. This makes it clear that the observed representational drift/instability is not present throughout the visual system. These results indicate that this effect is worthy of future experiments, while also providing auxiliary information related to effect size, etc.


      The concerns outlined here do not challenge the central claim within this study, relating to the relative instability of representations within the MTL as compared to V1. Instead, these concerns focus on whether these representations should be described as "semantic," the importance we should give to the distinction between PHC and other MTC structures, and the lack of systematic analysis in relation to the "gradient" from posterior to anterior regions. In each case, I have provided suggestions as to how these concerns might be addressed. Finally, I've made a note about whether these data should be interpreted in terms of neural "plasticity" given the lack of behavioral change in relation to these fMRI data.

      (1) No reason to believe that representations within the MTL are necessarily 'semantic.'

      The authors suggest "evoked object representations in CA1, PHC, and PRC are semantic in nature." However, the correlation between fMRI responses and word2vec embeddings-the only evidence for "semantic" representations-is ambiguous. These structures might contain high-dimensional features that are associated with these objects for other reasons; concretely, there might be visual information that is not semantic but relates to the reliable visual properties of these objects (e.g., texture, shape, location in the image). Yet there are no analyses to disambiguate between these alternative accounts. As such, labeling these as "semantic" representations is suggestive but premature. Nonetheless, developing such a control analysis should be relatively straightforward. I outline one possible approach below.

      While "semantic" information is a relatively nebulous term in the cognitive neurosciences, contemporary deep-learning methods might offer unambiguous ways to characterize such representations. If we assume that "semantics" relate to the meaning of an object/entity and not the "low-level" sensory attributes related to encoding this information, this leads to a straightforward implementation of object semantics: the reliable variance that can be isolated within the residuals of a sensory encoder. For example, do word2vec embeddings explain variance within the medial temporal lobe above and beyond the variance explained by a vision-only image encoder? Of course, care must be taken to use a visual encoder which is not itself a crystallization of object semantics (e.g., encoders optimized using a classification objective), but this is all very feasible given contemporary computer vision methods. Adding such a control analysis would offer a significant improvement over the current approach, clarifying the nature of the stimulus-driven representations within the medial temporal lobe by disentangling "semantic" properties of reliable visual features.

      Additionally, it is not clear whether results from the current "object encoding" analysis and "semantic detection" analysis differ because of underlying differences in representational content in these regions or because of design choices in these analyses themselves. That is, while the object encoding analysis learns a linear projection from a one-hot 80-dimensional vector to hemodynamic responses in each brain region, the semantic detection analysis correlates these predicted hemodynamic responses with word2vec embeddings associated with each of these 80 objects. These different analysis methods result in different outcomes: not all regions identified by the object encoding analysis are also identified in the semantic detection analysis (e.g., hippocampal subfields). It is not clear to what degree these different outcomes are a function of "semantic" information, or are simply a consequence of differences in analytic approaches. It would be useful to know the results by repeating the logic from the object encoding analysis, but instead of 1-hot vectors for each object, use the word2vec embeddings.

      (2) Unclear if the differences between PHC and other MTL structures are driven by SNR.

      Parahippocampal cortex (PHC) is a region reliably identified by the analyses in this study: PHC is identified in the analysis of item encoding, semantic content, and representational drift across long (between-session) and short (within-session) timescales. Control regions here provide a convincing contrast to PHC in each of these analyses, and so the role of PHC appears clear in these analyses. However, it is unclear how to interpret the difference between PHC and other structures within the MTC - namely, the observation that PHC alone is influenced by representational drift across shorter timescales. It's possible that these effects are common throughout the MTL, but are only evident in PHC because of increased SNR. This concern seems plausible when observing PHC's "encoding success" and "semantic content," both visually and statistically, relative to other MTL structures: the magnitude of PHC's effect appears greater, which could simply be an artifact of PHC's relatively high SNR. In fMRI data, for example, PRC typically has relatively low SNR due to field inhomogeneities related to dropout, due to PRC's relative proximity to the ear canal-which is exacerbated in 7T (vs 3T) scanners, which was the case for the data in this study.

      Addressing this concern could be relatively straightforward. For example, including information about the SNR in each respective brain region would be very helpful. If the SNR across brain regions within the MTL is relatively uniform, then this already addresses the concern above. regardless, it would be useful to report the experimental effects in relation, for example, the split-half reliability of signal in each brain region. That is, instead of simply reporting that that results are significant across brain regions, the authors might estimate how reliable the variance is across brain regions, and use this reliable variance as a ceiling which can be used to normalize the amount of variance explained in each analysis. By providing an account of the differences in the reliability/SNR of different regions, we would have a much better estimate of the relative importance of differences in the results reported for different regions within the MTL.

      (3) Need for more systematic analysis/visualization of "posterior" vs. "anterior" regions.

      The authors report that "Whole-brain analyses revealed a gradient of plasticity in the temporal lobe, with drift more evident in anterior than posterior areas." However, the only contrast provided in the main text is between MTL structures and V1-there is no "gradient" in any of these analyses. There are other regions visualized in Supplemental Figure 3, but there is not a systematic evaluation of the gradient along a "posterior/anterior" axis. It would be helpful to see the results in Figures 3A, 4A, 5A, and 6A to include other posterior visual regions (e.g., V4, LOC, PPA, FFA) beyond V1.

      (4) Without behavioral data, not a direct relationship with "stability-plasticity tradeoff"

      The results from this study are framed in relation to a "stability-plasticity tradeoff." As argued in this manuscript, this tradeoff is central to animal behavior - our ability to rapidly deploy prior knowledge to respond to the world around us. Given that there are no behavioral measures used in the current study, however, no claims can be made about how these fMRI data might relate to learning, or behavior more generally. As such, framing these results in terms of a stability-plasticity tradeoff is tenuous. "Representational drift," on the other hand, is a term that is relatively agnostic in its relationship with behavior, and aptly describes the results presented here. The authors refer to this term as well. Considering the lack of behavioral evidence, alongside the core findings from these neuroimaging data, "representational stability" or "representational "drift" seems to be a more direct description of the available data than "neural plasticity" or a "stability-plasticity tradeoff."

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors demonstrate the activation of Polycystin-1 (PC1), a G-protein coupled receptor, using small peptides derived from its original agonist, the stalk TA protein. In the experimental part of the study, the authors performed cellular assays to check the peptide-induced reactivation of a mutant form of PC1 which does not contain the stalk agonist. The experimental data is supported by computational studies using state-of-the-art Gaussian accelerated Molecular Dynamics (GaMD) and bioinformatics analysis based on sequence covariance. The computer simulations revealed the mechanistic details of the binding of the said peptides with the mutant PC1 protein and discovered different bound, unbound, and intermediate conformations depending on the peptide size and sequence. Due to the use of reliable and well-established molecular simulation algorithms and the physiological relevance of this protein autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) make this work particularly valuable.


      This work is exploratory and its goal is to establish that small peptides can be used to probe the PC1 signaling process. The authors have provided sufficient evidence to justify this claim. Their GaMD simulations have produced free-energy landscapes that differentiate the interaction of PC1 with three different synthetic peptides and demonstrate the associated conformational dynamics of the receptor protein. Their trajectory analysis and sequence covariance analysis could identify residue-specific interactions that facilitate this process. The authors also performed residue-wise and total interaction energy calculations to substantiate their findings.


      The reported free energy landscapes are not fully converged. But they are still sufficient to gain biological insight.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors attempted to unravel the role of the Ca2+-binding proteins CaBP1 and CaBP2 for the hitherto enigmatic lack of Ca2+-dependent inactivation of Ca2+ currents in sensory inner hair cells (IHCs). As Ca2+ currents through Cav1.3 channels are crucial for exocytosis, the lack of inactivation of those Ca2+ currents is essential for the indefatigable sound encoding by IHCs. Using a deaf mouse model lacking both CaBP1 and CaBP2, the authors convincingly demonstrate that both CaBP1 and CaBP2 together confer a lack of inactivation, with CaBP2 being far more effective. This is surprising given the mild phenotype of the single knockouts, which has been published by the authors before. Re-admission of CaBP2 through viral gene transfer into the inner ear of double-knockout mice largely restored hearing function, normal Ca2+ current properties, and exocytosis.

      Comments on the revised version:

      The authors improved the quality of the figures as requested.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This study by Guan and co-workers focuses on a model neuronal lineage in the developing Drosophila nervous system, revealing interesting aspects about: a) the generation of supernumerary cells, later destined for apoptosis; and, b) new insights into the mechanisms that regulate this process. The two RNA-binding proteins, Imp and Syp, are shown to be expressed in temporally largely complementary patterns, their expression defining early vs later born neurons in this lineage, and thus also regulating the apoptotic elimination. Moreover, neuronal 'fate' transcription factors that are downstream of Imp and signatures of early-born neurons, can also be sufficient to convert later born cells to an earlier 'fate', including survival. The authors provide solid evidence for most of their statements, including the temporal windows during which the early and the later-born motoneurons are generated by this model lineage, how this relates to patterns of cell death by apoptosis and that mis-expression of early-born transcription factors in later-born cells can be sufficient to block apoptosis (part of, and perhaps indicative of the late-born identity). Other studies have previously outlined analogous, mutually antagonistic roles for Imp and Syp during nervous system development in Drosophila, in different parts and at different stages, with which the working model of this study aligns. Overall, this study adds to and extends current working models and evidence on the developmental mechanisms that underlie temporal cell fate decisions.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this paper, the authors sought to evaluate whether the novel TB drug candidate, spectinamide 1599 (S), given via inhalation to mouse TB models, and combined with the drugs B (bedaquiline) and Pa (pretomanid), would demonstrate similar efficacy to that of BPaL regimen (where L is linezolid). Because L is associated with adverse events when given to patients longterm, and one of those is associated with myelosuppression (bone marrow toxicity) the authors also sought to assess blood parameters, effects on bone marrow, immune parameters/cell effects following treatment of mice with BPaS and BPaL. They conclude that BPaL and BPaS have equivalent efficacy in both TB models used and that BPaL resulted in weight loss and anemia (whereas BPaS did not) under the conditions tested, as well as effects on bone marrow.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors used two mouse models of TB that are representative of different aspects of TB in patients (which they describe well), intending to present a fuller picture of the activity of the tested drug combinations. They conducted a large body of work in these infected mice to evaluate efficacy and also to survey a wide range of parameters that could inform the effect of the treatments on bone marrow and on the immune system. The inclusion of BPa controls (in most studies) and also untreated groups led to a large amount of useful data that has been collected for the mouse models per se (untreated) as well as for BPa - in addition to the BPaS and BPaL combinations which are of particular interest to the authors. Many of these findings related to BPa, BPaL, untreated groups etc corroborate earlier findings and the authors point this out effectively and clearly in their manuscript. To go further, in general, it is a well written and cited article with an informative introduction.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The authors performed a large amount of work with the drugs given at the doses and dosing intervals stated, but there is no exposure data available at this time. The authors intend to evaluate exposure-effect relationships in future work. An understanding of the exposures at which the efficacy and adverse effects are seen will assist in the translation of these findings to the clinic.<br /> In addition, it is always challenging to interpret findings for combinations of drugs and for now, the data available cannot attribute confidence to the weight loss seen for only the BPaL group to L specifically, as opposed to a PK interaction leading to an elevated exposure and weight loss due to B or Pa. It is not yet possible, then to state that what is seen are "L-associated AEs" - this is assumed only.<br /> The evaluations of activity in the BALB/c mouse model as well as the spleens of the Kramnik model resulted in CFU below/at the limit of detection so comparisons between BPaL and BPaS cannot be made and so the conclusion of equivalent efficacy in BALB/c is not supported with the data shown. There is no BPa control in the BALB/c study, therefore it is not possible to discern whether L or S contributed to the activity of BPaL or BPaS. The same is true for the assessment of lesions - unfortunately, there was no BPa control meaning that even where equivalency is seen for BPaL and BPaS, the reader is unable to deduce whether L or S made a contribution to this activity.<br /> Although these weaknesses limit what we can learn from the current body of data, the authors note that further studies will be done to increase understanding of the points above.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This important paper provides the best-to-date characterization of chirping in weakly electric fish using a large number of variables. These include environment (free vs divided fish, with or without clutter), breeding state, gender, intruder vs resident, social status, locomotion state and social and environmental experience, without and with playback experiments. It applies state-of-the-art methods for reducing the dimensionality of the data and finding patterns of correlation between different kinds of variables (factor analysis, K-means). The strength of the evidence, collated from a large number of trials with many controls, leads to the conclusion that the traditionally assumed communication function of chirps may be secondary to its role in environmental assessment and exploration that takes social context into account. Based on their extensive analyses, the authors suggest that chirps are mainly used as probes that help detect beats caused by other fish as well as objects.

      Strengths:<br /> The work is based on completely novel recordings using interaction chambers. The amount of new data and associated analyses is simply staggering, and yet, well organized in presentation. The study further evaluates the electric field strength around a fish (via modelling with the boundary element method) and how its decay parallels the chirp rate, thereby relating the above variables to electric field geometry. The BEM modelling also convincingly predicts how the electric image of a receiver conspecific on a sending fish is enhanced by a chirp.

      The main conclusions are that the lack of any significant behavioural correlates for chirping, and the lack of temporal patterning in chirp time series, cast doubt on a primary communication goal for most chirps. Rather, the key determinants of chirping are the difference in frequency between two interacting conspecifics as well as individual subjects' environmental and social experience. The paper concludes that there is a lack of evidence for stereotyped temporal patterning of chirp time series, as well as of sender-receiver chirp transitions beyond the known increase in chirp frequency during an interaction. The authors carefully submit that the new putative echolocation function of chirps is not mutually exclusive with a possible communication function.

      These conclusions by themselves will be very useful to the field. They will also allow scientists working on other "communication" systems to perhaps reconsider and expand the goals of the probes used in those senses. A lot of data are summarized in this paper, with thorough referencing to past work.

      The alternative hypotheses that arise from the work are that chirps are mainly used as environmental probes for better beat detection and processing and object localization, and in this sense are self-directed signals. This led to their prediction that environmental complexity ("clutter") should increase chirp rate, which is fact was revealed by their new experiments. The authors also argue that waveform EODs have less power across high spatial frequencies compared to pulse-type fish, with a resulting relatively impoverished power of resolution. Chirping in wave-type fish could temporarily compensate for the lower frequency resolution while still being able to resolve EOD perturbations with a good temporal definition (which pulse-type fish lack due to low pulse rates).

      The authors also advance the interesting idea that the sinusoidal frequency modulations caused by chirps are the electric fish's solution to the minute (and undetectable by neural wetware) echo-delays available to it, due to the propagation of electric fields at the speed of light in water. The paper provides a number of experimental avenues to pursue in order to validate the non-communication role of chirps.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In "CXCL9, granzyme B, and TNF-α orchestrate protective in vitro granulomatous responses across Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex lineages", Arbués and colleagues describe the impact of mycobacterial genetic diversity on host-infection phenotypes. The authors evaluate Mtb infection and contextualize host responses, bacterial growth, and metabolic transitioning in vitro using their previously established model of blood-derived, primary human cells cultured on a collogen/fibronectin matrix. They seek to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model in determining mycobacterial strain-specific granuloma-dependent host-pathogen interactions.

      Strengths and weaknesses:

      Understanding the way mycobacterial genetic diversity impacts granuloma biology in tuberculosis is an important goal. One of this work's strengths is the use of primary human cells and two constituents of the pulmonary extracellular matrix to model Mtb infection. The authors and others have previously shown that Mtb-infected PBMC aggregates share important characteristics with early pulmonary TB granulomas (Arbues et al., Bio Protoc, 2020, PMID: 3659472; Guirado et al., mBio, 2015, PMID: 25691598; Kapoor et al., PloS One, 2013, PMID: 23308269). The use of multiple genetically distinct strains of Mtb defines this work and further bolsters its potential impact. However, the study is not comprehensive as lineages 6 and 7 are not tested. Experiments are primarily descriptive, and the methodologies are conventional. Correlative relationships are the manuscript's focus and functional validation is not conducted. Convoluted data presentation hampers the readers' ability to effectively evaluate many of the findings for significance. The effect sizes are generally small and most quantitative data are unitless. A further weakness of the study is a lack of any in vivo modeling.

      Achievement of aims, and support for conclusions:

      The main aim of this work is to extend an in vitro granuloma model to the study of a large collection of well-characterized, genetically diverse representatives of the mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC). I believe that they accomplish that aim. The work does investigate MTBC infection of aggregated PBMCs using three strains each of Mtb lineages 1-5 and H37Rv, which is not a trivial undertaking. The experimental aims are to show that MTBC genetic diversity impacts the growth and dormancy of granuloma-bound bacteria and, the host responses of granulomatous aggregation as well as macrophage apoptosis, lymphocyte activation, and soluble mediator release within granulomas. A lack of basic descriptive statistics for raw data makes it difficult to determine if benchmarks for most of the experimental aims have been reached. Although the methodologies employed should have been able to test most of these aims. The title's conclusion that CXCL9, granzyme B, and TNF orchestrate a protective granulomatous response is not tested and is not supported by the findings. Those molecules are not a focus of the work, their effects are not investigated effectively and their relationship to the granulomatous response is not determined. The authors' conclusions regarding their results are a mixed bag. Their conclusion that lineage impacts growth within granulomas is likely true and the data as presented reflect such a relationship. However, even without the basic descriptive statistics needed to evaluate the data supporting that claim, the methods employed for bacterial collection call into question whether all Mtb plated for CFU assay resided within granulomatous aggregates. Their conclusions regarding lineage's impact on dormancy are not supported, as their findings demonstrate that assays for dormancy identify replicating bacteria as being dormant. Their conclusion that strain diversity results in a spectrum of granulomatous responses in their model system is strongly supported by the results. Their conclusion that strain diversity impacts macrophage apoptosis is supported by the data but a relationship of apoptosis to the granulomatous response is not effectively evaluated. Their conclusion that lymphocyte activation is associated with reduced mycobacterial growth as an aspect of granulomas is well supported in the literature and a negative correlation between T cell activation and growth is supported by their results.

      Impact on the field:

      The authors contribute some valuable insights, particularly in Figure 3 and supplementary Figures 1 and 2, where data is more accessible to critique. Their identification of donor-dependent aggregation phenotypes by mycobacterial strain has the potential to enable future reverse-genetic screens for human and Mtb loci that contribute to granulomatous inflammation. Their model is a higher echelon relative to others in the field, but I don't believe that it possesses all of the necessary tissue and cellular components to effectively replicate the formation of granulomas in nature. The bulk of the data in its current form is not of high value to the community, but I think it has the potential to contribute additional novel insights if panels that display descriptive statistics are added to the figures.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this paper, Rethemeier et al capitalize on their previous observation that the beetle central complex develops heterochronically compared to the fly and try to identify the developmental origin of this difference. For this reason, they use a fez enhancer trap line that they generated to study the neuronal stem cells (INPs) that give rise to the central complex. Using this line and staining against Drosophila type-II neuroblast markers, they elegantly dissect the number of developmental progression of the beetle type II neuroblasts. They show that the NBs, INPs, and GMCs have a conserved marker progression by comparing to Drosophila marker genes, although the expression of some of the lineage markers (otd, six3, and six4) is slightly different. Finally, they show that the beetle type II neuroblast lineages are likely longer than the equivalent ones in Drosophila and argue that this might be the underlying reason for the observed heterochrony.


      - A very interesting study system that compares a conserved structure that, however, develops in a heterochronic manner.

      - Identification of a conserved molecular signature of type-II neuroblasts between beetles and flies. At the same time, identification of transcription factors expression differences in the neuroblasts, as well as identification of an extra neuroblast.

      - Nice detailed experiments to describe the expression of conserved and divergent marker genes, including some lineaging looking into the co-expression of progenitor (fez) and neuronal (skh) markers.


      - Comparing between different species is difficult as one doesn't know what the equivalent developmental stages are. How do the authors know when to compare the sizes of the lineages between Drosophila and Tribolium? Moreover, the fact that the authors recover more INPs and GMCs could also mean that the progenitors divide more slowly and, therefore, there is an accumulation of progenitors who have not undergone their programmed number of divisions.

      - The main conclusion that the earlier central complex development in beetles is due to the enhanced activity of the neuroblasts is very handwavy and is not the only possible conclusion from their data.

      - The argument for conserved patterns of gene expression between Tribolium and Drosophila type-II NBs, INPs, and GMCs is a bit circular, as the authors use Drosophila markers to identify the Tribolium cells.

      An appraisal of whether the authors achieved their aims, and whether the results support their conclusions: Based on the above, I believe that the authors, despite advancing significantly, fall short of identifying the reasons for the divergent timing of central complex development between beetle and fly.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      I remain enthusiastic about this study. The manuscript is well-written, logical, and conceptually clear. To my knowledge, no prior modeling study has tackled the question of 'why prepare before executing, why not just execute?' Prior studies have simply assumed, to emulate empirical findings, that preparatory inputs precede execution. They never asked why. The authors show that, when there are constraints on inputs, preparation becomes a natural strategy. In contrast, with no constraint on inputs, there is no need for preparation as one could get anything one liked just via the inputs during movement. For the sake of tractability, the authors use a simple magnitude constraint: the cost function punishes the integral of the squared inputs. Thus, if small inputs before movement can reduce the size of the inputs needed during movement, preparation is a good strategy. This occurs if (and only if) the network has strong dynamics (otherwise feeding it preparatory activity would not produce anything interesting). All of this is sensible and clarifying.

      As discussed in the prior round of reviews, the central constraint that the authors use is a mathematically tractable stand-in for a range of plausible (but often trickier to define and evaluate) constraints, such as simplicity of inputs (or inputs being things that other areas could provide). The manuscript now embraces this fact more explicitly and also gives some results showing that other constraints (such as on the derivative of activity, which is one component of complexity) can have the same effect. The manuscript also now discusses and addresses a modest weakness of the previous manuscript: the preparatory activity in their simulations is often overly complex temporally, lacking the (rough) plateau typically seen for data. Depending on your point of view, this is simply 'window dressing', but from my perspective it was important to know that their approach could yield more realistic-looking preparatory activity.

      The most recent version of the manuscript also has a useful section in the Discussion on the topic of preparation when there is no external delay, which I found helpful given prior behavioral and physiological studies arguing that preparation can 1) be very brief, but 2) is always present. These findings mesh nicely with the authors' central result that preparation is a good network strategy, and that it would thus be normative for there to be at least a brief interval of preparation even when not imposed externally.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The study claims to investigate trunk representations in elephant trigeminal nuclei located in the brainstem. The researchers identify large protrusions visible from the ventral surface of the brainstem, which they examined using a range of histological methods. However, this ventral location is usually where the inferior olivary complex is found, which challenges the author's assertions about the nucleus under analysis. They find that this brainstem nucleus of elephants contains repeating modules, with a focus on the anterior and largest unit which they define as the putative nucleus principalis trunk module of the trigeminal. The nucleus exhibits low neuron density, with glia outnumbering neurons significantly. The study also utilizes synchrotron X-ray phase contrast tomography to suggest that myelin-stripe-axons traverse this module. The analysis maps myelin-rich stripes in several specimens and concludes that based on their number and patterning they likely correspond with trunk folds; however this conclusion is not well supported if the nucleus has been misidentified.


      The strength of this research lies in its comprehensive use of various anatomical methods, including Nissl staining, myelin staining, Golgi staining, cytochrome oxidase labeling, and synchrotron X-ray phase contrast tomography. The inclusion of quantitative data on cell numbers and sizes, dendritic orientation and morphology, and blood vessel density across the nucleus adds a quantitative dimension. Furthermore, the research is commendable for its high-quality and abundant images and figures, effectively illustrating the anatomy under investigation.


      While the research provides potentially valuable insights if revised to focus on the structure that appears to be an inferior olivary nucleus, there are certain additional weaknesses that warrant further consideration. First, the suggestion that myelin stripes solely serve to separate sensory or motor modules rather than functioning as an "axonal supply system" lacks substantial support due to the absence of information about the neuronal origins and the termination targets of the axons. Postmortem fixed brain tissue limits the ability to trace full axon projections. While the study acknowledges these limitations, it is important to exercise caution in drawing conclusions about the precise role of myelin stripes without a more comprehensive understanding of their neural connections.

      Second, the quantification presented in the study lacks comparison to other species or other relevant variables within the elephant specimens (i.e., whole brain or brainstem volume). The absence of comparative data to different species limits the ability to fully evaluate the significance of the findings. Comparative analyses could provide a broader context for understanding whether the observed features are unique to elephants or more common across species. This limitation in comparative data hinders a more comprehensive assessment of the implications of the research within the broader field of neuroanatomy. Furthermore, the quantitative comparisons between African and Asian elephant specimens should include some measure of overall brain size as a covariate in the analyses. Addressing these weaknesses would enable a richer interpretation of the study's findings.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Siachisumo et al builds upon a previous publication from the same group of collaborators that showed that depletion of mouse RBMXL2 leads to a block in spermatogenesis associated with mis-splicing, particularly of large exons in genes associated with genome stability (Ehrmann et al Elife 2019). RBMXL2 is an RNA-binding protein and an autosomal retrotransposed paralog of the X-chromosomally encoded RBMX. RBMXL2 is expressed during meiosis when RBMX and the more distantly related RBMY (on the Y chromosome) are silenced. It is therefore an appealing hypothesis that RBMXL2 might provide cover for RBMX function during meiosis. To address this hypothesis the authors analysed the transcriptomic consequences of RBMX depletion by RNA-Seq in human cells (MDA-MB-231 and existing RNA-Seq data from HEK293 cells), complemented by iCLIP to analyze the binding targets of FLAG-tagged RBMX in HEK293 cells. The findings convincingly demonstrate that - like RBMXL2 - RBMX mainly acts as a splicing repressor and that it particularly acts to protect the integrity of very long ("ultra-long") exons, defined as those over 1000 nt. Upon RBMX depletion, many of these exons are shortened due to the use of cryptic 5' and/or 3' splice sites. Moreover, affected genes are particularly enriched for functions associated with genome integrity - indeed "comet assays" show that RBMX depletion leads to DNA damage defects. Strikingly, RNA-Seq analysis showed that overexpression of RBMXL2 is able to complement the majority of splicing changes caused by RBMX depletion, particularly those involving ultra-long exons. In a smaller scale experiment RBMY was also able to complement effects of RBMX knockdown upon three target events in the ETAA1, REV3L and ATRX genes.

      In addition to these core findings the manuscript also includes some experiments that begin to address more mechanistic questions, such as the potential for RBMX to sterically block access of spliceosome components to splice site elements, and preliminary structure-function analyses of RBMX showing that its RRM domain is not necessary for splicing regulatory activity on the ETAA1, REV3L and ATRX target events.

      In summary, this manuscript provides clear and convincing evidence to support the role of RBMX in somatic cells as a repressor of cryptic splice sites in ultra-long exons, mirroring the function of RBMXL2 in meiotic cells. It therefore demonstrates how the RBMX/RBMXL2/RBMY family perform a key role in protecting the transcriptomic integrity of ultra-long exons.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      My summary of the manuscript remains the same and is as follows:

      This manuscript by Peng et al. presents intriguing data indicating that high-frequency terahertz stimulation (HFTS) of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) can alleviate neuropathic pain behaviors in mice. Specifically, the investigators report that terahertz (THz) frequency stimulation widens the selectivity filter of potassium channels thereby increasing potassium conductance leading to a reduction in the excitability of cortical neurons. In voltage clamp recordings from layer 5 ACC pyramidal neurons in acute brain slice, Peng et al. show that HFTS enhances K current while showing minimal effects on Na current. Current clamp recording analyses show that the spared nerve injury model of neuropathic pain decreases the current threshold for action potential (AP) generation and increases evoked AP frequency in layer 5 ACC pyramidal neurons, which is consistent with previous studies. Data are presented showing that ex-vivo treatment with HFTS in slice reduces these SNI-induced changes to excitability in layer 5 ACC pyramidal neurons. The authors also confirm that HFTS reduces excitability of layer 5 ACC pyramidal neurons via in vivo multi-channel recordings from SNI mice. Lastly, the authors show that HFTS is effective at reducing mechanical allodynia in SNI using both the von Frey and Catwalk analyses. Overall, there is considerable enthusiasm for the findings presented in this manuscript given the need for non-pharmacological treatments for pain in the clinical setting.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors have tested for and demonstrated a physical (i.e., sensory nerves to brain) connection between tumors and parts of the brain which can provide some clues into why there is an increase in depressive disorders in HNSCC patients. While connections such as this have been suspected, this is a novel demonstration pointing to sensory neurons that is accompanied by a remarkable amount of complementary data.


      There is substantial evidence provided for the hypotheses tested. The data are largely quite convincing.


      The authors mention in their Discussion the need for additional experiments. that address some of the gaps in this analysis.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Zhou and colleagues elegantly used pre-clinical mouse models to understand the nature of abnormally high GnRH/LH pulse secretion in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a major endocrine disorder affecting female fertility worldwide. This work brings a fundamental question of how altered gonadotropin secretion takes place upstream within the GnRH pulse generator core, which is defined by arcuate nucleus kisspeptin neurons.


      The authors use state-of-the-art in vivo calcium imaging with fiber photometry and important physiological manipulations and measurements to dissect the possible neuronal mechanisms underlying such neuroendocrine derangements in PCOS. The additional use of unsupervised k-means clustering analysis for the evaluation of calcium synchronous events greatly enhances the quality of their evidence. The authors nicely propose that neuroendocrine dysfunction in PCOS might involve different setpoints through the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, and beyond kisspeptin neurons, which importantly pushes our field forward toward future investigations.


      Although the authors provide important evidence, additional efforts are required to improve the quality of the manuscript and back up their claims. For instance, animal experiments failed to detect high testosterone levels in PNA female mice, a well-established PCOS mouse model. Considering that androgen excess is a hallmark of PCOS, this highly influences the subsequent evaluation of calcium synchronous events in arcuate kisspeptin neurons and the implications for neuroendocrine derangements. Authors also may need to provide LH data from another mouse model used in their work, the peripubertal androgen (PPA) model. Their claims seem to fall short without the pairing evidence of calcium synchronous events in arcuate kisspeptin neurons and LH pulse secretion. Another aspect that requires reviewing, is further exploration of their calcium synchronous events data and the increase of animal numbers in some of their experiments.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This manuscript from Nichols, Lee, and Shen tackles an important question of how unc6/netrin promotes axon guidance: i.e. haptotaxis vs chemotaxis. This has recently been a large topic of investigation and discussion in the axon guidance field. Using live cell imaging of unc6/netrin and unc40/DCC in several neurons that extend axons ventrally during development, as well as TM localized mutants of Unc6, they suggest that unc6 promotes first haptotaxis of the emerging growth cone followed by chemotaxis of the growth cone. This is timely, as a recent preprint from the Lundquist group, using a similar strategy to make only a TM anchored unc6 similarly found that this could rescue only the haptotaxis-like growth of the PDE neuron, but not the second phase of growth. However, their conclusions were quite different based on the overexpression of unc6 everywhere rescuing the second phase, and thus they conclude that a gradient is not present.


      As this has been quite a controversy in both the invertebrate and vertebrate field, one strength of this paper is that they use an unc6-neon green to demonstrate unc6 localization, and show a gradient of localization.


      This is important, although it could be strengthened by first showing a more zoomed-out image of unc6 in the animal, and second demonstrating the localization of the transmembrane anchored unc6 mutants, to help define what may be the "diffusible Unc6". I suggest two additional experimental or analysis suggestions: First, the authors clarify the phenotype of ventral emergence of the growth cone. Though the manuscript images suggest that no matter the mutant there is ventral emergence of the growth cone, but then later defects, yet they claim ventral emergence defects with the UNC6 tethered mutants, but there is no comparison of rose plots. This is confusing and needs to be addressed. Second, I have concerns that the analysis of unc40 polarization may be misleading in some cases when there appears to indeed be accumulation in the growth cone, but since the only analysis shown is relative to the rest of the cell, that can be lost.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors identified a series of WM and GM features that correlated with age in human and macaque structural imaging data. The data was gathered from the HCP and WA studies, which was parcellated in order to yield a set of features. Features that correlated with age were used to train predictive intra and inter-species models of human and macaque age. Interestingly, while each model accurately predicted the corresponding species age, using the macaque model to predict human age was more accurate than the inverse (using the human model to predict macaque age). In addition, the prediction error of the macaque model in predicting human age increased with age, whereas the prediction error of the human model predicting macaque age decreased with age.

      After elaboration of the predictive models, the authors classified the features for prediction into human-specific, macaque-specific and common to human and macaque, where they most notably found that macaque-only and common human-macaque areas were located mainly in gray matter, with only a few human-specific features found in gray matter. Furthermore, the authors found significant correlations between BCAP and picture vocabulary (positive correlation) test and visual sensitivity (negative correlation) test. Several white matter tracts (AF, OR, SLFII) were also identified showing a correlation with BCAP.


      The paper brings an interesting perspective on the evolutionary trajectories of human and non-human primate brain structure, and its relation to behavior and cognition. Overall, the methods are robust and support the theoretical background of the paper. However, the overall clarity of the paper could be improved. There are many convoluted sentences and there seems to be both repetition across the different sections and unclear or missing information. For example, the Introduction does not clearly state the research questions, rather just briefly mentions research gaps existing in the literature and follows by describing the experimental method. It would be desirable to clearly state the theoretical background and research questions and leave out details on methodology.<br /> In addition, the results section repeats a lot of what is already stated in the methods. This could be further simplified and make the paper much easier to read.<br /> In the discussion, authors mention that "findings about cortex expansion are inconsistent and even contradictory", a more convincing argument could be made by elaborating on why the cortex expansion index is inadequate and how BCAP is more accurate.


      Overall, the methods are robust and support the theoretical background of the paper, but it would be good to state the specific research questions -even if exploratory in nature- more specifically. Nevertheless, the results provide support for the research aims.


      This study is a good first step in providing a new insight into the neurodevelopmental trajectories of humans and non-human primates besides the existing cortical expansion theories.


      It should be clearly stated both in the abstract and methods that the data used for the experiment came from public databases.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors utilized the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development dataset to investigate the relationship between structural and functional brain network patterns and dimensions of psychopathology. They identified multiple components, including a general psychopathology (p) factor that exhibited a strong association with multimodal imaging features. The connectivity signatures associated with the p factor and neurodevelopmental dimensions aligned with the sensory-to-transmodal axis of cortical organization, which is linked to complex cognition and psychopathology risk. The findings were consistent across two separate subsamples and remained robust when accounting for variations in analytical parameters, thus contributing to a better understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying psychopathology dimensions and offering potential brain-based vulnerability markers.

      Strengths:<br /> - An intriguing aspect of this study is the integration of multiple neuroimaging modalities, combining structural and functional measures, to comprehensively assess the covariance with various symptom combinations. This approach provides a multidimensional understanding of the risk patterns associated with mental illness development.

      - The paper delves deeper into established behavioral latent variables such as the p factor, internalizing, externalizing, and neurodevelopmental dimensions, revealing their distinct associations with morphological and intrinsic functional connectivity signatures. This sheds light on the neurobiological underpinnings of these dimensions.

      - The robustness of the findings is a notable strength, as they were validated in a separate replication sample and remained consistent even when accounting for different parameter variations in the analysis methodology. This reinforces the generalizability and reliability of the results.


      - Based on their findings, the authors suggest that the observed variations in resting-state functional connectivity may indicate shared neurobiological substrates specific to certain symptoms. However, it should be noted that differences in resting-state connectivity between groups can stem from various factors, as highlighted in the existing literature. For instance, discrepancies in the interpretation of instructions during the resting state scan can influence the results. Hence, while their findings may indicate biological distinctions, they could also reflect differences in behavior.

      - The authors conducted several analyses to investigate the relationship between imaging loadings associated with latent components and the principal functional gradient. They found several associations between principal gradient scores and both within- and between-network resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) loadings. Assessing the analysis presented here proves challenging due to the nature of relating loadings, which are partly based on the RSFC, to gradients derived from RSFC. Consequently, a certain level of correlation between these two variables would be expected, making it difficult to determine the significance of the authors' findings. It would be more intriguing if a direct correlation between the composite scores reflecting behavior and the gradients were to yield statistically significant results.

      - Lastly, regarding the interpretation of the first identified latent component, I have some reservations. Upon examining the loadings, it appears that LC1 primarily reflects impulse control issues rather than representing a comprehensive p-factor. Furthermore, it is worth noting that within the field, there is an ongoing debate concerning the interpretation and utilization of the p-factor. An insightful publication on this topic is "The p factor is the sum of its parts, for now" (Fried et al, 2021), which explains that the p-factor emerges as a result of a positive manifold, but it does not necessarily provide insights into the underlying mechanisms that generated the data.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Pipes and Nielsen propose a valuable new computational method for assigning individual Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) reads to their taxonomic group of origin, based on comparison with a dataset of reference metabarcode sequences (i.e. using an existing known marker sequence such as COI or 16S). The underlying problem is an important one, with broad applications such as identifying species of origin of smuggled goods, identifying the composition of metagenomics/ microbiomics samples, or detecting the presence of pathogen variants of concern from wastewater surveillance samples. Pipes and Nielsen propose (and make available with open source software) new computational methods, apply those methods to a series of exemplar data analyses mirroring plausible real-life scenarios, and compare the new method's performance to that of various field-leading alternative methods.

      In terms of methodology, the manuscript presents a novel computational analyses inspired by standard existing probabilistic phylogenetic models for the evolution of genome sequences. These form the basis for comparisons of each NGS read with a reference database of known examples spanning the taxonomic range of interest. The evolutionary aspects of the models are used (a) to statistically represent knowledge about the reference organisms (and uncertainty about their common ancestors) and their evolutionary relationships; and (b) to derive inferences about the relationship of the sample NGS reads that may be derived from reference organisms or from related organisms not represented in the reference dataset. This general approach has been considered previously and, while expected to be powerful in principle, the reliance of those methods on likelihood computations over a phylogenetic tree structure means they are slow to the point of useless on modern-sized problems that may have many thousands of reference sequences and many millions of NGS reads. Alternative methods that have been devised to be computationally feasible have had to sacrifice the phylogenetic approach, with a consequent loss of statistical power.

      Pipes and Nielsen's methodology contribution in this manuscript is to make a series of approximations to the 'ideal' phylogenetic likelihood analysis, aimed at saving computational time and keeping computer memory requirements acceptable whilst retaining as much as possible of the expected power of phylogenetic methods. Their description of their novel methods is solid; as they are largely approximations to other existing methods, their value ultimately will rest with the success of the method in application.

      Regarding the application of the new methods, to compare the accuracy of their method with a selection of existing methods the authors use 1) simulated datasets and 2) previously published mock community datasets to query sequencing reads against appropriate reference trees. The authors show that Tronko has a higher success at assigning query reads (at the species/genus/family level) than the existing tools with both datasets. In terms of computational performance, the authors show Tronko outperforms another phylogenetic tool, and is still within reasonable limits when compared with other 'lightweight' tools.

      As a demonstration of the power of phylogeny-based methods for taxonomic assignment, this ms. could gain added importance by refocusing the community towards explicitly phylogenetic methods. We agree with the authors that this would be likely to give rise to the most powerful possible methods.

      Strengths of this ms. are 1) the focus on phylogenetic approaches and 2) the reduction of a consequently difficult computational problem to a practical method (with freely available software); 3) the reminder that these approaches work well and are worthy of continued interest and development; and ultimately most-importantly 4) the creation of a powerful tool for taxonomic assignment that seems to be at least as good as any other and generally better.

      Weaknesses of the manuscript at present are 1) lack of consideration of some other existing methods and approaches, as it would be interesting to know if other ideas had been tried and rejected, or were not compatible with the methods created; 2) some over-simplifications in the description of new methods, with some aspects difficult or impossible to reproduce and some claims unsubstantiated. Further, 3) we are not convinced enough weight has been given to the complexity of 'pre-processing' the reference dataset for each metabarcode (e.g. gene) of interest, which may give the impression that the method is easier to apply to new reference datasets than we think would be the case. Lastly, 4) we encountered some difficulties getting the software installed and running on our computers. It was not possible to resolve every issue in the time available to us to perform our review, and some processing options remain untested.

      Overall, the methods that Pipes and Nielsen propose represent an important contribution that both creates a computational resource that is immediately valuable to the community, and emphasises the benefits of phylogenetic methods and provides encouragement for others to continue to work in this area to create still-better methods.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Perez-Lopez and colleagues uses a combination of in vivo studies using knockout mice and elegant in vitro studies to explore the role of the chemokine CCL28 during bacterial infection on mucosal surfaces. Using the streptomycin model of Salmonella Typhimurium (S. Tm) infection, the authors demonstrate that CCL28 is required for neutrophil influx in the intestinal mucosa to control pathogen burden both locally and systemically. Interestingly, CCL28 plays the opposite role in a model lung infection by Acinetobacter baumanii, as Ccl28-/- mice are protected from Acinetobacter infection. Authors suggest that the mechanism by which CCL28 plays a role during bacterial infection is due to its role in modulating neutrophil recruitment and function.

      The major strengths of the manuscript are:

      The novelty of the findings that are described in the manuscript. The role of the chemokine CCL28 in modulating neutrophil function and recruitment in mucosal surfaces is intriguing and novel.

      Authors use Ccl28-/- mice in their studies, a mouse strain that has only recently been available. To assess the impact of CCL28 on mucosal surfaces during pathogen-induced inflammation, the authors choose not one but two models of bacterial infection (S. Tm and A. baumanii). This approach increases the rigor and impact of the data presented.

      Authors combine the elegant in vivo studies using Ccl28 -/- with in vitro experiments that explore the mechanisms by which CCL28 affects neutrophil function.

      The major weaknesses of the manuscript in its present form are:

      Authors use different time points in the S. Tm model to characterize the influx of immune cells and pathology. They do not provide a clear justification as to why distinct time points were chosen for their analysis.

      Authors provide puzzling data that Ccl28-/- mice have the same numbers of CCR3 and CCR10-expressing neutrophils in the mucosa during infection. It is unclear why the lack of CCL28 expression would not affect the recruitment of neutrophils that express the ligands (CCR3 and CCR10) for this chemokine. Thus, these results need to be better explained.

      The in vitro studies focus primarily on characterizing how CCL28 affects the function of neutrophils in response to S. Tm infection. There is a lack of data to demonstrate whether Acinetobacter affects CCR3 and CCR10 expression and recruitment to the cell surface and whether CCL28 plays any role in this process.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):<br /> Summary:

      In this manuscript, the authors present compelling evidence that CD29+/CD56+ stem/progenitor cells from human muscle biopsies show tenogenic differentiation ability both in vitro and in vivo, alongside their myogenic potential.


      The methodology and results are convincing. CD29+/CD56+ stem/progenitor cells were transplanted into immunodeficient mice with a tendon injury, and human cells expressing tenogenic markers contributed to the repair of the injured tendon. Furthermore, the authors also show better tendon biomechanical properties and plantarflexion force after transplantation.


      This dual differentiation capability was not observed in mouse muscle stem cells.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This study investigates the salt-dependent phase separation of A1-LCD, an intrinsically disordered region of hnRNPA1 implicated in neurodegenerative diseases. The authors employ all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which salt influences A1-LCD phase separation. Contrary to typical intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) behavior, A1-LCD phase separation is enhanced by NaCl concentrations above 100 mM. The authors identify two direct effects of salt: neutralization of the protein's net charge and bridging between protein chains, both promoting condensation. They also uncover an indirect effect, where high salt concentrations strengthen pi-type interactions by reducing water availability. These findings provide a detailed molecular picture of the complex interplay between electrostatic interactions, ion binding, and hydration in IDP phase separation.


      • Novel Insight: The study challenges the prevailing view that salt generally suppresses IDP phase separation, highlighting A1-LCD's unique behavior.<br /> • Rigorous Methodology: The authors utilize all-atom MD simulations, a powerful computational tool, to investigate the molecular details of salt-protein interactions.<br /> • Comprehensive Analysis: The study systematically explores a wide range of salt concentrations, revealing a nuanced picture of salt effects on phase separation.<br /> • Clear Presentation: The manuscript is well-written and logically structured, making the findings accessible to a broad audience.


      • Limited Scope: The study focuses solely on the truncated A1-LCD, omitting simulations of the full-length protein. This limitation reduces the study's comparative value, as the authors note that the full-length protein exhibits typical salt-dependent behavior. A comparative analysis would strengthen the manuscript's conclusions and broaden its impact.

      Overall, this manuscript represents a significant contribution to the field of IDP phase separation. The authors' findings provide valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms by which salt modulates this process, with potential implications for understanding and treating neurodegenerative diseases. While the study is well-conducted and clearly presented, further research is needed to validate the findings and explore their broader applicability.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This study tests for dissociable neural representations of an observed action's kinematics vs. its physical effect in the world. Overall, it is a thoughtfully conducted study that convincingly shows that representations of action effects are more prominent in the anterior inferior parietal lobe (aIPL) than the superior parietal lobe (SPL), and vice versa for the representation of the observed body movement itself. The findings make a fundamental contribution to our understanding of the neural mechanisms of goal-directed action recognition, but there are a couple of caveats to the interpretation of the results that are worth noting:

      (1) Both a strength of this study and ultimately a challenge for its interpretation is the fact that the animations are so different in their visual content than the other three categories of stimuli. On one hand, as highlighted in the paper, it allows for a test of action effects that is independent of specific motion patterns and object identities. On the other hand, the consequence is also that Action-PLD cross-decoding is generally better than Action-Anim cross-decoding across the board (Figure 3A) - not surprising because the spatiotemporal structure is quite different between the actions and the animations. This pattern of results makes it difficult to interpret a direct comparison of the two conditions within a given ROI. For example, it would have strengthened the argument of the paper to show that Action-Anim decoding was better than Action-PLD decoding in aIPL; this result was not obtained, but that could simply be because the Action and PLD conditions are more visually similar to each other in a number of ways that influence decoding. Still, looking WITHIN each of the Action-Anim and Action-PLD conditions yields clear evidence for the main conclusion of the study.

      (2) The second set of analyses in the paper, shown in Figure 4, follows from the notion that inferring action effects from body movements alone (i.e., when the object is unseen) is easier via pantomimes than with PLD stick figures. That makes sense, but it doesn't necessarily imply that the richness of the inferred action effect is the only or main difference between these conditions. There is more visual information overall in the pantomime case. So, although it's likely true that observers can more vividly infer action effects from pantomimes vs stick figures, it's not a given that contrasting these two conditions is an effective way to isolate inferred action effects. The results in Figure 4 are therefore intriguing but do not unequivocally establish that aIPL is representing inferred rather than observed action effects.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Maternal obesity is a health problem for both pregnant women and their offspring. Previous works including work from this group have shown significant DNA methylation changes for offspring of obese pregnancies in mice. In this manuscript, Chao et al digested the potential mechanisms behind the DNA methylation changes. The major observations of the work include transgenerational DNA methylation changes in offspring of maternal obesity, and metabolites such as methionine and melatonin correlated with the above epigenetic changes. Exogenous melatonin treatment could reverse the effects of obesity. The authors further hypothesized that the linkage may be mediated by the cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway to regulate the expression of DNMTs.


      The transgenerational change of DNA methylation following HFD is of great interest for future research to follow. The metabolic treatment that could change the DNA methylation in oocytes is also interesting and has potential relevance to future clinical practice.


      The HFD oocytes have more 5mC signal based on staining and sequencing (Fig 1A-1F). However, the authors also identified almost equal numbers of hyper- and hypo-DMRs, which raises questions regarding where these hypo-DMRs were located and how to interpret their behaviors and functions. These questions are also critical to address in the following mechanistic dissections as the metabolic treatments may also induce bi-directional changes of DNA methylation. The authors should carefully assess these conflicts to make the conclusions solid.

      The transgenerational epigenetic modifications are controversial. Even for F0 offspring under maternal obesity, there were different observations compared to this work (Hou, YJ., et al. Sci Rep, 2016). The authors should discuss the inconsistencies with previous works.

      In addition to the above inconsistencies, the DNA methylation analysis in this work was not carefully evaluated. Several previous works were evaluating the DNA methylation in mice oocytes, which showed global methylation levels of around 50% (Shirane K, et al. PLoS Genet, 2013; Wang L., et al, Cell, 2014). In Figure 1E, the overall methylation level is about 23% in control, which is significantly different from previous works. The authors should provide more details regarding the WGBS procedure, including but not limited to sequencing coverage, bisulfite conversion rate, etc.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The manuscript by Zhao et al. explored the function of adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A3 (ADGRA3) in thermogenic fat biology.


      Through both in vivo and in vitro studies, the authors found that the gain function of ADGRA3 leads to browning of white fat and ameliorates insulin resistance.


      There are several lines of weak methodologies such as using 3T3-L1 adipocytes and intraperitoneal(i.p.) injection of virus. Moreover, as the authors stated that ADGRA3 is constitutively active, how could the authors then identify a chemical ligand?


      (1) Primary cultured cells should be used to perform gain and loss function analysis of ADGRA3, instead of using 3T3-L1. It is impossible to detect Ucp1 expression in 3T3-L1 cells.

      (2) For virus treatment, the authors should consider performing local tissue injection, rather than IP injection. If it is IP injection, have the authors checked other tissues to validate whether the phenotype is fat-specific?

      (3) The authors should clarify how constitutively active GPCR needs further ligands.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Grogan et al examine a role for muscarinic receptor activation in action vigor in a saccadic system. This work is motivated by a strong literature linking dopamine to vigor, and some animal studies suggesting that ACH might modulate these effects, and is important because patient populations with symptoms related to reduced vigor are prescribed muscarinic antagonists. The authors use a motivated saccade task with distractors to measure the speed and vigor of actions in humans under placebo or muscarinic antagonism. They show that muscarinic antagonism blunts the motivational effects of reward on both saccade velocity and RT, and also modulates the distractibility of participants, in particular by increasing the repulsion of saccades away from distractors. They show that preparatory EEG signals reflect both motivation and drug condition, and make a case that these EEG signals mediate the effects of the drug on behavior.


      This manuscript addresses an interesting and timely question and does so using an impressive within-subject pharmacological design and a task well-designed to measure constructs of interest. The authors show clear causal evidence that ACH affects different metrics of saccade generation related to effort expenditure and their modulation by incentive manipulations. The authors link these behavioral effects to motor preparatory signatures, indexed with EEG, that relate to behavioral measures of interest and in at least one case statistically mediate the behavioral effects of ACH antagonism.


      In full disclosure, I have previously reviewed this manuscript in another journal and the authors have done a considerable amount of work to address my previous concerns. However, I have a few remaining concerns that affect my interpretation of the current manuscript.

      Some of the EEG signals (figures 4A&C) have profiles that look like they could have ocular, rather than central nervous, origins. Given that this is an eye movement task, it would be useful if the authors could provide some evidence that these signals are truly related to brain activity and not driven by ocular muscles, either in response to explicit motor effects (ie. Blinks) or in preparation for an upcoming saccade. For other EEG signals, in particular, the ones reported in Figure 3, it would be nice to see what the spatial profiles actually look like - does the scalp topography match that expected for the signal of interest?

      A primary weakness of this paper is the sample size - since only 20 participants completed the study. The authors address the sample size in several places and I completely understand the reason for the reduced sample size (study halt due to COVID). That said, they only report the sample size in one place in the methods rather than through degrees of freedom in their statistical tests conducted throughout the results. In part because of this, I am not totally clear on whether the sample size for each analysis is the same - or whether participants were removed for specific analyses (ie. due to poor EEG recordings, for example). Beyond this point, but still related to the sample size, in some cases I worry that results are driven by a single subject. In particular, the interaction effect observed in Figure 1e seems like it would be highly sensitive to the single subject who shows a reverse incentive effect in the drug condition.

      There are not sufficient details on the cluster-based permutation testing to understand what the authors did or whether it is reasonable. What channels were included? What metric was computed per cluster? How was null distribution generated?

      The authors report that "muscarinic antagonism strengthened the P3a" - but I was unable to see this in the data plots. Perhaps it is because the variability related to individual differences obscures the conditional differences in the plots. In this case, event-related difference signals could be helpful to clarify the results.

      For mediation analyses, it would be useful in the results section to have a much more detailed description of the regression results, rather than just reporting things in a binary did/did not mediate sort of way. Furthermore, the methods should also describe how mediation was tested statistically (ie. What is the null distribution that the difference in coefficients with/without moderator is tested against?).

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors investigated the role of kallistatin in metabolic abnormalities associated with AD. They found that Kallistatin promotes Aβ production by binding to the Notch1 receptor and upregulating BACE1 expression. They identified that Kallistatin is a key player that mediates Aβ accumulation and tau hyperphosphorylation in AD.


      This manuscript not only provides novel insights into the pathogenesis of AD, but also indicates that the hypolipidemic drug fenofibrate attenuates AD-like pathology in Kallistatin transgenic mice.


      The authors did not illustrate whether the protective effect of fenofibrate against AD depends on kallistatin.

      The conclusions are supported by the results, but the quality of some results should be improved.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This paper explores the phenomenon whereby some V1 neurons can respond to stimuli presented far outside their receptive field. It introduces three possible explanations for this phenomenon and it presents experiments that it argues favor the third explanation, based on figure/ground segregation.


      I found it useful to see that there are three possible interpretations of this finding (prediction error, interpolation, and figure/ground). I also found it useful to see a comparison with LGN responses and to see that the effect there is not only absent but actually the opposite: stimuli presented far outside the receptive field suppress rather than drive the neurons. Other experiments presented here may also be of interest to the field.


      The paper is not particularly clear. I came out of it rather confused as to which hypotheses were still standing and which hypotheses were ruled out. There are numerous ways to make it clearer.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The article is an interesting approach to determining the MPOX receptor using "in silico" tools. The results show the presence of two regions of the H3 protein with a high probability of being involved in the interaction with the HS cell receptor. However, the α-helical region seems to be the most probable, since modifications in this region affect the virus binding to the HS receptor.


      In my opinion, it is an informative article with interesting results, generated by a combination of "in silico" and wet science to test the theoretical results. This is a strong point of the article.


      Has a crystal structure of the H3 protein been reported?

      The following text is in line 104: "which may represent a novel binding site for HS". It is unclear whether this means this "new binding site" is an alternative site to an old one or whether it is the true binding site that had not been previously elucidated.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This manuscript by Akabuogu et al. investigates membrane potential dynamics in E. coli. Membrane potential fluctuations have been observed in bacteria by several research groups in recent years, including in the context of bacterial biofilms where they have been proposed to play a role in cellular communication. Here, these authors investigate membrane potential in E. coli, in both single cells and biofilms. I have reviewed the revised manuscript provided by the authors, as well as their responses to the initial reviews; my opinion about the manuscript is largely unchanged. I have focused my public review on those issues that I believe to be most pressing, with additional comments included in the review to authors. Although these authors are working in an exciting research area, the evidence they provide for their claims is inadequate, and several key control experiments are still missing. In some cases, the authors allude to potentially relevant data in their responses to the initial reviews, but unfortunately these data are not shown. Furthermore, I cannot identify any traveling wavefronts in the data included in this manuscript. In addition to the challenges associated with the use of Thioflavin-T (ThT) raised by the second reviewer, these caveats make the work presented in this manuscript difficult to interpret.

      First, some of the key experiments presented in the paper lack required controls:

      (1) This paper asserts that the observed ThT fluorescence dynamics are induced by blue light. This is a fundamental claim in the paper, since the authors go on to argue that these dynamics are part of a blue light response. This claim must be supported by the appropriate negative control experiment measuring ThT fluorescence dynamics in the absence of blue light- if this idea is correct, these dynamics should not be observed in the absence of blue light exposure. If this experiment cannot be performed with ThT since blue light is used for its excitation, TMRM can be used instead.

      In response to this, the authors wrote that "the fluorescent baseline is too weak to measure cleanly in this experiment." If they observe no ThT signal above noise in their time lapse data in the absence of blue light, this should be reported in the manuscript- this would be a satisfactory negative control. They then wrote that "It appears the collective response of all the bacteria hyperpolarization at the same time appears to dominate the signal." I am not sure what they mean by this- perhaps that ThT fluorescence changes strongly only in response to blue light? This is a fundamental control for this experiment that ought to be presented to the reader.

      (2) The authors claim that a ∆kch mutant is more susceptible to blue light stress, as evidenced by PI staining. The premise that the cells are mounting a protective response to blue light via these channels rests on this claim. However, they do not perform the negative control experiment, conducting PI staining for WT the ∆kch mutant in the absence of blue light. In the absence of this control it is not possible to rule out effects of the ∆kch mutation on overall viability and/or PI uptake. The authors do include a growth curve for comparison, but planktonic growth is a very different context than surface-attached biofilm growth. Additionally, the ∆kch mutation may have impacts on PI permeability specifically that are not addressed by a growth curve. The negative control experiment is of key importance here.

      Second, the ideas presented in this manuscript rely entirely on analysis of ThT fluorescence data, specifically a time course of cellular fluorescence following blue light treatment. However, alternate explanations for and potential confounders of the observed dynamics are not sufficiently addressed:

      (1) Bacterial cells are autofluorescent, and this fluorescence can change significantly in response to stress (e.g. blue light exposure). To characterize and/or rule out autofluorescence contributions to the measurement, the authors should present time lapse fluorescence traces of unstained cells for comparison, acquired under the same imaging conditions in both wild type and ∆kch mutant cells. In their response to reviewers the authors suggested that they have conducted this experiment and found that the autofluorescence contribution is negligible, which is good, but these data should be included in the manuscript along with a description of how these controls were conducted.

      (2) Similarly, in my initial review I raised a concern about the possible contributions of photobleaching to the observed fluorescence dynamics. This is particularly relevant for the interpretation of the experiment in which catalase appears to attenuate the decay of the ThT signal; this attenuation could alternatively be due to catalase decreasing ThT photobleaching. In their response, the authors indicated that photobleaching is negligible, which would be good, but they do not share any evidence to support this claim. Photobleaching can be assessed in this experiment by varying the light dosage (illumination power, frequency, and/or duration) and confirming that the observed fluorescence dynamics are unaffected.

      Third, the paper claims in two instances that there are propagating waves of ThT fluorescence that move through biofilms, but I do not observe these waves in any case:

      (1) The first wavefront claim relates to small cell clusters, in Fig. 2A and Video S2 and S3 (with Fig. 2A and Video S2 showing the same biofilm.) I simply do not see any evidence of propagation in either case- rather, all cells get brighter and dimmer in tandem. I downloaded and analyzed Video S3 in several ways (plotting intensity profiles for different regions at different distances from the cluster center, drawing a kymograph across the cluster, etc.) and in no case did I see any evidence of a propagating wavefront. (I attempted this same analysis on the biofilm shown in Fig. 2A and Video S2 with similar results, but the images shown in the figure panels and especially the video are still both so saturated that the quantification is difficult to interpret.) If there is evidence for wavefronts, it should be demonstrated explicitly by analysis of several clusters. For example, a figure of time-to-peak vs. position in the cluster demonstrating a propagating wave would satisfy this. Currently, I do not see any wavefronts in this data.

      (2) The other wavefront claim relates to biofilms, and the relevant data is presented in Fig. S4 (and I believe also in what is now Video S8, but no supplemental video legends are provided, and this video is not cited in text.) As before, I cannot discern any wavefronts in the image and video provided; Reviewer 1 was also not able to detect wave propagation in this video by kymograph. Some mean squared displacements are shown in Fig. 7. As before, the methods for how these were obtained are not clearly documented either in this manuscript or in the BioRXiv preprint linked in the initial response to reviewers, and since wavefronts are not evident in the video it is hard to understand what is being measured here- radial distance from where? (The methods section mentions radial distance from the substrate, this should mean Z position above the imaging surface, and no wavefronts are evident in Z in the figure panels or movie.) Thus, clear demonstration of these wavefronts is still missing here as well.

      Fourth, I have some specific questions about the study of blue light stress and the use of PI as a cell viability indicator:

      (1) The logic of this paper includes the premise that blue light exposure is a stressor under the experimental conditions employed in the paper. Although it is of course generally true that blue light can be damaging to bacteria, this is dependent on light power and dosage. The control I recommended above, staining cells with PI in the presence and absence of blue light, will also allow the authors to confirm that this blue light treatment is indeed a stressor- the PI staining would be expected to increase in the presence of blue light if this is so.

      (2) The presence of ThT may complicate the study of the blue light stress response, since ThT enhances the photodynamic effects of blue light in E. coli (Bondia et al. 2021 Chemical Communications). The authors could investigate ThT toxicity under these conditions by staining cells with PI after exposing them to blue light with or without ThT staining.

      (3) In my initial review, I wrote the following: "In Figures 4D - E, the interpretation of this experiment can be confounded by the fact that PI uptake can sometimes be seen in bacterial cells with high membrane potential (Kirchhoff & Cypionka 2017 J Microbial Methods); the interpretation is that high membrane potential can lead to increased PI permeability. Because the membrane potential is largely higher throughout blue light treatment in the ∆kch mutant (Fig. 3[BC]), this complicates the interpretation of this experiment." In their response, the authors suggested that these results are not relevant in this case because "In our experiment methodology, cell death was not forced on the cells by introducing an extra burden or via anoxia." However, the logic of the paper is that the cells are in fact dying due to an imposed external stressor, which presumably also confers an increased burden as the cells try to deal with the stress. Instead, the authors should simply use a parallel method to confirm the results of PI staining. For example, the experiment could be repeated with other stains, or the viability of blue light-treated cells could be addressed more directly by outgrowth or colony-forming unit assays.

      The CFU assay suggested above has the additional advantage that it can also be performed on planktonic cells in liquid culture that are exposed to blue light. If, as the paper suggests, a protective response to blue light is being coordinated at the biofilm level by these membrane potential fluctuations, the WT strain might be expected to lose its survival advantage vs. the ∆kch mutant in the absence of a biofilm.

      Fifth, in several cases the data are presented in a way that are difficult to interpret, or the paper makes claims that are different to observe in the data:

      (1) The authors suggest that the ThT and TMRM traces presented in Fig. S1D have similar shapes, but this is not obvious to me- the TMRM curve has very little decrease after the initial peak and only a modest, gradual rise thereafter. The authors suggest that this is due to increased TMRM photobleaching, but I would expect that photobleaching should exacerbate the signal decrease after the initial peak. Since this figure is used to support the use of ThT as a membrane potential indicator, and since this is the only alternative measurement of membrane potential presented in text, the authors should discuss this discrepancy in more detail.

      (2) The comparison of single cells to microcolonies presented in figures 1B and D still needs revision:

      First, both reviewer 1 and I commented in our initial reviews that the ThT traces, here and elsewhere, should not be normalized- this will help with the interpretation of some of the claims throughout the manuscript.

      Second, the way these figures are shown with all traces overlaid at full opacity makes it very difficult to see what is being compared. Since the point of the comparison is the time to first peak (and the standard deviation thereof), histograms of the distributions of time to first peak in both cases should be plotted as a separate figure panel.<br /> Third, statistical significance tests ought to be used to evaluate the statistical strength of the comparisons between these curves. The authors compare both means and standard deviations of the time to first peak, and there are appropriate statistical tests for both types of comparisons.

      (3) The authors claim that the curve shown in Fig. S4B is similar to the simulation result shown in Fig. 7B. I remain unconvinced that this is so, particularly with respect to the kinetics of the second peak- at least it seems to me that the differences should be acknowledged and discussed. In any case, the best thing to do would be to move Fig. S4B to the main text alongside Fig. 7B so that the readers can make the comparison more easily.

      (4) As I wrote in my first review, in the discussion of voltage-gated calcium channels, the authors refer to "spiking events", but these are not obvious in Figure S3E. Although the fluorescence intensity changes over time, these fluctuations cannot be distinguished from measurement noise. A no-light control could help clarify this.

      (5) In the lower irradiance conditions in Fig. 4A, the ThT dynamics are slower overall, and it looks like the ThT intensity is beginning to rise at the end of the measurement. The authors write that no second peak is observed below an irradiance threshold of 15.99 µW/mm2. However, could a more prominent second peak be observed in these cases if the measurement time was extended? Additionally, the end of these curves looks similar to the curve in Fig. S4B, in which the authors write that the slow rise is evidence of the presence of a second peak, in contrast to their interpretation here.

      Additional considerations:

      (1) The analysis and interpretation of the first peak, and particularly of the time-to-fire data is challenging throughout the manuscript the time resolution of the data set is quite limited. It seems that a large proportion of cells have already fired after a single acquisition frame. It would be ideal to increase the time resolution on this measurement to improve precision. This could be done by imaging more quickly, but that would perhaps necessitate more blue light exposure; an alternative is to do this experiment under lower blue light irradiance where the first spike time is increased (Figure 4A).

      (2) The authors suggest in the manuscript that "E. coli biofilms use electrical signalling to coordinate long-range responses to light stress." In addition to the technical caveats discussed above, I am missing a discussion about what these responses might be. What constitutes a long-range response to light stress, and are there known examples of such responses in bacteria?

      (3) The presence of long-range blue light responses can also be interrogated experimentally, for example, by repeating the Live/Dead experiment in planktonic culture or the single-cell condition. If the protection from blue light specifically emerges due to coordinated activity of the biofilm, the ∆kch mutant would not be expected to show a change in Live/Dead staining in non-biofilm conditions. The CFU experiment I mentioned above could also implicate coordinated long-range responses specifically, if biofilms and liquid culture experiments can be compared (although I know that recovering cells from biofilms is challenging.)

      4. At the end of the results section, the authors suggest a critical biofilm size of only 4 μm for wavefront propagation (not much larger than a single cell!) The authors show responses for various biofilm sizes in Fig. 2C, but these are all substantially larger (and this figure also does not contain wavefront information.) Are there data for cell clusters above and below this size that could support this claim more directly?

      (5) In Fig. 4C, the overall trajectories of extracellular potassium are indeed similar, but the kinetics of the second peak of potassium are different than those observed by ThT (it rises minutes earlier)- is this consistent with the idea that Kch is responsible for that peak? Additionally, the potassium dynamics also include the first ThT peak- is this surprising given that the Kch channel has no effect on this peak according to the model?

      Detailed comments:

      Why are Fig. 2A and Video S2 called a microcluster, whereas Video S3, which is smaller, is called a biofilm?

      "We observed a spontaneous rapid rise in spikes within cells in the center of the biofilm" (Line 140): What does "spontaneous" mean here?

      "This demonstrates that the ion-channel mediated membrane potential dynamics is a light stress relief process.", "E. coli cells employ ion-channel mediated dynamics to manage ROS-induced stress linked to light irradiation." (Line 268 and the second sentence of the Fig. 4F legend): This claim is not well-supported. There are several possible interpretations of the catalase experiment (which should be discussed); this experiment perhaps suggests that ROS impacts membrane potential but does not indicate that these membrane potential fluctuations help the cells respond to blue light stress. The loss of viability in the ∆kch mutant might indicate a link between these membrane potential experiments and viability, but it is hard to interpret without the no light controls I mention above.

      "The model also predicts... the external light stress" (Lines 338-341): Please clarify this section. Where does this prediction arise from in the modeling work? Second, I am not sure what is meant by "modulates the light stress" or "keeps the cell dynamics robust to the intensity of external light stress" (especially since the dynamics clearly vary with irradiance, as seen in Figure 4A).

      "We hypothesized that E. coli not only modulates the light-induced stress but also handles the increase of the ROS by adjusting the profile of the membrane potential dynamics" (Line 347): I am not sure what "handles the ROS by adjusting the profile of the membrane potential dynamics" means. What is meant by "handling" ROS? Is the hypothesis that membrane potential dynamics themselves are protective against ROS, or that they induce a ROS-protective response downstream, or something else? Later the authors write that changes in the response to ROS in the model agree with the hypothesis, but just showing that ROS impacts the membrane potential does not seem to demonstrate that this has a protective effect against ROS.

      "Mechanosensitive ion channels (MS) are vital for the first hyperpolarization event in E. coli." (Line 391): This is misleading- mechanosensitive ion channels totally ablate membrane potential dynamics, they don't have a specific effect on the first hyperpolarization event. The claim that mechanonsensitive ion channels are specifically involved in the first event also appears in the abstract.

      Also, the apparent membrane potential is much lower even at the start of the experiment in these mutants (Fig. 6C-D)- is this expected? This seems to imply that these ion channels also have a blue light-independent effect.

      Throughout the paper, there are claims that the initial ThT spike is involved in "registering the presence of the light stress" and similar. What is the evidence for this claim?

      "We have presented much better quantitative agreement of our model with the propagating wavefronts in E. coli biofilms..." (Line 619): It is not evident to me that the agreement between model and prediction is "much better" in this work than in the cited work (reference 57, Hennes et al. 2023). The model in Figure 4 of ref. 57 seems to capture the key features of their data.

      In methods, "Only cells that are hyperpolarized were counted in the experiment as live" (Line 745): what percentage of cells did not hyperpolarize in these experiments?

      Some indication of standard deviation (error bars or shading) should be added to all figures where mean traces are plotted.

      Video S8 is very confusing- why does the video play first forwards and then backwards? It is easy to misinterpret this as a rise in the intensity at the end of the experiment.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Navratna et al. have solved the first structure of a transmembrane N-acetyltransferase (TNAT), resolving the architecture of human heparan-alpha-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase (HGSNAT) in the acetyl-CoA bound state using single particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM). They show that the protein is a dimer, and define the architecture of the alpha- and beta-GSNAT fragments, as well as convincingly characterizing the binding site of acetyl-CoA.


      This is the first structure of any member of the transmembrane acyl transferase superfamily, and as such it provides important insights into the architecture and acetyl-CoA binding site of this class of enzymes.

      The structural data is of a high quality, with an isotropic cryoEM density map at 3.3Å facilitating building of a high-confidence atomic model. Importantly, the density for the acetyl-CoA ligand is particularly well-defined, as are the contacting residues within the transmembrane domain.

      The structure of HSGNAT presented here will undoubtedly lay the groundwork for future structural and functional characterization of the reaction cycle of this class of enzymes.


      While the structural data for the state presented in this work is very convincing, and clearly defines the binding site of acetyl-CoA, to get a complete picture of the enzymatic mechanism of this family, additional structures of other states will be required.

      A weakness of the study is the lack of functional validation. The enzymatic activity of the enzyme characterized was not measured, and the enzyme lacks native proteolytic processing, so it is a little unclear whether the structure represents an active enzyme.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The present manuscript by Shore et al. entitled Reduced GABAergic Neuron Excitability, Altered Synaptic Connectivity, and Seizures in a KCNT1 Gain-of-Function Mouse Model of Childhood Epilepsy" describes in vitro and in silico results obtained in cortical neurons from mice carrying the KCNT1-Y777H gain-of-function (GOF) variant in the KCNT1 gene encoding for a subunit of the Na+-activated K+ (KNa) channel. This variant corresponds to the human Y796H variant found in a family with Autosomal Dominant Nocturnal Frontal lobe epilepsy. The occurrence of GOF variants in potassium channel encoding genes is well known, and among potential pathophysiological mechanisms, impaired inhibition has been documented as responsible for KCNT1-related DEEs. Therefore, building on a previous study by the same group performed in homozygous KI animals, and considering that the largest majority of pathogenic KCNT1 variants in humans occur in heterozygosis, the Authors have investigated the effects of heterozygous Kcnt1-Y777H expression on KNa currents and neuronal physiology among cortical glutamatergic and the 3 main classes of GABAergic neurons, namely those expressing vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), somatostatin (SST), and parvalbumin (PV), crossing KCNT1-Y777H mice with PV-, SST- and PV-cre mouse lines, and recording from GABAergic neurons identified by their expression of mCherry (but negative for GFP used to mark excitatory neurons).

      The results obtained revealed heterogeneous effects of the variant on KNa and action potential firing rates in distinct neuronal subpopulations, ranging from no change (glutamatergic and VIP GABAergic) to decreased excitability (SST GABAergic) to increased excitability (PV GABAergic). In particular, modelling and in vitro data revealed that an increase in persistent Na current occurring in PV neurons was sufficient to overcome the effects of KCNT1 GOF and cause an overall increase in AP generation.


      The paper is very well written, the results clearly presented and interpreted, and the discussion focuses on the most relevant points.<br /> The recordings performed in distinct neuronal subpopulations (both in primary neuronal cultures and, for some subpopulations, in cortical slices, are a clear strength of the paper. The finding that the same variant can cause opposite effects and trigger specific homeostatic mechanisms in distinct neuronal populations is very relevant for the field, as it narrows the existing gap between experimental models and clinical evidence.


      My main concern regarding the epileptic phenotype of the heterozygous mice investigated has been clarified in the revision, where the infrequent occurrence of seizures is more clearly stated. Also, a more detailed statistical analysis of the modeled neurons has been added in the revision.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) have high rates of autoimmunity and can have exaggerated immune responses to infection that can unfortunately cause significant medical complications. Prior studies from these authors and others have convincingly demonstrated that individuals with DS have immune dysregulation including increased Type I IFN activity, elevated production of inflammatory cytokines (hypercytokinemia), increased autoantibodies, and populations of dysregulated adaptive immune cells that pre-dispose to autoimmunity. Prior studies have demonstrated that using JAK inhibitors to treat patient samples in vitro, in small case series of patients, and in mouse models of DS leads to improvement of immune phenotype and/or clinical disease. This manuscript provides two major advances in our understanding of immune dysregulation and therapy for patients. First, they perform deep immune phenotyping on several hundred individuals with DS and demonstrate that immune dysregulation is present from infancy. Second, they report a promising interim analysis of a Phase II clinical trial of a JAK inhibitor in 10 people with DS and moderate to severe skin autoimmunity.

      Strengths and weaknesses:

      The relatively large cohort and careful clinical annotation here provide new insights into the immune phenotype of patients with DS. For example, it is interesting that regardless of autoimmune disease or autoantibody status, individuals with DS have elevated cytokines and CRP. Analysis of the cohorts by age demonstrated that some cytokines are significantly elevated in people with DS starting in infancy (e.g., IL-9 and IL-17C). Nearly all adults with DS in this study had autoantibodies (98%) and most had six or more autoantibodies (63%), which differed significantly from euploid study participants. This implies that all patients with DS might benefit from early intervention with therapy to reduce inflammation. However, it is also worth considering that an alternative interpretation that since hypercytokinemia does not vary based on disease state in individuals with DS, this may not be a key factor driving autoimmunity (although it may be relevant for other clinical symptoms such as neuroinflammation).

      Small case series have suggested the benefit of JAK inhibitors to treat autoimmunity in DS. This is the first report of a prospective clinical trial to test a JAK inhibitor in this setting. The clinical trial entry criteria included moderate to severe autoimmune skin disease in patients aged 12-50 years with DS, and treatment was with the JAK1/3 inhibitor tofacitinib. This clinical trial is a critically important step for the field. The early results support that treatment is well tolerated with an improvement of interferon scores in patients and reduction of autoantibodies. Most patients experienced clinical improvement, with alopecia areata having the greatest response. Treatment may not affect all skin diseases equally, for example of the 5 patients with hidradenitis suppurativa, only 1 showed clinical improvement based on skin score. While very promising, the clinical trial results reported here are preliminary and based on an interim analysis of 10 patients at 16 weeks. Individuals with DS have a lifelong risk of immune dysregulation and thus it is unclear how long therapy, if of benefit, would need to be continued. The results of longer-term therapy will be informative when considering the risks/benefits of this therapy.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this manuscript, the authors used a Drosophila model to show that exposure to repetitive mild TBI causes neurodegenerative conditions that emerge late in life and disproportionately affect females. In addition to the well-known age-dependent impact, the authors identified Sex Peptide (SP) signaling as a key factor in female susceptibility to post-injury brain deficits.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors have presented a compelling set of results showing that female sex peptide signaling adversely affects late-life neurodegeneration after early-life exposure to repetitive mild head injury in Drosophila. They have compared the phenotypes of adult male and female flies sustaining TBI at different ages, and the phenotypes of virgin females and mated females, 2) compared the phenotypes of eliminating SP signaling in mating females and introducing SP-signaling into virgin females, 3) compared transcriptomic changes of different groups in response to TBI. The results are generally consistent and robust.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The authors have made their claims largely based on assaying climbing index and vacuole formation as the only indicators of late-life neurodegeneration after TBI. Furthermore, it is also really surprising to see so few DEGs even in wild-type males and mated females and to see that none of DEGs overlap among groups or are even related to the SP-signaling. The authors state that the reason is their TBI is very minor. It is critical to independently verify their RNA-sequencing results and to add some more molecular evidence to support their conclusion. Finally, since similar sex peptide signaling is not present in mammalians or humans, its implication in humans remains unclear.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors of this paper identify an enhancer upstream of the Ctnnb1 gene that selectively enhances expression in intestinal cells. This enhancer sequence drives expression of a reporter gene in the intestine and knockout of this enhancer attenuates Ctnnb1 expression in the intestine while protecting mice from intestinal cancers. The human counterpart of this enhancer sequence is functional and involved in tumorigenesis. Overall, this is an excellent example of how to fully characterize a cell-specific enhancer. The strength of the study is the thorough nature of the analysis and the relevance of the data to the development of intestinal tumors in both mice and humans. A minor weakness is that the loss of this enhancer does not completely compromise the expression of the Ctnnb1 gene in the intestine, suggesting that other elements are likely involved. Adding some discussion on that point would be helpful.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This experimental study investigates the influence of sensory information on neural population activity in M1 during a delayed reaching task. In the experiment, monkeys are trained to perform a delayed interception reach task, in which the goal is to intercept a potentially moving target.

      This paradigm allows the authors to investigate how, given a fixed reach endpoint (which is assumed to correspond to a fixed motor output), the sensory information regarding the target motion is encoded in neural activity.

      At the level of single neurons, the authors found that target motion modulates the activity in three main ways: gain modulation (scaling of the neural activity depending on the target direction), shift (shift of the preferred direction of neurons tuned to reach direction), or addition (offset to the neural activity).

      At the level of the neural population, target motion information was largely encoded along the 3rd PC of the neural activity, leading to a tilt of the manifold along which reach direction was encoded that was proportional to the target speed. The tilt of the neural manifold was found to be largely driven by the variation of activity of the population of gain-modulated neurons.<br /> Finally, the authors studied the behaviour of an RNN trained to generate the correct hand velocity given the sensory input and reach direction. The RNN units were found to similarly exhibit mixed selectivity to the sensory information, and the geometry of the « neural population » resembled that observed in the monkeys.


      - The experiment is well set up to address the question of how sensory information that is directly relevant to the behaviour but does not lead to a direct change in behavioural output modulates motor cortical activity.

      - The finding that sensory information modulates the neural activity in M1 during motor preparation and execution is non trivial, given that this modulation of the activity must occur in the nullspace of the movement.

      - The paper gives a complete picture of the effect of the target motion on neural activity, by including analyses at the single neuron level as well as at the population level. Additionally, the authors link those two levels of representation by highlighting how gain modulation contributes to shaping the population representation.


      - One of the main premises of the paper is the fact that the motor output for a given reach point is preserved across different target motions. However, as the authors briefly mention in the conclusion, they did not record muscle activity during the task, but only hand velocity, making it impossible to directly verify how preserved muscle patterns were across movements. While the authors highlight that they did not see any difference in their results when resampling the data to control for similar hand velocities across conditions, this seems like an important potential caveat of the paper whose implications should be discussed further or highlighted earlier in the paper.

      - The main takeaway of the RNN analysis is not fully clear. The authors find that an RNN trained given a sensory input representing a moving target displays modulation to target motion that resembles what is seen in real data. This is interesting, but the authors do not dissect why this representation arises, and how robust it is to various task design choices. For instance, it appears that the network should be able to solve the task using only the motion intention input, which contains the reach endpoint information. If the target motion input is not used for the task, it is not obvious why the RNN units would be modulated by this input (especially as this modulation must lie in the nullspace of the movement hand velocity if the velocity depends only on the reach endpoint). It would thus be important to see alternative models compared to true neural activity, in addition to the model currently included in the paper. Besides, for the model in the paper, it would therefore be interesting to study further how the details of the network setup (eg initial spectral radius of the connectivity, weight regularization, or using only the target position input) affect the modulation by the motion input, as well as the trained population geometry and the relative ratios of modulated cells after training.

      - Additionally, it is unclear what insights are gained from the perturbations to the network connectivity the authors perform, as it is generally expected that modulating the connectivity will degrade task performance and the geometry of the responses. If the authors wish the make claims about the role of the subpopulations, it could be interesting to test whether similar connectivity patterns develop in networks that are not initialized with an all-to-all random connectivity or to use ablation experiments to investigate whether the presence of multiple types of modulations confers any sort of robustness to the network.

      - The results suggest that the observed changes in motor cortical activity with target velocity result from M1 activity receiving an input that encodes the velocity information. This also appears to be the assumption in the RNN model. However, even though the input shown to the animal during preparation is indeed a continuously moving target, it appears that the only relevant quantity to the actual movement is the final endpoint of the reach. While this would have to be a function of the target velocity, one could imagine that the computation of where the monkeys should reach might be performed upstream of the motor cortex, in which case the actual target velocity would become irrelevant to the final motor output. This makes the results of the paper very interesting, but it would be nice if the authors could discuss further when one might expect to see modulation by sensory information that does not directly affect motor output in M1, and where those inputs may come from. It may also be interesting to discuss how the findings relate to previous work that has found behaviourally irrelevant information is being filtered out from M1 (for instance, Russo et al, Neuron 2020 found that in monkeys performing a cycling task, context can be decoded from SMA but not from M1, and Wang et al, Nature Communications 2019 found that perceptual information could not be decoded from PMd)?

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, the authors show that impairment of hind limb muscle contraction by cast immobilization suppresses skeletal muscle thermogenesis and activates thermogenesis in brown fat. They also propose that free BCAAs derived from skeletal muscle are used for BAT thermogenesis, and identify IL-6 as a potential regulator.


      The data support the conclusions for the most part.


      The data provided in this manuscript are largely descriptive. It is therefore difficult to assess the potential significance of the work. Moreover, many of the described effects are modest in magnitude, questioning the overall functional relevance of this pathway. There are no experiments that directly test whether BCAAs derived from adipose tissue are used for thermogenesis, which would require more robust tracing experiments. In addition, the rigor of the work should be improved. It is also recommended to put the current work in the context of the literature.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> 72 subjects, and 144 hemispheres, from the Human Connectome Project had their parietal sulci manually traced. This identified the presence of previous undescribed shallow sulci. One of these sulci, the ventral supralateral occipital sulcus (slocs-v), was then demonstrated to have functional specificity in spatial orientation. The discussion furthermore provides an eloquent overview of our understanding of the anatomy of the parietal cortex, situating their new work into the broader field. Finally, this paper stimulates further debate about the relative value of detailed manual anatomy, inherently limited in participant numbers and areas of the brain covered, against fully automated processing that can cover thousands of participants but easily misses the kinds of anatomical details described here.

      Strengths:<br /> - This is the first paper describing the tertiary sulci of the parietal cortex with this level of detail, identifying novel shallow sulci and mapping them to behaviour and function.<br /> - It is a very elegantly written paper, situating the current work into the broader field.<br /> - The combination of detailed anatomy and function and behaviour is superb.

      Weaknesses:<br /> - the numbers of subjects are inherently limited both in number as well as in being typically developing young adults.<br /> - while the paper begins by describing four new sulci, only one is explored further in greater detail.<br /> - there is some tension between calling the discovered sulci new vs acknowledging they have already been reported, but not named.<br /> - the anatomy of the sulci, as opposed to their relation to other sulci, could be described in greater detail.

      Overall, to summarize, I greatly enjoyed this paper and believe it to be a highly valued contribution to the field.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this very comprehensive study, the authors examine the effects of deletion and mutation of the Paf1C protein Rtf1 gene on chromatin structure, filamentation, and virulence in Cryptococcus.


      The experiments are well presented and the interpretation of the data is convincing.


      Yet, one can be frustrated by the lack of experiments that attempt to directly correlate the change in chromatin structure with the expression of a particular gene and the observed phenotype. For example, the authors observed a strong defect in the expression of ZNF2, a known regulator of filamentation, mating, and virulence, in the rtf1 mutant. Can this defect explain the observed phenotypes associated with the RTF1 mutation? Is the observed defect in melanin production associated with altered expression of laccase genes and altered chromatin structure at this locus?

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      It is rare to find systems in neuroscience where a detailed mechanistic link can be made between the biophysical properties of individual neurons and observable behaviors. In this study, Medina and Margoliash examined how the intrinsic physiological properties of a subclass of neurons in HVC, the main nucleus orchestrating the production of birdsong, might have an effect on the temporal structure of a song. This builds on prior work from this lab demonstrating that intrinsic properties of these neurons are highly consistent within individual animals and more similar between animals with similar songs, by identifying specific acoustic features of the song that covary with intrinsic properties and by setting forth a detailed biophysical network model to explain the relationship.

      The main experimental finding is that excitability, hyperpolarization-evoked sag, and rebound depolarization are correlated with song duration and the duration of long harmonic elements. This motivates the hypothesis that rebound depolarization acts as a coincidence detector for the offset of inhibition associated with the previous song element and excitation associated with the start of the next element, with the delay and other characteristics of the window determined primarily by Ih. The idea is then that the temporal sensitivity of coincidence detection, which is common to all HVCx neurons, sets a global tempo that relates to the temporal characteristics of a song. This model is supported by some experimental data showing variation in the temporal integration of rebound spiking and by a Hodgkin-Huxley-based computational model that demonstrates proof of principle, including the emergence of a narrow (~50 ms) post-inhibitory window when excitatory input from other principal neurons can effectively evoke spiking.

      Overall, the data are convincing and the model is compelling. The manuscript plays to the strengths of zebra finch song learning and the well-characterized microcircuitry and network dynamics of HVC. Of particular note, the design for the electrophysiology experiments employed both a correlational approach exploiting the natural variation in zebra finch song and a more controlled approach comparing birds that were tutored to produce songs that differed primarily along a single acoustical dimension. The modeling is based on Hodgkin-Huxley ionic conductances that have been pharmacologically validated, and the connections and functional properties of the network are consistent with prior work. This makes for a level of mechanistic detail that will likely be fruitful for future work.

      There are some minor to moderate weaknesses. A minor weakness in the analysis of the experimental data relates to the handling of multiple correlations. There are several physiological variables that covary and several acoustical variables that covary, which makes it difficult to interpret standard Pearson correlation coefficients between any two individual variables. This is a minor concern because the results of the correlational analysis were confirmed in separate experiments with controlled tutoring, but a partial correlation analysis or latent factor analysis would be a more rigorous way of analyzing the natural live tutoring data.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors show that ELS induces a number of brain and behavioral changes in the adult lateral amygdala. These changes include enduring astrocytic dysfunction, and inducing astrocytic dysfunction via genetic interventions is sufficient to phenocopy the behavioral and neural phenotypes. This suggests that astrocyte dysfunction may play a causal role in ELS-associated pathologies.


      A strength is the shift in focus to astrocytes to understand how ELS alters adult behavior.


      The mechanistic links between some of the correlates - altered astrocytic function, changes in neural excitability, and synaptic plasticity in the lateral amygdala and behaviour - are underdeveloped.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, the authors have attempted to demonstrate a critical role for the cytoskeletal scaffold protein Ezrin, in the upstream regulation of EGFR/AKT/MTOR signaling. They show that in the absence of Ezrin, ligand-induced EGFR trafficking and activation at the endosomes is perturbed, with decreased endosomal recruitment of the TSC complex, and a corresponding decrease in AKT/MTOR signaling.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors have used a combination of novel imaging techniques, as well as conventional proteomic and biochemical assays to substantiate their findings. The findings expand our understanding of the upstream regulators of the EGFR/AKT MTOR signaling and lysosomal biogenesis, appear to be conserved in multiple species, and may have important implications for the pathogenesis and treatment of diseases involving endo-lysosomal function, such as diabetes and cancer, as well as neuro-degenerative diseases like macular degeneration. Furthermore, pharmacological targeting of Ezrin could potentially be utilized in diseases with defective TFEB/TFE3 functions like LSDs. While a majority of the findings appear to support the hypotheses, there are substantial gaps in the findings that could be better addressed. Since Ezrin appears to directly regulate MTOR activity, the effects of Ezrin KO on MTOR-regulated, TFEB/TFE3 -driven lysosomal function should be explored more thoroughly. Similarly, a more convincing analysis of autophagic flux should be carried out. Additionally, many immunoblots lack key controls (Control IgG in co-IPs) and many others merit repetition to either improve upon the quality of the existing data, validate the findings using orthogonal approaches, or provide a more rigorous quantitative assessment of the findings, as highlighted in the recommendation for authors.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This manuscript by Cui et al., studies the mechanisms for the generation of sighing, an essential breathing pattern. This is an important and interesting topic, as sighing maintains normal pulmonary function and is associated with various emotional conditions. However, the mechanisms of its generation remain not fully understood. The authors employed different approaches, including optogenetics, chemogenetics, intersectional genetic approach, slice electrophysiology, and calcium imaging, to address the question, and found several neuronal populations are sufficient to induce sighing when activated. Furthermore, ectopic sighs can be triggered without the involvement of neuromedin B (NMB) or gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) or their receptors in the preBötzinger Complex (preBötC) region of the brainstem. Additionally, activating SST neurons in the preBötC region induces sighing, even when other receptors are blocked. Based on these results, the authors concluded that increased excitability in certain neurons (NMBR or GRPR neurons) activates pathways leading to sigh generation, with SST neurons serving as a downstream component in converting regular breaths into sighs


      The authors employed a combination of various sophisticated approaches, including optogenetics, chemogenetics, intersectional genetic approach, slice electrophysiology and calcium imaging, to precisely pinpoint the mechanism responsible for sigh generation. They utilized multiple genetically modified mouse lines, enabling them to selectively manipulate and observe specific neuronal populations involved in sighing.

      Using genetics and calcium imaging, the authors record the neuronal activity of NMBR and GRPR neurons, respectively, and identify their differences in activity patterns. Furthermore, by applying the intersectional approach, the authors were able to genetically target and manipulate several distinct neuronal populations, such as NMBR+, GRPR- neurons, and GRPR+, NMBR- neurons, and conducted a detailed characterization of their functions in influencing sighing.


      The authors combined multiple approaches in this manuscript; however, the rationale and experimental details require further explanation, and their impacts on the conclusion require clarification. For instance, how and why the variability in optogenetic activation conditions could impact the experimental outcomes. Additionally, a more detailed characterization of the viral labeling efficiency and specificity is necessary to validate the claims made in these experiments. Without this, the results could be compromised by potential discrepancies in the number of labeled neurons or unintended labeling of other populations.

      Moreover, the conclusion that preBötC NMBR and GRPR activations are unnecessary for sighing is not fully supported by the current experimental design. While the study shows that sighing can still be induced despite pharmacological inhibition of NMBR and GRPR, this does not conclusively prove that these receptors are not required under natural conditions. The artificial activation of downstream pathways through optogenetic or chemogenetic methods does not negate the potential physiological role of these receptors in sigh production. Therefore, the interpretation of these findings should be approached with caution, and further investigation is warranted to definitively determine the necessity of NMBR and GRPR activations in the natural sighing process.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The study aims to elucidate the role of CPT1A in developing resistance to radiotherapy in colorectal cancer (CRC). The manuscript is a collection of assays and analyses to identify the mechanism by which CPT1A leads to treatment resistance through increased expression of ROS-scavenging genes facilitated by FOXM1 and provides an argument to counter this role, leading to a reversal of treatment resistance.


      The article is well written with sound scientific methodology and results. The assays performed are well within the scope of the hypothesis of the study and provide ample evidence for the role of CPT1A in the development of treatment resistance in colorectal cancer. While providing compelling evidence for their argument, the authors have also rightfully provided limitations of their work.


      The primary weakness of the study is acknowledged by the authors at the end of the Discussion section of the manuscript. The work heavily relies on bioinformatics and in vitro work with little backing of in vivo and patient data. In terms of animal studies, it is to be noted that the model they have used is nude mice with non-orthotopic, subcutaneous xenograft, which may not be the best recreation of the patient tumor.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Predicting how two different drugs act together by looking at their specific gene targets and pathways is crucial for understanding the biological significance of drug combinations. Such combinations of drugs can lead to synergistic effects that enhance drug efficacy and decrease resistance. This study incorporates drug-specific pathway activation scores (PASs) to estimate synergy scores as one of the key advancements for synergy prediction. The new algorithm, Drug synergy Interaction Prediction (DIPx), developed in this study, uses gene expression, mutation profiles, and drug synergy data to train the model and predict synergy between two drugs and suggests the best combinations based on their functional relevance on the mechanism of action. Comprehensive validations using two different datasets and comparing them with another best-performing algorithm highlight the potential of its capabilities and broader applications. However, the study would benefit from including experimental validation of some predicted drug combinations to enhance its reliability.


      The DIPx algorithm demonstrates the strengths listed below in its approach for personalized drug synergy prediction. One of its strengths lies in its utilization of biologically motivated cancer-specific (driver genes-based) and drug-specific (target genes-based) pathway activation scores (PASs) to predict drug synergy. This approach integrates gene expression, mutation profiles, and drug synergy data to capture information about the functional interactions between drug targets, thereby providing a potential biological explanation for the synergistic effects of combined drugs. Additionally, DIPx's performance was tested using the AstraZeneca-Sanger (AZS) DREAM Challenge dataset, especially in Test Set 1, where the Spearman correlation coefficient between predicted and observed drug synergy was 0.50 (95% CI: 0.47-0.53). This demonstrates the algorithm's effectiveness in handling combinations already in the training set. Furthermore, DIPx's ability to handle novel combinations, as evidenced by its performance in Test Set 2, indicates its potential for extrapolating predictions to new and untested drug combinations. This suggests that the algorithm can adapt to and make accurate predictions for previously unencountered combinations, which is crucial for its practical application in personalized medicine. Overall, DIPx's integration of pathway activation scores and its performance in predicting drug synergy for known and novel combinations underscore its potential as a valuable tool for personalized prediction of drug synergy and exploration of activated pathways related to the effects of combined drugs.


      While the DIPx algorithm shows promise in predicting drug synergy based on pathway activation scores, it's essential to consider its limitations. One limitation is that the algorithm's performance was less accurate when predicting drug synergy for combinations absent from the training set. This suggests that its predictive capability may be influenced by the availability of training data for specific drug combinations. Additionally, further testing and validation across different datasets (more than the current two datasets) would be necessary to assess the algorithm's generalizability and robustness fully. It's also important to consider potential biases in the training data and ensure that DIPx predictions are validated through empirical studies including experimental testing of predicted combinations. Despite these limitations, DIPx represents a valuable step towards personalized prediction of drug synergy and warrants continued investigation and improvement. It would benefit if the algorithm's limitations are described with some examples and suggest future advancement steps.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This study from Oriol et al. first uses transgenic animals to examine projection targets of specific subtypes of VTA GABA neurons (expressing PV, SST, MOR, or NTS). They follow this with a set of optogenetic experiments showing that VTA projection neurons (regardless of genetic subtype) make local functional connections within the VTA itself. Both of these findings are important advances in the field. Notably, both GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons in the VTA likely exhibit these combined long/short-range projections.


      The main strength of this study is the series of optogenetic/electrophysiological experiments that provide detailed circuit connectivity of VTA neurons. The long-range projections to the VP (but not other targets) are also verified to have functional excitatory and inhibitory components. Overall, the experiments are well executed and the results are very relevant in light of the rapidly growing knowledge about the complexity and heterogeneity of VTA circuitry.

      Another strength of this study is the well-written and thoughtful discussion regarding the current findings in the context of the long-standing question of whether the VTA does or does not have true interneurons.


      This study has a few modest shortcomings, of which the first is likely addressable with the authors' existing data, while the latter items will likely need to be deferred to future studies:

      (1) Some key anatomical details are difficult to discern from the images shown. In Figure 1, the low-magnification images of the VTA in the first column, while essential for seeing what overall section is being shown, are not of sufficient resolution to distinguish soma from processes. A supplemental figure with higher-resolution images could be helpful. Also, where are the insets shown in the second column obtained from? There is not a corresponding marked region on the low-magnification images. Is this an oversight, or are these insets obtained from other sections that are not shown? Lastly, there is a supplemental figure showing the NAc injection sites corresponding to Figure 5, but not one showing VP or PFC injection sites in Figure 6. Why not?

      (2) Because multiple ChR2 neurons are activated in the optogenetic experiments, it is not clear how common is it for any specific projection neuron to make local connections. Are the observed synaptic effects driven by just a few neurons making extensive local collateralizations (while other projection neurons do not), or do most VTA projection neurons have local collaterals? I realize this is a complex question, that may not have an easy answer.

      (3) There is something of a conceptual disconnect between the early and later portions of this paper. Whereas Figures 1-4 examine forebrain projections of genetic subtypes of VTA neurons, the optogenetic studies do not address genetic subtypes at all. I do realize that is outside of the scope of the author's intent, but it does give the impression of somewhat different (but related) studies being stitched together. For example, the MOR-expressing neurons seem to project strongly to the VP, but it is not addressed whether these are also the ones making local projections. Also, after showing that PV neurons project to the LHb, the opto experiments do not examine the LHb projection target at all.

    1. before puberty before let's say 30 and 14 years of age um we know that the Restriction of those devices is beneficial for the development of the brain because children learn to to think in a three-dimensional world

      for - neuroscience - education of children - recommend no digital devices before puberty - allows learning in a 3 dimensional world

    2. we know from Lab studies that children understand the meaning of stuff at first or second or third site you

      for - neuroscience - children's understanding - 3 examples is enough to consolidate new concept

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This paper improves our understanding of the coding of chromatic signals in mouse visual cortex. Calcium responses of a large collection of cells are measured in response to a simple spot stimulus. These responses are used to estimate chromatic tuning properties - specifically sensitivity to UV and green stimuli presented in a large central spot or a larger still surrounding region. Cells are divided based on their responses to these stimuli into luminance or chromatic sensitive groups.

      The paper has improved substantially in revisions and makes an important contribution to how color is coded in mouse V1. The revisions have nicely clarified a few limitations of the current study, and that serves to emphasize the strengths of the data and clear conclusions that can be drawn from it.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Li, Zhang, Wu, and colleagues describe a new role for nuclear IDH1 in erythroid differentiation independent from its enzymatic function. IDH1 depletion results in a terminal erythroid differentiation defect with polychromatic and orthochromatic erythroblasts showing abnormal nuclei, nuclear condensation defects, and an increased proportion of euchromatin, as well as enucleation defects. Using ChIP-seq for the histone modifications H3K79me3, H3K27me2, and H3K9me3, as well as ATAC-seq and RNA-seq in primary CD34-derived erythroblasts, the authors elucidate SIRT1 as a key dysregulated gene that is upregulated upon IDH1 knockdown. They furthermore show that chemical inhibition of SIRT1 partially rescues the abnormal nuclear morphology and enucleation defect during IDH1-deficient erythroid differentiation. The phenotype of delayed erythroid maturation and enucleation upon IDH1 shRNA-mediated knockdown was described in the group's previous co-authored study (PMID: 33535038). The authors' new hypothesis of an enzyme- and metabolism-independent role of IDH1 in this process is currently not supported by conclusive experimental evidence as discussed in more detail further below. On the other hand, while the dependency of IDH1 mutant cells on NAD+, as well as cell survival benefit upon SIRT1 inhibition, has already been shown (see, e.g, PMID: 26678339, PMID: 32710757), previous studies focused on cancer cell lines and did not look at a developmental differentiation process, which makes this study interesting.

      (1) The central hypothesis that IDH1 has a role independent of its enzymatic function is interesting but not supported by the experiments. One of the author's supporting arguments for their claim is that alpha-ketoglutarate (aKG) does not rescue the IDH1 phenotype of reduced enucleation. However, in the group's previous co-authored study (PMID: 33535038), they show that when IDH1 is knocked down, the addition of aKG even exacerbates the reduced enucleation phenotype, which could indicate that aKG catalysis by cytoplasmic IDH1 enzyme is important during terminal erythroid differentiation. A definitive experiment to test the requirement of IDH1's enzymatic function in erythropoiesis would be to knock down/out IDH1 and re-express an IDH1 catalytic site mutant. The authors perform an interesting genetic manipulation in HUDEP-2 cells to address a nucleus-specific role of IDH1 through CRISPR/Cas-mediated IDH1 knockout followed by overexpression of an IDH1 construct containing a nuclear export signal. However, this system is only used to show nuclear abnormalities and (not quantified) accumulation of H3K79me3 upon nuclear exclusion of IDH1. Otherwise, a global IDH1 shRNA knockdown approach is employed, which will affect both forms of IDH1, cytoplasmic and nuclear. In this system and even the NES-IDH1 system, an enzymatic role of IDH1 cannot be excluded because (1) shRNA selection takes several days, prohibiting the assessment of direct effects of IDH1 loss of function (only a degron approach could address this if IDH1's half-life is short), and (2) metabolic activity of this part of the TCA cycle in the nucleus has recently been demonstrated (PMID: 36044572), and thus even a nuclear role of IDH1 could be linked to its enzymatic function, which makes it a challenging task to separate two functions if they exist.

      (2) It is not clear how the enrichment of H3K9me3, a prominent marker of heterochromatin, upon IDH1 knockdown in the primary erythroid culture (Figure 4), goes along with a 2-3-fold increase in euchromatin. Furthermore, in the immunofluorescence (IF) experiments presented in Figure 4Db, it seems that H3K9me3 levels decrease in intensity (the signal seems more diffuse), which seems to contrast the ChIP-seq data. It would be interesting to test for localization of other heterochromatin marks such as HP1gamma. As a related point, it is not clear at what stage of erythroid differentiation the ATAC-seq was performed upon luciferase- and IDH1-shRNA-mediated knockdown shown in Figure 6. If it was done at a similar stage (Day 15) as the electron microscopy in Figure 4B, then the authors should explain the discrepancy between the vast increase in euchromatin and the rather small increase in ATAC-seq signal upon IDH1 knockdown.

      (3) The subcellular localization of IDH1, in particular its presence on chromatin, is not convincing in light of histone H3 being enriched in the cytoplasm on the same Western blot. H3 would be expected to be mostly localized to the chromatin fraction (see, e.g., PMID: 31408165 that the authors cite). The same issue is seen in Figure 4A.

      (4) This manuscript will highly benefit from more precise and complete explanations of the experiments performed, the material and methods used, and the results presented. At times, the wording is confusing. As an example, one of the "Key points" is described as "Dyserythropoiesis is caused by downregulation of SIRT1 induced by H3K79me3 accumulation." It should probably read "upregulation of SIRT1".

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Jumping spiders (family Salticidae) have extraordinarily good eyesight, but little is known about how sensitive these small animals might be to the identity of other individuals that they see. Here, experiments were carried out using Phidippus regius, a salticid spider from North America. There were three steps in the experiments; first, a spider could see another spider; then its view of the other spider was blocked; and then either the same or a different individual spider came into view. Whether it was the same or a different individual that came into view in the third step had a significant effect on how close together or far apart the spiders positioned themselves. It has been demonstrated before that salticids can discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar individuals while relying on chemical cues, but this new research on P. regius provides the first experimental evidence that a spider can discriminate by sight between familiar and unfamiliar individuals.

      Clark RJ, Jackson RR (1995) Araneophagic jumping spiders discriminate between the draglines of familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 7:185-190


      This work is a useful step toward a fuller understanding of the perceptual and cognitive capacities of spiders and other animals with small nervous systems. By providing experimental evidence for a conclusion that a spider can, by sight, discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar individuals, this research will be an important milestone. We can anticipate a substantial influence on future research.


      (1) The conclusions should be stated more carefully.

      (2) It is not clearly the case that the experimental methods are based on 'habituation (learning to ignore; learning not to respond). Saying 'habituation' seems to imply that certain distances are instances of responding and other distances are instances of not responding but, as a reasonable alternative, we might call distance in all instances a response. However, whether all distances are responses or not is a distracting issue because being based on habituation is not a necessity.

      (3) Besides data related to distances, other data might have been useful. For example, salticids are especially well known for the way they communicate using distinctive visual displays and, unlike distance, displaying is a discrete, unambiguous response.

      (4) Methods more aligned with salticids having extraordinarily good eyesight would be useful. For example, with salticids, standardising and manipulating stimuli in experiments can be achieved by using mounts, video playback, and computer-generated animation.

      (5) An asocial-versus-social distinction is too imprecise, and it may have been emphasised too much. With P. regius, irrespective of whether we use the label asocial or social, the important question pertains to the frequency of encounters between the same individuals and the consequences of these encounters.

      (6) Hypotheses related to not-so-strictly adaptive factors are discussed and these hypotheses are interesting, but these considerations are not necessarily incompatible with more strictly adaptive influences being relevant as well.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This was a well-executed and well-written paper. The authors have provided important new datasets that expand on previous investigations substantially. The discovery that changes in diet are not so closely correlated with the presence of alkaloids (based on the expanded sampling of non-defended species) is important, in my opinion.


      Provision of several new expanded datasets using cutting edge technology and sampling a wide range of species that had not been sampled previously. A conceptually important paper that provides evidence for the importance of intermediate stages in the evolution of chemical defense and aposematism.


      There were some aspects of the paper that I thought could be revised. One thing I was struck by is the lack of discussion of the potentially negative effects of toxin accumulation, and how this might play out in terms of different levels of toxicity in different species. Further, are there aspects of ecology or evolutionary history that might make some species less vulnerable to the accumulation of toxins than others? This could be another factor that strongly influences the ultimate trajectory of a species in terms of being well-defended. I think the authors did a good job in terms of describing mechanistic factors that could affect toxicity (e.g. potential molecular mechanisms) but did not make much of an attempt to describe potential ecological factors that could impact trajectories of the evolution of toxicity. This may have been done on purpose (to avoid being too speculative), but I think it would be worth some consideration.

      In the discussion, the authors make the claim that poison frogs don't (seem to) suffer from eating alkaloids. I don't think this claim has been properly tested (the cited references don't adequately address it). To do so would require an experimental approach, ideally obtained data on both lifespan and lifetime reproductive success.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors aim to enhance AlphaFold2 for protein conformation-selective drug discovery through the integration of AlphaFold2 and physics-based methods, focusing on improving the accuracy of predicting protein structures ensemble and small molecule binding of metastable protein conformations to facilitate targeted drug design.

      The major strength of the paper lies in the methodology, which includes the innovative integration of AlphaFold2 with all-atom enhanced sampling molecular dynamics and induced fit docking to produce protein ensembles with structural diversity. Moreover, the generated structures can be used as reliable crystal-like decoys to enrich metastable conformations of holo-like structures. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in producing metastable structures of three different protein kinases and perform docking with their type I and II inhibitors. The paper provides strong evidence supporting the potential impact of this technology in drug discovery. However, limitations may exist in the generalizability of the approach across other structures, especially complex structures such as protein-protein or DNA-protein complexes.

      The authors largely achieved their aims by demonstrating that the AF2RAVE-Glide workflow can generate holo-like structure candidates with a 50% successful docking rate for known type II inhibitors. This work is likely to have a significant impact on the field by offering a more precise and efficient method for predicting protein structure ensemble, which is essential for designing targeted drugs. The utility of the integrated AF2RAVE-Glide approach may streamline the drug discovery process, potentially leading to the development of more effective and specific medications for various diseases.

      Comments on revised version:

      The revised manuscript looks great to me. I have no further comments.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Lu et al. describe Vangl2 as a negative regulator of inflammation in myeloid cells. The primary mechanism appears to be through binding p65 and promoting its degradation, albeit in an unusual autolysosome/autophagy dependent manner. Overall, these findings are novel, valuable and the crosstalk of PCP pathway protein Vangl2 with NF-kappaB is of interest.

      Comments on latest version:

      Lu et al. now address all my comments. All data included for the reviewers should be included in the main manuscript or Supplement and should be available to the readers. Please ensure that this criteria is met. I have no further comments.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In the present study, the authors examined how dPAG neurons respond to predatory threats and how dPAG and BLA communicate threat signals. The authors employed single-unit recording and optogenetics tools to address these issues in an 'approach food-avoid predator' paradigm. They characterized dPAG and BLA neurons responsive to a looming robot predator and found that dPAG opto-stimulation elicited fleeing and increased BLA activity. Importantly, they found that dPAG stimulation produces activity changes in subpopulations of BLA neurons related to predator detection, thus supporting the idea that dPAG conveys innate fear signals to the amygdala. In addition, injections of anterograde and retrograde tracers into the dPAG and BLA, respectively, along with the examination of c-FOS activity in midline thalamic relay stations, suggest that the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) may serve as a mediator of dPAG to BLA neurotransmission. Of relevance, the study helps to validate an important concept that dPAG mediates primal fear emotion and may engage upstream amygdala targets to evoke defensive responses. The series of experiments provides a compelling case for supporting their conclusions. The study brings important concepts revealing dynamics of fear-related circuits particularly attractive to a broad audience, from basic scientists interested in neural circuits to psychiatrists.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This manuscript by Liu et al. presents a case that CAPSL mutations are a cause of familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR). Attention was initially focused on the CAPSL gene from whole exome sequence analysis of two small families. The follow-up analyses included studies in which Capsl was manipulated in endothelial cells of mice and multiple iterations of molecular and cellular analyses. Together, the data show that CAPSL influences endothelial cell proliferation and migration. Molecularly, transcriptomic and proteomic analyses suggest that CAPSL influences many genes/proteins that are also downstream targets of MYC and may be important to the mechanisms.

      Strengths:<br /> This multi-pronged approach found a previously unknown function for CAPSL in endothelial cells and pointed at MYC pathways as high-quality candidates in the mechanism. Through the review process, some statements and interpretations were initially challenged. However, the issues were addressed with new experimentation and modifications to the text - leaving a strengthened presentation that makes a compelling case.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Two issues shape the overall impact for me. First, it remains unclear how common CAPSL variants may be in the human population. From the current study, it is possible that they are rare - perhaps limiting an immediate clinical impact. However, sharing the data may help identify additional variants in FEVR or other vascular diseases. The findings also make advances in basic biology which could ultimately contribute to therapies of broad relevance. Thus, this weakness is considered modest. Second, the links to the MYC axis are largely based on association, which will require additional experimentation to help understand.

      One interesting technical point raised in the study, which might be missed without care by the readership, is that the variants appear to act dominantly in human families, but only act recessively in the mouse model. The authors cite other work from the field in which this same mismatch occurs, likely pointing to limits in how closely a mouse model might be expected to recapitulate a human disease. This technical point is likely relevant to ongoing studies of FEVR and many other multigenic diseases as well.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors represent an elegant and detailed investigation into the role of cis-elements, and therefore the underlying mechanisms, in gene dosage increase. Their most significant finding is that in their system copy number increase frequently occurs by what they call replication errors that result from the origin of replication firing.

      The authors somewhat quantitatively determine the effect of the presence of a proximal origin of replication or LTR on the different CNV scenarios.


      (1) A clever and elegant experimental design.

      (2) A quantitative determination of the effect of a proximal origin of replication or LTR on the different CNV scenarios. Measuring directly the contribution of two competing elements.

      (3) ODIRA can occur by firing of a distal ARS element.

      (4) Re-insertion of Ty elements is interesting.


      (1) Overall, the research does not considerably advance the current knowledge. The research does not investigate what the maximum distance between ARS for ODIRA is to occur. This is an important point since ODIRA was previously described. A considerable contribution to the field would be to understand under what conditions ODIRA wins NAHR.

      (2) The title and some sentences in the abstract give a wrong impression of the generality and the novelty of the observations presented. Below are some examples of much earlier work that dealt with mechanisms of CNV and got different conclusions. The Lobachev lab (Cell 2006) published a different scenario years ago, with a very different mechanism (hair-pin capped breaks). The Argueso lab found something different (NAHR) (Genetics 2013).

      In fact, the CUP1 system presents a good example of this point. The Houseley group showed a complex replication transcription-based mechanism (NAR 2022, cited), the Argueso group showed Ty-based amplification and the Resnick group showed aneuploidy-based amplification. While aneuploidy is a minor factor here the numerous works in Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans, and Yeast suggest otherwise (Selmecki et al Science 2006, Yona et al PNAS 2013, Yang et al Microbiology Spectrum 2021).

      (3) The authors added a mathematical model to their experimental data. For me, it was very difficult to understand the contribution of the model to the research. I anticipated, for example, that the model would make predictions that would be tested experimentally. For example, " ARSΔ and ALLΔ are predicted to be almost eliminated by generation 116, as the average predicted WT proportion is 0.998 and 0.999" But to my understanding without testing the model.

  2. Jul 2024
    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The work shows how learned assembly structure and its influence on replay during spontaneous activity can reflect the statistics of stimulus input. In particular, stimuli that are more frequent during training elicit stronger wiring and more frequent activation during replay. Past works (Litwin-Kumar and Doiron, 2014; Zenke et al., 2015) have not addressed this specific question, as classic homeostatic mechanisms forced activity to be similar across all assemblies. Here, the authors use a dynamic gain and threshold mechanism to circumnavigate this issue and link this mechanism to cellular monitoring of membrane potential history.


      (1) This is an interesting advance, and the authors link this to experimental work in sensory learning in environments with non-uniform stimulus probabilities.

      (2) The authors consider their mechanism in a variety of models of increasing complexity (simple stimuli, complex stimuli; ignoring Dale's law, incorporating Dale's law).

      (3) Links a cellular mechanism of internal gain control (their variable h) to assembly formation and the non-uniformity of spontaneous replay activity. Offers a promise of relating cellular and synaptic plasticity mechanisms under a common goal of assembly formation.


      (1) However, while the manuscript does show that assembly wiring does follow stimulus likelihood, it is not clear how the assembly-specific statistics of h reflect these likelihoods. I find this to be a key issue.

      (2) The authors' model does take advantage of the sigmoidal transfer function, and after learning an assembly is either fully active or nearly fully silent (Figure 2a). This somewhat artificial saturation may be the reason that classic homeostasis is not required since runaway activity is not as damaging to network activity.

      (3) Classic mechanisms of homeostatic regulation (synaptic scaling, inhibitory plasticity) try to ensure that firing rates match a target rate (on average). If the target rate is the same for all neurons then having elevated firing rates for one assembly compared to others during spontaneous activity would be difficult. If these homeostatic mechanisms were incorporated, how would they permit the elevated firing rates for assemblies that represent more likely stimuli?

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this manuscript, the authors report three novel ifc alleles: ifc[js1], ifc[js2], and ifc[js3]. ifc[js1] and ifc[js2] encode missense mutations, V276D and G257S, respectively. ifc[js3] encodes a nonsense mutation, W162*. These alleles exhibit multiple phenotypes, including delayed progression to the late-third larval instar stage, reduced brain size, elongation of the ventral nerve cord, axonal swelling, and lethality during late larval or early pupal stages.<br /> Further characterization of these alleles the authors reveals that ifc is predominantly expressed in glia and localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The expression of ifc gene governs glial morphology and survival. Expression of fly ifc cDNA or human DEGS1 cDNA specifically in glia, but not neurons, rescues the CNS phenotypes of ifc mutants, indicating a crucial role for ifc in glial cells and its evolutionary conservation. Loss of ifc results in ER expansion and loss of lipid droplets in cortex glia. Additionally, loss of ifc leads to ceramide depletion and accumulation of dihydroceramide. Moreover, it increases the saturation levels of triacylglycerols and membrane phospholipids. Finally, the reduction of dihydroceramide synthesis suppresses the CNS phenotypes associated with ifc mutations, indicating the key role of dihydroceramide in causing ifc LOF defects.

      Strengths:<br /> This manuscript unveils several intriguing and novel phenotypes of ifc loss-of-function in glia. The experiments are meticulously planned and executed, with the data strongly supporting their conclusions.

      Weaknesses:<br /> I didn't find any obvious weakness.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Ruan and colleagues consider a branching process model (in their terminology the "Haldane model") and the most basic Wright-Fisher model. They convincingly show that offspring distributions are usually non-Poissonian (as opposed to what's assumed in the Wright-Fisher model), and can depend on short-term ecological dynamics (e.g., variance in offspring number may be smaller during exponential growth). The authors discuss branching processes and the Wright-Fisher model in the context of 3 "paradoxes": (1) how Ne depends on N might depend on population dynamics; (2) how Ne is different on the X chromosome, the Y chromosome, and the autosomes, and these differences do match the expectations base on simple counts of the number of chromosomes in the populations; (3) how genetic drift interacts with selection. The authors provide some theoretical explanations for the role of variance in the offspring distribution in each of these three paradoxes. They also perform some experiments to directly measure the variance in offspring number, as well as perform some analyses of published data.


      (1) The theoretical results are well-described and easy to follow.

      (2) The analyses of different variances in offspring number (both experimentally and analyzing public data) are convincing that non-Poissonian offspring distributions are the norm.

      (3) The point that this variance can change as the population size (or population dynamics) change is also very interesting and important to keep in mind.

      (4) I enjoyed the Density-Dependent Haldane model. It was a nice example of the decoupling of census size and effective size.


      (1) I am not convinced that these types of effects cannot just be absorbed into some time-varying Ne and still be well-modeled by the Wright-Fisher process.

      (2) Along these lines, there is well-established literature showing that a broad class of processes (a large subset of Cannings' Exchangeable Models) converge to the Wright-Fisher diffusion, even those with non-Poissonian offspring distributions (e.g., Mohle and Sagitov 2001). E.g., equation (4) in Mohle and Sagitov 2001 shows that in such cases the "coalescent Ne" should be (N-1) / Var(K), essentially matching equation (3) in the present paper.

      (3) Beyond this, I would imagine that branching processes with heavy-tailed offspring distributions could result in deviations that are not well captured by the authors' WFH model. In this case, the processes are known to converge (backward-in-time) to Lambda or Xi coalescents (e.g., Eldon and Wakely 2006 or again in Mohle and Sagitov 2001 and subsequent papers), which have well-defined forward-in-time processes.

      (4) These results that Ne in the Wright-Fisher process might not be related to N in any straightforward (or even one-to-one) way are well-known (e.g., Neher and Hallatschek 2012; Spence, Kamm, and Song 2016; Matuszewski, Hildebrandt, Achaz, and Jensen 2018; Rice, Novembre, and Desai 2018; the work of Lounès Chikhi on how Ne can be affected by population structure; etc...)

      (5) I was also missing some discussion of the relationship between the branching process and the Wright-Fisher model (or more generally Cannings' Exchangeable Models) when conditioning on the total population size. In particular, if the offspring distribution is Poisson, then conditioned on the total population size, the branching process is identical to the Wright-Fisher model.

      (6) In the discussion, it is claimed that the last glacial maximum could have caused the bottleneck observed in human populations currently residing outside of Africa. Compelling evidence has been amassed that this bottleneck is due to serial founder events associated with the out-of-Africa migration (see e.g., Henn, Cavalli-Sforza, and Feldman 2012 for an older review - subsequent work has only strengthened this view). For me, a more compelling example of changes in carrying capacity would be the advent of agriculture ~11kya and other more recent technological advances.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The manuscript by Meissner et al. describes a collection of 3060 Drosophila lines that can be used to genetically target very small numbers of brain cells. The collection is the product of over a decade of work by the FlyLight Project Team at the Janelia Research Campus and their collaborators. This painstaking work has used the intersectional split-Gal4 method to combine pairs of so-called hemidrivers into driver lines capable of highly refined expression, often targeting single cell types. Roughly one-third of the lines have been described and characterized in previous publications and others will be described in manuscripts still in preparation. They are brought together here with many new lines to form one high-quality collection of lines with exceptional selectivity of expression. As detailed in the manuscript, all of the lines described have been made publicly available accompanied by an online database of images and metadata that allow researchers to identify lines containing neurons of interest to them. Collectively, the lines include neurons in most regions of both the adult and larval nervous systems, and the imaging database is intended to eventually permit anatomical searching that can match cell types targeted by the lines to those identified at the EM level in emerging connectomes. In addition, the manuscript introduces a second, freely accessible database of raw imaging data for many lower quality, but still potentially useful, split-Gal4 driver lines made by the FlyLight Project Team.

      Strengths:<br /> Both the stock collection and the image databases are substantial and important resources that will be of obvious interest to neuroscientists conducting research in Drosophila. Although many researchers will already be aware of the basic resources generated at Janelia, the comprehensive description provided in this manuscript represents a useful summary of past and recent accomplishments of the FlyLight Team and their collaborators and will be very valuable to newcomers in the field. In addition, the new lines being made available and the effort to collect all lines that have been generated that have highly specific expression patterns is very useful to all.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The collection of lines presented here is obviously somewhat redundant in including lines from previously published collections. Potentially confusing is the fact that previously published split-Gal4 collections have also touted lines with highly selective expression, but only a fraction of those lines have been chosen for inclusion in the present manuscript. For example, the collection of Shuai et al. (2023) describes some 800 new lines, many with specificity for neurons with connectivity to the mushroom body, but only 168 of these lines were selected for inclusion here. This is presumably because of the more stringent criteria applied in selecting the lines described in this manuscript, but it would be useful to spell this out and explain what makes this collection different from those previously published (and those forthcoming).

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, the authors investigated the effects of targeted memory reactivation (TMR) during sleep on memory retention for artificial words with varying levels of phonotactical similarity to real words. The authors report that the high phonotactic probability (PP) words showed a more pronounced EEG alpha decrease during encoding and were more easily learned than the low PP words. Following TMR during sleep, participants who had been cued with the high PP TMR, remembered those words better than 0, whilst no such difference was found in the other conditions. Accordingly, the authors report higher EEG spindle band power during slow-wave up-states for the high PP as compared to low PP TMR trials. Overall, the authors conclude that artificial words which are easier to learn benefit more from TMR than those which are difficult to learn.

      Strengths:<br /> (1) The authors have carefully designed the artificial stimuli to investigate the effectiveness of TMR on words that are easy to learn and difficult to learn due to their levels of similarity with prior word-sound knowledge. Their approach of varying the level of phonotactic probability enables them to have better control over phonotactical familiarity than in a natural language and are thus able to disentangle which properties of word learning contribute to TMR success.

      (2) The use of EEG during wakeful encoding and sleep TMR sheds new light on the neural correlates of high PP vs low PP both during wakeful encoding and cue-induced retrieval during sleep.

      Weaknesses:<br /> (1) The present analyses are based on a small sample and comparisons between participants rather than within participants. Considering that the TMR benefits are based on changes in memory categorization between participants, it could be argued that the individuals in the high PP group were more susceptible to TMR than those in the low PP group for reasons other than the phonotactic probabilities of the stimuli (e.g., these individuals might be more attentive to sounds in the environment during sleep). While the authors acknowledge the small sample size and between-subjects comparison as a limitation, these results should be interpreted with caution.

      Impact:<br /> This work is likely to contribute to the subfield of sleep and memory, and their experimental methods could provide a useful resource for those which investigate memory processing of linguistic material.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this paper, the authors use the C. elegans system to explore how already-stressed neurons respond to additional mechanical stress. Exophers are large extracellular vesicles secreted by cells, which can contain protein aggregates and organelles. These can be a way of getting rid of cellular debris, but as they are endocytosed by other cells can also pass protein, lipid, and RNA to recipient cells. The authors find that when the uterus fills with eggs or otherwise expands, a nearby neuron (ALMR) is far more likely to secrete exophers. This paper highlights the importance of the mechanical environment in the behavior of neurons and may be relevant to the response of neurons exposed to traumatic injury.


      The paper has a logical flow and a compelling narrative supported by crisp and clear figures.

      The evidence that egg accumulation leads to exopher production is strong. The authors use a variety of genetic and pharmacological methods to show that increasing pressure leads to more exopher production, and reducing pressure leads to lower exopher production. For example, egg-laying defective animals, which retain eggs in the uterus, produce many more exophers, and hyperactive egg-laying is accompanied by low exopher production. The authors even inject fluid into the uterus and observe the production of exophers.


      The main weakness of the paper is that it does not explore the molecular mechanism by which the mechanical signals are received or responded to by the neuron. The authors are currently addressing this in their follow-up studies.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In the manuscript by Tuberosa et al., the authors set out to identify a genetic marker for the claustrum to create transgenic mice as tools to study this challenging brain region. To achieve this, the authors first re-analyzed published scRNAseq datasets from mouse frontal cortex and identified a unique cluster expressing Smim32, which correlated with Nr4a2, a previously reported claustrum marker (though also expressed in layer 6 and elsewhere). Importantly, Smim32 was also found to strongly express in the layer 6 and the thalamic reticular nucleus (with weaker expression in other parts of cortex, striatum, thalamus, olfactory bulb and more). The authors then extensively characterize Smim32 expression relative to a few other genes associated with claustrum and layer 6, as well as creating several novel transgenic mice focused on the Smim32 gene.


      The main strength of the paper is the well done scRNAseq analysis, the beautiful ISH images/reconstructions, and the assessment of gene expression throughout development. The main value of this paper is adding the Smim32 gene to the list of markers expressed in the claustrum, though it is not specific to the claustrum, showing extensive expression in TRN and layer 6 of cortex.


      The main weaknesses are that the results do not support the conclusion, namely that the Smim32 gene is not specific to the claustrum and that no other orthogonal approaches were used to define the claustrum, such as retrograde neuroanatomical tracing from cortex. Also, these results are of limited applicability as the gene expression was only performed in mice, so it is unclear how Smim32 relates to claustrum in other mammalian species (e.g. primates), which have a very clearly defined claustrum. The article is also missing some key literature on the anatomical definition of claustrum, specifically as it relates to the endopiriform nucleus (which is putatively considered part of the claustrum in rodents).

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Kaldun et al. investigated the role of Dopamine Receptor Dop1R2 in different types and stages of olfactory associative memory in Drosophila melanogaster. Dop1R2 is a type 1 Dopamine receptor that can act both through Gs-cAMP and Gq-ERCa2+ pathways. The authors first developed a very useful tool, where tissue-specific knock-out mutants can be generated, using Crispr/Cas9 technology in combination with the powerful Gal4/UAS gene-expression toolkit, very common in fruit flies.<br /> They direct the K.O. mutation to intrinsic neurons of the main associative memory centre fly brain-the mushroom body (MB). There are three main types of MB-neurons, or Kenyon cells, according to their axonal projections: a/b; a'/b', and g neurons.

      Kaldun et al. found that flies lacking dop1R2 all over the MB displayed impaired appetitive middle-term (2h) and long-term (24h) memory, whereas appetitive short-term memory remained intact. Knocking-out dop1R2 in the three MB neuron subtypes also impaired middle-term, but not short-term, aversive memory.

      These memory defects were recapitulated when the loss of the dop1R2 gene was restricted to either a/b or a'/b', but not when the loss of the gene was restricted to g neurons, showcasing a compartmentalized role of Dop1R2 in specific neuronal subtypes of the main memory centre of the fly brain for the expression of middle and long-term memories.


      (1) The conclusions of this paper are very well supported by the data, and the authors systematically addressed the requirement of a very interesting type of dopamine receptor in both appetitive and aversive memories. These findings are important for the fields of learning and memory and dopaminergic neuromodulation among others. The evidence in the literature so far was generated in different labs, each using different tools (mutants, RNAi knockdowns driven in different developmental stages...), different time points (short, middle, and long-term memory), different types of memories (Anesthesia resistant, which is a type of protein synthesis independent consolidated memory; anesthesia sensitive, which is a type of protein synthesis-dependent consolidated memory; aversive memory; appetitive memory...) and different behavioral paradigms. A study like this one allows for direct comparison of the results, and generalized observations.

      (2) Additionally, Kaldun and collaborators addressed the requirement of different types of Kenyon cells, that have been classically involved in different memory stages: g KCs for memory acquisition and a/b or a'/b' for later memory phases. This systematical approach has not been performed before.

      (3) Importantly, the authors of this paper produced a tool to generate tissue-specific knock-out mutants of dop1R2. Although this is not the first time that the requirement of this gene in different memory phases has been studied, the tools used here represent the most sophisticated genetic approach to induce a loss of function phenotypes exclusively in MB neurons.


      (1) Although the paper does have important strengths, the main weakness of this work is that the advancement in the field could be considered incremental: the main findings of the manuscript had been reported before by several groups, using tissue-specific conditional knockdowns through interference RNAi. The requirement of Dop1R2 in MB for middle-term and long-term memories has been shown both for appetitive (Musso et al 2015, Sun et al 2020) and aversive associations (Plaçais et al 2017).

      (2) The approach used here to genetically modify memory neurons is not temporally restricted. Considering the role of dopamine in the correct development of the nervous system, one must consider the possible effects that this manipulation can have in the establishment of memory circuits. However, previous studies addressing this question restricted the manipulation of Dop1R2 expression to adulthood, leading to the same findings than the ones reported in this paper for both aversive and appetitive memories, which solidifies the findings of this paper.

      (3) The authors state that they aim to resolve disparities of findings in the field regarding the specific role of Dop1R2 in memory, offering a potent tool to generate mutants and addressing systematically their effects on different types of memory. Their results support the role of this receptor in the expression of long-term memories, however in the experiments performed here do not address temporal resolution of the genetic manipulations that could bring light into the mechanisms of action of Dop1R2 in memory. Several hypotheses have been proposed, from stabilization of memory, effects on forgetting, or integration of sequences of events (sensory experiences and dopamine release).

      Overall, the authors generated a very useful tool to study dopamine neuromodulation in any given circuit when used in combination with the powerful genetic toolkit available in Drosophila. The reports in this paper confirmed a previously described role of Dop1R2 in the expression of aversive and appetitive LTM and mapped these effects to two specific types of memory neurons in the fly brain, previously implicated in the expression and consolidation of long-term associative memories.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Bos et al study a computational model of cortical circuits with excitatory (E) and two subtypes of inhibition - parvalbumin (PV) and somatostatin (SOM) expressing interneurons. They perform stability and gain analysis of simplified models with nonlinear transfer functions when SOM neurons are perturbed. Their analysis suggests that in a specific setup of connectivity, instability and gain can be untangled, such that SOM modulation leads to both increases in stability and gain. This is in contrast with the typical direction in neuronal networks where increased gain results in decreased stability.

      Strengths:<br /> - Analysis of the canonical circuit in response to SOM perturbations. Through numerical simulations and mathematical analysis, the authors have provided a rather comprehensive picture of how SOM modulation may affect response changes.

      - Shedding light on two opposing circuit motifs involved in the canonical E-PV-SOM circuitry - namely, direct inhibition (SOM -> E) vs disinhibition (SOM -> PV -> E). These two pathways can lead to opposing effects, and it is often difficult to predict which one results from modulating SOM neurons. In simplified circuits, the authors show how these two motifs can emerge and depend on parameters like connection weights.

      - Suggesting potentially interesting consequences for cortical computation. The authors suggest that certain regimes of connectivity may lead to untangling of stability and gain, such that increases in network gain are not compromised by decreasing stability. They also link SOM modulation in different connectivity regimes to versatile computations in visual processing in simple models.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The computational analysis is not novel per se, and the link to biology is not direct/clear.

      Computationally, the analysis is solid, but it's very similar to previous studies (del Molino et al, 2017). Many studies in the past few years have done the perturbation analysis of a similar circuitry with or without nonlinear transfer functions (some of them listed in the references). This study applies the same framework to SOM perturbations, which is a useful and interesting computational exercise, in view of the complexity of the high-dimensional parameter space. But the mathematical framework is not novel per se, undermining the claim of providing a new framework (or "circuit theory").

      Link to biology: the most interesting result of the paper with regard to biology is the suggestion of a regime in which gain and stability can be modulated in an unconventional way - however, it is difficult to link the results to biological networks:<br /> - A general weakness of the paper is a lack of direct comparison to biological parameters or experiments. How different experiments can be reconciled by the results obtained here, and what new circuit mechanisms can be revealed? In its current form, the paper reads as a general suggestion that different combinations of gain modulation and stability can be achieved in a circuit model equipped with many parameters (12 parameters). This is potentially interesting but not surprising, given the high dimensional space of possible dynamical properties. A more interesting result would have been to relate this to biology, by providing reasoning why it might be relevant to certain circuits (and not others), or to provide some predictions or postdictions, which are currently missing in the manuscript.<br /> - For instance, a nice motivation for the paper at the beginning of the Results section is the different results of SOM modulation in different experiments - especially between L23 (inhibition) and L4 (disinhibition). But no further explanation is provided for why such a difference should exist, in view of their results and the insights obtained from their suggested circuit mechanisms. How the parameters identified for the two regimes correspond to different properties of different layers?<br /> - Another caveat is the range of parameters needed to obtain the unintuitive untangling as a result of SOM modulation. From Figure 4, it appears that the "interesting" regime (with increases in both gain and stability) is only feasible for a very narrow range of SOM firing rates (before 3 Hz). This can be a problem for the computational models if the sweet spot is a very narrow region (this analysis is by the way missing, so making it difficult to know how robust the result is in terms of parameter regions). In terms of biology, it is difficult to reconcile this with the realistic firing rates in the cortex: in the mouse cortex, for instance, we know that SOM neurons can be quite active (comparable to E neurons), especially in response to stimuli. It is therefore not clear if we should expect this mechanism to be a relevant one for cortical activity regimes.<br /> - One of the key assumptions of the model is nonlinear transfer functions for all neuron types. In terms of modelling and computational analysis, a thorough analysis of how and when this is necessary is missing (an analysis similar to what has been attempted at in Figure 6 for synaptic weights, but for cellular gains). In terms of biology, the nonlinear transfer function has experimentally been reported for excitatory neurons, so it's not clear to what extent this may hold for different inhibitory subtypes. A discussion of this, along with the former analysis to know which nonlinearities would be necessary for the results, is needed, but currently missing from the study. The nonlinearity is assumed for all subtypes because it seems to be needed to obtain the results, but it's not clear how the model would behave in the presence or absence of them, and whether they are relevant to biological networks with inhibitory transfer functions.<br /> - Tuning curves are simulated for an individual orientation (same for all), not considering the heterogeneity of neuronal networks with multiple orientation selectivity (and other visual features) - making the model too simplistic.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors have shown that oxydifficidin is a potent inhibitor of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. They were able to identify the target of action to rpsL and showed that resistance could occur via mutation in the DedA flippase and RpsL.


      This was a very thorough and clearly argued set of experiments that supported their conclusions.


      There was no obvious weakness in the experimental design. Although it is promising that the DedA mutations resulted in attenuation of fitness, it remains an open question whether secondary rounds of mutation could overcome this selective disadvantage which was untried in this study.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Kondrychyn and colleagues describe the contribution of two Aquaporins Aqp1a.1 and Aqp8a.1 towards angiogenic sprouting in the zebrafish embryo. By whole-mount in situ hybridization, RNAscope, and scRNA-seq, they show that both genes are expressed in endothelial cells in partly overlapping spatiotemporal patterns. Pharmacological inhibition experiments indicate a requirement for VEGR2 signaling (but not Notch) in transcriptional activation.

      To assess the role of both genes during vascular development the authors generate genetic mutations. While homozygous single mutants appear less affected, aqp1a.1;aqp8a.1 double mutants exhibit severe defects in EC sprouting and ISV formation.

      At the cellular level, the aquaporin mutants display a reduction of filopodia in number and length. Furthermore, a reduction in cell volume is observed indicating a defect in water uptake.

      The authors conclude, that polarized water uptake mediated by aquaporins is required for the initiation of endothelial sprouting and (tip) cell migration during ISV formation. They further propose that water influx increases hydrostatic pressure within the cells which may facilitate actin polymerization and formation membrane protrusions.


      The authors provide a detailed analysis of Aqp1a.1 and Aqp8a.1 during blood vessel formation in vivo, using zebrafish intersomitic vessels as a model. State-of-the-art imaging demonstrates an essential role in aquaporins in different aspects of endothelial cell activation and migration during angiogenesis.


      With respect to the connection between Aqp1/8 and actin polymerization/filopodia formation, the evidence appears preliminary and the authors' interpretation is guided by evidence from other experimental systems.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Heer and Sheffield provide a well-written manuscript that clearly articulates the theoretical motivation to investigate specific catecholaminergic projections to dorsal CA1 of the hippocampus during a reward-based behavior. Using 2-photon calcium imaging in two groups of cre transgenic mice, the authors examine activity of VTA-CA1 dopamine and LC-CA1 noradrenergic axons during reward seeking in a linear track virtual reality (VR) task. The authors provide a descriptive account of VTA and LC activities during walking, approach to reward, and environment change. Their results demonstrate LC-CA1 axons are activated by walking onset, modulated by walking velocity, and heighten their activity during environment change. In contrast, VTA-CA1 axons were most activated during approach to reward locations. Together the authors provide a functional dissociation between these catecholamine projections to CA1. A major strength to their approach is the methodological rigor of 2-photon recording, data processing, and analysis approaches to accommodate their unequal LC-CA1 and VTA-CA1 sample sizes. These important systems neuroscience studies provide solid evidence that will contribute to the broader field of navigation and memory.


      The conclusions of this manuscript are mostly well supported by the data. However, increasing the sample size of the VTA-CA1 group and using experimental methods that are identical among LC-CA1 and VTA-CA1 groups would help to fully support the author's conclusions.

    1. RRID:SCR-021134

      DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-50429-3

      Resource: Penn State Hershey College of Medicine Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Core Facility (RRID:SCR_021134)

      Curator: @dhovakimyan1

      SciCrunch record: RRID:SCR_021134

      What is this?

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this work, Simon et al present a new computational tool to assess non-Brownian single-particle dynamics (aTrack). The authors provide a solid groundwork to determine the motion type of single trajectories via an analytical integration of multiple hidden variables, specifically accounting for localization uncertainty, directed/confined motion parameters, and, very novel, allowing for the evolution of the directed/confined motion parameters over time. This last step is, to the best of my knowledge, conceptually new and could prove very useful for the field in the future. The authors then use this groundwork to determine the motion type and its corresponding parameter values via a series of likelihood tests. This accounts for obtaining the motion type which is statistically most likely to be occurring (with Brownian motion as null hypothesis). Throughout the manuscript, aTrack is rigorously tested, and the limits of the methods are fully explored and clearly visualised. The authors conclude with allowing the characterization of multiple states in a single experiment with good accuracy and explore this in various experimental settings. Overall, the method is fundamentally strong, well-characterised, and tested, and will be of general interest to the single-particle-tracking field.


      (1) The use of likelihood ratios gives a strong statistical relevance to the methodology. There is a sharp decrease in likelihood ratio between e.g. confinement of 0.00 and 0.05 and velocity of 0.0 and 0.002 (figure 2c), which clearly shows the strength of the method - being able to determine 2nm/timepoint directed movement with 20 nm loc. error and 100 nm/timepoint diffusion is very impressive.

      (2) Allowing the hidden variables of confinement and directed motion to change during a trajectory (i.e. the q factor) is very interesting and allows for new interpretations of data. The quantifications of these variables are, to me, surprisingly accurate, but well-determined.

      (3) The software is well-documented, easy to install, and easy to use.


      (1) The aTrack principle is limited to the motions incorporated by the authors, with, as far as I can see, no way to add new analytical non-Brownian motion. For instance, being able to add a dynamical state-switching model (i.e. quick on/off switching between mobile and non-mobile, for instance, repeatable DNA binding of a protein), could be of interest. I don't believe this necessarily has to be incorporated by the authors, but it might be of interest to provide instructions on how to expand aTrack.

      (2) The experimental data does not very convincingly show the usefulness of aTrack. The authors mention that SPBs are directed in mitosis and not in interphase. This can be quantified and studied by microscopy analysis of individual cells and confirming the aTrack direction model based on this, but this is not performed. Similarly, the size of a confinement spot in optical tweezers can be changed by changing the power of the optical tweezer, and this would far more strongly show the quantitative power of aTrack.

      (3) The software has a very strict limit on the number of data points per trajectory, which is a user input. Shorter trajectories are discarded, while longer trajectories are cut off to the set length. It is not explained why this is necessary, and I feel it deletes a lot of useful data without clear benefit (in experimental conditions).

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The study designs an EEG experiment to study how the brain better detects targets by exploiting information about when the target may appear. The study finds that the power fluctuations of alpha and beta oscillations can indicate the time intervals in which the target may appear. Furthermore, a RNN trained on the same task can also exploit such temporal information to better detect targets at the expected time intervals.


      (1) The design of the experiment is elegant.

      (2) The EEG analysis approach is highly advanced.

      (3) The study combines human EEG experiments and computational modeling to address potential computational neural mechanisms.


      The RNN is used both for modeling, which is commendable, and for simulating new psychophysics experiments, which can be problematic. In other words, it is very dangerous to predict human performance in a novel condition using RNN and assume that prediction is the same as the actual human performance. Comparing the RNN performance in two different noise conditions cannot directly "suggest that the 2 Hz neural modulation observed in Corrected Cluster 234 served to enhance sensory sensitivity to the target tone at the anticipated temporal locations, while selectively suppressing sensory noise during irrelevant noise periods." Here, much stronger evidence is to actually do the behavioral tests in two noise conditions in humans, but even that behavioral experiment cannot directly indicate the function of a neural response. In other words, the conclusion "additional analyses and perturbations on the RNNs indicated that the neural power modulations in the alpha-beta band resulted from selective suppression of irrelevant noise periods and heightened sensitivity to anticipated temporal locations" is not supported. The model does not have alpha or beta oscillations at all, which is OK, but directly concluding the function of alpha/beta oscillations based on the behavior of a model that does not have these oscillations is not appropriate.

      Relatedly, better detection of a target may reflect a change either in sensory processing or in decision-making, while the second possibility seems to be ignored.

      The results section has a lot of discussions, which should be moved to the discussion section.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In their paper the authors tackle three things at once in a theoretical model: how can spiking neural networks perform efficient coding, how can such networks limit the energy use at the same time, and how can this be done in a more biologically realistic way than previous work?

      They start by working from a long-running theory on how networks operating in a precisely balanced state can perform efficient coding. First, they assume split networks of excitatory (E) and inhibitory (I) neurons. The E neurons have the task to represent some lower dimensional input signal, and the I neurons have the task to represent the signal represented by the E neurons. Additionally, the E and I populations should minimize an energy cost represented by the sum of all spikes. All this results in two loss functions for the E and I populations, and the networks are then derived by assuming E and I neurons should only spike if this improves their respective loss. This results in networks of spiking neurons that live in a balanced state, and can accurately represent the network inputs.

      They then investigate in-depth different aspects of the resulting networks, such as responses to perturbations, the effect of following Dale's law, spiking statistics, the excitation (E)/inhibition (I) balance, optimal E/I cell ratios, and others. Overall, they expand on previous work by taking a more biological angle on the theory and showing the networks can operate in a biologically realistic regime.


      (1) The authors take a much more biological angle on the efficient spiking networks theory than previous work, which is an essential contribution to the field.

      (2) They make a very extensive investigation of many aspects of the network in this context, and do so thoroughly.

      (3) They put sensible constraints on their networks, while still maintaining the good properties these networks should have.


      (1) The paper has somewhat overstated the significance of their theoretical contributions, and should make much clearer what aspects of the derivations are novel. Large parts were done in very similar ways in previous papers. Specifically: the split into E and I neurons was also done in Boerlin et al (2008) and in Barrett et al (2016). Defining the networks in terms of realistic units was already done by Boerlin et al (2008). It would also be worth it to discuss Barrett et al (2016) specifically more, as there they also use split E/I networks and perform biologically relevant experiments.

      (2) It is not clear from an optimization perspective why the split into E and I neurons and following Dale's law would be beneficial. While the constraints of Dale's law are sensible (splitting the population in E and I neurons, and removing any non-Dalian connection), they are imposed from biology and not from any coding principles. A discussion of how this could be done would be much appreciated, and in the main text, this should be made clear.

      (3) Related to the previous point, the claim that the network with split E and I neurons has a lower average loss than a 1 cell-type (1-CT) network seems incorrect to me. Only the E population coding error should be compared to the 1-CT network loss, or the sum of the E and I populations (not their average). In my author recommendations, I go more in-depth on this point.

      (4) While the paper is supposed to bring the balanced spiking networks they consider in a more experimentally relevant context, for experimental audiences I don't think it is easy to follow how the model works, and I recommend reworking both the main text and methods to improve on that aspect.

      Assessment and context:

      Overall, although much of the underlying theory is not necessarily new, the work provides an important addition to the field. The authors succeeded well in their goal of making the networks more biologically realistic, and incorporating aspects of energy efficiency. For computational neuroscientists, this paper is a good example of how to build models that link well to experimental knowledge and constraints, while still being computationally and mathematically tractable. For experimental readers, the model provides a clearer link between efficient coding spiking networks to known experimental constraints and provides a few predictions.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors analyzed Cntnap2 KO mice to determine whether loss of the ASD risk gene CNTNAP2 alters the dorsal striatum's function.


      The results demonstrate that loss of Cntnap2 results in increased excitability of striatal projection neurons (SPNs) and altered striatal-dependent behaviors, such as repetitive, inflexible behaviors. Unlike other brain areas and cell types, synaptic inputs onto SPNs were normal in Cntnap2 KO mice. The experiments are well-designed, and the results support the authors' conclusions.


      The mechanism underlying SPN hyperexcitability was not explored, and it is unclear whether this cellular phenotype alone can account for the behavioral alterations in Cntnap2 KO mice. No clear explanation emerges for the variable phenotype in different brain areas and cell types.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Lloyd, Xia, et al. utilised the existence of surface-dwelling and cave-dwelling morphs of Astyanax mexicanus to explore a proposed link between DNA damage, aging, and the evolution of sleep. Key to this exploration is the behavioural and physiological differences between cavefish and surface fish, with cavefish having been previously shown to have low levels of sleep behaviour, along with metabolic alterations (for example chronically elevated blood glucose levels) in comparison to fish from surface populations. Sleep deprivation, metabolic dysfunction, and DNA damage are thought to be linked and to contribute to aging processes. Given that cavefish seem to show no apparent health consequences of low sleep levels, the authors suggest that they have evolved resilience to sleep loss. Furthermore, as extended wake and loss of sleep are associated with increased rates of damage to DNA (mainly double-strand breaks) and sleep is linked to repair of damaged DNA, the authors propose that changes in DNA damage and repair might underlie the reduced need for sleep in the cavefish morphs relative to their surface-dwelling conspecifics.

      To fulfill their aim of exploring links between DNA damage, aging, and the evolution of sleep, the authors employ methods that are largely appropriate, and comparison of cavefish and surface fish morphs from the same species certainly provides a lens by which cellular, physiological and behavioural adaptations can be interrogated. Fluorescence and immunofluorescence are used to measure gut reactive oxygen species and markers of DNA damage and repair processes in the different fish morphs, and measurements of gene expression and protein levels are appropriately used. However, although the sleep tracking and quantification employed are quite well established, issues with the experimental design relate to attempts to link induced DNA damage to sleep regulation (outlined below). Moreover, although the methods used are appropriate for the study of the questions at hand, there are issues with the interpretation of the data and with these results being over-interpreted as evidence to support the paper's conclusions.

      This study shows that a marker of DNA repair molecular machinery that is recruited to DNA double-strand breaks (γH2AX) is elevated in brain cells of the cavefish relative to the surface fish and that reactive oxygen species are higher in most areas of the digestive tract of the cavefish than in that of the surface fish. As sleep deprivation has been previously linked to increases in both these parameters in other organisms (both vertebrates and invertebrates), their elevation in the cavefish morph is taken to indicate that the cavefish show signs of the physiological effects of chronic sleep deprivation.

      It has been suggested that induction of DNA damage can directly drive sleep behaviour, with a notable study describing both the induction of DNA damage and an increase in sleep/immobility in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae by exposure to UV radiation (Zada et al. 2021 doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2021.10.026). In the present study, an increase in sleep/immobility is induced in surface fish larvae by exposure to UV light, but there is no effect on behaviour in cavefish larvae. This finding is interpreted as representing a loss of a sleep-promoting response to DNA damage in the cavefish morph. However, induction of DNA damage is not measured in this experiment, so it is not certain if similar levels of DNA damage are induced in each group of intact larvae, nor how the amount of damage induced compares to the pre-existing levels of DNA damage in the cavefish versus the surface fish larvae. In both this study with A. mexicanus surface morphs and the previous experiments from Zada et al. in zebrafish, observed increases in immobility following UV radiation exposure are interpreted as following from UV-induced DNA damage. However, in interpreting these experiments it is important to note that the cavefish morphs are eyeless and blind. Intense UV radiation is aversive to fish, and it has previously been shown in zebrafish larvae that (at least some) behavioural responses to UV exposure depend on the presence of an intact retina and UV-sensitive cone photoreceptors (Guggiana-Nilo and Engert, 2016, doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00160). It is premature to conclude that the lack of behavioural response to UV exposure in the cavefish is due to a different response to DNA damage, as their lack of eyes will likely inhibit a response to the UV stimulus. Indeed, were the equivalent zebrafish experiment from Zada et al. to be repeated with mutant larvae fish lacking the retinal basis for UV detection it might be found that in this case too, the effects of UV on behaviour are dependent on visual function. Such a finding should prompt a reappraisal of the interpretation that UV exposure's effects on fish sleep/locomotor behaviour are mediated by DNA damage. An additional note, relating to both Lloyd, Xia, et al., and Zada et al., is that though increases in immobility are induced following UV exposure, in neither study have assays of sensory responsiveness been performed during this period. As a decrease in sensory responsiveness is a key behavioural criterion for defining sleep, it is, therefore, unclear that this post-UV behaviour is genuinely increased sleep as opposed to a stress-linked suppression of locomotion due to the intensely aversive UV stimulus.

      The effects of UV exposure, in terms of causing damage to DNA, inducing DNA damage response and repair mechanisms, and in causing broader changes in gene expression are assessed in both surface and cavefish larvae, as well as in cell lines derived from these different morphs. Differences in the suite of DNA damage response mechanisms that are upregulated are shown to exist between surface fish and cavefish larvae, though at least some of this difference is likely to be due to differences in gene expression that may exist even without UV exposure (this is discussed further below).

      UV exposure induced DNA damage (as measured by levels of cyclobutene pyrimidine dimers) to a similar degree in cell lines derived from both surface fish and cave fish. However, γH2AX shows increased expression only in cells from the surface fish, suggesting induction of an increased DNA repair response in these surface morphs, corroborated by their cells' increased ability to repair damaged DNA constructs experimentally introduced to the cells in a subsequent experiment. This "host cell reactivation assay" is a very interesting assay for measuring DNA repair in cell lines, but the power of this approach might be enhanced by introducing these DNA constructs into larval neurons in vivo (perhaps by electroporation) and by tracking DNA repair in living animals. Indeed, in such a preparation, the relationship between DNA repair and sleep/wake state could be assayed.

      Comparing gene expression in tissues from young (here 1 year) and older (here 7-8 years) fish from both cavefish and surface fish morphs, the authors found that there are significant differences in the transcriptional profiles in brain and gut between young and old surface fish, but that for cavefish being 1 year old versus being 7-8 years old did not have a major effect on transcriptional profile. The authors take this as suggesting that there is a reduced transcriptional change occurring during aging and that the transcriptome of the cavefish is resistant to age-linked changes. This seems to be only one of the equally plausible interpretations of the results; it could also be the case that alterations in metabolic cellular and molecular mechanisms, and particularly in responses to DNA damage, in the cavefish mean that these fish adopt their "aged" transcriptome within the first year of life.

      A major weakness of the study in its current form is the absence of sleep deprivation experiments to assay the effects of sleep loss on the cellular and molecular parameters in question. Without such experiments, the supposed link of sleep to the molecular, cellular, and "aging" phenotypes remains tenuous. Although the argument might be made that the cavefish represent a naturally "sleep-deprived" population, the cavefish in this study are not sleep-deprived, rather they are adapted to a condition of reduced sleep relative to fish from surface populations. Comparing the effects of depriving fish from each morph on markers of DNA damage and repair, gut reactive oxygen species, and gene expression will be necessary to solidify any proposed link of these phenotypes to sleep.

      A second important aspect that limits the interpretability and impact of this study is the absence of information about circadian variations in the parameters measured. A relationship between circadian phase, light exposure, and DNA damage/repair mechanisms is known to exist in A. mexicanus and other teleosts, and differences exist between the cave and surface morphs in their phenomena (Beale et al. 2013, doi: 10.1038/ncomms3769). Although the present study mentions that their experiments do not align with these previous findings, they do not perform the appropriate experiments to determine if such a misalignment is genuine. Specifically, Beale et al. 2013 showed that white light exposure drove enhanced expression of DNA repair genes (including cpdp which is prominent in the current study) in both surface fish and cavefish morphs, but that the magnitude of this change was less in the cave fish because they maintained an elevated expression of these genes in the dark, whereas the darkness suppressed the expression of these genes in the surface fish. If such a phenomenon is present in the setting of the current study, this would likely be a significant confound for the UV-induced gene expression experiments in intact larvae, and undermine the interpretation of the results derived from these experiments: as samples are collected 90 minutes after the dark-light transition (ZT 1.5) it would be expected that both cavefish and surface fish larvae should have a clear induction of DNA repair genes (including cpdp) regardless of 90s of UV exposure. The data in Supplementary Figure 3 is not sufficient to discount this potentially serious confound, as for larvae there is only gene expression data for time points from ZT2 to ZT 14, with all of these time points being in the light phase and not capturing any dynamics that would occur at the most important timepoints from ZT0-ZT1.5, in the relevant period after dark-light transition. Indeed, an appropriate control for this experiment would involve frequent sampling at least across 48 hours to assess light-linked and developmentally-related changes in gene expression that would occur in 5-6dpf larvae of each morph independently of the exposure to UV.

      On a broader point, given the effects of both circadian rhythm and lighting conditions that are thought to exist in A. mexicanus (e.g. Beale et al. 2013) experiments involving measurements of DNA damage and repair, gene expression, and reactive oxygen species, etc. at multiple times across >1 24 hour cycle, in both light-dark and constant illumination conditions (e.g. constant dark) would be needed to substantiate the authors' interpretation that their findings indicate consistently altered levels of these parameters in the cavefish relative to the surface fish. Most of the data in this study is taken at only single time points.

      In summary, the authors show that there are differences in gene expression, activity of DNA damage response and repair pathways, response to UV radiation, and gut reactive oxygen species between the Pachón cavefish morph and the surface morph of Astyanax mexicanus. However, the data presented does not make the precise nature of these differences very clear, and the interpretation of the results appears to be overly strong. Furthermore, the evidence of a link between these morph-specific differences and sleep is unconvincing.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors performed wide-field and 2-photon imaging in vivo in awake head-fixed mice, to compare receptive fields and tonotopic organization in thalamocortical recipient (TR) neurons vs corticothalamic (CT) neurons of mouse auditory cortex. TR neurons were found in all cortical layers while CT neurons were restricted to layer 6. The TR neurons at nominal depths of 200-400 microns have a remarkable degree of tonotopy (as good if not better than tonotopic maps reported by multiunit recordings). In contrast, CT neurons were very heterogenous in terms of their best frequency (BF), even when focusing on the low vs high-frequency regions of the primary auditory cortex. CT neurons also had wider tuning.


      This is a thorough examination using modern methods, helping to resolve a question in the field with projection-specific mapping.


      There are some limitations due to the methods, and it's unclear what the importance of these responses are outside of behavioral context or measured at single timepoints given the plasticity, context-dependence, and receptive field 'drift' that can occur in the cortex.

      (1) Probably the biggest conceptual difficulty I have with the paper is comparing these results to past studies mapping auditory cortex topography, mainly due to differences in methods. Conventionally, the tonotopic organization is observed for characteristic frequency maps (not best frequency maps), as tuning precision degrades and the best frequency can shift as sound intensity increases. The authors used six attenuation levels (30-80 dB SPL) and reported that the background noise of the 2-photon scope is <30 dB SPL, which seems very quiet. The authors should at least describe the sound-proofing they used to get the noise level that low, and some sense of noise across the 2-40 kHz frequency range would be nice as a supplementary figure. It also remains unclear just what the 2-photon dF/F response represents in terms of spikes. Classic mapping using single-unit or multi-unit electrodes might be sensitive to single spikes (as might be emitted at characteristic frequency), but this might not be as obvious for Ca2+ imaging. This isn't a concern for the internal comparison here between TR and CT cells as conditions are similar, but is a concern for relating the tonotopy or lack thereof reported here to other studies.

      (2) It seems a bit peculiar that while 2721 CT neurons (N=10 mice) were imaged, less than half as many TR cells were imaged (n=1041 cells from N=5 mice). I would have expected there to be many more TR neurons even mouse for mouse (normalizing by number of neurons per mouse), but perhaps the authors were just interested in a comparison data set and not being as thorough or complete with the TR imaging?

      (3) The authors' definitions of neuronal response type in the methods need more quantitative detail. The authors state: ""Irregular" neurons exhibited spontaneous activity with highly variable responses to sound stimulation. "Tuned" neurons were responsive neurons that demonstrated significant selectivity for certain stimuli. "Silent" neurons were defined as those that remained completely inactive during our recording period (> 30 min). For tuned neurons, the best frequency (BF) was defined as the sound frequency associated with the highest response averaged across all sound levels.". The authors need to define what their thresholds are for 'highly variable', 'significant', and 'completely inactive'. Is best frequency the most significant response, the global max (even if another stimulus evokes a very close amplitude response), etc.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      GPR30 responds to bicarbonate and regulates cellular responses to pH and ion homeostasis. However, it remains unclear how GPR30 recognizes bicarbonate ions. This paper presents the cryo-EM structure of GPR30 bound to a chimeric mini-Gq in the presence of bicarbonate. The structure together with functional studies aims to provide mechanistic insights into bicarbonate recognition and G protein coupling.


      The authors performed comprehensive mutagenesis studies to map the possible binding site of bicarbonate.


      Owing to the poor resolution of the structure, some structural findings may be overclaimed.

      Based on EM maps shown in Figure 1a and Figure Supplement 2, densities for side chains in the receptor particularly in ECLs (around 4 Å) are poorly defined. At this resolution, it is unlikely to observe a disulfide bond (C130ECL1-C207ECl2) and bicarbonate ions. Moreover, the disulfide between ECL1 and ECL2 has not been observed in other GPCRs and the published structure of GPR30 (PMID: 38744981). The density of this disulfide bond could be noise.

      The authors observed a weak density in pocket D, which is accounted for by the bicarbonate ions. This ion is mainly coordinated by Q215 and Q138. However, the Q215A mutation only reduced but not completely abolished bicarbonate response, and the author did not present the data of Q138A mutation. Therefore, Q215 and Q138 could not be bicarbonate binding sites. While H307A completely abolished bicarbonate response, the authors proposed that this residue plays a structural role. Nevertheless, based on the structure, H307 is exposed and may be involved in binding bicarbonate. The assignment of bicarbonate in the structure is not supported by the data.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Protein overexpression is widely used in experimental systems to study the function of the protein, assess its (beneficial or detrimental) effects in disease models, or challenge cellular systems involved in synthesis, folding, transport, or degradation of proteins in general. Especially at very high expression levels, protein-specific effects and general effects of a high protein load can be hard to distinguish. To overcome this issue, Fujita et al. use the previously established genetic tug-of-war system to identify proteins that can be expressed at extremely high levels in yeast cells with minimal protein-specific cytotoxicity (high 'neutrality'). They focus on two versions of the protein mox-GFP, the fluorescent version and a point mutation that is non-fluorescent (mox-YG) and is the most 'neutral' protein on their screen. They find that massive protein expression (up to 40% of the total proteome) results in a nitrogen starvation phenotype, likely inactivation of the TORC1 pathway, and defects in ribosome biogenesis in the nucleolus.


      This work uses an elegant approach and succeeds in identifying proteins that can be expressed at surprisingly high levels with little cytotoxicity. Many of the changes they see have been observed before under protein burden conditions, but some are new and interesting. This work solidifies previous hypotheses about the general effects of protein overexpression and provides a set of interesting observations about the toxicity of fluorescent proteins (that is alleviated by mutations that render them non-fluorescent) and metabolic enzymes (that are less toxic when mutated into inactive versions).


      The data are generally convincing, however in order to back up the major claim of this work - that the observed changes are due to general protein burden and not to the specific protein or condition - a broader analysis of different conditions would be highly beneficial.

      Major points:

      (1) The authors identify several proteins with high neutrality scores but only analyze the effects of mox/mox-YG overexpression in depth. Hence, it remains unclear which molecular phenotypes they observe are general effects of protein burden or more specific effects of these specific proteins. To address this point, a proteome (and/or transcriptome) of at least a Gpm1-CCmut expressing strain should be obtained and compared to the mox-YG proteome. Ideally, this analysis should be done simultaneously on all strains to achieve a good comparability of samples, e.g. using TMT multiplexing (for a proteome) or multiplexed sequencing (for a transcriptome). If feasible, the more strains that can be included in this comparison, the more powerful this analysis will be and can be prioritized over depth of sequencing/proteome coverage.

      (2) The genetic tug-of-war system is elegant but comes at the cost of requiring specific media conditions (synthetic minimal media lacking uracil and leucine), which could be a potential confound, given that metabolic rewiring, and especially nitrogen starvation are among the observed phenotypes. I wonder if some of the changes might be specific to these conditions. The authors should corroborate their findings under different conditions. Ideally, this would be done using an orthogonal expression system that does not rely on auxotrophy (e.g. using antibiotic resistance instead) and can be used in rich, complex mediums like YPD. Minimally, using different conditions (media with excess or more limited nitrogen source, amino acids, different carbon source, etc.) would be useful to test the robustness of the findings towards changes in media composition.

      (3) The authors suggest that the TORC1 pathway is involved in regulating some of the changes they observed. This is likely true, but it would be great if the hypothesis could be directly tested using an established TORC1 assay.

      (4) The finding that the nucleolus appears to be virtually missing in mox-YG-expressing cells (Figure 6B) is surprising and interesting. The authors suggest possible mechanisms to explain this and partially rescue the phenotype by a reduction-of-function mutation in an exosome subunit. I wonder if this is specific to the mox-YG protein or a general protein burden effect, which the experiments suggested in point 1 should address. Additionally, could a mox-YG variant with a nuclear export signal be expressed that stays exclusively in the cytosol to rule out that mox-YG itself interferes with phase separation in the nucleus?

      Minor points:

      (5) It would be great if the authors could directly compare the changes they observed at the transcriptome and proteome levels. This can help distinguish between changes that are transcriptionally regulated versus more downstream processes (like protein degradation, as proposed for ribosome components).

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Fertilization converts a cell defined as an egg to a cell defined as an embryo. An essential component of this switch in cell fate is the degradation (autophagy) of cellular elements that serve a function in the development of the egg but could impede the development of the embryo. Here, the authors have focused on the behavior during the egg-to-embryo transition of endosomes and lysosomes, which are cytoplasmic structures that mediate autophagy. By carefully mapping and tracking the intracellular location of well-established marker proteins, the authors show that in oocytes endosomes and lysosomes aggregate into giant structures that they term Endosomal LYSosomal organellar Assembl[ies] (ELYSA). Both the size distribution of the ELYSAs and their position within the cell change during oocyte meiotic maturation and after fertilization. Notably, during maturation, there is a net actin-dependent movement towards the periphery of the oocyte. By the late 2-cell stage, the ELYSAs are beginning to disintegrate. At this stage, the endo-lysosomes become acidified, likely reflecting the activation of their function to degrade cellular components.

      This is a carefully performed and quantified study. The fluorescent images obtained using well-known markers, using both antibodies and tagged proteins, support the interpretations, and the quantification method is sophisticated and clearly explained. Notably, this type of quantification of confocal z-stack images is rarely performed and so represents a real strength of the study. It provides sound support for the conclusions regarding changes in the size and position of the ELYSAs. Another strength is the use of multiple markers, including those that indicate the activity state of the endo-lysosomes. Altogether, the manuscript provides convincing evidence for the existence of ELYSAs and also for regulated changes in their location and properties during oocyte maturation and the first few embryonic cell cycles following fertilization.

      At present, precisely how the changes in the location and properties of the ELYSAs affect the function of the endo-lysosomal system is not known. While the authors' proposal that they are stored in an inactive state is plausible, it remains speculative. Nonetheless, this study lays the foundation for future work to address this question.

      Minor point: l. 299. If I am not mistaken, there is a typo. It should read that the inhibitors of actin polymerization prevent redistribution from the cytoplasm to the cortex during maturation.<br /> Minor point: A few statements in the Introduction would benefit from clarification. These are noted in the comments to the authors.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      (1) In Figure 1A, could the authors justify using E8.5 CMs as the endpoint for the second lineage and better clarify the chamber identities of the E8.5 CMs analysed? Why are the atrial genes in Figure 1C of the PSH trajectory not present in Table S1.1, which lists pseudotime-dependent genes for the MJH/PSH trajectories from Figure 1F?

      (2) Could the authors increase the resolution of their trajectory and genomic analyses to distinguish between the FHF (Tbx5+ HCN4+) and the JCF (Mab21l2+/ Hand1+) within the MJH lineage? Also, clarify if the early extraembryonic mesoderm contributes to the FHF.

      (3) The authors strongly assume that the juxta-cardiac field (JCF), defined by Mab21l2 expression at E7.5 in the extraembryonic mesoderm, contributes to CMs. Could the authors explain the evidence for this? Could the authors identify Mab21l2 expression in the left ventricle (LV) myocardium and septum transversum at E8.5 (see Saito et al., 2013, Biol Open, 2(8): 779-788)? If such a JCF contribution to CMs exists, the extent to which it influences heart development should be clarified or discussed.

      (4) Could the authors distinguish the Hand1+ pericardium from JCF progenitors in their single-cell data and explain why they excluded other cell types, such as the endocardium/endothelium and pericardium, or even the endoderm, as endpoints of their trajectory analysis? At the NM and MM mesoderm stages, how did the authors distinguish the earliest cardiac cells from the surrounding developing mesoderm?

      (5) Could the authors contrast their trajectory analysis with those of Lescroart et al. (2018), Zhang et al., Tyser et al., and Krup et al.?

      (6) Previous studies suggest that Mesp2 expression starts at E8 in the presomitic mesoderm (Saga et al., 1997). Could the authors provide in situ hybridization or HCR staining to confirm the early E7 Mesp2 expression suggested by the pseudo-time analysis of the second lineage.

      (7) Could the authors also confirm the complementary Hand1 and Lefty2 expression patterns at E7 using HCR or in situ hybridization? Hand1 expression in the first lineage is plausible, considering lineage tracing results from Zhang et al.

      (8) Could the authors explain why Hand1 and Lefty2+ cells are more likely to be multipotent progenitors, as mentioned in the text?

      (9) Could the authors comment on the low Mesp1 expression in the mesodermal cells (MM) of the MJH trajectory at E7 (Figure 1D)? Is Mesp1 transiently expressed early in MJH progenitors and then turned off by E7? Have all FHF/JCF/SHF cells expressed Mesp1?

      (10) Could the authors clarify if their analysis at E7 comprises a mixture of embryonic stages or a precisely defined embryonic stage for both the trajectory and epigenetic analyses? How do the authors know that cells of the second lineage are readily present in the E7 mesoderm they analysed (clusters 0, 1, and 2 for the multiomic analysis)?

      (11) Could the authors further comment on the active Notch signaling observed in the first and second lineages, considering that Notch's role in the early steps of endocardial lineage commitment, but not of CMs, during gastrulation has been previously described by Lescroart et al. (2018)?

      (12) In cluster 8, Figure 2D, it seems that levels of accessibility in cluster 8 are relatively high for genes associated with endothelium/endocardium development in addition to MJH genes. Could the authors comment and/or provide further analysis?

      (13) Can the authors clarify why they state that cluster 8 DAEs are primed before the full activation of their target genes, considering that Bmp4 and Hand1 peak activities seem to coincide with their gene expression in Figure 2G?

      (14) Did the authors extend the multiomic analysis to Nanog+ epiblast cells at E7 and investigate if cardiac/mesodermal priming exists before mesodermal induction (defined by T/Mesp1 onset of expression)?

      (15) In the absence of duplicates, it is impossible to statistically compare the proportions of mesodermal cell populations in Hand1 wild-type and knockout (KO) embryos or to assess for abnormal accumulation of PS, NM, and MM cells. Could the authors analyse the proportions of cells by careful imaging of Hand1 wild-type and KO embryos instead?

      (16) Could the authors provide high-resolution images for Figure 7 B-C-D as they are currently hard to interpret?

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Here, Bykov et al move the bi-genomic split-GFP system they previously established to the genome-wide level in order to obtain a more comprehensive list of mitochondrial matrix and inner membrane proteins. In this very elegant split-GFP system, the longer GFP fragment, GFP1-10, is encoded in the mitochondrial genome and the shorter one, GFP11, is C-terminally attached to every protein encoded in the genome of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. GFP fluorescence can therefore only be reconstituted if the C-terminus of the protein is present in the mitochondrial matrix, either as part of a soluble protein, a peripheral membrane protein, or an integral inner membrane protein. The system, combined with high-throughput fluorescence microscopy of yeast cells grown under six different conditions, enabled the authors to visualize ca. 400 mitochondrial proteins, 50 of which were not visualised before and 8 of which were not shown to be mitochondrial before. The system appears to be particularly well suited for analysis of dually localized proteins and could potentially be used to study sorting pathways of mitochondrial inner membrane proteins.


      Many fluorescence-based genome-wide screens were previously performed in yeast and were central to revealing the subcellular location of a large fraction of yeast proteome. Nonetheless, these screens also showed that tagging with full-length fluorescent proteins (FP) can affect both the function and targeting of proteins. The strength of the system used in the current manuscript is that the shorter tag is beneficial for the detection of a number of proteins whose targeting and/or function is affected by tagging with full-length FPs.

      Furthermore, the system used here can nicely detect mitochondrial pools of dually localized proteins. It is especially useful when these pools are minor and their signals are therefore easily masked by the strong signals coming from the major, nonmitochondrial pools of the proteins.


      My only concern is that the biological significance of the screen performed appears limited. The dataset obtained is largely in agreement with several previous proteomic screens but it is, unfortunately, not more comprehensive than them, rather the opposite. For proteins that were identified inside mitochondria for the first time here or were identified in an unexpected location within the organelle, it remains unclear whether these localizations represent some minor, missorted pools of proteins or are indeed functionally important fractions and/or productive translocation intermediates. The authors also allude to several potential applications of the system but do little to explore any of these directions.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, Rademacher and colleagues examined the effect on the integrity of the dopamine system in mice of chronically stimulating dopamine neurons using a chemogenetic approach. They find that one to two weeks of constant exposure to the chemogenetic activator CNO leads to a decrease in the density of tyrosine hydroxylase staining in striatal brain sections and to a small reduction of the global population of tyrosine hydroxylase positive neurons in the ventral midbrain. They also report alterations in gene expression in both regions using a spatial transcriptomics approach. Globally, the work is well done and valuable and some of the conclusions are interesting. However, the conceptual advance is perhaps a bit limited in the sense that there is extensive previous work in the literature showing that excessive depolarization of multiple types of neurons associated with intracellular calcium elevations promotes neuronal degeneration. The present work adds to this by showing evidence of a similar phenomenon in dopamine neurons. In terms of the mechanisms explaining the neuronal loss observed after 2 to 4 weeks of chemogenetic activation, it would be important to consider that dopamine neurons are known from a lot of previous literature to undergo a decrease in firing through a depolarization-block mechanism when chronically depolarized. Is it possible that such a phenomenon explains much of the results observed in the present study? It would be important to consider this in the manuscript. The relevance to Parkinson's disease (PD) is also not totally clear because there is not a lot of previous solid evidence showing that the firing of dopamine neurons is increased in PD, either in human subjects or in mouse models of the disease. As such, it is not clear if the present work is really modelling something that could happen in PD in humans.

      Comments on the introduction:

      The introduction cites a 1990 paper from the lab of Anthony Grace as support of the fact that DA neurons increase their firing rate in PD models. However, in this 1990 paper, the authors stated that: "With respect to DA cell activity, depletions of up to 96% of striatal DA did not result in substantial alterations in the proportion of DA neurons active, their mean firing rate, or their firing pattern. Increases in these parameters only occurred when striatal DA depletions exceeded 96%." Such results argue that an increase in firing rate is most likely to be a consequence of the almost complete loss of dopamine neurons rather than an initial driver of neuronal loss. The present introduction would thus benefit from being revised to clarify the overriding hypothesis and rationale in relation to PD and better represent the findings of the paper by Hollerman and Grace.

      It would be good that the introduction refers to some of the literature on the links between excessive neuronal activity, calcium, and neurodegeneration. There is a large literature on this and referring to it would help frame the work and its novelty in a broader context.

      Comments on the results section:

      The running wheel results of Figure 1 suggest that the CNO treatment caused a brief increase in running on the first day after which there was a strong decrease during the subsequent days in the active phase. This observation is also in line with the appearance of a depolarization block.

      The authors examined many basic electrophysiological parameters of recorded dopamine neurons in acute brain slices. However, it is surprising that they did not report the resting membrane potential, or the input resistance. It would be important that this be added because these two parameters provide key information on the basal excitability of the recorded neurons. They would also allow us to obtain insight into the possibility that the neurons are chronically depolarized and thus in depolarization block.

      It is great that the authors quantified not only TH levels but also the levels of mCherry, co-expressed with the chemogenetic receptor. This could in principle help to distinguish between TH downregulation and true loss of dopamine neuron cell bodies. However, the approach used here has a major caveat in that the number of mCherry-positive dopamine neurons depends on the proportion of dopamine neurons that were infected and expressed the DREADD and this could very well vary between different mice. It is very unlikely that the virus injection allowed to infect 100% of the neurons in the VTA and SNc. This could for example explain in part the mismatch between the number of VTA dopamine neurons counted in panel 2G when comparing TH and mCherry counts. Also, I see that the mCherry counts were not provided at the 2-week time point. If the mCherry had been expressed genetically by crossing the DAT-Cre mice with a floxed fluorescent reported mice, the interpretation would have been simpler. In this context, I am not convinced of the benefit of the mCherry quantifications. The authors should consider either removing these results from the final manuscript or discussing this important limitation.

      Although the authors conclude that there is a global decrease in the number of dopamine neurons after 4 weeks of CNO treatment, the post-hoc tests failed to confirm that the decrease in dopamine number was significant in the SNc, the region most relevant to Parkinson's. This could be due to the fact that only a small number of mice were tested. A "n" of just 4 or 5 mice is very small for a stereological counting experiment. As such, this experiment was clearly underpowered at the statistical level. Also, the choice of the image used to illustrate this in panel 2G should be reconsidered: the image suggests that a very large loss of dopamine neurons occurred in the SNc and this is not what the numbers show. A more representative image should be used.

      In Figure 3, the authors attempt to compare intracellular calcium levels in dopamine neurons using GCaMP6 fluorescence. Because this calcium indicator is not quantitative (unlike ratiometric sensors such as Fura2), it is usually used to quantify relative changes in intracellular calcium. The present use of this probe to compare absolute values is unusual and the validity of this approach is unclear. This limitation needs to be discussed. The authors also need to refer in the text to the difference between panels D and E of this figure. It is surprising that the fluctuations in calcium levels were not quantified. I guess the hypothesis was that there should be more or larger fluctuations in the mice treated with CNO if the CNO treatment led to increased firing. This needs to be clarified.

      Although the spatial transcriptomic results are intriguing and certainly a great way to start thinking about how the CNO treatment could lead to the loss of dopamine neurons, the presented results, the focussing of some broad classes of differentially expressed genes and on some specific examples, do not really suggest any clear mechanism of neurodegeneration. It would perhaps be useful for the authors to use the obtained data to validate that a state of chronic depolarization was indeed induced by the chronic CNO treatment. Were genes classically linked to increased activity like cfos or bdnf elevated in the SNc or VTA dopamine neurons? In the striatum, the authors report that the levels of DARP32, a gene whose levels are linked to dopamine levels, are unchanged. Does this mean that there were no major changes in dopamine levels in the striatum of these mice?

      The usefulness of comparing the transcriptome of human PD SNc or VTA sections to that of the present mouse model should be better explained. In the human tissues, the transcriptome reflects the state of the tissue many years after extensive loss of dopamine neurons. It is expected that there will be few if any SNc neurons left in such sections. In comparison, the mice after 7 days of CNO treatment do not appear to have lost any dopamine neurons. As such, how can the two extremely different conditions be reasonably compared?

      Comments on the discussion:

      In the discussion, the authors state that their calcium photometry results support a central role of calcium in activity-induced neurodegeneration. This conclusion, although plausible because of the very broad pre-existing literature linking calcium elevation (such as in excitotoxicity) to neuronal loss, should be toned down a bit as no causal relationship was established in the experiments that were carried out in the present study.

      In the discussion, the authors discuss some of the parallel changes in gene expression detected in the mouse model and in the human tissues. Because few if any dopamine neurons are expected to remain in the SNc of the human tissues used, this sort of comparison has important conceptual limitations and these need to be clearly addressed.

      A major limitation of the present discussion is that it does not discuss the possibility that the observed phenotypes are caused by the induction of a chronic state of depolarization block by the chronic CNO treatment. I encourage the authors to consider and discuss this hypothesis. Also, the authors need to discuss the fact that previous work was only able to detect an increase in the firing rate of dopamine neurons after more than 95% loss of dopamine neurons. As such, the authors need to clearly discuss the relevance of the present model to PD. Are changes in firing rate a driver of neuronal loss in PD, as the authors try to make the case here, or are such changes only a secondary consequence of extensive neuronal loss (for example because a major loss of dopamine would lead to reduced D2 autoreceptor activation in the remaining neurons, and to reduced autoreceptor-mediated negative feedback on firing). This needs to be discussed.

      There is a very large, multi-decade literature on calcium elevation and its effects on neuronal loss in many different types of neurons. The authors should discuss their findings in this context and refer to some of this previous work. In a nutshell, the observations of the present manuscript could be summarized by stating that the chronic membrane depolarization induced by the CNO treatment is likely to induce a chronic elevation of intracellular calcium and this is then likely to activate some of the well-known calcium-dependent cell death mechanisms. Whether such cell death is linked in any way to PD is not really demonstrated by the present results.

      The authors are encouraged to perform a thorough revision of the discussion to address all of these issues, discuss the major limitations of the present model, and refer to the broad pre-existing literature linking membrane depolarization, calcium, and neuronal loss in many neuronal cell types.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      It has been demonstrated that cardiac lymphatics are essential for cardiac health and function. Moreover, post-myocardial infarction, targeting lymphatics by stimulating lymphangiogenesis has been shown to improve cardiac inflammation, fibrosis, and function. Then, the aim of this study was to evaluate the transcriptomic changes of cardiac lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) after a myocardial infarction, which could reveal new therapeutic targets targeting lymphatic function. Moreover, investigating the cell-cell communication between lymphatic and immune cells would give critical information for a better understanding of the disease.


      The use of scRNAseq data to evaluate LECs is an effective strategy considering the small proportion of LECs compared to blood endothelial cells. The extensive bioinformatic analysis used by the authors for three different data sets.


      Among a total of 44,860 cells, only 242 LECs and 5,688 endothelial cells were identified. This small number of LECs is not representative and is insufficient to reliably distinguish four different clusters. The bioinformatic analysis is not supported by significant results in their in vivo and in vitro experiments.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, Hirai et al investigated the release properties of glutamate/GABA co-transmission at SuM-GC synapses and reported that glutamate/GABA co-transmission exhibits distinct short-term plasticity with segregated postsynaptic targets. Using optogenetics, whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, and immunohistochemistry, the authors reveal distinct transmission modes of glutamate/GABA co-release as frequency-dependent filters of incoming SuM inputs.


      Overall, this study is well-designed and executed; conclusions are supported by the results. This study addressed a long-standing question of whether GABA and glutamate are packaged in the same vesicles and co-released in response to the same stimuli in the SuM-GC synapses (Pedersen et al., 2017; Hashimotodani et al., 2018; Billwiller et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2020; Li et al., 2020; Ajibola et al., 2021). Knowledge gained from this study advances our understanding of neurotransmitter co-release mechanisms and their functional roles in the hippocampal circuits.


      No major issues are noted. Some minor issues related to data presentation and experimental details are listed below.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In a previous study, the authors analyzed the dynamics of the SARS-CoV2 spike protein through lengthy MD simulations and an out-of-equilibrium sampling scheme. They identified an allosteric interaction network linking a lipid-binding site to other structurally important regions of the spike. However, this study was conducted without considering the impact of glycans. It is now known that glycans play a crucial role in modulating spike dynamics. This new manuscript investigates how the presence of glycans affects the allosteric network connecting the lipid binding site to the rest of the spike. The authors conducted atomistic equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium MD simulations and found that while the presence of glycans influences the structural responses, it does not fundamentally alter the connectivity between the fatty acid site and the rest of the spike.


      The manuscript's findings are based on an impressive amount of sampling. The methods and results are clearly outlined, and the analysis is conducted meticulously.


      The study does not clearly show any new findings. The authors themselves acknowledge that the manuscript mainly presents negative results-indicating that glycans do not significantly impact the allosteric network previously reported in other publications. All the results in the paper are based on a single methodology, and additional independent approaches would be needed to confirm the robustness of these findings. Allosteric networks arise from subtle correlations in protein structural dynamics, and it's uncertain whether the results discussed in this manuscript stem exclusively from the chosen force field and other modeling and analysis decisions, or if they indeed reflect something real.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The work submitted by Dr. Jeong-Oh Shin and co-workers aims to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of rhPTH(1-34) and R25CPTH(1-34) on bone regeneration and osseointegration of titanium implants using a postmenopausal osteoporosis animal model.

      In my opinion the findings presented are not strongly supported by the provided data since the methods utilized do not allow to significantly support the primary claims.


      Strengths include certain good technologies utilized to perform histological sections (i.e. the EXAKT system).


      Certain weaknesses significantly lower the enthusiasm for this work. Most important: the limited number of samples/group. In fact, as presented, the work has an n=4 for each treatment group. This limited number of samples/group significantly impairs the statistical power of the study. In addition, the implants were surgically inserted following a "conventional implant surgery", implying that no precise/guided insertion was utilized. This weakness is, in my opinion, particularly significant since the amount of bone osteointegration may greatly depend on the bucco-lingual positioning of each implant at the time of the surgical insertion (which should, therefore, be precisely standardized across all animals and for all surgical procedures).

      Comments on current version:

      As mentioned in my first review, this work is significantly underpowered for the following reasons: 1) n=4 for each treatment group.; 2) no randomization of the surgical sites receiving treatments; 3) implants surgically inserted without precision/guided surgery. The authors have not addressed these concerns.

      On a minor note: not sure why the authors present a methodology to evaluate the dynamic bone formation (line 272) but do not present results (i.e. by means of histomorphometrical analyses) utilizing this methodology.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors measured the behavioural responses of brown trout to the sudden availability of a choice between thermal environments. The data clearly show that these fish avoid colder temperatures than the acclimation condition, but generally have no preference between the acclimation condition or warmer water (though I think the speculation that the fish are slowly warming up is interesting). Further, the evidence is compelling that avoidance of cold water is a combination of thermotaxis and thermokinesis. This is a clever experimental approach and the results are novel, interesting, and have clear biological implications as the authors discuss. I also commend the team for an extremely robust, transparent, and clear explanation of the experimental design and analytical decisions. The supplemental material is very helpful for understanding many of the methodological nuances, though I admit that I found it overwhelming at times and wonder if it could be pruned slightly to increase readability. Overall, I think the conclusions are generally well-supported by the data, and I have no major concerns.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This report describes the development and initial applications of the ARM (Automated Reproducible Mechano-stimulator), a programmable tool that delivers various mechanical stimuli to a select target (most frequently, a rodent hindpaw). Comparisons to traditional testing methods (e.g., experimenter application of stimuli) reveal that the ARM reduces variability in the anatomical targeting, height, velocity, and total time of stimulus application. Given that the ARM can be controlled remotely, this device was also used to assess the effect of the experimenter's presence on reflexive responses to mechanical stimulation. Lastly, the ARM was used to stimulate rodent hind paws while measuring neuronal activity in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA), a brain region that is associated with the negative effect of pain. This device, and similar automated devices, will undoubtedly reduce experimenter-related variability in reflexive mechanical behavior tests; this may increase experimental reproducibility between laboratories.


      Clear examples of variability in experimenter stimulus application are provided and then contrasted with uniform stimulus application that is inherent to the ARM.


      Limited details are provided for statistical tests and inappropriate claims are cited for individual tests. For example, in Figure 2, differences between researchers at specific forces are reported to be supported by a 2-way ANOVA; these differences should be derived from a post-hoc test that was completed only if the independent variable effects (or interaction effect) were found to be significant in the 2-way ANOVA. In other instances, statistical test details are not provided at all (e.g., Figures 3B, 3C, Figure 4, Figure 6G).

      One of the arguments for using the ARM is that it will minimize the effect that the experimenter's presence may have on animal behavior. In the current manuscript, the effects of the experimenter's presence on both habituation time and aspects of the withdrawal reflex are minimal for Researcher 2 and non-existent for Research 1. This is surprising given that Researcher 2 is female; the effect of experimenter presence was previously documented for male experiments as the authors appropriately point out (Sorge et al. PMID: 24776635). In general, this argument could be strengthened (or perhaps negated) if more than N=2 experiments were included in this assessment.

      The in vivo BLA calcium imaging data feel out of place in this manuscript. Is the point of Figure 6 to illustrate how the ARM can be coupled to Inscopix (or other external inputs) software? If yes, the following should be addressed: why do the up-regulated and down-regulated cell activities start increasing/decreasing before the "event" (i.e., stimulus application) in Figure 6F? Why are the paw withdrawal latencies and paw distanced travelled values in Figures 6I and 6J respectively so much faster/shorter than those illustrated in Figure 5 where the same approach was used?

      Another advance of this manuscript is the integration of a 500 fps camera (as opposed to a 2000 fps camera) in the PAWS platform. To convince readers that the use of this more accessible camera yields similar data, a comparison of the results for cotton swabs and pinprick should be completed between the 500 fps and 2000 fps cameras. In other words, repeat Supplementary Figure 3 with the 2000 fps camera and compare those results to the data currently illustrated in this figure.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Moyse et al. build on previously published data and investigate several subtypes of mononuclear phagocytes within the larval, juvenile, and adult zebrafish heart. Through the use of mpeg1.1 and csfr1a transgenic lines, the authors characterize the seeding of macrophages in the embryonic and larval heart and describe localization, proportions, morphology, and behavior of several subtypes of mpeg1.1 and csfr1a macrophages in the adult uninjured heart. The authors further provide an analysis of marker gene expression in the differing macrophage subtypes in the uninjured adult heart. Lastly, the authors perform analyses of how these populations respond to cardiac injury and show that csfr1a is important for the proportion and proliferation of these different subtypes of macrophages in the heart.

      While the presence of cardiac resident macrophages and their importance in heart regeneration and cardiac disease have been extensively studied in the mouse, the same attention has only recently been given to macrophages in the adult zebrafish heart. This study provides insight into many parallels that exist between resident macrophages in the mouse and zebrafish heart, and while not especially novel, this concept is important for the zebrafish cardiac field. Overall, the conclusions of this study are mostly well supported by the data, but further analysis of marker gene expression in the various macrophage subtypes described would be an important and useful addition for zebrafish researchers studying macrophages in heart regeneration. For example, how are markers of cardiac resident macrophages (described in Wei et al, doi: 10.7554/eLife.84679) expressed in the different mpeg1.1 and csfr1a populations?

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors developed and optimized the methods for detecting G4s and R-loops independent of BG4 and S9.6 antibody, and mapped genomic native G4s and R-loops by HepG4-seq and HBD-seq, revealing that co-localized G4s and R-loops participate in regulating transcription and affecting the self-renewal and differentiation capabilities of mESCs.


      By utilizing the peroxidase activity of G4-hemin complex and combining proximity labeling technology, the authors developed HepG4-seq (high throughput sequencing of hemin-induced proximal labelled G4s) , which can detect the dynamics of G4s in vivo. Meanwhile, the "GST-His6-2xHBD"-mediated CUT&Tag protocol (Wang et al., 2021) was optimized by replacing fusion protein and tag, the optimized HBD-seq avoids the generation of GST fusion protein aggregates and can reflect the genome-wide distribution of R-loops in vivo.

      The authors employed HepG4-seq and HBD-seq to establish comprehensive maps of native co-localized G4s and R-loops in human HEK293 cells and mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). The data indicate that co-localized G4s and R-loops are dynamically altered in a cell type-dependent manner and are largely localized at active promoters and enhancers of transcriptionally active genes.

      Combined with Dhx9 ChIP-seq and co-localized G4s and R-loops data in wild-type and dhx9KO mESCs, the authors confirm that the helicase Dhx9 is a direct and major regulator that regulates the formation and resolution of co-localized G4s and R-loops.

      Depletion of Dhx9 impaired the self-renewal and differentiation capacities of mESCs by altering the transcription of co-localized G4s and R-loops-associated genes.

      In conclusion, the authors provide an approach to studying the interplay between G4s and R-loops, shedding light on the important roles of co-localized G4s and R-loops in development and disease by regulating the transcription of related genes.


      As we know, there are at least two structure data of S9.6 antibody very recently, and the questions about the specificity of the S9.6 antibody on RNA:DNA hybrids should be finished. The authors referred to (Hartono et al., 2018; Konig et al., 2017; Phillips et al., 2013) need to be updated, and the authors' bias against S9.6 antibodies needs also to be changed. However, as the authors had questioned the specificity of the S9.6 antibody, they should compare it in parallel with the data they have and the data generated by the widely used S9.6 antibody.

      Although HepG4-seq is an effective G4s detection technique, and the authors have also verified its reliability to some extent, given the strong link between ROS homeostasis and G4s formation, and hemin's affinity for different types of G4s, whether HepG4-seq reflects the dynamics of G4s in vivo more accurately than existing detection techniques still needs to be more carefully corroborated.

    1. Reviewer #5 (Public Review):

      This work investigates a T6SS effector-immunity pair from Proteus mirabilis. The authors make several interesting claims, particularly regarding the mechanism of effector inhibition by the immunity protein. However, it appears that these claims are not fully supported by the evidence provided.

      I have read the revised manuscript, the public reviews, and the authors' updated responses to these reviews. In my opinion, the concerns raised by the reviewers remain relevant even after the authors' revisions. Since previous reviews have excellently described the strengths and weaknesses of this work, I will focus on my major concerns:

      (1) The authors describe RdnE-RdnI, a T6SS effector-immunity pair from Proteus mirabilis. RdnE is actually the C-terminal domain of IdrD, a 1581-amino-acid protein containing PAAR and RHS domains. This work does not provide evidence for T6SS-dependent secretion of the effector, instead supplying references to previous works.

      (2) While the authors claim the function of the RdnE domain is unknown, it was previously shown to be evolutionarily related to PoNe and TseV, both of which are known DNA nucleases. Although the authors cite the relevant references, they do not clearly disclose this information.

      (3) The authors claim that RdnE contains two different domains: the first is the PD-(D/E)XK domain, and the second, referred to as "region 2," follows it. Unfortunately, no structural evidence is provided to support this claim, not even a predicted model demonstrating that these are indeed separate domains.

      (4) One of the major claims made in this work is that RdnI binding to RdnE is not sufficient for RdnE inhibition, suggesting a more sophisticated mechanism. The authors base this theory on differences between the ability of RdnI to bind RdnE (shown using bacterial two-hybrid assays) and the ability to protect against RdnE toxicity in swarm competition assays. Specifically, they show that the first 85 amino acids of RdnI bind to the short RdnE domain in the bacterial two-hybrid assay but do not protect against the full-length effector in the swarm competition assay. They also demonstrate that performing seven mutations in conserved residues in RdnE or replacing parts of RdnI with parts from other RdnI homologs leads to the same phenomenon.

      While these findings are interesting and even intriguing, in my opinion, the current evidence does not support their theory. A simple explanation for the differences between the assays is that while the N-terminal domain of RdnI is sufficient for binding to RdnE, inhibition of the active site of RdnE requires binding of a second domain to RdnE. In that sense, it should be noted that while the authors use co-IP assays to show the interaction between RdnE and full-length RdnI, they do not use it to show the interaction between RdnE and the first 85 amino acids of RdnI.

      (5) The authors claim that a "conserved motif" within RdnI plays a role in the inhibition of RdnE. To investigate this, they replace this motif with sequences from several RdnI homologs, demonstrating that in one case, it is possible to exchange these conserved motifs between RdnI homologs that inhibit Proteus RdnE. However, they also show that even if the conserved motif is taken from an RdnI homolog that cannot inhibit Proteus RdnE, the hybrid protein can still protect cells in a swarm competition assay. This result raises concerns regarding the relevance of this conserved motif.

      (6) Lastly, regarding the theory that immunity proteins can protect against non-cognate effectors, it appears that the authors based their theory on a single case where RdnI from Rothia protected against RdnE from Proteus. In my opinion, a more thorough investigation, involving testing many homologs, is needed to substantiate this theory.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      "Decoding Phase Separation of Prion-Like Domains through Data-Driven Scaling Laws" by Maristany et al. offers a significant contribution to the understanding of phase separation in prion-like domains (PLDs). The study investigates the phase separation behavior of PLDs, which are intrinsically disordered regions within proteins that have a propensity to undergo liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS). This phenomenon is crucial in forming biomolecular condensates, which play essential roles in cellular organization and function. The authors employ a data-driven approach to establish predictive scaling laws that describe the phase behavior of these domains.


      The study benefits from a robust dataset encompassing a wide range of PLDs, which enhances the generalizability of the findings. The authors' meticulous curation and analysis of this data add to the study's robustness. The scaling laws derived from the data provide predictive insights into the phase behavior of PLDs, which can be useful in the future for the design of synthetic biomolecular condensates.


      While the data-driven approach is powerful, the study could benefit from more experimental validation. Experimental studies confirming the predictions of the scaling laws would strengthen the conclusions. For example, in Figure 1, the Tc of TDP-43 is below 300 K even though it can undergo LLPS under standard conditions. Figure 2 clearly highlights the quantitative accuracy of the model for hnRNPA1 PLD mutants, but its applicability to other systems such as TDP-43, FUS, TIA1, EWSR1, etc., may be questionable.

      The authors may wish to consider checking if the scaling behavior is only observed for Tc or if other experimentally relevant quantities such as Csat also show similar behavior. Additionally, providing more intuitive explanations could make the findings more broadly accessible.

      The study focuses on a particular subset of intrinsically disordered regions. While this is necessary for depth, it may limit the applicability of the findings to other types of phase-separating biomolecules. The authors may wish to discuss why this is not a concern. Some statements in the paper may require careful evaluation for general applicability, and I encourage the authors to exercise caution while making general conclusions. For example, "Therefore, our results reveal that it is almost twice more destabilizing to mutate Arg to Lys than to replace Arg with any uncharged, non-aromatic amino acid..." This may not be true if the protein has a lot of negative charges.

      I am surprised that a quarter of a million CPU hours are described as staggering in terms of computational requirements.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This paper provides evidence that food washing and brushing in wild long-tailed macaques are deliberate behaviors to remove sand that can damage tooth enamel. The demonstration of the immediate functional importance of these behaviors is nicely done. However, the paper also makes the claim that macaques systematically differ in their investment in food cleaning because of rank-dependent differences in their costs and benefits. This latter conclusion is not, in my view, well-supported, for several reasons.

      First, as is typical in many primate studies, the authors construct sex-specific ordinal rank hierarchies. This makes sense since hierarchies for males and hierarchies for females are determined by different processes and have different consequences. However, if I understand it correctly, they are then lumped together in all statistical analyses of rank, which makes the apparent rank effect very difficult to understand. The challenge of interpretation is increased because there are twice as many adult females in the group as adult males, so the rank is confounded by sex (because all low-rank values are adult females).

      Second, because only one social group is being studied, the conclusions about rank may be heavily driven by individual identity, not rank per se. An analysis involving replicate social groups (which granted, may be impossible here) or longitudinal data showing a change in behavior following a change in rank would be much more compelling.

      Third, there is no evidence presented on the actual fitness-related costs of tooth wear or the benefits of slightly faster food consumption. Support for these arguments is provided based on other papers, some of which come from highly resource-limited populations (and different species). But this is a population that is supplemented by tourists with melons, cucumbers, and pineapples! In the absence of more direct data on fitness costs and benefits, the paper makes overly strong claims about the ability to explain its observations based on "immediate energetic requirements" (abstract), "difference...freighted with fitness consequences" (line 80), and "pressing energetic needs"/"live fast, die young" (lines 121-122--there is no evidence that tooth wear is associated with morbidity or mortality here). The idea that high-ranking animals are "sacrificing their teeth at the altar of high rank" seems extreme.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, Stubbusch and coauthors examine the foraging behavior of a marine species consuming an abundant marine polysaccharide. Laboratory experiments in a microfluidic setup are complemented with transcriptomic analyses aiming at assessing the genetic bases of the observed behavior. Bacterial cells consuming the polysaccharide form cohesive aggregates, while start dispersing away when the byproduct of the digestion of the polysaccharide start accumulating. Dispersing cells, tend to be attracted by the polysaccharide. Expression data show that motility genes are enriched during the dispersal phase, as expected. Counterintuitively, in the same phase, genes for transporters and digestions of polysaccharide are also highly expressed.


      The manuscript is very well written and easy to follow. The topic is interesting and timely. The genetic analyses provide a new, albeit complex, angle to the study of foraging behaviors in bacteria, adding to previous studies conducted on other species.


      I find this paper very descriptive and speculative. The results of the genetic analyses are quite counterintuitive; therefore, I understand the difficulty of connecting them to the observations coming from experiments in the microfluidic device. However, they could be better placed in the literature of foraging - dispersal cycles, beyond bacteria. In addition, the interpretation of the results is sometimes confusing.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This paper reports new findings regarding neuronal circuitries responsible for female post-mating responses (PMRs) in Drosophila. The PMRs are induced by sex peptide (SP) transferred from males during mating. The authors sought to identify SP target neurons using a membrane-tethered SP (mSP) and a collection of GAL4 lines, each containing a fragment derived from the regulatory regions of the SPR, fru, and dsx genes involved in PMR. They identified several lines that induced PMR upon expression of mSP. Using split-GAL4 lines, they identified distinct SP-sensing neurons in the central brain and ventral nerve cord. Analyses of pre- and post-synaptic connection using retro- and trans-Tango placed SP target neurons at the interface of sensory processing interneurons that connect to two common post-synaptic processing neuronal populations in the brain. The authors proposed that SP interferes with the processing of sensory inputs from multiple modalities.


      Besides the main results described in the summary above, the authors discovered the following:

      (1) Reduction of receptivity and induction of egg-laying are separable by restricting the expression of membrane-tethered SP (mSP): head-specific expression of mSP induces reduction of receptivity only, whereas trunk-specific expression of mSP induces oviposition only. Also, they identified a GAL4 line (SPR12) that induced egg laying but did not reduce receptivity.

      (2) Expression of mSP in the genital tract sensory neurons does not induce PMR. The authors identified three GAL4 drivers (SPR3, SPR 21, and fru9), which robustly expressed mSP in genital tract sensory neurons but did not induce PMRs. Also, SPR12 does not express in genital tract neurons but induces egg laying by expressing mSP.


      (1) Intersectional expression involving ppk-GAL4-DBD was negative in all GAL4AD lines (Supp. Fig.S5). As the authors mentioned, ppk neurons may not intersect with SPR, fru, dsx, and FD6 neurons in inducing PMRs by mSP. However, since there was no PMR induction and no GAL4 expression at all in any combination with GAL4-AD lines used in this study, I would like to have a positive control, where intersectional expression of mSP in ppk-GAL4-DBD and other GAL4-AD lines (e.g., ppk-GAL4-AD) would induce PMR.

      (2) The results of SPR RNAi knock-down experiments are inconclusive (Figure 5). SPR RNAi cancelled the PMR in dsx ∩ fru11/12 and partially in SPR8 ∩ fru 11/12 neurons. SPR RNAi in dsx ∩ SPR8 neurons turned virgin females unreceptive; it is unclear whether SPR mediates the phenotype in SPR8 ∩ fru 11/12 and dsx ∩ SPR8 neurons.

      SPR RNAi knock-down experiments may also help clarify whether mSP worked autocrine or juxtacrine to induce PMR. mSP may produce juxtacrine signaling, which is cell non-autonomous.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This paper uses 2D pose estimation and quantitative behavioral analyses to compare patterns of prey capture behavior used by six species of freshwater larval fish, including zebrafish, medaka, and four cichlids. The convincing comparison of tail and eye kinematics during hunts reveals that cichlids and zebrafish use binocular vision and similar hunting strategies, but that cichlids make use of an expanded set of action types. The authors also provide convincing evidence that medaka instead use monocular vision during hunts. This finding has important implications for the evolution of distinct distance estimation algorithms used by larval teleost fish species during prey capture.


      The quality of the behavioral data is solid and the high frame rate allowed for careful quantification and comparison of eye and tail dynamics during hunts. The statistical approach to assess eye vergence states (Figure 2B) is elegant, the cross-species comparison of prey location throughout each hunt phase is well done (Figure 3B-D), and the demonstration that swim bout tail kinematics from diverse species can be embedded in a shared "canonical" principal component space to explain most of the variance in 2D postural dynamics for each species (Figure 4A-C) provides a simple and powerful framework for future studies of behavioral diversification across fish species.


      More evidence is needed to assess the types of visual monocular depth cues used by medaka fish to estimate prey location, but that is beyond the scope of this compelling paper. For example, medaka may estimate depth through knowledge of expected prey size, accommodation, defocus blur, ocular parallax, and/or other possible algorithms to complement cues from motion parallax.

    1. A full list of Drosophila stocks used in this study are described in Supplementary Data

      DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-33085-3

      Resource: (BDSC Cat# 5905,RRID:BDSC_5905)

      Curator: @mpairish

      SciCrunch record: RRID:BDSC_5905

      What is this?

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Kroeg et al. have introduced a novel method to produce 3D cortical layer formation in hiPSC-derived models, revealing a remarkably consistent topography within compact dimensions. This technique involves seeding frontal cortex-patterned iPSC-derived neural progenitor cells in 384-well plates, triggering the spontaneous assembly of adherent cortical organoids consisting of various neuronal subtypes, astrocytes, and oligodendrocyte lineage cells.


      Compared to existing brain organoid models, these adherent cortical organoids demonstrate enhanced reproducibility and cell viability during prolonged culture, thereby providing versatile opportunities for high-throughput drug discovery, neurotoxicological screening, and the investigation of brain disorder pathophysiology. This is an important and timely issue that needs to be addressed to improve the current brain organoid systems.


      While the authors have provided significant data supporting this claim, several aspects necessitate further characterization and clarification. Mainly, highlighting the consistency of differentiation across different cell lines and standardizing functional outputs are crucial elements to emphasize the future broad potential of this new organoid system for large-scale pharmacological screening.

    1. Reviewer #4 (Public Review):

      I am a new reviewer for this manuscript, which has been reviewed before. The authors provide a variational autoencoder that has three objectives in the loss: linear reconstruction of behavior from embeddings, reconstruction of neural data, and KL divergence term related to the variational model elements. They take the output of the VAE as the "behaviorally relevant" part of neural data and call the residual "behaviorally irrelevant". Results aim to inspect the linear versus nonlinear behavior decoding using the original raw neural data versus the inferred behaviorally relevant and irrelevant parts of the signal.

      Overall, studying neural computations that are behaviorally relevant or not is an important problem, which several previous studies have explored (for example PSID in (Sani et al. 2021), TNDM in (Hurwitz et al. 2021), TAME-GP in (Balzani et al. 2023), pi-VAE in (Zhou and Wei 2020), and dPCA in (Kobak et al. 2016), etc). However, this manuscript does not properly put their work in the context of such prior works. For example, the abstract states "One solution is to accurately separate behaviorally-relevant and irrelevant signals, but this approach remains elusive", which is not the case given that these prior works have done that. The same is true for various claims in the main text, for example "Furthermore, we found that the dimensionality of primary subspace of raw signals (26, 64, and 45 for datasets A, B, and C) is significantly higher than that of behaviorally-relevant signals (7, 13, and 9), indicating that using raw signals to estimate the neural dimensionality of behaviors leads to an overestimation" (line 321). This finding was presented in (Sani et al. 2021) and (Hurwitz et al. 2021), which is not clarified here. This issue of putting the work in context has been brought up by other reviewers previously but seems to remain largely unaddressed. The introduction is inaccurate also in that it mixes up methods that were designed for separation of behaviorally relevant information with those that are unsupervised and do not aim to do so (e.g., LFADS). The introduction should be significantly revised to explicitly discuss prior models/works that specifically formulated this behavior separation and what these prior studies found, and how this study differs.

      Beyond the above, some of the main claims/conclusions made by the manuscript are not properly supported by the analyses and results, which has also been brought up by other reviewers but not fully addressed. First, the analyses here do not support the linear readout from the motor cortex because i) by construction, the VAE here is trained to have a linear readout from its embedding in its loss, which can bias its outputs toward doing well with a linear decoder/readout, and ii) the overall mapping from neural data to behavior includes both the VAE and the linear readout and thus is always nonlinear (even when a linear Kalman filter is used for decoding). This claim is also vague as there is no definition of readout from "motor cortex" or what it means. Why is the readout from the bottleneck of this particular VAE the readout of motor cortex? Second, other claims about properties of individual neurons are also confounded because the VAE is a population-level model that extracts the bottleneck from all neurons. Thus, information can leak from any set of neurons to other sets of neurons during the inference of behaviorally relevant parts of signals. Overall, the results do not convincingly support the claims, and thus the claims should be carefully revised and significantly tempered to avoid misinterpretation by readers.

      Below I briefly expand on these as well as other issues, and provide suggestions:

      (1) Claims about linearity of "motor cortex" readout are not supported by results yet stated even in the abstract. Instead, what the results support is that for decoding behavior from the output of the dVAE model -- that is trained specifically to have a linear behavior readout from its embedding -- a nonlinear readout does not help. This result can be biased by the very construction of the dVAE's loss that encourages a linear readout/decoding from embeddings and thus does not imply a finding about motor cortex.

      (2) Related to the above, it is unclear what the manuscript means by readout from motor cortex. A clearer definition of "readout" (a mapping from what to what?) in general is needed. The mapping that the linearity/nonlinearity claims refer to is from the *inferred* behaviorally relevant neural signals, which themselves are inferred nonlinearly using the VAE. This should be explicitly clarified in all claims, i.e., that only the mapping from distilled signals to behavior is linear, not the whole mapping from neural data to behavior. Again, to say the readout from motor cortex is linear is not supported, including in the abstract.

      (3) Claims about individual neurons are also confounded. The d-VAE distilling processing is a population level embedding so the individual distilled neurons are not obtainable on their own without using the population data. This population level approach also raises the possibility that information can leak from one neuron to another during distillation, which is indeed what the authors hope would recover true information about individual neurons that wasn't there in the recording (the pixel denoising example). The authors acknowledge the possibility that information could leak to a neuron that didn't truly have that information and try to rule it out to some extent with some simulations and by comparing the distilled behaviorally relevant signals to the original neural signals. But ultimately, the distilled signals are different enough from the original signals to substantially improve decoding of low information neurons, and one cannot be sure if all of the information in distilled signals from any individual neuron truly belongs to that neuron. It is still quite likely that some of the improved behavior prediction of the distilled version of low-information neurons is due to leakage of behaviorally relevant information from other neurons, not the former's inherent behavioral information. This should be explicitly acknowledged in the manuscript.

      (4) Given the nuances involved in appropriate comparisons across methods and since two of the datasets are public, the authors should provide their complete code (not just the dVAE method code), including the code for data loading, data preprocessing, model fitting and model evaluation for all methods and public datasets. This will alleviate concerns and allow readers to confirm conclusions (e.g., figure 2) for themselves down the line.

      (5) Related to 1) above, the authors should explore the results if the affine network h(.) (from embedding to behavior) was replaced with a nonlinear ANN. Perhaps linear decoders would no longer be as close to nonlinear decoders. Regardless, the claim of linearity should be revised as described in 1) and 2) above, and all caveats should be discussed.

      (6) The beginning of the section on the "smaller R2 neurons" should clearly define what R2 is being discussed. Based on the response to previous reviewers, this R2 "signifies the proportion of neuronal activity variance explained by the linear encoding model, calculated using raw signals". This should be mentioned and made clear in the main text whenever this R2 is referred to.

      (7) Various terms require clear definitions. The authors sometimes use vague terminology (e.g., "useless") without a clear definition. Similarly, discussions regarding dimensionality could benefit from more precise definitions. How is neural dimensionality defined? For example, how is "neural dimensionality of specific behaviors" (line 590) defined? Related to this, I agree with Reviewer 2 that a clear definition of irrelevant should be mentioned that clarifies that relevance is roughly taken as "correlated or predictive with a fixed time lag". The analyses do not explore relevance with arbitrary time lags between neural and behavior data.

      (8) CEBRA itself doesn't provide a neural reconstruction from its embeddings, but one could obtain one via a regression from extracted CEBRA embeddings to neural data. In addition to decoding results of CEBRA (figure S3), the neural reconstruction of CEBRA should be computed and CEBRA should be added to Figure 2 to see how the behaviorally relevant and irrelevant signals from CEBRA compare to other methods.


      Kobak, Dmitry, Wieland Brendel, Christos Constantinidis, Claudia E Feierstein, Adam Kepecs, Zachary F Mainen, Xue-Lian Qi, Ranulfo Romo, Naoshige Uchida, and Christian K Machens. 2016. "Demixed Principal Component Analysis of Neural Population Data." Edited by Mark CW van Rossum. eLife 5 (April): e10989. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.10989.

      Sani, Omid G., Hamidreza Abbaspourazad, Yan T. Wong, Bijan Pesaran, and Maryam M. Shanechi. 2021. "Modeling Behaviorally Relevant Neural Dynamics Enabled by Preferential Subspace Identification." Nature Neuroscience 24 (1): 140-49. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-020-00733-0.

      Zhou, Ding, and Xue-Xin Wei. 2020. "Learning Identifiable and Interpretable Latent Models of High-Dimensional Neural Activity Using Pi-VAE." In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 33:7234-47. Curran Associates, Inc. https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2020/hash/510f2318f324cf07fce24c3a4b89c771-Abstract.html.

      Hurwitz, Cole, Akash Srivastava, Kai Xu, Justin Jude, Matthew Perich, Lee Miller, and Matthias Hennig. 2021. "Targeted Neural Dynamical Modeling." In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Vol. 34. https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2021/hash/f5cfbc876972bd0d031c8abc37344c28-Abstract.html.

      Balzani, Edoardo, Jean-Paul G. Noel, Pedro Herrero-Vidal, Dora E. Angelaki, and Cristina Savin. 2023. "A Probabilistic Framework for Task-Aligned Intra- and Inter-Area Neural Manifold Estimation." In . https://openreview.net/forum?id=kt-dcBQcSA.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Weng and colleagues investigated the association between attention-related connectivity and substance use. They conducted a study with a sizable sample of over 1,000 participants, collecting longitudinal data at ages 14, 19, and 23. Their findings indicate that behaviors and brain connectivity linked to sustained attention at age 14 forecasted subsequent increases in cigarette and cannabis use from ages 14 to 23. However, early substance use did not predict future attention levels or attention-related connectivity strength.


      The study's primary strength lies in its large sample size and longitudinal design spanning three time-points. A robust predictive analysis was employed, demonstrating that diminished sustained attention behavior and connectivity strength predict substance use, while early substance use does not forecast future attention-related behavior or connectivity strength.


      It's questionable whether the prediction approach (i.e., CPM), even when combined with longitudinal data, can establish causality. I recommend removing the term 'consequence' in the abstract and replacing it with 'predict'. Additionally, the paper could benefit from enhanced rigor through additional analyses, such as testing various thresholds and conducting lagged effect analyses with covariate regression.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This valuable study shows that shorter episodes (2min duration) of energy depletion, as it occurs in ischemia, could lead to long lasting dysregulation of synaptic transmission with presynaptic alterations of glutamate release at the CA3-CA1 synapses. A longer duration of chemical ischemia (5 min) permanently suppresses synaptic transmission. By using electrophysiological approaches, including field and patch clamp recordings, combined to imaging studies, the authors demonstrated that 2 min of chemical ischemia leads to a prolonged potentiation of synaptic activity with a long lasting increase of glutamate release from presynaptic terminals. This was observed as an increase in iGluSnFR fluorescence, a sensor for glutamate expressed selectively on hippocampal astrocytes by viral injection. The increase in iGluSnFR fluorescence upon 2 min chemical ischemia could not be ascribed to an altered glutamate uptake, which is unaffected by both 2 min and 5 min chemical ischemia. The presynaptic increase in glutamate release upon short episodes of chemical ischemia is confirmed by a reduced inhibitory effect of the competitive antagonist gamma-D-glutamylglycine on AMPA receptor mediated postsynaptic responses. Fiber volley durations in field recording are prolonged in slices exposed to 2 min chemical ischemia. The authors interpret this data as an indication that the increase in glutamate release could be ascribed to a prolongation of the presynaptic action potential possibly due to inactivation of voltage-dependent K+ channels. However, more direct evidence are needed to fully support this hypothesis. This research highlights an important mechanism by which altered ionic homeostasis underlying metabolic failure can impact on neuronal activity. Moreover, it also showed a different vulnerability of mechanisms involved in glutamatergic transmission with a marked resilience of glutamate uptake to chemical ischemia.


      (1) The authors use a variety of experimental techniques ranging from electrophysiology to imaging to study the contribution of several mechanisms underlying the effect of chemical ischemia on synaptic transmission.<br /> (2) The experiments are appropriately designed and clearly described in the figures and in the text.<br /> (3) The controls are appropriate

      Weaknesses:<br /> - The results are obtained in an ex-vivo preparation


      This study provides a more comprehensive view of the long term effects of energy depletion during short episodes of experimental ischemia leading to the notion that not only post-synaptic changes, as reported by others, but also presynaptic changes are responsible for long-lasting modification of synaptic transmission. Interestingly, the direction of synaptic changes is bidirectional and dependent on the duration of chemical ischemia, indicating that different mechanisms involved in synaptic transmission are differently affected by energy depletion.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This study investigates the cellular and molecular events leading to hyposmia, an early dysfunction in Parkinson's disease (PD), which develops up to 10 years prior to motor symptoms. The authors use five Drosophila knock-in models of familial PD genes (LRRK2, RAB39B, PINK1, DNAJC6 (Aux), and SYNJ1 (Synj)), three expressing human genes and two Drosophila genes with equivalent mutations.

      The authors carry out single-cell RNA sequencing of young fly brains and single-nucleus RNA sequencing of human brain samples. The authors found that cholinergic olfactory projection neurons (OPN) were consistently affected across the fly models, showing synaptic dysfunction before the onset of motor deficits, known to be associated with dopaminergic neuron (DAN) dysfunction.

      Single-cell RNA sequencing revealed significant transcriptional deregulation of synaptic genes in OPNs across all five fly PD models. This synaptic dysfunction was confirmed by impaired calcium signalling and morphological changes in synaptic OPN terminals. Furthermore, these young PD flies exhibited olfactory behavioural deficits that were rescued by selective expression of wild-type genes in OPNs.

      Single-nucleus RNA sequencing of post-mortem brain samples from PD patients with LRRK2 risk mutations revealed similar synaptic gene deregulation in cholinergic neurons, particularly in the nucleus basalis of Meynert (NBM). Gene ontology analysis highlighted enrichment for processes related to presynaptic function, protein homeostasis, RNA regulation, and mitochondrial function.

      This study provides compelling evidence for the early and primary involvement of cholinergic dysfunction in PD pathogenesis, preceding the canonical DAN degeneration. The convergence of familial PD mutations on synaptic dysfunction in cholinergic projection neurons suggests a common mechanism contributing to early non-motor symptoms like hyposmia. The authors also emphasise the potential of targeting cholinergic neurons for early diagnosis and intervention in PD.


      This study presents a novel approach, combining multiple mutants to identify salient disease mechanisms. The quality of the data and analysis is of a high standard, providing compelling evidence for the role of OPN neurons in olfactory dysfunction in PD. The comprehensive single-cell RNA sequencing data from both flies and humans is a valuable resource for the research community. The identification of consistent impairments in cholinergic olfactory neurons, at early disease stages, is a powerful finding that highlights the convergent nature of PD progression. The comparison between fly models and human patients' brains provides strong evidence of the conservation of molecular mechanisms of disease, which can be built upon in further studies using flies to prove causal relationships between the defects described here and neurodegeneration.

      The identification of specific neurons involved in olfactory dysfunction opens up potential avenues for diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.


      The causal relationship between early olfactory dysfunction and later motor symptoms in PD remains unclear. It is also uncertain whether this early defect contributes to neurodegeneration or is simply a reflection of the sensitivity of olfactory neurons to cellular impairments. The study does not investigate whether the observed early olfactory impairment in flies leads to later DAN deficits. Additionally, the single-cell RNA sequencing analysis reveals several affected neuronal populations that are not further explored. The main weakness of the paper is the lack of conclusive evidence linking early olfactory dysfunction to later disease progression. The rationale behind the selection of specific mutants and neuronal populations for further analysis could be better qualified.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors used recurrent neural network modelling of spatial navigation tasks to investigate border and place cell behaviour during remapping phenomena.


      The neural network training seemed for the most part (see comments later) well-performed, and the analyses used to make the points were thorough.

      The paper and ideas were well explained.

      Figure 4 contained some interesting and strong evidence for map-like generalisation as environmental geometry was warped.

      Figure 7 was striking, and potentially very interesting.

      It was impressive that the RNN path-integration error stayed low for so long (Fig A1), given that normally networks that only work with dead-reckoning have errors that compound. I would have loved to know how the network was doing this, given that borders did not provide sensory input to the network. I could not think of many other plausible explanations... It would be even more impressive if it was preserved when the network was slightly noisy.


      I felt that the stated neuroscience interpretations were not well supported by the presented evidence, for a few reasons I'll now detail.

      First, I was unconvinced by the interpretation of the reported recurrent cells as border cells. An equally likely hypothesis seemed to be that they were positions cells that are linearly encoding the x and y position, which when your environment only contains external linear boundaries, look the same. As in figure 4, in environments with internal boundaries the cells do not encode them, they encode (x,y) position. Further, if I'm not misunderstanding, there is, throughout, a confusing case of broken symmetry. The cells appear to code not for any random linear direction, but for either the x or y axis (i.e. there are x cells and y cells). These look like border cells in environments in which the boundaries are external only, and align with the axes (like square and rectangular ones), but the same also appears to be true in the rotationally symmetric circular environment, which strikes me as very odd. I can't think of a good reason why the cells in circular environments should care about the particular choice of (x,y) axes... unless the choice of position encoding scheme is leaking influence throughout. A good test of these would be differently oriented (45 degree rotated square) or more geometrically complicated (two diamonds connected) environments in which the difference between a pure (x,y) code and a border code are more obvious.

      Next, the decoding mechanism used seems to have forced the representation to learn place cells (no other cell type is going to be usefully decodable?). That is, in itself, not a problem. It just changes the interpretation of the results. To be a normative interpretation for place cells you need to show some evidence that this decoding mechanism is relevant for the brain, since this seems to be where they are coming from in this model. Instead, this is a model with place cells built into it, which can then be used for studying things like remapping, which is a reasonable stance.

      However, the remapping results were also puzzling. The authors present convincing evidence that the recurrent units effectively form 6 different maps of the 6 different environments (e.g. the sparsity of the cod, or fig 6a), with the place cells remapping between environments. Yet, as the authors point out, in neural data the finding is that some cells generalise their co-firing patterns across environments (e.g. grid cells, border cells), while place cells remap, making it unclear what correspondence to make between the authors network and the brain. There are existing normative models that capture both entorhinal's consistent and hippocampus' less consistent neural remapping behaviour (Whittington et al. and probably others), what have we then learnt from this exercise?

      One striking result was figure 7, the hexagonal arrangement of place cell centres. I had one question that I couldn't find the answer to in the paper, which would change my interpretation. Are place cell centres within a single clusters of points in figure 7a, for example, from one cell across the 100 trajectories, or from many? If each cluster belongs to a different place cell then the interpretation seems like some kind of optimal packing/coding of 2D space by a set of place cells, an interesting prediction. If multiple place cells fall within a single cluster then that's a very puzzling suggestion about the grouping of place cells into these discrete clusters. From figure 7c I guess that the former is the likely interpretation, from the fact that clusters appear to maintain the same colour, and are unlikely to be co-remapping place cells, but I would like to know for sure!

      I felt that the neural data analysis was unconvincing. Most notably, the statistical effect was found in only one of seven animals. Random noise is likely to pass statistical tests 1 in 20 times (at 0.05 p value), this seems like it could have been something similar? Further, the data was compared to a null model in which place cell fields were randomly distributed. The authors claim place cell fields have two properties that the random model doesn't (1) clustering to edges (as experimentally reported) and (2) much more provocatively, a hexagonal lattice arrangement. The test seems to collude the two; I think that nearby ball radii could be overrepresented, as in figure 7f, due to either effect. I would have liked to see a computation of the statistic for a null model in which place cells were random but with a bias towards to boundaries of the environment that matches the observed changing density, to distinguish these two hypotheses.

      Some smaller weaknesses:<br /> - Had the models trained to convergence? From the loss plot it seemed like not, and when including regularisors recent work (grokking phenomena, e.g. Nanda et al. 2023) has shown the importance of letting the regularisor minimise completely to see the resulting effect. Else you are interpreting representations that are likely still being learnt, a dangerous business.<br /> - Since RNNs are nonlinear it seems that eigenvalues larger than 1 doesn't necessarily mean unstable?<br /> - Why do you not include a bias in the networks? ReLU networks without bias are not universal function approximators, so it is a real change in architecture that doesn't seem to have any positives?<br /> - The claim that this work provided a mathematical formalism of the intuitive idea of a cognitive map seems strange, given that upwards of 10 of the works this paper cite also mathematically formalise a cognitive map into a similar integration loss for a neural network.

      Aim Achieved? Impact/Utility/Context of Work

      Given the listed weaknesses, I think this was a thorough exploration of how this network with these losses is able to path-integrate its position and remap. This is useful, it is good to know how another neural network with slightly different constraints learns to perform these behaviours. That said, I do not think the link to neuroscience was convincing, and as such, it has not achieved its stated aim of explaining these phenomena in biology. The mechanism for remapping in the entorhinal module seemed fundamentally different to the brain's, instead using completely disjoint maps; the recurrent cell types described seemed to match no described cell type (no bad thing in itself, but it does limit the permissible neuroscience claims) either in tuning or remapping properties, with a potentially worrying link between an arbitrary encoding choice and the responses; and the striking place cell prediction was unconvincingly matched by neural data. Further, this is a busy field in which many remapping results have been shown before by similar models, limiting the impact of this work. For example, George et al. and Whittington et al. show remapping of place cells across environments; Whittington et al. study remapping of entorhinal codes; and Rajkumar Vasudeva et al. 2022 show similar place cell stretching results under environmental shifts. As such, this papers contribution is muddied significantly.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This paper focuses on the roles of a toxoplasma protein (SPARKEL) with homology to an elongin C and the kinase SPARK that it interacts with. They demonstrate that the two proteins regulate the abundance of PKA and PKG and that depletion of SPARKEL reduces invasion and egress (previously shown with SPARK), and that their loss also triggers spontaneous bradyzoite differentiation. The data are overall very convincing and will be of high interest to those who study Toxoplasma and related apicomplexan parasites.


      The study is very well executed with appropriate controls. The manuscript is also very well and clearly written. Overall, the work clearly demonstrates that SPARK/SPARKEL regulate invasion and egress and that their loss triggers differentiation.

      Comments on the revised version:

      The authors have addressed my concerns.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Vidal et al. investigated how TFIIIC may mediate MYCN effects on transcription. The work builds upon previous reports from the same group where they describe MYCN interactors in neuroblastoma cells (Buchel et al, 2017), which include TFIIIC, and their different roles in MYCN-dependent control of RNA polymerase II function (Herold et al, 2019) (Roeschert et al, 2021) (Papadopoulus et al, 2022). Using baculovirus expression systems, they confirm that MYCN-TFIIIC interaction is direct, and likely relevant for neuroblastoma cell proliferation. However, transcriptomics analyses led them to conclude that TFIIC is largely dispensable for MYCN-dependent gene expression. Instead, they propose that TFIIC limits MYCN-mediated promoter-promoter 3D chromatin contacts, which would in turn facilitate the recruitment of the nascent RNA degradation machinery and restrict the accumulation of non-phosphorylated RNA polymerase II at promoters. How this mechanism may impact on MYCN-driven neuroblastoma cell biology remains to be elucidated.


      This study presents a nice variety of genomic datasets addressing the specific role of TFIIIC in MYCN-dependent functions. In particular, the technically challenging HiChIP sequencing experiments performed under various conditions provide very useful information about the interplay between MYCN and TFIIIC in the regulation of 3D chromatin contacts. The authors show that MYCN and TFIIIC participate both in unique and overlapping long-range chromatin contacts and that the expression of each of these proteins limits the function of the other. Together, their results suggest a dynamic and interconnected relationship between MYCN and TFIIIC in regulating 3D chromatin contacts.


      (1) Mechanistic questions regarding the specific role of TFIIIC in regulating MYCN function remain unsolved. Why is it important to restrict MYCN association to promoter hubs? Do the authors find any TFIIIC-dependent phenotype that is restricted or particularly enhanced at these locations? Both the effects on the accumulation of non-phosphorylated RNA pol II and the recruitment of the nascent RNA degradation machinery seem to be global.

      (2) Two specific points regarding RNA pol II ChIPseq results remain unclear:

      -It is unfortunate that although both RNAPII (N20) and RNAPII (A10) antibodies were raised against the N-teminal domain, they give different results according to the authors. Caution should be taken, as it may imply that some previous results could be explained by epitope masking.

      -I am sorry if I missed something crucial, but to my understanding, the disparities regarding the ChIPseq results obtained using the 8WG16 antibody are not fully resolved. In Figure S7C from their previous publication (Buchel et al, 2017) the authors concluded that "Intriguingly, ChIP sequencing showed that activation of N-MYC had no significant effect on chromatin association of hypo-phosphorylated Pol II". Is this not a similar experiment, using the same antibody and experimental conditions as in Figure 2 from the current manuscript? They now conclude that "activation of MYCN caused a global decrease in promoter association of non-phosphorylated RNAPII".

      (3) Conducting ChIP-qPCR experiments for all nascent RNA degradation factors to be compared would have enabled a more direct and comprehensive comparison.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors explore the role of Rec domains in a thermophilic Cas9 enzyme. They report on the crystal structure of part of the recognition lobe, its dynamics from NMR spin relaxation and relaxation-dispersion data, its interaction mode with guide RNA, and the effect of two single-point mutations hypothesised to enhance specificity. They find that mutations have small effects on Rec domain structure and stability but lead to significant rearrangement of micro- to milli-second dynamics which does not translate into major changes in guide RNA affinity or DNA cleavage specificity, illustrating the inherent tolerance of GeoCas9. The work can be considered as a first step towards understanding motions in GeoCas9 recognition lobe, although no clear hotspots were discovered with potential for future rational design of enhanced Cas9 variants.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This manuscript aims to provide insights into conformational transitions in the cyclic nucleotide-binding domain of a cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel. The authors use transition metal FRET (tmFRET) which has been pioneered by this lab and previously led to detailed insights into ion channel conformational changes. Here, the authors not only use steady-state measurements but also time-resolved, fluorescence lifetime measurements to gain detailed insights into conformational transitions within a protein construct that contains the cytosolic C-linker and cyclic nucleotide-binding domain (CNBD) of a bacterial CNG channel. The use of time-resolved tmFRET is a clear advancement of this technique and a strength of this manuscript.

      In summary, the present work introduced time-resolved tmFRET as a novel tool to study conformational distributions in proteins. This is a clear technological advance. At this stage, conclusions made about energetics in CNG channels are overstated. However, it will be interesting to see in the future how results compare to similar measurements on full-length channels, for example, reconstituted into nanodiscs.


      The results capture known differences in promoting the open state between different ligands (cAMP and cGMP) and are consistent across three donor-acceptor FRET pairs. The calculated distance distributions further are in reasonable agreement with predicted values based on available structures. The finding that the C-helix is conformationally more mobile in the closed state as compared to the open state quantitatively increases our understanding of conformational changes in these channels.


      While the use of a truncated construct of SthK is justified, it also comes with certain limitations. The construct is missing the transmembrane part including the pore for ions. However, the pore is the central part of every ion channel and is crucial to describe conformational transitions and energetics that lead to ion channel gating. Two observations in the present study disagree with the results for the full-length channel protein. Here, under apo conditions, the CNBD can adopt an 'open' conformation, and second, cooperativity of channel opening is lost. These differences need to be weighed carefully when judging the impact of the presented results for understanding allostery in CNG channels. Qualitatively, the results can describe movements of the C-helix in CNBDs, but detailed energetics as calculated in this study, need to be limited to the truncated protein construct used. The entire ion channel is an allosteric system and detailed, energetic conclusions cannot be made for the full-length channel when working with only the cytosolic domains. Similarly, the statement "These results demonstrate that time-resolved tmFRET can be utilized to obtain energetic information on the individual domains during the allosteric activation of SthK." is misleading. The data only describe movements of the C-helix. Upon ligand binding, the C-helix moves upwards to coordinate the ligand. Thus, the results are ligand-induced conformational changes (as the title states). Allosteric regulation usually involves remote locations in the protein, which is not the case here.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this study, Ho et al. hypothesised that autoreactive T cells receiving enhanced TCR signals during positive selection in the thymus are primed for generating effector and memory T cells. They used CD5 as a marker for TCR signal strength during their selection at the double positive stage. Supporting their hypothesis, naïve T cells with high CD5 levels expressed markers of T cell activation and function at higher levels compared to naïve T cells with lower levels of CD5. Furthermore, results showed that autoimmune diabetes can be efficiently induced after the transfer of naïve CD5 hi T cells compared to CD5 lo T cells, this provided solid evidence in support of their hypothesis that T cells receiving higher basal TCR signaling are primmed to develop into effector T cells. These results have to be carefully interpreted because both CD5 hi and CD5 lo naïve T cells are capable of inducing diabetes, meaning that both CD5 hi and CD5 lo T cell compartments harbour autoreactive T cells. The evidence that transgenic PTPN22 expression could not regulate T cell activation in CD5 hi TCR transgenic autoreactive T cells was weak.


      (1) Demonstrating that CD5 hi cells in naïve CD8 T cell compartment express markers of T cell activation, proliferation, and cytotoxicity at a higher level.

      (2) Using gene expression analysis, the study showed CD5 hi cells among naïve CD8 T cells are transcriptionally poised to develop into effector or memory T cells.

      (3) The study showed that CD5 hi cells have higher basal TCR signaling compared to CD5 lo T cells.

      (4) Key evidence of pathogenicity of autoreactive CD5 hi T cells was provided by doing the adoptive transfer of CD5 hi and CD5 lo CD8 T cells into NOD Rag1-/- mice and comparing them.


      (1) Although CD5 can be used as a marker for self-reactivity and T cell signal strength during thymic development, it can be also regulated in the periphery by tonic TCR signaling or when T cells are activated by its cognate antigen. Hence, TCR signals in the periphery could also prime the T cells toward effector/memory differentiation. That's why from the evidence presented here it cannot be concluded that this predisposition of T cells towards effector/memory differentiation is programmed due to higher reactivity towards self-MHC molecules in the thymus, as stated in the title.

      (2) Experiments done in this study did not address why CD5 hi T cells could be negatively regulated in NOD mice when PTPN22 is overexpressed resulting in protection from diabetes but the same cannot be achieved in NOD8.3 mice.

      (3) Experimental evidence provided to show that PTPN22 overexpression does not regulate TCR signaling in NOD8.3 T cells is weak.

      (4) TCR sequencing analysis does not conclusively show that the CD5 hi population is linked with autoreactive T cells. Doing single-cell RNAseq and TCR seq analysis would have helped address this question.

      (5) When analysing data from CD5 hi T cells from the pancreatic lymph node, it is difficult to discriminate if the phenotype is just because of T cells that would have just encountered the cognate antigen in the draining lymph node or if it is truly due to basal TCR signaling.

      (6) In general, authors should provide relevant positive-negative controls and gating with representative flow-cytometry plots when they are showing activation of T cells in CD5 lo and CD5 hi compartments.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary of the Authors' Objectives:

      The authors aimed to delineate the role of S1P/S1PR1 signaling in the dentate gyrus in the context of memory impairment associated with chronic pain. They sought to understand the molecular mechanisms contributing to the variability in memory impairment susceptibility and to identify potential therapeutic targets.

      Major Strengths and Weaknesses of the Study:

      The study is methodologically robust, employing a combination of RNA-seq analysis, viral-mediated gene manipulation, and pharmacological interventions to investigate the S1P/S1PR1 pathway. The use of both knockdown and overexpression approaches to modulate S1PR1 levels provides compelling evidence for its role in memory impairment. The research also benefits from a comprehensive assessment of behavioral changes associated with chronic pain.

      However, the study has some weaknesses. The categorization of mice into 'susceptible' and 'unsusceptible' groups based on memory performance requires further validation. Additionally, the reliance on a single animal model may limit the generalizability of the findings. The study could also benefit from a more detailed exploration of the impact of different types of pain on memory impairment.

      Assessment of the Authors' Achievements:

      The authors successfully identified S1P/S1PR1 signaling as a key factor in chronic pain-related memory impairment and demonstrated its potential as a therapeutic target. The findings are supported by rigorous experimental evidence, including biochemical, histological, and behavioral data. However, the study's impact could be enhanced by further exploration of the molecular pathways downstream of S1PR1 and by assessing the long-term effects of S1PR1 manipulation.

      Impact on the Field and Utility to the Community:

      This study is likely to have a significant impact on pain research by providing a novel perspective on the mechanisms underlying memory impairment in chronic pain conditions. The identification of the S1P/S1PR1 pathway as a potential therapeutic target could guide the development of new treatments.

      Additional Context for Readers:

      The study's approach to categorizing susceptibility to memory impairment could inspire new methods for stratifying patient populations in clinical settings.


      (1) A more detailed explanation of the k-means clustering algorithm and its application in categorizing mice should be provided.

      (2) The discussion on the potential influence of different pain types or sensitivities on memory impairment should be expanded.

      (3) The protocol for behavioral testing should be clarified and the potential for learning or stress effects should be addressed.

      (4) Conduct additional behavioral assays for other molecular targets implicated in the study.

      (5) The effective drug thresholds and potential non-specific effects of pharmacological interventions should be discussed in more detail.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors demonstrated the significance of the TRPγ channel in regulating internal TAG levels. They found high TAG levels in TRPγ mutant, which was ascribed to a deficit in the lipolysis process due to the downregulation of brummer (bmm). It was notable that the expression of TRPγ in DH44+ PI neurons, but not dILP2+ neurons, in the brain restored the internal TAG levels and that the knockdown of TRPγ in DH44+ PI neurons resulted in an increase in TAG levels. These results suggested a non-cell autonomous effect of Dh44+PI neurons. Additionally, the expression of the TRPγ channel in Dh44 R2-expressing cells restored the internal TAG levels. The authors, however, did not provide an explanation of how TRPγ might function in both presynaptic and postsynaptic cells in the non-cell autonomous manner to regulate the TAG storage. The authors further determined the effect of TRPγ mutation on the size of lipid droplets (LD) and the lifespan and found that TRPγ mutation caused an increase in the size of LD and a decrease in the lifespan, which were reverted by feeding lipase and metformin. These were creative endeavors, I thought. The finding that DH44+ PI neurons have non-cell autonomous functions in regulating bodily metabolism (mainly sugar/lipid) in addition to directing sugar nutrient sensing and consumption is likely correct, but the paper has many loose ends. I would like to see a revision that includes more experiments to tighten up the findings and appropriate interpretations of the results.

      (1) The authors need to provide interpretations or speculations as to how DH44+ PI neurons have non-cell autonomous functions in regulating the internal TAG stores, and how both presynaptic DH44 neurons and postsynaptic DH44 R2 neurons require TRPγ for lipid homeostasis.

      (2) The expression of TRPγ solely in DH44 R2 neurons of TRPγ mutant flies restored the TAG phenotype, suggesting an important function mediated by TRPγ in DH44 R2 neurons. However, the authors did not document the endogenous expression of TRPγ in the DH44R2+ gut cells. This needs to be shown.

      (3) While Dh44 mutant flies displayed normal internal TAG levels, Dh44R2 mutant flies exhibited elevated TAG levels (Figure 7A). This suggested that the lipolysis phenotype could be facilitated by a neuropeptide other than Dh44. Alternatively, a Dh44 neuropeptide-independent pathway could mediate the lipolysis. In either case, an additional result is needed to substantiate either one of the hypotheses.

      (4) While the authors observed an increased area of fat body lipid droplets (LD) in Dh44 mutant flies (Figure 7F), they did not specify the particular region of the fat body chosen for measuring the LD area.

      (5) The LD area only accounts for TAG levels in the fat body, whereas TAG can be found in many other body parts, including the R2 area as demonstrated in Figure 5A-D using Nile red staining. As such, measuring the total internal TAG levels would provide a more accurate representation of TAG levels than the average fat body LD area.

      (6) In Figure 5F-I, the authors should perform the similar experiment with Dh44, Dh44R1, and Dh44R2 mutant flies.

      (7) The representative image in Figure 6B does not correspond to the GFP quantification results shown in Figure 6C. In trpr1;bmm::GFP flies, the GFP signal appears stronger in starved conditions than in satiated conditions.

      (8) In Figure 6H-I, fat body-specific expression of bmm reversed the increased LD area in TRPγ mutants. The authors also showed that Dh44+PI neuron-specific expression of bmm yielded a similar result. The authors need to provide an interpretation as to how bmm acts in the fat body or DH44 neurons to regulate this.

      (9) The authors should explain why the DH44 R1 mutant did not represent similar results as the wild type.

      (10) It would be good to have a schematic that represents the working model proposed in this manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The study demonstrates differential patterns of entrainment to biological motion (BM). At a basic, sensory level, the authors demonstrate entrainment to faster rhythms that make up BM (step-cycle) which seems to be separate from its audio aspects and its visual aspects (though to a much lesser degree). Ultimately this temporal scale seems to reside in a manner that does not indicate much multi-modal integration. At a higher-order, emergent rhythms in motion that are biologically relevant (gait-cycle) seem to be the result of multisensory integration. The work sheds light on the perceptual processes that are engaged in perceiving BM as well as the role of multisensory integration in these processes. Moreover, the work also outlines interesting links between shorter and longer integration windows along the sensory and multisensory processing stages.

      In a series of experiments, the authors sought to investigate the role of multisensory integration in the processing of biological motion (BM). Specifically, they study neural entrainment in BM light-point walkers. Visual-only, auditory-only, and audio-visual (AV) displays were compared under different conditions.

      Experiments 1a and b mainly characterized entrainment to these stimuli. Here, entrainment to step cycle (at different scales for 1a and 1b) was found to entrain in the presence of the auditory rhythm and to a certain degree also for the visual stimulus (though barely beyond the noise floor in 1b). The AV condition for this temporal scale seemed to follow an additive rule whereby the combined stimulation resulted in entrainment more or less equal to the sum of the unimodal effects. At the slower, gait cycle a slightly different pattern emerges whereby neither unimodal stimulation conditions result in entrainment however the AV condition does.

      This finding was further explored in Experiment 2 where two extra manipulations were added. Point-light walkers could generally be either congruently paired with AV or incongruently. In addition, the visual BM stimulus was matched with a control consisting of an inverted BM and thus non-BM movement. This study enabled further discerning among the step- and gait-cycle findings seeing that the pattern that emerged suggested that step-cycle entrainment was consistent with a low-level process that is not selective to BM whilst gait-cycle entrainment was only found for BM. This generally replicated the findings in Experiment 1 and extended them further suggesting that entrainment seen for uni- and multisensory step cycles is reflects a different process than that captured in the gait-cycle multi-modal entrainment. The selective BM finding seemed to demonstrate a link to autistic traits within a sample of 24 participants informing a hypothesis that sensitivity to biological motion might be related to social cognition.


      The main strengths of the paper relate to the conceptualization of BM and the way it is operationalized in the experimental design and analyses. The use of entrainment, and the tracking of different, nested aspects of BM result in seemingly clean data that demonstrate the basic pattern. The first experiments essentially provide the basic utility of the methodological innovation and the second experiment further hones in on the relevant interpretation of the findings by the inclusion of better control stimuli sets.

      Another strength of the work is that it includes at a conceptual level two replications.


      The statistical analysis is misleading and inadequate at times. The inclusion of the autism trait is not foreshadowed and adequately motivated and is likely underpowered. Finally, a broader discussion over other nested frequencies that might reside in the point-light walker stimuli would also be important to fully interpret the different peaks in the spectra.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In their study on "Nonlinear sensitivity to acoustic context is a stable feature of neuronal responses to complex sounds in auditory cortex of awake mice", Akritas et al. investigate the stability of the response properties of neurons in the auditory cortex of mice. They estimate a model with restricted non-linearities for individual neurons and compare the model properties between recordings on the same day and subsequent days. They find that both the linear and nonlinear components of the model stay rather constant over this period and conclude that on the level of the tuning properties, there is no evidence for representational drift on this time scale.


      - The study has a clear analytical approach that goes beyond linear models and investigates this in a rigorous way, in particular comparing across-day variability to within-day variability.<br /> - The use of tetrodes is a rather reliable way in electrophysiological recordings to assess neuron identity over multiple days.<br /> - The comparison with pupil and motion activity was useful and insightful.<br /> - The presentation of the study is very logical and pretty much flawless on the writing level.


      - The stability results across cells show a good amount of variability, which is only partially addressed.<br /> - In particular, no attempt is made to localize the cells in space, in order to check whether these differences could be layer or area-dependent.<br /> - The full context model also includes the possibility to estimate the input non-linearity, which was not done here, but could have been insightful.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The neuropeptide galanin is primarily expressed in the hypothalamus and has been shown to play critical roles in homeostatic functions such as arousal, sleep, stress, and brain disorders such as epilepsy. Previous work in rodents using galanin analogs and receptor-specific knockout has provided convincing evidence for the anti-convulsant effects of galanin.

      In the present study, the authors sought to determine the relationship between galanin expression and whole-brain activity. The authors took advantage of the transparent nature of larval zebrafish to perform whole-brain neural activity measurements via widefield calcium imaging. Two models of seizures were used (eaat2a-/- and pentylenetetrazol; PTZ). In the eaat2a-/- model, spontaneous seizures occur and the authors found that galanin transcript levels were significantly increased and associated with a reduced frequency of calcium events. Similarly, two hours after PTZ galanin transcript levels roughly doubled and the frequency and amplitude of calcium events were reduced. The authors also used a heat shock protein line (hsp70I:gal) where galanin transcript levels are induced by activation of heat shock protein, but this line also shows higher basal transcript levels of galanin. Again, the higher level of galanin in hsp70I:gal larval zebrafish resulted in a reduction of calcium events and a reduction in the amplitude of events. In contrast, galanin knockout (gal-/-) increased calcium activity, indicated by an increased number of calcium events, but a reduction in amplitude and duration. Knockout of the galanin receptor subtype galr1a via crispants also increased the frequency of calcium events.

      In subsequent experiments in eaat2a-/- mutants were crossed with hsp70I:gal or gal-/- to increase or decrease galanin expression, respectively. These experiments showed modest effects, with eaat2a-/- x gal-/- knockouts showing an increased normalized area under the curve and seizure amplitude.

      Lastly, the authors attempted to study the relationship between galanin and brain activity during a PTZ challenge. The hsp70I:gal larva showed an increased number of seizures and reduced seizure duration during PTZ. In contrast, gal-/- mutants showed an increased normalized area under the curve and a stark reduction in the number of detected seizures, a reduction in seizure amplitude, but an increase in seizure duration. The authors then ruled out the role of Galr1a in modulating this effect during PTZ, since the number of seizures was unaffected, whereas the amplitude and duration of seizures were increased.


      (1) The gain- and loss-of function galanin manipulations provided convincing evidence that galanin influences brain activity (via calcium imaging) during interictal and/or seizure-free periods. In particular, the relationship between galanin transcript levels and brain activity in Figures 1 & 2 was convincing.

      (2) The authors use two models of epilepsy (eaat2a-/- and PTZ).

      (3) Focus on the galanin receptor subtype galr1a provided good evidence for the important role of this receptor in controlling brain activity during interictal and/or seizure-free periods.


      (1) Although the relationship between galanin and brain activity during interictal or seizure-free periods was clear, the manuscript currently lacks mechanistic insight in the role of galanin during seizure-like activity induced by PTZ.

      (2) Calcium imaging is the primary data for the paper, but there are no representative time-series images or movies of GCaMP signal in the various mutants used.

      (3) For Figure 3, the authors suggest that hsp70I:gal x eaat2a-/-mutants would further increase galanin transcript levels, which were hypothesized to further reduce brain activity. However, the authors failed to measure galanin transcript levels in this cross to show that galanin is actually increased more than the eaat2a-/- mutant or the hsp70I:gal mutant alone.

      (4) Similarly, transcript levels of galanin are not provided in Figure 2 for Gal-/- mutants and galr1a KOs. Transcript levels would help validate the knockout and any potential compensatory effects of subtype-specific knockout.

      (5) The authors very heavily rely on calcium imaging of different mutant lines. Additional methods could strengthen the data, translational relevance, and interpretation (e.g., acute pharmacology using galanin agonists or antagonists, brain or cell recordings, biochemistry, etc).

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The study by Tateishi et al. utilized TnSeq in nine genetically diverse M. intracellulare strains, identifying 131 common essential and growth-defect-associated genes across those strains, which could serve as potential drug targets. The authors also provided an overview of the differences in gene essentiality required for hypoxic growth between the reference strain and the clinical strains. Furthermore, they validated the universal and accessory/strain-dependent essential genes by knocking down their expression using CRISPRi technique. Overall, this study offers a comprehensive assessment of gene requirements in different clinical strains of M. intracellular.

      (1) The rationale for using ATCC13950 versus clinical strains needs to be clarified. The reference strain ATCC13950 was obtained from the abdominal lymph node of a patient around 10 years ago and is therefore considered a clinical strain that has undergone passages in vitro. How many mutations have accumulated during these in vitro passages? Are these mutations significant enough to cause the behavior of ATCC13950 to differ from other recently sampled clinical strains? From the phylogenetic tree, ATCC13950 is located between M018 and M.i.27. Did the authors observe a similarity in gene essentiality between ATCC13950 and its neighbor strains? What is the key feature that separates ATCC13950 from these clinical strains? The authors should provide a strong rationale for how to interpret the results of this comparison in a clinical or biological context.

      (2) Regarding the 'nine representative strains of M. intracellulare with diverse genotypes in this study,' how were these nine strains selected? To what extent do they represent the genetic diversity of the M. intracellulare population? A phylogenetic tree illustrating the global genetic diversity of the M. intracellulare population, with these strains marked on it, would be important to demonstrate their genetic representativeness.

      (3) The authors observed a considerable amount of differential gene requirements in clinical strains. However, the genetic underpinning underlying the differential requirement of genes in clinical strains was not investigated or discussed. Because M. intracellulare has a huge number of accessory genes, the authors should at least check whether the differential requirement could be explained by the existence of a second copy of functional analogous genes or duplications.

      (4) Growth in aerobic and hypoxic conditions: The authors concluded that clinical strains are better adapted to hypoxia, as reflected by their earlier entry into the log phase. They presented the 'Time at midpoint' and 'Growth rate at midpoint.' However, after reviewing the growth curves, I noticed that ATCC13950 had a longer lag phase compared to other strains under hypoxic conditions, and its phylogenetic neighbor M018 also had a longer lag phase. Hence, I do not believe a conclusion can be drawn that clinical strains are better adapted to hypoxia, as this behavior could be specific to a particular clade. It's also possible that the ATCC13950 strain has adapted to aerobic growth. I would suggest that the authors include growth curves in the main figures. The difference in 'Time at midpoint' could be attributed to several factors, and visualizing the growth curves would provide additional context and clarity.

      (5) Lack of statistical statement: The authors emphasized the role of pellicle-formation-associated genes in strain-dependent essential and accessory essential genes. Additionally, the authors observed that 10% of the genes required for mouse infection are also required for hypoxic pellicle formation. However, these are merely descriptive statements. There is no enrichment analysis to justify whether pellicle-formation-associated genes are significantly enriched in these groups.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The study reports clearly on the role of the AhpC protein as an antioxidant factor in Chlamydia trachomatis and speculates on the role of AhpC as an indirect regulator of developmental transcription induced by redox stress in this differentiating obligate intracellular bacterium.


      The question posed and the concluding model about redox-dependent differentiation in chlamydia is interesting and highly relevant. This work fits with other propositions in which redox changes have been reported during bacterial developmental cycles, potentially as triggers, but have not been cited (examples PMID: 2865432, PMID: 32090198, PMID: 26063575). Here, AhpC over-expression is shown to protect Chlamydia towards redox stress imposed by H2O2, CHP, TBHP, and PN, while CRISPRi-mediated depletion of AhpC curbed intracellular replication and resulted in increased ROS levels and sensitivity to oxidizing agents. Importantly, the addition of ROS scavengers mitigated the growth defect caused by AhpC depletion. These results clearly establish the role of AhpC affects the redox state and growth in Ct (with the complicated KO genetics and complementation that are very nicely done).


      However, with respect to the most important implication and claims of this work, the role of redox in controlling the chlamydial developmental cycle rather than simply being a correlation/passenger effect, I am less convinced about the impact of this work. First, the study is largely observational and does not resolve how this redox control of the cell cycle could be achieved, whereas in the case of Caulobacter, a clear molecular link between DNA replication and redox has been proposed. How would progressive oxidation in RBs eventually trigger the secondary developmental genes to induce EB differentiation? Is there an OxyR homolog that could elicit this change and why would the oxidation stress in RBs gradually accumulate during growth despite the presence of AhpC? In other words, the role of AhpC is simply to delay or dampen the redox stress response until the trigger kicks in, again, what is the trigger? Is this caused by increasing oxidative respiration of RBs in the inclusion? But what determines the redox threshold?

      I also find the experiment with Pen treatment to have little predictive power. The fact that transcription just proceeds when division is blocked is not unprecedented. This also happens during the Caulobacter cell cycle when FtsZ is depleted for most developmental genes, except for those that are activated upon completion of the asymmetric cell division and that is dependent on the completion of compartmentalization. This is a smaller subset of developmental genes in caulobacter, but if there is a similar subset that depends on division on chlamydia and if these are affected by redox as well, then the argument about the interplay between developmental transcription and redox becomes much stronger and the link more intriguing. Another possibility to strengthen the study is to show that redox-regulated genes are under the direct control of chlamydial developmental regulators such as Euo, HctA, or others and at least show dual regulation by these inputs -perhaps the feed occurs through the same path.

      This redox-transcription shortcoming is also reflected in the discussion where most are about the effects and molecular mitigation of redox stress in various systems, but there is little discussion on its link with developmental transcription in bacteria in general and chlamydia.

    1. Hesaw through everybody, but he saw through them precisely because the firstthing he looked for in people was the very thing he had seen in himself andmay not have wished others to see

      Does this support the idea of Narcissus? Yes, it means he sees his own reflection in others and understands others only because he knows himself. Demonstrates maturity



    1. After the two lovers have at last slept together, we learn that what each perceived as theother’s indifference and dislike had actually been signs of their affection all along. In fact, welearn that the signs they misunderstand are largely signs that each himself uses to conveyaffection, so that they are almost literally in love with their own reflections.

      "The signs they misunderstand are largely signs that each himself uses to convey affection, so that they are almost literally in love with their own reflections."

      Firstly, what does this mean, and how do we know?

      Does this show a disconnect between understanding one's own identity as he misunderstands Oliver's coldness which is actually affection? Elio does not have a grasp on himself because he misunderstands his own reflection, although he does come to understand him more as the story progresses.

