26 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Modular development is a significant advantage of Angular development services. In this instance, mobile applications are separated into manageable, compact pieces. Developers may now create apps with disparate components that function as a whole. It makes debugging and development easier.

      Learn how Angular can enhance your mobile app development, offering powerful features for seamless cross-platform applications. Explore the benefits of using angular for mobile app development, from scalability to easy integration with other tools, and why it’s a top choice for developers.

  2. Nov 2024
    1. Best suited for deployment of trained AI models in Android and iOS operating systems, TensorFlow Lite provides customers with on-device machine learning capability through mobile-optimized pre-trained models. It’s efficient while having low latency and compatibility for multiple languages which makes it very versatile. Developers can leverage its lightweight and mobile-optimized models to provide on-device AI functionality with minimal latency when implementing TensorFlow Lite in mobile apps.

      Implementing Trained AI Models in Mobile App Development is transforming app experiences by integrating machine learning into iOS and Android platforms. From AI-powered personalization to advanced analytics, trained models empower intelligent decision-making and enhanced functionality.

  3. Jul 2021
    1. Union 制作的字体遮罩
    2. iPhone 用的是一个叫 Sceneshot 的 3D 版带壳截屏软件,可以在三维空间里手动随意改变角度。
    3. 为了实现铅笔素描的效果,用了 My Sketch 这款 App,然后通过混合模式就可以自然的印在牛皮纸上。
    4. 头骨和彩色喷溅物则是使用 Glitché
    5. 牙齿崩裂的效果是用 Picsart App 制作的
    6. 像这种简单的加字我基本都是用 Phonto,文字可以自动居中,大字体 + 小字体调大字间距会更好看
    7. 这张底部反射面使用的是 Aliensky 开发商的另一款 App:Reflect Mirror Camera
    8. 上图的光线,我使用的是 Aliensky 这个 App 直接添加。

      Alien Sky by BrainFeverMedia

    9. 这张后面的 3D 字体用的是 Threedi 这款 App。
  4. Jan 2021
  5. Dec 2020
  6. Oct 2020
    1. Through the telemedicine app, you can quickly get service from a doctor without walk away from one step from home. Here are the best telemedicine apps, which have been getting the best ratings, reviews, and overall reliability through users.
  7. Aug 2020
    1. To the fact, 77% of the users will stop using an app within 3 days of its download. Only those apps will survive who have soothing mobile usability and UX/UI designs.
  8. Jun 2020

      Get in contact with company if you're looking for iOS app development company.

    1. "You wanted open source privacy-preserving Bluetooth contact tracing code? #DP3T software development kits/calibration apps for iOS and Android, and backend server, now on GitHub. iOS/Android apps with nice interface to follow." Michael Veale on Twitter (see context)

  9. Feb 2020
    1. Mobile App Development Agency with Dedicated App Developers

      Need help turning your great idea into an app on the App Store? ROEMIN Creative Technology has the mobile app developers that can turn your dream into a reality. Did you know that there are numerous apps that start from great ideas, but fail because of poor development or positioning in the App Store or Google Play? Don’t let a great idea go to waste! Work with professional mobile app developers that know how to turn it into a top app.

  10. Oct 2019
    1. Install On Air is best application distribution service over the air. We offer Beta App, iOS App and Android App distribution. Don’t waste time and have an easy process for testing builds.

  11. Sep 2019
  12. Mar 2019
  13. Aug 2018
    1. In addition to using the catalog for the 2017-2018 school year, school performance data for the past three years has been uploaded into the app. Altogether this year, 120 teachers and almost 1,500 students will benefit from this solution in Alba Iulia. With e-album iulia, available on Android and iOS, tourists have access to information about the city's main objectives, and local businesses can hold dedicated campaigns.