6 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. but we arewilling to pay that price of not having successful pro- .secutions here.

      Not anymore.

    2. Entrapment is one such restriction, the exclu-sionary rule being another, Miranda 18 being another,and also cases being dismissed under the right to aspeedy trial, strict double jeopardy, and confrontationrights.

      And now, in 2024, almost all of those are gone, or severely limited.

  2. May 2021
  3. Jan 2021
  4. trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov
    1. The bedrock upon which the American political system is built is the rule of law.

      Here's another theme that emerges in the document repeatedly. Watch over the next ten pages or so as it goes from natural rights and law-over-ruler to obedience.

  5. Feb 2014
    1. Rule of Law: In some cases this will be clearer than others, but basically you want to identify the principle of law on which the judge or justice is basing the resolution of the case. This is what you’ll often hear called “black letter law.”
    1. The cases on the subject are collected in a footnote to Somerset Bank v. Edmund, 10 Am. & Eng. Ann. Cas. 726; 76 Ohio St. Rep. 396, the head-note to which reads: "Public policy and sound morals alike forbid that a public officer should demand or receive for services performed by him in the discharge of official duty any other or further remuneration or reward than that prescribed or allowed by law." This rule of public policy has been relaxed only in those instances where the legislature for sufficient public reason has seen fit by statute to extend the stimulus of a reward to the public without distinction, as in the case of United States v. Matthews, 173 U.S. 381, where the attorney-general, under an act for "the detection and prosecution of crimes against the United States," made a public offer of reward sufficiently liberal and generic to comprehend the services of a federal deputy marshal. Exceptions of that character upon familiar principles serve to emphasize the correctness of the rule, as one based upon sound public policy.

      1) A public officer cannot demand or receive remuneration or a reward for carrying out the duty of his job as a matter of public policy and morality

      2) However, it is not against public policy for a police officer to receive a reward in performance of his legal duty if the legislature passes a statute giving the reward to the public at large in furtherance of some public policy - such as preventing treason against the US.