- Dec 2022
www.justingarrison.com www.justingarrison.com
- Apr 2022
anildash.com anildash.com
I'm sure I read this ages ago, but it's not in my notebook yet. Perhaps worth another pass for notes.
winnielim.org winnielim.org
Also related to this idea of content display is the sentiment in https://anildash.com/2012/08/14/stop_publishing_web_pages/
- Mar 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Starts out with four and a half minutes of anti-crypto and Web3 material. Presumably most of her audience is in the web3 space.
Neocities: http://neocities.org
The Yesterweb: http://yesterweb.org
Marginalia Search: https://search.marginalia.nu/explore/random
It [the IndieWeb] is so so queer. Like it's super gay, super trans, super good.
The indie web also questions tech solutionism which often attempts to solve human problems by removing the human element. But easily the most remarkable and powerful thing about the internet is the ability it has to connect us with one another.
- Feb 2021
www.schneems.com www.schneems.com
The alternative was to have multiple scripts or stylesheet links on one page, which would trigger multiple HTTP requests. Multiple requests mean multiple connection handshakes for each link “hey, I want some data”, “okay, I have the data”, “alright I heard that you have the data, give it to me” (SYN, ACK, SYNACK). Even once the connection is created there is a feature of TCP called TCP slow start that will throttle the speed of the data being sent at the beginning of a request to a slower speed than the end of the request. All of this means transferring one large request is faster than transferring the same data split up into several smaller requests.
- Dec 2020
- Sep 2020
engineering.mixmax.com engineering.mixmax.com
many CDNs nowadays ultimately source from npm (before caching the JavaScript on their own edge servers). So you'll be guaranteed to have the same library version on the CDN as on npm
- Jul 2020
amp.dev amp.dev
While stylesheets can be reworked relatively easily with AMP by inlining the CSS, the same is not true for JavaScript. The tag 'script' is disallowed except in specific forms. In general, scripts in AMP are only allowed if they follow two major requirements: All JavaScript must be asynchronous (i.e., include the async attribute in the script tag). The JavaScript is for the AMP library and for any AMP components on the page. This effectively rules out the use of all user-generated/third-party JavaScript in AMP except as noted below.
The problem is that this is an external stylesheet reference. In AMP, to keep the load times of documents as fast as possible, you cannot include external stylesheets.
- May 2020
add0n.com add0n.com
Load requested features from GitHub
- Dec 2019
justread.link justread.link
- Aug 2019
www.smashingmagazine.com www.smashingmagazine.com
If your comment is about a typo, problem with the website or anything else, please use our contact form.
First time I've seen users directed to use a separate channel than the main comments area for notifying about typos. Good idea.