37 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. ( ~4:40)

      Where the peep did he get the idea of writing dates as part of the alphanumeric ID? Ahrens?

      It's a bad habit, it has nearly no value and when writing a lot of cards in a day this quickly becomes cumbersome.

      Stick to the normal alphanumeric IDs.

  2. Mar 2024
    1. In each class the individual articles or the folders containing anumber of articles belonging to the same firm are numbered con-secutively, CI, C2, Tl, T2 etc. that is : a new series of consecutivenumbers is started with each initial letter. The correspondenceof Smith & Co. may for instance be in a folder marked C34, thecatalogues of Jones Bros, may be numbered T89. But theremay be a hundred letters to and from Smith & Co. and a dozencatalogues from Jones Bros, so that it will be necessary to dividefurther until each specific article will have a specific numberby which it can be quoted exclusively reserved to it. This isdone by suffixing the date to the previous numbers thus : C34-3VII7or T89-1906 etc. The former refers to a letter of Smith & Co.dated July the third 1907, the latter refers to a catalogue ofJones Bros, of 1906. No matter how large the files will becomein time, the meaning of these numbers will remain the same, andthere can be no other articles bearing these numbers. If a numberor numbers refer to more than one article, confusion is invariablythe result

      Kaiser lays out an alphanumeric system for indexing materials using letters, numbers, and even dates and importantly suggests a 1-1 and onto relationship (though not in these terms) to prevent confusion.

      Compare with Niklas Luhmann's system.

  3. Jan 2024
    1. Call Numbers

      Interesting to see a mix of numbers and letters in the indexing system here from 1908.

      Numbers for companies and dates and letters as tags for a variety of business purposes as well as for month indicators.



  4. Mar 2023
  5. Feb 2023
  6. Apr 2022
    1. Our first scenario envisions a future where students can build their own learning modules and degree programs based on their individual tastes by freely piecing together what classes they wish to take. Depending on the characteristics of the selected modules, a degree with a certain focus is awarded.
  7. Nov 2021
  8. Sep 2019
    1. The importance of giving students responsibility for their own domain cannot be overstated. This can be a way to track growth and demonstrate new learning over the course of a student’s school career – something that they themselves can reflect upon, not simply grades and assignments that are locked away in a proprietary system controlled by the school.

      I absolutely agree with this. Freedom in an individuals pursuit of their passionate ability to learn productively for themselves is of the the utmost importance.

    2. While some schools are turning to social media monitoring firms to keep an eye on students online

      I have experienced this and let me say this is one the most negatively impacting ways to endorse student productivity online. I found that most people in the school I was in that had this would become infatuated by the idea of getting passed these blocks and ultimately waste more time than if the blocks were not there in the first place.

    3. Often when schools talk to students about their presence on the Web, they do so in terms of digital citizenship: what students need to know in order to use technology “appropriately.”

      I find this saps students productivity on the web and ultimately does the opposite of endorsing student excitement to undertake productive and passionate research online.

    4. At the simplest level, a Domain of One’s Own helps students build their own digital portfolio.

      I hopefully will be creating my own digital portfolio before I graduate

    5. aving one’s own domain means that students have much more say over what they present to the world, in terms of their public profiles, professional portfolios, and digital identities.

      I agree with this as In my experience with personal domains the potential for creative individual expression and communication is limitless.

    6. Domains initiative provides students and faculty with their own Web domain. It isn’t simply a blog or a bit of Web space and storage at the school’s dot-edu, but their own domain – the dot com (or dot net, etc) of the student’s choosing.

      This is a very empowering reality as if a student is to enact their own personal power in managing a personal website they can build themselves an upper-hand in marketing themselves to the world.

    7. But almost all arguments about student privacy, whether those calling for more restrictions or fewer, fail to give students themselves a voice

      This is an unfortunate reality I feel spans wider than just students. I see many young adults, students or not, in our society unable to truly get their voice heard.

    8. Student privacy has become one of the hottest issues in education, with some 170 bills proposed so far this year that would regulate it. These legislative efforts stress the need to protect students when they’re online

      I had no idea this was the case! How interesting. It is wild to think about our system of law and just how many bills pass for every specific issue that is dealt with in our society.

    1. If your goal, for instance, is to show potential employers that you are a person of substance, achievement, and expertise, then you can’t be anonymous, because the whole point of being online is to get your name out there.

      This resonates with me and makes me feel that it is worth taking risks in marketing yourself to the world, not just online.

    2. We ought to be able to celebrate both our highly public teams of scholars and our quiet hermits, and we ought to be flexible enough to allow one to become the other.

      I love this1 I think this is the most admirable level of freedom that can be endorsed; safety and opportunity for being vulnerable.

    3. t’s an attention economy out there, and with demands on our attentions expanding exponentially, it’s difficult to get noticed at all.

      I liked this statement. It resonates with me because I have realized in my own observation of our economic structure that the way things are marketed in our world is through captivating m[people's attention.

    4. agree with the principles of open education, open pedagogy

      This word 'pedagogy' mind-boggled me at first and I had to look it up to understand this sentence accurately.

  9. Jul 2019
  10. Jun 2019
  11. Oct 2018
    1. Are you more interested in INSTRUMENTAL or CRITICAL interdisciplinarity? 

      I'm more interested in instrumental interdisciplinary. I'm not looking to change the world, and very much not looking to be a scholar or educator. I'm looking to integrate my knowledge in tackling concepts.

    1. First, we must help teach the teachers. Colleges must develop strategies to enable their faculty members, who are steeped in different disciplines, to have opportunities for multidisciplinary work as they continue their own lifelong learning.

      I feel like this is something Plymouth State's integrated clusters embodies. Being able to approach something from two different perspectives is what we at IDS are learning exploring as well.

  12. Apr 2018
  13. Nov 2017
    1. “We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely.”
    2. the Big Ideas classroom mirrors the interdisciplinary research teams that exist across campus—and, importantly, the workplace of the future.
  14. Oct 2017
  15. May 2017
  16. Apr 2017
  17. Apr 2016
  18. Feb 2016
  19. Jan 2016
  20. Sep 2015
    1. Some college presidents have pointed to interdisciplinarity to justify the elimination of separate disciplinary departments or programs. What do you make of these moves?
    1. They should focus on learning through experience and the cycle of failure inherent in creative endeavours. Rather than defining measurable learning outcomes, curricula should support aspirational outcomes that ignite lifelong learning and encourage inquiry beyond the classroom.
    2. Universities must also get comfortable with the idea of providing an education focused on the whole person rather than only acquiring discipline-specific knowledge and skills. This has been accomplished at Stanford University where students undertake “missions not majors”.
    1. do we focus on creating students who are ‘job ready’ for today, or who are ‘entrepreneurially spirited’ for the world which is likely to be on their doorstep within the next twenty years?