5 Matching Annotations
- Mar 2023
investinopen.org investinopen.org
The compiled dataset is made available on Zenodo.
Great to see IOI walking the walk here and releasing data with the recommended CC0 public domain dedication.
- Apr 2022
investinopen.org investinopen.org
Infrastructure is a socio-technical system rather than a technical product.
This is great to see as so often infrastructure is considered to be only within a purely technical layer.
Infrastructure is dynamic.
Also key: A common view of infrastructure as more permanent structures like "roads and bridges", or even digital networks, shapes understanding away from infrastructure as a more dynamic socio-technical system.
- Dec 2020
go-to-hellman.blogspot.com go-to-hellman.blogspot.com
Infra-infrastructure, inter-infrastructure and para-infrastructure
- Jun 2020
investinopen.org investinopen.org
Thaney, K. (2020, April 8). Open Infrastructure in times of crisis: How IOI can help. Invest in Open Infrastructure. https://investinopen.org/2020/04/08/open-infrastructure-in-times-of-crisis.html