18 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fwgvVCrVMM

      How most Ottoman sultans are introduced (as represented in Turkish television). Reference long list of possible titles for Ottoman sultans.

  2. Apr 2023
    1. The one-sentence-summary compresses the summary to one sentence (or two). The title is a further compression of the content into a few words. Working on the one-sentence summary and the title is an act of learning itself. You cannot get any understanding of the Method without real content. See this video for further explanations: How to write good titles for your Zettelkasten

      In narrative inquiry I ask people to title the experience they shared after sharing. Similarly I write my own titles usually after the content of a blogpost or a notion. Although when it comes to the internal branching highlighted above I usually start with a temporary title, which captures the jumping off point from the originating note.

  3. Mar 2023
    1. zettelkasten

      (free of this context, but I need somewhere just to place this potential title/phrase...)

      Purpose Driven Zettelkasten

  4. Feb 2023
    1. Some systems require a unique identifier, but the people who are using a datetime stamp or random number anywhere in their (Luhmann-esque) zettelkasten title (here's a good example) are leading you astray. Doubly so if it occurs at the beginning of the title. There are no affordances in this practice and it's more likely to cause problems at scale. Just say no! (Note this is not the same as using a Luhmann-esque identifier at the start of a title as a means of providing a sort order of one's notes held in an individual folder.)

      Are there any reasons for someone to do this?! - perhaps for file name conflicts when digitally inserting notes into a system using third party clients with titles which may cause conflicts (though these could/should be removed later for easier reading); - counterexample: https://hypothes.is/a/Jux0pq7yEe2Uqj9mFXS3nQ - Another potential issue is in shared or collaborative note taking spaces where collision is more likely because others don't have the shared context. - perhaps for forcing sort orders on daily notes or recurring meetings MeetingA YYYY-MM-DD, etc., though these are probably in a separate area of one's box and not in their zettelkasten section.

      The point of a zettelkasten is to provide one help in ordering and building their knowledge, not in ordering their notes by time created. This will rarely (sans database-related use cases perhaps) provide any insight and digital systems have other easier and better ways of doing this if you need it.

      Worse, some systems may not do autocompletion on words in the middle of titles, so starting a card with a datetime can hamper this functionality. One should check this against their particular system.

  5. Dec 2022
  6. www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
    1. Captain Weston

      Other Austen characters maintain their military titles (Colonel Brandon) why not Captain Weston?

  7. Sep 2022
    1. we only have what's called the right of occupancy to the land like a fish would occupy water our bird would occupy the air and Europeans have the right of discovery to the land the fee title to the land

      "Right of Occupancy" versus "Right of Discovery"

      In the 1823 Supreme Court decision of Johnson vs. M'Intosh, the court determined that the "Right of Discovery"—where title to the land flowed from the government's discovery action—trumped the "Right of Occupancy"—where the native tribe transferred title to the land. This created the legal precedent for [[land titles]].

  8. Jul 2022
    1. Thefirst is tagging eachnote with a keywordthat identifies what the idea described in the note is about.

      What are the potential different affordances allowed by giving cards titles versus giving them topic keywords or other taxonomic links?

      Card titles may be useful in analog settings, but they can be even more valuable in digital settings where one can transclude "cards" (read: ideas) into outlines.

      Both of these two patterns have some similarities. Is Allosso differentiating between them? As his notes don't seem to have titles otherwise, one would presume that he's solely referring to topic categories.

    1. Your practice sounds akin to that of the idea of progressive summarization which many do in their overall note taking work.

      I generally leave the title for last as well for just this reason. I find these titles are also incredibly helpful in reorganizing slips into broader outline forms for creating new articles.

  9. Sep 2018
    1. The more grand and out there it is, the more often I’ll actually read it.

      Creativity captures attention. So does clickbait, I suppose

  10. Feb 2018
    1. The Secret to Good Writing: It's About Objects, Not Ideas

      This statement is very similar to the thesis of the primary text. Haltman was very focused on transforming your ideas into physical and emotional descriptions of objects. I enjoy how the title grabs your attention by telling you the "secret" immediately instead of making you read to decipher what it is.

      The title makes me ask what is the difference?, Why will it only be good and not great? The dictionary difference between a idea and object is: an idea is defined as a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action. An object is a person or thing to which a specified action or feeling is directed.

      Based upon information alone I feel relates to Haltman and makes your writing better by sorting your suggestions and possibles courses of action into something specified and descriptive and elaborate. This answers my second question because if you do this your writing will be just "good".

  11. Jan 2018
    1. Boffin’s Bower

      In the manuscript the title is altered from "Harmony Jail." This alteration in the manuscript but not in the working notes could offer evidence that in some instances Dickens wrote the working notes after or at the same time as he wrote parts of the manuscript.

    2. Cut adrift Cast out Turned out Under Suspicion Parting company

      Here Dickens tests out potential titles for chapter six (VI). He settles on his first choice, "Cut adrift," which appears on the opposite page.

  12. Sep 2017
    1. Cut adrift             Cast out               Turned out                Under Suspicion                 Parting company

      Here Dickens tests out potential titles for chapter six (VI). He settles on his first choice, "Cut adrift," which appears on the opposite page.

  13. Feb 2017
  14. Dec 2016
  15. Oct 2016
  16. Sep 2013
    1. But now what shall we call him—what is the art in which he is skilled

      Concerned about labeling and defining skill sets