5 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2024
davekarpf.substack.com davekarpf.substack.com
Saul Alinsky writes that “the action is in the reaction.”
original source?
- Aug 2022
psychclassics.yorku.ca psychclassics.yorku.ca
one's bodily consciousness is the contraction,
A bodily reaction to emotion could be a contraction for example, the eyebrows move as do the eyes.
The first set of examples, the sounds, lines, and colours, are either bodily sensations, or the images of such. The second set seem to depend on processes in the ideational centres exclusively. Taken together, they appear to prove that there are pleasures and pains inherent in certain forms of nerve-action as such, wherever that action occur.
Knowing the difference to having an emotional reaction that can be seen versus one that can is shown through nerve reaction
two things concerning the emotions, one must be true. Either separate and special centres, affected to them alone, are their brain-seat, or else they correspond to processes occurring in the motor and sensory centres,
emotions rely on both motor and sensory centers. Why?
- Mar 2019
udlguidelines.cast.org udlguidelines.cast.org
UDL guidelines. As I post this, I do not know whether this website will be included in our future course readings or not. This website practices what it preaches and provides the same content in multiple forms. The viewer can select/choose the manner in which items are displayed. This has essential information, such as the need to provide "multiple means" of engagement, representation, action, and expression when teaching. Rating 5/5