- Sep 2023
bobdoto.computer bobdoto.computer
It's the kind of friction needed to help note takers who tend to drown in capture bloat—always onboarding, never offloading.
- Aug 2023
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
An interesting example of academic administrative bloat discussed here.
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
If done solely from a business perspective, the administration ought to be looking very closely on what their "product" actually is and the quality of what they're directly selling and to whom. It sounds like they ought to re-evaluate their priorities and might benefit from reading The Fall of the Faculty by Benjamin Ginsberg. Is it worthwhile to get a bulk discount and buy a couple hundred copies to send to the deans and senior administration?
- Feb 2023
writing.bobdoto.computer writing.bobdoto.computer
Using an alphanumeric identification system for your notes is a workout. By having to situate new notes among previously imported ones, folgezettel forces at least one connection between ideas. It's mental calisthenics,8 acting as a check against capture bloat—that is, importing "all the things."
Those who practice analog note taking have a high level of friction which prevents them from over-collecting (or "capture bloat", importing "all the things", or "collector's fallacy") ideas, which may not rise to a certain level of value. Beyond this, the requirement to find at least one other note to link each idea to provides a smaller hurdle against these hoarding practices.
- Mar 2022
ludocode.com ludocode.com
Software has gotten so much slower and more bloated that operating systems no longer run acceptably on spinning rust.
- Jul 2021
github.com github.com
Auto-Detect & install BigCommerce's stencil-cli Auto-Detect & install Meteor Auto-Detect & install Shopify's themekit
Simpler option: https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-server/blob/main/.envrc
greggman.github.io greggman.github.iounzipit1
One other thing is that many libraries seem bloated. IMO the smaller the API the better. I don't need a library to try to do 50 things via options and configuration.
blog.logrocket.com blog.logrocket.com
This “bloat,” along with recently seeing how mismanaged the open-source community is, finally broke the camel’s back for me. I realized that I needed to look elsewhere for a GraphQL client library.
- May 2021
github.com github.com
Are you also tired and fed up with the bulkiness of jQuery, but also don't want to have to type document.querySelector("div").appendChild(document.createTextNode("hello")); just to add some text to an element?
happy middle/medium?
- Oct 2020
medium.com medium.com
It’s a risky blanket statement that causes bloat by including all the mistakes you made while building the original product.
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
It would be tiresome - and bloated - to include a class pass-through for every component or assigning custom properties (from the RFC linked) for all potential properties on every component, just in case it's gonna be used in layouts that requires it. Wrapping them in a wrapper div is certainly an option, but potentially creates 100s or 1000s (long lists, several lists etc.) of new elements in the DOM slowing down low-end devices.