5 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2023
tracydurnell.com tracydurnell.com
form of always taking opportunities for connection. Pointing to other folks’ personal websites on my blogroll supports that end. Blogrolls
Blog rolls as opportunity for connection.
Tracy Durnell on her shift to more [[People Centered Navigation 20060930163901]]
- Feb 2023
Dzisiaj jest to bardzo rzadkie, właściwie niespotykane.
Faktycznie, rzadkie, jednak dające się jeszcze spotkać. Dwa przykłady: - https://webring.xxiivv.com/ - https://gossipsweb.net/
- Jul 2018
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
I’ve written up a bunch of details on how and what I did (as well as why), so hopefully it’ll give you a solid start including some custom code snippets and reasonably explicit directions to make some small improvements for those that may be a bit code-averse. Hint: I changed it from being a sidebar widget to making it a full page. Let us know if you need help making some of the small code related changes to get yourself sorted.
I have been wondering about your following page / blogroll lately. I looked into Colin Walker's plugin, but really did not want to rewrite all my links.
I have also been looking into archive page templates and assume that just as an archive can be incorporated into a widget or within a template, you have done the same thing with your 'blogroll', therefore when you add somebody new (seemingly weekly, if not daily) then your page automatically updates?
- May 2017
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
What’s Hot and Cooking In Scholarly Publishing