- Apr 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
what is the difference between legal drugs and illegal drugs?<br /> legal drugs generate profits for big pharma via patents<br /> illegal drugs generate profits for the CIA via monopoly on high-level crime<br /> empire is the original drug cartel ... there is zero difference between mafia and police
- Jan 2023
Nicola grateri has spent his career fighting the country's most powerful Mafia the indrangata
!- Title: Inside Italy's biggest mafia trial in decades!- !- Producer: BBC
-Nicola grateri has spent his career fighting the country's most powerful Mafia the indrangata
!- comment : violence - This is one form of violence in one part of the world which, through the drug trade spreads to the rest of the world - 60 billion Euros go to this Mafia gang for the drug trade across E. - the root problem however, is not being tackled, and that is the meaning crisis which drives consumption of these drugs - the polycrisis of humanity is supported by countless entangled and silo'ed crisis like this, affecting each other in invisible ways -
- Oct 2021
philo.substack.com philo.substack.comCartels1
The Cartel Theory of Everything
- Sep 2020
Kojaku, S., Livan, G., & Masuda, N. (2020). Detecting citation cartels in journal networks. ArXiv:2009.09097 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.09097
- Apr 2020
www.dw.com www.dw.com
Weiss, S. (2020 April 04). How the coronavirus lockdown is hitting Mexico's drug cartels. DW. https://p.dw.com/p/3aOBU