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  1. May 2024
    1. How long will we ignore the urgency of adopting responsible, sustainable policies worldwide? How long will the victims of such tragedies keep being ignored?

      for - post comment - LinkedIn - Brazil floods

  2. Aug 2023
    1. DILLER: And, you know, of course they always say to Californians that we don't have seasons. Of course, that is not true. We have fire, flood, mud and drought.

      Was this originally hers? I've used a variation of it for decades myself....

  3. Dec 2022
    1. I continued to use this analog method right up through my Ph.D. dissertation and first monograph. After a scare in the early stages of researching my second monograph, when I thought all of my index cards had been lost in a flood, I switched to an electronic version: a Word doc containing a table with four cells that I can type or paste information into (and easily back up).
  4. Aug 2022
    1. The population of Egypt grew from nomads who settled along the fertile Nile banks and transformed Egypt into a sedentary, agricultural society by 4795 B.C. Farmers sowed and harvested crops during seasons around the flooding.
    1. A floodplain or flood plain or bottomlands[1] is an area of land adjacent to a river which stretches from the banks of its channel to the base of the enclosing valley walls, and which experiences flooding during periods of high discharge.[2] The soils usually consist of clays, silts, sands, and gravels deposited during floods.[3] Because the regular flooding of floodplains can deposit nutrients and water, floodplains frequently have high soil fertility; some important agricultural regions, such as the Mississippi river basin and the Nile rely heavily on the flood plains. Agricultural regions as well as urban areas have developed near or on flood plains, because the access to water and high quality soil. However, the risk of flooding has led to increasing attempts of flood control.
  5. Jul 2022
    1. Dredging can have its benefits in controlling the local environment and in increasing of river capacity to combat floods. On the other hand it can have unintended environmental consequences.

    1. When deposits of silt are compressed and the grains are pressed together, rocks such as siltstone form.

      Siltstone is a potentially valuable by-product material from de-silting of riverbeds as means of flood aid.

    1. The results of the statistical analysis show that there is a significant relationship between residents’ flood awareness and having previous flood experience, but there is no significant association between their awareness of risk and the level of preparedness for flooding.

      People who had been flooded before are able to anticipate a flood, but cannot act on avoiding it or preparing for it.

  6. Jun 2022
    1. NY and NJ share the same bay, NJ will not join the Oyster program in fear people will eat them and get sick or die. Great post it actually cleaned up our waters where we now have all year visitors including whales, dolphins,tuna, seals all within sight of NYC.

      Despite those findings, Morris is optimistic about nature-based living reefs, which, she says, offer a much better economic and environmental investment than artificial counterparts. “You build these hard seawalls to withstand certain storms, certain events, certain future conditions,” she says, “But once these conditions are reached, they are not adaptive. You have to either build another seawall, or build the seawall higher, or repair them if they’re damaged in a storm.”

  7. Mar 2019
    1. is a waterborne bacterial disease, caused by the leptospiro bacteria. It rarely spreads from person to person and can be treated with common antib

      The bacteria is found in the urine of rodents.