23 Matching Annotations
- Mar 2024
Local file Local file
Lad os først analysere digtet "A" af Yahya Hassan, og derefter vil jeg give enperspektivering til Tove Ditlevsens "Barndommens Gade"
"Os" laver analyse, men gpt giver perspektivering..
Lad os gå igennem digtet "Barndommens Gade" strofe for strofe og foretage enuddybende analyse
Denne analyse gennemgår digtet strofe for strofe og udforsker de forskellige temaer, billeder ogsproglige virkemidler, der anvendes af Tove Ditlevsen i "Barndommens Gade"
Her er en analyse af Tove Ditlevsens digt "Barndommens Gade" med fokus på desproglige virkemidler:
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Her er nogle analyse- og diskussionsspørgsmål om Tove Ditlevsens digt "BarndommensGade", der er tilpasset til 6. klasse:
Her er et forslag til etundervisningsforløb
Local file Local file
Gennem disse aktiviteter kan eleverne udvikle deres forståelse af symbolisme og metaforersamt deres evne til at analysere og tolke litterære tekster på en dybere måde.
Her er nogle forslag til aktiviteter, der kan hjælpe med at introducere ogudforske disse litterære begreber
Her er etforslag til en optimal kapitelinddeling
Disse metaforer er blot nogle få eksempler på den rige og symbolske sprogbrug, som ToveDitlevsen anvender i "Barndommens Gade"
Her er nogle eksempler:
Her er nogle forslag til undervisningsaktiviteter, der kan hjælpeeleverne med at forstå og analysere romanen
- Aug 2022
- Oct 2020
www.onwebsecurity.com www.onwebsecurity.com
Yet it can be deceivingly difficult to properly encode (user) input
They were talking about output encoding but then switched to input encoding? Did they really mean to say input encoding here?
When processing untrusted user input for (web) applications, filter the input, and encode the output.
- May 2020
Pichler, Anton, Marco Pangallo, R. Maria del Rio-Chanona, François Lafond, and J. Doyne Farmer. “Production Networks and Epidemic Spreading: How to Restart the UK Economy?” ArXiv:2005.10585 [Physics, q-Fin], May 21, 2020. http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.10585.
- COVID-19
- production network
- epidemic spreading
- economic growth
- demand
- consumption
- supply
- social distincing
- is:article
- unemployment
- production
- economics
- reopening industry
- transmission rate
- inventory dynamics
- United Kingdom
- input-output constraints
- lang:en
- epidemiology
- industry
- work from home
- Apr 2020
security.stackexchange.com security.stackexchange.com
You don't "sanitize your output" you encode it for proper context within the application it is being presented. You encode the output for HTML, HTML Attribute, URL, JavaScript
When you output the data, you know the use case of the data. This knowledge allows you to safely sanitize the output data accordingly.
I would call this output encoding instead of sanitization
wpvip.com wpvip.com
1- Validation: you “validate”, ie deem valid or invalid, data at input time. For instance if asked for a zipcode user enters “zzz43”, that’s invalid. At this point, you can reject or… sanitize. 2- sanitization: you make data “sane” before storing it. For instance if you want a zipcode, you can remove any character that’s not [0-9] 3- escaping: at output time, you ensure data printed will never corrupt display and/or be used in an evil way (escaping HTML etc…)
- Feb 2018
www.tldp.org www.tldp.org
Process Substitution
- Oct 2016
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Previously, intensity-dependent metabolic changes have been found with positron emission tomography and blood oxygen level dependent magnetic resonance imaging after TMS to motor/prefrontal cortex; bilateral motor/prefrontal and auditory activation is induced, which becomes stronger with increasing pulse intensity [Bohning et al.,1999,2000; Fox et al.,1997; Nahas et al.,2001; Siebner et al.,1999; Speer et al.,2003]. However, these results are not directly comparable with our EEG findings. Arising a few seconds poststimulus, metabolic changes reflect relatively long-lasting activity of interconnected neuronal networks, whereas we were interested in the TMS-evoked events that occurred within a fraction of a second.