- Aug 2023
www.si.edu www.si.edu
In 1970 Diller starred as Dolly Gallagher Levi in Hello, Dolly! for three months at the St. James Theatre on Broadway. Diller followed Carol Channing, Ginger Rogers, Martha Raye, Pearl Bailey (in a version with an all-black cast) and Betty Grable in the role and was replaced by Ethel Merman, who closed out the show in December 1970.
- Feb 2022
hardhistoriesjhu.substack.com hardhistoriesjhu.substack.com
Taking a moment to send a warm thank you to all the work (both visible and invisible) that Dr. Martha S. Jones and her lab are doing for the Johns Hopkins Community and far beyond. Where ever you live, I heartily recommend their newsletter Hard Histories at Hopkins.
- Jan 2022
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Another company, Pietra, connects influencers with manufacturers in order to help them launch their own product lines.
When manufacturers, like Pietra, help influencers manufacture their own product lines, we've taken another step from big celebrities having their own product lines (think Martha Stewart cookware and other lifestyle plays her company has made).
This is splitting the difference between the Tupperware parties of old where you're empowering your users to sell your product and having celebrities sell your product.
What is the next step along this evolutionary path of breaking down the sales funnel? Can it be disintermediated further?
Another example of this are the thousands of small Etsy shops that are churning out products as intermediaries. An example of this is the proliferation of sticker companies that are selling somewhat custom designs for 2-3x the going rate and adding a rather large mark up for themselves. In this case there are at least some modest creative pieces being added in the value chain, but at what overall cost?
Will everyone be a manufacturer? When does it all become Amway?
- Nov 2020
www.klimafakten.de www.klimafakten.de
In Wissenschaft, Politik, Behörden, Medien, Zivilgesellschaft und anderswo - viele Menschen sprechen, schreiben, kommunizieren über den Klimawandel. In unserer Serie stellen wir einige von ihnen vor. Jeden Monat stellen wir dazu einer anderen Person dieselben sechs Fragen. Teil 11: Martha Stangl, Mitarbeiterin des österreichischen Klimaforschungsnetzwerk CCCA und Nebenerwerbslandwirtin
- Nov 2017
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
A video for Domains 2017. All footage by the amazing Meredith Fierro. Contributions from Zach Whalen, Steve Greenlaw, Nora Forknall, Janine Davis, Mark Synder, Clark Billups, Lee Skallerup Bessette, Callie Liberty, Parrish Waters, Claudine Ferrell, Sierra, Andi Livi Smith, Elaina Finkelstein, Troy Paino, Kris Shaffer, Jenn Hill, Stephanie Buckler, and Audrey Watters.
Recognized a few, but not everyone. Would need to watch Meredith Fierra’s full film (with lower thirds, one might assume). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9dGAAe-emY
sunderbriar.org sunderbriar.org
Reston Brown
As in Reston, VA?
wrapping.marthaburtis.net wrapping.marthaburtis.net
But if they are learning how to build on the Web they probably need to know something about becoming findable (or unfindable) on the Web. And by extension they need to understand how the power behind that findability is impacting the course of human history. 12 months ago if I had said that, some people would have rolled their eyes at me, but I think it’s safe to say that in the last 9 months we’ve all realized just how powerful algorithms are in shaping the outcomes of our culture.
This is a pretty useful example of a paragraph with subtext, don’t you think? Could easily imagine future readers and annotators coming to this passage and scratching their heads for a minute while looking at the date. What happened nine months before June 2017? Living outside the US, it took me a few seconds to guess it (and my guess may be wrong). Of course, Martha was “playing for the audience” (though DoOO is having an impact outside the US). There’s indeed a shared understanding that events in the political arena may be relevant in our work on digital literacies.
- Apr 2017
www.digitalpedagogylab.com www.digitalpedagogylab.com
Beyond Websites
Not the tool or the product (both are valuable), but the greater experience for students to understand how the web works, what caused it to break, and how to work collaboratively to fix it. All big learning opps.
- Aug 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
Making and Breaking Domain of One’s Own: Rethinking the Web in Higher Ed