6 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
x = -3 "++-"[x <=> 0] # => "-" x = 0 "++-"[x <=> 0] # => "+" x = 3 "++-"[x <=> 0] # => "+"
- May 2021
github.com github.com
Non-solutions Start replacing process.env[ with ({})[ if you're sadistic
- Feb 2021
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
Adding ends to an activity is a beautiful way to communicate more than two outcomes to the outer world without having to use a state field in the ctx. It also allows wiring those outcomes to different tracks in the container activity.
- May 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
If you update your pages and push to github, people revisiting the pages who have already got cached copies will not get the new pages without actually cleaning their browser cache. How can a script running in a page determine that it is stale and force an update?
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
for me it was because the browser use cached data(old styles) so i opend other brwser
jamanetwork.com jamanetwork.com
Nundy, S., & Patel, K. K. (2020). Hospital-at-Home to Support COVID-19 Surge—Time to Bring Down the Walls? JAMA Health Forum, 1(5), e200504–e200504. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamahealthforum.2020.0504