- May 2024
wiki.openhumans.org wiki.openhumans.org
"The Personal Science Wiki hosts knowledge about "personal science", where individuals use empirical methods to ask and answer questions about their own lives. Personal science practices overlap with various related communities (e.g. Quantified Self and patient-led research) and individual goals are divers" Has a dozen registered users. No mention of [[Action Research is vraag-reflectief leven 20031215142900]] although they do say 'questions about their own lives', but seemingly meant in a much narrower meaning, not the person in their living environment with others. Came across it as mentioned case in dissertation https://hal.science/tel-04579553/ where it is an example to do similar for citizenscience
- Jan 2021
beepb00p.xyz beepb00p.xyz
Annotation is the process of adding a layer of personal (with a potential for sharing) metadata on top of existing content such as highlights, notes, anchors etc.
Examples of exobrains 'Everything I know' wiki by Nikita Voloboev xxiivv by Devine Lu Linvega h0p3's Wiki Braindump by Jethro Kuan 'One Hundred Ideas for Computing' repository by Sam Squire more wiki examples from Nikita Voloboev
Human brains seem to be best for generating new ideas. I want to learn more, think faster, distract less, interact and visualize, effortlessly remember everything; not memorize and do routine information processing, which computers seem better at.
Extended mind is the idea that your mind isn't limited by your physical body, but augmented by external means. Paper notes & diaries, data in your computer/phone/cloud – all these things contribute to your cognitive process, thinking and help you navigate the landscape of ideas.
1000wordphilosophy.com 1000wordphilosophy.com
Typically we think that the mind—including our thoughts, beliefs, memories, experiences, attitudes, etc.—is internal to our bodies. A number of philosophers challenge this commonsense view. The view of the mind that these philosophers propose is knows as an extended view, where the mind actually extends out into the world—being comprised not merely of neurons and synapses, but also of objects external to the body.
Mind-Body-Extensions / Erweiterungen des Körpers und des Geistes
- Sep 2020
www.semrush.com www.semrush.com
This is where personalization comes into play.
from MOFU to BOFU. From BOFU to MOFU...retarget?
lead nurturing
Product-oriented content also comes in handy — product overviews (40%), case studies (34%), and landing pages (31%) proved to be effective in generating leads.
product oriented content
On this blog, we've demonstrated over and over again the power of sentiment analysis and the Topic cloud as a means of researching the attitudes, concerns, and aspirations within an audience.
how to do and realize this strategy?
neilpatel.com neilpatel.com
You can edit your title, meta description, and use other aspects like structured data,
what is longtail ux doing to title, meta and description?
- Jul 2019
www-annualreviews-org.ezproxy.rice.edu www-annualreviews-org.ezproxy.rice.edu
Surprisingly, quorum sensing promotes V. cholerae virulence factor expression and biofilm formation at low cell density and represses these traits at high cell density
Vibrio cholerae QS (high density) inhibits biofilm and virulence
Quorum sensing is essential for chronic P. aeruginosa respiratory infection because it controls adhesion, biofilm formation, and virulence factor expression
Psuedomonas aeruginosa QS induces biofilm formation
- Apr 2019
www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.rice.edu www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.rice.edu
exopolysaccharide > flagella >N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) signaling molecules > extracellular protein > swarming motility
- Jun 2018
Local file Local file
Local file Local file
- Oct 2017
anthony-zhang.me anthony-zhang.me
int *data = this->data;
does this->data return an address??
ANS; no
- Oct 2016
voidnetwork.gr voidnetwork.gr
minh1, «y7j.
epsilon/7 can be greater than 1, no problem, so by proving epsilon/7 we also prove 1.
- Sep 2016
docs.racket-lang.org docs.racket-lang.org
Why the question mark?
www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca
data definitions.
what is this?
fixed ways of doing things
www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca
An application of a user-defined function substitutes some values forthe corresponding parameters in the definition’s expression
The application of a function will substitute some values in the place of the corresponding parameters in the function's definition (body) expression.
the computed final result is the same as for other choices.
if you were to do this a different way you would get the same result?
- Jul 2016
developers.google.com developers.google.com
#map { height: 100%; }
isn't html and body already declared as having height of 100%?
Why isnt' that enough?
"Note that divs usually take their width from their containing element, and empty divs usually have 0 height. For this reason, you must always set a height on the
<div> explicitly." </div>
- May 2016
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
in a UML diagram
the thing that the arrow goes down to
are those objects that extend the properties of the objects above it?
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
How am I able to set the text of my label and the image??
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt){
What exactly is the action that you're hearing?
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
Why did I need to setVisible(true) after drawing?
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.caContent1
//Instance Variables private String name = ""; private String sex = ""; private int max_hit_points = 0; private current_hit_points = 0;
//Constructors Character (String name, String sex, int max_hit_points, int current_hit_points){ this.name = name; this.sex = sex; this.max_hit_points = max_hit_points; this.current_hit_points = current_hit_points; } Character ( ){ this.name = "harvester"; this.sex = "male"; this.max_hit_points = 50; this.current_hit_points = 0; }
The name, sex, and max_hit_points given to the Character constructor won't override what's in the class by default, will it?
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
you cannot access the JFrame from in here esp. using this
this.addMouseListener (new MouseAdapter() {
adding a mouse listener to THE WINDOW
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
The statements below placed in the main() method runs the GUI (Graphical User Interface) from an event dispatching-thread. GUIs should ve invoked from an event-dispatching thread to ensure that each event-handler finishes executing before the next one executes. Thorough coverage of this topic is beyond the scope of this lesson. However, the code shown is needed in every application that implements a Swing GUI.
A Swing timer (an instance of javax.swing.Timer) fires one or more action events after a specified delay. You can use Swing timers to perform a task repeatedly. For example, you might perform animation or update a component that displays progress toward a goal.
Swing timers are very easy to use. You create the timer, and you specify an action listener to be notified when the timer "goes off". The actionPerformed() method in this listener should contain the code for whatever task you need to be performed. To start the timer, call its start() method. In our example, the actionPerformed() method contains a call to the repaint() method. Basically this is how the paint() method is being called. We don't call paint() directly, we call repaint(), and the Java environment will run the paint() method.
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
It makes sense that we do "addActionListener(this)" because this object is an action listener (We have implemented it, and made it a child of ActionListener. Someone (who?) calls actionPerformed upon an action event )
dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca dpcdsb.elearningontario.ca
g2.drawString("Hello world", 100, 100)
How does g2 know where to paint? Is it because it is in the JFrame object? And within the paint method?