9 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. AI for Good3, SDG AI LAB4, IRCAI5 y Global Partnership for Artificial Intelligence6

      “apoyar el desarrollo y uso de inteligencia artificial tomando como base los derechos humanos, la inclusión, la diversidad, la innovación y el crecimiento económico, buscando responder a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de Naciones Unidas”. (Benjio & Chatila, 2020)

  2. Jun 2024
    1. this image of a mother feeding her baby is every single one 00:28:58 of those sustainable development goals

      for - comparison - complexity - SDG logo vs baby - response - Nora Bateson - to Entangled World podcast interviewer's comment - unintended consequences can be paralyzing

      comparison - complexity - Nora Bateson response - SDG logo vs baby - In response to the podcasters's question about how do we act for social change when - it appears that every action can have an unintended consequence? - Nora compares - UN SDG logo with 17 different areas of change - an image of a mother and baby - and she talks about how the image of the mother and baby is so intertwingled that it includes all 17 areas (and probably more)

  3. Oct 2023
    1. how do we 01:03:46 meet not match right so this is an image that meets all of this these images are going to go for 01:04:00 decontextualized singular responses that are going to create more double binds if you try to solve for life on land you're going to end up with life on 01:04:12 water being a disaster life in water or life in the air or life right if you try to solve for one you get into these contradictions and double binds
      • for: holism, progress trap, double bind, SDG failure

      • comment

        • In the current silo'd approach typified by the SDGs, unintended consequences, or progress traps are unavoidable and are built into the approach itself.
  4. Mar 2023
    1. the SDGs provide a mandate to address issues of access to water, food and other basic needs and for reducing inequality, but the large number of targets and lack of detail on justice and social drivers hamper their implementation
      • acknowledging the limitations of = SDGs
  5. Feb 2023
    1. Executive Summary

      = Policy Position Paper = Executive Summary - Changes in science funders’ mandates - have resulted in open access to data, software, and publications. - Research capacity, however, is still unequally distributed worldwide, hindering the impact of these efforts. - To achieve the SDGs, open science policies must shift focus from products to processes and infrastructure, - including access to open source scientific equipment. - - Conventional, black box, proprietary approaches to science hardware - reinforce inequalities in science and slow down innovation everywhere, - while also threatening research capacity strengthening efforts. - Three policy recommendations to promote open science hardware for research capacity strengthening: - incorporating open hardware into existing open science mandates, - incentivizing demand through technology transfer and procurement mechanisms, - promoting the adoption of open hardware in national and regional service centers.

  6. Nov 2021
  7. Oct 2019
  8. Jul 2019