14 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. The complication comes from the fact that the execution model does not have any means for the execution of "give up ownership of the lock" to have any influence over which execution of "gain ownership of the lock" in some other timeline (thread) follows. Very often, only certain handoffs give valid results. Thus, the programmer must think of all possible combinations of one thread giving up a lock and another thread getting it next, and make sure their code only allows valid combinations.
    2. a common synchronization construct is the lock
  2. Aug 2024
    1. Their success from a technical aspect was based in part on separating the camera from the sound recording device (David used a Nagra) by accurately controlling the speed of the camera and the tape recorder, allowing the two devices to be moved independently with respect to each other, an impossibility in commercially available equipment at the time. Long takes with ordinary equipment of the era would invariably lose synchronization.
  3. May 2024
    1. Global, deep synchronization is the hashtag#philosophersStone and hashtag#HolyGrail that we are all after, in our silo'd, fragmented attempts at unity

      for - post comment - LinkedIn - global synchronization and unity - holy grail

  4. Dec 2023
    1. I tell my researchers look for the 00:57:41 positive feedbacks these are not good feedbacks these are self-reinforcing feedbacks where you get a cycle of of causation that causes it to reinforce itself those 00:57:52 positive feedbacks which may cross several systems like climate economic pandemic Health Systems those positive feedbacks are where you're getting the synchronization if you can find those 00:58:04 then you're making real Headway on the synchronization effect
      • for: adjacency - synchronization - clues - positive feedbacks, key insight - synchronisation - positive feedbacks

      • adjacency between

        • positive feedback
        • synchronization
      • adjacency statement
      • key insight
        • look for where the positive feedbacks are occurring within the system
        • that will tell you where the synchronization is occurring within the system
  5. Feb 2023
    1. If you already have an instance of your model, you can start a transaction and acquire the lock in one go using the following code: book = Book.first book.with_lock do # This block is called within a transaction, # book is already locked. book.increment!(:views) end
  6. Sep 2022
    1. If there is no database initialized when the container starts, then a default database will be created. While this is the expected behavior, this means that it will not accept incoming connections until such initialization completes. This may cause issues when using automation tools, such as docker-compose, which start several containers simultaneously. If the application you're trying to connect to MySQL does not handle MySQL downtime or waiting for MySQL to start gracefully, then putting a connect-retry loop before the service starts might be necessary.
  7. Aug 2020
  8. Jun 2020
  9. Jan 2019
    1. On the surface, the lack of sta-ble membership suggests that a shared mental modelmay not be viable or even desired in emergent responsegroups. Time may be too precious to seek consensus onevents and actions, and agreements may make the groupless flexible to accommodate to changing inputs.

      Evokes pluritemporal concerns about tempo, pace and synchronization.

    1. nature point to the limitations of a structuralist viewof coordination. In the same way that an organi-zational routine may unfold differently each timebecause it cannot be fully specified (Feldman andPentland 2003), coordination will vary each time.Independent of embraced rules and programs, therewill always be an element of bricolage reflecting thenecessity of patching together working solutions withthe knowledge and resources at hand (Weick 1993).Actors and the generative schemes that propel theiractions under pressure make up an important com-ponent of coordination’s modus operandi (Bourdieu1990, Emirbayer and Mische 1998).

      Evokes the improvisation of synchronization efforts found in coordination of knowledge work in a pluritemporal setting

    1. Their importance lies in the interpretation human actors place on themeaning of the representational object. The distinction between the material carrierof information—the object—and its meaning is crucial. The material representationof information in the common space (e.g., a letter, memo, drawing, file) exists asan objective phenomenon and can be manipulated as an artifact. The semantics ofthe information carried by the artifact, however, is, put crudely, ‘in the mind’ of thebeholder, and the acquisition of information conveyed by the artifacts requires aninterpretive activity on the part of the recipient. Thus, a common information spaceencompasses the artifacts that are accessible to a cooperative ensembleas well asthe meaning attributed to these artifacts by the actors.

      Here Schmidt and Bannon describe the basis for articulation work in a common information space -- which encompasses interactions and breakdowns between information, metaphors, sensemaking, and artifacts.

      From a time mode perspective, this gets at what I describe as synchronization.