- Mar 2024
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Passion of the Nerd aka @popotoproductions3015 in The Toolbox Fallacy
This wasn't quite the toolbox fallacy definition I expected, but was a larger philosophical framing of a smaller version specific to getting things done (GTD).
Many people move from tool to tool hoping the next one will somehow "fix" things. In reality, it's having a tool and USING IT which creates progress.
Remember that it's rare that supposed innovation will be the fix, but picking a road and traveling down it will at least get you somewhere.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Many GTDers have fallen for The Toolbox Fallacy.
highlights link to this video: https://youtu.be/sz4YqwH_6D0
via https://www.reddit.com/r/gtd/comments/1b984sc/fellow_gtders_which_tools_do_you_use_to_track/
- Apr 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Robson, S. G., Baum, M. A., Beaudry, J. L., Beitner, J., Brohmer, H., Chin, J., Jasko, K., Kouros, C., Laukkonen, R., Moreau, D., Searston, R. A., Slagter, H. A., Steffens, N. K., & Tangen, J. M. (2021). Nudging Open Science. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zn7vt
- Oct 2018
blogs.baruch.cuny.edu blogs.baruch.cuny.edu
his theoryof ethics is not based on religious belief of reward and punishment in the afterlife (as was Plato’s) but on how to achieve happiness in asecular society by rational control of the emotions
Fascinating how Greek life was revolved around debate, rhetoric, and philosophy. It is fundamental to keep your cool in debates and situations of pressure.
Each of these [species] has its own “time”; for the deliberativespeaker, the future (for whether exhorting or dissuading he advisesabout future events);79for the speaker in court, the past (for he alwaysprosecutes or defends concerning what has been done); in epideicticthe present is the most important;80for all speakers praise and blamein regard to existing qualities, but they often also make use of otherthings, both reminding [the audience] of the past
Understand what your goal is and choose the species of rhetoric that fits the occasion and model your tenses after it.
Speeches using paradigms are not less persuasive, butthose with enthymemes excite more favorable audience reaction.
Speeches to excite the audience then require an enthymeme. Better for a speech to use this logical persuasive technique when paired with pathos.
I call a rhetorical syllo-gism an enthymeme, a rhetorical induction a paradigm. And all[speakers] produce logical persuasion by means of paradigms orenthymemes and by nothing other than these.
These are the only way that logical persuasion can be done. Induction and enthymeme.
[There is persuasion] through character whenever the speech isspoken39in such a way as to make the speaker worthy of credence; forwe believe fair-minded people to a greater extent and more quickly[than we do others],
It is important to prove that you have practical wisdom. the audience wants to know that you have a right to know what you are talking about.
If successful,the interlocutor led the respondent into a contradiction or logically indefen-sible position by means of definition and divisions of the question or bydrawing analogies, much as Socrates is shown doing in the earlier Platonicdialogues;
Just how Heinrich describes dealing with the very political family member at Thanksgiving.
i. Inductive argument, called paradigm, or example,drawing a particular conclusion from one or moreparallelsii. Deductive argument, called enthymeme, or rhetoricalsyllogism, drawing a conclusion from stated orimplied premises
Inductive/deductive reasoning are the only types of reasoning that we can do. Heinrich discusses this as well.
With this he contrasts (183b36) the educational techniqueof the sophist Gorgias in which, he says, students were assignedready-made speeches to memorize, “as though a shoemaker were totry to teach his art by presenting his apprentice with an assortment ofshoes.”
To memorize a speech is to not be ready to adapt to the audience as you are speaking.
In 335 Aristotle returned to Athens andopened his own school there in the peripatos(“colonnade,” thus thename “Peripatetic” school) of the gymnasium of the Lyceum, not farfrom where the Hilton Hotel now stands
Contrast between the grandness of the ancient versus the new creates interest in the thought being proclaimed.