- Aug 2021
icla2021.jonreeve.com icla2021.jonreeve.comDubliners14
And Maria laughed again till the tip of her nose
nose is the word that most related to Maria
“Mamma is mamma but Maria is my proper mother.”
Maria is Joe's nanny?
Mrs. Mooney intervened
Mrs. Mooney is someone who has her own ideas, and she is pretty decisive.
I wonder if this text would be related to the religion again
Her eyes gave him no sign of love or farewell or recognition.
Eveline might just want to run away from her awful life instead of running to her love.
“Damned Italians! coming over here!”
Perhaps here can retrace the history of WWI
She knew it was that that had given her the palpitations. When they were growing up he had never gone for her like he used to go for Harry and Ernest, because she was a girl;
Led out and criticized patriarchal attitudes
Again , "priest" appears in here
Does the "caps" here related to the hat, which represents a social status?
Christian religion seems to be one of the motif for this text
The Abbot, by Walter Scott, The Devout Communicant and The Memoirs of Vidocq.
Book motif
I knew that I was under observation so I continued eating as if the news had not interested me.
Why "I" was under the observation?
Will the pipe here be the motif?
I thought
The first time using first person narrative in the story?
- Jul 2021
icla2021.jonreeve.com icla2021.jonreeve.com
were coming into flower; the pinkish, bluish masses of flower lay like light among the spreading leaves.
The flower motif
Who is Charlotte?
nd the homeward-looking crowd hurried by, the trams clanked, the light carts clattered, the big swinging cabs bowled along with that reckless, defiant indifference that one knows only in dreams...
One of the most explicit style of this text is the used of multi-clause sentences.
stem for "cry" appears a lot in the text, does it represent a sentiment for excited or something else?
”the ball": definite
"a ball": indefinite
“Oh, shut up, mother,
The daughter doesn't seem to respect her mother. I was wondering what's the reason behind
I thought then how very much he’d appreciate a top-hat. We ought to give him a present, too. He was always very nice to father.
A symbol of condescension.
The word "terrified" is used again here to describe Communion.
refers to Nurse Andrews?
"a preserve made from citrus fruit, especially bitter oranges, prepared like jam," I think this is one example of the motif in this novel
It’s all the fault, she decided, as the tall fellow drew something on the back of an envelope, something that was to be looped up or left to hang, of these absurd class distinctions.
The class distinctions are mentioned here.
tallest of the men, a lanky, freckled fellow,
Most of the working class people were not given the name in this novel. This is an example of the gardener. It lets us to think about the social status different between working class and leisure class.
Only the closed servant was given the name
icla2021.jonreeve.com icla2021.jonreeve.comThe Moonstone116
And there, in the forehead of the deity, gleamed the yellow Diamond
The ending of The Moonstone is a match/response to the begging of The Moonstone.
motif - location
“Now, sir, do you believe in Robinson Crusoe?” I asked, with a solemnity, suitable to the occasion.
Betteredge really treats the *Robinson Crusoe" as his Bible.
Godfrey Ablewhite!
Mr. Godfrey is the one who steals the diamond? He stayed in the room which is next to Mr. Franklin that birthday night? Mr. Godfrey tried to use the money to pay of his debt?
Sorry to disappoint you, sir. But that can’t be done either.”
Betteredge is very opposed to this experiment. Judging from his answer, he has been antagonizing Mr. Ezra all the time.
I have been compelled once more to give up my dose of opium.
Mr. Ezra also uses the opium, is that anyone in this novel not using any kind of "drugs" ?
I have no sort of doubt that the agitation which a meeting between them would produce on both sides–reviving dormant feelings, appealing to old memories, awakening new hopes–would, in their effect on the mind of Mr. Blake, be almost certainly fatal to the success of our experiment.
Implies that the success of experiment might have something to do with Miss Rachel and Mr. Franklin's relationship?
A charming letter!
One writing style of Ezra Jennings I noticed it that he likes to use exclamation mark.
the vengeance of yesterday’s opium, pursuing me through a series of frightful dreams. At one time I was whirling through empty space with the phantoms of the dead, friends and enemies together. At another, the one beloved face which I shall never see again, rose at my bedside, hideously phosphorescent in the black darkness, and glared and grinned at me
This description seems like that Ezra Jennings also use opium. Does he?
Ezra Jennings.
Ezra comes form Hebrew word "azar," means "help", "aid" and "protect. [Jennings] (http://www.irishsurnames.com/cgi-bin/gallery.pl?name=jennings&capname=Jennings&letter=j) is a baptismal name means "son of John."
What's the difference between opium and laudanum?
Mr. Candy prescribe opium to Mr. Franklin, and under the affect of opium, Mr. Franklin did what Miss Rachel saw him did?
“You villain, I saw you take the diamond with my own eyes!”
This is a strong word of evidence from Miss Rachel claims that Mr. Franklin took the diamond
He had a reason for wishing particularly to speak to me; and when I was next in the neighbourhood of Frizinghall,
I wonder that Mr. Franklin might get some information about the night of loss of the Moonstone from Mr. Candy during their talk later on.
In my opinion, it concerns Rachel quite as nearly as it concerns you. Her extraordinary conduct is no mystery now. She believes you have stolen the Diamond.
Miss Rachel same as Rosanna? Also think Mr. Franklin is the one who stole the Diamond, and that's why they act so weird?
I poured you out half a wineglass-full of our fifty year old Cognac
Is that Mr. Franklin got drunk, and he doesn't know what he have done?
His nose presented the fine shape and modelling so often found among the ancient people of the East, so seldom visible among the newer races of the West. His forehead rose high and straight from the brow. His marks and wrinkles were innumerable.
Here is a whole paragraph physical appearance description of Mr. Candy's assistant - Mr. Ezra
I am as innocent of all knowledge of having taken the Diamond as you are,” I said. “But there is the witness against me! The paint on the nightgown, and the name on the nightgown are facts.”
The real thief knew that Rosanna admired Mr. Franklin very much, so he created false evidence that Mr. Franklin stole the moonstone. Once Rosanna knew that Mr. Franklin is the thief, she then would make everyone misunderstand that she was a thief in order to commit Mr. Franklin's "crime?
Myself as the Thief.
Why "Myself" and "Thief" are capitalized in here? To emphasize? Or treated them as characters?
I found the mark, and read–my own name.
Rosanna made a nightgown for Mr. Franklin?
I tried the undermost side, next–and instantly discovered the smear of the paint from the door of Rachel’s boudoir!
Rosanna is the one who been to the boudoir at midnight? Why should she went the the boudoir at that time, anything related to the Moonstone?
The man came down again with an impenetrable face, and informed me that Miss Verinder was out.
Miss Rachel might be at home, but doesn't want to let Mr. Franklin see her.
Capitalization in here referred to emphasize?
revealed Mr. Godfrey Ablewhite’s motive for submission as plainly as if he had acknowledged it himself. He needed a large sum of money; and he needed it by a given time. Rachel’s income, which would have helped him to anything else, would not help him here;
In this case, Mr. Godfrey actually matches the criminal motive Sergeant Cuff came up with.
She was just as immovable as ever. My mind was in a strange conflict of feelings about her when I left her that day. She was obstinate; she was wrong. She was interesting; she was admirable; she was deeply to be pitied.
Miss Rachel is someone who doesn't care about the public opinion, she only cares about what she thinks is important. She's being herself.
a meanly deceitful man.
The opinion that Mr. Bruff holds toward Mr. Godfrey.
If he attempted to defend himself, or to deny the facts, she was, in that event, to refer him to me.
The writing style of Mr. Bruff just really matches his occupation, direct and clear. And often we can ask just like this sentence, he writes as what a lawyer would say at work, such as "attempt," "defend," and "deny," etc.
Mr. Godfrey Ablewhite
Perhaps that Mr. Godfrey already knew the Lady's Will, and that's why he was first so insisted to marry Miss Rachel and acting infatuated with Ms. Rachel. But later change so quickly. to agree on the withdraw of the engagement.
. This house has necessarily been hired in my name. I take the entire responsibility of it on my shoulders. It is my house. I can keep it, or let it, just as I please. I have no wish to hurry Miss Verinder. On the contrary, I beg her to remove her guest and her luggage, at her own entire convenience.
Old Mr. Ablewhite now completely reveals his evil side
But the distressing domestic emergency which now confronted me, was most marvellously and beautifully provided for in the Correspondence of Miss Jane Ann Stamper–Letter one thousand and one, on “Peace in Families.” I rose in my modest corner, and I opened my precious book.
Just like how Betteredge tries to find answer from Robinson Crusoe, Miss Clack is trying to find a solution to this situation from the Correspondence of Miss Jane Ann Stamper.
“My son is a mean-spirited hound!” cried this furious old worldling. “In justice to myself as his father–not in justice to him–I beg to ask you, Miss Verinder, what complaint you have to make of Mr. Godfrey Ablewhite?”
From the point that Old Mr. Ablewhite insists the engagement of Mr. Godfrey and Miss Rachel. He is coveting Miss Rachel property other than feeling sad about the withdraw of the engagment.
He pressed my hands alternately to his lips. Overwhelmed by the exquisite triumph of having got him back among us, I let him do what he liked with my hands. I closed my eyes. I felt my head, in an ecstasy of spiritual self-forgetfulness, sinking on his shoulder.
Mr. Godfrey's sudden changes in opinion and inexplicably close to Miss Clack seems to be a make up for his pervious decision. He's action seems to be hypocritically. He already lost Miss Clack, he cannot loss his reputation, status, property, etc. again. He knew that Miss Clack is obsessed with him, so that Mr. Godfrey tries to make use of it to gain what he wants?
. I don’t know when I have felt the solemn duty of interfering so strongly as I felt it at that moment.
Miss Clack's interfering is not in favor of other's needs, but her own satisfaction
This is the first time Miss Rachel has call Miss Clack as Drusilla. What's Miss Rachel's intention?
My Aunt Ablewhite is a large, silent, fair-complexioned woman, with one noteworthy point in her character. From the hour of her birth she has never been known to do anything for herself. She has gone through life, accepting everybody’s help, and adopting everybody’s opinions. A more hopeless person, in a spiritual point of view,
Aunt Ablewhite is a woman who has no own opinion? Or is she just doesn't care?
hat she had also died without giving me my little legacy.
Miss Clack is such a sanctimonious hypocrite. She has once judged Mr. Luker's desire for money is guilty. But Miss Clack is actually the one who have high desire for money.
As for me, my sense of propriety was completely bewildered.
It is so ironic to talk about the propriety in here, since Miss Clack already eavesdropped and the whole conversation
Is the he mentioned in here refers to Mr. Franklin?
“Quite useless! I break the agreement every time I think of you. Oh, Rachel! how kindly you told me, only the other day, that my place in your estimation was a higher place than it had ever been yet! Am I mad to build the hopes I do on those dear words? Am I mad to dream of some future day when your heart may soften to me? Don’t tell me so, if I am! Leave me my delusion, dearest! I must have that to cherish, and to comfort me, if I have nothing else!”
Mr. Godfrey is infatuated with Miss Rachel.
Using these and other similar forms of courteous appeal, we reintroduced all my precious passages under a form which not even the doctor’s watchful materialism could suspect.
Miss Clack seems to be a very stubborn and devout Christian in the aspect of the Lady
“Suppose anything you please, Miss Clack, it wouldn’t shake my belief in Rachel Verinder by a hair’s-breadth.”
Mr. Bruff believes Miss Rachel just like Betteredge and the Lady does.
Mr. Bruff looked surprised to see me. He is the family solicitor, and we had met more than once, on previous occasions, under Lady Verinder’s roof. A man, I grieve to say, grown old and grizzled in the service of the world. A man who, in his hours of business, was the chosen prophet of Law and Mammon; and who, in his hours of leisure, was equally capable of reading a novel and of tearing up a tract.
No one seems to be praise by Miss Clack besides Mr. Godfrey
When no interests but my own are involved, I am humbly content to get from place to place by the omnibus. Permit me to give an idea of my devotion to my aunt’s interests by recording that, on this occasion, I committed the prodigality of taking a cab.
I feel like that Miss Clack holds with the promotion of Christianity is greater than her worry about her aunt’s illness
I know the hand that took the Moonstone. I know–
Might be Miss Rachel is not the one who took the Moonstone? She just a helper in this stolen case?
But, oh, don’t let us judge! My Christian friends, don’t let us judge!
Miss Clack always say "don't judge" but she seems to judge a lot based on someone's dress appearance to someone's attitude toward something.
For a valuable gem which he had placed in the safe keeping of the bank.
The valuable gem might be the Moonstone. From Miss. Rachel to Mr. Luker?
He was not so far behind as to cause us the double inconvenience of a pause and an open door. It is in the completeness of his daily life that the true Christian appears. This dear man was very complete.
Miss Clack feels a perfect person is someone who is a devout Christian. She does't like people who are not Christian that much.
This is another word that Miss Clack used a lots in her narrative.
Here surely was a case for a clergyman, if ever there was one yet! Lady Verinder had thought it a case for a physician.
The difference solution of "clergyman" and "physician" again shows that Miss Class is a faithful religious person.
There was an absence of all lady-like restraint in her language and manner most painful to see. She was possessed by some feverish excitement which made her distressingly loud when she laughed, and sinfully wasteful and capricious in what she ate and drank at lunch.
Comparing to Betteredge's writing style which more focus on the description of character's physical appearance and story reveal personality; Miss Clack' writing style are more focusing on character's speaking attitude.
The word "devout" came out a few thing from Miss Clack's narrative. I assume she is a devout Christian?
My nature is weak. It cost me a hard struggle, before Christian humility conquered sinful pride, and self-denial accepted the cheque.
Miss Clack describes herself as weak, and a Christian
This is one of words that Miss Clack will use, but Betteredge won't use. However, this word also reveals some personality of Miss Clack, by definition, alas means: "an expression of grief, pity, or concern." By this we can assume Miss Clack might be a sentimental person
I am going to the devil!”
Does Mr. Franklin affect by the Moonstone when he said that he is going to the devil?
Mr. Septimus Luker, Middlesex-place, Lambeth, London.”
The first time the name of the money-lender got revealed. Mr. Septimus Luker
I am an average good Christian, when you don’t push my Christianity too far.
Betteredge describes himself as a reasonable Christian
The Deeps of the Quicksand have got her.
Describes quicksand as a character which took Rosanna away.
My girl, tried as Rosanna was tried, might have lived that miserable life, and died this dreadful death.
The scary quicksand, this time devours Rosanna.
His assistant–a certain Mr. Ezra Jennings–was at our disposal, to be sure. But nobody knew much about him in our parts. He had been engaged by Mr. Candy under rather peculiar circumstances; and, right or wrong, we none of us liked him or trusted him.
Mr. Ezra is the assistant to the doctor, Mr. Candy. However, Mr. Ezra is not trustworthy to anyone in the house
that Miss Rachel has stolen her own Diamond?” “Yes,”
Miss Rachel stole her own diamond? Why? Did Sergeant Cuff know if because of the weirdness from Miss Rachel's window?
“Light or heavy whatever goes into the Shivering Sand is sucked down, and seen no more
The quicksand was called as Shivering Sand in here, and treated as a character because it is capitalized. The characteristic of quicksand is that it devours everything
She has joined the two chains, and has fastened them to the hasp in the tin case. She has sunk the case, in the water or in the quicksand. She has made the loose end of the chain fast to some place under the rocks, known only to herself.
The Moonstone were hidden in the quicksand by Rosanna?
Sand–in respect of its printing off people’s footsteps–is one of the best detective officers I know. If we don’t meet with Rosanna Spearman by coming round on her in this way, the sand may tell us what she has been at, if the light only lasts long enough.
If they found footsteps on the sand, then it will become a solid evidence. Rosanna
“Because, sir, if you tell her ladyship, her ladyship will tell Miss Verinder.”
Sergeant Cuff suspects the lost of the Diamond has something related to Miss Rachel? Or perhaps she knew something about it?
the quicksand is an object in here, lower case.
“The Last Rose of Summer”
This song "The Last Rose of Summer" to Sergeant Cuff like the Robinson Crusoe to Betteredge.
“I saw Rosanna Spearman hiding in the shrubbery as we went by,”
Rosanna becomes the most suspicious characters for stealing the Diamond so far.
italic text about human again
“Must I see him?” she asked. “Can’t you represent me, Gabriel?”
Is the Lady with a guilty conscience? She's the one hide the Diamond, so that she's afraid to see Sergeant Cuff?
Nobody has stolen the diamond,”
Is that meaning someone hide the Diamond up?
The italic is usually appeared to be for word like his, he you, etc. Last one example is when mentions about the dog using his
He had seen her before either I or the gardener had seen her, though we knew which way to look, and he didn’t. I began to think him rather a quicker man than he appeared to be at first sight.
Sergeant Cuff diffs from his appearance is someone with a profound insight
I began my life among them in my father’s nursery garden, and I shall end my life among them, if I can. Yes. One of these days (please God) I shall retire from catching thieves, and try my hand at growing roses. There will be grass walks, Mr. Gardener, between my beds
The word "Rose" might be frequently pair up with Sergeant Cuff
a grizzled, elderly man, so miserably lean that he looked as if he had not got an ounce of flesh on his bones in any part of him. He was dressed all in decent black, with a white cravat round his neck. His face was as sharp as a hatchet, and the skin of it was as yellow and dry and withered as an autumn leaf. His eyes, of a steely light grey, had a very disconcerting trick, when they encountered your eyes, of looking as if they expected something more from you than you were aware of yourself. His walk was soft; his voice was melancholy; his long lanky fingers were hooked like claws. He might have been a parson, or an undertaker–or anything else you like, except what he really was. A more complete opposite to Superintendent Seegrave than Sergeant Cuff, and a less comforting officer to look at, for a family in distress, I defy
Sergeant Cuff' appearance is different from expectation.
On inquiry, I found that she had been suddenly taken ill, and had gone up-stairs to her own room to lie down.
Suddenly ill? Rosanna looks suspicious
Came from the French word "chaise" which means "chair." A pony-chaise thus means horse chaise.
She said, ‘They will never find the Diamond, sir, will they? No! nor the person who took it–I’ll answer for that.’ She actually nodded and smiled at me!
What does Rosanna know about the lost of the Diamond?
The girl’s face was all in a flush as she made me that answer; and she walked away with a toss of her head and a look of self-importance which I was quite at a loss to account for.
Is Rosana's face in a flush because of Mr. Franklin or is she hiding about something under Betteredge's inquiry?
Neither you nor anybody else will ever find it!
Why should Miss Rachel say these words? Did she know something that other don't know she knew it?
Mr. Seegrave was tall and portly, and military in his manners. He had a fine commanding voice, and a mighty resolute eye, and a grand frock-coat which buttoned beautifully up to his leather stock. “I’m the man you want!” was written all over his face;
Mr. Seegrave was described as a typical police-look person, trustful and equitable
The more I turned it over in my mind, the less satisfactory Mr. Franklin’s explanation appeared to be.
Might be someone who live in the house steal the Diamond?
Nota bene
Latin phrase: same meaning as "pay attention" in English
Father Time
Father Time symbolized the inevitable passage of time. The origin of it is not clear, but can be trace back to ancient Greeks and Romans. Explanation
and had accepted it
Does most italic texts in this novel mean to be for emphaszing?
Finally, she had missed Mr. Candy, the doctor, who had mysteriously disappeared from the drawing-room, and had then mysteriously returned, and entered into conversation with Mr. Godfrey.
Will Mr. Candy be the one who is going to steal the diamond, because of his "mysteriously disappear."
The man who doesn’t believe in Robinson Crusoe, after that, is a man with a screw loose in his understanding, or a man lost in the mist of his own self-conceit!
Betteredge really takes Robinson Crusoe as his own Bible
“Fear of Danger is ten thousand times more terrifying than Danger itself, when apparent to the Eyes; and we find the Burthen of Anxiety greater, by much, than the Evil which we are anxious about.”
Upon this point, the reason of why Betteredge so into Robinson Crusoe has still not yet got revealed.
There are something some words seems not important were italics, I was wondering what's the reason of this?
those men are high-caste Brahmins.
The 3 jugglers are high-caste Brahmins which means they are high-class people in India. Might be they really related to the Moonstone.
I noticed that the fellow’s coffee-coloured face had turned grey since Mr. Murthwaite had spoken to him.
It used color again to describe the skin color of Indians.
“I shall be delighted,” says he, “to send the Professor my card, if you will oblige me by mentioning his present address.”
Mr. Candy doesn't know how to take the cue from others before his "speech." Under the description, Mr. Candy seems to be a no-one-like man.
I know a certain city, and a certain temple in that city, where, dressed as you are now, your life would not be worth five minutes’ purchase.”
What does 5 minutes's purchase mean?
This was a long, lean, wiry, brown, silent man. He had a weary look, and a very steady, attentive eye.
Here comes another description of character. There are always a long paragraph descriptions for each character.
compassionately backwards and forwards between the Diamond and me
The "compassionately backwards and forwards between the Diamond and me" from Mr. Godfrey seems to indicate that Mr. Godfrey knows that story of the Diamond.
I never remember her breaking her word; I never remember her saying No, and meaning Yes.
Ms. Rachel is a stiff-necked and trustworthy pretty girl who is loyal to friends.
thick sweet-smelling liquor, as black as ink.
left by the three jugglers?
lower case of stone in here. Why is that?
Who's "they" in here? The three jugglers?
Hindu, but written as Hindoo. A sense of contempt on them?
He never attempted to sell it–not being in need of money, and not (to give him his due again) making money an object.
So the reason of Herncastle to keep the diamond is not due to his greed?
There was more than one slur on the Colonel that made people shy of him;
Is it also caused by the curse of the Moonstone?
I have made some discoveries in London about my uncle Herncastle and his Diamond, which have rather an ugly look to my eyes; and I want you to confirm them.
Evidence of what Mr Franklin about information about the story.
“that ‘It’ means This. And ‘this,’ Betteredge, means my uncle Herncastle’s famous Diamond.”
By stating the "It" in three Juggles' word refers to the Moonstone, I was wonder if the three Juggles are the three priests from the Moonstone story?
Persons and Things
Capitalized "Persons" and "Things" might refers to the specific ones
Has the English gentleman got It about him?”
What is "It" about in here? The Moonstone?
How many years he went on worrying the tribunals of his country to turn out the Duke in possession, and to put himself in the Duke’s place–how many lawyer’s purses he filled to bursting, and how many otherwise harmless people he set by the ears together disputing whether he was right or wrong–is more by a great deal than I can reckon up.
The descriptions of characters make a great contradiction in personalities between himself (Betteredge) and others. So far, everyone seems to be having some shortcoming in certain ways beside himself
He was, out of all sight (as I remember him), the nicest boy that ever spun a top or broke a window.
Mr. Franklin had been a naughty boy when he was young.
This prefatory narrative I have already got by me in the form of an old family paper, which relates the necessary particulars on the authority of an eye-witness
State the evidentiary insistence.
Nothing that I know of, except for you to keep your temper, and for me to begin it all over again for the third time.
Betteredge hadn't directly begun the Diamond story the third time, is it implied that this story some kind of secret, so it is hard to talk about it?
The word prophecy came up again. I wonder if the whole story will be like the prophecy, "The Moonstone will have its vengeance yet on you and yours!”
“The Moonstone will have its vengeance yet on you and yours!”
I modestly declared myself to be quite unequal to the task imposed upon me–and I privately felt, all the time, that I was quite clever enough to perform it, if I only gave my own abilities a fair chance.
Betteredge is a humble and clever person.
I have not only no proof that he killed the two men at the door; I cannot even declare that he killed the third man inside–for I cannot say that my own eyes saw the deed committed. It is true that I heard the dying Indian’s words; but if those words were pronounced to be the ravings of delirium, how could I contradict the assertion from my own knowledge?
Gabriel Betteredge is a venerable and meticulous, he won't make his doubts public until there's definite evidence.
he was absurdly angry with me, and with others
Herncastle's personality - get angry easily, later annotation are more detail about it.
Herncastle’s fiery temper had been, as I could plainly see, exasperated to a kind of frenzy by the terrible slaughter through which we had passed
Herncaslte has a fiery temper, and easy to get angry. This also was implied earlier, "absurdly angry with me, and with others."
In order that the circumstances may be clearly understood, I must revert for a moment to the period before the assault
Start from the beginning of this book, I noticed that many sentences were written in inverted order. Is this a popular writing style of the 19th centuries, or it just author's personal writing style?
- italic
- Robinson Crusoe
- Aunt Ablewhite
- names
- documentation
- three juggles
- Mr. Ezra
- Miss Clack
- Mr. Seegrave
- Ms. Rachel's personality
- laywer
- Ancient Greeks
- "candy" opium
- Mr. Candy
- characters
- quicksand
- Mr. Murthwaite's description
- Mr. Bruff
- Mr. Septimus Luker
- evidence
- stone
- Sergeant Cuff
- Dialect
- writing style
- capitalization
- suspects
- Rosanna
- Old Mr. Ablewhite
- Herncastle's personality
- Mr. Candy's personality (doctor)
- location
- Ms. Clack
- Gabriel Betteredge's personalilty
- Mr. Franklin's personality
- Correspondence of Miss Jane Ann Stamper
- character & their frequently used word
- diamond
- prophecy
- Mr. Godfrey