- Dec 2024
www.ordinarymind.com www.ordinarymind.com
we need to see the two characters, the Emperor and Bodhidharma, as representing two aspects of our self, and as in many koans, our task is to resolve the apparent opposition, or contradiction between the two halves,
for - Zen koans - interpreting - contradiction between characters in Zen koans often represent two aspects of our same self - Barry Magid
- Sep 2024
www.britannica.com www.britannica.com
José Dinis Aveiro
characters name
- Apr 2024
www.ramotion.com www.ramotion.com
Khan Academy Kids
This is what Ziggy uses in Australia I think - must check with his parents.
I loved Toca Boca as well. That was the first example found that I felt was worth it. Use that as my main influence in the proposal if I have not already done so. Was a crazy week.
- Oct 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Reference in Descendants 2 (Disney Channel, 2017, movie)
- Aug 2023
www.edge.org www.edge.org
The story that they are telling is of a grand transition that occurred about fifty thousand years ago, when the driving force of evolution changed from biology to culture, and the direction changed from diversification to unification of species. The understanding of this story can perhaps help us to deal more wisely with our responsibilities as stewards of our planet.
- for: cumulative cultural evolution, speed of cultural evolution
- paraphrase
- The story that they are telling
- is of a grand transition that occurred about fifty thousand years ago,
- when the driving force of evolution changed
- from biology
- to culture,
- and the direction changed
- from diversification
- to unification of species.
- The understanding of this story can perhaps help us to deal more wisely with our responsibilities as stewards of our planet.
- May 2023
Local file Local file
Commonly known was that using an apostrophe, the back space key and a period would allow one to type an exclamation point on a typewriter. Less common were some of these additional special characters:
- Division (÷): colon and hyphen
- Pound Sterling (£): Hyphen and small f
- Equation (=): Hyphens turning the variable slightly (unlocking the platen and moving it up)
- Cedilla (ç): small c, backspace and comma
- Paragraph mark )( parentheses
p. 16
- Apr 2023
web.stanford.edu web.stanford.edu
he incident of the funeral service for IvanIlyich
Ilyich still remains a mcguffin character, alluded to rather than actually shown
- Mar 2023
github.com github.com
user = User.new(password: "あ" * 25) # 25 characters, 75 bytes
characters vs. bytes
- Jan 2023
www.edge.org www.edge.org
In the Pirandello play, "Six Characters in Search of an Author", the six characters come on stage, one after another, each of them pushing the story in a different unexpected direction. I use Pirandello's title as a metaphor for the pioneers in our understanding of the concept of evolution over the last two centuries. Here are my six characters with their six themes. 1. Charles Darwin (1809-1882): The Diversity Paradox. 2. Motoo Kimura (1924-1994): Smaller Populations Evolve Faster. 3. Ursula Goodenough (1943- ): Nature Plays a High-Risk Game. 4. Herbert Wells (1866-1946): Varieties of Human Experience. 5. Richard Dawkins (1941- ): Genes and Memes. 6. Svante Pääbo (1955- ): Cousins in the Cave. The story that they are telling is of a grand transition that occurred about fifty thousand years ago, when the driving force of evolution changed from biology to culture, and the direction changed from diversification to unification of species. The understanding of this story can perhaps help us to deal more wisely with our responsibilities as stewards of our planet.
!- Pirandello’s play Six Characters in Search of an Author : vehicle for exploring cultural evolution over the last 50,000 years
Biological and Cultural Evolution Six Characters in Search of an Author
!- Title : Biological and Cultural Evolution Six Characters in Search of an Author !- Author : Freeman Dyson !- Date : 2019
- Nov 2022
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
The btoa() function takes a JavaScript string as a parameter. In JavaScript strings are represented using the UTF-16 character encoding: in this encoding, strings are represented as a sequence of 16-bit (2 byte) units. Every ASCII character fits into the first byte of one of these units, but many other characters don't. Base64, by design, expects binary data as its input. In terms of JavaScript strings, this means strings in which each character occupies only one byte. So if you pass a string into btoa() containing characters that occupy more than one byte, you will get an error, because this is not considered binary data:
If you need to encode Unicode text as ASCII using btoa(), one option is to convert the string such that each 16-bit unit occupies only one byte.
www.autohotkey.com www.autohotkey.com
Page: Escape Sequences
I was looking for documentation on escaped characters.
This was because Auto Hotkey threw an error when I used
<%* %>
as an option for the text insert script. It said the illegal character was*
but really what was happening was that the unquoted text%* %
was treated like a variable since%
is used to enclose variables in Auto Hotkey. The solution was to escape the percent sign with one left back tick.
- Oct 2022
cwi.pressbooks.pub cwi.pressbooks.pub
These words were a sufficient explication of the scene. The nature of his phrenzy, as described by my uncle, was remembered. I who had sought death, was now thrilled with horror because it was near. Death in this form, death from the hand of a brother, was thought upon with undescribable repugnance. In a state thus verging upon madness, my eye glanced upon Carwin. His astonishment appeared to have struck him motionless and dumb. My life was in danger, and my brother’s hand was about to be embrued in my blood. I firmly believed that Carwin’s was the instigation. I could rescue me from this abhorred fate; I could dissipate this tremendous illusion; I could save my brother from the perpetration of new horrors, by pointing out the devil who seduced him; to hesitate a moment was to perish. These thoughts gave strength to my limbs, and energy to my accents: I started on my feet. “O brother! spare me, spare thyself: There is thy betrayer. He counterfeited the voice and face of an angel, for the purpose of destroying thee and me. He has this moment confessed it. He is able to speak where he is not. He is leagued with hell, but will not avow it; yet he confesses that the agency was his.”
There's so much in this chapter. Firstly prudent reasoning from Carwin vs religious enthusiasm indirectly clashes in this emotion heated scene. Carwin has confessed his sins. Wieland escaped prison again to sacrifice Clara in his belief that the voice he hears is a divine messenger. Clara had thought of commiting suicide before Carwin's confessions, but once Wieland appears, she dreads the thought of dieing. The atmosphere has such eerie gothic elements. On the other hand there's a lot of character development, all 3 have changed a lot which makes them dynamic characters. Carwin seeks to clear up everything he had done out of guilt. Wieland had gone insane. But the most dramatic change is within Clara, who everyone adored, percieved as pure, brave and just and now - even though she just heard from Carwin that he had not made Wieland murder his family, Clara turns on him with a lie, a religious reasoning to save herself from her brother and to make his brother realize that "the divine messenger" is unreal. Clara is trying to use a possibly deadly trick on the two men. All three characters has reached a big turning point.
- Aug 2022
pressbooks.pub pressbooks.pubBeowulf1
A different Beowulf. Hall notes in the "Glossary of Proper Names": "Son of Scyld, the founder of the dynasty of Scyldings. Father of Healfdene, and grandfather of Hrothgar."
- Apr 2022
My characters are galley slaves.
- Mar 2022
code.visualstudio.com code.visualstudio.com
ambiguous and invisible Unicode characters
'е' != 'e'
- Feb 2022
getpocket.com getpocket.com
This section is till date considered the most authentic reference on matters of law and justice, samanya and visesha dharma, etc, at the individual, social and cultural levels, pointed out Sri B. Sundarkumar in a discourse.
Wisdom in Vidura neeti
www.jeyamohan.in www.jeyamohan.in
பெண்ணியத்தின் அகத்தினுள் விரியும், கர்ணன் பிறப்பின் இரண்டாம் கதையானது அனகை, பிருதை, தேவகி என பெண்களுக்குள் மட்டுமே நடைபெற்று, பெண்களுக்குள் மட்டும் உலாவுவது/பகிரப்படுவது போல சித்தரிக்கப் பட்டுள்ளதால் உருவகத்தன்மை (Metaphor) /குறியீட்டுத்தன்மையை அடைகிறது
Karna's birth metaphor
- Dec 2021
writersedit.com writersedit.com
Crafting characters with believable faults, clear motivations and fleshed-out backstories is integral to holding a reader’s interest throughout the length of a narrative.
- Jul 2021
icla2021.jonreeve.com icla2021.jonreeve.com
His nose presented the fine shape and modelling so often found among the ancient people of the East, so seldom visible among the newer races of the West. His forehead rose high and straight from the brow. His marks and wrinkles were innumerable.
Here is a whole paragraph physical appearance description of Mr. Candy's assistant - Mr. Ezra
If he attempted to defend himself, or to deny the facts, she was, in that event, to refer him to me.
The writing style of Mr. Bruff just really matches his occupation, direct and clear. And often we can ask just like this sentence, he writes as what a lawyer would say at work, such as "attempt," "defend," and "deny," etc.
. This house has necessarily been hired in my name. I take the entire responsibility of it on my shoulders. It is my house. I can keep it, or let it, just as I please. I have no wish to hurry Miss Verinder. On the contrary, I beg her to remove her guest and her luggage, at her own entire convenience.
Old Mr. Ablewhite now completely reveals his evil side
“My son is a mean-spirited hound!” cried this furious old worldling. “In justice to myself as his father–not in justice to him–I beg to ask you, Miss Verinder, what complaint you have to make of Mr. Godfrey Ablewhite?”
From the point that Old Mr. Ablewhite insists the engagement of Mr. Godfrey and Miss Rachel. He is coveting Miss Rachel property other than feeling sad about the withdraw of the engagment.
hat she had also died without giving me my little legacy.
Miss Clack is such a sanctimonious hypocrite. She has once judged Mr. Luker's desire for money is guilty. But Miss Clack is actually the one who have high desire for money.
“Quite useless! I break the agreement every time I think of you. Oh, Rachel! how kindly you told me, only the other day, that my place in your estimation was a higher place than it had ever been yet! Am I mad to build the hopes I do on those dear words? Am I mad to dream of some future day when your heart may soften to me? Don’t tell me so, if I am! Leave me my delusion, dearest! I must have that to cherish, and to comfort me, if I have nothing else!”
Mr. Godfrey is infatuated with Miss Rachel.
Using these and other similar forms of courteous appeal, we reintroduced all my precious passages under a form which not even the doctor’s watchful materialism could suspect.
Miss Clack seems to be a very stubborn and devout Christian in the aspect of the Lady
“Suppose anything you please, Miss Clack, it wouldn’t shake my belief in Rachel Verinder by a hair’s-breadth.”
Mr. Bruff believes Miss Rachel just like Betteredge and the Lady does.
When no interests but my own are involved, I am humbly content to get from place to place by the omnibus. Permit me to give an idea of my devotion to my aunt’s interests by recording that, on this occasion, I committed the prodigality of taking a cab.
I feel like that Miss Clack holds with the promotion of Christianity is greater than her worry about her aunt’s illness
But, oh, don’t let us judge! My Christian friends, don’t let us judge!
Miss Clack always say "don't judge" but she seems to judge a lot based on someone's dress appearance to someone's attitude toward something.
He was not so far behind as to cause us the double inconvenience of a pause and an open door. It is in the completeness of his daily life that the true Christian appears. This dear man was very complete.
Miss Clack feels a perfect person is someone who is a devout Christian. She does't like people who are not Christian that much.
This is another word that Miss Clack used a lots in her narrative.
Here surely was a case for a clergyman, if ever there was one yet! Lady Verinder had thought it a case for a physician.
The difference solution of "clergyman" and "physician" again shows that Miss Class is a faithful religious person.
There was an absence of all lady-like restraint in her language and manner most painful to see. She was possessed by some feverish excitement which made her distressingly loud when she laughed, and sinfully wasteful and capricious in what she ate and drank at lunch.
Comparing to Betteredge's writing style which more focus on the description of character's physical appearance and story reveal personality; Miss Clack' writing style are more focusing on character's speaking attitude.
My nature is weak. It cost me a hard struggle, before Christian humility conquered sinful pride, and self-denial accepted the cheque.
Miss Clack describes herself as weak, and a Christian
I am going to the devil!”
Does Mr. Franklin affect by the Moonstone when he said that he is going to the devil?
Mr. Septimus Luker, Middlesex-place, Lambeth, London.”
The first time the name of the money-lender got revealed. Mr. Septimus Luker
The Deeps of the Quicksand have got her.
Describes quicksand as a character which took Rosanna away.
My girl, tried as Rosanna was tried, might have lived that miserable life, and died this dreadful death.
The scary quicksand, this time devours Rosanna.
His assistant–a certain Mr. Ezra Jennings–was at our disposal, to be sure. But nobody knew much about him in our parts. He had been engaged by Mr. Candy under rather peculiar circumstances; and, right or wrong, we none of us liked him or trusted him.
Mr. Ezra is the assistant to the doctor, Mr. Candy. However, Mr. Ezra is not trustworthy to anyone in the house
- Apr 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Jun 2020
www.masterandmargarita.eu www.masterandmargarita.eu
The website provides information on the metadata about the novel, the author and the locations of the event taking place in the novel. It is a perfect place for the people who read the novel for the first time, and would like to decipher some of the symbols and allusions in this work. The guide through the novel included annotations per each chapter.
- Dec 2019
github.com github.com
- Oct 2019
canvas.uoregon.edu canvas.uoregon.edu
Turn it on like you always do. Be quick and efficient and impatient, which is the way you have always been. Start the water in the tub and scrub the kitchen floor while it is filling up. When the floor is done and the mop wrung out and hung in back to dry, the water is good, just the right depth. Like a clock you are. Not a second wasted.
Foreshadowing the caos of suicide when the house and floor is flooding. She was the the one to clean it at one point now mama is the one causing the mess.
It had started with the cans, the lining of them on the shelves, hurling them on the floor, brooding, fussing, repacking them in the boxes, and then the whole thing over and over again until hours after Ichiro had gone.
This seems almost metaphoric for the camps that the Japanese experienced. is this besides the war that is causing madness?
- Apr 2019
gutenberg.net.au gutenberg.net.auSanditon15
if Charlotte understood it at all, not very moral; and being moreover by no means pleased with his extraordinary style of compliment
Here Charlotte sounds remarkably reminiscent of Fanny in Austen's Mansfield Park. Only seldom do Austen's heroines so pointedly critique the morality of fellow characters. Furthermore, both Fanny and Charlotte criticize the morality of character's choices in literature.
Charlotte began to feel that she must check herself
This form of self awareness in Charlotte is not common in Jane Austen characters ,such as Catherine or Fanny. Self-awareness is a characteristic that these characters have to develop. This poses a question to what qualities Charlotte has to develop throughout the novel. Development of character is a commonly discussed theme in Austen novels. Potentially, Charlotte's self-awareness of her qualities that make her a heroine could be her character development.
have butcher's meat raised
Sanditon is one of the only Jane Austen novels that go into details into the making of money, and more importantly the daily finances of families of the regency era. It is interesting that a female character expresses such an understanding to the working of the economy.
She has good natural sense, but quite uncultivated
The fact that Mr. Parker feels comfortable enough to pass such strong judgment on the intellect of a woman who outranks him in both title and wealth is quite a contrast to Mr. Collins' constant flattery of and deference to Lady Catherine in Pride and Prejudice. See the beginning of Chapter 14 of Pride and Prejudice for Mr. Collins' opinion of Lady Catherine.
Every neighbourhood should have a great lady. The great lady of Sanditon was Lady Denham
Lady Denham's status as the great lady of Sanditon is reminiscent of Lady Catherine de Bourgh's status as the great lady of Rosings in Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Both women are widows who yield a significant amount of power over the neighborhood in which they live.
the sea air would probably be the death of me
Diana's concern about the sea air and perils of a visit to Sanditon sounds similar to Mr. Woodhouse's complaints about weather and travels impacting his health in Emma.
Charlotte was to go, with excellent health, to bathe and be better if she could
This draws parallels to Fanny Price from Mansfield Park, who was also sent to a new location in order to undergo character development and most importantly find someone on the marriage market.
young lady, sickly and rich
The characterization of Miss. Lambe as a young and sickly heiress mirrors Austen's characterization of Anne de Bourgh in Pride and Prejudice, who was also an heiress suffering from an illness.
attend their master
In Austen's novels, servants are frequently alluded to but never distinctly characterized. More often than not, they blend into the background of the story. Why, with the prominent theme of class divisions, would Austen choose not to create active characters out of servants? It is possible that she views them as devices that reveal the true nature of members of the aristocracy/gentry. Nonetheless, we get glimpses into the lives of the working class, such as here, where we learn that "masters" like Mr. Heywood have many "haymakers," enough that he can summon three to four with there still being men, women, and children working in the fields. Read more about it here: http://www.jasna.org/persuasions/on-line/vol35no1/walshe.html
they were glad to promote their getting out into the world as much as possible
The Heywoods contrast Mr Woodhouse in Emma who was extremely cautious over his daugher and other young people being in the world.
they were very accomplished and very ignorant
Austen uses an apparent paradox to comment on the failure of accomplishments as the suitable form of education for young women, through the ironic characters that have equally all the considered accomplishments of the world and all the lack of proper understanding like Miss Bingley in Pride and Prejudice.
two and twenty
An appropriate age for most of Austen's heroins on the marriage market e.g. Emma is 21, Elizabeth is 20, Jane 22, Elinor 19
who would enlarge her mind and open her hand
The idea that Clara Brereton would improve Lady Denham in a certain manner diverges from the theme of improvement in Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey. In those novels, it is the young girl, either Fanny or Catherine, whose mind is improved by the older individuals around her.
helpless and more pitiable
Lady Denham appears to have a savior complex that is similar to Emma's desire to improve Harriet's status in life. Lady Denham's taking in of a "helpless" girl is also similar to the Bertram's decision to take Fanny in and improve her.
Similarly, in Sense and Sensibility, Willoughby is seen to romanticize country life, specificially the look of Elinor and Marianne's cottage.
- Oct 2016
viahtml.hypothes.is viahtml.hypothes.is
kangaroo dog
With his insatiable appetite and his owner's vigilant protection and affection, Tom Collins' kangaroo dog, Pup, is a significant presence in both Rigby's Romance and Such is Life. Bred from greyhound and deerhound stock, kangaroo dogs were used primarily as a hunting dog and adapted well to Australian conditions.
Kangaroo dog owned by Mr Dunn of Castlereagh Street, Sydney, 1853 / painted by Thomas Tyrwhitt Balcombe (State Library of New South Wales)
- Sep 2016
www.pastemagazine.com www.pastemagazine.com
Are the Killjoys the heroes? If you want to look at it in a nihilistic 15-year-old point of view, watching A Clockwork Orange for the first time, I guess you could see them as the heroes. Are Better Living Industries (BLI) really the bad guys? Who’s the bad guy? I feel like The Girl just wants to hang out with her cat.