- Apr 2022
www.bellingcat.com www.bellingcat.com
The Russian statement also cites a video posted online by the mayor of Bucha, Anatoliy Fedoruk, which claimed Bucha had been liberated as of 31 March 2022.
Indeed is suspicious that there was much happiness and not a mention of such a war crime.
suspicions they had fought for Ukrainian armed forces in the Donbas in 2014, or even “simply for having a tattoo of Ukraine’s national emblem”.
Just some sparse thoughts:
the second is more likely. the first sounds like a speculation but without much sense.
to understand also if donbass rebels may have joined russian forces and carried a revenge killing autonomously.
the whole killing is too random and with little strategic sense, to be a clear command to russian troops. (claiming "they are just mad" doesn't hold up much)
- Jan 2021
learnxinyminutes.com learnxinyminutes.com
{ item1: "hello", item2: "world" }
Valida in automatico l'oggetto passato con l'interfaccia?
Non necessità di un'istanza o di specificare l'interfaccia dell'istanza?
- Nov 2020
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
these trials are intended to pass the lowest possible barrier of success. As this is being written, the FDA is poised to announce tougher standards for a Covid-19 vaccine in the near future. It is my hope that these new standards for an EUA will at a minimum include requirements for protections from infection itself, protections from severe virus-related disease leading to hospitalization, and a significant improvement in Covid-19 related mortality.
all the pharmaceutical companies assume that the vaccine will never prevent infection. Their criteria for approval is the difference in symptoms
These trials all clearly focus on eliminating symptoms of Covid-19, and not infections themselves. Asymptomatic infection is listed as a secondary objective in these trials when they should be of critical importance.
Vaccine efficacy is typically proved by large clinical trials over several years. The pharmaceutical companies intend to do trials ranging from thirty thousand to sixty thousand participants. This scale of study would be sufficient for testing vaccine efficacy. The first surprise found upon a closer reading of the protocols reveals that each study intends to complete interim and primary analyses that at most include 164 participants.
Three of the vaccine protocols—Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca—do not require that their vaccine prevent serious disease only that they prevent moderate symptoms which may be as mild as cough, or headache.
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
confirming that these high Ct values are mostly correlated with low viral loads
This is to be noted too
It can be observed that at Ct = 25, up to 70% of patients remain positive in culture and that at Ct = 30 this value drops to 20%. At Ct = 35, the value we used to report a positive result for PCR, <3% of cultures are positive.
Main observation
firstmonday.org firstmonday.org
If companies are allowed to tap the unpaid, innovative labour of the community, inhouse and waged labour will be pushed out by the market imperative to cut down on personnel expenses. Inevitably, the employment and wage situation for software programmers, the livelihood of many in the free software community, will be dumped [54]. The dangers of not making a critical analysis could not be demonstrated more clearly.
Certainly then, there are contradictory interests between the two sides, not originating so much from the formal activity (free or closed software), but from its agents (communal or commercial). If communities become direct producers of value for capital, an antagonist relationship similar to the one between capital and labour should be expected to emerge [55]. Though this is not the place to develop this thought further, I suggest one central point of struggle. Conflicts are likely to evolve around the control, accessibility, and flow of profit allowed by the license especially as companies try to maximise the distance between the free labour pools engaged in any project while narrowing the conditions of use of the result [56].
The Ideology of Hacking
The hacker movement is a political project. Like the activity of many 'alternative' subcultures that are not directly defined by their political engagement, "the struggles are at once economic, political, and cultural - and hence they are biopolitical struggles, struggles over the form of life. They are constituent struggles, creating new public spaces and new forms of community" [46]. The chief uniting and mobilising force for the hacker underground is the common enemy of Microsoft (Bezroukov, 1999a). Opposition to Microsoft draws both from socialist anarchistic principles, and from high-tech libertarianism. The rightwing drift, dubbed as the Californian Ideology, is a recent transition, and not surprising given the hegemonic dominance of the corporate sector in the United States and the greater stakes in free software for business. However, it runs counter to the roots of hacking, which essentially is a reaction against Taylorism (Hannemyr, 1999). Basic motivations to engage in free programming are the rush of technological empowerment (Sterling, 1994), the joy of un-alienated creativity (Moglen, 1999), and the sense of belonging to a community (commonly recognised by hackers themselves as 'ego', but reputation only viable within a group of peers, i.e. a community). Those values may not seem political at first sight, but they are on collision course with the commercial agenda of turning the Internet into a marketplace. The rising tension within the hacker community are illuminated by the words of Manuel Castells: "The struggle between diverse capitalists and miscellaneous working class is subsumed into the more fundamental opposition between the bare logic of capital flows and the cultural values of human experience"
smartbear.com smartbear.com
This conflicts in very basic ways with what other engineering disciplines expect. Toyota's stylists might be able to sell their renderings in art galleries, but you can't drive to work in one. In software, you can.
I don't really understand the sentence. Does it mean that you can't really use a project's design until it's built, in classical engineering, while instead with software all that detailed design is actually the product?
- Aug 2020
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
At a start-up competition in 2014 in San Francisco, Lisa Curtis, an entrepreneur, pitched her food start-up, Kuli Kuli, and was told her idea had won the most plaudits from the audience, opening the door to possible investment. As she stepped off the stage, an investor named Jose De Dios, said, “Of course you won. You’re a total babe.”Ms. Curtis later posted on Facebook about the exchange and got a call from a different investor. He said “that if I didn’t take down the post, no one in Silicon Valley would give me money again,” she said. Ms. Curtis deleted the post.
.... that's how the american capital of IT works. Same way as the american capital of Cinema.
- Jan 2020
medium.com medium.com
Look over your list. Do they contain words like published, awarded, graduated, built, founded or created? Or do they contain mostly adjectives like nice, caring, loving, honest and smart? If you’re in the first sentence it’s likely you’re an SC. If the majority of your responses are in the second sentence you are likely an RC.
The difference is if listing egocentric stuff (I'm impressive and I feel better than others, I feel worthy for myself itself) or listing qualities that influence the surrounding world (I do social work to help refugees, I published a theory to improve the current state of philosophy, I completed a project or a school, I created something that now generates some kind of value).
The Replication Creators are creative just for themselves, so they get just short-term rewards.
The Skilled Creators are creative for the sharing with the others, so they get long-term rewards.
- Dec 2019
pecial action-based dependency injection
DO NOT USE IT. Can tie your own hands. Rely on normal DI.
github.com github.com
TODO: check if this PR affects the loading of assets from local. Atm it works just with remote resources. I can't manage to make local assets (CSS or JS files) to be loaded. Just inline code on HTML works 😕.
- the path is relative but not sure relative to what. Would look like PUBLIC (where the index.php is).
- the resources are searched into /public, but nothing seems to move the assets there, from the /src/Resources/ directory. Even if the documentation mentions it.
- assets:install doesn't seems to copy/compile the custom assets.
- Nov 2019
webmozart.io webmozart.io
Instead of using the empty_data option – which is only called if we create an object, but not if we update it – we will implement a custom data mapper. Symfony's data mappers are responsible for mapping the data of a form to its fields and back. For our MoneyType, Symfony's default data mapper will call the following methods when we display a form with an existing Money instance: $form->get('amount')->setData($money->getAmount()); $form->get('currency')->setData($money->getCurrency()); The properties of the Money are copied to the form simply by calling the appropriate getters. When we submit the form, the data mapper inverts that behavior: $money->setAmount($form->get('amount')->getData()); $money->setCurrency($form->get('currency')->getData()); That's where the data mapper fails. The setters setAmount() and setCurrency() don't exist. To create a custom data mapper we need to implement DataMapperInterface. Let's look at this interface: namespace Symfony\Component\Form; interface DataMapperInterface { /** * Maps properties of some data to a list of forms. * * @param mixed $data Structured data. * @param FormInterface[] $forms A list of {@link FormInterface} instances. */ public function mapDataToForms($data, $forms); /** * Maps the data of a list of forms into the properties of some data. * * @param FormInterface[] $forms A list of {@link FormInterface} instances. * @param mixed $data Structured data. */ public function mapFormsToData($forms, &$data); } These methods correspond to the two previous code blocks. The method mapDataToForms() calls setData() on all passed forms by reading the passed $data. Conversely, mapFormsToData() updates $data by reading the data of the passed forms.
This is so important & useful, when working in DDD & immutability, where setters are avoided.
- Oct 2019
www.thinktocode.com www.thinktocode.com
This can become messy when you have a lot of configurations in your Entity. Another issue is that your annotations are coupled to your source code. Your database implementations details, or any other configurations are coupled to your domain object. This goes against the guidelines of clean code. Your domain object (Entity) should only have one reason to change.
Thank you for saying that loud.
- Sep 2019
www.globalist.it www.globalist.it
è un’umanità alla deriva che contrasta con la cosmesi del nostro mondo, che ha rimosso la malattia, la povertà e la morte come ombre di un passato oscuro, di una preistoria della civiltà. Tutti i veri medici che si ribellano e accettano la sfida dell’accoglienza non fanno soltanto una scelta etica di giustizia, ma scelgono di riconoscere la loro stessa condizione di fragilità, di precarietà nei naufraghi, che portano la cruda verità della condizione umana, che non può essere oscurata dalle mille luci del finto benessere occidentale. Ciò che di inquietante portano con loro i migranti è quello straniero residente, come sostiene Donatella DI Cesare, che ciascuno di noi è, e che scuote dalle fondamenta l’illusione che ciascuno di noi coltiva, di possedere qualcosa e di essere realmente abitante di un luogo in maniera permanente e stabile.
Bartolo e Rieux sono dei revoltés, dei rivoltosi, e nella natura del revolté non c’è soltanto la resistenza ma qualcosa di più. E’ lo stesso Camus che chiarisce la figura del revolté in uno dei suoi saggi più controversi. L’uomo in rivolta è l’uomo che dice No, lo schiavo che si ribella, il proletario che non vuole più essere sfruttato, l’uomo che non accetta di essere umiliato. Ma nel momento in cui l’uomo pronuncia il No, perché un confine è stato superato, accede a un piano di vita superiore, perché l’uomo in rivolta si rivolta per combattere un’ingiustizia, ma lo fa in nome di un valore che trascende la sua persona. L’uomo in rivolta combatte per l’uomo e per la sua dignità e da quel momento la sua battaglia diventa collettiva, ed è per questo che Camus può riscrivere la formula cartesiana penso dunque sono, in mi rivolto dunque siamo.
- Aug 2019
becominghuman.ai becominghuman.ai
so there won’t be a blinking bunny, at least not yet, let’s train our bunny to blink on command by mixing stimuli ( the tone and the air puff)
Is it just that how we all learn and evolve? 😲
labsblog.f-secure.com labsblog.f-secure.com
Security Issues, Dangers And Implications Of Smart Systems
- Jul 2019
blog.neocities.org blog.neocities.org
no suspects yet, but a few promising leads
Did you make it 404 on purpose, guys?...
www.khanacademy.org www.khanacademy.org
our sum of squares is 41.187941.187941.1879
Just considering the Y, and not the X. Calculating the residuals from the average/mean Y.
dev.to dev.to
However using the proposed syntax it's easy to see how big components could have logic broken up into smaller reusable pieces, moved into separate files if necessary, leaving you with small, easy-to-understand functions and components.
Benefits are evident and good, imho. A big improvement in code organization and separation of concerns.
Just, I think the new syntax suffers from the loss of, as you said, that easy-to-understand-separation-by-type, that is appealing and clearer to newcomers and people that deal with pretty simple components. The component code is divided in three different sections (State, Computed, Methods) that are easy to scroll and to keep conceptually segregated.
That's one appealing aspect for beginners, helping them to grab the main concepts and organization of Vue. Also helps giving some simpler view to who not too confident with JS and its patterns. With this "separation by function" the beginner is more disoriented since has to import state & computed as functions to place in specific points. Places that they need to know/remember, rather than just filling up the three object provided in module.exports (and I suppose there are packages that build a basic .vue template for you; maybe vue-cli itself too, that people get used to blindly use).
So in the end the new syntax gives in my opinion a lot more power in modelling, but requires to accept some compromises with the somehow more verbose syntax (const everywhere; return & export providing private/public but necessarily longer to write) and with the slightly higher shadiness of its main concepts.
Still, a good & efficient & clear documentation, as it was on Vuejs.org until today, will for sure easily compensate to these drawbacks and bring the most out of this new -more OOP- approach. For me also class could be use here, but I like trying to stay compatible using the prototypical approach (maybe also less overhead? Dunno, I'm not so deeply in the JS world).
I am actually pretty curious to see how it is gonna evolve. And I am glad I didn't engage with Vue too much yet... 😜
- Feb 2019
medium.freecodecamp.org medium.freecodecamp.org
It also provides the interviewer with an opportunity to feel smart and validate that “they’ve still got it” and that they aren’t themselves an imposter, by critically examining the work of an outsider who wants in.
That's the point. How can one interviewer assume to be more competent than the interviewed or assume to be able to judge objectively some other's work?
Interviewers should start from a place of humbleness and understand they can't spot a person quickly.
Getting to know and trust somebody is a process that requires time; that's true for any kind of human relationship. It can just start with faith, plus a trial period. There's no shortcut that can keep the same judging reliability of a judgment during time.
- Nov 2018
lostechies.com lostechies.com
code-smell1: In OO, the use of instanceof ( typeof) is a code smell, use double dispatch.
The use of double dispatch is a code smell; goto code-smell1