2,126 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2015
    1. Rather, it was about how maps can help us gain alternative perspectives on the world.
    2. Our aim is to demonstrate the always-existing intersections between our digital and material lives and spaces.
    3. All of that is to say that this essay is the outcome not only of the individuals who wrote it, but also of the places that we have inhabited throughout the process.

      Places as actants.

    4. on the societies, spaces, and places that are being mapped, and from which maps emerge
    5. this essay focuses
    6. We also want to challenge people to think deeply about space, construct maps that demonstrate an awareness of social contexts, and critique these very same maps.
    7. And yes, the fact that it is easier to make stuff up rather than do actual work is another lesson.

      Ideas are cheap.

    1. There are many other questions. Of course existing systems on the earth may be very much influenced by the geographical reality of a two-dimensional surface. Historical groups have been nested geographically. So though there may be aspects in which community size is scale-free, that maybe a completely different optimisation problem from the one we have when on the Internet anyone can connect to anyone. If you could devise an algorithm for connecting people into groups, and so that they each participated in communities of different sizes in a scale-free way, then how much more effective (at solving problems, etc) can you make a web-based society which ignores geographical borders? To what extent does humanity as currently connected by the web in fact deviate from geographical nesting anyway?
    1. I have some candidates in mind; here’s one I’d put money on — Van Jacobson’s new internet protocol is a really big deal. I realize it sounds like overreach to claim that “Named Data Networking” could be fundamental to addressing climate change — that’s my point — but my thought is, how could it not?

      That's basically what I have been trying to convey since about two years, but it's hard for me to find a suitable language.

  2. Nov 2015
    1. allmende.io provides web services for mutual self-organization it is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. originally inspired by TransforMap graciously hosted by circus homo novus, id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability and Ecobytes
    1. -


    2. Clauses” and “Schedules” are referencing to clauses of, and schedules of, this Agreement; 1.GET ACTIVE obligations

      Maybe you want to insert a TOC here before directly jumping into the Paragraphs.

    3. has been entered into on the date stated at the beginning of it


    4. Rainer Tiefenbacher


    5. instalment


    6. GANNT


    7. Transformap

      Can we get TransforMap here?

    8. “writing”

      Should be capitalized as the other terms in this section.

  3. Oct 2015
    1. At the institutional level, there is a similar gap between setting up a Web service and requesting a domain name. For a Web service, all it takes is a phone call, but getting a site-specific DNS record looks like a long bureaucratic fight (I haven't tried yet).

      @gandhiano This is why we need to develop those federated socio-technical amalgrams as many Commons.

  4. Jun 2015
    1. for easily running your own instance!

      This is a lie!

  5. May 2015
  6. Apr 2015
    1. ...

      Remove me!

    2. from marketing

      from a marketing

    3. themes, packaging work

      ... themes/topics, namely packaging work ...

    4. to solicit feedback on the changes
    5. place as

      ... place to solicit feedback on the changes as soon as ...

    6. This part of the roadmap is admittedly incomplete.


    7. so

      , so

    8. This theme is about improving the performance of the web interface.

      Could be italic or a quote respectively.

    9. Simplified UI

      Could also have a

      This topic is about ...


    10. This theme is about improving the startup-time and reducing the RAM usage of Mailpile.

      could be italic

    11. to fully

      to be able to

    12. process written

      process has to be written

    13. point #1

      It's strange this blog post addresses point #2 before point #1 and also names them differently:

      2nd takeaway != point #1

    14. date

      point in time

    15. a


    16. without upgrading


    17. to


    18. ,

      drop this comma

    19. s s

      Put the comma here instead!

    20. Rather than expose half-finished work, for the 1.0 these elements of the UI will be hidden from view.

      Please refactor this sentence for easier readability.

    21. developed

      developed FULL STOP

    22. debugging and provide

      debugging and providing

    23. concept:

      concept are:

    24. in part


    25. Many reports of IMAP bugs were actually configuration problems, which speaks to poor visibility into what the app is doing

      This sentence can be finished with a full stop, too!

    26. The current setup flow is rather long The setup UI for mapping IMAP folders to Mailpile tags is confusing

      Finish full sentences with a full stop dot.

    27. theme

      the word theme could possibly be exchanged by topic/subject throughout the text.

    28. in

      a ?

    29. ,


    30. which will be

      which will still be

    31. be time

      be enought time

    32. then


    33. so we can get it shipped to users and get some feedback on whether it really is an improvement or not.

      Separate sentence.

      Then we can get ...

    34. After that, people will be presented with a "home page" which gives an overview over configured accounts and makes it easy to add another one. Once an account has been added, it should be easy to browse the account's mailboxes (or folders, or tags) and contacts and either just read in place or easily opt in to one of copy/move/sync.

      These sentences need a complete rewrite and are almost ununderstandable.

    35. r c

      ... over the configured ...

    36. that

      these steps (no comma)

    37. I

      the general we would sound much nicer in this context. Also for the whole text a we sound much more profound than just I ... I ... I, because it reflects the crew behind the process.

      Until now it sounds you're the benevolent dictator.

    38. need to move

      May I offer http://ecobytes.net 's services?

    39. doing

      to be done

    40. , GreenQloud,

      no commas here

    41. has actually been built


    42. will never

      can certainly not ?

    43. of


    44. to not

      not to

    45. now

      for several months already?

    46. that


    47. here


    48. that

      that that that

      A lot of that in this text. Also consider using which, whose, this and the likes.

    49. is


    50. ,

      comma before and?

    51. but the top-level tasks all

      but all the top-level tasks

    52. right


    53. ,

      comma before and?

    54. you...

      you ...

    55. fruit.


    56. ,


    57. might be able to accept

      would appreciate to receive help for ?

    58. n m

      n which m

    59. as you read and during the coming months

      during the coming months and as you read through ?

    60. So

      Double use of the word from above. The sentence could be better without.

    61. ..

      Full Stop. New sentence. Much more easy to read, as there is no ambiguity to be introduced by the ... here.

      The second sentence could start with "It turns out..."

    62. if you are just looking for the weekly status summary you may want to skip to the bottom

      Maybe better refer to the seperate Weekly Status Update post as of https://hypothes.is/a/iT1yW_1TSyGDRQv7wPUyIA ?

    63. ..

      Maybe a little less informal introduction, only one point and a line break here?

    64. Weekly Status Update

      I would remove this from the Roadmap post and extract it into a seperate one.

    1. If you have entered any ethics issues in the ethical issue table in the administrative proposal forms , you must : • s ubmit an ethics self - assessment, which: o d escribe s how the proposal meets the national legal and ethical requirements of the country or countries where the tasks raising ethical iss ues are to be carried out; o e xplain s in detail how you intend to address the issues in the ethical issues table, in particular as regard s
  7. Mar 2015
    1. und Etherpad-Sessions stellte

      Ich habe mir auch hier erlaubt ein paar Kommentare anzufügen.

      Dies geschah auch mit Hypothes.is, jedoch via des PDF Exports, da andernfalls, weder auf live noch read-only Pads, die Kommentieroberfläche nicht geladen wurde.

    2. Ist es vielleicht sinnvoller, von der “Plattformgesellschaft” anstelle von der “Netzwerkgesellschaft” zu sprechen?

      Es erscheint mir schwierig eine topologische Eigenheit von Netzwerk/-en als hinreichend strukturierenden Prozess des-/derselben aufzufassen.

      Vielmehr böte es sich doch an die Partikularität und Atomisierung, welche von den beständigen Strömen zusammengehalten werden, zu betonen und danach zu fragen wie sich daraus eine Prozesshaftigkeit kollektiver Intentionalität ableiten ließe.


    3. a condition of possibility for the very existence

      Now we're talking.

    4. Plattformbedingungen

      (1) Lassen sich diese in topologischen Begriffen fassen? Was kann quantifizielle Graphentheorie hier beitragen? Ab wann ist eine Super Node eine Platform?

      (2) Um auf die Tausend Plateaus zurückzukommen: Das Rhizom wurde ja nicht zufällig als epistemische Metapher angeboten, doch wie stellen sich differenzierte Phänomene in einem solch gleichartigen Raum dar? Es biedert sich vielleicht das Bild der Tausend Plateaus an. Einer Landschaft, in welcher die beständigen Bewegungen auch auf stabilisierte Ebenen treffen, von welchen sich vorzügliche Ausblicke auf andere bieten.

    5. (This rings a bell, doesn’t it?)


    6. wenn populäre Apps Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung für breite Nutzerschichten

      Im genannten Artikel fällt es schwierig den Faden zu behalten, wenn jeder zweite Absatz mit Ich beginnt oder ein Buch erwähnt, dass ich (noch) nicht gelesen habe.

      Die Regulationsmacht wurde freudigerweise explizit anerkannt. Doch möchte ich weiterhin daran erinnern, dass gleichzeitig eine andere Plattform, die Web Platform, auf einem guten Wege ist - noch immer! - als starkes Beispiel für mustergültiges Ineinanderspielen von offenen Standards zu gelten.

      Nebenbei ist von daher der Appification unserer Kommunikationsmittel, und weiterer Aufspaltung, mit Argwohn zu begegnen.

    7. auch als eine Stabilisierungs- und Übersetzungsoption

      Hier schwingt mir Beaudrillards Auffassung von Regulation vor, ganz besonders im Gegensatz zu reinen Regeln. Dass die Fähigkeit, die Regeln zu verändern weitaus schwergewichtiger sei, als Regeln stumpf durchzusetzen. Mit welcher Gewalt auch immer.

    8. (Joss Hands)

      Vielleicht wäre dieser Link etwas webfreundlicher gewesen? Oder ein kleiner Hinweis auf den PDF download?

  8. piratenpad.de piratenpad.de
    1. m

      Vielleicht eher in einem, da er selbst schon Teil einer Vielfalt ist?

    2. oder wieder

      Es bleibt zu wünschen, dass auch Gegenentwürfen genügend Raum eingeräumt wird, um die argumentative Balance zu halten und sich keinem Fatalismus hinzugeben.

      Ich fand einmal in einem kleinen Buch zur Geschichte der Schrift die Beschreibung der Donauzivilisation, einer verzweigten Netzwerkgesellschaft ohne hierarchische Institutionen, vor 7000 Jahren und schon mit Schrift ausgestattet.

    3. Welche Ideen und Vorstellungen vom Netzwerk gibt es und wie schaffen sie Realitäten?

      Vielleicht heißt es hier besser "von Netzwerken"? Andernfalls träumen die Autorinnen hier vom giant global graph. Denn wenn es ums Realitätenschaffen ginge, würde der eigentlichen Analyse eine weitreichende Betrachtung von Alternativen, föderierten Systemen folgen.

    4. n

      werden ... werfen


      wenden, dann aber ohne werfen.

    5. Netzwerkgesellschaft revisited - Von den ersten Vernetzungsutopien zur Sharing Economy alternativ: Von der Netzwerkgesellschaft zum Plattformkapitalismus? Alternativ:

      Diese Zeilen sind im Originaletherpad durchgestrichen.

    1. June

      Reisekosten für Auswertungstreffen in München?

      18./19./20. Juni 2015. > auch Anfrage bzgl. Übernachtungskosten

      • Josef / Michael Maier
    2. Hackathon 1 organization and rewards for finalizing all needed software before the MapJam

      Reisebudget für Programmierer von TransforMap

    3. 4000

      60% für TM interne; Bedarfe melden/äußern

    4. Integration of the feedback into the editor and maps

      Daniel Janz, Michael Maier, Michael Vesely, Thomas Kalka, JR, Fabian, ...

    5. Kick off for Global Map Jam / online Event and Communication on several international lists and TransforMap communication platforms (see above) April 15th, 2015 3500 Webinars and managing online process guidance for the global MapJam: ● Designing online webinar / decentralized online- sessions: “Introducing TransforMap and starting a MapJam in your city/region” ● implementation of webinars, online support and coordination for participating communities April - May 2015 2000

      Ausschüttung für Teilnehmer des Treffens am 11.03. und folgende Aufgaben

  9. Feb 2015
    1. who will be primarily responsible for carrying out

      1-2 persons per partner

    2. industrial/commercia


    3. Definitions: ‘ Work package’ means a major sub - division of the proposed project . ‘ Deliverable ’ means a distinct output of the project , meaningful in terms of the project 's overall objectives and constituted by a report, a docume nt, a technical diagram, a software etc. ‘ Milestones ’ means control points in the project that help to chart progress. Milestones may correspond to the completion of a key deliverable, allowing the next phase of the work to begin. They may also be needed a t intermediary points so that, if problems have arisen, corrective measures can be taken. A milestone may be a critical decision point in the project where, for example, the consortium must decide which of several technologies to adopt for further developm ent.


    4. Research and Innovation Actions

      Please find the current state of our application effort on transforlab.net.

    1. the original link has disappeared

      Actually it turns out we've had some kind of backup which brought at least the foundations back online.

      Happy to link back to it again!

    1. But emails are widely understood AKA: "Vanity domains are a very small minority of nerds. Email addresses have the widest common understanding by the average internet user." Decades ago email addresses were a very small minority of nerds, fax machines had a wider common understanding. Email addresses are a more well established technology, just like fax numbers used to be before that, and home landline phone numbers before that. Each was subsequently eclipsed. Email is simply the current such transitional legacy technology.

      You cannot imagine how much I regularly suffer due to being part of this "very small minority of nerds". Unfortunately the will not to learn about these different ways is very strong.

    1. Berlin

      Oh, again.

    2. The party in its original sense claims to articulate the general interest and will of the people. As an organizational form, the party is a sustainable structure that is here to stay regardless of its own fluctuations in the polls. But the party today is without passion and holds little relevance to people’s daily social lives and communication practices.

      This conclusion even accounts for the everyday rave in Berlin. A fatigue throughout devastated individuals is not to deny anymore.

    3. What is the broader potential of crypto?

      subsumption of this paragraph

    4. are


  10. Jan 2015
  11. Dec 2014
  12. Nov 2014
    1. What social networks does this work with? Right now, if you have a website on Known, you can use Bridgy to collect social interactions from Facebook and Twitter.

      This is partly wrong. I know at least that @bnvk uses Bridgy together with Social Igniter.

      Therefore the paragraph could also mention the #IndieWeb itself.

  13. May 2014