3,424 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. , they are overrun and changed


    2. Audiences blog posts can pertain to is vast.

      Blog posts can appeal to a vast audience

    3. , using words or phrases like

      no commas

    4. newspaper article

      newspaper articles mainly report facts, though, right? your piece seem interested in making an argument

    5. This is something I see happening all the time in America, for a foreign artist to be taken seriously in America, they have to cater to the American ear in some way

      is this the same article the gentrification video makes?

    6. .” or “I love Rema now.”


    7. “Calm Down” by Rema feat. Selena Gomez is one of the best examples of the craze the genre has right now.

      yeah, this song is everywhere right now

    8. He listened to a lot of Congolese music, like O.K Jazz, their music has an old-timey feel to it.

      run-on sentence

    9. (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT86wFRVv/)

      you can remove the url since you've already embedded the tiktok

    10. ;

      incorrect usage of semi-colon

    11. My capstone project is centered around this topic, so it has been on my mind for a while. I wanted to look at it through a commentary lens, which drove me to focus on it within this piece.

      metadiscourse. doesn't seem necessary

    12. -

      use a dash, not a hyphen

  2. annaleighbos.substack.com annaleighbos.substack.com
    1. Many Russians lack personal memories related to the Ukraine war because they are still so far removed from the reality of the conflict. White nationalists lack personal memories of discrimination because they will never feel the systematic impacts of racism and remove themselves from reality writ large.

      Not so much a tug-of-war as a trend among despots (or would-be despots) to curate memorials to support their agenda

    2. tug-of-war

      how is this a tug-of-war, exactly? russia's pulling one end of the rope-- who's pulling the other?

    3. he sits as a reminder of what horrible things could be done to you

      but by whom? the russian government?

    4. average Russian receives so little information from the outside world that the state media and presence in their lives is all they have to base their beliefs upon.


    5. Putin is thus making sure that the Russian people believe that Ukrainians are the true fascists despite adopting fascistic policies himself

      And how does erecting a statue of Derzhinsky help him do this?

    6. Putin has created a false equivalency between the defeat of Nazism and the defeat of Ukrainians


    7. muddle the boundary between the past and the present

      for whom?

    8. bad.

      Where's all this going? I thought we were talking about the new Derzhinsky monument

    9. Visual symbols like monuments

      There's a lot of background here about monuments, which seems odd because 1) you haven't discussed the extent to which the Dzerzhinsky monument has caused controversy in Russia, and 2) this discourse obviously resonates with recent monument controversies in the US, which you have yet to mention specifically

    10. Before we dig into these questions, we must understand why statues can be dangerous when harnessed as symbols. At their best, physical monuments have the potential to inspire people or heal collective trauma. But at their worst, they are caricatures of history, portraying people or events that should not be glorified.

      i'm not convinced you need this info. but either way, it seems odd-- given that you seem to be writing for US readers-- to avoid mentioning the various statue controversies in our recent past

    11. we grapple with our own history

      good place for a hyperlink. to what are you referring specifically?

    12. Think Piece

      a thought-provoking piece that uses opinion and analysis

    1. My blog post is discussing this question, so I think I’m using it to address such a (even mildly) film-related audience that is still relatively wid

      i'm still left asking the question why this film and why now?

    2. I don’t have to reveal my point

      yes, but none of this justifies the inclusion of your opening remarks which seem unnecessary

    3. Se, Jie (色,戒) is a short story by Eileen Chang with the first manuscript written in about 1950 but was not published until 1978

      you could have started here. but even then you'd need to explain why you've chosen to discuss a film from 2007. why talk about this film now?

    4. As we see so far

      you've spent considerable time establishing that the figures mentioned -- none of them particularly well known -- have divergent opinions regarding adaptions. why? why?

    5. An Indian executive editor

      what does his ethnicity have to do with your subject matter?

    6. WRIT 340Jiuqiao XiaoWP3

      unnecessary. but it would be nice to know what genre you're working in

    7. Fictions


    1. .

      i don't disagree that you've written the piece in an accessible manner. but your analysis, it seems to me, has more sophisticated ambitions than your reflection suggests

    2. I also saw an opportunity to subvert common conventions by making the post more important

      right, so much so that the piece doesn't really seem focused on the recipe. that's fine, of course. analyzing the decpictions of food and food consumption in studio ghibli films isn't uninteresting, but the emphasis here does make the recipe seem like an after thought

    3. .

      citations look great

    4. Recipe

      it takes a while to get to this point. so long, in fact, i'm not sure you can justify the title you use above. this piece seems more focused on describing and speculating about the depiction of food in studio ghibli films

    5. Also, since the food is meant to have such a strong impact, it wouldn’t be surprising if the animators took a little extra time to find the perfect designs

      but is they why studio ghibli films takes such care in how they represent food? or is the real emphasis the characters and how they interact with food?

    6. Washoku:

      what exactly does this word mean?

    7. We, as the audience, know

      the audience knows

    8. which is how deeply Studio Ghibli invests in each food scene in their films

      Maybe discuss WHY studio ghibli aims for represent japanese good as accurately as possible

    9. washuko has intense cultural and political importance

      what is it?

    10. ‘aesthetic.’

      why in quotes (especially single quotes)?

    11. attempted to establish a certification system for authentic Japanese cuisine prepared abroad.

      add an additional sentence explaining that the Japan's ministry of agriculture sent agents out worldwide to critique suhsi preparation. i would also explain why they wished to ensure the use of traditional techniques

    12. just start a new sentence

    13. As the cuisine has spread its influence

      as the cuisine's influence has spread

    14. As a college student in Los Angeles, the amount of ramen in my friends’ cupboards borders on concerning. In upscale and home environments, Japanese food has (deliberately) gained a positive reputation worldwide.

      odd transition. the paragraph lacks cohesion

    15. We can see the influence of “gastrodiplomacy” in our everyday life: when I go home to my parents’ house for the holidays, sushi often ranks high on our list of options for a ‘fancy’ celebratory meal

      neither term warrants quotation marks unless you're quoting someone

    16. Two important sources of Japanese soft power are anime and food; therefore, through no fault of our own, we are politically predisposed to find animated Japanese food appealing.

      why italicized?

    17. “Well, of course not,” you might be thinking. “It’s movie magic!”

      it's animation. is that movie magic?

    18. What makes Studio Ghibli food look so mouth-wateringly delicious

      does it though? the bowl of ramen above looks pretty good, but i'm less attracted to the carnivores delight featured in the photo from spirited away

    19. Recipe: How to Make the Animated Ramen from Ponyo in Real Life

      cool idea

    20. Cookbooks, museum exhibits, video essays, TikTok trend

      i would advise hyperlinking to examples of these things. otherwise, you're just telling us that they exist

  3. Oct 2023
    1. for the player, this person is Joel

      Players exist to keep safe the character they control. Players are trying to keep Joel alive. Then, narratively, Ellie does the same thing. Players keep Joel alive so he can save Ellie, then, when game play shifts from Joel to Ellie, players try to keep Ellie alive to keep Joel alive to keep Ellie alive. This is something ONLY the video game can do-- these are its "bones"

    1. actor.

      consider adding a few words on the absence of process analysis in this essay. you've been asked to analyze the process you employ to prepare for role. but you fell ill-equipped to answer this question due to limited experience. if you lack a process because you haven't had a chance to develop one, take that on directly and discuss, perhaps, what your gut tells you. do you see yourself having multiple processes?

    2. In my acting class, we had to choose an excerpt from a piece of media we felt connected to. I chose the church confession scene from the show Fleabag, which is quite honest.

      is the honesty the source of your connection?

    3. Nonetheless, even with my short experience in the field, I believe an actor actively tries to be in touch with themselves and practice their craft in every way they can.

      Nonetheless, despite my limited experience in the field, I believe actors strive to remain in touch with themselves while practicing their craft any way they can.

      (clearer, but the meaning remains iffy)

    4. Throughout this reflection on my relatively fresh and ongoing journey as an actor, you’ll notice I switch between calling myself an actor and then retracting by saying I am working towards being an actor.

      maybe clarify that it's for this reason that analyzing artistic process proves difficult? you're in the process of finding a process

    5. I got grouped with the gifted students in elementary and middle school, and my teachers drilled into my head that I was to become a doctor and attend Harvard University.

      New paragraph maybe? Not sure the hard pivot from film to family/college is the smoothest option

    6. when I reflected on my love for cinema

      to my love for cinema

    7. had dabbled in other artistic fields

      such as?

    8. It

      to what does it refer?

    9. In my current acting class, this book has made its way back to me, and reading it at this point in my life, now in my first year of seriously acting, I realize how hard it is to stay on the track of determination.


      Smith's book has made its way back to me in an acting class I'm taking currently. Reading it now, I realize how hard it is to stay on the track of determination.

      What do you mean by the track of determination?

    10. and now, I attend the University of Southern California and am striving to become an actor.

      This makes it sound like USC is a step down or an un-serious place

    11. detach myself from


    12. do it

      add comma

    13. the sudden realization that my chances of fulfilling these standards were low hit me

      I suddenly realized that my chances of fulfilling these standards were low

    14. fed into

      what do you mean by "fed into"?

    1. I am only a young actor, but I feel like that happens rarely, and when it does, it’s metaphysical.

      This point relates a bit to your closing paragraph. It begs the question, as I point out below, how much of the process you describe her would be available/useful to you when preparing for other roles

    2. Thus, connecting this to Laura Fine’s work,

      I came to Fine's work first through Chekhov and then through White. In preparing to play Judas's grieving mother, I drew heavily upon Fine's chakra work during warm-ups.

    3. Michael Chekhov

      Awkward. Maybe say:

      In his seminal text, On the Technique of Acting, Michael Chekhov wrote of the "indescribable ...

    4. This

      Clarify to what does "this" refers: Attempting to tap into a higher power in this way works for me because ...

    5. I

      Rather, I ...

    6. I

      Add reference to establish cohesion:

      By higher power I don't mean white-bearded God

    7. Opening a 120-minute show

      I'm not sure you've made explicitly clear where you monologue happens in the show. I know, because I saw it, but will readers?

    8. Even after the play has closed, even in the silence of my empty apartment, it is a sacred honor to commemorate them.

      It might be interesting to expand on this a bit, as surely not every acting job carries this much weight or resonates this much with the performer. How does the process of preparing to play Judas's mother differ (if i does) from playing another less sympathetic character? What might you change, if anything?

    9. comprised

      which she argues consists ...

    10. yet it is a fact

      do we know she was alive at the time of these events?

    11. ,

      no comma

    12. Again,

      have you said this before?

    13. 40 days

      explain why 40 days

    14. to


    15. : I

      use a comma

    16. Through this system, actors discover how to put in motion the vast field of power that lives in the electromagnetic realm of existence upon which the chakra energy centers reside. Utilizing skills that open the chakras provides the chemistry to consistently create peak performances.”[2]

      block quote

    17. elaborates

      word choice. try: insists

    18. elaborated

      elaborates (always discuss texts in the present tense)

    19. This monologue

      Is your character's dialogue written in Spanish in the original play? Or was this a directorial choice?

    20. As I can inopportunely confirm by the lateness of this essay

      keep in mind the specific contours of the assignment: you're at least pretending that you're not writing for me, but for a publication appealing to other actors of readers interested in acting and theatre

    21. other side of the world

      Puerto Rico? Just south of the Tropic of Cancer? Is it really the other side of the world?

    22. the impossibility in Puerto Rican logic to travel 3,000 miles

      a bit awkward. maybe "inconceivability" would work better:

      ... the inconceivability, according to Puerto Rican logic, of traveling 3,000 miles to see a "theater play"

    23. theater play

      should this be in quotes? is it something a family member said? otherwise, why italicized?

    24. Is that failure, conflict, drama, or all of them combined

      hard to say without knowing more

    25. Yet what happens when the person who needs to hear your voice the most can’t access a seat in the theater?

      a bit confusing. was the show sold out? was the person disabled and couldn't gain access do to out-of-date entry protocols?

    1. The article’s main argument is that second hand smoke and vaping are associated with mental health disorders including depression. This was tested through an experiment that proved individuals exposed to second hand vape emissions were associated with mental health issues.

      too much "to be" (creating unnecessary wordiness)

      The authors examine the association between vaping and second hand smoke and mental health disorders.

    1. Magdalene laundries run by the Roman Catholic Church.

      An extraordinary history here. The Documentary, Sex in a Cold Climate, is good place to begin.

    2. “Troy”

      "Troy" references W.B. Yeats's "No Second Troy" and directs its anger at O'Connor's deeply abusive mother

    1. My first read of a script will always include my director notes in the margins and creating a mood board after that can communicate the feeling and general aesthetic I’m trying to capture


      The first time I read a script, I add directoral notes in the margins. Later, I'll refer to those notes when creating a mood board where I explore ways to communicate the feeling and general aesthetic I’m trying to capture

    2. We started production by recording our final scene and build the story from there.


      We started production by recording the final scene and built the story for the film from there.

    3. ocation for this project took place

      does a location "take place"?

    4. Alike Baker casting for his past films through Instagram,

      Like Baker, who used Instagram to cast his previous films ...

    5. Throughout pre-production

      add comma

    6. Before any film I work on, no matter how large my role is, I always give a listen to the song Movies by Weyes Blood to help inspire me.


      Before working on a film, I listen to Weyes Blood's song "Movies" for inspiration.

    7. Before jumping into pre-production involves all the meticulous planning that lifts the film off its feet and hiring people interested.


    1. the discourse that there already is

      the existing discourse

    2. As a

      new paragraph

    3. centered around

      how can one center around something?

    4. The article

      Look for ways to cut down on repetition

    5. The main ideas of this article centered around the fact that because local newspapers are going out of business, more people are only getting their news from the national media.

      This article focuses on the fact that because local newspapers are going out of business, more people get their news from the national media.

    6. Gave two good stories of small-town newspapers doing all they can to keep putting out content and trying to give the people of their area good reporting

      Not a complete sentence

    7. This video was a deep dive into what challenges small, local newspapers face

      This video carefully examines the challenges faced by local newspapers.

    8. This report summarized the findings from a study that showed the patterns in how often people get their news from social media.

      This report summarizes the findings of a study on the ways people increasingly look to social media for news.

    9. Roll Call

      website? magazine? journal?

    10. Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc.
    11. &


    12. discussed

      discuss texts uses the present tense

    13. Fortune,


    1. selection

      what drives topic selection?

    2. showcased the power of storytelling

      how? storytelling doesn't necessarily involved airing grievances or describing events from one's life

    3. gendered aspect of media scrutiny, suggesting that female celebrities like Swift may face a different kind of scrutiny

      probably more to touch on here

    4. about


    5. and structurally


    6. .

      takeaways: diverse selection of sources, citations contain only minor errors; objective annotations useful for researchers generally; minor phrasing issues

    7. on a study that employed computational methods to analyze how the humanities are portrayed in U.S. journalism.

      This article explores how the U.S. media portrays the humanities, drawing data from computational methods applied by ...

    8. journal


    9. Key evidence in the book is insight on the historical development of the concept of public opinion

      phrasing (is insight evidence?):

      Key evidence in the book is insight on the historical development of the concept of public opinion ...

      Maybe say: The book examines the development of public opinion over time ...

    10. conduit

      word choice. a conduit moves something from point a to point b. you could say, the media serves as a conduit, delivering information about current events to the public

    11. The purpose of this book is to highlight

      This book highlights ...

    12. It determines how factors like age, education, living area, and political ideology, as well as national macro-variables like economic development and media freedom, impact the strength of these effects.

      Not sure you need this sentence give the information contained in the subsequent one

    13. .

      add date accessed

    14. This research study’s purpose is to investigate

      This study investigates ...

    15. "Miss Americana"


    16. .

      add date accessed

    17. ,

      add url

    1. future.

      why does this annotation seem so different from the others in terms of phrasing and tone?

      takeaways: diverse selection of sources; citations contain multiple errors; annotations mostly (but not always) objective; phrasing issues

    2. expert

      how will you confirm their expertise?

    3. fetishism

      word choice

    4. aloof

      word choice

    5. contained


    6. indulge in

      word choice

    7. biohacking

      probably a good idea to define this term (to establish your understanding of it)

    8. Although great in length, the book presents a well-rounded view of the subject

      why would its length contrast with its well-roundedness?

    9. Bill and Peter

      first-name basis?

    10. is drawn

      by whom?

    11. is explored

      by whom?

    12. the impact of acupuncture therapy on the health-related quality of life of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

      sprawl (long subject finally arrives at verb)

    13. Former president of Erewhon states

      awkward phrasing; sentences feels tacked-on

    14. engage with


    15. .

      contains errors

    16. .

      contains errors

    17. .

      contains errors

    1. I already had the impression that energy drinks should be avoided before engaging in the discourse because they have many harmful ingredients.

      phrasing: I began this project with a negative impression of energy drinks. From what I understood, they contained harmful ingredients linked to heart disease, kidney stones, and other health problems.

    2. labeled on the cans of

      ... found in ...

    1. This sentiment is often shared amongst writers; notably, Jack Epps, writer of Top Gun and professor at USC, mentions this feeling in his book Screenwriting is Rewriting.


      Writers often share this sentiment. Jack Epps, for instance, writer of Top Gun and professor at USC, mentions this feeling in his book Screenwriting is Rewriting.

    2. I find what I akin to a runner’s high, a break through in the slog of the initial creative swamp writing a new book or short story brings.

      I experience a feeling akin to a runner’s high or a novelist's euphoria upon emerging from the creative swamp of initial ideation.

    3. I tend to move a little bit quicker than those aforementioned, but am no means churning out pages upon pages

      phrasing. try:

      I tend to move more quickly than the aforementioned authors, but by no means am I churning out pages upon pages.

    4. how he was fascinated with the one percent’s disillusionment in his thinking up of the show

      ... he conceived the show, in part, based on his fascination with the disillusionment of the wealthy

    5. ever


    6. My


    7. really

      word economy (delete meaningless words)

    8. In particular,


    9. each time, hoping for a leaner, more digestible experience the next time around

      each time / next time -- a bit redundant

  4. jeremiorlowski.substack.com jeremiorlowski.substack.com
    1. but your imagination.

      your opening concept of not knowing anything doesn't really go anywhere. in what way does it align with the stages/qualities of screenwriting your describe?

    2. Pitching, writing,

      these gerunds grammatically clash with the pure nouns in this list

    3. my projects

      clarify. are you referring to an original screenplay or a project you're helping develop?

    4. In one of my projects based on a bestselling novel, an undercover spy wants to defeat the Nazis threatening the Spanish government.

      this sentence seems tacked-on. maybe elaborate?

    5. However,


    6. great movie that no one wants to see (e.g. The Fabelmans)


    7. marketability/resonance

      not necessarily the same thing

    8. blockbuster

      or just a good film that finds and audience and makes a profit

    9. The problem is that nobody quite knows

      You said this a few times already

    10. ;

      why a semi-colon?

    1. amount


    2. confidence in their knowledge

      not sure what you mean by this

    3. .

      takeaways: diverse selection of sources; citations contain only minor errors; objective annotations (useful to other researchers); some phrasing errors

    4. This was a systematic review of 25 articles.


    5. reviewed

      keep descriptions of texts in present tense

    6. The review found a

      Author Wejdan Shanin identifies a significant relationship between personal and cultural beliefs and medication adherence.

    7. can


    8. in ensuring

      to ensure

    9. he need for indigenous culture to be integrated into science education

      The study explores possible outcomes of integrating indigenous culture and science education ...

    10. described


    11. Health Communication, vol. ahead-of-print, no. ahead-of-print

      not sure what this is. generated by easybib?

    12. 6

      add date accessed

    13. .

      add date accessed

    14. American Journal of Public Health


    15. (1971)


  5. janeellis.substack.com janeellis.substack.com
    1. social work classes

      consider making more of this to establish a rationale

    2. Through

      new paragraph

    3. I do not believe that gangs are a good thing, but I am aware that the topic is not black and white and that instead of criminalizing gang members we need to look at the ways in which these people have been neglected.

      I do not believe that gangs are a good thing, but I am aware that the topic is not black and white and that instead of criminalizing gang members we need to look at the ways in which these people have been neglected [passive].

    4. general consensus


    5. Most people who I talk to, however, do not share this view.

      why is this germane?

    6. are perceived

      by whom?

    7. I was interested in the connection


    8. I thought it would be interesting


    9. .

      takeaways: diverse selection of sources; citations contain some errors; objective annotations (useful to other researchers); some phrasing issues

    10. The argument in the text is to prove

      The texts aims ...

    11. , for example,

      create new sentence

    12. McClatchy - Tribune Business News, Tribune Content Agency LLC, 2006, p. 1–

      contains errors; looks like it was created using easybib

    13. .

      add date accessed

    14. “The Godfather”.

      italicize movie titles

    15. .

      add date accessed