- Nov 2023
edenzoghi.substack.com edenzoghi.substack.com
social media
you might want to acknowledge content moderation (or lack thereof) and algorithmic distribution of (mis)information. but yes, voters seem to desire certain kinds of political actors and actions
I focused primarily on objective readers who were aware of current affairs and the state of political discourse in the US today but didn’t have strong allegiances themselves
but by writing a college essay you've limited your audience to a professor and perhaps a few classmates. you can take argumentation into other genres, such as magazine articles, op eds, etc.
svarashah.substack.com svarashah.substack.com
The Joint
very jarring transition
The Blueprint
developed by? distributed by? overseen by?
Instead, I would publish this in a scientific news publisher like
on a website like
the incorporation of cultural competence in the healthcare field has been criticized for generalizing the health needs for racial and ethnic communities and overlooking factors that result in health disparities within cultural minorities
this reads like a thesis, potentially setting up an argument about how "cultural competence" hasn't solved all the problems associated with acknowledging cultural difference in health care
if you don't aim to develop this point further, why bring it up-- especially at the beginning of your piece?
The term “cultural competence” emerged in the late 1900s and became widespread throughout the United States during the early 2000s
clarify that the term relates to the health care space
The Competence of Cultural Competence
maybe expand with a subtitle to provide readers with a sense of what the piece is about
Svara ShahWrit 340Professor David Tomkins4 October, 2023WP 3
charliefaragherwrit340.substack.com charliefaragherwrit340.substack.com
There's a tension in this piece: sometimes it wants to be a review, other times it wants to be a feature or profile; elsewhere, it wants to be a blog post
She also debuted it on Jimmy Fallon, signifying the first time she ever performed her music by herself without a band backing her; the performance received a lot of praise.
She debuted the song on Jimmy Fallon, performing for first time without a backing band; the performance received a lot of praise.
in a person’s life
, you just take the ride it is offering you
create a new sentence
of the song is
You don't need to include in-text citations
She then started being managed by a family friend at FADER label
Soon family friend Jon Cohen of Fader Label became her manager and shortly thereafter Clairo released an EP and, later, her debut album Immunity ...
Clairo’s success was so instant and hurried:
word choice
, reciting that
and "by the time ...
bursted onto the scene
burst onto the scene
eventually posting
began adding
cover videos
; Maybe
While it was for me,
While this journey leaves me feeling quite content on the other side, many other listeners prefer her first record ...
and leave you content on the other side- or at least one would assume that to be the case.
carry you through a
take you on a
WP3: Sling by Clairo
maybe go a little farther to create a memorable title
montyhughes.substack.com montyhughes.substack.com
The Savannah Port
a rough transition. what happened to your discourse on unpaved roads?
“Our effort is to get beyond this argument that you hear all the time about, ‘Why do these, you know, poor white Southerners vote against their economic self-interests,’ right? Thinking they're kind of, like, dumb. When you feel like your economic situation is not going to get better no matter which party is in charge, you know, when people don't really feel like there's going to be an option for things to get better, then they vote on their values.”
create a block quote for citations of this size
The largest misunderstanding undermining the validity of my opinion
watch out for long, abstract subjects like this one. it's form of sprawl that delays the verb (here, just a weak linking verb) creating a confusing reading experience
I believe this frame-shift in the political narrative must be a refocusing on local issues that concretely affect Coastal Georgians specifically
a bit clunky. this seems like a crucial moment; best to spend more time fleshing out this sentence
These appeals are as racist as they are stale
a different kind of racism, though, aimed at latinos instead of african americans
Carter barked about the Southern Border: “Walls Work! After years of IGNORING and DENYING the crisis at our southern border, Biden has finally been forced to restart construction on the border wall.”
citation needed
All these examples are from 2018, right?
Republicans like Peter O’Donnell and Barry Goldwater recognized the increasingly racially progressive national Democratic Party was creating a prime opportunity for Republicans to challenge their hegemony in the South.
citation needed
Lisa Ring’s campaign, however, represents the exact vein of narrative change Coastal Georgia needs to move beyond tired racial tropes from yesterday’s Republican Southern Strategy.
Despite losing, Ring’s campaign put up a formidable fight, showing that her message had considerable appeal among Coastal Georgian voters. The tone of her campaign and the ideas she advanced are precisely what's needed to move beyond the tired racial held over from yesterday's Republican Southern Strategy.
succeeded in getting voters (red, blue, and purple) who cared about local problems to hit the polls and knock on doors (myself included)
Ring succeeded in getting voters (such as myself) from across the political spectrum who cared about local problems to knock on doors and hit the polls ...
Lisa Ring
simplify by using last names after full names have been introduced
Some citations contain errors
I referred to real blogs often to ground my own formatting and construction
an excellent idea
josephinemo.substack.com josephinemo.substack.com
outshines them all.
This is the language of review. Your piece has more in common with this review than an op-ed
Op-eds found on IGN generally target gamers
IGN has op-eds? Reviews, yes-- lots of them.
An op-ed is used to reach a wide variety of audiences instead of a specific group of people, and the type of readers usually depends on the topic being discussed.
how do you know?
These visuals, like any op-ed
op-eds don't typically include many photos
I have completed
Why include yourself in the view?
use colon
Fire Emblem Three Houses is The Best of Its Franchise:
this title suggests you're reviewing the game
I had also considered a blog post or an informative essay on Fire Emblem where the goal would be to simply inform rather than advocate for an opinion, as the same casual style and visual aids apply to blog posts as well.
the piece you've written seems more like a blog post
The free-flowing structure
what makes you think op-eds have a free flowing structure?
I also thought that an op-ed was fitting for my topic, as it pulls from personal experience and opinion
did you read the genre description linked to on the assignment sheet?
The Fire Emblem
New paragraph
Works Cited
some issues here
stefanofendrichs340page.substack.com stefanofendrichs340page.substack.com
All the President’s Men represented a time when journalism was at its peak and showcased the public’s love of the reporting that Woodward and Bernstein did.
Another title for this piece could have been: "Why All the President's Men Couldn't Be Made Today." Rather than thinking of this piece as a review of the film, which it really isn't, you could approach it as an analysis seeking to answer questions like:
1) did ATPM impact the popularity of journalism? 2) if so, did that happen as a result of casting two huge (and very hansom) stars? 3) the ATPM, the journalists seek to uncover government corruption; Americans love to hate their government-- did audiences respond because to feed into their fantasies about nefarious political actors? does the film put into relief the extent to which mainstream journalists are not suspected of defending government?
Maybe not everyone
why did this movie make people continue to trust the news media?
You're assuming it did-- that there is a causal connection between ATPM and confidence in journalism.
It was so well received that All the President’s Men garnered ninety-four percent on Rotten Tomatoes, as well as a ninety-two percent audience score
RT isn't an index of how well the film was received in 1976; use contemporaneous reviews
“All the President’s Men.” IMDb, 9 Apr. 1976, www.imdb.com/title/tt0074119/.
It usually includes those who watched the movie
Probably more those who haven't. Reviews are evaluations and recommendations-- should readers see the film or not?
Came out right at the height of trust in the media and detailed the story of two noble journalists uncovering the truth
typical conventions
such as?
hunterc340.substack.com hunterc340.substack.com
32 performances.
The final section in which you describe Adele's performance is the strongest part of the piece. Things that seems oddly absent include: reference to her prior performances (how different from her tour dates); to what extent has the show been overshadowed by U2 at the Sphere; how does her show invoke Vegas divas of the past; how does Adele's spectable differ from that of other modern divas (like Taylor)?
Definitely an unnecessary inclusion
I'm unconvinced you need all this lead up for a performance review; at minimum, I would advise condensing
To sincerely respect the magnitude of this moment in Adele’s career and the impact it had on the world, we first must delve into a bit of her biography.
could probably be cut
ameliajibilian.substack.com ameliajibilian.substack.com
possible reforms
it's unclear what the problems are and how pressing. again, one would expect to reports of misuse, case law, and perhaps research conducted by law professors
Another criticism
From whom?
a jury acts on emotion and are more likely to determine if someone is guilty based on the appalling nature of the crime rather than the defendant’s disoriented mental state
doesn't this statement undermine jury trials generally?
this defense should be more concise and difficult to achieve successfully.
One would expect to see more case law examples where defendants entered a defense plea
The Infographics Show, 3:51)
Not sure a policy brief to the President of the US is the right place to cite a YouTube video
In 1835, Richard Lawrence attempted to assassinate Andrew Jackson
American context
guidelines for approaching this type of defense was created in 1843 a
American judicial guidelines?
Prior to US founding. Is this English law?
Condense and include in ES
This policy brief is targeted toward the American government, specifically President Joe Biden, Congress, and others it may concern
Normally one wouldn't include this info in the executive summary. Here, one would expect to see an introduction to the topic and a preview of the policy argument to come.
mstrickland.substack.com mstrickland.substack.comWP38
those experiences
be specific: listening to those songs with my mom
showing me
sharing with me
the memories exist in the present: involve
what's clear: the topic of this piece is NewJeans; they have several songs and vidoes that remind you of music/fashion that remind you of the aughts
what's less clear: what, exactly, about Y2K (or the late 1990s) are they invoking? how, exactly, are their songs reminiscent of TLC and Destiny's Child (from 1999)? how do summer crushes and lonely winters invoke Y2K?
Op-eds advance a clear stance on an issue usually in the first sentence; they quickly clarify why the issue at hand is important; they engage with counter arguments; they usually aim to compel readers to take some kind of action or adopt a way of thinking.
In what ways is the piece you've written an op-ed? It seems more like a piece aimed at introducing NewJeans to readers and explaining why you find them enjoyable. It could be an autobiographical reflection in which you explore your love of NewJeans, or, with some changes, it could be a magazine feature or profile
DailyTrojan staff
Did you imagine yourself writing for the DT?
abide by op-ed guidelines
what guidelines did you follow, exactly?
my opinion.
so, did you settle on an op-ed? or is it a longer form opinion piece? written for an online newspaper? or a blog?
savannahtoney340page.substack.com savannahtoney340page.substack.com
I want to examine Lee’s eclectic style, direction, and cinematography that has inspired a generation of new bright-eyed filmmakers aiming to make an impact just as great.
This set up sounds more suitable for a film analysis than a review
His film, Glory (1989)
Spike Lee made Glory?
Let's look at this review of Da 5 Bloods
2020 pandemic
From the WP3 assignment sheet: The work you choose to review must be recent—no more than a year old
More than one?
my perception of film
Why include insert yourself into your review in this way?
As filmmakers, we
Are you writing to filmmakers? Why?
ellahodgetts.substack.com ellahodgetts.substack.com
In the US, rich individuals and corporations face no regulation on how much money they can spend to promote certain campaigns.
If we can recognize patterns, perhaps we can understand that anti-immigrant sentiments and divisiveness
Who's the "we" you're addressing?
So why does all of this matter?
Good question. And for whom does it matter?
inflection point?
are impeding
But with that being said, many people my age rely on social media platforms for information, platforms that are built to feed us content that we like which in politics, means content we agree with
Sentences like this suggest you're writing for an audience other than your peers
and non-white people are increasingly profiled
and yet, in the US, support among non-white voters for Trump's reelection grow higher and higher
such as the traditional Christian values upheld by the US Republican party,
this has grown much more complication over the last 8 years
People wore red hats around that indicated exactly who they were voting for.
in what part of the country?
and have heard endlessly that our world is becoming increasingly polarized.
maybe this bit is unnecessary
two political
two major political parties
villainization between
The academic blog genre is normally produced in a classroom setting, and it is prompted by a teacher.
Like a reading journal?
academic-style blog
what's an example of an academic-style blog?
lucaemerson.substack.com lucaemerson.substack.comWP324
both cohorts consume more than their share of benefits
I believe health insurance companies should charge higher premiums to obese individuals
what if they're poor?
especially in low-income neighborhoods, where members of the community can come together to discuss health, nutrition, and weight loss efforts openly, without fear of judgment.
okay, but weight gain relative to limited food resources seems like a different conversation that they one you wish to have about body positivity discourse, which seems accompany a certain degree of privilege
The federal government could increase requirements regarding health information and food labels, tax unhealthy foods the same way we tax cigarettes, tax farmers who grow crops used to mass-produce unhealthy foods, and provide grants to stores in low-income communities so that they can afford to sell and display healthier items and fresh produce at affordable prices
Easier said than done
J Manag Care Spec Pharm
reject the notion that individuals can be healthy at any size and should simply accept their body no matter the ramifications
in order for this, your main argument, to persuade readers (whoever they may be), you need, first, to provide them with ample evidence, not only that such a notion exists, but that it its influence is felt on a scale that warrants sounding the alarm as you do here
A Common Enemy
Add a subtitle to provide readers with a sense of the article's contents
positivity movement, which began as a way of encouraging people to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin, and the fat acceptance movement.
you need to show clear evidence that these things exist. who's responsible/involved? how widely accepted?
Before proceeding, I must make
lots of unnecessary metadiscourse
which ones? maybe cite at least one?
the promotion and acceptance of obesity online inadvertently encourages unhealthy lifestyles,
People are living
(Deedwania and Lavie)
page number (this is a journal article)? have you draw all these stats from this article? also, is the idea here to write a persuasive college essay, presumably for a prof? why not a public facing document?
I wish not to alienate the very audience I hope to persuade, so I will pay careful attention
who's this essay for? are you writing to overweight people, or to physicians or nutritionists faced with having to persuade people to live healthier lives
the “fat acceptance” movement
first you have to show this is a real thing, otherwise your argument reads like a strawman
Throughout my research on this topic, I discovered that
unnecessary metadiscourse
To what does this refer?
was recorded
by whom?
In conclusion,
Time to stop using this phrase
my aim was persuasive, so that is the genre I chose
phrasing's a bit clumsy here
with serious implications for both individual well-being and societal economic costs
word economy:
with serious individual and economics costs
Works Cited
These citations are full or errors
zwilliams.substack.com zwilliams.substack.com
this piece seems designed for public, rather than professional or academic, consumption
question where we source our products from and who is on the other side of the manufacturing process
a call to action
are they simply getting better at presenting a good face to the public
doesn't this piece implicitly argue this point?
deaths of millions of babies
The transition to Nestle seems arbitrary
The AUC was being funded by Chiquita, who were infusing the group with funds amounting to over $1.7 million USD to stimulate local conflict within Colombia so they could continue to purchase land at a low price.
Chiquita has obviously made lots of progress towards bettering labor practices since its early days of oppressive working conditions.
Maybe say more. The activities you mention above regarding Guatemala took place in the mid-20th century, nearly 80 years after its founding. What early days are you talking about? What exactly do you mean by "early days"?
An implicit argument has already emerged: namely, one shouldn't trust Chiquita
When writing informative and descriptive essays, authors are usually considering an academic audience, such as professors or their peers
this is inaccurate
as all essays are, because it is largely used in the academic setting
not all essays are academic, nor need they be formal in an academic sense
making points
what's the difference between making points and asserting claims?
- this is because I have found that investigative pieces are focused on drilling down on one idea.
create new sentence and elaborate
but I wanted to keep my format intelligible for myself,
what does this mean?
to assert claims and state evidence.
information essays don't assert claims
Works Cited
There are some issues here. Did you refer to the citation handout I provided?
gabrielladiaz.substack.com gabrielladiaz.substack.com
A better title might have been, "What Glee Means to Me." This piece is very much an autobiographical reflection that zooms in on the aspects of Glee that appear to have affected you the most. It works as a blog post. Some aspects of the piece seem underdeveloped, such as 1) the section on cast member deaths and whether or not, in such situations generally, those responsible should end production, and 2) the notion of shame regarding your Glee fandom-- it's never entirely clear why you (or anyone else for that matter) should feel ashamed of your fandom.
The lingering question, now, is of course-- what's next? In what way do you wish to re-imagine this piece for WP4?
industrial world
what do you mean by this?
Glee is an excellent case study in what not to do, or if it does, what I should expect
At its best,
Not sure you need this.
where I’ve accepted
replace with "accepting"
the growing pains were definitely rea
the growing pains her character experienced? that the show dramatized?
Works Cited
There are some issues here. Did you use the citation handout I distributed?
hannahethridge.substack.com hannahethridge.substack.com
Instead of only posting visuals that alienate people with less access to luxury materials and spaces, influencers or aspiring influencers should promote visuals that appeal to college students, single moms, oldest daughters who typically have a lot of family responsibility, or average citizens who can’t just quit their job and go on vacation for three months
the problem is that these people lack large amounts of disposable income. influencers are economic stimulators; they appeal to people with money to spend
soft life trend
you need to show evidence that soft life was something other than a modest relaxation of responsibilities available to people who can afford to relax
what do so-called influencers do? they persuade people to use certain products, adopt certain practices (usually involving products). The influencer phenomenon is inextricably tied to capitalism
Unfortunately, the original initiative of the soft life trend has been turned on its head.
citation needed
freeing oneself from the traditions of capitalism
is it, though? who says so?
super organized spaces, and matching yoga set
all associated with bourgeois living, with a degree of privilege
People are tired— and the soft life trend is a manifestation of this reality
but isn't soft linked to class? to a certain level of financial success? it's not like day laborers are worried about soft life, right?
Both men and women want to just BE and make a living doing what they love without being forced to continue the traditions of capitalism and exploitation
lots of assumptions here re: gender, what it means to BE, feeling forced to operate within capitalism, etc.
demanding a soft life
avoid using basic dictionary definitions. it's a move that screams high school. define your terms yourself. include definitions if your piece is about definitions or if your dealing with a word's etymology. in that case, use the OED
in the US?
what is supreme capitalism?
An op-ed is a minimum of 800 words with a clear central argument.
this sentence comes out of nowhere. what's your sources for this info?
The reason I chose the op-ed over the blog post is because there are several layers to dissecting the soft life trend, and each layer (in my opinion) deserves its own piece of writing for the purpose of this clas
why not a series of blog posts, then?
opinion editorial
see this link provided on the WP2 & WP3 assignment sheet
karlaowrites340.substack.com karlaowrites340.substack.com
It will only continue to grow bigger.
Takeaways: 1) The overall tone here is very bloggy, which seems strange given that the assignment explicitly asks you to: "Imagine a respected publication focusing on music, film, dance, theater, fine arts, or some other artform has invited you to review a creative work of your choosing." 2) There's way too much focus here on the Jungle's music videos, especially the one for "Back on 74" (sometimes your review reads more like a hype piece for the videos on TikTok and YouTube). 3) Your paragraphs are well-proportioned 4) Adding links to works by other artists is a nice touch; doing so hits situate Jungle's sound and seems geared to draw fans of those artists to Jungle's work 5) But as an album review, your piece lacks depth, and seems preoccupied with the visual aspects of Jungle's work. Readers will likely come away from this review with a much clearer sense of Jungle's videos (and the dancers they work with) and their general similarity to Anderson Paak or Calvin Harris than of the album itself.
Too much time on this topic
When I came across the video for the first time, I watched it an extra ten times on the same day and learned the routine as quickly as I could
Okay, but it's probably enough to mention their music videos and link to them (as you have). At this point, given that your stated aim is to review Volcano, best to get on with it.
You see a man desire and go after a woman, only to have her disappear and be left alone
who's left alone, the man or the woman?
"Back on 74" has vocals sung by 24-year-old Lydia Kitto, a voice so soulful and timeless, her age might be surprising to learn about. "Back on 74" has vocals sung by 24-year-old Lydia Kitto, a voice so soulful and timeless, her age might be surprising to learn about.
Are you proofreading your work?
their recognition in
TikTok is known as an app where one can discover new music, so for most people, this is the perfect tool when going through the problem presented
a bit awkward. you could probably take a simpler approach to making the point you're after in the paragraph. something like:
Typically I avoid exposure to new music on TikTok; it's just not my thing. But recently i happened upon a video for "Back on 74" by Jungle and my heart skipped a beat.
the same
gomezzz.substack.com gomezzz.substack.com
- which tracks carbon emissions-
use dashes
advocacy groups:
Focus #4: advocacy groups
California’s SB253
Focus #3b: CA legislature
US Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC)
Focus #3a: back to fed. gov.
international environmental law(or IEL
Focus #2 IEL
The United State’s current environmental legislature
Focus #1: US legislation
EL was originally created
Even if every person on earth decided to become the most environmentally conscious person ever, it would not produce a significant dent.
you need a citation to back up this claim
daniellegarza.substack.com daniellegarza.substack.com
, after all
multiple assistants
to be fair,, these paintings are enormous and she's quite elderly
Riley’s 2023 dots are staggered in her logic
Can you explain what you mean?
Frequently acknowledged in her biographies and exhibition press releases, including the most recent, is one of her greatest influences— nineteenth-century French artist Georges Seurat. Known for his pointillist mark-making technique, Seurat applied small dots of contrasting colors close together to depict the illusion of a continuous larger image.
maybe include a image attributed to Seurat
The new murals established a mentality of being back at the beginning, or a return to the artist primarily using dots as her visual language, as previously seen in pointillism works from the origin of Riley’s career
a bit wordy
In her new murals, Riley mainly uses dots as her visual language. Consequently, these new works not only invoke the pointillism of her early career, they seem also to be in dialogue with it.
learning to paint once more
does this statement reflect her recent work, or was the quote taken from a previous set of remarks?
This type of statement reads similar to those opinions on when an artist’s “best” work is made
i wonder if it would be more useful to unpack the terms decorative and fine art.
than now
Good. I like how you set up the need to review Riley's past before launching into a discussion of her recent work.
the viewer’s
Understanding the pointillism reference as it pertains to Riley’s history, which I will discuss further, is essential for one to truly appreciate her recent output.
To appreciate Riley's recent work, one must first understand pointillism as it pertains to her past.
jaumairgarland340.substack.com jaumairgarland340.substack.comWP32
This is currently taking place with professional dancers like Ashton Edwards, a nonbinary dancer at Pacific Northwest Ballet, and Ashley Boulder, of New York City ballet who takes on men’s classes despite her gender.
these positive developments seem at odds with your title, which to some might seem a bit aggressive. perhaps a better way to frame your argument would be to point out gender-related progress at PNB, etc. and claim that these changes reflect not only contemporary reassessments of gender, but acknowledgement of gender diversity in ballet's history
present identities.
i'm not sure about the way you're framing this argument. maybe point out that gender diversity is, in fact, present in the history of ballet and that 20th-21st century conceptions of genre in ballet are just that, 20-21st century conceptions. maybe argue that the complex history of gender in ballet show that ample precedent exists for the art form to view gender as fluid. the evidence shows, you could say, that what you're calling new to ballet isn't necessarily "new" to the art form