3,459 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2016
    1. we may define a republic to be, or at least may bestow that name on, a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people
    2. in a democracy, the people meet and exercise the government in person; in a republic, they assemble and administer it by their representatives and agents
    3. A republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place
    1. Marc is currently general counsel to Hillary for America, the presidential campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
    1. Marc E. Elias is the general counsel for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign
    1. We won’t allow a federal government that attacks immigrants to do so in our state.
    2. “we will lead the resistance to any effort that would shred our social fabric or our Constitution.”
    1. provenance unclear

      A subtask here for some students: correlate those incidents with those found independently, classify / evaluate the sources cited.

    2. Six people were shot

      More https://hyp.is/elTAxLQAEeawY-u9wZRodw/philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/11/25/shooting-at-hamilton-mall-black-friday/.

      Instead of "Six people were shot" should the approach here be "Evidence found so far" to reduce the friction of adding new evidence?

    1. “There was a shooting that occurred outside the mall after it was closed in the early morning of November 25, 2016,” said a spokesperson.

      "after it was closed" defuses the "bargain shoppers gone wild" meme.

    2. According to the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office, Demond Cottman, 21, of Atlantic City,  died at the scene after he was shot multiple times
    1. “Our alliance will not function without trust,” said Mr Abe. “I’m convinced president-elect Trump is a leader I can trust.”
    1. Opponents concentrate on the 20,000 or so oaks and other trees to be removed on the Walt Ranch. The county stresses the 221,429 trees that are to remain.
    2. But the county disputes Circle Oaks claims that environmental impact report’s groundwater section has numerous errors and requires vague and unenforceable safeguards for Circle Oaks water.
    3. the county holds to the environmental impact report’s assertion that vineyard project erosion control steps would reduce erosion from the property by 44 percent.
    4. The county responds that the environmental impact report includes the necessary analysis for species found on the Walt Ranch. For example, it says, the California longhorn elderberry beetle and not the valley elderberry longhorn beetle live there.
    5. The project has shrunk since the Halls proposed it in 2007. The latest version calls for 209 acres of vineyards within 316 acres of graded areas—including roads and other features — scattered across the 2,300-acre Walt Ranch. No winery is proposed. The original project was for 397 acres of vineyards within a 538-acre development area.
    1. Notice is given that thePBES Directorhas approvedAgriculturalErosionControl Plan No. P11-00205-ECPA which generally conforms to theReduced Intensity Alternative described in the Final EIR and consists ofapproximately 209 netacresof vineyard (±316grossacres).
    1. A county staff report has recommended to curb the proposal to 288 vineyard acres to reduce harm to the environment. It also called for mitigation efforts to protect plants and trees to ensure impact would be at “to less-than-significant levels.”
    1. The 2,300-acre Walt Ranch is located in the mountains between the city of Napa and Lake Berryessa along Highway 121. The Hall family — owners of Hall Wines in St. Helena — asked to create 356 acres of vineyards with a 507-acre total development area. The development area includes such things as roads.

      Not finding a source yet for the 209-acre statement in the subject article.

    1. The gross value of winegrape production was $546,933,900. Overall winegrape values decreased nearly 24% compared to the record setting 2014 values. Total tonnage dropped nearly 29% compared to the record yields of the previous years. The total value of all agricultural production was $553,346,300.
    1. “[T]o vote for Trump in the absence of such complete divestment… would represent an abdication of the solemn duties of the 538 Electors,” Tribe said.This view is not a position of disgruntled liberals. Richard Painter, Bush’s Chief Ethics Counsel, was in complete agreement with Tribe and Eisen during a recent appearance on CNN.
    1. As far as the, you know, potential conflict of interests, though, I mean I know that from the standpoint, the law is totally on my side, meaning, the president can’t have a conflict of interest.
    1. At the school, Mr. Obama taught three courses, ascending to senior lecturer, a title otherwise carried only by a few federal judges. His most traditional course was in the due process and equal protection areas of constitutional law.
    1. Napa County (population 142,000)

      US Census, July 2015

    2. "environmental responsibility," "sustainable stewardship" and "commitment to the greater Napa Valley ecosystem."

      Where are these quotes from?

    3. the Walt Ranch proposal: 209 more acres of vines replacing woodlands and chaparral
    4. a county enjoying a $13.3 billion boom from agri-business
    5. 3.3 million tourists throng its 500 wineries annually
    6. the Bay Area's 7.5 million urban residents
    1. Now, Perry said he wants people to respect his son and the sacrifice he made, and called out President-elect Donald Trump for his comments about the Khan family. “One example would be Donald Trump speaking badly about a Gold Star family, who I now am, but it also bothers me that people don’t want to talk about the terrorism that killed my kid,” he told CBS. “My kid was over there to help put a stop to this garbage, and he died.”

      Father called out Trump, cited Khan incident.

      The soldier:

    1. This scenario is what prompted Mike Caulfield, the director of blended and networked learning at Washington State University Vancouver, to dig into the question of “whether fake news or real news is more viral.” As Caulfield explained in a blog post published November 13, he looked at Facebook’s own publicly available social news tracking API to study several news stories — from real news websites as well as fake websites attempting to pass themselves off as real news websites — in hopes of determining which ones users were more likely to share.
    1. Twenty-seven million to 29 million viewers, on average, tuned in every night to hear Walter Cronkite on the CBS Evening News.
    1. "His ratings on the day he left the 'Evening News' were bigger than all three network newscasts together today," Socolow said. "He had an average rating of 27 million to 29 million viewers."
    1. In the mid-1960s, approximately 90 percent of televisions in use at the dinner hour were turned to one of the network newscasts. And by 1980, their combined audience peaked at 52.1 million viewers. By contrast, in 2011, according to the Pew Research Center, only about 22 million viewers watched them, and their share of the television audience at the dinner hour had declined to 29 percent. This is why the Cronkite era is widely regarded as television news’s “golden age.” While he occupied the anchor’s chair, many more Americans watched news programs broadcast by the networks, and those programs were more serious and substantive than television news today.
    1. Facing one of the many crises of his time, Sir Winston Churchill supposedly quipped: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” The remark was meant to identify a crisis that demanded immediate and thoroughgoing change. Over the intervening years, the phrase has been used by statesmen and business leaders as a rallying cry to regroup, revamp and reinvent. In this article, McKinsey continues that tradition by applying a keen lens to the oil & gas industry’s fundamentals and the needed business changes the shifting fundamentals imply. This crisis is an opportunity for the industry to significantly reshape how it works.



    1. "Rule 10:  The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.  Avoid being trapped by an opponent or an interviewer who says, "Okay, what would you do?"      This rule of Alinsky’s was paraphrased by the Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, "never let a good crisis go to waste."   Obama has used the oil spill crisis as an excuse to spew green rhetoric and promote his cap-and-trade bill.

      How is the latter a paraphrase of the former?

    1. Charles Doyle of the University of Georgia, my coauthor on the forthcoming Yale Book of Modern Proverbs, has found that this expression is now commonly applied to economic or diplomatic crises that can be exploited to advance political agendas, but he traced it back at least as far as 1976, when M. F. Weiner wrote an article in the journal Medical Economics entitled “Don’t Waste a Crisis — Your Patient’s or Your Own.” Weiner meant by this that a medical crisis can be used to improve aspects of personality, mental health, or lifestyle.
    1. "First of all, what I said was never let a good crisis go to waste when it's an opportunity to do things you had never considered or you didn't think were possible," he told FOX News when asked about the quote.
    1. a specific area of the picture has been selected and rotated

      How can I comment on that specific area? According to http://iiif.io/api/presentation/2.0:

      Although normally annotations are used for associating commentary with the thing the annotation’s text is about, the Open Annotation model allows any resource to be associated with any other resource, or parts thereof, and it is reused for both commentary and painting resources on the canvas.

    2. development of the IIIF technology
    1. the technical issues OER have faced for the first 15 years of their formal existence – particularly around search and discovery.

      I'm not sure these are purely technical issues. When people engage with web content as active readers, in an open way, they build new layers of content that search engines naturally crawl and make discoverable.

      Creating that culture of open engagement does require a kind of technology, but one that's as much (or more) social as technical.

    1. Google Scholar supports Highwire Press tags (e.g., citation_title), Eprints tags (e.g., eprints.title), BE Press tags (e.g., bepress_citation_title), and PRISM tags (e.g., prism.title). Use Dublin Core tags (e.g., DC.title) as a last resort - they work poorly for journal papers because Dublin Core doesn't have unambiguous fields for journal title, volume, issue, and page numbers.
    1. HTML Metatags It is possible to detail document metadata in the HTML HEAD element of article pages by utilising the META element. The Mendeley Web Importer will attempt to extract details from appropriate META elements. There are 4 supported "standards" for describing articles in the META elements, listed in the order of usage preference: Highwire Press tags (citation_*) Eprints tags (eprints.*) PRISM tags (prism.*) Dublin Core (dc.*/dcterms.*)
    1. In this Event Capsule, Jeff Allred and Philip Ewell discuss their use of Skim and hypothes.is to annotate digital documents. Their presentations during the October 25th Lunchtime Seminar encouraged participants to think about how fundamental aspects of note-taking and lecturing are evolving alongside changes in new media.

      Hypothesis review starts at youtu.be/nffPZ1kLDHM?t=95


    1. Navigate to: My Books → YOUR_FIRST_BOOK
    2. Pressbooks Publisher One

      Apparently now simply Pressbooks Publisher?

      Pressbooks Publisher Network Disable | Edit The default theme for the root site on Pressbooks installations.

      Version 2.1 | By The Pressbooks Team

    1. These are Dave Winer's earliest blog posts.

  2. Oct 2016
    1. In other words, Hillary Clinton herself has known for at least a year that her campaign and her entire party systematically incite violence at Trump rallies. This is hard evidence of direct collaboration between the DNC and the Hillary/Kaine campaign to terrorize every Trump or Pence event with paid, trained, and centrally organized agitators. Many of these agitators were homeless and/or mentally ill persons, as well as “rock ‘n’ roll” DNC union workers. Moreover, coordinating all these thugs involved daily calls to Robbie Mook and Hillary Clinton herself. This Bolshevik/Brownshirt “birddogging” campaign is way bigger than online “troll” tactics by the Correct The Record Super PAC. This campaign literally amounts to a paid, mobile army of about 500 agitators that can be anywhere in the USA as needed.
    1. Official records reveal Bob Creamer, the man exposed as being behind a tactic called “bird-dogging” in which homeless people, the elderly, and mentally ill individuals are paid to start violence at Trump rallies, has been to the White House many times since 2009.
    1. Democrats have used trained provocateurs to instigate violence at Republican events nationwide throughout the 2016 election cycle, including at several Donald Trump rallies, using a tactic called “bird-dogging,”
    1. In turn, the consultants are working with Democratic Super PACs and other groups to give maximum media exposure to the “bird dogging” violence, which they admit targets the elderly and disabled for maximum “shock value.”
    1. Democrats have used trained provocateurs to instigate violence at Republican events nationwide throughout the 2016 election cycle, including at several Donald Trump rallies, using a tactic called “bird-dogging,” according to a new video investigation released Monday by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas.
    1. A new expression has emerged: "Bird-dogging."Democrats have used trained provocateurs to instigate violence at Republican events nationwide throughout the 2016 election cycle, including at several Donald Trump rallies, using a tactic called “bird-dogging,” according to a new video investigation released Monday by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas.
    1. Like a dog on a hunt, the job of the bird-dogger is If you watch the video thinking otherwise, you’re going to be very misinformed.

      Did a piece of text go missing here?

    2. firsr
    3. whole
    1. he text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.
    2. The text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.
    1. he text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.

      This statement is valid to an extent. If the words are the same doesnt the tangibility stand? I agree experience is different, but that does not change tangibility in my eyes.

    2. The text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.

      This entire paragraph is great in general, but i find this interesting as well. I love how its not the same, but it is the same. Your reading the same words, but the experience is different.

    1. he text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.
    2. The text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.
    1. he text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.

      This statement is valid to an extent. If the words are the same doesnt the tangibility stand? I agree experience is different, but that does not change tangibility in my eyes.

    2. The text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.

      This entire paragraph is great in general, but i find this interesting as well. I love how its not the same, but it is the same. Your reading the same words, but the experience is different.

    1. he text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.
    2. The text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.
    1. he text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.
    2. The text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.
    1. he text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.

      This statement is valid to an extent. If the words are the same doesnt the tangibility stand? I agree experience is different, but that does not change tangibility in my eyes.

    2. The text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.

      This entire paragraph is great in general, but i find this interesting as well. I love how its not the same, but it is the same. Your reading the same words, but the experience is different.

    1. he text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.

      This statement is valid to an extent. If the words are the same doesnt the tangibility stand? I agree experience is different, but that does not change tangibility in my eyes.

    2. The text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.

      This entire paragraph is great in general, but i find this interesting as well. I love how its not the same, but it is the same. Your reading the same words, but the experience is different.

    1. he text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.

      This statement is valid to an extent. If the words are the same doesnt the tangibility stand? I agree experience is different, but that does not change tangibility in my eyes.

    2. The text you read on a Kindle or computer simply doesn’t have the same tangibility.

      This entire paragraph is great in general, but i find this interesting as well. I love how its not the same, but it is the same. Your reading the same words, but the experience is different.

    1. I'm sorry I wrote it. But its behavior has been exploited by two decades of authors so in translation we can only duplicate it.

      I would consider myself lucky to have that kind of problem!

    1. Practice is critical, and it’s the part of the process that is the most easily overlooked, procrastinated and underutilized.

      The method here has been really helpful to me. https://blog.jonudell.net/2011/06/24/practicing-for-an-ignite-talk/. Setting aside the particular timing requirements for Ignite, the key point is that when you've learned the pitch by practicing with the slides, you can then rehearse mentally -- while driving, walking around, cycling, whatever -- by visualizing the slides and speaking to them. That makes it much easier to do a bunch of repetitions and really learn it deeply.

    1. First run the web service on http://localhost:5000/

      Formerly the client was displayed on the H homepage, now it is not so you may be wondering: "Where is it?"

      To see the H client running against the dev server you can install the bookmarklet from the homepage and activate it.

    1. The digital difference is that monopoly-favoring regulation needn’t occur at the political level when it can be embedded in the operating systems themselves.

      Code is law.

    1. The tools allows for the translated language to live on top of the text, so when I user selects a language, you see the target language, and can access the original language by hovering your mouse over the text.
  3. Sep 2016
    1. buildthe supply of and demand for more open and accessible research

      Surfacing an annotation layer on paywalled content?

    1. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here; while it can never forget what they did here.

      This is a screenreader-assisted annotation.

    1. The copy of the original document is generally referred to as the virtual buffer.

      Can a browser access that virtual buffer?

    1. A good WYSIWYG editor of arbitrary HTML is just as impossible as the halting problem is impossible.

      I don't need a WYSIWYG editor, I just need a selection navigator that does what https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Selection/modify will do. Conclusions so far:

      • https://github.com/timdown/rangy was headed there but seems inactive

      • found nothing else as good in the same category

      • seems hard but not as impossible as an editor

    1. never been worse and Stephen Harper doesn’t that


    1. This sounds spot on. It's also fairly major surgery. So I wonder if there's an incremental path that entails maintaining an index of replies for each annotation first, before undertaking the API restructuring.

    2. Expose the conversation tree attached to each annotation in the annotations API.

      Oh my god, yes please :-)

  4. Aug 2016
    1. e homicide rate doubled from the early 1960s to the late 1970s,

      It wasn't just your imagination

    1. Feedback from Terry Elliot:

      Does the word Orphans make sense given what we’ve described?

      Yes, but not at first. Your discussion of dynamic pages made that clear. And I did experiment a bit with it. For example, I followed your example and created orphans without any problems with posts on my WP self-hosted site; however, I was not able to create an orphan tab when I created and edited a page. I never saw an orphan tab there.

      Are the three concepts -- Annotations, Page Notes, Orphans -- clear to you,or if not, what would help to clarify?

      I find myself asking. What is purpose of orphans? If they are orphaned from a dynamic page perhaps they need to stay orphaned. I just haven't seen enough orphans to know as a user whether they are useful enough to give them equal weight with other tabs. Seems what you want to do is to make sure that people don't use hypothes.is on dynamic sites and it hardly seems worth it at this point to grant valuable screen real estate to Orphans as a tab. First impressions only, will continue to check out orphans.

    1. can we store extra data?

    2. send a note to President Obama


      Love what you're doing.

    1. ting down the law is meaningless if we cannot read it. But, we must be permitted to do more than simply read the law. We must be able to freely speak the law, to share the law with our fellow citizens, to dispute it, to make it better.
    1. this means that you cannot redeem a session cookie from the h application for an auth token

      I think this also means you cannot write annotations using a token.

      I can do this:

      curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer 68..f5" "https://hypothes.is/api/annotations/ymGL4ljtEea8Mv_xMbAxqg" -d "{\"tags\" : [\"a\", \"c\"] }"

      But in the browser this triggers a preflight request which receives a 404 response. This, for example, results in a 404, and I think it's the same thing that's happening to an xhr request in the browser.

      curl -X OPTIONS -H "Origin: http://jonudell.net" -H "Access-Control-Request-Method: PUT" -H "Authorization: Bearer 68..f5" "https://hypothes.is/api/annotations/ymGL4ljtEea8Mv_xMbAxqg" -d "{\"tags\" : [\"a\", \"b\"] }"

  5. Jul 2016
    1. For example if we're showing a list of public groups that have annotated this document in the sidebar, would we want to show hypothes.is groups to plos.org users? Or only show them plos.org groups?

      Or both to both, with the "native" one first in each case.

      Great question. It points toward what will be perhaps the thorniest aspect of public groups: Policy about what to show or not, and in what order.

    2. usernames that are currently considered too similar

      Where are the similarity rules?

    1. What is needed are networks of open projects, combined with sufficient numbers of patients and citizens who are motivated to feed such projects with their health data.

      What might this mean for, e.g., https://www.patientslikeme.com/? Perhaps just the option to share beyond the borders of that system?

    1. Proposed mechanisms for a nonspecific beneficial effect of measles vaccination range from suggestions that live vaccines may directly stimulate cross-reactive T cell responses or that they may train innate immunity to take on memory-like phenotypes (13, 18–21)


    2. Immunosuppression


    1. When a tool receives these launch parameters

      How do I make Canvas send those parameters!

      I added this to the config:

      <blti:extensions platform="&lt;a href=" http:="" canvas.instructure.com"="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">canvas.instructure.com">
           <lticm:options name="homework_submission">
              <lticm:property name="url">https://example.com</lticm:property>
              <lticm:property name="text">No Name</lticm:property>
              <lticm:property name="selection_width">400</lticm:property>
              <lticm:property name="selection_height">300</lticm:property>
              <lticm:property name="enabled">true</lticm:property>

      And nothing changed.

    2. An extension to standard LTI, external tools can be configured to appear when a student is submitting content for an assignment. When a tool is configured, users will see an additional tab during assignment submission for assignments that accept online submissions. If a user selects a homework submission tool, a popup will appear where the external tool will be loaded. The tool should direct users to select or build some piece of content, then submit that content to the tool. The tool will then redirect the user to the LTI success URL with some additional parameters. Canvas will take this information and submit it for the current user as their submission to this assignment.

      I would really like to see an end-to-end example of this!

    1. lead users are defined as membersof a user population having two distinguishing characteristics: (1) They areat the leading edge of an important market trend(s), and so are currentlyexperiencing needs that will later be experienced by many users in thatmarket. (2) They anticipate relatively high benefits from obtaining a solu-tion to their needs, and so may innovate.
    2. However, experience in fields where toolkits have been deployedshows that customers tend to prefer designing their own custom productswith the aid of a toolkit over traditional manufacturer-centric developmentpractices.
  6. Jun 2016
    1. This para will soon be an orphan.

      Testing to see if the orphan appears in the new tabbed sidebar.

    1. annotate this post

      Annotations are welcome here, or -- if you've not had a chance to try Hypothesis groups, you can join https://hypothes.is/groups/8gk9i7VV/anyone-can-join and annotate there.

    1. (g) It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of General Services have access to information about intellectual property created by state employees and by state-funded research, consistent with state and federal laws and regulations governing access to this information.
    2. (4) Existing law exempts from the Administrative Procedure Act certain actions to maintain, develop, or prescribe processes, procedures, or policies by the Department of General Services that are required or authorized by the Legislature with respect to the general operations of the department or the awarding of state contracts.
    3. (3) Under existing law, contracts by state agencies for services rendered to the state are, with certain exceptions, of no effect unless and until approved by the Department of General Services. Existing law imposes various requirements with respect to contracts for services rendered to the state. Existing law requires the department to develop factors for state agencies to consider in deciding whether to sell or license their intellectual property.
    4. (2) Existing law authorizes the Department of General Services to carry out various powers and duties relating to assisting a state agency in the management and development of intellectual property developed by state employees or with state funding, including, among other duties, developing a database of state-owned intellectual property using specified data and factors that state agencies should consider when deciding whether to sell their intellectual property or license it to others
    1. Exhibit A:

      "AB 2880 requires the state’s Department of General Services to track the copyright status of works created by the state government’s 228,000 employees, and requires every state agency to include intellectual property clauses in every single one of their contracts unless they ask the Department in advance for permission not to do so". source: https://medium.com/medium-legal/ab-2880-kill-this-bill-8f7d9cbd9ac5#.8z6f0ypv4 (Medium Legal)

      How did Medium legal extract Exhibit A from this bill? Perhaps by way of exhibit B?

      Exhibit B:

      http://jonudell.net/h/201520160AB2880_Assembly%20Floor%20Analysis.pdf source: rehosted from http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billAnalysisClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB2880 ("Prepared by "Eric Dang / JUD. / (916) 319-NNNN") (Bill Information -> Bill Analysis )

      Note to both Medium Legal and Eric Dang: If your respective discussions of AB 2880 were anchored to the text of the bill, it would be possible to make sense of them.

    1. Exhibit A:

      "AB 2880 requires the state’s Department of General Services to track the copyright status of works created by the state government’s 228,000 employees, and requires every state agency to include intellectual property clauses in every single one of their contracts unless they ask the Department in advance for permission not to do so". source: https://medium.com/medium-legal/ab-2880-kill-this-bill-8f7d9cbd9ac5#.8z6f0ypv4 (Medium Legal)

      How did Medium legal extract Exhibit A from this bill? Perhaps by way of exhibit B?

      Exhibit B:

      http://jonudell.net/h/201520160AB2880_Assembly%20Floor%20Analysis.pdf source: rehosted from http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billAnalysisClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB2880 ("Prepared by "Eric Dang / JUD. / (916) 319-NNNN") (Bill Information -> Bill Analysis )

      Note to both Medium Legal and Eric Dang: If your respective discussions of AB 2880 were anchored to the text of the bill, it would be possible to make sense of them.

    1. This paper tackles a small, but important, component of data cleaning: data tidying

      That's understated. This paper addresses a huge problem in a compelling way.