- Jan 2019
medium.com medium.com
some people may have trouble processing the audio from television
Yes, but there may also be a tech aspect to this too. For example,TV speakers are typically pretty crummy and lo-fi. Plus a lot of programs are mixed for more robust speaker set-ups that many are not using.
- Jun 2016
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
critical to most aspects of business today
Laying out why data lit for undergrads.
- Feb 2016
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
a lack of openness is one of the key factors keeping it from having the massive effect on results that it should
I do agree with this.
open learning ecosystem
Despite my criticisms of Laster's redefinition of open, I am in support of developing open learning ecosystems. This is an important design that needs to be better addressed on a technical level.
But curated by who? And what's at stake when sources are privileged, while others don't make the cut.
locked into systems they’ve used in the past
Or they are locked into systems that their institution license and support
We are on the threshold of sweeping change that will make it easier for teachers to teach and students to learn faster and more effectively
I see this as evidence of technology determinism, which this article is shot through with. This kind of sentiment comes off as if technologies make things better, faster, more efficient for all involved parties, without consequence. It also assumes a consensus around what improved teaching and learning looks like and means. IMO, "efficiency" recalls turn of 20th century industrialist philosophy and rhetoric. In the work of education, I think that we need to ask if efficiency really is always better, and better for who. I am suggesting that in many cases efficiency is better for administrators from a business perspective, but not so for learners.
- Dec 2015
www.sr.ithaka.org www.sr.ithaka.org
UC-wide open access policy
Find more open policies via links on Open Policy Network
ROARMAP is more Open Access, others are more OER as suggested by titles. And Civic Commons has more to do with Open Data.
I'm sure other DISC members have interesting resources and lists they like.
Appendix A
Helpful "at a glance" charts to compare institutions.
belief system about open access
Interesting characterization.
Yale does not have an open access policy.
no policy at Yale
As of May 1, 2015, there is a new requirement from some research councils that research data must also be openly available,
data requirements
Open access is a central preoccupation for British libraries, given the government and philanthropic mandates for open access to research publications.
UK policy = mandate
Cornell does not have an open access policy despite several attempts to enact one.
Cornell = no policy
chief information officer’s centralized budget that is used to support infrastructures as needs change.
In the Dean’s mind, undergraduate research is also part of this continuum. For five years Purdue Libraries has published the Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research (JPUR).
Student work included.
student scholarship
First specific mention of student work, I think.
So far this has been minimally to moderately successful.
Challenges relating to policy adoption, particularly administrative policy. What type of "policy" typically encourages the most participation in open initiatives?
endorsed an open access statement of principles in 2005
statement of principles, not policy. Baby steps.
UIUC’s Faculty Senate had passed an Open Access to Research Articles policy
Open (access) policy
have adopted open access policies
Policy. Adopted by only four units.
open educational resources
UCLA's Scholarly Communication Dept. includes work in OER. To what extent?
The subject librarians work closely with faculty to help them identify open educational resources that they can use instead of requiring students to purchase textbooks.
Bit of OER work integrated at MIT.
cacm.acm.org cacm.acm.org
will miss "all the trails and avenues that scientists went down that didn't pan out,"
Which can be an important outcome of research too.
"We're trying to incorporate these best practices as you do the work, not at the end," Gil stressed.
Good point, easier to incorporate these "open practices" into workflows.
Yet there is a growing recognition that provisions must also be made for the data-analysis software that supports the conclusions.
Provide for software, not just data. Perhaps there is also a platform stability issue to consider.
Implementing Reproducible Research
Many lessons to learn from this model. I've been thinking a lot about what instructors/educators can learn from this model. Particularly those working in OER.
including the posting of code as well as data.
suggestion to add code too.