10,886 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. Group communication is communication among three or more people interacting to achieve a shared goal. You have likely worked in groups in high school and college, and if you’re like most students, you didn’t enjoy it. Even though it can be frustrating, group work in an academic setting provides useful experience and preparation for group work in professional settings.

      Group communication is an interesting topic to me because everyone has to do it at least once in your life. Everyone had group projects in high school like the text says. Some people do not do well in those situations. That is a lack of skill in communications. Everyone should work on some parts of their communication because how important it is. It is weird to notice how much something has been in your life. That's why communication classes are so useful for people. They become better speakers, friends, listeners, employees, students.

    2. Unlike other forms of communication, intrapersonal communication takes place only inside our heads. The other forms of communication must be perceived by someone else to count as communication. So what is the point of intrapersonal communication if no one else even sees it?

      People communicate and run conversations in their head and how they want them to go. Intrapersonal communication can cause so much peace or so much pain. What we tell ourselves every day and when we are deciding what to do, stems from our interpersonal communication. Which can affect how mentally sound a person is. Communication drives every person and molds how they are.

    3. The five main forms of communication are intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication.

      I learned about this in my high school speech class. I never realized how much went into communication. All of the little things we don't notice that go into communication. Words are and tones are just the surface level of communication. Lots of people that don't know about all of it. Communication is so complex.

    4. Today, we hear the word rhetoric used in negative ways. A politician, for example, may write off his or her opponent’s statements as “just rhetoric.” This leads us to believe that rhetoric refers to misleading, false, or unethical communication, which is not at all in keeping with the usage of the word by ancient or contemporary communication experts.

      This was so interesting to read this part. I had always know of the word rhetoric but that's not quite why I thought this was interesting. As a society if enough people get on a bandwagon we can change the whole persona of a word. If people can do it with words then what else could people manipulate and twist to fit a definition, an opinion or even a person. I hope that makes sense.

    5. there have been more than 126 published definitions of communication (Dance & Larson, 1976).

      It is mind boggling that there are more than 126 forms of communication. We use so many forms of communications daily without realizing. I'd be curious to find out how many exactly there are.

    6. Interpersonal communication builds, maintains, and ends our relationships, and we spend more time engaged in interpersonal communication than the other forms of communication

      It makes sense that this is the most used form of communication. I have multiples different groups that I talk to daily for different things. A rugby group, gym group, friend group, work group, and family. I'd say that accouratly, it is the most common form of communication that I use.

    7. Public communication is a sender-focused form of communication in which one person is typically responsible for conveying information to an audience.

      I truly despise public speaking, it is anxiety spiking. That being said, I do it all the time. As a coach I have to do it with my team mulitple times a day. As a waitress, I have to do it with my tables whenever I work. So, I truly don't mind public speaking as long as in my head I can convince myself that I'm not public speaking. Talking to my teams and to my tables feels natural to me now.

    8. Public communication becomes mass communication when it is transmitted to many people through print or electronic media. Print media such as newspapers and magazines continue to be an important channel for mass communication, although they have suffered much in the past decade due in part to the rise of electronic media

      Mass communication is truly unaviodable. It's become so normalized and used in every day life that you barely realize it. It comes in the forms of weather alerts, social media, amber alerts, radia, books, tvs, and websites. Even if you liv off grid you still need to be able to see weather notifications and forecasts.

    9. trapersonal communication is communication with oneself using internal vocalization or reflective thinking

      When I read this and see that intrapersonal communication is the name for speaking with yourself, I feel like that's really interesting to know this whole time that's what I was doing. Not in a weird way, but we all speak to ourselves. I am always trying to cheer myself on, or when I wake up in the morning when I want to lay in bed longer than I should. Talking to ourselves is just a normal thing. And I fell like I'm doing it now, as I write this

    10. which only lasted 140 years, from 1850 to 1990, and was marked by the invention of radio, telegraph, telephone, and television. Our current period, the “Internet Era,” has only lasted from 1990 until the present.

      Reading this paragraph made me realize I'm out of touch with reality. It stuck with me because there are still people in the world that don't have access to cellphones & the internet. Where I get frustrated if I have to wait more than a couple seconds for a tie Tok video to load. Even my own grandparents are learning and adapting to the "internet Era."Where as kids in my generation it seems to be a second nature.

    11. While rhetoric does refer primarily to persuasive communication messages, much of the writing and teaching about rhetoric conveys the importance of being an ethical rhetor, or communicator. So when a communicator, such as a politician, speaks in misleading, vague, or dishonest ways, he or she isn’t using rhetoric; he or she is being an unethical speaker.

      I took writing and rhetoric last semester and it was interesting to see what the word truly means. I think it's funny how people can take one word that means something and turn it into a word that means something completely different. You see it all the time with younger kids and their "slang". Like if they like something they say that's gas, or it slaps. When those are already words that mean something completly different.

    12. Talking Culture” during the “Talking Era.” During this 150,000 year period of human existence, ranging from 180,000 BCE to 3500 BCE, talking was the only medium of communication, aside from gestures, that humans had (Poe, 2011).

      I didn't realize there was a period called the "talking Era". Its interesting to learn how other people communicated before words were really a thing. I have always wondered who made up words and the significance behind them. I just didn't realize it took thousands of years.

    13. Some scholars speculate that humans’ first words were onomatopoetic. You may remember from your English classes that onomatopoeia refers to words that sound like that to which they refer—words like boing, drip, gurgle, swoosh, and whack.

      What is crazy to me is that this is where we started as a species. We started with noises and then just went from there. Imagine going from "boing" to "Oh, I whacked my brother on the head." We have come so far and now are advanced that it makes me interested in where languages and communication will be in 1,000 years.

    1. AB 1703 passed in 2022 in California to establish the California Indian Education Act and encourages school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools to form California Indian Education Task Forces with California tribes local to their regions or tribes historically located in the region, in order to develop model curricula related to Native American studies.

      Wow that wasn't long ago.

    2. cholars sometimes associated with Chicanx and Latinx studies are Rudy Acuña, Sonia E. Alvarez, Gloria Anzaldúa, Yarimar Bonilla, Antonia Castañeda, Teresa Córdova, Adelaida Del Castillo, Juan Flores, Juan Gómez-Quiñones, Elizabeth “Betita” Martinez, Walter Mingolo, David Montejano, Cherríe Moraga, Sylvia Morales, Carlos Muñoz, Ana NietoGómez, Chon A. Noriega, Mary Pardo, Américo Paredes, Emma Pérez, Beatriz Pesquera, Aníbal Quijano, Adela Sosa Ridell, Mérida M. Rúa, Vicki L. Ruiz, Chela Sandoval, Rosaura Sanchez, Carmen Teresa Whalen, and Patricia Zavella, among others.

      Important peeps

    3. Missions disrupted Native American families and prevented family formation and transmission of cultural knowledge.

      Why did it do that?

    4. which focused on disruptive tactics that would pressure the administration to take action.

      Why was it pressuring?

    5. countries

      I didn't think of America having militarism and imperialism in third world countries.

    6. e.

      Was he fired because he was in the Black Panther Party?

    7. .

      So this was the start for black studies classes in America.

    1. A research study found that spouses of suicide or accidental death victims who did not communicate about the death with their friends were more likely to have health problems such as weight change and headaches than those who did talk with friends (Greene, Derlega, & Mathews, 2006).

      This cannot be healthy at all to hold stuff in, especially if you lost someone. Please make sure you find someone to talk to, whether it be a therapist, a friend, grief counseling, or even write in a journal. Holding all the pent up emotions during a stressful time can do harm on your body and mind, I love self help books and they have a book for everything. That can always be another option, but please just let your emotions out and communicate with someone

    2. Communication is very important, and we really have to be careful who we're talking to and watch what we say how we say something. Words hurt, and some things we can never take back. When people ask to start over it's because they know something got messed up along the way, whether it be them or you. and just like the text says, it's irreversible most times, your mind will be made up and communication can stop after that

    3. I love how the conversation says, "generic greeting response" and "generic question"! It's pretty funny and it does make you wonder why we do this? But in the end, maybe we just want to talk to someone, even if it is a "hello" or just to talk about the weather. Sometimes when I'm feeling in a talkative mood I will strike up conversations with random people, and some will respond to me and others will just smile and ignore me.

    1. In the beginning of a relationship there will be some sort of love bombing, and it may not be all the time but it will happen. You can try to ignore red flags in a person, but in the end they will always come back up as a problem when you tried to push it away in the beginning to choose a relationship over what you really stand for, it's sad but it happens to much, if you don't communicate what you like, don't like, your wants, and dreams. You could be wasting time with someone, communication is a big key in relationships

    2. . Although this seems like a perceptible and deliberate process, we alternate between the roles of sender and receiver very quickly and often without conscious thought

      It's funny how we use this model in daily interactions and don't even think twice about it. For example I'm a server, so I greet and talk to my guests. Ask what they want to eat and drink. Talk to them about their day. Talk to coworkers, and you don't even think twice about the communication aspect of it. It's just another day at the office, so to speak.

    1. that people do not always listen actively, and that people often do not speak up when they are unsure of instructions for fear of appearing incompetent or embarrassing themselves.

      This reminds me of talking to my kids. I have to have them repeat everything I tell them, Otherwise they will say I don't remember that, or I didn't know what you meant.

    2. Becoming a more mindful communicator has many benefits, including achieving communication goals, detecting deception, avoiding stereotypes, and reducing conflict.

      Becoming a more mindful communicator sounds a lot like being a mediator. Or like a family therapist.

    1. once, to get the gist. Once, for deep understanding. And, lastly, once for deep analysis. Literary critics often read the same texts many more times! Don't be afraid to read as many times as you need

      Making sure to reread and make sure you get everything you need.

    2. what

      Close reading.

    3. analysis

      Close reading.

    4. philosophical

      Somethings you would ask yourself.

    1. answering

      If you are able to answer the first questions to the first steps then you can go more into detail about some of the other questions.

    2. actions

      Some questions you can ask your self while following the steps and writing the paper, essay, or article.

    3. examine

      Steps and how to go about the steps to get them completed correctly.

    4. you likely do the same thing. Have you ever read anything and sympathized with or hated a character? If so, you've already taken your first step in responding to literature.

      First step into responding to literature

    5. has

      You can always add something to a book to give more or add something someone did not.

    6. express

      What writing about literature might help you with.

    7. depression

      Benefits of Literature.

    1. the channel is what we see, hear, touch, smell and perhaps what we taste.

      face to face connection

    2. lean forward in their seats, nod their heads, have positive or neutral facial expressions, and provide favorable vocal cues

      nonverbal cues

    1. Resource extraction and usage impact our environment, which can negatively affect human health. For example, burning fossil fuels releases chemicals into the air that are unhealthy for humans, especially children. Mining activities can release toxic heavy metals, such as lead and mercury, into the soil and waterways. Our choices will have an effect on Earth’s environment for the foreseeable future. Understanding the remaining quantity, extractability, and renewability of geologic resources will help us better sustainably manage those resources.

      So from my understanding of this paragraph, fossils are a very dangerous thing to the environment and humans. Also, mining activities can be very toxic to the environment.

    1. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) was a German mathematician and astronomer who expanded on the heliocentric model—improving Copernicus’ original calculations and describing planetary motion as elliptical paths. Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642) was an Italian astronomer who used the newly developed telescope to observe the four largest moons of Jupiter [18]. This was the first piece of direct evidence to contradict the geocentric model since moons orbiting Jupiter could not also be orbiting Earth.

      I did not know anything about this scientist before. I never knew who Johannes Kepler was before.

    1. The

      A straight line of communication, leading from sender directly to the receiver.

      The model focuses on the sender and messages within a communication encounter.

    2. One of the most useful models for understanding public speaking is Barnlund’s (2008) transactional model of communication. In the transactional model, communication is seen as an ongoing, circular process. We are constantly affecting and are affected by those we communicate with.

      Transactional model

    3. This three-part model was intended to capture the radio and television transmission process. However it was later adapted to human communication and is now known as the linear model of communication.

      linear model

    1. Astrologers rely on celestial observations, but their conclusions are not based on experimental evidence and their statements are not falsifiable. This is not to be confused with astronomy which is the scientific study of celestial bodies and the cosmos [2,3].

      Why do the Astrologers rely on celestial observations and how do the celestial observations work?

    2. Determining a rock’s color by measuring wavelengths of reflected light or its density by measuring the proportions of minerals it contains is quantitative.

      This is something that I had no idea about. This is so interesting to learn.

    1. functional oxygen carrier.


    2. amino acids chemically interact, they either repel or attract each other, resulting in the folded structure.


    3. helix (like a coiled spring) or sheet.


    1. each week
      • The guidelines for children activity should be one hour moderate or vigorous physical activity daily, not weekly.

      This information is communicated on the CDC website (below) and in Physical Guidelines for Americans, second edition, page 48. This is also stated in the WCRF and AICR "Recommendations and public health and policy implications," page 20. https://www.wcrf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Recommendations.pdf

      CDC. How much physical activity do kids need? Accessed January 16, 2024. https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/children/index.htm#:~:text=Children%20ages%203%20through%205,for%2060%20minutes%20every%20day.

      • Under "Cancer prevention," the guidelines for children activity should be one hour moderate or vigorous physical activity daily, not weekly.

      This information is communicated on the CDC website (below) and in Physical Guidelines for Americans, second edition, page 48. This is also stated in the WCRF and AICR "Recommendations and public health and policy implications," page 20. https://www.wcrf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Recommendations.pdf

      CDC. How much physical activity do kids need? Accessed January 16, 2024. https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/children/index.htm#:~:text=Children%20ages%203%20through%205,for%2060%20minutes%20every%20day.

    1. What are the personal, professional and public benefits of enhancing your public speaking skills?

      Question 1 Personal: Helps me to feel more comfortable communicating. Professional: Helps me to be more proficient while communicating tasks. Public: Helps me to express ideas more clearly.

    1. Certainly, technology can help us be well-informed, but there are dangers.

      Technology is one of the biggest changes in this century.

    2. Look at this picture, and notice your first reaction. Do you have an emotional reaction, good or bad? What is your opinion right off the bat? Going with your gut, what do you think? Notice I am asking you about two things: (1) your emotional reaction and (2) your first thought.

      My first reaction to this picture is that I would agree with the poster. Being able t dream about big things that you want to happen to yourself if great, because you are setting that goal for yourself and you are going to do everything and anything you can to achieve that goal.

    1. Van der Waals forces arise from the spontaneous and/or induced transient polarization of molecules.

      A weak intermolecular force that change according to the distance of molecules or atoms

    2. in contrast to an ionic interaction in which electrons remain on each atom of an ion or are transferred between species that have highly different electronegativities.

      What causes a covalent bond? and where are the electrons coming from?

    3. Ionic bonds are electrostatic interactions formed between ions of opposite charges.

      Electronegative atoms but steals electrons

    4. hydrogen bonds

      If there are no dipoles than a hydrogen bond CAN'T be formed

    5. We describe one such property, the tendency of an atom to attract electrons, by the chemical concept and term, electronegativity.

      As you move from left to right on the periodic table electronegativity is increasing

    1. After the Egyptian and Indian, the Greek and Roman, the Teuton and Mongolian, the Negro is a sort of seventh son, born with a veil, and gifted with second-sight in this American world, — a world which yields him no self-consciousness, but only lets him see himself through the revelation of the other world. It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity.


    2. SociologySociology is the systematic study of society and social interaction. In order to carry out their studies, sociologists identify cultural patterns and social forces and determine how they affect individuals and groups. One way sociology achieves a more complete understanding of social reality is through its focus on the importance of the social forces affecting our behavior, attitudes, and life chances. This focus involves an emphasis on social structure, the social patterns through which a society is organized. Sociology provides a lens for understanding the human condition and the structural forces that influence our behavior and attitudes.

      Come back to this part

    1. Review some of the demands from the Third World Liberation Front in Section 1.2 of this chapter. Do any of these resonate with your experience on our own campus? What demands would you make of your administration? How would you modify or update these demands for your own context? When reviewing the demands from the Third World Liberation Front none of these demands resonate with my experience on campus.

    1. Argument can help us gain power in society as well.

      Very true depending on the topic because majority of topics can become very controversial

    2. But why does academia make writing so central?

      Academia makes writing so central because it is a big part of the system. Without writing, many parts of the world wouldn't be able to get most of the things that they do done.

    3. why do so many professions depend on it?

      Many professions depend on writing because they are able to express themselves more and better than just trying to explain it out loud. They are also able to brainstorm and think about what they want to write, instead of trying to come up with something and saying it.

    1. ps around central ato


    2. ogether can predict the geometry of each atom in a molecule. The main idea of VSEPR theory is that pairs of electrons (in bonds and in lone pairs) repel each other. The pairs of electrons (in bonds and in lone pairs) are called "groups". Because electrons repel each other electrostatically, the most stable arrangement of electron groups (

      i hate niggas

    1. When protic solvents are used in nucleophilic substitution reactions, the positively polarized hydrogen of the solvent molecule can interact with the negatively charged nucleophile. In solution, molecules or ions that are surrounded by these solvent molecules are said to be solvated. Solvation is the process of attraction and association of solvent molecules with ions of a solute. The solute, in this case, is a negatively charged nucleophile.

      What happens to Nu ' in a polar protic solvent.

    1. 1m1m1\:\text{m} than from 2m

      These heights are reversed. It takes longer to fall from 2 meters than it does from 1 meter. Although, this is still a valid hypothesis.

    1. One of the challenges for students learning chemistry is recognizing that the same symbols can represent different things in the macroscopic and microscopic domains, and one of the features that makes chemistry fascinating is the use of a domain that must be imagined to explain behavior in a domain that can be observed.

      I think this is important to understand to try and prevent any common mistakes from occurring in the future.

    2. gasoline to fabrics to electronics.

      I think it's fascinating learning that chemistry is so involved in our personal lives, but many of us do not acknowledge that.

    1. Many OH compounds in living systems are formed by alkene hydration. Here is an example that occurs in the Krebs cycle: fumarate is hydrated to form malate. In addition to its preparation from ethylene, ethanol is made by the fermentation of sugars or starch from various sources (potatoes, corn, wheat, rice, etc.). Fermentation is catalyzed by enzymes found in yeast and proceeds by an elaborate multistep mechanism. We can represent the overall process as follows:

      very important

    2. Markovnikov’s rule

      Hydrogen is added to the carbon with the most hydrogens and the halide is added to the carbon with the least hydrogens”.

  2. Dec 2023
    1. Example 3.1.2

      Derive 3 times and resulting to zero has to be any polynomial with the highest power being 2, therefore any collection that has a power of less than 2 will do the job. Therefore vector space P2 is correct.

    2. polynmials


    1. Personality Theory: The 4 Facets Extroversion-Introversion (EI): how you get your energy and where you prefer to focus your attention Sensing-Intuition (SN): how you take in information about the world around you Thinking-Feeling (TF): how you like to make decisions Judging-Perceiving (JP): how you prefer to organize your life Complete the following activity to identify your personality type based on your own self reflection. As part of the course requirement, you will also be taking the MBTI personality test through our career center. Please check the syllabus for instructions. You can complete the following quick activity to self identify your personality type. Then compare the results with the actual MBTI assessment to see how your results are similar and different. Activity 4.1: What’s Your Type? Read descriptions for the four facets. Pick which is more like you. E (Extraversion) or I (Introversion)? S (Sensing) or N? (Intuition)? T (Thinking) or F? (Feeling)? J (Judging) or P? (Perceiving)? Could be described as: Talkative, outgoingLike to be in a fast-paced environmentTend to work out ideas with other, think aloudEnjoy being the center of attention Then you prefer (E) Extraversion Could be described as: Reserved, privatePrefer a slower pace with time for contemplationTend to think things through inside your headWould rather observe then be the center of attention Then you prefer (I) Introversion Could be described as: Focus on the reality of how things arePay attention to concrete facts and detailsPrefer ideas that have practical applicationsLike to describe things in a specific, literal way Then you prefer (S) Sensing Could be described as: Imagine the possibilities of how things could beNotice the big picture, see how everything connectsEnjoy ideas and concepts for their own sakeLike to be describe in a way figurative, poetic Then you prefer (N) Intuition Could be described as: Make decision in an impersonal way, using logical reasoningValue justice, fairnessEnjoy finding the flaws in an argumentsCould be described as reasonable, level-headed Then you prefer (T) Thinking Could be described as: Base you decision on personal values and how our actions affect othersValue harmony, forgivenessLike to please others and point out the best in peopleCould be described as warm empathetic Then you prefer (F) Feeling Could be described as: Prefer to have matters settledThink rules and deadlines should be respectedPrefer to have a detailed step-by-step instructionsMake plans, want to know what you’re getting into Then you prefer (J) Judging Could be described as: Prefer to leave your options openSee rules and deadlines as flexibleLike to improvise and make things up as you goAre spontaneous, enjoy surprise and new situations Then you prefer (P)Perceiving What is your 4-letter personality type? __ __ __ __ The following are brief descriptions of the 16 personality types from Humanmetrics. Click on your personality type or a similar type to see which describes you best. The 16 personality types ESTJ ISTJ ENTJ INTJ ESTP ISTP ENTP INTP ESFJ ISFJ ENFJ INFJ ESFP ISFP ENFP INFP

      Activity 4.1: What's Your Type?

    1. Part 2:

      5.Not necessarily. I think It depends on what the individual focuses on learning. It is better to support and develop according to personal preferences.

    2. Part 2:

      1. Yes, some time moving can help me think.
    3. Part 2:

      3.Yes,I know someone.I didn't notic the person's cretive.

    4. Part2:

      2.Sir Ken Robinson want us to learn we need to support creative of person.

    5. Part 2:<br /> 1. I think this story was meaning , but not easy understand . I like it. Because the story has education meaning.

    6. Part1: 1. TED talk.

    7. Part 1: 2. Teachers.

    8. Part 1: 3. To help listeners understand the importance of creativity. To help listeners understand that different people learn in different ways.

    1. Not all Collisions are Sufficiently Oriented

      Even if two molecules collide with sufficient activation energy, there is no guarantee that the collision will be successful.

    1. What is the E°cell?

      Exercise 19.5.1 The voltage will be given to us correct?

    2. Using the same information in Question 19.3.6, which electrode is consumed?

      Exercise 19.3.7 What would the answer look like if both electrodes are consumed?

    3. Mn2+(aq)+4H2O(l)→MnO−4(aq)+8H+(aq)+5e−(19.8)

      Exercise 19.2.1b Does it matter which side these are displayed? Mine tend to be on the opposite sides

    4. What is the Cu2+ concentration at 25°C in the cell Zn(s) | Zn2+ (1.0 M) || Cu2+(aq) | Cu(s)? The cell emf is 1.03 V. The standard cell emf is 1.10 V.

      Exercise 19.23 Similar to our last Quiz Question

    5. E0cell=E0cathode+E0anode

      Equation put on index card

    6. The Nernst Equation

      Write equation on index card, will be on exam

    7. Which one can occur at the cathode of an electrochemical cell?

      19.3.4 Cathode is reducing and an anode is oxidating

    8. Electrochemical Cell Notation

      Quiz Question, will be on exam

    1. In an electrolytic cell this is the positive electrode. Here the electrode sign is not being determined by the cell reaction, but by the external power supply that is driving the reaction in the nonspontaneous direction

      I was confused about this at first especially in lab. But it does make sense how the more " positive " it is, the absence of electrons causes for the reaction to move to the direction of nonspontaniety.

    1. La distribution normale crée des intervalles de confiance précis lorsqu'elleσσ\sigma est connue, mais elle n'est pas aussi précise lorsque s est utilisé comme estimation. Dans ce cas, la distribution t de Student est bien meilleure. Définissez un score T à l'aide de la formule suivante :t=x¯¯¯−μs/n√t=x¯−μs/n

      On utlise Student quand n est plus que 30 si non on peut approximer que la variable suit une loi normale et utiliser s comme écart type

    1. The eight key characteristics of life are:

      Order all cells are remarkabl complex with atoms that make up molecules > cell organelles and other cellular inclusions. In multicellular organisms, similar cells form tissues > tissues collaborate to create organs > organs work together to form organ systems.

      Sensitivity or Response to Stimuli Organism an respond to diverse stimuli. Movement toward a stimulus is considered a positive response, while movement away from a stimulus is considered a negative response

      Reproduction Single called organisms : reproduce by duplication of DNA by the cell dividing to form to new cells Multicellular organisms : produce speacilized reproductive germline cells that form new individuals

      Growth and Development Organisms grow and develop from specific instructions coded by their genes

      Regulation All organisms, big or small, require multiple regulatory mechanisms to coordinate internal functions, the response to stimuli/coping of environmental stresses.

      Homeostasis Cells have to appropriate conditions such as proper temperature, pH, and appropriate concentration of diverse chemicals in order to function properly. A well known example of this is the thermoregulation of an organism that needs to regulate body temperature.

      Energy Processing All organisms use a source of energy for their metabolic activities.

      Evolution In an environment the population of organisms contribute to reproduction and survival from their advantageous traits that grow to become more common, hence become beneficial for the species.<br /> Evolution is the cause of biodiversity. The adaptations, or advantageous traits, can be structural, behavioral, or psychological.

    1. Two types of science: basic science and applied science

      Basic science or “pure” science is the science that seeks to expand nowledg regardlesss of the short-term application of that knowledge. Although it is just the gaining of knowledge, basic science can still result in practical application in the end.

      Applied science or technology uses science to solve real-world issues. In applied science, the problem is usually defined for the researcher.

      Most people perceive basic science as “useless.” However, taking a careful look at history in science, basic science reveals basic knowledge has resulted in many remarkable applications of great value. Some scientists think that applied science relies on the results generated through basic science and other scientists think that it’s time to move on from basic science and find solutions to actual science.

      While research efforts in both basic science and applied science are usually carefully planned, it is important to note that some discoveries are made by serendipity; that is, by means of a fortunate accident or a lucky surprise.

    1. Writing the Draft Business Plan

      To summarize, when writing a draft business plan, it is suggested to follow these steps:

      1. Use the headings feature in Word to create an outline for your business plan and generate a table of contents automatically.
      2. Incorporate relevant parts of your initial research into your business plan template either by copying and pasting or by inserting the results into the appropriate sections.
      3. Include societal-level and industry-level analyses in the Operating Environment section, market-level analysis in the Marketing Plan, and firm-level analysis across all sections of the business plan.
      4. Incorporate your business model elements into the relevant sections of your plan as there is no specific section for describing the business model.
      5. Fill in as much relevant information as possible under the headings on your business plan template, using information from specific sources or assumptions you made.
      6. Clearly indicate the sources of information, such as supplier catalogs or industry experts, to establish credibility and improve professionalism.
      7. Highlight assumptions in a distinct font color and ensure to replace them with sourced information later.
      8. Use spreadsheet templates to record estimated sales revenue each month, based on well-reasoned criteria and set up with formulas for easy changes.
      9. Flag numbers based on assumptions in a distinct font and clearly indicate the sources of actual numbers.
      10. Use the spreadsheet templates to develop the financial component of your business plan.

      By following these practices, you can effectively write a draft business plan that is well-supported, credible, and includes the necessary financial projections.

    1. Biology: “the study of life” Unifying concepts that govern he study and research of the broad scope in biology - the cell is the basic unit of life - genes (consisting of DNA or RNA) are the basic unit of heredity - evolution accounts for the unity and diversity seen among living organisms - all organisms survive by consuming and transforming energy - all organisms maintain a stable internal environment

      collective research indicates the first forms of life on Earth were microorganisms that existed for billions of years before the evolution of larger organisms. (Like modern appearing humans like Homo sapiens that are relatively new species, having inhabit aged this planet for only the last 200,000 years.

      19th century - number of biologists pointed to the central importance of the cell 1838 - Scientists Schleiden and Schwann made the now universal ideas of the cell theory 1953 - discovery of the double helical structure of DNA marked the transition to the era of molecular genetics

      Science is a learning process about the natural world with collective data and research from contributing scientists. These contributions make science an iterative, or cumulative, process. Previous research is used as the foundation for new research making the understanding of any issue in the sciences as a culmination of all previous work. Science also refers to the body of knowledge produced by scientific investigation.

      Peduoscience/alternative science: a belief presented as scientific although it is not a product of scientific investigation. Lacks the rigor of the scientific method which makes carefully-controlled and thoughtfully interpreted experiments.

    1. 6.Easy to rinse dish soap. It can reduce the discharge of sewage and keep the pure soil so that all things can grow healthily.

    2. 5.Yes,I would .But it's not easy!

      1. Yes,I think it's a good idea . Because it's making easy and look feeling amazing ,and can reduce trash.
    3. 3.to encourage people to reduce the amount of trash they make. to teach people to make their own products. Because the video teach people how to do some thing to Protect the environment.

    4. 2.People who care about the environment the most likely audience. Because the video tell people how to do can Reduce the amount of trash.