6,010 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2023
    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      This manuscript by Gouignard et al., reports that a matrix metalloproteinase MMP28 regulates neural crest EMT and migration by transcriptional control rather than matrix remodeling. The manuscript is clearly written and provides sufficient evidence and control experiments to demonstrate that the MMP28 can translocate into nucleus of non-producing cells and that nuclear localization and catalytic activity are essential for the activity of MMP28 to regulate gene transcription. ChIP-PCR analysis also suggests that MMP28 can bind to the proximal promoters of Twist and others. However, since weak binding is also detected between MMP14 and the promoters, a more direct evidence that such binding can indeed promote Twist expression will be more appreciated.

      Thank you for this comment. First, to represent the data from our ChIP assays we normalized all intensities to the GFP condition such that all levels are expressed fold change to GFP and we performed statistical comparisons. This shows that the enrichment of promoter regions by MMP28 and MMP14 are not equivalent.

      Second, to substantiate our previous ChIP data, we performed a new set of ChIP experiments, by performing three independent chromatin immunoprecipitations (biological replicates), and used primers targeting three new domains in the proximal promoter of Twist and primers against two domains in the proximal promoter of E-cadherin and one domain 1kb away from transcription start of E-cadh. We found that pull down with MMP28 significantly enriches the three tested domains within the proximal promoter of Twist but not those of the E-cadherin promoter, compared to GFP pull down. These data were added to Figure 7.

      However, we do not propose that MMP28 might act as a transcription factor and be able to promote Twist expression on its own. We apologize if some of the initial description of our data were too blunt and might have misled the reviewers. First, the protein sequence of MMP28, like those of all other MMPs, does not contain any typical DNA binding sites. In addition, ectopic overexpression of MMP28 is not sufficient to promote ectopic Twist expression (as shown in supplementary Figure 4) whereas, by contrast, Twist is able to promote ectopic expression of Cadherin-11 (see new Supplementary Figure 11). This indicates that MMP28 has an effect on Twist expression in the context of neural crest only and is not capable of activating Twist expression by itself.

      Also, it should be added that enrichments of promoter domains by MMP28 pull-down are very modest in comparison to enrichments obtain with Twist pull-downs. Therefore, a more plausible role for MMP28 is to be part of a regulatory cascade with other factors involved in regulating the expression of the target genes important for EMT. Other MMPs such as MMP14 and MMP3 have been shown to interact with chromatin with some transcriptional downstream effects but multiple domains of these proteins seem to equally mediate such interactions. None of the data published in these studies rules out a relay via cofactors. We extensively modified the text describing our data and provided additional context.

      Identifying the putative partners and their functional relationship with MMP28 is a project on its own and beyond the scope of this study.

      While the nuclear translocation and transcription regulation activity of MMP28 is clearly the focus of the study, there are some minor issues that should be further clarified in the functional studies in the earlier part of the manuscript.

      First, the effect of the splicing MO is somewhat unexpected. I would think that the splicing MO would lead to the retention of intron one and therefore premature termination or frameshift of the protein product, but RT-PCR or RT-qPCR suggest that there is no retention of intron 1, but a reduction in the full-length transcript, exon 1, or exon 7-8. Why is that?

      Thank you for this comment. This is presumably due to nonsense mediated RNA decay. We have not explored the biochemistry of MMP28 RNA following injection with MOspl. Splicing MOs can have multiple effects. As explained on the GeneTools website splicing MOs disturb the normal processing of pre-mRNA and cells have various ways to deal with this and there are multiple possible outcomes. The PCR with E1-I1 suggests that intron 1 is not retained. Therefore, a putative concern would be that MOspl led to exon-skipping and to the generation of a truncated form of MMP28. However, we have checked that it is not the case. The fact that the PCR using E7-E8 primers indicates a reduction as well suggests an overall degradation of the mRNA for MMP28. Importantly, the effect of MOspl can be rescued using MMP28 mRNA indicating that the knockdown is specific.

      Second, the effect of the splicing MO and ATG MO in NC explant spreading seems to be somewhat different, with ATG MO strongly repressed explant spreading, cell protrusion, and cell dispersion, while splicing MO does not affect cell dispersion, but affects the formation of cell protrusions. Does this reflects different severity of the phenotype or does the product of splicing MO display some activity?

      Thank you for this comment. However, we think that there may be a confusion. Data on Fig2 (MOatg) and Fig3 (MOspl) both show a decrease of neural crest migration in vivo (Figure 2a-b) and of neural crest dispersion ex vivo (Fig2c, Fig3i-k). Along the course of the project we have never observed a difference in penetrance or intensity of the phenotypes between the two MOs.

      Also, the switch between ATG MO and splicing MO is a bit confusing, maybe it is better to keep splicing MO only in the main text and move results involving ATG MO to supplementary studies.

      The reason is purely historical. We had an effect with MOatg that can be rescued but there is no available anti-Xenopus MMP28 to assess its efficiency. So we turned to MOspl to have an internal control of efficiency by PCR. This provides an independent knockdown method reinforcing the findings. Both MOs have been controlled for specificity by rescue with MMP28 and display similar effect on NC migration/dispersion. We see no harm in keeping both in the main figures but if the reviewer feels strongly about this we could perform the suggested redistribution of data between main and supp figures.

      Lastly, in Figure 3C and 3J, it says that the distance of migration or explant areas were normalized to CMO, while normalization against the contralateral uninjected side, or explant area at time 0 makes more sense.

      Thank you for this comment as it will allow us to explain better these quantifications. Regarding in vivo measurements (Figure 3c), it is indeed the ratio between injected and non-injected sides that is performed in all conditions and then the ratios are normalized to CMO. We have now clarified this point on all instances throughout the figures.

      Regarding ex vivo measurements (Figure 3j), NC explants are placed onto fibronectin and left to adhere for 1 hour before time-lapse imaging starts. NC cells extracted from MMP28 morphant embryos are not as efficient at adhering and spreading as control NC cells. Therefore, normalizing to t0 would erase that initial difference between control and MMP28 conditions. By normalizing to CMO at t_final we can visualize the initial defect of adhesion and spreading as well as the overall defects since CMO at t_final represents the 100% dispersion possible over the time course of the movie.

      Referee Cross-commenting

      I agree with comments from both Reviewers 2 and 3, especially that whether MMP28 regulates placode development (through Six1 expression) should be addressed.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      This work provides novel insights of how a metalloprotease that is normally considered to function extracellularly can transfer into the nucleus of neighboring cells and regulate transcription. This would be of interest to researchers studying EMT, cell migration, and the functions of extracellular proteins in general. My expertise is in neural crest EMT and migration, and cytoskeletal regulation of cell behavioral changes. I do not have enough background on biochemical analysis.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):


      In this study, Gouignard et al. beautifully use the Xenopus neural crest as a model system to examine the role of the matrix metalloproteinase MMP28 during EMT. The authors show that mmp28 is expressed by the placodes adjacent to the neural crest. Using in vivo and in vitro perturbation experiments, they show that the catalytic function of MMP28 is necessary for the expression of several neural crest markers, as well as neural crest migration and adhesion. Next, the authors use grafting, confocal imaging, and biochemistry to convincingly demonstrate that MMP28 is translocated into the nucleus of neural crest cells from the adjacent placodes. Finally, nuclear localization of MMP28-GFP is necessary to rescue twist and sox10 expression in MMP28 morphants, and ChIP-PCR experiments suggest direct interactions between MMPs and the proximal promoters of several neural crest genes. These results have significant implications on the field of EMT and highlight an underappreciated role for MMPs as direct regulators of gene expression.

      Major comments:

      Overall, the experiments presented in this study are thoroughly controlled and the results are clearly quantitated and rigorously analyzed. Most claims are well supported by multiple lines of experimental evidence; however, there are a few experiments or observations that this reviewer thinks should be reconsidered for more clarity and accuracy.

      1. Supplementary Figure 1 shows the effect of MMP28-MOspl on additional ectodermal markers and shows that there is a significant loss of six1 expression from the placodal domain following MMP28 knockdown. The authors note this as a "slight reduction" on line 95, but since this shows a larger reduction in gene expression than some of the neural crest markers (snai2, sox8, foxd3), this reviewer thinks these results warrant a more significant discussion in this study.

      Thank you for this comment. We apologize for the poor choice of word regarding the description of the effect on Six1 expression. We corrected the associated paragraph.

      Although we do observe a reduction of Six1 expression upon MMP28 knockdown, this cannot explain the observed downregulation of some neural crest genes in our MMP28 experiments. There are noticeable differences between the effects of Six1 loss of function that have been reported in the literature and the MMP28 knockdown phenotypes we describe. As suggested by the reviewer, we added a paragraph in the discussion.

      Does MMP28 localize to the nucleus of placodal cells as it does with neural crest? If so, is it through interaction with the six1 proximal promoter? If MMP28 does not localize to the nucleus, that would suggest MMP28 function with a different mechanism between epithelial cells distinct from role in EMT. These questions could be addressed by analysis of the placode cells in the images in Figure 5 and use of primers against the six1 proximal promoter on any remaining samples from the ChIP experiment.

      Thank you for this comment. To address whether nuclear entry is specific to the neural crest-placodes interaction, we performed new grafts:

      • 1/ we replaced neural crest cells from embryos expressing MMP28-GFP by placodal cells injected with Rhodamine-dextran. This generates grafted embryos with control placodes next to placodes overexpressing MMP28-GFP. There, we can analyze entry of MMP28-GFP in placodal cells that do not overexpress it. We detected MMP28 in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus of these placodal cells. However, the rate of nuclear entry was lower than in NC cells.

      • 2/ To assess the importance of the cell type producing MMP28, we grafted NC cells injected with Rhodamine-dextran next to caudal ectoderm expressing MMP28-GFP. MMP28 was detected in cytoplasm and the nucleus of the NC cells but with a lower efficiency than when NC are grafted next to placodes expressing MMP28-GFP.

      • 3/ We made animal caps sandwiches with animal caps injected with Rhodamine-dextran and animal caps expressing MMP28-GFP. In this case MMP28-GFP is detected in the cytoplasm but fails to reach the nucleus.

      Collectively, these data indicate that placodes can import MMP28 produced by placodes and that NC can import MMP28 produced by other cells than placodes. However, in both cases the rate of nuclear entry was lower than in the NC-placode situation. Finally, the animal cap sandwiches indicate that entry into the cells does not predict entry into the nucleus. All these data were added to Supp Figure 7. Statistical comparisons of the proportion of cells with cytoplasmic and nuclear MMP28-GFP in all grafts were added to Figure 5.

      The Six1 promoter analysis suggested is beyond the scope of this study as our focus is primarily on the role of MMP28 in neural crest development.

      1. In Figure 2c, the authors rescue MMP28-MOatg with injection of MMP28wt mRNA. Does the MOatg bind to the exogenous mRNA? If so, this may just reflect titration of the MOatg. If this is the case, this experiment should be repeated with MOspl instead of MOatg.

      Thank you for this comment. MOatg is designed upstream of the ATG and thus the binding site is not included in the expression construct. We added this important technical information in the methods. Of note, we already have the suggested equivalent of Fig2C with the MOspl on figure 3.

      1. Is there a missing data point in Figure 2d corresponding to the upper bounds of the whisker in the 6 hour time point for the MMP28-MOatg dataset?

      Thank you for pointing this out. The top data point was indeed missing from the graph, and we apologize for this oversight. We have now updated the figure with the correct graph.

      1. The authors present ChIP-PCR results in Figure 7 as the major evidence to support the mechanism of nuclear MMP28 in regulating neural crest EMT through physical interaction with target gene promoters. However, the experimental design and presentation in Figure 7 are somewhat unconventional, and as such, difficult to interpret. First, instead of displaying the band brightness across the gel, the authors should normalize their bands to their negative GFP control, thus allowing for interpretation as a "fold enrichment over GFP control". It would be most clear to present these results in the form of a plot similar to Shimizu-Hirota et al., 2012, Figure 6D. Using qPCR instead of gel-based quantitation would further increase reproducibility by removing any bias in image analysis.

      Thank you for this comment. For each band the value of the adjacent local background was subtracted. We have now normalized to GFP to provide graphs showing the fold change to GFP enrichment as requested.

      However, we would like to point out that we do not propose that MMP28 might act as a transcription factor and be able to promote Twist expression on its own. First, the protein sequence of MMP28 does not contain any typical DNA binding sites, as is the case for any other MMPs. In addition, ectopic overexpression of MMP28 is not sufficient to promote ectopic Twist expression (see sup figure 4) contrary to Twist that can ectopically induce Cadherin-11 for instance (see sup figure 11). Further, enrichments of promoter domains by MMP28 pull downs are very modest in comparison of the enrichments promoted by Twist pull downs.

      A more plausible role for MMP28 is that it is recruited via an interaction with other factors involved in regulating the expression of the target genes related to EMT. Identifying the partners and their functional relationship with MMP28 is a project on its own, and beyond the scope of this study.

      Second, a proximal promoter sequence represents only ~250 bp upstream from the transcriptional start site. What is the rationale for testing multiple loci up to 3 kb upstream?

      Thank you for pointing this out. The use of the term “proximal” was indeed misleading we have now corrected this part in the text. Regulatory sequences can be located anywhere so we initially had a broader approach to test for interactions. Following on this reviewer’s comment, we removed the data points corresponding to the very distal sites. In addition, we performed three new independent ChIP-PCR assays with primers in the proximal portion of Twist and E-cadherin promoters and found enrichment in ChIP with MMP28-GFP compared to GFP for Twist but not for E-cadherin (whose expression was not affected by MMP28 knockdown). These data were added to Figure 7.

      It is surprising to see that most of these proteins do not show significant enrichment to a particular locus across this ~3 kb territory, while this reviewer would expect to see enrichment close to the TSS that quickly is lost as you move further upstream. Can you explain why MMP28, MMP14, and often Twist, show similar enrichment across this long genomic region?

      Thank you for this comment. Our initial choice of representation did not allow to compare profiles properly. Fold-enrichment to GFP, as suggested by this reviewer, now shows that Twist, MMP28 and MMP14 do not display the same pattern of enrichment across the various loci and that MMP28 pull downs leads to significant enrichments of some of the domains tested in Cad11 and Twist promoters.

      Third, the authors should include additional genomic loci to act as negative controls. For example, E-cadherin was unaffected by MMP28-MOspl, thus there may be no physical interaction between the E-cadherin locus and MMP28. It would be ideal to display results from at least one neural crest-related and one non-neural crest-related gene. Finally, this experiment requires statistical analyses to increase confidence in these interactions.

      Thank you for this comment. We tested binding to E-cadherin promoter for GFP and MMP28-GFP and found no enrichment with MMP28. We also performed statistics as requested. These data were added to Figure 7.

      Minor comments:

      1. The authors should expand their abstract to more explicitly describe the experiments and results presented within this study.


      1. In the introduction, line 57 is unclear. "MMP28 is the latest member..." Is this chronologically? Evolutionarily? After this, the authors' statement that the roles of MMP28 are "poorly described" (lines 59-60) seems contradicting with their next sentences citing several studies that document the roles of MMP28 in diverse systems.

      Thank you for this comment. The term “poorly described” was meant with respect to other MMPs with more extensive literature. We have now rephrased this part. Regarding the “latest member” we meant the last to be identified. We have now rephrased this part.

      1. To increase clarity, the authors should define which cell types are labeled by in situ hybridization for sox10 and foxi4.1 in Figure 1e.

      Thank you, we performed the requested clarifications and expanded the change to add the cell types labelled by the other genes used on the figure (see figure legend).

      1. The PCR analysis for mmp28 splicing shown in Figure 1g is very clear and well demonstrates the efficacy of the MMP28-MOspl. However, the authors should note in the figure legend what the "ODC" row represents as this is unclear.

      We added the definition of ODC in the figure legends and in the methods.

      1. On line 118 the authors first reference "MOatg" but should explicitly define this reagent and its mechanism of action for clarity.

      We performed the requested clarification.

      Referee Cross-commenting

      As with Reviewer #1, I was surprised that the RT-PCR analysis presented in support of the splicing MO lacked retention of intron one. I reasoned this might be due to reduced transcript abundance through a mechanism such as nonsense-mediated decay, but I agree that this data raises questions that the authors should address.

      Thank you for this comment. Indeed, this is presumably due to nonsense mediated RNA decay. We have not explored the biochemistry of MMP28 RNA following injection with MOspl. Splicing MOs can have multiple effects. As explained on the GeneTools website splicing MOs disturb the normal processing of pre-mRNA and cells have various ways to deal with this and there are multiple possible outcomes. The PCR with E1-I1 suggests that intron 1 is not retained. Therefore, a putative concern would be that MOspl led to exon-skipping and to the generation of a truncated form of MMP28. However, we have checked that it is not the case. The fact that the PCR using E7-E8 primers indicates a reduction as well suggest an overall degradation of the mRNA for MMP28. Importantly, the effect of MOspl can be rescued using MMP28 mRNA indicating that the knockdown is specific.

      I also agree with the other comments from Reviewers 1 and 3.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      This study by Gouignard et al. provides compelling evidence for the role of MMP28 during neural crest EMT. As neural crest cells share similar EMT and migration mechanisms with cancer progression, they represent a powerful system in which to study these biological processes in vivo. Previous work on MMP function has focused primarily on extracellular matrix remodeling and the effect on cell migration, with less attention given to the role of MMPs during EMT. More recent reports in other systems have begun to elucidate a role for MMP translocation into the nucleus, indicating a surprising and novel mechanism for these proteins. This work would be of particular interest to audiences interested in cancer, cell, and developmental biology, as it highlights the importance of the non-canonical function of metalloproteinases during EMT and migration.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):


      This study by Gouignard and colleagues explores the mechanisms involving the matrix-metalloprotease MMP28 in the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of neural crest cells. Interestingly and provocatively, they focus not only on the extracellular functions of this protease but also on the roles of MMP28 in the nucleus. This in non-conventional sub-cellular localization is shared with other MMPs, but its significance remains poorly understood. Here, the authors show that the nuclear function of MMP28 impacts the expression of key EMT regulators in neural crest cells in vivo.

      Using Xenopus laevis as a powerful animal model to explore the early development, the authors show that mmp28 expression is found in the ectodermal placodal tissue adjacent to the neural crest prior and after EMT.<br /> In the first part of the study, the authors show that MMP28 depletion affects a subset of neural crest marker gene expression (snai2, twi, sox10) but not others (sox9, snai1), suggesting a specific role on a subset of the genes important for neural crest EMT. The MMP28 depletion phenotype is restored by coinjecting MMP28 MO and MMP28 mRNA, provided that the catalytic activity of the encoded protein is maintained. Next, epistasis (rescue) experiments show that Twist1 can compensate MMP28 depletion.<br /> The second part of the study elegantly shows that MMP28 produced by host adjacent tissues can translocate into the nucleus of neural crest cells grafted from a donor embryo (devoid of MMP28-GFP expression). It also shows that MMP28 nuclear localization as well as its catalytic activity are both required for activating the neural crest gene twist1 and sox10; and that MMP28 is found bound on the chromatin of twist1, cad11 and sox10.<br /> Altogether, these experiments strongly support a model for the nuclear role of MMP28 in the activation (or maintenance) of key genes of the EMT program in vertebrate neural crest cells.

      Major comments

      The key conclusions are:

      Conclusion 1: MMP28, expressed and secreted by placodes, is important for complete neural crest patterning prior to EMT, including activation of twist1 and EMT effector cadherin 11 genes. MMP28 is important for neural crest EMT and migration in vivo and in explant assay in vitro.

      However, this conclusion omits potential indirect effect of interfering with placode formation itself, as indicated by the strong decrease in six1 expression in morphant embryos. The effect of MMP28MO on the expression of six1 is as strong as for neural crest markers snai2, twi, for example. Line 95, "slight reduction" should be modified.

      Thank you or this comment. We have now modified the associated text.

      What this may mean for placodal development itself, as well as for indirect effects on neural crest cells need to be discussed.

      Following this comment, we added a paragraph in the discussion about Six1.

      Conclusion 2: Gain of Twist 1 (but not Cadherin 11) rescues MMP28 morphant phenotype, allowing EMT to occur and restoring several parameters of cell migration in vivo and in explant assay

      Conclusion 3: When secreted from adjacent cells, MMP28 is translocated into the nucleus of neural crest cells and displays a nuclear function important for the activation of twist1 expression.

      Both conclusions 2 and 3 are supported by multiple elegant and convincing experimental data. These conclusions do not depend on mmp28 exclusive expression by the placodal ectoderm, and would still be important if there was a minor expression in the neural crest cells themselves (and thus an autocrine effect).

      Additional experiments to strengthen the conclusions<br /> Related to Conclusion 1:

      • line 102-106: In the rescue experiment, is six1 expression rescued too?

      Thank you for this comment. As detailed in the newly added discussion paragraph about the effects of Six1 loss of function that have been described in the literature, it is very unlikely that our NC phenotypes stem from the observed reduction of Six1 expression.

      Nonetheless, following this comment we checked for Six1 expression in the placodal domain following MMP28 knockdown and rescue condition. In the rescue condition, only 25% of the embryos had recovered Six1 expression in placodes while 75% of the embryos recovered Sox10 expression in neural crest cells. These data further confirm that rescue of placodal genes is not a pre-requisite for the rescue of neural crest genes and were added in Supp Figure 5.

      Although MMP28 is likely to have a role in placodes as well, the expansion of Sox2 and Pax3 expression domain and the loss of Eya1 expression typically associated with Six1 knockdown did not occur in MMP28 knockdown. Our story being focused on neural crest cells, we did not investigate further how the MMP28-dependent effect on Six1 might impair placode development.

      • Figure 2g: qPCR analysis suggests that mmp28 is expressed in the neural crest explants themselves, levels being lowered by the MO injection. The levels of this potential expression in the neural crest itself should be compared to the levels in the placodal ectoderm. How do the authors exclude an effect of the MO within the neural crest tissue, independently of roles from the placodal tissue?

      Thank you for this comment. There is a very small subpopulation of NC cells called the medial crest that expresses MMP28. They are along a thin line along the edge of the neural folds. We previously described this in Gouignard et al Phil Trans Royal Soc B 2020. It is useful for us as an internal control for MO efficiency but the expression in placodes is much stronger and involves many more cells. However, this expression called our attention at the onset of the project and we performed some experiments to assess whether some of the observed effects were due to a NC-autonomous effect, as suggested by this reviewer. To test for this we performed targeted injected of the MO such that the medial crest would receive the MO but not the placodes. Targeting the medial crest with MMP28-MO had no effect on Sox10 expression. These data were added to new supp Figure 1.

      The cost and time for these additional experiments is limited (about 3 weeks), and uses reagents already available to the authors.

      Data and Methods are described with details including all necessary information to replicate the study. Replication is carefully done and statistical analysis seems convincing.

      Minor comments

      Experimental suggestions to further strengthen the conclusions.<br /> Related to Conclusion 1: - Figure 1e, frontal histological sections would help distinguishing between placodal tissue and neural crest mesenchyme.

      Thank you for this comment. We previously published a detailed expression pattern with such sections (Gouignard et al Phil Trans Royal Soc B, 2020). We rephrased the text to better refer to this previous publication.

      Related to Conclusion 2: - Figure 3: in explants co-injected with twist1 mRNA, is cad11 expression restored? Could this indicate if cad11 is (or is not) part of the program controlled by Twist1 (as suggested by the last main figure)?

      Thank you for this comment. We checked for Cadherin-11 expression in control MO, MMP28-MOspl and MOspl+Twist mRNA and Twist is indeed capable of inducing Cadherin-11 and even leads to ectopic activation of Cad11 on the injected side. These data were added to new Supp Figure 11.

      Related to Conclusion 3: is MMP28 translocation seen in any cell context? Could the authors repeat experiments in Figure 6a with animal cap ectoderm? And with sandwich animal cap ectoderm, one expressing MMP28-GFP versions (wt, deltaSPNLS) and the other Rhodamine Dextran only? This would allow to generalize the mechanism or on the contrary to show a neural crest specificity.

      Thank you for this comment. Following this suggestion and comments from the other reviewers, we performed new grafting experiments.

      • 1/ we replaced neural crest cells from embryos expressing MMP28-GFP by placodal cells injected with Rhodamine-dextran. This generates grafted embryos with control placodes next to placodes overexpressing MMP28-GFP. There, we can analyze entry of MMP28-GFP in placodal cells that do not overexpress it. We detected MMP28 in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus of these placodal cells. However, the rate of nuclear entry was lower than in NC cells.
      • 2/ To assess the importance of the cell type producing MMP28 we grafted NC cells injected with Rhodamine-dextran next to caudal ectoderm expressing MMP28-GFP. MMP28 was detected in cytoplasm and the nucleus of the NC cells but with a lower efficiency than when NC are grafted next to placodes expressing MMP28-GFP.
      • 3/ We made animal caps sandwiches with animal caps injected with Rhodamine-dextran and animal caps expressing MMP28-GFP. In this case MMP28-GFP is detected in the cytoplasm but fails to reach the nucleus. These data indicate that placodes can import MMP28 produced by placodes and that NC can import MMP28 produced by other cells than placodes. However, in both cases the rate of nuclear entry was lower than in the NC-placode situation. Finally the animal cap sandwiches indicate that entry into the cells does not predict entry into the nucleus. All these data were added to new Supp Figure 7 and quantifications of import of MMP28-GFP in the cytoplasm and the nucleus all conditions added to Figure 5.

      In supplementary figure 4a, the grey (RDx) is not visible in the zoom in images.

      As the grey channel interferes with visualizing the green channel, we only show the grey channel on the first low magnification image so that the position of grafted cells can be seen. We found it better to omit it from the zoomed in images to avoid masking the GFP signal.

      In figure 7a,b MMP14 is green, GFP is grey (mentioned wrongly in line 276)

      Thank you for pointing this out. We have extensively modified Figure 7 and such issues are now resolved.

      Bibliographical references are accurate. Clarity of the text and figures is excellent, except maybe Figure 7, where a qPCR analysis would be easier to visualize, especially with low-level or fuzzy bands on the gel.

      Thank you. We have now modified Figure 7, including normalization to GFP to show fold-change enrichment and have added new data from three independent ChIP assays for proximal Twist and E-cadherin promoters that we hope further substantiate our initial observations.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      Place of the work in the field's context:

      In cancer, the MMP proteins are widely described in multiple tumor contexts and promote cell invasion. In development, several studies have focused on their functions in the extracellular space. The nuclear localization of MMP family proteins has been described previously but remained poorly understood so far. This work is thus a pioneer study aiming to understand MMP28 nuclear function.


      This study makes a significant advance in the field, by unraveling the importance of the MMP28 activity in the cell nucleus for the expression of key EMT regulators. Moreover, the study suggests that extracellular MMP28 secreted by adjacent cells or tissues can be internalized and transported to cell nucleus into cells located several cell diameters away. This study thus supports a novel facet of MMP proteins activity, complementary to their previously described role on the extracellular matrix, and further favoring cell invasion, in development and potentially in cancer too.

      The target audience goes without doubt beyond developmental biologists (the primary interest) and also includes cell and cancer biologists, and any biologist interested by MMPs or cell invasion mechanisms in vivo.

      My field of expertise is developmental biology focused on neural and neural crest early development, mainly using animal models in vivo and some cell culture experiments. I also focus on some aspects of cancer cell migration.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This study by Gouignard and colleagues explores the mechanisms involving the matrix-metalloprotease MMP28 in the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of neural crest cells. Interestingly and provocatively, they focus not only on the extracellular functions of this protease but also on the roles of MMP28 in the nucleus. This in non-conventional sub-cellular localization is shared with other MMPs, but its significance remains poorly understood. Here, the authors show that the nuclear function of MMP28 impacts the expression of key EMT regulators in neural crest cells in vivo.

      Using Xenopus laevis as a powerful animal model to explore the early development, the authors show that mmp28 expression is found in the ectodermal placodal tissue adjacent to the neural crest prior and after EMT.<br /> In the first part of the study, the authors show that MMP28 depletion affects a subset of neural crest marker gene expression (snai2, twi, sox10) but not others (sox9, snai1), suggesting a specific role on a subset of the genes important for neural crest EMT. The MMP28 depletion phenotype is restored by coinjecting MMP28 MO and MMP28 mRNA, provided that the catalytic activity of the encoded protein is maintained. Next, epistasis (rescue) experiments show that Twist1 can compensate MMP28 depletion.<br /> The second part of the study elegantly shows that MMP28 produced by host adjacent tissues can translocate into the nucleus of neural crest cells grafted from a donor embryo (devoid of MMP28-GFP expression). It also shows that MMP28 nuclear localization as well as its catalytic activity are both required for activating the neural crest gene twist1 and sox10; and that MMP28 is found bound on the chromatin of twist1, cad11 and sox10.<br /> Altogether, these experiments strongly support a model for the nuclear role of MMP28 in the activation (or maintenance) of key genes of the EMT program in vertebrate neural crest cells.

      Major comments

      The key conclusions are:

      Conclusion 1: MMP28, expressed and secreted by placodes, is important for complete neural crest patterning prior to EMT, including activation of twist1 and EMT effector cadherin 11 genes. MMP28 is important for neural crest EMT and migration in vivo and in explant assay in vitro.

      However, this conclusion omits potential indirect effect of interfering with placode formation itself, as indicated by the strong decrease in six1 expression in morphant embryos. The effect of MMP28MO on the expression of six1 is as strong as for neural crest markers snai2, twi, for example. Line 95, "slight reduction" should be modified. What this may mean for placodal development itself, as well as for indirect effects on neural crest cells need to be discussed.

      Conclusion 2: Gain of Twist 1 (but not Cadherin 11) rescues MMP28 morphant phenotype, allowing EMT to occur and restoring several parameters of cell migration in vivo and in explant assay

      Conclusion 3: When secreted from adjacent cells, MMP28 is translocated into the nucleus of neural crest cells and displays a nuclear function important for the activation of twist1 expression.

      Both conclusions 2 and 3 are supported by multiple elegant and convincing experimental data. These conclusions do not depend on mmp28 exclusive expression by the placodal ectoderm, and would still be important if there was a minor expression in the neural crest cells themselves (and thus an autocrine effect).

      Additional experiments to strengthen the conclusions<br /> Related to Conclusion 1:

      • line 102-106: In the rescue experiment, is six1 expression rescued too?
      • Figure 2g: qPCR analysis suggests that mmp28 is expressed in the neural crest explants themselves, levels being lowered by the MO injection. The levels of this potential expression in the neural crest itself should be compared to the levels in the placodal ectoderm. How do the authors exclude an effect of the MO within the neural crest tissue, independently of roles from the placodal tissue?

      The cost and time for these additional experiments is limited (about 3 weeks), and uses reagents already available to the authors.

      Data and Methods are described with details including all necessary information to replicate the study. Replication is carefully done and statistical analysis seems convincing.

      Minor comments

      Experimental suggestions to further strengthen the conclusions.<br /> Related to Conclusion 1: - Figure 1e, frontal histological sections would help distinguishing between placodal tissue and neural crest mesenchyme.<br /> Related to Conclusion 2: - Figure 3: in explants co-injected with twist1 mRNA, is cad11 expression restored? Could this indicate if cad11 is (or is not) part of the program controlled by Twist1 (as suggested by the last main figure)?<br /> Related to Conclusion 3: is MMP28 translocation seen in any cell context? Could the authors repeat experiments in Figure 6a with animal cap ectoderm? And with sandwich animal cap ectoderm, one expressing MMP28-GFP versions (wt, deltaSPNLS) and the other Rhodamine Dextran only? This would allow to generalize the mechanism or on the contrary to show a neural crest specificity.

      In supplementary figure 4a, the grey (RDx) is not visible in the zoom in images.<br /> In figure 7a,b MMP14 is green, GFP is grey (mentioned wrongly in line 276)<br /> Bibliographical references are accurate. Clarity of the text and figures is excellent, except maybe Figure 7, where a qPCR analysis would be easier to visualize, especially with low-level or fuzzy bands on the gel.


      Place of the work in the field's context:

      In cancer, the MMP proteins are widely described in multiple tumor contexts and promote cell invasion. In development, several studies have focused on their functions in the extracellular space. The nuclear localization of MMP family proteins has been described previously but remained poorly understood so far. This work is thus a pioneer study aiming to understand MMP28 nuclear function.


      This study makes a significant advance in the field, by unraveling the importance of the MMP28 activity in the cell nucleus for the expression of key EMT regulators. Moreover, the study suggests that extracellular MMP28 secreted by adjacent cells or tissues can be internalized and transported to cell nucleus into cells located several cell diameters away. This study thus supports a novel facet of MMP proteins activity, complementary to their previously described role on the extracellular matrix, and further favoring cell invasion, in development and potentially in cancer too.

      The target audience goes without doubt beyond developmental biologists (the primary interest) and also includes cell and cancer biologists, and any biologist interested by MMPs or cell invasion mechanisms in vivo.

      My field of expertise is developmental biology focused on neural and neural crest early development, mainly using animal models in vivo and some cell culture experiments. I also focus on some aspects of cancer cell migration.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study, Gouignard et al. beautifully use the Xenopus neural crest as a model system to examine the role of the matrix metalloproteinase MMP28 during EMT. The authors show that mmp28 is expressed by the placodes adjacent to the neural crest. Using in vivo and in vitro perturbation experiments, they show that the catalytic function of MMP28 is necessary for the expression of several neural crest markers, as well as neural crest migration and adhesion. Next, the authors use grafting, confocal imaging, and biochemistry to convincingly demonstrate that MMP28 is translocated into the nucleus of neural crest cells from the adjacent placodes. Finally, nuclear localization of MMP28-GFP is necessary to rescue twist and sox10 expression in MMP28 morphants, and ChIP-PCR experiments suggest direct interactions between MMPs and the proximal promoters of several neural crest genes. These results have significant implications on the field of EMT and highlight an underappreciated role for MMPs as direct regulators of gene expression.

      Major comments:

      Overall, the experiments presented in this study are thoroughly controlled and the results are clearly quantitated and rigorously analyzed. Most claims are well supported by multiple lines of experimental evidence; however, there are a few experiments or observations that this reviewer thinks should be reconsidered for more clarity and accuracy.

      1. Supplementary Figure 1 shows the effect of MMP28-MOspl on additional ectodermal markers and shows that there is a significant loss of six1 expression from the placodal domain following MMP28 knockdown. The authors note this as a "slight reduction" on line 95, but since this shows a larger reduction in gene expression than some of the neural crest markers (snai2, sox8, foxd3), this reviewer thinks these results warrant a more significant discussion in this study. Does MMP28 localize to the nucleus of placodal cells as it does with neural crest? If so, is it through interaction with the six1 proximal promoter? If MMP28 does not localize to the nucleus, that would suggest MMP28 function with a different mechanism between epithelial cells distinct from role in EMT. These questions could be addressed by analysis of the placode cells in the images in Figure 5 and use of primers against the six1 proximal promoter on any remaining samples from the ChIP experiment.
      2. In Figure 2c, the authors rescue MMP28-MOatg with injection of MMP28wt mRNA. Does the MOatg bind to the exogenous mRNA? If so, this may just reflect titration of the MOatg. If this is the case, this experiment should be repeated with MOspl instead of MOatg.
      3. Is there a missing data point in Figure 2d corresponding to the upper bounds of the whisker in the 6 hour time point for the MMP28-MOatg dataset?
      4. The authors present ChIP-PCR results in Figure 7 as the major evidence to support the mechanism of nuclear MMP28 in regulating neural crest EMT through physical interaction with target gene promoters. However, the experimental design and presentation in Figure 7 are somewhat unconventional, and as such, difficult to interpret. First, instead of displaying the band brightness across the gel, the authors should normalize their bands to their negative GFP control, thus allowing for interpretation as a "fold enrichment over GFP control". It would be most clear to present these results in the form of a plot similar to Shimizu-Hirota et al., 2012, Figure 6D. Using qPCR instead of gel-based quantitation would further increase reproducibility by removing any bias in image analysis. Second, a proximal promoter sequence represents only ~250 bp upstream from the transcriptional start site. What is the rationale for testing multiple loci up to 3 kb upstream? It is surprising to see that most of these proteins do not show significant enrichment to a particular locus across this ~3 kb territory, while this reviewer would expect to see enrichment close to the TSS that quickly is lost as you move further upstream. Can you explain why MMP28, MMP14, and often Twist, show similar enrichment across this long genomic region? Third, the authors should include additional genomic loci to act as negative controls. For example, E-cadherin was unaffected by MMP28-MOspl, thus there may be no physical interaction between the E-cadherin locus and MMP28. It would be ideal to display results from at least one neural crest-related and one non-neural crest-related gene. Finally, this experiment requires statistical analyses to increase confidence in these interactions.

      Minor comments:

      1. The authors should expand their abstract to more explicitly describe the experiments and results presented within this study.
      2. In the introduction, line 57 is unclear. "MMP28 is the latest member..." Is this chronologically? Evolutionarily? After this, the authors' statement that the roles of MMP28 are "poorly described" (lines 59-60) seems contradicting with their next sentences citing several studies that document the roles of MMP28 in diverse systems.
      3. To increase clarity, the authors should define which cell types are labeled by in situ hybridization for sox10 and foxi4.1 in Figure 1e.
      4. The PCR analysis for mmp28 splicing shown in Figure 1g is very clear and well demonstrates the efficacy of the MMP28-MOspl. However, the authors should note in the figure legend what the "ODC" row represents as this is unclear.
      5. On line 118 the authors first reference "MOatg" but should explicitly define this reagent and its mechanism of action for clarity.

      Referee Cross-commenting

      As with Reviewer #1, I was surprised that the RT-PCR analysis presented in support of the splicing MO lacked retention of intron one. I reasoned this might be due to reduced transcript abundance through a mechanism such as nonsense-mediated decay, but I agree that this data raises questions that the authors should address.

      I also agree with the other comments from Reviewers 1 and 3.


      This study by Gouignard et al. provides compelling evidence for the role of MMP28 during neural crest EMT. As neural crest cells share similar EMT and migration mechanisms with cancer progression, they represent a powerful system in which to study these biological processes in vivo. Previous work on MMP function has focused primarily on extracellular matrix remodeling and the effect on cell migration, with less attention given to the role of MMPs during EMT. More recent reports in other systems have begun to elucidate a role for MMP translocation into the nucleus, indicating a surprising and novel mechanism for these proteins. This work would be of particular interest to audiences interested in cancer, cell, and developmental biology, as it highlights the importance of the non-canonical function of metalloproteinases during EMT and migration.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript by Gouignard et al., reports that a matrix metalloproteinase MMP28 regulates neural crest EMT and migration by transcriptional control rather than matrix remodeling. The manuscript is clearly written and provides sufficient evidence and control experiments to demonstrate that the MMP28 can translocate into nucleus of non-producing cells and that nuclear localization and catalytic activity are essential for the activity of MMP28 to regulate gene transcription. ChIP-PCR analysis also suggests that MMP28 can bind to the proximal promotors of Twist and others. However, since weak binding is also detected between MMP14 and the promoters, a more direct evidence that such binding can indeed promote Twist expression will be more appreciated.

      While the nuclear translocation and transcription regulation activity of MMP28 is clearly the focus of the study, there are some minor issues that should be further clarified in the functional studies in the earlier part of the manuscript.

      First, the effect of the splicing MO is somewhat unexpected. I would think that the splicing MO would lead to the retention of intron one and therefore premature termination or frameshift of the protein product, but RT-PCR or RT-qPCR suggest that there is no retention of intron 1, but a reduction in the full-length transcript, exon 1, or exon 7-8. Why is that?

      Second, the effect of the splicing MO and ATG MO in NC explant spreading seems to be somewhat different, with ATG MO strongly repressed explant spreading, cell protrusion, and cell dispersion, while splicing MO does not affect cell dispersion, but affects the formation of cell protrusions. Does this reflects different severity of the phenotype or does the product of splicing MO display some activity? Also, the switch between ATG MO and splicing MO is a bit confusing, maybe it is better to keep splicing MO only in the main text and move results involving ATG MO to supplementary studies.

      Lastly, in Figure 3C and 3J, it says that the distance of migration or explant areas were normalized to CMO, while normalization against the contralateral uninjected side, or explant area at time 0 makes more sense.

      Referee Cross-commenting

      I agree with comments from both Reviewers 2 and 3, especially that whether MMP28 regulates placode development (through Six1 expression) should be addressed.


      This work provides novel insights of how a metalloprotease that is normally considered to function extracellularly can transfer into the nucleus of neighboring cells and regulate transcription. This would be of interest to researchers studying EMT, cell migration, and the functions of extracellular proteins in general. My expertise is in neural crest EMT and migration, and cytoskeletal regulation of cell behavioral changes. I do not have enough background on biochemical analysis.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements [optional]

      *All three referee reports are very supportive. The referees acknowledge the insight obtained for NF2 tumor suppressor function, and they state unanimously that the appeal to the broader audience stems from the systematic deep mutational scanning approach employed. *

      Indeed, the goal of the study was to utilize conformation dependent NF2 protein interaction partners as a read out in deep mutational scanning interaction perturbation, which lead to the identification of an novel region, the F3 part of the FERM domain, important for NF2 conformation. The referees recognized the advance of the study and provided constructive feedback with excellent opportunities to improve the manuscript.

      *The points raised by the referees relate to the deep scanning analyses which needs additional explanations. Referee 1 has several comments with respect to experimental details, which we will address through text revisions and addition of data. Referee 2 suggests to include the Y2H in full (as supplemental part) and asks for more methodological discussion. We plan to include the data and will provide a new advantage / disadvantage discussion section for the deep scanning results. This is in line with Referee 3 who similarly says that “the deep mutational scanning interaction perturbation assay … message is somewhat lost in the main text”. *

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Referee 1:

      In his/her first point the referee asks about justification of the use of the kinase in the Y2H experiments. Here we will report in more detail which kinases were used, in fact it was a discovery that ABL2 in contrast to all others tested did promote the NF2-PIK3R3 interaction. However, in the manuscript we provide evidence that the kinase dependency does not necessarily relate to NF2 phosphorylation. Rather we find mutations that relieved the PIK3R3-NF2 interaction from the kinase dependency. We show that the kinase promotes the PIK3R3 dimerization. We will make this point more clear in text revisions.

      We want to address the minor points 1-3 and 6-8 through revisions in the text, as we feel confident that the points can be addressed through better explanations and more detail.

      *Point 4: *

      We have examined expression of the YFP construct and will include the data in the revision.

      *Point 5: *

      We will reexamine the fluorescence images and provide better resolution pictures. Depending on the data we have, this may include new data were we record the localization of the NF2 variants again at higher resolution.

      Referee 2:

      Point 1: The bait construct which is missing from the panel was tested, but is autoactive and therefore the result can not be included in the figure. This will be clearly stated in the manuscript.

      *Point 2: The methodological part of the paper is important, however we failed to provide a discussion on the deep scanning result and agree that a critical discussion of advantages and disadvantages is warranted. *

      Minor points 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,10,12,13,14,15 can be addressed in full through text revisions.

      Point 3: Data will be added to supplemental Figure S1, however as we mentioned in the main text, the Iso1N and Iso7N, when used as prey do not result any interactions.

      Point 8: Taking the suggestion of the referee on board, we will provide a new Supplemental figure showing all variants that did not change the interaction patterns.

      *Point 11: We will fix the inconsistencies in Figure 5. We will include Q147 in the overall structure, S265 is a surface residue providing little structural information. *

      Referee 3:

      We thank referees 3 for their time and effort providing an assessment as experts on the molecular and clinical aspects of NF2.

      In response to the comments, we will strengthen the deep mutational scanning message through a new critical discussion part and fix the mistakes pointed at in the text.

      *We agree with the referees that “The use of isoform 7 as a construct is helpful to locate protein binding regions, but its physiological relevance is unclear.” This is exactly the point, to use a non-tumor suppressive isoform as a construct contrasting the binding behavior of the canonical isoform 1. We tried to summarize the knowledge about the non-canonical isoforms in the introduction (page2 bottom to page 3 top paragraph) as well as in Supplemental Figure 1. Unfortunately literature information is sparse. *

      Finally, we will check carefully (again) whether we used isoform 1 numbering throughout the manuscript.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors developed a deep mutational scanning interaction perturbation technique, based on reverse yeast two-hybrid analysis, to identify important regions influencing conformation dependent protein function in NF2.

      They test the tumor suppressive NF2 isoform 1 and a shorter non-tumor suppressive isoform 7 (lacking exons 2 and 3 and containing exon 16 instead of 17) and find three interacting proteins, KDM1A, EMILIN1 and PIK3R3 (KDM1A and EMILIN1 have been identified previously). They map binding regions of these proteins using fragments of NF2 isoforms 1 and 7 and by large-scale interaction perturbation mutation scanning.

      Major comments:

      The main scientific advancement in the study is the development of the deep mutational scanning interaction perturbation assay, but this message is somewhat lost in the main text of the results.

      The relevance of the binding protein that did not bind isoform 1 is unclear (PIK3R3) and the relevance of characterising the binding domains for three proteins with an unknown function is not made clear. Were these the only binding partners identified in the yeast screen? The use of isoform 7 as a construct is helpful to locate protein binding regions, but its physiological relevance is unclear. Does it have known expression or a known function in human cells?

      Minor comments:

      Nomenclature should be updated in line with the new guidelines (i.e. NF2 vs neurofibromin)

      The two major isoforms are 1 and 2, differentiated by their C-terminal region (exon 17 or Exon 16). It would be helpful to describe protein binding regions using the amino acid numbering of the full-length transcripts throughout the manuscript, rather than using isoform 7 numbering in some sections.

      "Closeness", should perhaps be changed to closed-ness

      The significance of the RT4-D6P2T and HEI-193 cell lines should be explained/indicated in the text.

      PPI should be expanded at first use.

      Results are included in the context of previous studies, but it needs to be made clearer in some places which results were found in previous studies and which were identified in the current study.

      Specific recommendations

      1. 'NF2 (Neurofibromine 2, merlin)' -delewte 'neurofibromine' this has been deleted by HGNC
      2. 'Genetic mutations or deletion of NF2 cause neurofibromatosis type 2,' -Replace neurofibromatosis type 2 with NF2 related-schwannomatosis and cite Legius et al Genet Med 2022

      Referees cross-commenting

      I cannot see any changes to this manuscript. In particular the terms 'neurofibromine' and neurofibromatosis should be deleted


      The authors developed a deep mutational scanning interaction perturbation technique, based on reverse yeast two-hybrid analysis, to identify important regions influencing conformation dependent protein function in NF2.

      They test the tumor suppressive NF2 isoform 1 and a shorter non-tumor suppressive isoform 7 (lacking exons 2 and 3 and containing exon 16 instead of 17) and find three interacting proteins, KDM1A, EMILIN1 and PIK3R3 (KDM1A and EMILIN1 have been identified previously). They map binding regions of these proteins using fragments of NF2 isoforms 1 and 7 and by large-scale interaction perturbation mutation scanning.

      The main scientific advancement in the study is the development of the deep mutational scanning interaction perturbation assay, but this message is somewhat lost in the main text of the results.

      Dr Smith and Professor Evans are experts on the molecular and clinical aspects of NF2

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript the authors describe the use of a reverse Y2H-based, systematic mutational analysis method to study effects on conformation-dependent interactions of the NF2 tumor suppressor protein. Using this approach, they identified regions important for NF2 protein interaction and homomer formation and correlated some of these with cellular proliferation and matched patterns of known disease mutations. Overall, this work provides useful insight into NF2 tumor suppressor function (by identifying amino acids critical for NF2 conformational regulation) while demonstrating the power of their mutational scanning approach.

      Major Comments

      1. Why does Figure 1b not include interaction results for the NF2-Iso1N fragment as bait? Did the authors test this?
      2. The authors state that the majority of retested interactions behaved like WT (i.e., could not be confirmed; page 7 last paragraph) and claim this may be due to a difference in sensitivity between the deep scanning screen and pair wise spot testing. This seems like a very vague justification for the differences between the two assays; also, it's not immediately clear to me that the high-throughput scanning assay would necessarily be more sensitive than the lower-throughput pairwise comparison assay. The authors should provide a bit more discussion on this and address the possibility of false positives in their deep mutational scanning assay.

      Minor Comments

      1. Page 4, Line 3 from the bottom - should ready 'three isoform-specific protein interaction partners' not 'partner'.
      2. In Figure 1b, the interaction of NF2-Iso7-ex17 with PIK3R3 in the absence of ABL3 suggests that the observed kinase-dependence interaction of the NF2-Iso7 form may actually not be solely due to PIK3R3 homodimerization driven by phosphorylation. The authors should make note of this possibility in the text.
      3. On page 5 the authors mention that Iso1N and Iso7N, when used as preys, did not interact with full-length NF2. I don't see this experiment in the figures, however.
      4. On Page 6 (first paragraph) the authors state that the PIK3R3 interaction was 'promoted through pY-dependent PIK3R3 homodimerization'. While this is a likely and reasonable conclusion, they haven't explicitly shown this, so they should be careful about making such a strong statement. I'd recommend saying 'likely promoted' or something similar instead.
      5. In Figure S2, the Iso7 / EMILIN1 interaction does not appear to be giving the expected result in the rY2H (i.e., there is strong growth under both Y2H and r2H conditions). The authors should comment on/acknowledge this.
      6. For the deep mutagenesis screen, why wasn't an ABL2 condition used for NF2-Iso1C (see Fig. S2b)?
      7. For KDM1A and EMILIN1 the authors ran mutagenesis screens with both active and kinase dead ABL2, yet results were pooled. Were any differences observed in the effects of mutations on interaction between the two kinase conditions?
      8. Why aren't the yeast plates shown for most of the unconfirmed interactions? These could still be included in the Supplementary Material.
      9. On page 7, under Assessing Single Site Mutations, the authors refer to the Q147E mutation and reference Figure 3. However, Figure 3 shows only a Q147A mutation. Q147A is also referred to elsewhere. Which is the correct mutation?
      10. Figure S3b shows the 20 mutations presented in Figure 3. The DMS row indicates that some of these did not produce perturbations in the DMS experiments. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding here, but weren't the 20 mutations shown (and 60 total mutations) selected based on activity in the DMS assay? Or did some of the ones selected correspond to mutations which not produce an effect? Please clarify in the text.
      11. Why was the S265 mutation not considered in the structural analysis (other than being shown in Figure 4a, it isn't discussed). Also, Q147 (in the F2 region) is discussed and shown in Figure 4b, but not shown in the larger overall structure in Figure 4a.
      12. The cell proliferation results are very difficult to meaningfully interpret. While it is clear that certain mutations do affect proliferation, consistency between different types of experiments and cell lines appears to be low.
      13. Perhaps a bit more discussion of the possible consequences of using yeast to study human NF2 interactions and how these might affect results would be useful (i.e., due to differences in membrane composition, cellular environment, post-translational modifications etc. between yeast and mammalian cells).
      14. Page 13, line 10 says 'your hypothesis'. Believe should read 'the hypothesis'.
      15. Page 13, line 15 refers to '15' NF2 variants showing altered PPI patterns; however, 16 were described in the manuscript.


      This work provides insight into how NF2 conformational changes relate to tumor suppressor function, which is particularly valuable since this area is still not well understood and published results have sometimes appeared contradictory. In addition to the insights into NF2 biology provided, the manuscript also demonstrates the value of the deep scanning mutagenesis approach. Overall, the presented research is very solid and, assuming the comments presented above (most of which are minor) are addressed I have no trouble recommending it for publication.

      I believe that the NF2 biology section will be of interest to a more specialized audience, while the general demonstration of the utility of the deep scanning mutagenesis will have broader appeal.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript "Missense variant interaction scanning reveals a critical role of the FERM-F3 domain for tumor suppressor protein NF2 conformation and function" examines the effect of a reasonably exhaustive set of point mutations on the NF2 protein on protein-protein interactions and intra-protein interactions for two isoforms of NF2 (1 and 7), finding an interesting pattern of mutations in the region not associated with bindings nevertheless impact binding, and that this binding is sometimes dependent on the presence of kinase ABL2. Authors justify this by arguing conformation shifts in the protein, potentially regulated by phosphorylation, and with distinct conformations between isoforms 1 and 7 creating different interaction patterns, must explain the differences in binding properties. The paper specifically examines mutations to phosphomimetic (i.e., charged, so as to mimic phosphorylation) amino acid residues, with relevance for the probable biological regulation of this binding. Authors note that previous work has found inconsistent protein binding properties for phosphomimetic or phosphor-inhibiting substitutions on S518, in different conditions, which would be explained by other regulation of these conformational changes, a reasonable argument. Structural modeling of the mutants and their potential effects on a "closed" NF2 structure are intriguing and well-appreciated to support the paper's conclusions, and the paper is overall well-reasoned and convincing, and it should be published.


      The kinase ABL2 is used to perturb NF2 phosphorylation, and this is not adequately justified. Kinases such as PAK2 (PMID: 11782491, PMID: 11719502) and PKA (PMID: 14981079) target NF2. In the methods referred to (Grossmann et al), nine tyrosine kinases were used for their screen, and while ABL2 was used in this paper and generated numerous interactions, it is not clear that ABL2 is the appropriate kinase to use here. The exhaustive use of many kinases would obviously be impractical and unreasonable for this study, but the choice of this kinase should be clearly explained.

      Minor issues:

      1. In the intro, authors write "While the other ERM protein family members do not have activities directly linked to cancer, NF2 tumor suppressor activity was initially characterized in flies and mice". While "directly" makes the statement technically true, it could be argued that ERM protein involvement is as legitimate as the tumor suppression activity of NF2 (PMID: 11092524, PMID: 24421310), and therefore the suggested contrast is slightly misleading. This has no relevance to the broader paper or its findings.
      2. Figure 2b: Authors state mutational coverage is fairly even across the protein, however there appears to be a notable spike around a.a. 180? This does not match any of the site mutations later found to be particularly relevant for interactions, which cluster around 250 and 450, and is therefore not a significant issue.
      3. In the methods, cell concentration is at one point said to be 'concentrated to an OD600 of 40-80'. I have never seen cell concentration expressed this way. Authors no doubt grew cells to an OD between 1 and 2 and concentrated ~40-fold as is standard, and wish perhaps to avoid estimating concentrations as cell numbers, which would only be approximate and cell size-dependent? However, OD is only linear between 1 and 2 for cell concentrations. An OD above 4 simply cannot be observed, as all light would be blocked. Methodology here is sound, this is merely an unusual way of expressing things.
      4. Page 10: The authors point out that they cannot see any difference in the expression levels of the NF2 mutants. However there is no quantification of the immunofluorescence signal supporting this information. Maybe a western blot could suffice this argument.
      5. It is very difficult to see the localization of NF2 mutants with the immunofluorescence images as they are very small. May be try with a 63X objective or focusing on just one or two cells or adding insets with higher magnification would allow the reader to view the details of Nf2 localization.
      6. 5th line from the bottom on page 8: allowed to model -> allowed us to model
      7. Line 8 from the top on page 12: inY2H -> in Y2H
      8. Line 10 from the top on page 13: your hypothesis -> our hypothesis


      Dear Editor,

      The manuscript "Missense variant interaction scanning reveals a critical role of the FERM-F3 domain for tumor suppressor protein NF2 conformation and function" examines the effect of a reasonably exhaustive set of point mutations on the NF2 protein on protein-protein interactions and intra-protein interactions for two isoforms of NF2 (1 and 7), finding an interesting pattern of mutations in the region not associated with bindings nevertheless impact binding, and that this binding is sometimes dependent on the presence of kinase ABL2. Authors justify this by arguing conformation shifts in the protein, potentially regulated by phosphorylation, and with distinct conformations between isoforms 1 and 7 creating different interaction patterns, must explain the differences in binding properties. The paper specifically examines mutations to phosphomimetic (i.e., charged, so as to mimic phosphorylation) amino acid residues, with relevance for the probable biological regulation of this binding. Authors note that previous work has found inconsistent protein binding properties for phosphomimetic or phosphor-inhibiting substitutions on S518, in different conditions, which would be explained by other regulation of these conformational changes, a reasonable argument. Structural modeling of the mutants and their potential effects on a "closed" NF2 structure are intriguing and well-appreciated to support the paper's conclusions, and the paper is overall well-reasoned and convincing, and it should be published.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Response to reviewers' comments

      We thank the reviewers for their constructive evaluation of our manuscript. In the following point-by-point response, we explain how we will implement the suggested modifications.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      The formation of meiotic double-stranded DNA breaks is the starting point of meiotic recombination. DNA breaks are made by the topoisomerase-like SPO11, which interacts with a number of regulatory factors including REC114, MEI4 and IHO1. Despite the key role this process has in the continuation, and genetic variation, or eukaryotic life, there is very little known about how this process is regulated. Laroussi et al make use of biochemical, biophysical and structural biological approaches to extensively characterise the REC114-MEI4-IHO1 complex.

      This is an outstanding biochemical paper. The experiments are well planned and beautifully executed. The protein purifications used are very clean, and the figures well presented. Importantly Laroussi et. al describe, and carefully characterise through point mutational analysis, the direct physical interaction between IHO1 and REC114-MEI4. This is an interaction that has, at least in yeast, previously been suggested to be driven by liquid-liquid separation. The careful and convincing work presented here represents an important paradigm-shift for the field.

      I am fully supportive of publication of this excellent and important study.

      We thank the reviewer for his/her positive comments, appreciation of the importance of our study and suggested modifications.

      Major comments:

      Point 1:

      My only major concern is regarding Figure 4, and specifically the AF2 model of the coiled-coil tetramer of IHO1. Given the ease with which MSAs of coiled-coils can become "contaminated" with non-orthologous sequences, I would urge some caution with this model. This is especially since the yeast ortholog of IHO1, Mer2, has been previously reported to be an anti-parallel tetramer (albeit, not very well supported by the data). The authors have several choices here. 1) They could simply reduce the visibility of the IHO1 tetramer model, and indicate caution in the parallel tetramer model. 2) They could consider using a structure prediction algorithm that doesn't use an MSA (e.g. ESMFold). 3) They could try to obtain experimental evidence for a parallel coiled-coil tetramer, e.g. through EM, SAXS or FRET approaches. I would like to make it crystal clear, however, that I would be *very* supportive of approach 1) or 2). An experimental approach is *not* necessary.

      Assuming the authors don't take a wet-lab approach, this shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks.

      This is a very good suggestion. We are aware of the previously reported anti-parallel architecture of the yeast IHO1 ortholog Mer2 (Claeys Bouuaert et al., Nature 2021). It should be noted, that in the recent preprint, posted by the Claeys Bouuaert lab (BioRxiv, https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.16.520760), a high confidence model of yeast Mer2 (and for human) parallel tetrameric coliled-coil is presented, apparently consistent with their previous XL-MS results (Claeys Bouuaert et al., Nature 2021).

      To clarify this issue we will follow the suggestions of Reviewer 1 and 2.

      1. As suggested also by Reviewer 2, we will produce a tethered dimer of IHO1125-260, connected by a short linker and determine its MW by SEC-MALLS (and SAXS).
      2. In the meantime we followed the suggestion of Reviewer 1 and modelled the IHO1130-281 by the ESMfold, which is another recent powerful AI-based program that does not use multiple sequence alignments. Remarkably, the predicted structure is very similar to the one predicted by AlphaFold, also predicting the parallel arrangement of IHO1. This model will be included as a supplementary figure.
      3. We will also point out in the text that these models, despite being very convincing, remain models.

        Minor comments:

      Point 2:

      The observation that REC114 and MEI4 can also form a 4:2 complex is very interesting and potentially important. Did the authors also try to model this higher order complex in AF2?

      Yes, we did this with the hope that we could identify residues whose mutation could limit the fast exchange between the 2:1 and 4:2 states. Unfortunately, no convincing additional contacts are modelled by AlphaFold. This PAE plot will be included as a supplementary figure.

      Point 3:

      Similarly to above, what does the prediction of the full-length REC114:MEI4 2:1 complex look like? Presumably the predicted interaction regions align well with experimental data, but it would be interesting to see (and easy to run).

      The AlphaFold modelling of the FL REC114:MEI4 (2:1) complex will be included as supplementary figure. It is consistent with the model comprising only the interacting regions. No additional convincing contacts are predicted.

      Point 4:

      Did the authors carry out SEC-MALS experiments on any IHO1 fragment lacking the coiled-coil domain? It was previously reported for Mer2 that the C-terminal region can form dimers, for example (OPTIONAL).

      We can easily do that. We have the N- and C- terminal regions lacking the coiled-coil expressed as MBP fusions and they will be analysed by SEC-MALLS.

      Point 5:

      Given that full-length REC114 is used for the IHO1 interaction studies, do the authors have any data as to the stoichiometry of the REC114FL-MEI41-127 complex? (OPTIONAL)

      We have repeatedly analysed the REC114-MEI4-IHO1 complex sample by SEC-MALLS and native mass spectrometry, but in both cases the sample is too complex to be interpreted. This is like due to the fast exchange between REC114-MEI4 2:1 and 4:2 complexes and low binding affinity of IHO1 for REC114.

      Point 6:

      Did the authors try AF2 modelling of the REC114-IHO1 interaction using orthologs from other species?

      Yes, but not extensively. We will repeat this modelling again.

      **Referees cross commenting**

      I will add cross-comments to the comments of Reviewer #2

      Firstly, the comments made by Reviewer #2 are technically correct. Firstly, reviewer #2 points out that the oligomerization states that the authors report could, in part, be artifactual the based on the his-tag purification method. This is indeed correct. However, given that none of the oligomerization states reported are per se unusual, given what is already known (including pre-prints from the Keeney and Claeys Bouuaert laboratories), I think the authors could forego this step.

      Secondly, the use of an experimental structural method, such as SAXS, would certainly add value to the paper. Also Reviewer #2 is correct in pointing out the availability of the ESRF beamlines to the authors. However, while SAXS is a useful method, I personally consider the use of mutants to validate the interactions, an even stronger piece of evidence that the AlphaFold2 interactions are correct. I must disagree somewhat with Reviewer #2 with their argument that SAXS would validate the fold. Certainly if one of the AF2 predicted structures is radically wrong, then SAXS would produce scattering data, and a subsequent distance distribution plot that is incompatible with the AF2 model. However, a partly correct AF2 model, of roughly the right shape, might still fit into a SAXS envelope.

      Reviewer #2 shares my concern on the parallel coiled-coil of IHO1, and their suggested solution is very elegant.

      In my view, due to the time constraints imposed by the partially competing work from the Keeney and Claeys Bouuaert laboratories (recently on biorxiv). I would support the authors if they chose the quickest route to publication.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment: The strengths of the paper are as follows:

      1) Quality of experiments - The proteins used have been properly purified (SEC) and properly handled. The experiments are carefully carried out and controlled.

      2) Detail - The authors carry out the considerable effort of characterising protein interactions. through separation-of-function mutants. This adds to the quality of the paper, and renders the AF2 models as convincing as experimentally determined structures

      3) Conceptual advances - The most important conceptual advance is the direct binding of the N-term of IHO1 to REC114. That this is the same region as used by both TOPOVIBL and ANKRD31 points to a complex regulation.

      4) Integrity - the authors have taken great care not to "oversell" the results. The data are presented, and analysed, without hyperbole.

      Limitations - The only limitation of the paper is the lack of in vivo experiments to test their findings. However given the time and effort required, and the pressing need to publish this exciting study, this is not a problem.

      Advance: The paper provides advances from a number of directions, both conceptual and mechanistic. Mechanistically the description of the REC114-MEI14 complex is important, and in particular the observation that it can also form a higher order 4:2 structure. Likewise, while IHO1 was inferred to be a tetramer (based on work on Mer2) this was never proven formally. Most importantly, is the physical linkage between IHO1 and REC114, and that this is an interaction that is incompatible with TOPOVIBL and ANKRD31.


      Given the central role of meiotic recombination in eukaryotic life, any studies that shed additional light on the regulation of meiosis are suitable for a broad audience. However, this subject paper will be more specifically of interest to the meiosis community. The elegant methodology will also be of interest to structural biologists and protein biochemists.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This manuscript addresses the structure of the REC114-MEI4-IHO1 complex, which controls the essential process of programmed DSB induction by SPO11/TOPOVIBL in meiosis.

      The manuscript carefully combines biochemistry, biophysics and modelling in an integrative manner to report the architecture of the full REC114-MEI4-IHO1 complex that is not itself amenable to direct structure elucidation such as by X-ray crystallography. These are important results that will be of interest to the recombination and meiosis fields. The data are generally convincing and interpretations appear correct, so the manuscript is certainly suitable for publication. I have included some suggestions below that I believe would strengthen the manuscript and enhance our confidence in the findings. Whilst the manuscript is publishable in its current format, I believe the suggestions given below would make it into a much stronger paper.

      We thank the reviewer for his/her positive comments on our study and the suggestions below.

      I have two general suggestions:

      Point 1:

      Analyses have been performed on fusion proteins (His, His-MBP etc). we have previously observed that bulky tags such as MBP can interfere with oligomeric state through steric hindrance, and that His-tags can mediated formation of larger oligomers, seemingly through coordination of metals leached from IMAC purification. This latter point has also been observed by others


      Where possible, I would repeat SEC-MALS experiments using untagged proteins, or at least following incubation with EDTA to mitigate the potential for His-mediated oligomerization.

      We agree with this reviewer’s comment that expression tags can have unexpected impact of the protein behaviour.

      1. For REC114-MEI4 complex the stoichiometry is assessed by several techniques. Figure 1f,g shows analytical ultracentrifugation, which was performed on the minimal REC114226-254-MEI41-43 complex that contains no fusion tag showing that this stoichiometry is independent of fusion tags. We will nevertheless repeat the SEC-MALLS on REC114-MEI41-127 after removing the His-tag of MEI4 as suggested.
      2. For the REC114 dimer, we cannot remove the His-MBP tag since this short fragment of REC114226-254 is no stable without MBP. The dimerization of Rec114 was already reported in (Claeys Bouuaert et al., Nature 2021). The dimerization is sensitive to specific point mutations within REC114. We will however, repeat the SEC-MALLS experiment following incubation with EDTA to mitigate the potential for His-mediated oligomerization.
      3. The presented SEC-MALLS on IHO1 fragments (Figure 4b) was done on proteins without fusion tags. Reviewer 1 and 2 also agreed that additional repeats of the experiments without fusion tags are not necessary.

      The authors have relied upon mutagenesis to validate Alphafold2 models. Their results are convincing but only confirm that contacts involved in structures rather than the specific fold per se. Their finding would be greatly strengthen by collecting SEC-SAXS data and fitting models directly to the scattering data. This is extremely sensitive, so a close fit provides the best possible evidence of accuracy of the model. SAXS is affected by unstructured regions and tags, so would have to be performed using structural cores of untagged proteins rather than full-length constructs. Given the local availability of world-class SAXS beamlines at the ESRF, which is next door to the leading author's institute, it seems that the collection of SAXS data would be practical for them.

      The usage of SAXS is discussed in the specific points below. We will attempt to do SEC-SAXS on the REC114-MEI4 complex. Due to instability of REC114226-254 without MBP, SAXS cannot be done. We will also do SAXS on the IHO1 tetramer.

      My specific comments are below:

      Point 2:

      Figure 1d

      The SEC-MALS shows multiple species, with 2:1 and 4:2 representing a minority of total species present. What are the larger oligomers? Could these be an artefactual consequence of the His-tags (as described above)?

      This SEC-MALLS will be repeated without the His-tag on MEI4.

      Point 3:

      Figure 1f,g

      The AUC changes over concentration and pH are intriguing - have they tried MALS in these conditions? This would be much more informative as it would reveal the range of species present. Low concentrations could be analysed by peak position even if scattering is insufficient to provide interpretable MW fits. I would advise doing this without his tag or adding EDTA (as described above).

      We will perform this experiment as suggested.

      Point 4:

      Figure 2

      I would like to see the models validated by SAXS using minimum core untagged constructs. This could be sued to test the validity of the 2:1 model directly, and to model the 4:2 complex by multiphase analysis and/or docking together of 2:1 complexes.

      The hydrophobic LALALAII region of MEI4 is interesting and the mutagenesis data do agree with the model. However, it is important to point out that any decent model would place this hydrophobic helix in the core of the complex, and so would be disrupted by mutagenesis. Hence, the mutagenesis results confirm that the hydrophobic helix is critical for the interaction, but does not confirm that the specific alphafold model is more valid than any other model in which the helix is similarly in a core position.

      We will attempt to perform the SEC-SAXS measurements. The challenge here will be obtaining a sample that is monodisperse in solution being required for SAXS. We showed the fast exchange between the 2:1 and 4:2 oligomeric state. The AUC data indicates that the sample has a predominantly 2:1 stoichiometry at 0.2 mg/ml, pH 4.5 and 500mM NaCl. Given the small size of the complex, the signal at 0.2 mg/ml is likely to be noisy.

      Point 5:

      Figure 3

      This would also benefit from SAXS validation of the structural core. The mutagenesis here provides convincing evidence in favour of the structure as specific hydrophobics ether disrupt or have no effect, exactly as predicted. Hence, their data strongly support the dimer model. As this provides the framework for the 2:1 complex, these data make me far more confident of the previous 2:1 model in figure 2. I am wondering whether it would be better to present these data first such that the reader can see the 2:1 model being built upon these strong foundations?

      We agree with this suggestion and will present the REC114 dimerization data before the REC114-MEI4 complex. However, REC114226-254 is not stable without the MBP tag so is not suitable for SAXS analysis.

      Point 6:

      Figure 4

      The MALS data convincingly show formation of a tetramer. How do we know that it is parallel? The truncation supports this but coiled-coils do sometimes form alternative structures when truncated (e.g. anti-parallel can become parallel when sequence is removed), and alphafold seems to have a tendency of predicting parallel coiled-coils even when the true structure of anti-parallel (informal observation by us and others). A simple test would be to make a tethered dimer of 110-240, with a short flexible linker between two copies of the same sequence - if parallel it should form a tetramer of double the length, if anti-parallel it should form a dimer of the same length - determinable by MALS (and SAXS).

      To address this point we will perform this experiment as suggested by Reviewer 2. We will produce a tethered dimer of IHO1 110-240, connected by a short linker and determine its MW by MALS (and possibly SAXS). We also performed ESMfold modelling (Reviewer 1, Point 1), resulting in the same model. As the IHO1 tetramer is likely suitable for SAXS analysis, we will also perform SAXS on it.

      Point 7:

      Figures 5/6

      The interaction is clear albeit low affinity (but within the biologically interesting range). It would be nice to obtain MALS (using superose 6) data showing the stoichiometry of the complex - are the data too noisy to be interpretable owing to dissociation? The alpahfold model and mutagenesis data strongly support the conclusion that the IHO1 N-term binds to the PH domain, as presented.

      We have repeatedly analysed the REC114-MEI4-IHO1 complex sample by SEC-MALLS (on Superose 6) and native mass spectrometry, but in both cases the sample is too complex to be interpreted. This is likely due to the fast exchange between REC114-MEI4 2:1 and 4:2 complexes and low binding affinity of IHO1 for REC114.

      **Referees cross commenting**

      Just to clarify a couple of points regarding consultation comments from reviewer 1:

      The suggestion regarding tags was mostly directed to the cases in which MALS data are noisy, with multiple oligomeric species (such as figure 1d). In these cases, i wondered whether the large MW species may be artefactual and could be resolved by removal of the tags. In cases where oligomers agree with those reported by other labs, I agree that there's no need to explore these further.

      In terms of SAXS, I agree that fitting models into envelopes will not distinguish between similar folds. However, fitting models directly to raw scattering data is extremely sensitive and I have never seen good fits with low chi2 values for incorrect models (even when very similar in overall shape to the correct structure).

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript carefully combines biochemistry, biophysics and modelling in an integrative manner to report the architecture of the full REC114-MEI4-IHO1 complex that is not itself amenable to direct structure elucidation such as by X-ray crystallography. These are important results that will be of interest to the recombination and meiosis fields. The data are generally convincing and interpretations appear correct, so the manuscript is certainly suitable for publication. I have included some suggestions below that I believe would strengthen the manuscript and enhance our confidence in the findings. Whilst the manuscript is publishable in its current format, I believe the suggestions given below would make it into a much stronger paper.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Laroussi et al used Alphafold models to predict the assembly of REC114-MEI4-IHO1 complex, and verified the structure using different biochemical experiments. Both Alphafold predictions and experiment data are convincing for the overall protein complex assembly. Importantly, they identified a motif on IHO1 that share the same binding site on REC114 with TOPOVIBL and ANKRD31, suggesting that REC114 acts as a regulatory base coordinating different binding partners during meiosis progression. Overall, I believe this is a nice biochemistry paper, but lacks insights into the biology (I believe those in vivo data is beyond the scope of this paper), at least more discussions are needed in terms of these findings.

      We thank the reviewer for the supportive comments on our manuscript and its evaluation. We agree with the reviewer, that including in vivo data, that might provide further biological insights, would be useful. However, there is currently no good cellular model for meiotic recombination in mouse and thus our structure-based mutations will need to be tested in transgenic mice. Such data will take a long time to obtain and would delay the publication these in-vitro results that already provide novel insight into the REC114-MEI4-IHO1 complex architecture. We will, nevertheless, as suggested, strengthen the discussion of the biological implications of our findings.

      Some minor points:

      Point 1:

      Any data showing MEI4 forms a dimer on its own?

      As mentioned in the manuscript, full-length MEI4 is difficult to produce in bacteria or insect cells. Thus, we worked with the N-terminal fragment which in absence of REC114 is nor very stable. We will perform SEC-MALLS to assess its oligomeric state. Alphafold suggests dimeric arrangement of MEI4, but only with low confidence.

      Point 2:

      In Fig2 and Sup Fig4, HisMBP-MEI4, you see more MBP than the fusion protein, especially more obvious in the mutants. What's your explanation?

      The N-terminus of MEI4 is well produced when co-expressed with REC114. For the pull-down experiments in Figure 2 we expressed it as His-MBP fusion in absence of REC114. In this situation, there is a degradation between MBP and MEI4. We find this very often for proteins that not very stable, which is the case of MEI4 without REC114. This is the best way we could produce at least some MEI4 in absence of REC114. The MBP protein could probably be removed by other chromatography techniques, but we think that for the purpose of the pull-down its presence is not interfering with the REC114-MEI4 binding.

      Point 3:

      TOPOVIBL and ANKRD31, I am curious if you have looked at the conserved residues on these motifs.

      We show a strong conservation of the IHO1 among vertebrates (Fig. 6c). We will further analyse the sequence conservation in more distant species.

      Point 4:

      Reference needed when stating that IHO1 was not interacting with REC114 in previous biochemical assay in the discussion part.

      This will be corrected

      Point 5:

      Also, have you run AlphaFold that gives multiple models? Sometimes, with short motifs, 1 or 2 models of several models give good confidence for the interaction.

      Using in-house Alphafold installation producing 25 models did not reveal better models.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      While most of the interactions between REC114 and MEI4 or IHO1 were established with Y2H or other biochemical assays before. This paper used the AlphaFold, and finally verified the findings with biochemical experiments, which helps to establish the exact motifs/residues involved in the interaction. For example, the MEI4-REC114 interfaces are novel, more interestingly, the IHO1 shares the same interface with ANKRD31 and TOPOVIBL. Thus, this finding of REC114-MEI4-IHO1 complex assembly would be interesting to people with different working areas. I would like to see more studies on the coordination IHO1 with ANKRD31 or TOPOVIBL in the future.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Laroussi et al used Alphafold models to predict the assembly of REC114-MEI4-IHO1 complex, and verified the structure using different biochemical experiments. Both Alphafold predictions and experiment data are convincing for the overall protein complex assembly. Importantly, they identified a motif on IHO1 that share the same binding site on REC114 with TOPOVIBL and ANKRD31, suggesting that REC114 acts as a regulatory base coordinating different binding partners during meiosis progression. Overall, I believe this is a nice biochemistry paper, but lacks insights into the biology (I believe those in vivo data is beyond the scope of this paper), at least more discussions are needed in terms of these findings.

      Some minor points:

      Any data showing MEI4 forms a dimer on its own? In Fig2 and Sup Fig4, HisMBP-MEI4, you see more MBP than the fusion protein, especially more obvious in the mutants. What's your explanation? Nice finding on the IHO1 N terminus, which shares the same binding sites on REC114 with TOPOVIBL and ANKRD31, I am curious if you have looked at the conserved residues on these motifs. Reference needed when stating that IHO1 was not interacting with REC114 in previous biochemical assay in the discussion part. Also, have you run AlphaFold that gives multiple models? Sometimes, with short motifs, 1 or 2 models of several models give good confidence for the interaction.


      While most of the interactions between REC114 and MEI4 or IHO1 were established with Y2H or other biochemical assays before. This paper used the AlphaFold, and finally verified the findings with biochemical experiments, which helps to establish the exact motifs/residues involved in the interaction. For example, the MEI4-REC114 interfaces are novel, more interestingly, the IHO1 shares the same interface with ANKRD31 and TOPOVIBL. Thus, this finding of REC114-MEI4-IHO1 complex assembly would be interesting to people with different working areas. I would like to see more studies on the coordination IHO1 with ANKRD31 or TOPOVIBL in the future.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript addresses the structure of the REC114-MEI4-IHO1 complex, which controls the essential process of programmed DSB induction by SPO11/TOPOVIBL in meiosis.

      The manuscript carefully combines biochemistry, biophysics and modelling in an integrative manner to report the architecture of the full REC114-MEI4-IHO1 complex that is not itself amenable to direct structure elucidation such as by X-ray crystallography. These are important results that will be of interest to the recombination and meiosis fields. The data are generally convincing and interpretations appear correct, so the manuscript is certainly suitable for publication. I have included some suggestions below that I believe would strengthen the manuscript and enhance our confidence in the findings. Whilst the manuscript is publishable in its current format, I believe the suggestions given below would make it into a much stronger paper.

      I have two general suggestions:

      1. Analyses have been performed on fusion proteins (His, His-MBP etc). we have previously observed that bulky tags such as MBP can interfere with oligomeric state through steric hindrance, and that His-tags can mediated formation of larger oligomers, seemingly through coordination of metals leached from IMAC purification. This latter point has also been observed by others https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1047847722000946. Where possible, I would repeat SEC-MALS experiments using untagged proteins, or at least following incubation with EDTA to mitigate the potential for His-mediated oligomerisation.
      2. The authors have relied upon mutagenesis to validate Alphafold2 models. Their results are convincing but only confirm that contacts involved in structures rather than the specific fold per se. Their finding would be greatly strengthen by collecting SEC-SAXS data and fitting models directly to the scattering data. This is extremely sensitive, so a close fit provides the best possible evidence of accuracy of the model. SAXS is affected by unstructured regions and tags, so would have to be performed using structural cores of untagged proteins rather than full-length constructs. Given the local availability of world-class SAXS beamlines at the ESRF, which is next door to the leading author's institute, it seems that the collection of SAXS data would be practical for them.

      My specific comments are below:

      Figure 1d The SEC-MALS shows multiple species, with 2:1 and 4:2 representing a minority of total species present. What are the larger oligomers? Could these be an artefactual consequence of the His-tags (as described above)?

      Figure 1f,g The AUC changes over concentration and pH are intriguing - have they tried MALS in these conditions? This would be much more informative as it would reveal the range of species present. Low concentrations could be analysed by peak position even if scattering is insufficient to provide interpretable MW fits. I would advise doing this without his tag or adding EDTA (as described above).

      Figure 2 I would like to see the models validated by SAXS using minimum core untagged constructs. This could be sued to test the validity of the 2:1 model directly, and to model the 4:2 complex by multiphase analysis and/or docking together of 2:1 complexes. The hydrophobic LALALAII region of MEI4 is interesting and the mutagenesis data do agree with the model. However, it is important to point out that any decent model would place this hydrophobic helix in the core of the complex, and so would be disrupted by mutagenesis. Hence, the mutagenesis results confirm that the hydrophobic helix is critical for the interaction, but does not confirm that the specific alphafold model is more valid than any other model in which the helix is similarly in a core position.

      Figure 3 This would also benefit from SAXS validation of the structural core. The mutagenesis here provides convincing evidence in favour of the structure as specific hydrophobics ether disrupt or have no effect, exactly as predicted. Hence, their data strongly support the dimer model. As this provides the framework for the 2:1 complex, these data make me far more confident of the previous 2:1 model in figure 2. I am wondering whether it would be better to present these data first such that the reader can see the 2:1 model being built upon these strong foundations?

      Figure 4 The MALS data convincingly show formation of a tetramer. How do we know that it is parallel? The truncation supports this but coiled-coils do sometimes form alternative structures when truncated (e.g. anti-parallel can become parallel when sequence is removed), and alphafold seems to have a tendency of predicting parallel coiled-coils even when the true structure of anti-parallel (informal observation by us and others). A simple test would be to make a tethered dimer of 110-240, with a short flexible linker between two copies of the same sequence - if parallel it should form a tetramer of double the length, if anti-parallel it should form a dimer of the same length - determinable by MALS (and SAXS).

      Figures 5/6 The interaction is clear albeit low affinity (but within the biologically interesting range). It would be nice to obtain MALS (using superose 6) data showing the stoichiometry of the complex - are the data too noisy to be interpretable owing to dissociation? The alpahfold model and mutagenesis data strongly support the conclusion that the IHO1 N-term binds to the PH domain, as presented.

      Referees cross commenting

      Just to clarify a couple of points regarding consultation comments from reviewer 1:

      The suggestion regarding tags was mostly directed to the cases in which MALS data are noisy, with multiple oligomeric species (such as figure 1d). In these cases, i wondered whether the large MW species may be artefactual and could be resolved by removal of the tags. In cases where oligomers agree with those reported by other labs, I agree that there's no need to explore these further.

      In terms of SAXS, I agree that fitting models into envelopes will not distinguish between similar folds. However, fitting models directly to raw scattering data is extremely sensitive and I have never seen good fits with low chi2 values for incorrect models (even when very similar in overall shape to the correct structure).


      The manuscript carefully combines biochemistry, biophysics and modelling in an integrative manner to report the architecture of the full REC114-MEI4-IHO1 complex that is not itself amenable to direct structure elucidation such as by X-ray crystallography. These are important results that will be of interest to the recombination and meiosis fields. The data are generally convincing and interpretations appear correct, so the manuscript is certainly suitable for publication. I have included some suggestions below that I believe would strengthen the manuscript and enhance our confidence in the findings. Whilst the manuscript is publishable in its current format, I believe the suggestions given below would make it into a much stronger paper.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The formation of meiotic double-stranded DNA breaks is the starting point of meiotic recombination. DNA breaks are made by the topoisomerase-like SPO11, which interacts with a number of regulatory factors including REC114, MEI4 and IHO1. Despite the key role this process has in the continuation, and genetic variation, or eukaryotic life, there is very little known about how this process is regulated. Laroussi et al make use of biochemical, biophysical and structural biological approaches to extensively characterise the REC114-MEI4-IHO1 complex.

      This is an outstanding biochemical paper. The experiments are well planned and beautifully executed. The protein purifications used are very clean, and the figures well presented. Importantly Laroussi et. al describe, and carefully characterise through point mutational analysis, the direct physical interaction between IHO1 and REC114-MEI4. This is an interaction that has, at least in yeast, previously been suggested to be driven by liquid-liquid separation. The careful and convincing work presented here represents an important paradigm-shift for the field.

      I am fully supportive of publication of this excellent and important study.

      Major comments:

      My only major concern is regarding Figure 4, and specifically the AF2 model of the coiled-coil tetramer of IHO1. Given the ease with which MSAs of coiled-coils can become "contaminated" with non-orthologous sequences, I would urge some caution with this model. This is especially since the yeast ortholog of IHO1, Mer2, has been previously reported to be an anti-parallel tetramer (albeit, not very well supported by the data). The authors have several choices here. 1) They could simply reduce the visibility of the IHO1 tetramer model, and indicate caution in the parallel tetramer model. 2) They could consider using a structure prediction algorithm that doesn't use an MSA (e.g. ESMFold). 3) They could try to obtain experimental evidence for a parallel coiled-coil tetramer, e.g. through EM, SAXS or FRET approaches. I would like to make it crystal clear, however, that I would be very supportive of approach 1) or 2). An experimental approach is not necessary.

      Assuming the authors don't take a wet-lab approach, this shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks.

      Minor comments:

      1. The observation that REC114 and MEI4 can also form a 4:2 complex is very interesting and potentially important. Did the authors also try to model this higher order complex in AF2?
      2. Similarly to above, what does the prediction of the full-length REC114:MEI4 2:1 complex look like? Presumably the predicted interaction regions align well with experimental data, but it would be interesting to see (and easy to run).
      3. Did the authors carry out SEC-MALS experiments on any IHO1 fragment lacking the coiled-coil domain? It was previously reported for Mer2 that the C-terminal region can form dimers, for example (OPTIONAL).
      4. Given that full-length REC114 is used for the IHO1 interaction studies, do the authors have any data as to the stoichiometry of the REC114FL-MEI41-127 complex? (OPTIONAL)
      5. Did the authors try AF2 modelling of the REC114-IHO1 interaction using orthologs from other species?

      Referees cross commenting

      I will add cross-comments to the comments of Reviewer #2

      Firstly, the comments made by Reviewer #2 are technically correct. Firstly, reviewer #2 points out that the oligomerization states that the authors report could, in part, be artifactual the based on the his-tag purification method. This is indeed correct. However, given that none of the oligomerization states reported are per se unusual, given what is already known (including pre-prints from the Keeney and Claeys Bouuaert laboratories), I think the authors could forego this step.

      Secondly, the use of an experimental structural method, such as SAXS, would certainly add value to the paper. Also Reviewer #2 is correct in pointing out the availability of the ESRF beamlines to the authors. However, while SAXS is a useful method, I personally consider the use of mutants to validate the interactions, an even stronger piece of evidence that the AlphaFold2 interactions are correct. I must disagree somewhat with Reviewer #2 with their argument that SAXS would validate the fold. Certainly if one of the AF2 predicted structures is radically wrong, then SAXS would produce scattering data, and a subsequent distance distribution plot that is incompatible with the AF2 model. However, a partly correct AF2 model, of roughly the right shape, might still fit into a SAXS envelope.

      Reviewer #2 shares my concern on the parallel coiled-coil of IHO1, and their suggested solution is very elegant.

      In my view, due to the time constraints imposed by the partially competing work from the the Keeney and Claeys Bouuaert laboratories (recently on biorxiv). I would support the authors if they chose the quickest route to publication.


      General assessment: The strengths of the paper are as follows:

      1. Quality of experiments - The proteins used have been properly purified (SEC) and properly handled. The experiments are carefully carried out and controlled.
      2. Detail - The authors carry out the considerable effort of characterising protein interactions. through separation-of-function mutants. This adds to the quality of the paper, and renders the AF2 models as convincing as experimentally determined structures
      3. Conceptual advances - The most important conceptual advance is the direct binding of the N-term of IHO1 to REC114. That this is the same region as used by both TOPOVIBL and ANKRD31 points to a complex regulation.
      4. Integrity - the authors have taken great care not to "oversell" the results. The data are presented, and analysed, without hyperbole.

      Limitations - The only limitation of the paper is the lack of in vivo experiments to test their findings. However given the time and effort required, and the pressing need to publish this exciting study, this is not a problem.

      Advance: The paper provides advances from a number of directions, both conceptual and mechanistic. Mechanistically the description of the REC114-MEI14 complex is important, and in particular the observation that it can also form a higher order 4:2 structure. Likewise, while IHO1 was inferred to be a tetramer (based on work on Mer2) this was never proven formally. Most importantly, is the physical linkage between IHO1 and REC114, and that this is an interaction that is incompatible with TOPOVIBL and ANKRD31.

      Audience: Given the central role of meiotic recombination in eukaryotic life, any studies that shed additional light on the regulation of meiosis are suitable for a broad audience. However, this subject paper will be more specifically of interest to the meiosis community. The elegant methodology will also be of interest to structural biologists and protein biochemists.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We sincerely thank the reviewers for their comprehensive and constructive feedback. Below, we submit our revision plan addressing the points raised by the reviewers.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The study analyzes the role of SLIT2 in clearance of S. aureus via neutrophils. It suggests that N-SLIT2 play a key role as an amplifier of the ROS response and release of antimicrobial peptides. The manuscript is well written and technologically sound. However, a few issues need to be addressed that preclude publication of the manuscript:

      We thank the reviewer for the positive feedback.

      Major comments:

      1. The study analyzes different parameters of neutrophil function. One major effect of neutrophil activation is NETosis. This has not been addressed in the study albeit it is deemed to act in concert with the other immune mechanisms described.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. S. aureus is known to promote NET formation as well as to enhance NET degradation to increase bacterial survival in vivo (Meyers, Crescente et al., 2022, Thammavongsa, Missiakas et al., 2013). Several cellular kinases (Erk, Akt, p38) have been implicated in ROS-induced NETosis, but the exact role of p38 signaling in NETosis remains less clear (Douda, Khan et al., 2015). As recommended by the reviewers, we will now investigate whether N-SLIT2 regulates S. aureus-induced NETosis in neutrophils using Sytox Green, a membrane-impermeable nucleic acid label, as previously described (Douda et al., 2015).

      Furthermore, the authors discuss a role of SLIT2 in the regulation of neutrophil migration. However, the current data set does not provide sufficient evidence for this. The reviewer suggests that the authors provide migration/chemotaxis assays and/or in vivo data to prove their hypothesis or revise their argumentation.

      Several groups, including ours, have previously demonstrated that SLIT2-ROBO1 signaling potently inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis in vitro and in vivo. The in vivo models, in which the negative effects of SLIT2 on neutrophil migration have been shown, include mouse models of peritonitis (Tole, Mukovozov et al., 2009), allergic airway inflammation (Ye, Geng et al., 2010), renal ischemia-reperfusion injury (Chaturvedi, Yuen et al., 2013), and cholangiocarcinoma (Zhou, Luo et al., 2022). Additionally, a recent study showed that shRNA-mediated knockdown of SLIT2 resulted in increased neutrophil infiltration into murine tumors further supporting negative regulatory effect of SLIT2 on neutrophil migration (Geraldo, Xu et al., 2021). In the revised version of the manuscript, we will now discuss these important points in the Introduction and Discussion sections.

      In our current study, in an effort to selectively examine the effects of SLIT2 on neutrophil function rather than on neutrophil migration, we intentionally administered N-ROBO1 to block endogenous SLIT2 signaling at 48 and 72 hours after inducing skin and soft tissue infection (SSTI) with S. aureus. In this model, the majority of neutrophil influx occurs early on, namely within 24 hours (Prabhakara, Foreman et al., 2013). We observed that blocking endogenous SLIT2 signaling in a murine model of SSTI resulted in enhanced localized infection and injury. We will now use immunohistochemical analysis to measure tissue infiltration of neutrophils (Ly6G+F4/80-) (Chadwick, Macdonald et al., 2021). In addition, as previously described we will also use IHC to evaluate within the tissue 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), an indicator of oxidative damage (Sima, Aboodi et al., 2016). We will compare levels of 8-OHdG to the number of neutrophils in the tissue as a gross indicator of local ROS production by infiltrating neutrophils.

      The timeline of SLIT2 expression indicates that environmental conditions could influence the expression of SLIT2. Have the authors analyzed whether SLIT2 expression is affected by low pH or hypoxia? Is there any data indicating what factors regulate SLIT2 expression? In the same line, it would be interesting to know whether SLIT2 immune effects (specifically ROS and LL37 release) are similarly triggered under hypoxic conditions often found in an abscess.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this important point and for the suggestions. The regulation of SLIT2 levels in tissues is an active area of research. Hypoxia has been reported to increase SLIT2 expression in placental tissue (Liao, Laurent et al., 2012) but this has not been investigated in the context of bacterial infection. In different physiologic and pathophysiologic settings, vascular endothelial cells, including dermal microvascular endothelial cells (DMEC), have been shown to be an important source of SLIT2 (Romano, Manetti et al., 2018, Tavora, Mederer et al., 2020). We will therefore investigate the effects of hypoxia and low pH, conditions founds within bacterial abscesses, on production of SLIT2 by DMEC. DMEC will be infected with S. aureus and grown in normoxic and hypoxic (2% O2) conditions for up to 72 hours, the time-point at which maximal SLIT2 levels were detected in S. aureus-induced SSTI. We will collect cells and cultured supernatant for measurement of levels of Slit2 mRNA and SLIT2 protein at different time points ranging from 0 to 72 hours after infection. We will incubate neutrophils with the conditioned medium from hypoxic DMEC to measure the effect on LL-37 secretion. Finally, we will expose neutrophils to S. Aureus (+/- N-SLIT2) in a medium with pH ranging from 5.5 to 7.4 and then measure the LL-37 secretion as the reviewer suggested (Zhou & Fey, 2020).

      Lastly, it is unclear whether SLIT2 binds to a defined target on the neutrophil. This needs to be highlighted in the discussion in respect to future work and ideally resolved experimentally.

      We apologize for the confusion. We and others have previously demonstrated that human and murine neutrophils express ROBO1 but not ROBO2, and that ROBO1 is the primary Roundabout receptor which binds N-SLIT2 in immune cells (Rincon, Rocha-Gregg et al., 2018, Tole et al., 2009). We have now included this information in the Introduction section (please see page- 3). In our manuscript we showed experimentally that incubation of N-SLIT2 with the soluble N-terminal fragment of ROBO1 (N-ROBO1), which contains the N-SLIT2 binding Ig1 motif (Morlot, Thielens et al., 2007), blocked the effect of N-SLIT2 on ROS production, thereby confirming that the observed actions of SLIT2 occurred through ROBO1 (Fig. 1G). In the revised version of the manuscript, we will clarify this point.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript provides insight into a new mechanism regulating neutrophil function in the presence of S. aureus. The study provides evidence that the N-terminus of SLIT2 is involved in these effects and highlights p38-mediated signaling events as molecular targets increasing antibacterial effects in neutrophils. However, some contradictory findings imply that timing of the response is crucial.

      Nevertheless, with the molecular mechanisms not fully understood many questions remain and the study adds to the complexity of the anti-staphylococcal immune response. Therefore, the audience for this manuscript requires knowledge on S. aureus-specific host-pathogen interaction and is not suitable for a broad audience as it does not provide information on a generally new mechanism of neutrophil activation or defense.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out the complexity of host-pathogen (neutrophils and S. aureus) interactions. SLIT2 is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties via its effects on immune cell chemotaxis in vivo (Anand, Zhao et al., 2013, Chaturvedi et al., 2013, Geraldo et al., 2021). We demonstrated that SLIT2-ROBO1 signaling inhibits macropinocytosis in macrophages, and consequently, attenuates NOD2-induced inflammasome activation in mice (Bhosle, Mukherjee et al., 2020). Based on these earlier observations, SLIT2 would be anticipated to impair the innate immune response to infection. Unexpectedly, we found that SLIT2 does not impair, but instead enhances the ability of neutrophils to kill S. aureus. Indeed, through different mechanisms SLIT2 has been shown to have widespread anti-microbial properties against not only S. aureus but instead against diverse pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, intestinal pathogens, H5N1 influenza, and most recently, COVID-19 (Gustafson, Ngai et al., 2022, London, Zhu et al., 2010). Together, these studies highlight the importance of spatiotemporal regulation of SLIT2 levels in tissues during bacterial and viral infection and the direct effects of SLIT2 on modulating host-pathogen interactions.

      Additionally, SLIT2-induced p38 MAPK activation is not limited to innate immune cells. Li et al. reported this week that SLIT2-ROBO1 signaling activates p38 in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells as well as metastatic tumors (Li, Zhang et al., 2023). In the revised manuscript, we will discuss all of the important points above.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: The manuscript deals with the role of the neurorepellent SLIT2 in killing of the bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. The authors show that neutrophils incubated with the N-terminal region of SLIT2 kill S. aureus more efficiently than neutrophils without pre-exposure to N-SLIT2. This effect was due to an increased production of reactive oxygen species by NADPH oxidase complex activation and stimulating exocytosis of antibacterial peptide containing granules. The concept was proven in an animal model of skin and soft tissue infection in mice in which neutralization of endogenous SLIT2 reduced CFU numbers in ear skin and decreased tissue destruction in response to S. aureus infection.

      Major comments:

      1. In general the findings and key conclusions are convincingly covered by the results presented in the manuscript. The methods are adequate to allow the conclusions drawn. Data are clearly presented and easy to follow. Statistical methods are appropriate.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive feedback. In the present study, we investigated the effects of SLIT2 on NADPH oxidase (NOX – p47phox) priming. Using novel methodology, neutrophil priming was recently shown to be associated with characteristic cytoskeletal changes (Bashant, Vassallo et al., 2019). We are now collaborating with Dr. Nicole Toepfner (Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden) to investigate SLIT2-induced cytoskeletal changes in neutrophils isolated from whole blood using Real-time deformability cytometry (RT-DC). We believe that these novel studies will further enhance the revised manuscript.

      Minor comments:

      1. In the Materials and Methods section line 340 a GFP-expressing S. aureus USA300 strain is indicated. What was the exact strain designation, e.g. LAC or JE2, as USA300 is not a strain name (different strains belong to this pulsed-field electrophoresis based classification).

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. The strain designation of the GFP-expressing S. aureus we used is USA300 LAC (Flannagan, Kuiack et al., 2018). In the revised version of the manuscript we will include the correct information (please see page- 10).

      In the legend of figure 3 the inhibitors are mentioned for part B and E but not C and D.

      We apologize for the error. Figure 3 legend has now been corrected in the revised manuscript.

      Figure S4 would be nice to have in the main manuscript.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. In the revised manuscript we moved original Supplementary Fig. S4B to main Fig. 4B in the manuscript. The schematic from main Fig. 4B is moved to the new Supplementary Fig. 4B. The graphical summary (original Supplementary Fig. S4C) is now presented as new main Figure 5.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript deals with a novel mechanism of neutrophil activation by SLIT-2, a protein which was originally thought to act in the nervous system but is also expressed in many peripheral tissues. Importantly SLIT-2 may be involved in tumor suppression but also chemotaxis of immune cells. In this manuscript a novel, rather unexpected role of the N-terminal region of SLIT-2 in activation of antibacterial mechanisms of neutrophils was shown. This could be interesting for a broader readership interested in innate immune mechanisms and bacterial infections. Since little is known on the role of SLIT-2 in response to bacterial infections the paper could initiate a number of new studies in this field. This reviewer has experience with S. aureus virulence and resistance mechanisms and animal infection models.

      We thank the reviewer for the very positive feedback regarding the appeal of our manuscript to a broad readership. As noted in our response to Reviewer #1 Significance, recent studies suggest that SLIT2 could not only serve as a therapeutic to combat S. aureus, but could have broad anti-microbial activity against a number of pathogens including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, intestinal pathogens, H5N1 influenza, and COVID-19 (Borbora, Bhatt et al., 2022, Gustafson et al., 2022, London et al., 2010). We believe that the ability of SLIT2 to combat diverse bacterial and viral infections will even further enhance the appeal of our manuscript to a broad audience. In the revised manuscript we will expand the discussion to include these very important points.


      Anand AR, Zhao H, Nagaraja T, Robinson LA, Ganju RK (2013) N-terminal Slit2 inhibits HIV-1 replication by regulating the actin cytoskeleton. Retrovirology 10: 2

      Bashant KR, Vassallo A, Herold C, Berner R, Menschner L, Subburayalu J, Kaplan MJ, Summers C, Guck J, Chilvers ER, Toepfner N (2019) Real-time deformability cytometry reveals sequential contraction and expansion during neutrophil priming. J Leukoc Biol 105: 1143-1153

      Bhosle VK, Mukherjee T, Huang YW, Patel S, Pang BWF, Liu GY, Glogauer M, Wu JY, Philpott DJ, Grinstein S, Robinson LA (2020) SLIT2/ROBO1-signaling inhibits macropinocytosis by opposing cortical cytoskeletal remodeling. Nat Commun 11: 4112

      Borbora SM, Bhatt S, Balaji KN (2022) Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection elevates SLIT2 expression to modulate oxidative stress responses in macrophages. bioRxiv: 2022.10.13.512188

      Chadwick JW, Macdonald R, Ali AA, Glogauer M, Magalhaes MA (2021) TNFalpha Signaling Is Increased in Progressing Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders and Regulates Malignant Transformation in an Oral Carcinogenesis Model. Front Oncol 11: 741013

      Chaturvedi S, Yuen DA, Bajwa A, Huang YW, Sokollik C, Huang L, Lam GY, Tole S, Liu GY, Pan J, Chan L, Sokolskyy Y, Puthia M, Godaly G, John R, Wang C, Lee WL, Brumell JH, Okusa MD, Robinson LA (2013) Slit2 prevents neutrophil recruitment and renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. J Am Soc Nephrol 24: 1274-87

      Douda DN, Khan MA, Grasemann H, Palaniyar N (2015) SK3 channel and mitochondrial ROS mediate NADPH oxidase-independent NETosis induced by calcium influx. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112: 2817-22

      Flannagan RS, Kuiack RC, McGavin MJ, Heinrichs DE (2018) Staphylococcus aureus Uses the GraXRS Regulatory System To Sense and Adapt to the Acidified Phagolysosome in Macrophages. mBio 9

      Geraldo LH, Xu Y, Jacob L, Pibouin-Fragner L, Rao R, Maissa N, Verreault M, Lemaire N, Knosp C, Lesaffre C, Daubon T, Dejaegher J, Solie L, Rudewicz J, Viel T, Tavitian B, De Vleeschouwer S, Sanson M, Bikfalvi A, Idbaih A et al. (2021) SLIT2/ROBO signaling in tumor-associated microglia and macrophages drives glioblastoma immunosuppression and vascular dysmorphia. J Clin Invest 131

      Gustafson D, Ngai M, Wu R, Hou H, Schoffel AC, Erice C, Mandla S, Billia F, Wilson MD, Radisic M, Fan E, Trahtemberg U, Baker A, McIntosh C, Fan CS, Dos Santos CC, Kain KC, Hanneman K, Thavendiranathan P, Fish JE et al. (2022) Cardiovascular signatures of COVID-19 predict mortality and identify barrier stabilizing therapies. EBioMedicine 78: 103982

      Li Q, Zhang XX, Hu LP, Ni B, Li DX, Wang X, Jiang SH, Li H, Yang MW, Jiang YS, Xu CJ, Zhang XL, Zhang YL, Huang PQ, Yang Q, Zhou Y, Gu JR, Xiao GG, Sun YW, Li J et al. (2023) Coadaptation fostered by the SLIT2-ROBO1 axis facilitates liver metastasis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Nat Commun 14: 861

      Liao WX, Laurent LC, Agent S, Hodges J, Chen DB (2012) Human placental expression of SLIT/ROBO signaling cues: effects of preeclampsia and hypoxia. Biol Reprod 86: 111

      London NR, Zhu W, Bozza FA, Smith MC, Greif DM, Sorensen LK, Chen L, Kaminoh Y, Chan AC, Passi SF, Day CW, Barnard DL, Zimmerman GA, Krasnow MA, Li DY (2010) Targeting Robo4-dependent Slit signaling to survive the cytokine storm in sepsis and influenza. Sci Transl Med 2: 23ra19

      Meyers S, Crescente M, Verhamme P, Martinod K (2022) Staphylococcus aureus and Neutrophil Extracellular Traps: The Master Manipulator Meets Its Match in Immunothrombosis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 42: 261-276

      Morlot C, Thielens NM, Ravelli RB, Hemrika W, Romijn RA, Gros P, Cusack S, McCarthy AA (2007) Structural insights into the Slit-Robo complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104: 14923-8

      Prabhakara R, Foreman O, De Pascalis R, Lee GM, Plaut RD, Kim SY, Stibitz S, Elkins KL, Merkel TJ (2013) Epicutaneous model of community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus skin infections. Infect Immun 81: 1306-15

      Rincon E, Rocha-Gregg BL, Collins SR (2018) A map of gene expression in neutrophil-like cell lines. BMC Genomics 19: 573

      Romano E, Manetti M, Rosa I, Fioretto BS, Ibba-Manneschi L, Matucci-Cerinic M, Guiducci S (2018) Slit2/Robo4 axis may contribute to endothelial cell dysfunction and angiogenesis disturbance in systemic sclerosis. Ann Rheum Dis 77: 1665-1674

      Sima C, Aboodi GM, Lakschevitz FS, Sun C, Goldberg MB, Glogauer M (2016) Nuclear Factor Erythroid 2-Related Factor 2 Down-Regulation in Oral Neutrophils Is Associated with Periodontal Oxidative Damage and Severe Chronic Periodontitis. Am J Pathol 186: 1417-26

      Tavora B, Mederer T, Wessel KJ, Ruffing S, Sadjadi M, Missmahl M, Ostendorf BN, Liu X, Kim JY, Olsen O, Welm AL, Goodarzi H, Tavazoie SF (2020) Tumoural activation of TLR3-SLIT2 axis in endothelium drives metastasis. Nature 586: 299-304

      Thammavongsa V, Missiakas DM, Schneewind O (2013) Staphylococcus aureus degrades neutrophil extracellular traps to promote immune cell death. Science 342: 863-6

      Tole S, Mukovozov IM, Huang YW, Magalhaes MA, Yan M, Crow MR, Liu GY, Sun CX, Durocher Y, Glogauer M, Robinson LA (2009) The axonal repellent, Slit2, inhibits directional migration of circulating neutrophils. J Leukoc Biol 86: 1403-15

      Ye BQ, Geng ZH, Ma L, Geng JG (2010) Slit2 regulates attractive eosinophil and repulsive neutrophil chemotaxis through differential srGAP1 expression during lung inflammation. J Immunol 185: 6294-305

      Zhou C, Fey PD (2020) The acid response network of Staphylococcus aureus. Curr Opin Microbiol 55: 67-73

      Zhou SL, Luo CB, Song CL, Zhou ZJ, Xin HY, Hu ZQ, Sun RQ, Fan J, Zhou J (2022) Genomic evolution and the impact of SLIT2 mutation in relapsed intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Hepatology 75: 831-846

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript deals with the role of the neurorepellent SLIT2 in killing of the bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. The authors show that neutrophils incubated with the N-terminal region of SLIT2 kill S. aureus more efficiently than neutrophils without preexposure to N-SLIT2. This effect was due to an increased production of reactive oxygen species by NADPH oxidase complex activation and stimulating exocytosis of antibacterial peptide containing granules. The concept was proven in an animal model of skin and soft tissue infection in mice in which neutralization of endogenous SLIT2 reduced CFU numbers in ear skin and decreased tissue destruction in response to S. aureus infection.

      Major comments:

      In general the findings and key conclusions are convincingly covered by the results presented in the manuscript. The methods are adequate to allow the conclusions drawn. Data are clearly presented and easy to follow. Statistical methods are appropriate.

      Minor comments:

      In the Materials and methods section line 340 a GFP-expressing S. aureus USA300 strain is indicated. What was the exact strain designation, e.g. LAC or JE2, as USA300 is not a strain name (different strains belong to this pulsed-field electrophoresis based classification). In the legend of figure 3 the inhibitors are mentioned for part B and E but not C and D. Figure S4 would be nice to have in the main manuscript.


      The manuscript deals with a novel mechanism of neutrophil activation by SLIT-2, a protein which was originally thought to act in the nervous system but is also expressed in many peripheral tissues. Importantly SLIT-2 may be involved in tumor suppression but also chemotaxis of immune cells. In this manuscript a novel, rather unexpected role of the N-terminal region of SLIT-2 in activation of antibacterial mechanisms of neutrophils was shown. This could be interesting for a broader readership interested in innate immune mechanisms and bacterial infections. Since little is known on the role of SLIT-2 in response to bacterial infections the paper could initiate a number of new studies in this field.

      This reviewer has experience with S. aureus virulence and resistance mechanisms and animal infection models.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The study analyzes the role of SLIT2 in clearance of S. aureus via neutrophils. I suggests that N-SLIT2 play a key role as an amplifier of the ROS response and release of antimicrobial peptides. The manuscript is well written and technologically sound. However, a few issues need to be addressed that preclude publication of the manuscript:

      Major comments

      The study analyzes different parameters of neutrophil function. One major effect of neutrophil activation is NETosis. This has not been addressed in the study albeit it is deemed to act in concert with the other immune mechanisms described.

      Furthermore, the authors discuss a role of SLIT2 in the regulation of neutrophil migration. However, the current data set does not provide sufficient evidence for this. The reviewer suggests that the auhtors provide migration/chemotaxis assays and/or in vivo data to prove their hypothesis or revise their argumentation. The timeline of SLIT2 expression indicates that environmental conditions could influence the expression of SLIT2. Have the authors analyzed whether SLIT2 expression is affected by low pH or hypoxia? Is there any data indicating what factors regulate SLIT2 expression?

      In the same line, it would be interesting to know whether SLIT2 immune effects (specifically ROS and LL37 release) are similarly triggered under hypoxic conditions often found in an abscess? Lastly, it is unclear whether SLIT2 binds to a defined target on the neutrophil. This needs to be highlighted in the discussion in respect to future work and ideally resolved experimentally.


      The manuscript provides inisght into a new mechanism regulating neutrophil function in the presence of S. aureus. The study provides evidence that the N-terminus of SLIT2 is involved in these effects and highlights p38-mediated signaling events as molecular targets increasing antibacterial effects in neutrophils. However, some contradictory findings imply that timing of the response is crucial. Nevertheless, with the molecular mechanisms not fully understood many questions remain and the study adds to the complexity of the antistaphyloccocal immune response. Therefore, the audience forthis manuscript requires knowledge on S. aureus-specific host-pathogen interaction and is not suitable for a broad audience as it does not provide information on a generally new mechanism of neutrophil activation or defense.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the reviewer for their comments. We are encouraged that the reviewers found our research “important study that addresses the interplay between two major Rho-type small GTPases involved in cell division” and “of interest to those interested in the cell biology of mitotic exit”. We agree with the comments raised by the reviewers and have provided new data as per their recommendation. We have also made changes to the text and format of the paper. We feel that with these changes the manuscript is stronger and we thank the reviewers for their suggestions. Below we provide a detailed response to the reviewers’ comments.

      Reviewer #1

      *This manuscript focuses on the role of Cdc42 in Rho1 activation during fission yeast cytokinesis. The primary finding is that active Cdc42 and its downstream effector Pak1 prevents accumulation of active Rho1 and the synthesis of cell wall material, at early stages of cytokinesis and despite the local recruitment of the Rho1 GEF Rgf1. The data supporting these conclusions are reasonably sound. *

      *Additional experiments are presented to suggest that Cdc42 and Pak1 negatively regulate Rgf1, this conclusion is not as strongly supported (though it may be true) *

      *These study relies on a newly described probe for active Rho1. However this probe is not sufficiently well validated. *

      *Overall the manuscript was not assembled with sufficient care and rigor, these deficits could be readily corrected. *

      The major point of the paper is that Cdc42 and Pak1 negatively regulate Rho1 activation. However, during late cytokinesis, active Cdc42 and active Rho1 co-exist at the division site. Thus, Cdc42 activation induces a delay in Rho1 activation, but how this delay is overcome is not investigated or even discussed. Indeed, while the delay is shown the transience of this inhibition is not explicitly mentioned. At a minimum, the authors should highlight this point for the readers.

      We are encouraged by the fact that the reviewer found our data “reasonably sound”. We agree that this manuscript does not provide the molecular details of how Cdc42 inhibits Rho1 activation. Our genetic data suggests that this is likely mediated by multiple pathways possibly involving the regulation of the Rho regulators Rgf1, Rgf2 and Rga5. We are currently investigating the molecular details of this regulation and hope to report it in another manuscript.

      Our data shows that while Cdc42 inhibits Rho1, the SIN pathway is essential for Rho1 activation regardless of the presence of Cdc42. While Cdc42 is activated at the division site as the ring completes assembly, the SIN pathway is activated immediately prior to ring constriction similar to that of Rho1 activation. It is possible that once the SIN is activated at the division site, it overcomes Cdc42-mediated Rho1 inhibition. We have highlighted this in the discussion section of this manuscript and are currently investigating the molecular details of this regulation.

      *Specific points 1 - RBD probe This probe is central to this manuscript. However, there is insufficient validation of its target. Figure 1 shows the localization and its independence of Rho2. The authors should provide direct evidence that it recognizes Rho1 (for example using a repressible promotor or an anchor away approach).


      We thank the reviewers for their comments on the RBD probe. We have now provided validation for the RBD-probe. We have used rho1 temperature-sensitive and switch-off mutants to show loss of RBD-probe localization in these mutants. This data is provided I the revised manuscript in Fig1 and Supplementary fig. S1.

      At various places in the manuscript the authors refer to this probe as "Rho-probe", RBD-probe, RBD, RBD-(mNG or tdTomato). On page 11 the authors state, "As per our observations, we refer to the Rho-probe signal at the division site as active Rho1 from here onwards." Yet, in the very next paragraph they refer to the localization of the "Rho probe". * This is also an issue with the figures. For example, in figures 4B,C ; 5B,C; 6B; 7B,C the figures are titled either "Rho1 activation at division site", "Rho1-probe at division site"; "Rho1-probe appearance at division site" ; "Rho1-probe in non-constricting rings". *

      We agree that these multiple terms to describe the probe is confusing. We have restricted the terms to either “RBD-mNG” or “RBD-tdTomato” when reporting the data and use “Rho-probe” for descriptive purposes.

      In fig 3, RBD-nNG is quantified in a graph entitled "localizaton [sic] of Rho1-GEFs at division site"

      We thank our reviewers for identifying this error in our labeling of the graph in Fig. 3E. This figure now reads “Localization of Rgf1, Rgf3, active Rho1 at the division site”

      In all figures but two, 5c and 7c, the authors quantify Rho1 activation by the presence or absence of the probe, rather than a quantitative measure or the extent of recruitment of the probe. This could be analyzed my quantitatively.

      We appreciate this comment and provide this response in order to clarify our reasoning for presenting this data. We quantified the intensities of RBD-mNG or RBD-tdTomato where ever relevant to the question we are addressing for each experiment performed.

      Where we look at Rho1 activation at the division site with respect to SPB distances, we are reporting the differences in the timing of Rho activation with respect to mitotic progression. However, in Figures 5c and 7c, and now also Fig 1 of the revised manuscript, we quantified the intensities of the probe as this indicated the changes in overall active Rho1 levels under our experimental conditions. We have added in the text for earlier experiments where we do not report intensity measurements for the active Rho probe that we do not observe any differences in the intensity levels.

      *2 - Regulation of Rgf1 by Cdc42 and Pak1. The results shown in figure 8 show that "early Rho1 activation in gef1 mutants is not Rgf3-dependent". Figure 9 establishes "loss of rgf1 prevents premature Rho1 activation in gef1Δ cells restoring it to normal in late anaphase (Fig.9A, B)." This finding indicates that Rgf1, but not Rgf3, is required for Rho1 premature activation. This finding doesn't rule out the possibility that Cdc42 and Pak1 might be required to turn off RhoGAPs to allow active Rho1 to accumulate. This analysis concludes with this unclear and ungrammatical sentence, "While we were unable to assess the Rho-probe in the rgf1Δ rgf2Δ double mutants due to its lethality [sic; is the Rho probe lethal?], our observations suggest that apart from Rgf1 early Rho1 activation in gef1Δ cells is either due to activation of Rgf2 or due to inhibition of Rga5." *

      We thank you for your insight and agree with these remarks. We could not investigate Rho1 activation in rgf1Δ rgf2Δ double mutants since the double mutants are inviable. We have re-worded the sentence to reflect our findings appropriately.

      *The conclusion that this regulation is due to control of Rgf1 should be toned down. E.g. from the abstract: "We provide functional and genetic evidence which indicates that Pak1 regulates Rho1 activation likely via the regulation of its GEF Rgf1." *

      We have now removed this statement from the abstract. We have also clarified in the discussion that the molecular details of how Cdc42 inhibits Rho1 is not known and needs to be investigated. While our data suggests that the regulator Rgf1 and Rga5 may be involved in the process the details are unclear and we are currently investigating this regulation.

      *SECTION B - Significance ======================== This manuscript ties together several recent papers from the author's lab on the control of Cdc42 activation during cytokinesis and older papers on the role of Rho1 in Bgs1 activation. It provides missing information into the temporal regulation of septum assembly.

      The authors make a point of the similarities of fission yeast cytokinesis to animal cell cytokinesis. Indeed the second sentence reads, "The fission yeast model system divides via an actomyosin-based contractile ring, which is assembled in the medial region of the cell, as in animal cells (Balasubramanian et al., 2004; Pollard, 2010).". However, the authors fail to point out the many differences between yeast and animal cell cytokinesis until the last paragraph of the discussion. If the authors want to include the similarities in the introduction, they should also include the differences. For example, ring assembly is independent of Rho1 activation in fission yeast, but dependent on RhoA activation in animal cells. *

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this deficiency in our writing. We have now amended the introduction to highlight the differences between Rho1 activity in fission yeast and animal cells during cytokinesis. We have added the following text to the Introduction section.

      “The animal Rho1 homolog RhoA is required for ring formation and is essential for cytokinesis (Basant and Glotzer, 2018). While in yeast, Rho1 is essential for septum formation, the current literature suggests that it is dispensable for ring formation (Onishi et al., 2013; Yoshida, 2009). In fission yeast where both the actomyosin ring and the septum have important roles in the proper coordination of cytokinesis, Rho1 has no reported roles in ring formation but is essential for septation (Balasubramanian et al., 2004).”

      *This work will be of interest to biologists working on yeast cell division. To a lesser extent it will be of interest to biologists interested in cytokinesis and coordination of distinct GTPase pathways.

      Additional points*

      1 - The text is overly wordy and needs extensive revision. Many of the experiments could be explained more clearly and with somewhat less genetic jargon. The introduction has quite a bit of extraneous information and lacks relevant facts, such as the function of Bgs1, which is central to the results.

      We have now modified the text to remove unnecessary genetic jargon. We have also provided additional text to describe the role of Bgs1 in the Introduction.

      2 - page 4 "GEFs promote GTP binding, thus keeping the GTPase active while the GAPs increase GTP hydrolysis, thus promoting GTPase inactivation." GEFs promote GTP binding, but they do not keep the GTPase active (an inhibitor of a RhoGAP would do that), they activate the GTPases.

      We thank the reviewers for highlighting this error. We have corrected this sentence, which now reads “GEFs promote GTP exchange to activate the GTPase, while the GAPs increase GTP hydrolysis to promote GTPase inactivation.”

      *3 - The current literature on animal cell cytokinesis indicates little direct role in cytokinesis, rather than the author's statement, "In larger eukaryotes, the role of Cdc42 activation has been reported mostly in meiotic division events such as polar body extrusion in oocytes, but not much is known about its role in cytokinesis in somatic cell division (Drechsel et al., 1997; Na and Zernicka-Goetz, 2006)." See for example, PMID 10898977, 10871280 which indicate Cdc42 does not play a major role during cytokinesis in at least a few systems where it has been analyzed. *

      We thank our reviewer for this observation and agree that this statement can be expanded to further explain the role of Cdc42 in animal cytokinesis. The paragraph has been re-written as follows-

      Pg5 - “In animal cells, the direct role of Cdc42 in cytokinesis remains indefinite. In Xenopus embryos and mouse fibroblasts for example, constitutively active Cdc42 impairs cytokinesis completion (Drechsel et al., 1997). However, in other cases such as in mouse embryonic stem cells, Cdc42 was only critical for development but not cytokinesis (Chen et al., 2000). RNA interference in animal cells demonstrate that that while RhoA is required for cytokinesis, Cdc42 is not required for this process (Jantsch-Plunger et al., 2000). Cdc42 also promotes spindle positioning and polar body extrusion in mouse oocytes, but it is not known whether its localization at these spindles affects RhoA (Na and Zernicka-Goetz, 2006). Thus, the role of Cdc42 in the cytokinetic process may be cell-type specific, and these data highlight the importance for more investigation to elucidate Cdc42 regulation in dividing cells (Jordan and Canman, 2012).”

      Reviewer #2

      *In many fungal cells, including fission yeast, the deposition of a new cell wall (a septum) between daughter cells is essential for cytokinesis. Cell wall synthases are trafficked to and activated at the division site, and dysregulated trafficking and/or synthase activation can lead to cytokinetic defects. In this study, the authors use fluorescent probes for Cdc42 and Rho1 activity and live-cell imaging to investigate the timing and regulation of Rho1 activity in fission yeast, and specifically, the role of Cdc42 in regulating Rho1. Summary of the proposed model: Gef1 -> active Cdc42 -> Pak1 --| Rgf1 -> active Rho1 -> septum formation

      Major comments

      (1) As far as I can gather from the authors' description in the manuscript and quick literature search, this will be the first publication in S. pombe utilizing the HR1-C2 domain of Pkc2p as fluorescent probe for active Rho1 (RBD-mNG). While a comparable domain of S. cerevisiae Pkc1p (not "pck2" as referenced by the authors in Page 25) has been used for similar purposes, given the importance of this probe and the precedent it sets in the S. pombe literature, it is imperative that proper tests are performed to validate that its localization reflects activity of Rho1 and nothing else (such as membrane binding of the C2 domain or transcriptional regulation of the pkc2 promoter). Such tests should also be independent of the hypotheses central to the current study (i.e., effects of Gef1, Pak1, Rgf1/2 on the timing of RBD-mNG localization). Can the authors provide data to address this point? Examples include, but not limited to, rho1 mutants, expression of constitutively active Rho1, or temporary expression of dominant-negative Rho1.*

      We agree with the reviewer and now provide data to show loss of the localization of the Rho-probe RBD-mNG in rho1 mutants. Using temperature-sensitive and switch-off mutants we show that under mutant conditions the RBD-mNG localization is lost at the division site and also from the cell ends. This provides strong evidence that the probe detects active Rho1 in the cells.

      *(2) Related, M&M does not provide sufficient details about the amino-acid positions corresponding to the "RBD" domain of Pkc2, thus precluding readers from reproducing the experiments. This needs to be clarified. *

      We now provide in the materials and methods the details of how this probe was generated including the base pairs of the budding yeast PKC1 and the fission yeast pck2 promoter.

      (3) In Figure 1B, RBD1-mNG localizes clearly to the medial region of rho2∆ cells when the Rlc1-tdTomato ring has not formed. Does this mean that Rho2 has a major role in forming the contractile ring that is independent of Rho1 activation? On this other hand, however, data in Fig. S2BC suggest that RBD-mNG does not localize to the medial region in rho2∆ cells until Rlc1-tdTomato ring forms (the timing of which seems normal). This discrepancy needs to be addressed.

      In response to the issue raised here, we do not see active Rho1 at the division site of cells without rings. However, after cytokinesis, while cells are in septation, although the ring has disappeared, active Rho1 lingers at the division site. The cell shown in the panel is a septated cell after ring constriction completes. We have included DIC panels of these cells to show that active Rho1 lingers in septating cells.

      *(4) Given the nature of RBD-mNG localization, it seems unavoidable to have some level of arbitrariness in measuring the onset of its localization at the division site. It would be advisable for the authors to be specific in M&M about how they defined the onset of localization, i.e., whether it was based on universal threshold in signal intensity, ratio, etc. or on manual curation (ideally double-blind).


      We have updated the methods to describe that “onset of localization” was performed via double-blind visual observations.

      Minor comments (1) Throughout the manuscript, there are quite a few places where inconsistencies in genetic nomenclature can cause confusion to readers. Below are some examples. Figs. 6B, 7B, 10B: pak1(-ts), shk1, and orb2-34 (including faint labels under category marks in 6B). Fig. 9B (gef1+ rgf1∆) vs 9C (rgf1∆). Wild-type alleles are implicit in some figures, while explicit in others.

      We have corrected these inconsistencies.

      *(2) The first hypothesis (Fig. 1C) is that the AMR might regulate Rho1 activation. The ring is disrupted with LatA, but Rho remains active. They cite this as evidence that the AMR does not activate Rho1, but were the cells treated before or after the rings formed? If before, then the experiment demonstrates what the authors claim, but if after, it only shows that the AMR is not essential to maintain Rho activity. *

      We agree with the reviewer that this is an important distinction. We have modified this statement to “These results indicate that while at the division site the actin cytoskeleton is not required for maintaining Rho1 activation, it is necessary at the growth sites of interphase cells.”

      *(3) Page 8: "Time-lapse imaging of cells simultaneously expressing CRIB-3xGFP and RBD-tdTomato [...] while Rho1 is activated ~20 minutes after SPB duplication (Fig. 2B)." This appears to refer to Fig. 2C. *

      We thank the reviewers for catching this error in the text. We have now corrected it, showing timelapse as Fig. 2C, and an Image of cells simultaneously expressing CRIB and RBD as Fig. 2B.

      *(4) Page 9: "[...] Rgf1 and Rgf3 localize as early as the time of ring assembly at an average SPB distance of 4-5 µm (Fig. 3D)." This sentence is confusing. How was the average calculated over the earliest ring assembly in non-time-lapse data? Fig. 3DE show distances between SPBs as short as 2.5 µm, not 4-5 µm, and average of ~8 µm for all cells at different stages of mitosis. This confusion needs to be clarified. *

      We thank the reviewer for observing this mistake in our writing and interpretation. We agree that the text does not reflect the accurate interpretations of the data collected and have now fixed these errors. The current sentence reading “In an asynchronous population of cells, we find that Rgf1 and Rgf3 localize as early as the time of ring assembly at an average SPB distance of 4-5µm.” has now been replaced with the description shown below-

      “Using the distance between SPBs of anaphase cells as a proxy for timing of cytokinesis, we find that in most anaphase cells, Rgf1-GFP and Rgf3-eGFP was localized at the division site at very early stages in anaphase (Fig. 3D, E). This can be observed by the short distance between the SPBs of ~2µm (Fig. 3D). We also measured the distance for which active Rho1 appeared at the division site, and find that at the distance between SPBs of ~10µm, active Rho1 was present at the division site in ~50% of the population of control cells (Fig. 3E).”

      *(5) Fig. 5. Both the intensity and onset of RBD-mNG localization were affected by cdc42g12v expression. These two may form a causative relationship: reduced overall RBD signal may cause failed detection of early RBD localization. Can the authors compare cells with similar mean RBD-mNG signal intensities (Fig. 5B) and confirm that the timing of appearance at the division site is still delayed in gef1+ cdc42g12v relative to gef1+ empty? *

      We thank the reviewers for pointing this out and appreciate the opportunity to further clarify our observations. While there is clear decrease in Rho-probe intensity at the division site of on cells expressing cdc42G12V, we did see some variation in the extent of the decrease likely due to the variation in the expression levels of cdc42g12V. To provide a more accurate analysis of our observation we have shown the changes in the timing and intensities of Rho-probe localization. However, due to the noisy nature of the data we cannot compare the intensities in individual cells at specific spindle pole body distance between cells. As observed cdc42G12V significantly reduces Rho1 activity globally, not just at the division site. To cherry-pick cdc42G12V cells with similar active rho1 intensity to assess time of Rho1 activation may lead to subconscious data manipulation and will not address how early Rho1 activation is regulated.

      *Reviewer #3

      Onwubiko et al., present a clear and well written manuscript detailing the mechanistic understanding of how Rho1 is activated in a timely manner to ensure cytokinesis occurs in a scheduled manner at the end of telophase. Using fission yeast as a model system, and with the development of a novel Rho1 biosensor, they implicate a series of GTPases, exchange factors, GTPase activating proteins and kinases acting downstream of Cdc42 in the timely activation of Rho1. Specifically, they find that Cdc42 prevents premature Rho1 activation in early anaphase in a manner requiring the kinase Pak1. They observe that the Rho1 activators Rgf1 and Rgf3 localise to the division site in early anaphase, but Rho1 doesn't get activated until late anaphase, suggesting that control mechanisms ensure that these GEFs are held inactive, or that RhoGAP activity is able to balance this activation in early anaphase. This suppression of Rho1 activity in early anaphase requires Cdc42 and Pak1 and implicate (by omission) Rgf1, rather than Rgf3, is the relevant GEF.

      I liked this manuscript, it was clearly written the experimental progression was logical and the data were easy to interpret from the figures. The conclusions were precise, believable and not overstated. The manuscript provides novel observations and through good use of a series of rescues/mutants, illuminates a pathway that is held in check by Cdc42 to ensure timely Rho1 activation. The novel Rho1 probe is exciting and shows well differently regulated pools of active Rho1 at the division site and the growing tips. I thought the co-imaging/measurement of ring placement and SBP duplication allowed a really clear understanding of the kinetics during this rapid phase of the cell cycle. A critique of the study is that the the mechanism by which Cdc42 controls Pak1, and by which Pak1 controls Rgf1/Rgf2 is left unclear. I guess there could always be a molecular expansion of these points (e.g., how does Cdc42 control Pak1; how does Pak1 control Rgf1; how is Rgf activity restricted when localised), but I think that would only enhance, rather than change, the level of detail of the paper's message. I think the paper's current conclusions stand on their own, the data is clear and believable, the experiments are well performed. There are a number of observations in the paper that are left open for future studies, and I think this is a positive (e.g., any separable role of Rgf1/Rgf2 and how Rga5 integrates into this pathway. As such, I am tempted to recommend accept with only minor amendments as outlined below.

      1. P8 P15: should the call out be to Fig 2C, rather than 2B. *

      We thank reviewer for their highlighting this error in our text. We have now fixed it.

      *P14 L17: should it be 'gef1+ rgf3-', not 'gef1+, rgf3+' *

      We have fixed this error and further clarified the terms for easy understanding.

      Structure wise, I thought the section on Rga5 didn't really fit well on P16; it seemed sandwiched between two sections on GEFs. Is there a more appropriate place to place these data - perhaps between the paragraph breaks on P17? Related to this data, the conclusion on P16 suggests 'other' regulators of RhoGAP activity act to repress Rho1 function. Would 'additional' regulators of RhoGAP activity be more appropriate as there is some function contributed by Rga5?

      We have now moved this section to the end of the section on Rho1 regulators after we discuss the Rho1 GEFs. We have also modified the text to clarify that multiple regulators are likely involved in the regulation of Cdc42-mediated Rho1 inhibition.

      *In Fig 10b, you haven't defined orb2-34. Is it the rgf1-delete?


      The mutant orb2-34 is a temperature sensitive allele of the pak1 kinase. To avoid confusion, we have replaced the allele name with pak1-ts in figure 10 and in the text.

      • I find the sentence at the top of P18: 'Rho1 activation in pak1+ rgf1+....at 25oC and 35.5oc occurred at longer and similar SBP distances' quite hard to interpret. Could you perhaps expand it to make your message clearer? *

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. These statements have now been re-written for clarity. 'Rho1 activation in pak1+ rgf1+....at 25ºC and 35.5ºC” has been changed, and now reads as follows:

      “The timing of RBD-mNG localization at the division site occurs late in cytokinesis during late anaphase as depicted by longer SPB distances in pak1+ rgf1+, pak1-ts rgf1+, and pak1+ rgf1Δ cells at 25ºC (Fig.10B). As previously shown, RBD-mNG localizes to the division site in early anaphase in pak1-ts rgf1+ cells at the restrictive temperature (35.5ºC, Fig. 7A, B). In agreement with our reasoning, early RBD-mNG localization in pak1-ts mutants at 35.5ºC was rescued in the absence of rgf1 (Fig. 10A, B).”

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Onwubiko et al., present a clear and well written manuscript detailing the mechanistic understanding of how Rho1 is activated in a timely manner to ensure cytokinesis occurs in a scheduled manner at the end of telophase. Using fission yeast as a model system, and with the development of a novel Rho1 biosensor, they implicate a series of GTPases, exchange factors, GTPase activating proteins and kinases acting downstream of Cdc42 in the timely activation of Rho1. Specifically, they find that Cdc42 prevents premature Rho1 activation in early anaphase in a manner requiring the kinase Pak1. They observe that the Rho1 activators Rgf1 and Rgf3 localise to the division site in early anaphase, but Rho1 doesn't get activated until late anaphase, suggesting that control mechanisms ensure that these GEFs are held inactive, or that RhoGAP activity is able to balance this activation in early anaphase. This suppression of Rho1 activity in early anaphase requires Cdc42 and Pak1 and implicate (by omission) Rgf1, rather than Rgf3, is the relevant GEF.

      I liked this manuscript, it was clearly written the experimental progression was logical and the data were easy to interpret from the figures. The conclusions were precise, believable and not overstated. The manuscript provides novel observations and through good use of a series of rescues/mutants, illuminates a pathway that is held in check by Cdc42 to ensure timely Rho1 activation. The novel Rho1 probe is exciting and shows well differently regulated pools of active Rho1 at the division site and the growing tips. I thought the co-imaging/measurement of ring placement and SBP duplication allowed a really clear understanding of the kinetics during this rapid phase of the cell cycle. A critique of the study is that the the mechanism by which Cdc42 controls Pak1, and by which Pak1 controls Rgf1/Rgf2 is left unclear. I guess there could always be a molecular expansion of these points (e.g., how does Cdc42 control Pak1; how does Pak1 control Rgf1; how is Rgf activity restricted when localised), but I think that would only enhance, rather than change, the level of detail of the paper's message. I think the paper's current conclusions stand on their own, the data is clear and believable, the experiments are well performed. There are a number of observations in the paper that are left open for future studies, and I think this is a positive (e.g., any separable role of Rgf1/Rgf2 and how Rga5 integrates into this pathway. As such, I am tempted to recommend accept with only minor amendments as outlined below.

      1. P8 P15: should the call out be to Fig 2C, rather than 2B.
      2. P14 L17: should it be 'gef1+ rgf3-', not 'gef1+, rgf3+'
      3. Structure wise, I thought the section on Rga5 didn't really fit well on P16; it seemed sandwiched between two sections on GEFs. Is there a more appropriate place to place these data - perhaps between the paragraph breaks on P17? Related to this data, the conclusion on P16 suggests 'other' regulators of RhoGAP activity act to repress Rho1 function. Would 'additional' regulators of RhoGAP activity be more appropriate as there is some function contributed by Rga5?
      4. In Fig 10b, you haven't defined orb2-34. Is it the rgf1-delete?
      5. I find the sentence at the top of P18: 'Rho1 activation in pak1+ rgf1+....at 25oC and 35.5oc occurred at longer and similar SBP distances' quite hard to interpret. Could you perhaps expand it to make your message clearer?


      I think the advance here is a genetic understanding of control mechanisms that order the exit from mitosis. The interplay between numerous GTPases and kinases must ensure a timely and ordered progression through M-exit, but it is often unclear how these activities are coordinated. A strength of the yeast system is that dependencies can be clearly visualised and the authors do a good job here to order the enzymatic activities needed to activate Rho1 in a timely manner for cytokinesis at the end of telophase.

      I think this manuscript will be of interest to those interested in the cell biology of mitotic exit, the interplay between kinases and GTPases and those interested in the systems/netwoek biology of these processes. The description of a new Rho1 biosensor is an excellent tool for the community.

      I am a cell biologist (mammalian) with interests in M-exit programmes that ensure a timely and ordered reestablishment of interphase architecture.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In many fungal cells, including fission yeast, the deposition of a new cell wall (a septum) between daughter cells is essential for cytokinesis. Cell wall synthases are trafficked to and activated at the division site, and dysregulated trafficking and/or synthase activation can lead to cytokinetic defects. In this study, the authors use fluorescent probes for Cdc42 and Rho1 activity and live-cell imaging to investigate the timing and regulation of Rho1 activity in fission yeast, and specifically, the role of Cdc42 in regulating Rho1. Summary of the proposed model: Gef1 -> active Cdc42 -> Pak1 --| Rgf1 -> active Rho1 -> septum formation

      Major comments

      1. As far as I can gather from the authors' description in the manuscript and quick literature search, this will be the first publication in S. pombe utilizing the HR1-C2 domain of Pkc2p as fluorescent probe for active Rho1 (RBD-mNG). While a comparable domain of S. cerevisiae Pkc1p (not "pck2" as referenced by the authors in Page 25) has been used for similar purposes, given the importance of this probe and the precedent it sets in the S. pombe literature, it is imperative that proper tests are performed to validate that its localization reflects activity of Rho1 and nothing else (such as membrane binding of the C2 domain or transcriptional regulation of the pkc2 promoter). Such tests should also be independent of the hypotheses central to the current study (i.e., effects of Gef1, Pak1, Rgf1/2 on the timing of RBD-mNG localization). Can the authors provide data to address this point? Examples include, but not limited to, rho1 mutants, expression of constitutively active Rho1, or temporary expression of dominant-negative Rho1.
      2. Related, M&M does not provide sufficient details about the amino-acid positions corresponding to the "RBD" domain of Pkc2, thus precluding readers from reproducing the experiments. This needs to be clarified.
      3. In Figure 1B, RBD1-mNG localizes clearly to the medial region of rho2∆ cells when the Rlc1-tdTomato ring has not formed. Does this mean that Rho2 has a major role in forming the contractile ring that is independent of Rho1 activation? On this other hand, however, data in Fig. S2BC suggest that RBD-mNG does not localize to the medial region in rho2∆ cells until Rlc1-tdTomato ring forms (the timing of which seems normal). This discrepancy needs to be addressed.
      4. Given the nature of RBD-mNG localization, it seems unavoidable to have some level of arbitrariness in measuring the onset of its localization at the division site. It would be advisable for the authors to be specific in M&M about how they defined the onset of localization, i.e., whether it was based on universal threshold in signal intensity, ratio, etc. or on manual curation (ideally double-blind).

      Minor comments

      1. Throughout the manuscript, there are quite a few places where inconsistencies in genetic nomenclature can cause confusion to readers. Below are some examples. Figs. 6B, 7B, 10B: pak1(-ts), shk1, and orb2-34 (including faint labels under category marks in 6B). Fig. 9B (gef1+ rgf1∆) vs 9C (rgf1∆). Wild-type alleles are implicit in some figures, while explicit in others.
      2. The first hypothesis (Fig. 1C) is that the AMR might regulate Rho1 activation. The ring is disrupted with LatA, but Rho remains active. They cite this as evidence that the AMR does not activate Rho1, but were the cells treated before or after the rings formed? If before, then the experiment demonstrates what the authors claim, but if after, it only shows that the AMR is not essential to maintain Rho activity.
      3. Page 8: "Time-lapse imaging of cells simultaneously expressing CRIB-3xGFP and RBD-tdTomato [...] while Rho1 is activated ~20 minutes after SPB duplication (Fig. 2B)." This appears to refer to Fig. 2C.
      4. Page 9: "[...] Rgf1 and Rgf3 localize as early as the time of ring assembly at an average SPB distance of 4-5 µm (Fig. 3D)." This sentence is confusing. How was the average calculated over the earliest ring assembly in non-time-lapse data? Fig. 3DE show distances between SPBs as short as 2.5 µm, not 4-5 µm, and average of ~8 µm for all cells at different stages of mitosis. This confusion needs to be clarified.
      5. Fig. 5. Both the intensity and onset of RBD-mNG localization were affected by cdc42g12v expression. These two may form a causative relationship: reduced overall RBD signal may cause failed detection of early RBD localization. Can the authors compare cells with similar mean RBD-mNG signal intensities (Fig. 5B) and confirm that the timing of appearance at the division site is still delayed in gef1+ cdc42g12v relative to gef1+ empty?

      Referees cross-commenting

      I find all reviewer comments fair and have nothing specific to add.


      The mechanisms governing septum formation during cytokinesis represent a key regulatory step in cytokinesis. Prior work showed that the Rho GTPases Cdc42 and Rho1 together control the timing of septum formation in S. pombe, and in S. cerevisiae, similar antagonistic regulation between Cdc42 and Rho1 has been reported previously (Atkins et al., J. Cell Biol. 2013 202: 231-240; Onishi et al., J Cell Biol. 2013 202: 311-329), but the precise molecular mechanisms remained unclear.

      This is an important study that addresses the interplay between two major Rho-type small GTPases involved in cell division of many eukaryotic cells, and highlights their roles outside of the regulation of contractile ring. However, there are some issues that need to be addressed prior to publication, as listed above.

      Keywords for the reviewer's field of expertise: S. pombe, S. cerevisiae, cytokinesis, Rho1, Cdc42, septum, MEN/SIN, genetics, cell biology, biochemistry.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript focuses on the role of Cdc42 in Rho1 activation during fission yeast cytokinesis. The primary finding is that active Cdc42 and its downstream effector Pak1 prevents accumulation of active Rho1 and the synthesis of cell wall material, at early stages of cytokinesis and despite the local recruitment of the Rho1 GEF Rgf1. The data supporting these conclusions are reasonably sound.

      Additional experiments are presented to suggest that Cdc42 and Pak1 negatively regulate Rgf1, this conclusion is not as strongly supported (though it may be true)

      These study relies on a newly described probe for active Rho1. However this probe is not sufficiently well validated.

      Overall the manuscript was not assembled with sufficient care and rigor, these deficits could be readily corrected.

      The major point of the paper is that Cdc42 and Pak1 negatively regulate Rho1 activation. However, during late cytokinesis, active Cdc42 and active Rho1 co-exist at the division site. Thus, Cdc42 activation induces a delay in Rho1 activation, but how this delay is overcome is not investigated or even discussed. Indeed, while the delay is shown the transience of this inhibition is not explicitly mentioned. At a minimum, the authors should highlight this point for the readers.

      Specific points

        • RBD probe This probe is central to this manuscript. However, there is insufficient validation of its target. Figure 1 shows the localization and its independence of Rho2. The authors should provide direct evidence that it recognizes Rho1 (for example using a repressible promotor or an anchor away approach).

      At various places in the manuscript the authors refer to this probe as "Rho-probe", RBD-probe, RBD, RBD-(mNG or tdTomato). On page 11 the authors state, "As per our observations, we refer to the Rho-probe signal at the division site as active Rho1 from here onwards." Yet, in the very next paragraph they refer to the localization of the "Rho probe". This is also an issue with the figures. For example, in figures 4B,C ; 5B,C; 6B; 7B,C the figures are titled either "Rho1 activation at division site", "Rho1-probe at division site"; "Rho1-probe appearance at division site" ; "Rho1-probe in non-constricting rings". In fig 3, RBD-nNG is quantified in a graph entitled "localizaton [sic] of Rho1-GEFs at division site"

      In all figures but two, 5c and 7c, the authors quantify Rho1 activation by the presence or absence of the probe, rather than a quantitative measure or the extent of recruitment of the probe. This could be analyzed my quantitatively. 2. - Regulation of Rgf1 by Cdc42 and Pak1. The results shown in figure 8 show that "early Rho1 activation in gef1 mutants is not Rgf3-dependent". Figure 9 establishes "loss of rgf1 prevents premature Rho1 activation in gef1Δ cells restoring it to normal in late anaphase (Fig.9A, B)." This finding indicates that Rgf1, but not Rgf3, is required for Rho1 premature activation. This finding doesn't rule out the possibility that Cdc42 and Pak1 might be required to turn off RhoGAPs to allow active Rho1 to accumulate. This analysis concludes with this unclear and ungrammatical sentence, "While we were unable to assess the Rho-probe in the rgf1Δ rgf2Δ double mutants due to its lethality [sic; is the Rho probe lethal?], our observations suggest that apart from Rgf1 early Rho1 activation in gef1Δ cells is either due to activation of Rgf2 or due to inhibition of Rga5." The conclusion that this regulation is due to control of Rgf1 should be toned down. E.g. from the abstract: "We provide functional and genetic evidence which indicates that Pak1 regulates Rho1 activation likely via the regulation of its GEF Rgf1."

      Referees cross-commenting

      I think reviews are appropriate and speak for themselves.


      This manuscript ties together several recent papers from the author's lab on the control of Cdc42 activation during cytokinesis and older papers on the role of Rho1 in Bgs1 activation. It provides missing information into the temporal regulation of septum assembly.

      The authors make a point of the similarities of fission yeast cytokinesis to animal cell cytokinesis. Indeed the second sentence reads, "The fission yeast model system divides via an actomyosin-based contractile ring, which is assembled in the medial region of the cell, as in animal cells (Balasubramanian et al., 2004; Pollard, 2010).". However, the authors fail to point out the many differences between yeast and animal cell cytokinesis until the last paragraph of the discussion. If the authors want to include the similarities in the introduction, they should also include the differences. For example, ring assembly is independent of Rho1 activation in fission yeast, but dependent on RhoA activation in animal cells.

      This work will be of interest to biologists working on yeast cell division. To a lesser extent it will be of interest to biologists interested in cytokinesis and coordination of distinct GTPase pathways.

      Additional points

        • The text is overly wordy and needs extensive revision. Many of the experiments could be explained more clearly and with somewhat less genetic jargon. The introduction has quite a bit of extraneous information and lacks relevant facts, such as the function of Bgs1, which is central to the results.
        • page 4 "GEFs promote GTP binding, thus keeping the GTPase active while the GAPs increase GTP hydrolysis, thus promoting GTPase inactivation." GEFs promote GTP binding, but they do not keep the GTPase active (an inhibitor of a RhoGAP would do that), they activate the GTPases.
        • The current literature on animal cell cytokinesis indicates little direct role in cytokinesis, rather than the author's statement, "In larger eukaryotes, the role of Cdc42 activation has been reported mostly in meiotic division events such as polar body extrusion in oocytes, but not much is known about its role in cytokinesis in somatic cell division (Drechsel et al., 1997; Na and Zernicka-Goetz, 2006)." See for example, PMID 10898977, 10871280 which indicate Cdc42 does not play a major role during cytokinesis in at least a few systems where it has been analyzed.
    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the reviewers for their enthusiastic support for our work and their insightful comments and suggestions which we believe strengthen the manuscript. Below we detail how we propose to respond to each of the specific points raised by each reviewer.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      • Summary:*

      • In the article entitled "Unique functions of two overlapping PAX6 retinal enhancers", Uttley and coworkers characterize in detail the activity of two conserved human enhancers (i.e. NRE and HS5) previously reported to drive Pax6 expression to the neural retina. By integrating these enhancers in a PhiC31 landing site using a dual enhancer-reporter cassette, they generated a zebrafish stable line in which their activity can be followed by the expression of GFP (NRE) and mCherry (HS5). The authors show that although the enhancers have a partially overlapping activity at early stages (24hpf), later on (48 and 72hpf) they activity domains segregate: to stem cells and differentiated amacrine cells for NRE, and to proliferating progenitors and differentiated Müller glia cells for HS5. To this end they used two different approaches: a scRNA-seq analysis of sorted cells from the transgenic line and a immunofluorescent analysis employing cell specific markers. The authors conclude that their analysis allowed the identification of unique cell type-specific functions.*

      • Major comments:*

      • In general terms, the article is technically sound (please, see section B for an assessment of the significance of the findings). The methodology used and the data analysis are accurate. The work is well presented, the figures are clear, and the previous literature properly cited. My main concerns are the following:*

      • 1) A general concern on the main conclusion of the work "the identification of unique cell type-specific functions for these enhancers". This is in my opinion only partially addressed by the study, as the conclusions are limited due to the absence of genetic experiments: such as deleting the enhancers in their native genomic context (either in human organoids or the homologous sequence in animal models), or at least assessing the effect of mutating their sequence in transgenesis assays in zebrafish. I understand that these functional assays may be out of the scope of the current work, but then the text should be toned down (the word "function" is extensively used) to make clear that the authors mean just expression. I would suggest substituting the word by "activity" in many instances.*

      • The absence of further genetic experiments also limits the significance of the study (see section B).*

      We appreciate and agree with the reviewer’s concern and would substitute the word “function” with “activity” throughout the manuscript.

      2) Whereas the work in general is technically correct (particularly transgenic lines and scRNA-seq data are well described and presented), the co-expression analyses using cell-specific markers (figure 5) need to be improved. There are several issues here. First, the magnification shown is too low to appreciate the colocalization details in the figure. The panels should be replaced by others with higher magnification/resolution (see also minor comment on color-blind compatible images) * In addition, the selection of the markers is suboptimal. Although PCNA is a good general marker of the entire CMZ, it would be advisable to repeat the experiments using more specific markers of the stem cell niche (e.g. rx1, vsx2; Raymond et al 2006; BMC dev Biol) to better define the enhancers expression domain. In addition, HuC/D labels both RGCs and amacrines, and the colocalization could also be refined using amacrine specific markers (e.g. ptf1a : Jusuf & Harris 2009, Neural Dev).*

      In the revised version of the manuscript, we would:

      1. Provide higher magnification images as suggested by the reviewer
      2. Provide additional stainings and justification for our choice of markers used in these colocalizaion experiments Minor comments:

      3. 1.- The work includes several figures (1, 2, 5, 6 and S1) showing colocalization experiments in which channels are shown in red and green. I would advise replacing the red channel with magenta (or the green with cyan) in order to make the figures accessible to readers with color-blindness. This also applies to the schematic representations in figure 6.*

      We will change the channel colours throughout the manuscript as suggested by the reviewers

      2.- It is unclear in the text/images whether the expression driven by the HS5 enhancer is exclusively restricted to temporal retina throughout development (By the way, this differential nasal vs temporal expression should also be included in the final scheme in Figure 6). Does this mean that the expression of Pax6 in proliferating progenitors and Müller glia cells in the nasal retina is not controlled by this enhancer? To which extent is Pax6 needed to maintain the identity of these cell types?

      We will modify the figures as suggested and also include more details of expression overlap with PAX6 expression in the text of the revised manuscript.

      3.- The following sentence in the Discussion "To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first report where the activities of developmental enhancers have been mapped in vivo at single-cell resolution to reveal distinct patterns of activity" should be removed/rephrased. I would argue that the activity of cis-regulatory regions associated to any developmental gene are genome-wide mapped at single cell resolution in each scATACseq experiment.

      We agree that scATAC-seq gives information about potentially active enhancers but it does not define the precise cell-types unless overlapped with expression data. Our method is aimed at ‘defining’ the precise cell-types where the enhancer is active and has the potential to be used to build high resolution maps of cell-type specific enhancer usage for loci with multiple enhancers driving a single gene. We will discuss this in detail in the revised version of the manuscript.

      4.- In the methods section: * (a) FACS experiments: Please provide a supplementary Figure to graphically account for all gating/sorting strategies. * (b) ScRNA-seq analysis: Please provide the values of mean reads per cell and median genes per cell as obtained from Cell Ranger. This would be informative for others performing similar experiments

      This will be included in the revised version of the manuscript.

      **Referees cross-commenting** * I agree with the comments by reviewer #2 on the FACsorting experiments, the description of the landing sites, and the limited significance of the results.*

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      • As described in the previous section, the technical quality of this work is high in general terms. The experiments presented are clear and the conclusions straightforward. In that sense, the study will be a useful reference for those interested in the regulatory logic of Pax6 during eye development, including mainly developmental biologists and human geneticists. This may be particularly the case if new variants can be associated with these enhancers in microphthalmic patients.*

      • The significance and novelty of the findings is however limited by several factors:*

      • a) First, although the level of detail described in this article was not achieved previously, the human enhancers NRE and HS5 (or their conserved homologous in other vertebrates) were previously reported to drive Pax6 expression to the neural retina in transgenesis assays.(Kammandel et al 1999; Marquardt et al 2001; McBride et al 2011; Ravi et al 2013; Kim et al 2017).*

      We agree that the enhancers we describe in this study have been studied before. However, we would like to argue that ours is the first study where we define precise cell-types for the activity of these enhancers. We will revise the discussion to strengthen this argument.

      b) As mentioned in the previous section, the transgenesis assays are not complemented with genetic experiments. The function of the enhancers on retina differentiation and cell fate determination could have been investigated either by deleting them (or their homologous in different species) in their native context, or by exploring their regulatory grammar introducing point mutations or micro-deletions in transgenesis assays.

      We agree that the suggested experiments would be useful for unambiguously establishing the functions of these enhancers and we will discuss these prospects in the revised version of the manuscript.

      c) For reasons not explained in the text, the analysis focuses only in two of the many cis-regulatory regions controlling Pax6 expression in the retina (Lima Cunha et al 2019, Genes). In the absence of a more comprehensive analysis is difficult assessing the relevance of the findings here described.

      We agree that other enhancers for the PAX6 locus should be investigated using similar analysis pipeline to build a complete picture of the enhancer mediated regulation of PAX6. We will discuss this in the revised version of the manuscript.

      d) Finally, from a very general methodological point of view, the approach of using scRNA-seq to investigate enhance activity at a single-cell level is valid and original. However, it is unclear to which extent will be a useful method for many studies, particularly if the activity of endogenous elements is being assessed. In such cases, available scATAC-seq data will provide genome-wide information on the activity of any cis-regulatory element with cell resolution with no need for transgenesis assays and sorting experiments. * We thank the reviewer for recognising the novelty of the approach we describe in this manuscript. We will discuss the merits and demerits of our method with scATAC-seq experiments in the revised version of the manuscript.*

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this work, Uttley et al fine characterize two previously described Pax6 retinal enhancers (NRE and HS5) by combining QSTARZ transgénesis method in zebrafish (allowing to produce site-specific integrations of a dual enhancer reporter cassette), scRNAseq and co-immunostaining with specific markers for different retinal cell populations. * The work is experimentally very well performed and well presented and only minor considerations are raised below: * - Authors observe that a large fraction Of FACs sorted cells do not display expression of mCherry or EGFP RNAm in their scRNAseq analysis and attribute this to read dropout in the scRNAseq data and/ or to false-positive FAC cell selection. However, a third possibility exists: n fact due to the high stability of the EGFP and mCherry reporters cells or their progeny could maintain relatively high levels of these reporters even after transcriptional downregulation. Accordingly, the two reporters are strongly expressed in retinal precursor at early stages (24hpf). Thus, in my opinion, it is possible that some cells expressing these reporters retained significant EGFP/mCherry protein levels at 48hpf. Could the authors comment on this? Besides, authors could provide the FACsorting data to give an idea of whether only highly EGFP/ mCherry expressing cells were selected or whether also the low or mild expressing ones were included in the scRNAseq analysis. Finally, a combination of HCR/FSH and GFP//mCherry immunostaining could be used to assess whether a discrepancy in the protein vs mRNA distribution of the reporters exists. * - The authors could provide the information on the landing site used for the QSTARZ transgene integration. While from their previous publication (Bhatia et al 2021) I assume it is the chr6 landing site, it would be worth having this information in the manuscript, as well as a genotyping validation of the correct integration.*

      We will address these points and provide relevant additional data where needed in the revised version of the manuscript.

      **Referees cross-commenting** * I agree with all the points raised by reviewer 1. Particularly I also find that scATACseq experiments already allow testing, to some extent, enhancer activity at cellular level.*

      • Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):*

      • From the biological point of view the work provides only an incremental advance in our understanding of the functions of the HS5 and NRE PAX6 enhancers and of PAX6 regulation in the retina. In fact, unraveling the precise contribution of these enhancers to Pax6 retinal expression and the trans-regulatory code controlling their activity would require complex genetic experiments and would fall out of the scope of this work, requiring an extensive amount of work which could not be addressed in the short term. Thus, this work should be regarded as a methodological resource, with its main strength consisting of the use scRNAseq to fine-characterize enhancer activity.*

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this work, Uttley et al fine characterize two previously described Pax6 retinal enhancers (NRE and HS5) by combining QSTARZ transgénesis method in zebrafish (allowing to produce site-specific integrations of a dual enhancer reporter cassette), scRNAseq and co-immunostaining with specific markers for different retinal cell populations.

      The work is experimentally very well performed and well presented and only minor considerations are raised below:

      • Authors observe that a large fraction Of FACs sorted cells do not display expression of mCherry or EGFP RNAm in their scRNAseq analysis and attribute this to read dropout in the scRNAseq data and/ or to false-positive FAC cell selection. However, a third possibility exists: n fact due to the high stability of the EGFP and mCherry reporters cells or their progeny could maintain relatively high levels of these reporters even after transcriptional downregulation. Accordingly, the two reporters are strongly expressed in retinal precursor at early stages (24hpf). Thus, in my opinion, it is possible that some cells expressing these reporters retained significant EGFP/mCherry protein levels at 48hpf. Could the authors comment on this? Besides, authors could provide the FACsorting data to give an idea of whether only highly EGFP/ mCherry expressing cells were selected or whether also the low or mild expressing ones were included in the scRNAseq analysis. Finally, a combination of HCR/FSH and GFP//mCherry immunostaining could be used to assess whether a discrepancy in the protein vs mRNA distribution of the reporters exists.
      • The authors could provide the information on the landing site used for the QSTARZ transgene integration. While from their previous publication (Bhatia et al 2021) I assume it is the chr6 landing site, it would be worth having this information in the manuscript, as well as a genotyping validation of the correct integration.

      Referees cross-commenting I agree with all the points raised by reviewer 1. Particularly I also find that scATACseq experiments already allow testing, to some extent, enhancer activity at cellular level.


      From the biological point of view the work provides only an incremental advance in our understanding of the functions of the HS5 and NRE PAX6 enhancers and of PAX6 regulation in the retina. In fact, unraveling the precise contribution of these enhancers to Pax6 retinal expression and the trans-regulatory code controlling their activity would require complex genetic experiments and would fall out of the scope of this work, requiring an extensive amount of work which could not be addressed in the short term. Thus, this work should be regarded as a methodological resource, with its main strength consisting of the use scRNAseq to fine-characterize enhancer activity.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In the article entitled "Unique functions of two overlapping PAX6 retinal enhancers", Uttley and coworkers characterize in detail the activity of two conserved human enhancers (i.e. NRE and HS5) previously reported to drive Pax6 expression to the neural retina. By integrating these enhancers in a PhiC31 landing site using a dual enhancer-reporter cassette, they generated a zebrafish stable line in which their activity can be followed by the expression of GFP (NRE) and mCherry (HS5). The authors show that although the enhancers have a partially overlapping activity at early stages (24hpf), later on (48 and 72hpf) they activity domains segregate: to stem cells and differentiated amacrine cells for NRE, and to proliferating progenitors and differentiated Müller glia cells for HS5. To this end they used two different approaches: a scRNA-seq analysis of sorted cells from the transgenic line and a immunofluorescent analysis employing cell specific markers. The authors conclude that their analysis allowed the identification of unique cell type-specific functions.

      Major comments:

      In general terms, the article is technically sound (please, see section B for an assessment of the significance of the findings). The methodology used and the data analysis are accurate. The work is well presented, the figures are clear, and the previous literature properly cited. My main concerns are the following:

      1. A general concern on the main conclusion of the work "the identification of unique cell type-specific functions for these enhancers". This is in my opinion only partially addressed by the study, as the conclusions are limited due to the absence of genetic experiments: such as deleting the enhancers in their native genomic context (either in human organoids or the homologous sequence in animal models), or at least assessing the effect of mutating their sequence in transgenesis assays in zebrafish. I understand that these functional assays may be out of the scope of the current work, but then the text should be toned down (the word "function" is extensively used) to make clear that the authors mean just expression. I would suggest substituting the word by "activity" in many instances. The absence of further genetic experiments also limits the significance of the study (see section B).
      2. Whereas the work in general is technically correct (particularly transgenic lines and scRNA-seq data are well described and presented), the co-expression analyses using cell-specific markers (figure 5) need to be improved. There are several issues here. First, the magnification shown is too low to appreciate the colocalization details in the figure. The panels should be replaced by others with higher magnification/resolution (see also minor comment on color-blind compatible images) In addition, the selection of the markers is suboptimal. Although PCNA is a good general marker of the entire CMZ, it would be advisable to repeat the experiments using more specific markers of the stem cell niche (e.g. rx1, vsx2; Raymond et al 2006; BMC dev Biol) to better define the enhancers expression domain. In addition, HuC/D labels both RGCs and amacrines, and the colocalization could also be refined using amacrine specific markers (e.g. ptf1a : Jusuf & Harris 2009, Neural Dev).

      Minor comments:

      1. The work includes several figures (1, 2, 5, 6 and S1) showing colocalization experiments in which channels are shown in red and green. I would advise replacing the red channel with magenta (or the green with cyan) in order to make the figures accessible to readers with color-blindness. This also applies to the schematic representations in figure 6.
      2. It is unclear in the text/images whether the expression driven by the HS5 enhancer is exclusively restricted to temporal retina throughout development (By the way, this differential nasal vs temporal expression should also be included in the final scheme in Figure 6). Does this mean that the expression of Pax6 in proliferating progenitors and Müller glia cells in the nasal retina is not controlled by this enhancer? To which extent is Pax6 needed to maintain the identity of these cell types?
      3. The following sentence in the Discussion "To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first report where the activities of developmental enhancers have been mapped in vivo at single-cell resolution to reveal distinct patterns of activity" should be removed/rephrased. I would argue that the activity of cis-regulatory regions associated to any developmental gene are genome-wide mapped at single cell resolution in each scATACseq experiment.
      4. In the methods section:
        • (a) FACS experiments: Please provide a supplementary Figure to graphically account for all gating/sorting strategies.
        • (b) ScRNA-seq analysis: Please provide the values of mean reads per cell and median genes per cell as obtained from Cell Ranger. This would be informative for others performing similar experiments

      Referees cross-commenting I agree with the comments by reviewer #2 on the FACsorting experiments, the description of the landing sites, and the limited significance of the results.


      As described in the previous section, the technical quality of this work is high in general terms. The experiments presented are clear and the conclusions straightforward. In that sense, the study will be a useful reference for those interested in the regulatory logic of Pax6 during eye development, including mainly developmental biologists and human geneticists. This may be particularly the case if new variants can be associated with these enhancers in microphthalmic patients.

      The significance and novelty of the findings is however limited by several factors:

      • a) First, although the level of detail described in this article was not achieved previously, the human enhancers NRE and HS5 (or their conserved homologous in other vertebrates) were previously reported to drive Pax6 expression to the neural retina in transgenesis assays.(Kammandel et al 1999; Marquardt et al 2001; McBride et al 2011; Ravi et al 2013; Kim et al 2017).
      • b) As mentioned in the previous section, the transgenesis assays are not complemented with genetic experiments. The function of the enhancers on retina differentiation and cell fate determination could have been investigated either by deleting them (or their homologous in different species) in their native context, or by exploring their regulatory grammar introducing point mutations or micro-deletions in transgenesis assays.
      • c) For reasons not explained in the text, the analysis focuses only in two of the many cis-regulatory regions controlling Pax6 expression in the retina (Lima Cunha et al 2019, Genes). In the absence of a more comprehensive analysis is difficult assessing the relevance of the findings here described.
      • d) Finally, from a very general methodological point of view, the approach of using scRNA-seq to investigate enhance activity at a single-cell level is valid and original. However, it is unclear to which extent will be a useful method for many studies, particularly if the activity of endogenous elements is being assessed. In such cases, available scATAC-seq data will provide genome-wide information on the activity of any cis-regulatory element with cell resolution with no need for transgenesis assays and sorting experiments.
    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Response to Reviewers' Comments on Fumagalli et al. "Nirmatrelvir treatment blunts the development of antiviral adaptive immune responses in SARS-CoV-2 infected mice" (Preprint RC-2022-01777).

      We wish to thank the reviewers for the scholarly review of our work and the very helpful comments. Based on their constructive suggestions, we have generated substantial new experimental data that, in our opinion, positively address all the major and minor concerns raised. In particular, we have confirmed the negative impact of nirmatrelvir treatment on adaptive immune responses in setting of robust SARS-CoV-2 replication (Delta infection in K18-hACE2 transgenic mice and mouse-adapted SARS-CoV-2 infection of wild-type mice).

      One main and one supplemental figure have been added in response to the reviewers' comments. One additional figure – termed Reviewer Figure 1 – has been included in this letter for the reviewers' benefit; while addressing specific comments, we believe that the data depicted in this latter figure remain tangential to the main message of our work and, as such, it should not be incorporated in the final version. To aid the reviewers in the re-evaluation of this study, all relevant passages in the revised text have been written in red. A summary of the changes made to the figures and tables is provided as an appendix at the end of this letter.

      Reviewers' comments:

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this study, Fumagalli et. al evaluated the impact of Nirmatrelvir drug treatment on the development of SARS-CoV-2-specific adaptive immune responses in a mice model. Nirmatrelvir is one of the component of Paxlovid drug that has been shown to reduce the risk of progression to severe COVID-19 and long COVID. Herein, authors show that nirmatrelvir administration early after infection blunts the development of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody and T cell responses. Upon secondary challenge, nirmatrelvir-treated mice developed fewer memory T and B cells to the infected lungs and to mediastinal lymph nodes, respectively. Overall, the experimental methods, figures, results, statistical analysis and findings of this study are interesting and convincing.

      We wish to thank the reviewer for the overall positive assessment of our work.

      CROSS-CONSULATION COMMENTS I agree with the Reviewer 2 comments.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): It was known that nirmatrelvir reduces the risk of severe covid and long covid but, whether its treatment has any impact on adaptive immune response was not known/evaluated. This study has importantly addressed that impact of nirmatrelvir treatment can impair both T and B cell adaptive immune responses. It would have been impactful to understand the mechanism of T and B cell immune response impairment following nirmatrelvir treatment in mice which they have already mentioned a limitation of the study.

      We agree with this reviewer that the mechanism of T and B cell impairment following nirmatrelvir treatment should be addressed in future studies.

      Moreover this study provides important implications for clinical management of COVID patients and to revise the treatment strategies to avoid virological and/or symptomatic relapse after Paxlovid/nirmatrelvir treatment completion that have been reported in some individuals.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting the impact of our results.

      I am not a mice model expert. Not sure whether the viral dose given to mice in this study was optimal to study the impact of the said drug.

      Depending on the virus used, we infected mice with 105-106 TCID50. This is in line with most studies of SARS-CoV-2 infection in mice. It is difficult to know what the average infectious dose in humans is, but the human challenge trial in young adults shows that exposure of individuals to as low as 10 TCID50 of SARS-CoV-2 led to detectable viral RNA in the upper airways (Killingley et al, 2022).

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      In this manuscript, the authors show that Paxlovid, a commonly used antiviral for SARS-CoV-2 infections, blunts the adaptive immune response to the virus. Indeed, they show convincing effects on T cell and B cell responses in the K18-hACE2 mouse model infected with Omicron variant. The effect is observed when drug treatment was started at 4, 24, or 48 h post infection. Experiments are well done and the data are presented clearly.

      We thank the reviewer for the overall positive assessment of our work.

      However, the early timing of drug administration resulted in minimal virus replication, thus likely limiting innate immune activation and antigenic exposure. Indeed, the authors show that the drug did not decrease adaptive responses to other viral infections, indicating that the effect on adaptive immunity in SARS-CoV-2 infection can be explained by decreased viral antigen production. Whether this is the mechanism by which relapse infections occur in humans after Paxlovid treatment is unclear.

      Major comments:

      The authors should discuss whether the timing of drug administration in their experiments is relevant to the timing of when Paxlovid is commonly started in humans. Does Paxlovid limit the adaptive immune response when given later in infection?

      We thank the reviewer for raising this valid comment. First, we would like to point out that the kinetics of viral replication upon SARS-CoV-2 exposure differ between mice and humans. When mice are exposed to a high-dose (105 TCID50) aerosolized SARS-CoV-2, they show peak viral replication in the airways at day 3 post exposure and viral RNA is undetectable in the upper and lower airways after day 7 (Reviewer Figure 1A and (Fumagalli et al, 2021)). It is difficult to extract precise data in humans, but the human challenge trial in young adults shows that exposure of individuals to an extremely low dose (10 TCID50!) of SARS-CoV-2 led to the detection of viral RNA in the upper airways for longer than 14 days (Reviewer Figure 1B and (Killingley et al, 2022)). Therefore, it is very difficult to estimate what would possibly mimic what is occurring in treated COVID-19 patients, especially in line of the current COVID-19 guidelines for ritonavir-boosted nirmatrelvir that suggests to initiate treatment as soon as possible and within 5 days of symptoms (https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/therapies/antiviral-therapy/ritonavir-boosted-nirmatrelvir--paxlovid-/). The choice to start treatment 4 hours after infection was motivated by the original paper that reported in vivo antiviral activity of nirmatrelvir against SARS-CoV-2 (Owen et al, 2021). That said, we performed additional experiments whereby we treated mice with nirmatrelvir 24 or 48 hours after infection (at or near the peak of viral replication). As shown in the new Figure 3, such treatment also resulted in blunted adaptive immune responses.

      Reviewer Figure 1. (A) K18-hACE2 mice were exposed to a target dose of 2 x 105 TCID50 of aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 (D614G). Quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the lung after infection. RNA values are expressed as copy numbers per ng of total RNA and the limit of detection is indicated as a dotted line. (B) Healthy adult volunteers were challenged intranasally with SARS-CoV-2. In the infected individuals (n = 18 biologically independent participants). Viral load in twice-daily nose and throat swab samples was measured by qPCR (blue) and focus-forming assay (red) (a). Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. Adapted from ref. (Killingley et al, 2022).

      Omicron variant has limited replication in the K18 mouse model and does not cause disease. Thus, the authors are starting from a model with artificially limited viral antigen production. Does Paxlovid limit the adaptive immune response when given during an infection with a variant strain that replicates robustly in the K18 mice?

      We thank the reviewer for raising this issue. In the revised manuscript we have now performed experiments where we infected K18-hACE2 transgenic mice with the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant, known to replicate at higher level compared to the Omicron variants (Shuai et al, 2022). Additionally, we have infected WT mice with a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV-2 (rSARS2-N501YMA30)(Wong et al, 2022) that replicates robustly and induces significant disease. These new results, now shown in the new Figure 3 and new Figure S4, confirm that nirmatrelvir treatment blunts the development of antiviral adaptive immune responses regardless of the variants/strain used for infection.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Significance: Nirmatrelvir/Paxlovid is used clinically for treatment of COVID-19. Relapse infections have been reported after courses of the drug. The authors show here that Paxlovid treatment during a mouse model of SARS-CoV-2 infection results in diminished induction of adaptive immunity and immune memory. This is most probably due to decreased production of viral antigenic stimuli due to inhibition of virus replication. The concept that less viral antigen will result in less induction of immunity is not surprising. Further, whether the phenomenon observed here in a mouse model with poor susceptibility to the chosen virus strain is related to relapse infections in humans was not established. Nonetheless, the audience for this work is broad and this work could be of interest due to the common use of Paxlovid and the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 infections across the world.

      Although we did not investigate the mechanism underlying the reported observation in depth, we agree with this reviewer that the most likely explanation for the reduced adaptive immune responses is decreased production of viral antigens. In this regard, it is probably not terribly surprising. However, it is worth noting that successful antimicrobial treatment does not inevitably result in reduced adaptive immune responses to any pathogen. For instance, treatment of mice infected with Listeria monocytogenes with amoxicillin early after infection did not significantly impair the development of T cell responses (Corbin & Harty, 2004; Mercado et al, 2000). Furthermore, treatment with antibiotics before L. monocytogenes infection allowed the development of functional antigen-specific memory CD8+ T cells in the absence of contraction (Badovinac et al, 2004). An additional, and possibly more relevant, example was published during the revision process: monoclonal antibody therapy with bamlanivimab during acute COVID-19 did not impact the development of a robust antiviral T cell response (Ramirez et al, 2022).

      As per the comment related the poor susceptibility of the mouse model to the Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2, we believe that the new data obtained with the Delta variant and with the mouse-adapted SARS-CoV-2 (new Figure 3 and S4) convincingly show that nirmatrelvir treatment blunts antiviral adaptive immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 in mice.

      List of modifications

      New figures:

      • Figure 3: new data as per reviewer’s suggestion.
      • Figure S4: new data as per reviewer’s suggestion.


      Badovinac VP, Porter BB & Harty JT (2004) CD8+ T cell contraction is controlled by early inflammation. Nat Immunol 5: 809–817

      Corbin GA & Harty JT (2004) Duration of Infection and Antigen Display Have Minimal Influence on the Kinetics of the CD4+ T Cell Response to Listeria monocytogenes Infection. J Immunol 173: 5679–5687

      Fumagalli V, Ravà M, Marotta D, Lucia PD, Laura C, Sala E, Grillo M, Bono E, Giustini L, Perucchini C, et al (2021) Administration of aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 to K18-hACE2 mice uncouples respiratory infection from fatal neuroinvasion. Sci Immunol 7: eabl9929

      Killingley B, Mann AJ, Kalinova M, Boyers A, Goonawardane N, Zhou J, Lindsell K, Hare SS, Brown J, Frise R, et al (2022) Safety, tolerability and viral kinetics during SARS-CoV-2 human challenge in young adults. Nat Med 28: 1031–1041

      Mercado R, Vijh S, Allen SE, Kerksiek K, Pilip IM & Pamer EG (2000) Early Programming of T Cell Populations Responding to Bacterial Infection. J Immunol 165: 6833–6839

      Owen DR, Allerton CMN, Anderson AS, Aschenbrenner L, Avery M, Berritt S, Boras B, Cardin RD, Carlo A, Coffman KJ, et al (2021) An oral SARS-CoV-2 Mpro inhibitor clinical candidate for the treatment of COVID-19. Science 374: 1586–1593

      Ramirez SI, Grifoni A, Weiskopf D, Parikh UM, Heaps A, Faraji F, Sieg SF, Ritz J, Moser C, Eron JJ, et al (2022) Bamlanivimab therapy for acute COVID-19 does not blunt SARS-CoV-2-specific memory T cell responses. Jci Insight 7

      Shuai H, Chan JF-W, Hu B, Chai Y, Yuen TT-T, Yin F, Huang X, Yoon C, Hu J-C, Liu H, et al (2022) Attenuated replication and pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.529 Omicron. Nature 603: 693–699

      Wong L-YR, Zheng J, Wilhelmsen K, Li K, Ortiz ME, Schnicker NJ, Thurman A, Pezzulo AA, Szachowicz PJ, Li P, et al (2022) Eicosanoid signaling blockade protects middle-aged mice from severe COVID-19. Nature: 1–9

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, the authors show that Paxlovid, a commonly used antiviral for SARS-CoV-2 infections, blunts the adaptive immune response to the virus. Indeed, they show convincing effects on T cell and B cell responses in the K18-hACE2 mouse model infected with Omicron variant. The effect is observed when drug treatment was started at 4, 24, or 48 h post infection. Experiments are well done and the data are presented clearly. However, the early timing of drug administration resulted in minimal virus replication, thus likely limiting innate immune activation and antigenic exposure. Indeed, the authors show that the drug did not decrease adaptive responses to other viral infections, indicating that the effect on adaptive immunity in SARS-CoV-2 infection can be explained by decreased viral antigen production. Whether this is the mechanism by which relapse infections occur in humans after Paxlovid treatment is unclear.

      Major comments:

      The authors should discuss whether the timing of drug administration in their experiments is relevant to the timing of when Paxlovid is commonly started in humans.

      Does Paxlovid limit the adaptive immune response when given later in infection?

      Omicron variant has limited replication in the K18 mouse model and does not cause disease. Thus, the authors are starting from a model with artificially limited viral antigen production. Does Paxlovid limit the adaptive immune response when given during an infection with a variant strain that replicates robustly in the K18 mice?


      Nirmatrelvir/Paxlovid is used clinically for treatment of COVID-19. Relapse infections have been reported after courses of the drug. The authors show here that Paxlovid treatment during a mouse model of SARS-CoV-2 infection results in diminished induction of adaptive immunity and immune memory. This is most probably due to decreased production of viral antigenic stimuli due to inhibition of virus replication. The concept that less viral antigen will result in less induction of immunity is not surprising. Further, whether the phenomenon observed here in a mouse model with poor susceptibility to the chosen virus strain is related to relapse infections in humans was not established. Nonetheless, the audience for this work is broad and this work could be of interest due to the common use of Paxlovid and the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 infections across the world.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, Fumagalli et. al evaluated the impact of Nirmatrelvir drug treatment on the development of SARS-CoV-2-specific adaptive immune responses in a mice model. Nirmatrelvir is one of the component of Paxlovid drug that has been shown to reduce the risk of progression to severe COVID-19 and long COVID. Herein, authors show that nirmatrelvir administration early after infection blunts the development of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody and T cell responses. Upon secondary challenge, nirmatrelvir-treated mice developed fewer memory T and B cells to the infected lungs and to mediastinal lymph nodes, respectively. Overall, the experimental methods, figures, results, statistical analysis and findings of this study are interesting and convincing.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with the Reviewer 2 comments.


      It was known that nirmatrelvir reduces the risk of severe covid and long covid but, whether its treatment has any impact on adaptive immune response was not known/evaluated. This study has importantly addressed that impact of nirmatrelvir treatment can impair both T and B cell adaptive immune responses. It would have been impactful to understand the mechanism of T and B cell immune response impairment following nirmatrelvir treatment in mice which they have already mentioned a limitation of the study.

      Moreover this study provides important implications for clinical management of COVID patients and to revise the treatment strategies to avoid virological and/or symptomatic relapse after Paxlovid/nirmatrelvir treatment completion that have been reported in some individuals.

      I am not a mice model expert. Not sure whether the viral dose given to mice in this study was optimal to study the impact of the said drug.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements We thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments and suggestions, which have improved the manuscript. We are particularly gratified by their positive comments about the significance of the findings. Our point-by-point responses to the reviewer comments and suggestions are summarized below. Line numbers have been added to the revised manuscript to make it easier to locate the changes.

      Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1__ __

      *1) In the study there is a lack of consideration of other targets. In and of itself this is not a problem, but once the author's identified the T130A mutation as being a key for protection it would have been good to Sanger sequence the other T. gondii myosins - a quick alignment of the TgMyo's A, C, H (class XIV), along with D and E suggests that the motif is highly conserved. This raises the currently unexplored (and exciting!) prospect of a pan-myosin inhibitor, and that there might have been mutations at an equivalent position in the other four KNX002 resistant clones - for example, MyoC has been proposed to provide some level of functional redundancy in the absence of MyoA. *

      Because the goal of this work was to evaluate the druggability of TgMyoA, we specifically designed our experiments to identify resistance-conferring mutations in TgMyoA or its light chains, as described on lines 366-372. This strategy yielded the TgMyoA T130A mutation, which enabled us to rigorously determine that inhibiting TgMyoA, and TgMyoA only, was sufficient to slow the progression of disease in vivo. Because we took this targeted approach, our results did not address: (a) the basis of resistance in the 4 resistant clones that did not contain a mutation in TgMyoA or its light chains and (b) whether KNX-002 inhibits any of the other ten parasite myosins.

      The most informative way to address (a) would be to do whole genome sequencing on each of the mutants, since resistance might have nothing to do with the other parasite myosins or their light chains. Any potential resistance-conferring mutations identified would need to be regenerated in a non-mutagenized background and functionally characterized, as we have done here for the T130A mutation, to be certain that this particular mutation was responsible for resistance. The most direct way to address (b) would be to individually express each of the other ten parasite myosins together with its specific associated light chains and the myosin co-chaperone protein TgUNC, purify the motor and determine the effect of the compound on motor activity (as we have done for TgMyoA; Fig. 1). These are both major undertakings that are beyond the goals and scope of the current manuscript. Critically, the absence of such data does not impact the conclusions of our phenotypic studies, which used the CRISPR-engineered T130A parasite line.

      We nevertheless agree with the reviewer that these are both interesting questions that should be studied further, and we now discuss them on lines 416-422 and 451-453.

      2) The fact that T130 is not thought to be the binding site of KNX002 is only introduced quite late on - this also relates to the next point - is the binding pocket conserved??? It is intriguing that the residue and proximal amino acid environment are highly conserved with vertebrates, but that KNX002 does not have an effect on their activity in their screen assay. It would be useful to know if the differences in the structures of the myosins can provide an explanation for this - along the same lines, given that the crystal structure of TgMyoA is available (PMID: 30348763), it would be useful for the authors to provide a molecular model for the binding of the inhibitor to the proposed point of engagement.

      These are excellent questions that we unfortunately cannot yet answer. Docking simulations of KNX-002 to the published structure of TgMyoA in its pre-powerstroke state have thus far not yielded any promising results. The site of KNX-002 binding to P. falciparum MyoA was determined by X-ray crystallography (ref. 54); however, the PfMyoA in that study was in the post-rigor state and the coordinates of the co-crystal structure have not yet been made available in the PDB database for homology modeling.

      The lack of effect of KNX-002 on the vertebrate muscle myosins may not be surprising. Although the 3D structures of myosins are rather conserved, their primary structures are quite different, which likely contributes to the different effects of KNX-002 on the different myosins. TgMyoA and PfMyoA are more similar to each other than they are to the vertebrate muscle myosins, which may enable the specific targeting of MyoA in apicomplexan parasites (lines 308-310).

      *If this is an allosteric site it is possible that the mutation functions indirectly upon binding of KNX002 to the orthosteric site, but this would be useful to help the reader to understand this (and there are bioinformatic prediction tools that will score allostery - which would be interesting to include). This is explained somewhat in the discussion - but this should be introduced much earlier to clarify. What is known about allosteric regulation of Myo function? Is this a known site of regulation? *

      Allosteric modulation of human cardiac myosin by small molecules such as omecamtiv is well established, and allosteric effects of the T130A mutation are certainly a possibility. As molecular motors, myosins depend on a complex and highly interconnected network of allosteric interactions to perform their function (for example, see ref. 59). This complexity, combined with the fact that the data on the PfMyoA-KNX-002 structure have not yet been released, makes it very difficult to generate any sort of model that would support meaningful conclusions. A statement to this effect has been added to the Discussion (line 375-382), and the likelihood that T130 is not part of the actual binding site for the compound is now mentioned at the very beginning of the paragraph that discusses the potential mechanism of action of the T130A mutation (lines 375-376).

      *3) Introduction: 'Nearly one third of the world's population is infected with the apicomplexan parasite' - given that these data are extrapolated from serology, this should be reworded - it's fairer to say that they 'are or have been infected...' *

      Done – line 65.

      *4) Page 4: figure 1A - can you provide some explanation for incomplete inhibition in the screen - there seems to be a residual amount (15-20%) of activity that is not inhibited. *

      The compound inhibits 80-90% of the motor’s activity at 40uM. We did not test higher concentrations in the ATPase assay; presumably we would see incrementally more inhibition as we increase compound concentration further, but the concentrations used enabled us to construct a reproducible IC50 curve without adding potentially confounding amounts of DMSO (carrier) to the assay.

      *5) The authors demonstrate a general effect on growth over 7 days. It would be good to use a replication assay (e.g. parasites/vacuole over a single lytic cycle) to confirm that KNX002 does not affect cellular division. This would further strengthen the argument that the phenotypic effect is primarily via impacts on motility. *

      A figure showing the lack of effect of KNX-002 on replication has now been added (new Supplemental Figure 2) and a paragraph describing these data and their implications added to the Results section (lines 137-143).

      *6) Page 5: 'selected for parasites resistant to KNX-002 by growth in 40 μM KNX-002.' - could the authors add text to explain why that concentration was chosen. *

      40 μM is close to the compound’s IC90 of 37.6 μM and, although we tried a number of different compound concentrations and selection schemes, 40 μM yielded parasites with the greatest shift in IC50. We now include this rationale on lines 606-607, as well as a new figure showing the shift in IC50 curves for all 5 resistant lines (Suppl. Figure 8).

      *7) Page 6: 'suggesting that the effects of the T130A mutation on motor function are due to more subtle structural changes' - it's fair to say that there are not gross structural changes based on the data presented, but that does not mean it is therefore a 'more subtle structural change' - surely the mutation could prevent KNX002 binding without effecting TgMyoA structure? *

      Based on the residues within P. falciparum MyoA that participate in binding to KNX-002 (ref. 54), it is unlikely that T130 of TgMyoA participates directly in compound binding. Mutation of T130 to alanine therefore seems most likely to impact compound binding through a change in protein structure, discussed more fully now on lines 375-382.

      *8) Page 6: 'the proportion of filaments moving' - in the figure it's referred to as the 'fraction of filaments', which makes more sense for the data presented. Please correct to 'fraction' throughout the manuscript (discussion, page 9 - possibly other instances!). Along the same lines, in figure 6 it would be good to change the y axes on the '% moving' to be 'fraction moving' and change the numbers - this would make it easier for the reader to understand the index values presented in the lower panels - if you do the calculation with the % values presented the numbers don't make sense (as fractions they do). The axes for motility also go up to 125% - please correct - based on the data presented there is no need for this to be above 100% (or 1 - see above). *

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion; “percent moving” and “proportion moving” have been changed throughout the manuscript and figures to “fraction moving”. The y-axis labels on the motility and IC50 curves have also been modified as suggested.

      *9) Page 7: 'tested whether KNX-002 (20mg/kg, administered intraperitoneally on the day of infection and two days later' - please provide some rationale for the concentration used. *

      A preliminary dose tolerance study was conducted prior to the infection experiments, with doses ranging from 5-20 mg/kg. The study showed that two doses of 20 mg/kg, administered two days apart, resulted in minor hepatoxicity without signs of pain or distress. 20mg/kg was therefore considered the maximal tolerated dose. This rationale is now included on lines 715-721.

      *10) Page 10: 'the T130A mutation is likely to have long range structural impact that could alter the KNX-002 binding pocket' - this is particularly interesting, and should be addressed with a model - do the authors think that the T130 region be a conserved site of allosteric regulation? This would be good to expand upon in the discussion - mutation of an allosteric site as a mechanism of resistance is unusual, and typically described as being unlikely - and used as justification for the targeted drugging of allosteric sites. *

      See response to comment #2 above and the new text on lines 375-382.

      Reviewer #2

      *1) Considering (i) the moderate effect of KNX-002 on the acute infection process in CBA mice that received tachyzoites intraperitoneally, (ii) the fact that the drug application cannot be envisaged outside of the context of reactivation of cystogenic strains (in particular with respect to cerebral toxoplasmosis as emphasized in the introductive section), which implies the drug would have to be delivered and active in the brain parenchyma, a condition not analyzed here, it would be appropriate to modify the current title. It would be more relevant to highlight the solid body of data on the identification and functional characterization of the compound and derivatives in vitro and in the host mouse model. Apart from the title, the discussion should also recontextualize the in vivo assays and the information these assays bring on the slight delay of the "mortality" of some but not all mice. *

      We agree that the major clinical application of any new anti-Toxoplasma chemotherapy would be treatment of a reactivated infection, particularly in the brain (although there could also be a role for treatment of pregnant women), and that the data we present with this compound do not speak directly to clinical efficacy in this context. That said, reactivation leads to an active infection whose pathogenesis requires TgMyoA-dependent motility, invasion and egress, like the active infections analyzed here. The KNX-002 scaffold would likely need to be modified to enable it to cross the blood-brain barrier and access parasites in the brain, but that would be a normal step in any campaign to develop new drugs for toxoplasmosis (which is well beyond the scope of this study; see response to comment #11).

      Given these considerations, we gave much thought to how to accurately describe the results from the animal experiments – and we therefore appreciate the reviewer’s comment. For the title, we arrived the word “druggable”, because it has the very specific meaning described on lines 100-101: a protein whose activity is amenable to inhibition by small molecules. In our experiments with mice infected with wild-type parasites, nine of the ten compound-treated animals survived longer than the untreated controls, and 40% of the treated mice were still alive at the end of the experiment. Nevertheless, we stayed away from terms like “therapeutic” or “treatment”, for exactly the reasons the reviewer raises. We believe that the current title is an accurate summary of what we found, since we have indeed shown that MyoA is amenable to inhibition by a small molecule in a well-established animal model of infection (CBA mice infected intraperitoneally). Showing for the first time that the MyoA is druggable, in vivo, provides the rationale for identifying more potent compounds that can access the brain and serve as bona fide leads for drug development.

      To the reviewer’s point, we also reviewed all sections of the text where we described the animal experiments, and in the revised manuscript we replaced all instances in the text of “ameliorate disease”, “prevent disease” and “decrease the susceptibility of mice to a lethal infection” with the more circumspect phrases “alter disease progression” or “slow disease progression” (lines 46, 56, 110, 297, 315, Figure 9 legend). We also changed the title of the Results section describing these data from “KNX-002 treatment decreases the susceptibility of mice to lethal infection with T. gondii” to “KNX-002 treatment slows disease progression in mice infected with a lethal dose of T. gondii” (line 284).

      *2) Motility analysis: This comment concerns the Figure 7. It seems to the reviewers that the major hypothesis to test in data presented in panel B is that the wild type and the T130A mutant tachyzoite respond differently under similar drug conditions rather than the two populations without drug. These statistics could be added easily, hence it would validate that the proportion of motile mutant parasites is not affected by the drug when compared to vehicle. *

      These statistical comparisons have now been added to revised figure 7, as suggested. Since this comparison was between different parasite lines, it required the use of unpaired t-tests (vs. the paired t-tests used for different compound treatments of the same parasite line). We have therefore revised all 3D motility figures (Figures 4 and 7, Suppl. Figures 7 and 12) and their legends to clearly indicate which samples are being compared to which and whether paired or unpaired statistical tests are being used.

      However, the statistics shown panel C rather suggest that the drug does impact on the speed of the moving parasites, including when these carry the "resistance" T130 A mutation. It is not clear what we can gain in terms of messages with the motility index except to "slightly reverse" the analysis on panel B and to favor a no-effect of KNX-002 on the mutant parasite motile skills, on which the author might give more explanation. When comparing these quantitative tests with the panel presented above (panel A) it seems that the mutant parasite is still impacted by the MyoA inhibitor. Although there is no doubt for the reviewers that the T130A mutant emerging from the selected T. gondii resistant clones is a valuable probe for assessing drug selectivity: indeed the assays validate KNX-002 as a direct TgMyoA ATPase inhibitor, it might be good to rephrase some sentences and to have a harmonized definition of the parasite motility index throughout the text (Figure 7 legend, result and discussion sections).

      The reviewer is correct that there is a decrease in the speed of compound-treated T130A parasites, as the p-values on Figure 7C indicate. This is why we state in the text that “the mutant parasites retain some sensitivity to the compound” (line 263). We were careful throughout the manuscript to refer to the resistance provided by the mutation as “partial”, or to describe it as a “reduced sensitivity”. Partial resistance is still sufficient to establish compound specificity, as noted by the reviewer in this comment.

      We present the motility index not to try to “reverse” the effect of the compound on the mutant’s speed, but because the compound has two simultaneous effects on motility -- a decrease in the fraction moving and a decrease in speed of those that do move. Combining these two effects into one value (while still showing each component individually, as we have) enables comparison to the analogous actin filament motility index from the in vitro motility assays, and provides a more complete picture of the impact of compound treatment on parasite motility. This is a similar approach to that used in studies of e.g., phagocytosis, where the widely reported “phagocytic index” corresponds to the fraction of cells that have internalized at least one particle multiplied by the average number of beads internalized. The motility index of the mutant parasites is significantly less impacted by KNX-002 than the motility index of wild-type parasites (Figure 7D).

      We have further clarified the definition and rationale for using the parasite motility index throughout, as suggested (lines 233-235, 264-267, 345-348).

      *This reviewer's concern was accentuated by the comparison between the actin filament sliding index and the parasite motility index which appears as such far stretch; Aside from the "far stretched claims" easy to re-address in a revised version, the readers have appreciated the writing quality and most figure illustration. The discussion nicely synthetizes the whole dataset, including those related to the 4 T. gondii clones that resisted to KNX-002 but not through mutations targeting any of the myosinA chains. *

      We have added additional text to the discussion listing possible reasons for the differential effects of the mutation on the filament and parasite motility indices (lines 403-406).

      4) Ab*stract: the concept of "ameliorate disease" in this framework is odd and the objective of the work can be rephrased in a simple way (see below) *

      See response to Comment #1; “ameliorate” has been replaced with “alter disease progression” (line 46).

      *5) Introduction section: we think that the references on the impairment of invasiveness for the KoMyoA should be included (Bichet et al., BMC Biology 2016) as it has provided proof of an alternative and suboptimal mode of entry in many different cell types, thereby arguing that in absence of MyoA function, parasite invasiveness is not fully abolished and this without considering any MyoC-driven MyoA compensation. *

      We thank the reviewer for catching this oversight; the Bichet citation has been added (line 93).

      6) Introduction, third paragraph: in the sentence "Because the parasite can compensate for the loss or reduced expression of proteins important to its life cycle [29-31], small-molecule inhibitors of TgMyoA would serve as valuable complementary tools for determining how different aspects of motor function contribute to parasite motility and the role played by TgMyoA in parasite dissemination and virulence ». We definitively agree with this view but saying that, we think it would be worth evaluating (or simply discussing) the potency of the KNX-002 against MyoC, which compensatory contribution has been debated and remains questionable (at least to the reviewers) with respect to cell invasiveness restoration (related to the comment above).

      We have included a discussion of a potential compensatory role for MyoC and the value of determining in future studies whether KNX-002 (or its more potent downstream analogs) inhibit any of the other parasite myosins (lines 419-423). Whether or not MyoC can functionally compensate for a lack of MyoA – we agree this is a controversial question – it is important to note (as we do on line 440-442) that “T. gondii engineered to express low levels of TgMyoA … are completely avirulent [28], arguing that sufficiently strong inhibition of TgMyoA is likely, on its own, to be therapeutically useful”.

      *7) If we are correct, the screen and the characterization study have been performed with two different products (CK2140597 and KNX-002 the compound library and the re-synthetized one, respectively). Could we make sure that the two have the same potency? *

      The source of compound used in each of the assays is now explicitly described on lines 481-490). Commercially obtained compound yielded an IC50 in growth assays of 16.2 and 14.9 μM (Figures 2 and 5, respectively), and compound synthesized by us yielded an IC50 value of 19.7 μM (Figure 3). The 95% confidence intervals of these three independent IC50 determinations with two different sources of compound overlap (lines 484-486).

      8) We understood how the authors came to the conclusion that the KNX-002 impact on growth of the parasite and they stated "growth in culture" in the subsection title but then refers to parasite growth. Therefore, it looks a bit confusing for the reader since intracellular growth per se is probably not modified but this feature was not looked at it in this study (we would expect no impact based on published data on MyoA- genetically deficient tachyzoites, except if the drug impacts host cell metabolism for instances). Instead, it is the overall expansion of the parasite population that is analyzed here and clearly shown to be impacted. This decrease in population expansion on a cell monolayer likely results from impaired MyoA-dependent egress and invasiveness upon chemical inactivation of MyoA. Accordingly, it appears difficult to understand what is an IC50 for the "overall" growth in the context of this study. The authors should rephrase for better accuracy when necessary, including in the graph Fig2 legend axis.

      While assays that measure parasite expansion in culture are by convention called “growth” assays (e.g., see Gubbels et al, High-Throughput Growth Assay for Toxoplasma gondii Using Yellow Fluorescent Protein AAC 47 (2003) 309, the paper on which our assay was based), we take the reviewer’s point that a reader may incorrectly ascribe the inhibition to some other aspect of the lytic cycle (e.g., intracellular replication), rather than a myosin-dependent motility-based process. We have therefore now: (a) more clearly defined the growth assay as one that measures parasite expansion in culture (lines 132-138); (b) described the myosin-dependent and -independent steps of the lytic cycle (lines 137-140); and (c) added a new figure (new Suppl. Figure 2, lines 140-143) showing that the compound has no effect on intracellular replication.

      *9) The authors should clarify for the reader (i) why they use in some case myofibrils and other muscle F actin when measuring the Myosin ATPase activity, (ii) what does mean XX% calcium activation and (iii) why using 75% in these assays which is 3 times higher from the original assays. (iv) Why they did not include non muscle actins in their study since Myosins also extensively work on non muscle actins. *

      (i) For both striated and smooth muscle myosins, the assays used here are well established and have identified compounds that have translated into animal models of disease. To assay the activity of myosins from striated muscle types, particularly to determine compound selectivity, myofibril assays are preferred as they recapitulate more of the biology as a more "native", membrane-free preparation and respond cooperatively to calcium activation. For cardiac, fast and slow skeletal muscle it is possible to derive high quality myofibril preparations that can be activated by calcium. A reference describing the value of using myofibrils in assays of striated muscle myosin ATPase activity has been added (ref. 71, line 517).

      Smooth muscle, a non-striated tissue, is regulated differently and calcium exerts an effect not through binding to troponin as in the striated muscle but through g-protein signaling, with phosphorylation as an end result, making the contraction slower and also much slower to reverse - in line with the physiological role of the muscle. The only way to reliably reconstitute smooth muscle ATPase activity has been through purification and reconstitution of a more reductionist system. The SMM S1 needs to be crosslinked to the actin to achieve high enough local concentrations to generate robust ATPase activity. A reference describing the use of this assay to identify small molecule inhibitors of SMM is now included (ref. 73, line 522).

      (ii, iii) Striated muscle myofibrils are responsive to calcium, as muscle contraction is mediated in vivo through calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Titrating calcium can activate the myofibril ATPase activity up to the plateau (100%) and provide optimal signal to noise and sensitivity for the particular activity being assayed. For counterscreening to determine selectivity, we adjusted the assay conditions to a high basal ATPase activity (75% calcium) to provide high sensitivity for detecting inhibition. A sentence explaining this rationale has been added on lines 519-520.

      (iv) We used skeletal muscle actin in all of our in vitro assays since we have shown skeletal muscle actin to be a good substrate for TgMyoA (ref 33, cited on line 536) and skeletal muscle actin can be purified in larger quantities than native actin from parasites or functional recombinant protein from insect cells. Others have also shown that the closely related MyoA from P. falciparum moves skeletal muscle actin at the same speeds as recombinant P. falciparum actin (Bookwalter et al [2017] JBC 292:19290).

      *10) The protocol of image analysis of the 3D motility assay was increased to 80 seconds for the test of KNX-002 selectivity using wild type and mutant parasites (Fig 7) when compared to the test of KXN-002 concentration effect on wild type tachyzoites (60 sec in the result section, in Fig 4 legend and in the Methods' section). Is there any specific reason? *

      The data for Figure 4 were captured earlier in the project than those of Figure 7 and Suppl. Figure 7. In the intervening time we upgraded our Nikon Elements software from v.3.20 to v.5.11 (as already described on lines 583 and 588). With the upgrade to v.5.11, we also began using Nikon’s Illumination Sequence (IS) module, a graphical user interface that provides greater time resolution through a more efficient approach to building the z-stacks and saving the data. With the addition of v.5.11 and the IS module we were able to capture twice the number of image volumes in 80 sec than we were in 60 sec using v.3.20, and that became our standard operating procedure. Other than the improved time resolution, the 60s and 80s assays give indistinguishable relative results. We have now clarified in the methods (line 588-589) that we used the IS module to acquire the data in Figure 7 and Suppl. Figure 7.

      *11) In the mouse infection experimental design (Method section), it seems that they were no biological replicates in the case of the drug-treated (parasites + mice) which is not the case for the comparison of virulence between MyoA wild type and T130 mutants. If true, and considering what the authors wish to emphasize as a main message, it is fairly complicated to convincingly conclude about the KNX-002 effectiveness in vivo. Maybe the authors could explain their limitations. *

      Since we did not know how the compound and parasites would interact in mice – and in keeping with animal welfare standards – we decided that rather than doing multiple replicates with smaller numbers of infected mice we would do a single experiment with a large enough number of mice per treatment condition to ensure that if any animals died unexpectedly or had to be euthanized prematurely we would still have sufficient numbers for robust statistical comparison. Single experiments with ten treated and ten untreated mice are a generally accepted approach in early studies of drug effectiveness (e.g., Ferrreira et al Parasite 2002, 9:261; Rutaganira et al, J. Med. Chem. 2017, 60: 9976; Zhang et al IJP Drugs and Drug Resistance 2019, 9:27), and power analysis shows that if mortality is 100% in untreated mice and 50% in treated mice, 10 mice per group will provide an 80% probability of detecting the difference with a p value<br /> *We are also not sure why the compound has been injected only twice, at the time of parasite injection and two days after whereas the mice succumbed after 8 to 9 days even without MyoA inhibitors. Although quite difficult to measure, do the authors have any knowledge (based on the chemistry for example) of the compound stability and lipophilicity in blood and tissues? Because the IC50 on free tachyzoites appears significantly higher (5.3 uM, Fig4) than the in vitro molecular assay, when assessed in motility tests, and is increased for intracellular growth (Fig 8), it is somehow expected that the current compound would not work that great in vivo. Did the author try to provide the inhibitor intravenously every day? *

      IP injection is a standard method of administration for early drug treatment studies, and two considerations contributed to our decision to inject on days 0 and 2 post-infection: (a) the preliminary dose-tolerance studies, which were done with two IP doses of compound two days apart, showed evidence of mild toxicity so we were hesitant to inject more frequently, inject IV, or use more compound/injection; (ii) we expect the compound to work primarily on egressing and extracellular parasites, and since the parasite’s lytic cycle takes approximately 48 hours, this two-day injection schedule was chosen to maximize exposure of the extracellular parasites to freshly injected compound early in establishment of the infection. This rationale has now been added to the Methods section (lines 715-721).

      In terms of the doing systematic studies of dosing, stability, PK/PD, drug partitioning etc., it is important to restate that the primary goal of this work was to test whether inhibiting TgMyoA activity in vivo alters the course of infection. The data reported in the manuscript demonstrated this to be the case. As we state on lines 454-457, “While KNX-002 provided the means to rigorously test the druggability of TgMyoA, it caused weight loss and histological evidence of liver damage in the treated infected mice. Before further animal work, it will therefore be necessary to develop more potent and less toxic analogs that retain specificity for parasite myosin.” Our colleagues at Kainomyx have in fact initiated a drug development campaign based on the KNX-002 scaffold and have already identified a derivative named KNX-115, that is 20-fold more potent against recombinant P. falciparum MyoA (described on lines 356-361). Given Kainomyx’s ongoing efforts we do not believe it makes sense to do any further animal experiments at this time with KNX-002. It will be more informative and ethical to undertake, e.g., dosing, PK and PD studies with the more potent and less toxic derivatives that emerge from the Kainomyx drug development program, once these compounds become publicly available. This does not diminish the importance of the proof-of-principle experiments reported here, which as the reviewer stated, “provide a strong rationale for developing new therapeutic strategies based on targeting MyoA”; rather, it makes it hard to justify doing additional animal studies with a compound that we know will soon be replaced with more potent and less toxic derivatives.

      12) Figure 4: 2D and 3D Motility- the authors should comment on the fact that in 2D conditions with 10 uM of KNX-002, circular trajectories (one complete circle so at least 2 parasite lengths but sometimes more) largely dominate over others, whereas in absence of KNX-002 these circular trajectories are barely detectable and helical trajectories predominate. What could that mean as regard to the MyoA functional contribution to either process?

      This is an interesting question that we cannot currently answer. Perhaps helical 2D gliding requires more myosin-generated force than circular 2D gliding, but this is pure speculation at this point. Whatever the explanation, the observation is striking and we believe should be reported as it shows a clear effect of the compound on motility in the widely-used 2D trail deposition assay.

      *13) Figure 7: Besides the major point raised above for panel C, the information carried by the Figure could be stronger if an additional panel is introduced regarding the interesting assay on the preserved structural stability of the MyoA mutant over the WT MyoA (currently in SupFig7) *

      Former Suppl. Figure 7 (now Suppl. Figure 9) addresses one particular explanation for the differential effects of the mutation in the in vitro motility assay (Figure 6) and the parasite 3D motility assay (Figure 7). The data in Suppl. Figures 14A and 14B address two other possibilities. For consistency with the other figures and clarity of the narrative, we would prefer to leave the data in Suppl. Figure 9 as a supplemental figure.

      14) Material and Methods - Parasite motility assays: remove the duplicated [16] reference.


      *15) The discussion starts with the ongoing debate on mechanisms underlying zoite motility; We found that the work of Pavlou et al. (ACS nano, 2020) should be part of the references listed there, as it brings evidence that a specific traction polar force is required probably in concert with microtubule storage energy at the focal point, a result that questions the prevailing model. *

      This was another oversight; the citation has been added (line 307).

      *16) Concerning the C3-20 and C3-21 compounds, the sentence "they have no effect on the activity of the recombinant TgMyoA (AK and GEW, unpublished data)" in the paragraph starting by "There have been only two previously..." should be refrained unless showing the results. *

      We have removed reference to this unpublished work, as suggested (lines 338-340).

      17) If possible, the authors should expand more on the effect of KNX-002 on Plasmodium falciparum and its homolog PfMyoA.

      We have expanded our discussion of these preprint data from others on lines 356-361.

      Reviewer #3

      *1) The T130A IC50 was done on the mutagenized clone 5. The authors currently don't have data showing IC50 on the independently generated T130A mutant, to see if the IC50s are similar to one another, or if there were additional resistance mutations present in clone 5. *

      Because we did not insert the T130A mutation into a fluorescent parasite background, we cannot directly compare its IC50 in the fluorescence-based growth assay to that of the line generated by chemical mutagenesis. Plaque assays do not require fluorescent parasites but, in our hands, these assays lack the sensitivity to reproducibly detect the expected subtle (50. While we agree that it would be interesting to know if the mutant generated by chemical mutagenesis contains any additional resistance-conferring mutations, not having this information does not alter the conclusion that the T130A mutation alone reduces the sensitivity of the motor to KNX-002 (Figures 6-9). See also response to Reviewer 1, comment 1; a discussion of the value of determining what other resistance mechanisms are available to the parasite for this class of compounds is now included on lines 416-422.

      *2) For 3D motility assays, it is currently unclear from the data and text what the expected maximal inhibition of motility would be; e.g., would parasites depleted of MyoA display 0% motility. Understanding the dynamic range of this assay could help clarify whether this residual 5% motility explains why parasites treated with 20 uM KNX-002 can still form small plaques. This could be achieved by referencing previous work that assesses 3D motility after depletion of a critical motility factor. *

      A small fraction of TgMyoA knockout parasites are still capable of motility in 3D (13% when normalized to wildtype for displacements > 2 μm [ref. 46]), so the dynamic range of the 3D assay for TgMyoA-deficient parasites compared to wild-type parasites is 0.13-1.0. The 13% residual motility of the TgMyoA parasites is now referred to on lines 419-420. Treatment of wild-type parasites with 20μM KNX-002 results in a fractional motility of ~0.24 compared to untreated controls (Figures 4 and 7). This less than complete inhibition compared to the knockout is not surprising, since motor activity is not completely inhibited at 20 μM compound (Figures 1 and 6) and parasite growth as assayed either by the fluorescence-based method (Figure 2A) or plaquing (Figure 8) shows greater inhibition at 40 and 80 μM compound than at 20 μM.

      *3) It would be informative for the authors to discuss the rationale for the selected treatment regime. Since many drug-treatments involve daily dosing, was the two-dose regime based on poor tolerance of the compound in mice or other considerations? *

      See response to reviewer 2, comment 11; the rationale for this dosing regimen has now been added to the Methods (line 715-721).

      *4) Track length is not considered as a parameter in the filament sliding assays (Fig. 6) or the 3D motility assays (Fig. 7). These may be valuable parameters for the authors to examine; however, the time frames analyzed might be insufficient to capture track lengths. Could the authors include analyses of track lengths or discuss the technical limitations of their assays? *

      In the in vitro motility assays, almost all of the actin filaments move for the entire 60s of video recording so trajectory length is directly proportional to speed and therefore does not provide any additional information. For the parasite 3D motility assay, we have added a new figure (Suppl. Figure 12) showing the effect of the compound on the displacement of wild-type and T130A parasites, along with new text describing these data (lines 269-273).

      *5) When discussing the minor discrepancies between the results with recombinant protein and parasite motility, the authors could consider the relative concentration of motors in the pellicle; i.e. it might be necessary to inhibit a greater % of all the motors to truly block motility, perhaps consistent with the higher compound concentrations needed to affect parasite motility. *

      This possible explanation has been added to the Discussion (lines 403-406).

      6) The authors should include the IC50 data for all 5 KNX-002 resistant clones in the supplementary data. While the 5/26 clones showed >2.5-fold increase in IC50 for KNX-002, it's unclear how the IC50 of the single clone harboring the T130A MyoA mutation compared to the other resistant clones.

      A figure has been added showing these data (new Suppl. Figure 8).

      *7) For plaque assays, the authors should indicate how much DMSO was used for 0 KNX-002 conditions. It should presumably be the corresponding concentration at 80 µM drug and if not, that control should be performed to account for effects of DMSO at higher concentrations at all drug concentrations tested. *

      In all experiments involving treatment with compound, the compound was serially diluted in DMSO to the appropriate range of concentrations prior to dissolving it in aqueous buffer for the experiment itself, enabling an equivalent amount of DMSO to be added to all samples in that experiment, including the DMSO only vehicle controls. This clarifying statement and the final range of DMSO concentrations in each of the different types of experiments has been added to the Methods section (lines 486-491). * *

      *8) Authors should indicate the origins of their hexokinase for counter screens. *

      The hexokinase used was from Millipore Sigma (#H6380); the supplier has been added on line 507.

      *9) Authors should indicate µM on graphs. *

      The μM label has been added to the graphs where it was missing (Figures 2 and 5, Suppl. Figures 4, 6, 8).

      *10) In Figures 2A, 5A, and 5B, the use of colored lines (e.g., of different hues) could make the graphs more legible. *

      We have experimented with color as a way to discriminate between the different doses on these graphs, but found the use of 8 different colors to be more distracting than helpful. The color-coding approach would be even less useful for readers who have color vision deficiency (including one of our authors). Symbol groupings have been added to the right of all growth curves to improve the legibility of the graphs.

      *11) In Figure 2C, it isn't clear which cell line was treated with sodium azide to generate the positive control. *

      It was the HFF cells that were treated with azide as a positive control; Figure 2C has been modified to make this clear.

      *12) In the discussion, "a" is missing in the phrase "...mutation is likely to have long range structural impact..." *

      Done. * *

      *13) The abbreviation of species (spp.) should be followed by a period. *



      Further SAR analyses using an optimized actin-dependent myosin ATPase assay resulted in minor changes to Suppl. Figure 3 and Figure 3, with no significant changes to the conclusions. The text has been modified accordingly (lines 155-161, 178-180).

      All other changes to the manuscript not noted above were editorial in nature, made to either improve clarity or correct minor errors in the previous version.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors identify a small-molecule inhibitor of T. gondii MyoA, the major apicomplexan myosin that is required for gliding motility and pathogenesis. Reconstitution of MyoA ATPase activity using recombinant protein enabled quantitative fluorescence measurements of actin-activated ATP usage. The authors screened a library of ~50,000 small molecules using their cell-free assay and counter screened hits by measuring their effects on hexokinase ATPase activity. The inhibitor, KNX-002, inhibited MyoA (IC50 of 2.8 µM), but had no effect on the ATPase activity of an array of vertebrate myosins. 15 analogues of KNX-002 were generated for SAR analysis, providing information on the functional groups of the molecule, despite not improving overall potency or specificity. In the context of T. gondii infection in human foreskin fibroblasts (HFFs), KNX-002 inhibited parasite growth (IC50 of 19.7 µM) while host cell viability was unaffected at the highest concentrations tested (80 µM). KNX-002 treatment (20-25 µM) reduced the percentage of motile parasites to approximately 5% compared to 30-40% in vehicle-treated parasites. The authors go on to demonstrate that MyoA is the biologically relevant target of KNX-002 during parasite infection, by generating resistant parasites by directed evolution. One of the resistant clones harbored a T130A mutation in the MyoA motor domain. While KNX-002 treatment of recombinant WT MyoA displayed dose-dependent inhibition of actin filament motility, the T130A proteoform was unaffected at all concentrations tested. T130A mutant parasites were independently generated and indeed conferred partial resistance to KNX-002 in growth and motility assays. Lastly, the therapeutic potential of KNX-002 was assessed during infection of CBA/J mice. At 10 days post-infection, mice treated with KNX-002 displayed a 40% survival rate compared to 0% in the vehicle-treated group. This was in contrast to mice challenged with T130A mutant parasites, in which KNX-002 treatment did not improve survivability. Together, these data indicate that the small molecule KNX-002 can mitigate T. gondii pathogenesis and one mechanism of action of KNX-002 is inhibition of MyoA-mediated gliding motility.

      Major comments

      • The T130A IC50 was done on the mutagenized clone 5. The authors currently don't have data showing IC50 on the independently generated T130A mutant, to see if the IC50s are similar to one another, or if there were additional resistance mutations present in clone 5.
      • For 3D motility assays, it is currently unclear from the data and text what the expected maximal inhibition of motility would be; e.g., would parasites depleted of MyoA display 0% motility. Understanding the dynamic range of this assay could help clarify whether this residual 5% motility explains why parasites treated with 20 uM KNX-002 can still form small plaques. This could be achieved by referencing previous work that assesses 3D motility after depletion of a critical motility factor.
      • It would be informative for the authors to discuss the rationale for the selected treatment regime. Since many drug-treatments involve daily dosing, was the two-dose regime based on poor tolerance of the compound in mice or other considerations?
      • Track length is not considered as a parameter in the filament sliding assays (Fig. 6) or the 3D motility assays (Fig. 7). These may be valuable parameters for the authors to examine; however, the time frames analyzed might be insufficient to capture track lengths. Could the authors include analyses of track lengths or discuss the technical limitations of their assays?
      • When discussing the minor discrepancies between the results with recombinant protein and parasite motility, the authors could consider the relative concentration of motors in the pellicle; i.e. it might be necessary to inhibit a greater % of all the motors to truly block motility, perhaps consistent with the higher compound concentrations needed to affect parasite motility.

      Minor comments

      • The authors should include the IC50 data for all 5 KNX-002 resistant clones in the supplementary data. While the 5/26 clones showed >2.5-fold increase in IC50 for KNX-002, it's unclear how the IC50 of the single clone harboring the T130A MyoA mutation compared to the other resistant clones.
      • For plaque assays, the authors should indicate how much DMSO was used for 0 KNX-002 conditions. It should presumably be the corresponding concentration at 80 µM drug and if not, that control should be performed to account for effects of DMSO at higher concentrations at all drug concentrations tested.
      • Authors should indicate the origins of their hexokinase for counter screens.
      • Authors should indicate µM on graphs.
      • In Figures 2A, 5A, and 5B, the use of colored lines (e.g., of different hues) could make the graphs more legible.
      • In Figure 2C, it isn't clear which cell line was treated with sodium azide to generate the positive control.
      • In the discussion, "a" is missing in the phrase "...mutation is likely to have long range structural impact..."
      • The abbreviation of species (spp.) should be followed by a period.


      This important work substantially advances technical and clinical aspects of studying the motility of apicomplexan pathogens by identifying a new small molecule inhibitor of gliding motility and uncovering its mode of action by inhibition of a motor protein. The evidence supporting the conclusions is convincing, with a new screening assay for myosin motor activity and advanced methods to characterize 3D motility for Toxoplasma gondii. The authors provide compelling evidence that KNX-002 inhibits MyoA, gliding motility, and MyoA-mediated virulence during mouse infection. The evidence suggests that some secondary or off-target effects remain uncharacterized within the parasite and in murine hosts. KNX-002 will enable targeted pharmacological inhibition of the motor complex, as opposed to broad inhibition of actin using cytochalasin D. While other small molecules inhibiting the motor complex have been identified-such as the myosin ATPase inhibitor 2,3-butanedione monoxime (Dobrowolski et al. 1997) and the myosin light chain 1 inhibitor TachypleginA (Heaslip et al. 2010; Leung et al. 2014)-these inhibitors have major off-target effects that render them unsuitable for therapeutic use. These findings are of interest to those studying apicomplexan pathogens, including T. gondii, Plasmodium spp., and Cryptosporidium spp. These include those interested in developing small molecule therapies and those interested in gliding motility. Our relevant expertise during this review process include: chemical genetics, cell biology of apicomplexan parasites, and signaling. We have limited expertise in the SAR strategies implemented to improve the effectiveness of KNX-002.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript by Kelsen et al. reports on the identification of a compound referred to as KNX-002 that inhibits the unconventional MyosinA motor ATPase activity from the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii myosin A (TgMyoA), an unconventional myosin characterized by both its high divergence from those of the parasite host repertoire (i.e., about all homeotherms) and a functional contribution to crucial processes during the parasite life cycle. To identify KNX-002, the authors used assays they had previously developed to produce recombinant active TgMyoA in insect cells combined with those now designed to quantify the TgMyoA ATPase activity. With these tools in hand, the authors screened about 50.000 molecules from a library referred to as small inhibitors and further characterized the potency of the top list MyoA inhibitory compound (i.e., KNX-002) by conducting in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo studies.

      The following sections of the manuscripts bring evidence that:

      1. the KNX-002 "re-synthetized" compound is at least 10 times more efficient at inhibiting MyoA ATPase activity when compared to muscle actin from different vertebrates in vitro (IC50 data).
      2. the KNX-002 can be chemically modified with chemical substitution and structural analysis. Up to 15 derivatives (all with lower potency at that stage) were structurally and functionally tested for comparison with respect to parental KNX-002.
      3. exposing the motile-invasive-replicative stage of T. gondii called tachyzoite to the KNX-002 compound (5 to 10 times higher doses than in vitro) impairs in a dose dependent way the tachyzoite's motility and the overall expansion of the population in host cell culture.
      4. mice injected intraperitoneally with type I tachyzoites and subsequently with two intraperitoneal injections of KNX-002 (at day 0 and day 2 post infection) showed slightly longer survival time when compared to those injected with parasites and then vehicle, thereby indicating a moderate effectiveness of KXN-002 in mice under the protocol used.

      The authors further established the KNX-002 selectivity against TgMyoA parasites by applying chemical mutagenesis and subsequent screening for "resistance" to the KNX-002 compound. Using nucleic acid sequencing of the few genes encoding the myosin motor components (i.e., heavy and light chains), the authors eventually identified a TgMyoA mutation (T130A) which does not concern the predicted pocket to accommodate KNX-002 binding but does confer a 2.9-fold decreased sensitivity to KNX-002. Selectivity towards MyoA was also documented in vitro by analysis Actin filament sliding and ex vivo using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing to engineer parasites expressing "exclusively" the TgMyoA on its mutated form (T130A mutant). These mutants indeed displayed fairly similar motile skills regardless of the presence of vehicle or KNX-002.

      The authors conclude on the interest to consider the potential of KNX-002 (more specifically some promising derivatives) to enrich the limited current therapeutic regimens against T. gondii and other Apicomplexa (in particular Plasmodium) for which MyoA has already been argued as a relevant therapeutic target.

      Major comments

      The reviewers found the large set of assays appropriately designed, executed and presented to be reproduced by other scientists. The results are also mostly analyzed with enough detail and care throughout the work (except a few minor points raised below), but the reviewers also stress a few overstated conclusions easy to mitigate in particular related to the diseased model.

      To the reviewer's opinion, there is no need for additional experiments but we would appreciate some rephrasing for higher accuracy and improved clarity.

      Below are listed few major concerns to address.

      1. Considering (i) the moderate effect of KNX-002 on the acute infection process in CBA mice that received tachyzoites intraperitoneally, (ii) the fact that the drug application cannot be envisaged outside of the context of reactivation of cystogenic strains (in particular with respect to cerebral toxoplasmosis as emphasized in the introductive section), which implies the drug would have to be delivered and active in the brain parenchyma, a condition not analyzed here, it would be appropriate to modify the current title. It would be more relevant to highlight the solid body of data on the identification and functional characterization of the compound and derivatives in vitro and in the host mouse model. Apart from the title, the discussion should also recontextualize the in vivo assays and the information these assays bring on the slight delay of the "mortality" of some but not all mice.
      2. Motility analysis: This comment concerns the Figure 7 It seems to the reviewers that the major hypothesis to test in data presented in panel B is that the wild type and the T130A mutant tachyzoite respond differently under similar drug conditions rather than the two populations without drug. These statistics could be added easily, hence it would validate that the proportion of motile mutant parasites is not affected by the drug when compared to vehicle. However, the statistics shown panel C rather suggest that the drug does impact on the speed of the moving parasites, including when these carry the "resistance" T130 A mutation. It is not clear what we can gain in terms of messages with the motility index except to "slightly reverse" the analysis on panel B and to favor a no-effect of KNX-002 on the mutant parasite motile skills, on which the author might give more explanation. When comparing these quantitative tests with the panel presented above (panel A) it seems that the mutant parasite is still impacted by the MyoA inhibitor. Although there is no doubt for the reviewers that the T130A mutant emerging from the selected T. gondii resistant clones is a valuable probe for assessing drug selectivity : indeed the assays validate KNX-002 as a direct TgMyoA ATPase inhibitor, it might be good to rephrase some sentences and to have a harmonized definition of the parasite motility index throughout the text (Figure 7 legend, result and discussion sections). This reviewer's concern was accentuated by the comparison between the actin filament sliding index and the parasite motility index which appears as such far stretch;

      Minor comments

      Aside from the "far stretched claims" easy to re-address in a revised version, the readers have appreciated the writing quality and most figure illustration. The discussion nicely synthetizes the whole dataset, including those related to the 4 T. gondii clones that resisted to KNX-002 but not through mutations targeting any of the myosinA chains. Few comments are listed as:

      Abstract: the concept of "ameliorate disease" in this framework is odd and the objective of the work can be rephrased in a simple way (see below)

      Introduction section: we think that the references on the impairment of invasiveness for the KoMyoA should be included (Bichet et al., BMC Biology 2016) as it has provided proof of an alternative and suboptimal mode of entry in many different cell types, thereby arguing that in absence of MyoA function, parasite invasiveness is not fully abolished and this without considering any MyoC-driven MyoA compensation. Introduction, third paragraph: in the sentence "Because the parasite can compensate for the loss or reduced expression of proteins important to its life cycle [29-31], small-molecule inhibitors of TgMyoA would serve as valuable complementary tools for determining how different aspects of motor function contribute to parasite motility and the role played by TgMyoA in parasite dissemination and virulence ». We definitively agree with this view but saying that, we think it would be worth evaluating (or simply discussing) the potency of the KNX-002 against MyoC, which compensatory contribution has been debated and remains questionable (at least to the reviewers) with respect to cell invasiveness restoration (related to the comment above).<br /> Result section:

      1. If we are correct, the screen and the characterization study have been performed with two different products (CK2140597 and KNX-002 the compound library and the re-synthetized one, respectively). Could we make sure that the two have the same potency?
      2. we understood how the authors came to the conclusion that the KNX-002 impact on growth of the parasite and they stated "growth in culture" in the subsection title but then refers to parasite growth. Therefore, it looks a bit confusing for the reader since intracellular growth per se is probably not modified but this feature was not looked at it in this study (we would expect no impact based on published data on MyoA- genetically deficient tachyzoites, except if the drug impacts host cell metabolism for instances). Instead, it is the overall expansion of the parasite population that is analyzed here and clearly shown to be impacted. This decrease in population expansion on a cell monolayer likely results from impaired MyoA-dependent egress and invasiveness upon chemical inactivation of MyoA. Accordingly, it appears difficult to understand what is an IC50 for the "overall" growth in the context of this study. The authors should rephrase for better accuracy when necessary, including in the graph Fig2 legend axis.
      3. The authors should clarify for the reader (i) why they use in some case myofibrils and other muscle F actin when measuring the Myosin ATPase activity, (ii) what does mean XX% calcium activation and (iii) why using 75% in these assays which is 3 times higher from the original assays. Why they did not include non muscle actins in their study since Myosins also extensively work on non muscle actins.
      4. The protocol of image analysis of the 3D motility assay was increased to 80 seconds for the test of KNX-002 selectivity using wild type and mutant parasites (Fig7) when compared to the test of KXN-002 concentration effect on wild type tachyzoites (60 sec in the result section, in Fig 4 legend and in the Methods' section). Is there any specific reason?
      5. In the mouse infection experimental design (Method section), it seems that they were no biological replicates in the case of the drug-treated (parasites + mice) which is not the case for the comparison of virulence between MyoA wild type and T130 mutants. If true, and considering what the authors wish to emphasize as a main message, it is fairly complicated to convincingly conclude about the KNX-002effectiveness in vivo. Maybe the authors could explain their limitations. We are also not sure why the compound has been injected only twice, at the time of parasite injection and two days after whereas the mice succumbed after 8 to 9 days even without MyoA inhibitors. Although quite difficult to measure, do the authors have any knowledge (based on the chemistry for example) of the compound stability and lipophilicity in blood and tissues? Because the IC50 on free tachyzoites appears significantly higher (5.3 uM, Fig4) than the in vitro molecular assay, when assessed in motility tests, and is increased for intracellular growth (Fig 8), it is somehow expected that the current compound would not work that great in vivo. Did the author try to provide the inhibitor intravenously every day?

      Figure 4: 2D and 3D Motility- the authors should comment on the fact that in 2D conditions with 10 uM of KNX-002, circular trajectories (one complete circle so at least 2 parasite lengths but sometimes more) largely dominate over others, whereas in absence of KNX-002 these circular trajectories are barely detectable and helical trajectories predominate. What could that mean as regard to the MyoA functional contribution to either process?

      Figure 7: Besides the major point raised above for panel C, the information carried by the Figure could be stronger if an additional panel is introduced regarding the interesting assay on the preserved structural stability of the MyoA mutant over the WT MyoA (currently in SupFig7)

      Material and Methods

      Parasite motility assays: remove the duplicated [16] reference.


      The discussion starts with the ongoing debate on mechanisms underlying zoite motility; We found that the work of Pavlou et al. (ACS nano, 2020) should be part of the references listed there, as it brings evidence that a specific traction polar force is required probably in concert with microtubule storage energy at the focal point, a result that questions the prevailing model.

      Concerning the C3-20 and C3-21 compounds, the sentence "they have no effect on the activity of the recombinant TgMyoA (AK and GEW, unpublished data)" in the paragraph starting by "There have been only two previously..." should be refrained unless showing the results.

      If possible, the authors should expand more on the effect of KNX-002 on Plasmodium falciparum and its homolog PfMyoA.


      This multi-disciplinary work timely brings to the research communities (basic research and pre-clinical research) new knowledge and a new reagent quite valuable for future dissection of the T. gondii MyoA contribution across different scales of study. It also provides a strong rationale and preliminary orientations for developing a new compound targeting MyoA in the context of anti-toxoplasma or possibly anti-Apicomplexa therapeutic strategies.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study the authors use an in vitro screen to identify a novel inhibitor of the actin-activated ATPase activity of myosin A. The lead molecule, KNX-002, was shown to inhibit parasite growth and motility, with initial SAR studies failing to improve on the potency of the parent molecule. The author's then focus on confirming the expected mechanism of action of KNX-002 in parasites. They use a chemical mutagenesis and drug-pressure protocol to select for a drug-resistant parasite population. They identify a drug-resistant clone harbouring a missense mutation in the TgMyoA locus, converting a threonine at position 130 into an alaninie. These parasites demonstrate resistance to KNX002, and the equivalent mutation introduced de novo into the MyoA locus in otherwise wild-type parasites confirms that the T130A mutation is sufficient to provide protection from the effects of the drug. Finally, they confirm that KNX-002 can protect mice from T. gondii infection.

      Overall the manuscript is very well written, with a clear and logical narrative. The data presented broadly support their conclusion, and the general quality of the figures is very high. I would recommend that the manuscript should be accepted once the following points have been addressed:

      Major comments:

      While the following would strengthen the manuscript, they could be addressed in the discussion or with clarification of the text:

      • In the study there is a lack of consideration of other targets. In and of itself this is not a problem, but once the author's identified the T130A mutation as being a key for protection it would have been good to Sanger sequence the other T. gondii myosins - a quick alignment of the TgMyo's A, C, H (class XIV), along with D and E suggests that the motif is highly conserved. This raises the currently unexplored (and exciting!) prospect of a pan-myosin inhibitor, and that there might have been mutations at an equivalent position in the other four KNX002 resistant clones - for example, MyoC has been proposed to provide some level of functional redundancy in the absence of MyoA. The fact that T130 is not thought to the binding site of KNX002 is only introduced quite late on - this also relates to the next point - is the binding pocket conserved???
      • It is intriguing that the residue and proximal amino acid environment are highly conserved with vertebrates, but that KNX002 does not have an effect on their activity in their screen assay. It would be useful to know if the differences in the structures of the myosins can provide an explanation for this - along the same lines, given that the crystal structure of TgMyoA is available (PMID: 30348763), it would be useful for the authors to provide a molecular model for the binding of the inhibitor to the proposed point of engagement. If this is an allosteric site it is possible that the mutation functions indirectly upon binding of KNX002 to the orthosteric site, but this would be useful to help the reader to understand this (and there are bioinformatic prediction tools that will score allostery - which would be interesting to include). This is explained somewhat in the discussion - but this should be introduced much earlier to clarify. What is known about allosteric regulation of Myo function? Is this a known site of regulation?

      Minor comments:

      • Introduction: 'Nearly one third of the world's population is infected with the apicomplexan parasite' - given that these data are extrapolated from serology, this should be reworded - it's fairer to say that they 'are or have been infected...'
      • Page 4: figure 1A - can you provide some explanation for incomplete inhibition in the screen - there seems to be a residual amount (15-20%) of activity that is not inhibited.
      • The authors demonstrate a general effect on growth over 7 days. It would be good to use a replication assay (e.g. parasites/vacuole over a single lytic cycle) to confirm that KNX002 does not affect cellular division. This would further strengthen the argument that the phenotypic effect is primarily via impacts on motility.
      • Page 5: 'selected for parasites resistant to KNX-002 by growth in 40 μM KNX-002.' - could the authors add text to explain why that concentration was chosen.
      • Page 6: 'suggesting that the effects of the T130A mutation on motor function are due to more subtle structural changes' - it's fair to say that there are not gross structural changes based on the data presented, but that does not mean it is therefore a 'more subtle structural change' - surely the mutation could prevent KNX002 binding without effecting TgMyoA structure?
      • Page 6: 'the proportion of filaments moving' - in the figure it's referred to as the 'fraction of filaments', which makes more sense for the data presented. Please correct to 'fraction' throughout the manuscript (discussion, page 9 - possibly other instances!). Along the same lines, in figure 6 it would be good to change the y axes on the '% moving' to be 'fraction moving' and change the numbers - this would make it easier for the reader to understand the index values presented in the lower panels - if you do the calculation with the % values presented the numbers don't make sense (as fractions they do). The axes for motility also go up to 125% - please correct - based on the data presented there is no need for this to be above 100% (or 1 - see above).
      • Page 7: 'tested whether KNX-002 (20mg/kg, administered intraperitoneally on the day of infection and two days later' - please provide some rationale for the concentration used.
      • Page 10: 'the T130A mutation is likely to have long range structural impact that could alter the KNX-002 binding pocket' - this is particularly interesting, and should be addressed with a model - do the authors think that the T130 region be a conserved site of allosteric regulation? This would be good to expand upon in the discussion - mutation of an allosteric site as a mechanism of resistance is unusual, and typically described as being unlikely - and used as justification for the targeted drugging of allosteric sites.


      Strengths: Discovery of new parasite-selective inhibitor of TgMyo-A motility will be a valuable tool, and potential therapeutic lead.

      Weaknesses: Molecular mode of action on a modelled binding of KNX002 could have strengthened the proposed mechanism of action via a site outside of the expected KNX002 binding pocket.

      Advance: the findings advance our understanding of drug-resistance mechanisms, and also validate TgMyoA as a druggable therapeutic target.

      Audience: this work will appeal to molecular parasitologists, as also be of broader interest to research communities including myosin structure-function researchers, and drug discovery groups interested in drug-resistance mechanisms.

      Expertise: molecular parasitology, chemical biology, proteome engineering

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Reply to the Reviewers

      I thank the Referees for their...

      Referee #1

      1. The authors should provide more information when...

      Responses + The typical domed appearance of a hydrocephalus-harboring skull is apparent as early as P4, as shown in a new side-by-side comparison of pups at that age (Fig. 1A). + Though this is not stated in the MS 2. Figure 6: Why has only...

      Response: We expanded the comparison

      Minor comments:

      1. The text contains several...

      Response: We added...

      Referee #2

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This work is is distinguished by impressive technical feats and experimental breadth, and is another excellent contribution from the Zurzolo lab. My comments are advisory regarding more explicit descriptions and qualified conclusions.

      Introduction: Please define how filopodia are distinguished from TNTs - is it length only or are there other characteristics? Do filopodia and individual TNTs have the same diameter? There is presumably a functional difference as well?

      Please state the number of cells in each array spot?

      Paragraph 2 of Results would benefit from a general description of procedure and rationale for assessing protrusions in the artificial setups used in this study of isolated cells. It would help to explicitly state when protrusions were assessed after fixation and when the observations were made with unfixed cells. What are the issues of concern with these methods and what aspects are relevant to general cell behavior? Isn't it important to point out that the conclusions regarding Arp2/3 inhibition and TNT formation are operational for the conditions used?

      Ln 148: If filopodia are distinguished/defined by their shorter relative length, the observation that "filopodia lengths showed that a majority of filopodia were far shorter" is not informative. Do cells with TNTs also have filopodia?

      Does the negative effect of increasing array separation distance on frequency of TNTs suggest that the observations represent a steady state, and the possibility that the observed frequencies are measures of protrusion stability? If the experiments monitor the steady state, can the authors distinguish between stability and inherent ability to extend filopodia to longer distances? Is the conclusion (ln 151) "there seems to be an upper limit to F-actin-based elongation" justified if stability or relative rates of extension and retraction are factors? Another possibility is that the observations reflect protrusion:protrusion interactions that promote stable TNTs. There is the precedent of cytoneme:cytoneme interactions associated with stable signaling contacts (Gonzalez-Mendez et al PMID: 28825565) as well as previous work from the Zurzolo lab (Sartori-Rupp et al PMID: 30664666). A kinetic analysis in real time might be very informative.

      Ln 158: "cells displaying only lamellipodia accounted for 4.1% of [cells with?] TNTs examined"


      This work offers new insights into the cytoskeletal processes that generate long cell protrusions. The implications for understanding cell:cell interactions and signaling are fundamental and important.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      I applaud the authors for the creative experimentation and intriguing findings presented in this work, but the narrative lacks a clear biological question and, as written, comes across more like a collection of thematically related results, rather than a logical point A > B > C progression of studies that significantly advances our understanding of TNT formation beyond the current published literature. In addition, there are a number of inconsistencies and ambiguities in the approach - at least as described - that make it hard to follow the logic flow of the authors. Below I list some of the major inconsistencies and questions I had after reading through the manuscript.

      1. From Figure 1b - the micro patterned substrates separated by different distances also appear to be printed as different diameters - is this true? I could find no mention of it in the text. My concern is that changing the contact area between the cell and substrate might impact the cell's ability to extend very long membrane protrusions towards its neighbors. Why not print patterns of exactly the same diameter separated by increasing distances?
      2. By using micropatterned substrates the Authors hope to force the extension of TNTs using actin driven mechanisms, while eliminating the possibility that cells are form these connections by "dislodging" from the substrate. The Authors also state that the cells do not wander into the region in between the circular patterns. However, in many images featured in multiple figures, I can find examples where cells clearly extend into the space between the circular patterns (see Fig. 2.a.i for an example). The primary concern here is that the authors did not fully eliminate the possibility that cells are making direct contact and then pulling away from each other/dislodging to form TNTs. In the supplemental material, there were movies showing TNTs that had already formed, but I was unable to find examples of TNTs in the act of forming. If the authors do have timelapse data that clearly shows this, it should be front and center in this data set.
      3. The authors make use of CK-666 to inhibit Arp2/3, which is thought to free up actin monomers that can be used to further elongate TNTs. Other orthogonal methods should be employed to corroborate the results from CK-666 treatment. There are other drugs that inhibit Arp2/3 (e.g. arpin, wiskostatin) and of course there is always genetic manipulation (shRNA KD).
      4. The authors also employ a formin agonist, IMM-01, and the results from those experiments (Fig. S4) suggest that activating formin mDia could facilitate TNT elongation, but the authors do not follow up with direct molecular manipulation to further test this idea. Are formins (specifically mDia, the target of IMM-01) needed to elongate TNTs?
      5. With the experiments shown in Figure 3, the authors apply optical tweezers to pull what they refer to as "nanotubes" from the cell surface under conditions where Arp2/3 is inhibited with CK-666. The panels appear to show that CK-666 allows actin to assemble out into a pulled nanotube more readily than control cells. However, the reporter for actin assembly in these experiments is F-Tractin, and it only partially fills the protrusion. I note here that F-Tractin appears more soluble under the CK-666 condition. Can the Authors rule out the possibility that there is just a larger soluble pool of F-Tractin probe under these conditions?
      6. Related to the previous point, it is not clear to me why the Authors need to invoke the application of external forces with an optical trap to study the enhanced elongation of TNTs under CK-666 conditions. Why don't the authors directly visualize actin accumulation and TNT elongation after treatment with this inhibitor?
      7. In Figure 4, the Authors move away from TNTs and instead focus on "longer protrusions" (filopodia?) to examine the effects of EPS8 and IRSp53 on growth of these structures. The general findings here are consistent with the role of these factors in protrusion growth from previous studies.
      8. The experiments in Figure 5 are performed with a truncated "bundling active" form of EPS8 allegedly lacking actin capping activity. The logic behind this choice is unclear. These experiments need to be repeated in parallel with full length WT EPS8 to allow for a full and clear interpretation of these results. Along these lines, could the Authors stain for endogenous Esp8/IRSp53 complex within TNT-connected cells?
      9. Data in Figure 5 show that the Eps8dCAP/IRSp53 complex increases the vesicle transfer within TNT-connected cells from Eps8dCAP/IRSp53 donors to EBFP-H2B acceptors indicating the functionality of TNT. Interestingly, cells with overexpression of Eps8dCAP/IRSp53 and CK-666 treatment do not increase TNT-connections. Could the authors examine the stability of TNTs under this condition? The lack of increased vesicle transfer may be due to the instability of the TNT structure rather the saturation of the system.
      10. Figure 5c. The data show that vesicle transfer from EpsdCAP/IRSp53 donors to EBFP-H2B acceptors increases under the overexpression of EpsdCAP/IRSp53. Are the EBFP-H2B acceptors able to form TNT? If so, could the authors show the vesicle transfer in those TNT-connected cells? The images indicate that there is no presence of TNT structures in these conditions.


      This study from Henderson et al. seeks to understand the mechanisms that drive tunneling nanotube (TNT) formation. TNTs are essentially giant filopodia that extend many microns from the cell surface to contact protrusions extending from neighboring cells, to establish channels that allow for exchange of biological material. The authors use an approach that involves micro patterned substrates, various inhibitors/agonists, construct overexpression experiments, and biophysical measurements with optical tweezers. The major insights from these studies are that actin monomer availability is limiting for the formation of long TNTs, and that proteins that are well known to regulate the formation of filopodia and related linear actin structures (namely EPS8 and IRSp53) promote TNT formation. These are interesting findings that are certainly consistent with the previously published literature on actin-based protrusions, and as such they should be of interest to cell biologists.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank both reviewers for their constructive criticism and the insightful comments on our manuscript. Reviewer 1 states that:

      „The strength of this manuscript lies in its comprehensive analysis of Bim1 function, the quality of the results and that the experiments are generally well controlled and interpreted. „

      And „the findings of this comprehensive analysis are of great value to the microtubule field, especially for people working in budding yeast. „

      • *

      While Reviewer 2 adds:

      „The current study is indeed rich with new insights into the mechanisms by which these molecules function, and will no doubt prove valuable to a number of people in the microtubule/motor/yeast mitosis fields. As someone who is interested in and studies mitosis in budding yeast, I found the study to be interesting.

      • *

      Both reviewers conclude that:

      “…there are useful data in the manuscript that make this an important contribution and that it should definitely be published”

      • *

      • *

      Both reviewers raised two major areas of concern: 1. A confusing overall structure makes the study hard to follow. 2. A clearer distinction needs to made between what has already been reported in the literature, and what are new insights provided in this study. In this regard, the appropriate citations need to be made at various positions throughout the manuscript.

      In this full revision, we have addressed these major points of criticism of the reviewers as follows:

      We have re-organized and re-focused the manuscript to make it more accessible and easier to follow for the reader. We have followed a suggestion from reviewer 1 and now present all experiments characterizing mitotic spindle phenotypes and how they can be suppressed consecutively in Figures 2-5 and then finish the manuscript with the characterization of the spindle orientation phenotype. This way of ordering by biological pathway allows for a better flow of the manuscript.

      Throughout the text, we have added citations to better indicate the previous state of knowledge and how the presented experiments either confirm or extend the previous findings in the field. This helps to put our current study better into and overall perspective.

      In addition, we have addressed the specific points raised by both reviewers in full. Please see below our point-by-point answer.


      There is already a huge body of published information on mitotic spindle positioning via the Kar9 and dynein pathways that grew since the late 1990s. The genetic relationships and molecular interactions between the components of these 2

      pathways are well studied (many studies, including Liakopoulos et al. 2003, are not cited by the authors). The authors

      should make sure to cite and compare to the relevant primary literature when they report findings that have been

      described before. This will help to distinguish novel findings from validation of previous results.

      We have added relevant citations throughout the manuscript, please see below.

      "The strict dependence of Kar9 and Cik1-Kar3 on the presence of Bim1, as well as the different effects of bim1Δ on

      nuclear and cytoplasmic Bik1, may reflect the formation of stable complexes between Bim1 and these binding partners in

      cells." I believe this has already been shown (Kumar et al., 2021 and Manatschal et al., 2016). There are several other

      instances as well where additional literature should be cited, for example Gardner et al., 2008 and Gardner et al. 2014.

      We have now cited the Manatschal and Kumar papers in this section of the revised manuscript. We have also cited the mentioned Gardner papers later in the manuscript.

      The selection of targets to study in figure 1 doesn't seem to follow the listed criteria. Many proteins included in the

      study were not found by IP-MS, but some perfect targets according to the listed criteria like Duo1 were not included in the

      study. In addition, there are more sophisticated ways of finding Bim1 binding motifs in the literature

      (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2012.07.047). I suggest, the authors declare that they rationally chose to study 21 proteins

      of interest but remove the claim that their approach was systematic.

      We have changed the wording accordingly and removed the claim of systematic target selection.

      Much of the microscopy data was acquired after release from alpha factor arrest. What is the reason for this

      perturbation? An exponentially growing culture should mostly consist of mitotic cells anyway. Since this treatment affects

      cell size and potentially protein levels/concentrations, testing its influence on spindle position as well as levels on MTs for

      the most relevant proteins of interest would be important to exclude introduction of artifacts.

      In principle that’s correct, but using synchronized cultures has the great advantage that mitotic timing and all the parameters associated related to it (spindle length etc.) can be quantified much better and we obtain larger N and thus get better statistics using this approach. In a typical log culture only one third of the cells are in mitosis and this entails very different states of mitosis. Observations times are limited due to fluorescent bleaching and low signal intensity. We therefore feel the benefits of alpha-factor release outweigh the problems and we compare all mutants under the same conditions.

      Some of the results obtained from bim1Δ cells are a challenge to interpret due to the wide range of processes that

      involve Bim1 and therefor the potential for many off-target effects- including a global change in microtubule dynamical

      behavior in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus that will influence the length distributions and microtubule lifetime (and

      thus number). The authors must carefully consider these caveats.

      We agree in principle and have therefore not only characterized the bim1 deletion, but also more specific bim1 mutants. We also show that some aspects of the bim1 delta phenotypes, but not others, can be rescued by different strategies.

      The results section on page 12 refers to phenotypes of kar9 delete cells with respect to Bim1-GFP on cytoplasmic

      microtubules. In the figure 3D,F I only found data for Kar9-AID, though. The authors should refer to supplementary figure

      5A or even better include quantification similar to figure 3F.

      We have corrected this in the revised text. We refer to the Kar9-AID, for which we have the quantification.

      The observation that cytoplasmic Bim1 localization depends on interaction with its cargo Kar9 (figure 3 + 7) fits into the

      model that Kumar et al (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.str.2021.06.012) proposed in which Kar9 oligomerization is required for

      its Bim1 dependent localization to microtubules. It would be valuable to point that out.

      We have now included a sentence that our findings support this model and added the respective citation.

      I don't fully understand the model proposed in Figure 5H and discussion page 26. Based on figure 5E, it does not look

      like there is a higher concentration of Bik1 along the lattice in bim1 delete. So how would Bik1 increase Kip2 processivity

      if its levels are only increased due to a MT length change? If Kip2 was not fully processive, you would rather expect to

      see less of it at the tip of a longer microtubule in bim1 delete. The model suggested by Chen et al

      (https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.48627.001) suggests that Kip2 only gets loaded at the minus-end and processively walks

      towards the +end without falling off. Are the authors suggesting that bim1 deletion changes this behavior?

      We have rephrased this section in results and discussion and more clearly state that there is no increase in Bik1 per MT length unit in the bim1 deletion. We have amended the discussion and grant that we currently cannot explain by which molecular mechanisms Bik1 may contribute to the observed increase in Kip2 plus-end localization under conditions of a bim1 deletion.

      I don't see evidence for independent pools of Bik1 in the cytoplasm and nucleus as claimed on top of page 21. Total

      Bik1 levels on cytoplasmic microtubules seem to be well explained by their length. Please explain better or remove the


      We have removed the respective statement from the revised manuscript.

      The experiments in supplementary figure 7B are difficult to interpret. The localization on cytoplasmic microtubules is

      different, but probably explained by the formation of Bim1 heterodimers. Therefore this experiment is difficult to interpret

      and should be removed.

      As requested, we have removed this experiment from the revised manuscript.

      top of page 24: Kar9 localization in metaphase depends exclusively on SxIP, not on LxxPTPh (Manatschal 2016). The

      paragraph should be removed as it is not supported by published data or sufficiently by the authors to merit the


      We have reformulated this to avoid a misunderstanding. We merely show that in the context of the artificial GCN4 construct a fragment just including the LxxPTPh motif is sufficient for Bim1-dependent localization to microtubules in nucleus and cytoplasm. This makes no statement about localization determinants of the authentic Kar9 protein.

      Top of page 26: The genetic interactions between the Kar9 pathway and the dynein pathway were already well known

      before this work. Please reformulate accordingly.

      We have re-written this section and introduce the two pathways with the respective citations in the very beginning of the section before describing the experiments.

      page 27 second paragraph: There is no selective pressure to evolve compensation mechanisms for gene deletions. I

      suggest the authors consider that Kar9 and dynein partially redundant, with Kar9 acting to position the spindle prior to

      metaphase and dynein to maintain spindle position in the mother and bud compartments in late metaphase and

      anaphase. The authors should consider the quantitative analysis of Kar9 and dynein dependent spindle positioning

      reported in Shulist et al. 2017 and the method for analysis of spindle length and position in 3D in Meziane et al. 2021.

      We have rephrased the section on the partially redundant Kar9 and Dynein pathways. See below our answer for measuring spindle length.

      In addition, it is not clear to me which results suggest that the relocalization of Bik1 is required in the bim1 delete. Why

      would wild type levels not be sufficient for dynein pathway function? The authors have not conclusively shown that

      nuclear migration relies on upregulating the dynein pathway in bim1Δ cells. If there is no supporting data, the paragraph

      should be removed.

      In this revised manuscript we have phrased our observations more carefully and acknowledge the limitations regarding molecular insights. We present indications for increased levels of Dynein-Dynactin pathway components at plus-ends in the bim1 deletion cells, but it is indeed unclear, whether an increased Bik1 level in the cytoplasm is required to achieve this.

      Please provide more details about intensity quantification on page 35. Were these measured on sum or max

      projected stacks? What was the method of background subtraction?

      Analysed images are optical axis integration scans over 3 μm taken on a Deltavision microscope. This procedure gives a sum projection. Local background was determined for every cell by drawing a line under a signal curve derived by line scan. The background line connects regions that are still within the cell but are outside of spindle (or microtubule). We added a sentence in the materials and methods section under point 2.

      Are the spindle lengths in Figure 2E measured in 2D or 3D? Bim1 deletion might lead to more misalignment of the

      spindles in z due to inactivation of the Kar9 pathway and thus partially explain the shorter spindles. The measurements

      should therefore be performed in 3D.

      As we have used optical axis integration (OAIs) on the Deltavision microscope and obtained a sum projection of this virtual stack, the spindles were measured in 2D and we don’t have the information to measure in 3D (this would require a regular stack). We show that there are different ways to restore different aspects of spindle length with alternative strategies. These are unlikely to influence just spindle orientation. In addition, we see that Bim1 deletion has an effect on the size of a nascent bipolar spindle when spindle orientation is similar to wild-type cells. We agree that z-misalignment may affect absolute values of spindle size of Bim1 deletion in late metaphase and it would be better to measure in 3D. However, we think in this case it is unlikely to affect our conclusions in this study.

      The authors should try to shorten the text. There is a lot of redundancy between results and discussion sections.

      We have to shortened the text to avoid redundancy (before >43000 characters, now around 41000 characters, and we have decreased the number of main figures from 9 to 8.

      Data is shown that leads to conclusions that are already supported by the literature should be moved to the

      supplementary material.

      In the course of re-organizing the manuscript we have tried to do this.

      Reviewer 2:

      "Robustness of Ndc80 loading might be achieved by the coexistence of multiple kinetochore assembly pathways or

      alternatively determined by intrinsic Ndc80 properties." Wouldn't Ndc80 levels be determined by Ndc80 kinetochore

      loading, and not by end-binding proteins? This seems to be the more likely means to regulate Ndc80 levels.

      We have removed this statement from the revised manuscript.

      "Upon analyzing the associations in the cytoplasm, we found that Kar9-3xGFP foci on bud-directed cytoplasmic

      microtubules were abolished in the bim1Δ strain, consistent with earlier reports." It would be helpful if the authors

      commented on the how the localization of some of these proteins are affected by bim1Δ on the mother-directed plus

      ends. Although I understand the need to account for one class of plus end for the sake of consistency (and the distinct

      behaviors of the mother vs bud-directed plus end), the text as written leaves me wondering about the other plus end.

      We have noticed that the bim1 deletion led to the loss of asymmetric distribution on cytoplasmic microtubules for a number of components. Most prominent are Bik1, Kip2 and proteins of dynein-dynactin complex. We felt that further analysing this phenotype was beyond the scope of this study.

      "The CAP-Gly domain construct, expressed from a BIM1 promoter, almost exclusively localized to the spindle of yeast

      cells." For clarity, the authors should explicitly state that the CAP-Gly domain in question is from Bik1. Although this can

      be deduced, this was not abundantly clear.

      We have clarified this in the text and in the figure.

      "In addition to Ase1, we followed the kinetochore proteins Ndc80-GFP and Sgo1-GFP which specifically marks

      kinetochores that lack tension." This sentence should add "the latter of which..." to clarify that SgoI, but not Ndc80

      exhibits this behavior.

      We have added the phrase “the latter of which” to clarify this point.

      "We observed that bim1Δ cells had mispositioned kinetochores with a bright Sgo1-GFP signal that was much stronger

      than in wild-type cells." I don't see the mispositioned kinetochores described here. Are the authors referring to the fact

      that Sgo1 is brighter, which suggests tension-free KTs? If so, this should be clearly stated as such, since the authors are

      not explicitly assessed kinetochore "positioning".

      We have rephrased the sentence to clarify. We refer to a lack of bi-lobed Ndc80 signal and a bright Sgo1-GFP signal as two aspects of the phenotype.

      "We speculate that Bim1-Bik1 in a complex with its cargo Cik1-Kar3 is active after bi-polar spindle formation but before

      late metaphase and Ase1 can partially substitute for nuclear Bim1 functions." I struggled to grasp the reasoning for these

      conclusions. I assume the former point (the timing for Bim1-Bik1-Cik-Kar3) is due to the localization dynamics of Bim1

      and Bik1, while the latter (Ase1 can substitute for Bim1) is due to the synthetic interaction between Bim1 and Ase1 (I

      needed to look this latter point up myself). Or is this latter point due to the brighter spindle Ase1-GFP intensity? In either

      case, the authors should more clearly state their reasoning.

      We have clarified this statement in the revised discussion.

      The error bars in Figures 3A and 6E (shown as 95% CI) and elsewhere seem very small for the parameters that are

      being plotted. Spindle length values as shown in Figure 2E cover a broad range (as would be expected for a biological

      process), and it would be more accurate if the error bars in Fig 3A and 6E reflect this, even if it means they start

      overlapping each other. I find the error as shown to be misleading to your readers, and unless the authors have very

      good reason to use 95% CI (which is not as meaningful as standard deviation), then I would encourage them to use

      standard deviation.

      We prefer to use CI for the spindle length plots over time for consistency reason and to avoid overlap, which would make the graphs difficult to read. We have changed the text to provide the standard deviation instead of the standard error of the mean for spindle length and metaphase duration, see point below.

      The same is true for the values stated throughout the text (e.g., for mitotic timing "47{plus minus}2 min" for metaphase

      duration; for distance between SPB and bud neck {plus minus} 0.1 μm, etc). I am highly skeptical that metaphase

      duration (for example) ranged from only 46-48 minutes. Please use standard deviation to describe a more accurate

      description of the range of values for these parameters.

      In the revised manuscript, we now give the mean values plus/minus standard deviation, instead of the standard error of the mean, as requested. In addition, the range of values is directly visible from the individual data points in the plots.

      "Unexpectedly, the kar9 deletion mutant displayed a slightly accelerated metaphase progression relative to wild-type

      cells (26{plus minus}1 min) (Figure 3C). This could be attributed to an increased level of Bim1 on the metaphase spindle

      of kar9Δ (or Kar9-AID) cells." The authors should give us more rationale to explain the "attributing the increased levels of

      Bim1" point here. Do they think that the levels of spindle-associated Bim1 impact metaphase duration somehow? If so,


      We have added a sentence, speculating about how this could be accomplished.

      "Overall, our cell biology data suggested that major nuclear Bim1 functions are conducted in a complex with Cik1-

      Kar3, while Bik1 and Kar9 have a smaller impact, probably affecting the nuclear- cytoplasmic distribution of Bim1."

      Although I understand and agree with the former conclusion (that Bim1 functions are conducted via Cik1-Kar3"), the latter

      was confusing to me. Did the authors mean that "Bim1 impacts Bik1 and Kar9 to a lesser extent", rather than vice versa?

      The authors are discussing Bim1 functioning via Cik1, but then switch to discussing how Bik1 and Kar9 affect Bim1.

      We have removed the second part of the sentence from the revised manuscript.

      "Next, we compared the comparing genetic interaction profile of a bim1 deletion to that of various other factors by reanalyzing the synthetic genetic interaction data..." Remove "comparing".

      Thanks for pointing out this typo, we have removed it in the revised manuscript.

      As someone who is unfamiliar with the analysis shown in Figure 3H, I think it would be useful to list a Pearson

      correlation value for two genes that are not functionally related. This would help define a lower limit for this analysis.

      For functionally unrelated genes the Pearson correlation between genetic interaction (GI) profiles is very close to zero. The graph below depicts Pearson correlation between GI profile of Bim1 and GIs of every yeast gene (data used for graph is taken from thecellmap.org).

      The axes for the plots in Figure 5E and 5I are very confusing to me. I don't understand what I'm looking at. Why does

      it go from 0 to 1, and then back to 0-1 again? I don't see how this can account for MTs of different lengths. Normalizing all MT length values to 1 would do this, no?

      We have clarified the labelling in the revised manuscript. The x-axis gives the relative position from either the plus-end, or the Spindle pole body (both set to position 0) in micrometres. This allowed us to compare fluorescent intensities on cytoplasmic microtubules of different lengths in wild-type and bim1 delete.

      "These observations are consistent with the idea that Bik1 acts as a processivity factor for Kip2: If more Bik1 is

      present on the lattice, then more Kip2 molecules are able to reach plus-ends without detachment." Perhaps I'm

      misunderstanding the plot shown in Figure 5E, but it seems to indicate that the levels of lattice-bound Bik1 are the same

      in BIM1 and bim1Δ cells (higher SPB-localized levels, though). There are also lower levels of Bik1 at the plus ends in

      bim1Δ cells. So, if Bik1 were a processivity factor for Kip2, this would suggest that they would remain bound at plus ends

      as well, which these data suggest is not the case…

      We have added a section to the discussion that deals with this point and we speculate about the reasons why Kip2 is increased at plus-ends, while Bik1 is not.

      "The data on the CH-Cik1 fusion is very compelling, and indeed supports their hypothesis that Bim1's main role in the

      nucleus is to target Cik1 to the spindle MT plus ends. That being said, it would be a simple, but important task to ensure

      that this fusion behaves as suggested (restores Cik1 plus end binding in cells). Otherwise, it can't' be ruled out that this

      fusion is rescuing bim1Δ functions by some other means. However, as stated above, it's unclear how much was already

      known about this fusion from the lab's previous work.

      In our previous study (Kornakov et al., 2020) we have shown that the CH-Cik1Delta74 fusion indeed is sufficient to enrich Kar3 at plus ends. We expect the same to be true for this slightly different fusion construct. We have added a respective sentence to the results section.

      Regarding the p1-p6 promoter data: p6 is missing from Figure S6A, in spite of it being referenced in the text and the


      Thanks for pointing this out, we have corrected that in the revised manuscript and do not refer to p6 anymore.

      "Exogenously expressed Ase1 displayed a similar level and kinetics of localization compared to the endogenous

      protein, indicating that binding sites for microtubule crosslinkers are not a limiting factor on the budding yeast spindle."

      Specifically, the authors show that binding sites for Ase1 may not be limiting (the overlapping 95% CI bars if Fig S6B

      suggest this is not significant), not all crosslinkers. The authors should not use such broad language to describe results

      from one experiment with one crosslinker.

      We have rephrased to make clear that our statement only refers to Ase1.

      "We found that all bim1 mutants were less well recruited to the metaphase spindle compared to the wild-type protein,

      indicating that Bim1-interacting proteins strongly contribute to Bim1 localization." Can the authors rule out the defects in

      localization of these mutants is not compromised MT binding by the Bim1 mutants? Also, regarding this statement: "To

      test that the observed recruitment defects of bim1 mutants are not a result of a compromised spindle or microtubule

      structure, we examined their localization in a situation when GFP-tagged mutants were covered with the unlabeled wildtype

      allele. Indeed, in this situation, the Bim1 mutants displayed very similar localization profiles (Supplementary Figure

      7B)." I wasn't sure what these results were similar to: the wild-type protein, or the mutant without the presence of WT

      Bim1? The lack of quantitation made this difficult to determine.

      At the request of reviewer 1, we have removed the analysis of Bim1-GFP mutants over an unlabelled Bim1 wild-type from the manuscript.

      The zoom crops for many of the images (Fig 1F and C, 3D, 5J, etc) are not labeled. I realize the legends indicated

      what was what, but it would be much easier for the reader if these panels were labeled in the figure.

      We have indicated the channel by a respective frame around the zoom throughout the manuscript. We think this makes orientation easier.

      "While in vitro reconstitution experiments have suggested that Bim1 is required to fully reconstitute the Kip2-

      dependent loading of the Dynein-Dynactin complex to microtubule-plus ends in vitro (Roberts et al., 2014), our

      experiments indicate that it may contribute relatively little to this pathway in cells." Work from other labs have also shown

      Bim1 is dispensable for dynein function in cells. This should be noted by the authors, and the appropriate work cited (see

      work from Lee and Pellman labs. In fact work from the Lee lab showed that Kip2 is dispensable for plus end binding of


      We have re-written this section and now also refer to the Markus 2009 paper (Wei-Lih Lee lab).

      References are missing throughout the text. I have listed a few examples below:

      "We have previously shown that the phenotype of Bim1-binding deficient Cik1 mutants can be rescued by fusing the

      CH-domain to this Cik1 mutant (cik1-Δ74)."

      We have listed the citation of our 2020 paper (Kornakov et al.)

      "We constructed a series of strains expressing an extra copy of Ase1-GFP under different constitutive promoters of

      increasing strength (p1 to p6)"; where did these promoters come from?

      They were selected based on a systematic analysis of promoter strength in Shaw et al., 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.02.023 . We have added that citation to the methods section.

      "double point mutation exchanging two conserved residues in the EBH domain (bim1 Y220A E228A) is predicted to

      eliminate all EBH-dependent cargo interactions, but does not affect protein dimerization."

      We have cited the Honnapa 2009 paper here.

      "A deletion of the terminal five amino acids is predicted to prevent binding of the CAP-Gly domain of Bik1 to Bim1. The

      combination of both mutations is expected to simultaneously prevent both types of interaction."

      We have cited the Stangier 2018 paper here.

      "Spindle positioning in budding yeast is achieved via two pathways, one relying on the protein Kar9 which interacts

      with the actin-based motor Myo2." Yin et al 2000 should be added (in addition to Hwang et al).

      We have now included the Yin et al. 2000 citation.

      "For nuclear migration to occur efficiently, the Dynein-Dynactin complex must be enriched at the plus-ends of

      cytoplasmic microtubules..." Should cite work from the Lee lab here.

      We now cite Markus and Lee, 2011 as an example.

      "These long microtubules can interact with the bud cortex and initiate pulling events to move the nucleus (Omer et al.,

      2018)." Many papers pre-dating the Omer study found this to the case, including work from the Cooper lab (see Adames

      et al). These studies should be cited either in place of the Omer study, or in addition.

      We have cited additional studies besides the Omer paper.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors of the study performed a systematic assessment of the role of Bim1 in the MT-binding activity and function of a large number of nuclear and cytoplasmic MT-associated proteins (MAPs), as well as their role during mitosis and spindle positioning. For example, they find that the reliance of MT-binding activity of several MAPs varies from complete reliance on Bim1, to almost no role (in some cases, loss of Bim1 even increases MAP-MT binding). The density and quality of the data, and the large number of players analyzed by the study, are certainly impressive, and there is no doubt a lot of valuable information contained within that will be of use to many people in the MAP/mitosis/yeast cell biology community. However, I feel the manuscript can be greatly improved following some significant revisions. In particular, although some of their findings are indeed interesting and useful, and can be used to reliably draw conclusions, it is difficult to parse out what is novel, and what is a rehashing of old data. For instance, the role of Bim1 in Bik1/Kip2 targeting was described years (Carvalho et al), and I was surprised to see that the CH-Cik1 fusion was previously described by the authors' lab a couple years ago (see note below regarding lack of appropriate citations and lack of description of previous knowledge). Also, how much did we already know about the Bim1 truncations shown in Figure 7 and S7, and how they might disrupt binding to partners? Finally, regarding this statement in the Discussion: "Our analysis indicates that Bim1 contributes to both of these processes as part of two key protein complexes (Figure 9A): Bim1-Kar9-Myo2 in the cytoplasm and Bim1- Bik1-Cik1-Kar3 in the nucleus." As far as I know, these things have been known for many years; their work might help to support these findings, but the statement as written misleads the readers in to believing the present work proves these old concepts.

      One of the main issues with reading a manuscript with so much data about so many different players and pathways is that this leads to a situation in which each story is only superficially covered, with only minimal depth or detail. This made the paper somewhat difficult for me to follow (and I am a fan of budding yeast mitosis!), especially given the frequent switching from one pathway to another (e.g., the Cik1 section started on page 12 appears to be continued on page.17, only after talking about the spindle orientation story in between the two Cik1 sections). I'm not sure what to suggest, but the manuscript can be improved if the authors try to refocus some of the sections to make it easier to follow one story at a time, for a particular molecule (e.g., Cik1) or pathway (spindle orientation). In addition to explicitly describing what is already known about a particular molecule/pathway, the writing can be greatly improved by introducing their reasoning for the experiments in question. Some of the sections lack sufficient rationale for me to understand the justification for their experiments (e.g., why try to overexpress Ase1 to rescue bim1∆ phenotypes, as described on page 19?).

      Although there is likely much to learn from this study, I felt that some conclusions were a little bold (see below), while alternative hypotheses were not addressed (perhaps Bim1 simply competes for MT binding with some of these factors, thus accounting for them increasing their spindle-binding behavior?). For example, the authors make a point that loss of Bim1 enhances dynein-dynactin function. However, it is important to note that mutations in tubulin (tub2-430∆) and other MAPs (Kar9 or Ase1, the latter of which the authors point out) also lead to increased dynein activity (see work by Yeh et al., 2000, and work from the Moore lab). It is unknown whether mutations to these genes affect dynein targeting in cells similar to what the authors describe here. Thus, a direct causal relationship between their bim1∆ phenotypes and enhanced dynein activity is unclear, and at best is speculative. It's also worth noting that overexpression of Bik1 has been shown to actually reduce Dhc1 localization to plus ends in cells (see Markus et al 2011), which would argues against a simple mechanism of increasing Bik1 correlating with increasing dynein localization and activity.

      Below are some specific points.

      1. "Robustness of Ndc80 loading might be achieved by the coexistence of multiple kinetochore assembly pathways or alternatively determined by intrinsic Ndc80 properties." Wouldn't Ndc80 levels be determined by Ndc80 kinetochore loading, and not by end-binding proteins? This seems to be the more likely means to regulate Ndc80 levels.
      2. "Upon analyzing the associations in the cytoplasm, we found that Kar9-3xGFP foci on bud-directed cytoplasmic microtubules were abolished in the bim1Δ strain, consistent with earlier reports." It would be helpful if the authors commented on the how the localization of some of these proteins are affected by bim1∆ on the mother-directed plus ends. Although I understand the need to account for one class of plus end for the sake of consistency (and the distinct behaviors of the mother vs bud-directed plus end), the text as written leaves me wondering about the other plus end.
      3. "The CAP-Gly domain construct, expressed from a BIM1 promoter, almost exclusively localized to the spindle of yeast cells." For clarity, the authors should explicitly state that the CAP-Gly domain in question is from Bik1. Although this can be deduced, this was not abundantly clear.
      4. "In addition to Ase1, we followed the kinetochore proteins Ndc80-GFP and Sgo1-GFP which specifically marks kinetochores that lack tension." This sentence should add "the latter of which..." to clarify that SgoI, but not Ndc80 exhibits this behavior.
      5. "We observed that bim1Δ cells had mispositioned kinetochores with a bright Sgo1-GFP signal that was much stronger than in wild-type cells." I don't see the mispositioned kinetochores described here. Are the authors referring to the fact that Sgo1 is brighter, which suggests tension-free KTs? If so, this should be clearly stated as such, since the authors are not explicitly assessed kinetochore "positioning".
      6. "We speculate that Bim1-Bik1 in a complex with its cargo Cik1-Kar3 is active after bi-polar spindle formation but before late metaphase and Ase1 can partially substitute for nuclear Bim1 functions." I struggled to grasp the reasoning for these conclusions. I assume the former point (the timing for Bim1-Bik1-Cik-Kar3) is due to the localization dynamics of Bim1 and Bik1, while the latter (Ase1 can substitute for Bim1) is due to the synthetic interaction between Bim1 and Ase1 (I needed to look this latter point up myself). Or is this latter point due to the brighter spindle Ase1-GFP intensity? In either case, the authors should more clearly state their reasoning.
      7. The error bars in Figures 3A and 6E (shown as 95% CI) and elsewhere seem very small for the parameters that are being plotted. Spindle length values as shown in Figure 2E cover a broad range (as would be expected for a biological process), and it would be more accurate if the error bars in Fig 3A and 6E reflect this, even if it means they start overlapping each other. I find the error as shown to be misleading to your readers, and unless the authors have very good reason to use 95% CI (which is not as meaningful as standard deviation), then I would encourage them to use standard deviation.
      8. The same is true for the values stated throughout the text (e.g., for mitotic timing "47{plus minus}2 min" for metaphase duration; for distance between SPB and bud neck {plus minus} 0.1 µm, etc). I am highly skeptical that metaphase duration (for example) ranged from only 46-48 minutes. Please use standard deviation to describe a more accurate description of the range of values for these parameters.
      9. "Unexpectedly, the kar9 deletion mutant displayed a slightly accelerated metaphase progression relative to wild-type cells (26{plus minus}1 min) (Figure 3C). This could be attributed to an increased level of Bim1 on the metaphase spindle of kar9Δ (or Kar9-AID) cells." The authors should give us more rationale to explain the "attributing the increased levels of Bim1" point here. Do they think that the levels of spindle-associated Bim1 impact metaphase duration somehow? If so, how?
      10. "Overall, our cell biology data suggested that major nuclear Bim1 functions are conducted in a complex with Cik1- Kar3, while Bik1 and Kar9 have a smaller impact, probably affecting the nuclear- cytoplasmic distribution of Bim1." Although I understand and agree with the former conclusion (that Bim1 functions are conducted via Cik1-Kar3"), the latter was confusing to me. Did the authors mean that "Bim1 impacts Bik1 and Kar9 to a lesser extent", rather than vice versa? The authors are discussing Bim1 functioning via Cik1, but then switch to discussing how Bik1 and Kar9 affect Bim1.
      11. "Next, we compared the comparing genetic interaction profile of a bim1 deletion to that of various other factors by re-analyzing the synthetic genetic interaction data..." Remove "comparing".
      12. As someone who is unfamiliar with the analysis shown in Figure 3H, I think it would be useful to list a Pearson correlation value for two genes that are not functionally related. This would help define a lower limit for this analysis.
      13. The axes for the plots in Figure 5E and 5I are very confusing to me. I don't understand what I'm looking at. Why does it go from 0 to 1, and then back to 0-1 again? I don't see how this can account for MTs of different lengths. Normalizing all MT length values to 1 would do this, no?
      14. "These observations are consistent with the idea that Bik1 acts as a processivity factor for Kip2: If more Bik1 is present on the lattice, then more Kip2 molecules are able to reach plus-ends without detachment." Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the plot shown in Figure 5E, but it seems to indicate that the levels of lattice-bound Bik1 are the same in BIM1 and bim1∆ cells (higher SPB-localized levels, though). There are also lower levels of Bik1 at the plus ends in bim1∆ cells. So, if Bik1 were a processivity factor for Kip2, this would suggest that they would remain bound at plus ends as well, which these data suggest is not the case.
      15. "The data on the CH-Cik1 fusion is very compelling, and indeed supports their hypothesis that Bim1's main role in the nucleus is to target Cik1 to the spindle MT plus ends. That being said, it would be a simple, but important task to ensure that this fusion behaves as suggested (restores Cik1 plus end binding in cells). Otherwise, it can't' be ruled out that this fusion is rescuing bim1∆ functions by some other means. However, as stated above, it's unclear how much was already known about this fusion from the lab's previous work.
      16. Regarding the p1-p6 promoter data: p6 is missing from Figure S6A, in spite of it being referenced in the text and the figure.
      17. "Exogenously expressed Ase1 displayed a similar level and kinetics of localization compared to the endogenous protein, indicating that binding sites for microtubule crosslinkers are not a limiting factor on the budding yeast spindle." Specifically, the authors show that binding sites for Ase1 may not be limiting (the overlapping 95% CI bars if Fig S6B suggest this is not significant), not all crosslinkers. The authors should not use such broad language to describe results from one experiment with one crosslinker.
      18. "We found that all bim1 mutants were less well recruited to the metaphase spindle compared to the wild-type protein, indicating that Bim1-interacting proteins strongly contribute to Bim1 localization." Can the authors rule out the defects in localization of these mutants is not compromised MT binding by the Bim1 mutants? Also, regarding this statement: "To test that the observed recruitment defects of bim1 mutants are not a result of a compromised spindle or microtubule structure, we examined their localization in a situation when GFP-tagged mutants were covered with the unlabeled wild-type allele. Indeed, in this situation, the Bim1 mutants displayed very similar localization profiles (Supplementary Figure 7B)." I wasn't sure what these results were similar to: the wild-type protein, or the mutant without the presence of WT Bim1? The lack of quantitation made this difficult to determine.
      19. The zoom crops for many of the images (Fig 1F and C, 3D, 5J, etc) are not labeled. I realize the legends indicated what was what, but it would be much easier for the reader if these panels were labeled in the figure.
      20. "While in vitro reconstitution experiments have suggested that Bim1 is required to fully reconstitute the Kip2- dependent loading of the Dynein-Dynactin complex to microtubule-plus ends in vitro (Roberts et al., 2014), our experiments indicate that it may contribute relatively little to this pathway in cells." Work from other labs have also shown Bim1 is dispensable for dynein function in cells. This should be noted by the authors, and the appropriate work cited (see work from Lee and Pellman labs. In fact work from the Lee lab showed that Kip2 is dispensable for plus end binding of dynein).
      21. References are missing throughout the text. I have listed a few examples below:
        • a. "We have previously shown that the phenotype of Bim1-binding deficient Cik1 mutants can be rescued by fusing the CH-domain to this Cik1 mutant (cik1-Δ74)."
        • b. "We constructed a series of strains expressing an extra copy of Ase1-GFP under different constitutive promoters of increasing strength (p1 to p6)"; where did these promoters come from?
        • c. "double point mutation exchanging two conserved residues in the EBH domain (bim1 Y220A E228A) is predicted to eliminate all EBH-dependent cargo interactions, but does not affect protein dimerization."
        • d. "A deletion of the terminal five amino acids is predicted to prevent binding of the CAP-Gly domain of Bik1 to Bim1. The combination of both mutations is expected to simultaneously prevent both types of interaction."
        • e. "Spindle positioning in budding yeast is achieved via two pathways, one relying on the protein Kar9 which interacts with the actin-based motor Myo2." Yin et al 2000 should be added (in addition to Hwang et al).
        • f. "For nuclear migration to occur efficiently, the Dynein-Dynactin complex must be enriched at the plus-ends of cytoplasmic microtubules..." Should cite work from the Lee lab here.
        • g. "These long microtubules can interact with the bud cortex and initiate pulling events to move the nucleus (Omer et al., 2018)." Many papers pre-dating the Omer study found this to the case, including work from the Cooper lab (see Adames et al). These studies should be cited either in place of the Omer study, or in addition.

      Referees cross-commenting

      It seems that one of my major concerns is reflected in Reviewer #1's review: that a lot of the findings described in the manuscript have been published elsewhere, and are not novel. In spite of this, I do think there are useful data in this manuscript that make this an important contribution, and that it should definitely be published. However, this would first require a significant re-writing with appropriate description of known vs unknown, and additional citations.


      The current study aims to clarify the role of Bim1 (EB1 homolog in budding yeast) in the various pathways in which it has been implicated. To achieve this aim, the authors assess the localization of numerous other microtubule-associated proteins in cells with and without Bim1. In addition to high quality localization data (e.g., intensity values), the authors perform a number of cell biological assessments (e.g., mitotic spindle length values before, during and after anaphase), genetic assessments (synthetic interaction assays), and in vitro binding assays. The current study is indeed rich with new insights into the mechanisms by which these molecules function, and will no doubt prove valuable to a number of people in the microtubule/motor/yeast mitosis fields. As someone who is interested in and studies mitosis in budding yeast, I found the study to be interesting.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Kornakov and Westermann provide a comprehensive analysis of the functions of microtubule +end binding proteins (+TIPs) in budding yeast. Bim1 is the EB1 ortholog of budding yeast and serves as a scaffold for other +TIPs. As Bim1 is not essential for cell viability, the authors could use a deletion of Bim1 to evaluate the global loss of function of +TIP proteins on cellular processes involving microtubules in the nucleus and the cytoplasm. During mitosis Bim1 functions almost exclusively in two previously characterized complexes with different functions: 1. The Kar9-Bim1-Bik1 complex which mediates spindle positioning at the bud neck in metaphase and 2. The Kar3-Cik1-Bik1-Bim1 complex which functions in spindle assembly and spindle elongation. Much is already known about Bim1's function in spindle positioning e.g. =TIPs on cytoplasmic microtubules, but the authors provide new insights into Kar9-Bim1 co-dependence in localization to cytoplasmic microtubules and how in turn affects localization of Bik1 and Kip2, both of which act in the dynein dependent spindle positioning pathway. The role of Bim1 in spindle assembly has also been characterized previously. The authors show how Bim1 is required to recruit the kinesin-14 Cik1/Kar3 to mitotic spindles, which interactions are involved, and that spindle elongation is delayed in its absence. Unfortunately, there is considerable overlap between their results and the published literature, and the impact of their finding is therefore reduced. The strength of this manuscript lies in its comprehensive analysis of Bim1 function , the quality of the results and that the experiments are generally well controlled and interpreted.

      Major points:

      1. There is already a huge body of published information on mitotic spindle positioning via the Kar9 and dynein pathways that grew since the late 1990s. The genetic relationships and molecular interactions between the components of these 2 pathways are well studied (many studies, including Liakopoulos et al. 2003, are not cited by the authors). The authors should make sure to cite and compare to the relevant primary literature when they report findings that have been described before. This will help to distinguish novel findings from validation of previous results.
      2. "The strict dependence of Kar9 and Cik1-Kar3 on the presence of Bim1, as well as the different effects of bim1Δ on nuclear and cytoplasmic Bik1, may reflect the formation of stable complexes between Bim1 and these binding partners in cells." I believe this has already been shown (Kumar et al., 2021 and Manatschal et al., 2016). There are several other instances as well where additional literature should be cited, for example Gardner et al., 2008 and Gardner et al. 2014.
      3. The selection of targets to study in figure 1 doesn't seem to follow the listed criteria. Many proteins included in the study were not found by IP-MS, but some perfect targets according to the listed criteria like Duo1 were not included in the study. In addition, there are more sophisticated ways of finding Bim1 binding motifs in the literature (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2012.07.047). I suggest, the authors declare that they rationally chose to study 21 proteins of interest but remove the claim that their approach was systematic.
      4. Much of the microscopy data was acquired after release from alpha factor arrest. What is the reason for this perturbation? An exponentially growing culture should mostly consist of mitotic cells anyway. Since this treatment affects cell size and potentially protein levels/concentrations, testing its influence on spindle position as well as levels on MTs for the most relevant proteins of interest would be important to exclude introduction of artifacts.
      5. Some of the results obtained from bim1Δ cells are a challenge to interpret due to the wide range of processes that involve Bim1 and therefor the potential for many off-target effects- including a global change in microtubule dynamical behavior in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus that will influence the length distributions and microtubule lifetime (and thus number). The authors must carefully consider these caveats.

      Minor points:

      1. The results section on page 12 refers to phenotypes of kar9 delete cells with respect to Bim1-GFP on cytoplasmic microtubules. In the figure 3D,F I only found data for Kar9-AID, though. The authors should refer to supplementary figure 5A or even better include quantification similar to figure 3F.
      2. The observation that cytoplasmic Bim1 localization depends on interaction with its cargo Kar9 (figure 3 + 7) fits into the model that Kumar et al (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.str.2021.06.012) proposed in which Kar9 oligomerization is required for its Bim1 dependent localization to microtubules. It would be valuable to point that out.
      3. I don't fully understand the model proposed in Figure 5H and discussion page 26. Based on figure 5E, it does not look like there is a higher concentration of Bik1 along the lattice in bim1 delete. So how would Bik1 increase Kip2 processivity if its levels are only increased due to a MT length change? If Kip2 was not fully processive, you would rather expect to see less of it at the tip of a longer microtubule in bim1 delete. The model suggested by Chen et al (https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.48627.001) suggests that Kip2 only gets loaded at the minus-end and processively walks towards the +end without falling off. Are the authors suggesting that bim1 deletion changes this behavior?
      4. I don't see evidence for independent pools of Bik1 in the cytoplasm and nucleus as claimed on top of page 21. Total Bik1 levels on cytoplasmic microtubules seem to be well explained by their length. Please explain better or remove the statement.
      5. The experiments in supplementary figure 7B are difficult to interpret. The localization on cytoplasmic microtubules is different, but probably explained by the formation of Bim1 heterodimers. Therefore this experiment is difficult to interpret and should be removed.
      6. top of page 24: Kar9 localization in metaphase depends exclusively on SxIP, not on LxxPTPh (Manatschal 2016). The paragraph should be removed as it is not supported by published data or sufficiently by the authors to merit the conclusion.
      7. Top of page 26: The genetic interactions between the Kar9 pathway and the dynein pathway were already well known before this work. Please reformulate accordingly.
      8. page 27 second paragraph: There is no selective pressure to evolve compensation mechanisms for gene deletions. I suggest the authors consider that Kar9 and dynein partially redundant, with Kar9 acting to position the spindle prior to metaphase and dynein to maintain spindle position in the mother and bud compartments in late metaphase and anaphase. The authors should consider the quantitative analysis of Kar9 and dynein dependent spindle positioning reported in Shulist et al. 2017 and the method for analysis of spindle length and position in 3D in Meziane et al. 2021.
      9. In addition, it is not clear to me which results suggest that the relocalization of Bik1 is required in the bim1 delete. Why would wild type levels not be sufficient for dynein pathway function? The authors have not conclusively shown that nuclear migration relies on upregulating the dynein pathway in bim1Δ cells. If there is no supporting data, the paragraph should be removed.
      10. Please provide more details about intensity quantification on page 35. Were these measured on sum or max projected stacks? What was the method of background subtraction?
      11. Are the spindle lengths in Figure 2E measured in 2D or 3D? Bim1 deletion might lead to more misalignment of the spindles in z due to inactivation of the Kar9 pathway and thus partially explain the shorter spindles. The measurements should therefore be performed in 3D.
      12. The authors should try to shorten the text. There is a lot of redundancy between results and discussion sections.
      13. Data is shown that leads to conclusions that are already supported by the literature should be moved to the supplementary material.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I am in agreement with reviewer 2


      The role of Bim1 in the Kar9 spindle positioning pathway and in recruiting Kar3/Cik1 to spindles have been extensively characterized in previous publications, however this manuscript adds mechanistic insight into what interactions are essential for localization, what happens to other proteins that have not previously been studied in the context of Bim1 and what are the exact consequences of Bim1 loss with some explanation for the outcomes. Some data presented here was expected from previous work, but never experimentally confirmed and these findings should be the focus of the manuscript. While the manuscript does not provide a huge conceptual advancement, the findings of this comprehensive analysis are of great value to the microtubule field, especially for people working in budding yeast.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We would like to thank the reviewers for their thorough and positive assessment of our work. We also thank them for their careful review of our manuscript. Our responses to their specific comments are provided in the lines below.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      The manuscript entitled „Metastatic potential in clonal melanoma cells is driven by a rare, early-invading subpopulation" by Kaur and colleagues provides a phenotypical analysis of the invasive potential of established melanoma cell lines on single cell level. The aim of the study was to answer the question if even homologous tumor cells bear the intrinsic potential to give rise to cells with high invasive (and therefore potentially metastatic) capacity in absence of selection pressure from the tumor microenvironment.

      The authors used clones from two different melanoma cell lines (to prevent the accumulation of random (epi)genetic changes during cultivation) and performed invasion assays with Matrigel-coated transwell inlays to differentiate between cells that were able to invade early (up to 8 h, approx. 1% of the total cell population) or late (8-24 h; approx. 3% of the total cell population) after plating. Comparative RNA sequencing of early invaders and non-invaders populations revealed a high expression of SEMA3C in early invaders, which was then established as marker in the used cell lines. Interestingly, in vivo models using NSG mice injected with a mixture of early and late invading melanoma cells revealed that both contributed similarly to the primary tumor, while metastatic cells in the lung consisted almost exclusively of early invaders. Subsequent ATAC sequencing revealed an increase of binding sites for the transcription factor NKX2.2 in the early invaders. Functional analyses revealed that a knockout of NKX2.2. led to an increase in both invasion and proliferation. Finally, the authors showed with different sorted early and late invaders as well as SEMA3Chigh and SEMA3Clow expressers that pro-invasive features go along with reduced proliferation potential in accordance to previously published data. However, they decrease with time, thus demonstrating a reversion of the phenotype and high plasticity.

      Major comments:

      In general, the paper contains novel and interesting data, is concisely written and supported by replicates. The key conclusion, the presence of a small proportion of highly invasive cells in a seemingly homologous cell population and their striking requirement for lung metastasis, is very convincing. In vitro, SEMA3C was confirmed as a marker for the early invaders in two independent cell lines. However, a few questions remain open, as detailed below:

      We thank the reviewer for their positive assessment of our work. We also thank them for their careful review of our manuscript. Our responses to their specific comments are provided in the lines below.

      1) The relevance of NKX2.2 in the early invaders is currently unclear to me.

      The ATAC sequencing data revealed a high enrichment of accessible NKX2.2 binding sites in early invaders, and data were tested by comparative RNA sequencing of control cells and cells with NKX2.2 ko (Figure 2). The Figure legend of Figure 2 says: "NKX2.2 is a transcription factor that promotes the invasive subpopulation", but the data don`t support this (ko leads to reduced invasion). Accordingly, the authors also state in the Results part "... the direction of the effect is the opposite of what one might have expected".

      To set the role of NKX2.2 into context, it would be useful to confirm the actual involvement of NFX2.2 in the invasive phenotype and clarify if NFX2.2. might probably even suppress some pro-invasive genes. I would advise to investigate the protein levels and/or protein localization of NFX2.2 and probably perform ChIp experiments on selected pro-invasive genes that play a role in the early invaders.

      The reviewer has raised some excellent points about our studies of NKX2.2 and its role in invasion. Indeed, we were also surprised by the fact that NKX2.2 had the opposite effect as expected (its peaks are enriched for accessibility in the early invaders in FS4, but knockout leads to increased invasion). We elected to include the results because it was a hypothesis we tested, so in the interest of full disclosure of results, we chose to leave the result in.

      The reviewer has also made some nice suggestions about how to further explore the role of NKX2.2 in regulation (e.g. ChIP-seq). Owing to the complexity of validating and performing this assay, we felt these experiments were beyond the scope of the current manuscript; we hope to explore these possibilities more fully in the future.

      Another excellent suggestion the reviewer made was to look at the regulatory capacity of NKX2.2 to directly demonstrate the link between NKX2.2 regulation and expression differences between early- and late-invading cells. In order to establish this connection, we used a gene set from molecular signatures database (MSigDB: https://www.gsea-msigdb.org/gsea/msigdb/human/geneset/NKX2_2_TARGET_GENES.html) consisting of genes with an NKX2.2 binding site within their promoter (TSS -1000 bp to TSS +100 bp) identified by the gene transcription regulation database (GTRD–paper here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33231677/). We used the Fisher’s exact test to see if the overlap between these genes regulated by NKX2.2 and genes that are differentially expressed between early-invading cells versus their respective parental population in both cell lines had more overlap than one would expect by chance. Indeed, the p-values using this approach were 3.937e-16 and 0.037 for the FS4 and 1205Lu cell lines, respectively. These results, combined with the motif analysis with our ATAC-seq data, demonstrated that the activity of NKX2.2 is relevant in the early-invading state. We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and feel this additional analysis has improved our conclusions about NKX2.2.

      Also, we further checked whether NKX2.2 levels correlated in early versus late invading cells across a panel of cell lines (Fig. 2C). We found that in 4/6 of these lines, NKX2.2 expression was higher in the early invaders. These results further support the case that NKX2.2 is an important positive regulator of invasion in multiple contexts.

      “In order to establish the generality of our results, we measured NKX2.2 expression levels across multiple cell lines by single molecule mRNA FISH. We found that the early invaders had higher levels of NKX2.2 expression in four out of the 6 lines tested (Fig. 2C), demonstrating the generality of our results and strengthening the case that NKX2.2 is a potential regulator of early invasiveness. The role of NKX2.2 as a regulator of early invasiveness was further established through comparative analysis between genes with NKX2.2 promoter region binding sites (-1000 bp to +100 bp relative to the transcription start site (TSS) as annotated by the Gene Transcription Regulation Database (GTRD)) and genes differentially expressed in early-invading and parental cells. Analysis using Fisher's exact test revealed a significant overlap between GTRD annotated genes regulated by NKX2.2 and genes expressed in FS4 (****p=3.937e-16) and 1205Lu (*p=0.037) early-invading cells. These results, in complement with our results from ATAC-sequencing motif analysis, further supported the relevance of NKX2.2 regulation in the early-invading state.”

      2) The sequencing data are currently accessible via a Dropbox link. They should be deposited instead in a data repository.

      We thank the reviewer for noting this problem. We have uploaded all data to the SRA/GEO at the following links:




      Minor comments:

      1) The cell line used for Supplementary Figure 4 should be named in the figure legend.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We have included the name of the cell line in the figure legend for Supplementary Figure 4. The text reads as follows:

      “A. FS4 melanoma cells were sorted based on SEMA3C expression. Cells were live-imaged for ~10 days every hour and single cells were tracked manually for cell position, cell division and lineage. Lineages were traced manually from single cells. Cell speed was calculated for each cell using the average distance traveled over time.”

      2) In Figures 4H-M and Supplementary Figure 4D-I, the authors describe data performed in "sister" and "cousin" cells. It would be useful to provide a definition for both in the main text or figure legend.

      This is a very good point. We have provided the following definitions in the main text, and have changed the wording from “sister” to “sibling” to avoid gendered terminology:

      “(sibling cells are defined as those that share a common parent cell, and cousin cells are defined as those that share a common grandparent.)”

      3) Discussion: "This lack of permanence may reflect the fact that the invasive cells are not subjected to stress-in our case, cells merely pass through a transwell, which may be the reason for the "burning in" of the phenotype in the case of resistance."

      This sentence is misleading - please clarify.

      We apologize for the confusion caused by this sentence. We have now changed it to the following:

      “It is interesting that the early-invading cells eventually revert to the population average even after going through the transwell. Such a result contrasts with our previous work (Shaffer et al., 2017b), in which a rare subpopulation became permanently therapy resistant and did not revert even after several weeks off-treatment. One possibility is that the stress of undergoing therapy treatment induces a transcriptional rewiring, and this rewiring is not induced by the migration through transwells. Further studies will be required to test these hypotheses.”

      Furthermore, there are some errors in the reference to the Figures throughout the paper. These which should be corrected:

      We thank the reviewer for their detailed reading and finding these issues. We have now fixed them all in our revised manuscript.

      4) Results, section "NKX2.2 is a transcription factor that promotes the invasive subpopulation".

      Here the authors write: "...we performed RNA sequencing on the NKX2.2 knockout cells and compared the effects on gene expression to the gene expression differences between early vs. non- invaders across the two cell lines." This sentence should contain the reference to Supplementary Figure 3B-D (which is otherwise not referred to).

      We thank the reviewer for their detailed reading and noticing this issue. We have now referenced Supplementary Figure 3B-D in the text cited above.

      5) Results: "Overexpression of SEMA3C in FS4 cells revealed no changes in invasiveness, suggesting that SEMA3C is a marker with no functional relevance to invasiveness per se; Fig. 1D, Fig. 2A-B)"

      The correct reference should be: Suppl. Fig. 1D, Fig. 2A-B. Also, in the current manuscript version the authors jump from Figures 1 to Figure 2 A,B, before coming back to Figure 1. To avoid this, I would advise to shift the current Figure 2A, B to Figure 1 or the supplementary information.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this error in the reference to these figures. Figure 2A-B is now referenced as “Supp. Fig. 1 E-F”. The figure legend has also been updated.

      6) Results: "We then sampled lungs from mice at various times post-injection to look for metastatic cells (Fig.1F, Suppl. Fig. 2B,C)."

      As Supplementary Figure 2B, C does not show metastasis, but rather primary tumor growth, I would advise the following wording: "We then sampled lungs from mice at various times post-injection to look for metastatic cells (Fig.1F) and overall tumor growth (Suppl. Fig. 2B,C)."

      We thank the reviewer for their advice to reword the sentence cited above. We have now edited the text to read as suggested by the reviewer. In addition, Supp. Fig. 2B,C is not referenced as Supp. Fig. 2C,D.

      "We then sampled lungs from mice at various times post-injection to look for metastatic cells (Fig.1F) and overall tumor growth (Supp. Fig. 2C,D)."

      7) Results: "Interestingly, NKX2.2 knockout cells showed markedly increased invasion and proliferation (Fig. 2A,B), suggesting a change in regulation of both processes. "

      The correct reference is Fig. 2C, D.

      The reviewer is right that we only have results in one cell line, and fully agree that the results in FS4 are only correlative. We have now weakened the language in the abstract and the results to emphasize that this result held in 1205Lu cells only.

      • Given the robust literature regarding phenotypic switching in melanoma, the NKX2.2 knockout increasing both invasiveness and proliferation (figures 2C, 2D) suggests it may not be involved in phenotype switching. Perhaps NKX2.2 is a negative regulator of cell activity/metabolism. We thank the reviewer for highlighting the possible connections with metabolism. To explore this possibility , we performed metabolic assays on NKX2.2 knockout and AAVS control cells and observed no significant changes in Extracellular acidification rate (B). We did observe some differences in oxygen consumption rate in the cells (A), but the differences do not seem to be large enough or systematic enough to be meaningful given the variation within the controls. We have now included these results in Supp. Fig. 3E-F.

      Note, the data previously referenced as Figure 2C,D is now in Figure 2A,B.

      “NKX2.2 is a transcriptional repressor and activator essential for the differentiation of pancreatic endocrine cells (Habener et al., 2005). In mice, deletion of NKX2.2 prevents the specification of pancreatic islet cells resulting in the replacement of insulin-expressing β cells and glucagon-expressing α cells with ghrelin-expressing cells; This lack of specification resulted in mortality of newborn mice due to hyperglycemia (Sussel et al. 1998; Prado et al. 2004). Given the link of NKX2.2 with glucose metabolism, we wondered whether NKX2.2 had an effect on metabolic activity prompting us to test the NKX2.2 knockout lines for metabolic differences in the oxygen consumption rate (OCR; an indicator of oxidative phosphorylation) and the extracellular acidification rate (ECAR; an indicator of glycolysis) of the cells. Seahorse assay analysis revealed no systematic differences in metabolic activity (Supp. Fig. 3E,F).”

      We thank the reviewer for the correction. The reference has now been corrected in the main text.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Nature and significance of the advance/ literature context:

      In their manuscript, the authors provide interesting biological data about the presence of intrinsically and reversibly pro-invasive / pro-metastatic melanoma cells in a seemingly homogenous subpopulation. With SEMA3C, they also provide a marker for early invading cells, which might be useful in future studies to identify therapeutic vulnerabilities for this subgroup. This study sheds further light on the functional effects of phenotypic plasticity, which was previously described particularly in the context of therapy resistance, as mentioned by the authors.

      We thank the reviewer for their kind assessment of the impact of our work.


      The study is interesting for scientists from the melanoma field as well as the cancer metastasis field in general.

      Own expertise:

      Melanoma, phenotypic switch, metabolism, signal transduction, stress response

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Metastatic potential in clonal melanoma cells is driven by a rare, early-invading subpopulation

      Kaur et al.

      In this manuscript the authors highlight a small subpopulation of "early-invading" melanoma cells and functionally characterize the nuances of these early cells compared to their slowly invading counterparts. A cell surface marker, SEMA3C and the transcription factor NKX2.2 were associated with differences in the invasive rates. Importantly, the group demonstrates that existence of the invasive subpopulation is not reliant on genetic changes, and thus exhibits plasticity. While the underlying concept surrounding this paper (phenotypic plasticity) is not novel, highlighting a surface marker and transcription factor that may, at least in part, be associated with phenotype plasticity is interesting. However, the current study seems underdeveloped. Specific points of concern are listed:


      • Only two cell lines are used throughout this study. We thank the reviewer for pointing out the need for more cell lines. We have now added two new cell lines to our study, WM793 and WM1799, both of which recapitulate the fundamental phenomenology in question. Although we did not show it in our initial submission, we had originally queried a panel of melanoma cell lines in order to determine their suitability for our study (from which we settled on 1205Lu and FS4). This panel has multiple melanoma cell lines obtained from a variety of melanoma tumor samples from Radial Growth Phase (RGP), Vertical Growth Phase (VGP), and metastatic tissues. We now have included these data in our revised manuscript, since they further support our point.

      “We tested a panel of different melanoma cell lines from Radial Growth Phase (RGP), Vertical Growth Phase (VGP), and metastatic tumor types for the existence of fast invading subpopulations. We used four patient-derived melanoma cell lines, FS4, 1205Lu, WM1799, WM793, all of which have BRAF mutations (V600K for FS4, V600E for 1205Lu, WM1799, and WM793) and are known to be highly invasive in vitro and in vivo (27). Out of the 11 melanoma cell lines tested, the FS4 (not shown) and 1205lu cell lines displayed the highest levels of fast invading subpopulations (Supp. Fig. 1A).”

      First, we showed that they all have an invasive subpopulation, with 1205Lu and FS4 (not shown) having the most invasive cells. Second, validating a central claim of the manuscript, we showed that many of these cell lines, including WM1799 and WM793, showed much higher levels of both SEMA3C (4/6) and NKX2.2 (4/6) expression in the early invading population as compared to the late invading population.

      Together, these data make a strong case that our findings generalize across multiple cell lines, including RGP and VGP models. We have incorporated new text that reads as follows:

      “In order to establish the generality of our results, we measured expression of the surface marker SEMA3C across the early and late invading subpopulations of a panel of melanoma cell lines. We found that SEMA3C levels were higher in the early invading subpopulation in 4 of the 6 lines tested (Supp. Fig. 1H). Thus, these results held across a variety of cell lines and, thus, were not a unique feature of a particular patient sample.”

      • The in vivo metastasis assay in figure 1 is difficult to interpret and presents a number of concerns. 1) Only ~50% of early invading cells were labeled with GFP, this confounds many aspects of the experiment. The authors comment that in the primary tumor, as expected "...a roughly equal mix of human melanoma cells that were GFP positive and negative." If there was an expectation of equal proliferative rates in the primary tumor of early and late invading cells, given that only 1/2 of the early cells were GFP+, wouldn't we expect only 25% of the human cells to be GFP+?

      The reviewer has raised a very important quantitative question about our experiments, which we have now addressed with a more thorough set of analyses. Initially, we quantified GFP positivity post -transduction by looking at fluorescent protein levels, for which the threshold was fairly arbitrary, and potentially could have miscounted many GFP positive cells as GFP negative due to low but non-zero levels of expression. We hence recalculated our positivity rate based on single molecule RNA FISH for GFP and mCherry, given that the technique is sensitive down to even veryl ow levels of expression.

      As can be seen in Supp. Fig. 2B, the vast majority of transduced cells did indeed get the transgene and had some level of expression of GFP/mCherry. At a threshold of 5/10 molecules (GFP/mCherry, respectively), we obtained 88% and 96.15% positivity rates for GFP and mCherry, respectively. At these rates of positivity, we would expect much closer to 50% of the cells being GFP positive in the tumors, as observed. We thank the reviewer for noticing this discrepancy, and feel that our new analysis clears up the confusion and strengthens our results. These results are described in the main text as follows:

      “We labeled the cells with sufficient virus so that 88% of the early invaders were labeled with GFP and 96.15% of the late invaders were labeled with mCherry (Supp. Fig. 2B). We then sampled lungs from mice at various times post-injection to look for metastatic cells (Fig.1F) and overall tumor growth (Supp. Fig. 2C,D).”

      2) The authors note technical difficulties in detecting mCherry in sections. It seems as though this forced them to use a RNA FISH probe to identify human vs. mouse and by extension/negative selection the human FISH positive, GPF negative cell represented a mCherry stained late-invading cell. This is not ideal and seems over complicated. If the population of interest was engineered to express mCherry, why not directly probe for mCherry?

      The reviewer has raised an important point about our experimental design. Indeed, we attempted multiple times and in multiple ways to detect mCherry protein directly. We tried multiple times with multiple antibodies, but the signal was simply not detectable. Hence, we arrived at the experimental design we outlined. We felt that a fully transparent disclosure of the issues was preferable, even if it did make the design sound overly complex. We will note that our primary result—that the vast majority of the metastatic cells are GFP positive and hence derived from fast invaders—is robust to any detection issues for mCherry.

      3) Given the poor initial labeling/transduction of the early invaders, how can the authors be confident that all human cells without GFP signal are late invaders?

      The reviewer raises a great point that is addressed by our GFP and mCherry RNA FISH analysis above, showing that the transduction efficiency was actually quite a bit higher than initially thought due to low but non-zero GFP signal being counted as GFP negative. With the much higher transduction efficiencies we have now validated, we believe that the vast majority of human cells with no GFP signal should be late invaders.

      • The authors may have missed an opportunity to study FS4 clone F6 and 1205 clone E11. What is the SEMA3C and NKX2.2 status of these clones? Are they able to revert expressions? The reviewer has pointed out an interesting opportunity for further exploration. Unfortunately, because they were identified as part of an initial screening study, those particular clones were not kept for subsequent analysis. However, in our revised manuscript, we have now worked up multiple additional cell lines (WM1799 and WM793), both of which had high expression levels of both SEMA3C (Supp. Fig. 1H, shown above) and NKX2.2 (Fig. 2C) in the early invading subpopulation. Currently, we do not have data on reversion experiments for these two cell lines, but we would expect them to behave similarly to the other cell lines we examined in this study.

      • The lack of statistical analysis/comparisons throughout the paper needs to be addressed. We thank the reviewer for pointing out these deficiencies. We have now added statistical comparisons throughout.

      • In figures 1E and 3B, why do the parental (homogenous) cells demonstrate less invasiveness than the selected for the SEMA3C low or "late-invaders" respectively? This is an important point that the reviewer has raised. The finding did occur in every replicate, so we assume it is biologically and not statistical. We have now included the following language in the discussion noting the issue and some possible explanations.

      “It is worth noting that, while the SEMA3C-high (early-invading) subpopulation drove the highly invasive phenotype, the SEMA3C-low (late-invading) subpopulation also displayed a somewhat more invasive phenotype than the parental population. It is unclear what the underlying cause of this difference in invasive behavior is between the SEMA3C-low and parental populations. One possibility is that paracrine signaling between cells in the parental population confers them with less invasive potential than when the cells are isolated into early- and late-invading subpopulations. Another possibility is that technical factors associated with the sorting of SEMA3C-low cells from the parental population alter their invasive properties, thus making them distinct from the parental population.”

      • Conclusions that NKX2.2 knockout increases invasiveness and proliferation are based on 1 cell line. The comparisons done with FS4 early and late invading cells in Figure 1F may be supportive but is correlative in nature. The reviewer is right that we only have results in one cell line, and fully agree that the results in FS4 are only correlative. We have now weakened the language in the abstract and the results to emphasize that this result held in 1205Lu cells only.

      • Given the robust literature regarding phenotypic switching in melanoma, the NKX2.2 knockout increasing both invasiveness and proliferation (figures 2C, 2D) suggests it may not be involved in phenotype switching. Perhaps NKX2.2 is a negative regulator of cell activity/metabolism. We thank the reviewer for highlighting the possible connections with metabolism. To explore this possibility , we performed metabolic assays on NKX2.2 knockout and AAVS control cells and observed no significant changes in Extracellular acidification rate (B). We did observe some differences in oxygen consumption rate in the cells (A), but the differences do not seem to be large enough or systematic enough to be meaningful given the variation within the controls. We have now included these results in Supp. Fig. 3E-F.

      Note, the data previously referenced as Figure 2C,D is now in Figure 2A,B.

      “NKX2.2 is a transcriptional repressor and activator essential for the differentiation of pancreatic endocrine cells (Habener et al., 2005). In mice, deletion of NKX2.2 prevents the specification of pancreatic islet cells resulting in the replacement of insulin-expressing β cells and glucagon-expressing α cells with ghrelin-expressing cells; This lack of specification resulted in mortality of newborn mice due to hyperglycemia (Sussel et al. 1998; Prado et al. 2004). Given the link of NKX2.2 with glucose metabolism, we wondered whether NKX2.2 had an effect on metabolic activity prompting us to test the NKX2.2 knockout lines for metabolic differences in the oxygen consumption rate (OCR; an indicator of oxidative phosphorylation) and the extracellular acidification rate (ECAR; an indicator of glycolysis) of the cells. Seahorse assay analysis revealed no systematic differences in metabolic activity (Supp. Fig. 3E,F).”

      • Given that sorted SEMA3C high levels did not revert to parental FS4 levels, yet the invasive phenotype reverted to parental-like behavior undermines the usefulness of SEMA3C as a marker of invasiveness. The reviewer has brought up an important point. We were able to show that 1205Lu cells had SEMA3C levels revert to those of the parental. The reviewer is right that FS4 did not, which may be because it takes longer for FS4 to revert. It is true that the phenotypic behavior did revert. We have seen similar things in our therapy resistance work (Shaffer et al. 2017, etc.). One possible reason is that the phenotype is governed by multiple factors, and so the phenotype can revert before the expression of SEMA3C. We still think that SEMA3C is a good marker, just perhaps context dependent. We have added text to the discussion to make these important points.

      “We note that SEMA3C levels in FS4-SEMA3C-high cells did not revert to the parental levels within two weeks. This incomplete reversion may be because SEMA3C takes longer to revert than the tested time period. Interestingly, the invasive phenotype did revert in this time period, suggesting that there may be multiple factors associated with the phenotype beyond SEMA3C. It may thus be that SEMA3C is a marker of the early-invading population, but only in certain contexts.”


      • How does SEMA3C and/or NKX2.2 expression (here 1.5% of FS4 cells were noted as "SEMA3C high") of metastatic cell lines (FS4 and 1205) compare to RGP and VGP cell lines? The reviewer has asked a great question about radial and vertical growth phase cells. We have tested several other cell lines to determine cell lines that were suitable for transwell assays. We have now included two figures (Supp. Fig. 1H and Fig. 2C) showing the SEMA3C and NKX2.2 status of each of these cell lines (parental cells) and their different subpopulations (early invaders and late invaders)—see also Reviewer #2, Major point 1. We found that the same pattern of SEMA3C-high cells held for both RGP and VGP cell lines.

      • There were a number of instances throughout the manuscript that were not clear, colloquial, or simply unnecessary - i.e. description of transwell assay. The reviewer has raised a good point about our language. We have gone through and tried to improve the clarity and precision. As for descriptions of the various assays, we have found that some readers of our papers are unfamiliar with these assays, so we elected to keep those descriptions in. We hope the reviewer does not object too strenuously.

      • The authors only analyze/mention lung metastases. Were metastases observed at other sites? The reviewer has posed a very good question about whether metastasis occurred at other locations. We stained additional tissues (liver and kidney) that were collected from the same mice and stained as per our lung invasion assays. As shown in our new Supplemental Fig. 2E, we found a similar pattern with the vast majority of metastatic cells being GFP positive; i.e., early-invaders, just as was the case for lung. We thank the reviewer for this helpful suggestion.

      “In the lung, however, we saw predominantly GFP-positive cells, showing that the vast majority of cells that migrated from the primary tumor site were initially early invading cells (Fig. 1I,J). The number of GFP cells in the lung was variable, but generally increased with time. The liver and kidney also showed an enrichment of GFP-positive cells (early invaders), suggesting that the metastatic potential of these cells is not limited to any one particular metastatic location (Supp. Fig. 2E). Thus, we established that the highly invasive subpopulation was able to drive metastasis in vivo.”

      • What is PE indicating in Figure 1D? Apologies, PE refers to the channel we used for the sorting on the FACS machine and stands for “Phycoerythrin”. To avoid any confusion, we have omitted the “PE” text on the y-axis of Fig. 1D.

      • The number of invaded cells seems to vary quite a bit between experiments - Parental 1205 cells in Fig 2C = ~200, yet 1205 clone F6 and the non-clonal 1205 cell line demonstrate ~10,000. Similar differences observed with Fs4 cells - Parental Fig 1E vs. Empty control Figure 2A. The reviewer has a good eye—indeed, there is a wide variability in the amount of invading cells. We have now remarked on this variability in the results section:

      “We note that the number of invading cells varied significantly between experiments. This variability is due to the fact that we employed transwell dishes with different growth areas, ranging from 0.33 cm2 to 4.67 cm2, leading us to collect different cell numbers for individual experiments. The cell density per cm2, however, was kept constant between experiments.”

      Note that Figure 2C and Figure 2A are now referenced as Figure 2A and Supplemental Figure 1F, respectively .

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      This work contributes to the growing fields of phenotypic plasticity and intratumoral heterogeneity. The authors claim to have identified a surface marker SEMA3C and a transcription factor NKX2.2 that may play a role in driving invasive proclivity. Importantly, the group demonstrates that changes in these proteins are not genetic, and therefore represent "intrinsic differences" that are a property of the tumor. Furthermore, the authors indicate how the present observations of early invading cells parallels drug resistance phenomena as their previous works highlights intrinsically resistant subpopulations (Shaffer et al., Nature 2017, Torre et al., Nature Genetics 2021 and others.). Taken together, the current and previous work underscores the importance of cell to cell non-genetic variability in disease progression and response to therapy.

      We thank the reviewer for their kind comments on the significance of our manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this study, Kaur et al. intended to use similar strategy that the same group had developed (https://www.nature.com/articles/nature22794) to identify the subpopulation in melanoma responsible for metastasis. In brief, the melanoma cell population was subjected to the selection of a specific phenotype (transwell migration dubbed as "invasiveness" behavior). By comparing the early and late invaders, a cell maker was identified to allow distinguishing the high-invasive subpopulation. A series of experiments were devised to validate the metastatic function of the high-invasive cells and delineate the signaling that drove this phenotype. The authors concluded that this rare subpopulation was originated from transcriptional fluctuation, and invasiveness is a trade-off of cell growth. Therefore, as the cells growing, overtime the phenotype was reverted to low invasiveness.

      Consistency is the most important factor for evaluating observation over temporal and spatial range. Therefore, several controls need to be clarified before further investigation in mechanisms:

      1) If the rare invader cells are arising from gene expression fluctuation, the SEMA3C-low population of parental line should generate SEMA3C-high invader subpopulation over time. This should be addressed.

      The reviewer has made an excellent point. Indeed, it is the case that the SEMA3C-low population starts to regenerate the high invader subpopulation over time. We have re-graphed Figure 3D to demonstrate this fact more clearly (See Supplemental Fig. 5A,B), showing that the SEMA3C low population regenerates many more SEMA-3C high cells after 14 days.

      2) Both early and late invader cells exhibited higher invasiveness than the parental line (Fig. 3B). Therefore, the in vivo metastatic potential of the three lines should be compared to validate the role of the invader cells in the metastatic function.

      We thank the reviewer for their comment about testing all three populations in the in vivo context. It is an excellent suggestion, but in order to fully control the experiment, we would need to add all three populations in three separate colors. Given the difficulties we had with getting even the two colors to work together, we think it is beyond the scope of our current efforts to attempt this complex experiment. We have added the following caveat to the text:

      “For unknown reasons, the parental population consistently showed lower invasiveness than the early- and late-invading subpopulations. Given that we did not test the parental population for invasiveness in vivo, future studies may address the sources and mechanisms by which the parental population differs and how those differences manifest in vivo.”

      3) To evaluate the possible intervention of cellular function by fluorescent proteins (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccell.2022.01.015), admix of GFP- and mCherry-labeled populations of early invader cells should be used as a control in Fig. 1F. Noticeably, the labeling ratio of the two populations was not even in Fig. 1F.

      The reviewer has brought up an important point about the potential differences brought about by the fluorescent proteins themselves. At this point, it is difficult to redo these complex in vivo experiments, but we can appeal to the fact that the admixture is maintained throughout time as the primary tumor site still has a roughly equal ratio of GFP and mCherry cells in it (Fig. 1I and Supp. Fig. 2E).

      4) When the invader cells were expanded and passed, their invasiveness will revert to the level similar to parental line in 14 days (Fig. 3B). The isolated cells were expanded for further testing and manipulation in Fig. 1C and 1F, respectively. How long did was the period for cell expansion in these experiments?

      We thank the reviewer for bringing up an important question about the details of cell expansion. For the RNA-seq, the cells were directly processed upon going through the transwell, so there was no expansion period. We have made sure to outline this more carefully in our methods section (see below).

      “RNA sequencing and analysis:

      RNA collection and library prep: Each treatment/sample was tested in 3 separate biological replicates. Upon passing through the transwell, cells were immediately collected and processed for RNA sequencing. Total RNA isolation was performed using the phenol-chloroform extraction followed by RNA cleanup using RNAeasy Micro (Qiagen 74004) kit. For transwell assays, library preparation was performed using Nebnext single-cell/low input RNA library prep kit (E6420L, NEB). For NKX2.2 CRISPR experiments, library preparation was done using NEBNext Poly(A) mRNA Magnetic Isolation Module (NEB E7490L) integrated with NEBNext Ultra II RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina (NEB E7770L).

      Mouse tumor implantation and growth:

      All mouse experiments were conducted in collaboration with Dr. Meenhard Herlyn at The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, PA. NSG mice (NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ) were bred in-house at The Wistar Institute Animal Facility. All experiments were performed under approval from the Wistar Institute Care and Use Committee (protocol 201174). As in the case of RNA sequencing experiments, cells were not expanded prior to injection into the mouse, but were collected and implanted right after passing through the transwell. 50,000 melanoma cells were suspended in DMEM with 10% FBS and injected subcutaneously in the left flank of the mouse.”

      5) If invasiveness and growth are trade-off, why did the mCherry-labeled cells not dominate the population of primary tumors in Fig. 1J?

      Note that Figure 1J is now referenced as Figure 1I. The reviewer brings up a good point. For potential explanations, first, the difference in growth rate is not large, so we would not necessarily expect mCherry cells to dominate on this timescale. Also, we believe that in vivo, the tradeoff may be mitigated by other factors and cell-cell interactions that are not present in vitro. We have added a note on this point to the results.

      “(Note that these numbers were similar despite the slightly increased growth rate of the late-invading subpopulation; we assume this is due to the relatively small difference and cell-cell interactions that could prevent one population from dominating the other.)”

      6) In Fig. 1G, why RNA FISH was not used to detect mCherry-labeled cells?

      Another excellent point. RNA FISH in tissue sections can often be rather challenging due to various reasons including RNA degradation, and mCherry RNA signal was hard to definitively show in these sections. Hence, we opted for MALAT1, which is very heavily expressed and hence provided a strong and reliable signal.

      “For technical reasons, the mCherry cells were not detectable due to the fluorescence of the mCherry protein not being visible in the mouse sections. Nevertheless, we were able to detect late invaders in the population by using a human-specific MALAT1 RNA FISH probe that binds only to human MALAT1 RNA and not mouse MALAT1 RNA (28).”

      7) In vivo cycling (harvesting the cells from metastatic site and implanting them to the primary site in mouse models) has been employed to select metastatic sublines from a parental line. Could in vivo cycling make the early invader phenotype fixed?

      The reviewer has raised a very interesting point about cycling and selection. Indeed, the 1205Lu cells were derived from repeated cycling of invasive lung cells. That is probably the reason that these cells were useful for our assay, because the percentage of early-invading cells was higher. Nevertheless, the cells still have a significant proportion of late invaders, suggesting that the phenotype has not yet been fixed in the population. Perhaps with further cycling, such a fixation could be achieved. We have now noted this possibility in our discussion.

      “It is also possible that repeated cycles of selection, even of non-genetic phenotypes, could lead to an increased fraction of invasive cells. Indeed, 1205Lu cells were derived by exactly such repeated cycles, which presumably are the reason they have a higher percentage of invasive cells; however, despite these repeated rounds of selection, most cells are still not highly invasive, suggesting that it is difficult for this property to fully fix in the population.”

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      Both reviewers' questions are important for adequate controls.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      There are several studies trying to identify subpopulation responsible for the metastasis of melanoma and other types of cancer, and a few mechanisms have been revealed. However, the significance depends on if the results can be validated on clinical data. It is lacking in this study.

      We thank the reviewer for their statement of interest in the problem. We agree that it is helpful to link these results to clinical data. We did perform TCGA analyses of several different genes, including SEMA3C, that emerged from our data, and there were no systematic relationships to phenotype. Of course, the relationship to clinical data is complex and many important factors are not obvious from the TCGA data, so we do not think that necessarily diminishes our results. Rather, we think our results raise a conceptual point that there can be rare cells with non-genetic differences that can drive metastasis. Further work will be required to translate these results to the clinic.

      We have added the following to the main text:

      “We found that the SEMA3C-high cells were far more invasive, intrinsically, than SEMA3C-low cells and the population overall, thus demonstrating that cells vary intrinsically in their invasiveness, and the very invasive subpopulation is marked by the expression of SEMA3C (Fig. 1E). Note, overexpression of SEMA3C in FS4 single cell clones revealed no changes in invasiveness, suggesting that SEMA3C is a marker with no functional relevance to invasiveness per se (Fig. 1D; Supp. Fig. 1E-G). We verified the expression levels of the genes identified in our RNA sequencing study in the The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data. We combined the list of differentially expressed genes in early invaders with the gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) “Hallmarks of cancer epithelial-mesenchymal transition” and compared expression in primary vs. metastatic TCGA samples, finding no appreciable difference (Fig. 5A-B). These data suggest that these markers do not have obvious clinical correlates. Moreover, Kaplan Meier analysis comparing the survival time (days to death) between patient cohorts with either high or low SEMA3C expression levels revealed that SEMA3C does not predict survival time post-diagnosis, as both survival curves (p=0.898) follow comparable trends between the two cohorts (Fig. 5C). However, conceptually, our results raise the possibility that a rare, non-genetically defined subpopulation of cells may drive metastasis due to its increased degree of invasiveness, which further data collection efforts in patient samples may help validate.”

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, Kaur et al. intended to use similar strategy that the same group had developed (https://www.nature.com/articles/nature22794) to identify the subpopulation in melanoma responsible for metastasis. In brief, the melanoma cell population was subjected to the selection of a specific phenotype (transwell migration dubbed as "invasiveness" behavior). By comparing the early and late invaders, a cell maker was identified to allow distinguishing the high-invasive subpopulation. A series of experiments were devised to validate the metastatic function of the high-invasive cells and delineate the signaling that drove this phenotype. The authors concluded that this rare subpopulation was originated from transcriptional fluctuation, and invasiveness is a trade-off of cell growth. Therefore, as the cells growing, overtime the phenotype was reverted to low invasiveness.

      Consistency is the most important factor for evaluating observation over temporal and spatial range. Therefore, several controls need to be clarified before further investigation in mechanisms:

      1. If the rare invader cells are arising from gene expression fluctuation, the SEMA3C-low population of parental line should generate SEMA3C-high invader subpopulation over time. This should be addressed.
      2. Both early and late invader cells exhibited higher invasiveness than the parental line (Fig. 3B). Therefore, the in vivo metastatic potential of the three lines should be compared to validate the role of the invader cells in the metastatic function.
      3. To evaluate the possible intervention of cellular function by fluorescent proteins (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccell.2022.01.015), admix of GFP- and mCherry-labeled populations of early invader cells should be used as a control in Fig. 1F. Noticably, the labeling ratio of the two population was not even in Fig. 1F.
      4. When the invader cells were expanded and passed, their invasiveness will revert to the level similar to parental line in 14 days (Fig. 3B). The isolated cells were expanded for further testing and manipulation in Fig. 1C and 1F, respectively. How long did was the period for cell expansion in these experiments?
      5. If invasiveness and growth are trade-off, why did the mCherry-labeled cells not dominate the population of primary tumors in Fig. 1J?
      6. In Fig. 1G, why RNA FISH was not used to detect mCherry-labeled cells?
      7. In vivo cycling (harvesting the cells from metastatic site and implanting them to the primary site in mouse models) has been employed to select metastatic sublines from a parental line. Could in vivo cycling make the early invader phenotype fixed?

      Referees cross-commenting

      Both reviewers' questions are important for adequate controls.


      There are several studies trying to identify subpopulation responsible for the metastasis of melanoma and other types of cancer, and a few mechanisms have been revealed. However, the significance depends on if the results can be validated on clinical data. It is lacking in this study.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      RC-2022-01474 Metastatic potential in clonal melanoma cells is driven by a rare, early-invading subpopulation Kaur et al.

      In this manuscript the authors highlight a small subpopulation of "early-invading" melanoma cells and functionally characterize the nuances of these early cells compared to their slowly invading counterparts. A cell surface marker, SEMA3C and the transcription factor NKX2.2 were associated with differences in the invasive rates. Importantly, the group demonstrates that existence of the invasive subpopulation is not reliant on genetic changes, and thus exhibits plasticity. While the underlying concept surrounding this paper (phenotypic plasticity) is not novel, highlighting a surface marker and transcription factor that may, at least in part, be associated with phenotype plasticity is interesting. However, the current study seems underdeveloped. Specific points of concern are listed:


      • Only two cell lines are used throughout this study.
      • The in vivo metastasis assay in figure 1 is difficult to interpret and presents a number of concerns.
        • 1.) Only ~50% of early invading cells were labeled with GFP, this confounds many aspects of the experiment. The authors comment that in the primary tumor, as expected "...a roughly equal mix of human melanoma cells that were GFP positive and negative." If there was an expectation of equal proliferative rates in the primary tumor of early and late invading cells, given that only 1/2 of the early cells were GFP+, wouldn't we expect only 25% of the human cells to be GFP+?
        • 2.) The authors note technical difficulties in detecting mCherry in sections. It seems as though this forced them to use a RNA FISH probe to identify human vs. mouse and by extension/negative selection the human FISH positive, GPF negative cell represented a mCherry stained late-invading cell. This is not ideal and seems over complicated. If the population of interest was engineered to express mCherry, why not directly probe for mCherry?
        • 3.) Given the poor initial labeling/transduction of the early invaders, how can the authors be confident that all human cells without GFP signal are late invaders?
      • The authors may have missed an opportunity to study FS4 clone F6 and 1205 clone E11. What is the SEMA3C and NKX2.2 status of these clones? Are they able to revert expressions?
      • The lack of statistical analysis/comparisons throughout the paper needs to be addressed.
      • In figures 1E and 3B, why do the parental (homogenous) cells demonstrate less invasiveness than the selected for the SEMA3C low or "late-invaders" respectively?
      • Conclusions that NKX2.2 knockout increases invasiveness and proliferation are based on 1 cell line. The comparisons done with FS4 early and late invading cells in Figure 1F may be supportive but is correlative in nature.
      • Given the robust literature regarding phenotypic switching in melanoma, the NKX2.2 knockout increasing both invasiveness and proliferation (figures 2C, 2D) suggests it may not be involved in phenotype switching. Perhaps NKX2.2 is a negative regulator of cell activity/metabolism.
      • Given that sorted SEMA3C high levels did not revert to parental FS4 levels, yet the invasive phenotype reverted to parental-like behavior undermines the usefulness of SEMA3C as a marker of invasiveness.


      • How does SEMA3C and/or NKX2.2 expression (here 1.5% of FS4 cells were noted as "SEMA3C high") of metastatic cell lines (FS4 and 1205) compare to RGP and VGP cell lines?
      • There were a number of instances throughout the manuscript that were not clear, colloquial, or simply unnecessary - i.e. description of transwell assay.
      • The authors only analyze/mention lung metastases. Were metastases observed at other sites?
      • What is PE indicating in Figure 1D?
      • The number of invaded cells seems to vary quite a bit between experiments - Parental 1205 cells in Fig 2C = ~200, yet 1205 clone F6 and the non-clonal 1205 cell line demonstrate ~10,000. Similar differences observed with Fs4 cells - Parental Fig 1E vs. Empty control Figure 2A.


      This work contributes to the growing fields of phenotypic plasticity and intratumoral heterogeneity. The authors claim to have identified a surface marker SEMA3C and a transcription factor NKX2.2 that may play a role in driving invasive proclivity. Importantly, the group demonstrates that changes in these proteins is not genetic, and therefore represents "intrinsic differences" that is a property of the tumor. Furthermore, the authors indicate how the present observations of early invading cells parallels drug resistance phenomena as their previous works highlights intrinsically resistant subpopulations (Shaffer et al., Nature 2017, Torre et al., Nature Genetics 2021 and others.). Taken together, the current and previous work underscores the importance of cell to cell non-genetic variability in disease progression and response to therapy.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript entitled „Metastatic potential in clonal melanoma cells is driven by a rare, early-invading subpopulation" by Kaur and colleagues provides a phenotypical analysis of the invasive potential of established melanoma cell lines on single cell level. The aim of the study was to answer the question if even homologous tumor cells bear the intrinsic potential to give rise to cells with high invasive (and therefore potentially metastatic) capacity in absence of selection pressure from the tumor microenvironment. The authors used clones from two different melanoma cell lines (to prevent the accumulation of random (epi)genetic changes during cultivation) and performed invasion assays with Matrigel-coated transwell inlays to differentiate between cells that were able to invade early (up to 8 h, approx. 1% of the total cell population) or late (8-24 h; approx. 3% of the total cell population) after plating. Comparative RNA sequencing of early invaders and non-invaders populations revealed a high expression of SEMA3C in early invaders, which was then established as marker in the used cell lines. Interestingly, in vivo models using NSG mice injected with a mixture of early and late invading melanoma cells revealed that both contributed similarly to the primary tumor, while metastatic cells in the lung consisted almost exclusively of early invaders. Subsequent ATAC sequencing revealed an increase of binding sites for the transcription factor NKX2.2 in the early invaders. Functional analyses revealed that a knockout of NKX2.2. led to an increase in both invasion and proliferation. Finally, the authors showed with different sorted early and late invaders as well as SEMA3Chigh and SEMA3Clow expressers that pro-invasive features go along with reduced proliferation potential in accordance to previously published data. However, they decrease with time, thus demonstrating a reversion of the phenotype and high plasticity.

      Major comments:

      In general, the paper contains novel and interesting data, is concisely written and supported by replicates. The key conclusion, the presence of a small proportion of highly invasive cells in a seemingly homologous cell population and their striking requirement for lung metastasis, is very convincing. In vitro, SEMA3C was confirmed as marker for the early invaders in two independent cell lines. However, a few questions remain open, as detailed below:

      1. The relevance of NKX2.2 in the early invaders is currently unclear to me. The ATAC sequencing data revealed a high enrichment of accessible NKX2.2 binding sites in early invaders, and data were tested by comparative RNA sequencing of control cells and cells with NKX2.2 ko (Figure 2). The Figure legend of Figure 2 says: "NKX2.2 is a transcription factor that promotes the invasive subpopulation", but the data don`t support this (ko leads to reduced invasion). Accordingly, the authors also state in the Results part "... the direction of the effect is the opposite of what one might have expected". To set the role of NKX2.2 into context, it would be useful to confirm the actual involvement of NFX2.2 in the invasive phenotype and clarify if NFX2.2. might probably even suppress some pro-invasive genes. I would advise to investigate the protein levels and/or protein localization of NFX2.2 and probably perform ChIp experiments on selected pro-invasive genes that play a role in the early invaders.
      2. The sequencing data are currently accessible via a Dropbox link. They should be deposited instead in a data repository.

      Minor comments:

      1. The cell line used for Supplementary Figure 4 should be named in the figure legend.
      2. In Figures 4H-M and Supplementary Figure 4D-I, the authors describe data performed in "sister" and "cousin" cells. It would be useful to provide a definition for both in the main text or figure legend.
      3. Discussion: "This lack of permanence may reflect the fact that the invasive cells are not subjected to stress-in our case, cells merely pass through a transwell, which may be the reason for the "burning in" of the phenotype in the case of resistance." This sentence is misleading - please clarify.

      Furthermore, there are some errors in the reference to the Figures throughout the paper. These which should be corrected: 4. Results, section "NKX2.2 is a transcription factor that promotes the invasive subpopulation". Here the authors write: "...we performed RNA sequencing on the NKX2.2 knockout cells and compared the effects on gene expression to the gene expression differences between early vs. non- invaders across the two cell lines." This sentence should contain the reference to Supplementary Figure 3B-D (which is otherwise not referred to). 5. Results: "Overexpression of SEMA3C in FS4 cells revealed no changes in invasiveness, suggesting that SEMA3C is a marker with no functional relevance to invasiveness per se; Fig. 1D, Fig. 2A-B)" The correct reference should be: Suppl. Fig. 1D, Fig. 2A-B. Also, in the current manuscript version the authors jump from Figures 1 to Figure 2 A,B, before coming back to Figure 1. To avoid this, I would advise to shift the current Figure 2A, B to Figure 1 or the supplementary information. 6. Results: "We then sampled lungs from mice at various times post-injection to look for metastatic cells (Fig.1F, Suppl. Fig. 2B,C)." As Supplementary Figure 2B, C does not show metastasis, but rather primary tumor growth, I would advise the following wording: "We then sampled lungs from mice at various times post-injection to look for metastatic cells (Fig.1F) and overall tumor growth (Suppl. Fig. 2B,C)." 7. Results: "Interestingly, NKX2.2 knockout cells showed markedly increased invasion and proliferation (Fig. 2A,B), suggesting a change in regulation of both processes. " The correct reference is Fig. 2C, D.


      Nature and significance of the advance/ literature context:

      In their manuscript, the authors provide interesting biological data about the presence of intrinsically and reversibly pro-invasive / pro-metastatic melanoma cells in a seemingly homogenous subpopulation. With SEMA3C, they also provide a marker for early invading cells, which might be useful in future studies to identify therapeutic vulnerabilities for this subgroup. This study sheds further light on the functional effects of phenotypic plasticity, which was previously described particularly in the context of therapy resistance, as mentioned by the authors.


      The study is interesting for scientists from the melanoma field as well as the cancer metastasis field in general.

      Own expertise:

      Melanoma, phenotypic switch, metabolism, signal transduction, stress response

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers


      Response to reviewers:

      Review Commons questions and Reviewers’ comments verbatim in plain text.

      Authors’ responses in bold text. Line numbers refers to numbers in the marked-up manuscript. In text citations in this document – see bibliography at bottom of this document.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: Cells within multicellular organisms are mutually dependent on each other - cells of one type or in one location provide signals that can regulate the health and differentiation of the target cells that receive those signals. Such signalling can operate bi-directionally, emphasizing the co-dependence of cells upon each other. The ovarian follicle provides an excellent model system to study intercellular signaling and its consequences, in this case between the oocyte and the somatic granulosa cells that surround it. Oocytes secrete members of the TGFbeta growth factor family that are required for normal differentiation of the granulosa cells, which in turn is necessary for normal development of the oocyte. Here the autohors show that adding TGFB-type growth factors (cumulin or BMP15) to the cuture medium during in vitro maturation increases the fraction of oocytes that can reach the blastocyst stage (improved developmental competence) and alters the pattern of protein landscape in both the (cumulus) granulosa cells and the oocyte. Changes in the mitochondria and parameters relevant to energy metabolism are also altered. They conclude that these changes underpin the acquisition of developmental competence by the oocytes.

      Major issues: The authors are world leaders in this field and therefore exceptionally well-qualified to carry out the proposed work. There are a number of issues, however, that limit the confidence with which conclusions may be drawn.

      First, the experimental strategy makes drawing inferences about the role of cumulin and BMP15 challenging. Maturing oocytes express GDF9 and BMP15 (the components of cumulin). Thus, the experiments are not comparing presence vs absence of cumulin and BMP15, but rather comparing oocytes and cumulus cells exposed to supra-physiological levels of these factors to controls that are exposed to physiological levels. In other words, the experimental setup detects changes that occur in response to higher than normal levels of the factors. Ideally, one would have complementary experiments where GDF9 and BMP15 were deleted from the system, to illustrate the effects of their absence. This would be a massive additional undertaking, however. Yet, without such experiments, relying on the results of the overexpression approach to understand the functions of cumulin and BMP15 at physiological levels is risky. RESPONSE #1 We appreciate these insightful perspectives. We apologise for not making it clear that the model used is not in fact an overexpression model. This is because, by removing the cumulus-oocyte complex from the follicle and studying it in vitro (oocyte IVM), secretion of these growth factors by the oocyte is notably compromised, so the controls are not exposed to normal physiological levels as suggested by the reviewer. This loss of normal secretion ex vivo is evidenced by: 1) in Mester B. et al _[1]_; Figure 2, we showed the mouse oocytes matured in vitro (i.e. as per the current study) are essentially devoid of the mature domain BMP15 protein, which will therefore be likewise for cumulin as cumulin contains one subunit of BMP15, and 2) mammalian cumulus-oocyte complexes explanted and cultured in vitro by IVM benefit (in terms of developmental competence) from the addition of exogenous oocyte-secreted factors such as BMP15, GDF9 and cumulin, demonstrating that they are rate-limiting under IVM conditions. We were the first to demonstrate this in 2006 _[2]_ which has been subsequently verified in many papers, including in the current paper for cumulin. The exact extent to which the controls are deficient in BMP15 and cumulin is unclear, as there are not yet reliable mouse ELISAs for these, but the model is an add-back model rather than an overexpression model. We have now added text at lines 150-152 and in the Fig 1 legend, to make this point clearer.

      Re using complimentary deletion, knock-out or antagonist-type experiments: we agree this would be ideal. However, this is likely impossible as cumulin is a non-covalent heterodimer of BMP15 and GDF9 (as first named and characterised by us: Mottershead DG et al ____[3]____). Hence, to knockout cumulin one needs to knockout either or both of BMP15 and GDF9, making it impossible to discriminate the actions of the heterodimer from the homodimers. In support of this, reviewer #3 made exactly this point, and stated “Such functional analysis cannot be done using gene knockout mouse lines…… only functional work as the one presented in this manuscript can find the mechanisms of action of these hormones”. This issue is further complicated by the fact that BMP15 and GDF9 are thought to exist as homodimers, as well as monomers, including in equilibrium in heterodimeric form as cumulin (also noted by Reviewer #3). Furthermore, there is no cumulin-specific antagonist, e.g. a cumulin-specific neutralizing antibody. Small molecule signaling inhibitors (e.g. Smad2/3 or Smad1/5/8 antagonists) certainly block cumulin actions, but therefore simultaneously also block GDF9 or BMP15 actions. Collectively, these unique (with the TGFβ superfamily) structural peculiarities of cumulin make it complex to interrogate its mechanisms of action, to the extent that others have largely focused on BMP15 or GDF9 homodimer actions only, when in reality, cumulin is likely the key natural protagonist responsible for oocyte paracrine signalling. We have added a paragraph to this effect to the discussion, at lines 417-423, including acknowledging the experimental limitations of the study dictated by having to deal with a noncovalent heterodimer.

      Second, the granulosa cells and oocytes interact throughout the prolonged period of growth, and this is the time when the beneficial effects of the granulosa cells on the oocyte have been most clearly documented. Yet the experiments focus on the much shorter period of meiotic maturation. This is when oocyte-granulosa cell interaction is being down-regulated, even if not entirely disrupted. RESPONSE #2: Indeed, oocyte-granulosa interaction is absolutely essential during oocyte growth, development and meiotic maturation, for healthy oocyte function, including the orchestrated down-regulation of oocyte-granulosa interactions during the latter phase. As pioneered by John Eppig and others, including ourselves ____[4]____ (ref has 673 citations), the master conductor of this dynamic oocyte-granulosa interaction during oocyte meiotic maturation are the oocyte-secreted factors. Hence, these factors are critical at this stage, and we maintain that this is a very important phase of oocyte development to study.

      Third, the data reported illustrate associations or correlations, but no experiments test the function of the changes in the proteome or of the changes in the morphology of the mitochondria or ER. Which if any of these is linked to the improved development of the oocytes after fertilization is unknown. Moreover, no experiments address how the growth factors cause the observed changes, which occur over a period of a few hours. RESPONSE #3 This is true. The study is already very large and has many functional experiments (e.g. oocyte respiration, oocyte MS, etc), that follow-up the findings from the proteomic analysis. Hence, the study has taken a global cellular metabolism approach, e.g. we show that cumulin downregulates oxidative phosphorylation globally, c.f. pathways within OXPHOS. We found an abundance of individual proteins altered in this period (see figure 4) and to follow up on the actions and consequences of individual proteins would: 1) at best show small incremental effects, as metabolism of such a cellular syncytium is vastly complex and inter-connected, 2) further increase the size of what is already a large study, and 3) detract from the more important wholistic effects on cumulus-oocyte complex metabolism, which must act as whole, interacting entity, to support the complexities of supporting early life post-fertilization.

      __Taken together, these issues unfortunately limit the potential impact of the work. But the amount of work required to address them would be substantial and not really feasible for this manuscript. The best route may be to present the work as an overexpression study that has identified associations, with a discussion that acknowledges the limitations of this approach. __RESPONSE #4 This is not an over-expression study – see RESPONSE #1 above. We have added text in the discussion at lines 417-423, that acknowledges the limitations of the study by the impossibility to conduct a killer knockout experiment of cumulin.

      Minor issues: The text of the manuscript should be revised in a number of places. 32: We characterized the molecular mechanisms by which two model OSFs, cumulin and BMP15, regulate oocyte maturation and cumulus-oocyte cooperativity. --Mechanistic studies were not performed. RESPONSE #5 The scope of this work was to; (a) identify global changes to protein expression, and (b) to use this data to implement follow-up experiments on some of the lead indicators, such as metabolism (respiration, small molecule metabolic markers) and cellular morphology. This work provides the groundwork, insight and rationale for future additional studies of specific mechanisms of COC interactions. As discussed at RESPONSE# 1, these studies are as close as anyone can probably get currently to mechanistic studies of a NOVEL noncovalent heterodimer, when the noncovalent homodimers are also in play, as also noted by reviewer #3 who specifically references mechanisms: “…… only functional work as the one presented in this manuscript can find the mechanisms of action of these hormones”.

      In some instances, in the interests of brevity, we made remarks based on our data, but without specifying details in the text. To redress this, we have now added specific details which illustrate and justify our statements based on the data collected (see RESPONSES #6, #7, #9 below). For greater clarity, we have also restructured our supplementary data set to cover the analysis progression from full raw proteomic data to differentially expressed proteins, to use of differentially expressed proteins in network analysis. The supplementary data set now includes the full proteomics lists for both cells and treatments (Supplementary Tables S1, S2, S3, S4), protein sequences confidently identified by both proteomic software platforms (Supplementary Tables S5, S6), differentially expressed proteomics lists for both cells and treatments (Supplementary Tables S7, S8, S9, S10), differentially expressed protein list used for the network analysis (supplementary Table S11). The Table S11 lists are intended to facilitate use by readers to perform their own analyses, if they so wish, since they can simply copy and paste the list to the on-line STRING platform. Finally, the reanalysed network analysis output, based on the differentially expressed proteins shown in supplementary Table S11, are shown in supplementary Tables S12 and S13.

      __40: Collectively, these data demonstrate that OSFs remodel cumulus cell metabolism during oocyte maturation in preparation for ensuing fertilization and embryonic development. --No mechanistic studies demonstrate this. __RESPONSE #6 There is no mention of mechanism in this sentence at line 40 and we have provided exhaustive evidence that cumulus cell metabolism is remodelled as stated (Figures 4B and 4C). For example, of the 59 upregulated proteins in the cumulus cells of cumulin treated COC (Figure 4C and supplementary Table S11), 38 (i.e. 64%) are involved in primary metabolic processes (supplementary Table S12), including amino acid metabolism (GOT2, SHMT1, CTH, MAT2B), lipid and steroid metabolism (CERS5, DHCR7, HSD17b4), aldehydes metabolism (RDH11), nucleotides biosynthesis (RRM1, GMPR2), glycans biosynthesis and protein glycosylation (UGDH, GFPT2, GALNT2), respiratory chain (mt-ND1). The cellular macromolecule metabolic process is also a significantly enriched network, involving 26 out of the 59 upregulated proteins (i.e. 44%, Figure 4C and supplementary Table S11) and includes processes such as protein complex assembly (TM9sF4, DHX30, AP2M1), RNA metabolism and mRNA processing (DDX17, DDX5, DDX39bPRPF19, PRPF6, HNRNPF, CPSF6). To help clarify the specificity of our findings, we have added this text to the revised manuscript (lines 465-474).

      __46: Oocyte-secreted factors downregulate protein catabolic processes, and upregulate DNA binding, translation, and ribosome assembly in oocytes. --No direct evidence is provided. __RESPONSE #7 The proteomic data provides direct evidence that these processes are involved. Sentence modified at lines 47-48 to be more specific re processes. Additional text has been included (revised manuscript lines 434-443) to provide specific details of the differentially expressed proteins involved in each of these processes.

      48: Oocyte-secreted factors alter mitochondrial number... --Need to establish that the MitoTracker is a suitable tool to measure the number of mitochondria. RESPONSE #8____ We recognise that total mitochondrial uptake of the MitoTracker Orange dye could be a reflection of either mitochondrial function (polarity) and/or mitochondrial number, given the manufacturer’s (Thermo Fischer) statement that “MitoTracker™ Orange CMTMRos is an orange-fluorescent dye that stains mitochondria in live cells and its accumulation is dependent upon membrane potential”, as we specified in several places in the original manuscript (Lines 354-355, 366-367 and 235 of the marked up manuscript version) . However, we agree that in several places in the manuscript we also indicated that MitoTracker was being used as a measure of mitochondrial number. To avoid this ambiguity, we have made some clarifications in the text (revised manuscript lines 235, 351-352, 377, 481-482, and in Figure 5B legend). Given the extensive and diverse metabolic changes indicated by the proteomic data, our aim was to explore the potential role of mitochondria in response to cumulin and BMP15 treatment of COCs, which we did by use of EM morphology studies (figure 5A), mitochondrial respiration (figures 6B and 6C), quantification of energy metabolites, such as ATP, NAD and related compounds, by mass spectrometry (figure 6D), metabolites identified in multispectral unmixing studies (figure 7) and mitochondrial function using MitoTracker (figure 5B). Collectively this data suggested a modest downturn of energy metabolism, particularly in cumulin treated COCs. This downturn did not cause a change in net energy charge in COCs (figure 6D) despite a reduction in redox ratio in both cells (figure 7A and 7B) and respiration in COCs (Figure 6B and 6C), and could reflect adaptive changes in response to cumulin and BMP15, reflecting metabolic plasticity/Warburg effect, as explained in the discussion (revised manuscript lines 453-551).

      79: ...for maintaining genomic stability and integrity of the oocyte... 83: ...minimizing secondary production of potentially DNA damaging free radicals. --Please provide supporting references from the literature. RESPONSE #9 References have been added (lines 82 and 85 of the revised manuscript)

      373: This study provides a detailed exploration of the mechanisms by which oocyte-secreted factors... --No mechanistic studies were performed. RESPONSE #10 We respectfully disagree. One of many mechanisms we have studied here is OXPHOS. We have shown this is how OSFs change metabolism – that is a mechanism. As discussed at RESPONSE #1, these studies are as close as anyone can probably get currently to mechanistic studies of a noncovalent heterodimer, when the noncovalent homodimers are also in play, as also noted by reviewer #3 who specifically references mechanisms: “…… only functional work as the one presented in this manuscript can find the mechanisms of action of these hormones”. Please also refer to the comments in RESPONSE #5.

      383: Collectively, these data demonstrate that oocyte paracrine signaling remodels COC metabolism in preparation for ensuing fertilization and embryonic development. --Studies do not show that the differences observed between control and treatment groups are related to fertilizability or embryonic development. RESPONSE #11 The data in Fig 2C, 2D show exactly that; that the difference between control and treatment (cumulin) is an increase in embryonic development. It does not show fertilizability, so we removed that at lines 41 and 415.

      396: suggesting that cumulin affects meiosis in the oocyte and may increase meiotic fidelity... --This statement is highly speculative. RESPONSE #12 We accept this critique - reference to meiosis and meiotic fidelity removed, line 435 (revised manuscript).

      409: ...lacks the machinery for amino acid uptake... --Is the oocyte unable to take up any amino acids or only certain amino acids? RESPONSE #13 Thank you for noting this as this sentence is too absolute. Oocytes have a very poor capacity to take up most or even all AAs, which are instead supplied to the oocyte via cumulus cells. Sentence modified at lines 455-456 to be less absolute.

      In general, the manuscript is written clearly. However, in several places, technical terms or jargon will make tough going for readers who are not already familiar with the techniques being used. These should be explained using language that will be understood by journal readers who are unfamiliar with the details of the techniques. Examples include:

      51: define metabolic workload using scientific terms.

      RESPONSE #14____ “metabolic workload” rephrased to “metabolic processes”. Lines 52-53.

      67: metabolically 'inept' requires more precision. RESPONSE #15 “metabolically inept” rephrased to “metabolically dependent on surrounding granulosa cells” ____[5]____. Line 69

      262: explain 'multispectral analysis' RESPONSE #16 A citation has been added, which explains the technique (ref ____[6]____ at the end of this response letter, which is the same paper as citation [34] in the revised manuscript; lines 111 and 217; revised manuscript). A detailed explanation of this technique has also been added in the supplementary information, under the section “Multispectral microscopy”.

      268: how is 'limited' overlap defined. RESPONSE #17 The phrase “distinct profiles, with limited overlap between…” has been rephrased to “distinct profiles, between…” (line 279 of the revised manuscript), as the main point is that the patterns/profiles across treatments are different, and we did not quantify the extent of overlap.

      318: define higher workload RESPONSE #18 the phrase “…implying a higher workload for both organelles” has been replaced with a more specific explanation; “We suggest that such changes in morphology may be related to the remarkable increase in a diversity of metabolic processes which we observed (Figure 4C and supplementary Table S12), since ER morphology and architecture is known to be highly dynamic in response to environmental and developmental factors which affect cells” ____[7]____ (Lines 342-345).

      324: provide documentation or citations to support the assertion that the intensity of MitoTracker staining is an accurate proxy for the number of mitochondria.

      RESPONSE #19____ Please refer to explanation under RESPONSE #8

      358: Multispectral discrimination modelling utilised cellular image features from the autofluorescent profiles of oocytes and cumulus cells. --Please clarify this merthodology and provide support for its utility.

      RESPONSE #20____ The supplementary information section (Multispectral microscopy, lines 239-258) has been expanded and clarifications provided as to the wavelengths of the channels, the features used and the unsupervised nature of algorithms.

      360: intersection of union of 5-22%

      RESPONSE #21____ This is a measure of the extent of overlap of data distribution for each class (treatment), i.e. of how different they are. The ellipse (Fig 3D) represents one standard deviation around the central mean value for that data set. The overlap of these ellipses is quantified by their intersection over union (IoU) value, which is the ratio of the area of the two-ellipse intersections, divided by the area of their union (the shape created by their overlap being treated as creating one continuous object). IoU values range from 0 to 100% for fully separated and fully overlapping, respectively. Hence, a 5% IoU represents a low level of overlap of data distribution between treatments. Brief explanatory text has now been added at line 387-388.

      Comments on Figures. Fig. 3A, B. The total number of proteins and the number of differentially expressed proteins among the treatment groups don't match between A and B. For example, A (Mascot-Sheffield) indicates that 17 proteins were differentially expressed between untreated and cumulin-treated oocytes. B shows (138 + 74) expressed un the untreated but not cumulin-treated and (156 + 87) expressed in the cumulin-treated but not untreated. Please account for this difference. RESPONSE #22 The panels in Fig 3A and Fig 3B each contain different representations of the information contained within the proteomics dataset, and explain different aspects of the data. The Venn diagram panels in Figure 3B display the level of overlap of specific proteins identified in each cell, treatment and software subgroup. The degree of overlap in each cluster is high (i.e., 76 – 78% for Mascot/scaffold and 95 - 97 % for PD2.4) as would be expected within the same cell type and analysis approach, where the main variable is cell treatment. We agree that the total numbers in the Venn diagrams did not exactly match the total numbers in Figure 3A, which likely resulted from using slightly different parameters during data processing. We have now used exactly the same data set in panels A and B (the full PD2.4 and Mascot/scaffold datasets are shown in the supplementary proteomics summary Excel spreadsheet), so that total numbers are now identical, and will hopefully avoid any confusion in comparing across panels. However, the main conclusion to be drawn from Fig 3B remains unchanged, in that it shows that by far the majority of identified proteins overlap between treatments (control, BMP, cumulin), regardless of cell type or data analysis approach. However, it should be noted that Figure 3B has no information about protein fold change/differential expression, and only represents numbers of proteins confidently identified, and the level of overlap of identified proteins between treatments. Only panel 3A shows differential protein expression relative to the respective control groups.

      Fig. 3D. What do the circles represent and how were their parameters (size, position) established? RESPONSE #23 The separation of data distributions for each class is shown by an ellipse for each cluster, which encompasses one standard deviation around the central mean values. This text has now been added to the Fig 3 legend.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): These studies identify changes in cumulus cells and oocytes that occur in response to addition of cumulin or BMP15 to the culture medium during in vitro maturation. While the data are new, the significance of the advance is limited by (i) the fact that the control group were exposed to physiological levels of GDF9 and BMP15, so this is essentially an over-epxression study and (ii) no mechanistic studies experimentally tested how the observed changes (eg, in quantity of a specific protein) affect the developmental potential of the oocytes or cumulus cells. RESPONSE #24 We thank the reviewer for their perspectives however we respectfully disagree on all accounts. We have rebutted these 2 concerns: point (i) at RESPONSE #1, and point (ii) at RESPONSE #5 above.

      Reviewer expertise: growth and meiotic maturation of the mammalian oocyte

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: The report by Richani et al, presents a research carried out in mice, in which they treated cumulus-oocyte complexes with either BMP15 and cumulin. Upon treatment they evaluated a series of biologically relevant parameters in oocytes and cumulus cells. Their findings indicate that the treatment with these molecules alter the molecular composition of oocytes and cumulus cells (proteome and metabolome), mitochondrial morphology in cumulus cells and overall oxygen consumption in COCs.

      Major comments: - Are the key conclusions convincing? - Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? * part of the discussion related to metabolic pathways being up regulated due to the treatments need to the revised because For instance, It is hard for me to grasp how a pathway with 2 proteins achieved FDR significance below 0.01, as I see in figure 4c

      RESPONSE #25____ Network enrichment was performed using the open access software STRING ( ____https://string-db.org/ [8]____), and we have now provided additional information on how we utilised STRING in the supplementary information section, under “Gene Ontology Network Enrichment Analysis” (lines 176-217). STRING utilises information available in the Gene Ontology (GO) database ( ____http://geneontology.org/docs/ontology-documentation/____ ) to determine; (a) how many of the differentially expressed proteins identified in the proteomics experimental data fall into specific networks, (b) how much enrichment this represents relative to a random network of the same size, and (c) whether the enrichment is statistically significant based on the FDR statistic. The size of each GO network within the background set (whole genome or other) will therefore be a major determinant of whether the number of proteins identified in the proteomics experiment represents significant enrichment of a particular network. A few proteins identified within a small background network will represent greater enrichment (and lower FDR score) than the same number of proteins in a much larger network. In fact the “count in network” is often approximately the inverse of the enrichment strength (see supplementary Table S12, within the supplementary dataset Excel spreadsheet). Note that only significantly differentially expressed proteins were used for the network analysis presented in this paper, so even in the case where just 2 proteins are significantly enriched in a network (e.g., “Farnesyl diphosphate metabolic process” identified in the GO biological process section of BMP15 treated cumulus cells) they represent two upregulated proteins in a small network, so the functional/biological significance of this is likely quite high.

      In revision of the manuscript we noticed that we had likely originally used the full lists of differentially expressed proteins for network analysis, rather than separating up and downregulated proteins as intended. Furthermore an updated version of STRING is now available, with improvements in the method of correction for multiple testing within the FDR output (STRING version 11.5, current since August 12, 2021). We have therefore revised the STRING network analyses, and have provided a list of the STRING input proteins (supplementary Table S11), STRINGv11.5 gene ontology (GO) functional enrichments for up and downregulated proteins in BMP and cumulin treated cumulus cells and oocytes respectively (supplementary Tables S12 and S13), and replaced the very large Figure 4C and D heatmaps (submitted version) with a summary (new Figure 4C; revised version). The updated heat maps can still be viewed in supplementary Tables S12 and S13 (the heatmaps now being the updated ones, deriving from our review response).

      * In the discussion the authors use the term "oocyte secreted factors" a lot (one example lanes 490, 515, 516, 517), but they should specify BMP15 and cumulin, because these were their treatments. *Including in the title, you did not evaluate all oocyte paracrine factors, just BMP15 and cumulin RESPONSE #26 “Oocyte secreted factors (OSFs)” replaced with BMP15 and cumulin throughout the manuscript where we refer specifically to our treatments, results or discussion of results, except where we refer to “these OSFs” (eg line 34), and not where we refer to the principal of OSF signalling more generically. Re the latter, hence we wish to retain the title as is, as BMP15 and cumulin are prototypical oocyte secreted factors, as the title refers to the principal more generally.

      - Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation. NA

      • Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments. NA

      • Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? *no, in some instances, the methods are not described, see my comment below about enrichment analysis. RESPONSE #27 Addressed next below

      • Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? *I was not able to access enrichment analysis.

      RESPONSE #28____ The method of Network Enrichment is now described in more detail in the supplementary methods section. See previous explanation under RESPONSE #25 above.

      *lines 241-242: "MitoTracker staining and data from metabolite analysis by mass spectrometry were analysed by one-way ANOVA with Tukey's (parametric data) or Kruskal-Wallis (non- parametric data) post-hoc tests. " Specify which test was used for which data RESPONSE #29 Post-hoc test for MitroTracker data was Tukey’s, as already stated in Figure 5 legend. Post-hoc test for metabolite analyses was Kruskal-Wallis – text now added to Figure 6 legend.

      Minor comments: - Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable. NA

      • Are prior studies referenced appropriately? Yes

      • Are the text and figures clear and accurate? *lines 178-180: "expressed proteins list was further analyzed using STRING software to explore clustering and enrichment of specific molecular functions, and biological pathways. Detailed methodology and rationale for this approach is provided in the supplementary methods." I did not read text in the supplementary materials indicating how enrichment analysis was carried out.

      RESPONSE #30____ Our apologies for this oversight. We have now provided additional information on how we utilised STRING in the supplementary information, in a new section titled “Gene Ontology Network Enrichment Analysis” (lines 176-217).

      * What was the concentration of treatment for the samples used for proteome and mascot/scaffold experiments?

      RESPONSE #31____ The two bioinformatic analyses were conducted on common biological samples, so naturally the treatment concentrations were also the same. Text modified at line 175 to make this clearer.

      * lanes 263 and 264: "Cell types and treatment conditions can be clearly distinguished based on these orthogonal global approaches." I did not see what is the basis for this statement

      RESPONSE #32____ The sentences immediately following this (i.e. lines 274-281) elaborated the basis for this statement, particularly where it is explicitly stated “____Proteomic heat maps (Fig. 3C) and multispectral analysis plots (Fig. 3D) both show distinct profiles, between controls, BMP15 and cumulin treated COCs, in both cell types.____”, at lines 277-281.

      The data for the two global approaches are shown in Figure 3C (heat maps generated by PD2.4 comparing differences in protein abundance across treatments, shown separately for cumulus cells and oocytes), and Figure 3D (linear discriminant analysis comparing differences in multispectral imaging data across treatments, shown separately for cumulus cells and oocytes). Both of these global analyses show clear differences in distribution pattern between controls (untreated) and treated samples (BMP15 and cumulin), in both oocytes and cumulus cells. The approaches are (a) global, since each relates to analysis of the complete cell extracts (as opposed to targeting a specific component/analyte), and (b) orthogonal because different and unrelated measurement techniques are used i.e., proteomics (mass spectrometry) and multispectral imaging (spectroscopy).____ *I did not understand the discrepancy between the numbers observed in Figure 3A and Figure 3B.

      RESPONSE #33____ Refer to RESPONSE #22 above. We have checked the data, and revised the Venn diagrams (Figure 3B) with data analysed using identical parameters, for both Figures 3A and 3B, to avoid confusion over protein numbers. We also noticed and corrected a discrepancy with regard to the number of differentially expressed oocyte proteins under the merged data column of Figure 3A.____ *I could not make sense of the shades of green or red that were used in 4C and 4D. Is the reader only supposed to make those comparisons within column? RESPONSE #34 Note: Figures 4C and 4D are now Supplementary Tables S12 and S13. The red shades represent network enrichment analysis of upregulated proteins, while the green shades represent network enrichment analysis of downregulated proteins. The colour gradients in each case follow the numerical values for “count in network”, enrichment strength, and lower FDR, with greater colour intensity for higher numbers (and lower FDR). However, we agree that the original four panels (A, B, C and D) comprising figure 4, made for a very large and potentially overwhelming figure. To simplify the data presentation we have reprocessed the data in STRING (see details under RESPONSE #25 above) and have moved the now considerably shorter network lists (originally displayed as Figures 4C and 4D) to supplementary Tables S12 and S13, and the new Figure 4C provides a network enrichment summary instead. This is likely easier to comprehend, with the marked contrast in networks identified between oocytes and cumulus cells easier to see. The numbers of up and downregulated proteins on which the network analysis is based are also shown in Figure 4C, while the specific proteins used and networks identified are shown in supplementary tables S11, S12 and S13 (original colour coding retained, and also explained within each table). - Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions? *Figure 4 is really hard to process. At least in my pdf it spanned 4 pages.

      RESPONSE #35____ Indeed Figure 4 was large and has now been shortened. We made considerable effort to attempt to present in Fig 4 the vast amount of proteomic data in a summarized, hopefully comprehensible fashion. We have now moved Figs 4C and 4D to the supplementary, and replaced it with the simplified new Fig 4C (tabular format). Pease also see comments under RESPONSES#25 and #34 re this. *I did not understand why put networks that are not significant as up-regulated or down-regulated. Besides, as mentioned above, I do not know how significance was assessed.. RESPONSE #36 Network analysis was performed using only those proteins which were significantly differentially expressed and had a consistent direction of fold change in both mascot/scaffold spectral counting and PD2.4 peak intensity proteomics quantitative approaches. Proteins with no significant expression change (i.e., the majority of proteins, which represented proteins with __Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field. - Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate). *This paper is significant because it provided a variety of measurements following the treatment of cumulus cells with BMP15 and cumulin. The authors show that these two oocyte factors can impact the molecular structure, physiology and structure of organelles in cumulus cells. The work is well contextualized with the current literature. RESPONSE #37 We thank the reviewer for these positive remarks.

      • State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings. *Researchers in the field of developmental biology would be most interested in this report.

      • Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate. * I do not have expertise in hyperspectral analysis. I have been working with cumulus-oocyte complexes for over a decade, mixing technologies in cell biology, microscopy, high-throughput genome, and proteome analysis. We do all our bioinformatics work in-house.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The work is interesting. Cumulin is a heterodimer hormone formed of GDF9 and BMP15. It is the main oocyte secreted factor. Being an heterodimer, gene knockout provides very little information about its mechanism of action. The team has a unique form of cumulin that is stable. This is why I think this work is important. However, I found two technical issues: one regarding mitochondrial count using MitoTracker and the other about comparing gene lists between the two cell types when protein input submitted to mass spectrometry differ between the two cell types. It is expected to find more with more input material. The text would need to be adjusted accordingly. Also, there is a lot of free statements and a lack of precision that is annoying. In my opinion, there are many overstatements that are not supported by the data because the work was not designed to test what is stated. The Discussion is very circular as the same statements come back on the next pages. RESPONSE #38 See specific responses below

      Detailed review:

      The manuscript entitled "Oocyte and cumulus cell cooperativity and metabolic plasticity under the direction of oocyte paracrine factors" reports an in depth analysis of the exposure of cumulus oocyte complexes to either BMP15 or cumulin, the GDF9-BMP15 heterodimer. Impact assessment was done by determining developmental competence of the exposed oocytes, comparative profiling of the proteomes and spectral emissions as well as testing a potential impact at the ultrastructure level by electron microscopy imagery. Mitochondrial respiration as well as abundance of related metabolites was contrasted between the two treatments.

      Overall, the work is interesting. It is very difficult to study hormonal heterodimers because they originate from two different genes and they can naturally be found in a monomeric as well as a dimeric state. Such functional analysis cannot be done using gene knockout mouse lines. Genetic disruption provided the background that GDF9 and BMP15 are key oocyte secreted factors however only functional work as the one presented in this manuscript can find the mechanisms of action of these hormones. RESPONSE #39 We thank the reviewer for these positive comments, especially in relation to the difficulty of getting to the mechanism of actions of a non-covalent heterodimer, and hence the importance of functional experiments in providing mechanistic insights.


      I really appreciated the reference to auto-symbiosis. We often see the reference to a cellular syncytium but this one is interesting. RESPONSE #40 Thank you.

      Although I appreciated the work, two important technical issues (between cell types comparisons and mitochondrial count) have been raised and there is a bit of unnecessary overselling throughout the manuscript. Sticking to the results would keep the value of the work high and wouldn't give that impression of overstatement. RESPONSE #41 Technical issues – see responses below, as well as responses to other reviewers. We have provided additional methodological information for greater clarity, and added specific observations from our data, to support all statements, to avoid the impression of unsubstantiated overstatements.

      Technical issues:

      While the gene/protein enrichment analysis can be influenced by the input material submitted to mass spectrometry, the gene network analysis is influenced by the number of gene/proteins available for the enrichment analysis. It is thus difficult to compare both cell types. RESPONSE #42 We agree that shorter protein lists might be expected to result in fewer networks. However, it is interesting to consider the possible reasons for the shorter list:

      (1) In our case the amount of protein extracted from oocytes (2-3____m____g) was much less than from cumulus cells (15-17____m____g) as explained in the “Mass Spectrometry for proteomic analysis” section in the Supplementary Information. This is because COCs have many more cumulus cells than oocytes by number as well as total mass. Consequently it was possible to load a larger ____m____g amount of total peptides from cumulus cells onto the nanoLCMSMS system, but it should be noted that on-column loading is not only determined by the total amount of material injected, but also by the limits in capacity of the C18 peptide capture cartridge upstream from the column (which is 1 – 1.5 ug estimated from the binding capacity of C18 with a bed volume of 0.35____m____L, since the trap cartridges have dimensions of 300____m____m ID and 5mm length; ____http://tools.thermofisher.com/content/sfs/manuals/Man-M5001-LC-Nano-Capillary-Micro-Columns-ManM5001-EN.pdf____ and ____https://www.optimizetech.com/opti-pak-trap-columns/____ ). Consequently, the different initial loading of oocyte vs cumulus cell proteins/peptides are likely to have made little if any contribution to proteome coverage, since 2-17____m____g all exceed the trap cartridge binding capacity, and consequently 1 - 1.5____m____g was captured and transferred to the nano-column, while the excess was transferred to waste. Based on the capacity limits of the capture cartridge, there was likely enough peptides/proteins in both oocyte and cumulus cell extracts to reach the saturation point, and therefore much more consistent on-column loadings than the initial ____m____g loadings would imply. We have added some additional information re this to the method section (see the section “Mass Spectrometry for proteomic analysis” in the Supplementary Information).

      (2) The expressed proteomes of different cell types may be expected to differ not only in specific proteins expressed but also in the number of different proteins. In a recent study by Marei et al ____[9]____, equal amounts of total protein (9.5ug) from bovine oocytes and matching cumulus cells were prepared for their proteomics comparisons, and interestingly these authors also report about half as many proteins identified in oocytes as compared with cumulus cells, despite equal amounts of total protein used; “A total of 1703 and 1185 proteins were identified in CCs and oocytes, respectively, 679 of which were common.” Furthermore, a transcriptomic study of bovine oocytes and cumulus cells by Moorey et al ____[10]____, showed 69 and 128 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in oocytes and cumulus cells respectively (comparing small vs large cells in each case), pointing to about double the differential gene expression in cumulus cells than oocytes, again implying a larger cumulus cell vs oocyte transcriptome. Our data support these observations, which collectively suggest a real difference in proteome size between oocytes and cumulus cells. If the difference in proteome size is real, then differences in network enrichment are also likely to have biological relevance, despite differences in size of the differentially expressed proteins lists.

      (3) Even if initial protein loading was a contributing factor to the size of the oocyte vs cumulus cell proteomes, it is of note that we observed approximately 2 fold fewer total proteins identified in oocytes as in cumulus cells (Figure 3A, 3B and new Figure 4C), yet the difference between number of identified networks is multiple-fold (a cumulative total of 2 networks identified in BMP15 and cumulin treated oocytes vs 143 networks identified in BMP15 and cumulin treated cumulus cells – see new Figure 4C). Furthermore, there does not seem to be a strictly linear relationship between the number of proteins submitted for network analysis and the numbers of networks identified. For example, 34 upregulated proteins in cumulin treated oocytes identified a single enriched network, while a similar number of 38 upregulated proteins in BMP15 treated cumulus cells, identified a total of 42 networks (new Figure 4C), and similarly cumulin treated cumulus cells had 59 upregulated proteins and 58 downregulated proteins, which resulted in 57 and 23 enriched networks respectively.

      Also, when performing GO terms analysis, the level of "branching" can explain the results. In other words, GO terms are organized in a tree like structure where general elements (e.g. nucleus) are delineated in finer elements (e.g. nuclear function) leading to finer ones (e.g. DNA binding)... to finer ones (e.g. DNA repair)... etc. The number of genes/proteins available in the initial list directly dictates to which level of precision the analysis can reach. In the present work, the number of identified network may simply reflect the number of elements available in the initial lists. With more info on the cumulus cells side, it is logical to be able to reach finer branches that contain only a few genes. I have looked in the supplemental data files but could not find more info about the background used. Was it all known proteins? Was it all identified proteins where the differentially expressed proteins are compared to the detected proteins? Using the list of detected proteins as background for the analysis could help. Proteome Discoverer generated much less differentially expressed proteins between treatments than Mascot/Scaffold (2-17 vs. 74-390). Maybe use the Mascot/Scaffold data using the same number of top genes (e.g. 87) between both cell types. Then it would be much more comparable. RESPONSE #43 Please also refer to the explanations under RESPONSE #34 and #42 above. We have added an additional explanation of how we performed the enrichment analysis, in the supplementary information section under the heading “Gene Ontology Network Enrichment Analysis”. In the data presented here we used the whole mouse genome as our background set. The number of total proteins identified by Mascot/Scaffold and ProteomeDiscoverer were similar, but actually considerably more differentially expressed proteins were identified using ProteomeDiscoverer (Fig 3A), as expected using peak intensity vs spectral counting ____[11]____. The spectral counting approaches usually identify fewer differentially expressed proteins, but also with a lower quantitative false positive rate, while peak intensity approaches tend to identify more differentially expressed proteins, but with a higher quantitative false positive rate ____[11]____. Our reasoning was therefore to combine proteins which vary in common across both platforms, to maximise the differentially expressed proteins list while simultaneously minimising the quantitative false positive rate. We thank the reviewer for the suggestion of using our full protein list as the background set. Initially we revised our network enrichment analysis (see comments under RESPONSE #25) still using the mouse whole genome, resulting in fewer overall networks, but improved contrast between oocytes and cumulus cells (see summary in new Figure 4C, and network analysis details in supplementary Tables S12 and S13). We then repeated the network analyses using our full protein list (4450 proteins identified in both oocytes and cumulus cells; see background list in Supplementary Table S11) as the background set. With this we similarly found no enriched GO networks for BMP15 and cumulin treated oocytes, and only 6 and 1 enriched network in BMP15 and cumulin treated cumulus cells. We suggest that detecting network enrichment against a cell specific background list may not give us the same level of “contrast” as can be achieved when comparing against the whole mouse genome.

      Line 226 and 324-328 and line 350: I have never seen the use of MitoTracker Orange to count mitochondria. According to the manufacturer: "MitoTracker Orange CMTMRos is an orange-fluorescent dye that stains mitochondria in live cells and its accumulation is dependent upon membrane potential. The dye is well-retained after aldehyde fixation." It is indicative of mitochondrial potential but it is not a method to count the number of mitochondria within a cell. I do not agree that more fluorescence means more mitochondria. RESPONSE #44 We agree and in places we used ambiguous language re mitochondrial function vs mitochondrial number. We have now clarified and corrected this - please refer to detailed comments and manuscript changes under RESPONSE #8.

      I understand that the MitoTracker data is counterintuitive to the oxygen consumption rate and stable levels of energetic metabolites. However, as the authors mention, mitochondria are known to be capable of switching from aerobic to anaerobic energy production. In some cases, heterogeneity in the mitochondrial population (such as the one in the oocyte) could mean that a mosaic respiratory potential exists where some mitochondria are more aerobic than others... To change the number of mitochondria, either fission or mitophagy must occur. Although mitochondrial DNA replication is done in approximatively 2 h and fission/division can occur over 1 h, and protein ubiquitination is done over 12 h-18 h during mitophagy, TEM micrographs (figure 5) do not show elongated mitochondria in the process of division. To detect active mitophagy, protein markers and association with lysosome would be needed. A shift in mitochondrial number may not be the suitable interpretation of the data. RESPONSE #45 Please refer to comments under RESPONSE #8

      For the spectral data analysis (Figure 3D), how did the three replicates perform? The figure does not show the replication variance relative to the treatment variance. RESPONSE #46 A version of Figure 3D but with the replicates colour-coded has been added to Supplementary Material (Supplementary Figure 2) and the manuscript text has been revised with the information that data from the three replicates are shown, added to the caption to Figure 3D.

      Wording/interpretation issues

      Lines 114-116: "This intercellular cooperativity facilitates oocyte maturation while simultaneously protecting germ-line genomic integrity, in a manner which could not be achieved by a single cell." This is an overstatement because genomic integrity was not assessed. Why consider that the nuclear function found in the proteome contrast is necessarily associated with genomic integrity. Miosis requires in dept chromatin handling. What evidence provided from the results is associated with cellular numbers. The presence of cumulus cells is known to support meiosis but it doesn't mean that some of the cellular processes have been imparted to the surrounding somatic cells. The work done for this manuscript does not test any of this claim. RESPONSE #47 We accept this point and agree that, especially the claim re germ-line genomic integrity, is an overstatement. This has been removed. We maintain however that there is ample evidence in our results that there is clear inter-cellular metabolic cooperativity between oocyte and cumulus cells and that this ultimately leads to an oocyte with improved developmental competence. The sentence has been modified to reflect this, line 117-118.

      On numerous occasions, the statements are imprecise. For example: Line 274: "More than double the number..." Since doubling a minute value does not mean the same thing as doubling a large value, values, measurements with units and ideally with SEM should be added. RESPONSE #48 Has been rephrased (see line 284 of the revised manuscript)

      Line 287: "... and almost a third more significant networks..." Please add values. RESPONSE #49 Section has been deleted (line 291-300 of the revised manuscript)

      On the same statement, since sample input material to the mass spectrometry is vastly different between cumulus cells and oocytes, is it truly comparable? Could these differences between the two cell types be associated with the amounts of proteins in the extracted samples? Typically, more variable results are obtained with the low input. It sometimes lead to apparently more difference between treatments simply because of low count numbers. On line 292, authors mentioned that protein loading was considered. How was that done? Low input cannot be compensated or normalized. The following statement on line 293 indicate that more proteins were identified in cumulus cells. This is probably due to more input material submitted to mass spectrometry. It is not necessarily a difference in protein diversity between cumulus cells and oocytes. RESPONSE #50 Please refer to detailed explanations under RESPONSES #42 and #43

      Line 293: "... resulted in the identification of about double the number..." Please add values. RESPONSE #51 Values added at lines 305-306, and additional detail has been added to this section of the manuscript (lines 305-317 revised manuscript). Line 294: "However, there were 4-5 times as many differentially expressed proteins..." Please add values. RESPONSE #52 Values added and additional detail added to this section (new lines 309-312 of the revised manuscript).

      Line 298: "...difference was quite marked..." More factual info should be added. RESPONSE #53 Values added and additional detail has been provided (lines 314-317 of the revised manuscript), as follows; “____Cumulin appeared to have a greater impact on proteomic differential expression in both cell types than BMP15 did, with 59 vs 38 and 34 vs 27 upregulated proteins in cumulin vs BMP15 treated cumulus cells and oocytes respectively, and similarly 14 vs 6 downregulated proteins in cumulin vs BMP15 treated cumulus cells and oocytes respectively (Figure 4C)”.

      Line 305: Again, the whole comparison between cell types could be argued from the standpoint of input material subjected to the analysis. Given the point is to state that cumulin has a profound impact on cumulus cells, maybe it is not necessary to compare with the oocyte data. It is logical that an oocyte secreted factor targets the neighbouring cells. The point can be made without raising the question about the potential issue of input material. RESPONSE #54 We agree with the reviewers point that it is logical that OSFs should target cumulus cells, with lesser impact on the oocyte. Nonetheless the treatments were performed on COCs, and even though the OSFs are targeting the cumulus cells, however ultimately the cumulus cells response is expected to impact oocytes. Therefore, it is relevant to look at proteomic changes to both cell types and also the related network analysis. We have however rephrased this section, to be more specific as to which data we are reporting, and have included additional citations (lines 325-334 of the revised manuscript).

      __Line 317-317: "... exhibited more rounded and swollen mitochondria..." How was that determined? In the periphery of the oolemma, mitochondria aggregates in clusters which can be quite different from one another. Maybe proportions of different shapes of mitochondria could be provided if enough mitochondria are counted from the EM micrographs. __RESPONSE #55 These are subjective observations of the typical morphological features seen in response to the different treatments. This is the typical application of TEM. Quantitative features of mitochondria are better assessed using confocal than TEM, which is the complimentary approach we took using MitroTracker in the companion figure 5B, the text for which immediately follows the TEM results. We altered the text at the sentence in question to note that these are subjective observations (line 340).

      Line 169: What do you mean by "The results were merged based on consistency..."? This seems to be a trivial way to analyse the data. RESPONSE #56 The majority of published papers reporting data dependent analysis (DDA) proteomics results utilise just a single quantitative method (i.e., either spectral counting or peak intensity). This certainly simplifies reporting, and avoids confronting uncomfortable discrepancies between different analytical approaches. However, we reasoned that robust expression change data would maintain consistency, despite the orthogonal quantitative methods. We consider it a notable strength of the approach used here that we have utilised a differentially expressed proteins list which includes only those proteins with consistent direction of fold-change in both the spectral counting and peak intensity workflows. Please also refer to comments under RESPONSE #43, re spectral counting vs peak intensity quantitative methods in data dependent analysis (DDA) proteomics.

      Line 170: "A further requirement was that at least one, if not both methods..." Again, when did you decide to use one method or to use both? Why not use the common ground from both methods? RESPONSE #57 Refer also to RESPONSE #43. In fact the main question being asked in many/most proteomics experiments is whether there is a real expression change between treatment groups. Therefore fold-change is the most pertinent common ground across disparate quantitative methodology, and indeed commonality of fold-change was the basis for merging the datasets. Since integrating peak areas is a very different approach to counting the number of spectra, then this difference in approach can make a big difference to the p-values, and is the reason why spectral counting is less sensitive to detect differential expression. For similar reasons the fold-change ratio may differ somewhat between these quantitative methodologies. However direction of fold-change is a minimum requirement for demonstrating consistent trends, hence we used this as the common ground for merging the datasets.

      Line 384: Is the paracrine signaling remodeling COC metabolism or is it enhancing the rate at which it is done? I believe this switch in metabolism occurs in untreated COCs. RESPONSE #58 We see the reviewers point in this subtle difference in wording. We agree that there is a switch in metabolism in untreated COCs during maturation – our point is that that process of changing metabolism is further remodelled by oocyte paracrine signals, to the overall betterment of the oocyte in terms of competence. We have edited this sentence to make this point clearer (line 413-415). Our data on energy charge, respiration, energy metabolite levels (Figure 6), redox potential (Figure 7) and mitotracker intensity (Figure 5) are all presented in comparison with “untreated” cells, and our conclusion that there is remodelling of metabolism is therefore relative to “untreated” COCs.

      __ __The Discussion is somewhat circular. Section will need to be adjusted if the Mitotracker-based mitochondrial count and between cell types gene/protein lists comparisons are removed.

      Accounts for mitochondrial counts: (lines 387-393) (lines 424-427) (line 463).

      RESPONSE #59 All reference to Mitotracker in the context of mitochondrial counts only have been altered to Mitotracker being an indicator of mitochondrial function/polarity and/or counts. Accounts for comparisons of gene lists length between cell types: Lines 389-391 and 475-477 and 496-499). RESPONSE #60 Please see comments under RESPONSE # 53 and the new Figure 4C.

      Line 395: "... a substantial number of oocyte upregulated proteins... Please provide number. RESPONSE #61 Additional specific proteins have been listed to support our claims of effects on specific processes (see lines 435-443 of the revised manuscript). Also see comments under RESPONSE # 7.

      Line 397: The data was not designed to test the potential of cumulin to preserve meiotic fidelity. This is an overstatement since DNA binding is part of the normal course of even during meiosis. Again, cumulin could accelerate the kinetic of meiosis. RESPONSE #62 Reference to meiosis and meiotic fidelity removed, line 435.

      __ __Line 402-405: the work was not designed to determine if cumulin would shift work allocation between the oocyte and the cumulus cells. Showing that cumulin drives meosis is interesting by itself.

      __RESPONSE #63____ Not clear that any change is requested or needed. This sentence is interpreting the significance of the results, as required in a Discussion.

      __Line 453-455: the link with the epigenome is an overstatement. RNA and DNA processing pathways are general cellular processes.

      RESPONSE #64____ The link to the epigenome was a reference to some published work. However it was linked to observations in the current data, and additional information has now been added to the updated manuscript to explain this further, as follows (currently lines 509-516);

      "These included significantly enriched networks of RNA binding, helicase activity, ribonucleoprotein complex biogenesis, and mRNA processing (supplementary Tables S11 and S12; upregulated proteins RNF20, SHMT1, DHX30, DDX17, DDX5, PRPF19, RPS4X, NOP58, DDX39b, HNRNPF, RPS271, NOP56, PRPF6, POLR2b, CPSF6, OOEP), as well as upregulation of key epigenetic regulators (HDAC2 and UHRF1; see supplementary Table S11), histone modifying protein MTA2, and significant network enrichment of the spliceosomal complex (supplementary Table S12; proteins DDX5, PRPF19, HNRNPF, PRPF6, POLR2B), which has been linked to epigenetic regulation ____[12]____.

      Minor details Line 36: I suggest to be more precise on the "nuclear" function that is affected in the oocyte. Given that oocytes are transcriptionaly quiescent at this stage, some might argue that it is a vague statement.

      RESPONSE #65____ Information relating to specific oocyte upregulated proteins and their cellular roles has been added to the updated manuscript (currently lines 434-443).

      DNA binding and ribosomal constituents (Fig. 4A, 4C),

      In vitro should be in italic because it is Latin. RESPONSE #6____6 corrected throughout

      __Lines 125-126: are the batch numbers relevant to anything? __RESPONSE #6____7 We would assume so – for the historical record. These are in-house produced proteins, cumulin is complex to produce and only a few labs worldwide have made it.

      __Line 168: Mascor = Mascot __RESPONSE #6____8 Corrected

      __Line 168: a reference for the software? __RESPONSE #6____9 URL and published references added (lines 172-175 revised manuscript)

      Line 178: need a reference for the software? RESPONSE #70 URL and published references added (line 185)

      __Line 187: Need a complete source for "Procure, 812" __RESPONSE #71 Added

      Line 188: Need a complete source for "Diatome" RESPONSE #72 Added

      Line 197: Need a complete source for "Cell-Tak" RESPONSE #73 Added

      Line 232: though = through RESPONSE #74 Corrected

      Line 243: define OCR RESPONSE #75 Added

      Line 268: If I am not mistaking, it is not a multispectral analysis. The multispectral values were analysed through a principal component analysis. RESPONSE #7____6 Data was analysed through linear discriminative analysis (LDA). This information has been added in Line 278.

      Line 363: What is the "behaviour" of an oocyte and cumulus cells? RESPONSE #77 replaced with “function”

      Line 512-513: Maybe add more on the fact that most clinics use ovulated eggs and do not perform IVM. However, IVM is needed is specific contexts such as PCOS. RESPONSE #78 Edited accordingly; lines 575-577.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Cumulin is the most potent oocyte secreted factor. Its mecanism of action is still unknown.

      I have been working on the mammalian oocyte for the past 25 years.


      1. Mester, B., et al., Oocyte expression, secretion and somatic cell interaction of mouse bone morphogenetic protein 15 during the peri-ovulatory period. Reprod Fertil Dev, 2015. 27(5): p. 801-11.
      2. Hussein, T.S., J.G. Thompson, and R.B. Gilchrist, Oocyte-secreted factors enhance oocyte developmental competence. Dev Biol, 2006. 296(2): p. 514-21.
      3. Mottershead, D.G., et al., Cumulin, an Oocyte-secreted Heterodimer of the Transforming Growth Factor-beta Family, Is a Potent Activator of Granulosa Cells and Improves Oocyte Quality. J Biol Chem, 2015. 290(39): p. 24007-20.
      4. Gilchrist, R.B., M. Lane, and J.G. Thompson, Oocyte-secreted factors: regulators of cumulus cell function and oocyte quality. Hum Reprod Update, 2008. 14(2): p. 159-77.
      5. Sugiura, K., F.L. Pendola, and J.J. Eppig, Oocyte control of metabolic cooperativity between oocytes and companion granulosa cells: energy metabolism. Dev Biol, 2005. 279(1): p. 20-30.
      6. Campbell, J.M., et al., Multispectral autofluorescence characteristics of reproductive aging in old and young mouse oocytes. Biogerontology, 2022. 23(2): p. 237-249.
      7. Schwarz, D.S. and M.D. Blower, The endoplasmic reticulum: structure, function and response to cellular signaling. Cell Mol Life Sci, 2016. 73(1): p. 79-94.
      8. Szklarczyk, D., et al., STRING v11: protein-protein association networks with increased coverage, supporting functional discovery in genome-wide experimental datasets. Nucleic Acids Res, 2019. 47(D1): p. D607-D613.
      9. Marei, W.F.A., et al., Proteomic changes in oocytes after in vitro maturation in lipotoxic conditions are different from those in cumulus cells. Sci Rep, 2019. 9(1): p. 3673.
      10. Moorey, S.E., et al., Differential Transcript Profiles in Cumulus-Oocyte Complexes Originating from Pre-Ovulatory Follicles of Varied Physiological Maturity in Beef Cows. Genes (Basel), 2021. 12(6).
      11. Ramus, C., et al., Benchmarking quantitative label-free LC-MS data processing workflows using a complex spiked proteomic standard dataset. J Proteomics, 2016. 132: p. 51-62.
      12. Luco, R.F., et al., Epigenetics in alternative pre-mRNA splicing. Cell, 2011. 144(1): p. 16-26.
    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The work is interesting. Cumulin is a heterodimer hormone formed of GDF9 and BMP15. It is the main oocyte secreted factor. Being an heterodimer, gene knockout provides very little information about its mechanism of action. The team has a unique form of cumulin that is stable. This is why I think this work is important. However, I found two technical issues: one regarding mitochondrial count using MitoTracker and the other about comparing gene lists between the two cell types when protein input submitted to mass spectrometry differ between the two cell types. It is expected to find more with more input material. The text would need to be adjusted accordingly. Also, there is a lot of free statements and a lack of precision that is annoying. In my opinion, there are many overstatements that are not supported by the data because the work was not designed to test what is stated. The Discussion is very circular as the same statements come back on the next pages.

      Detailed review:

      The manuscript entitled "Oocyte and cumulus cell cooperativity and metabolic plasticity under the direction of oocyte paracrine factors" reports an in depth analysis of the exposure of cumulus oocyte complexes to either BMP15 or cumulin, the GDF9-BMP15 heterodimer. Impact assessment was done by determining developmental competence of the exposed oocytes, comparative profiling of the proteomes and spectral emissions as well as testing a potential impact at the ultrastructure level by electron microscopy imagery. Mitochondrial respiration as well as abundance of related metabolites was contrasted between the two treatments.

      Overall, the work is interesting. It is very difficult to study hormonal heterodimers because they originate from two different genes and they can naturally be found in a monomeric as well as a dimeric state. Such functional analysis cannot be done using gene knockout mouse lines. Genetic disruption provided the background that GDF9 and BMP15 are key oocyte secreted factors however only functional work as the one presented in this manuscript can find the mechanisms of action of these hormones.


      I really appreciated the reference to auto-symbiosis. We often see the reference to a cellular syncytium but this one is interesting.

      Although I appreciated the work, two important technical issues (between cell types comparisons and mitochondrial count) have been raised and there is a bit of unnecessary overselling throughout the manuscript. Sticking to the results would keep the value of the work high and wouldn't give that impression of overstatement.

      Technical issues:

      While the gene/protein enrichment analysis can be influenced by the input material submitted to mass spectrometry, the gene network analysis is influenced by the number of gene/proteins available for the enrichment analysis. It is thus difficult to compare both cell types.

      Also, when performing GO terms analysis, the level of "branching" can explain the results. In other words, GO terms are organized in a tree like structure where general elements (e.g. nucleus) are delineated in finer elements (e.g. nuclear function) leading to finer ones (e.g. DNA binding)... to finer ones (e.g. DNA repair)... etc. The number of genes/proteins available in the initial list directly dictates to which level of precision the analysis can reach. In the present work, the number of identified network may simply reflect the number of elements available in the initial lists. With more info on the cumulus cells side, it is logical to be able to reach finer branches that contain only a few genes. I have looked in the supplemental data files but could not find more info about the background used. Was it all known proteins? Was it all identified proteins where the differentially expressed proteins are compared to the detected proteins? Using the list of detected proteins as background for the analysis could help. Proteome Discoverer generated much less differentially expressed proteins between treatments than Mascot/Scaffold (2-17 vs. 74-390). Maybe use the Mascot/Scaffold data using the same number of top genes (e.g. 87) between both cell types. Then it would be much more comparable.

      Line 226 and 324-328 and line 350: I have never seen the use of MitoTracker Orange to count mitochondria. According to the manufacturer: "MitoTracker{trade mark, serif} Orange CMTMRos is an orange-fluorescent dye that stains mitochondria in live cells and its accumulation is dependent upon membrane potential. The dye is well-retained after aldehyde fixation." It is indicative of mitochondrial potential but it is not a method to count the number of mitochondria within a cell. I do not agree that more fluorescence means more mitochondria.

      I understand that the MitoTracker data is counterintuitive to the oxygen consumption rate and stable levels of energetic metabolites. However, as the authors mention, mitochondria are known to be capable of switching from aerobic to anaerobic energy production. In some cases, heterogeneity in the mitochondrial population (such as the one in the oocyte) could mean that a mosaic respiratory potential exists where some mitochondria are more aerobic than others... To change the number of mitochondria, either fission or mitophagy must occur. Although mitochondrial DNA replication is done in approximatively 2 h and fission/division can occur over 1 h, and protein ubiquitination is done over 12 h-18 h during mitophagy, TEM micrographs (figure 5) do not show elongated mitochondria in the process of division. To detect active mitophagy, protein markers and association with lysosome would be needed. A shift in mitochondrial number may not be the suitable interpretation of the data.

      For the spectral data analysis (Figure 3D), how did the three replicates perform? The figure does not show the replication variance relative to the treatment variance.

      Wording/interpretation issues

      Lines 114-116: "This intercellular cooperativity facilitates oocyte maturation while simultaneously protecting germ-line genomic integrity, in a manner which could not be achieved by a single cell." This is an overstatement because genomic integrity was not assessed. Why consider that the nuclear function found in the proteome contrast is necessarily associated with genomic integrity. Miosis requires in dept chromatin handling. What evidence provided from the results is associated with cellular numbers. The presence of cumulus cells is known to support meiosis but it doesn't mean that some of the cellular processes have been imparted to the surrounding somatic cells. The work done for this manuscript does not test any of this claim.

      On numerous occasions, the statements are imprecise. For example: Line 274: "More than double the number..." Since doubling a minute value does not mean the same thing as doubling a large value, values, measurements with units and ideally with SEM should be added.

      Line 287: "... and almost a third more significant networks..." Please add values.

      On the same statement, since sample input material to the mass spectrometry is vastly different between cumulus cells and oocytes, is it truly comparable? Could these differences between the two cell types be associated with the amounts of proteins in the extracted samples? Typically, more variable results are obtained with the low input. It sometimes lead to apparently more difference between treatments simply because of low count numbers. On line 292, authors mentioned that protein loading was considered. How was that done? Low input cannot be compensated or normalized. The following statement on line 293 indicate that more proteins were identified in cumulus cells. This is probably due to more input material submitted to mass spectrometry. It is not necessarily a difference in protein diversity between cumulus cells and oocytes.

      Line 293: "... resulted in the identification of about double the number..." Please add values.

      Line 294: "However, there were 4-5 times as many differentially expressed proteins..." Please add values.

      Line 298: "...difference was quite marked..." More factual info should be added.

      Line 305: Again, the whole comparison between cell types could be argued from the standpoint of input material subjected to the analysis. Given the point is to state that cumulin has a profound impact on cumulus cells, maybe it is not necessary to compare with the oocyte data. It is logical that an oocyte secreted factor targets the neighbouring cells. The point can be made without raising the question about the potential issue of input material.

      Line 317-317: "... exhibited more rounded and swollen mitochondria..." How was that determined? In the periphery of the oolemma, mitochondria aggregates in clusters which can be quite different from one another. Maybe proportions of different shapes of mitochondria could be provided if enough mitochondria are counted from the EM micrographs.

      Line 169: What do you mean by "The results were merged based on consistency..."? This seems to be a trivial way to analyse the data.

      Line 170: "A further requirement was that at least one, if not both methods..." Again, when did you decide to use one method or to use both? Why not use the common ground from both methods?

      Line 384: Is the paracrine signaling remodeling COC metabolism or is it enhancing the rate at which it is done? I believe this switch in metabolism occurs in untreated COCs.

      The Discussion is somewhat circular. Section will need to be adjusted if the Mitotracker-based mitochondrial count and between cell types gene/protein lists comparisons are removed.

      Accounts for mitochondrial counts: (lines 387-393) (lines 424-427) (line 463).

      Accounts for comparisons of gene lists length between cell types: Lines 389-391 and 475-477 and 496-499).

      Line 395: "... a substantial number of oocyte upregulated proteins... Please provide number.

      Line 397: The data was not designed to test the potential of cumulin to preserve meiotic fidelity. This is an overstatement since DNA binding is part of the normal course of even during meiosis. Again, cumulin could accelerate the kinetic of meiosis.

      Line 402-405: the work was not designed to determine if cumulin would shift work allocation between the oocyte and the cumulus cells. Showing that cumulin drives meosis is interesting by itself.

      Line 453-455: the link with the epigenome is an overstatement. RNA and DNA processing pathways are general cellular processes.

      Minor details

      Line 36: I suggest to be more precise on the "nuclear" function that is affected in the oocyte. Given that oocytes are transcriptionaly quiescent at this stage, some might argue that it is a vague statement.

      In vitro should be in italic because it is Latin.

      Lines 125-126: are the batch numbers relevant to anything?

      Line 168: Mascor = Mascot

      Line 168: a reference for the software?

      Line 178: need a reference for the software?

      Line 187: Need a complete source for "Procure, 812"

      Line 188: Need a complete source for "Diatome"

      Line 197: Need a complete source for "Cell-Tak"

      Line 232: though = through

      Line 243: define OCR

      Line 268: If I am not mistaking, it is not a multispectral analysis. The multispectral values were analysed through a principal component analysis.

      Line 363: What is the "behaviour" of an oocyte and cumulus cells?

      Line 512-513: Maybe add more on the fact that most clinics use ovulated eggs and do not perform IVM. However, IVM is needed is specific contexts such as PCOS.


      Cumulin is the most potent oocyte secreted factor. Its mecanism of action is still unknown.

      I have been working on the mammalian oocyte for the past 25 years.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The report by Richani et al, presents a research carried out in mice, in which they treated cumulus-oocyte complexes with either BMP15 and cumulin. Upon treatment they evaluated a series of biologically relevant parameters in oocytes and cumulus cells. Their findings indicate that the treatment with these molecules alter the molecular composition of oocytes and cumulus cells (proteome and metabolome), mitochondrial morphology in cumulus cells and overall oxygen consumption in COCs.

      Major comments:

      • Are the key conclusions convincing?
      • Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?
        • part of the discussion related to metabolic pathways being up regulated due to the treatments need to the revised because For instance, It is hard for me to grasp how a pathway with 2 proteins achieved FDR significance below 0.01, as I see in figure 4c
        • In the discussion the authors use the term "oocyte secreted factors" a lot (one example lanes 490, 515, 516, 517), but they should specify BMP15 and cumulin, because these were their treatments.
        • Including in the title, you did not evaluate all oocyte paracrine factors, just BMP15 and cumulin
      • Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.

      NA - Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.

      NA - Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? - no, in some instances, the methods are not described, see my comment below about enrichment analysis. - Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? - I was not able to access enrichment analysis. - lines 241-242: "MitoTracker staining and data from metabolite analysis by mass spectrometry were analysed by one-way ANOVA with Tukey's (parametric data) or Kruskal-Wallis (non- parametric data) post-hoc tests. " Specify which test was used for which data

      Minor comments:

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.

      NA - Are prior studies referenced appropriately?

      Yes - Are the text and figures clear and accurate? - lines 178-180: "expressed proteins list was further analyzed using STRING software to explore clustering and enrichment of specific molecular functions, and biological pathways. Detailed methodology and rationale for this approach is provided in the supplementary methods." I did not read text in the supplementary materials indicating how enrichment analysis was carried out. - What was the concentration of treatment for the samples used for proteome and mascot/scaffold experiments? - lanes 263 and 264: "Cell types and treatment conditions can be clearly distinguished based on these orthogonal global approaches." I did not see what is the basis for this statement - I did not understand the discrepancy between the numbers observed in Figure 3A and Figure 3B. - I could not make sense of the shades of green or red that were used in 4C and 4D. Is the reader only supposed to make those comparisons within column? - Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions? - Figure 4 is really hard to process. At least in my pdf it spanned 4 pages. - I did not understand why put networks that are not significant as up-regulated or down-regulated. Besides, as mentioned above, I do not know how significance was assessed..


      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field. - Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).

      This paper is significant because it provided a variety of measurements following the treatment of cumulus cells with BMP15 and cumulin. The authors show that these two oocyte factors can impact the molecular structure, physiology and structure of organelles in cumulus cells. The work is well contextualized with the current literature. - State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.

      Researchers in the field of developmental biology would be most interested in this report. - Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      I do not have expertise in hyperspectral analysis. I have been working with cumulus-oocyte complexes for over a decade, mixing technologies in cell biology, microscopy, high-throughput genome, and proteome analysis. We do all our bioinformatics work in-house.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Cells within multicellular organisms are mutually dependent on each other - cells of one type or in one location provide signals that can regulate the health and differentiation of the target cells that receive those signals. Such signalling can operate bi-directionally, emphasizing the co-dependence of cells upon each other. The ovarian follicle provides an excellent model system to study intercellular signaling and its consequences, in this case between the oocyte and the somatic granulosa cells that surround it. Oocytes secrete members of the TGFbeta growth factor family that are required for normal differentiation of the granulosa cells, which in turn is necessary for normal development of the oocyte. Here the autohors show that adding TGFB-type growth factors (cumulin or BMP15) to the cuture medium during in vitro maturation increases the fraction of oocytes that can reach the blastocyst stage (improved developmental competence) and alters the pattern of protein landscape in both the (cumulus) granulosa cells and the oocyte. Changes in the mitochondria and parameters relevant to energy metabolism are also altered. They conclude that these changes underpin the acquisition of developmental competence by the oocytes.

      Major issues:

      The authors are world leaders in this field and therefore exceptionally well-qualified to carry out the proposed work. There are a number of issues, however, that limit the confidence with which conclusions may be drawn.

      First, the experimental strategy makes drawing inferences about the role of cumulin and BMP15 challenging. Maturing oocytes express GDF9 and BMP15 (the components of cumulin). Thus, the experiments are not comparing presence vs absence of cumulin and BMP15, but rather comparing oocytes and cumulus cells exposed to supra-physiological levels of these factors to controls that are exposed to physiological levels. In other words, the experimental setup detects changes that occur in response to higher than normal levels of the factors. Ideally, one would have complementary experiments where GDF9 and BMP15 were deleted from the system, to illustrate the effects of their absence. This would be a massive additional undertaking, however. Yet, without such experiments, relying on the results of the overexpression approach to understand the functions of cumulin and BMP15 at physiological levels is risky.

      Second, the granulosa cells and oocytes interact throughout the prolonged period of growth, and this is the time when the beneficial effects of the granulosa cells on the oocyte have been most clearly documented. Yet the experiments focus on the much shorter period of meiotic maturation. This is when oocyte-granulosa cell interaction is being down-regulated, even if not entirely disrupted.

      Third, the data reported illustrate associations or correlations, but no experiments test the function of the changes in the proteome or of the changes in the morphology of the mitochondria or ER. Which if any of these is linked to the improved development of the oocytes after fertilization is unknown. Moreover, no experiments address how the growth factors cause the observed changes, which occur over a period of a few hours.

      Taken together, these issues unfortunately limit the potential impact of the work. But the amount of work required to address them would be substantial and not really feasible for this manuscript. The best route may be to present the work as an overexpression study that has identified associations, with a discussion that acknowledges the limitations of this approach.

      Minor issues:

      The text of the manuscript should be revised in a number of places. 32: We characterized the molecular mechanisms by which two model OSFs, cumulin and BMP15, regulate oocyte maturation and cumulus-oocyte cooperativity.

      --Mechanistic studies were not performed.

      40: Collectively, these data demonstrate that OSFs remodel cumulus cell metabolism during oocyte maturation in preparation for ensuing fertilization and embryonic development.

      --No mechanistic studies demonstrate this.

      46: Oocyte-secreted factors downregulate protein catabolic processes, and upregulate DNA binding, translation, and ribosome assembly in oocytes.

      --No direct evidence is provided.

      48: Oocyte-secreted factors alter mitochondrial number...

      --Need to establish that the MitoTracker is a suitable tool to measure the number of mitochondria.

      79: ...for maintaining genomic stability and integrity of the oocyte...

      83: ...minimizing secondary production of potentially DNA damaging free radicals.

      --Please provide supporting references from the literature.

      373: This study provides a detailed exploration of the mechanisms by which oocyte-secreted factors...

      --No mechanistic studies were performed.

      383: Collectively, these data demonstrate that oocyte paracrine signaling remodels COC metabolism in preparation for ensuing fertilization and embryonic development.

      --Studies do not show that the differences observed between control and treatment groups are related to fertilizability or embryonic development.

      396: suggesting that cumulin affects meiosis in the oocyte and may increase meiotic fidelity...

      --This statement is highly speculative.

      409: ...lacks the machinery for amino acid uptake...

      --Is the oocyte unable to take up any amino acids or only certain amino acids?

      In general, the manuscript is written clearly. However, in several places, technical terms or jargon will make tough going for readers who are not already familiar with the techniques being used. These should be explained using language that will be understood by journal readers who are unfamiliar with the details of the techniques.

      Examples include:

      51: define metabolic workload using scientific terms.

      67: metabolically 'inept' requires more precision.

      262: explain 'multispectral analysis'

      268: how is 'limited' overlap defined.

      318: define higher workload

      324: provide documentation or citations to support the assertion that the intensity of MitoTracker staining is an accurate proxy for the number of mitochondria.

      358: Multispectral discrimination modelling utilised cellular image features from the autofluorescent profiles of oocytes and cumulus cells.

      --Please clarify this merthodology and provide support for its utility.

      360: intersection of union of 5-22%

      Comments on Figures.

      Fig. 3A, B. The total number of proteins and the number of differentially expressed proteins among the treatment groups don't match between A and B. For example, A (Mascot-Sheffield) indicates that 17 proteins were differentially expressed between untreated and cumulin-treated oocytes. B shows (138 + 74) expressed un the untreated but not cumulin-treated and (156 + 87) expressed in the cumulin-treated but not untreated. Please account for this difference.

      Fig. 3D. What do the circles represent and how were their parameters (size, position) established?


      These studies identify changes in cumulus cells and oocytes that occur in response to addition of cumulin or BMP15 to the culture medium during in vitro maturation. While the data are new, the significance of the advance is limited by (i) the fact that the control group were exposed to physiological levels of GDF9 and BMP15, so this is essentially an over-epxression study and (ii) no mechanistic studies experimentally tested how the observed changes (eg, in quantity of a specific protein) affect the developmental potential of the oocytes or cumulus cells.

      Reviewer expertise: growth and meiotic maturation of the mammalian oocyte

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This manuscript reports an investigation into the metabolic alterations induced by Zika virus (ZIKV) infection in human neuronal progenitor cells. The authors differentiated human iPSCs to derive neuronal progenitor cells (NPCs) at different days of incubation to represent the different stages of foetal CNS development. They found differences in the levels of ZIKV NS1 proteins as well as marginal differences in ZIKV titres in infected early and late hi-NPCs. Correspondingly, they also showed differences in glucose consumption, lipid metabolism and mitochondrial stress in ZIKV-infected early and late hi-NPCs. They concluded that differences in energy metabolism in neuronal progenitors both before and upon infection may contribute to the brain damage observed in congenital Zika syndrome.

      The evidence supporting a role for dysregulated metabolism in mediating the pathogenesis of congenital Zika syndrome is gaining traction and findings from this study could add to this body of knowledge. However, in its present form, this study has several gaps that limit the extent to which it informs on the clinical pathogenesis of congenital Zika syndrome.

      Major concerns: 1. The most important concern in this study is the strain of ZIKV used in all of the studies. ZIKV MP1751 was isolated from a mosquito and belongs to the African lineage of ZIKV. Unlike the Asian lineage ZIKV isolated from Latin America and French Polynesia, gestational infection with ZIKV of the African lineage has not been clinically associated with increased risk of foetal abnormality. It is thus uncertain how the changes observed in this study relates to the observed neonatal pathology. Perhaps a way to address this issue is to argue that a difference in these lineages it the ability of the virus to evade systemic and endothelial innate immune responses to cross the placental and blood brain barriers (several papers on attenuated ZIKV have shown this data). Once these barriers are breached, strain differences should not materially affect the similar pathogenic processes in neuronal cells, as also been shown by others using the MR766 strain of ZIKV. Such a discussion would be helpful to contextualise the clinical relevance of this study.

      The authors agree with the reviewer and have now included a discussion paragraph to address this relevant point. In addition, the authors acquired a strain from the Asian lineage (PRVACB59) and performed a single round side-by-side infection in three patient-derived lines with the two different strains of ZIKV. From the infected samples, the authors measured glucose consumption, lactate release and viral output to demonstrate, within the same research, that in in vitro assays, whereas number of ZIKV particles available to infect pools of brain progenitors is not mediated by tissue tropism/advantage. This data has been included in the extended figure 5.

      While the metabolic changes upon ZIKV infection are all interesting, how these changes affect CNS development is unclear. Figure 2F shows marginal impact on productive ZIKV infection and comparable extent of cell death in early and late hi-NPCs. What specific CNS pathology is dependent on the reported metabolic changes?

      The authors acknowledge that a correlation of findings from in vitro research and Zika congenital syndrome would be e.g., observing greater differences in cell survival and/or viral replication kinetics. After revisions of the current data, the authors have reanalysed the datasets corresponding to glucose and lactate metabolism, cell survival and viral output and corrected the results and discussion, accordingly. This correction was done due by calculating cell survival/death using lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) readouts. Thus, the data from CCK-8 was replaced due to the conversion of tetrazolium-based salts are metabolically depending on NAD+ and mitochondrial function– which may well have skewed the results as Zika virus potentially alters mitochondrial homeostasis. The preliminary graphs presented in the previous version of this manuscript are presented in the extended data figure 8 for comparison purposes. Datasets corrected for LDH mirror the in-vitro observations in which Zika-infected early hi-NPCs exhibit greater cell death than late hi-NPCs – this may potentially translate to the fetal pathogenesis observed over different trimesters. The corrected data also shows a significantly greater ZIKV release from late hi-NPCs at 48 and 56 h.p.i. suggesting a window of efficient replication in these cells. Lastly, the authors have expanded the conclusion paragraph highlighting intrauterine pathogenesis correlated with impaired brain metabolism to link how metabolic changes induced by ZIKV may correlate with pathophysiological phenotypes aggravated during early trimesters.

      Figure 2D: The most remarkable virological difference observed is the significant difference in cytoplasmic NS1 levels between early and late hi-NPCs at 56 hpi. Although the data in Fig 2D in general could have been compromised by the quality of the anti-NS1 mAb (the anti-E assay in Fig 2E used polyclonal antibody), it would have been useful to test for NS1 expression using western blot on a denaturing gel (and appropriate anti-NS1 antibody). The mAb used in this study binds a conformational epitope on NS1. The difference in data in Figure 2D and 2E could thus have been misfolding of NS1. Misfolded NS1 could contribute to ER stress that could be important for dysregulated CNS development. A more detailed investigation of the finding in Figure 2D could be highly informative.

      The authors appreciate the comments and hypothesis that NS1 detection may have been compromised due to potential misfolding. This hypothesis was tested by the authors showing no detection of NS1 by denaturing western blot with the referred antibody. However, before using a different NS1 antibody to investigate this potentially relevant phenomenon, the authors attempted to detect NS1 by flow cytometry using fewer markers than in the previous experiments. The authors decided to take this approach due to, although to low levels, NS1 was detected by imaging flow cytometry at early timepoints. When using a combination of markers that did not compromise the signal of NS1 by light compensations and low signal secondary fluorophore, the authors successfully detected NS1 and to similar levels of the Envelope protein. Thus, the authors discarded the possibility that the lowered levels presented in the previous version were due to misfolded NS1. The graphs within Figure 2 have now been corrected with this newly generated dataset.

      Figure 3A and related text: The fold-change in GLUT1, HK-1 and GAPDH expression are shown in log10 scale. In this scale, 1 would indicate 10-fold increase in expression. The data in Figure 3A are entirely inconsistent with the description in the related text. Which is correct?

      The authors thank the reviewer and would like to highlight that both the Figure 3A and its description were correct in the previous version of this manuscript. The description of the data, however, may have been misleading and unclear thus, the authors have amended the text for clarity. Figure 3 displays the fold-change of key glycolytic genes in early and late Zika infected hi-NPCs, each normalised to their respective controls. The in-text description, besides highlighting this important feature of the ZIKV infection in hi-NPCs, it highlight a more important finding correlated to the significances computed when compare the ratio of fold change between infected early and late hi-NPCs.

      Minor concerns:

      1. Figure 5: The effects of ZIKV infection on the mitochondria of hi-NPCs are interesting and the comparison between ZIKV-infected and uninfected cells in the same culture is a strength of this study. It would be helpful to readers if the authors could include a discussion on the kinetics of ZIKV infection; diminished differences at 48 and 72 hours could be due to the mixture of cells infected at inoculation and hence observed at 24 hours and newly infected cells that were negative for ZIKV E protein at 24 hours. Emphasis should thus be on the 24 h data in Figures 5 C-E.

      The authors thank the reviewer for highlighting the relevance of our experimental approach. The authors also thank for the interpretation of the data focused at early timepoints during the infection kinetics of ZIKV when the metabolic alterations are likely to be exclusive from cells infected at inoculation. The discussion of the data in this new revision of the manuscript emphasises the results based on the kinetics of infection and also clarify and strengthen the findings on Env+ and Env- cells within the pool of infected cells.

      1. Hi-NPCs likely have a diploid genome and thus a finite lifespan. Using the term "cell line" to describe these cells is technically incorrect. Please consider using other terms, such as cell strain.

      The authors appreciate the comment and have amended the text accordingly. The authors decided to use the terminology patient line.

      Discussion section, 3rd paragraph, lines 6-7. The authors suggest thermal decay as an explanation for their observation yet Figure 2B argues against this explanation. Moreover, Kostyuchenko et al (Nature 2016; 533:425-8) have also shown that ZIKV is relatively thermostable. This explanation offered by the authors lack supporting evidence.

      The authors thank the reviewer for the observation. Regarding the discussion on thermal decay, the authors aimed to highlight that circulating virions without available hosts to continue replication (due to cell death) may suffer from thermal decay as the difference in collection timepoints exceeds the tested 3 h reported in this research (Fig 2B). The results from Kostyuchenko et al (Nature 2016; 533:425-8) show thermal stability of ZIKV at different ranges of temperature yet, similar to Fig 2B, only under 2 h. Unpublished data from our group using an FFU assay shows that infectivity of ZIKV virions decrease after 10 h at 37C, knowledge that was used for the discussion. Moreover, the authors have strengthened the discussion by including in the discussion the native immunity of hi-NPCs at different stages of differentiation.

      Discussion section, 3rd paragraph, line 16 and Supplementary Figure 2. I believe the authors are referring to Supplementary Figure 3 and not 2. The indentations observed could be due to ZIKV replication although the data, as presented is not convincing. Co-staining for ZIKV E protein would be useful.

      The authors have corrected the issue and confirm that the reference to potential replication sites of ZIKV was made to the Extended Figure 3 rather than 2. To strengthen these findings, the authors have now acquired nuclear data by confocal imaging of infected late hi-NPCs co-stained for ZIKV E protein and DAPI. Representative images are included in the Extended Figure 6.


      • I fully agree with both Reviewers #2 and #3 on the quality of the immunofluorescence images and that these images alone are not sufficiently convincing to support the inferences the authors are making.

      The authors would like to clarify that the confocal imaging displayed in the current manuscript was not used for the interpretation of the data but rather validation of the immunostaining used in fluorescence flow cytometry. The nuclear screening comprised the only result generated from microscopy analysis. The bulk of data presented on this manuscript was generated by imaging flow cytometry (Imagestream) due to the higher degree of unbiased screening and the larger sample size. The authors acknowledge that Imagestream produces low quality immunofluorescence imaging compared to confocal imaging but believe this is justified by the greater data and unbiased analysis offered by imaging flow cytometry. The power of analysis displayed in this research is unlikely to be achieved by confocal microscopy in which no more than 1.000 cells are screened whilst the authors screened 10.000 cells from each patient line to generate each dataset. Lastly, the authors acknowledge the lack of robustness in the images from nuclei and ZIKV replication thus, for late hi-NPCs in which the perinuclear replication sites where evident, data was acquired by confocal imaging; samples co-stained for ZIKV E protein and nuclei DAPI (Extended Figure 6).

      • I also appreciate the first major comment from Reviewer #3. That is important insight and the authors should test their assumption that they have monocultures of human progenitor cells.

      The authors have paraphrased the document for better clarity and accuracy as consider the text was confusing causing misinterpretation of the data. This research is intended to show the impact of ZIKV in two pools of cortical progenitor cells (less and more differentiated/mature) clustered by their distinct metabolic profiles rather than single cell types present at different stages of brain development. Both early and late hi-NPCs comprise pools of cells generated during hiPSC differentiation of cortical progenitors. The authors showed in Fig.1 that both pools have brain identity and express several brain markers to similar levels. When gating these cells by populations present in the developing brain small differences were observed exclusively in one out of three subgroups. Nevertheless, the main distinction of these two populations was due to significant differences in their metabolic profile. Thus, the results obtained in this research are likely to obey to the metabolic maturation of early and late hi-NPCs rather than the percentages of different brain cell types present within these pools.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The focus on the metabolism and mitochondrial stress in ZIKV infected neuronal progenitors is interesting and could fill an important gap in knowledge on Zika pathogenesis. The study uses human iPSC derived NPCs instead of animal cells, which is also more clinically relevant than animal models. The findings would thus be of interest to all who are interested in Zika pathogenesis as well as therapeutic/vaccine development. If the above concerns could be addressed, the findings in this study could form the missing links in our current understanding of congenital Zika syndrome.

      Expertise: Flavivirology and immunology. Flavivirus-host interactions.

      The authors thank the reviewer for the comments provided to improve several aspects of the current research. The authors also thank the reviewer for the positive feedback and for highlighting the relevance of our research.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In the manuscript entitled "Zika virus-induces metabolic alterations in fetal neuronal progenitors that could influence in neurodevelopment during early pregnancy", Javier G.-J. and colleagues investigated the role of cellular metabolism during ZIKA virus infection in hiPSC-derived neural progenitor cells (NPC) at different stage of differentiation. Indeed, the authors use a modified protocol of 2D cultures to obtain early-hiNPC and by continuing the cultures for two additional passages, they obtain late-hiNPCs. These two cell populations are characterized by cell morphology and marker expression. Then they test their susceptibility to ZIKV infection and show that late-hiNPCs are more efficient than early- hiNPCs to support viral replication. Moreover, authors demonstrate that the two cell populations are characterized by different cellular metabolism as glucose consumption is higher in early-hiNPCs than in late-hiNPCs although the overall glycolytic capacity is not different between the two subtypes. However, during ZIKV productive infection, late-hNPCs increased the glucose consumption (Fig. 3). The authors examined the mitochondrial alterations during infection showing different kinetics in early vs. late hiNPCs. Then, they show alterations of expression in genes of the lipid metabolism and content of lipid droplets that follow different kinetics of expression during infection in early vs. late hiNPCs. Overall, no significant differences were observed in the lipid droplet homeostasis between the two subtypes. This is a potentially interesting manuscript as they analyze the susceptibility of subtypes of neural progenitors to ZIKV infection and their metabolic alterations before and during infection. However, there are some concerns listed below.

      Major issues:

      1. It is well established that the NPC maturation during neurodevelopment is complex and cells at different stage of maturation play an important role. The authors propose a model that may recapitulate distinct populations of neural progenitors present during neurodevelopment. They use a modified protocol that it is well described. However, the characterization of these NPC subtypes needs to be improved. The pictures selected to be shown in Fig 1B and C do not highlight the morphology of these cells as described in the text.

      The authors thank the reviewer for the comment and have improved the description of the morphology of the cells constituting the two pools of cells at different stages of differentiation. In addition, the authors have included a new figure (Extended Fig. 1) with different magnifications of the acquired brightfield images for better representation of the morphological differences observed between early and late hi-NPCS.

      Late-hiNPC are more efficient than early-hiNPC in supporting ZIKV replication, however the differences are present exclusively at 56 h post-infection and they are modest (ca. 2-fold). Nevertheless, ZIKV cytopathic effects are similar between the two subtypes at 72 h post-infection. Authors should try to lower the MOI and extend the timing of analysis to up 10 days post-infection. They used MOI of 1, but it would be informative to know whether the different efficiency of viral replication is dependent on the MOI. Furthermore, are the differences between early and late-hiNPCs dependent on expression of entry receptor, or a different interferon response to virus infection or state of cell proliferation?

      The authors thank the reviewer for the insights provided on this matter and appreciate the overall positive response towards the research. After several revisions, the authors have corrected the data using a normalisation method that is expected to rely less on cellular metabolism which may well be disturbed during ZIKV infection. Although still modest, differences in virion release between early and late hi-NPCs are observed at 48 and 56 h.p.i. This data matches the increased accumulation of transcripts. Moreover, in the new version of this manuscript, the cytopathic effects are distinct between hi-NPCs. Regarding the reviewer’ comment on MOI. The authors selected the MOI of 1 due to metabolic dysregulations due to viral infection require a good proportion of cells infected with the inoculum. To support this, the authors highlight the comments from reviewer 1 whom encouraged that the main interpretation should be done at the 24 h timepoint as the population is reflecting alterations due to the initial round of infection rather than differences potentially being masked by cells at different stages of ZIKV replication. In addition, MOI of 1 has been reported elsewhere for ZIKV and other flaviviruses. Although it sounds interesting to the authors the lower MOI exposure for longer period of times, this approach is not feasible to conduct in our models as early hi-NPCs have a length of 3-4 days in culture due to exacerbated cell proliferation. After this time, cells need to be passaged. Similar technical complications will be faced if extending the infection times in late hi-NPCs as these cells require passaging/freezing after day 5. Lastly, the authors consider studying the expression of entry receptors in early and late hi-NPCs to be important in explaining potential differences in viral kinetics yet, the lack of differences in virion release at early timepoints of infection suggest the entry and length of the ZIKV replication cycle is conserved between early and late hi-NPCs. Thus, differences during the ZIKV kinetics potentially due to other mechanisms. For this reason, the authors have included a discussion paragraph in which they highlight potential differences may be due to the development of the native immunity of hi-NPCs during differentiation. It is still controversial whether IFN responses are significant in hi-NPCs, with research suggesting that greater IFN responses are observed upon maturation of NPCs.

      The authors state that that this is the first report showing differential changes in nuclear morphology between neural progenitor cells. They show a main finding that is the perinuclear centers only visible in late but not in early-hiNPC in a supplemental figure. These results are not convincing, and an effort should be made in order to support these claims.

      The authors have now addressed this issue by using confocal microscopy and co-stained DAPI (nuclei) and ZIKV envelope protein to better show the perinuclear centres in late hi-NPCs (Extended Fig. 6). Confocal images of early hi-NPCs with non-perinuclear replication centres than late hi-NPCs was not possible to acquire as early hi-NPCs did not adhere to glass coverslips for more than 24 h.

      Gene expression should be supported by data of protein expression (western blot) of some of the enzymes reported in Fig. 5.

      The authors have detected some of the proteins (western blot) involved in lipid metabolism in both early and late hi-NPCs. The authors screened for FASN, PDK2 and ACACA to validate the findings at the mRNA level. The authors selected 56 h.p.i. as a timepoint to measure proteins mainly due to high ZIKV infection levels but not abundant cell death that facilitates obtaining sufficient material for WB. The image of the WB is included in the Extended Fig. 4 of the new version of this manuscript.

      Minor issues: 1. Since this work is based on in vitro data, I would suggest using the term infection rather than challenge when referring to infection experiments.

      The authors have edited the document and replaced the terminology for what was suggested by the reviewer.

      Improve quality of the graphs. Enlarge symbols as in Fig. 6. Try to use linear scales as the differences are not dramatic and a linear scale would highlight them better.

      The authors thank the reviewer for the observation on the graphs. The authors have enlarged the symbols where possible – in some cases this could not be conducted as otherwise the error bars were not visible for example when displaying the viral output. The authors appreciate the comment on plotting the data on a linear scale to reflect subtle differences to a larger magnitude yet, this may well fit into misleading the interpretation of some results due to the nature of the analysis (e.g., fold-change); where possible, these changes have been applied.


      I agree with all comments of Rev#1 and 3. Some/many of the claims are made without the supporting evidence.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Many papers have reported the efficient ZIKV infection of neural progenitor cells that have been derived from the reprogramming of human pluripotent stem cells (PSC). Most of this literature has not been cited. In fact, ZIKV virus infects human PSC-derived brain neural progenitors causing heightened cell toxicity, dysregulation of cell-cycle and reduced cell growth as reported in many papers. In this manuscript, the advancement consists in having used NPC subtypes that are at different stage of differentiation and having studied their susceptibility to ZIKV infection. Then, the author analyze the fluctations of the glucose and lipid metabolism during infection.

      The audiance that is interested in this manuscript are virologists and , in particular, experts in arboviruses that are for the most part neurotropic viruses. In addition, this is a topic for experts of neurodevelopment.

      My expertise is virology. Key words: Zika virus, neural progenitors, antivirals.

      The authors thank the reviewer for the productive constructivism provided to this research. We would like to highlight that most of the literature in Zika infection and hi-NPCs was not included as this does not directly focuses on metabolism. However, as the document has been amended, some of this literature has now been included to contextualise the current knowledge of ZIKV infectivity in relevant in vitro systems.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary The authors present the analysis of the cellular metabolism in Zika virus-infected human neural cell cultures differentiated from fibroblast-derived hiPSCs. Neural cell cultures from days 12-15 after hiPSC induction to neuronal lineages were designated as 'early neuronal progenitors' (early hi-NPCs), while cultures from days 18-21 post induction were designated as 'late neuronal progenitors' (late hi-NPCs). The outcomes of ZIKV infection in both types of neural cell cultures were analyzed. The authors first characterized several viral parameters of infection including accumulation of viral RNA and proteins and ZIKV replication, as well as nuclear morphology of infected cells. The major body of evidence in the presented study encompasses the comparative analysis of several parameters of glucose and lipid metabolism as well as mitochondrial function and cellular lipid accumulation and storage. The authors postulate that ZIKV replicates differentially in early and late hi-NPCs, inducing some common metabolic responses like upregulated glycolytic capacity, as well as responses unique to either early or late differentiation stage of the neural cultures like the lipid metabolism, lipid droplet homeostasis or mitochondrial function. The authors propose that the differential metabolic responses to ZIKV infection in early and late neural progenitors might help to explain the differences in the fetal brain damage in early or late pregnancy.

      Major comments 1. The authors refer to the induced neural cell cultures as monocultures of human neural progenitors. This assumption is incorrect and it undermines the proper interpretation of the presented data. The neural lineage induction of iPSC produces neural cell cultures, which depending on the differentiation stage consist of neural stem cells of neuroepithelial-like morphology (Nestin and Sox-2 positive) which differentiate further to more elongated early progenitors with radial glial cell morphology (Nestin, sox2 and PAX-6 positive). Radial glial cells differentiate further into several neural lineages including oligodendrocyte precursors, astrocytes (S100B - positive) and intermediate progenitors (TBR2 - positive). The intermediate progenitors then divide to produce one progenitor and one post mitotic immature neuron (still TBR-positive and also beta II tubulin, Tuj1/TuB3-positive). The neurons then mature further and become NeuN and MAP2-positive. All the above mentioned differentiation markers were used by the authors to characterize the early and late cell cultures. According to the data presented in Fig 1E, both cultures were positive for all the markers indicating that they are not monocultures. The immunofluorescence data provided in Extended Fig.1 in support of the analysis presented in Fig. 1E clearly shows that both cultures stain similarly for Tuj1 (also known as TuB3), a marker of post-mitotic neurons, which are clearly present in both cultures. Abundant MAP2 positive cells (marker of mature neurons) in "early hi-NPCs" presented in extended figure 1B is quite surprising and confusing and is not presented for 1A panel - "late hi-NPCs", which suggests that perhaps figure 1A and 1B were mislabeled. The immunostaining for PAX6 presented in the same figure 1B presents strong cytoplasmic staining while PAX6 is expected to be detected in the cell nucleus, suggesting that the red staining comes most probably from the overexposed background. On a closer look the PAX6 staining presented on panel 1A shows weak and underexposed but most probably positive nuclear staining. Of note, the authors argue that the only significant difference in the staining for differentiation markers was observed for PAX6 (early neural progenitor marker) which was higher in late cultures than the early ones. In the same figure all the pictures in red are generally underexposed except from PAX6, while the DAPI staining is overexposed. This makes the interpretation of the data difficult especially when looking at the merged images. Despite the overall confusion with this part of results it is clear that the early and late cultures consist of different cell types including early and intermediate progenitors as well as astrocytes (S100B - positive), probably glial cells (not tested for) and post-mitotic neurons. The relative ratio of these populations might be different in the two cultures, however the cultures are not monocultures of early or late neural progenitors. They might contain different ratios of both and thus respond differently to the infection. Therefore, the metabolic and virological analysis performed globally on these cell cultures might just as well reflect the cell type ratio related effects rather than the differential responses of the early or late progenitors. This has never been addressed or explained by the authors.

      The authors thank the reviewer for the comment and observation regarding the nomenclature used in the preliminary version of this document. The authors used the terminology “subtypes” not to refer as a monoculture of a particular cell type within the developing brain but to the group of cells that share a metabolic profile. This was due to the abundance of markers to characterize cellular lineages within each population reflected to be similar at the two stages of differentiation. The authors showed cell type differences only in the ratio of glial Pax6 +ve cells (Fig. 1D) whilst greater significant differences were observed in the metabolism between both cultures. Thus, differences to viral responses are most likely to obey to the maturation stage (longer times under culture) rather than different ratio of brain cells. Nevertheless, the authors acknowledge the confusion that the terminology “neuronal subtypes” could have caused and have changed it to “cortical progenitors at different stages of differentiation” or “hi-NPCs”. The authors would like to address the reviewer’ comment on the data presented in Extended Fig. 2 (MAP2 staining in early hi-NPCs). This is not a mislabel between the figure but rather a demonstration that the staining was observed in early hi-NPCs. This staining was not performed in late hi-NPCs thus not showed. Moreover, the data used to quantify the presence of brain markers in early and late hi-NPCs was generated by flow cytometry and not by confocal imaging (ICC). The ICC included in the Extended Fig. 2 was used to demonstrate the antibody staining and to discard potential unspecific antibody binding that may generate false positive detection by flow cytometry. The authors agree with the reviewer that the staining for Pax6 was not clear in the previous version of this manuscript and have redone the figure.

      The data presented is often based on the analysis of the immunofluorescence images, however the quality of the images presented (resolution, magnification, over or under saturation) is often insufficient to support the findings and claims. The most striking example are images supporting the analysis of nuclear morphology in ZIKV-infected cells presented in the Extended figure 2.

      The authors thank the reviewer and would like to clarify that, although displaying some confocal images within the figure, the graphs were generated from data collected by imaging flow cytometry (Imagestream). In response to the comments from reviewer 1 and 2, the authors explained the advantages and disadvantages of using Imagestream over confocal imaging. The main rationale behind this is the greater sample size and unbiased acquisition of data yet compromising the immunostaining resolution. Regarding the displayed confocal images within the text, the authors have redone the figures and/or acquired new images to correct the issues of oversaturation/overexposure. The authors acknowledge that the data interpretation from the nuclear imaging needs to be done with caution due to its low quality yet, as early hi-NPCs do not adhere to glass as efficiently as late, any confocal acquisition will be limited to plastic-based materials ending in lower resolution. Thus, thanking the reviewers for the observation, the authors have now conducted confocal microscopy co-stained for ZIKV envelope protein and nuclei (DAPI) in late hi-NPCs to better display the nuclear morphology upon infection and the replication centres.

      Some of the claims are made without the supporting evidence. For example in the discussion the authors claim that "Our main finding was that viral perinuclear replication centers (26) (white arrows, Supplementary Figure 2) were only visible in late hi-NPCs and not in early hi-NPCs". This conclusion is made based presumably on Extended Figure 3 (Figure 2 does not have arrows) based on the nuclear morphology of infected cells without staining for any of the viral proteins localizing to the replication centers. Despite low image quality similar crescent-shaped nuclei to the ones indicated by the arrows in "late hi-NPCs" and many more of them are visible in "early hi-NPCs" (Extended Fig.2), however the authors seem ignore them.

      The authors thank the reviewer for the comment and notify that the respective amendments have been done. The data presented in the new version of this manuscript related to the nuclear morphology is from a new dataset of co-stained ZIKV envelope and DAPI (Extended Fig. 6).

      Based on the arguments presented above the conclusions are not convincing, lacking the supporting evidence or ignoring some of the essential facts of the chosen experimental system.

      The authors thank the reviewer for the criticism on the research and notify that several changes throughout the document have been made to support the claims and conclusions of this manuscript.

      The study in presented form, where all the analysis is performed in globally is not informative and would require the characterization of the metabolic and virological responses in different cell populations as characterized by the expression of neural differentiation markers. Alternatively, the population sizes of different types of cells should be determined and accounted for when analyzing the experimental data. It should be determined which types of cells are targeted by the Zika virus and replicate the virus. It could be done by, for example, co-staining for viral and neural differentiation markers. This would however require the entirely different experimental approach from the one presented in this manuscript.

      The authors thank the reviewer for the comments and inputs provided to our research. We would like to highlight that, although it would be highly relevant to distinguish ZIKV infection and metabolic dysregulations in different cell populations; all the published literature in neuronal progenitors and ZIKV infection do not contain insights on the infection per cell populations. This may be due to the difficulties in isolating/sorting populations of immature cells within the pool of in vitro cortical differentiation whilst achieving significant cell survival. The authors would like to address this comment by highlighting that the population sizes of different types of cells within the pools of early and late hi-NPCs was accounted as a starting point of this research (Fig 1D). This characterization was done using a commercially available kit aimed for the sorting of human neural stem cells. These results showed small differences in the ratio of cell types present in early and late hi-NPC cultures. ZIKV has been reported to target all brain cells with lower impact on mature neurons, which arguably will be present in either of the cortical progenitor pools used for this research. Thus, the authors focused on interpreting the results as an impact of ZIKV infection in the overall metabolism of each pool of hi-NPCs used in this study. Metabolism that is likely influenced by most of the cell types present within each hi-NPC pool.

      Some methods are not explained clearly. For the metabolic analysis like Oleic acid oxidation and others, it is not clear at which step of the protocol ZIKV infection was performed. In "Extracellular lactate measurement" freshly made running buffer is mentioned but no composition of the buffer is provided.

      The authors thank the observation of the reviewer and have now amended the method section to clearly state several methods that could have been difficult to understand in the previous version of this manuscript.

      Minor comments 1. Figure 2G shows the survival of ZIKV-infected hi-NPC subtypes. Clearly for "late hi-NPCs" there is 50% cell death at 56 hours post infection and about 70% death at 72 hours. Subsequent analysis of many metabolic parameters is measured at 56 and sometimes even at 72 hours when the significant differences in responses are observed for example Fig. 3 B and C. The role of cell death in the critical analysis of these parameters is not provided.

      The authors appreciate the reviewers’ comment and would like to emphasise that all the analysis at every timepoint during ZIKV infection was normalised to the cell number present at the time. The use of different timepoints for different measurements (e.g., 56 and 72 h.p.i.) were selected by the authors to adjust the used methodology. In short, 56 h.p.i. was used as the last timepoint to study mitochondrial and lipid dysregulations by imagestream as we observed the highest viral output with sufficient cell survival in early hi-NPCs; 72 h.p.i. will not give sufficient cell number for counting 10.000 cells by Imagestream. However, 72 h.p.i. was used to assess the genetic expression of metabolically relevant genes as the material obtained was sufficient and will signify the interpretation of the latest point during the ZIKV kinetics in our models.

      There are multiple spelling mistakes throughout. The professional terminology of the virology part of the study is often missing. Example the levels of ZIKV RNA measured in the infected cells are designated as "transcriptional levels of ZIKV" which seems incorrect as the level of the genomes is the effect of viral replication and not transcription.

      The authors thank the reviewer for the observation made and have corrected the terminology throughout the document. The spelling has been checked.


      Agree with Rev #1 comment on Fig 2D and the levels of NS1. It is striking that the levels of expression drop below the level detected at 48h while the ZIKV E protein continues to accumulate (Fig. 2E) at the same time. Both proteins are translated from the same polyprotein and are processed similarly. It is also confusing that at 48h only about 5% live cells express NS1 while at the same time 15% of live cells express E protein. In my experience both proteins are expressed in all infected cells. The reason why 10% of infected and still alive cells would express only E and not NS1 is difficult to conceive.

      The authors have addressed this issue and highlighted that the limitations of the Imagestream technique may have caused this oddity due to loss of signal detection by compensation. The experiments conducted to correct this manuscript include a new detection by flow cytometry using a smaller panel of markers and labelled-secondary antibodies that will provide greater signal. This approach has demonstrated that detection levels of NS1 mirror those of Envelope.

      I stand with the Rev #1 in asking what specific CNS pathology is dependent on the reported metabolic changes? There is no attempt to link the findings to ZIKV-induced CNS pathologies.

      The authors have included discussion paragraphs to link the observed phenotypes during ZIKV infection to relevant CNS pathologies.

      In relation to major comment 2 from the Rev #2, I disagree that Late-hiNPC are more efficient than early-hiNPC in supporting ZIKV replication. 2-fold difference in a viral plaquing assay falls within the error of the assay which is usually quite substantial for the plaquing assay. Lack of error bars for late hi-NPCs 56 h raise my suspicion as to how real is this effect in viral replication.

      The authors would like to clarify that the error bars were present in the graph but the size of the symbol difficulted the visualisation. After correcting all the datasets to a less dependent metabolic assay (LDH based survival), the differences in virion release are observed at 48 and 56 h.p.i., like that of ZIKV replication measured by qPCR. The authors also clarify that, although a 2-fold difference may fall within the technical error of plaque assay, minor differences observed in our research are potentially greater if displayed in a different form as our analysis comprises three independent ZIKV infection conducted in three patients’ lines and further normalisation to cell number.

      I stand behind Rev #2 major comment 2 there there is no evidence to support the claims about the nuclear morphology or the replication centers

      This issue has now been addressed (Extended Fig. 6).

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Despite global research efforts the course of Zika virus infection of the fetal brain during pregnancy is not clear. Among many knowledge gaps, the molecular determinants of differential outcomes of Zika virus infection during early or late pregnancy are unknown. The study aims to address this highly significant issue by focusing on the metabolic responses of cells to infection. In the presented form the study however, fails to deliver significant progress in our understanding of Zika virus infection of developing fetal brain. The experimental design and the quality of presented data does not allow to make unbiased conclusions and to support the claims. My expertise is in iPSC-derived neural cell cultures, molecular virology, in particular that of Flaviviruses like Zika virus and hepatitis c virus and confocal microscopy. I am not familiar with metabolic techniques and I find the description of methods for this part of the study insufficient to fully understand the experimental approach.

      The authors thank the reviewer for the valuable inputs provided to the research. We would like to highlight that, whereas possible, new sets of experiments have been conducted to better support some of the conclusions and claims. Lastly, the authors would like to mention that the method section has been corrected for a better understanding of the metabolic assays and data normalisation. Within the text, paragraphs have been added to clarify the nature of the results and data acquisition.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors present the analysis of the cellular metabolism in Zika virus-infected human neural cell cultures differentiated from fibroblast-derived hiPSCs. Neural cell cultures from days 12-15 after hiPSC induction to neuronal lineages were designated as 'early neuronal progenitors' (early hi-NPCs), while cultures from days 18-21 post induction were designated as 'late neuronal progenitors' (late hi-NPCs). The outcomes of ZIKV infection in both types of neural cell cultures were analyzed. The authors first characterized several viral parameters of infection including accumulation of viral RNA and proteins and ZIKV replication, as well as nuclear morphology of infected cells. The major body of evidence in the presented study encompasses the comparative analysis of several parameters of glucose and lipid metabolism as well as mitochondrial function and cellular lipid accumulation and storage. The authors postulate that ZIKV replicates differentially in early and late hi-NPCs, inducing some common metabolic responses like upregulated glycolytic capacity, as well as responses unique to either early or late differentiation stage of the neural cultures like the lipid metabolism, lipid droplet homeostasis or mitochondrial function. The authors propose that the differential metabolic responses to ZIKV infection in early and late neural progenitors might help to explain the differences in the fetal brain damage in early or late pregnancy.

      Major comments

      1. The authors refer to the induced neural cell cultures as monocultures of human neural progenitors. This assumption is incorrect and it undermines the proper interpretation of the presented data. The neural lineage induction of iPSC produces neural cell cultures, which depending on the differentiation stage consist of neural stem cells of neuroepithelial-like morphology (Nestin and Sox-2 positive) which differentiate further to more elongated early progenitors with radial glial cell morphology (Nestin, sox2 and PAX-6 positive). Radial glial cells differentiate further into several neural lineages including oligodendrocyte precursors, astrocytes (S100B - positive) and intermediate progenitors (TBR2 - positive). The intermediate progenitors then divide to produce one progenitor and one post mitotic immature neuron (still TBR-positive and also beta II tubulin, Tuj1/TuB3-positive). The neurons then mature further and become NeuN and MAP2-positive. All the above mentioned differentiation markers were used by the authors to characterize the early and late cell cultures. According to the data presented in Fig 1E, both cultures were positive for all the markers indicating that they are not monocultures. The immunofluorescence data provided in Extended Fig.1 in support of the analysis presented in Fig. 1E clearly shows that both cultures stain similarly for Tuj1 (also known as TuB3), a marker of post-mitotic neurons, which are clearly present in both cultures. Abundant MAP2 positive cells (marker of mature neurons) in "early hi-NPCs" presented in extended figure 1B is quite surprising and confusing and is not presented for 1A panel - "late hi-NPCs", which suggests that perhaps figure 1A and 1B were mislabeled. The immunostaining for PAX6 presented in the same figure 1B presents strong cytoplasmic staining while PAX6 is expected to be detected in the cell nucleus, suggesting that the red staining comes most probably from the overexposed background. On a closer look the PAX6 staining presented on panel 1A shows weak and underexposed but most probably positive nuclear staining. Of note, the authors argue that the only significant difference in the staining for differentiation markers was observed for PAX6 (early neural progenitor marker) which was higher in late cultures than the early ones. In the same figure all the pictures in red are generally underexposed except from PAX6, while the DAPI staining is overexposed. This makes the interpretation of the data difficult especially when looking at the merged images. Despite the overall confusion with this part of results it is clear that the early and late cultures consist of different cell types including early and intermediate progenitors as well as astrocytes (S100B - positive), probably glial cells (not tested for) and post-mitotic neurons. The relative ratio of these populations might be different in the two cultures, however the cultures are not monocultures of early or late neural progenitors. They might contain different ratios of both and thus respond differently to the infection. Therefore, the metabolic and virological analysis performed globally on these cell cultures might just as well reflect the cell type ratio related effects rather than the differential responses of the early or late progenitors. This has never been addressed or explained by the authors.
      2. The data presented is often based on the analysis of the immunofluorescence images, however the quality of the images presented (resolution, magnification, over or under saturation) is often insufficient to support the findings and claims. The most striking example are images supporting the analysis of nuclear morphology in ZIKV-infected cells presented in the Extended figure 2.
      3. Some of the claims are made without the supporting evidence. For example in the discussion the authors claim that "Our main finding was that viral perinuclear replication centers (26) (white arrows, Supplementary Figure 2) were only visible in late hi-NPCs and not in early hi-NPCs". This conclusion is made based presumably on Extended Figure 3 (Figure 2 does not have arrows) based on the nuclear morphology of infected cells without staining for any of the viral proteins localizing to the replication centers. Despite low image quality similar crescent-shaped nuclei to the ones indicated by the arrows in "late hi-NPCs" and many more of them are visible in "early hi-NPCs" (Extended Fig.2), however the authors seem ignore them.
      4. Based on the arguments presented above the conclusions are not convincing, lacking the supporting evidence or ignoring some of the essential facts of the chosen experimental system.
      5. The study in presented form, where all the analysis is performed in globally is not informative and would require the characterization of the metabolic and virological responses in different cell populations as characterized by the expression of neural differentiation markers. Alternatively, the population sizes of different types of cells should be determined and accounted for when analyzing the experimental data. It should be determined which types of cells are targeted by the Zika virus and replicate the virus. It could be done by, for example, co-staining for viral and neural differentiation markers. This would however require the entirely different experimental approach from the one presented in this manuscript.
      6. Some methods are not explained clearly. For the metabolic analysis like Oleic acid oxidation and others, it is not clear at which step of the protocol ZIKV infection was performed. In "Extracellular lactate measurement" freshly made running buffer is mentioned but no composition of the buffer is provided.

      Minor comments

      1. Figure 2G shows the survival of ZIKV-infected hi-NPC subtypes. Clearly for "late hi-NPCs" there is 50% cell death at 56 hours post infection and about 70% death at 72 hours. Subsequent analysis of many metabolic parameters is measured at 56 and sometimes even at 72 hours when the significant differences in responses are observed for example Fig. 3 B and C. The role of cell death in the critical analysis of these parameters is not provided.
      2. There are multiple spelling mistakes throughout. The professional terminology of the virology part of the study is often missing. Example the levels of ZIKV RNA measured in the infected cells are designated as "transcriptional levels of ZIKV" which seems incorrect as the level of the genomes is the effect of viral replication and not transcription.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Agree with Rev #1 comment on Fig 2D and the levels of NS1. It is striking that the levels of expression drop below the level detected at 48h while the ZIKV E protein continues to accumulate (Fig. 2E) at the same time. Both proteins are translated from the same polyprotein and are processed similarly. It is also confusing that at 48h only about 5% live cells express NS1 while at the same time 15% of live cells express E protein. In my experience both proteins are expressed in all infected cells. The reason why 10% of infected and still alive cells would express only E and not NS1 is difficult to conceive.

      I stand with the Rev #1 in asking what specific CNS pathology is dependent on the reported metabolic changes? There is no attempt to link the findings to ZIKV-induced CNS pathologies.

      In relation to major comment 2 from the Rev #2, I disagree that Late-hiNPC are more efficient than early-hiNPC in supporting ZIKV replication. 2-fold difference in a viral plaquing assay falls within the error of the assay which is usually quite substantial for the plaquing assay. Lack of error bars for late hi-NPCs 56 h raise my suspicion as to how real is this effect in viral replication.

      I stand behind Rev #2 major comment 2 there there is no evidence to support the claims about the nuclear morphology or the replication centers


      Despite global research efforts the course of Zika virus infection of the fetal brain during pregnancy is not clear. Among many knowledge gaps, the molecular determinants of differential outcomes of Zika virus infection during early or late pregnancy are unknown. The study aims to address this highly significant issue by focusing on the metabolic responses of cells to infection. In the presented form the study however, fails to deliver significant progress in our understanding of Zika virus infection of developing fetal brain. The experimental design and the quality of presented data does not allow to make unbiased conclusions and to support the claims.

      My expertise is in iPSC-derived neural cell cultures, molecular virology, in particular that of Flaviviruses like Zika virus and hepatitis c virus and confocal microscopy. I am not familiar with metabolic techniques and I find the description of methods for this part of the study insufficient to fully understand the experimental approach.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript entitled "Zika virus-induces metabolic alterations in fetal neuronal progenitors that could influence in neurodevelopment during early pregnancy", Javier G.-J. and colleagues investigated the role of cellular metabolism during ZIKA virus infection in hiPSC-derived neural progenitor cells (NPC) at different stage of differentiation. Indeed, the authors use a modified protocol of 2D cultures to obtain early-hiNPC and by continuing the cultures for two additional passages, they obtain late-hiNPCs. These two cell populations are characterized by cell morphology and marker expression. Then they test their susceptibility to ZIKV infection and show that late-hiNPCs are more efficient than early- hiNPCs to support viral replication. Moreover, authors demonstrate that the two cell populations are characterized by different cellular metabolism as glucose consumption is higher in early-hiNPCs than in late-hiNPCs although the overall glycolytic capacity is not different between the two subtypes. However, during ZIKV productive infection, late-hNPCs increased the glucose consumption (Fig. 3). The authors examined the mitochondrial alterations during infection showing different kinetics in early vs. late hiNPCs. Then, they show alterations of expression in genes of the lipid metabolism and content of lipid droplets that follow different kinetics of expression during infection in early vs. late hiNPCs. Overall, no significant differences were observed in the lipid droplet homeostasis between the two subtypes.<br /> This is a potentially interesting manuscript as they analyze the susceptibility of subtypes of neural progenitors to ZIKV infection and their metabolic alterations before and during infection. However, there are some concerns listed below.

      Major issues:

      1. It is well established that the NPC maturation during neurodevelopment is complex and cells at different stage of maturation play an important role. The authors propose a model that may recapitulate distinct populations of neural progenitors present during neurodevelopment. They use a modified protocol that it is well described. However, the characterization of these NPC subtypes needs to be improved. The pictures selected to be shown in Fig 1B and C do not highlight the morphology of these cells as described in the text.
      2. Late-hiNPC are more efficient than early-hiNPC in supporting ZIKV replication, however the differences are present exclusively at 56 h post-infection and they are modest (ca. 2-fold). Nevertheless, ZIKV cytopathic effects are similar between the two subtypes at 72 h post-infection. Authors should try to lower the MOI and extend the timing of analysis to up 10 days post-infection. They used MOI of 1, but it would be informative to know whether the different efficiency of viral replication is dependent on the MOI. Furthermore, are the differences between early and late-hiNPCs dependent on expression of entry receptor, or a different interferon response to virus infection or state of cell proliferation?
      3. The authors state that that this is the first report showing differential changes in nuclear morphology between neural progenitor cells. They show a main finding that is the perinuclear centers only visible in late but not in early-hiNPC in a supplemental figure. These results are not convincing, and an effort should be made in order to support these claims.
      4. Gene expression should be supported by data of protein expression (western blot) of some of the enzymes reported in Fig. 5.

      Minor issues:

      1. Since this work is based on in vitro data, I would suggest using the term infection rather than challenge when referring to infection experiments.
      2. Improve quality of the graphs. Enlarge symbols as in Fig. 6. Try to use linear scales as the differences are not dramatic and a linear scale would highlight them better.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with all comments of Rev#1 and 3. Some/many of the claims are made without the supporting evidence.


      Many papers have reported the efficient ZIKV infection of neural progenitor cells that have been derived from the reprogramming of human pluripotent stem cells (PSC). Most of this literature has not been cited. In fact, ZIKV virus infects human PSC-derived brain neural progenitors causing heightened cell toxicity, dysregulation of cell-cycle and reduced cell growth as reported in many papers. In this manuscript, the advancement consists in having used NPC subtypes that are at different stage of differentiation and having studied their susceptibility to ZIKV infection. Then, the author analyze the fluctations of the glucose and lipid metabolism during infection.

      The audiance that is interested in this manuscript are virologists and , in particular, experts in arboviruses that are for the most part neurotropic viruses. In addition, this is a topic for experts of neurodevelopment.

      My expertise is virology. Key words: Zika virus, neural progenitors, antivirals.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript reports an investigation into the metabolic alterations induced by Zika virus (ZIKV) infection in human neuronal progenitor cells. The authors differentiated human iPSCs to derive neuronal progenitor cells (NPCs) at different days of incubation to represent the different stages of foetal CNS development. They found differences in the levels of ZIKV NS1 proteins as well as marginal differences in ZIKV titres in infected early and late hi-NPCs. Correspondingly, they also showed differences in glucose consumption, lipid metabolism and mitochondrial stress in ZIKV-infected early and late hi-NPCs. They concluded that differences in energy metabolism in neuronal progenitors both before and upon infection may contribute to the brain damage observed in congenital Zika syndrome.

      The evidence supporting a role for dysregulated metabolism in mediating the pathogenesis of congenital Zika syndrome is gaining traction and findings from this study could add to this body of knowledge. However, in its present form, this study has several gaps that limit the extent to which it informs on the clinical pathogenesis of congenital Zika syndrome.

      Major concerns:

      1. The most important concern in this study is the strain of ZIKV used in all of the studies. ZIKV MP1751 was isolated from a mosquito and belongs to the African lineage of ZIKV. Unlike the Asian lineage ZIKV isolated from Latin America and French Polynesia, gestational infection with ZIKV of the African lineage has not been clinically associated with increased risk of foetal abnormality. It is thus uncertain how the changes observed in this study relates to the observed neonatal pathology. Perhaps a way to address this issue is to argue that a difference in these lineages it the ability of the virus to evade systemic and endothelial innate immune responses to cross the placental and blood brain barriers (several papers on attenuated ZIKV have shown this data). Once these barriers are breached, strain differences should not materially affect the similar pathogenic processes in neuronal cells, as also been shown by others using the MR766 strain of ZIKV. Such a discussion would be helpful to contextualise the clinical relevance of this study.
      2. While the metabolic changes upon ZIKV infection are all interesting, how these changes affect CNS development is unclear. Figure 2F shows marginal impact on productive ZIKV infection and comparable extent of cell death in early and late hi-NPCs. What specific CNS pathology is dependent on the reported metabolic changes?
      3. Figure 2D: The most remarkable virological difference observed is the significant difference in cytoplasmic NS1 levels between early and late hi-NPCs at 56 hpi. Although the data in Fig 2D in general could have been compromised by the quality of the anti-NS1 mAb (the anti-E assay in Fig 2E used polyclonal antibody), it would have been useful to test for NS1 expression using western blot on a denaturing gel (and appropriate anti-NS1 antibody). The mAb used in this study binds a conformational epitope on NS1. The difference in data in Figure 2D and 2E could thus have been misfolding of NS1. Misfolded NS1 could contribute to ER stress that could be important for dysregulated CNS development. A more detailed investigation of the finding in Figure 2D could be highly informative.
      4. Figure 3A and related text: The fold-change in GLUT1, HK-1 and GAPDH expression are shown in log10 scale. In this scale, 1 would indicate 10-fold increase in expression. The data in Figure 3A are entirely inconsistent with the description in the related text. Which is correct?

      Minor concerns:

      1. Figure 5: The effects of ZIKV infection on the mitochondria of hi-NPCs are interesting and the comparison between ZIKV-infected and uninfected cells in the same culture is a strength of this study. It would be helpful to readers if the authors could include a discussion on the kinetics of ZIKV infection; diminished differences at 48 and 72 hours could be due to the mixture of cells infected at inoculation and hence observed at 24 hours and newly infected cells that were negative for ZIKV E protein at 24 hours. Emphasis should thus be on the 24 h data in Figures 5 C-E.
      2. Hi-NPCs likely have a diploid genome and thus a finite lifespan. Using the term "cell line" to describe these cells is technically incorrect. Please consider using other terms, such as cell strain.
      3. Discussion section, 3rd paragraph, lines 6-7. The authors suggest thermal decay as an explanation for their observation yet Figure 2B argues against this explanation. Moreover, Kostyuchenko et al (Nature 2016; 533:425-8) have also shown that ZIKV is relatively thermostable. This explanation offered by the authors lack supporting evidence.
      4. Discussion section, 3rd paragraph, line 16 and Supplementary Figure 2. I believe the authors are referring to Supplementary Figure 3 and not 2. The indentations observed could be due to ZIKV replication although the data, as presented is not convincing. Co-staining for ZIKV E protein would be useful.

      Referees cross-commenting

      • I fully agree with both Reviewers #2 and #3 on the quality of the immunofluorescence images and that these images alone are not sufficiently convincing to support the inferences the authors are making.
      • I also appreciate the first major comment from Reviewer #3. That is important insight and the authors should test their assumption that they have monocultures of human progenitor cells.


      The focus on the metabolism and mitochondrial stress in ZIKV infected neuronal progenitors is interesting and could fill an important gap in knowledge on Zika pathogenesis. The study uses human iPSC derived NPCs instead of animal cells, which is also more clinically relevant than animal models. The findings would thus be of interest to all who are interested in Zika pathogenesis as well as therapeutic/vaccine development. If the above concerns could be addressed, the findings in this study could form the missing links in our current understanding of congenital Zika syndrome.

      Expertise: Flavivirology and immunology. Flavivirus-host interactions.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this manuscript the authors examine PAR-binding properties of PARP1 and identify ZnF3, BRCT and WGR domains as PAR-binding domains, which show cooperative effects on PAR binding. Their affinity for PARylated PARP2 was slightly higher compared to naked PAR. PAR binding competes with the binding to DNA strand breaks (SSB or DSB) and promotes DNA dissociation. PAR also reduces DNA-dependent activation of PARP1 catalytic activity. The findings are based on biochemical and biophysical experiments and the cellular significance of these findings has not been investigated.

      Major comments:

      1) The conclusion that the binding affinity of the three domains for PAR is high should be adjusted as the Kd is in the low micromolar range (3-5 uM). The PAR-binding affinity of individual domains compared to the full-length protein (Kd=39 nM) is thus rather low.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that the Kd for PARP1 (measured using BLI) is low compared to that reported for individual PAR-binding domains (measured using ITC). But we have also measured the combined KD for three high-affinity PAR binding domains (ZnF3-BRCT-WGR) which is in the nanomolar range (~140 nM) which infers that the domains show cooperativity or synergy for PAR binding, while the affinity for PARP1 is ~39nM. The difference in KD can be attributed to the absence of ZnF1 and CAT domains in construct ZnF3-BRCT-WGR which could contribute to higher affinity in the case of PARP1.

      2) What is the affinity of PARP1 lacking ZnF3, BRCT and WGR for PAR? What is the DNA binding affinity of this mutant and its catalytic activity? If PAR competes with DNA binding, then this mutant is expected to show stronger DNA binding and stronger catalytic activation.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for raising the concern, but we differ from the reviewer’s assumption “If PAR competes with DNA binding, then this mutant is expected to show stronger DNA binding and stronger catalytic activation” since DNA recognition and DNA-dependent stimulation of PARP1 is independent of PAR binding.

      To address the concern, we cloned, expressed, and purified the ZnF1-2-CAT construct which lacks ZnF3, BRCT, and WGR domains (Figure S2j), and performed FP binding studies. Our results show that ZnF(1-2)-CAT binds to SSB with almost similar affinity as PARP1 while the affinity for DSB has reduced ~9 times due to lack of ZnF3 and WGR domain which contribute to DSB recognition (Figure S8a-d).

      We also assessed the catalytic activity of ZnF(1-2)-CAT using PNC1-OPT assay. Our results show that the construct could not be stimulated by SSB DNA but show a little more than basal-level activity, which is expected because the interdomain contacts required for communication of DNA-dependent stimulation signal from the N-terminus to the catalytic domain are lost due to the absence of ZnF3, BRCT, and WGR domains (Fig 6B). In addition, automodification (PARylation) domain, which is located between BRCT and WGR is also lost. We only performed the assay with SSB because it showed almost the same affinity as PARP1.

      3) The role of the WGR domain in DNA and PAR binding is unclear from the experiments in Figs. 4 and 5. The lower PAR concentration required to dissociate DNA from PARP1 in the case of full-length PARP1 vs ZnF-BRCT construct cannot be interpreted as being due to the WGR domain present in the full-length protein. To clearly show that this effect is due to the WGR domain, two experiments can be conducted: (i) compare full-length PARP1 and PARP1 mutant lacking WGR; (ii) compare ZnF-BRCT and ZnF-BRCT-WGR.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for suggesting experiments to further validate the role of the WGR domain in PAR-dependent DNA dissociation from PARP1. To perform the experiments, we cloned expressed and tried to purify ZnF(1-2-3)-BRCT-CAT (PARP1ΔWGR) and ZnF(1-2-3)-BRCT-WGR (PARP1ΔCAT) variants of PARP1 which lack the WGR domain and CAT domains (Figure S2l), respectively. We were unable to purify PARP1ΔWGR since it ended up in inclusion bodies.

      We conducted the FP binding experiments of ZnF(1-2-3)-BRCT-WGR with DNA breaks and it showed an almost similar binding affinity for DSB and SSB as that of PARP1 since all the domains involved in both the DNA breaks recognition are present in the construct (compare Figure 5c-d to Figure S8a-b). Furthermore, Ki values of PAR required to dissociate DSB and SSB from ZnF(1-2-3)-BRCT-WGR are ~ 1.8 and ~1.4 times, respectively, (Figure 5g-h) lesser than required for DNA dissociation from ZnF(1-2-3)-BRCT (Figure 5e-f), which again indicates that the WGR domain plays important role in PAR-induced DNA-break dissociation from PARP1.

      4) What is missing to make this study of higher impact are cellular assays to show, for example, how the absence of ZnF3, BRCT and WGR affects PARP1 recruitment to and retention at DNA damage sites.

      Response: We strongly agree with the reviewer that having cell-based experiments in the paper will give more insights into the PAR-dependent regulation of PARP1, but our data using several truncated and deleted variants of purified PARP1, binding, and competition binding studies, competition enzyme assays with multiple complementary techniques clearly shows that PAR plays major roles in modulating DNA dependent activities of PARP1. Certainly, this is in future plans with collaboration.

      Minor comments:

      The manuscript should be edited to improve readability and the presentation of the data.

      Response: We have edited the manuscript to improve the readability and presentation of diata.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Auto-PARylation of PARP1 was previously shown to cause its dissociation from DNA. Here the authors show that PAR binding through ZnF3, BRCT and WGR domains also causes dissociation from DNA and reduces PARP1 catalytic activity. These findings contribute to our understanding of how PARP1 DNA binding and activity can be regulated and will be of interest to researchers in the field of PARylation.

      I have expertise in biochemical analysis of PARylation.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors investigate the impact of poly adenosine repeats on the parylation activity of Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1). They show that PAR can bind to PARP1 through specific domains and that binding occurs in some cases to be as strong as binding to DNA. This work indicates that PAR binds to PARP1 sufficiently well to allosterically alter the biological consequences of PARP1 through parylation. For example, DNA appears to bind PARP1 and negatively regulate Parylation, therefore the work is potentially highly significant.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree with comments from Reviewer 1. Especially with the descriptions of binding affinity. low micromolar binding is relatively low affinity. The authors should revise this description. Other comments from Reviewer 1 are also appropriate.

      Response: We have addressed all the comments from reviewer 1.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment: the authors use many purified domains from PARP1 that are purified and are used for quantitative binding experiments. The binding experiments appear to be done thoroughly with appropriate instrumentation.

      Advance: This work fills in a gap in understanding PARP1 and its key role in recruiting proteins to damaged DNA; that being the role of PAR in direct binding to PARP1.

      Audience: PARP1 is a major target for inhibition in treating cancer. The audience will include those interested in targeting PARP1 in a different way. As an enzymologist with interests in DNA repair, this paper was interesting and the results were properly analyzed.

      There are a few instances in which the text needs to be checked for grammar. Overall, the manuscript is clearly written. The data appear to be well presented except for items listed below.

      The equation used to fit fluorescence polarization data should be listed in the methods section. The competition binding studies were performed with 40 nM protein and 20 nM probe DNA. Under these conditions, Ki values below 20 nM should represent saturation binding rather than equilibrium binding. It would be useful to know whether the Ki values are reproduced with lower probe concentrations (below the Ki values). How is this taken into account in the data analysis?

      Response: Thanks for the reviewer suggestion to include equation to fit competition-binding data. As the reviewer suggested, we included the equation in the materials and methods section (Fluorescence Polarization (FP) studies).

      We completely agree with the reviewer that at a probe concentration of 20 nM, Ki values below 20 nM would represent saturation binding rather than equilibrium binding, but none of our Ki values are D * and Ki values differed marginally from corresponding values at 20 nM probe (DNA) concentration (Figure 4 and Figure S8a-b and e-h).

      Fig.4. The concentration of PARP1 and concentration of the DSB or SSB DNA should be stated. Also, the equation for fitting the data should be shown.

      Response: We have mentioned the concentrations of proteins and DNAs in the figure legends. The equation used for fitting competition-binding data has been included in the materials and methods (Fluorescence Polarization (FP) studies).

      Fig 5. list the concentration of enzyme and the 5-FAM DNA in the legend.

      Response: We have mentioned the concentrations of proteins and DNAs in the figure legends.

      Fig 6. In panel A, what form of DNA is shown in the gel image?

      Response: In Fig. 6, panel A, SSB has been used to show the DNA-dependent PARP1 stimulation. We have mentioned the name of DNA in figure, figure legend and corresponding text.

      Supplemental fig. 8 also need to list the concentration of the DNA.

      Response: We have mentioned the concentrations DNAs in the figure legends

      Reference is made to Figure S9, but there is no Figure S9.

      Response: Removed.

      A table that summarizes binding activity and catalytic activity would be helpful.

      __Response: __A table summarizing the binding affinity and catalytic activity of the constructs has been included in Supplementary File (Table S2).

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors investigate the impact of poly adenosine repeats on the parylation activity of Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1). They show that PAR can bind to PARP1 through specific domains and that binding occurs in some cases to be as strong as binding to DNA. This work indicates that PAR binds to PARP1 sufficiently well to allosterically alter the biological consequences of PARP1 through parylation. For example, DNA appears to bind PARP1 and negatively regulate Parylation, therefore the work is potentially highly significant.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with comments from Reviewer 1. Especially with the descriptions of binding affinity. low micromolar binding is relatively low affinity. The authors should revise this description. Other comments from Reviewer 1 are also appropriate.


      General assessment: the authors use many purified domains from PARP1 that are purified and are used for quantitative binding experiments. The binding experiments appear to be done thoroughly with appropriate instrumentation.

      Advance: This work fills in a gap in understanding PARP1 and its key role in recruiting proteins to damaged DNA; that being the role of PAR in direct binding to PARP1.

      Audience: PARP1 is a major target for inhibition in treating cancer. The audience will include those interested in targeting PARP1 in a different way. As an enzymologist with interests in DNA repair, this paper was interesting and the results were properly analyzed.

      There are a few instances in which the text needs to be checked for grammar. Overall, the manuscript is clearly written. The data appear to be well presented except for items listed below.

      The equation used to fit fluorescence polarization data should be listed in the methods section. The competition binding studies were performed with 40 nM protein and 20 nM probe DNA. Under these conditions, Ki values below 20 nM should represent saturation binding rather than equilibrium binding. It would be useful to know whether the Ki values are reproduced with lower probe concentrations (below the Ki values). How is this taken into account in the data analysis?

      Fig.4. The concentration of PARP1 and concentration of the DSB or SSB DNA should be stated. Also, the equation for fitting the data should be shown.

      Fig 5. list the concentration of enzyme and the 5-FAM DNA in the legend.

      Fig 6. In panel A, what form of DNA is shown in the gel image?

      Supplemental fig. 8 also need to list the concentration of the DNA.

      Reference is made to Figure S9, but there is no Figure S9.

      A table that summarizes binding activity and catalytic activity would be helpful.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript the authors examine PAR-binding properties of PARP1 and identify ZnF3, BRCT and WGR domains as PAR-binding domains, which show cooperative effects on PAR binding. Their affinity for PARylated PARP2 was slightly higher compared to naked PAR. PAR binding competes with the binding to DNA strand breaks (SSB or DSB) and promotes DNA dissociation. PAR also reduces DNA-dependent activation of PARP1 catalytic activity. The findings are based on biochemical and biophysical experiments and the cellular significance of these findings has not been investigated.

      Major comments:

      1. The conclusion that the binding affinity of the three domains for PAR is high should be adjusted as the Kd is in the low micromolar range (3-5 uM). The PAR-binding affinity of individual domains compared to the full-length protein (Kd=39 nM) is thus rather low.
      2. What is the affinity of PARP1 lacking ZnF3, BRCT and WGR for PAR? What is the DNA binding affinity of this mutant and its catalytic activity? If PAR competes with DNA binding, then this mutant is expected to show stronger DNA binding and stronger catalytic activation.
      3. The role of the WGR domain in DNA and PAR binding is unclear from the experiments in Figs. 4 and 5. The lower PAR concentration required to dissociate DNA from PARP1 in the case of full-length PARP1 vs ZnF-BRCT construct cannot be interpreted as being due to the WGR domain present in the full-length protein. To clearly show that this effect is due to the WGR domain, two experiments can be conducted: (i) compare full-length PARP1 and PARP1 mutant lacking WGR; (ii) compare ZnF-BRCT and ZnF-BRCT-WGR.
      4. What is missing to make this study of higher impact are cellular assays to show, for example, how the absence of ZnF3, BRCT and WGR affects PARP1 recruitment to and retention at DNA damage sites.

      Minor comments:

      The manuscript should be edited to improve readability and the presentation of the data.


      Auto-PARylation of PARP1 was previously shown to cause its dissociation from DNA. Here the authors show that PAR binding through ZnF3, BRCT and WGR domains also causes dissociation from DNA and reduces PARP1 catalytic activity. These findings contribute to our understanding of how PARP1 DNA binding and activity can be regulated and will be of interest to researchers in the field of PARylation.

      I have expertise in biochemical analysis of PARylation.

  2. Jan 2023
    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2021-01111

      Corresponding author(s): Esther Stoeckli

      [Please use this template only if the submitted manuscript should be considered by the affiliate journal as a full revision in response to the points raised by the reviewers.

      If you wish to submit a preliminary revision with a revision plan, please use our "Revision Plan" template. It is important to use the appropriate template to clearly inform the editors of your intentions.]

      1. General Statements [optional]

      Dear editors at Review Commons

      Thanks for your patience. We have finally carried out a full revision of our originally submitted manuscript summarizing our findings on the role of Cables1 in axon guidance.

      In our study, we provide in vitro and in vivo evidence for a role of Cables1 as a linker between axon guidance signaling pathways. Commissural axons in the developing spinal cord leave their intermediate target, the floor plate, due to a switch from attraction to repulsion mediated by the specific trafficking of Robo1 receptors to the growth cone surface. The presence of Robo1 on growth cones after contact with the floor plate allows them to respond to Slit, the negative guidance cue associated with the floor plate. After leaving the floor plate on the contralateral side, growth cones respond to a Wnt gradient along the antero-posterior axis. The responsiveness to Wnt of post- but not pre-crossing axons is regulated by the trafficking of Fzd3 receptors to the growth cone membrane of post-crossing axons (Alther et al., 2016), but also by the specific phosphorylation of β-Catenin at tyrosine Y489 by Abl kinase. Cables1 mediates this phosphorylation by transferring Abl kinase from the C-terminus of Robo1 to β-Catenin (this study).

      The revised version of the manuscript contains additional experiments in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo combined with live imaging to further support our conclusion about the role of Cables1 as a linker between Robo/Slit and Wnt signaling.

      It took as longer than expected to carry out these new experiments, as Nikole Zuñiga, the first author of the paper, left the lab after her PhD defense to take up a job in industry. Unfortunately for the study, but fortunately for Giuseppe Vaccaro, he also got a job soon after taking over the project. Therefore, the revision was delayed again. We hope that the additional experiments will solve the issues that were raised by the reviewers. We thank them for their contributions and suggestions.

      Best regards

      Esther Stoeckli

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      This section is mandatory. *Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. *

      Point to point response to reviewers’ comments

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): In this work by Zuñiga et al. the authors study the role of the adaptor protein Cables1 on the guidance of post-comissural spinal cord neurons. They hypothesize that commissural axons need Cables1 to leave the floor plate and turn to ascend to the brain. They propose that during this process, Cables1 acts as a linker of two key axon guidance pathways, Slit and Wnt. Cables1 would localize β-catenin phosphorylated at tyrosine 489 to the distal axon and this would be necessary for the correct turning and navigation of post-crossing commissural axons. Although the work may be potentially interesting, there are major issues that authors need to address in order to state their claims:

      -Fig. 2. To visualize the axonal phenotype after downregulation of Cables1 the authors use DiI labelling. This difficults the interpretation of the results as both electroporated and non- electroporated axons are labelled. Since the authors have a Math1::tdTomatoF reporter construct (as in Fig. 3), it would be desirable to use this construct Math1::tdTomatoF in combination with the dsCables1 plasmid to better visualize the phenotype. Alternatively and less preferred, GFP signal should be also shown in Fig.2B experiments.

      We respectfully disagree. Most likely, the reviewer thinks about a defined nerve that has a particular trajectory and then when labelled with a fluorescent marker, deviations from this pathway, or defasciculated growth can be easily visualized. However, in the spinal cord, the dI1 axons run ventrally more like a ‘curtain’. Therefore, the aberrant behavior of axons is difficult to see. We therefore, opted for the alternative suggestion and added the GFP images to visualize clearly that the axons labelled with DiI are from the injected area. We also would like to add that we are extremely careful in injecting DiI only to the dI1 population of commissural axons to avoid mixing populations with different trajectories. As the analysis is done by a person blind to the experimental condition, we are convinced that our way of analyzing the phenotype is valid. An approach that has been successfully used by many groups for decades now. Please also keep in mind that we are always comparing groups of embryos with each other. Furthermore, having axons traced by DiI which were not targeted by dsRNA electroporation would not increase but rather decrease the likelihood of aberrant behavior. Therefore, we are convinced that our method of quantification is valid.

      However, we have added new experiments using live-imaging which also demonstrate that many axons in embryos electroporated with dsCables1 fail to turn properly at the floor-plate exit site (see Movie 2). These experiments provide additional evidence for the validity of our results.

      -Fig. 2B and Supp.Fig.3. Comparable DiI labellings should be shown in the different conditions. The three examples shown in this panel despite different amount of DiI-labeled axons making it difficult to compare them.

      We have exchanged the image of the control-treated embryo in Figure 2 to have more comparable DiI injection sites. However, as we detail in our Material & Method section, the quantification was done in such a way that the number of axons does not matter. We rephrased this paragraph to make this point more clear (lines 630ff). Please also refer to the GFP-expressing control sample shown in Figure 6A.

      We counted a DiI injection site as showing floor-plate stalling when at least 50% of the fibers entering the floor plate failed to reach the exit site. Similarly, ‘No turn’ means that at least 50% of the axons at the exit site failed to turn rostrally. Because, these two phenotypes are not independent of each other (100% stalling prevents the analysis of the turning phenotype), we only did a statistical analysis for the DiI injection sites with correctly turning axons. We also would like to point out that we hardly had injection sites where it was difficult to decide whether the 50% threshold was reached or not.

      -Fig. 2D. An scheme depicting the different phenotypes: "normal", "FP stalling" and "no turn" would help to understand the results. They can use schemes similar to those shown in Fig. 2K Parra et al. 2010.

      We have added a scheme outlining the different phenotypes, as suggested to Figure 2A.

      -Fig. 3A. The open-book drawing is confusing. It seems that they are analyzing open-book preparations in this experiment when this is not the case.

      Now Figure 4: We have changed the schematic explaining our experimental design. We wanted to illustrate that we only took the dorsal-most part of the spinal cord, dissected from open-book preparations of the spinal cord, as explants to avoid the inclusion of other cell types.

      -Fig. 3B. Authors claim that Cables1 is not required in pre-crossing axons as dsCables electroporation does not affect axonal growth of DiI neurons taken at HH22. However, to be sure that Cables1 mRNA levels are downregulated in pre-crossing axons, relative levels of Cables1 mRNA and/or protein should be also determined at HH22 not only at HH25.

      We have clarified the quantification of downregulation efficiency. The qPCR data are taken from HH23, that is one day after electroporation. The Western blot data show differences in protein levels at HH25, that is 2 days after electroporation. In both cases, the downregulation efficiency is about 50%. This means that we got rid of all Cables1 mRNA, as we successfully transfected 50% of the cells in the targeted area (52.5% in n=4 embryos). The cell numbers were determined by counting the ratio of GFP-positive cells from transfected spinal cords in a single cell suspension.

      -Fig. 4. The incapacity of Slit to induce axonal retraction in dsCables1 neurons is used to conclude that Cables1 is required to respond to Slit. However, downregulation of Cables1 by itself is even more effective inhibiting axonal growth than Slit treatment. Upon this strong effect as a background, it is difficult to assay slit response. Authors should point this observation in the manuscript.

      We disagree. There is no significant difference between the neurite lengths between the control neurons in the presence of Slit and the neurons lacking Cables1 (dsCables1), p=023, or the neurons lacking Cables1 in the presence of Slit (dsCables1 and Slit), p>0.9999. As seen in the images and also from the measured neurite lengths, axons still show growth and further reduction would have been possible. We would also like to point out that the conclusion from this experiment is that Cables1 is required for the response of axons to either Slit or Wnt.

      To support our claims, we have added another experiment addressing the need for Cables1 for post-crossing axons’ responsiveness to Slit by downregulation of Robo receptors (Figure 10). These experiments confirmed that Slit/Robo signaling is required for the effect of Cables1 on post-crossing axons, in line with our final conclusion that Slit binding to Robo triggers internalization and Cables then transfers Abl from the C-term of Robo to β-Catenin. This results in phosphorylation of β-Catenin at tyrosine489 (β-Catenin pY489) and responsiveness to Wnt5a.

      -Fig. 5B. In this Figure they do not differentiate between FP stalling or no turn phenotypes. A quantification taking into account the different phenotypes as shown in Fig.2D should be included.

      Done, as suggested. This is Figure 6C in the revised manuscript.

      -Fig. 6D,E. As postulated in the manuscript and based on the Rhee, et al. paper, the β-catenin phosphorylation is triggered by Abl quinase upon Slit-Robo signaling. How the authors explain then that isolated cells with axons growing on a plate recapitulate specific distal phosphorilation of β-catenin at Y489 in the absence of Slit signaling? This experiment shows that postcrossing axons contain more phosphorylated β-catenin as an intrinsic characteristic rather than as a consecuence of contact with floor plate signals. Authors should try a similar experiment but exposing the neurons (or explants) to Slit. Also, why β-catenin phosphorylation was not measured at the growth cone?

      In Figure 6D and E (now Figure 7D,E), we compare pre- and post-crossing axons. Post-crossing axons do have ‘a memory’ of their contact with the floor plate, as this contact has changed the localization of Robo receptors to the surface (Philipp et al., 2012; Alther et al., 2016). Floor-plate contact also initiates differences in gene expression (e.g. Hhip expression in a Shh-and Glypican-dependent manner; Wilson and Stoeckli, 2013). The difference in Robo localization has also been described by others (Pignata et al., Cell Rep 29(2019)347).

      In fact, the distal localization of pY-489 β-Catenin is in perfect agreement with our results: The localization of Robo1 on the distal portion of the axon is in line with published data from our own lab but also from the Castellani and the Tessier-Lavigne lab. Our results suggest that Cables is recruited to Abl bound to the C-term of Robo. Cables transfers Abl then to β-Catenin which is phosphorylated by Abl. Thus pY-489 β-Catenin would be localized predominantly where Robo is localized, i.e. the distal axon. In support of these results, experiments added to the revised version of the manuscript indicate that the response to Slit is required for the increase in β-Catenin pY489 (Figure 10B).

      -Fig. 7. CAG::hrGFP electroporation is not specific for dl1 neurons. This experiment should be performed with Math1::tdTomatoF in order to analyze β-cat pY489 with or without dsCables1 specifically in dl1 neurons. Also, why GFP staining at the growth cones in Fig.7B is not visible in the axon?

      As indicated in our schematic drawing (Figure 7A) we only cultured explants from the dorsal-most part of open-book preparations of spinal cords, making sure that our cultures are not mixtures with more ventral populations of neurons. We opted for CAG::hrGFP because Math1 is a weak promoter and the expression of GFP was very difficult to see after dissociating cells and culturing them in vitro. We used a GFP version that is not farnesylated to avoid interference with axonal staining of pY-489 β-Catenin. Therefore, GFP is not visible in axons with the imaging conditions used.

      -Fig. 8. This experiment does not distinguish whether phosphorylated β-Cat is necessary for the correct navigation of post-crossing commissural axons (as it is claimed in the abstract) or it is also required for midline crossing. As it has been previously shown, correct navigation of post-crossing commisusal axons is a Wnt5 dependent process. As dsCables1 abrogates Wnt5a responsiveness (Fig.4B,C), does the phosphomimetic β-catenin Y489E construc rescue the Wnt5a response in dsCables1 electroporated neurons? Moreover, can the phosphomimetic β-catenin Y489E construc rescue the Slit response in dsCables1 electroporated neurons? Testing these effects on explants as in Fig. 4B,C but including phosphomimetic β-catenin, will help to understand to what extend phosphorylation of β-catenin is important for crossing, turning or both processes.

      Yes, the phosphomimetic Y489E version of β-Catenin reduces the percentage of DiI injections sites with aberrant axonal navigation to control levels (Figure 9 in the revised manuscript). In contrast, a mutant version of β-Catenin that cannot be phosphorylated, β-CateninY489F, cannot rescue the axon guidance phenotype seen in the absence of Cables1.

      -How do the authors envision the mechanism of Cables1/β-catenin mediated crossing and turning? A working model summarizing their hypothesis would help the reader to understand the results.

      **Minor points:** -Homogeneize the term "scale bars" or "bars" in the Figure Legends.


      -Scale bar of insets in Fig.1C is missing.

      The scale bar is now added, we apologize for the mistake.

      -The antisense control for Cables probe should be shown at HH-22/24. Otherwise is not possible to distinguish whether they do not detect signal because is a negative control or because Cables1 is not expressed at HH25.

      We have added the image of an adjacent section hybridized with the sense probe for HH25, in addition to HH22 to clarify that Cables expression is higher during floorplate crossing, exiting and turning rostrally but then levels decrease when post-crossing axons have initiated their growth along the rostro-caudal axis.

      -Figure legend for Fig. 2D is missing


      -Fig. 8B right panel is contaminated with growthing axons coming from the below DiI injection. Please replace the picture.

      We have changed the outline of this figure.

      -The quantification of the different phenotypes "FP stalling", "no turn" should be better explained in the Mat and Met section. The sentence " more than 50% of the axons...." is not clear. Was this measured by eye? Otherwise, please indicate the soIware used to measure.

      Yes, as mentioned above, it was hardly ever a close call. It is very easy for a person blind to the experimental condition to go through the DiI injection sites of an open-book preparation and to assess whether 50% or more of the axons that enter the floorplate reach the exit site, or not. Similarly, it is very easy to do the same for the turning behavior. We have changed the text describing this method of quantification to be more explicit (lines 630ff).

      -Provide the quantification of the WB in Supplementary Fig. 2B normalising to Gapdh.

      Added as Supplementary Figure 2C.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): Previous results have demonstrated that Slit-induced modulation of adhesion is mediated by cables that links Robo-bound Abl kinase to N-cadherin-bound betacat (Rhee et al., 2007). Here the authors propose that a similar mechanism is operating in commissural neurons leave the midline after crossing and turn immediately after. The role of Cables in the process has not been previously addressed. Thus, after proper addressing of my main concerns, I consider this paper may advance in our knowlege of how growing axons navigate intermediate targets.

      We appreciate this positive evaluation of our study and hope that the additional experiments and more detailed explanations have helped clarify open questions of the reviewer.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): In this paper entitled "Cables1 links Slit/Robo and Wnt/Frizzled signaling in commissural axon guidance", authors aim to the find the mechanisms the coordinate the floor plate exit and the rostral turning of commissural axons. During development thousands of axons have to navigate long distances to reach their targets and build functional circuits. To facilitate their journey, their paths is divided into small portions by intermediated targets. The most studied intermediated target is the floorplate (FP) at the midline of the ventral spinal cord. Glia cells forming the FP express plethora of guidance cues. Commissural neurons, which have their cells bodies located in the dorsal part of the spinal cord, send their axons towards the FP. These axons are first attracted by the FP which facilitate their entry within the FP. However, they switch this attractive response into a repulsive one in order to exit the FP and turn rostrally to connect their brain targets. In order to ensure that this process will go smoothly, commissural axons have to adapt the composition of their receptors and the signaling pathways to switch from attractiveness to repulsion. So far, many processes have been involved such as the alternative splicing of receptors (Robo3; Chen et al Neuron 2008), protease regulation of receptor expression (Nawabi et al Genes & Dev 2010), trafficking of receptors, or their interaction profiles (Delloye et al Nat Neuro 2015). However, it is still not clear how 2 events (here exit from the FP and rostral turning) are linked. Authors propose an original mechanism that involved the adaptor protein Cables 1. This protein has been shown to link the Robo/Slit1 signaling to Cadherins. Cables regulates the repulsive response to Slit and adhesion by the phosphoryla4on of b-Catenin by the kinase Abelson (Rhee et al Nat Cell Biol 2007). The story developed here is very original and interesting: Cables would link the exit of FP (mediated by Robo/Slit signaling) and the rostral turning of the commissural axons (controlled by the Wnt/Fzd pathway. Below I'm proposing some experiments as many questions raised upon reading this beautiful work. The experiments are sound and could be reproducible. The statistic analysis looks fine.

      We thank the reviewer for this positive assessment of our study.

      I would suggest some experiments to strengthen the whole work: •Authors might want to consider to perform some biochemistry experiments to show that Cables is able to interact with Robo1 and Fzd3: are these proteins in the same molecular complex? They could do 2 experiments: one in vitro by transfecting a cell line (such as HEK293 or cos cells) with plasmids coding for Robo1, Cables and Fzd3 or at least Cables and Fzd3 (as for Robo1/Cables they could refers to Rhee et al 2007). Another one would be in vivo: extracting proteins from the pre-crossing stage, the FP and post crossing stage; immunoprecipitation of Cables1 and see whether Robo1 and/or Fzd are pull down with Cables 1.

      We decided not to do these experiments, as we felt that this would go beyond the current study. In fact, for our effects it is not necessary that Cables interacts physically with Robo or Fzd3. The important aspect is that Abl bound to Robo is transferred by Cables to β-Catenin. A direct interaction with Fzd3 is not necessary.

      • From the pictures it seems that most of the axons are stalling in the FP when embryos are electroporated with dsCables1. It would be nice to show more examples of axons that are able to exit the FP but have turning problems. Given the data, as it is presented, it seems that Cables regulates more the FP exit (and therefore, as it was shown in Rhee et al, the responsiveness to Robo/Slit signaling).

      The major phenotype is ‘no turn’. However, as we describe in response to reviewer 1 and in the manuscript, the ‘floorplate stalling’ and the ‘no turn’ phenotypes are not independent of each other. At DiI injection sites, where almost all axons stall in the floorplate, the turning cannot be assessed. Thus, the ‘no turn’ phenotype tends to be underestimated in conditions where floorplate crossing is also affected, as is the case after silencing Cables1.

      In the same line, in Fig 4, Authors need to add a condition using dsCables and ds Fzd in order to see the effect of Cables on axon turning (response to Wnt). As it is this figure supports the role of Cables on FP exit but it's hard to make the link with commissural axon responsiveness to Wnt.

      We belief that experiment 4 clearly demonstrates the absence of the Wnt responsiveness, as axons fail to grow in response to Wnt when they extend from neurons transfected with dsCables1 (Figure 4C). Because dsCables1 alone already abolishes all responsiveness to Wnt, the removal of Fzd at the same time would not change anything.

      • Authors aim to show that Cables is a linker between 2 events: maybe it should be nice to try to disconnect these events. One way would be (if technically possible) to modulated expression of Cables at different stages. What would happen if Cables was down regulated upon FP crossing? Would axons still be able to respond to Wnt? The question I'm wondering about is whether the responsiveness to Slit and Wnt is acquired at the same time or whether axons should become sensitive to Slit and this event will prime them to respond to Slit. In order to address the following experiment could be performed: explants from HH22-HH23 embryos, could be treated with medium containing Slit first and then Wnt or vice et versa and perform some collapse assay.

      Unfortunately, the experiment as proposed by the reviewer is not possible. The axons take on average 5.5 hours to cross the floorplate (entry – exit; Dumoulin et al., 2021). Most importantly, the protein that is already made before axons are at the exit site, could not be removed. Therefore, it is not possible to prevent the production of Cables only after axons have crossed the midline. As shown in Figure 1, Cables1 mRNA is present at HH22, that is when axons have reached and are about to enter the floorplate. We also do not belief that the in vitro experiment suggested by the reviewer would work. We would have to wash cell intensively to remove Slit added to the medium. This would interefere with their potential to grow in response to Wnt immediately after addition. However, we added experiments where we looked at the effect of Wnt after removal of Robo (Figure 10). These experiments demonstrate that responsiveness to Wnt can only be established when axons can respond to Slit, i.e. when Robo is activated.

      • In Fig3 I was wondering whether post crossing axons were growing less because of the change in the regulation of adhesion: Rhee et al shows that Cables is able to modulate adhesion through N-cadherin. It would be interesting to perform immunostaining on these explant cultures to assess any change in adhesion molecules.

      We have not found any changes in the expression levels of Contactin-2 (Axonin-1), NrCAM, or most importantly β1-Integrin, as our cultures grow on laminin.

      • It is not clear whether Robo1 and/or Fzd induces the phosphorylation of b-catenin: is the Robo1/Slit binding induce the phosphorylation of b-cat and this event will prime the axons to respond to Wnt/Fzd? Or Wnt/Fzd is also able to control b-cat phosphorylation?

      We have added an experiment, where we remove Robo1 from commissural neurons and compare pY489 β-Catenin levels (Figure 10). Furthermore, we demonstrate that in the absence of Robo1, Wnt has no stimulatory effect on axons (Figure 10C,D). These experiments supports our conclusion that Cables1 transfers Abl kinase from the C-terminal part of Robo to β-Catenin, which gets phosphorylated and thus is ready to act in the Wnt signaling pathway.

      • The staining with the antibody needs to be detailed: as it is reported this antibody recognizes "a domain of Cables1 that is 90% identical to the corresponding region of Cables2": it seems that the Cables protein enrichment in the floor plate (around the central canal) is Cables 2 as its mRNA expression matches this profile of expression. The one expressed in the crossing axons might be Cables 1: one way to verify this, is to perform the staining on sections from embryos electroporated with dsCables 1. This is a very important control of the antibody to reinforce this point of the paper.

      We belief that the staining of the cells around the central canal could be due to endfeet of precursors spanning the neural tube from the apical to the basal side. All cells seem to express some Cables1 (Figure 1B,C). As we did not find any effect of Cables2 on commissural axon navigation and we do not use antibodies to functionally interfere with Cables1 function, we did not do this experiment, as the antibody is not able to distinguish the two proteins. Most likely, there is little, if any, Cables2 expressed in the spinal cord during this time window. We still did some functional analyses but found no effect on axon guidance (Supplementary Figure 3).

      • In Figures 3-4: why not performing some co culture of spinal cord explants with COS or HEK 293 cells expressing Slit1 or Wnt? This experiment will provide a clear-cut response to see the role of Cables in axon guidance. As there it is, Fig3 shows a role of Cables in axon growth but not guidance.

      We respectfully disagree that in vitro experiment would help to show guidance versus growth. Guidance can only be shown in vivo. This is what we do. Our in vitro results are only included to address specific responsiveness of axons or expression changes in total β-Catenin or pY489 β-Catenin. But all our conclusions about the role of Cables in axon guidance are demonstrated in vivo. Experiments using co-cultures of axons with COS or HEK cells would be impossible to control for timing and amount of Slit or Wnt release.

      • In Figure 6: my understanding of axon guidance is that every guidance decision happens at the level of the growth cone. However, it seems that in post crossing stage, there is a strong decrease of b-cat and phosphor- b cat within the growth cone compared to the precrossing stage. If beta cat is the effector of Cables to link Robo/Slit and Wnt/Fzd signaling I would expect it to be localized at the growth cone. I think authors should discuss this point. Regarding the normalization, it would be better to counterstaing the neurons with actin and use the measure of its fluorescence to normalize phopho-beta cat.

      There must be a misunderstanding. We do not demonstrate or claim that there is a decrease in β-Catenin or pY489 β-Catenin between pre- and post-crossing axons. We only demonstrate that the distribution of pY489 β-Catenin is clustered in distal post- but not pre-crossing axons. This change in localization of pY489 β-Catenin is supporting our model that Cables1 transfers Abl kinase to β-Catenin and phosphorylates it and prepare it for signaling in the Wnt pathway. And, as demonstrated pY489 β-Catenin and β-Catenin are in the growth cone. However, for quantification we concentrated on the axon, as the difference in growth cone morphology would have complicated the quantification.

      **Minor points:** •In figure 2: it seems that there are few axons labelled with DiI in the dsCables1 condition (Fig2B): it would be the choice of the picture or maybe the downregulation of Cables 1 interfere with the survival of dl1 neurons (even though in supp 1C it is shown that most of the populations are still there with no difference with the control side) or maybe some axons are delayed to reach to FP on time: the picture is focused on the FP: are there any axons still growing in the side of the open book preparation? Again, the picture that could be misleading.

      We have exchanged the images for alternatives with a better matched number of DiI-labelled axons. There is indeed no evidence for cell death, as axons are still there at normal numbers when we analyze open-book preparations a day later than usually. The difference in the number of axons labelled by DiI is only due to the variability in the amount of DiI injected per injection site.

      • In Fig1 legends, maybe Authors wanted to write "At HH18 dl1 commissural neurons start to extend their axons in the ventral spinal cord"?

      No, what we mean is, as shown in Figure 1A, that axons emerge from the cell body at this time. They reach the ventral spinal cord by HH21 and the floor plate by HH22.

      • I would also remove the yellow shadow on the Fig1A: it could be misleading as at first glance the reader might wonder whether there are 2 populations of dl1 neurons.

      We have done as suggested to make the image clearer.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)): It is still not clear how axons cross the midline. So far, many processes have been involved such as the alternative splicing of receptors (Robo3; Chen et al Neuron 2008), protease regulation of receptor expression (Nawabi et al Genes & Dev 2010), trafficking of receptors, or their interaction profiles (Delloye et al Nat Neuro 2015). However, it is still not clear how 2 events (here exit from the FP and rostral turning) are linked. Authors propose an original mechanism that involved the adaptor protein Cables 1. This protein has been shown to link the Robo/Slit1 signaling to Cadherins. Cables regulates the repulsive response to Slit and adhesion by the phosphorylation of b-Catenin by the kinase Abelson (Rhee et al Nat Cell Biol 2007). The audience that will be interested in this work is the neurodevelopment filed, axon regeneration field and overall people interested in neuronal circuit formation and function. My field of expertise is molecular and cellular neuroscience applied to axon guidance (crossing the FP) in mice models, axon regeneration and circuit formation.

      We are happy to learn about the positive assessment of our work by a specialist.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): In their manuscript, Zuniga and Stoeckli characterize the role of Cables in commissural axon guidance in the developing chick spinal cord. Based on a combination of in vitro outgrowth assays and in vivo dye-tracing experiments, the authors propose that Cables participates in both normal repulsive responses to Slit and attractive responses to Wnt5. Using combinations of low-does knock down of cables/robo and or B-catenin, the author suggest an in vivo link between these pathways. Using IF with phospho-specific antibodies to B-catenin, the authors suggest that there is elevated P-Bcatenin in the post-crossing segments of distal axons. While potentially interesting, the present study falls short of adequately supporting the major claims. In addition, there are several instances where experiments lack appropriate controls.

      **Specific Comments** The conclusions reached by the authors are over-stated given the experiments performed. For example, the authors describe 'silencing' cables throughout the paper; however, the knock down that they achieve is approximately 50%. Indeed, it is quite surprising that such strong effects on growth/guidance can be achieved with a two-fold depletion of the gene product. Nevertheless, the rescue experiments provide nice evidence that dsRNA for Cables is causing a phenotype. This partial knockdown precludes strong conclusions, like for Figure 3, where they state that 'Cables is not required for pre-crossing.' The language needs to be tempered.

      We rephrased the paragraph where we describe the effect of Cables 1 and the efficiency of downregulation to stress that the parameters that we use for electroporation result in around 50% of the cells successfully transfected (lines 154 – 162, and legend of Supplementary Figure 2). Therefore, to find mRNA levels and protein levels reduced to about half indicates that our method is extremely efficient and removes the targeted mRNA and the protein almost completely. We need to point out here that we always analyze the temporal expression pattern to electroporated embryos before the protein of interest has accumulated, as in ovo RNAi obviously does not remove protein but only prevents translation and therefore the synthesis of new protein. As proteins can be extremely stable compared to the time line of embryonic development, we inject and electroporate dsRNA before we find expression of mRNA.

      Figure 4: the authors use bath application of Slit and Wnt to test effects of cables on Slit and Wnt responses. The observed effect sizes are very small and a single assay of this type does not allow such strong conclusions like 'loss of Cables prevents responsiveness.' Again, it is difficult to imagine that 50% reduction would completely prevent responses, raising questions about the suitability of this assay for measuring responsiveness- perhaps growth cone collapse would give more convincing results.

      As mentioned above, we are almost completely eliminating the targeted protein in the transfected neurons. For the explants, we only looked at the neurons expressing td-Tomato driven by the Math1 promoter. Thus, these neurons were transfected. Obviously, we cannot be sure that 100% of our cells took up the plasmid and the dsRNA, but the chances are very high that this is the case based on the ration between plasmid and dsRNA.

      Figure 5: The authors should more clearly document the effects they are seeing in these manipulations. As written, all we know is that there are 'significant effects on axon guidance.' What are these effects? Do they see the predicted differences between robo/cables and Bcatenin/cables phenotypes? e.g re-crossing defects in the case of robo and anterior turning defects in the case of B-catenin?

      We have added the analysis of the detailed axon guidance problems seen in the absence of Robo1, Cables1, βCatenin, or combinations, now Figure 6C. Indeed, we find that the phenotype ‘no turn’ is more prevalent in the condition with loss of both Cables and βCatenin. However, as mentioned above in response to a question raised by Reviewer 2, the two phenotypes are not independent of each other. Stalling in the floor plate of the majority of axons prevents the analysis of the turning phenotype. That is why we only use the ‘normal’ DiI injection sites for the statistical analysis.

      Also related to Figure 5: The authors do not validate the dsRNA knockdown of either Robo or B catenin. It is unclear what the interpretation or expectation of the triple knock down condition is.

      We have used the same ESTs to produce dsRNA derived from Robo and βCatenin in our previous publications (Alther et al., Development 143(2016)994; Avilés and Stoeckli Dev Neurobiol 76(2016)190). Therefore, we only repeated the functional experiments to verify reproducibility of the effect but we did not quantify the efficiency of downregulation in detail again.

      Figure 6: For this reviewer images showing enhanced P-Catenin in post-crossing distal axons is not convincing. The differences are not obvious by eye and the quantification suggests an ~30% increase. In contrast a nearly 4-fold increase is reported in Figure 7 for this same measurement. This raises concerns about the reproducibility of this 'phenotype.'

      Staining intensities are subject to batch-to-batch variability. Therefore, the experiments shown in Figure 7 (Figure 6 in the original manuscript) cannot be directly compared to the levels in Figure 8 (previously Figure 7). However, within the experiments, we carefully normalized data. We do not make any claims about absolute staining intensities.

      Also related to Figure 6: No validation of antibody specificity is provided or described.

      Again, please keep in mind that we do not make any claims about absolute values. All are results are based on stainings with the same antibody and comparison between different areas of the same axons. Therefore, the specificity of the antibody is important but not a fundamental aspect of our results.

      Figure 8: As for figure 5, phenotypic documentation is incomplete. In addition, no controls are shown to assure that the different mutant forms of B-catenin are comparably expressed, nor is there an unmutated wild-type control. The authors state that expression of these constructs alone has no effect on normal guidance; however, the supplemental data 6B would seem to indicate that both forms lead to increases abnormal phenotypes.

      There is an increase in the number of injection sites with aberrant axon guidance, however, this was not significant. We cannot exclude the possibility that premature expression, or overexpression of βCatenin pY489E or βCatenin pY489F does interfere with the endogenous βCatenin pY489. We still decided to keep these experiments in the revised version of the manuscript as they support our conclusion that Cables1 is required for axonal responsiveness to Slit and Wnts, and that this effect is mediated by phosphorylation of βCatenin at Y489. We are aware that this experiment in isolation is not sufficient.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): The work builds on in vitro observa4ons from Rhee, 2007 about links between Robo signaling and Cables func4on. If adequately demonstrated, integra4on and coordina4on of Robo and Wnt axon guidance pathways is quite significant.

      We thank the reviewer for this positive assessment.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In their manuscript, Zuniga and Stoeckli characterize the role of Cables in commissural axon guidance in the developing chick spinal cord. Based on a combination of in vitro outgrowth assays and in vivo dye-tracing experiments, the authors propose that Cables participates in both normal repulsive responses to Slit and attractive responses to Wnt5. Using combinations of low-does knock down of cables/robo and or B-catenin, the author suggest an in vivo link between these pathways. Using IF with phospho-specific antibodies to B-catenin, the authors suggest that there is elevated P-Bcatenin in the post-crossing segments of distal axons. While potentially interesting, the present study falls short of adequately supporting the major claims. In addition, there are several instances where experiments lack appropriate controls.

      Specific Comments

      The conclusions reached by the authors are over-stated given the experiments performed. For example, the authors describe 'silencing' cables throughout the paper; however, the knock down that they achieve is approximately 50%. Indeed, it is quite surprising that such strong effects on growth/guidance can be achieved with a two-fold depletion of the gene product. Nevertheless, the rescue experiments provide nice evidence that dsRNA for Cables is causing a phenotype.

      This partial knockdown precludes strong conclusions, like for Figure 3, where they state that 'Cables is not required for pre-crossing.' The language needs to be tempered.

      Figure 4: the authors use bath application of Slit and Wnt to test effects of cables on Slit and Wnt responses. The observed effect sizes are very small and a single assay of this type does not allow such strong conclusions like 'loss of Cables prevents responsiveness.' Again, it is difficult to imagine that 50% reduction would completely prevent responses, raising questions about the suitability of this assay for measuring responsiveness- perhaps growth cone collapse would give more convincing results.

      Figure 5: The authors should more clearly document the effects they are seeing in these manipulations. As written, all we know is that there are 'significant effects on axon guidance.' What are these effects? Do they see the predicted differences between robo/cables and Bcatenin/cables phenotypes? e.g re-crossing defects in the case of robo and anterior turning defects in the case of B-catenin?

      Also related to Figure 5:

      The authors do not validate the dsRNA knockdown of either Robo or B catenin. It is unclear what the interpretation or expectation of the triple knock down condition is.

      Figure 6: For this reviewer images showing enhanced P-Catenin in post-crossing distal axons is not convincing. The differences are not obvious by eye and the quantification suggests an ~30% increase. In contrast a nearly 4-fold increase is reported in Figure 7 for this same measurement. This raises concerns about the reproducibility of this 'phenotype.' Also related to Figure 6:

      No validation of antibody specificity is provided or described.

      Figure 8: As for figure 5, phenotypic documentation is incomplete. In addition, no controls are shown to assure that the different mutant forms of B-catenin are comparably expressed, nor is there an unmutated wild-type control. The authors state that expression of these constructs alone has no effect on normal guidance; however, the supplemental data 6B would seem to indicate that both forms lead to increases abnormal phenotypes.


      The work builds on in vitro observations from Rhee, 2007 about links between Robo signaling and Cables function. If adequately demonstrated, integration and coordination of Robo and Wnt axon guidance pathways is quite significant.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this paper entitled "Cables1 links Slit/Robo and Wnt/Frizzled signaling in commissural axon guidance", authors aim to the find the mechanisms the coordinate the floor plate exit and the rostral turning of commissural axons. During development thousands of axons have to navigate long distances to reach their targets and build functional circuits. To facilitate their journey, their paths is divided into small portions by intermediated targets. The most studied intermediated target is the floorplate (FP) at the midline of the ventral spinal cord. Glia cells forming the FP express plethora of guidance cues. Commissural neurons, which have their cells bodies located in the dorsal part of the spinal cord, send their axons towards the FP. These axons are first attracted by the FP which facilitate their entry within the FP. However, they switch this attractive response into a repulsive one in order to exit the FP and turn rostrally to connect their brain targets.

      In order to ensure that this process will go smoothly, commissural axons have to adapt the composition of their receptors and the signaling pathways to switch from attractiveness to repulsion. So far, many processes have been involved such as the alternative splicing of receptors (Robo3; Chen et al Neuron 2008), protease regulation of receptor expression (Nawabi et al Genes & Dev 2010), trafficking of receptors, or their interaction profiles (Delloye et al Nat Neuro 2015). However, it is still not clear how 2 events (here exit from the FP and rostral turning) are linked.

      Authors propose an original mechanism that involved the adaptor protein Cables 1. This protein has been shown to link the Robo/Slit1 signaling to Cadherins. Cables regulates the repulsive response to Slit and adhesion by the phosphorylation of b-Catenin by the kinase Abelson (Rhee et al Nat Cell Biol 2007). The story developed here is very original and interesting: Cables would link the exit of FP (mediated by Robo/Slit signaling) and the rostral turning of the commissural axons (controlled by the Wnt/Fzd pathway. Below I'm proposing some experiments as many questions raised upon reading this beautiful work. The experiments are sound and could be reproducible. The statistic analysis looks fine.

      I would suggest some experiments to strengthen the whole work:

      •Authors might want to consider to perform some biochemistry experiments to show that Cables is able to interact with Robo1 and Fzd3: are these proteins in the same molecular complex? They could do 2 experiments: one in vitro by transfecting a cell line (such as HEK293 or cos cells) with plasmids coding for Robo1, Cables and Fzd3 or at least Cables and Fzd3 (as for Robo1/Cables they could refers to Rhee et al 2007). Another one would be in vivo: extracting proteins from the pre-crossing stage, the FP and post crossing stage; immunoprecipitation of Cables1 and see whether Robo1 and/or Fzd are pull down with Cables 1.

      •From the pictures it seems that most of the axons are stalling in the FP when embryos are electroporated with dsCables1. It would be nice to show more examples of axons that are able to exit the FP but have turning problems. Given the data, as it is presented, it seems that Cables regulates more the FP exit (and therefore, as it was shown in Rhee et al, the responsiveness to Robo/Slit signaling). In the same line, in Fig 4, Authors need to add a condition using dsCables and ds Fzd in order to see the effect of Cables on axon turning (response to Wnt). As it is this figure supports the role of Cables on FP exit but it's hard to make the link with commissural axon responsiveness to Wnt.

      •Authors aim to show that Cables is a linker between 2 events: maybe it should be nice to try to disconnect these events. One way would be (if technically possible) to modulated expression of Cables at different stages. What would happen if Cables was down regulated upon FP crossing? Would axons still be able to respond to Wnt? The question I'm wondering about is whether the responsiveness to Slit and Wnt is acquired at the same time or whether axons should become sensitive to Slit and this event will prime them to respond to Slit. In order to address the following experiment could be performed: explants from HH22-HH23 embryos, could be treated with medium containing Slit first and then Wnt or vice et versa and perform some collapse assay.

      •In Fig3 I was wondering whether post crossing axons were growing less because of the change in the regulation of adhesion: Rhee et al shows that Cables is able to modulate adhesion through N-cadherin. It would be interesting to perform immunostaining on these explant cultures to assess any change in adhesion molecules.

      •It is not clear whether Robo1 and/or Fzd induces the phosphorylation of b-catenin: is the Robo1/Slit binding induce the phosphorylation of b-cat and this event will prime the axons to respond to Wnt/Fzd? Or Wnt/Fzd is also able to control b-cat phosphorylation?

      •The staining with the antibody needs to be detailed: as it is reported this antibody recognizes "a domain of Cables1 that is 90% identical to the corresponding region of Cables2": it seems that the Cables protein enrichment in the floor plate (around the central canal) is Cables 2 as its mRNA expression matches this profile of expression. The one expressed in the crossing axons might be Cables 1: one way to verify this, is to perform the staining on sections from embryos electroporated with dsCables 1. This is a very important control of the antibody to reinforce this point of the paper.

      •In Figures 3-4: why not performing some co culture of spinal cord explants with COS or HEK 293 cells expressing Slit1 or Wnt? This experiment will provide a clear-cut response to see the role of Cables in axon guidance. As there it is, Fig3 shows a role of Cables in axon growth but not guidance.

      •In Figure 6: my understanding of axon guidance is that every guidance decision happens at the level of the growth cone. However, it seems that in post crossing stage, there is a strong decrease of b-cat and phosphor- b cat within the growth cone compared to the precrossing stage. If beta cat is the effector of Cables to link Robo/Slit and Wnt/Fzd signaling I would expect it to be localized at the growth cone. I think authors should discuss this point. Regarding the normalization, it would be better to counterstaing the neurons with actin and use the measure of its fluorescence to normalize phopho-beta cat.

      Minor points:

      •In figure 2: it seems that there are few axons labelled with DiI in the dsCables1 condition (Fig2B): it would be the choice of the picture or maybe the downregulation of Cables 1 interfere with the survival of dl1 neurons (even though in supp 1C it is shown that most of the populations are still there with no difference with the control side) or maybe some axons are delayed to reach to FP on time: the picture is focused on the FP: are there any axons still growing in the side of the open book preparation? Again, the picture that could be misleading.

      •In Fig1 legends, maybe Authors wanted to write "At HH18 dl1 commissural neurons start to extend their axons in the ventral spinal cord"?

      •I would also remove the yellow shadow on the Fig1A: it could be misleading as at first glance the reader might wonder whether there are 2 populations of dl1 neurons.


      It is still not clear how axons cross the midline. So far, many processes have been involved such as the alternative splicing of receptors (Robo3; Chen et al Neuron 2008), protease regulation of receptor expression (Nawabi et al Genes & Dev 2010), trafficking of receptors, or their interaction profiles (Delloye et al Nat Neuro 2015). However, it is still not clear how 2 events (here exit from the FP and rostral turning) are linked.

      Authors propose an original mechanism that involved the adaptor protein Cables 1. This protein has been shown to link the Robo/Slit1 signaling to Cadherins. Cables regulates the repulsive response to Slit and adhesion by the phosphorylation of b-Catenin by the kinase Abelson (Rhee et al Nat Cell Biol 2007). The audience that will be interested in this work is the neurodevelopment filed, axon regeneration field and overall people interested in neuronal circuit formation and function.

      My field of expertise is molecular and cellular neuroscience applied to axon guidance (crossing the FP) in mice models, axon regeneration and circuit formation.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this work by Zuñiga et al. the authors study the role of the adaptor protein Cables1 on the guidance of post-comissural spinal cord neurons. They hypothetize that commissural axons need Cables1 to leave the floor plate and turn to ascend to the brain. They propose that during this process, Cables1 acts as a linker of two key axon guidance pathways, Slit and Wnt. Cables1 would localize β-catenin phosphorylated at tyrosine 489 to the distal axon and this would be necessary for the correct turning and navigation of post-crossing commissural axons. Although the work may be potentially interesting, there are major issues that authors need to address in order to state their claims:

      -Fig. 2. To visualize the axonal phenotype after downregulation of Cables1 the authors use DiI labelling. This difficults the interpretation of the results as both electroporated and non-electroporated axons are labelled. Since the authors have a Math1::tdTomatoF reporter construct (as in Fig. 3), it would be desirable to use this construct Math1::tdTomatoF in combination with the dsCables1 plasmid to better visualize the phenotype. Alternatively and less preferred, GFP signal should be also shown in Fig.2B experiments.

      -Fig. 2B and Supp.Fig.3. Comparable DiI labellings should be shown in the different conditions. The three examples shown in this panel despite different amount of DiI-labeled axons making it difficult to compare them.

      -Fig. 2D. An scheme depicting the different phenotypes: "normal", "FP stalling" and "no turn" would help to understand the results. They can use schemes similar to those shown in Fig. 2K Parra et al. 2010.

      -Fig. 3A. The open-book drawing is confusing. It seems that they are analyzing open-book preparations in this experiment when this is not the case.

      -Fig. 3B. Authors claim that Cables1 is not required in pre-crossing axons as dsCables electroporation does not affect axonal growth of DiI neurons taken at HH22. However, to be sure that Cables1 mRNA levels are downregulated in pre-crossing axons, relative levels of Cables1 mRNA and/or protein should be also determined at HH22 not only at HH25.

      -Fig. 4. The incapacity of Slit to induce axonal retraction in dsCables1 neurons is used to conclude that Cables1 is required to respond to Slit. However, downregulation of Cables1 by itself is even more effective inhibiting axonal growth than Slit treatment. Upon this strong effect as a background, it is difficult to assay slit response. Authors should point this observation in the manuscript.

      -Fig. 5B. In this Figure they do not differentiate between FP stalling or no turn phenotypes. A quantification taking into account the different phenotypes as shown in Fig.2D should be included.

      -Fig. 6D,E. As postulated in the manuscript and based on the Rhee, et al. paper, the β-catenin phosphorylation is triggered by Abl quinase upon Slit-Robo signaling. How the authors explain then that isolated cells with axons growing on a plate recapitulate specific distal phosphorilation of β-catenin at Y489 in the absence of Slit signaling? This experiment shows that postcrossing axons contain more phosphorylated β-catenin as an intrinsic characteristic rather than as a consecuence of contact with floor plate signals. Authors should try a similar experiment but exposing the neurons (or explants) to Slit. Also, why β-catenin phosphorylation was not measured at the growth cone?

      -Fig. 7. CAG::hrGFP electroporation is not specific for dl1 neurons. This experiment should be performed with Math1::tdTomatoF in order to analyze β-cat pY489 with or without dsCables1 specifically in dl1 neurons. Also, why GFP staining at the growth cones in Fig.7B is not visible in the axon?

      -Fig. 8. This experiment does not distinguish whether phosphorylated β-Cat is necessary for the correct navigation of post-crossing commissural axons (as it is claimed in the abstract) or it is also required for midline crossing. As it has been previously shown, correct navigation of post-crossing commisusal axons is a Wnt5 dependent process. As dsCables1 abrogates Wnt5a responsiveness (Fig. 4B,C), does the phosphomimetic β-catenin Y489E construc rescue the Wnt5a response in dsCables1 electroporated neurons? Moreover, can the phosphomimetic β-catenin Y489E construc rescue the Slit response in dsCables1 electroporated neurons? Testing these effects on explants as in Fig. 4B,C but including phosphomimetic β-catenin, will help to understand to what extend phosphorylation of β-catenin is important for crossing, turning or both processes.

      -How do the authors envision the mechanism of Cables1/β-catenin mediated crossing and turning? A working model summarizing their hypothesis would help the reader to understand the results.

      Minor points:

      -Homogeneize the term "scale bars" or "bars" in the Figure Legends.

      -Scale bar of insets in Fig.1C is missing.

      -The antisense control for Cables probe should be shown at HH-22/24. Otherwise is not possible to distinguish whether they do not detect signal because is a negative control or because Cables1 is not expressed at HH25.

      -Figure legend for Fig. 2D is missing

      -Fig. 8B right panel is contaminated with growthing axons coming from the below DiI injection. Please replace the picture.

      -The quantification of the different phenotypes "FP stalling", "no turn" should be better explained in the Mat and Met section. The sentence " more than 50% of the axons...." is not clear. Was this measured by eye? Otherwise, please indicate the software used to measure.

      -Provide the quantification of the WB in Supplementary Fig. 2B normalising to Gapdh.


      Previous results have demonstrated that Slit-induced modulation of adhesion is mediated by cables that links Robo-bound Abl kinase to N-cadherin-bound betacat (Rhee et al., 2007). Here the authors propose that a similar mechanism is operating in commissural neurons leave the midline after crossing and turn immediately after. The role of Cables in the process has not been previously addressed. Thus, after proper addressing of my main concerns, I consider this paper may advance in our knowleged of how growing axons navigate intermediate targets.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2022-01758

      Corresponding author(s): Harbison, Susan and Souto-Maior, Caetano

      [Please use this template only if the submitted manuscript should be considered by the affiliate journal as a full revision in response to the points raised by the reviewers.

      If you wish to submit a preliminary revision with a revision plan, please use our "Revision Plan" template. It is important to use the appropriate template to clearly inform the editors of your intentions.]

      1. General Statements [optional]

      This section is optional. Insert here any general statements you wish to make about the goal of the study or about the reviews.

      We thank the reviewers for their time and care in evaluating our manuscript. They raise several important points, which we have addressed, resulting in a greatly improved manuscript. Please note that we numbered the comments from both reviewers for ease of reference, as we cross-referenced comments in some cases. Reviewer comments are in italics; our responses are provided in plain text.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      This section is mandatory. *Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. *

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      *The authors of this work generated a Sleep Advanced Intercross Population from 10 extreme sleeper Drosophila Genetics Reference Panel. This new out-bred population was subjected to a artificial selection with the aim of understanding the genes underlying the sleep duration differences between three populations: short-sleep, unselected, and long-sleep. Using analysis of variance the authors identified up to nearly 400 of genes that were significant selected over the various generations and showed opposite trends for long and short sleep, thus potentially relevant for the regulation of sleep duration. 85 of these genes were consistent between male and females sub-populations, suggesting a small number of genetic divergences may underlie sex-independent mechanisms of sleep.

      Given the time-course nature of the generational data obtained, the authors studied potential correlations and interactions between these 85 identified candidate genes. Initially, the authors used pairwise Spearman correlation, noticing how this method could not filter most of pairwise interaction (around 40% of all possibilities were significant). To overcome the linear limitations of the previous approach, the authors implemented a more complex, non-linear Gaussian process model able to account for pairwise interactions. This new approach was able to identify a smaller number of different, and potentially more informative, correlations between the candidate genes previously identified.

      Lastly, with genetic manipulations, the authors show in vivo that a subset of the candidate genes is causally related with the sleep duration as well as partially validating some of the correlation identified by their new model.

      The authors conclude that, given the non-linear and complex nature of biological systems, simplistic linear approaches may not suffice to fully capture underlying mechanisms of complex traits such as sleep.

      *Major comments*

      1. Most of the the work presented focus on the computational and statistical analysis of different populations submitted (or not) to a process of artificial selection for short or long sleep duration. As such, the amount of potentially relevant biological conclusions to be tested is mostly unfeasible. The authors already present additional experiments to partially support some, though not all, of their findings. Given the manuscript is written as a method innovation, these additional experiments illustrate the potential uses of the method described. *

      Our response: The reviewer raises a very important point, one that is at the very impetus of our work. We agree that it is not possible to test all combinations of genes in all contexts to determine whether they influence sleep or not. In contrast to the situation for circadian rhythms, where the core clock is controlled by just four genes, recent work has concluded that sleep is a set of complex traits influenced by large numbers of genes. Robust computational methods are needed to identify the complex interactions among genes. The current manuscript is a first step towards achieving this goal.

      *(OPTIONAL) However, since the one of the focuses of this work in identifying potential gene interactions, it would be interesting if the authors could test a "double knockout" and perhaps demonstrate evidence for epistasis between two of the identified genes. Having access to single mutants, this experiment should be realistic. However, I have no hands-on experience working with Drosophila and I am unable to accurately estimate the amount of resources and time such and experiment could take. My initial guess would be 3-6 months work should suffice. *

      Our response: The reviewer makes an interesting proposal. While such an experiment would provide some additional information, our method does not make any prediction about what a double knockout would do, either to the sleep phenotypes or to gene expression.

      2. In regards to the gene CG1304, it seems to be an important example used throughout the manuscript. It should be carefully re-analyzed as was considered for interaction analyses without showing opposite trends for short- and long-sleep populations (see minor comments on figure 2).

      Our response: We are not entirely certain that we understand the reviewer’s point. We note that significant genotype-by-selection-scheme interactions may not manifest as opposite trends and this is not what is being tested for significance. The likelihood ratio is a test for a significant effect of including sel x gen coefficients for both short and long schemes; therefore, GLM significance may mean that either one or the two selection schemes are significantly different from controls, not from each other. We could, for instance, apply three different tests: one (i) comparing between long and short flies; the second (ii) __comparing short flies to controls; and the third (iii) __comparing long to controls and find that the first test is significant — i.e. short is different from long — and that the two others are not — i.e. neither scheme is found to be different from controls. The opposite could also happen: short and long flies may not be different from each other, but with both being different from controls.

      Since we are interested in identifying differences of either to controls, our choice of statistical test is equivalent to performing tests (ii) __and (iii)__ without the need to perform and correct for multiple tests. While there are caveats to this choice (like all choices), linear model-based differential expression analysis has its own caveats, and has limited ability to pick up arbitrary trends, so it serves as a coarse-grained filter for large shifts since it’s too costly (computationally) to run the Gaussian process on 50 million pairwise combinations.

      *3. One major comment would be that the claim that the Gaussian process method is more sensitive and specific than simpler approaches, though intuitively understandable, does not seem to be fully correct from a strict statistical point of view, given the lack of a gold standard reference to compare if the new method is indeed picking more true positives/negatives. I would reconsider re-rephrasing such statement in the absence of a biologically relevant validation set. *

      Our response: We agree with the reviewer that there is no ‘gold standard’ reference data set with which to compare our findings. We have softened this language a bit in response, where it occurs in both the Abstract and the Results.

      Under Abstract, we changed “Our method not only is considerably more specific than standard correlation metrics but also more sensitive, finding correlations not significant by other methods” to “Our method appears to be not only more specific than standard correlation metrics but also more sensitive, finding correlations not significant by other methods.”

      Under Results, we changed “Therefore, computing correlations between genes using covariance estimates from the Gaussian Processes greatly increases specificity over direct correlations. Furthermore, the Gaussian processes are not only more specific but more sensitive…” to “Therefore, computing correlations between genes using covariance estimates from the Gaussian Processes appears to increase specificity over direct correlations. Furthermore, the Gaussian Processes appear to be more sensitive…”

      *4. Finally, the study appears to be well powered and it is clear that the authors were careful in their explanation of the statistical methods. However, I could not find the copy of the code/script used for the model. Without it, it would be very difficult to fully reproduce the results as both the language used (Stan) and the method itself are not common in the sleep research field. *

      Our response: We thank the reviewer for noticing this, and apologize for this oversight. The code used for analysis has been deposited in GitHub under: https://github.com/caesoma/Multiple-shifts-in-gene-network-interactions-shape-phenotypes-of-Drosophila-melanogaster.

      We have noted the script location in the Data Availability statement. We added a statement to read “All scripts used for the model have been deposited in Git Hub https://github.com/caesoma/Multiple-shifts-in-gene-network-interactions-shape-phenotypes-of-Drosophila-melanogaster.”

      * * *Minor comments* * 5. The statistical cut-off used for gene expression hierarchical GLMM after BH correction was of 0.001, which is 50 times more strict than the common 0.05. Could the authors comment on how this choice may impact the results compared to those available in the literature and on the rational for choosing such a value.*

      Our response: A FDR of 0.05 would increase the number of genes identified (3,544 for females; 1,136 for males, with 462 overlapping). The FDR of 0.001 is consistent with the lowest threshold typically used for gene expression data collected during other artificial selection experiments (Mackay et al., 2005; Morozova et al., 2007; Edwards et al., 2006), though thresholds as high as 0.20 have been used (Sorensen et al., 2007). We have added to the last statement to the Methods and Materials section under “Generalized Linear Model analysis of expression data” to read “Model p-values were corrected for multiple testing using the Benjamini-Hochberg method (Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995), with significance defined at the 0.001 level, consistent with the lower threshold applied in other artificial selection studies (Mackay et al., 2005; Morozova et al., 2007; Edwards et al., 2006).”

      *6. Heritability calculations are not mentioned in the methods. Could it be useful to include a small paragraph? Could a small comment be done on the differences in h2 for the short sleep replicates which show ~10x difference? *

      Our response: We thank the reviewer for noticing this omission and apologize for the oversight. We have added the following statements to the Methods and Materials under “Quantitative genetic analyses of selected and correlated phenotypic responses.”

      “We estimated realized heritability h2 using the breeder’s equation:

      h2 = ΣR/ΣS

      where ΣR and ΣS are the cumulative selection response and differential, respectively (Falconer and Mackay, 1996). The selection response is computed as the difference between the offspring mean night sleep and the mean night sleep of the parental generation. The selection differential is the difference between the mean night sleep of the selected parents and the mean night sleep of the parental generation.”

      Additionally, we thank the reviewer for noticing the large difference in the realized heritability between the short sleeping population replicates; the heritability for replicate 1 is a typo and should be 0.169, not 0.0169. Hence, the heritabilities of both replicate populations are quite similar, i.e., 0.169 for replicate 1 and 0.183 for replicate 2. We have corrected this error in the Results.

      7. In regards to the model implementation, what would be the implications of not enforcing positive semi-definiteness on the co-variance matrix, given than that these are strictly positive semi-defined?

      Our response: All covariance matrices are by definition positive semi-definite (PSD), since they cannot yield negative values for the probabilities associated to them, so it would not be possible to relax that assumption generally. The only choice we could make would be on the number of genes included (M) in each multi-channel gaussian process model, and this in turn would by design enforce positive semi-definiteness on an matrix of size MN, (N being the number of generations). As noted in the appendix, “enforcing” positive semi-definiteness on smaller blocks of a larger 2D-array of covariances (which is not itself a covariance matrix) does not imply the latter is PSD and therefore seems like a softer constraint. In practice scaling up to a model where M >> 40 is not trivial from a computational and inference point of view, so the choice of smaller M is in a way imposed on us, and fortunately it is the less limiting one. We provide the appendix as a general clarification on the subtleties of Gaussian Processes, but a comprehensive assessment is beyond the multidisciplinary scope of this article and would require a narrower mathematical/statistical description in a standalone methodological article or technical note.

      1. *The methods mention that PCA projection were performed on the first 3 components, however only the first two are showed. *

      Our response: PCA was performed on 10 components, although the algorithms will commonly compute all components and return only the selected number. The variance of the third component is smaller than ~5% (that of the second PC). In practice PC1 is by itself enough to show the clear separation of expression per sex with ~65% of the variance; PC2 is in fact only shown to improve visualization. Plots of the remaining components will not show clear separation among samples as the variance explained is so small. We have corrected the Methods to indicate that PCA was performed on 10 components rather than 3.

      *9. Figure 1 refers to the mean night sleep time of the population. Could some measurement of variability (se or sd) be represented to provide a general idea of the distribution of the values? Additionally, the standard deviation of associated with the CVe estimates are mentioned but not showed explicitly. Could they maybe be added to the text as to illustrate how much such deviations were reduced? *

      Our response: We thank the reviewer for this comment. Including either the standard errors or standard deviations on the plot of the response to selection (Figure 1A) makes visualization unwieldy; thus we have added an additional supplemental table, Supplementary Table S15, that contains the mean night sleep, standard deviation, and number of flies measured for each generation in each replicate population. We also added a plot of the standard deviation in night sleep per generation to Supplemental Figure S2 (letter “Q” in the figure) so that the reduction over time in each population can be seen.

      Under “Data Availability,” We added the following: “Night sleep phenotypes per selection scheme/sex/generation/population replicate are listed in Table S15.”

      *10. Figure 2 shows the linear model fits for gene CG1304. I find this gene on the list of significant genes for both sexes (tables S5/6), but it does not seem to be one that shows opposite trend for short- and long-sleep (tables S7/8). Surprisingly, it shows up again on table S10! However, the text introducing the figure reads like this should be one of the 85 sex-independent genes. Would it be best to provide an example of what a significant gene looks like? *

      Our response: As mentioned in our response to comment #2 above, significance in the likelihood-ratio test does not imply opposite trends between long and short selection schemes, but between a model that includes specific slope coefficients for selection scheme by generation (both long and short) compared to a reduced model where the only slope is one associated to generation and therefore independent of selection scheme.

      11. *Figure 3 would be interesting to have both the GP correlations and the Spearman correlations to illustrate the methodological differences. I would be curious to see at least one pairwise expression scatter-plot as well just to see how they correlate in one plot. *

      __Our response: __Table S11 contains all (significant and nonsignificant) GP and Spearman values side-by-side for comparison. High correlations are likely to conform to the Spearman assumptions of a monotonic relationship; nevertheless, this will not be so for the majority of genes since the difference in the number of Spearman and GP-significant genes is tenfold or more, so it would be misleading to focus on individual-gene relationships without taking into consideration the transcriptome wide results for any method employed.

      We would like to stress that there is nothing particularly special about CG1304 in and of itself; furthermore, there are no “representative” genes or figures in this manuscript. Instead, CG1304 is chosen because its GLM and GP fits are illustrative of the limitations and capabilities of each model to pick up certain kinds of trends, and especially because it is especially instructive of how correlations arise from the GP model, which may not be intuitively clear to all readers.

      12. Figures 3S3/4 are described as showing single- and multi-channel models don't change substantially. Would this be expected and why?

      Our response: This is not necessarily expected, as scaling up from a single to a multi-channel model will add additional parameters as well as constraints, like positive the semi-definiteness mentioned in comment #7 above. If that seemed to have considerable impact on the fits it could challenge our assumption that the signal variance parameters estimated from the single-channel are good priors for the same parameters in the two-channel model (although this is not a hard constraint, so in the worst case the result could still only be a slight bias).

      *13. Having build different networks of pairwise associations of genes (projecting on a unified network as illustrated on figure 5), it could in interesting to compare the network topologies at a basic level such as node degrees, overlapping sub-networks, are they potentially scale free as previously described for biological systems, etc. *

      __Our response: __The reviewer makes an interesting point. Indeed summaries of the network could be useful information about the system level parameters, which are the main results of this paper. We now include the number of connections (i.e., the degree) to each gene in each of the four networks presented in Figure 5 in a new supplemental Table (Table S13). We also plot the distribution of node connectivity below. The distributions do not appear random (i.e., a normal distribution), and appear closer to a power-law or scale-free distribution. However, the small size and low average degree of these networks make a formal test unfeasible, and a recent study suggests that a log-normal distribution is in general more likely than a power-law distribution (Broido et al., Nat Comm, 2019), so we lack the evidence to claim that these networks are scale-free.

      We have added to the Results under “Gaussian Process model analysis uncovers nonlinear trends and specifically identifies covariance in expression between genes”: “Table S13 lists the number of connections (degrees) that each gene has with others in the network. The average number of connections for long-sleeper males was 2.6; the other three networks had average degrees of 2.0 or less (2.0 for long-sleeper females and short-sleeper males; 1.75 for short-sleeper females).”

      *14. On table S6 I noticed some gene symbols were loaded as dates (1-Dec) *

      Our response: We thank the reviewer for noticing this, the gene symbol is supposed to be dec. We have corrected this in Table S6 (now Table S7).

      1. *In results, the phenotypical response to artificial selection is sometimes described in minutes, other times in hours. Though this is an hurdle, it could make the values easier to compere if they were consistently formatted as minutes (hours). *

      Our response: We are unsure what the reviewer is referring to. We only see one sentence in which we used hours, and that was the concluding sentence under Results, “Phenotypic response to artificial selection.” The remainder of the manuscript refers to sleep times in minutes, phenotypes in all of the figures are plotted as minutes, and all of the supplemental material refers to times in minutes.

      16. *Over 99% of chains converged after three runs. Even though the reasons for the lack of convergence of these chains was not investigated, could this be a relevant effect? 1% of 3570 interactions is still 35 potential interactions. Do the non convergent chains relate with specific genes? *

      Our response: Bayesian MCMC inference is a stochastic algorithm, so there is a finite chance that any given run doesn’t converge, and that means that all eight parallel chains must converge and mix as measured by the stringent choice of R-hat metric being within 0.05 of unity. Relaxing the interval to 0.1 or 0.2 could still be acceptable, but we made the choice of a stringent threshold to avoid making interpretations on less-than-ideal runs. There is no evidence that there is any gene-specific problem, usually it would be one out of eight chains that would not mix well and throw off the diagnostic metrics (like relaxing the metrics, an acceptable approach could be accepting a run with 6-7 chains converging properly, but we decided to rerun all chains and only accept 100% convergence but accept a possible loss). Non-converging/nonmixing runs are likely to eventually do so, but since were are running tens of thousands of runs (3570 pairwise combinations × 3 schemes × 8 chains) a massively parallel implementation in a HPC cluster is required. Finally, seeing that 145 is ~4% of the total number of interactions, a naïve expectation would be that no more than one interaction would come out significant — while there is a chance that an interesting interaction was identified, the same can be said for potential false negatives computed using the GLM, which is a consequence of working at a high-throughput scale.

      17. The GO terms identified as significantly enriched after pvalue correction point to a clear association of the 85 genes identified with Serine proteases. Could this be discussed further to highlight biological findings of the work in the context of neuronal function or sleep regulation?

      Our response: The reviewer is correct, nine putative Serine proteases are significantly enriched among the 85 genes. All nine exhibit some expression in neurons and in epithelial cells, and all are expressed at the adult stage. The appearance of these enzymes is interesting given their role in proteolysis.

      We have updated the Discussion to read, “Interestingly, our Gene Ontology analysis identified nine genes from the 85-gene network with predicted Serine endopeptidase/peptidase/hydrolase activity: CG1304, CG10472, CG14990, CG32523, CG9676, grass, Jon65Ai, Jon65Aii, and Jon99Fii. All of these genes are expressed in neurons and epithelial cells, and all genes are expressed at the adult stage (Li et al., 2022). Serine proteases are a large group of proteins (257 in Drosophila) that perform a variety of functions (Cao and Jiang, 2018). Their predicted enzymatic activity suggests a putative role in proteolysis. This is an intriguing observation given pioneering work in mammals which suggested a role for sleep in exchanging interstitial fluid and metabolites between the brain and cerebral spinal fluid (Xie et al., 2013). Recent work demonstrated that a similar function is conserved in flies via vesicular trafficking through the fly blood-brain barrier (Artiushin et al., 2018). It would be interesting to determine whether these genes function in this process.”

      *18. Could the authors discuss the little overlap between males/females and shot/long sleep for 145 gene pairs identified after the MCMC runs. Similarly, how can the network differences be explained from a biological/evolutionary perspective? *

      Our response: The reviewer asks an interesting question. We did not detect sex-specific responses to artificial selection for long or short sleep in the present experiment. Yet differences in gene expression network pairs between males and females exist, and as the reviewer mentions, we also observed differences in network pairs between long sleepers and short sleepers. These differences reflect an inescapable conclusion: a given sleep duration phenotype can originate from more than one gene expression network configuration.

      19. *In the mutational analyses it is pointed out that CG12560 and Jon65Aii only affect females significantly. However, in the following sentence, the authors claim these two genes had the greatest effect on both sexes, which seems contradictory, at least in the way it is described. *

      Our response: Our wording may have been confusing, given that it came after a comment about Jon65Aii. Our exact statement was “Effects of the Minos insertions on night sleep duration were stronger in females than in males; when sexes were examined separately, only mutations in CG12560 and Jon65Aii affected male night sleep duration.” This was meant to convey that the effects of all Minos insertions were the same directionally for both males and females, but that only CG12560 and Jon65Aii insertions had statistically significant effects on each sex separately. We have re-worded this sentence to read “All Minos insertions had the same directional effect on night sleep for both males and females, but only the CG12560 and Jon65Aii insertions had statistically significant effects on night sleep on each sex separately.”

      20. *Maybe a small comment on how unchanged expression could lead to the observed phenotypical variation could help understanding how Minos mutations effects are biological mediated for those not familiar with the method. This seems to be the authors expectation so, could it be non-functional proteins or something else? *

      Our response: The reviewer raises an interesting point. We did not observe changes in gene expression for CG13793, Cyp6a16, or hiw compared to w1118 controls. Thus far, we have examined gene expression relative to the control for a single timepoint, and only in pooled whole flies. Differential gene expression between the Minos mutants and controls might occur at a different timepoint, or in a small set of key neurons that would be undetectable when comparing whole flies.

      We expand on this in Results, under “Mutational analyses confirms the role of candidate genes and interacting expression networks in sleep”: “Potential reasons for the lack of a significant change in gene expression in the remaining lines include: the position of the insertion within the targeted gene, which has variable effects on its expression; the relatively low statistical power of the experiment; confining our observation to a single timepoint during the day; or pooling whole flies, which might obscure gene expression changes occurring at a single-tissue level.”

      *21. The assumption that interacting genes would have their expression ratio changed by the Minos insertion would hold on situation where the affected gene causally interferes with the candidates expression. As far as I understand, causality cannot be inferred by the proposed method. Thus in a situation where both genes are co-regulated by a third factor, no change in expression ratio is to expected. How would the authors re-interpret their final result when considering this direct vs indirect interaction distinction? *

      Our response: Our method only gives us the hypothesis that two genes interact based on their correlation, and that is what we test using the Minos insertions. We do not as yet have a way to identify a third gene or factor that might be regulating the two. Given the number of genes affecting sleep, it is quite likely that there are such factors, but we can only report and test what we’ve observed. Any interpretation based on an arbitrary third factor would be purely speculative.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      22. *I agree with Reviewer #2 comments which, to me, reads as generally pointing out the lack of biological interpretation of the results (and thus connecting this study with previous literature). Adding this component would make the manuscript well-rounded and attractive to a wider audience. *

      Our response: We agree with both reviewers that additional biological interpretation of the results would make the manuscript more attractive to a wider audience. Accordingly, we have added the following paragraph to the Discussion: “The genes we identify herein overlap and extend previous work. Of the 1,140 genes implicated in the generalized linear model, 151 (13.2 percent) overlapped with previous candidate gene, random mutagenesis, gene expression, and genome-wide association studies of sleep and circadian behavior in flies (Pegoraro e t al., 2022; Dissel et al., 2015; Seugnet et al., 2017; Shalaby et al., 2018; Thimgan et al., 2010, Thimgan et al., 2018, He et al., 2013; Mallon et al., 2014; Roessingh et al., 2019, Feng et al., 2018; Lee et al., 2021; Khoury et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2018; Harbison et al., 2013; Harbison et al., 2009; Harbison et al., 2017; Harbison et al., 2019). Notably, previous studies identified the genes CG17574, cry, dro, mip120, Mtk, NPFR1, pdgy, PGRP-LC, Shal, and vari as affecting sleep duration (Feng e t al., 2018, Dissel et al., 2015; Pegoraro et al., 2022; Thimgan et al., 2018; Mallon et al., 2014; He et al., 2013; Khoury et al., 2020; Harbison et al., 2013). Two genes, ringer and mip120, overlapped with our previous study of DNA sequence variation in flies selected for long and short sleep (Harbison et al., 2017). In that study we identified a polymorphism in an intron of ringer that changed in allele frequency with selection, with increases in the population frequency of the ‘G’ allele with increasing sleep, while the frequency of the ‘A’ allele increased with decreasing sleep. When the selective breeding procedure was relaxed, the frequency of the ‘G’ allele increased in short-sleeping populations, paralleling an increase in sleep (Souto-Maior et al., 2020). One possibility is that this polymorphism contributes to the changes in gene expression in ringer that we observed in the present study. Of the 85 genes common to both sexes that we used in the gene interaction networks, 11 (13 percent) appear in other studies of sleep: CG10444, CG2003, CG5142, CG6785, CG9114, CG9676, CR42646, hiw, NPFR1, Tie, and wb (He et al., 2013; Seugnet et al., 2017; Wu et al., 2018; Harbison et al., 2013). Thus, our study corroborates genes known to affect sleep, and identifies new candidate genes for sleep as well.”

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      *This study proposes the application of advanced non-linear methods to study complex traits such as sleep. As implemented, Gaussian Processes are able to identify non-linear correlations between two biological features (e.g. transcripts) over time (e.g. generations), representing an attempt to push the analytical methods available beyond the single gene paradigm. As such, more than the relevance of the biological results themselves, the authors focus on the explaining and illustrating the application of methodological advances obtained, and its relevance to obtain a better understanding of biological systems.

      However the mathematical principles required to understand the implemented method are not trivial and require advanced knowledge of machine learning and statistics. This is a potential barrier, though not an impediment, to its quick and wide adoption by the community. In addition, even if demonstrated to be a valid method when working with Drosophila, the resolution required to perform such a study may be difficult to obtain with other model systems, which would likely require further refinement of the statistical approach.

      The main audience interested in this work would be basic sleep researchers. However, this work is also related to the understanding gene selection over an artificial evolutionary process, thus evolutionary and developmental biologist may be also be interested. The methodology itself, already used in other fields of study, is a general statistical tool that could be adopted by a broad range of researchers for a diversity of topics. As such, I believe with this work, the authors will be able to stimulate the development and/or rethinking of the available analytical methods to study complex biological systems, though this would likely be done either in collaboration with the authors themselves or by a specific subset of researchers who regularly work with advanced mathematical, statistical and computational principles.

      (disclaimer) My mathematical formation does not reach the PhD level expertise that may be required to fully understand the methodology described. I have never personally worked with D. melonogaster or used Gaussian Processes in a professional setting. As such, I may not be able to fully evaluate/appreciate the more detailed technical aspects of this work.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Souto-Mairo et al. reports phenotypic and genotypic effects of artificially selecting for short and long sleep in flies. They generated an impressive time-series dataset where one could examine genetic and phenotypic changes across time (generations, total 13 generations) in response to the selection pressure. The authors explored the relationships between pairs of genes in addition to just identifying potential candidate genes involved in the regulation of the amount of sleep.

      Major points:

      1. Harbison et al 2017: This study seems to be a continuation of Harbison et al 2017. There needs to be a clearer approach in the text (introduction?) in elucidating how this study is really advancing the findings of Harbison et al., 2017. Do the two studies use the same selection lines? If not, how are they different? If they are not different, what might cause the phenotypes evolving differently? For example, day sleep, day bout number do not respond to the selection pressure similarly in both studies etc. *

      Our response: We would like to emphasize that this study is not a continuation of the Harbison et al., PLoS Genetics, 2017 paper, where we examined the changes in DNA sequence during artificial selection, and it does not use the same selection lines. The fact that the two studies are different can be seen from an examination of Figure 1A of the current study and Figure 1A of the Harbison et al 2017 study. The trajectories of each population across generation are very different. Out of convenience, we used the same nomenclature to refer to the populations in both studies (L1, L2, S1, S2, etc.), and apologize if this is the source of the confusion. Both studies do originate from the same outbred population, however, and to get to the broader question that the reviewer is asking, should one expect to see the same correlated responses to selection for night sleep among selection lines originating from the same outbred population? The answer is no, not unless the selected trait and the responding trait have a genetic correlation of 1.0. We previously estimated the correlation between day sleep and night sleep to be between 0.29 - 0.38 and between day bout number and night sleep to be -0.05 (Harbison et al., 2013; Harbison et al. 2009). In the Harbison et al. 2017 study we noted that day sleep and day bout number had correlated responses to selection for night sleep, but neither have correlated responses in the current study. The relatively low genetic correlations between these two measures and night sleep explain why we do not see a consistent correlated response among studies.

      We didn’t really elaborate on these observations in the manuscript, and so have added to the Results under “Correlated response of other sleep traits to selection for night sleep” the following: “These correlated responses concur with previous observations we made in selected populations originating from the same outbred population for night sleep and night average bout length, and night sleep and sleep latency (Harbison et al., 2017). However, unlike the previous study, we did not see a correlated response between night sleep and day sleep, and night sleep and day bout number (Harbison et al., 2017). The lack of correlated response reflects the relatively low genetic correlations these two traits have with night sleep (Harbison et al., 2013; Harbison et al., 2009).”

      2. Zeitgeber Time (ZT) for RNA collection: It is puzzling that the study reports that the RNA was collected at 12 PM. I do not understand what this information means; especially in a project where one is working with sleep. The authors might want to report ZT. Also, why a particular ZT was chosen should be discussed. These genes are potential sleep-relevant genes - hence it is not too esoteric to think that the ZT of data collection matters a lot as some of them might be cycling. To get a more appropriate picture, multiple time points of data collection might be even better. The authors seem to have ignored this crucial aspect of a clock/sleep study - time of data collection and how time of data collection might shape your findings.

      Our response: We agree with the reviewer that it would be better to have multiple timepoints for collection, but this is difficult to implement in practice as it would require an additional 5,280 flies per generation (4 pools of 10 flies per sex per population) for 12 timepoints as recommended by Hughes et al., JBR, 2017. We mention collection time in the Methods and Materials because we are aware of the changes in gene expression over the circadian day. 12PM is the midpoint between the start of the lights-on and lights-off period (i.e., ZT6), and was chosen arbitrarily. We have added the ZT notation to the Methods and Materials for clarity.

      3. Short sleeping flies: Are there reports of flies sleeping this less? "We found 2,830 interactions; 8 of these were one of the 3,570 between the 85 genes, but none of them overlapped with the 145 gene pairs found to be different from controls. The gene interactions we observed may therefore be unique to extreme sleep." What is extreme sleep? How does this study then claim to have identified evolution of potential sleep-relevant gene expression for normal, physiologically relevant sleep?

      Our response: Our statement was not very well worded, and we thank the reviewer for noticing this. What we intended to say was that the lack of overlap between our data and a known protein-protein interaction database may due to the interactions being unique to sleep as opposed to some other complex trait. We have re-worded this statement to say “The gene interactions we observed may therefore be unique to sleep.”

      *Minor points:

      4. The article uses an unnecessarily defensive tone to establish their approach to understand underlying mechanisms of sleep 'better' than that of the others (in both introduction and discussion): "In spite the large amount of studies and data generated for many systems, identifying underlying processes is still very rare; this is clear indication that better methods are needed to obtain understanding of biological processes from data." The 'still very rare' part is just factually incorrect and misleading as far as sleep is concerned. Even if we just see Drosophila studies on sleep, there is a huge progress that's being made in terms of genes, neurons and circuits relevant for sleep: both in terms of baseline sleep as an output of the circadian clock and the rebound/homeostatic sleep. Most, if not all, of these elegant and pioneering studies from multiple, independent groups took approaches that did not require artificial selection regimes. As a substitution for their defense, the authors might attempt to present their findings in the context of the existing knowledge of sleep in flies. For example, what about genes already implicated in sleep? Do they show up in their analysis? For example, Sleepless, DATfmn, Sandman, AstA, AstA-receptor, Wide-awake etc. This could really help the manuscript.*

      Our response: We certainly did not intend for this statement to suggest that no progress had been made in the identification of genes and circuits for sleep, and we agree that elegant and pioneering approaches have made significant progress in our understanding of the phenomenon. Rather, we were thinking more in terms of fully described biochemical networks. To avoid this interpretation by other readers, we have altered the “still very rare” sentence in the Introduction to read: “Despite the large amount of studies and data generated for many systems, a full understanding of underlying processes has not yet been achieved…’

      We also agree with the reviewer that it would be helpful to put our work in the context of what is already known in flies. We have added the following paragraph to the Discussion to relate the work with previous work on sleep in flies: “The genes we identify herein overlap and extend previous work. Of the 1,140 genes implicated in the generalized linear model, 151 (13.2 percent) overlapped with previous candidate gene, random mutagenesis, gene expression, and genome-wide association studies of sleep and circadian behavior in flies (Pegoraro e t al., 2022; Dissel et al., 2015; Seugnet et al., 2017; Shalaby et al., 2018; Thimgan et al., 2010, Thimgan et al., 2018, He et al., 2013; Mallon et al., 2014; Roessingh et al., 2019, Feng et al., 2018; Lee et al., 2021; Khoury et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2018; Harbison et al., 2013; Harbison et al., 2009; Harbison et al., 2017; Harbison et al., 2019). Notably, previous studies identified the genes CG17574, cry, dro, mip120, Mtk, NPFR1, pdgy, PGRP-LC, Shal, and vari as affecting sleep duration (Feng e t al., 2018, Dissel et al., 2015; Pegoraro et al., 2022; Thimgan et al., 2018; Mallon et al., 2014; He et al., 2013; Khoury et al., 2020; Harbison et al., 2013). Two genes, ringer and mip120, overlapped with our previous study of DNA sequence variation in flies selected for long and short sleep (Harbison et al., 2017). In that study we identified a polymorphism in an intron of ringer that changed in allele frequency with selection, with increases in the population frequency of the ‘G’ allele with increasing sleep, while the frequency of the ‘A’ allele increased with decreasing sleep. When the selective breeding procedure was relaxed, the frequency of the ‘G’ allele increased in short-sleeping populations, paralleling an increase in sleep (Souto-Maior et al., 2020). One possibility is that this polymorphism contributes to the changes in gene expression in ringer that we observed in the present study. Of the 85 genes common to both sexes that we used in the gene interaction networks, 11 (13 percent) appear in other studies of sleep: CG10444, CG2003, CG5142, CG6785, CG9114, CG9676, CR42646, hiw, NPFR1, Tie, and wb (He et al., 2013; Seugnet et al., 2017; Wu et al., 2018; Harbison et al., 2013). Thus, our study corroborates genes known to affect sleep, and identifies new candidate genes for sleep as well.”

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      5. I believe that the authors should attempt to put this study in the context of what is already known in sleep in flies and how this study advances the knowledge. And how the knowledge generated by this study would help other sleep researchers, who, for obvious reasons, would like to employ techniques other than artificial selection and big data. The data is elegant. The work seems to be extremely laborious. Nonetheless, as it stands now, this manuscript is only very specific for an audience who work with artificial selection to understand underlying genetics of behavior. In fact, even within the fly sleep field, most people might not find this manuscript very useful.

      Our response: The reviewer may not have considered the wider application of this work. This framework is applicable to any data set of gene expression sampled across time, whether sampled across generation, as we did, or across the 24-hour circadian day, or sampled at other time intervals. We have added a statement to the Discussion to stress this fact: “The Gaussian Processes we apply herein have broad applications to other experimental designs, such as gene expression measured at varying time intervals over the circadian day, or time-based sampling of gene expression responses to drug administration.”

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Souto-Mairo et al. reports phenotypic and genotypic effects of artificially selecting for short and long sleep in flies. They generated an impressive time-series dataset where one could examine genetic and phenotypic changes across time (generations, total 13 generations) in response to the selection pressure. The authors explored the relationships between pairs of genes in addition to just identifying potential candidate genes involved in the regulation of the amount of sleep.

      Major points:

      1. Harbison et al 2017: This study seems to be a continuation of Harbison et al 2017. There needs to be a clearer approach in the text (introduction?) in elucidating how this study is really advancing the findings of Harbison et al., 2017. Do the two studies use the same selection lines? If not, how are they different? If they are not different, what might cause the phenotypes evolving differently? For example, day sleep, day bout number do not respond to the selection pressure similarly in both studies etc.
      2. Zeitgeber Time (ZT) for RNA collection: It is puzzling that the study reports that the RNA was collected at 12 PM. I do not understand what this information means; especially in a project where one is working with sleep. The authors might want to report ZT. Also, why a particular ZT was chosen should be discussed. These genes are potential sleep-relevant genes - hence it is not too esoteric to think that the ZT of data collection matters a lot as some of them might be cycling. To get a more appropriate picture, multiple time points of data collection might be even better. The authors seem to have ignored this crucial aspect of a clock/sleep study - time of data collection and how time of data collection might shape your findings.
      3. Short sleeping flies: Are there reports of flies sleeping this less? "We found 2,830 interactions; 8 of these were one of the 3,570 between the 85 genes, but none of them overlapped with the 145 gene pairs found to be different from controls. The gene interactions we observed may therefore be unique to extreme sleep." What is extreme sleep? How does this study then claim to have identified evolution of potential sleep-relevant gene expression for normal, physiologically relevant sleep?

      Minor points:

      The article uses an unnecessarily defensive tone to establish their approach to understand underlying mechanisms of sleep 'better' than that of the others (in both introduction and discussion): "In spite the large amount of studies and data generated for many systems, identifying underlying processes is still very rare; this is clear indication that better methods are needed to obtain understanding of biological processes from data." The 'still very rare' part is just factually incorrect and misleading as far as sleep is concerned. Even if we just see Drosophila studies on sleep, there is a huge progress that's being made in terms of genes, neurons and circuits relevant for sleep: both in terms of baseline sleep as an output of the circadian clock and the rebound/homeostatic sleep. Most, if not all, of these elegant and pioneering studies from multiple, independent groups took approaches that did not require artificial selection regimes. As a substitution for their defense, the authors might attempt to present their findings in the context of the existing knowledge of sleep in flies. For example, what about genes already implicated in sleep? Do they show up in their analysis? For example, Sleepless, DATfmn, Sandman, AstA, AstA-receptor, Wide-awake etc. This could really help the manuscript.


      I believe that the authors should attempt to put this study in the context of what is already known in sleep in flies and how this study advances the knowledge. And how the knowledge generated by this study would help other sleep researchers, who, for obvious reasons, would like to employ techniques other than artificial selection and big data.

      The data is elegant. The work seems to be extremely laborious. Nonetheless, as it stands now, this manuscript is only very specific for an audience who work with artificial selection to understand underlying genetics of behavior. In fact, even within the fly sleep field, most people might not find this manuscript very useful.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors of this work generated a Sleep Advanced Intercross Population from 10 extreme sleeper Drosophila Genetics Reference Panel. This new out-bred population was subjected to a artificial selection with the aim of understanding the genes underlying the sleep duration differences between three populations: short-sleep, unselected, and long-sleep. Using analysis of variance the authors identified up to nearly 400 of genes that were significant selected over the various generations and showed opposite trends for long and short sleep, thus potentially relevant for the regulation of sleep duration. 85 of these genes were consistent between male and females sub-populations, suggesting a small number of genetic divergences may underlie sex-independent mechanisms of sleep.

      Given the time-course nature of the generational data obtained, the authors studied potential correlations and interactions between these 85 identified candidate genes. Initially, the authors used pairwise Spearman correlation, noticing how this method could not filter most of pairwise interaction (around 40% of all possibilities were significant). To overcome the linear limitations of the previous approach, the authors implemented a more complex, non-linear Gaussian process model able to account for pairwise interactions. This new approach was able to identify a smaller number of different, and potentially more informative, correlations between the candidate genes previously identified.

      Lastly, with genetic manipulations, the authors show in vivo that a subset of the candidate genes is causally related with the sleep duration as well as partially validating some of the correlation identified by their new model.

      The authors conclude that, given the non-linear and complex nature of biological systems, simplistic linear approaches may not suffice to fully capture underlying mechanisms of complex traits such as sleep.

      Major comments

      Most of the the work presented focus on the computational and statistical analysis of different populations submitted (or not) to a process of artificial selection for short or long sleep duration. As such, the amount of potentially relevant biological conclusions to be tested is mostly unfeasible. The authors already present additional experiments to partially support some, though not all, of their findings. Given the manuscript is written as a method innovation, these additional experiments illustrate the potential uses of the method described.

      (OPTIONAL) However, since the one of the focuses of this work in identifying potential gene interactions, it would be interesting if the authors could test a "double knockout" and perhaps demonstrate evidence for epistasis between two of the identified genes. Having access to single mutants, this experiment should be realistic. However, I have no hands-on experience working with Drosophila and I am unable to accurately estimate the amount of resources and time such and experiment could take. My initial guess would be 3-6 months work should suffice.

      In regards to the gene CG1304, it seems to be an important example used throughout the manuscript. It should be carefully re-analyzed as was considered for interaction analyses without showing opposite trends for short- and long-sleep populations (see minor comments on figure 2)

      One major comment would be that the claim that the Gaussian process method is more sensitive and specific than simpler approaches, though intuitively understandable, does not seem to be fully correct from a strict statistical point of view, given the lack of a gold standard reference to compare if the new method is indeed picking more true positives/negatives. I would reconsider re-rephrasing such statement in the absence of a biologically relevant validation set.

      Finally, the study appears to be well powered and it is clear that the authors were careful in their explanation of the statistical methods. However, I could not find the copy of the code/script used for the model. Without it, it would be very difficult to fully reproduce the results as both the language used (Stan) and the method itself are not common in the sleep research field.

      Minor comments

      The statistical cut-off used for gene expression hierarchical GLMM after BH correction was of 0.001, which is 50 times more strict than the common 0.05. Could the authors comment on how this choice may impact the results compared to those available in the literature and on the rational for choosing such a value.

      Heritability calculations are not mentioned in the methods. Could it be useful to include a small paragraph? Could a small comment be done on the differences in h2 for the short sleep replicates which show ~10x difference?

      In regards to the model implementation, what would be the implications of not enforcing positive semi-definiteness on the co-variance matrix, given than that these are strictly positive semi-defined?

      The methods mention that PCA projection were performed on the first 3 components, however only the first two are showed.

      Figure 1 refers to the mean night sleep time of the population. Could some measurement of variability (se or sd) be represented to provide a general idea of the distribution of the values? Additionally, the standard deviation of associated with the CVe estimates are mentioned but not showed explicitly. Could they maybe be added to the text as to illustrate how much such deviations were reduced?

      Figure 2 shows the linear model fits for gene CG1304. I find this gene on the list of significant genes for both sexes (tables S5/6), but it does not seem to be one that shows opposite trend for short- and long-sleep (tables S7/8). Surprisingly, it shows up again on table S10! However, the text introducing the figure reads like this should be one of the 85 sex-independent genes. Would it be best to provide an example of what a significant gene looks like?

      Figure 3 would be interesting to have both the GP correlations and the Spearman correlations to illustrate the methodological differences. I would be curious to see at least one pairwise expression scatter-plot as well just to see how they correlate in one plot.

      Figures 3S3/4 are described as showing single- and multi-channel models don't change substantially. Would this be expected and why?

      Having build different networks of pairwise associations of genes (projecting on a unified network as illustrated on figure 5), it could in interesting to compare the network topologies at a basic level such as node degrees, overlapping sub-networks, are they potentially scale free as previously described for biological systems, etc.

      On table S6 I noticed some gene symbols were loaded as dates (1-Dec)

      In results, the phenotypical response to artificial selection is sometimes described in minutes, other times in hours. Though this is an hurdle, it could make the values easier to compere if they were consistently formatted as minutes (hours).

      Over 99% of chains converged after three runs. Even though the reasons for the lack of convergence of these chains was not investigated, could this be a relevant effect? 1% of 3570 interactions is still 35 potential interactions. Do the non convergent chains relate with specific genes?

      The GO terms identified as significantly enriched after pvalue correction point to a clear association of the 85 genes identified with Serine proteases. Could this be discussed further to highlight biological findings of the work in the context of neuronal function or sleep regulation?

      Could the authors discuss the little overlap between males/females and shot/long sleep for 145 gene pairs identified after the MCMC runs. Similarly, how can the network differences be explained from a biological/evolutionary perspective?

      In the mutational analyses it is pointed out that CG12560 and Jon65Aii only affect females significantly. However, in the following sentence, the authors claim these two genes had the greatest effect on both sexes, which seems contradictory, at least in the way it is described.

      Maybe a small comment on how unchanged expression could lead to the observed phenotypical variation could help understanding how Minos mutations effects are biological mediated for those not familiar with the method. This seems to be the authors expectation so, could it be non-functional proteins or something else?

      The assumption that interacting genes would have their expression ratio changed by the Minos insertion would hold on situation where the affected gene causally interferes with the candidates expression. As far as I understand, causality cannot be inferred by the proposed method. Thus in a situation where both genes are co-regulated by a third factor, no change in expression ratio is to expected. How would the authors re-interpret their final result when considering this direct vs indirect interaction distinction?

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with Reviewer #2 comments which, to me, reads as generally pointing out the lack of biological interpretation of the results (and thus connecting this study with previous literature). Adding this component would make the manuscript well-rounded and attractive to a wider audience.


      This study proposes the application of advanced non-linear methods to study complex traits such as sleep. As implemented, Gaussian Processes are able to identify non-linear correlations between two biological features (e.g. transcripts) over time (e.g. generations), representing an attempt to push the analytical methods available beyond the single gene paradigm. As such, more than the relevance of the biological results themselves, the authors focus on the explaining and illustrating the application of methodological advances obtained, and its relevance to obtain a better understanding of biological systems.

      However the mathematical principles required to understand the implemented method are not trivial and require advanced knowledge of machine learning and statistics. This is a potential barrier, though not an impediment, to its quick and wide adoption by the community. In addition, even if demonstrated to be a valid method when working with Drosophila, the resolution required to perform such a study may be difficult to obtain with other model systems, which would likely require further refinement of the statistical approach.

      The main audience interested in this work would be basic sleep researchers. However, this work is also related to the understanding gene selection over an artificial evolutionary process, thus evolutionary and developmental biologist may be also be interested. The methodology itself, already used in other fields of study, is a general statistical tool that could be adopted by a broad range of researchers for a diversity of topics. As such, I believe with this work, the authors will be able to stimulate the development and/or rethinking of the available analytical methods to study complex biological systems, though this would likely be done either in collaboration with the authors themselves or by a specific subset of researchers who regularly work with advanced mathematical, statistical and computational principles.

      (disclaimer) My mathematical formation does not reach the PhD level expertise that may be required to fully understand the methodology described. I have never personally worked with D. melonogaster or used Gaussian Processes in a professional setting. As such, I may not be able to fully evaluate/appreciate the more detailed technical aspects of this work.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We are very grateful to the reviewers for their constructive comments. In response to their critiques, we have made extensive modifications to the manuscript, including documenting new experiments and analyses, and improving data presentation. Here we provide a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ comments.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      It is well established that localization of oskar (osk) RNA in the Drosophila ovary proceeds in multiple steps. The first step depends upon dynein and results in delivery of osk into the oocyte. The second step involves kinesin-driven transport of osk to the oocyte posterior pole. The manuscript by Gáspár et al brings together several lines of evidence that support an tantagonistic relationship with respect to motor binding between two osk-interacting proteins, Egalitarian (Egl) and Staufen (Stau). As staufen RNA and protein accumulate in the oocyte, Egl dissociates from osk, down-regulating dynein and enabling the second stage of osk transport to begin.

      Major comments:

      In general the experimental results support the conclusions drawn, and the paper includes a strong mix of in vitro and in vivo approaches. Nevertheless I have a few concerns.

      (1)In Fig 1D it is apparent that stau KD increases the speed of both plus-end and minus-end runs to a highly significant degree, not just minus-end runs. The stimulating effect of loss of Stau on speed of plus-end runs is not mentioned in the text, and it perhaps muddies the argument that Stau is simply a negative regulator of dynein-dependent minus-end directed transport. This result needs to be explicitly discussed in the text.

      We thank the reviewer for this important comment. Indeed, our previous analysis of the overall population of oskar RNPs showed that plus-end-directed runs had increased velocity in the absence of Staufen (although the magnitude of the effect was considerably smaller than observed for minus-end-directed runs). The reviewer’s comment prompted us to analyze the effects on motility in more detail. In particular, we have now stratified the data based on the RNA content of the RNPs to control for effects of Staufen depletion on RNA copy number of the motile oskar RNPs. These analyses, which are documented in Fig 1B-F of the revised manuscript and discussed between lines 96-143, indicate that the previous velocity and run length data was somewhat confounded by the Staufen-depleted condition having a lower fraction of moving complexes with a large RNA content, which generally move more slowly. Accounting for this effect shows that impairing Staufen has no significant effect on plus-end-directed run lengths, whereas minus-end-directed run lengths are substantially increased. The velocity of runs is also specifically increased in the minus-end direction in the Staufen-depleted background for RNPs that have a relative RNA content of 1 or 2 units, which represent the majority of the RNP population in that genotype. Whilst RNPs with larger RNA content (2 relative units) do have significantly higher plus-end-directed velocity compared to the same category in the control, the effect is of much smaller magnitude than observed for minus-end-directed movements by this population. To help clarify these results, magnitudes of the effects are now shown in the new Fig. 1 E and F.

      These data strengthen the case that Staufen predominantly affects minus-end-directed motion. Given many documented examples of the interdependence of dynein and kinesin on bidirectional cargoes (Hancock et al. 2014), it is conceivable that the modest effects on plus-end-directed velocity for a subset of RNPs arise indirectly from the influence of Staufen on dynein activity. However, we agree with the reviewer that we should not rule out the alternative possibility that Staufen has additional roles in regulating oskar transport, including potentially modulating kinesin-1 directly. We have therefore added a section to the Discussion that covers this issue (lines 496-514).

      (2) I recognize the importance of quantitative imaging to rigorously measure small differences in localization patterns. Nevertheless I find the data in Fig 3 extremely difficult to interpret. Presumably there is standard deviation everywhere there is green signal, but the magenta signal that corresponds to SD is not visible in most places that are green. I suggest adding to Fig 3 a single representative image for each genotype to illustrate each localization pattern, as well as a much clearer explanation of the quantitative imaging data. Perhaps the quantitative images could be moved to a supplemental figure.

      Reviewer 2 also suggested that we include representative images in addition to the quantitative readout. We have now replaced the old Figure 3 with a new one showing representative examples of oskar distribution in the different genotypes and moved the quantitative images to the supplement (Figure S4). We have also improved the legends and labeling of this supplementary figure to add clarity.

      **Minor comments:**

      (1)Color/density scales should be added to Figs 1A and S1A, otherwise the yellow/white signal at the posterior could be interpreted as something other than high abundance.

      We thank the reviewer for spotting this. We have now added a color scale to the relevant figures.

      (2)In Fig 4A and 4C, I find it odd to have different halves of images photographed under different intensity settings and would prefer duplicate whole images.

      We used this layout to illustrate in the most compact way possible the (co)localization of the two RBPs and oskar RNA in the nurse cell and oocyte compartments, where signal intensities can differ dramatically. Following the reviewer’s comment, we now show whole images with different intensity settings (Figure 4 A, A’, C, C’).

      (3)The references to Fig 3G on page 13 should be corrected to Fig 4G.

      We thank the reviewer for spotting this error, which has now been corrected.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The paper represents a substantial advance over existing knowledge and it extends our understanding about how RNAs can shuttle between different motor proteins to achieve a localized pattern. However, the Mohr et al 2021 PLoS Genetics paper covers some of the same ground. As that paper has now been published for several months, I believe a revised version of this paper should discuss that other work more prominently, making it apparent where the two studies concur and where this study extends the conclusions of the other one. If there are any contradictions between the two, those should be made explicit as well.

      We had discussed the Mohr et al. study in our manuscript, which came out when our work was in preparation. Following the reviewer’s comment, we now address explicitly how our study differs from theirs and how our work extends their findings. The relevant paragraphs in the Discussion begin on lines 437 and 496. Briefly, a key point of difference is that Mohr et al. focused on the Transport and Anchoring Sequence (TAS) (including its ability to associate with Egl) and other Staufen recognition sites (SRSs) in oskar mRNA. Their study also includes an experiment examining the effect of Egl overexpression on oskar localization (as described in our original submission). In contrast, our study directly examines the interplay between the RBPs Staufen and Egl on oskar RNPs. We are the first to show that Staufen directly antagonizes dynein-based transport and that this is associated, at least in part, with an ability to impair Egl association with RNPs. Moreover, we provide insights into the in vivo role of Egl/BicD in recruitment vs activation of dynein on RNPs and how the activity of Staufen is coordinated in space and time via Egl-mediated delivery of stau mRNA, which constitutes a novel type of feed-forward mechanism. We do not believe there are any contradictions between the two studies.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this manuscript, Gáspár et al. investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying the switching of motors for osk mRNA transport in the Drosophila ovary: from dynein in the nurse cells to kinesin-1 in the oocyte. They demonstrated that it requires two RNA-binding proteins, Egalitarian (Egl) and Staufen (Stau) to achieve the posterior localization of osk mRNA in the oocyte. Their data show that Egl is responsible for the stau mRNA transport into the oocyte, while Stau protein inhibits Egl-dependent dynein transport in the oocyte. Thus, they proposed a feed-forward mechanism in which Egl transports mRNA encoding its own antagonist Stau into the oocyte and thus achieves the switch of the osk mRNA transport from dynein to kinesin-1.

      The antagonistic interaction between Egl and Staufen is well documented both in vitro and in vivo. All the results are carefully analyzed, but the data presentation is not reader-friendly. Overall, our main concern is about the role of Staufen in osk mRNA transport.

      **Here are specific points:**

      (1)According to the model, lack of Stau should result in failure of displacing Egl from the RNP complex and thus more dynein-driven transport in the oocyte. However, the increase of minus-end run length in stau-RNAi is very small (Figure 1E). It makes us wonder whether Stau is not a dominant inhibitor of Egl/dynein transport of osk RNPs. On the other hand, the speed increase of minus-end run in stau-RNAi is more dramatic than the run length (Figure 1D-1E). Does it mean that in stau-RNAi dynein-driven osk transport has a shorter duration of run? Additionally, in Figure 1D, there is a statistically-significant increase of plus-end-directed transport velocity in stau-RNAi. While the author did mention that in the results "analysis of the speed and length of oskar RNP runs in ooplasmic extracts indicated that Khc activity was not compromised upon staufen knock-down", it does not explain the increased velocity towards the plus-end.

      We thank the reviewer for these insightful comments.

      We and others (Zimyanin et al. 2008; Gaspar et al., 2014) have shown that there is only a small posterior-directed bias in oskar RNP transport in the wild-type ooplasm at mid-oogenesis. Thus, small increases in minus-end-directed transport parameters are expected to be sufficient for anterior mislocalization of a subset of RNPs, as is seen in stau mutants (note that we would not expect a dramatic increase in minus-end-directed motile properties in the stau RNAi condition, as a significant fraction of oskar RNA is targeted posteriorly). To allow the readers to better judge the magnitude of the effects, we now include the percentage change in mean velocity and run length values on the graphs (new Figure 1E and F).

      Regarding the reviewer’s question about the run duration, indeed it is shorter for the minus-end directed runs in the absence of Staufen. In the motor field, it is typical to present velocity and run length only because duration is dependent on these two parameters.

      Reviewer 1 also made a similar comment about plus-end directed velocity of RNPs. As we wrote in response to their comment, we have now stratified the data based on the RNA content of the RNPs to control for effects of Staufen depletion on RNA copy number of the motile oskar RNPs. These analyses, which are documented in Fig 1 B-F of the revised manuscript and discussed between lines 96-143, indicate that the previous velocity and run length data were somewhat confounded by the Staufen-depleted condition having a lower fraction of moving complexes with a large RNA content, which generally move more slowly. Accounting for this effect shows that impairing Staufen has no significant effect on plus-end-directed run lengths, whereas minus-end-directed run lengths are substantially increased. The velocity of runs is also increased only in the minus-end direction in the Staufen-depleted background for RNPs that have a RNA content of 1 or 2 relative units, which represent the majority of the RNP population in that genotype. Whilst RNPs with larger RNA content (2 relative units) do have significantly higher plus-end-directed velocity compared to the same category in the control, the effect is of much smaller magnitude than observed for minus-end-directed movement for this population.

      These data strengthen the case that Staufen predominantly affects minus-end-directed motion. Given many documented examples of the interdependence of dynein and kinesin on cargoes (Hancock et al., 2014), it is conceivable that the modest effects on plus-end-directed velocity arise indirectly due to the influence of Staufen on dynein activity. However, we agree with the reviewer that we should not rule out the alternative possibility that Staufen has additional roles in regulating oskar transport, including potentially modulating kinesin-1 activity directly. We have therefore added a section to the Discussion that covers this issue (lines 496-514).

      (2) What happened to osk mRNP transport in nurse cells with Staufen overexpression? The authors briefly mentioned that "GFP-Staufen overexpression has no major effect on the localization of oskar (Fig S1F-I)" on page 10. This is quite puzzling, as the authors propose that Staufen antagonized the Egl/dynein-driven transport. If the model holds true, we would expect to see that overexpression of Staufen causes less osk transport in nurse cells and thus less osk accumulated in the oocyte. Can the authors examine the osk mRNP transport in nurse cells in control and in GFP-Staufen overexpressing mutant and quantify the total amount of osk mRNA in the oocyte in control and after GFP-Staufen overexpression?

      We showed in the initial submission that strong overexpression of GFP-Staufen in early oogenesis (e.g. with osk-Gal4) disrupts oskar localization, including causing ectopic accumulation in the nurse cells (Fig S7F and G, now marked with arrowheads). Fig S1F-I, to which the reviewer refers, documents an experiment in which the expression of GFP-Staufen was directly driven by the maternal tubulin promoter (i.e. not through the UAS-Gal4 system; now indicated in Fig. S1F). We had assumed that the difference in behavior of the different GFP-Staufen transgenes was caused by the timing and the amount of overexpression – maternal Gal4 drivers are capable of very strong and, in the case of osk-Gal4, early expression of UAS transgenes. Prompted by the reviewer, we have now examined GFP-Staufen expression in these lines in more detail. This confirmed our previous assumptions about timing and levels of ectopic expression. We now included a new panel Fig S7I to document the expression of maternal tubulin promoter-driven GFP-Staufen and have updated the manuscript to include details about the mode of Staufen overexpression used in different experiments (lines 205, 408-417).

      (3)Is osk mRNP transport in the nurse cells affected by stau-RNAi? The authors showed the Khc association with oskar mRNPs in the nurse cells in Figure 1C. We hope they could quantify the velocity and run length of the osk mRNP particles in nurse cells and compare control with stau-RNAi.

      We have never succeeded in making squashes of nurse cells that maintain oskMS2 RNA transport. Therefore, we are unable to evaluate directional transport of oskar in these cells. However, Staufen does not accumulate to appreciable levels in the nurse cells, as shown by Little et al., 2015 and also Figure 4A and A’ (left panels). Moreover, we did not detect significant colocalization between Staufen and oskar in the nurse cells (Fig. 4B). Therefore, depletion of Staufen with RNAi is not expected to influence motility of oskar in this part of the egg chamber.

      (4)The kymograms of in vitro motility assays (Figure 2A and Figure S2) clearly showed two different moving populations, fast and slow. Did the authors include both types of events in their quantifications? What are the N numbers for each quantification? What do the dots mean in Figure 2B-2G? Does each dot represent a single track in the kymograph? If so, we believe that the sample sizes are too small for in vitro motility assay.

      For completeness, we did not exclude particles from our analysis based on their speed of movement. We have now made this point clear in an updated section of the Methods (lines 799-802), which provides additional information on particle inclusion criteria.

      We did document in the legends what the dots represent (values for single microtubules). We have now also included information on the number of complexes analyzed, which is 586-1341 single RNA particles or 1247-2207 single dynein particles per condition. These sample sizes are considerably larger than those used in most in vitro motility studies.

      (5)The in vitro motility assay showed that Staufen impairs dynein-driven transport of osk 5'-UTR (Figure 2). Based on these data, it is unclear whether the effect of Staufen is osk mRNA-dependent or Egl-dependent. We suggest performing the motility assay in the absence of osk 5'-UTR and Egl. Dynein, dynactin, and BicD should be sufficient to constitute the processive dynein complex in vitro. The addition of Staufen to the dynein complex will help to understand whether Staufen could directly affect dynein activity. We bring up this point because we noticed that the Staufen displacement of Egl in osk RNPs does not alter the amount of dynein complex associated (Figure 6), implying that Staufen inactivates dynein activity on the RNP complex, independently of Egl-driven dynein recruitment.

      We cannot look at transport of dynein in the presence of only dynactin and full-length BicD as BicD is not activated (and thus unable to effectively bind dynein and dynactin) without Egl and RNA (McClintock et al. 2018, Sladewski et al. 2018). However, the reviewer’s comment prompted us to investigate the effect of Staufen on dynein-dynactin motility that is stimulated by the constitutively active truncated mammalian BicD2, so called BicD2N (Schlager et al. 2014, McKenney et al. 2014). We find that Staufen partially inhibits DDB motility but not to the extent seen with the full-length BicD in the presence of Egl and RNA (new main figure panels 2H and I, and Figure S3). As stated between lines 187-188, these data suggest that Staufen inhibits both the activation of dynein-dynactin motility by BicD proteins, as well as stimulation of this event by Egl and RNA. This finding is also incorporated in a new section of the Discussion that covers possible roles of Staufen in addition to competing for Egl’s binding to RNA (between lines 496-514). We are very grateful to the reviewer for suggesting this approach, as it has provided significant new insight into Staufen’s function.

      (6)In Figure 4, it is hard to see any colocalization between GFP and osk mRNA. And the authors compared overexpressed Egl-GFP (driven by mat atub-Gal4 in mid-oogenesis) with Staufen-GFP under its endogenous promoter. An endogenous promoter-driven Egl-GFP would be much more appropriate for the comparison.

      Colocalization between GFP and oskar signals is seen as white in Fig. 4A and C. We have now added arrows to highlight a few examples of colocalization. The degree of colocalization was quantified in an unbiased fashion (shown in panels Fig 4B and D).

      Regarding the expression of Egl-GFP: it was driven directly by the aTub84B promoter and not by matTub-Gal4. Western blot analysis performed in response to the reviewer’s comment shows that Egl-GFP is expressed at similar levels to endogenous Egl in this line (new Fig. S5I).

      (7)In a recent publication (Mohr et al., 2021), a different model was proposed, in which Egl mediates transport, and Staufen facilitates the dissociation from the transport machinery for posterior anchoring. Although the authors referred to their paper in the discussion, they should acknowledge the differences and try to reconcile it (at least in the discussion).

      We now further discuss our work in the light of the findings by Mohr et al. (a request also made by Reviewer 1) (in paragraphs starting on lines 436 and 496). In our opinion, the data of Mohr et al. in fixed material cannot discriminate between effects of Staufen (or the TAS) on transport vs anchorage. In contrast, our dynamic imaging in vitro and ex vivo shows unambiguously that Staufen can modulate transport processes. As accumulation of RNA at the cortex is dependent on directional transport, we do not think it necessary to invoke a separate anchorage role of Staufen. We have now raised the possibility that transport and cortical localization are two facets of the same underlying process in the hope that this will stimulate further investigation (lines 455-459).

      (8)In the feed-forward model, Egl is required for the staufen mRNA transport from the nurse cells to the oocyte. Are Egl-GFP dots colocalized with staufen mRNAs in the nurse cells?

      We showed in Fig 7I of the original submission that Egl-GFP puncta are colocalized with stau mRNAs in nurse cells. Indeed, this is a key piece of evidence for our model. These data are now in Figure 7F.

      Furthermore, to our understanding, in this model, the translation of the staufen mRNA would be critical for the switching motors between dynein and kinesin-1. In this sense, staufen mRNA translation is either suppressed in the nurse cells or only activated in the oocytes. I think the authors should at least address this point in the discussion.

      This is another excellent suggestion. We have now included in the Discussion (from line 525) the point that Staufen translation may be suppressed during transit to the oocyte or that the protein may be translated en route but only build up to meaningful levels where the RNA is concentrated in the oocyte.

      **Minor points:**

      1)I hope the authors would show the osk mRNA localization in egl mutant in in individual stage 9 egg chambers. I can only find the osk mRNA in egl-RNAi early stage egg chambers (Figure 7E), in which osk mRNA still shows an accumulation in the oocyte, although to a much lesser extent compared to control. In another publication (Sanghavi et al., 2016), it seems that the knockdown of Egl by RNAi causes some retention of osk mRNA in the nurse cells; but there are still noticeable amount of osk mRNA in the oocyte (Figure 3A-B). We wonder whether the authors could quantify the amount of osk mRNA both in the nurse cells and in the oocyte of control and egl-RNAi. Also I wonder whether the authors could comment on fact that some osk mRNA transported into the oocyte. Could it be due to an egl-independent transport mechanism?

      egl null mutants do not reach stage 9 due to a defect in retention of oocyte fate, hence the use of egl RNAi in our study and the one by Sanghavi et al. Whilst we can’t rule out a (minor) Egl-independent mechanism for localizing oskar RNA in the oocyte, to date no other pathway has been implicated in the delivery of this or any other mRNA from the nurse cells. We favor a scenario in which residual oskar accumulation in the oocyte in egl RNAi egg chambers is due to incomplete depletion of Egl protein in the knockdown condition. We have noted this in the relevant figure legend and also clarify that the RNAi is a tool for knockdown in line 383 of the Results section.

      The below plot shows a quantification of oskar mRNA localization in egl and control RNAi egg chambers, which the reviewer was wondering about.

      In the egl RNAi egg-chambers, there is a significant increase in the mean signal intensity of oskar mRNA in the nurse cells, while oskar mRNA levels are substantially reduced in the oocyte, in line with the findings of Sanghavi et al., 2016.

      2)It is always nice to how the average distribution of osk mRNA (e.g., Figure 3, Figure S1, and Figure S3). But we recommend having a representative image of each genotype (a single egg) next to the average distribution. It will help the readers to better appreciate the differences among these genotypes.

      This suggestion was also made by Reviewer 1. We have added representative images to Figure 3 and moved the images depicting average distributions to the supplement (Fig S4). We have also improved the legend and labeling for Fig S4.

      3)The figure legends are overall hard to read and sometimes impossible to get information about the experiments (for example, Figure 4 legend). Can the authors improve their figure legends making them reader-friendly?

      We have edited the legends to make them clearer, including an extensive reworking of those for Figure 4. We thank the reviewer for encouraging us to do this.

      4)For moderate overexpression, the authors used P{matα4-GAL-VP16} (FBtp0009293). However, there are two different transgenic lines associated with FBtp0009293 (V2H and V37), which have slightly different expression levels. The authors should specify which line they used in the experiments.

      The matTub-Gal4 transgene we used in our study is inserted in the 2nd chromosome. We now mention this in the Methods section (line 567). We received this line from another lab many years ago, with no additional information provided.

      5) On page 13 "PCR on egg-chambers co-expressing Egl-GFP and either staufen RNAi or a control RNAi (white) in the germline (Fig 3G)", it should be Figure 4G.

      We apologize for this mistake, which has now been fixed.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      see above

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Some additional experimental evidence is needed to solidify the conclusions and provide definitive support for this model, as discussed below.

      Biochemical experiments using UV crosslinking and GFP immunoprecipitation followed by quantitative PCR were performed to show that Staufen antagonizes the association of Egl with oskar mRNA in vivo. -The authors need to show the quantitative analysis, which was not present in the figure, specifically the effects of Staufen RNAi compared to control.

      These quantitative data, which are key for our model, were shown in the original submission (Fig 4G in the original and revised manuscript). We mistakenly called out the panel as 3G in the original submission. We apologize for this error, which has now been dealt with.

      Is the ability of Staufen to antagonize and displace Egl dependent on Staufen binding to Oscar RNA? Will a Staufen mutant that can't bind to RNA also displace Egl? Alternatively, the mechanism may be independent of RNA binding and perhaps due to protein-protein interactions.

      While the details of how Staufen displaces Egl are certainly an interesting topic for future research, we consider that addressing this goes well beyond the scope of this study, which already covers a lot of ground. Staufen contains four double stranded RNA-binding domains, and deleting or mutating all of these domains is likely to interfere with overall folding of Staufen, thus confounding the interpretation of the results.

      As an alternative approach to elucidating RNA-dependent vs RNA-independent roles of Staufen, we have now assessed the effect of the protein on in vitro motility of dynein-dynactin complexes formed in the presence of a constitutively active truncation of mammalian BicD2 (BicD2N). We find that Staufen partially inhibits motility of these ‘DDB’ complexes but not to the extent seen with the full length BicD in the presence of Egl and RNA (new Fig 2H, I and S3). As stated in the manuscript (lines 187-188) these data suggest that Staufen inhibits both the activation of dynein-dynactin motility by BicD proteins, as well as stimulation of this event by Egl and RNA. We believe these experiments provide significant new insight into Staufen’s function. This finding is also incorporated into a new section of the Discussion dealing with potential roles of Staufen in addition to displacing Egl from RNPs.

      A key question addressed is how does Staufen play a role in directing Oscar RNA localization to the posterior pole. The spatiotemporal control of Staufen at stage 9 seems to be a critical step. A number of experiments are performed to show that Staufen RNA enters the oocyte and accumulates to anterior pole through a process dependent on Egl (Fig. 7).

      -Definitive evidence is needed to show the role of 3'UTR of Stau and Egl binding. As it stands now, no evidence is presented to prove that delivery of staufen RNA via Egl, rather than dumping of Staufen protein into oocytes is the necessary trigger for the switch. It is well known that Staufen protein is also transported through ring canals to deliver Staufen into oocytes. There is no need to invoke an additional mechanism of Egl mediated staufen mRNA delivery. A key experiment is to perturb the Egl interaction with staufen 3'UTR and show this is a necessary component to impact oscar. Related to this comment, they should first perform biochemistry IP and PCR to demonstrate association of Egl with staufen RNA, and then somehow perturb this interaction to assess effects on oscar RNA localization. For example, is the 3'UTR of staufen RNA necessary for this mechanism? What if staufen RNA was ectopically localized in some inappropriate manner, for example localized to posterior pole? Would this prevent the switch of oscar RNA to move to posterior pole? The key question is: is it necessary that translation of Stau be coupled to Egl in order to drive the switch.

      Mapping of the Egl-binding site in stau mRNA is a major undertaking requiring the production and evaluation of multiple new transgenic fly lines. We feel that this would constitute an entirely new study. Moreover, multiple lines of evidence already support a functional interaction between Egl and stau mRNA, notably the presence of Egl on stau RNPs (previously Fig. 7I, now Fig. 7F), the strongly impaired accumulation of stau mRNA in the oocyte of egl RNAi egg chambers, and the ability of Egl overexpression to reposition a subset of the stau mRNA population at the anterior cortex.

      We have now performed new experiments and analyses to test the alternative hypothesis that Staufen protein is transported into the oocyte in the absence of stau mRNA transport. We find that disrupting Egl function with RNAi impairs localisation of both stau mRNA and protein in the proto-oocyte (new Figure 7A-D). As Egl has no known function in protein transport, these data argue against an RNA-independent mechanism for Staufen protein delivery. Moreover, we showed that both stau mRNA and Staufen are enriched in early oocytes lacking oskar mRNA, the main target of Staufen protein in the female germline. This result shows that Staufen protein is not appreciably transported from the nurse cells to the oocyte by hitchhiking on its RNA targets.

      Whilst Mhlanga et al. 2009 did report transport of large GFP-Staufen particles through ring canals, the line used (matTub4>GFP-Staufen from the St Johnston lab, which was also used for our rescue experiments) is known to make protein aggregates which is not the case for the endogenous protein (Zimyanin et al., 2008 and our new Figures 7B and S7E-I) and are therefore likely to be artefactual. Neither we, nor previous studies (Little et al., NCB, 2015), detected endogenous Staufen protein in nurse cells.

      Finally, the reviewer asks if coupling Staufen translation to Egl-mediated enrichment of stau mRNA in the oocyte is important: we showed in the original submission that strong overexpression of GFP-Staufen by Gal4 drivers leads to mislocalization of Staufen in the nurse cells of early egg-chambers, presumably due to saturation of the Egl-based transport machinery. In these egg-chambers, we observed defects in RNA enrichment in the primordial oocyte and defects in oogenesis, consistent with the need to exclude Staufen protein from the nurse cells.

      These findings are now presented in new panels of the updated Figures 7 and S7, with the corresponding section of the manuscript revised accordingly (lines 408-417). We think that altogether these lines of evidence strongly support our model that Egl transports stau mRNA into the developing oocyte and that this process is pivotal for oskar RNA localization.

      **Minor comments**

      "Substantially more oskar mRNA was co-immunoprecipitated with Egl-GFP from extracts of egg-chambers expressing staufen RNAi compared to the control (Fig 3G). -This data is not shown in 3G, but rather only in Fig. S4H which needs quantitative analysis shown.

      This point stems from us calling out the wrong panel in the first submission; this has now been addressed, as described above. We apologize for the error.

      "Addition of recombinant Staufen to the Egl, BicD, dynein and dynactin assembly mix significantly reduced the number of oskar mRNA transport events (Fig. 2A and B)."

      -In Fig. 2A, the Y axis shows velocity not number of transport events

      Fig 2A is a kymograph that is representative of the overall effect, where the Y-axis represents time. The reviewer may be referring to Fig 2B but this shows the frequency of processive oskar RNA movements (expressed as ‘number / micron / minute’), not velocity (micron/minute).

      Fig. 3. - This is very unclear figure as to what is being shown. More details are needed to explain the figure, and add arrows to help reader note what is being described.

      We have changed this figure to show representative images of individual egg chambers, as requested by the other two reviewers. The original Fig 3 is now moved to the Supplement as Fig S4. We have added arrows to the figure to indicate the anterior mislocalization of oskar mRNA and edited the legend for clarity.

      Staufen may also be required for the efficient release of the mRNA from the anterior cortex. This may reflect a role of Staufen in the coupling of the mRNA to the kinesin-dependent posterior transport pathway. This could be discussed as another aspect of the inhibition of dynein and handoff to kinesin.

      This is an interesting idea but it does not fit with our observation that Staufen depletion does not alter the association of oskar RNPs with kinesin-1 (originally Fig. 1C, now Fig. 1D). We do, however, now include in the Discussion a section on other ways, in addition to promoting Egl disassociation, that Staufen might orchestrate oskar mRNA transport.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This elegant manuscript by Gaspar et al provides new insight into the spatiotemporal regulation of Staufen mediated localization of oscar mRNA to the posterior pole in Drosophila oocytes. Here the authors demonstrate the competitive displacement of the RNA binding protein Egalitarian, which antagonizes dynein dependent localization at the anterior pole. This work done in this well characterized model of mRNA localization in Drosophila oocytes has broader implications for how the bidirectional transport of mRNAs is regulated in other polarized and highly differentiated cells, where very little is know about how mRNA transport direction might be regulated by opposing activities of kinesin and dynein motors. The strengths of this study are the integration of microscopy, biochemisty and genetic mutants to provide very nice experimental support for the two major aspects to the proposed model: 1) the competition between Staufen and Egl on oscar RNA which affects localization, 2) evidence for Egl mediated localization of staufen RNA into the oocyte as a key trigger for competitive displacement to bias localization of oscar RNA via kinesin. However, some additional experimental evidence is needed to solidify the conclusions and provide definitive support for this model, as discussed in other section.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Some additional experimental evidence is needed to solidify the conclusions and provide definitive support for this model, as discussed below.

      Biochemical experiments using UV crosslinking and GFP immunoprecipitation followed by quantitative PCR were performed to show that Staufen antagonizes the association of Egl with oskar mRNA in vivo. -The authors need to show the quantitative analysis, which was not present in the figure, specifically the effects of Staufen RNAi compared to control.

      Is the ability of Staufen to antagonize and displace Egl dependent on Staufen binding to Oscar RNA? Will a Staufen mutant that can't bind to RNA also displace Egl? Alternatively, the mechanism may be independent of RNA binding and perhaps due to protein-protein interactions.

      A key question addressed is how does Staufen play a role in directing Oscar RNA localization to the posterior pole. The spatiotemporal control of Staufen at stage 9 seems to be a critical step. A number of experiments are performed to show that Staufen RNA enters the oocyte and accumulates to anterior pole through a process dependent on Egl (Fig. 7). -Definitive evidence is needed to show the role of 3'UTR of Stau and Egl binding. As it stands now, no evidence is presented to prove that delivery of staufen RNA via Egl, rather than dumping of Staufen protein into oocytes is the necessary trigger for the switch. It is well known that Staufen protein is also transported through ring canals to deliver Staufen into oocytes. There is no need to invoke an additional mechanism of Egl mediated staufen mRNA delivery. A key experiment is to perturb the Egl interaction with staufen 3'UTR and show this is a necessary component to impact oscar. Related to this comment, they should first perform biochemistry IP and PCR to demonstrate association of Egl with staufen RNA, and then somehow perturb this interaction to assess effects on oscar RNA localization. For example, is the 3'UTR of staufen RNA necessary for this mechanism? What if staufen RNA was ectopically localized in some inappropriate manner, for example localized to posterior pole? Would this prevent the switch of oscar RNA to move to posterior pole? The key question is: is it necessary that translation of Stau be coupled to Egl in order to drive the switch.

      Minor comments

      "Substantially more oskar mRNA was co-immunoprecipitated with Egl-GFP f rom extracts of egg-chambers expressing staufen RNAi compared t o t he control (Fig 3G). -This data is not shown in 3G, but rather only in Fig. S4H which needs quantitative analysis shown.

      "Addition of recombinant Staufen to the Egl, BicD, dynein and dynactin assembly mix significantly reduced the number of oskar mRNA transport events (Fig. 2A and B)."

      -In Fig. 2A, the Y axis shows velocity not number of transport events

      Fig. 3. - This is very unclear figure as to what is being shown. More details are needed to explain the figure, and add arrows to help reader note what is being described.

      Staufen may also be required for the efficient release of the mRNA from the anterior cortex. This may reflect a role of Staufen in the coupling of the mRNA to the kinesin-dependent posterior transport pathway. This could be discussed as another aspect of the inhibition of dynein and handoff to kinesin.


      This elegant manuscript by Gaspar et al provides new insight into the spatiotemporal regulation of Staufen mediated localization of oscar mRNA to the posterior pole in Drosophila oocytes. Here the authors demonstrate the competitive displacement of the RNA binding protein Egalitarian, which antagonizes dynein dependent localization at the anterior pole. This work done in this well characterized model of mRNA localization in Drosophila oocytes has broader implications for how the bidirectional transport of mRNAs is regulated in other polarized and highly differentiated cells, where very little is know about how mRNA transport direction might be regulated by opposing activities of kinesin and dynein motors. The strengths of this study are the integration of microscopy, biochemisty and genetic mutants to provide very nice experimental support for the two major aspects to the proposed model: 1) the competition between Staufen and Egl on oscar RNA which affects localization, 2) evidence for Egl mediated localization of staufen RNA into the oocyte as a key trigger for competitive displacement to bias localization of oscar RNA via kinesin. However, some additional experimental evidence is needed to solidify the conclusions and provide definitive support for this model, as discussed in other section.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Gáspár et al. investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying the switching of motors for osk mRNA transport in the Drosophila ovary: from dynein in the nurse cells to kinesin-1 in the oocyte. They demonstrated that it requires two RNA-binding proteins, Egalitarian (Egl) and Staufen (Stau) to achieve the posterior localization of osk mRNA in the oocyte. Their data show that Egl is responsible for the stau mRNA transport into the oocyte, while Stau protein inhibits Egl-dependent dynein transport in the oocyte. Thus, they proposed a feed-forward mechanism in which Egl transports mRNA encoding its own antagonist Stau into the oocyte and thus achieves the switch of the osk mRNA transport from dynein to kinesin-1.

      The antagonistic interaction between Egl and Staufen is well documented both in vitro and in vivo. All the results are carefully analyzed, but the data presentation is not reader-friendly. Overall, our main concern is about the role of Staufen in osk mRNA transport.

      Here are specific points:

      (1)According to the model, lack of Stau should result in failure of displacing Egl from the RNP complex and thus more dynein-driven transport in the oocyte. However, the increase of minus-end run length in stau-RNAi is very small (Figure 1E). It makes us wonder whether Stau is not a dominant inhibitor of Egl/dynein transport of osk RNPs. On the other hand, the speed increase of minus-end run in stau-RNAi is more dramatic than the run length (Figure 1D-1E). Does it mean that in stau-RNAi dynein-driven osk transport has a shorter duration of run? Additionally, in Figure 1D, there is a statistically-significant increase of plus-end-directed transport velocity in stau-RNAi. While the author did mention that in the results "analysis of the speed and length of oskar RNP runs in ooplasmic extracts indicated that Khc activity was not compromised upon staufen knock-down", it does not explain the increased velocity towards the plus-end.

      (2)What happened to osk mRNP transport in nurse cells with Staufen overexpression? The authors briefly mentioned that "GFP-Staufen overexpression has no major effect on the localization of oskar (Fig S1F-I)" on page 10. This is quite puzzling, as the authors propose that Staufen antagonized the Egl/dynein-driven transport. If the model holds true, we would expect to see that overexpression of Staufen causes less osk transport in nurse cells and thus less osk accumulated in the oocyte. Can the authors examine the osk mRNP transport in nurse cells in control and in GFP-Staufen overexpressing mutant and quantify the total amount of osk mRNA in the oocyte in control and after GFP-Staufen overexpression?

      (3)Is osk mRNP transport in the nurse cells affected by stau-RNAi? The authors showed the Khc association with oskar mRNPs in the nurse cells in Figure 1C. We hope they could quantify the velocity and run length of the osk mRNP particles in nurse cells and compare control with stau-RNAi.

      (4)The kymograms of in vitro motility assays (Figure 2A and Figure S2) clearly showed two different moving populations, fast and slow. Did the authors include both types of events in their quantifications? What are the N numbers for each quantification? What do the dots mean in Figure 2B-2G? Does each dot represent a single track in the kymograph? If so, we believe that the sample sizes are too small for in vitro motility assay.

      (5)The in vitro motility assay showed that Staufen impairs dynein-driven transport of osk 5'-UTR (Figure 2). Based on these data, it is unclear whether the effect of Staufen is osk mRNA-dependent or Egl-dependent. We suggest performing the motility assay in the absence of osk 5'-UTR and Egl. Dynein, dynactin, and BicD should be sufficient to constitute the processive dynein complex in vitro. The addition of Staufen to the dynein complex will help to understand whether Staufen could directly affect dynein activity. We bring up this point because we noticed that the Staufen displacement of Egl in osk RNPs does not alter the amount of dynein complex associated (Figure 6), implying that Staufen inactivates dynein activity on the RNP complex, independently of Egl-driven dynein recruitment.

      (6)In Figure 4, it is hard to see any colocalization between GFP and osk mRNA. And the authors compared overexpressed Egl-GFP (driven by mat atub-Gal4 in mid-oogenesis) with Staufen-GFP under its endogenous promoter. An endogenous promoter-driven Egl-GFP would be much more appropriate for the comparison.

      (7)In a recent publication (Mohr et al., 2021), a different model was proposed, in which Egl mediates transport, and Staufen facilitates the dissociation from the transport machinery for posterior anchoring. Although the authors referred to their paper in the discussion, they should acknowledge the differences and try to reconcile it (at least in the discussion).

      (8)In the feed-forward model, Egl is required for the staufen mRNA transport from the nurse cells to the oocyte. Are Egl-GFP dots colocalized with staufen mRNAs in the nurse cells? Furthermore, to our understanding, in this model, the translation of the staufen mRNA would be critical for the switching motors between dynein and kinesin-1. In this sense, staufen mRNA translation is either suppressed in the nurse cells or only activated in the oocytes. I think the authors should at least address this point in the discussion.

      Minor points:

      1)I hope the authors would show the osk mRNA localization in egl mutant in in individual stage 9 egg chambers. I can only find the osk mRNA in egl-RNAi early stage egg chambers (Figure 7E), in which osk mRNA still shows an accumulation in the oocyte, although to a much lesser extent compared to control. In another publication (Sanghavi et al., 2016), it seems that the knockdown of Egl by RNAi causes some retention of osk mRNA in the nurse cells; but there are still noticeable amount of osk mRNA in the oocyte (Figure 3A-B). We wonder whether the authors could quantify the amount of osk mRNA both in the nurse cells and in the oocyte of control and egl-RNAi. Also I wonder whether the authors could comment on fact that some osk mRNA transported into the oocyte. Could it be due to an egl-independent transport mechanism?

      2)It is always nice to how the average distribution of osk mRNA (e.g., Figure 3, Figure S1, and Figure S3). But we recommend having a representative image of each genotype (a single egg) next to the average distribution. It will help the readers to better appreciate the differences among these genotypes.

      3)The figure legends are overall hard to read and sometimes impossible to get information about the experiments (for example, Figure 4 legend). Can the authors improve their figure legends making them reader-friendly?

      4)For moderate overexpression, the authors used P{matα4-GAL-VP16} (FBtp0009293). However, there are two different transgenic lines associated with FBtp0009293 (V2H and V37), which have slightly different expression levels. The authors should specify which line they used in the experiments.

      5)On page 13 "PCR on egg-chambers co-expressing Egl-GFP and either staufen RNAi or a control RNAi (white) in the germline (Fig 3G)", it should be Figure 4G.


      see above

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      It is well established that localization of oskar (osk) RNA in the Drosophila ovary proceeds in multiple steps. The first step depends upon dynein and results in delivery of osk into the oocyte. The second step involves kinesin-driven transport of osk to the oocyte posterior pole. The manuscript by Gáspár et al brings together several lines of evidence that support an antagonistic relationship with respect to motor binding between two osk-interacting proteins, Egalitarian (Egl) and Staufen (Stau). As staufen RNA and protein accumulate in the oocyte, Egl dissociates from osk, down-regulating dynein and enabling the second stage of osk transport to begin.

      Major comments:

      In general the experimental results support the conclusions drawn, and the paper includes a strong mix of in vitro and in vivo approaches. Nevertheless I have a few concerns.

      (1)In Fig 1D it is apparent that stau KD increases the speed of both plus-end and minus-end runs to a highly significant degree, not just minus-end runs. The stimulating effect of loss of Stau on speed of plus-end runs is not mentioned in the text, and it perhaps muddies the argument that Stau is simply a negative regulator of dynein-dependent minus-end directed transport. This result needs to be explicitly discussed in the text.

      (2)I recognize the importance of quantitative imaging to rigorously measure small differences in localization patterns. Nevertheless I find the data in Fig 3 extremely difficult to interpret. Presumably there is standard deviation everywhere there is green signal, but the magenta signal that corresponds to SD is not visible in most places that are green. I suggest adding to Fig 3 a single representative image for each genotype to illustrate each localization pattern, as well as a much clearer explanation of the quantitative imaging data. Perhaps the quantitative images could be moved to a supplemental figure.

      Minor comments:

      (1)Color/density scales should be added to Figs 1A and S1A, otherwise the yellow/white signal at the posterior could be interpreted as something other than high abundance.

      (2)In Fig 4A and 4C, I find it odd to have different halves of images photographed under different intensity settings and would prefer duplicate whole images.

      (3)The references to Fig 3G on page 13 should be corrected to Fig 4G.


      The paper represents a substantial advance over existing knowledge and it extends our understanding about how RNAs can shuttle between different motor proteins to achieve a localized pattern. However, the Mohr et al 2021 PLoS Genetics paper covers some of the same ground. As that paper has now been published for several months, I believe a revised version of this paper should discuss that other work more prominently, making it apparent where the two studies concur and where this study extends the conclusions of the other one. If there are any contradictions between the two, those should be made explicit as well.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Response to Reviewer Comments

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      In developing systems, morphogens gradients pattern tissues such that cells along the patterning length sense varying levels of the morphogen. This process has a low positional error even in the presence of biological noise in numerous tissues including the early embryo of the Drosophila melanogaster. The authors of this manuscript developed a mathematical model to test the effect of noise and mean cell diameter on gradient variability and the positional error they convey.

      They solved the 1D reaction-diffusion equation for N cells with diameters and kinetic parameters sampled from a physiologically relevant mean and coefficient of variation (CV). They fit the resulting morphogen gradients to a hyperbolic cosine profile and determined the decay length (DL) and amplitude (A) for a thousand independent runs and reported the CV in DL and A.

      The authors found that CV in DL and A increases with increase in mean cell diameter. They propose a mathematical relationship between CV in DL scales as an inverse-square-root of N. Whereas the CV in DL and A is a weak function of CV of cell surface area (CVa) if CVa __They further looked at the shift in readout boundaries and compared four different readout metrics: spatial averaging, centroid readout, random readout and readout along the length of the cilium. Their results show that spatial averaging and centroid have a high readout precision.

      They finally showed that the positional error (PE) increases along the patterning length of the tissue and increases with increasing mean cell diameter.

      The authors also supported their theoretical and simulated results by looking at mean cell areas reported for in patterning tissues in literature which also have a higher readout precision with smaller cell diameters.

      Major comments:

      Most of the key conclusions are convincing. However, there are four major points that should be addressed. First, the authors conclude the section titled, "The positional error scales with the square root of the average cell diameter," by saying that morphogen systems with small cells can have high precision in absolute length scales, but not on the scale of one cell diameter. They state this would result in salt and pepper patterns in the transition zones. The authors should either support this with biological examples or explain why this is not observed experimentally.

      We thank the referee for pointing out this imprecise comment, which we have removed. The exact nature of transition zones between patterning domains is a subject of ongoing research in our group, and goes beyond the scope of the present work. We will be sharing our results on this aspect in a separate forthcoming publication.

      Second, perhaps the main conclusion of the paper is that morphogen gradients pattern best when the average cell diameter is small. The authors support this by reviewing the apical cell area of epithelial systems that are known to be patterned by morphogens and those that are not (presumably taking apical cell area as a proxy for cell diameter). However, the key parameter is not absolute cell diameter, but the cell diameter relative to the morphogen length scale. The authors should report the ratio of these two quantities in their literature analysis.

      Since cell areas and cell diameters are monotonically increasing functions of one another for reasonably regular cell shapes, we indeed consider apical cell areas as proxies for the cell diameter, as the referee correctly noted. Cell areas are more frequently reported in the literature than cell diameters, which is why we compiled these in our analysis.We have now revised our analysis of the effect of the cell diameter on patterning precision to further length scales relevant in the patterning process. We show by example of the Drosophila wing disc how the parallel changes in cell diameter and morphogen source size compensate for the increase in gradient length and domain size, which would otherwise reduce patterning precision over time as the readout positions shift away from the source to maintain the same relative position in the growing wing disc.

      Lamentably, accurate measurements of morphogen gradients in epithelial tissues are still rare. In fact, among the listed tissues that are patterned by gradients, we are only aware of measurements of the SHH and BMP gradients in the mouse NT (lambda = 20 µm) and of the Dpp gradients in the Drosophila wing and eye discs [Wartlick, et al., Science, 2011 & Wartlick et al., Development, 2014]. We agree that it would be great if experimental groups would measure this in more tissues. In this revised and extended analysis, we show that the positional error increases with the cell diameter in absolute terms, not only relative to any reference length, be it the gradient length or cell diameter.

      Third, as part of their literature analysis, the authors state that in the Drosophila syncytium, there are morphogen gradients, but they imply that because these gradients operate prior to cellularization, one cannot use the large distances between nuclei as counter evidence to their main conclusion. Rather than simply dismissing the case of the Drosophila syncytium, the authors should explain why this case does not apply, using reasoning based on their model assumptions.

      Our paper is concerned with patterning of epithelia (which we now make clearer in the manuscript), and we would not want to stretch our paper to other tissue types, as the reaction-diffusion process in them differs. But we do not share the referee’s sentiment that the syncytium would present a counter-example. Since our model explicitly represents kinetic variability between spatial regions bounded by cell membranes, which are absent in the syncytium, our model is not directly applicable to it. We now provide this argument in the discussion, as requested by the referee.

      At 100 µm [Gregor et al., Cell, 2007], the Bicoid gradient is 5 times longer than the SHH/BMP gradients in the mouse neural tube and more than 10 times the reported length of the WNT gradient in the Drosophila wing disc [Kicheva et al., Science, 2007]. The nuclei become smaller as they divide because the anterior-posterior length of the Drosophila embryo remains about 500 µm [Gregor et al., Cell, 2007], but even at the earliest patterning stage their diameter will not be larger than 10 µm at midinterphase 12 [Gregor et al., Cell, 2007, Fig. 3A].

      Fourth, related to the above: the authors then state that there are no morphogen gradients known during cellularization. Unless I am misunderstanding their point, this is untrue. The Dpp gradient acts during the process of cellularization and specifies at least three distinct spatial domains of gene expression. Furthermore, not long after gastrulation, EGFR signaling patterns the ventral ectoderm into at least two distinct domains of gene expression. What are the cell areas in that case?

      Unfortunately, the referee does not provide literature references, and we were not able to find anything in the literature ourselves. We have now rephrased the statement to “we are not aware of morphogen gradient readout during cellularisation”.

      Minor comments:

      Figs 1cd:

      The way the system is set-up: (DL = 20 micron, Patterning Length (LP) = 250 micron, Nominal cell diameter (D) = 5 micron) the DL/L ~ 0.08 which makes the exponential profile far to a small value around 100 micron. This means in all these simulations, the LP was only around 100 micron, cells beyond that saw nearly zero concentration.

      Because of this, when diameters were varied from 0.2 - 40 micron, there could be as few as 2.5 cells in the "patterning region" which could be responsible for higher variability in DL and A.

      Patterning in the neural tube works across several 100 µm. At x=100µm, there is still exp(-5)=0.0067 of the signal left, which likely well translates into appreciable numbers of the morphogen molecule (see [Vetter & Iber, 2022] for a discussion of concentration ranges cells might sense). Unfortunately, very little is known about absolute morphogen numbers in the different patterning systems — experimental data is available only on relative scales, not in absolute nu mbers. While more quantitative experiments are still outstanding, modeling work needs to be based on reasonable assumptions. The seemingly quick decay of exponential profiles (when plotted on a linear scale) can be deceiving. In fact, exponential profiles describe the same fold-change over repeated equal distances, which makes them biologically very useful for different readout mechanisms operating on different levels of morphogen abundance. Our simulations are not limited to a patterning length of 100µm. Our work merely shows that variable exponential gradients stay precise over a long distance. We draw no conclusion on whether cells are able to interpret the low morphogen concentrations that arise far in the patterning domain - this aspect certainly deserves further research.

      The referee’s observation is correct in that for a cell diameter of up to 40 µm, there are only few cells in the patterning domain (namely down to about six, for a length of 250µm, as used in the simulations). It is also correct that this is the reason why gradients in such a tissue have greater variability in lambda and C0. This is precisely the main point we are making in this study: The narrower the cells in a tissue of given size, the less variable the morphogen gradients, and the more accurate the positional information they carry. Conversely, the wider the cells in x direction, the more variable the gradients.

      Would any of the results change if DL/L was higher, around 0.2?

      As we consider steady state gradients, nothing changes if we fix the (mean) gradient decay length and only shorten the patterning domain, except for a small boundary effect at the far end of the tissue due to zero-flux conditions applied there. At a fixed gradient length, the steady-state gradients just extend further if DL/L is increased (for example to 0.2), reaching lower concentrations, but the shape remains unchanged, and so does the morphogen concentration at a given absolute readout position.

      To demonstrate what happens at DL/L = 0.2, as requested by the referee, we repeated simulations with an increased gradient decay length of DL=50 micrometers; the length of the patterning domain remained unchanged at L=250 micrometers. As it is not possible to include image files in this response, we have made the plots available at https://git.bsse.ethz.ch/iber/Publications/2022_adelmann_vetter_cell_size/-/blob/main/revision_increased_dl.pdf for the time of the reviewing process. The plots show the resulting gradient variability, which is analogous to Fig 1c,d in the original manuscript. For both gradient parameters, we still recover the identical scaling laws.

      The source region is 25 microns in length and all cell diameters above 25 micron get defaulted back to 25 micron which explains the flatness lines in the region beyond mu_delta/mu_DL> 1

      Thanks for pointing this out. We now mention this in the manuscript. Note that it’s the ratio mu_delta/L_s that matters, not mu_delta/mu_lambda. It just so happens in this case, that both are nearly equal, because L_s=5*mu_lambda/4 in our simulations.


      Pg 2 (bottom left): In the git repository code, the morphogen gradients are fit to a hyperbolic cosines function (described in reference 19) which is not described in the main text. Having this in the main text would help readers understand why fig 1c has variation in d only, D only and all k parameters whereas fig 1d has variation with all individual parameters p, d and D and all k.

      The reason why the impact of CV_p alone on CV_lambda is not plotted in Fig 1c is that it is minuscule. We now mention this in the figure legend. This follows from the fact that the gradient length lambda is determined in the patterning domain, whereas the production rate p sets the morphogen concentration in the source domain, and thus, the gradient amplitude, but not its characteristic length. This is unrelated to the functional form used to fit the shape of the gradients, be it exponential or a hyperbolic cosine. We mention that we fit hyperbolic cosines to the numerical gradients in section Gradient parameter extraction in the Methods section, and we refer the interested reader to the original reference [Vetter & Iber, 2022], which contains all mathematical details, should they be needed.

      Figure 3b:

      In figures where markers are overlapping perhaps the authors can use a "dot" to identify one set of simulations and a "o" to identify the ones under it. The way the plots are set up currently makes it hard for the reader to understand where certain points on the plot are.

      We use a color code to represent the readout strategy and different symbols to represent the cell diameter in Fig 3b. We agree that for the smallest of the cell diameters, the diamond-shaped data points lie so close that they are not easy to tell apart at first sight. For this reason, we chose different symbol sizes. We would like to keep the symbols as they are to maintain visual consistency with the other figures, which we think is an important feature of our presentation that facilitates the interpretation. Note that all our figures are vector graphics, which allow the reader to zoom in arbitrarily deep, and to easily distinguish the data points. Note also that in this particular case, telling the data points apart is not necessary; recognizing that they are nearly identical is sufficient for the interpretation of our results.


      The Methods can be more descriptive to include certain aspects of the simulations such as adjusted lambda which is only described in the code and not the main text or supplementary.

      We apologize for this omitted detail. As shown in Fig. 8g in [Vetter & Iber, 2022], the mean fitted value of lambda drifts away from the prescribed value, depending on which of the kinetic parameters are varied, and by how much. To report the true observed mean gradient length in our results, we corrected for this drift in our implementation, as the referee correctly noticed. We now describe this in the methods section, and we have extended the methods also on other aspects.

      Git code:

      The git code function handles do not represent figure numbers and should be updated to make it easier for readers to find the right code

      Thank you for pointing this out — it was an oversight from an earlier preprint version. The function names now correspond to the figure numbers.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      This manuscript contributes certain key aspects to the patterning domain. The three most important contributions of this work to the current literature are: (1) the scaling relationships developed here are important, (2) the idea that PE increases at the tail-end of the morphogen profile is nicely shown and (3) Comparison of various readout strategies.

      Thank you for the positive assessment.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      How morphogen gradients yield to precise patterning outputs is an important problem in developmental biology. In this manuscript, Adelmann et al. study the impact of cell size in the precision of morphogen gradients and use a theoretical framework to show that positional error is proportional to the square root of cell diameter, suggesting that the smaller the cells in a patterning field, the more precise patterns can be established against morphogen gradient variability. This result remains true even when cells average the morphogen signal across their surface or spatial correlations between cells are introduced. Thus, the authors suggest that epithelial tissues patterned by morphogen gradients buffer morphogen variability by reducing apical cell areas and support their hypothesis by examining several experimental examples of gradient-based vs. non-gradient-based patterning systems.

      Major comments:

      While the idea that smaller cells yield to more precise morphogen gradient outputs is attractive, it is unclear whether patterning systems use this strategy to make patterns more precise, as there are several mechanisms that could achieve precision. Do actual developmental systems use it as a mechanism to increase precision? Or precision is achieved through other mechanisms (for example, cell sorting as in the zebrafish neural tube; Xiong et al. Cell, 2013). Indeed, classical patterning work on Drosophila embryo suggest that segmentation patterns are of an absolute size rather by an absolute number of cells (Sullivan, Nature, 1987). According to the authors, the patterning stripes should be more precise when embryos have higher cell densities than in the wild-type, but stripes are remarkably precise in wild-type embryos. This is likely due to other precision-ensuring mechanisms (such as downstream transcriptional repressors, in this case).

      We want to emphasize that our predictions concern the precision of the gradients, not the precision of their readout, which can be strongly affected by readout noise, as we will show in a forthcoming paper. Cell sorting can sharpen boundaries in the transition zone, but this would not address errors in target domain sizes and is thus different from gradient precision as we discuss it here. Also, cell sorting as observed in the zebrafish neural tube requires higher cell motility than what is observed in most epithelial tissues. The work by Sullivan, Nature, 1987, is concerned with patterning of the early Drosophila embryo, and the stripes are defined already before cellularisation. We are unfortunately not aware of any work that quantified gradient precision at different cell densities in epithelia. This would, of course, be highly interesting data and would indeed put our predictions to a test. We are, to the best of our knowledge, the first to propose this principle with the present work. We have now made these points and distinctions clearer in the revised manuscript. Thank you for bringing this up.

      Their modeling approach is based on exponential gradients formed by diffusion and linear degradation, but in reality, actual morphogen gradients are affected by receptor and proteoglycan binding and are likely not simply exponential and/or interpreted at the steady state. Do the main results of the manuscript hold even for non-exponential gradients or before they reach a steady state?

      We can confirm that our results also hold for non-exponential gradients, as they emerge for example when morphogen degradation is self-enhanced (i.e., non-linear). This result will be published in a follow-up study [BioRxiv: 10.1101/2022.11.04.514993], which we now cite in the concluding remarks in the revised manuscript.

      The analysis of pre-steady-state gradients lies outside of the scope of the present work, and so the question as to whether our results are applicable to them as well, remains to be answered in future research. We have added a comment on this to the discussion.

      In their Discussion section, the authors note that several patterning systems, such as the Drosophila wing and eye discs, show smaller cells near the morphogen source relative to other regions in the tissue. This observation suggests a prediction of the authors' hypothesis that can be tested experimentally. In the Drosophila wing and eye discs genetic mosaics of ectopic morphogen sources (such as Dpp) can (and have) been made. Therefore, one could predict that the patterning outputs in a region of larger cross-sectional areas will be more imprecise than in the endogenous source. Since this is a theoretical paper, it is understandable that authors are not going to make this experiment themselves, but I wonder if they can use published data to test this prediction or at least mention it in the manuscript to offer the experimental biology reader an idea of how their hypothesis can be tested experimentally.

      We appreciate that the referee would like to help us inspire the experimental community. Unfortunately, the problem with the proposal is that Dpp has been shown to result in a lengthening of the cells (and thus a smaller cell width) [Widmann & Dahman, J Cell Sci, 2009]. The Dpp gradient thus ensures a small cell width close to its source, which makes it virtually impossible to test this proposal experimentally in the suggested way. Nevertheless, we have added brief comments on potential experimental testing of our predictions to the discussion.

      Other comments:

      The Methods section should be expanded and should include more details about how authors consider cell size in their simulations. As presented, I believe that experimental biologists will not be able to grasp how the analysis was done.

      We have expanded on the technical details of our model in the methods section, in particular in relation to the cell size, as requested. To avoid being overly redundant with existing published descriptions of the modeling details [Vetter & Iber, 2022], we focus here on a description of what has not been covered already, and refer the interested reader to our previous publication. It is inevitable for any kind of work, be it theoretical or experimental, to be less accessible to experts in other disciplines, but we believe that the presentation of our results is independent enough of modeling aspects to be accessible to experimental biologists, too.

      Authors use adjectives such as 'little' as 'small' without a comparative reference. For example in the abstract, the authors say that apical areas "are indeed small in developmental tissues." What does "small" mean? This should be avoided throughout the text.

      We thank the referee for raising this point. Where appropriate, we changed the phrasing accordingly to clarify what the comparative reference is. We leave all sentences unchanged where the statement holds in absolute terms. Note that in the substantially revised analysis on the impact of the different length scales involved in the patterning process, we now explicitly show with simulation data and theory that the absolute positional error increases with increasing absolute cell diameter.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Overall, I believe that the manuscript is well written and deserves consideration for publication. However, authors should consider the points outlined above in order to make their manuscript more accessible and relevant to the developmental biology community.

      Thank you for the positive assessment.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In their mansucript "Impact of cell size on morphogen gradient precision" the authors Adelmann, Vetter and Iber numerically analyse a one-dimensional PDE-based model of morphogen gradient formation in tissues in which the cell sizes and cell-specific parameters locally affecting the gradient properties are varied according to predefined distributions. They find that the average cell size has the largest impact on the variance of the gradient shape and the read-out precision downstream, while other factors such as details of the readout mechanism have markedly less influence on these properties. In addition they demonstrate that averaging gradient concentrations over typical cell areas induces a shift of the readout position, which however appears to be insignificant (~1% of the cell diameter) for typical parameters.

      Overall this manuscript is in very good shape already and tackles an interesting topic. I still would like the authors to address the comments below before I would recommend any publication. My main criticism pertains to some of the authors' derivations which, as I find, partly do deserve more detail, and to their conclusions about gradient readout precision.

      Thank you for the positive assessment.


      p. 1, left column: The positional error of the readout position does not only depend on the variation of the gradient parameters, as suggested by the first part of the introduction. A very important factor is also the fluctuations due to random arrival of molecules to the promoters that perform the readout due to the limited (and typically low) molecule number. In fact, for positions very distant to the source of the gradient, this noise source is expected to be dominant over gradient shape fluctuations. Importantly, these fluctuations also arise for non-fluctuating, "perfect" gradient inputs if copy numbers of the morphogen molecules are limited (which they always are). This important contribution to the noise is neglected in the work of the authors. This is OK if the purpose is focusing on the origin and influence of the gradient shape fluctuations, but that focus should be clearly highlighted in the introduction, saying explicitly that noise due to diffusive arrival of transcription factors is not taken into account in the given work (see, e.g., Tkacik, Gregor, Bialek, PLoS ONE 3, 2008)

      In the present work, only precision of the gradients, but not the readout itself is studied. We have now mentioned this more explicitly in the introduction. We also acknowledge the fact that the readout itself introduces additional noise into the system. We are currently finishing up work that addresses exactly this subject, which is outside of the scope of the present paper.

      What may have led to misinterpretation of the scope of our work is that we called x_theta the readout position. x_theta defines the location where cells sense (i.e., read out) a certain concentration threshold, and is not meant to be interpreted as the location of a certain readout (a downstream transcription factor) of the morphogen. We have made this distinction clearer in the revised manuscript.

      p.1, right column: Why exactly are the parameters p, d, D assumed to follow a log-normal distribution? Such a distribution has been verified for cell size, but the rationale behind choosing it also for the named parameters should be explained, in particular for D. Why would D depend on local properties of the cell? Which diffusion / transport mechanism precisely is assumed here?

      The motivations for the used log-normal distributions for the kinetic parameters are the following:

      The morphogen production rates, degradation rates and diffusivities must be strictly positive. This rules out a normal distribution. The probability density of near-zero kinetic parameters must vanish quickly, as otherwise no successful patterning can occur. For example, a tiny diffusion coefficient would not enable morphogen transport over biologically useful distances within useful timeframes. This rules out a normal distribution truncated at zero, because very low diffusivities would occur rather frequently for such a distribution. Given the absence of reports on distributions for p, d, D from the literature, we chose a plausible probability distribution that fulfills the above two criteria and possesses just two parameters, such that they are fully defined by a mean value and coefficient of variation. This is given by a lognormal distribution. Our results are largely independent of the exact choice of probability distribution assumed for the kinetic parameters, under the constraints mentioned above. To demonstrate this, we have repeated a set of simulations with a gamma distribution with equal mean and variance as used for the lognormal distribution. Below are some simulation results for a gamma distribution with shape parameters a = 1/CV^2 and inverse scale parameter b = mu*CV^2 with CV = 0.3 as used in the results shown in the paper. As can be appreciated from these plots, the results do not change substantially, and our conclusions still hold. As we believe this information is potentially relevant for the readership of our paper, we have added this result and discussion to the supplement and to the conclusion in the main text.

      We assume extracellular, Fickean morphogen diffusion with effective diffusivity D along the epithelial cells, as specified by Eq. 2. We now state this more explicitly just below Eq. 2 in the revised manuscript. Cell-to-cell variability in the effective diffusivity may arise from effects that alter the effective diffusion path and dynamics along the surface of cells, which we do not model explicitly, but lump into the effective values of D. Such effects may include different diffusion paths (different tortuosities) or transient binding, among others.

      Moreover, is there any relationship between A_i and p_i, d_i and D_i, or are these parameters varied completely independently? If yes, is there a justification for that?

      The parameters are all varied independently, as written in the paragraph below Eq. 2 on the first page (“drawn for each cell independently”). To our knowledge there is no reported evidence for correlations between cell areas, morphogen production rates, degradation rates, or transport rates across epithelia, that we could base our model on. The choice of independent cell parameters therefore represents a plausible model of least assumptions made. Note that we explore the effect of potential spatial correlations in the kinetic parameters between neighboring cells in the section “The effect of spatial correlation”, finding that such correlations, if at all present, are unlikely to significantly alter our results.

      p. 2, right column, section on "Spatial averaging": First of all, how is "averaging" exactly defined here? Do the authors assume that the cells can perfectly integrate over their surface in the dimensions perpendicular to their height? If yes, then this should be briefly mentioned here. Secondly, the shift \Delta x calculated by the authors ultimately seems to trace back to the fact that the cells average over an exponential gradient, whose derivative also is exponential, such that levels further to the anterior from the cell center are higher (on average) than levels to the posterior of it. I suppose, therefore, that a similar calculation for linear gradients would not lead to any shift. If these things are true they deserve being mentioned in this part of the manuscript because they provide an intuitive explanation for the shift. Thirdly, in Fig. 2A the cell sizes seem exaggerated with respect to the gradient length. This seems fine for illustrative purposes, but if it is the case it should be mentioned. Also, I believe that this figure panel would benefit from showing another readout case where the average concentration e.g. in cell 1 maps to its corresponding readout position, in order to show that this process repeats in every cell. Moreover, it could be indicated that in the shown case C_\theta matches the average concentration in cell 2 at the indicated position.

      Spatial averaging is defined as perfect integration along the spatial coordinate over a length of 2r (which can generally be equal to, or smaller than, or larger than one cell diameter) as detailed in the supplementary material. In simulations, we use the trapezoid method for numerical integration to get the average concentration a cell experiences along its surface area perpendicular to their height.

      The reviewer is correct, that the shift is a consequence of averaging over an exponential gradient. The average of an exponential gradient is higher compared to the concentration at the centroid of the cell, thus the small shift. This is mentioned e.g. in the caption of Fig. S1, but also in the main text (“spatial averaging of an exponential gradient results in a higher average concentration than centroid readout”). We have now added this information also to the caption of Fig. 2. As pointed out correctly by the referee, linear gradients would not result in such a shift. A brief comment on this has been added to the revised manuscript.

      We now mention that the cell size is exaggerated in comparison to the gradient decay length for illustration purposes in the schematic of Fig. 2a, as requested.

      Unfortunately, we had a hard time following the reviewer’s final point. We show a specific readout threshold concentration, C_theta, in Fig. 2a. A cell determines its fate based on whether its sensed (possibly averaged) concentration is greater or smaller than C_theta. In the illustration, cells 1 and 2 sense a concentration greater than C_theta, and all further cells sense a concentration smaller than C_theta. Cell fate boundaries necessarily develop at cell boundaries (here; between cells 2 and 3, red). Additionally, the readout position for a continuous domain, where morphogen sensing can occur at an arbitrary point along the patterning axis, is shown (blue). This position can be different from the one restricted to cell borders. Thus, different readout positions in the patterning domain result from the two scenarios, which is what the schematic illustrates. Given that our illustration seems to go well with the other referees, we are unsure in what way it could be improved.

      As for the significance of the magnitude of the shift for typical parameters as calculated by the authors: I believe that it could be said more explicitly and clearly that under biological conditions the calculated shift overall seems insignificant, as it amounts to a small fraction of the cell diameter.

      We have made this more explicit in the text.

      Finally, and most importantly: The term "spatial averaging" can have a different meaning in developmental biology than the one employed by the authors. While the authors mean by it that individual cells average the gradient concentration over their area, in other works "spatial averaging" typically means that individual cells sense "their" gradient value (by whatever mechanism) and then exchange molecules activated by it, which encode the read-out gradient value downstream, between neighboring cells, in order to average out the gradient values "measured" under noisy conditions. The noise reduction effect of such spatial averaging can be very significant, as evidenced by this (incomplete) list of works which the authors can refer to:

      - Erdmann, Howard, ten Wolde, PRL 103, 2009

      - Sokolowski & Tkacik, PRE 91, 2015

      - Ellison et al., PNAS 113, 2016

      - Mugler, Levchenko, Nemenman, PNAS 113, 2016

      The main point, however, is that this is a different mechanism as the one described by the authors, and this should be clearly mentioned in order to distinguished them. I would therefore also advise the authors to make the section title more precise here, by changing "Spatial averaging barely affects ..." to "Spatial averaging across the cell area barely affects ..." for clarity.

      Most theory development has previously indeed been done with the syncitium of the early Drosophila embryo in mind. However, most patterning in development happens in epithelial (or mesenchymal) tissues, where spatial averaging via translated proteins is not as straightforward and natural as in a syncitium. In fact, a bucket transport of a produced protein from cell to cell would be difficult to arrange (as upon internalization, degradation would have to be prevented), be subject to much molecular noise, and be rather slow. Our paper is concerned with patterning in epithelia, which we have now stated more clearly in the manuscript.

      Regarding the section title: Our analysis does not only cover spatial morphogen averaging over the cell area, but it also includes averaging radii below (in the theory) and far above (in the theory and in the new Fig. 4c, previously 3c) half a cell diameter. With cilia of sufficient length r, epithelial cells could potentially average over spatial regions extending further than their own cell area, without need for inter-cellular molecular exchange between neighboring cells. This is the kind of spatial averaging we explored here. Restricting the section title to the cell area only would therefore be misleading. However, we agree with the referee that the distinction between different meanings of “spatial averaging” is important, and we now emphasize our interpretation and the scope of our work more in the revised text.

      p. 3, Figure 3: It would be good to highlight the fact that the colours in panel A correspond to the bullet colors in the other panels also in the main text.

      We now added this also in the main text.

      As to the comparison of different readout strategies: How exactly were the different readout mechanisms compared on the mathematical side? More precisely: How was the readout by the whole area matched (in terms of fluxes) to the readout at a single point, be it in the center of the cell or a randomly chosen point? How was it ensured that the comparison is done at equal footing?

      Our model considers that a cell can sense a single concentration even if it is exposed to a gradient of concentrations. Assuming the French flag model is correct, a cell must make a binary decision based on a sensed concentration in order to determine its fate. The different readout strategies are hypothetical and simplified mechanisms for how a cell could, in principle, detect a local morphogen signal. It is unclear to us what the referee is referring to when mentioning “matching in terms of fluxes”, as there are no fluxes involved in the modeled readout strategies. We make no assumption on the underlying biochemical mechanism that would allow cells to implement one of the strategies. The main goal of this analysis was to determine whether various different sensing strategies had a significant effect on the precision of morphogen gradients experienced by cells. To assure that we can compare the different mechanisms at equal footing, we simulated gradients and then calculated from each gradient the readout concentration in each cell and for each of the methods.

      p. 3, right column: "... similar gradient variabilities, and thus readout precision": Linking to comment 1 above, this is strictly speaking only the case when the only source of fluctuations in the readout is the gradient fluctuations. I would therefore leave this statement out.

      To avoid confusion, we have removed parts of the sentence. Thank you for pointing this out.

      p. 3, section on positional error (right column): In this part I had most troubles following the thoughts of the authors.

      First of all, the measure that the authors use for the positional error is sigma_x / mu_lambda, i.e. the standard deviation of the readout position relative to the gradient length. The question is whether this is the correct measure. It should be specified what the motivation for normalizing by mu_lambda is. In the end, one could argue, what the cells really do care about would be that the developmental process can assign cell fates with single cell precision, for which the other measure shown in Eq. (6) is the representative one. Now in contrast to the former measure, the latter actually increases with decreasing cell diameter.

      We thank the referee for raising this point, and acknowledge that we have not presented this aspect well enough. We have rewritten the entire section and the discussion about biological implications. Instead of normalizing with a constant mean gradient length in the formulas and figures, which has left room for misinterpretation, we now instead varied all relevant length scales in the patterning system, to determine the impact of each of them independently on the positional error. We now show that the positional error increases (to leading order) proportionally to the mean gradient length, the square root of the cell diameter, the square root of the location in the patterned tissue, and inversely proportional to the length of the source domain. We support these new aspects with new simulation data (Fig. 2E-2H, Fig. 3D-G, Fig. S5, Fig. S6). As the positional error is now reported in absolute terms, rather than relative to a particular length scale, the question of the relevant scale is addressed. We now show that the absolute positional error increases with increasing absolute cell diameter.

      We believe that this extension provides additional important insight into what affects the patterning precision. We thank the referee very much for motivating us to expand our analysis.

      Secondly, even when the former measure (sigma_x / mu_lambda) is employed, Fig. 3(D) shows that while it decreases with decreasing cell diameters, in the regime of small diameters the std. dev. of the readout position becomes larger than the average cell diameter, which actually would mean that cell fates cannot be assigned with single-cell precision. While the authors later report both quantities for specific gradients, it should be clarified beforehand which of the measures is the relevant one.

      This has now been addressed by considering absolute length scales as discussed at length in our answer to the previous point.

      Moreover, in the following derivations, mu_x is not properly introduced. What exactly is the definition of that quantity? Is it the mean readout position? If yes, it is not clear why exactly it would be interesting and relevant to the cell. This should be properly explained in a way that does not require the reader to look up further details in another publication.

      The referee is correct in that mu_x is the mean readout position. We apologize for not being clear enough on this, and have now defined this in the introduction together with the definition of sigma_x.

      At the end of this section the authors come back to the sigma_x / mu_delta measure again and indeed point out that it increases with decreasing mu_delta, which causes a bit of confusion because the initial part of the section only talks about the increase of the pos. error with mu_delta. Overall I find that this section should be rewritten more clearly. Right now it leaves the reader with the "take home message" that small cells are good because they lead to smaller pos. error, but when the--in my opinion--relevant measure (sigma_x/mu_delta) is employed the opposite is the case. This is confusing and unclear about the authors' intentions in that part.

      See the answer above. The “take-home message” is now reformulated in absolute terms regarding the effect of cell diameter, rather than relative to a certain choice of reference scale. Our new analysis revealed a new relative ratio that determines the positional error, mu_lambda/L_s. We now discuss this relative measure also regarding its biological significance. Once again, we thank the referee for pointing us at this source of confusion, the elimination of which allowed us to improve our analysis.

      __Finally, the authors could also supplement the numbers that they name for the FGF8 and SHH gradients by the known numbers for the Bcd gradient in Drosophila, which has been studied excessively and constitutes a paradigm of developmental biology. Here mu_delta ~= 6.5 um, while mu_lambda ~= 100 um, such that mu_delta/mu_lambda While we appreciate that most theoretical work has been done for syncytia, this paper is concerned with patterning of epithelia, which have different patterning constraints, as also explained in a reply further above. We now make the scope of our work clearer in the revised manuscript. But as the referee points out, the diameter of the nucleus relative to the gradient length is such that gradients can be expected to be sufficiently precise.

      p. 4, section on the effect of spatial correlation: Here the authors chose to order the kinetic parameters in ascending or descending order. Is there any biological motivation for that particular choice? Other types of correlations seem possible, e.g. imposing the rule that successive parameter values are sampled starting from the previous value, p_i+1 = o_i +- delta_i+1 where delta_i+1 are random numbers with a defined variance.

      In the simulations we go from zero correlation (every cell has independent kinetic parameters) to maximal correlation (every cell has the same parameters, resulting effectively in a patterning domain that consists of a single effective “cell”), see Fig. S3. Biologically plausible correlations in between these extremes should retain the same kinetic variability levels (same CVs) which we took from the measured range reported in the literature. We accomplish this by ordering the parameters after independently sampling the parameters for each cell from probability distributions with the desired CV. The motivation for this approach is that this produces a type of maximal correlation that still reflects the measured biological cell-to-cell variability, to demonstrate in Fig. S3, that even such a maximal degree of spatial correlation does not qualitatively alter our results. The kind of correlation that the referee suggests introduces a spatial correlation length that lies in between the extremes that we simulated. Since even for maximal correlation using the ordering approach, we find our conclusions to still apply, we have no reason to expect that intermediate levels of correlation would behave any differently.

      The idea brought forward by the referee effectively introduces a correlation length scale. We discuss this case in the paper, noting that the positional error will scale as x~N , where N is the number of cells sharing the same kinetic parameters. A correlation length scale will be proportional to N and will therefore simply uniformly scale the positional error accordingly, but will likely not reveal any new insight beyond that.

      Moreover, using the idea of the referee as an additional way to introduce correlation is difficult to realise in practice, as we need to recover the mean and variance of the kinetic parameters, while ensuring strict positivity for each of them. A simple random walk, as proposed, would not lend itself easily to achieve this without introducing a bias in the distribution, because negative values need to be prevented. As explained in a reply further above, an important feature of the kinetic parameters is that they are not too small to prevent the formation of a meaningful gradient, which is not straightforward to ensure with the proposed method.

      We acknowledge that there are different types of correlations conceivable, but we expect these correlations to lie between the two extremes that we present in the paper, which show no qualitative difference in the results.

      p.5, Discussion: "..., but with nuclei much wider than the average cell diameter". To be honest, I could not completely imagine what is meant with this sentence. Intuitively, it seems that the nuclei cannot be larger than the cells, but I suppose that some kind of special anisotropy is considered here? In any case, this should be made precise.

      The main tissues that are patterned by gradients are epithelia. Our paper focuses on such tissues. It is a well-known feature of pseudostratified epithelia that nuclei are on average wider than the cell width averaged over the apical-basis axis. Nature solves this problem by stacking nuclei above each other along the apical-basal axis, resulting in a single-layered tissue that appears to be a multi-layered stratified tissue when only looking at nuclei. For a schematic illustration of this, see Fig. 1 in [DOI: 10.1016/j.gde.2022.101916]. An image search for “pseudostratified epithelia” on Google yields a plethora of microscopy images. Right at the end of the quote recited by the referee, we also cite our own study [Gomez et al, 2021], which quantifies this in Fig. 5.

      Moreover, I find that the conclusion that morphogen gradients "provide precise positional information even far away from the morphogen source" goes to far based on the authors' work, precisely for the fact input fluctuations due to limited morphogen copy number, which can become detrimentally low far away from the source, are not considered, neither the timescales needed to both establish and sample such low concentrations far away from the source. While thus, according to the work of the authors, the fluctuations in the morphogen signal may be favorably small, these other factors are supposed to exert a strong limit on positional information. This conclusion therefore seems unjustified and should be toned down, or even better taken out and replaced by a more accurate one, which only focuses on the gradient shape fluctuations, not on the conveyed positional information.

      There is no evidence so far that morphogen gradient concentrations become too low to be sensed by epithelial cells, to the best of our knowledge. What we show is that the gradient variability between embryos remains low enough that precise patterning remains possible. Whether the morphogen concentration remains high enough to be read out reliably by cells is a subject that requires future research. Genetic evidence from the mouse neural tube demonstrates that the SHH gradient is still sensed at a distance beyond 15 lambda (SHH signalling represses PAX7 expression at the dorsal end of the neural tube) [Dessaud et al., Nature, 2007], where an exponential concentration has dropped more than 3-million-fold.

      As the referee correctly recites, we state that “morphogen gradients remain highly accurate over very long distances, providing precise positional information even far away from the morphogen source”. This statement is restricted to the positional information that the gradients convey, and does not touch potentially precision-enhancing or -deteriorating readout effects, nor does it concern the absolute number of morphogen molecules.

      Positional information goes through several steps. The gradients themselves convey a first level of positional information, by being variable in patterning direction, as quantified by the positional error. This is what we draw our conclusion about. This positional information from the gradients can then be translated into positional information further downstream, by specific readout mechanisms, inter-cellular processes, temporal averaging, etc. About these further levels of positional information, we make no statement.

      We therefore disagree that our conclusion is unjustified. In fact, we have phrased it exactly having the limited scope of our study in mind, making sure that we restrict the conclusion to the gradients themselves.


      - p. 1: "and find that positional accuracy is the higher, the narrower the cells".

      (This sentence, however, should be anyhow revised in view of major comment 5 above.)

      We have added “the”.

      - p. 4: "... with an even slightly smaller prefactor."

      We have removed “even”.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      I believe that this work is significant to the community working on the theoretical foundations of morphogen gradient precision in developmental systems. The main interesting findings are that small cell diameters lead to smaller positional error (although the relevant measure should be clarified according to my comment no. 5), and that the gradient shape fluctuations are surprisingly robust with respect to the readout mechanism.

      Its limitations consist of the fact that the impact of small copy numbers on the readout and associated timescales are neglected, such that the findings of the authors on gradient robustness cannot be simply transferred by simple conversion formulas to readout robustness / positional information. Comment 5 goes hand in hand with this, as a different conclusion may emerge depending on how the relevant positional error measure is defined. This should be fixed by the authors as indicated in the main part of the report.

      Thank you for your assessment.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In their mansucript "Impact of cell size on morphogen gradient precision" the authors Adelmann, Vetter and Iber numerically analyse a one-dimensional PDE-based model of morphogen gradient formation in tissues in which the cell sizes and cell-specific parameters locally affecting the gradient properties are varied according to predefined distributions. They find that the average cell size has the largest impact on the variance of the gradient shape and the read-out precision downstream, while other factors such as details of the readout mechanism have markedly less influence on these properties. In addition they demonstrate that averaging gradient concentrations over typical cell areas induces a shift of the readout position, which however appears to be insignificant (~1% of the cell diameter) for typical parameters.

      Overall this manuscript is in very good shape already and tackles an interesting topic. I still would like the authors to address the comments below before I would recommend any publication. My main criticism pertains to some of the authors' derivations which, as I find, partly do deserve more detail, and to their conclusions about gradient readout precision.


      1 - p. 1, left column: The positional error of the readout position does not only depend on the variation of the gradient parameters, as suggested by the first part of the introduction. A very important factor is also the fluctuations due to random arrival of molecules to the promoters that perform the readout due to the limited (and typically low) molecule number. In fact, for positions very distant to the source of the gradient, this noise source is expected to be dominant over gradient shape fluctuations. Importantly, these fluctuations also arise for non-fluctuating, "perfect" gradient inputs if copy numbers of the morphogen molecules are limited (which they always are). This important contribution to the noise is neglected in the work of the authors. This is OK if the purpose is focusing on the origin and influence of the gradient shape fluctuations, but that focus should be clearly highlighted in the introduction, saying explicitly that noise due to diffusive arrival of transcription factors is not taken into account in the given work (see, e.g., Tkacik, Gregor, Bialek, PLoS ONE 3, 2008)

      2 - p.1, right column: Why exactly are the parameters p, d, D assumed to follow a log-normal distribution? Such distribution has been verified for cell size, but the rationale behind choosing it also for the named parameters should be explained, in particular for D. Why would D depend on local properties of the cell? Which diffusion / transport mechanism precisely is assumed here?

      Moreover, is there any relationship between A_i and p_i, d_i and D_i, or are these parameters varied completely independently? If yes, is there a justification for that?

      3 - p. 2, right column, section on "Spatial averaging": First of all, how is "averaging" exactly defined here? Do the authors assume that the cells can perfectly integrate over their surface in the dimensions perpendicular to their height? If yes, then this should be briefly mentioned here. Secondly, the shift \Delta x calculated by the authors ultimately seems to trace back to the fact that the cells average over an exponential gradient, whose derivative also is exponential, such that levels further to the anterior from the cell center are higher (on average) than levels to the posterior of it. I suppose, therefore, that a similar calculation for linear gradients would not lead to any shift. If these things are true they deserve being mentioned in this part of the manuscript because they provide an intuitive explanation for the shift. Thirdly, in Fig. 2A the cell sizes seem exaggerated with respect to the gradient length. This seems fine for illustrative purposes, but if it is the case it should be mentioned. Also, I believe that this figure panel would benefit from showing another readout case where the average concentration e.g. in cell 1 maps to its corresponding readout position, in order to show that this process repeats in every cell. Moreover, it could be indicated that in the shown case C_\theta matches the average concentration in cell 2 at the indicated position.

      As for the significance of the magnitude of the shift for typical parameters as calculated by the authors: I believe that it could be said more explicitly and clearly that under biological conditions the calculated shift overall seems insignificant, as it amounts to a small fraction of the cell diameter.

      Finally, and most importantly: The term "spatial averaging" can have a different meaning in developmental biology than the one employed by the authors. While the authors mean by it that individual cells average the gradient concentration over their area, in other works "spatial averaging" typically means that individual cells sense "their" gradient value (by whatever mechanism) and then exchange molecules activated by it, which encode the read-out gradient value downstream, between neighboring cells, in order to average out the gradient values "measured" under noisy conditions. The noise reduction effect of such spatial averaging can be very significant, as evidenced by this (incomplete) list of works which the authors can refer to:

      • Erdmann, Howard, ten Wolde, PRL 103, 2009
      • Sokolowski & Tkacik, PRE 91, 2015
      • Ellison et al., PNAS 113, 2016
      • Mugler, Levchenko, Nemenman, PNAS 113, 2016

      The main point, however, is that this is a different mechanism as the one described by the authors, and this should be clearly mentioned in order to distinguished them. I would therefore also advise the authors to make the section title more precise here, by changing "Spatial averaging barely affects ..." to "Spatial averaging across the cell area barely affects ..." for clarity.

      4 - p. 3, Figure 3: It would be good to highlight the fact that the colours in panel A correspond to the bullet colors in the other panels also in the main text.

      As to the comparison of different readout strategies: How exactly were the different readout mechanisms compared on the mathematical side? More precisely: How was the readout by the whole area matched (in terms of fluxes) to the readout at a single point, be it in the center of the cell or a ranomly chosen point? How was it ensured that the comparison is done at equal footing?

      p. 3, right column: "... similar gradient variabilities, and thus readout precision": Linking to comment 1 above, this is strictly speaking only the case when the only source of fluctuations in the readout is the gradient fluctuations. I would therefore leave this statement out.

      5 - p. 3, section on positional error (right column): In this part I had most troubles following the thoughts of the authors.

      First of all, the measure that the authors use for the positional error is sigma_x / mu_lambda, i.e. the standard deviation of the readout position relative to the gradient length. The question is whether this is the correct measure. It should be specified what the motivation for normalizing by mu_lambda is. In the end, one could argue, what the cells really do care about would be that the developmental process can assign cell fates with single cell precision, for which the other measure shown in Eq. (6) is the representative one. Now in contrast to the former measure, the latter actually increases with decreasing cell diameter.

      Secondly, even when the former measure (sigma_x / mu_lambda) is employed, Fig. 3(D) shows that while it decreases with decreasing cell diameters, in the regime of small diameters the std. dev. of the readout position becomes larger than the average cell diameter, which actually would mean that cell fates cannot be assigned with single-cell precision. While the authors later report both quantities for specific gradients, it should be clarified beforehand which of the measures is the relevant one.

      Moreover, in the following derivations, mu_x is not properly introduced. What exactly is the definition of that quantity? Is it the mean readout position? If yes, it is not clear why exactly it would be interesting and relevant to the cell. This should be properly explained in a way that does not require the reader to look up further details in another publication.

      At the end of this section the authors come back to the sigma_x / mu_delta measure again and indeed point out that it increases with decreasing mu_delta, which causes a bit of confusion because the initial part of the section only talks about the increase of the pos. error with mu_delta. Overall I find that this section should be rewritten more clearly. Right now it leaves the reader with the "take home message" that small cells are good because they lead to smaller pos. error, but when the--in my opinion--relevant measure (sigma_x/mu_delta) is employed the opposite is the case. This is confusing and unclear about the authors' intentions in that part.

      Finally, the authors could also supplement the numbers that they name for the FGF8 and SHH gradients by the known numbers for the Bcd gradient in Drosophila, which has been studied excessively and constitutes a paradigm of developmental biology. Here mu_delta ~= 6.5 um, while mu_lambda ~= 100 um, such that mu_delta/mu_lambda < 1/15, which defines yet another regime than the other two gradients. It would be interesting to compare their respective numbers altogether, and also discuss the ones for Drosophila in view of the fact that in experiments sigma_x ~= mu_delta for this species.

      6 - p. 4, section on the effect of spatial correlation: Here the authors chose to order the kinetic parameters in ascending or descending order. Is there any biological motivation for that particular choice? Other types of correlations seem possible, e.g. imposing the rule that successive parameter values are sampled starting from the previous value, p_i+1 = o_i +- delta_i+1 where delta_i+1 are random numbers with a defined variance.

      7 - p.5, Discussion: "..., but with nuclei much wider than the average cell diameter". To be honest, I could not completely imagine what is meant with this sentence. Intuitively, it seems that the nuclei cannot be larger than the cells, but I suppose that some kind of special anisotropy is considered here? In any case, this should be made precise.

      Moreover, I find that the conclusion that morphogen gradients "provide precise positional information even far away from the morphogen source" goes to far based on the authors' work, precisely for the fact input fluctuations due to limited morphogen copy number, which can become detrimentally low far away from the source, are not considered, neither the timescales needed to both establish and sample such low concentrations far away from the source. While thus, according to the work of the authors, the fluctuations in the morphogen signal may be favorably small, these other factors are supposed to exert a strong limit on positional information. This conclusion therefore seems unjustified and should be toned down, or even better taken out and replaced by a more accurate one, which only focuses on the gradient shape fluctuations, not on the conveyed positional information.


      • p. 1: "and find that positional accuracy is the higher, the narrower the cells".

      (This sentence, however, should be anyhow revised in view of major comment 5 above.)

      • p. 4: "... with an even slightly smaller prefactor."


      I believe that this work is significant to the community working on the theoretical foundations of morphogen gradient precision in developmental systems. The main interesting findings are that small cell diameters lead to smaller positional error (although the relevant measure should be clarified according to my comment no. 5), and that the gradient shape fluctuations are surprisingly robust with respect to the readout mechanism.

      Its limitations consist of the fact that the impact of small copy numbers on the readout and associated timescales are neglected, such that the findings of the authors on gradient robustness cannot be simply transferred by simple conversion formulas to readout robustness / positional information. Comment 5 goes hand in hand with this, as a different conclusion may emerge depending on how the relevant positional error measure is defined. This should be fixed by the authors as indicated in the main part of the report.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      How morphogen gradients yield to precise patterning outputs is an important problem in developmental biology. In this manuscript, Adelmann et al. study the impact of cell size in the precision of morphogen gradients and use a theoretical framework to show that positional error is proportional to the square root of cell diameter, suggesting that the smaller the cells in a patterning field, the more precise patterns can be established against morphogen gradient variability. This result remains true even when cells average the morphogen signal across their surface or spatial correlations between cells are introduced. Thus, the authors suggest that epithelial tissues patterned by morphogen gradients buffer morphogen variability by reducing apical cell areas and support their hypothesis by examining several experimental examples of gradient-based vs. non-gradient-based patterning systems.

      Major comments:

      1. While the idea that smaller cells yield to more precise morphogen gradient outputs is attractive, it is unclear whether patterning systems use this strategy to make patterns more precise, as there are several mechanisms that could achieve precision. Do actual developmental systems use it as a mechanism to increase precision? Or precision is achieved through other mechanisms (for example, cell sorting as in the zebrafish neural tube; Xiong et al. Cell, 2013). Indeed, classical patterning work on Drosophila embryo suggest that segmentation patterns are of an absolute size rather by an absolute number of cells (Sullivan, Nature, 1987). According to the authors, the patterning stripes should be more precise when embryos have higher cell densities than in the wild-type, but stripes are remarkably precise in wild-type embryos. This is likely due to other precision-ensuring mechanisms (such as downstream transcriptional repressors, in this case).

      2. Their modeling approach is based on exponential gradients formed by diffusion and linear degradation, but in reality, actual morphogen gradients are affected by receptor and proteoglycan binding and are likely not simply exponential and/or interpreted at the steady state. Do the main results of the manuscript hold even for non-exponential gradients or before they reach a steady state?

      3. In their Discussion section, the authors note that several patterning systems, such as the Drosophila wing and eye discs, show smaller cells near the morphogen source relative to other regions in the tissue. This observation suggests a prediction of the authors' hypothesis that can be tested experimentally. In the Drosophila wing and eye discs genetic mosaics of ectopic morphogen sources (such as Dpp) can (and have) been made. Therefore, one could predict that the patterning outputs in a region of larger cross-sectional areas will be more imprecise than in the endogenous source. Since this is a theoretical paper, it is understandable that authors are not going to make this experiment themselves, but I wonder if they can use published data to test this prediction or at least mention it in the manuscript to offer the experimental biology reader an idea of how their hypothesis can be tested experimentally.

      Other comments:

      • The Methods section should be expanded and should include more details about how authors consider cell size in their simulations. As presented, I believe that experimental biologists will not be able to grasp how the analysis was done.

      • Authors use adjectives such as 'little' as 'small' without a comparative reference. For example in the abstract, the authors say that apical areas "are indeed small in developmental tissues." What does "small" mean? This should be avoided throughout the text.


      Overall, I believe that the manuscript is well written and deserves consideration for publication. However, authors should consider the points outlined above in order to make their manuscript more accessible and relevant to the developmental biology community.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      • In developing systems, morphogens gradients pattern tissues such that cells along the patterning length sense varying levels of the morphogen. This process has a low positional error even in the presence of biological noise in numerous tissues including the early embryo of the Drosophila melanogaster. The authors of this manuscript developed a mathematical model to test the effect of noise and mean cell diameter on gradient variability and the positional error they convey.

      • They solved the 1D reaction-diffusion equation for N cells with diameters and kinetic parameters sampled from a physiologically relevant mean and coefficient of variation (CV). They fit the resulting morphogen gradients to a hyperbolic cosine profile and determined the decay length (DL) and amplitude (A) for a thousand independent runs and reported the CV in DL and A.

      • The authors found that CV in DL and A increases with increase in mean cell diameter. They propose a mathematical relationship between CV in DL scales as an inverse-square-root of N. Whereas the CV in DL and A is a weak function of CV of cell surface area (CVa) if CVa < 1.

      • They further looked at the shift in readout boundaries and compared four different readout metrics: spatial averaging, centroid readout, random readout and readout along the length of the cilium. Their results show that spatial averaging and centroid have a high readout precision.

      • They finally showed that the positional error (PE) increases along the patterning length of the tissue and increases with increasing mean cell diameter.

      • The authors also supported their theoretical and simulated results by looking at mean cell areas reported for in patterning tissues in literature which also have a higher readout precision with smaller cell diameters.

      Major comments:

      • Most of the key conclusions are convincing. However, there are four major points that should be addressed. First, the authors conclude the section titled, "The positional error scales with the square root of the average cell diameter," by saying that morphogen systems with small cells can have high precision in absolute length scales, but not on the scale of one cell diameter. They state this would result in salt and pepper patterns in the transition zones. The authors should either support this with biological examples or explain why this is not observed experimentally.

      • Second, perhaps the main conclusion of the paper is that morphogen gradients pattern best when the average cell diameter is small. The authors support this by reviewing the apical cell area of epithelial systems that are known to be patterned by morphogens and those that are not (presumably taking apical cell area as a proxy for cell diameter). However, the key parameter is not absolute cell diameter, but the cell diameter relative to the morphogen length scale. The authors should report the ratio of these two quantities in their literature analysis.

      • Third, as part of their literature analysis, the authors state that in the Drosophila syncytium, there are morphogen gradients, but they imply that because these gradients operate prior to cellularization, one cannot use the large distances between nuclei as counter evidence to their main conclusion. Rather than simply dismissing the case of the Drosophila syncytium, the authors should explain why this case does not apply, using reasoning based on their model assumptions.

      • Fourth, related to the above: the authors then state that there are no morphogen gradients known during cellularization. Unless I am misunderstanding their point, this is untrue. The Dpp gradient acts during the process of cellularization and specifies at least three distinct spatial domains of gene expression. Furthermore, not long after gastrulation, EGFR signaling patterns the ventral ectoderm into at least two distinct domains of gene expression. What are the cell areas in that case?

      Minor comments:

      • Figs 1cd:

      The way the system is set-up: (DL = 20 micron, Patterning Length (LP) = 250 micron, Nominal cell diameter (D) = 5 micron) the DL/L ~ 0.08 which makes the exponential profile far to a small value around 100 micron. This means in all these simulations, the LP was only around 100 micron, cells beyond that saw nearly zero concentration. Because of this, when diameters were varied from 0.2 - 40 micron, there could be as few as 2.5 cells in the "patterning region" which could be responsible for higher variability in DL and A.

      Would any of the results change if DL/L was higher, around 0.2?

      The source region is 25 microns in length and all cell diameters above 25 micron get defaulted back to 25 micron which explains the flatness lines in the region beyond mu_delta/mu_DL> 1


      Pg 2 (bottom left): In the git repository code, the morphogen gradients are fit to a hyperbolic cosines function (described in reference 19) which is not described in the main text. Having this in the main text would help readers understand why fig 1c has variation in d only, D only and all k parameters whereas fig 1d has variation with all individual parameters p, d and D and all k.

      • Figure 3b:

      In figures where markers are overlapping perhaps the authors can use a "dot" to identify one set of simulations and a "o" to identify the ones under it. The way the plots are set up currently makes it hard for the reader to understand where certain points on the plot are.


      The Methods can be more descriptive to include certain aspects of the simulations such as adjusted lambda which is only described in the code and not the main text or supplementary.

      Git code:

      The git code function handles do not represent figure numbers and should be updated to make it easier for readers to find the right code


      This manuscript contributes certain key aspects to the patterning domain. The three most important contributions of this work to the current literature are: (1) the scaling relationships developed here are important, (2) the idea that PE increases at the tail-end of the morphogen profile is nicely shown and (3) Comparison of various readout strategies.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Summary:<br /> The Authors report on the synthesis and characterization of a class of small molecules, the tanshinone mimics (TMs), which interfere with binding of the RNA binding protein (RBP) HuR to its mRNA targets. HuR is an important regulator of mRNA stability and translation of genes involved in key homeostatic (cell cycle, stress response) and pathologic process (inflammation, carcinogenesis). In particular, the first part of the study describes the compounds' chemical synthesis and some pharmacokinetic parameters (i.e., definition of molecular binding, solubility, bioavailability, prodrug generation etc). The second part undertakes, in in vitro and ex-vivo model of LPS-induced mouse macrophage activation, the identification of HuR-bound mRNA targets, which is then evaluated within the global LPS-induced transcriptome; finally, the study evaluates the ability of TMs to inhibit HuR-mediated proinflammatory gene regulation, indicating their use and potential value as therapeutic anti-inflammatory strategy.<br /> Major comments:<br /> The manuscript contains a wealth of data generated from different experimental systems, spanning from synthetic chemistry to preclinical models of gene regulation, requiring cultural backgrounds in chemistry and biology as well. The key conclusions are well supported by the data, but it takes a great effort to get to the core results and thus critically read and evaluate their interpretation. Although the complexity and sheer size of data sets generated lends itself to a hard read, this is further complicated by data presentation, which especially in the second part needs to be significantly improved to gain clarity and focus. For ease of referral, specific comments will be addressed related to Figures whenever possible.<br /> 1.1 • Page 15: To measure TM7nox disrupting ability of HuR:mRNA complex for the HTRF assay (Figure 2G) and for biotin pull down assay (Figure 5C), it was chosen a biotinylated probe containing the AU rich elements of the TNFα, as known HuR target. Please comment on the rationale, and whether could it be relevant reevaluate these parameters post-hoc, based on the sequences identified in HuR targets more susceptible of modulation by TM compound (listed in table 1, Figure 5 A/B) and based on the absence of regulation of TNFa (Figures 3D, 4D, 7A) found in the tested systems.

      R1.1 - We thank the reviewer for this observation. We have been using the biotinylated probe containing the AU-rich elements of TNFα as a representative probe for HuR for biochemical assays in several articles (PMID: 29313684, PMID: 26553968, PMID: 23951323). As the reviewer suggests, a posteriori, it is worth reevaluating the representative probe to be used for evaluating the disrupting ability of TMs based on the data we present here. Indeed, we will tackle this problem in our following efforts, as it is a meaningful although time-consuming task which is outside of the scope of this manuscript.

      1.2 • Page 16-18: Description of the RNAseq data shown in Figure 3 should be more centered around the main findings regarding the effect of TMnox that are further pursued in the study: that is, (Figure 3B), the 249 downregulated DEGs found modulated by TM7nox in presence of LPS, where was observed a strong enrichment of categories related to the inflammatory response: cytokines (Il1b, Cxcl10, Il10, Il19, Il33), immune cell chemotaxis (Ccl12, Ccl22, Ccl17, Ccl6) and innate immune response.

      The description of the GO for the remaining data should be shortened to main points, perhaps reporting what described in the results with each section of the Venn in a table, while referring to the whole list in the supplements as already done. This could replace Figures 3D, E which do not add substantially to what provided in the supplementary table 2 and to which they can be added as further visualization.

      R1.2 - We thank the reviewer for this suggestion, accordingly, we simplified the text keeping only the description of the genes modulated by TM7nox during LPS treatment. The other information originally there was moved to Supplementary table 2. Revised figures 3E and 3F now focus only on the 249 downregulated genes of this group.

      1.3 • Page 18-19: Description of the results of the RIP-seq shown in Figure 4 set is very confusing: onward from the line "477 HuR-bound transcripts (log2 FC > 3) were also upregulated by LPS at the transcriptional level..." the numbers do not match or reconcile with those shown in the Venn diagram (Fig. 4B) nor with those listed in the figure legend of Figure S8.

      R1.3 - We agree with the reviewer, we apologize for having reported the wrong numbers, and we clarified this point in general by deeply revising the text. A more precise explanation of the selection procedure for the genes of interest is now reported and better explained also by adding a scheme (Fig 4D in the revised manuscript).

      1.4 Moreover, as previously remarked for Figure 3 (and even more for this dataset in which initial description of Venn in 4B is unclear), panel 4E does not add as much to the info provided in Table 1/supplementary Table 1, where they can eventually be added as further data visualization; Instead, Figure S8 displays very informative data merging together the results obtained in RNAseq (Fig. 3) and RIP-Seq (Fig.4) and should be displayed in Figure 4, as in the result section they are indeed presented together.

      R1.4 - We agree with this remark, thus we have removed the old panels 3E in S8C and 4E in S9B, and we now provide the information previously contained in old S8 in the main figure 4E of the revised manuscript.

      1.5 • Page 19-20: Description of the modulation by TM7nox of HuR binding to specific consensus sequences is summarized at the end of the relative paragraph as follows: "TM7nox reshapes HuR binding to target genes in presence of LPS by disrupting the binding of HuR towards target genes containing a lower number of HuR consensus sequences than the average observed in the HuR-bound transcripts". Understanding of these data through the provided text and the Supplementary Figure 9 is very laborious and referring of an entire dataset to a supplementary figure makes it even harder. It would be best to show this as main figure, not supplemental, either adding a Venn diagram as in 3B/4B showing to which dataset each part of the analysis refers, or even more efficaciously, extrapolate a representative gene set for the main analyses showing TM7nox activity in target genes with higher vs lower consensus sequences; same approach for the analysis in Figure 9B, where the effect on a gene with sequence #1 or #10 could be compared with one bearing sequence #3 for example.

      R1.5 - We agree with the reviewer, thus we moved the information of old S9 in figure 4C of the revised manuscript. We deeply revised the information provided also by taking into account the request to compare this experiment to the one in Lal et al. NAR 2017 (please see also R2.4). We made an effort to identify a subset of genes that follow a coherent modulation, identifying 82 genes highlighted in Supplementary Table 1. All such genes show increased expression during LPS or LPS/TMnox vs DMSO conditions, and decreased association to HuR during LPS/TMnox vs LPS. As 47 of these, i.e. more that 50%, contain less AU rich sequences than the average (highlighted in Supplementary Table 1), we can consider them as a representative gene ensemble modulated in accordance with the presence of AU rich sequences.

      1.6 • Page 21: Description of the effect of three TMs (TM6, TM7nox and TM7nred) on LPS response in macrophages at the single gene level (Figure 5 and Figure 6): TM6 and TM7nox were used in exps in Fig. 5 A and E, while only TM7nred was used for CXCL10 secretion analysis (fig.5 D and F): please describe the compound choices' rationale (as done for experiments in Figure 6).

      R1.6 – Following the reviewer suggestion, we now explain our rationale in choosing the small molecules, that is the use of the ones bearing the active quinone species. We have performed additional experiments, and now we report TM6n, TM7nox, and the control DHTS activity in decreasing the secretion of Cxcl10 (figure 5E in the revised manuscript). All compounds behave similarly in this experiment. TM7nred is now used to show its equivalence to TM7nox in figure 5E and in figure 6 of the revised manuscript.

      1.7 • Page 21-22: The effect on HuR expression of siRNA silencing and, more importantly, of TMs shown in Figure 6A, first panel, should be visualized at protein level by western blot. This is an important point as for CXCL10 and iL1b there seems to be an additive effect between decreased HuR levels and pharmacological blocking.

      R1.7 - Following the reviewer suggestion, we now show the protein level as measured by intracellular Elisa; as we were not able to detect the proteins by western blot. The protein level is in general agreement with the gene expression level. We do not observe an additive effect by pharmacological inhibition during HuR silencing, but we rather observe a slight increase in the protein level during HuR silencing. We do not have an explanation for this effect, which may depend on several reasons - for example, an aspecific effect of the TMs when their molecular target HuR is absent.

      1.8 • Page 24: please rephrase the statement 'These observations suggest the utilization of TMs in autoinflammatory and autoimmune diseases' as 'These observations suggest the evaluation of TMs in specific preclinical models for autoinflammatory and autoimmune diseases'.

      R1.8 - We fully agree with the reviewer, and we changed the text in the revised manuscript accordingly.

      1.9 • In the discussion, please include a paragraph with study limitation and possible biases (for example, the choice of RNP-IP without crosslinking has pros and cons).

      R1.9 – Thank you for the good suggestion, we added a paragraph in the discussion which describes study limitations due to the utilization of RNP-IP vs crosslinking.

      The data and the methods are correctly presented for reproducibility, replicates and statistical analysis are adequate. Minor comments: 1.10 • At least in the single gene validation experiments (Fig.5), a negative control (such as recombinant HuR with mutated RRMs in trans-, or ARE-less/non-HuR targetable sequence in cis, or inactive TM) would be advisable.

      R1.10- We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. Accordingly, we used an ARE-less/non-HuR targetable gene as RPLP0 for validation.

      1.11 • Figure 6B/C: for immunofluorescence panels, zooming on a smaller number of cells will render more visible HuR and NFkB nucleocytoplasmic shuttling, given that quantification and statistics are provided by imaging software. Negative control stainings (secondary Abs only) should be included.

      R1.11 – In accordance with this suggestion, we now report a higher magnification of the immunofluorescence images. We also report the standard DHTS effect, showing a difference vs TMnox activity which may suggest its impact on NFkB shuttling.

      1.12 • Figure 7A: in the X axis LPS+8n is indicated: is it a typo for LPD+6n or was compound TM8n indeed used?

      R1.12 – Thanks for your spotting our mistake, the prodrug 8 described in figure 1 was used.

      1.13 • In the Methods section please include protocols and materials for immunofluorescence (results shown in Fig. 6B/C).

      R1.13 – As for your suggestion, protocols and materials for immunofluorescence were added to the methods.

      1.14 • There are some typos and repetition in figure legends (legend Figure S9).

      R1.14- Thank you for this, we revised all the figure legends.

      Prior studies are referenced appropriately. Review Cross-commenting I fully agree with the Reviewer's remarks. I would add that a general concern expressed is that this manuscript in its present form has a readership issue: the first part is for chemistry/pharmacology audience, the second is biology-based. Splitting the work has been suggested; or, the Authors may decide which part is more impactful and present the other in a streamlined version.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      This is a large study reporting progress in the development of synthetic antagonists of HuR function, which is the Authors' well-established line of research. The TM compounds are small molecules with anti-inflammatory effects with strong potential for therapeutic use due to selected inhibition of HuR-mediated upregulation of proinflammatory molecules. The physicochemical and early biological characterization done in this study will allow further testing of their efficacy and of the overall role of HuR-mediated regulation as targetable mechanism in several preclinical human disease models. Targeting of the RNA-binding protein HuR has been tackled as therapeutic approach in cancer, less in chronic immune and inflammatory diseases despite many common mechanisms and mediators. This study could be well received by researchers involved in basic science and drug development (chemistry, biochemistry/biophysics, pharmacology, computational modeling) and biologists/physician scientists interested in testing these compounds in translational research settings where HuR-driven functions can be relevant (cancer, chronic inflammation), though the chemical part would be less accessible to the latter audience. Reviewer's background is in preclinical human models of chronic inflammation with interest in posttranscriptional gene regulation with familiarity with RNAseq and RIPseq dataset and analysis. For the part of the manuscript regarding the synthesis and physicochemical characterization of the TN compound I requested assistance to a faculty from the chemistry department with expertise in that field, who did not request any specific clarification or addendum.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      In the manuscript entitled "HuR modulation with tanshinone mimics impairs LPS response in murine macrophages" the authors have described the synthesis and application of small molecule mimics of the naturally occurring compound tanshinone, which is known to inhibit the binding of the RBP HuR to a class of its mRNA targets. The authors have shown that the tanshinone mimics (TMs) used by them block the binding of RRM1-2 of HuR to ARE-containing RNA in vitro, and reduce the interaction of HuR with a set of ARE-containing mRNAs in LPS-treated mouse macrophage cells. This reduction of interaction of HuR with some of these mRNAs correlates with the reduction in their level in the cells treated with the TMs, and in the secreted level of their proteins in the serum of animals with LPS-induced peritonitis. Together, the study demonstrates the role of these TMs as modulators of the LPS-induced inflammatory response by blocking the binding of HuR to a subset of LPS-induced inflammatory mRNAs and thereby downregulating their mRNA and protein levels in inflammatory cells. The manuscript describes a comprehensive study, ranging from chemical synthesis of TMs, MD simulations to demonstrate the binding site of the TMs to the cleft formed by the RRM1-linker-RRM2 domains of HuR, which has been shown in crystal structure to be the main binding site of A/U-rich RNA molecules, in vitro studies showing the ability of the TMs to hinder ARE-containing RNA binding to HuR RRM1-2, whole transcriptome analysis to show the effect of the TMs on LPS-induced differential gene expression in murine macrophages, and on HuR binding to target mRNAs, and animal studies to show the effect of the TMs on the level of some inflammatory mediators in the serum of mice with LPS-induced peritonitis. The results are quite convincing and is in line with what is generally known about the effect of HuR on the expression of a large number of genes encoding pro-inflammatory proteins, and the ability of tanshinone derivatives/mimics in inhibiting HuR binding to target mRNAs. The authors put these two information together in this study and the results are on expected lines. While the results are convincing and quite comprehensive, I would suggest the following in order to substantiate and strengthen the results: 2.1. The experiments do not have any "positive control", such that the performance of the TMs can be compared with that of a molecule with known HuR binding inhibition activity, such as DHTS. It would be good to have such a comparison, to understand whether the TMs work similar to DHTS or differently, both qualitatively in terms of the mRNA targets which they affect and the extent of their anti-inflammatory activity.

      R2.1- We added DHTS as a comparison to TMs, following the reviewer’s comment. In this model, the net effect of DHTS is partially overlapping with TMs, at least for the parameters that we checked (see Figure 5, 6 and 7), showing some differences in the modulation of NF-kB shuttling upon LPS stimulation. Therefore, we suggest that DHTS and TMs show partially different effects on mRNA targets and in terms of anti-inflammatory activities.

      2.2. It is not clear to me whether the mRNAs which show differential expression in the RNAseq analysis of cells treated with LPS and TMs are exactly the ones which show difference in binding with HuR in the RIPseq analysis in presence of the TMs. This analysis is important for a number of reasons: all the mRNA binding targets of HuR are not affected by HuR at the level of mRNA stability, many are affected at the level of translation, without change in mRNA level. These mRNAs should therefore show change in binding of HuR in the RIPseq assay in presence of TM, but not show change in expression. Secondly, there may be mRNAs which show a change in expression in presence of TMs, but do not show binding of HuR, suggesting pleiotropic roles of the TMs. Therefore, instead of an overall correlation between differential expression and change in HuR binding of mRNAs, a table comparing the RIPseq status of individual mRNAs with that of their differential expression status, in presence and absence of LPS/TMs would be useful, further designating the different groups of mRNAs based on these differential status (change in HuR binding/change in expression, change in HuR binding/no change in expression etc.).

      R2.2 – We tried to rationalize the data following the reviewer’ suggestion, however, we could not fully adopt this strategy due to the complexity of the experiment design. Indeed, we have focused our attention on the effect of TMs during LPS stimulus, which induces a strong transcriptional response, rather than in steady state conditions. This is why we reported the overall correlation of LPS vs DMSO and TM7nox/LPS vs DMSO. Then, we evaluated whether the observed difference in the correlation may be reflected on a change of HuR binding, and we checked the RIPseq status during co-treatment vs LPS. This was the case for a subset of genes that are reported in Supplementary Table 1. Nevertheless, to be fully compliant with the reviewer’s request we now report a Supplementary Table 1 containing the entire gene list, so that the reader can immediately filter out the subsets according only to the comparison TM7nox/LPS vs LPS.

      2.3. Nuclear/cytoplasmic localization of HuR and NFkb is impossible to discern at the magnification of the immunofluorescence images in Fig 6 B and C. Higher magnification images are required to understand changes in localization.

      R2.3 – In accordance with this suggestion, we now report higher magnification, please see also R1.11. We do not observe any change in nuclear/cytoplasmic localization of HuR and NFkb due to TMs treatment. We rather observe LPS-induced NFkB nuclear accumulation, ActD-induced HuR cytoplasmic shuttling and inhibition of NFkB translocation, during LPS and DHTS treatment.

      2.4. It has been shown that DHTS-I increases the binding of HuR to the mRNAs with longer 3'UTR and with higher density of U/AU-rich elements, whereas it reduces the interaction of HuR with the mRNAs having shorter 3'UTR and with low density of U/AU-rich elements (Lal et al., NAR, 2017). It is not clear if the same is observed in case of the TMs or not, and such a comparative analysis would be useful to address this point.

      R2.4 – We re-analysed the data, checking the density of U/AU rich elements and the length of the 3’UTR of the displaced mRNA as in Lal et al. NAR 2017. Although we could not compare DHTS and TMs within the same biological system, it appears that the rules dictating their mechanism of action are similar.

      I think that the above suggested points are feasible as most of them really involve re-analysis of existing data. Only the suggestion to add DHTS or tanshinone as a positive/comparison control will require experimentation and addition of new data.

      Review Cross-commenting

      I think most of the reviewers' comments coincide in the evaluation of the manuscript. I would especially like to draw attention to the fact that all three reviewers found that the content and form of data presented in the paper is very dense and bogs down the reader and distracts from the overall focus of the manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      The work described in the manuscript is comprehensive as it ranges from chemical synthesis and in vitro evaluation of the TMs to the characterization of their effects in vivo. Although the effect of tanshinone derivatives on HuR mRNA target binding is known, and the effect of HuR on inflammatory gene expression is also known, the manuscript is significant as it brings these two information together and tests the effect of these TMs on HuR-mediated regulation of inflammatory gene expression.<br /> However the extensiveness of the work also makes it quite dense, and I feel that the focus of the paper is often lost in the details. Also, the text of the manuscript is dense and verbose and uses many irregular grammatical and phraseological usages, for eg "their<br /> modulation or mis-localization lead to the insurgence of complex phenotypes and diseases". It appears to me that it would be ideal if the chemical synthesis, MD simulation studies and in vitro studies are presented in an independent manuscript. Also, that would allow a more exhaustive referencing of the known studies in literature where tanshinone derivatives, and other small molecules, have been used to modulate HuR binding to mRNA targets.<br /> This work would be of interest to molecular cell biologists in general and RNA biologists in particular, especially those who are studying RNA-protein interactions, and scientists who are interested in drug development using RNA-protein interactions as drug targets.<br /> My interest in the work lies in my expertise in studying RNA-protein interactions, especially of RNA-binding proteins such as HuR involved in regulating the translation of mRNAs encoded by inflammatory genes. I do not have expertise in chemical synthesis and am therefore not qualified to evaluate the first set of results describing the chemical synthesis of TMs.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      In this study, the authors investigated the modulation of HuR by tanshinone mimics and how it mitigates LPS response in murine macrophages. This represents a nice integration of synthetic chemistry, molecular simulations, and in vitro as well as in vivo experimental validations. Overall, this is an interesting study, and will add to the growing interest in HuR in inflammatory-mediated disease. The paper contains a lot of data (actually several papers in one) which may bog down the reader and distract from the overall message. it is suggested that they condense the data and simplify the figures and use more supplemental figures.<br /> Major Comments:<br /> 3.1. The authors have shown the dose response and cytotoxicity effect of tanshinone mimics; The authors show that TMs affect the overall HuR mRNA but they don't show protein levels.

      R3.1 – In accordance with the reviewer’s comment, we now show also protein levels, as we performed intracellular ELISA (Figure 6 in the revised manuscript); please see also R1.7.

      3.2. It is unclear the timing of certain experiments for LPS vs TMs (whether macrophages were pre-treated with TMs before LPS)-e.g fig 5. The authors should clarify for all experiments as the long-term clinical paradigm would be treatment after inflammation has been established.

      R3.2 – In most experiments TMs are co-administered with LPS. Only in one of the two protocols used for Actinomycin D chase experiment TMs are added after LPS with Act D, as we wanted to discriminate between transcriptional and post-transcriptional effects of TMs (see also R3.3).

      3.3. They have also identified differentially expressed genes which are RNA binding ligands of HuR by RIP-Seq. However, it would be necessary to check whether TM7nox affects the stability of those targets before conclusions can be made that TMs don't inhibit the primary transcriptional response (as mentioned in the Discussion section). Transcriptional effects of HUR chemical inhibition or genetic silencing has been reported previously in other cell systems.

      R3.3 – The reviewer is entirely correct, and we accordingly amended our conclusions. Indeed, TMs have an impact on gene transcription during co-administration with LPS as now suggested by Actinomycin D chase experiments reported in Figure 6C in the revised data and discussion in the manuscript.

      3.4. HuR competes with many RBPs (e.g. TTP and KSRP) as well as microRNAs (including miR-21 and miR-122) to regulate the stability/translational efficiency of several AU-rich transcripts. Does TM binding to HuR lead to increase access of these RBPs/microRNA to the transcripts? This could be addressed by RNA IP with antibodies to TTP or KSRP.

      R3.4 – The reviewer is suggesting an important experiment that requires multiple controls and significant efforts. Indeed, we are planning to study the specificity of TMs, and we prefer to tackle and report this point in a later publication.

      3.5. Another aspect of HuR functioning is the dimerization of HuR. HuR dimerization has been linked with many pathophysiologic conditions. The authors should show the effect of TM7nox on HuR dimerization. In figure 2, for example, there is a suggestion of this in the representative EMSAs where an intermediate shifted band is seen with the addition of TMs. Also, the legend should make clear which ligand is being tested in the modeling (purple structure) versus the RNA probe in the EMSAs. It would help the reader to identify the RNA probe used-e.g. "5′-DY681-labeled ARE RNA probe.

      R3.5 – We agree with the reviewer’s suggestion, and we investigated whether TM7nox influences HuR dimerization in the absence of RNA as performed in PMID 17632515 (Meisner et al 2007). We used MS-444 as a positive control, and we did not observe inhibition of dimerization by TMs at least at the used dosages. Data are reported in Supplementary Figure S6B of the revised manuscript.

      3.6. HuR does alter M2-associated targets like IL-10 and this should be addressed more directly. Fig. 3 suggests that IL-10 is reduced by TM7nox but the variance is so high that the statistics show NS. HuR regulates IL-10 in other cellular contexts and this would be important to determine for TM7 in the long run.

      R3.6 – Although we acknowledge its relevance, however, we did not investigate this gene directly. The variance becomes significant in the RIP-seq experiment (Supplementary Figure 9D). Therefore, we confirm that Il10 is among the 47/82 genes that show the same behavior as Cxcl10, Il1b and many other cytokines as Ccl12, Ccl7, Fas, Il1a, Il33; in conclusion, it is among the restricted list of genes modulated by TM7nox according to the presence of less AU rich sequences than average.

      3.7. Fig. 5-10 um of the TM used here produces significant toxicity to BMDM according to fig. S7. This may distort the ELISA/qPCR results as the RNA levels may be lower due to toxicity. The authors should address this or use a lower dose that is not toxic.

      R3.7 – The viability curves mentioned by the reviewer are run at 24-48 hours, and no toxic effects have been observed using TMs after 6 hours of treatment.

      3.8. In Fig 6 the immunocytochemistry is difficult to interpret as the magnification is too small to appreciate the N/C ratio. The investigators should provide higher magnification. A nuclear/cytoplasmic western blot is recommended as well to confirm that TM does not impair HuR shuttling (or NFkb shifts). This is an important area as there is a suggestion that TM blocks dimerization (Fig. 2) which does impair shuttling. Also, the modeling data suggest that TMs appear to sit in a similar groove between RRM1 and 2 as other HuR inhbitors that block shuttling.

      R3.8 – This point has also been raised by other reviewers, and we replied in R2.3 and R1.11. We understand the reviewer’s points, and we agree with the observation. However, we do not observe a change in HuR nuclear/cytoplasmic shuttling by immunofluorescence, neither we see an effect on HuR dimerization.

      3.9. IL-6 does not appear to be affected by TM treatment after LPS stimulation in vivo or in vitro -either mRNA or protein. However, DHTS did suppress this cytokine. The authors should address this discrepancy. Likewise, TNFa data here show no change and possibly a trend upward (Fig 3,4 and 7). This is in contrast to the effect of DHTS on TNF-a reported by the authors in a prior publication (D'Agnistino et al). The authors should address this discrepancy. There are reports suggesting that HuR is a translational inhibitor of TNFa in macrophages--Katsanou V, Papadaki O, Milatos S, Blackshear PJ, Anderson P, Kollias G, Kontoyiannis DL. HuR as a negative posttranscriptional modulator in inflammation (PMID 16168373)

      R3.9 – The reviewer’s comments are correct, but we do not have an explanation for this. In theory, there could be several possibilities such as 1) a DHTS effect on NFkB, 2) the fact that previously mentioned experiments with DHTS are not run with the same cells-at the same doses and timing as our current TM experiments, and 3) that HuR silencing is only partially overlapping with TMs treatment also in our recent experiments. Irrespective of specific transcripts, we think we have shown that TMs’ mechanism of action involves the modulation of HuR binding at the transcriptional level in our experimental condition.

      Review Cross-commenting

      I think the other reviewers' comments are pertinent and well thought out. I have no further suggestions.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      The characterization of novel HuR inhibitors derived from tanshinones is an important advancement to the field which is rapidly growing. This complements other work with small molecule inhibitors and will allow the field to better understand the role of HuR in different disease contexts (cancer, neuroinflammatory etc) and cell types (e.g. macrophages, microglia, astrocytes). The ultimate significance is the clinical application of the inhibitors and the more options the better, particularly if there are toxic effects of some. My expertise is in post-trasnscriptional regulation of cytokines and we have already characterized some potent effects in cancer.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, the authors investigated the modulation of HuR by tanshinone mimics and how it mitigates LPS response in murine macrophages. This represents a nice integration of synthetic chemistry, molecular simulations, and in vitro as well as in vivo experimental validations. Overall, this is an interesting study, and will add to the growing interest in HuR in inflammatory-mediated disease. The paper contains a lot of data (actually several papers in one) which may bog down the reader and distract from the overall message. it is suggested that they condense the data and simplify the figures and use more supplemental figures.

      Major Comments:

      1. The authors have shown the dose response and cytotoxicity effect of tanshinone mimics; The authors show that TMs affect the overall HuR mRNA but they don't show protein levels.
      2. It is unclear the timing of certain experiments for LPS vs TMs (whether macrophages were pre-treated with TMs before LPS)-e.g fig 5. The authors should clarify for all experiments as the long-term clinical paradigm would be treatment after inflammation has been established.
      3. They have also identified differentially expressed genes which are RNA binding ligands of HuR by RIP-Seq. However, it would be necessary to check whether TM7nox affects the stability of those targets before conclusions can be made that TMs don't inhibit the primary transcriptional response (as mentioned in the Discussion section). Transcriptional effects of HUR chemical inhbiition or genetic silencing has been reported previously inother cell systems.
      4. HuR competes with many RBPs (e.g. TTP and KSRP) as well as microRNAs (including miR-21 and miR-122) to regulate the stability/translational efficiency of several AU-rich transcripts. Does TM binding to HuR lead to increase access of these RBPs/microRNA to the transcripts? This could be addressed by RNA IP with antibodies to TTP or KSRP.
      5. Another aspect of HuR functioning is the dimerization of HuR. HuR dimerization has been linked with many pathophysiologic conditions. The authors should show the effect of TM7nox on HuR dimerization. In figure 2, for example, there is a suggestion of this in the representative EMSAs where an intermediate shifted band is seen with the addition of TMs. Also, the legend should make clear which ligand is being tested in the modeling (purple structure) versus the RNA probe in the EMSAs. It would help the reader to identify the RNA probe used-e.g. "5′-DY681-labeled ARE RNA probe.
      6. HuR does alter M2-associated targets like IL-10 and this should be addressed more directly. Fig. 3 suggests that IL-10 is reduced by TM7nox but the variance is so high that the statistics show NS. HuR regulates IL-10 in other cellular contexts and this would be important to determine for TM7 in the long run.
      7. Fig. 5-10 um of the TM used here produces significant toxicity to BMDM according to fig. S7. This may distort the ELISA/qPCR results as the RNA levels may be lower due to toxicity.The authors should address this or use a lower dose that is not toxic.
      8. In Fig 6 the immunocytochemistry is difficult to interpret as the magnification is too small to appreciate the N/C ratio. The investigators should provide higher magnification and provide examples of ActD, LPS and LPS + drug. A nuclear/cytoplasmic western blot is recommended as well to confirm that TM does not impair HuR shuttling (or NFkb shifts). This is an important area as there is a suggestion that TM blocks dimerization (Fig. 2) which does impair shuttling. Also, the modeling data suggest that TMs appear to sit in a similar groove between RRM1 and 2 as other HuR inhbitors that block shuttling.
      9. IL-6 does not appear to be affected by TM treatment after LPS stimulation in vivo or in vitro -either mRNA or protein. However, DHTS did suppress this cytokine. The authors should address this discrepancy. Llikewise, TNFa data here show no change and possibly a trend upward (Fig 3,4 and 7). This is in contrast to the effect of DHTS on TNF-a reported by the authors in a prior publication (D'Agnistino et al). The authors should address this discrepancy. There are reports suggesting that HuR is a translational inhbitor of TNFa in macrophages--Katsanou V, Papadaki O, Milatos S, Blackshear PJ, Anderson P, Kollias G, Kontoyiannis DL. HuR as a negative posttranscriptional modulator in inflammation (PMID 16168373)

      Review Cross-commenting

      I think the other reviewers' comments are pertinent and well thought out. I have no further suggestions.


      The characterization of novel HuR inhibitors derived from tanshinones is an important advancement to the field which is rapidly growing. This complements other work with small molecule inhibitors and will allow the field to better understand the role of HuR in different disease contexts (cancer, neuroinflammatory etc) and cell types (e.g. macrophages, microglia, astrocytes). The ultimate significance is the clinical application of the inhibitors and the more options the better, particularly if there are toxic effects of some. My expertise is in post-trasnscriptional regulation of cytokines and we have already characterized some potent effects in cancer.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript entitled "HuR modulation with tanshinone mimics impairs LPS response in murine<br /> macrophages" the authors have described the synthesis and application of small molecule mimics of the naturally occurring compound tanshinone, which is known to inhibit the binding of the RBP HuR to a class of its mRNA targets. The authors have shown that the tanshinone mimics (TMs) used by them block the binding of RRM1-2 of HuR to ARE-containing RNA in vitro, and reduce the interaction of HuR with a set of ARE-containing mRNAs in LPS-treated mouse macrophage cells. This reduction of interaction of HuR with some of these mRNAs correlates with the reduction in their level in the cells treated with the TMs, and in the secreted level of their proteins in the serum of animals with LPS-induced peritonitis. Together, the study demonstrates the role of these TMs as modulators of the LPS-induced inflammatory response by blocking the binding of HuR to a subset of LPS-induced inflammatory mRNAs and thereby downregulating their mRNA and protein levels in inflammatory cells.

      The manuscript describes a comprehensive study, ranging from chemical synthesis of TMs, MD simulations to demonstrate the binding site of the TMs to the cleft formed by the RRM1-linker-RRM2 domains of HuR, which has been shown in crystal structure to be the main binding site of A/U-rich RNA molecules, in vitro studies showing the ability of the TMs to hinder ARE-containing RNA binding to HuR RRM1-2, whole transcriptome analysis to show the effect of the TMs on LPS-induced differential gene expression in murine macrophages, and on HuR binding to target mRNAs, and animal studies to show the effect of the TMs on the level of some inflammatory mediators in the serum of mice with LPS-induced peritonitis. The results are quite convincing and is in line with what is generally known about the effect of HuR on the expression of a large number of genes encoding pro-inflammatory proteins, and the ability of tanshinone derivatives/mimics in inhibiting HuR binding to target mRNAs. The authors put these two information together in this study and the results are on expected lines. While the results are convincing and quite comprehensive, I would suggest the following in order to substantiate and strengthen the results:

      1. The experiments do not have any "positive control", such that the performance of the TMs can be compared with that of a molecule with known HuR binding inhibition activity, such as DHTS. It would be good to have such a comparison, to understand whether the TMs work similar to DHTS or differently, both qualitatively in terms of the mRNA targets which they affect and the extent of their anti-inflammatory activity.
      2. It is not clear to me whether the mRNAs which show differential expression in the RNAseq analysis of cells treated with LPS and TMs are exactly the ones which show difference in binding with HuR in the RIPseq analysis in presence of the TMs. This analysis is important for a number of reasons: all the mRNA binding targets of HuR are not affected by HuR at the level of mRNA stability, many are affected at the level of translation, without change in mRNA level. These mRNAs should therefore show change in binding of HuR in the RIPseq assay in presence of TM, but not show change in expression. Secondly, there may be mRNAs which show a change in expression in presence of TMs, but do not show binding of HuR, suggesting pleiotropic roles of the TMs. Therefore, instead of an overall correlation between differential expression and change in HuR binding of mRNAs, a table comparing the RIPseq status of individual mRNAs with that of their differential expression status, in presence and absence of LPS/TMs would be useful, further designating the different groups of mRNAs based on these differential status (change in HuR binding/change in expression, change in HuR binding/no change in expression etc.).
      3. Nuclear/cytoplasmic localization of HuR and NFkb is impossible to discern at the magnification of the immunofluorescence images in Fig 6 B and C. Higher magnification images are required to understand changes in localization.
      4. It has been shown that DHTS-I increases the binding of HuR to the mRNAs with longer 3'UTR and with higher density of U/AU-rich elements, whereas it reduces the interaction of HuR with the mRNAs having shorter 3'UTR and with low density of U/AU-rich elements (Lal et al., NAR, 2017). It is not clear if the same is observed in case of the TMs or not, and such a comparative analysis would be useful to address this point.

      I think that the above suggested points are feasible as most of them really involve re-analysis of existing data. Only the suggestion to add DHTS or tanshinone as a positive/comparison control will require experimentation and addition of new data.

      Review Cross-commenting

      I think most of the reviewers' comments coincide in the evaluation of the manuscript. I would especially like to draw attention to the fact that all three reviewers found that the content and form of data presented in the paper is very dense and bogs down the reader and distracts from the overall focus of the manuscript.


      The work described in the manuscript is comprehensive as it ranges from chemical synthesis and in vitro evaluation of the TMs to the characterization of their effects in vivo. Although the effect of tanshinone derivatives on HuR mRNA target binding is known, and the effect of HuR on inflammatory gene expression is also known, the manuscript is significant as it brings these two information together and tests the effect of these TMs on HuR-mediated regulation of inflammatory gene expression.<br /> However the extensiveness of the work also makes it quite dense, and I feel that the focus of the paper is often lost in the details. Also, the text of the manuscript is dense and verbose and uses many irregular grammatical and phraseological usages, for eg "their<br /> modulation or mis-localization lead to the insurgence of complex phenotypes and diseases". It appears to me that it would be ideal if the chemical synthesis, MD simulation studies and in vitro studies are presented in an independent manuscript. Also, that would allow a more exhaustive referencing of the known studies in literature where tanshinone derivatives, and other small molecules, have been used to modulate HuR binding to mRNA targets.<br /> This work would be of interest to molecular cell biologists in general and RNA biologists in particular, especially those who are studying RNA-protein interactions, and scientists who are interested in drug development using RNA-protein interactions as drug targets.<br /> My interest in the work lies in my expertise in studying RNA-protein interactions, especially of RNA-binding proteins such as HuR involved in regulating the translation of mRNAs encoded by inflammatory genes. I do not have expertise in chemical synthesis and am therefore not qualified to evaluate the first set of results describing the chemical synthesis of TMs.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The Authors report on the synthesis and characterization of a class of small molecules, the tanshinone mimics (TMs), which interfere with binding of the RNA binding protein (RBP) HuR to its mRNA targets. HuR is an important regulator of mRNA stability and translation of genes involved in key homeostatic (cell cycle, stress response) and pathologic process (inflammation, carcinogenesis). In particular, the first part of the study describes the compounds' chemical synthesis and some pharmacokinetic parameters (i.e., definition of molecular binding, solubility, bioavailability, prodrug generation etc). The second part undertakes, in in vitro and ex-vivo model of LPS-induced mouse macrophage activation, the identification of HuR-bound mRNA targets, which is then evaluated within the global LPS-induced transcriptome; finally, the study evaluates the ability of TMs to inhibit HuR-mediated proinflammatory gene regulation, indicating their use and potential value as therapeutic anti-inflammatory strategy.

      Major comments:

      The manuscript contains a wealth of data generated from different experimental systems, spanning from synthetic chemistry to preclinical models of gene regulation, requiring cultural backgrounds in chemistry and biology as well. The key conclusions are well supported by the data, but it takes a great effort to get to the core results and thus critically read and evaluate their interpretation. Although the complexity and sheer size of data sets generated lends itself to a hard read, this is further complicated by data presentation, which especially in the second part needs to be significantly improved to gain clarity and focus. For ease of referral, specific comments will be addressed related to Figures whenever possible.

      • Page 15: To measure TM7nox disrupting ability of HuR:mRNA complex for the HTRF assay (Figure 2G) and for biotin pull down assay (Figure 5C), it was chosen a biotinylated probe containing the AU rich elements of the TNFα, as known HuR target. Please comment on the rationale, and whether could it be relevant reevaluate these parameters post-hoc, based on the sequences identified in HuR targets more susceptible of modulation by TM compound (listed in table 1, Figure 5 A/B) and based on the absence of regulation of TNF (Figures 3D, 4D, 7A) found in the tested systems.
      • Page 16-18: Description of the RNAseq data shown in Figure 3 should be more centered around the main findings regarding the effect of TMnox that are further pursued in the study: that is, (Figure 3B), the 249 downregulated DEGs found modulated by TM7nox in presence of LPS, where was observed a strong enrichment of categories related to the inflammatory response: cytokines (Il1b, Cxcl10, Il10, Il19, Il33), immune cell chemotaxis (Ccl12, Ccl22, Ccl17, Ccl6) and innate immune response. The description of the GO for the remaining data should be shortened to main points, perhaps reporting what described in the results with each section of the Venn in a table, while referring to the whole list in the supplements as already done. This could replace Figures 3D, E which do not add substantially to what provided in the supplementary table 2 and to which they can be added as further visualization.
      • Page 18-19: Description of the results of the RIP-seq shown in Figure 4 set is very confusing: onward from the line "477 HuR-bound transcripts (log2 FC > 3) were also upregulated by LPS at the transcriptional level..." the numbers do not match or reconcile with those shown in the Venn diagram (Fig. 4B) nor with those listed in the figure legend of Figure S8. Moreover, as previously remarked for Figure 3 (and even more for this dataset in which initial description of Venn in 4B is unclear), panel 4E does not add as much to the info provided in Table 1/supplementary Table 1, where they can eventually be added as further data visualization; Instead, Figure S8 displays very informative data merging together the results obtained in RNAseq (Fig. 3) and RIP-Seq (Fig.4) and should be displayed in Figure 4, as in the result section they are indeed presented together.
      • Page 19-20: Description of the modulation by TM7nox of HuR binding to specific consensus sequences is summarized at the end of the relative paragraph as follows: "TM7nox reshapes HuR binding to target genes in presence of LPS by disrupting the binding of HuR towards target genes containing a lower number of HuR consensus sequences than the average observed in the HuR-bound transcripts". Understanding of these data through the provided text and the Supplementary Figure 9 is very laborious and referring of an entire dataset to a supplementary figure makes it even harder. It would be best to show this as main figure, not supplemental, either adding a Venn diagram as in 3B/4B showing to which dataset each part of the analysis refers, or even more efficaciously, extrapolate a representative gene set for the main analyses showing TM7nox activity in target genes with higher vs lower consensus sequences; same approach for the analysis in Figure 9B, where the effect on a gene with sequence #1 or #10 could be compared with one bearing sequence #3 for example.
      • Page 21: Description of the effect of three TMs (TM6, TM7nox and TM7nred) on LPS response in macrophages at the single gene level (Figure 5 and Figure 6): TM6 and TM7nox were used in exps in Fig. 5 A and E, while only TM7nred was used for CXCL10 secretion analysis (fig.5 D and F): please describe the compound choices' rationale (as done for experiments in Figure 6).
      • Page 21-22: The effect on HuR expression of siRNA silencing and, more importantly, of TMs shown in Figure 6A, first panel, should be visualized at protein level by western blot. This is an important point as for CXCL10 and iL1there seems to be an additive effect between decreased HuR levels and pharmacological blocking.
      • Page 24: please rephrase the statement 'These observations suggest the utilization of TMs in autoinflammatory and autoimmune diseases' as 'These observations suggest the evaluation of TMs in specific preclinical models for autoinflammatory and autoimmune diseases'.
      • In the discussion, please include a paragraph with study limitation and possible biases (for example, the choice of RNP-IP without crosslinking has pros and cons).
      • The data and the methods are correctly presented for reproducibility, replicates and statistical analysis are adequate.

      Minor comments:

      • At least in the single gene validation experiments (Fig.5), a negative control (such as recombinant HuR with mutated RRMs in trans-, or ARE-less/non-HuR targetable sequence in cis, or inactive TM) would be advisable.
      • Figure 6B/C: for immunofluorescence panels, zooming on a smaller number of cells will render more visible HuR and NFB nucleocytoplasmic shuttling, given that quantification and statistics are provided by imaging software. Negative control stainings (secondary Abs only) should be included.
      • Figure 7A: in the X axis LPS+8n is indicated: is it a typo for LPD+6n or was compound TM8n indeed used?
      • In the Methods section please include protocols and materials for immunofluorescence (results shown in Fig. 6B/C).
      • There are some typos and repetition in figure legends (legend Figure S9).
      • Prior studies are referenced appropriately.

      Review Cross-commenting

      I fully agree with the Reviewer's remarks. I would add that a general concern expressed is that this manuscript in its present form has a readership issue: the first part is for chemistry/pharmacology audience, the second is biology-based. Splitting the work has been suggested; or, the Authors may decide which part is more impactful and present the other in a streamlined version.


      This is a large study reporting progress in the development of synthetic antagonists of HuR function, which is the Authors' well-established line of research. The TM compounds are small molecules with anti-inflammatory effects with strong potential for therapeutic use due to selected inhibition of HuR-mediated upregulation of proinflammatory molecules. The physicochemical and early biological characterization done in this study will allow further testing of their efficacy and of the overall role of HuR-mediated regulation as targetable mechanism in several preclinical human disease models.

      Targeting of the RNA-binding protein HuR has been tackled as therapeutic approach in cancer, less in chronic immune and inflammatory diseases despite many common mechanisms and mediators.

      This study could be well received by researchers involved in basic science and drug development (chemistry, biochemistry/biophysics, pharmacology, computational modeling) and biologists/physician scientists interested in testing these compounds in translational research settings where HuR-driven functions can be relevant (cancer, chronic inflammation), though the chemical part would be less accessible to the latter audience.

      Reviewer's background is in preclinical human models of chronic inflammation with interest in posttranscriptional gene regulation with familiarity with RNAseq and RIPseq dataset and analysis. For the part of the manuscript regarding the synthesis and physicochemical characterization of the TN compound I requested assistance to a faculty from the chemistry department with expertise in that field, who did not request any specific clarification or addendum.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements

      Imbalance in gut-derived AhR ligands has been shown to be involved in inflammatory bowel disease and in neuro-inflammation. The aim of our study was to address the role of dietary AhR ligands in a context that had not been previously explored. We decided to focus on allergy because AhR has broad functions in barrier tissues homeostasis, which is directly relevant to allergy.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Additional experiments in response to Reviewer 2

      "The authors make a strong claim that the epidermal barrier function is not affected by AhR poor diet conditions (claim made in abstract and last paragraph of the discussion). This should be experimentally validated."

      We already performed footpad histology and observed that the stratum corneum is not affected by the diet (fig1A and figS1E). We will provide a quantitative analysis by measuring stratum corneum thickness on the images, and add this data to figure 1. To strengthen this point, we will also perform ultra-structural analysis of the epidermis in the two diet groups using electron microscopy of the skin. This will provide a deeper characterization of the epidermal structure, including cornified layers and intercellular tight junctions.

      "Injection into the footpad as a route of administration is also physiologically distinct from epicutaneous sensitization given the natural barriers are artificially breached via needle puncture. Did the authors consider epicutaneous sensitization via the skin without additional barrier disruption? Does this yield the same response?"

      We will perform skin sensitization without barrier disruption by applying papain (or vehicle) on shaved flank skin. To minimize skin abrasion, mice will be shaved the day before the application. We will analyze dendritic cells migration to the draining lymph nodes after 48h by flow cytometry, and helper T cell responses in the draining lymph nodes after 6 days by measuring cytokine secretion.

      Text edits

      Comments from Reviewer 1

      • We will add appropriate references in response to comments from reviewer 1: " in several places they cited review articles instead of original articles for key findings. Ex. For the expression of Mucin 5 and CLCA1 a review is cited." and " the role of AHR in ILC2 (PMID: 30446384) and alveolar epithelial cells (PMID: 35935956) has been documented. The authors should add these references."
      • We will modify the figures legends according to reviewer 1's suggestions: " Although the authors mentioned treatment schedule and stimulants used in the method, a short description in the figure legend will be helpful for the readers".
      • We will address other comments from reviewer 1 by modifying the text where appropriate:

      "1. In the introduction section, the authors should explain adequately why they thought that AHR signaling is important for allergy.<br /> 2. Since IL-5, IL-13 production by skin draining lymph nodes and pulmonary lymph nodes was different, is this difference due to difference in AHR expression?<br /> 3. In Fig.3, the authors showed that intra-nasal stimulation does not induce eosinophil migration or IL-5, IL-13 induction in I3C diet group. These data and the data shown in figure-2 are in contrast. The authors should discuss this discrepancy."

      Comments from Reviewer 2

      • "How to explain the difference between IL4 (no effect between the two diets/or absence/presence LCs in Fig. 4D) and IL5/IL13 (small effect in Fig 1D and 4D). "

      This is an interesting point. It has been shown that IL4 is produced in lymph nodes by T cells distinct from those producing IL5 and IL13 (https://doi.org/10.1038/ni.2182). In addition, IL4 expression is regulated at the transcriptional level by distinct mechanisms from IL5 and IL13 expression (https://doi.org/10.1016/S1074-7613(00)80073-4, https://doi.org/10.1038/ni.1966).<br /> We speculate that IL4-producing T cells are not affected by Langerhans cells presence in the lymph nodes. We will add a point in the discussion section to discuss this. - We will tune down our conclusion regarding the different effects of diet-derived and microbiota-derived AhR ligands according to the comments of the reviewer: "This part seemed far-fetched. There are many more differences between germ free and specific pathogen free mice than only the presence/absence of AhR ligands. Hence, it seemed like a very big step to compare both conditions and draw the conclusion that microbiota-derived AhR ligands activate different sets of genes. It would also make more sense if Fig. 5 would be immediately followed by Fig. 7". We also propose to move Fig6 to the supplementary data.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Comments from Reviewer 1

      "In Fig.4, the authors show there is no difference in total number, but difference in migration, was there a difference in expression of migratory markers?"

      We assume the reviewer is referring to the number of Langerhans cells in the epidermis in steady-state, which is not different between diets (fig4A). We actually already show in supplementary figure S3E classical cell surface markers that are upregulated upon dendritic cells migration (MHC class II and CD40). We found no difference in the expression of these markers between diet groups.

      Comments from Reviewer 2

      "Fig. 1D Cytokine production<br /> In AhR poor diet the spread between the individual data points is much larger and the difference between presence/absence of dietary ligands in IL5 and IL13 seems to be based merely on a few outliers (which especially in the case of IL13 appear to be completely out of range). Most other datapoints do not seem to be highly different from the ones in the AhR rich diet.<br /> Where does this high variation come from in AhR poor diet (and what is the reason for these high outliers)? Would the data have been significantly different without the outliers? "

      Throughout the manuscript, we have represented raw data and individual data points for transparency. We observed some variability between biological replicates, not just for cytokine secretion (fig1D) but in most assays (for instance cell counts in lymph nodes in fig1C or inflammatory cell counts in fig2A and fig3A or antibody production in fig2E), yet the reviewer focuses their comments on fig1D. In the case of fig1D, we have performed Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests to account for this variation, and the difference between diet groups was statistically significant. We do not understand how we could remove the so-called ‘outliers’ without data manipulation to perform an alternative statistical test. We also disagree with the reviewer that 4 out of 11 points can be considered ‘outliers’.

      "In general, increases of all canonical T-helper cytokine responses (except for IL4) can be noted in the LN and the difference in IL10, IL17 or IFNg production between AhR poor and rich diet appears even more pronounced than the difference in IL5/IL13 (Fig. S1F). Still the authors decide to focus the entire story on the allergic response after stating that a 'lack of dietary AhR ligands amplifies allergic responses'. Why was this choice made?"

      Imbalance in gut-derived AhR ligands has been shown to be involved in inflammatory bowel disease and in neuro-inflammation. The aim of the project was to address the role of dietary AhR ligands in a context that had not been previously explored. We decided to focus on allergy because AhR has broad functions in barrier tissues homeostasis, which is directly relevant to allergy. We will better explain this point in the introduction. In the course of the study, we analyzed IL10, IL17 and IFNg production by lymph node T cells to get a complete view of helper responses, and we provided this data in supplementary information for transparency. We believe this information might be useful for other groups studying other types of skin inflammation.

      "Would the authors expect other inflammatory models via the skin (e.g. bacterial, viral infection) to confer better/worse outcomes under an AhR poor diet?"

      This is an interesting question. Unfortunately, we do not have the means to analyze bacterial or viral skin infections for lack of adequate facilities (i.e. BSL2 animal facility) or ethics approval for this kind of experiments. We believe that our work may prompt in the future other groups to analyze the impact of dietary AhR ligands in other inflammatory skin contexts.

      "At a mechanistic level, how do LC suppress the activation of T cells in the LN, and how would this impact secretion of certain cytokines but not others?"

      "it remains a bit speculative how migration of LCs to the dLNs of the skin contributes to suppressing Th2 immunity in the airways. Several hypotheses have been put forward in the discussion. What is their thought about this and how to validate experimentally?"

      This is an important question. A regulatory role for Langerhans cells has been evidenced by other studies, but the molecular mechanisms involved remain elusive. This point is discussed in the discussion part of the manuscript. We believe that deciphering the mechanism of action of Langerhans cells is beyond the scope of the present study (and is unrelated to the direct effect of the diet), and would represent an entire project in itself.

      “Fig. 3 - Why would the alteration of diet pose a confounding factor to the model? Did the authors determine that such diet-associated changes are only important at the sensitization phase? The footpad (Fig. 1) and pulmonary (Fig 2) models were performed with the altered diets throughout the entire length of the experiment. If anything, wouldn't changing the diet after sensitization also provide an additional variable here? Is it known what happens (e.g. inflammatory state, genetic changes) when a normal diet is resumed after a period of adaptation? This reviewer does not understand the reason for all-of-a-sudden changing the diet after the sensitization phase.”

      Our goal with this experiment was to address the effect of the dietary AhR ligands during the skin sensitization phase only. This is why diets are different only in this phase of the protocol. We want to emphasize that the IC3 diet and the AhR-poor diet only differ in the presence of one molecule, which is I3C. The composition of the food is otherwise exactly the same, therefore we do not believe that a change between AhR-poor and I3C would represent a confounding factor. This is different to the adaptation period when we place the mice on I3C or AhR-poor diets instead of normal chow diet (which has a completely different formulation). We will make this point clearer in the text.

      "Fig. 7 Role of TGFb<br /> At first site, it seems counterintuitive that TGFb, which is a molecule generally associated with homeostasis and dampening of inflammation, is associated here with more profound inflammation. How to reconcile? At this point the data on TGFb are merely correlative. Did the authors directly test the contribution of TGFb to LC migration? In addition, did they check whether they could restore defects in LC migration in absence of AhR ligands by blocking the formation of active TGFb? "

      We agree with the reviewer that the role of TGFb seems counter-intuitive. However, multiple studies have shown that TGFb produced by keratinocytes retains Langerhans cells in the epidermis, using a variety of experimental approaches including genetic tools (https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1119178109, https://doi.org/10.1038/ni.3396,

      https://doi.org/10.4049/jimmunol.1000981, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjidi.2021.100028). We do not have any reason to doubt the validity of these studies. Therefore, we believe that demonstrating again the role of TGFb in Langerhans cells migration is not necessary.

      Using blocking antibodies against TGFb or its receptor, as suggested by the reviewer, would most probably not allow us to address whether it restores the defect in Langerhans cells migration. Indeed, results from the literature (cited above) indicate that such blocking would increase Langerhans cells migration in both diet groups, therefore it will most likely be impossible to conclude.

      In addition, we have provided several lines of evidence that AhR activation regulates the expression of Integrin-beta8 in keratinocytes and the release of bioactive TGFb, at transcriptomic and protein levels, in both mouse and human keratinocytes (fig7). Therefore, we believe that additional experiments to support the link between AhR ligands and TGFb are not necessary within the scope of the revision.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this paper Cros et al describe how the absence of dietary ligands of AhR exacerbate cutaneous papain-induced allergy. This was only observed when papain was applied topically, but not intranasally. However, lack of dietary AhR ligands also worsened allergic airway inflammation after cutaneous sensitization. At a mechanistic level, the authors found that the absence of dietary AhR ligands hampered migration of Langerhans cells (LC) to the lymph nodes, where they are claimed to be needed to suppress T cell activation. Complementary models that lead to loss of LCs gave a similar phenotype. The authors performed RNA-sequencing on epidermal cells derived from mice that were either fed an AhR ligand rich or poor diet to define differences in transcriptome signature. They uncovered increased expression of the integrin Itgb8 in absence of AhR ligands, which is needed for production of active TGF, a factor known from literature to contribute to LC retention in the skin.

      In general, the study is well done, and the different experimental conditions are well controlled for. The experiments are built up in a logical fashion, and most of the times, the interpretation is appropriate (except for a few claims, see further). The paper reads very fluently, and the key points are interesting.

      Major comments:

      • Fig. 1D Cytokine production
      • In AhR poor diet the spread between the individual data points is much larger and the difference between presence/absence of dietary ligands in IL5 and IL13 seems to be based merely on a few outliers (which especially in the case of IL13 appear to be completely out of range). Most other datapoints do not seem to be highly different from the ones in the AhR rich diet.<br /> Where does this high variation come from in AhR poor diet (and what is the reason for these high outliers)? Would the data have been significantly different without the outliers?<br /> How to explain the difference between IL4 (no effect between the two diets/or absence/presence LCs in Fig. 4D) and IL5/IL13 (small effect in Fig 1D and 4D).
      • In general, increases of all canonical T-helper cytokine responses (except for IL4) can be noted in the LN and the difference in IL10, IL17 or IFNg production between AhR poor and rich diet appears even more pronounced than the difference in IL5/IL13 (Fig. S1F). Still the authors decide to focus the entire story on the allergic response after stating that a 'lack of dietary AhR ligands amplifies allergic responses'. Why was this choice made?<br /> Would the authors expect other inflammatory models via the skin (e.g. bacterial, viral infection) to confer better/worse outcomes under an AhR poor diet?<br /> At a mechanistic level, how do LC suppress the activation of T cells in the LN, and how would this impact secretion of certain cytokines but not others?

      Fig. 3 - Why would the alteration of diet pose a confounding factor to the model? Did the authors determine that such diet-associated changes are only important at the sensitization phase? The footpad (Fig. 1) and pulmonary (Fig 2) models were performed with the altered diets throughout the entire length of the experiment. If anything, wouldn't changing the diet after sensitization also provide an additional variable here? Is it known what happens (e.g. inflammatory state, genetic changes) when a normal diet is resumed after a period of adaptation? This reviewer does not understand the reason for all-of-a-sudden changing the diet after the sensitization phase.<br /> - Fig. 6: Microbiota-derived and diet-derived AhR ligands modulate different sets of epidermal genes.<br /> This part seemed far-fetched. There are many more differences between germ free and specific pathogen free mice than only the presence/absence of AhR ligands. Hence, it seemed like a very big step to compare both conditions and draw the conclusion that microbiota-derived AhR ligands activate different sets of genes.<br /> It would also make more sense if Fig. 5 would be immediately followed by Fig. 7<br /> - The authors make a strong claim that the epidermal barrier function is not affected by AhR poor diet conditions (claim made in abstract and last paragraph of the discussion). This should be experimentally validated. Injection into the footpad as a route of administration is also physiologically distinct from epicutaneous sensitization given the natural barriers are artificially breached via needle puncture. Did the authors consider epicutaneous sensitization via the skin without additional barrier disruption? Does this yield the same response?

      Fig. 7 Role of TGFb<br /> - At first site, it seems counterintuitive that TGFb, which is a molecule generally associated with homeostasis and dampening of inflammation, is associated here with more profound inflammation. How to reconcile? At this point the data on TGFb are merely correlative. Did the authors directly test the contribution of TGFb to LC migration? In addition, did they check whether they could restore defects in LC migration in absence of AhR ligands by blocking the formation of active TGFb?

      Finally, also other steps of the proposed model by the authors are based on literature rather than direct experiments. In this regard, it remains a bit speculative how migration of LCs to the dLNs of the skin contributes to suppressing Th2 immunity in the airways. Several hypotheses have been put forward in the discussion. What is their thought about this and how to validate experimentally?


      The major strength of the paper (and the most interesting finding) is the explanation of why the effect of the diet is only detectable after cutaneous but not intranasal sensitisation and the causal link to the LCs present in the skin.

      The major limitations of the paper is that many parts of the proposed model are not experimentally validated but based on literature suggestions (eg the claim that TGFb would prevent LC migration to LN, that LC would suppress T cell responses in the LN, that the suppression of T cell cytokines (with very limited effects on IL5 and IL13 but no effect on IL4) would be sufficient to explain improved allergy symptoms in the lung...). It is also unclear why the authors studied allergic symptoms while effects on other T cell cytokines appeared more prominent. There are a few questions on the change in model from figure 1-2 to figure 3.

      The key findings are interesting and the paper is nice to read.<br /> The findings will be interesting to specialised audience: LC biology, allergy and Th2 immunity people<br /> Own research field, dendritic cell biology and papain-induced models of allergy

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript is well written. The authors mostly cited appropriate papers but in several places they cited review articles instead of original articles for key findings. Ex. For the expression of Mucin 5 and CLCA1 a review is cited.

      General comments

      1. the role of AHR in ILC2 (PMID: 30446384) and alveolar epithelial cells (PMID: 35935956) has been documented. The authors should add these references.
      2. Although the authors mentioned treatment schedule and stimulants used in the method, a short description in the figure legend will be helpful for the readers.

      Specific comments

      1. In the introduction section, the authors should explain adequately why they thought that AHR signaling is important for allergy.
      2. Since IL-5, IL-13 production by skin draining lymph nodes and pulmonary lymph nodes was different, is this difference due to difference in AHR expression?
      3. In Fig.3, the authors showed that intra-nasal stimulation does not induce eosinophil migration or IL-5, IL-13 induction in I3C diet group. These data and the data shown in figure-2 are in contrast. The authors should discuss this discrepancy.
      4. In Fig.4, the authors show there is no difference in total number, but difference in migration, was there a difference in expression of migratory markers?

      Minor points

      1. TGF-β, TCR-β and cytokine names should be written consistently across the manuscript.
      2. The authors should use "β" instead of beta


      The work is significant and will impact the field

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      The submitted manuscript is comparing the effect of individual chaperones and heat-resistant obscure (Hero) proteins on the overall folding of the TDP-43 LCD-domain and its relation to aggregation propensity. Therefore, the authors apply smFRET in order to deduce eventual morphological changes of the LCD-domain from FRET efficiencies. The authors observe that the LCD domain extends its structure upon binding of chaperone/Hero proteins whereas it is collapsed in the absence of those. Furthermore, immunoblotting of filter trap assays indicate that overexpression of chaperones and Hero proteins reduce aggregation of TDP-43 in vivo. Both, the morphological effects on the LCD-domain and the aggregation propensity are significantly enhanced for the TDP-43 A315T mutant. Moreover, the authors tested a charge depleted Hero protein version with reduced "chaperone-like" behaviour. Therefore, the authors conclude that the binding or chaperone activity of the Hero protein is based on its residue specific charges. Finally, the authors conclude that Hero proteins can act similar to chaperones in order to keep protein homeostasis under stress conditions.

      We thank the Reviewer for their insightful evaluation of our study.

      Major comments:

      The similar effect of chaperones and Hero proteins on the morphology of TDP-43 found by the authors is intriguing and the applied experimental procedures seem well described and conducted.

      However, the assumption of the authors that a change in morphology of the LCD-domain by the chaperones and Hero proteins is directly connected to the reduction of TDP-43 aggregation is not entirely clear. Whether an overexpression of individual chaperones and Hero proteins has a direct effect on TDP-43 aggregation cannot be tested in vivo, only. It cannot be excluded that inside the cell the here tested chaperones and Hero proteins control intermediate processes or work as co-factors for other proteins involved in protein homeostasis rather directly influencing the aggregation of TDP-43. Therefore, I recommend in vitro aggregation experiments, using ThT signal as a readout. By adding chaperones, Hero proteins and a negative (BSA or others) control individually, a direct effect on TDP-43 aggregation could be concluded. Those experiments have been extensively used in the field and are quick and straightforward to handle.

      As the Reviewer explains, indirect effects on TDP-43 aggregation in cells may be accounted for by conducting aggregation experiments in vitro, with recombinant proteins. We are currently designing such experiments based on a previously described full-length recombinant TDP-43 with a TEV-cleavable MBP tag (Wang 2018 EMBO J). This can be incubated with Hero/DNAJA2/Control, and aggregation induced by cleavage of the tag, after which aggregation can be measured via filter trap similar to the method described in our work. We will include these results in our revised manuscript.

      We thank the Reviewer for their advice. While we note that it is controversial whether ThT binds to aggregates formed from full-length TDP-43 (used in all our assays in the current manuscript), it is reasonable to apply this assay to the LCD fragment as in the paper referenced by the Reviewer below (Lu 2022 Nat Cell Biol). Such an assay is also a reasonable method for confirming effects of Hero protein and DNAJA2 in vitro, and we can conduct this assay as a back-up if the above does not work.

      In addition, focusing on the LCD-domain as a main driver for TDP-43 aggregation is limiting this study. In particular, recent studies [1] indicate that the RRM1 and RRM2 sites of TDP-43 have a major impact on TDP-43 gelation and maturation to solid aggregates. Unfortunately, those sites have not been studied in this manuscript.

      We thank the Reviewer for their insight. While we are keen to investigate the impact of other regions on the aggregation of TDP-43 in the future, we chose to focus on the LCD in our current study because our smFRET assay is particularly suitable to monitor the dynamic conformational nature of this flexible, unfolded region.

      However, we agree with the Reviewer that it is possible the RRMs have an effect on the activities of Hero11 and DNAJA2. We will create constructs for the RRM-depleted variant, TDP43ΔRRM1&2, and RNA-binding deficient variant, TDP435FL for use in our cell-based assay. This will allow us to investigate how this domain influences the effects of Hero and DNAJA2, and we will include this in our revised manuscript.

      As an optional alternative for using Hero11KR->G could be the alteration of buffer conditions and using higher number of salts to promote charge screening. It would be of interest whether the results with the Hero11KR->G could be reproduced with wild type Hero11.

      We will perform our assays with Hero11 in high salt conditions for charge screening. While we agree that it may be a great alternative experiment, we note that changing the salt concentration may directly affect the LCD conformation, possibly complicating interpretation of results.

      [1] Lu et al. Nat Cell Biol;24(9):1378-1393 (2022)

      Minor comments:

      Overall, the text is clearly written, and the figures are appropriate.

      Whether the activity of individual chaperones or Hero proteins on TDP-43 aggregation "may result in the overall fitness of the cell" or "reinforcing the conformational health of the proteome" is disputable without knowing how the overexpression of certain chaperones or Hero proteins alter the formation of toxic TDP-43 oligomers.

      We thank the Reviewer for their balanced critique. We will remove or weaken this point regarding how Hero proteins "may result in the overall fitness of the cell" or may be "reinforcing the conformational health of the proteome" from the discussion.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Studying the mechanistic effects of chaperones on aggregating proteins is of major interest for the field in order to understand aging related disbalance of protein homeostasis and the progression of neurological decline, such as seen for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Furthermore, finding homolog proteins, also being able to inhibit protein aggregation, can help to understand overall mechanisms of protein aggregation and processes preventing such fatal behaviour. However, the technique used in this manuscript are not very novel and have been used numerously times before. smFRET is a common technique to look at protein folding/unfolding and is used frequently as a molecular ruler. The manuscript is of interest for the field of protein aggregation and folding, smFRET and neurodegeneration.

      My expertise lies in the field of protein aggregation and inhibition due to chaperones, measuring molecular interactions and neurodegenerative diseases.

      We greatly appreciate the Reviewer’s expert opinion on our work. As the Reviewer explains, we believe our work will contribute to the fields of protein aggregation and folding, smFRET and neurodegeneration. While the smFRET method may not be novel on its own, to our knowledge this is the first observation of the TDP-43 LCD, with the effect of a pathogenic mutation, at the single-molecule level. In fact, the production, dye-labeling and isolation of individual molecules is extremely challenging for TDP-43. This was made possible by our technical advances using genetic code expansion to site-specifically introduce an unnatural amino acid in TDP-43, purifying and labeling the TDP-43 from HEK cells, and isolation on glass slides.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this manuscript, the authors build on their findings (Tsuboyama 2020) that electrostatically charged IDPs (Heros) can protect proteins from denaturation and aggregation. In their previous work, they demonstrate that these Hero proteins could decrease the fraction of insoluble GFP-TDP43∆NLS in mammalian cell lines and that this mode of action was related to the electrostatic charge of the proteins and not sequence dependent. Although this protective mode of action appears to be similar to that of canonical chaperones, it is unclear how the Hero proteins compare. In this study, the authors compare Hero11 to a panel of canonical chaperones in their cell-based assays and show that it prevents aggregation in a comparable way to DNJA2. It appears that Hero11 decreases the GFP-TDP43∆NLS aggregates better than some other chaperones. They then utilise their expertise in smFRET analysis (Tsuboyama, 2018) to compare what effect DNJA2 and Hero11 (along with Hero11KR-->G (non-charged control)) have on the dynamic structures of the GFP-TDP43∆NLS (labelled with complementary fluorophores in the LCD domain). Based on analysis of the WT GFP-TDP43∆NLS and the A315T GFP-TDP43∆NLS, the authors suggest that the presence of Hero11 and DNJA2 maintain the LCD-domain of TDP43 in an extended conformation and that by doing so, aggregation can be prevented (as assessed in the cell-based assay).

      Despite finding the results very interesting, I feel that the study is preliminary and the conclusions drawn are not fully substantiated by the presented experimental work. Many questions need addressing to validate these findings and conclusions (please see more in the "Significance" section). I have tried to list the main concerns below.

      We thank the Reviewer for their detailed and critical assessment of our current study.


      Authors used double transient transfections but have not shown quantification of protein levels of the chaperones versus TDP43 - western blots to confirm proper expression (and levels) of the chaperones/Hero protein is crucial without it, we cannot assume that the differences in TDP-43 aggregation are a result of effective chaperoning or due to a lack of expression of any of the chaperone proteins, or high expression of others.

      We agree with the Reviewer that this is an important and straightforward validation experiment. We will perform the Western Blotting to confirm the proper and comparable expression of the chaperones/Hero proteins.

      Authors used quite a high BSA concentration in the smFRET work; it would be useful to see what the TDP43 smFRET trace looks like without BSA incubation (to ensure it is not causing some effect). Also, is there a concentration dependence? The Authors mention they are unable to identify a Hero/TDP43 complex; but if the amount of Hero protein is high (given that it is single molecules tethered), the change in compaction may not relate to the levels/ratios found in the cells (where changes to aggregation are occurring). have the authors considered whether positively charged polymers (poly-Lys) have any impact on the TDP-43 smFRET distribution? Given that the smFRET trace is so heterogeneous, to understand what is happening here would require the comparison of more than 2 variants.

      As the Reviewer suggests, we will include additional smFRET experiments in our revision.

      First, we will perform the smFRET experiment of the TDP-43 alone in the PBS buffer. However, we would like to clarify the reason we used BSA incubation for comparison in the current experiment is to account for the possibility of non-specific macromolecular crowding effects on the conformation of the LCD (an effect reported for IDPs in general, for example in Banks 2018 Biophys. J.); we expected that it would be fair to compare Hero11 against another protein, rather than buffer alone. As the Reviewer suggested, we can also perform the same experiments at lower concentrations of Hero11 and DNAJA2, including equimolar concentrations (as suggested below). Moreover, we can also test poly-K peptides for comparison.

      Although the A315T variant has a very distinct smFRET profile, it is clear that the effects of Hero11KR-->G (that is proposed to have no effect on aggregation or on the smFRET of WT TDP43) has a clear impact on A315T. Why is this?

      We thank the Reviewer for raising this interesting point. We envision that the observed effect is due to weak interactions between the LCD domain of TDP-43 and Hero11KR->G; even without K and R, there many other functional amino acids that are fully accessible due to the extremely disordered nature of the protein. The effect is easier to be observed with the A315T mutant, compared to the WT TDP-43, presumably because the mutant tends to take more compact conformations on its own. Nonetheless, unlike WT Hero11, Hero11KR->G fails to accumulate the very extended form of the LCD (FRET signal of ~0; please see below for the explanation of this value), which appears to be associated with suppression of aggregation. We will include these in our discussion.

      The LCD region is prone to PMTs - as the tethered protein is taken from expression in mammalian cells, how can the authors be sure that it has no PMTs? Although a clear difference is observed between WT and A315T in terms of "compactness" of the LCD domain, we cannot assume that the effect of DNAJ2 and Hero11 are the same - in fact, the Hero11 KR-->G control for the A315T is clearly different from the negative control (BSA) and the effect that was seen in WT. As the LCD domain is well-known to be the site of post-translational modifications (ie. Phosphorylation - this would have an effect on an electrostatic Hero11), could the effects be related to changes in PMTs as well?

      We thank the Reviewer for their insight. We would like to clarify that we make no assumption that our dye-labeled TDP-43 is free of post-translational modifications. Indeed, the fact that it is derived from HEK293 cells suggests it should have post-translational modifications relevant to humans and may be even considered an advantage of our method. (Most structural methods require purification of a large amount of protein, often only possible through recombinant expression in E. coli, thus lacking human-relevant PTMs.) As the Reviewer points out, the LCD is known to have many phosphorylation sites, which may help explain how the positively charged Hero11 interacts with it. Thus, we will perform mass spectrometry of TDP-43 and the A315T variant expressed in HEK cells to identify what post-translational modifications are present.

      The authors mention other studies on DNJA proteins on TDP-43; is the mechanism by which they suppress aggregation known? If the authors want to compare the unknown effects of Hero11, it would be useful to know what DNJ2A is doing, otherwise, the results are still not conclusive, only that "change is similar" in two experiments. What is known about DNJ2A interactions with TDP-43? Did the authors do any pulldown assays to detect a complex in cellulo?

      While previous studies have identified various DNAJ (specifically J-domain protein B-subfamily) proteins that suppress aggregation of overexpressed TDP-43, not much is known of this specific interaction (Udan-Johns 2014 Hum Mol Genet, Chen 2016 Brain, Park 2017 PLOS Genet). To address the Reviewer’s questions, we will include experiments characterizing the effects of DNAJA2 on TDP-43. We will perform colocalization experiments, explaining effects of DNAJA2 and Hero11 on TDP-43 in the cell. As explained below, we will also perform Pulse Shape Analysis (PulSA), a flow cytometry-based method that can be used to study protein localization patterns in cell, which will also provide insight into the effects on the distribution of TDP-43 in cells. We can also perform co-IP of TDP-43 to detect if there is a detectable, stable complex with DNAJA2 and/or Hero11. Together, these will clarify the similarities and differences between DNAJA2 and Hero11.

      It is unclear how the findings of the smFRET relate to structural understanding of the LCD-domain of TDP43 (i.e. NMR studies?); is it known whether PTMs are more prominent with the A315T variant as this may explain it's more compact nature? As well, putative helical structure in the LCD domain may lend to the changes in compaction.

      The Reviewer brings up an interesting and careful discussion. Currently, it is unknown if PTMs actually cause more compaction, or if they are more prominent in the A315T variant, but we will perform mass spectrometry to detect PTMs.

      As the Reviewer mentions, it would be very interesting to compare our smFRET results to other studies of specific LCD structures. However, it is not trivial to deduce lengths (and structure) from smFRET data as various other factors, for example, dye orientation and local chemical environment, may affect FRET efficiency. Nonetheless, we can still cautiously provide a discussion of how our FRET results compare with previous studies.

      For the dye pair used in our study, Cy3 and ATTO647N, the low/no FRET signals promoted by DNAJA2 and Hero11 correspond to a range of end-to-end distances of 6.9 nm to 10.2 nm (FRET signals of 0.1 to 0.01, respectively). Assuming that the LCD behaves like a ~140 amino acid worm-like chain (WLC) with persistence length (Lp) = 0.8 nm, we expect a mean end-to-end distance of 7.35 nm. Thus, the low FRET peak can be well explained by promotion of an extended WLC behavior of the LCD by DNAJA2 and Hero11. On the other hand, the FRET peaks of WT LCD and the A315T mutant (in the absence of Hero11 or DNAJA2) correspond to ~4 and ~3.3 nm, respectively. We will include a careful discussion of how our results relate to known structural understanding of the LCD in the revised discussion.

      It is unclear how there can be such a prominent FRET ~0 peak and in fact negative values.

      We regret that we did not clearly explain this in the manuscript. Negative values arise when applying correction factors from the alternating laser scheme (ALEX) to FRET signals. FRET efficiency, E, is the ratio of acceptor signal intensity, IA, over the total signal intensity, ID+IA, (with the application of a correction factor, γ, but this doesn’t affect the negative values and won’t be discussed further here) and is given by the equation: E=IA/(γ×ID+IA). However, due to leakage of the donor signal into the acceptor channel and direct excitation of the acceptor dye by the donor laser, raw IA values, IA,raw, are erroneously higher than in reality. For example, the ~0 FRET peaks in question appear to be around 0.1–0.2 before correction. These are accounted for by applying the respective correction factors, Dleakage and Adirect, through the equation: IA=IA,rawDleakage×IDAdirect×IAA. (IAA is the acceptor signal during excitation of the acceptor dye.) These two correction factors are determined by observing the traces and choosing the mean values using iSMS software (2015 Preus Nat Methods) and applied uniformly to all traces in an experiment. When IA is especially low, such as when FRET is almost 0, the magnitude of the correction factor terms may be larger than IA,raw, resulting in negative values. This does not mean that values less than 0 are invalid, but merely that they have been overcompensated in the error application. For the dye pair in our study, FRET efficiencies less than 0.1 correspond to distances greater than 6.9 nm, meaning peaks around zero represent LCD behaviors with end-to-end distances greater than around 7 nm. Please also note that kernel density estimation often gives distributions with values beyond the (0,1) range just because of how these plots are constructed. This will be added to the methods in the revised manuscript.

      Conclusion is that Hero11 and DNJA2 maintain the TDP43 LCD-domain (soluble protein) in an extended form and that this is linked with the decrease in aggregates found in the cell; however, with the cell-based assay, no analysis to quantify the expression levels of the TDP43 and the chaperones/Hero are presented, and more importantly, no analysis on the complementary soluble fraction (to the filter assay) has been done to show that indeed, these biomolecules maintain the proteins in a soluble form. It is possible that the TDP-43 is being degraded?

      As described above, we plan to perform Western Blotting to examine the expression levels of these proteins. To address the concerns about solubility, we will perform Pulse Shape Analysis (PulSA) to quantitatively measure the expression and soluble/aggregated distribution GFP-tagged TDP43 in HEK293T cells. Measuring the soluble diffuse signals and the punctate aggregate signals will also tell us if there are differences in how GFP-TDP43 is aggregated between Hero11, DNAJA2 and controls. In addition, to support results from the FTA, we will provide sedimentation assays, where the soluble and aggregate fraction from cells is separated by centrifugation and analyzed (Krobitsch 2000 PNAS). These will provide information on TDP-43 in the soluble fraction.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Contextually, this study has novelty and potential value for basic research. Firstly, understanding the underlying mechanisms by which Hero protein prevent aggregation would be valuable towards understanding the players in protein homeostasis which can be imbalanced with respect to disease. Secondly, the use of smFRET as a tool in understanding the dynamics of TDP-43 and mutational variants can be powerful in defining structural attributes with pathological consequences in ALS. Although this work shows comparisons between the effect of a canonical chaperone (DNJA2) and Hero11 on the dynamics of monomeric protein and the effect on cellular aggregation, proposing a general mechanism on the data from two TDP-43 variants and a cell-based aggregation assay is premature and more experimental evidence is needed to define the critical link that prevents aggregation of TDP-43 within the cell. Mechanistically, the study does not give a lot of additional insight into the mode of action of Hero11 in the process of preventing aggregation (nor does it explain what DNJA2 is doing and therefore how Hero11 compares and contrasts). The proposed "extended versus collapsed" switch is simplistic and doesn't account for the complexity of TDP-43 structural dynamics. To support their proposed mechanism of action, the authors needs to examine TDP-43 mutational variants (specifically disease-related ones) using their smFRET to understand exactly what the "collapsed" and "extended" data is defining before making the leap that this effect is what is preventing aggregation. There are some structural studies about residual structure in this region (via NMR) that should be considered (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.str.2016.07.007). Although the A315T variant has a very distinct smFRET profile, it is clear that the effects of Hero11KR-->G (that is proposed to have no effect on aggregation or on the smFRET of WT TDP43) has a clear impact on A315T. Why is this? Have the authors considered that the LCD domain of TDP43 is prone to post-translational modifications? Is this variant more phosphorylated - a PMT like phosphorylation is surely to have an impact on interactions with Hero proteins as they are positively charged. Given that the protein is expressed in mammalian cells, it is likely that PMTs have occurred (but the authors should analyse for this).

      With regards to the cell-based aggregation assays, the authors again present a simplified relationship - however, a number of control experiments and additional questions arise. It appears that there is less aggregation with co-expression of some chaperones and the Hero11, but what about the soluble fraction? What is the impact of these biomolecules? Is this that it is maintaining soluble protein, enhancing degradation, propagating soluble oligomers? Equally, how do we know that the levels of the chaperones/Heros and the TDP-43 is the same in each cell - these are transient transfections, and no western blots are shown to confirm the levels of the proteins. In fact, the authors state that "co-transfection of HSP70 (HSPA8), HSP90 (HSP90AB1) or HOP all failed to suppress TDP-43 aggregation compared to GST" and mention that this is in contrast to other studies, but could this be a failure to express these in the cell models? Some western blot/lysate analysis is needed. Chaperones often form complexes with their client proteins, is there any evidence of complexes in these cell models (i.e. using immunoprecipitation)?

      We thank the Reviewer for their detailed evaluation and interest in our work. As the Reviewer describes, smFRET is a powerful tool for studying the conformational dynamics of TDP-43, and we hope that this study will contribute to our understanding of how Hero proteins and chaperones prevent aggregation.

      We are also grateful to the Reviewer for their constructive criticism of our current model, and we will revise it accordingly. We completely agree with the Reviewer that there are complex structural dynamics within the LCD that determine aggregation and phase separation behaviors. Our simple model was intended to explain how external factors that suppress aggregation, DNAJA2 and Hero11, could affect the conformation of LCD at the single-molecule level. As discussed above, we were cautious to over-interpret how our FRET observations correlate to specific conformations, leading to this simplistic model. We do not intend for our explanation of “extended versus collapsed” in the model to explain all structural dynamics of the LCD; rather, we wanted to highlight the characteristic low FRET state promoted by DNAJA2 and Hero11. We believe that the experiment plan explained above will address the Reviewer’s concerns in full, and we thank the Reviewer again for helping us to significantly improve our manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      - In a recent study (PLosBiol, 2020) the same authors described an interesting class of proteins they call 'Hero'. Based on their analyses in cultured cells and transgenic Drosophila models the authors concluded that 'Hero' proteins protect against protein instability and aggregation. So far, this class of proteins has not been analyzed by independent groups.

      In the current manuscript, they mainly confirm their own previous finding that Hero 11 prevents There are several concerns about the presented data:

      We thank the Reviewer for their critical comments on our current manuscript.

      - Based on the filter trap assays shown in figure 1 and 3 the authors conclude that DNAJB8 and Hero11 specifically interfere with the aggregation of TDP-43. However, they do not show that the expression levels of TDP-43 are not altered by the co-expression of the different proteins and are comparable in the different samples. In order to make a relevant statement about the anti-aggregation activity of the analyzed proteins, the ratio between soluble and aggregated TDP-43 has to be analyzed.

      We would like to clarify that the Reviewer means DNAJA2, not DNAJB8. Following the Reviewer’s advice, we will perform Western Blotting combined with sedimentation assays, where the soluble and aggregate fraction from cells is separated by centrifugation and analyzed to examine the expression levels. We will also perform colocalization experiments and Pulse Shape Analysis (PulSA), a flow cytometry-based method that can be used to study protein localization patterns in cell, which will provide insight into the anti-aggregation activities.

      - The FRET assays shown in figures 2 and 4 indicate a slightly higher FRET efficiency in the presence of Hero11 and DNAJA2 and Hero11. The authors postulate that is phenomenon is causally linked to the activity of Hero11 to prevent aggregation of TDP-43. First, it remains unclear whether the slight increase is really significant. Second, I could not find any experimental evidence to support the assumption that a more collapse conformation of the TDP-43 LCD measured in single molecule FRET assays, correlates with an increased aggregation tendency of TDP-43.

      We apologize that we are not sure what the Reviewer refers to by “a slightly higher FRET efficiency in the presence of Hero11 and DNAJA2 (and Hero11).” We would like to clarify that, in the presence of Hero11 and DNAJA2, what we observed was a very low (not slightly higher) FRET efficiency of ~0 (Figure 2g and h), suggesting an extended conformation. In contrast, the aggregation-prone A315T variant of TDP-43 shows a very high FRET efficiency of ~0.9 (Figure 4a), which indicates a collapsed conformation.

      A minor comment, if the authors would like to compare the specific activity of different proteins, they should use equal molarities of the different proteins and not equal amounts.

      As the Reviewer suggests, we will include experiments at equal molarities in the revision.

      - For a one-way ANOVA, the response variable residuals have to be normally distributed. With an n = 3 this cannot be tested. Thus, the quantifications of the results shown in figure 1 and 3 are not reliable.

      We thank the Reviewer for their critical comment on the statistical analysis. We would like to clarify that statistically significant differences in aggregation between conditions compared to a control are based on Dunnett’s test. While ANOVA is typically first performed to test for any significant difference in means before performing a post-hoc test, Dunnett’s test is independent and can be performed without ANOVA.

      Following the Reviewer’s advice, we carefully re-examined our assumption of normality for this data. It is reasonable to perform Dunnett’s test on a sample size of n = 3, and it is generally safe to assume that data from three independent experiments will be reasonably normally distributed. In support of this, performing Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on our data in Figure 1 showed none of the groups differ significantly from normal distributions with the respective mean and standard deviation (p-values greater than 0.05). Thus, we believe it is reasonable to assume the data are normally distributed, the residuals normally distributed, and our statistical analyses reliable. This analysis will be included in the revision to support the normality assumption.

      However, even if we did not assume a normal distribution of our data in Figure 1, we still would have obtained statistically significant differences; If we had relied on a Kruskal-Wallis test as a non-parametric equivalent of ANOVA, thus making no assumption of normality, we would have seen p = 0.005176, a value much lower than our significance level of α = 0.05, indicating sufficient evidence that there is a difference in aggregation among these groups.

      - The title is imprecise and overstate the presented data:

      'canonical chaperone' suggest that their results are valid for chaperones in general. However, they only tested DNAJA2 in the single -molecule FRET assay. Moreover, HAPA8, another canonical chaperone, obviously had an opposite effect on TDP-43 aggregation (Fig.1). Similarly, they only tested Hero11. Thus, 'canonical chaperone' has to be replaced by 'DNAJA2' and 'a heat-resistant obscure (Hero) protein' by 'Hero11'. Similarly, the term 'conformational modulation' is not as concise one would one expect for the title of a research paper.

      We would like to clarify that the Reviewer means HSPA8 (not HAPA8). According to the Reviewer’s suggestion, we will change the title to “DNAJA2 and Hero11 mediate similar conformational extension and aggregation suppression of TDP-43”.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      In a recent study (PLosBiol, 2020) the same authors described an interesting class of proteins they call 'Hero'. Based on their analyses in cultured cells and transgenic Drosophila models the authors concluded that 'Hero' proteins protect against protein instability and aggregation. So far, this class of proteins has not been analyzed by independent groups.

      In the current manuscript, they mainly confirm their own previous finding that Hero 11 prevents aggregation of TDP-43 and present very few new data that would provide new insights. Specifically, only the FRET assays shown in figure 2 and 4 are really new, which, by the way, could easily be shown in one figure.

      We thank the Reviewer for their critical evaluation of our current study. As the Reviewer suggests, we believe our smFRET results provide new insights into how Hero11 and DNAJA2 function. We would like to emphasize that, rather than confirming our previous findings, our current manuscript mainly addresses a critical point that remained unknown in our previous study by investigating the mechanism of how Hero proteins prevent aggregation. Moreover, to our knowledge, this is the first observation of the TDP-43 LCD, with the effect of a pathogenic mutation, at the single-molecule level.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      • In a recent study (PLosBiol, 2020) the same authors described an interesting class of proteins they call 'Hero'. Based on their analyses in cultured cells and transgenic Drosophila models the authors concluded that 'Hero' proteins protect against protein instability and aggregation. So far, this class of proteins has not been analyzed by independent groups.

      In the current manuscript, they mainly confirm their own previous finding that Hero 11 prevents There are several concerns about the presented data: - Based on the filter trap assays shown in figure 1 and 3 the authors conclude that DNAJB8 and Hero11 specifically interfere with the aggregation of TDP-43. However, they do not show that the expression levels of TDP-43 are not altered by the co-expression of the different proteins and are comparable in the different samples. In order to make a relevant statement about the anti-aggregation activity of the analyzed proteins, the ratio between soluble and aggregated TDP-43 has to be analyzed. - The FRET assays shown in figures 2 and 4 indicate a slightly higher FRET efficiency in the presence of Hero11 and DNAJA2 and Hero11. The authors postulate that is phenomenon is causally linked to the activity of Hero11 to prevent aggregation of TDP-43. First, it remains unclear whether the slight increase is really significant. Second, I could not find any experimental evidence to support the assumption that a more collapse conformation of the TDP-43 LCD measured in single molecule FRET assays, correlates with an increased aggregation tendency of TDP-43. A minor comment, if the authors would like to compare the specific activity of different proteins, they should use equal molarities of the different proteins and not equal amounts. - For a one-way ANOVA, the response variable residuals have to be normally distributed. With an n = 3 this cannot be tested. Thus, the quantifications of the results shown in figure 1 and 3 are not reliable. - The title is imprecise and overstate the presented data: 'canonical chaperone' suggest that their results are valid for chaperones in general. However, they only tested DNAJA2 in the single -molecule FRET assay. Moreover, HAPA8, another canonical chaperone, obviously had an opposite effect on TDP-43 aggregation (Fig.1). Similarly, they only tested Hero11. Thus, 'canonical chaperone' has to be replaced by 'DNAJA2' and 'a heat-resistant obscure (Hero) protein' by 'Hero11'. Similarly, the term 'conformational modulation' is not as concise one would one expect for the title of a research paper.


      In a recent study (PLosBiol, 2020) the same authors described an interesting class of proteins they call 'Hero'. Based on their analyses in cultured cells and transgenic Drosophila models the authors concluded that 'Hero' proteins protect against protein instability and aggregation. So far, this class of proteins has not been analyzed by independent groups.

      In the current manuscript, they mainly confirm their own previous finding that Hero 11 prevents aggregation of TDP-43 and present very few new data that would provide new insights. Specifically, only the FRET assays shown in figure 2 and 4 are really new, which, by the way, could easily be shown in one figure.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors build on their findings (Tsuboyama 2020) that electrostatically charged IDPs (Heros) can protect proteins from denaturation and aggregation. In their previous work, they demonstrate that these Hero proteins could decrease the fraction of insoluble GFP-TDP43∆NLS in mammalian cell lines and that this mode of action was related to the electrostatic charge of the proteins and not sequence dependent. Although this protective mode of action appears to be similar to that of canonical chaperones, it is unclear how the Hero proteins compare. In this study, the authors compare Hero11 to a panel of canonical chaperones in their cell-based assays and show that it prevents aggregation in a comparable way to DNJA2. It appears that Hero11 decreases the GFP-TDP43∆NLS aggregates better than some other chaperones. They then utilise their expertise in smFRET analysis (Tsuboyama, 2018) to compare what effect DNJA2 and Hero11 (along with Hero11KR-->G (non-charged control)) have on the dynamic structures of the GFP-TDP43∆NLS (labelled with complementary fluorophores in the LCD domain). Based on analysis of the WT GFP-TDP43∆NLS and the A315T GFP-TDP43∆NLS, the authors suggest that the presence of Hero11 and DNJA2 maintain the LCD-domain of TDP43 in an extended conformation and that by doing so, aggregation can be prevented (as assessed in the cell-based assay).

      Despite finding the results very interesting, I feel that the study is preliminary and the conclusions drawn are not fully substantiated by the presented experimental work. Many questions need addressing to validate these findings and conclusions (please see more in the "Significance" section). I have tried to list the main concerns below.


      Authors used double transient transfections but have not shown quantification of protein levels of the chaperones versus TDP43 - western blots to confirm proper expression (and levels) of the chaperones/Hero protein is crucial without it, we cannot assume that the differences in TDP-43 aggregation are a result of effective chaperoning or due to a lack of expression of any of the chaperone proteins, or high expression of others.

      Authors used quite a high BSA concentration in the smFRET work; it would be useful to see what the TDP43 smFRET trace looks like without BSA incubation (to ensure it is not causing some effect). Also, is there a concentration dependence? The Authors mention they are unable to identify a Hero/TDP43 complex; but if the amount of Hero protein is high (given that it is single molecules tethered), the change in compaction may not relate to the levels/ratios found in the cells (where changes to aggregation are occurring). have the authors considered whether positively charged polymers (poly-Lys) have any impact on the TDP-43 smFRET distribution? Given that the smFRET trace is so heterogeneous, to understand what is happening here would require the comparison of more than 2 variants.

      Although the A315T variant has a very distinct smFRET profile, it is clear that the effects of Hero11KR-->G (that is proposed to have no effect on aggregation or on the smFRET of WT TDP43) has a clear impact on A315T. Why is this?

      The LCD region is prone to PMTs - as the tethered protein is taken from expression in mammalian cells, how can the authors be sure that it has no PMTs? Although a clear difference is observed between WT and A315T in terms of "compactness" of the LCD domain, we cannot assume that the effect of DNAJ2 and Hero11 are the same - in fact, the Hero11 KR-->G control for the A315T is clearly different from the negative control (BSA) and the effect that was seen in WT. As the LCD domain is well-known to be the site of post-translational modifications (ie. Phosphorylation - this would have an effect on an electrostatic Hero11), could the effects be related to changes in PMTs as well?

      The authors mention other studies on DNJA proteins on TDP-43; is the mechanism by which they suppress aggregation known? If the authors want to compare the unknown effects of Hero11, it would be useful to know what DNJ2A is doing, otherwise, the results are still not conclusive, only that "change is similar" in two experiments. What is known about DNJ2A interactions with TDP-43? Did the authors do any pulldown assays to detect a complex in cellulo?

      It is unclear how the findings of the smFRET relate to structural understanding of the LCD-domain of TDP43 (i.e. NMR studies?); is it known whether PTMs are more prominent with the A315T variant as this may explain it's more compact nature? As well, putative helical structure in the LCD domain may lend to the changes in compaction.

      It is unclear how there can be such a prominent FRET ~0 peak and in fact negative values.

      Conclusion is that Hero11 and DNJA2 maintain the TDP43 LCD-domain (soluble protein) in an extended form and that this is linked with the decrease in aggregates found in the cell; however, with the cell-based assay, no analysis to quantify the expression levels of the TDP43 and the chaperones/Hero are presented, and more importantly, no analysis on the complementary soluble fraction (to the filter assay) has been done to show that indeed, these biomolecules maintain the proteins in a soluble form. It is possible that the TDP-43 is being degraded?


      Contextually, this study has novelty and potential value for basic research. Firstly, understanding the underlying mechanisms by which Hero protein prevent aggregation would be valuable towards understanding the players in protein homeostasis which can be imbalanced with respect to disease. Secondly, the use of smFRET as a tool in understanding the dynamics of TDP-43 and mutational variants can be powerful in defining structural attributes with pathological consequences in ALS. Although this work shows comparisons between the effect of a canonical chaperone (DNJA2) and Hero11 on the dynamics of monomeric protein and the effect on cellular aggregation, proposing a general mechanism on the data from two TDP-43 variants and a cell-based aggregation assay is premature and more experimental evidence is needed to define the critical link that prevents aggregation of TDP-43 within the cell. Mechanistically, the study does not give a lot of additional insight into the mode of action of Hero11 in the process of preventing aggregation (nor does it explain what DNJA2 is doing and therefore how Hero11 compares and contrasts). The proposed "extended versus collapsed" switch is simplistic and doesn't account for the complexity of TDP-43 structural dynamics. To support their proposed mechanism of action, the authors needs to examine TDP-43 mutational variants (specifically disease-related ones) using their smFRET to understand exactly what the "collapsed" and "extended" data is defining before making the leap that this effect is what is preventing aggregation. There are some structural studies about residual structure in this region (via NMR) that should be considered (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.str.2016.07.007). Although the A315T variant has a very distinct smFRET profile, it is clear that the effects of Hero11KR-->G (that is proposed to have no effect on aggregation or on the smFRET of WT TDP43) has a clear impact on A315T. Why is this? Have the authors considered that the LCD domain of TDP43 is prone to post-translational modifications? Is this variant more phosphorylated - a PMT like phosphorylation is surely to have an impact on interactions with Hero proteins as they are positively charged. Given that the protein is expressed in mammalian cells, it is likely that PMTs have occurred (but the authors should analyse for this).

      With regards to the cell-based aggregation assays, the authors again present a simplified relationship - however, a number of control experiments and additional questions arise. It appears that there is less aggregation with co-expression of some chaperones and the Hero11, but what about the soluble fraction? What is the impact of these biomolecules? Is this that it is maintaining soluble protein, enhancing degradation, propagating soluble oligomers? Equally, how do we know that the levels of the chaperones/Heros and the TDP-43 is the same in each cell - these are transient transfections, and no western blots are shown to confirm the levels of the proteins. In fact, the authors state that "co-transfection of HSP70 (HSPA8), HSP90 (HSP90AB1) or HOP all failed to suppress TDP-43 aggregation compared to GST" and mention that this is in contrast to other studies, but could this be a failure to express these in the cell models? Some western blot/lysate analysis is needed. Chaperones often form complexes with their client proteins, is there any evidence of complexes in these cell models (i.e. using immunoprecipitation)?

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The submitted manuscript is comparing the effect of individual chaperones and heat-resistant obscure (Hero) proteins on the overall folding of the TDP-43 LCD-domain and its relation to aggregation propensity. Therefore, the authors apply smFRET in order to deduce eventual morphological changes of the LCD-domain from FRET efficiencies. The authors observe that the LCD domain extends its structure upon binding of chaperone/Hero proteins whereas it is collapsed in the absence of those. Furthermore, immunoblotting of filter trap assays indicate that overexpression of chaperones and Hero proteins reduce aggregation of TDP-43 in vivo. Both, the morphological effects on the LCD-domain and the aggregation propensity are significantly enhanced for the TDP-43 A315T mutant. Moreover, the authors tested a charge depleted Hero protein version with reduced "chaperone-like" behaviour. Therefore, the authors conclude that the binding or chaperone activity of the Hero protein is based on its residue specific charges. Finally, the authors conclude that Hero proteins can act similar to chaperones in order to keep protein homeostasis under stress conditions.

      Major comments:

      The similar effect of chaperones and Hero proteins on the morphology of TDP-43 found by the authors is intriguing and the applied experimental procedures seem well described and conducted.

      However, the assumption of the authors that a change in morphology of the LCD-domain by the chaperones and Hero proteins is directly connected to the reduction of TDP-43 aggregation is not entirely clear. Whether an overexpression of individual chaperones and Hero proteins has a direct effect on TDP-43 aggregation cannot be tested in vivo, only. It cannot be excluded that inside the cell the here tested chaperones and Hero proteins control intermediate processes or work as co-factors for other proteins involved in protein homeostasis rather directly influencing the aggregation of TDP-43. Therefore, I recommend in vitro aggregation experiments, using ThT signal as a readout. By adding chaperones, Hero proteins and a negative (BSA or others) control individually, a direct effect on TDP-43 aggregation could be concluded. Those experiments have been extensively used in the field and are quick and straightforward to handle.

      In addition, focusing on the LCD-domain as a main driver for TDP-43 aggregation is limiting this study. In particular, recent studies [1] indicate that the RRM1 and RRM2 sites of TDP-43 have a major impact on TDP-43 gelation and maturation to solid aggregates. Unfortunately, those sites have not been studied in this manuscript.

      As an optional alternative for using Hero11KR->G could be the alteration of buffer conditions and using higher number of salts to promote charge screening. It would be of interest whether the results with the Hero11KR->G could be reproduced with wild type Hero11.

      [1] Lu et al. Nat Cell Biol;24(9):1378-1393 (2022)

      Minor comments:

      Overall, the text is clearly written, and the figures are appropriate.<br /> Whether the activity of individual chaperones or Hero proteins on TDP-43 aggregation "may result in the overall fitness of the cell" or "reinforcing the conformational health of the proteome" is disputable without knowing how the overexpression of certain chaperones or Hero proteins alter the formation of toxic TDP-43 oligomers.


      Studying the mechanistic effects of chaperones on aggregating proteins is of major interest for the field in order to understand aging related disbalance of protein homeostasis and the progression of neurological decline, such as seen for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Furthermore, finding homolog proteins, also being able to inhibit protein aggregation, can help to understand overall mechanisms of protein aggregation and processes preventing such fatal behaviour. However, the technique used in this manuscript are not very novel and have been used numerously times before. smFRET is a common technique to look at protein folding/unfolding and is used frequently as a molecular ruler. The manuscript is of interest for the field of protein aggregation and folding, smFRET and neurodegeneration.

      My expertise lies in the field of protein aggregation and inhibition due to chaperones, measuring molecular interactions and neurodegenerative diseases.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We are obviously very pleased with the general support expressed by the referees, and appreciate their critical comments. We detail below how we propose to respond to their suggestions and queries.

      In view of the fact that my lab is no longer in existence, I will have to rely on the kind generosity of my colleagues at EMBL to host former team members (the two first authors) for a limited period to come back to Heidelberg to carry out any further experimental work that may be needed. This means we will have to limit the work we can do to those experiments with the highest priority. However, we are optimistic that we will be able to obtain indicative results.

      We will also follow most of the referees’ other suggestions and requests for additional data and quantifications, as outlined (or already included) below.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: ASC is the Pyrin/CARD-containing adapter protein that functions as a core component of inflammasome signaling complexes. ASC functions downstream of various NLR- and ALR-inflammasome initiator proteins and upstream of the inflammatory caspases that function as inflammasome effector enzymes. This study uses a novel chimeric construct (Opto-ASC) comprising the Arabidopsis photo-oligomerizable cryptochrome 2 (Cry2-olig) protein with zebrafish ASC to generate transgenic zebrafish larvae wherein ASC oligomerization can be rapidly, dynamically and spatially induced by blue light illumination of either the entire larva or single cells within discrete tissues of an intact larva. Induction of these "opto-inflammasome" complexes is coupled with state-of-the-art, live-cell optical imaging of multiple single cell and integrative tissue parameters to assay various modes of regulated cell death within the peridermal and basal cellular layers of the larval skin. This experimental model was further combined with genetic manipulation of the expression of various zebrafish inflammatory or apoptotic caspases, as well as the two zebrafish members of the gasdermin family of pore-forming proteins which can mediate disruption of plasma membrane permeability without (pre-lytic) or with (pyroptosis) progression to lytic cell death.

      The main results of the study are: 1) introduction of a novel experimental system for dynamic and spatially resolved ASC oligomerization and speck formation within the cells of intact epithelial tissues of a living organism; 2) the ability of these optically induced ASC oligomers/specks to drive multiple modes of regulated cell death which exhibit some (but not all) features of lytic pyroptosis or non-lytic apoptosis depending on cell type and tissue location; 3) the ability of the dying epithelial cells containing optically-induced ASC specks to coordinate rapid adaptive responses in adjacent non-dying cells to maintain integrity/ continuity of skin epithelial barrier; and 4) unexpectedly, no obvious role for either of the two zebrafish gasdermins in the regulated cell death responses.

      Major Comments:

      1. Are the claims and the conclusions supported by the data or do they require additional experiments or analyses to support them? The major goal of this MS is to present a new experimental model (optogenetic activation of ASC oligomerization in transgenic zebrafish) that has the potential to provide new insights regarding the multiple mechanisms by which ASC can regulate inflammasome/ cell death signaling responses in the context of an intact organism. As noted above, some of the observed results are unexpected (e.g., lytic cell death independent of the zebrafish gasdermins in particular epithelial cells) and may reflect mechanisms unique to zebrafish as a non-mammalian vertebrate model versus the mammalian experimental systems (murine and human) that have informed most of our current understanding of how ASC coordinates inflammasome and cell death responses. However, the authors have used rigorous genetic approaches to rule out trivial explanations for the unexpected observations. Thus, no major additional experiments are required to support the claims and conclusions presented in the MS.

      2. Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? Yes. It would help if you could add an estimated time investment for substantial experiments: A few weeks.

      3. Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? Yes.

      4. Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? Yes.

      Minor comments

      1. Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable:

      There's a significant concern with the use of LDC7559 (line 387) as a putative small molecule inhibitor of gasdermin D function to test roles (or lack thereof) of the zebrafish gasdermins in the ASC-triggered lytic cell death responses. A recent study (Amara et al. 2021. Cell. PMID34320407) has reported that LDC7559 does not inhibit gasdermin D (and possibly other gasdermins) but rather acts as an allosteric activator of PFKL (phosphofructosekinase-1 liver type) in neutrophils and thereby suppress generation of the NADPH required for the phagocytic oxidative burst and consequent NETosis. Thus, use of LDC7559 as a presumed gasdermin inhibitor in the current MS is problematic and should be deleted. As an alternative pharmacological approach to suppress gasdermin function, the authors might consider the use of either disulfiram (Hu et al. 2020. Nature Immunology. PMID32367036) and/or dimethylfumarate (Humphries et al. Science. 2020. PMID32820063). These would be straightforward additional experiments.

      We have ordered the reagents to do these experiments. We are optimistic that we will obtain data that will strengthen this part of the ms and be a pointer for future studies by others.

      We propose to keep the information on LDC7559 included, but to discuss the reservations the referee lists above - otherwise, others might ask why we did not even try this inhibitor. .

      Are prior studies referenced appropriately? there are some problems; see below. 2a. One paper is cited twice in lines 724-726 and 727-729. 2b. Another paper is cited twice in lines 790-792 and 793-795. 2c. No journal is included for the referenced study by Shkarina et al in lines 827-828. 2d. No journal is included for the referenced study by Stein et al in lines 831-832. 2e. No journal is included for the referenced study by Masumoto et al in lines 793-795. 2f. No journal is included for the referenced study by Kuri et al in lines 774-775.

      We are embarrassed about these omissions and mistakes and have corrected them..

      Are the text and figures clear and accurate? Generally, yes but with a few exceptions noted below: 3a. line 28: "morphological distinct" should read "morphologically distinct" 3b. line 161: this sentence contains in parentheses "for how long?" I think this was a comment by one author that wasn't removed from the final submitted MS 3c. line 945: spelling "balck" > "black" 3d. line 268: "whereas showed a delayed speck formation": the authors need to specify what model/ condition showed a delayed speck formation 3e. line 262: spelling "egnerated" > "generated"

      Thank you, all corrected.

      CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS I also agree with the comments of the other 2 reviewers. Between the 3 sets of comments and suggestions, the aggregate review will provide the authors with a suitable range of feasible recommendations that will improve an already strong MS.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      1. General assessment: As noted above, this the major goal of this MS is to present a new experimental model (optogenetic activation of ASC oligomerization in transgenic zebrafish) that has the potential to provide new insights regarding the multiple mechanisms by which ASC can regulate inflammasome/ cell death signaling responses in the context of an intact organism. The authors have used rigorous genetic approaches to rule out trivial explanations for the unexpected observations. In general, the MS describes an elegant model system that will provide a platform for identifying new mechanisms of ASC-dependent inflammasome signaling and regulated cell death.

      2. Advance: This MS describes a highly novel experimental model. Zebrafish are increasingly being used as a genetically tractable model for inflammasome signaling within integrated tissues of intact organism. As noted above, the advances are technical but also conceptual. Future application of this novel model is likely to yield identification of new mechanisms for ASC function in innate immunity and regulated cell death within the context of tissue homeostasis and host defense.

      3. Audience: Basic research and discovery.

      4. Please define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view: My group investigates multiple aspects of inflammasome signaling biology at the cellular level with an emphasis on cell-type specific roles for gasdermins in coordinating downstream innate immune responses to inflammasome activation in various myeloid leukocytes (macrophages, dendritic cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, mast cells).

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Programmed cell death is critical for host defense and tissue homeostasis. How dead cells initiate cellular responses in the microenvironment with neighbouring cells in vivo is still largely unknown. The authors have chosen a Zebrafish model to tackle this question, given that this model shows advantages for imaging and addresses these pathways in a complex in vivo setting. Their recent development of light-induced activation of caspases (published in JEM) enabled them to investigate cellular responses to a specific type of cell death in vivo at a single cell resolution. In this study, the author further developed a light-induced activation of ASC to specifically look at inflammasome activation-mediated cell death in vivo. The authors have successfully established this system in zebrafish and also observed that Opto-Asc-induced cell death showed different phenotypes as compared to Opto-caspase-a/b-induced cell death. However, it is not really clear why. I have a few specific comments to be addressed or discussed.

      1. In Fig.3 and Fig.4, the majority of Opto-Asc localizes to the plasma membrane but not endogenous Asc. It seems that tagging affects its localization, which could potentially explain its slow kinetics in oligomerization.

      That is an interesting suggestion. The membrane enrichment is indeed reproducible and we have no full explanation for it. However, ASC itself seems to have some affinity for the cell cortex as seen by its association with the apical actin ridges in keratinocytes in the resting state (see e.g. figure 3A). Affinity of ASC for actin is also documented in the literature:(F-actin dampens NLRP3 inflammasome activity via flightless-1 and LRRFIP2 OPEN; https://doi.org/10.1038/srep29834).

      Perhaps the fusion to the optogenetic module somehow enhances the affinity through the initial dimerization. But we can only speculate and have no further evidence that would allow reliable conclusions.

      In Fig.7, the authors showed that deletion of Caspb, but not Caspa, affected the apical extrusion, without affecting cell death. This may indicate that other caspases, like Caspase-8 or/and caspase-3 were involved. This could be addressed through deletion of Caspase-8 or/and caspase-3.

      These are experiments we had in fact done. Unfortunately, they did not allow us to address the question, because the deletions resulted in embryonic lethality. We have added this information to the text.

      It is very surprising that Opto-Asc-mediated cell death is not dependent on Gasdermins, at least in Caspb-dependent apically extruded dead cells.

      Indeed – but see comment by and our response to reviewer 1. We hope to be able to provide additional data.

      CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS I agree with the other two reviewers and don't have further comments.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The Opto-Asc zebrafish model developed in this study will enable us to specifically look at inflammasome-mediated cell death in vivo. This model is more physiologically relevant compared to Opto-caspase1 model.

      Audience interested in physiological function of inflammasome activation, but it is questionable whether such a tool will address mechanisms in mammalian cells. Eventually, more evidence for the latter could be provided.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this article, de Carvahlo and colleagues describe a novel optogenetic tool allowing single cell and temporally controlled induction of ASC clusters in vivo (in zebrafish), a central adaptator protein of the inflammasome complex which is involved in the induction of pyroptosis. This alternative mode of programmed cell death is involved in pathogen response and promote cell swelling and the release of pro-inflammatory factors. Previous works have shown that the inflammasome activation is associated with the formation of a large cluster of ASC protein (called speck) which promotes then the recruitment and the activation of caspase 1. Specks were previously characterised by the same group in vivo (in zebrafish larvae) and could be induced by the overexpression of ASC protein. This however was not compatible with fine spatio-temporal control of speck formation, thus preventing very refined characterisation of the dynamics and the distinction of the cell autonomous and non-cell autonomous effects.

      By fusing ASC to the blue-light sensitive oligomerising protein Cry2-olig under the control of a heat shock promoter, they could induce time controlled induction of speck at the single cell level, which is then followed by cell extrusion and cell death both in the periderm and the basal cell of the skin of zebrafish larvae. Doing so, they could characterise the dynamics of speck formation as well as key paramters affecting its dynamics and the subsequent extrusion. While ASC activation led to apical or basal extrusion in the periderm layer followed by non-apoptotic cell death, it triggers basal extrusion and apoptosis in the basal layer. Importantly, periderm cell elimination does not seem to strictly follow all the features of pyroptosis as it does not require GSDM, and relies on Caspb (not Caspa). It is also associated with strong Calcium release both in the dying and neighbouring cells.

      The authors performed a very careful characterisation of the tools and the optimisation of the condition to form speck and eliminate cells. The experiments are very well performed with all the necessary controls. The results, while to some extend still hard to fully interpret for some aspects, illustrate the plasticity of cell death and cell extrusion, which include several very interesting observations on the direction of extrusion, putative compensatory modes of cell death upon Caspase1 perturbation and the difference of response to ASC clustering depending on the tissue layer. While it is not the main point of this study, the observation that the direction of extrusion can vary very significantly in different genetic backgrounds is also extremely interesting.

      The atypical cell elimination revealed in the system may require further characterisation in the future and suggest that the tools may not be the best to study bona fide pyroptosis. However, I don't believe there is always such strict separation between the modes of cell death and I am sure that it could lead to very interesting insights on inflammasome formation, extrusion and charcaterisation of downstream signalling in vivo, so overall this will be a very interesting resource for the community working on inflammasome, cell death and extrusion.

      I have some suggestions that could help to better characterise the mode of elimination as well as the mechanism of speck formation. I have also some suggestions for comparison with other published results as well as some text editing.

      Main points :

      1. So far, it remains a bit unclear how the authors define precisely speck versus any aggregate and the light induced clusters of Cry2 olig. Is it related to the timescale of formation and/or the lifetime of the aggregates? Is it related to their size?

      There Is no ‘formal’ definition of an inflammatory speck apart from it being the unusually large aggregates that ASC forms once it is activated. Light-induced clusters of Cry2Olig alone, or of Cry2olig fusions with proteins that do not normally oligomerize are much smaller (extensive documentation in the literature).

      A speck is thus a stable aggregate of ASC which is usually around 1 µm in size and is able to activate downstream caspases. But neither of these aspects alone are unique to ASC: prion-like structures can also be large aggregates (indeed ASC-specks have been compared to prions), and much smaller molecular assemblies can activate caspases. Thus ‘speck’ is more an operational definition, and ‘natural’ specks do have both of these properties, but as our experiments show, the properties can actually be separated. I would rather not try to narrow or change the definition, but leave any further discussion to the experts in the field.

      Figure 4E shows a number of variants of ‘speck’-like and other multimers: ASC-mKate and Opto-ASC form large single specks in the presence of endogenous ASC. Opto-ASC specks are only slightly smaller than those formed by endogenously tagged ASC-GFP (see also Supplementary Figure 2E.. Opto-PYD recruits endogenous ASC and becomes incorporated into a speck of approximately the same size, while Opto-CARD does so less efficiently. All of these kill cells. In the absence of endogenous ASC, Opto-ASC forms much smaller specks, and very many in each cell, but these are still functional as seen by the fact that they still kill cells (not the large spot at t = 60 min in the right half of Fig. 4E is not a speck, but the contracted dying cell). Both Opto-PYD and Opto-CARD also form only the small aggregates (quantification will be included), with Opto-PYD still killing the cell by virtue of its ability to recruit caspases via their PYD, whereas Opto-CARD does not.

      Since the authors use most of the time constant blue light illumination, could they also assess how long the speck remains after stopping blue light exposure and quantify their lifetime (relative to the CRY2olig cluster lifetime)?

      Briefly, any speck that contains a functional ASC moiety remains stable and does not disassemble once the blue light is turned off. In skin cells it is not possible to make quantitative measurements because they are killed by the speck. Opto-ASC specks remain stable until they are taken up by macrophages, as originally reported for ASC-GFP specks in Kuri et al. 2017.

      Stability can best be assessed in muscle cells, which do not die upon speck formation. The figure below shows that specks begin to form within minutes of a short pulse of illumination and remain stable (and indeed grow further) for at least 60 min.

      Here is an example:

      Revisions Figure A:

      __Stability of __Opto-ASC specks in muscle cells after exposure to a single pulse of blue light

      Specks in muscle cells expressing Opto-AscTg(mCherry-Cry2olig-asc) are induced by a single illumination with blue light (488nm) at t = 0 for 32 seconds. Multiple oligomers begin to form within 6 minutes, continue to gradually increase in number and, and remain until the end of the movie (60 mins).

      Cell outlines in the overlying epithelium labeled by AKT-PH-GFP are faintly visible in the first frame. Scale bar is 20 mm.

      Similarly could they provide some comparison of the size and localisation of CRY2 olig clusters compared to the speck.

      For size, see above. In addition, the size of the Cry2 oligomers as well as of Opto-ASC specks can vary with expression levels.

      For location, Cry2olig clusters are usually distributed throughout the cell, as seen in most of the right panels in Fig 4E, and in earlier work in cultured cells (e.g. Taslimi et al 2014). ASC specks can form anywhere in the cell, while Cry2olig-ASC has a preference for the cell cortex, but this is not absolute. In keratinocytes, but not in basal cells, the speck usually forms close to the lateral membrane. In the absence of endogenous ASC no real speck is formed but Opto-ASC in this case shows no clear localisation of Opto-ASC to the membrane.

      In view of the variation we see, a strict quantification is difficult: what would be the ‘correct’ definition of classes to look at? To make statistically significant statements, we would need an enormous number of examples in which we could control for all of the variation of expression levels, cell size, day to day variation etc, and we currently don’t have these. We hope the qualitative evidence in the micrographs we show represents the differences well, and we will be happy to provide a larger number of images, if the referees feel this would be helpful.

      With the non functional CRY2olig Asc fusion (Cter fusion), do they still see transient olig2 clustering which then reverse when blue light illumination is gone? I think it might be useful to clarify these points in the main text since most of the quantifications are based on speck localisation/numbering, so their characteristics have to be very well defined.

      That would be interesting to work out, but after our initial experiments with this construct, we did not pursue this further, since it was not a pressing issue at the time. If we can fit this into our planned experimental time table, we will re-assess it. However, while of interest, we feel these data would not add substantially to what we know at this point.

      1. In all the snapshots of speck formation, there seems to be a relative enrichment of the ASC signal at the cytoplasmic membrane (relative to the cytoplasm) prior to strong speck formation. This seems specific of optoASC as it does not seem to happen for the endogeneous ASC or upon overexpression of ASC-mKate (both in this study and in the previous study published by the same group). Is this apparent membrane enrichment something reproducible? (I see that on pretty much every example of this manuscript). If so what could be the explanation? Is there an actual recruitment at the membrane or is it because the membrane/cortical pool takes longer to be recruited in the speck (hence looking relatively more enriched at intermediate time points).

      See our speculations in response to point 1 of the first referee.

      We too would really like to understand this, but see no easy and efficient way of testing it at this point.

      1. There is also a very distinctive ring accumulation that seems to match with apical constriction and/or a putative actomyosin ring (since this is perfectly round, it could match with a structure with high line tension) (see Figure 1E, Figure 3B, Figure 4D...). Is it something already known? Could the authors comment a bit more on this? This could suggest that ASC accumulates in actomyosin cortex, which would be a very interesting property.

      We see that we had failed to be clear about this.

      There are two types of actin-labelled rings that appear around dying cells. One is formed by the epithelial cells that surround the dying cell. This structure becomes visible as soon as the cell begins to shrink. That it is formed by the surrounding cells is clear from mosaics where the dying cell does not express the actin marker (e.g. suppl. Figure 4A) and the parts of the ring are seen only in the subset of surrounding cells that do express the marker. This ring is also not circular, but follows the polygonal shape of the shrinking cell. We believe that this is the contractile structure that closes the wound, as observed in many other cases of wound healing.

      The other is the one the referee describes here. It is formed within the dying cell, as shown by the fact that it is visible in labelled cells when all the surrounding cells are negative for the marker. The other difference is that it appears only once the dying cell has already contracted considerably and begins to round up and be extruded (most clearly seen in Fig. 1E). The third referee had raised a similar point in relation to the same structure seen in Fig. 6C, and we provide below the requested analysis. It relies on resolution in the y-axis, which is unsatisfactory, but nevertheless, it is clear that this ring is in a plane above the apical surface of the epithelium (marked by the red membrane marker, i.e is present in the detaching cell. It may well simply be actin appearing in the entire cortex of the cell as it rounds up and looking like a ring when seen from above. A completely different method for imaging would have to be set up to document this reliably, but we hope that these explanations help to clarify the confusion we may have created.

      We do not see this accumulation in cells that leave the epithelium towards the interior (see figure in the response to ‘minor points’ below).

      In the end, since cell death can also occur without visible speck formation, I am wondering if they are eventually the most relevant structure to be quantified. Is it because speck can be dissolved upon caspase activation and could it relates to the speed at which caspase are activated (which may not leave enough time for strong aggregation and visible speck formation)? I believe it would help to get more explanation/discussion on this point.

      As already mentioned above, it is indeed not obvious what the significance of the large speck is (and it is extremely puzzling why it is that normally one a single one forms in each cell). We agree that it is not necessarily functionally relevant for the signalling outcome to quantify this property – but nor was this the purpose of this work. Regardless of what kind of aggregate is formed, the optogenetic tool allows the induction of ASC-dependent cell death, and therefore the study of the ensuing cellular events.

      The compensatory mechanisms that lead to cell death/extrusion despite depletion of caspb is very interesting. Could the authors use some pan caspase inhibitor (like zvad FMK) to confirm that this block opto-ASC cell death also in this context? Alternatively could they check the status of effector caspase activation using live probe (nucview) or immunostaining in the context of caspb depletion?

      Those would be interesting avenues to pursue. However, for the reason stated above (Leptin lab closing down, members of fish group no longer at EMBL), we are forced to restrict ourselves to the most important experiments, and think we should prioritize the ones mentioned above.

      1. If I understand well, Figure 7C on the right side suggest that the double KO cells don't extrude (if indeed "no change" mean no extrusion, by the way this nomenclature may deserve some clarification in the legend). I don't think these results are mentioned at any point in the main text, but it would be important to include them (since this is an important control).

      This interpretation is in fact correct, and we have changed the labelling in the figure to ‘no immediate death’

      1. Waves of calcium following cell death and cell extrusion have been previously characterised (Takeushi et al. Curr Biol 2020, Y Fujita group). Interestingly, in this previous article they observed waves of calcium near Caspase8 induced death (in MDCK) as well as near laser induced death in zebrafish, while apparently the authors don't see such Calcium waves upon Caspase8 activation in the zebrafish here. I think it would be important to include a comparison of the authors results with this previous paper in the discussion

      We have included this in our discussion.

      There is also a previous study which characterised the impact of caspase1 on cell extrusion (Bonfim Melo et al. Cell Report 2022, A. Yap lab) which promotes apical extrusion in Caco2 cells. I think it would also be important to include this work in the discussion and to compare with the results obtain here in vivo.

      We have included this in our discussion.

      Other minor points:

      1. Line 439: are the numbers given in percentage? if these are absolute numbers, it is out of how many cells ? Same remark line 445: what are the number of cases representing? (percentage?)

      We have rephrased this to make it unambiguous.

      Figure 5: could the authors show periderm and basal cell extrusion with the same type of markers? (membrane or actin or ZO1)? This would help to really compare accurately the morphology and the remodellings associated.

      We used Utr-mNeonGreen to lable actin both in periderm and basal cells. Actin labeling of extruded periderm cells is shown in figure 6C, actin labeling of a dying basal cells and the overlying periderm cells is shown in supplementary figure 5A.

      Is there any obvious differences in cell size or characteristic cell shape between the classic lab strains (golden, AB, AB2B2) and the WIK and experiment strain used here? I do acknowledge that this is clearly not the focus of this study, but given this striking difference (which is related to an important question in the field of extrusion), it would interesting to mention this if there is anything obvious.

      We will make these measurements and include the data.

      1. Figure 6C: what is exactly the localisation in Z of this strong actin accumulation observed during apical extrusion? Is it apical or is it rather on the basal side of the cell? A lateral view of actin could be useful in this figure for all the different conditions described.

      See response to ‘main point 3’ above.

      The images that show this are below. However, even from these images it is hard to appreciate the locations. They are in fact much easier to see by following the movies over time, and through the z-sections at any given time point. We will of course submit the movies with the manuscript.

      Revisions figure B:

      Localization of actin in the yz and xz planes in Opto-Asc-induced cell death and Opto-caspase-8-induced apoptosis

      Orthogonal projections of images of apically (A) and basally (B, C) extruded cells at four time points from time lapse recordings. Each time point shows the x-z plane and the orthogonal yz and and xz planes, in which the apical sides of the epithelium faces the x-z image.

      Actin is labeled with mNeonGreen-UtrCH (cyan), plasma membranes and internal membranes by lyn-tagRFP (magenta). Actin is initially concentrated in the apical cortical ridges of periderm cells.

      1. Apically extruded cell after death is induced by Opto-Asc. As the cell dies actin is lost from the apical ridges and accumulates in the cell cortex in a plane above the original apical surface of the epithelium
      2. Basally extruded cell after death is induced by Opto-Asc. Actin is retained in the apical ridges as the cell shrinks and moves below the epithelium within the dying cell.
      3. Basally extruded cell after death is induced by Opto-Caspase 8. The apical surfaces forms a transient dome in which the actin ridges remain intact before the dying cell is internalized. .

      Figure S3B: could the authors show the utrophin-neonGreen channel separatly? Is there a ring of actin in the dying cell? Also are the membrane protrusion formed more basally? (I suspect this is a z projection, but this would need to be specified in the legend).

      1. Figure 4A legend: I guess the authors meant red arrowheads rather than frame ? This has been corrected

      2. I list below a number of typos I could find in the main text

      Thanks for noticing these, we have corrected all of these, as well as further typos we found.

      Line 29: in Line 30: but Line 151 : from the ...[...] (tissue ?) Line 161: there is most likely a text commenting that was not removed (for how long?) Line 262: generated (egnrtd) Line 268: whereas showed a delay (the subject is missing) Line 269: a point is missing Line 362: which the lack Line 368: a point is missing Line 400: a space is lacking "cellsdepending" Line 438: shrinkwe (space) Line 459 : or I infections Line 525: there is a point missing.

      CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS I generally agree with all the comments raised by the other reviewers which partially overlap with comments I had (see for instance referee two for the role of other caspases and the membrane localisation of the probe).

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      In this article, de Carvahlo and colleagues describe a novel optogenetic tool allowing single cell and temporally controlled induction of ASC clusters in vivo (in zebrafish), a central adaptator protein of the inflammasome complex which is involved in the induction of pyroptosis. This alternative mode of programmed cell death is involved in pathogen response and promote cell swelling and the release of pro-inflammatory factors. Previous works have shown that the inflammasome activation is associated with the formation of a large cluster of ASC protein (called speck) which promotes then the recruitment and the activation of caspase 1. Specks were previously characterised by the same group in vivo (in zebrafish larvae) and could be induced by the overexpression of ASC protein. This however was not compatible with fine spatio-temporal control of speck formation, thus preventing very refined characterisation of the dynamics and the distinction of the cell autonomous and non-cell autonomous effects.

      By fusing ASC to the blue-light sensitive oligomerising protein Cry2-olig under the control of a heat shock promoter, they could induce time controlled induction of speck at the single cell level, which is then followed by cell extrusion and cell death both in the periderm and the basal cell of the skin of zebrafish larvae. Doing so, they could characterise the dynamics of speck formation as well as key paramters affecting its dynamics and the subsequent extrusion. While ASC activation led to apical or basal extrusion in the periderm layer followed by non-apoptotic cell death, it triggers basal extrusion and apoptosis in the basal layer. Importantly, periderm cell elimination does not seem to strictly follow all the features of pyroptosis as it does not require GSDM, and relies on Caspb (not Caspa). It is also associated with strong Calcium release both in the dying and neighbouring cells.

      The authors performed a very careful characterisation of the tools and the optimisation of the condition to form speck and eliminate cells. The experiments are very well performed with all the necessary controls. The results, while to some extend still hard to fully interpret for some aspect, illustrate the plasticity of cell death and cell extrusion, which include several very interesting observations on the direction of extrusion, putative compensatory modes of cell death upon Caspase1 perturbation and the difference of response to ASC clustering depending on the tissue layer. While it is not the main point of this study, the observation that the direction of extrusion can vary very significantly in different genetic backgrounds is also extremely interesting.

      The atypical cell elimination revealed in the system may require further characterisation in the future and suggest that the tools may not be the best to study bona fide pyroptosis. However, I don't believe there is always such strict separation between the modes of cell death and I am sure that it could lead to very interesting insights on inflammasome formation, extrusion and charcaterisation of downstream signalling in vivo, so overall this will be a very interesting resource for the community working on inflammasome, cell death and extrusion.

      My expertise are in cell extrusion, optogenetics, apoptosis and epithelial mechanics. I am not a specialist of the inflammasome and pyroptosis.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this article, de Carvahlo and colleagues describe a novel optogenetic tool allowing single cell and temporally controlled induction of ASC clusters in vivo (in zebrafish), a central adaptator protein of the inflammasome complex which is involved in the induction of pyroptosis. This alternative mode of programmed cell death is involved in pathogen response and promote cell swelling and the release of pro-inflammatory factors. Previous works have shown that the inflammasome activation is associated with the formation of a large cluster of ASC protein (called speck) which promotes then the recruitment and the activation of caspase 1. Specks were previously characterised by the same group in vivo (in zebrafish larvae) and could be induced by the overexpression of ASC protein. This however was not compatible with fine spatio-temporal control of speck formation, thus preventing very refined characterisation of the dynamics and the distinction of the cell autonomous and non-cell autonomous effects.

      • By fusing ASC to the blue-light sensitive oligomerising protein Cry2-olig under the control of a heat shock promoter, they could induce time controlled induction of speck at the single cell level, which is then followed by cell extrusion and cell death both in the periderm and the basal cell of the skin of zebrafish larvae. Doing so, they could characterise the dynamics of speck formation as well as key paramters affecting its dynamics and the subsequent extrusion. While ASC activation led to apical or basal extrusion in the periderm layer followed by non-apoptotic cell death, it triggers basal extrusion and apoptosis in the basal layer. Importantly, periderm cell elimination does not seem to strictly follow all the features of pyroptosis as it does not require GSDM, and relies on Caspb (not Caspa). It is also associated with strong Calcium release both in the dying and neighbouring cells.

      • The authors performed a very careful characterisation of the tools and the optimisation of the condition to form speck and eliminate cells. The experiments are very well performed with all the necessary controls. The results, while to some extend still hard to fully interpret for some aspects, illustrate the plasticity of cell death and cell extrusion, which include several very interesting observations on the direction of extrusion, putative compensatory modes of cell death upon Caspase1 perturbation and the difference of response to ASC clustering depending on the tissue layer. While it is not the main point of this study, the observation that the direction of extrusion can vary very significantly in different genetic backgrounds is also extremely interesting.

      • The atypical cell elimination revealed in the system may require further characterisation in the future and suggest that the tools may not be the best to study bona fide pyroptosis. However, I don't believe there is always such strict separation between the modes of cell death and I am sure that it could lead to very interesting insights on inflammasome formation, extrusion and charcaterisation of downstream signalling in vivo, so overall this will be a very interesting resource for the community working on inflammasome, cell death and extrusion.

      I have some suggestions that could help to better characterise the mode of elimination as well as the mechanism of speck formation. I have also some suggestions for comparison with other published results as well as some text editing.

      Main points:

      1. So far, it remains a bit unclear how the authors define precisely speck versus any aggregate and the light induced clusters of Cry2 olig. Is it related to the timescale of formation and/or the lifetime of the aggregates ? Is it related to their size ? Since the authors use most of the time constant blue light illumination, could they also assess how long the speck remains after stoping blue light exposure and quantify their lifetime (relative to the CRY2olig cluster lifetime) ? Similarly could they provide some comparison of the size and localisation of CRY2 olig clusters compared to the speck. With the non functional CRY2olig Asc fusion (Cter fusion), do they still see transient olig2 clustering which then reverse when blue light illumination is gone ? I think it might be useful to clarify these points in the main text since most of the quantifications are based on speck localisation/numbering, so their characteristics have to be very well defined.

      2. In all the snapshots of speck formation, there seems to be a relative enrichment of the ASC signal at the cytoplasmic membrane (relative to the cytoplasm) prior to strong speck formation. This seems specific of optoASC as it does not seem to happen for the endogeneous ASC or upon overexpression of ASC-mKate (both in this study and in the previous study published by the same group). Is this apparent membrane enrichment something reproducible ? (I see that on pretty much every example of this manuscript). If so what could be the explanation ? Is there an actual recruitment at the membrane or is it because the membrane/cortical pool takes longer to be recruited in the speck (hence looking relatively more enriched at intermediate time points).

      3. There is also a very distinctive ring accumulation that seems to match with apical constriction and/or a putative actomyosin ring (since this is perfectly round, it could match with a structure with high line tension) (see Figure 1E, Figure 3B, Figure 4D...). Is it something already known ? Could the authors comment a bit more on this ? This could suggest that ASC accumulates in actomyosin cortex, which would be a very interesting property.

      4. In the end, since cell death can also occur without visible speck formation, I am wondering if they are eventually the most relevant structure to be quantified. Is it because speck can be dissolved upon caspase activation and could it relates to the speed at which caspase are activated (which may not leave enough time for strong aggregation and visible speck formation) ? I believe it would help to get more explanation/discussion on this point.

      5. The compensatory mechanisms that lead to cell death/extrusion despite depletion of caspb is very interesting. Could the authors use some pan caspase inhibitor ( like zvad FMK) to confirm that this block opto-ASC cell death also in this context ? Alternatively could they check the status of effector caspase activation using live probe (nucview) or immunostaining in the context of caspb depletion ?

      6. If I understand well, Figure 7C on the right side suggest that the double KO cells don't extrude (if indeed "no change" mean no extrusion, by the way this nomenclature may deserve some clarification in the legend). I don't think these results are mentioned at any point in the main text, but it would be important to include them (since this is an important control).

      7. Waves of calcium following cell death and cell extrusion have been previously characterised (Takeushui et al. Curr Biol 2020, Y Fujita group). Interestingly, in this previous article they observed waves of calcium near Caspase8 induced death (in MDCK) as well as near laser induced death in zebrafish, while apparently the authors don't see such Calcium waves upon Caspase8 activation in the zebrafish here. I think it would be important to include a comparison of the authors results with this previous paper in the discussion

      8. There is also a previous study which characterised the impact of caspase1 on cell extrusion (Bonfim Melo et al. Cell Report 2022, A. Yap lab) which promotes apical extrusion in Caco2 cells. I think it would also be important to include this work in the discussion and to compare with the results obtain here in vivo.

      Other minor points:

      1. Line 439: are the numbers given in percentage ? if these are absolute numbers, it is out of how many cells ? Same remark line 445 : what are the number of cases representing ? (percentage ?)

      2. Figure 5: could the authors show periderm and basal cell extrusion with the same type of markers ? (membrane or actin or ZO1) ? This would help to really compare accurately the morphology and the remodellings associated.

      3. Is there any obvious differences in cell size or characteristic cell shape between the classic lab strains (golden, AB, AB2B2) and the WIK and experiment strain used here ? I do acknowledge that this is clearly not the focus of this study, but given this striking difference (which is related to an important question in the field of extrusion), it would interesting to mention this if there is anything obvious.

      4. Figure 6C: what is exactly the localisation in Z of this strong actin accumulation observed during apical extrusion ? Is it apical or is it rather on the basal side of the cell ? A lateral view of actin could be useful in this figure for all the different conditions described.

      5. Figure S3B: could the authors show the utrophin-neonGreen channel separatly ? Is there a ring of actin in the dying cell ? Also are the membrane protrusion formed more basally ? (I suspect this is a z projection, but this would need to be specified in the legend).

      6. Figure 4A legend : I guess the authors meant red arrowheads rather than frame ?

      7. I list below a number of typos I could find in the main text

      Line 29: in

      Line 30: but

      Line 151 : from the ...[...] (tissue ?)

      Line 161: there is most likely a text commenting that was not removed (for how long?)

      Line 262: generated (egnrtd)

      Line 268: whereas showed a delay (the subject is missing)

      Line 269: a point is missing

      Line 362: which the lack

      Line 368: a point is missing

      Line 400: a space is lacking "cellsdepending"

      Line 438: shrinkwe (space)

      Line 459 : or I infections

      Line 525: there is a point missing.


      I generally agree with all the comments raised by the other reviewers which partially overlap with comments I had (see for instance referee two for the role of other caspases and the membrane localisation of the probe).


      In this article, de Carvahlo and colleagues describe a novel optogenetic tool allowing single cell and temporally controlled induction of ASC clusters in vivo (in zebrafish), a central adaptator protein of the inflammasome complex which is involved in the induction of pyroptosis. This alternative mode of programmed cell death is involved in pathogen response and promote cell swelling and the release of pro-inflammatory factors. Previous works have shown that the inflammasome activation is associated with the formation of a large cluster of ASC protein (called speck) which promotes then the recruitment and the activation of caspase 1. Specks were previously characterised by the same group in vivo (in zebrafish larvae) and could be induced by the overexpression of ASC protein. This however was not compatible with fine spatio-temporal control of speck formation, thus preventing very refined characterisation of the dynamics and the distinction of the cell autonomous and non-cell autonomous effects.

      • By fusing ASC to the blue-light sensitive oligomerising protein Cry2-olig under the control of a heat shock promoter, they could induce time controlled induction of speck at the single cell level, which is then followed by cell extrusion and cell death both in the periderm and the basal cell of the skin of zebrafish larvae. Doing so, they could characterise the dynamics of speck formation as well as key paramters affecting its dynamics and the subsequent extrusion. While ASC activation led to apical or basal extrusion in the periderm layer followed by non-apoptotic cell death, it triggers basal extrusion and apoptosis in the basal layer. Importantly, periderm cell elimination does not seem to strictly follow all the features of pyroptosis as it does not require GSDM, and relies on Caspb (not Caspa). It is also associated with strong Calcium release both in the dying and neighbouring cells.

      • The authors performed a very careful characterisation of the tools and the optimisation of the condition to form speck and eliminate cells. The experiments are very well performed with all the necessary controls. The results, while to some extend still hard to fully interpret for some aspect, illustrate the plasticity of cell death and cell extrusion, which include several very interesting observations on the direction of extrusion, putative compensatory modes of cell death upon Caspase1 perturbation and the difference of response to ASC clustering depending on the tissue layer. While it is not the main point of this study, the observation that the direction of extrusion can vary very significantly in different genetic backgrounds is also extremely interesting.

      • The atypical cell elimination revealed in the system may require further characterisation in the future and suggest that the tools may not be the best to study bona fide pyroptosis. However, I don't believe there is always such strict separation between the modes of cell death and I am sure that it could lead to very interesting insights on inflammasome formation, extrusion and charcaterisation of downstream signalling in vivo, so overall this will be a very interesting resource for the community working on inflammasome, cell death and extrusion.

      • My expertise are in cell extrusion, optogenetics, apoptosis and epithelial mechanics. I am not a specialist of the inflammasome and pyroptosis.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Programmed cell death is critical for host defense and tissue homeostasis. How dead cells initiate cellular responses in the microenvironment with neighbouring cells in vivo is still largely unknown. The authors have chosen a Zebrafish model to tackle this question, given that this model shows advantages for imaging and addresses these pathways in a complex in vivo setting. Their recent development of light-induced activation of caspases (published in JEM) enabled them to investigate cellular responses to a specific type of cell death in vivo at a single cell resolution. In this study, the author further developed a light-induced activation of ASC to specifically look at inflammasome activation-mediated cell death in vivo. The authors have successfully established this system in zebrafish and also observed that Opto-Asc-induced cell death showed different phenotypes as compared to Opto-caspase-a/b-induced cell death. However, it is not really clear why. I have a few specific comments to be addressed or discussed.

      1. In Fig.3 and Fig.4, the majority of Opto-Asc localizes to the plasma membrane but not endogenous Asc. It seems that tagging affects its localization, which could potentially explain its slow kinetics in oligomerization.

      2. In Fig.7, the authors showed that deletion of Caspb, but not Caspa, affected the apical extrusion, without affecting cell death. This may indicate that other caspases, like Caspase-8 or/and caspase-3 were involved. This could be addressed through deletion of Caspase-8 or/and caspase-3.

      3. It is very surprising that Opto-Asc-mediated cell death is not dependent on Gasdermins, at least in Caspb-dependent apically extruded dead cells.


      I agree with the other two reviewers and don't have further comments.


      The Opto-Asc zebrafish model developed in this study will enable us to specifically look at inflammasome-mediated cell death in vivo. This model is more physiologically relevant compared to Opto-caspase1 model.

      Audience interested in physiological function of inflammasome activation, but it is questionable whether such a tool will address mechanisms in mammalian cells. Eventually, more evidence for the latter could be provided.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      ASC is the Pyrin/CARD-containing adapter protein that functions as a core component of inflammasome signaling complexes. ASC functions downstream of various NLR- and ALR-inflammasome initiator proteins and upstream of the inflammatory caspases that function as inflammasome effector enzymes. This study uses a novel chimeric construct (Opto-ASC) comprising the Arabidopsis photo-oligomerizable cryptochrome 2 (Cry2-olig) protein with zebrafish ASC to generate transgenic zebrafish larvae wherein ASC oligomerization can be rapidly, dynamically and spatially induced by blue light illumination of either the entire larva or single cells within discrete tissues of an intact larva. Induction of these "opto-inflammasome" complexes is coupled with state-of-the-art, live-cell optical imaging of multiple single cell and integrative tissue parameters to assay various modes of regulated cell death within the peridermal and basal cellular layers of the larval skin. This experimental model was further combined with genetic manipulation of the expression of various zebrafish inflammatory or apoptotic caspases, as well as the two zebrafish members of the gasdermin family of pore-forming proteins which can mediate disruption of plasma membrane permeability without (pre-lytic) or with (pyroptosis) progression to lytic cell death.

      The main results of the study are:

      1) introduction of a novel experimental system for dynamic and spatially resolved ASC oligomerization and speck formation within the cells of intact epithelial tissues of a living organism;

      2) the ability of these optically induced ASC oligomers/specks to drive multiple modes of regulated cell death which exhibit some (but not all) features of lytic pyroptosis or non-lytic apoptosis depending on cell type and tissue location;

      3) the ability of the dying epithelial cells containing optically-induced ASC specks to coordinate rapid adaptive responses in adjacent non-dying cells to maintain integrity/ continuity of skin epithelial barrier; and

      4) unexpectedly, no obvious role for either of the two zebrafish gasdermins in the regulated cell death responses.

      Major Comments:

      1. Are the claims and the conclusions supported by the data or do they require additional experiments or analyses to support them? The major goal of this MS is to present a new experimental model (optogenetic activation of ASC oligomerization in transgenic zebrafish) that has the potential to provide new insights regarding the multiple mechanisms by which ASC can regulate inflammasome/ cell death signaling responses in the context of an intact organism. As noted above, some of the observed results are unexpected (e.g., lytic cell death independent of the zebrafish gasdermins in particular epithelial cells) and may reflect mechanisms unique to zebrafish as a non-mammalian vertebrate model versus the mammalian experimental systems (murine and human) that have informed most of our current understanding of how ASC coordinates inflammasome and cell death responses. However, the authors have used rigorous genetic approaches to rule out trivial explanations for the unexpected observations. Thus, no major additional experiments are required to support the claims and conclusions presented in the MS.

      2. Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? Yes. It would help if you could add an estimated time investment for substantial experiments: A few weeks.

      3. Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? Yes.

      4. Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? Yes.

      Minor comments:

      1. Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable:

      There's a significant concern with the use of LDC7559 (line 387) as a putative small molecule inhibitor of gasdermin D function to test roles (or lack thereof) of the zebrafish gasdermins in the ASC-triggered lytic cell death responses. A recent study (Amara et al. 2021. Cell. PMID34320407) has reported that LDC7559 does not inhibit gasdermin D (and possibly other gasdermins) but rather acts as an allosteric activator of PFKL (phosphofructosekinase-1 liver type) in neutrophils and thereby suppress generation of the NADPH required for the phagocytic oxidative burst and consequent NETosis. Thus, use of LDC7559 as a presumed gasdermin inhibitor in the current MS is problematic and should be deleted. As an alternative pharmacological approach to suppress gasdermin function, the authors might consider the use of either disulfiram (Hu et al. 2020. Nature Immunology. PMID32367036) and/or dimethylfumarate (Humphries et al. Science. 2020. PMID32820063). These would be straightforward additional experiments.

      1. Are prior studies referenced appropriately? there are some problems; see below.

      2a. One paper is cited twice in lines 724-726 and 727-729.

      2b. Another paper is cited twice in lines 790-792 and 793-795.

      2c. No journal is included for the referenced study by Shkarina et al in lines 827-828.

      2d. No journal is included for the referenced study by Stein et al in lines 831-832.

      2e. No journal is included for the referenced study by Masumoto et al in lines 793-795.

      2f. No journal is included for the referenced study by Kuri et al in lines 774-775.

      1. Are the text and figures clear and accurate? Generally, yes but with a few exceptions noted below:

      3a. line 28: "morphological distinct" should read "morphologically distinct"

      3b. line 161: this sentence contains in parentheses "for how long?" I think this was a comment by one author that wasn't removed from the final submitted MS

      3c. line 945: spelling "balck" > "black"

      3d. line 268: "whereas showed a delayed speck formation": the authors need to specify what model/ condition showed a delayed speck formation

      3e. line 262: spelling "egnerated" > "generated"


      I also agree with the comments of the other 2 reviewers. Between the 3 sets of comments and suggestions, the aggregate review will provide the authors with a suitable range of feasible recommendations that will improve an already strong MS.


      1. General assessment:

      As noted above, this the major goal of this MS is to present a new experimental model (optogenetic activation of ASC oligomerization in transgenic zebrafish) that has the potential to provide new insights regarding the multiple mechanisms by which ASC can regulate inflammasome/ cell death signaling responses in the context of an intact organism. The authors have used rigorous genetic approaches to rule out trivial explanations for the unexpected observations. In general, the MS describes an elegant model system that will provide a platform for identifying new mechanisms of ASC-dependent inflammasome signaling and regulated cell death.

      1. Advance:

      This MS describes a highly novel experimental model. Zebrafish are increasingly being used as a genetically tractable model for inflammasome signaling within integrated tissues of intact organism. As noted above, the advances are technical but also conceptual. Future application of this novel model is likely to yield identification of new mechanisms for ASC function in innate immunity and regulated cell death within the context of tissue homeostasis and host defense.

      1. Audience:

      Basic research and discovery.

      1. Please define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view:

      My group investigates multiple aspects of inflammasome signaling biology at the cellular level with an emphasis on cell-type specific roles for gasdermins in coordinating downstream innate immune responses to inflammasome activation in various myeloid leukocytes (macrophages, dendritic cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, mast cells).

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Response to reviewers

      Reviewer #1

      Reviewer #1 (evidence, reproducibility and clarity (required)):

      Winter et al. present a study of Ebola virus fusion in the acidic environment of the late endosome. Based on cryo-ET of Ebola virions undergoing entry into cells, they note that the VP40 matrix is disassembled and dissociated from the viral membrane in virions seen in the endosome. Subsequent in vitro and computational analyses suggest that protons diffuse across the viral membrane and neutralize anionic lipids on the inner leaflet. They argue that this loss of negative charge reduces the affinity of VP40 for the viral membrane. They further suggest that VP40 dissociation from the viral membrane precedes GP-mediated membrane fusion and contributes to reduction in the energy barrier for membrane stalk formation. Whereas most studies have focused on the importance of acidic pH in triggering GP conformational changes during fusion, the present work contributes new appreciation for VP40-membrane interactions.

      We would like to thank the reviewer for all the insightful comments and appreciation of the novelty.

      In the cryo-ET experiments aimed at visualizing Ebola entry, do the authors see evidence of viral membrane fusion? There is no mention of this in the text. Knowing that the virions that show disassembly of the VP40 matrix are in fact the virions that productively enter cells would support the conclusions of the study. As is stands, one is forced to wonder whether the virions that show VP40 disassembly prior to fusion ultimately fuse.

      *We first note that the EBOV virions shown in Figure 1 entering host cells were captured by cryo-ET at 48 hours post infection and resulted from 2-3 rounds of infection, thus the virions can productively enter the cells by micropinocytosis. Virions that are not able to undergo membrane fusion would be processed in the lysosomes and would not be detectable by cryo-ET at 48 hours post infection. In addition, the virions captured in late endosomes contain nucleocapsids, hence these virions are likely infectious. Together, this is good evidence that we really see events after successful membrane fusion. *

      *We fully agree with the reviewer that capturing a fusion event would provide further proof that fusion depends on prior disassembly of the VP40 matrix layer. To address this, we acquired additional data on cells infected at different time-points post-infection (15 cells imaged); regrettably, we have not been successful in capturing a membrane fusion event, presumably due its fast kinetics. In this study we are technically limited with the amount of the virus we can use for infection in BSL4. The current dataset was generated at an MOI of 0.1 and this makes capturing entry events difficult as we would need an MOI of at least 100-1000 to increase the chances of capturing such a rare event. *

      *Considering the technical difficulties to perform the experiment under BSL4 conditions, we have in addition performed a similar experiment using EBOV VLPs at high concentration (estimated MOI > 100) composed of VP40 and GP (Fig. S5). Despite the high VLP concentration, we could only find 2 tomograms out of 18 tomograms showing VLP entry events. These clearly show that the VP40 matrix is disassembled in VLPs residing in endosomes. The same lamellae displayed sites of viral fusion as evident from enlarged endosomal membrane surfaces studded with GPs facing endosomal lumina. Hence, this new data supports our results that VLPs that undergo VP40 disassembly are able to fuse. We have included the new supplementary figure S5 and added the following sentence to the main text: *

      Lines 96-102: “We were not able to capture virions residing in endosomes in the process of fusing with the endosomal membrane, presumably because virus membrane fusion is a rapid event. However, in a similar experiment using EBOV VLPs composed of VP40 and GP, we could confirm the absence of ordered VP40 matrix layers in VLPs inside endosomal compartments. Moreover, we were able to capture one fusion event and several intracellular membranes studded with luminal GPs, indicating that fusion had taken place (Fig. S5).”

      In the cryo-ET experiments that evaluate VP40 disassembly in vitro, why do the authors leave out NP from their VLP preparations? There is some evidence in the literature (Li et al., JVI 2016) that NP is necessary to form particles with native morphology. If the authors feel that NP is not necessary for their experiment, perhaps this could be noted.

      *Thank you very much for this important comment. Throughout this study, we mainly focused on the fate of the VP40 matrix during entry and thus reduced the complexity of the VLPs used to the minimum – VP40 and GP, so indeed NP was left out before. To address the role of the nucleocapsid in Ebola VLPs uncoating, we have now also included data on VLPs prepared by expression of nucleocapsid components (NP, VP24 and VP35) in addition to GP and VP40. Cryo-ET analysis of these VLPs showed that VLPs mainly contain loosely coiled nucleocapsid. This is consistent with a study by Bharat et al 2012, which shows that compared to virions, VLPs displayed heterogeneous nucleocapsid assembly states and reduced incorporation of nucleocapsids. It is important to note that VLPs containing nucleocapsid also displayed disassembled VP40 matrices at low pH (Fig. S7). Hence, nucleocapsid proteins do not influence the VP40 disassembly driven by low pH and GP-VP40 VLPs can be used as model to study VP40 uncoating. *

      *We included a statement shown on lines 150-153: “We further repeated the experiment using VLPs composed of VP40, GP and the nucleocapsid proteins NP, VP24 and VP35, and observed the same low pH-phenotype described above. These results show that nucleocapsid proteins do not influence the VP40 disassembly driven by low pH.” *

      The authors argue that acidic pH neutralizes the charge of PS phospholipids, thereby removing the electrostatic interactions of basic residues in VP40 and PS. They also note in the Methods section that 7 amino acids in VP40 are predicted by PROPKA to be protonated at pH 4.5. If the authors feel that protonation of these 7 amino acids is not involved in the loss of affinity for PS, this could be stated explicitly and justified. Could the protonation of these 7 amino acids contribute to disassembly of the VP40 lattice, rather than dissociation from the membrane?

      Thank you for this interesting comment. We note that the amino acids predicted to be protonated (*E76, E325, H61, H124, H210, H269, H315, see below) are far away from the interaction interface with the membrane and also away from the intra-dimerization domain. Hence, they do not likely contribute to the loss of affinity for PS but may contribute to conformational changes that facilitate the disassembly of the VP40 matrix. For clarification, we have added the following statement to the methods section: *

      Lines 541-544: “Importantly, these residues are located away from the interaction interface of VP40 with the membrane and their protonation accordingly does not influence membrane-binding. However, protonation of these residues may contribute to conformational changes that facilitate the VP40 matrix disassembly.

      Minor: Figure S5C is difficult to interpret. The red frame on the bars that indicates data acquired at low pH is nearly invisible. Better might be to indicate explicitly (ie, with words) the pH at which data were acquired.

      Thank you very much for this comment. We have changed the design of the graph accordingly. Please note that the figure numbering has changed and that Figure S5C is now Figure S6C.* * Reviewer #1 (significance (required)): The significance of the study stems from the idea that the VP40 lattice and its interaction with the viral membrane plays a direct role in facilitating viral fusion. To my knowledge, this has not been previously addressed. The significance would be considerably increased if the authors were able to demonstrate by cryo-ET that the virions with disassembled VP40 were in fact the virions that productively fused. Nonetheless, this work should be of broad interest to researchers studying viral fusion as it may represent a phenomenon relevant to numerous viruses that enter cells via the endocytic route.

      Reviewer #2 Reviewer #2 (evidence, reproducibility and clarity (required)):

      The manuscript by Winter et al., entitled "The Ebola virus VP40 matrix undergoes endosomal disassembly essential for membrane fusion" describes the structural aspects of the events that precede Ebola virus (EBOV) membrane fusion in late endosome and virion uncoating in the cytosol. By combining state-of-the-art cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) with biophysical and computational techniques, they have elucidated the pivotal role of the ebolaviral matrix virion protein 40 (VP40) in modulating the fusion process, in particular discovering that disassembly of the VP40 ordered lattice is low pH-driven, occurs despite the absence of a viral ion channel within the filovirus envelope and takes place through the weakening of VP40 interactions with lipids at the interface between the ebolaviral envelope and matrix. Overall, the manuscript is well written and the research work is very well conceived, with solid orthogonal experimental approaches that mutually validate their respective results. It is opinion of this reviewer that the paper contributes to the elucidation of a key step in the EBOV infection cycle and that it will be of great interest for the readership of Review Commons and for the community of structural biologists. Therefore, I recommend the publication of this paper, however after some minor revision to the text, the figures and the figure legends, which show inconsistencies in the terminology used, the acronyms and could be easily improved by some little graphical editing.

      Thank you very much for your positive feedback and your comments.


      • By starting their abstract and introduction sessions with the term "Ebola viruses" the authors are (on purpose?) preparing the reader to the implicit statement that their findings could be a paradigm model for the other members of the Ebolavirus genus. This is an exciting picture, especially in perspective of VP40-targeting drugs development. Therefore, although conclusions in this sense would probably require further studies, I encourage the authors to implement their figure 3 (or related supplementary figure) with a multiple-sequence alignment, and the relative text in the manuscript, by showing if and how much the basic patch at the C-terminus of VP40 is conserved within the Ebolavirus genus, especially the residues Lys224, Lys225, Lys274 and Lys275.

      Thank you very much for this comment. We have added a corresponding sequence alignment highlighting the high conservation of the basic patch of amino acids across all Ebola virus species (Suppl. Fig. S6). In the text, we refer to the sequence conservation as follows:

      Lines 213-215: “These interactions are driven by basic patches of amino acids which are highly conserved across all EBOV species (Fig. S8 H), further emphasizing their importance in adaptable membrane binding.”

      • It is a bit inconvenient for the reader to follow how a story unfolds while jumping back and forth between figures, and this is why I would recommend to move the period of the sentence at lines 88-91 to the session where figure 5 is discussed.

      *We refer in fact to Figure 1 and fixed the reference accordingly (line 95). *

      • Please, avoid the use of the slang "Ebola" without the apposition "virus", and make the text consistent throughout the manuscript by only using the acronym of each term after it was introduced for the first time.

      Thank you for this comment. We have thoroughly revised the use of technical terms.

      Minor revisions: Line 1: "matrix protein undergoes" We refer here to the entire VP40 matrix layer composed of many VP40 proteins and not to single VP40 proteins (as the individual proteins do not disassemble, but their macromolecular assembly does). For clarification, we changed the title to “matrix layer undergoes”.

      Line 19: "the matrix viral protein 40 (VP40)" We have corrected the statement.

      Line 18: considering that a virus "exists" in the form of a virion while temporarily located outside the cell, and as a "molecular entity" consisting of viral proteins and nucleic acids organised in macromolecular complexes during its life cycle inside the infected cell, this reviewer encourages the authors to rephrase as follows: " Ebola viruses (EBOVs) virions are filamentous particles, ..." Thank you for your suggestion. We have rephrased it to: „Ebola viruses (EBOVs) assemble into filamentous virions“ (line 18).

      Lines 35-36 and line 40: "that is determined by the matrix made up by the viral protein 40 (VP40), which drives ..." And then, directly use the acronym VP24 at line 40

      We have corrected the statement.

      Line 40: as VP24 and VP35 interact with NP but do not interact with the ssRNA genome, please rephrase as follows "the nucleoprotein (NP) which encapsidates the ssRNA genome, and the viral proteins VP24 and VP35 which, together with NP, form the nucleocapsid"

      We have corrected the statement.

      Lines 47-48: "...fusion glycoprotein (GP)...[...] the ebolaviral envelope"

      We have corrected the statement.

      Line 51: "...remarkably long virion of EBOVs undergoes..."

      We have rephrased the statement: line 55: “…remarkably long EBOV virions undergo…”

      Line 63: "... in vitro, and in endo-lysosomal compartments in situ, by cryo-electron..."

      We have corrected the statement.

      Lines 70-71: " to shed light on EBOVs ... [...] with EBOV (Zaire ebolavirus species, Mayinga strain) in biosafety level 4 (BSL4) containment"

      We have corrected the statement.

      Line 72: chemically fixed by? (PFA and GA acronyms have been annotated in figure 1, but should be first mentioned in their explicit form in the text)

      We have now mentioned annotations for GA and PFA both in the main text and in the figure legend in their explicit forms.

      Line 73 (cryo-FIB)

      We have corrected the acronym.

      Line 80: EBOV virions

      We have corrected the statement.

      Figure 1A and line 97: for consistency with the terminology used in the main text, should be perhaps in the second step preferred the term "vitrification" instead of cryofixation? Readers not familiar with the field could be confused by the use of the two synonyms

      We have replaced the term as suggested.

      Lines 92-93: "...these data indicate [...] and suggest..."

      We have corrected the statement.

      Figure 1C and line 100: in the color legend EBOV is annotated as dark teal, however in the segmentation of the reconstructed tomogram there are three objects, one of which in dark teal is evidently a portion of EBOV virion inside the endosome, and other two are in different shades of green. What are those? Please, could author specify their identity in the figure legend with their corresponding color code? The same applies to supplementary figure S2 (see comment below).

      Thank you very much for this comment. All three green objects are EBOV virions. For clarification, we have added numbers 1-3 to the figure and legend and adjusted the text in the legend accordingly (lines 109-110).

      Line 95: "...tomography of EBOV virions..."

      We have corrected the statement.

      Line 98: "...showing EBOV virions..." (This reviewer refers to the use of the term 'EBOVs' as for different species within the genus rather than for different EBOV particles within a dataset)

      We have corrected the statement.

      Line 105: "... a purified EBOV before..." *We realized a mistake in our phrasing: the virion shown in Fig. 1 H is not purified, but a virion found adjacent to the plasma membrane of an infected cell. We have changed the phrasing accordingly (lines 117-118). *

      Line 110 and 113: "...EBOV matrix..." And "EBOV virus-like particles (VLP)"

      We have corrected the statement.

      Line 140, 141, 145 and 147: "EBOV VLPs" and "EBOV VLP"; idem at lines 188-189, 209 and anywhere else in the manuscript (including figure 4A) We have corrected the use of “EBOV VLP(s)” as suggested.

      Line 235: "influenza virus ion channel..."

      We have corrected the statement.

      Line 249: please, use directly the above-introduced acronym for the detergent

      We have revised the use of acronyms.

      Figure 5F: in plot's X axis label: thermolysin (T)?

      Yes, this is correct and stated in the figure legend.* * Line 342: "EBOV have remarkably long..."

      We have corrected the statement.

      Line 420 "...matrix-specific"

      We have corrected the spelling error.

      Line 464: "grids"

      We have corrected the spelling error.

      Line 465: "for cryo-FIB milling"

      We have corrected the statement.

      Line 611: "influenza virus M2 ..." (Please, from which influenza virus strain does the gene come from? Alternatively, which is the NCBI Protein and/or UniProt database code?)

      We have added the information to the Methods (line 648): “….A/Udorn/307/1972 (subtype H3N2))…”

      Line 623: please, use the above-designated acronym for the detergent

      *We have used the acronym as suggested. *

      Line 716: "...based on cryo-ET..." We have corrected the statement.

      Line 718: "influenza virus" We have corrected the term.

      Line 734: "cryo-ET data" We have corrected the term.

      Fig. S8: for consistency with the main text, "thermolysin" We have corrected the spelling of thermolysin throughout the manuscript.

      Fig. S2, C and F: are these EBOV virions (as mentioned in the figure title) or EBOV VLPs (as the legends in the two panels of this figure seem to suggest)? Please, the authors should clarify

      Thank you very much for spotting this mistake! These are indeed EBOV virions and we have changed the legends within the figure accordingly.

      Line 1046: "malleable lipid envelope of the EBOV"; this adjective sounds confusing; the reviewer encourages the authors to rephrase for more clarity.

      We have removed the adjective „malleable”.

      Reviewer #2 (significance (required)): see above.

      __Reviewer #3__Reviewer #3 (evidence, reproducibility and clarity (required)):

      Winter and colleagues describe the molecular architecture of Ebola virus during entry into host cells. The main claims of the paper are that VP40 is disassembled prior to fusion. Disassembly is driven by the low pH environment in the endosomes. PH-induced uncoating works via "passive equilibration" because the Ebola virus envelope does not contain an ion channel. The authors conclude that structural remodeling of VP40 acts as a molecular switch coupling uncoating to fusion. The main novel results of the manuscript are: In situ cryo-ET of endosomal compartments shows EBOV particles with intact condensed nucleocapsids and disordered protein densities that may relate to detached VP40. Five EBOV particles were imaged in the endosome and all had detached VP40 layers. Controls, budding virions and extracellular virions showed intact VP40 layers. Incubation of VP40-Gp VLPs with a pH 4.5 buffer leads to the disorder of the VP40 matrix in vitro, which is independent of Gp presence in the VLPs. MD simulation showed VP40 dimer binding to model membranes containing 30 % PS at pH7 and reduced binding at pH 4.5. Lipidomics revealed the lipid composition of VP40-Gp VLPs demonstrating 9% PS.

      VP40-PHluorin fusions were used to determine acidification of VLPs in vitro and to calculate a permeability coefficient of 1.2 Å sec-1, which is quite low compared to the permeability of the plasma membrane (345 Å sec-1). Next they modeled membrane fusion showing that fusion is more favorable after VP40 disassembly, especially favoring stalk formation. The authors propose further that fusion pore opening is more favorable in the presence of VP40. The authors claim that strong interactions of lipids with VP40 stabilizes the hemifusion intermediate. VP40 Gp VLPs can enter host cells independent of pH once Gp has been activated by thermolysin.

      We thank the reviewer for these interesting comments and valuable suggestions.

      Some of the results are over interpreted and require appropriate modifications.

      Main points that need to be addressed: Imperfections of the membrane could be induced by proteins. Does acidification of the virion depend on GP and its transmembrane region? This can be tested with chimeric GP replacing its TM by unrelated trimeric TMs.

      We agree that this is important to consider. We have addressed this question in Fig. 2 K using VLPs composed of VP40 alone. These VLPs lack GP and still display luminal acidification as evident from the disassembled VP40 matrix when incubated at low pH. Therefore, acidification does not depend on GP. For clarification, we have adjusted the following sentence in the discussion:

      Lines 410-413: “Using VLPs of minimal protein composition (VP40 and GP, and VP40 alone), we show that VP40‑disassembly, i.e. the detachment of the matrix from the viral envelope is triggered by low endosomal pH (Fig. 2). This indicates that VP40 disassembly does not depend on structural changes of other viral proteins, including GP, and is driven solely by the acidic environment.*” *

      Virus entry assays, line 292. The low pH is not only used for Gp cleavage, but induces the conformational changes leading to the post fusion conformation of Gp2. The authors need to check what happens to Gp once it is cleaved by thermolysin. Is this sufficient to induce the conformational changes in Gp? And if so how does entry of such VLPs work, because once the conformational change is triggered, GP2 will adopt the post fusion conformation which is inactive in fusion. This requires further clarification.

      To our knowledge, there is only one study showing that EBOV GP2 changes conformation at low pH in the form of a re-arrangement of the fusion peptide from an extended loop to a kinked conformation (Gregory et al 2011). Importantly, low pH alone is not sufficient to trigger GP mediated membrane fusion and NPC1 is needed as a trigger for membrane fusion process (Das et al, 2020). Hence proteolytically processed GP requires NPC1 binding to change its conformation to post-fusion state. We addressed this question by using pre-cleaved (= GP2) and low pH- treated VLPs in our entry assay (Fig. 5 F). Since low pH-treated VLPs enter host cells as efficiently as VLPs incubated at neutral pH, and low pH-treated and additionally pre-cleaved VLPs enter even more efficiently, it is highly unlikely that low pH triggers the post-fusion conformation as this should inhibit virus entry (as the reviewer pointed out). In conclusion, low pH does not induce the post-conformation in GP2 and we have included a respective sentence for clarification:

      Lines 339-343: * Since thermolysin-treated EBOV VLPs efficiently enter untreated host cells at neutral and low pH, we further conclude that low pH alone does not induce the GP2 post-fusion conformation, which would inhibit virus entry. Together, this suggests a role of low endosomal pH beyond proteolytic processing of EBOV GP, likely for the disassembly of the VP40 matrix.”*

      In the fusion model, the authors claim that VP40 disassembly is more favorable for stalk formation, which is likely true. However, they also claim that strong VP40 interaction, which I would interpret as VP40 filaments interacting with the membrane, favor fusion pore opening. The tomograms and the in vitro experiments with VLPs indicate that the complete VP40 matrix is detached from the membrane under low pH conditions.

      We would like to stress that the modelling results for hemifusion formation and pore opening are independently calculated but have to be interpreted together because they occur sequentially. Hemifusion precedes formation of the pore and hence even though the model shows that the fusion pore opening is favored in the presence of VP40 interaction, membrane fusion cannot proceed to this stage because hemifusion is blocked until the VP40 matrix layer disassembles from the membrane. We apologize for lack of clarity, and we have added the sentences:

      Lines 315-318: “However, it is important to note that hemifusion precedes pore formation in the membrane fusion pathway. Since the disassembly of the VP40 matrix is required for hemifusion and hence for the initiation of membrane fusion, it determines the outcome of the membrane fusion pathway.*” *

      VLPs are purified. Can the authors exclude the possibility that the purification protocol does not damage the VLP membrane leading to in vitro acidification in a low pH environment? Can some of the assays be repeated with non-purified VLPs?

      *Thank you very much for this important comment. To address this question, we had performed the cryo-ET experiments using purified and unpurified VLPs and found that they are virtually indistinguishable. Importantly, unpurified VLPs also undergo VP40 disassembly. We now show images from unpurified VLPs in a supplementary figure (Fig. S7). Thereby, the manuscript contains data of purified VLPs while we also provide proof that the purification protocol does not influence the disassembly of the VP40 matrix. We added the following explanatory sentence to the main text: *

      Lines 151-156: “*We further repeated the experiment using VLPs composed of VP40, GP and the nucleocapsid proteins NP, VP24 and VP35, and observed the same low pH-phenotype described above (Fig. S5 C). Performing the experiments on unpurified VLPs harvested from the supernatant of transfected cells confirmed that the purification protocol applied did not influence the disassembly of the VP40 matrix (Fig. S7). “ *

      Does acidification only work at pH 4.5?

      *We also attempted to verify the acidification of VLPs at higher pH (~5.5. and ~6.0) by cryo-ET, however, subtle structural differences were difficult to quantify. Considering the lower permeability of the VLP membrane compared to the plasma membrane, we think that acidification occurs indeed also at higher pH (as shown for cells), albeit at slower kinetics. *

      Minor points Line 37: Ruigrok et al. 2000 J Mol Biol showed first that Ebola VP40 requires negatively charged lipids for interaction.

      *Thank you for pointing out this reference. We have included it in the text. *

      Fig. 1f: Is VP40 detaching as a filament?

      We have not observed that VP40 detaches as a filament or a linear segment of multiple VP40 dimers. *Since the VP40 dimer is inherently flexible (Fig. 3, Fig. S8) and can rotate along the N- and C-terminal intra- and inter-dimer interfaces, we believe disassembly occurs in a non-ordered fashion (not as filaments, see also Figure 2 G-K). *

      References 8 and 28 are the same. We have corrected the reference duplication.

      Lipidomics: The authors find only 9% PS in the VLPs. How do these results compare to the composition of other enevloped viruses that have been reported to assemble on negatively charged lipids.

      *We compared the lipid composition of the EBOV VLPs to the lipid composition of influenza viruses and HIV, which both bud from the plasma membrane and require negatively charged lipids. When grown in eggs, the envelope of influenza viruses contains 22-25 % PS (Ivanova et al 2015, Li et al 2011), and approximately 12% when produced from MDCK cells (Gerl et al 2012). The envelope of HIV virions produced from HeLa or MT4 cells contains 10-15% PS. These numbers suggest that the producing cell line strongly influences the lipid composition of the virus particles. Besides differences in the producing cell line, the lower amount of PS found in EBOV VLPs could have multiple implications: first, apart from PS, PIP2 has also been shown to interact specifically with VP40 at budding sites in the plasma membrane (Jeevan et al 2017, Johnson et al 2018) and thus also contributes to virion assembly (potentially allowing for a lower PS concentration); second, as recently shown for paramyxoviruses (Norris et al 2022), binding of PS to viral proteins is not based on charge alone but may include specific binding – in which case a high affinity of viral proteins to PS may allow for a lower PS concentration in the target membrane. Overall, the rather low PS content in Ebola VLPs might be important for VP40 interaction and low pH-driven disassembly. *

      EBO virus was suggested to assemble at lipid rafts. Is this reflected by the lipid composition?

      *Yes, that is correct. A hallmark of lipid rafts is the enrichment of cholesterol and sphingomyelin (~32 mol% cholesterol, ~ 14 mol% sphingomyelin) in the microdomains (Pike et al 2002). The lipid composition of the EBOV VLPs determined in our study (~ 39% cholesterol and ~10 mol% sphingomyelin) is consistent with the assembly at lipid rafts. Minor differences stem from the different cell lines and lipidomic approaches used to determine the lipid species. *

      Reviewer #3 (significance (required)): In summary, the manuscript is of high technical quality and the observation that VP40 detaches from the viral membrane prior to membrane fusion is novel and interesting to the field of virus fusion. How acidification occurs in the absence of an ion channel remains to be determined. The authors provide little insight how this might work. The strong part of the manuscript is the EM part, which shows convincing detachement of the VP40 matrix. I cannot comment too much on the modelling part, which, however, sounds solid.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Winter and colleagues describe the molecular architecture of Ebola virus during entry into host cells. The main claims of the paper are that VP40 is disassembled prior to fusion. Disassembly is driven by the low pH environment in the endosomes. PH-induced uncoating works via "passive equilibration" because the Ebola virus envelope does not contain an ion channel. The authors conclude that structural remodeling of VP40 acts as a molecular switch coupling uncoating to fusion.

      The main novel results of the manuscript are:

      • In situ cryo-ET of endosomal compartments shows EBOV particles with intact condensed nucleocapsids and disordered protein densities that may relate to detached VP40.

      • Five EBOV particles were imaged in the endosome and all had detached VP40 layers. Controls, budding virions and extracellular virions showed intact VP40 layers.

      • Incubation of VP40-Gp VLPs with a pH 4.5 buffer leads to the disorder of the VP40 matrix in vitro, which is independent of Gp presence in the VLPs.

      • MD simulation showed VP40 dimer binding to model membranes containing 30 % PS at pH7 and reduced binding at pH 4.5.

      • Lipidomics revealed the lipid composition of VP40-Gp VLPs demonstrating 9% PS.

      • VP40-PHluorin fusions were used to determine acidification of VLPs in vitro and to calculate a permeability coefficient of 1.2 Å sec-1, which is quite low compared to the permeability of the plasma membrane (345 Å sec-1).

      • Next they modeled membrane fusion showing that fusion is more favorable after VP40 disassembly, especially favoring stalk formation.

      • The authors propose further that fusion pore opening is more favorable in the presence of VP40.

      • The authors claim that strong interactions of lipids with VP40 stabilizes the hemifusion intermediate.

      • VP40 Gp VLPs can enter host cells independent of pH once Gp has been activated by thermolysin.

      • Some of the results are over interpreted and require appropriate modifications.

      Main points that need to be addressed:

      • Imperfections of the membrane could be induced by proteins. Does acidification of the virion depend on GP and its transmembrane region? This can be tested with chimeric GP replacing its TM by unrelated trimeric TMs.

      • Virus entry assays, line 292. The low pH is not only used for Gp cleavage, but induces the conformational changes leading to the post fusion conformation of Gp2. The authors need to check what happens to Gp once it is cleaved by thermolysin. Is this sufficient to induce the conformational changes in Gp? And if so how does entry of such VLPs work, because once the conformational change is triggered, GP2 will adopt the post fusion conformation which is inactive in fusion. This requires further clarification.

      • In the fusion model, the authors claim that VP40 disassembly is more favorable for stalk formation, which is likely true. However, they also claim that strong VP40 interaction, which I would interpret as VP40 filaments interacting with the membrane, favor fusion pore opening. The tomograms and the in vitro experiments with VLPs indicate that the complete VP40 matrix is detached from the membrane under low pH conditions. VLPs are purified. Can the authors exclude the possibility that the purification protocol does not damage the VLP membrane leading to in vitro acidification in a low pH environment?

      • Can some of the assays be repeated with non-purified VLPs?

      • Does acidification only work at pH 4.5?

      Minor points

      • Line 37: Ruigrok et al. 2000 J Mol Biol showed first that Ebola VP40 requires negatively charged lipids for interaction.

      • Fig. 1f: Is VP40 detaching as a filament?

      • References 8 and 28 are the same.

      • Lipidomics: The authors find only 9% PS in the VLPs. How do these results compare to the composition of other enevloped viruses that have been reported to assemble on negatively charged lipids.

      • EBO virus was suggested to assemble at lipid rafts. Is this reflected by the lipid composition?


      In summary, the manuscript is of high technical quality and the observation that VP40 detaches from the viral membrane prior to membrane fusion is novel and interesting to the field of virus fusion. How acidification occurs in the absence of an ion channel remains to be determined. The authors provide little insight how this might work.

      The strong part of the manuscript is the EM part, which shows convincing detachement of the VP40 matrix. I cannot comment too much on the modelling part, which, however, sounds solid.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Winter et al., entitled "The Ebola virus VP40 matrix undergoes endosomal disassembly essential for membrane fusion" describes the structural aspects of the events that precede Ebola virus (EBOV) membrane fusion in late endosome and virion uncoating in the cytosol. By combining state-of-the-art cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) with biophysical and computational techniques, they have elucidated the pivotal role of the ebolaviral matrix virion protein 40 (VP40) in modulating the fusion process, in particular discovering that disassembly of the VP40 ordered lattice is low pH-driven, occurs despite the absence of a viral ion channel within the filovirus envelope and takes place through the weakening of VP40 interactions with lipids at the interface between the ebolaviral envelope and matrix. Overall, the manuscript is well written and the research work is very well conceived, with solid orthogonal experimental approaches that mutually validate their respective results. It is opinion of this reviewer that the paper contributes to the elucidation of a key step in the EBOV infection cycle and that it will be of great interest for the readership of Review Commons and for the community of structural biologists. Therefore, I recommend the publication of this paper, however after some minor revision to the text, the figures and the figure legends, which show inconsistencies in the terminology used, the acronyms and could be easily improved by some little graphical editing.


      • By starting their abstract and introduction sessions with the term "Ebola viruses" the authors are (on purpose?) preparing the reader to the implicit statement that their findings could be a paradigm model for the other members of the Ebolavirus genus. This is an exciting picture, especially in perspective of VP40-targeting drugs development. Therefore, although conclusions in this sense would probably require further studies, I encourage the authors to implement their figure 3 (or related supplementary figure) with a multiple-sequence alignment, and the relative text in the manuscript, by showing if and how much the basic patch at the C-terminus of VP40 is conserved within the Ebolavirus genus, especially the residues Lys224, Lys225, Lys274 and Lys275.

      • It is a bit inconvenient for the reader to follow how a story unfolds while jumping back and forth between figures, and this is why I would recommend to move the period of the sentence at lines 88-91 to the session where figure 5 is discussed.

      • Please, avoid the use of the slang "Ebola" without the apposition "virus", and make the text consistent throughout the manuscript by only using the acronym of each term after it was introduced for the first time.

      Minor revisions:

      Line 1: "matrix protein undergoes"

      Line 19: "the matrix viral protein 40 (VP40)"

      Line 18: considering that a virus "exists" in the form of a virion while temporarily located outside the cell, and as a "molecular entity" consisting of viral proteins and nucleic acids organised in macromolecular complexes during its life cycle inside the infected cell, this reviewer encourages the authors to rephrase as follows: " Ebola viruses (EBOVs) virions are filamentous particles, ..."

      Lines 35-36 and line 40: "that is determined by the matrix made up by the viral protein 40 (VP40), which drives ..." And then, directly use the acronym VP24 at line 40

      Line 40: as VP24 and VP35 interact with NP but do not interact with the ssRNA genome, please rephrase as follows "the nucleoprotein (NP) which encapsidates the ssRNA genome, and the viral proteins VP24 and VP35 which, together with NP, form the nucleocapsid"

      Lines 47-48: "...fusion glycoprotein (GP)...[...] the ebolaviral envelope"

      Line 51: "...remarkably long virion of EBOVs undergoes..."

      Line 63: "... in vitro, and in endo-lysosomal compartments in situ, by cryo-electron..."

      Lines 70-71: " to shed light on EBOVs ... [...] with EBOV (Zaire ebolavirus species, Mayinga strain) in biosafety level 4 (BSL4) containment"

      Line 72: chemically fixed by? (PFA and GA acronyms have been annotated in figure 1, but should be first mentioned in their explicit form in the text)

      Line 73 (cryo-FIB)

      Line 80: EBOV virions

      Figure 1A and line 97: for consistency with the terminology used in the main text, should be perhaps in the second step preferred the term "vitrification" instead of cryofixation? Readers not familiar with the field could be confused by the use of the two synonyms

      Lines 92-93: "...these data indicate [...] and suggest..."

      Figure 1C and line 100: in the color legend EBOV is annotated as dark teal, however in the segmentation of the reconstructed tomogram there are three objects, one of which in dark teal is evidently a portion of EBOV virion inside the endosome, and other two are in different shades of green. What are those? Please, could author specify their identity in the figure legend with their corresponding color code? The same applies to supplementary figure S2 (see comment below).

      Line 95: "...tomography of EBOV virions..."

      Line 98: "...showing EBOV virions..." (This reviewer refers to the use of the term 'EBOVs' as for different species within the genus rather than for different EBOV particles within a dataset)

      Line 105: "... a purified EBOV before..."

      Line 110 and 113: "...EBOV matrix..." And "EBOV virus-like particles (VLP)"

      Line 140, 141, 145 and 147: "EBOV VLPs" and "EBOV VLP"; idem at lines 188-189, 209 and anywhere else in the manuscript (including figure 4A)

      Line 235: "influenza virus ion channel..."

      Line 249: please, use directly the above-introduced acronym for the detergent

      Figure 5F: in plot's X axis label: thermolysin (T)?

      Line 342: "EBOV have remarkably long..."

      Line 420 "...matrix-specific"

      Line 464: "grids"

      Line 465: "for cryo-FIB milling"

      Line 611: "influenza virus M2 ..." (Please, from which influenza virus strain does the gene come from? Alternatively, which is the NCBI Protein and/or UniProt database code?)

      Line 623: please, use the above-designated acronym for the detergent

      Line 716: "...based on cryo-ET..."

      Line 718: "influenza virus"

      Line 734: "cryo-ET data"

      Fig. S8: for consistency with the main text, "thermolysin"

      Fig. S2, C and F: are these EBOV virions (as mentioned in the figure title) or EBOV VLPs (as the legends in the two panels of this figure seem to suggest)? Please, the authors should clarify

      Line 1046: "malleable lipid envelope of the EBOV"; this adjective sounds confusing; the reviewer encourages the authors to rephrase for more clarity.


      see above.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Winter et al. present a study of Ebola virus fusion in the acidic environment of the late endosome. Based on cryo-ET of Ebola virions undergoing entry into cells, they note that the VP40 matrix is disassembled and dissociated from the viral membrane in virions seen in the endosome. Subsequent in vitro and computational analyses suggest that protons diffuse across the viral membrane and neutralize anionic lipids on the inner leaflet. They argue that this loss of negative charge reduces the affinity of VP40 for the viral membrane. They further suggest that VP40 dissociation from the viral membrane precedes GP-mediated membrane fusion and contributes to reduction in the energy barrier for membrane stalk formation. Whereas most studies have focused on the importance of acidic pH in triggering GP conformational changes during fusion, the present work contributes new appreciation for VP40-membrane interactions.

      • In the cryo-ET experiments aimed at visualizing Ebola entry, do the authors see evidence of viral membrane fusion? There is no mention of this in the text. Knowing that the virions that show disassembly of the VP40 matrix are in fact the virions that productively enter cells would support the conclusions of the study. As is stands, one is forced to wonder whether the virions that show VP40 disassembly prior to fusion ultimately fuse.

      • In the cryo-ET experiments that evaluate VP40 disassembly in vitro, why do the authors leave out NP from their VLP preparations? There is some evidence in the literature (Li et al., JVI 2016) that NP is necessary to form particles with native morphology. If the authors feel that NP is not necessary for their experiment, perhaps this could be noted.

      • The authors argue that acidic pH neutralizes the charge of PS phospholipids, thereby removing the electrostatic interactions of basic residues in VP40 and PS. They also note in the Methods section that 7 amino acids in VP40 are predicted by PROPKA to be protonated at pH 4.5. If the authors feel that protonation of these 7 amino acids is not involved in the loss of affinity for PS, this could be stated explicitly and justified. Could the protonation of these 7 amino acids contribute to disassembly of the VP40 lattice, rather than dissociation from the membrane?

      • Minor: Figure S5C is difficult to interpret. The red frame on the bars that indicates data acquired at low pH is nearly invisible. Better might be to indicate explicitly (ie, with words) the pH at which data were acquired.


      The significance of the study stems from the idea that the VP40 lattice and its interaction with the viral membrane plays a direct role in facilitating viral fusion. To my knowledge, this has not been previously addressed. The significance would be considerably increased if the authors were able to demonstrate by cryo-ET that the virions with disassembled VP40 were in fact the virions that productively fused. Nonetheless, this work should be of broad interest to researchers studying viral fusion as it may represent a phenomenon relevant to numerous viruses that enter cells via the endocytic route.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2022-01756

      Corresponding author(s): Wenya, Hou

      1. General Responses

      Dear Editors and Reviewers,

      We deeply appreciate all critical comments and constructive suggestion from all Reviewers, which have inspired us to conceive at least 8 new important experiments and mathematic analysis/modeling (shown in dark red). In addition, we will include more repeats with quantification for spot assays (with more HU doses) and biochemical experiments as well as language revision (shown in orange).

      Below we only list the general response to the Major Concerns raised by at least two Reviewers:

      • To perform mathematic analysis of the single-cell quantitative data (Fig 4, Fig 5 and Fig S4) (Analysis #1).

      50% Sic1 degradation time from Sic1peak

      WT SC

      7.62 min

      whi7 whi5 SC

      7.91 min

      WT HU

      36 min

      whi7 whi5 del HU

      7.49 min

      50% nuclear exit time of Whi5

      WT SC

      4.69 min

      rad53Δsml1Δ SC

      7.60 min

      WT HU

      22.33 min


      13.41 min

      Table R1. 50% Sic1 degradation time calculated from Sic1peak and 50% nuclear exit time of Whi5 based on the experimental data shown in Fig 5 and Fig 4, respectively.

      (2) To reinterpret the HU-induced extension of G1/S transition with an updated model (Analysis #2).

      (3) predict that like WHI7/5 overexpression, CKS1 deletion (PMID: 7958905) or sic1 mutants with longer destruction timing (T2,5S-VLLPP or T2,5S-RXL reported in Fig. 6C, PMID: 32296067), can suppress the HU sensitivity of rad53 mutants according to our model. Moreover, their suppression effects should be epistatic to WHI7/5 overexpression. Alternatively, the dosage suppression of WHI7/5 might be reversed by CKS1 overexpression or sic1 mutants with shorter destruction timing (unfortunately no such mutant has been reported yet). We will perform this set of genetic experiment to test these predictions and thereby functionally reinforce the Whi7/5-Cks1-Sic1 axis (Experiment #1).

      (4) do DNA replication profiling to examine the number of origin firing or replication capacity (Experiment #2).

      (5) To address the suppression effect of phosphorylation in Fig 2E. We agree that the phenotypes of the A-mutants of Whi7 have a weak difference compared with WT, but become much stronger (5-fold difference between two dilutions) compared with the D-mutants. As shown lately in Fig 3, phosphorylation solely facilitates protein stabilization/total levels, which can be masked by ectopic overexpression from an extra plasmid. Moreover, phosphorylation does NOT enhance Whi7’s interaction with Cks1. We should tune down the contribution of phosphorylation and focus more on the stability/protein level. Furthermore, we will do competition assays using A-/D- mutants with GFP and RFP labels (Experiment #3), and add back whi7 13A or 13D in its endogenous locus in the whi7Δwhi5Δ double mutant to test the effect on Sic1 turnover (Experiment #4).

      (6) To add more repeats with quantification for spot assays (with more HU doses) and biochemical experiments (shown in orange).

      Besides reinforcing the current model, these experiments, analysis and re-interpretation may help to clarify two concepts which remain elusive in current version:

      • S-CDK activation can switch from an abrupt/all-or-none pattern under normal condition to a gradually flattened one under replication stress.
      • Consequently, the Whi7/5-Cks1-S-CDKs axis may determine replication capacity and/or number of origin firing. Thus, we did not include a preliminary revision this time due to significant changes. We plan to request at least 6 months for an extensive full revision (e.g., from a short letter to a regular article) to improve this study to a higher level with more general significance. Therefore, we request a revision opportunity from The EMBO Journal.

      2. Point-to-point responses

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      This work begins with a heterologous screen, introducing human genes in double mec1,sml1 yeast deletants, which are alive, but sensitive to hydroxyurea. The readout was mec1,sml1 proliferation in the presence of hydroxyurea. They found that mec1,sml1 yeast mutants carrying the human RB1 gene (a G1/S transcriptional repressor) proliferated on hydroxyurea. Then, they test if known yeast G1/S transcriptional repressors (Whi5 and Whi7) could have similar effects if provided at higher than normal levels (they did). With this initial result, followed up by a variety of experiments, the authors then go on to propose that replication stress, which activates Mec1 and Rad53, triggers the phosphorylation of Whi7 (by Mec1) and Whi5 (by both Rad53 and Mec1) blocking their eviction from the nucleus, allowing them instead to bind and inhibit Cks1, a Cdk processivity factor, needed for the complete phosphorylation and degradation of a Cdk inhibitor, Sic1. This is different from published work a decade earlier in mammalian cells (ref. 37; Bertoli et al.), which showed that upon replication stress, Chk1 phosphorylates G1/S transcriptional repressors to maintain G1/S transcription, which could help genome stability. Here, the authors propose that replication stress could block the G1/S transition. While the model and some of the experiments are interesting, the rationale for some experiments was shaky, and the data do not fully support the conclusions.


        • Any cell that undergoes DNA replication must have already destroyed Sic1. It has been known for 25+ years that targeting Sic1 is the only necessary function of G1/Cdk to enable DNA replication (PMID: 8755551). Sic1 does not reappear until the M/G1 transition. Hence, in the authors' model, where cells are already in the S phase, how can multisite phosphorylation and degradation of Sic1 be the critical and final output of the pathway they propose when there shouldn't be any Sic1 around, to begin with? Why would a cell that has already completed Start and the G1/S transition, is in the S phase and experiencing replication stress, care about going through the G1/S? A: Yes, S-CDK activity is regarded as an abrupt or so-called “all-or-none transition” due to a relative short half-life of Sic1 controlled by a robust double-negative feedback loop (PMID: 24130459; 23230424). Sic1 degradation requires multi-phosphorylation events including prime phosphorylation by G1-CDKs, two opposing multi-phosphorylation by S-CDK complex (Clb5–Cdk1–Cks1), one to trigger phosphodegrons and the other to terminate the degron route (PMID: 32296067). The timing and speed (or “sharpness”) of Sic1 degradation is determined by G1-CDKs and S-CDKs, respectively (PMID: 24130459 and PMID: 32296067). Sic1 degradation is not an instantaneous “all-or-none” event even under the optimal growth conditions. The Sic1 destruction timing calculated from Start (defined as 50% nuclear exit of Whi5) is about 14.2 min, whereas the time between Start and Sic1peak is about 5 min from independent studies (Fig 4G, PMID: 24130459; Fig. 6C, PMID: 32296067; Fig. 7B, 32976810). Similarly, the 50% Sic1 degradation time calculated from Sic1peak (50% of Sic1peak) is about 8 min for WT and whi7, in agreement with the results in Figure 2E, PMID: 24130459. However, in the presence of HU, the 50% of Sic1peak time remains constant (7.49 min) in whi7Δwhi5Δ cells but becomes greater than 36 min in WT. Meanwhile, the 50% nuclear exit time of Whi5 (Start) is about 22 min in WT compared to 13 min in rad53Δsml1*Δ upon HU treatment.

      50% Sic1 degradation time from Sic1peak

      WT SC

      7.62 min

      whi7 whi5 SC

      7.91 min

      WT HU

      36 min

      whi7 whi5 del HU

      7.49 min

      50% nuclear exit time of Whi5

      WT SC

      4.69 min

      rad53Δsml1Δ SC

      7.60 min

      WT HU

      22.33 min


      13.41 min

      Table R1. 50% Sic1 degradation time calculated from Sic1peak and 50% nuclear exit time of Whi5 based on the experimental data shown in Fig 5 and Fig 4, respectively.

      Therefore, G1/S transition is a “transition zone” (from Start to 50% of Sic1peak) rather than a single borderline. The key finding of this study is that in the presence of HU, Sic1 degradation speed/sharpness is significantly reduced (Figure 5), mechanistically due to the inhibition of S-CDK-Cks1 by Whi7/5. This eventually reflects a flattened S-CDK activity curve, no longer an “all-or-none activation” any more upon replication stress. S-CDKs phosphorylate the two essential targets (Sld2 and Sld3) to enable DNA replication. Therefore, the Sic1 levels determine the S-CDK activities, which in turn determine the DNA replication capacity (the maximal amount of DNA a cell can synthesize per unit time). In sum, under optimal conditions, the S-CDK activity appears an abrupt/sharp transition and cells replicate DNA in its maximum capacity (i.e., minimal S phase length). When cells encounter replication stress (HU), S-CDK is activated very slowly (very low Sic1 destruction speed) and replicate DNA with a low capacity (slow fork speed and/or few origin firing) to meet the limited resource. Recently, the de Bruin group demonstrates that replication capacity can be tuned by E2F-dependent transcription (includes S-Cyclin genes) in mammalian cells (PMID: 32665547).

      Inspired by these questions, we plan to

      (1) perform mathematic analysis of the single-cell quantitative data (Fig. 5 and S4) (Analysis #1).

      (2) reinterpret the HU-induced extension of G1/S transition with an updated model (Analysis #2).

      (3) predict that like WHI7/5 overexpression, CKS1 deletion (PMID: 7958905) or sic1 mutants with longer destruction timing (T2,5S-VLLPP or T2,5S-RXL reported in Fig. 6C, PMID: 32296067), can suppress the HU sensitivity of rad53 mutants according to our model. Moreover, their suppression effects should be epistatic to WHI7/5 overexpression. Alternatively, the dosage suppression of WHI7/5 might be reversed by CKS1 overexpression or sic1 mutants with shorter destruction timing (unfortunately no such mutant has been reported yet). We will perform this set of genetic experiment to test these predictions and thereby functionally reinforce the Whi7/5-Cks1-Sic1 axis (Experiment #1).

      (4) do DNA replication profiling to examine the number of origin firing or replication capacity (Experiment #2).

      • The results in Figure 2C are confusing and difficult to interpret. For example, comparing lane 8 (WT without hydroxyurea) to lane 7 (WT with hydroxyurea), it appears that there is more phosphorylated Whi7 in lane 7 (hydroxyurea treatment) than in lane 8 (no treatment). But, the ratio of phosphorylated/unphosphorylated Whi7 is not that different (there is very little unphosphorylated Whi7 in lane 8). Same problem when comparing lanes 3 and 4. I understand that they later show that Whi7 is stabilized by hydroxyurea, but from the data in this figure, what exactly can they conclude here?*

      A: Yes, phosphorylation is a bit confusing according to the current statement. Without HU, Whi7 is phosphorylated by G1-CDKs with a much less total protein level as well. With HU, whi7 is phosphorylated by Mec1 and Rad53, because Whi7-P largely disappeared in rad53 mutant (lane 1) and 13A (with all putative Mec1-Rad53 sites mutated, lane 5). Lanes 3 and 4 are biological repeats of Lanes 7-8 with less loading. We will clarify our statement.

      • Their data in Figure 2E show that phosphorylation of Whi7 is not required for suppressing the lethality of rad53,sml1 cells treated with hydroxyurea. Cells carrying Whi7-41A (lacking all possible phosphorylations) suppressed nearly as well as wild-type Whi7 did. The purported differences in the suppression are minuscule at best and not evident at the dilutions tested. It is not clear at all how they can conclude that phosphorylation of Whi7 has anything to do with the ability of Whi7 overexpression to suppress the lethality of rad53,sml1 cells.*

      A: Yes, we agree that the phenotypes of the A-mutants of Whi7 have a weak difference compared with WT, but become much stronger (5-fold difference between two dilutions) compared with the D-mutants. As shown lately in Fig 3, phosphorylation solely facilitates protein stabilization/total levels, which can be masked by ectopic overexpression from an extra plasmid. Moreover, phosphorylation does NOT enhance Whi7’s interaction with Cks1.

      Anyway, we should tune down the contribution of phosphorylation and focus more on the stability/protein level. Furthermore, we will do competition assays using A-/D- mutants with GFP and RFP labels __(Experiment #3) __and add back whi7 13A or 13D in its endogenous locus in the whi7

      • For all the arguments they make about this new role of Whi5 and Whi7 at Start, they do not examine size homeostasis or the kinetics of cell cycle progression in any of their experiments and their mutants, with or without hydroxyurea treatment.*

      A: Good suggestion. We will examine size homeostasis, budding index or the cell cycle progression in the related experiments (Experiment #5). In Fig. S5, we only showed the cell cycle progression profiles in wild-type cells carrying an extra copy of Whi7 WIQ or Whi7 WIQ ΔC. WIQ mutant (without Swi6 binding activity) significantly slowed the cell cycle progression under normal conditions.

      • The Sic1 stability experiments they show in Figure 5 are nice. They would need to be extended to their various mutants, including their Whi7 phosphomutants, to make a case for phosphorylation by Rad53 and Mec1 in this process.*

      A: Thanks, very good suggestion, we will add back whi7 13A or 13D in its endogenous locus in the whi7Δwhi5Δ double mutant (Experiment #4), to avoid the effects of overexpression.


        • The language is awkward. Editing for style will be necessary.* A: We will request language editing.
      1. They use different hydroxyurea doses in the experiments they show, making it difficult to conclude much when comparing different figures. Why aren't they consistent from experiment to experiment?*

      A: Sorry for the confusing. We used at least three HU concentration gradients in each experiment, but only showed one of them to save the space for a short article. Notably, S. cerevisiae has a much broader range of HU doses (up to 300 mM) than other species (less than 10 mM). We’ll add other Figures during revision.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      Overall, all reviews are well-aligned. The points raised by the other reviewers are valid, and the reviews are thorough and detailed. I don't know whether the authors will be able to respond since the list is quite long. Even if they do, the manuscript will look very different. I do not have anything else to add.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript presents some interesting data, most notably the role of Whi7 and Whi5 in the stability of Sic1 in vivo and the various in vitro experiments the authors present. The advance is conceptual and mechanistic, offering a different and unanticipated model for the role of these proteins at Start, under replication stress. Unfortunately, the significance of the manuscript is limited. A convincing case for their model and its importance has not been made. For example, their data in Figure 2E, measuring the ability of phosphomutants to suppress the lethality of rad53,sml1 cells upon replication stress, is underwhelming and undermines the importance of the study, particularly to a wider audience.

      A: Thanks for the suggestion, we will improve the model as discussed above.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      Jin et al demonstrate a novel type of regulation of the G1/S transition in response to hydroxyurea stress. They approach this by first screening a library of human proteins (cDNA on yeast plasmids) for repressors of the mec1 or rad53 HU sensitivity. HU inhibits ribonucleotide reductase and thus lowers dNTP pools needed for S-phase. This slows replication and leads to stalled replication forks, triggering a "replication stress" response, which is executed by the kinases Mec1 and Rad53. Deletions of mec1 or rad53 are viable in unstressed conditions (with additional sml1 deletion), but are lethal on even low doses of HU. One main hit that rescued this lethality was the human G1/S inhibitor RB. They then went on to confirm that also the yeast analogs Whi5 and Whi7 can rescue mec1 or rad53 lethality when overexpressed. To track down the mechanism, the authors do a variety of genetic and biochemical assays. The resulting model is that Mec1 and Rad53 phosphorylate and stabilize Whi7, which binds to and inhibits the S-phase-CDK complex via the processivity factor Cks1. So on top of acting as a transcriptional repressor, Whi7 (and probably also Whi5) is also a direct interactor and inhibitor of CDK. The binding of Whi7 to Cks1-Clb5/6-CDK prevents the hyperphosphorylation and degradation of the inhibitor Sic1, and thus slows the G1/S transition in response to HU.

      Major comments:

      - Are the key conclusions convincing?

      ->Overall I think the sum of the evidence supports the suggested model, individual claims though are on somewhat shaky grounds based often on single replicates, see below.

      My main conceptual issue may be somewhat just a "semantic" problem. In my understanding "replication stress" refers to stalled replications forks and/or large stretches of single-strand DNA which then triggers a checkpoint response. So how would slowing the G1/S transition help to deal with "replication stress", if replication is not yet happening in these cells? I am assuming Mec1 senses dNTP depletion also in the absence of replication and that is how Mec1 and Rad53 become active in G1. But then maybe the model and the arguments can be phrased differently? What exactly is slowing down Sic1 degradation doing for the cell? Replenishing dNTP pools before the first origins fire? Or is maybe Sic1 not the most important target of this regulation? Maybe also during S-phase, partially inhibiting CDK is beneficial, maybe to stretch out origin firing... or?

      A: Thank you, very good suggestion. This also helps to address the Major Point 1 raised by Reviewer #1. This also reminds us about the work from Pasero’s group demonstrating that Mec1 is activated at the onset of normal S phase by low dNTPs (PMID: 32169162). We will revise the text, and do DNA replication profiling __(Experiment #2) __to examine the number of origin firing or replication speed. Also see response to Point 1 of Reviewer #1.

      - Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?

      ->Most of the work is done on Whi7 and then some Whi5 in the end, I would tone down on the Whi5 claims a bit.

      A: Very good suggestion. We have to include Whi5 in the story because it plays a redundant role with Whi7.

      - Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.

      -> Since the authors are clearly able to do quantitative live cell imaging, I do not understand why they do not quantify Whi7 concentrations and localization in response to HU instead of using Western blots of synchronized cells. This would make the whole thing much more credible, especially given the current lack of replicates (see below). This would also allow correlating the timing and amount of the Whi7 response with the stabilizing of Sic1 in single cells.

      A: Yes, we tried but did not see Whi7-GFP clearly because of its very low protein abundance, which is also not shown in literature as far as we know. Only overexpressed Whi7 fluorescence detection(PMID: 33443080).

      ->The causality of phosphorylation being required for stabilization seems plausible from the genetics, but is far from clear in the western blots. Here, concentration increase seems to precede phosphorylation. Could this due to induced Whi7 transcription?

      A: Good suggestion. We will detect Whi7 mRNA levels through qPCR (Experiment #6).

      ->Many if not most claims are based on single replicates. See below.

      - Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.

      -I am not suggesting any different types of experiments or new methods, so it should be doable within a few weeks.

      - Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?

      -I would suggest the authors spell out all of their experimental procedures instead of referring to "as described previously". I think everyone knows the pains of going on a wild goose chase of following references to the original method description.

      A: Good suggestion. I will described all experimental procedures to replace "as described previously".

      - Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?

      -The key weakness of this entire paper is imho that many claims are based on single experiments, that are neither replicated nor quantified. For example, all the co-IPs (such as 1E or 3F) should be replicated and the ratio of bait to target quantified and averaged.

      A: Good suggestion. We will show the biological repeats and quantification.

      -If a claim is made regarding increased phosphorylation in vivo, then again this should be replicated and the ratio of phosphorylated to unphosphorylated bands quantified. In many Whi7 gels it looks like it is mainly the total amount of the protein that is changing rather than the phosphorylation state. But again, by eye and from a single replicate, this is hard to tell.

      A: Good suggestion. We will add more repeats.

      -A similar thing holds true for the spot assays. Spot assays are great to show lethality and rescue as in the first figure. But making semi-quantitative claims of different degrees of "partial rescue" from a single spot assay is a bit speculative. This seems especially true since the authors are using different and seemingly random HU concentrations for every spot assay, which suggests that the effect is not very robust and can only be seen in very specific concentration ranges. If e.g. the degree of rescue between WT, A and D mutants or truncations matters for the model/the storyline, then more quantitative growth or competition assays should be added.

      A: Good suggestion. sorry for the confusing. We used at least three HU concentration gradients in each experiment, but only showed one of them to save the space for a short article. Notably, S. cerevisiae has a much broader range of HU doses (up to 300 mM) than other species (less than 10 mM). We’ll add other Figures during revision, and do competition assays using A-/D- mutants with GFP and RFP labels

      Minor comments:

      - Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.

      ->At least some of the alpha-factor release experiments should contain infos on budding index and/or DNA content to understand see the delay in timing by HU addition.

      A: Good suggestion. We will examine size homeostasis, budding index or the cell cycle progression in the related experiments (Experiment #5).

      - Are prior studies referenced appropriately?

      ->Seems fine from the G1/S side, but I don't know the Mec1/Rad53 literature well enough to judge.

      - Are the text and figures clear and accurate?

      ->The authors could do another round of proofing figures and legends. For example, Fig 5C contains scale bars that are not defined, blot 3E has an asterix labeling that is not defined, the model in 5E has misspelled "degradation"...

      A: We will proofread and revise the full text again.

      - Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?

      -> The authors use a lot of different mutants (especially for Whi7). Even for someone who knows the proteins fairly well, it is hard to remember throughout the text which abbreviation is relating to which mutations and which function that is addressing. Maybe occasionally remind the reader of what the mutant is or use terms like Whi7non-binding rather than WIQ.

      A: Thank you for your suggestion. We will add (TF non-binding) after WIQ.

      ->The text could also use another round of proof-reading. The overall flow of the storyline is easily comprehensible, but sometimes there is a sudden switch of topics or new proteins come out of nowhere. Some expressions are used in a way that is not common English.

      A: We will request language editing.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      - Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.

      ->This study is a major conceptual contribution to understanding G1/S regulation in perturbed conditions (assuming the results can be replicated and quantified as detailed above). That Whi7 (and maybe Whi5) directly inhibit Clb5/Clb6-CDK through Cks1 binding is an important addition/modification to the current model and may well be important beyond genotoxic stress.

      A: Thanks and we’ll reinforce it with more repeats and quantification.

      - Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).

      ->The authors do this reasonably well.

      - State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.

      -> Anyone in the yeast cell cycle/replication field should find this interesting. It should also have important implications for the mammalian cell cycle/replication/DNA damage field.

      - Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      ->I am well familiar with G1/S control and all the methods used in the study. I am not an expert on replication stress/DNA damage/ checkpoint signaling.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      In their manuscript "Transcription-independent hold of the G1/S transition is exploited to cope with DNA replication stress", Jin et al. intend to show that Retinoblastoma-like G1/S transcriptional repressors can also work as S-CDK-Cks1 inhibitors in response to DNA replication stress, hence prolongating the G1/S transition to enable cells to deal with replication stress. In particular, they aim to identify the mechanism by which Whi7/Srl3 (Suppressor of Rad53 Lethality) rescues the lethality of rad53 yeast mutants. Even though their very first experiment is performed using human RB1, the remainder or the work is performed in the yeast model organism. Experimental methods used include mostly immunoprecipitation experiments (Western blots), spot assays, and some single cell microscopy (not specified if widefield or confocal).

      Major comments

      1) the authors refer to a cross-species screen where they aim to detect human proteins that rescue, upon overexpression, the yeast mec1Dsml1D and rad53Dsml1D lethality (of note, not mec1D/rad53D: why?). They identify hRB1 this way. But the entire screen data is missing, either is the analysis pipeline and "hit selection thresholds" (if applicable). Then no more experiments are performed on human cells or using human proteins. In my opinion this cross-specie approach is not necessary, or not developed enough.

      A: Yes, we have only performed a pilot screen based on the growing on 4 mM HU. We consider removing it. The reason to use mec1Dsml1D for genetic screen is that mec1D/rad53D cells are dead even without HU, whereas dissection assays do not fit for large-scale screening.

      2) Moreover, the interpretation of the data provided as a whole is strongly complicated by the variability in the HU doses used to trigger the Mec1/Rad53 response. While most immunoprecipitation experiments are performed with 200mM, spot assays are performed at various HU concentrations ranging from 3 to 21mM (and exploring the entire range). Sometimes HU concentrations differ on the same Figure panels. Downstream effects of such diverse HU concentrations might also be very diverse and due to this it is difficult to get an understanding of how the different experiments fit together.

      A: Sorry for the confusing. We used at least three HU concentration gradients in each experiment, but only showed one of them to save the space for a short article. Notably, S. cerevisiae has a much broader range of HU doses (up to 300 mM) than other species (less than 10 mM). Spot assays (HU are persistent) are mostly done in the mec1Dsml1D and rad53Dsml1D background (sensitive to 4 mM HU), whereas the IP experiments (only 2-3 h treatment and then removal) are mainly performed in WT or at least in comparison with WT background (resistant up to 250 mM HU). We’ll add other Figures during revision.

      3) Likewise, some experiments are performed only on rad53D backgrounds, or only on mec1D backgrounds (e.g. Fig1B and Fig1F, respectively), while results are claimed valid for the two gene deletion backgrounds.

      A: Thank you. We will add some “not shown data” and remove the invalid claims without data.

      4) Finally, the experiments performed in this study and/or their quantitative analysis are insufficient to support several of the claims, and results are often "over-interpreted". Below I have listed some of such insufficient experiments/analyses, in regard of the interpretation that the authors make of each piece of data.

      - Fig1B could indeed show that Whi7 could rescue rad53D lethality but it is hard to judge from just one tetrad. Many tetrads should be shown to exclude "random sampling" effects.

      A: Thank you. We will add more repeats and remove over-statements. Fig 1B was carried out for at least 12 tetrads but the original picture has been unintentionally lost. We can repeat it if necessary, but the result was validated by the plasmid shuffling experiment (Fig 1C).

      - Fig1F indeed shows that the rescue effect of Whi7 overexpression on mec1Dsml1D lethality in HU does not require its G1/S transcription factor-binding motif (GTB); however, it does not prove that it is independent on any putative effects that Whi7 could have on transcription (it could affect other transcription factors, or even the same ones via other domains).

      A: Good suggestion. As far as we know, there are no reports proving that Whi7 binds to other transcription factors. To rule out this possibility, we will detect whether overexpression of WHI7 affects the transcription of representative G1/S genes (Experiment #7).

      - FigS2A does not really support the authors' claim that Whi7 is hyperphosphorylated upon HU-treatment: the first lane before HU treatment already show the same hyperphosphorylated bands than the second lane (see "darker exposure"); however, the signal intensity is clearly lower so the overall levels of Whi7 are clearly increased by HU, rather than the relative fractions of phosphorylated species.

      A: Yes, we will modify the statement as suggested.

      - Fig2B shows that HU-dependent increase in Whi7 levels is partially abrogated in rad53Dsml1D and mec1Dsml1D mutant backgrounds, which demonstrates that Whi7 upregulation requires either Rad53 or Sml1, and Mec1 or Sml1, but not Rad53/Mec1 as claimed by the authors.

      A: Thank you, we will revise the statement. The only known function of Sml1 is a small unstructured protein inhibitor of Rnr1.

      - Likewise, Fig2B does not show any significant Whi7 phosphorylation following HU-treatment in the whi7-13AP mutant with all CDK consensus sites mutated to alanine. There is indeed a slightly slower migrating band appearing as acknowledge by the authors, which also appears in the mec1Dsml1D and rad53Dsml1D backgrounds. Again here, higher Whi7 levels in the WT background make the comparison with mec1Dsml1D and rad53Dsml1D backgrounds almost impossible. Quantification of the blots, including normalization of the signals of each phosphorylated band to the total signal, could help. But overall this figure does not demonstrate any Mec1/Rad53-dependent Whi7 phosphorylation following HU treatment. The phostag gel Fig2C might show the same result, as the differences in phosTag signals between different conditions might just simply reflect the differences in total amount of Whi7 between those same conditions. However, I acknowledge that Figs 2D and S2C shows Rad53- and Mec1-triggered Whi7 phosphorylation in vitro, but the conditions of this experiments likely differ a lot from in vivo context (kinase levels, competing substrates, presence of co-factors...).

      A: Thank you, we will quantify the blotting as suggested.

      - Along the same lines, Fig3E seems to show that truncation of Whi7 C terminus slightly reduces its efficiency in pulling down Cks1 (indicating reduced interaction). However, the total amount of WT Whi7 in the pull down seems to exceed the total amount of Whi7-DeltaC protein, which could in part explain the difference in Cks1 signal. Here again, quantification of the WB signals and adequate normalization would maybe make this figure more convincing.

      A: Good suggestion. We will show the biological repeats and quantification.

      - Fig4A-B (Whi5 GFP data): the cell representing the absence of HU shows Whi5 nuclear export and therefore likely passes through G1/S; the HU-treated cell shown as example does not export Whi5 from the nucleus, certainly because it does not pass G1/S. IMHO this demonstrates that the G1/S transition is delayed in HU-treated cells (as shown previously), irrespective of any role of Whi5 or Whi7 in this delay.

      - Likewise, Fig4C shows the absence of HU-induced delay in Whi5 nuclear export in rad53Dsml1D cells; however, while the authors claim this indicates "Rad53-dependent nuclear detention of Whi5", it is equally plausible that it indicates that rad53Dsml1D cells do not delay the G1/S transition under HU treatment.

      A: good comments. We should claim both possibilities at this stage. Previous studies mainly show delays in the Start stage (e.g., down-regulate SBF transcription). CLN1/2 deletion is known to delay DNA replication in a Sic1-dependent manner albeit with unknown mechanism in the S-CDK activation stage.

      - The same ambiguity holds for Fig5A,B (Sic1-GFP quantification in whi5Dwhi7D double deletion strain following release from alpha factor block): indeed Sic1 is degraded fast after release from alpha factor block both in presence of HU, while in WT cells Sic1 is not immediately degraded in presence of HU. While authors claim that "Whi7 and Whi5 significantly slow down the Sic1 degradation", this result could also likely reflect that whi5Dwhi7D cells pass G1/S even in this context, and therefore that whi5 or whi7 or both have a role in maintaining cells in G1, not showing any direct implication of Whi5/Whi7 in Sic1 degradation.

      A: good comments. It only provides some indirect hints. For instance, whi5Dwhi7D cells pass G1/S in a same timing as WT in the absence of HU (Fig. S4), indicating that the role of Whi5/7 in the G1/S delay is related to additional checkpoint function, not normal G1 maintaining function. Moreover, it should be combined with other results, for example, dosage suppression effects in the presence of HU and inhibitory effects in the absence of HU. Direct evidence of Whi5/Whi7 in Sic1 degradation and Cks1 inhibition comes only from the biochemical experiments shown in Fig 3E-3H.

      - FigS5: the authors show here that overexpression of Whi7-WIQ (that does not bind SBF) slows down the G1/S transition following release from alpha factor blockade, but this data does not demonstrate anything related to the role of Whi7 in the DNA replication stress response. Indeed, since Whi7 sequesters Cln3 in the ER (independent of any putative role on transcription regulation), its overexpression could simply reflect an increased sequestering of Cln3 pool. What does this result become in a cln3D background?

      A: Very good suggestion. We will check whether cln3Δ affects the suppression effect of Whi7 (Experiment #8).

      Due to the fundamental concerns raised above in the interpretation of the data, it is difficult to predict the outcome of more controlled experiments that would aim to prove the same statements. This makes the estimation of the time and resources required to complete the study almost impossible.

      Minor comments

      Owing to the major comments above, an important re-structuration of the study is required, and minor comments I may have on this version are likely to be irrelevant to the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The study aims to establish a molecular link between the progression through the G1/S transition and the DNA damage and DNA replication stress responses. Establishing molecular links between different phases of the cell cycle is an important question in basic research, and might be of interest for a broad range of cell biologists, even though the study is conducted in a model organism (budding yeast). The link proposed involves G1/S inhibitors Whi5 and Whi7, that would bind and inhibit the Cks1 subunit of S-CDK complexes, downstream of Rad53 and Mec1 signaling. The authors confirm some known results (e.g., Whi7 overexpression bypasses rad53 lethality in presence of HU) and gather new pieces of data using well-established methods (immunoprecipitation, spot assays, fluorescence microscopy). However, many experiments reported in this study are not sufficient to support the authors' claims, and therefore the novel mechanistic insight that this study ambitions to provide is not established.

      My scientific background being more in bio-imaging than in biochemistry, it is possible that I missed some hands-on experience to correctly interpret artefacts on western blots, however I do not feel like I missed sufficient expertise to evaluate any section of the manuscript.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In their manuscript "Transcription-independent hold of the G1/S transition is exploited to cope with DNA replication stress", Jin et al. intend to show that Retinoblastoma-like G1/S transcriptional repressors can also work as S-CDK-Cks1 inhibitors in response to DNA replication stress, hence prolongating the G1/S transition to enable cells to deal with replication stress. In particular, they aim to identify the mechanism by which Whi7/Srl3 (Suppressor of Rad53 Lethality) rescues the lethality of rad53 yeast mutants. Even though their very first experiment is performed using human RB1, the remainder or the work is performed in the yeast model organism. Experimental methods used include mostly immunoprecipitation experiments (Western blots), spot assays, and some single cell microscopy (not specified if widefield or confocal).

      Major comments

      1. the authors refer to a cross-species screen where they aim to detect human proteins that rescue, upon overexpression, the yeast mec1Dsml1D and rad53Dsml1D lethality (of note, not mec1D/rad53D: why?). They identify hRB1 this way. But the entire screen data is missing, either is the analysis pipeline and "hit selection thresholds" (if applicable). Then no more experiments are performed on human cells or using human proteins. In my opinion this cross-specie approach is not necessary, or not developed enough.
      2. Moreover, the interpretation of the data provided as a whole is strongly complicated by the variability in the HU doses used to trigger the Mec1/Rad53 response. While most immunoprecipitation experiments are performed with 200mM, spot assays are performed at various HU concentrations ranging from 3 to 21mM (and exploring the entire range). Sometimes HU concentrations differ on the same Figure panels. Downstream effects of such diverse HU concentrations might also be very diverse and due to this it is difficult to get an understanding of how the different experiments fit together.
      3. Likewise, some experiments are performed only on rad53D backgrounds, or only on mec1D backgrounds (e.g. Fig1B and Fig1F, respectively), while results are claimed valid for the two gene deletion backgrounds.
      4. Finally, the experiments performed in this study and/or their quantitative analysis are insufficient to support several of the claims, and results are often "over-interpreted". Below I have listed some of such insufficient experiments/analyses, in regard of the interpretation that the authors make of each piece of data.

      5. Fig1B could indeed show that Whi7 could rescue rad53D lethality but it is hard to judge from just one tetrad. Many tetrads should be shown to exclude "random sampling" effects.

      6. Fig1F indeed shows that the rescue effect of Whi7 overexpression on mec1Dsml1D lethality in HU does not require its G1/S transcription factor-binding motif (GTB); however, it does not prove that it is independent on any putative effects that Whi7 could have on transcription (it could affect other transcription factors, or even the same ones via other domains).
      7. FigS2A does not really support the authors' claim that Whi7 is hyperphosphorylated upon HU-treatment: the first lane before HU treatment already show the same hyperphosphorylated bands than the second lane (see "darker exposure"); however, the signal intensity is clearly lower so the overall levels of Whi7 are clearly increased by HU, rather than the relative fractions of phosphorylated species.
      8. Fig2B shows that HU-dependent increase in Whi7 levels is partially abrogated in rad53Dsml1D and mec1Dsml1D mutant backgrounds, which demonstrates that Whi7 upregulation requires either Rad53 or Sml1, and Mec1 or Sml1, but not Rad53/Mec1 as claimed by the authors.
      9. Likewise, Fig2B does not show any significant Whi7 phosphorylation following HU-treatment in the whi7-13AP mutant with all CDK consensus sites mutated to alanine. There is indeed a slightly slower migrating band appearing as acknowledge by the authors, which also appears in the mec1Dsml1D and rad53Dsml1D backgrounds. Again here, higher Whi7 levels in the WT background make the comparison with mec1Dsml1D and rad53Dsml1D backgrounds almost impossible. Quantification of the blots, including normalization of the signals of each phosphorylated band to the total signal, could help. But overall this figure does not demonstrate any Mec1/Rad53-dependent Whi7 phosphorylation following HU treatment. The phostag gel Fig2C might show the same result, as the differences in phosTag signals between different conditions might just simply reflect the differences in total amount of Whi7 between those same conditions. However, I acknowledge that Figs 2D and S2C shows Rad53- and Mec1-triggered Whi7 phosphorylation in vitro, but the conditions of this experiments likely differ a lot from in vivo context (kinase levels, competing substrates, presence of co-factors...).
      10. Along the same lines, Fig3E seems to show that truncation of Whi7 C terminus slightly reduces its efficiency in pulling down Cks1 (indicating reduced interaction). However, the total amount of WT Whi7 in the pull down seems to exceed the total amount of Whi7-DeltaC protein, which could in part explain the difference in Cks1 signal. Here again, quantification of the WB signals and adequate normalization would maybe make this figure more convincing.
      11. Fig4A-B (Whi5 GFP data): the cell representing the absence of HU shows Whi5 nuclear export and therefore likely passes through G1/S; the HU-treated cell shown as example does not export Whi5 from the nucleus, certainly because it does not pass G1/S. IMHO this demonstrates that the G1/S transition is delayed in HU-treated cells (as shown previously), irrespective of any role of Whi5 or Whi7 in this delay.
      12. Likewise, Fig4C shows the absence of HU-induced delay in Whi5 nuclear export in rad53Dsml1D cells; however, while the authors claim this indicates "Rad53-dependent nuclear detention of Whi5", it is equally plausible that it indicates that rad53Dsml1D cells do not delay the G1/S transition under HU treatment.
      13. The same ambiguity holds for Fig5A,B (Sic1-GFP quantification in whi5Dwhi7D double deletion strain following release from alpha factor block): indeed Sic1 is degraded fast after release from alpha factor block both in presence of HU, while in WT cells Sic1 is not immediately degraded in presence of HU. While authors claim that "Whi7 and Whi5 significantly slow down the Sic1 degradation", this result could also likely reflect that whi5Dwhi7D cells pass G1/S even in this context, and therefore that whi5 or whi7 or both have a role in maintaining cells in G1, not showing any direct implication of Whi5/Whi7 in Sic1 degradation.
      14. FigS5: the authors show here that overexpression of Whi7-WIQ (that does not bind SBF) slows down the G1/S transition following release from alpha factor blockade, but this data does not demonstrate anything related to the role of Whi7 in the DNA replication stress response. Indeed, since Whi7 sequesters Cln3 in the ER (independent of any putative role on transcription regulation), its overexpression could simply reflect an increased sequestering of Cln3 pool. What does this result become in a cln3D background? Due to the fundamental concerns raised above in the interpretation of the data, it is difficult to predict the outcome of more controlled experiments that would aim to prove the same statements. This makes the estimation of the time and resources required to complete the study almost impossible.

      Minor comments

      Owing to the major comments above, an important re-structuration of the study is required, and minor comments I may have on this version are likely to be irrelevant to the revised manuscript.


      The study aims to establish a molecular link between the progression through the G1/S transition and the DNA damage and DNA replication stress responses. Establishing molecular links between different phases of the cell cycle is an important question in basic research, and might be of interest for a broad range of cell biologists, even though the study is conducted in a model organism (budding yeast). The link proposed involves G1/S inhibitors Whi5 and Whi7, that would bind and inhibit the Cks1 subunit of S-CDK complexes, downstream of Rad53 and Mec1 signaling. The authors confirm some known results (e.g., Whi7 overexpression bypasses rad53 lethality in presence of HU) and gather new pieces of data using well-established methods (immunoprecipitation, spot assays, fluorescence microscopy). However, many experiments reported in this study are not sufficient to support the authors' claims, and therefore the novel mechanistic insight that this study ambitions to provide is not established.

      My scientific background being more in bio-imaging than in biochemistry, it is possible that I missed some hands-on experience to correctly interpret artefacts on western blots, however I do not feel like I missed sufficient expertise to evaluate any section of the manuscript.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Jin et al demonstrate a novel type of regulation of the G1/S transition in response to hydroxyurea stress. They approach this by first screening a library of human proteins (cDNA on yeast plasmids) for repressors of the mec1 or rad53 HU sensitivity. HU inhibits ribonucleotide reductase and thus lowers dNTP pools needed for S-phase. This slows replication and leads to stalled replication forks, triggering a "replication stress" response, which is executed by the kinases Mec1 and Rad53. Deletions of mec1 or rad53 are viable in unstressed conditions (with additional sml1 deletion), but are lethal on even low doses of HU. One main hit that rescued this lethality was the human G1/S inhibitor RB. They then went on to confirm that also the yeast analogs Whi5 and Whi7 can rescue mec1 or rad53 lethality when overexpressed. To track down the mechanism, the authors do a variety of genetic and biochemical assays. The resulting model is that Mec1 and Rad53 phosphorylate and stabilize Whi7, which binds to and inhibits the S-phase-CDK complex via the processivity factor Cks1. So on top of acting as a transcriptional repressor, Whi7 (and probably also Whi5) is also a direct interactor and inhibitor of CDK. The binding of Whi7 to Cks1-Clb5/6-CDK prevents the hyperphosphorylation and degradation of the inhibitor Sic1, and thus slows the G1/S transition in response to HU.

      Major comments:

      • Are the key conclusions convincing?

      Overall I think the sum of the evidence supports the suggested model, individual claims though are on somewhat shaky grounds based often on single replicates, see below.

      My main conceptual issue may be somewhat just a "semantic" problem. In my understanding "replication stress" refers to stalled replications forks and/or large stretches of single-strand DNA which then triggers a checkpoint response. So how would slowing the G1/S transition help to deal with "replication stress", if replication is not yet happening in these cells? I am assuming Mec1 senses dNTP depletion also in the absence of replication and that is how Mec1 and Rad53 become active in G1. But then maybe the model and the arguments can be phrased differently? What exactly is slowing down Sic1 degradation doing for the cell? Replenishing dNTP pools before the first origins fire? Or is maybe Sic1 not the most important target of this regulation? Maybe also during S-phase, partially inhibiting CDK is beneficial, maybe to stretch out origin firing... or? - Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?

      Most of the work is done on Whi7 and then some Whi5 in the end, I would tone down on the Whi5 claims a bit. - Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.

      Since the authors are clearly able to do quantitative live cell imaging, I do not understand why they do not quantify Whi7 concentrations and localization in response to HU instead of using Western blots of synchronized cells. This would make the whole thing much more credible, especially given the current lack of replicates (see below). This would also allow correlating the timing and amount of the Whi7 response with the stabilizing of Sic1 in single cells.

      The causality of phosphorylation being required for stabilization seems plausible from the genetics, but is far from clear in the western blots. Here, concentration increase seems to precede phosphorylation. Could this due to induced Whi7 transcription?

      Many if not most claims are based on single replicates. See below. - Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.

      I am not suggesting any different types of experiments or new methods, so it should be doable within a few weeks. - Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?

      I would suggest the authors spell out all of their experimental procedures instead of referring to "as described previously". I think everyone knows the pains of going on a wild goose chase of following references to the original method description. - Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?

      The key weakness of this entire paper is imho that many claims are based on single experiments, that are neither replicated nor quantified. For example, all the co-IPs (such as 1E or 3F) should be replicated and the ratio of bait to target quantified and averaged.

      If a claim is made regarding increased phosphorylation in vivo, then again this should be replicated and the ratio of phosphorylated to unphosphorylated bands quantified. In many Whi7 gels it looks like it is mainly the total amount of the protein that is changing rather than the phosphorylation state. But again, by eye and from a single replicate, this is hard to tell.

      A similar thing holds true for the spot assays. Spot assays are great to show lethality and rescue as in the first figure. But making semi-quantitative claims of different degrees of "partial rescue" from a single spot assay is a bit speculative. This seems especially true since the authors are using different and seemingly random HU concentrations for every spot assay, which suggests that the effect is not very robust and can only be seen in very specific concentration ranges. If e.g. the degree of rescue between WT, A and D mutants or truncations matters for the model/the storyline, then more quantitative growth or competition assays should be added.

      Minor comments:

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.

      At least some of the alpha-factor release experiments should contain infos on budding index and/or DNA content to understand see the delay in timing by HU addition. - Are prior studies referenced appropriately?

      Seems fine from the G1/S side, but I don't know the Mec1/Rad53 literature well enough to judge. - Are the text and figures clear and accurate?

      The authors could do another round of proofing figures and legends. For example, Fig 5C contains scale bars that are not defined, blot 3E has an asterix labeling that is not defined, the model in 5E has misspelled "degradation"... - Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?

      The authors use a lot of different mutants (especially for Whi7). Even for someone who knows the proteins fairly well, it is hard to remember throughout the text which abbreviation is relating to which mutations and which function that is addressing. Maybe occasionally remind the reader of what the mutant is or use terms like Whi7non-binding rather than WIQ.

      The text could also use another round of proof-reading. The overall flow of the storyline is easily comprehensible, but sometimes there is a sudden switch of topics or new proteins come out of nowhere. Some expressions are used in a way that is not common English.


      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.

      This study is a major conceptual contribution to understanding G1/S regulation in perturbed conditions (assuming the results can be replicated and quantified as detailed above). That Whi7 (and maybe Whi5) directly inhibit Clb5/Clb6-CDK through Cks1 binding is an important addition/modification to the current model and may well be important beyond genotoxic stress. - Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).

      The authors do this reasonably well. - State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.

      Anyone in the yeast cell cycle/replication field should find this interesting. It should also have important implications for the mammalian cell cycle/replication/DNA damage field. - Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      I am well familiar with G1/S control and all the methods used in the study. I am not an expert on replication stress/DNA damage/ checkpoint signaling.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This work begins with a heterologous screen, introducing human genes in double mec1,sml1 yeast deletants, which are alive, but sensitive to hydroxyurea. The readout was mec1,sml1 proliferation in the presence of hydroxyurea. They found that mec1,sml1 yeast mutants carrying the human RB1 gene (a G1/S transcriptional repressor) proliferated on hydroxyurea. Then, they test if known yeast G1/S transcriptional repressors (Whi5 and Whi7) could have similar effects if provided at higher than normal levels (they did). With this initial result, followed up by a variety of experiments, the authors then go on to propose that replication stress, which activates Mec1 and Rad53, triggers the phosphorylation of Whi7 (by Mec1) and Whi5 (by both Rad53 and Mec1) blocking their eviction from the nucleus, allowing them instead to bind and inhibit Cks1, a Cdk processivity factor, needed for the complete phosphorylation and degradation of a Cdk inhibitor, Sic1. This is different from published work a decade earlier in mammalian cells (ref. 37; Bertoli et al.), which showed that upon replication stress, Chk1 phosphorylates G1/S transcriptional repressors to maintain G1/S transcription, which could help genome stability. Here, the authors propose that replication stress could block the G1/S transition. While the model and some of the experiments are interesting, the rationale for some experiments was shaky, and the data do not fully support the conclusions.

      Major points

      1. Any cell that undergoes DNA replication must have already destroyed Sic1. It has been known for 25+ years that targeting Sic1 is the only necessary function of G1/Cdk to enable DNA replication (PMID: 8755551). Sic1 does not reappear until the M/G1 transition. Hence, in the authors' model, where cells are already in the S phase, how can multisite phosphorylation and degradation of Sic1 be the critical and final output of the pathway they propose when there shouldn't be any Sic1 around, to begin with? Why would a cell that has already completed Start and the G1/S transition, is in the S phase and experiencing replication stress, care about going through the G1/S?
      2. The results in Figure 2C are confusing and difficult to interpret. For example, comparing lane 8 (WT without hydroxyurea) to lane 7 (WT with hydroxyurea), it appears that there is more phosphorylated Whi7 in lane 7 (hydroxyurea treatment) than in lane 8 (no treatment). But, the ratio of phosphorylated/unphosphorylated Whi7 is not that different (there is very little unphosphorylated Whi7 in lane 8). Same problem when comparing lanes 3 and 3. I understand that they later show that Whi7 is stabilized by hydroxyurea, but from the data in this figure, what exactly can they conclude here?
      3. Their data in Figure 2E show that phosphorylation of Whi7 is not required for suppressing the lethality of rad53,sml1 cells treated with hydroxyurea. Cells carrying Whi7-41A (lacking all possible phosphorylations) suppressed nearly as well as wild-type Whi7 did. The purported differences in the suppression are minuscule at best and not evident at the dilutions tested. It is not clear at all how they can conclude that phosphorylation of Whi7 has anything to do with the ability of Whi7 overexpression to suppress the lethality of rad53,sml1 cells.
      4. For all the arguments they make about this new role of Whi5 and Whi7 at Start, they do not examine size homeostasis or the kinetics of cell cycle progression in any of their experiments and their mutants, with or without hydroxyurea treatment.
      5. The Sic1 stability experiments they show in Figure 5 are nice. They would need to be extended to their various mutants, including their Whi7 phosphomutants, to make a case for phosphorylation by Rad53 and Mec1 in this process.

      Minor points

      1. The language is awkward. Editing for style will be necessary.
      2. They use different hydroxyurea doses in the experiments they show, making it difficult to conclude much when comparing different figures. Why aren't they consistent from experiment to experiment?

      Referees cross-commenting

      Overall, all reviews are well-aligned. The points raised by the other reviewers are valid, and the reviews are thorough and detailed. I don't know whether the authors will be able to respond since the list is quite long. Even if they do, the manuscript will look very different. I do not have anything else to add.


      The manuscript presents some interesting data, most notably the role of Whi7 and Whi5 in the stability of Sic1 in vivo and the various in vitro experiments the authors present. The advance is conceptual and mechanistic, offering a different and unanticipated model for the role of these proteins at Start, under replication stress. Unfortunately, the significance of the manuscript is limited. A convincing case for their model and its importance has not been made. For example, their data in Figure 2E, measuring the ability of phosphomutants to suppress the lethality of rad53,sml1 cells upon replication stress, is underwhelming and undermines the importance of the study, particularly to a wider audience.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      *Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this manuscript, the authors report dorsomedial hypothalamus-specific PR-domain containing protein 13-knockout (DMH-Prdm13-KO) mice recapitulated age-associated sleep alterations such as sleep fragmentation and increased sleep attempts during sleep deprivation (SD). These phenotypes were further exacerbated during aging, with increased adiposity and decreased physical activity, resulting in shortened lifespan. Moreover, overexpression of Prdm13 in the DMH ameliorated sleep fragmentation and excessive sleepiness during SD in old mice. They identified maintaining Prdm13 signaling in the DMH might play an important role to control sleep-wake patterns during aging. These findings are interesting and novel and the evidence they provided looks solid.*

      We deeply appreciate that this reviewer found our findings are interesting and the evidence solid.

      *Major comments 1. The author spent a lot of words on Sirt1 in the introduction. Since Sirt1 regulates Prdm13, is there a link between the two in age-related sleep changes? If so, you can add some results and discussion. *

      Thank you very much for raising this important issue. Our previous study demonstrated that a mouse model with high hypothalamic Sirt1 activity displays reduced number of transitions between wakefulness and NREM sleep (reference # 15), revealing that hypothalamic Sirt1, as well as Prdm13, is involved in the regulation of sleep fragmentation.However, sleep propensity was not altered in Sirt1-overexpressing transgenic mice (reference #13) and DMH-Prdm13-KO mice (Fig. 1). Based on these findings, we added the following sentence in the Results.

      On page 11, line 267-274

      "...... Similarly, a mouse model with high hypothalamic Sirt1 activity displays reduced number of transitions between wakefulness and NREM sleep15, revealing that hypothalamic Sirt1, as well as Prdm13, is involved in the regulation of sleep fragmentation. Sleep propensity was not altered in Sirt1-overexpressing transgenic mice13. Given that the level of hypothalamic Prdm13 and its function decline with age, age-associated sleep fragmentation could be promoted through the reduction of Prdm13/Sirt1 signaling in the DMH, but sleep propensity might be increased by other mechanisms. "

      • In Figure 2e, the author describes n=7-8 in the figure legend, but why do both groups on the column show eight data? Is there something wrong with the statistics? Please check the statistics in the article carefully. *

      We corrected n=7-8 to n=8 in the figure legend of Fig. 2e.

      • DMH is known as one of the major outputs of hypothalamus circadian system and is involved in the circadian regulation of sleep-wakefulness (J.Neurosci. 23, 10691-10702 ; Nat Neurosci 4:732-738). Does Prdm13 correlate with circadian rhythms? The author can add relevant content to the discussion *

      As per this reviewer's suggestion, we added the following sentence in the Discussion on page 20, line 500-508,

      "For instance, it would be of great interest to elucidate whether Prdm13 signaling in the DMH contributes to regulate the circadian system, since the DMH is known to be involved in the regulation of several circadian behaviors32,33. Although DMH-Prdm13-KO mice did not display abnormal period length compared with controls, further studies are needed to address this possibility."

      *Minor comments 1. The immunohistochemical diagram in the paper is not representative enough, as shown in FIG. 2b and c. *

      We apologize that our presentation in Figs. 2a-c was confusing. Although Fig. 2b shows the numbers of cFos cells in the entire region of the DMH (summed up from three DMH regions), the images in Fig. 2c are from one of DMH regions for each condition. To avoid confusion, we revised the legend of Figs. 2a-c and the manuscript in the Results as follows:

      -In the figure legend of Figs. 2a-c

      "a, Total numbers of cFos+ cells ......... b,c, Images of DMH sections at bregma -1.67 mm ......."

      -In the Results on page 7, line 180

      "...... the hypothalamus, the DMH (summed up from bregma -1.67 to -1.91mm) showed a greater number of cFos+ cells during SD compared to SD-Cont (Fig. 2a-c, Supplementary Fig. 2a)..... "

      • In FIG. 5h, the authors showed that the effect of overexpression of Prdm13 was very obvious, but the expression range of the virus after injection was lacking. Is there a fluorescent gene such as GFP on the virus to directly see the expression of the virus in the brain? *

      Unfortunately, we do not hold extra samples to check the distribution of the virus after injection. However, we have established sufficient injection technique to target the DMH using the lentivirus system that we used in this study (Satoh et al Cell Metab 2013).

      • Were mice singly housed or housed in groups? *

      Most of the mice were housed in groups, except for the DR study. We added this information in the section Animal models of the Methods on page 41, line 935

      ".....RIKEN BRC. Most of the mice were housed in groups, except for the DR study. For the DR study ,..... "

      • The part of sleep analysis needs to be further refined. How can REM and NREM in mice be distinguished and according to what criteria? *

      We added the criteria to define NREM and REM in the section Sleep analysis of the Methods on page 42, line 995-998.

      ".......with visual examination. EEG periods dominated by higher amplitude delta wave activity with nuchal muscle atonia were scored as NREM sleep epochs. REM sleep consisted of periods of semi-uniform theta activity EEG with muscle atonia and/or muscle atonia with brief myoclonic twitches. Score was blinded ......"

      • The authors may consider adding more recent literature related to DMH and sleep, such as DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhac258 * We incorporated this reference to the following sentence in the section Results on page 8, line 194.

      "........ Although DMH neurons are linked to sleep21, aging and longevity .... "

      *Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: In this study, Tsuji et al. demonstrate that Prdm13 signaling is involved in the regulation of sleep-wake pattern. They also identified Prdm13 as a transcription factor in the DMH neurons. Major comments: 1. The evidence presented in Fig. 1 of age-related sleep fragmentation is potentially problematic. Although many previous studies have demonstrated fragmented sleep, especially fragmentation of NREM sleep, in aged mice compared to young mice, the data here do not suggest NREM fragmentation, because no change in the NREM bout duration was found. REM, on the other hand, may indeed have fragmentation during the dark phase, but REM only takes a small portion of the total sleep. Therefore, the conclusion that sleep is fragmented in old mice is not fully supported by Fig. 1. I noticed that the authors used 4-6 months old mice as the young group. Mice of this age can hardly be called "young". The females even start to have lowered fertility. This might be one of the reasons for the discrepancy between this and other studies. Repeating these experiments (and others involving the young group) with mice of more appropriate age (usually 2-3 months old) is recommended. Nonetheless, aging-caused sleep change is not new knowledge and has been reported repeatedly. This part of the results should be in the supplementary figures. *

      We deeply appreciate this reviewer's comment. In accordance with this reviewer's suggestion, we carefully reconsidered the age of young mice. Most of published studies used mice at 2 to 4 months of age as the young group [2 to 4-month-old (7 studies), 4.6-month-old (1 study), 6-month-old (1 study), 2 to 6-month-old (1 study)]. Thus, to strictly use mice at 3-4 months of age as the young group, we excluded data of one cohort using mice at 6 months of age (2 mice each age group). Consistent with many previous studies, our revised data demonstrated that sleep fragmentation during NREM sleep is predominantly observed in old mice compared with young mice, particularly during the dark period. Based on these new results, we revised Fig.1, Suppl Fig.1, and all description related to Fig. 1 (manuscript on page 5-7, line 103-171). We would like to keep Fig. 1 as it is. Since most of the previous studies used males but not females, data from females are still lacking in the field (Campos-Beltran and Marshall, Pflugers. Arch., 473:841-851, 2021).

      • The sleep phenotypes in aged mice and in Prdm13-KO mice are clearly distinct from each other. In the old mice (Fig. 1), REM sleep is fragmented but the total amount remains unchanged, and NREM sleep is increased (both bout number and total amount), indicating there may be more REM-to-NREM transitions, which the authors should quantify. However, Fig. 3 shows in Prdm13-KO mice, there is no REM fragmentation. In fact, it even seems to stabilize REM. But NREM duration is shorted, and no change in the total NREM or REM sleep time. These results suggest that the sleep alterations caused by aging and Prdm13-KO might have some overlap but are mostly in parallel and likely through different mechanisms. Therefore, the rationale of connecting Prdm13 signaling to aging-caused sleep changes is questionable. Is there a developmental change of Prdm13 expression in DMH between young and old mice? The authors also showed that Prdm13-KO in old mice caused decrease in NREM duration but has no effect on REM sleep, but in normal old mice, it is REM, but not NREM that has a defect. Prdm13 overexpression also only mildly decreased NREM bout number without affecting the episode duration of either NREM or REM, which can hardly be interpreted as "ameliorating sleep fragmentation". To me, all these results just suggest parallel actions of Prdm13 and aging on sleep, with Prdm13 mostly affecting NREM sleep but aging mostly impairing REM sleep. *

      We deeply appreciate this reviewer's keen eyes. We carefully reassessed REM sleep data in Fig. 3. The revised data showed that whereas the duration of NREM episodes in DMH-Prdm13-KO mice during the dark period were significantly shorter compared to control group, the duration of REM episodes in the KO mice was not significantly altered. Therefore, after revising Fig. 1 and 3, our results showed that both aging and Prdm13-KO similarly affect the duration of NREM sleep episodes. These results suggest that sleep fragmentation, in particular, during NREM sleep, is commonly observed in old mice and DMH-Prdm13-KO mice. In addition to sleep fragmentation during NREM sleep, excessive sleepiness during SD was also commonly observed in old mice and DMH-Prdm13-KO mice. On the other hand, the effect of aging and Prdm13-KO on sleep propensity was distinct from each other. We think that age-associated sleep fragmentation could be promoted through Prdm13 signaling in the DMH, but sleep propensity might be increased by other mechanisms. We described these results and possibilities in the Results, and revised the Abstract as follows:

      On page 11, line 264-274

      "activity in DMH-Prdm13-KO mice (Fig. 3h, Supplementary Fig. 3f-h). Together, sleep fragmentation during NREM sleep and excessive sleepiness during SD are commonly observed in old mice and DMH-Prdm13-KO mice, but the effects of aging and Prdm13-KO on sleep propensity were distinct from each other.............. Given that the level of hypothalamic Prdm13 and its function decline with age16, age-associated sleep fragmentation could be promoted through the reduction of Prdm13/Sirt1 signaling in the DMH, but sleep propensity might be increased by other mechanisms."

      On page 2, line 45-46

      "Dietary restriction (DR), a well-known anti-aging intervention in diverse organisms, ameliorated age-associated sleep fragmentation and increased sleep attempts during SD, whereas these effects of DR were abrogated in DMH-Prdm13-KO mice."

      As this reviewer pointed out, the effect of Prdm13 overexpression on NREM sleep fragmentation seems to be moderate, but we still observed effects on excessive sleepiness during SD. Thus, we revised the manuscript related to Prdm13-overexpression study in the Abstract and Results as follows:

      On page 2, line 47-48

      "Moreover, overexpression of Prdm13 in the DMH ameliorated sleep fragmentation and excessive sleepiness during SD in old mice."

      On page 16, line 387-401

      "Overexpression of Prdm13 in the DMH partially affects age-associated sleep alterations

      ...... (Fig. 5h). The number of wakefulness and NREM sleep episodes in old Prdm13-OE mice were significantly lower, whereas duration of wakefulness in old Prdm13-OE mice tended to be longer than old control mice during the dark period with no change in the duration of NREM episodes (Fig. 5i,j). Intriguingly, .... Thus, the restoration of Prdm13 signaling in the DMH partially rescue age-associated sleep alterations, but its effect on sleep fragmentation is moderate."

      • What is the control manipulation for sleep deprivation? The authors need to clarify this in the Methods. Also, sleep deprivation has confounding effects including but not limited to stress, food deprivation (since food was removed during SD), human experimenter (since a gentle-touch method was used). Without proper controls for these variables, the authors should avoid concluding that the changes they saw at cellular level are due to sleep loss. *

      Thank you very much for this suggestion. We added detailed description for AL-SD (the control manipulation for SD) in the section SD study of the Materials as follows:

      On page 42-43, line 1014-1020

      "Mice for control manipulation (AL-SD) were also individually housed prior to the experiment without SD and food removal. We checked the level of blood glucose in the SD study, and found that the level of blood glucose was indistinguishable between SD and AL-SD groups (126±6 and 131±4 mg/dL, respectively), revealing that nutritional status is equal between these two groups."

      Identification of Prdm13+ cells using neuronal markers should be performed in addition to electrophysiological characterizations.

      We performed immunofluorescence using anti-MAP2 antibody and confirmed that most Prdm13+ cells are neurons. We added this new result in Suppl Fig. 2g.

      • Figs. 6 and 7 seem very disconnected from the main story. Identification of Prdm13 as a transcription factor is potentially interesting, but how does it account for its role in affecting sleep? The criteria of picking Cck, Grp and Pmch out of other candidate genes potentially regulated by Prdm13 and the rationale to investigate these genes seem unclear. More importantly, no evidence was shown regarding how Cck/Grp *

      Base on RNA-sequencing using DMH samples from DMH-Prdm13-KO and control mice, we got several candidate genes as downstream genes of Prdm13. After validating the candidate genes by qRT-PCR, Cck, Grp and Pmch were detected as top-hit genes. We thus further assessed these three genes in this study. Our result showed that Cckexpression in the hypothalamus significantly declines with age. Based on other literature, hypothalamic Cck seems to be involved in sleep control. Therefore, it is conceivable that Prdm13 controls age-associated sleep alterations via modulating Cck expression. However, as this reviewer pointed out, we are still lacking the evidence showing the role of Prdm13/Cck axis in age-associated sleep alterations. We now clearly described the limitation of our study in the Discussion on page 23, line 560-562.

      "However, the detailed molecular mechanisms by which Prdm13 in the DMH regulates age-associated sleep fragmentation and excessive sleepiness during SD still need to be elucidated in future study. "

      *Minor comments: 1. Please note on the images of Fig. 2d what the green fluorescence was. It is very confusing as is, given that it's surrounded by quantifications of c-fos in the figure. *

      The label "Prdm13" was added in Fig. 2d.

      Please note use a different color for Prdm13 in several figure images (e.g., Fig. 2f, g, 7a,d, and Supplementary 2c). Yellow usually means overlap of red and green.

      Since we have four-color images in Fig. 7, we consistently used yellow for Prdm13 throughout the main figures of the paper. At this moment, we would like to keep the current version of images, but we will revise images if the editor of affiliate journal requests this revision.

      • Please note the statistic test results on power spectrum graphs. *

      We added the statistic test results on power spectrum graphs in Figs. 1d, 4c, and 5d.

      • Inconsistency between the graphs in Fig. 3d and the description in the text. Fig. 3d suggests no change in Wake episode duration, significant decrease in Dark phase NREM and significant increase in Dark phase REM, whereas lines 224-227 in the main text state "The duration of wakefulness episodes ... was significantly shorter than control mice during the light period, and the duration of NREM sleep episodes ...was significantly longer ... during the dark period (Fig. 3d)". Which one is correct? Please check. *

      We apologize for this typo and unclear description. We revised the sentence regarding Fig. 3d as follows:

      On page 10, line 242-246

      "The duration of wakefulness episodes in DMH-Prdm13-KO mice was significantly shorter than control mice during the light period between ZT0 to ZT2. The duration of NREM sleep episodes in DMH-Prdm13-KO mice was significantly shorter than control mice during the dark period (Fig. 3d). These results indicate that DMH-Prdm13-KO mice showed mild sleep fragmentation compared with control mice."

      • Fig. 5f, Y-axis title should be EEG SWA. * We corrected it.
    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study, Tsuji et al. demonstrate that Prdm13 signaling is involved in the regulation of sleep-wake pattern. They also identified Prdm13 as a transcription factor in the DMH neurons.

      Major comments:

      1. The evidence presented in Fig. 1 of age-related sleep fragmentation is potentially problematic. Although many previous studies have demonstrated fragmented sleep, especially fragmentation of NREM sleep, in aged mice compared to young mice, the data here do not suggest NREM fragmentation, because no change in the NREM bout duration was found. REM, on the other hand, may indeed have fragmentation during the dark phase, but REM only takes a small portion of the total sleep. Therefore, the conclusion that sleep is fragmented in old mice is not fully supported by Fig. 1. I noticed that the authors used 4-6 months old mice as the young group. Mice of this age can hardly be called "young". The females even start to have lowered fertility. This might be one of the reasons for the discrepancy between this and other studies. Repeating these experiments (and others involving the young group) with mice of more appropriate age (usually 2-3 months old) is recommended. Nonetheless, aging-caused sleep change is not new knowledge and has been reported repeatedly. This part of the results should be in the supplementary figures.
      2. The sleep phenotypes in aged mice and in Prdm13-KO mice are clearly distinct from each other. In the old mice (Fig. 1), REM sleep is fragmented but the total amount remains unchanged, and NREM sleep is increased (both bout number and total amount), indicating there may be more REM-to-NREM transitions, which the authors should quantify. However, Fig. 3 shows in Prdm13-KO mice, there is no REM fragmentation. In fact, it even seems to stabilize REM. But NREM duration is shorted, and no change in the total NREM or REM sleep time. These results suggest that the sleep alterations caused by aging and Prdm13-KO might have some overlap but are mostly in parallel and likely through different mechanisms. Therefore, the rationale of connecting Prdm13 signaling to aging-caused sleep changes is questionable. Is there a developmental change of Prdm13 expression in DMH between young and old mice? The authors also showed that Prdm13-KO in old mice caused decrease in NREM duration but has no effect on REM sleep, but in normal old mice, it is REM, but not NREM that has a defect. Prdm13 overexpression also only mildly decreased NREM bout number without affecting the episode duration of either NREM or REM, which can hardly be interpreted as "ameliorating sleep fragmentation". To me, all these results just suggest parallel actions of Prdm13 and aging on sleep, with Prdm13 mostly affecting NREM sleep but aging mostly impairing REM sleep.
      3. What is the control manipulation for sleep deprivation? The authors need to clarify this in the Methods. Also, sleep deprivation has confounding effects including but not limited to stress, food deprivation (since food was removed during SD), human experimenter (since a gentle-touch method was used). Without proper controls for these variables, the authors should avoid concluding that the changes they saw at cellular level are due to sleep loss.
      4. Identification of Prdm13+ cells using neuronal markers should be performed in addition to electrophysiological characterizations.
      5. Figs. 6 and 7 seem very disconnected from the main story. Identification of Prdm13 as a transcription factor is potentially interesting, but how does it account for its role in affecting sleep? The criteria of picking Cck, Grp and Pmch out of other candidate genes potentially regulated by Prdm13 and the rationale to investigate these genes seem unclear. More importantly, no evidence was shown regarding how Cck/Grp

      Minor comments:

      1. Please note on the images of Fig. 2d what the green fluorescence was. It is very confusing as is, given that it's surrounded by quantifications of c-fos in the figure.
      2. Please note use a different color for Prdm13 in several figure images (e.g., Fig. 2f, g, 7a,d, and Supplementary 2c). Yellow usually means overlap of red and green.
      3. Please note the statistic test results on power spectrum graphs.
      4. Inconsistency between the graphs in Fig. 3d and the description in the text. Fig. 3d suggests no change in Wake episode duration, significant decrease in Dark phase NREM and significant increase in Dark phase REM, whereas lines 224-227 in the main text state "The duration of wakefulness episodes ... was significantly shorter than control mice during the light period, and the duration of NREM sleep episodes ...was significantly longer ... during the dark period (Fig. 3d)". Which one is correct? Please check.
      5. Fig. 5f, Y-axis title should be EEG SWA.


      General assessment: There are discrepancies in the evidence presented, and the results were poorly organized. I found the main conclusions of the manuscript not very convincing and the causal links among Prdm13, aging and sleep alterations weak.

      Advance: The identification of DMH Prdm13 in regulating sleep is potentially interesting and of some novelty, but the underlying mechanism and its causal relationship with aging were not clearly elucidated.

      Audience: basic research

      My expertise: sleep, social behavior, hypothalamus, dopamine neuromodulation, neural circuit development, synaptic organization.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors report dorsomedial hypothalamus-specific PR-domain containing protein 13-knockout (DMH-Prdm13-KO) mice recapitulated age-associated sleep alterations such as sleep fragmentation and increased sleep attempts during sleep deprivation (SD). These phenotypes were further exacerbated during aging, with increased adiposity and decreased physical activity, resulting in shortened lifespan. Moreover, overexpression of Prdm13 in the DMH ameliorated sleep fragmentation and excessive sleepiness during SD in old mice. They identified maintaining Prdm13 signaling in the DMH might play an important role to control sleep-wake patterns during aging. These findings are interesting and novel and the evidence they provided looks solid.

      Major comments

      1. The author spent a lot of words on Sirt1 in the introduction. Since Sirt1 regulates Prdm13, is there a link between the two in age-related sleep changes? If so, you can add some results and discussion.
      2. In Figure 2e, the author describes n=7-8 in the figure legend, but why do both groups on the column show eight data? Is there something wrong with the statistics? Please check the statistics in the article carefully.
      3. DMH is known as one of the major outputs of hypothalamus circadian system and is involved in the circadian regulation of sleep-wakefulness (J.Neurosci. 23, 10691-10702 ; Nat Neurosci 4:732-738). Does Prdm13 correlate with circadian rhythms? The author can add relevant content to the discussion

      Minor comments

      1. The immunohistochemical diagram in the paper is not representative enough, as shown in FIG. 2b and c.
      2. In FIG. 5h, the authors showed that the effect of overexpression of Prdm13 was very obvious, but the expression range of the virus after injection was lacking. Is there a fluorescent gene such as GFP on the virus to directly see the expression of the virus in the brain?
      3. Were mice singly housed or housed in groups?
      4. The part of sleep analysis needs to be further refined. How can REM and NREM in mice be distinguished and according to what criteria?
      5. The authors may consider adding more recent literature related to DMH and sleep, such as DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhac258


      Akiko Satoh's 2015 article "Deficiency of Prdm13, a dorsomedial hypothalamus-enriched gene, mimics age-associated changes in sleep quality and adiposity "influenced the novelty of the study, but the authors went further in terms of details and mechanisms. The audience of the basic research will be influenced by this research.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements [optional]

      We are grateful to the reviewers for highlighting the novelty of the mechanism we describe for P2Y2 in driving RGD-binding integrin-dependent invasion, and acknowledging its potential in cancer therapy. We thank the reviewers for their valuable and detailed comments, which have allowed us to prepare a significantly stronger and clearer manuscript.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      The study identifies P2Y2 as a purinergic receptor strongly associated with hypoxia, cancer expression and survival. A link is found between P2Y2-integrin interaction and cancer invasion, highlighting this as a novel therapeutic target. The mechanism is interesting and general well explored.

      • *

      We thank the reviewer for acknowledging the novelty of the therapeutic target presented in this work.

      • *

      Minor comments

      As P2Y2 is highly expressed by other cell types found with tumours, including vascular endothelium and leukocytes, the authors should reflect on this as a confounding factor in the analysis of adrenocarcinoma gene expression analysis. I appreciate the RNAscope work may resolve this issue to some extent.

      We agree that P2Y2 is known to be expressed in other cell types. RNAscope did not show convincing staining in PDAC normal adjacent tissue (was similar to negative staining), perhaps due to the challenging nature of pancreatic tissue with respect to RNA degradation. We have resolved this issue by including single cell RNA-seq of normal human pancreas for P2Y2 from Protein Atlas (Sup. Fig. 2B), which shows expression in several cell types, mainly endocrine cells, and macrophages. We now mention this in line 142 : “P2Y2 is known to be expressed at low levels in normal tissues but interestingly RNAscope did not detect this. This data suggest 1) the lower limits of the technique compounded by the challenge of RNA degradation in pancreatic tissue and 2) supports that in tumour tissue where it was detected there was indeed overexpression of P2Y2, in line with the bioinformatic data. Interrogating single cell P2Y2 RNA expression in normal PDAC from proteinatlas.org (Karlsson et al., 2021), expression was found at low levels in several cells types, for example in endocrine cells and macrophages (Sup. Fig. 2B).”

      Major comments

      • *

      The authors correctly identify that the level of ATP in the tumour microenvironment can be very high, typically 100uM or so. However, these concentrations are supramaximal for P2Y2 activation, at which ATP has an approximate EC50 of 100nM. Coupled with the fact that many cell types, including cancer cells, constitutively secrete ATP, there is an opportunity to explore the effects of lower ATP concentrations in some assays, or provide some concentration-response relationship to give more confidence of P2Y2-dependent effects.

      • *

      We thank the reviewer for raising this point and we agree that 100 uM can be a high concentration, albeit one that is frequently used throughout the literature. We have now included a concentration-response relationship (Sup. Fig. 2D) showing that ATP causes cytoskeletal changes that are P2Y2 dependent most prominently at 100 uM, the concentration that, as the reviewer has also corroborated, is similar to the concentration of ATP found in tumours.

      Also, the authors describe the use of cancer cells where P2Y2 has been knocked out using CRISPR. Does this KO have an effect on cancer invasion? The effect of ARC should be absent in these cells and give confidence the effects of ARC are P2Y2-dependent, as some off-target effects of this antagonist have been reported. To explore the influence of constitutive P2Y2 activity, the authors should explore the effects of ARC alone in some assays.

      We agree that including more AR-C only experiments would be informative, so we have included a 3D sphere invasion assay with our CRISPR cell line treated with and without AR-C that shows no effect in invasion (p = 0.4413) (Sup. Fig. 3J). We have now also included images of AsPC-1 cells transfected with Lifeact, showing no changes in morphology with AR-C only (Sup. Fig. 2E). We apologise for missing a ‘+’ in one of the supplementary figures which shows AR-C only in AsPC-1 cells has no effect on its own.

      The effects of the CRISPR cell line in invasion are shown in Fig. 3F, showing a significant reduction (p = 0.0005) in invasion.

      The title of the manuscript implies extracellular ATP drives cancer invasion, though in my opinion this statement is not fully explored. Though ATP/UTP are applied at supramaximal concentrations for P2Y2 activation, the influence of ATP in the cell culture microenvironment without exogenous application is not explored. One would predict that scavenging extracellular ATP with apyrase would negatively impact invasiveness and the proximity of integrin and P2Y2 without ATP/UTP application if constitutively secreted ATP is involved. Pharmacological manipulation of ectonucleotidase activity is an alternative. Experimental route to explore this.

      We agree and have changed the title of our article to “Purinergic GPCR-integrin interactions drive pancreatic cancer cell invasion”. Our 3D sphere experiments with the CRISPR cell line show a reduction in invasion without exogenous application of ATP, which we also see to a lesser extent in our siRNA P2Y2 cell line. We have tested our sphere model with apyrase but unfortunately, the buffer used for apyrase to work is not compatible with our gel composition. Pharmacological manipulation would be a very good alternative if the cells used expressed high levels of CD39 or PANX1, which unfortunately they don’t. We hypothesise that most basal extracellular ATP in our 3D spheres comes from hypoxic areas that cause cell death, just as is postulated for tumours.

      Immunoprecipitation experiments of native proteins would be more convincing data that P2Y2 and integrin physically interaction, as opposed to being in close proximity. This would also overcome artifacts of interaction that can be attributed to receptor overexpression.

      We attempted immunoprecipitation experiments but unfortunately ran into several technical difficulties, including the anti-aV antibody working poorly for Western blot. Immunoprecipitation of these proteins has been reported by others (PMID: 25908848), supporting the proposed interaction.

      DNA-PAINT super resolution microscopy allows for quantification of nanoscale distances, and we used this to calculate the distances where physical interaction occurs. The possibility of this close proximity being by chance is accounted for in the computational nearest neighbour distance calculation by calculating points randomly distributed. This random distribution calculation also helps in overcoming artifacts of interaction due to overexpression, as the random distributed points are the same number of points as the proteins detected in each condition for each region of interest. Importantly, we also performed DNA-PAINT in using untransfected AsPC-1 thus endogenous levels (no receptor overexpression or alteration) and saw similar results (Sup. Fig.4A-D), thus we are confident of the interactions reported.

      Finally, we alter the RGD motif, which underpins the physical interaction, and see significant changes that match observations in previous publications using the P2Y2 agonist UTP, mentioned in the discussion: Line 398 “Following ATP stimulation, the number of P2Y2 proteins at the plasma membrane decreased significantly after one hour, implying receptor internalisation, in line with previous work showing P2Y2 at the cell surface was reduced significantly after one hour of UTP stimulation (Tulapurkar et al., 2005).” and Line 408: “P2Y2 affecting cell surface redistribution of αV integrin has been reported, with αV integrin clusters observed after 5 min stimulation with UTP (Chorna et al., 2007)”

      It is currently not clear what the mechanistic relationship between P2Y2 activity, P2Y2-integrin proximity and RGD motif is. Do the authors suggest the RGD domain becomes exposed upon receptor activation? The mechanism is not fully articulated in the discussion.

      We apologise for any lack of clarity in our postulated mechanism, we have now included a more detailed explanation of the mechanism in the discussion : Line 417 “We speculate that by reducing the ability of integrins to bind to the RGD of P2Y2, through receptor internalisation, RGE mutation or through cRGDfV treatment, there is less RGD-triggered integrin endocytosis, hence less integrin recycling and an increase of integrins at the cell surface.”

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment: A novel mechanism is presented for therapeutic intervention of cancer. The study relies on supramaximal concentrations of agonist and overexpressed receptors. Role of endogenous P2Y2 not fully explored. The study lacks in vivo evidence of the importance of this mechanisms. Cell developed in the study could be used in mouse models to explore effect on tumour growth.

      Advance: Integrin and P2Y2 interactions are already documented but not in context of cancer.

      Audience: basic research

      We thank the reviewer for crediting this work as a novel mechanism for therapeutic intervention of cancer. We trust that the new data provided (as discussed above) have resolved the concerns of the reviewer as we now have provided an explanation for the concentrations used. We do rely on overexpressed receptors for a small portion of our experiments, however, all experiments with overexpressed receptors were then tested in cells with endogenous expression of P2Y2 and used pharmacological means to show the same behaviour. We have now clarified this. We have also included in the discussion a sentence about the mouse experiment performed by Hui et al. with regards to reduced tumour growth when targeting P2Y2: Line 365: “Combination treatment of subcutaneous xenografts of AsPC-1 or BxPC-3 cells with the P2Y2 antagonist AR-C together with gemcitabine significantly decreased tumour weight and resulted in increased survival compared to placebo or gemcitabine monotherapy control (Hu et al., 2019).”

      • *

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      Considering the fact that most PDAC are characterized by a high level of extracellular purines content, authors decided to study the expression of the 23 genes coding for membrane proteins involved in the binding or transport of purines in available PDAC transcriptomic cohorts. This approach led to the identification of P2Y2, a GPCR, as the best predictor for the worst survival of patients. Using in vitro models, they show that P2Y2 expression is associated with increased invasion capacity of pancreatic cancer cells and that this pro-invasive effect is dependent on the interaction of P2Y2 with αV integrin via the RGD motif.

      Major comments:

      • It is not clear to me why authors decided at one point to perform a GSEA comparing low and high mRNA expression of P2Y2 and why they decided to focus on the potential interaction of P2Y2 with integrin αV. As a GPCR, activation of P2Y2 leads to the activation of several downstream signaling pathways that may directly impact the adhesion, migration, and invasion properties of cells. Moreover, despite the presence of the RGD motif in P2Y2, it is not excluded that it may bind (maybe more efficiently) to other "cell adhesion" molecules.

      We apologise if the link between the GSEA figure and focusing on the potential integrin interaction was not clear. We have now performed GSEA using the panther gene set library, which includes a “Integrin signalling pathway” gene set. This was the top ranked gene set in both cohorts and we have substituted the GSEA figure for this instead (Fig. 2D). We trust that the narrative of the manuscript and our rationale to pursue the importance of integrin interaction is now clear.

      We agree with the reviewer and believe that P2Y2 may bind to other molecules important in cell adhesion. We studied integrin interactions due to the clear relationship of P2Y2 and integrins in patient data, which was not as evident with other binding partners. Furthermore, this relationship is unexplored in cancer and offers novel therapeutic strategies.

      • Similarly, if αV can regulate P2Y2 signaling, what about the regulation of αV signaling pathways by P2Y2? αV integrin has to bind to a β subunit and, depending on the identity of the β subunit, may have distinct regulations and so different impact on cell invasion. How P2Y2 can interfere with these α/β ratios?

      We thank the reviewer for this comment, and have now included western blots showing the impact of P2Y2 treatment on integrin signalling through FAK and ERK (Fig 5). We agree that the β subunit may have distinct regulation and outputs, but this is outwith the scope of our current study.

      • While it has been shown in other studies, in this work, there is no real proof of the interaction between P2Y2 and αV. Only in Figure 4I, where the authors look at the NND We thank the reviewer for raising this point as it has made us realise that our chosen NND of * *

      • Surprisingly, in the absence of ATP, P2Y2 RGE mutant, which should no more interact with αV, show a 2 to 3 fold more vicinity to αV compared to WT P2Y2. How can the authors explain this?

      We agree that this is a suprising, but robust discovery. By altering the RGD motif, there may be less RGD-triggered integrin endocytosis, leading to increased integrins at the surface. We have included this hypothesis in the discussion in Line 417. The RGE mutation has less affinity to integrins, meaning it still retains some ability to bind to integrins. Hence by chance, a higher number of integrins will result in a higher number of interactions with the RGE. We are planning to interrogate the internalisation dynamics in a future study.

      • For DNA-PAINT experiments, the authors only focus on membrane proteins whose amounts are balanced by internalization, recycling and export from internal compartment. As claimed, but not demonstrated by the authors, interaction of P2Y2 and αV may interfere with all these steps, thereby increasing or decreasing the cell surface expression of both proteins. Hence, it would be useful to 1) control proteins levels by western blot, especially for the overexpressed P2Y2, to be sure that they are the same, 2) block internalization and/or export to decipher the important steps.

      • In fact, all these main questions are raised by the authors in the end of the discussion but so far, they only show that the RGD motif has an impact on the biological role of P2Y2 (cell invasion) and on the membrane dynamic of αV and itself.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestions:

      • In the course of our attempts to perform co-IP for P2Y2 and aV we could confirm that P2Y2 expression levels were equivalent (see Fig below – for reviewers only), but the problems with anti-aV antibodies prevented completion of the experiment. We also show IF staining showing similar levels of P2Y2 for both overexpressed conditions (Sup. Fig. 3K).

      Figure: Immunoprecipitation of P2Y2 showing similar P2Y2 levels in AsPC-1 P2Y2CRISPR cells trasfected with P2Y2RGD or P2Y2RGE and treated with 100 µM of ATP or control for 1 hour. Antibody used: anti-P2Y2 (APR-010, Alomone Labs).

      • As the reviewer highlights, in this work we have focused on the role of P2Y2 in PDAC invasion and have looked at single-molecule resolution membrane dynamics of αV and P2Y2. The different steps of P2Y2 and integrin αV interactions in internalisation, recycling and export are certainly interesting to study but beyond the scope of the current manuscript and in our future aims. We include these ideas in the discussion as suggestions for future research and as a possible explanation for the dynamics observed.
      • Fig 2A, authors use RNAscope in order to reveal P2Y2 mRNA expression and distribution in tumor versus normal tissue from 2 patients. They rather show the protein expression, using the antibody they used in other experiments, by standard IHC and in a higher number of patients, including short and long survival, to confirm that the results they obtain by bioinformatics study of transcriptomic data are real.

      We now explicitly mention a paper (PMID: 30420446) that performed IHC of P2Y2 in 264 patients showing that P2Y2 was predominantly found in the tumour area, matching our bioinformatics study: Line 141 “matching our findings from larger publicly available cohorts, including P2Y2 IHC data from 264 patients in the Renji cohort (Hu et al., 2019).” and Line 359 “These observations were supported by published immunohistochemical staining of 264 human PDAC samples, showing that P2Y2 localised predominantly in cancer cells in human PDAC…”

      • Some figure legends are incorrectly numbered or described, such as the figure 4.

      We apologise for the incorrectly described figures in figure 4, this has now been corrected.

      • *

      Minor comments:

      • Can we reasonably talk about OMIC while studying 23 genes? In fact, as described by Timothy A. J. Haystead in 2006 (PMID: 16842150) the purinome is constituted of about 2000 genes coding for proteins binding to purines (including all kinases for example). Author should redefine they pool of genes as perhaps purines receptors/transporter?

      We agree with the reviewer and have redefined the pool of genes to ‘purinergic signalling genes’ or ‘(part of the) extracellular purinome’.

      • P2Y2 and ADORA2B associated with worse survival while P2Y11 and ADORA2A are associated with better survival (Figure 1B). Would it be more interesting to understand why proteins of the same family act in opposite ways?

      We have now included text exploring this idea in the discussion. Both P2Y2 and ADORA2B show increased expression with HIF-1α and/or hypoxia and the inverse happens with ADORA2A, for example. Line 352: “Adenosine A2B receptor requires larger agonist concentrations for activation compared to other receptors in the same family, such as adenosine A2A (Bruns, Lu and Pugsley, 1986; Xing et al., 2016), and receptor expression has been reported to increase when cells are subjected to hypoxia (Feoktistov et al., 2004). Moreover, HIF-1α has been shown to upregulate A2B and P2Y2 expression in liver cancer (Tak et al., 2016; Kwon et al., 2019).”

      • Figure 1C, any value for the correlation with Survival? Cause this is not so obvious in the figure.

      We agree this correlation needs strengthening with a numeric value, we have now included a Kaplan-Meier curve of high vs low Winter hypoxia score PDAC patients showing significantly lower survival with higher Winter hypoxia score (Sup. Fig. 1B).

      • *

      • Regarding the correlation of P2Y2 and ADORA2B with hypoxia scores, any HIF1 responsive element in promoter? What happens regarding the expression level of these genes when cells are transferred to low oxygen conditions?

      We thank the reviewer for these questions. The relationship of P2Y2 and ADORA2B with hypoxia and/or HIF-1α has been explored in other publications which are now cited in the discussion. Line 356: “Moreover, HIF-1α has been shown to upregulate A2B and P2Y2 expression in liver cancer (Tak et al., 2016; Kwon et al., 2019).” Of note, a HIF1-α responsive element has been reported for A2B, but as yet not for P2Y2.

      • Figure 4 E to M are too small.

      We apologise and have now increased the size of the graphs and the figure.

      • In Supp Figure 4, what are the "Non-altered AsPC-1 cells"?

      We apologise for the confusion that may have arisen from calling normal AsPC-1 cells “Non-altered AsPC-1 cells”. We have changed this to ‘Normal AsPC-1 cells (untransfected and unchanged P2Y2 expression).

      • *

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Strengths: All the data shown are experimentally and statistically strong.

      Limitations: This study remains largely descriptive with no real molecular mechanism that could at least partially explain the biological role of P2Y2 regarding cell invasion.

      Advance: Limited

      We thank the reviewer for noting the experimental strength of the paper.

      After the suggested changes, including integrin signalling experiments, and strengthening our DNA-PAINT results, the molecular mechanism presented in this work has been strengthened and clarified significantly. These changes have also helped greatly in the mechanistic explanation of the role of P2Y2 in cell invasion.

      • *

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors concentrate on the members of the purinome and attempt to identify members of the pathway that are especially relevant for PDAC biology, especially invasion and metastatic spread. Using the in silico analysis of transcriptome data from publicly available PDAC patient cohorts, the authors identify P2Y2 as being the most prominent in terms of cancer cell expression and with highest impact on patient survival. The authors than take an effort in functional characterization of P2Y2 and demonstrate that downregulation/deletion of P2Y2 leads to abrogation of ATP activated invasion in hanging drop spheroid model system in a very reasonable and scientifically good way. Finally, the authors postulate that the P2Y2 actions go over interaction with integrin AlphaV and modulations of the cellular cytoskeleton and show via DNA PAINT that a direct interaction of the 2 molecules. The hypothesis is experimentally elaborated in a sound way mostly using cell culture as a system.

      The study is solid communicated, the number of experiments seems to be fine. For my understanding, the study relies much on mRNA data (gene expression in cell lines and patient samples), I would suggest providing evidence on protein level what might have been challenging due to potential lack of specific antibody.

      We thank the reviewer for acknowledging our experimentally elaborated hypothesis and our solid communication of the study. As mentioned before, we now explicitly mention a paper (PMID: 30420446) that performed IHC of P2Y2 in 264 patients showing that P2Y2 was predominantly found in the tumour area, matching our bioinformatics study.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      To strengthen the hypothesis experimentally, I would suggest the experiments listed below:

      Figure 1: The authors took a solid bioinformatic effort and analyzed expression of different genes of the purinome pathway in different PDAC patient and cell gene expression databases. In this part, the authors rely a lot on correlation of hypoxia and define high hypoxia scores and low hypoxia scores from previously published datasets. Although hypoxia surely plays an important biological condition in the PDAC, I am not sure I get the connection between purinome pathway and hypoxia. Few sentences give a broad introduction about hypoxia-purinome connection in the discussion part of the manuscript, but I think the readership would benefit from more specific statements (which drug, which hypoxic target, which system-mouse/human/cells, what was the exact discovery) and connect those specific statements to the work that has been done here.

      We agree with the reviewer that the study can benefit from more information about the hypoxia-purinergic signalling link. Hence, we have now included more detailed explanations of how hypoxia and purinergic signalling are related in the discussion, giving more information about the cell types and the exact discovery. Line 338: “Purinergic signalling has been associated classically with hypoxia and immune function in cancer (Di Virgilio et al., 2018). One of the first reports of hypoxia inducing ATP release in cells identified an increase of extracellular ATP in rat heart cells when kept in hypoxic conditions (Forrester and Williams, 1977). PDAC is a highly hypoxic cancer, with high levels of ATP reported in the tumour interstitial fluid of human and mouse PDAC tissues compared to healthy tissues (Hu et al., 2019).”

      Do the authors attempt to state here that hypoxic PDACs are those with worse prognosis and more aggressive and thus try to associate members of the purine pathway with those "worse" PDACs? Surprisingly, there is relatively little knowledge about hypoxia in PDAC and I would not suggest using it in this context as a predictor. Reports do suggest that hypoxia forces the emerging of resistant phenotypes but if the authors want to use hypoxic signatures, they have to fortify better (with literature) why do they choose hypoxia and what is the hypothesis that connects hypoxia to purinome, what makes this connection worth investigating.

      We thank the reviewer for raising the question of PDAC and worse prognosis with hypoxia. We have now included a Kaplan-Meier curve of high vs low Winter hypoxia score PDAC patients showing significantly lower survival with higher Winter hypoxia score (Sup. Fig. 1B). The significant link with poor survival shown with hypoxia and the inclusion of more detailed explanation of the links with hypoxia and purinergic signalling proteins (metioned above), now clarify the reasoning for investigating this connection.

      I find the statement "hypoxia in tumor core" a bit tricky, acute and chronic hypoxia can occur anywhere in the tumor, to my knowledge there are no reports saying only the tumor core suffers from hypoxia in PDAC. PDAC being especially rich in stroma in all of its parts is probably more prone to overall hypoxia and not only in tumor core.

      We agree that “hypoxia in tumour core” can be a tricky statement. We have changed “tumour core” to tumour cell compartment and have cited data that demonstrate hypo-vascularisation found in the juxta-tumoural stroma, due to PDAC cells inhibiting angiogenesis (PMID: 27288147). This paper supports our hypothesis of distribution of oxygen being reduced in the tumour area. Hence why we hypothesise that purinergic genes would be preferentially expressed in the tumour area: Line 112 “We hypothesised that genes related to high hypoxia scores would be expressed preferentially in the tumour cell compartment, as PDAC cells inhibit angiogenesis, causing hypo-vascularisation in the juxta-tumoural stroma (Di Maggio et al., 2016).”

      We would like to clarify that we do not beileve that only the tumour core suffers from hypoxia, we hypothesise that there is more hypoxia in the tumour cell areas. Although there are no reports of only the tumour core suffering from hypoxia, there is evidence of the tumour epithelial region of the cancer having a greater range of hypoxia (1-39%) compared to the stromal (1-13%) (PMID: 26325106). Moreover, all our analyses point to most purinergic genes differentially expressed in patients with high hypoxic scores being also related to cancer cells and the tumour region. These bioinformatic results linking certain genes like P2RY2 and ADORA2B with hypoxia are also supported in published work cited in the discussion (Line 354 and 356).

      I would suggest that the authors rely on published subtyping of PDAC

      patient cohorts (Collisson et al, 2010; Bailey et al; Moffit et al, 2015; Chan-Sen-Yue, 2020)

      and correlate the expression of purinome genes with the QM/basal-like PDAC subtype that has been confirmed multiple times as the "bad predictor" and use those subtypes for correlation with purinome pathway members. In figure 1E is also shown that P2RY2 is high in expression in basal-like subtype.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and have included the subtyping of patients in the PAAD-TCGA cohort in Sup. Table 1 and added comments about the genes related to the different subtypes in the text: Line 88 “In the Bailey model, most genes were related to the Immunogenic subtype except for NT5E, ADORA2B, PANX1 and P2RY2, which related to Squamous (Bailey et al., 2016). Collisson molecular subtyping showed several purinergic genes associated mostly to quasimesenchymal and exocrine subtypes (Collisson et al., 2011). The Moffit subtypes were not strongly associated with purinergic genes except for ADA, NT5E, P2RY6, P2RY2 and PANX1 associated with the Basal subtype (Moffitt et al., 2015).” and Line 345 “Expression of most purinergic genes was associated predominantly with immune cells, immunogenic PDAC subtype and low hypoxia scores (Fig. 1C, E). In contrast, expression of genes correlated with worse survival and hypoxia (PANX1, NT5E, ADORA2B and P2RY2) was associated with tumour cells and the squamous PDAC subtype, correlating with hypoxia, inflammation and worse prognosis (Bailey et al., 2016).”

      We did not include the subtyping of Chan-Sen-Yue, 2020, due to the similarities with Moffit and the lack of correlation of basal/classical types with purinergic signalling genes as many of them are not expressed in cancer cells.

      Figure 2: In further course of the paper the authors elaborate on possible functions of P2RY2 in PDAC. Although the mRNA data is pretty elaborate, the RNA SCOPE ISH has been performed on only 3 (!) patient PDAC samples. To demonstrated the mRNA is really found in tumor and not in normal adjacent tissue or stroma, I would strongly suggest to increase the number of samples here. The authors should perhaps try to co-localize ISH signals with IF/IHC for some other cancer cell marker, e.g. PanCK or GATA6/KRT81 in human samples to differentiate basal-like from classical samples;If possible, I would even suggest to perform immunohistochemistry instead of RNA scope and confirm the presence of the receptor. If there is an issue with the antibody availability, please state so in the manuscript so that it is clear to the readers why mRNA expression is favored over protein.

      We thank the reviewer for these suggestions.

      RNAscope was used to verify our trascriptomic bioinformatic results of location of expression P2Y2 in the tumour from publicly available data of 60 pairs of laser microdissection of PDAC epithelial and stromal tissue and the PAAD TCGA deconvolution of 177 patients. We have experienced issues with RNAscope due to the RNA degradation in pancreatic tissue and other technical difficulties which unfortunately led to only having 3 samples showing staining with the positive control. All three successful samples showed P2Y2 expression located in cancer cells. The images presented show the location of P2Y2 RNA expression in the tumour region, which was the aim of the RNAscope experiment.

      RNAscope only captures mRNA expression above a specific threshold, and we are aware that P2Y2 will be expressed in other cell types in the normal adjacent as seen in the deconvolution. We have now included in supplementary single cell RNAseq data of normal PDAC tissue to counteract this issue (Sup. Fig. 2B).

      We also cite a publication that has performed P2Y2 IHC in 264 patients and showed that P2Y2 protein expression was predominantly shown in the epithelial tumour region (PMID: 30420446), hence staining of P2Y2 in a high number of patients has already been performed: Line 359 “These observations were supported by published immunohistochemical staining of 264 human PDAC samples, showing that P2Y2 localised predominantly in cancer cells in human PDAC”

      As shown in Fig. 1 E, P2Y2 is associated with basal and classical tumour cells, not just exclusively to basal, hence the staining to differentiate subtypes is not pertinent to the focus of this paper.

      The GSEA data indicated that high P2Y2 expression relates to processes of adhesion/ECM/cytoskeleton organization where the authors draw the conclusion (based also on published data mostly on neuronal/astrocyte work) that P2Y2 may interact with integrins over the RGD domain and thus contribute to invasion an migration. Since this is a very important assumption, I would strongly suggest to expand the experiments of figure 2E and 2G on at least 2 more PDAC cell line, if possible include some with originally epithelial morphology (eg. HPAFII, HPAC...).The visualization of filaments can be done with common IF staining, eg. phalloidin, no need for stable expression.

      Perhaphs the reviewer missed Sup. Fig. 2F, where data from Figure 2G are recapitulated in 3 different cell lines. We support the idea of the reviewer in including epithelial morphology cells, hence we added an extra cell line to have 2 cells with epithelial morphology, BxPC-3 and CAPAN-2.

      We have tried repeating the experiment in Fig. 2E in epithelial cells, but the way the epithelial cells grow in clusters (Sup. Fig. 2F) make it very difficult to evaluate the morphology of individual cells and get quantifiable results. Nonetheless, we show phenotypic similarities of BxPC-3 to AsPC-1 cells in the invasion assays.

      I would also be in favor of investigating the expression of EMT markers upon ATP stimulation.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion, although feel this is out of scope for our study. There have been recent controversies with reference to EMT and cancer metastasis (PMID:31666716) but more importantly we see changes in cell morphology 1 hour after ATP treatment, indicating it is not/not just EMT.

      How was 100µM/5µM chosen as a working concentration?

      We have now included figures showing different concentrations of ATP (Sup. Fig. 2D) and AR-C (Sup. Fig. 2E) to illustrate how the concentrations were selected based on the greatest change in morphology for ATP and the full recovery of original cell morphology for AR-C.

      • *

      AsPC-1 is also known as the cell line that gladly migrates and invades, usually used in metastatic modeling of PDAC. Would be interesting to see if another cell line that is not that migrative (HPAF II) presents the same effect...

      This is an interesting point, although we haven’t performed experiments with low migrative cells, later on the work, invasion assays with the epithelial cell line BxPC-3, which has a very different migrative nature, presented the same effect (Sup. Fig. 3G, F). We also perform invasion assays with PANC-1 cells, which also recapitulate an invasive phenotype when transfected with P2Y2.

      Is treatment with ATP inducing expression of P2RY2 maybe? What is happening with Intergrin expression upon ATP treatment? Since the hypothesis is that extracellular ATP is driving the invasion, I would certainly suggest to investigate if ATP treatment induces expression of P2RY2 in a time and dose dependent manner.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have now changed the title to “Purinergic GPCR-integrin interactions drive pancreatic cancer cell invasion”, hence shifting from a focus on extracellular ATP and focusing on the effects of the RGD motif in invasion.

      Figure 3:

      The authors made very good efforts here to provide functional evidence that P2Y2 is really involved and essential for ATP induced invasion in PDAC cells. They performed an 3D hanging drop spheroid model for invasion in co-culture with stellate cells and show that ATP treatment leads to invasive behavior that is than blocked by addition of P2Y2 antagonist or RGD blocking peptides . Although stellate cells are a nice add-on, keeping in mind the very complex tissue microenviroment of the PDAC, I don't rate the presence of stellate cells here as essential. Are the results the same when experiments are performed without stellate cells?

      We thank the reviewer for raising this point, as it has allowed us to clarify that the stellate cells are crucial for this assay to work as they are essential for the formation of the cancer spheres due to their matrix deposition. We have included the hanging drop with and without stellate cells to illustrate this point (Sup. Fig. 3A)

      EMT markers increase upon ATP stimulation, do not increase under siRNA downregulation of P2Y2?

      As mentioned above, we thank the reviewer for the comment, but we are not focusing on EMT, given the rapidity of the phenotype we observe.

      Furthermore, the authors downregulate the P2Y2 using the siRNA/CRISPR-Cas9 approach and confirm that the P2Y2 is really involved in the invasive spread also using the specific RGD block. Experiments in the figure 3 are fairly done and provide functional evidence for the hypothesis. I would suggest that for clarity reasons on every panel (A, B,C...) is written which cell line is used (mostly Aspc1) and for the siRNA experiment I would suggest writing directly on the figure the time points (48h-72h post tranfection) and shortly explain in the text why was mRNA evaluated as the measure of siRNA efficacy and not the protein? Probably the antibody problem, though western-blot applicable antibodies are available.

      We thank the reviewer for acknowledging that the experiments in figure 3 provide functional evidence for our hypothesis. We agree with the reviewer and for clarity have included the cell line in each panel and the time point post transfection. We now include a Western blot showing protein levels in the siRNA P2Y2 treatment (Sup. Fig. 3I).

      Furthermore, for providing higher impact, I would encourage the experiments to be performed (at least in part) in a PDAC cell line with epithelial morphology (eg. HPAF II or any other that expresses the P2Y2 to a reasonable level).

      We agree that performing this experiment with an epithelial morphology cell line provides higher impact, hence why we performed the experiment in BxPC-3 cell lines, perhaps missed in Sup. Fig. 3G and H. We now highlight that they are epithelial-like in the text.

      Figure 5: By using the DNA-PAINT method, the authors demonstrated that integrin av and P2Y2 physically interact in the cell membrane over the RGD domain and these interactions are essential for ATP induced P2Y2 mediated invasion in Aspc1 cells. The performed work seems plausible, however, I leave the technical evaluation of this experiment to experts in the field.

      General suggestion:

      I believe the work would benefit from a clinical/patient perspective if the authors show by immunohistochemistry in PDAC tissue samples that P2Y2 is localized at the invasive front/or metastasis. Is there a surrogate marker that can be used to label ATP rich regions in the tumor, are those regions at the invasive front? Are the P2Y2 positive cells those cells at the invasive front?

      This is an interesting suggestion but immunostaining has already been performed on a large cohort of 264 PDAC patients (PMID: 30420446) and expression was consistent throughout the tumour cells.

      • *
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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors concentrate on the members of the purinome and attempt to identify members of the pathway that are especially relevant for PDAC biology, especially invasion and metastatic spread. Using the in silico analysis of transcriptome data from publicly available PDAC patient cohorts, the authors identify P2Y2 as being the most prominent in terms of cancer cell expression and with highest impact on patient survival. The authors than take an effort in functional characterization of P2Y2 and demonstrate that downregulation/deletion of P2Y2 leads to abrogation of ATP activated invasion in hanging drop spheroid model system in a very reasonable and scientifically good way. Finally, the authors postulate that the P2Y2 actions go over interaction with integrin AlphaV and modulations of the cellular cytoskeleton and show via DNA PAINT that a direct interaction of the 2 molecules. The hypothesis is experimentally elaborated in a sound way mostly using cell culture as a system.

      The study is solid communicated, the number of experiments seems to be fine. For my understanding, the study relies much on mRNA data (gene expression in cell lines and patient samples), I would suggest providing evidence on protein level what might have been challenging due to potential lack of specific antibody.


      To strengthen the hypothesis experimentally, I would suggest the experiments listed below:

      Figure 1: The authors took a solid bioinformatic effort and analyzed expression of different genes of the purinome pathway in different PDAC patient and cell gene expression databases. In this part, the authors rely a lot on correlation of hypoxia and define high hypoxia scores and low hypoxia scores from previously published datasets. Although hypoxia surely plays an important biological condition in the PDAC, I am not sure I get the connection between purinome pathway and hypoxia. Few sentences give a broad introduction about hypoxia-purinome connection in the discussion part of the manuscript, but I think the readership would benefit from more specific statements (which drug, which hypoxic target, which system-mouse/human/cells, what was the exact discovery) and connect those specific statements to the work that has been done here.

      Do the authors attempt to state here that hypoxic PDACs are those with worse prognosis and more aggressive and thus try to associate members of the purine pathway with those "worse" PDACs? Surprisingly, there is relatively little knowledge about hypoxia in PDAC and I would not suggest using it in this context as a predictor. Reports do suggest that hypoxia forces the emerging of resistant phenotypes but if the authors want to use hypoxic signatures, they have to fortify better (with literature) why do they choose hypoxia and what is the hypothesis that connects hypoxia to purinome, what makes this connection worth investigating. I find the statement "hypoxia in tumor core" a bit tricky, acute and chronic hypoxia can occur anywhere in the tumor, to my knowledge there are no reports saying only the tumor core suffers from hypoxia in PDAC. PDAC being especially rich in stroma in all of its parts is probably more prone to overall hypoxia and not only in tumor core. I would suggest that the authors rely on published subtyping of PDAC patient cohorts (Collisson et al, 2010; Bailey et al; Moffit et al, 2015; Chan-Sen-Yue, 2020) and correlate the expression of purinome genes with the QM/basal-like PDAC subtype that has been confirmed multiple times as the "bad predictor" and use those subtypes for correlation with purinome pathway members. In figure 1E is also shown that P2RY2 is high in expression in basal-like subtype.

      Figure 2: In further course of the paper the authors elaborate on possible functions of P2RY2 in PDAC. Although the mRNA data is pretty elaborate, the RNA SCOPE ISH has been performed on only 3 (!) patient PDAC samples. To demonstrated the mRNA is really found in tumor and not in normal adjacent tissue or stroma, I would strongly suggest to increase the number of samples here. The authors should perhaps try to co-localize ISH signals with IF/IHC for some other cancer cell marker, e.g. PanCK or GATA6/KRT81 in human samples to differentiate basal-like from classical samples;<br /> If possible, I would even suggest to perform immunohistochemistry instead of RNA scope and confirm the presence of the receptor. If there is an issue with the antibody availability, please state so in the manuscript so that it is clear to the readers why mRNA expression is favored over protein. The GSEA data indicated that high P2Y2 expression relates to processes of adhesion/ECM/cytoskeleton organization where the authors draw the conclusion (based also on published data mostly on neuronal/astrocyte work) that P2Y2 may interact with integrins over the RGD domain and thus contribute to invasion and migration. Since this is a very important assumption, I would strongly suggest to expand the experiments of figure 2E and 2G on at least 2 more PDAC cell line, if possible include some with originally epithelial morphology (eg. HPAFII, HPAC...). The visualization of filaments can be done with common IF staining, eg. phalloidin, no need for stable expression. I would also be in favor of investigating the expression of EMT markers upon ATP stimulation. How was 100µM/5µM chosen as a working concentration?

      AsPC-1 is also known as the cell line that gladly migrates and invades, usually used in metastatic modeling of PDAC. Would be interesting to see if another cell line that is not that migrative (HPAF II) presents the same effect...Is treatment with ATP inducing expression of P2RY2 maybe? What is happening with Intergrin expression upon ATP treatment? Since the hypothesis is that extracellular ATP is driving the invasion, I would certainly suggest to investigate if ATP treatment induces expression of P2RY2 in a time and dose dependent manner.

      Figure 3: The authors made very good efforts here to provide functional evidence that P2Y2 is really involved and essential for ATP induced invasion in PDAC cells. They performed an 3D hanging drop spheroid model for invasion in co-culture with stellate cells and show that ATP treatment leads to invasive behavior that is than blocked by addition of P2Y2 antagonist or RGD blocking peptides . Although stellate cells are a nice add-on, keeping in mind the very complex tissue microenviroment of the PDAC, I don't rate the presence of stellate cells here as essential. Are the results the same when experiments are performed without stellate cells? EMT markers increase upon ATP stimulation, do not increase under siRNA downregulation of P2Y2? Furthermore, the authors downregulate the P2Y2 using the siRNA/CRISPR-Cas9 approach and confirm that the P2Y2 is really involved in the invasive spread also using the specific RGD block. Experiments in the figure 3 are fairly done and provide functional evidence for the hypothesis. I would suggest that for clarity reasons on every panel (A, B,C...) is written which cell line is used (mostly Aspc1) and for the siRNA experiment I would suggest writing directly on the figure the time points (48h-72h post tranfection) and shortly explain in the text why was mRNA evaluated as the measure of siRNA efficacy and not the protein? Probably the antibody problem, though western-blot applicable antibodies are available. Furthermore, for providing higher impact, I would encourage the experiments to be performed (at least in part) in a PDAC cell line with epithelial morphology (eg. HPAF II or any other that expresses the P2Y2 to a reasonable level).

      Figure 5: By using the DNA-PAINT method, the authors demonstrated that integrin av and P2Y2 physically interact in the cell membrane over the RGD domain and these interactions are essential for ATP induced P2Y2 mediated invasion in Aspc1 cells. The performed work seems plausible, however, I leave the technical evaluation of this experiment to experts in the field.

      General suggestion:

      I believe the work would benefit from a clinical/patient perspective if the authors show by immunohistochemistry in PDAC tissue samples that P2Y2 is localized at the invasive front/or metastasis. Is there a surrogate marker that can be used to label ATP rich regions in the tumor, are those regions at the invasive front? Are the P2Y2 positive cells those cells at the invasive front?

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Considering the fact that most PDAC are characterized by a high level of extracellular purines content, authors decided to study the expression of the 23 genes coding for membrane proteins involved in the binding or transport of purines in available PDAC transcriptomic cohorts. This approach led to the identification of P2Y2, a GPCR, as the best predictor for the worst survival of patients. Using in vitro models, they show that P2Y2 expression is associated with increased invasion capacity of pancreatic cancer cells and that this pro-invasive effect is dependent on the interaction of P2Y2 with αV integrin via the RGD motif.

      Major comments:

      • It is not clear to me why authors decided at one point to perform a GSEA comparing low and high mRNA expression of P2Y2 and why they decided to focus on the potential interaction of P2Y2 with integrin αV. As a GPCR, activation of P2Y2 leads to the activation of several downstream signaling pathways that may directly impact the adhesion, migration, and invasion properties of cells. Moreover, despite the presence of the RGD motif in P2Y2, it is not excluded that it may bind (maybe more efficiently) to other "cell adhesion" molecules.
      • Similarly, if αV can regulate P2Y2 signaling, what about the regulation of αV signaling pathways by P2Y2? αV integrin has to bind to a β subunit and, depending on the identity of the β subunit, may have distinct regulations and so different impact on cell invasion. How P2Y2 can interfere with these α/β ratios?
      • While it has been shown in other studies, in this work, there is no real proof of the interaction between P2Y2 and αV. Only in Figure 4I, where the authors look at the NND <20nm between both proteins, we can see that only 1 to 2 % of αV is in close proximity with P2Y2, which seems very low. Surprisingly, in the absence of ATP, P2Y2 RGE mutant, which should no more interact with αV, show a 2 to 3 fold more vicinity to αV compared to WT P2Y2. How can the authors explain this?
      • For DNA-PAINT experiments, the authors only focus on membrane proteins whose amounts are balanced by internalization, recycling and export from internal compartment. As claimed, but not demonstrated by the authors, interaction of P2Y2 and αV may interfere with all these steps, thereby increasing or decreasing the cell surface expression of both proteins. Hence, it would be useful to 1) control proteins levels by western blot, especially for the overexpressed P2Y2, to be sure that they are the same, 2) block internalization and/or export to decipher the important steps.
      • In fact, all these main questions are raised by the authors in the end of the discussion but so far, they only show that the RGD motif has an impact on the biological role of P2Y2 (cell invasion) and on the membrane dynamic of αV and itself.
      • Fig 2A, authors use RNAscope in order to reveal P2Y2 mRNA expression and distribution in tumor versus normal tissue from 2 patients. They rather show the protein expression, using the antibody they used in other experiments, by standard IHC and in a higher number of patients, including short and long survival, to confirm that the results they obtain by bioinformatics study of transcriptomic data are real.
      • Some figure legends are incorrectly numbered or described, such as the figure 4.

      Minor comments:

      • Can we reasonably talk about OMIC while studying 23 genes? In fact, as described by Timothy A. J. Haystead in 2006 (PMID: 16842150) the purinome is constituted of about 2000 genes coding for proteins binding to purines (including all kinases for example). Author should redefine they pool of genes as perhaps purines receptors/transporter?
      • P2Y2 and ADORA2B associated with worse survival while P2Y11 and ADORA2A are associated with better survival (Figure 1B). Would it be more interesting to understand why proteins of the same family act in opposite ways? Figure 1C, any value for the correlation with Survival? Cause this is not so obvious in the figure. Regarding the correlation of P2Y2 and ADORA2B with hypoxia scores, any HIF1 responsive element in promoter? What happens regarding the expression level of these genes when cells are transferred to low oxygen conditions?
      • Figure 4 E to M are too small.
      • In Supp Figure 4, what are the "Non-altered AsPC-1 cells"?


      Strengths: All the data shown are experimentally and statistically strong.

      Limitations: This study remains largely descriptive with no real molecular mechanism that could at least partially explain the biological role of P2Y2 regarding cell invasion.

      Advance: Limited

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The study identifies P2Y2 as a purinergic receptor strongly associated with hypoxia, cancer expression and survival. A link is found between P2Y2-integrin interaction and cancer invasion, highlighting this as a novel therapeutic target. The mechanism is interesting and general well explored.

      Minor comments

      As P2Y2 is highly expressed by other cell types found with tumours, including vascular endothelium and leukocytes, the authors should reflect on this as a confounding factor in the analysis of adrenocarcinoma gene expression analysis. I appreciate the RNAscope work may resolve this issue to some extent.

      Major comments

      The authors correctly identify that the level of ATP in the tumour microenvironment can be very high, typically 100uM or so. However, these concentrations are supramaximal for P2Y2 activation, at which ATP has an approximate EC50 of 100nM. Coupled with the fact that many cell types, including cancer cells, constitutively secrete ATP, there is an opportunity to explore the effects of lower ATP concentrations in some assays, or provide some concentration-response relationship to give more confidence of P2Y2-dependent effects. Also, the authors describe the use of cancer cells where P2Y2 has been knocked out using CRISPR. Does this KO have an effect on cancer invasion? The effect of ARC should be absent in these cells and give confidence the effects of ARC are P2Y2-dependent, as some off-target effects of this antagonist have been reported. To explore the influence of constitutive P2Y2 activity, the authors should explore the effects of ARC alone in some assays.

      The title of the manuscript implies extracellular ATP drives cancer invasion, though in my opinion this statement is not fully explored. Though ATP/UTP are applied at supramaximal concentrations for P2Y2 activation, the influence of ATP in the cell culture microenvironment without exogenous application is not explored. One would predict that scavenging extracellular ATP with apyrase would negatively impact invasiveness and the proximity of integrin and P2Y2 without ATP/UTP application if constitutively secreted ATP is involved. Pharmacological manipulation of ectonucleotidase activity is an alternative. Experimental route to explore this.

      Immunoprecipitation experiments of native proteins would be more convincing data that P2Y2 and integrin physically interaction, as opposed to being in close proximity. This would also overcome artifacts of interaction that can be attributed to receptor overexpression.

      It is currently not clear what the mechanistic relationship between P2Y2 activity, P2Y2-integrin proximity and RGD motif is. Do the authors suggest the RGD domain becomes exposed upon receptor activation? The mechanism is not fully articulated in the discussion.


      General assessment:

      A novel mechanism is presented for therapeutic intervention of cancer. The study relies on supramaximal concentrations of agonist and overexpressed receptors. Role of endogenous P2Y2 not fully explored. The study lacks in vivo evidence of the importance of this mechanisms. Cell developed in the study could be used in mouse models to explore effect on tumour growth.


      Integrin and P2Y2 interactions are already documented but not in context of cancer.


      basic research

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors show that nSMase1 (gene name: SMPD2) knockdown reduces LAMP1 at the mRNA levels, causes inefficient activation of the UPR upon ER stress, arrests cells in the G1 phase, reduces the level of phosphorylated Akt, downregulates the Wnt signaling pathway, and reduces the overall protein translation in both HeLa cells and HCT116 cells. Although these findings are potential interesting, these findings do not define the biological role for nSMase1. Moreover, it is unclear how nSMase1 knockdown causes these changes.

      Specific comments:

      1. The authors do not provide any evidence showing that "nSMase1 knockdown" actually occurs in HeLa cells or HCT116 cells. Does siRNA reduce the levels of nSMase1 mRNA and protein?
      2. Many western blots lack quantification, such as Figures 1A, 1G, 3B, and 4K.
      3. Figure 3A shows that the effects of nSMase1 knockdown on cell apoptosis are very modest.
      4. Is there any explanation how nSMase1 knockdown dramatically reduces protein translation?
      5. It could be better to assess the UPR by performing western bolt for PERK, ATF6 and IRE1.


      The authors show that nSMase1 (gene name: SMPD2) knockdown reduces LAMP1 at the mRNA levels, causes inefficient activation of the UPR upon ER stress, arrests cells in the G1 phase, reduces the level of phosphorylated Akt, downregulates the Wnt signaling pathway, and reduces the overall protein translation in both HeLa cells and HCT116 cells. Although these findings are potential interesting, these findings do not define the biological role for nSMase1. Moreover, it is unclear how nSMase1 knockdown causes these changes.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this paper, the authors sought to investigate the biological role of neutral sphingomelinase 1 (nSMase1; SMPD2) in two established cell lines, with a focus on viability and response to cell stress. The authors reduced the level of SMPD2 in HeLa and HCT116 cells, with the use of siRNA and validated the efficiency of this knockdown. They followed up with a characterization on autophagic activity, unfolded protein response (UPR) pathway and cell cycle progression in SMPD2-KD cells. The approach is rational and the statistical methods used are sound.

      The authors showed that SMPD2-KD in both cell lines resulted in a significant reduction of LAMP1, a lysosomal-associated protein. However, this reduction did not affect the lysosomal activity of the cells, with the turnover lysosomal-associated proteins, LC3B-II and P62, shown to be unchanged under both starved and normal conditions. Similarly, measurement of lysotracker puncta also revealed no changes in lysosomal acidification. Furthermore, the authors showed that the downregulation of LAMP1 in SMPD2-KD HeLa cells occurs at the transcriptional level, as the inhibition of proteasomal and lysosomal activity, using MG132 and Bafilomycin-A, respectively, did not impact LAMP1 protein levels.

      The authors went on to show that the induction of ER stress in HeLa cells using thapsigargin and tunicamycin resulted in the increase in SMPD2 protein. In SMPD2-KD cells, thapsigargin and tunicamycin treatment resulted in lower levels of ER stress markers, spliced version of XBP-1, ATF4 and EDEM mRNA, when compared to 'control' (taken to be SMPD2 intact) cells. Despite the reduced induction of ER stress in SMPD2-KD cells by thapsigargin and tunicamycin, the viability of these cells was found to be significantly lower than thapsigargin- and tunicamycin-treated control cells. These findings led the authors to conclude that an inability to mount a UPR response was detrimental to cell viability. A problematic inference.

      The impact of SMPD2 KD in HeLa cells was also validated using annexin V/PI FACS and immunoblotting of cleaved caspase 3 and cleaved caspase 7. FACS analysis showed a significantly lower percentage of viable cells in SMPD2-KD cells but caspase activation did not occur. The authors also showed that this decreased viability could potentially result from cell cycle dysregulation, as the percentage of cells in the G1 phase was found to be significantly higher in SMPD2-KD cells when compared to the control cells. Furthermore, p21 and p27, which are G1 cell cycle arrest protein, were found to be upregulated in SMPD2. Further elucidation revealed a higher level of phosphorylated CHK2 and lower level of phosphorylated AKT, suggesting that cell cycle dysregulation in SMPD2-KD cells could be partially affected by the P13K/Akt pathway. The authors also showed that the impaired cell cycle progression could partially result from the canonical beta-catenin pathway, with SMPD2-KD cells showing lower level of Wnt activity.

      Overall, the author concluded that the knockdown of SMPD2 could affect cell viability through dysregulation of cell cycle progression while autophagic activity were unaffected by the loss of SMPD2. Noteworthily, the authors also showed a lower level of UPR response in thapsigargin- and tunicamycin-treated SMPD2-KD cells and concluded that this reduced response is detrimental to the cells and would lead to reduced cell viability.

      Major Comments:

      1. While the KD of SMPD2 did result in a lowering of nSMase1, the effect of the SMPD2 KD on other SMases remains unclear. Was the compensation from other SMases because of SMPD2 KD?
      2. Related to the first, most results are primarily based on siRNA mediated knockdown of SMase1, but there were no rescue experiments conducted to rule out Off-Target effects of the siRNA. This is a major concern as the conclusions on SMase1 role(s) are entirely based on the KD of SMase1. The control for each of the KDs were a generic siRNA pool (siCtrl) purchased from Dharmacon, rather than a scrambled sequence for each specific gene-targeted siRNA. This raises a slight concern.
      3. The authors showed lower levels of UPR markers in SMPD2 KD cells exposed to thapsigargin and tunicamycin and concluded that this 'failure' to mount an ER response is responsible for the observed decrease in cell viability. However, there is no conclusive evidence linking the two observations. It becomes more confusing when the inhibition of IRE1 activity with 4µ8C was observed to INCREASE viability in both SMPD2-KD and control cells. Does this not suggest that lowered level of UPR response in SMPD2 cells is beneficial?
      4. The Annexin V assay also revealed that there are lower percentage of viable cells in SMPD2-KD cells, even in the absence of thapsigargin or tunicamycin treatment. This suggest that the impact of SMPD2 knockdown on cell viability could be independent of ER stress.
      5. The use of established lines that grow extremely rapidly limits the conclusion of the paper. Furthermore, why was the cell cycle analysis done in non-synchronised cells? It would have been cleaner to pre-treat cells with nocodozole for a brief period, before continuing with culture (and treatment). The impact of SMPD2 on cell cycle arrest could be more convincing.
      6. The authors also showed that there was a significant decrease in ceramides in SMPD2-KD cells which on its own can induce ER stress (1). The involvement of ceramides in the lowered ER stress response in SMPD2-KD cells is confounding and needs further clarification.
      7. The authors showed a higher percentage of early apoptotic cells in SMPD2-KD cells using Annexin V assay but western immunoblotting of cleaved caspases 3 and 7 were inconclusive of apoptosis (or pre-apoptosis) in these cells. A further validation is required, eg. caspase 3/7 activity assay to confirm the immunoblot data.
      8. The authors pointed out the endogenous SMPD2 resides in the nuclear matrix, while the shift in subcellular localization to the ER membrane occur when SMPD2 is overexpressed. This premise led to the authors' speculate that upregulation of SMPD2 during ER stress is a crucial event in the maintenance of ER homeostasis. The authors need to validate this (not speculate) by showing SMPD2 localization in the presence, and absence, of thapsigargin and separately tunicamycin.
      9. The authors found that p21 and p27 were upregulated in SMPD2-KD cells which then contributed to the cell cycle arrest. But a validation of this conclusion is missing. Are levels of p21 and p27 normalised upon rescue of SMPD2 in KD cells?

      Minor Comments

      1. There are couple of quantification which could benefit from an increase in N number as the individual points were inconsistent e.g., Fig 2 D-F.
      2. The presentation of the results is confusing as work with the two different cell lines were placed in the same figure e.g. Fig 4E-G.
      3. The procedure for lysotracker is missing in the materials and methods.


      This paper delves into the role of nSMase1 in the regulation of cell cycle and ER stress response in two cancer cell lines. Previous work had identified nSMase1 as an important initiator of apoptosis when exposed to environmental stressors. Activation of nSMase1 increased ceramide levels, which in turn led to increased apoptosis via the caspase pathway (2). The authors now provide an observation that the knockdown of nSMase1 would also reduce cell viability through dysregulation of cell cycle progression, even in the absence of environmental stressors. However, these findings remain inconclusive in proving that the failure to mount an ER stress response in SMDP2-KD cells leads to G1 phase arrest. The role of nSMase1 in lowering ceramides and using ceramides to link ER stress and cell cycle arrest remains interesting. Ceramide dysregulation in diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases is perhaps more relevant rather than cancer (use of appropriate cells). Overall, the significance of finding SMDP2-KD cells causing cell cycle arrest is limited because of the cells used. More work needs to be done before realising whether nSMase1 could potentially be a therapeutic target for lowering of ER stress, promoting cell proliferation (and the importance of cellular ceramide in this pathway).

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors report on the role of neutral sphingomyelinase 1 (nSMase1) in regulating cell cycle through ER stress.

      Overall, the authors report interesting observations, but the manuscript falls shot to provide a coherent and comprehensive mechanism. Many of the experiments reported have large reproducibility variation and lack further supportive experiments to support the authors' claims. I recommend the authors to perform additional experiments to strengthen their claims and/or to tone down some of their conclusions. The manuscript will require a major revision before it is ready for publication to a specialized and a broad readership.

      Major points to address

      [Unfortunately, the authors didn't include page numbers nor line numbers so I will refer to the page numbers of the PDF file]

      1. In general, the authors report the efficiency of their knockdown after several experiments. It should be reported first before it is used for any of the experiments. For instance, knocking down siSMPD2 should be shown 1st before the experiment and not in panel H of Fig. 1.
      2. Some of the reported immunoblots are of poor quality and should be replace by a better replicate from their biological replicates or repeated to meet expected standards. Here are some examples:
        • (a)The band of LAMP1 in Fig. S1B should be strong and obvious based on the commercial antibody they used. Here, we are not even sure which of the 4 bands is LAMP1.
        • (b) In Fig. 1D, I am a bit concerned to see that the loading control GAPDH is uneven through the samples. Do the authors load the same amount of total protein for each sample?
        • (c) The detection of LC3B-II should include LC3B-I. Both are the same protein where the LC3B-II is covalently bound to PE.
      3. The authors concluded based on the data presented in Fig. 1D-F that "downsregulated LAMP1 does not affect lysosome function. The lysosomal function is not demonstrated from these experiments so the authors cannot make such conclusion.
      4. In Fig. S1G, H, the authors claims that SMPD2 KD affects cellular ceramide levels specifically at the ER. Microscopy is not the best approach to quantify ceramide levels. Ideally, the authors should use a biochemical approach to validate their finding such as TLC or LC/MS/MS.
      5. Four-hour treatment with tunicamycin (Tm) or thapsigargin (Tg) is rather small to provide enough time for cells to make sufficient proteins that will be visible by immunoblot. It is best to allow at least 12h of incubation for UPR-regulated proteins. However, 4h would be sufficient to monitor UPR-induced mRNA levels.
      6. The authors concluded that nSMase1 protein is increased upon ER stress. However, the increase is small. Was the nSMase1 mRNA level increased as well with Tm and Tg? What is the other protein that has been cut from the immunoblot of nSMase1 on top in DMSO and Tm lanes (Fig. 2A)? Also, nSMase1 predicted MW is 47 so I am bit puzzled why it runs below 40 KDa in Fig. 2A. Is the increase in nSMase1 upon Tm or Tg is specific to the UPR response such IRE1, PERK, or ATF6 branches? The variation between the replicates is enormous especially for PDI.
      7. I appreciate that the authors report the replicates for their experiments. However, the variation between biological is rather large for in vitro studies. Also, the authors shouldn't stress that they observe a small different when it is clearly not significant and that the variation is rather large. Many more replicates are needed to distinguish small unsignificant variations. Here are some examples:
        • (a) The authors reported that the upregulated of BiP by Tm or Tg is slightly impaired by SMPD2 KD (Fig. 2C, D). I don't see any significant difference. Large variation between replicates.
        • (b) The variation of spliced XBP1 is extremely high especially siCtrl with Tm (Fig. 2G). It should be very reproducible unless cell confluency was not consistent between replicates or that cells were overconfluent. It should be "XBP1" and not "XBP-1".
        • (c) Replicate variation for BiP, CHOP, SMPD2 is also problematic (Fig. 2).
        • (d) The authors stated "SMPD2 mRNA levels were slightly increased by tunicamycin and thapsigargin treatment (Fig. 2M)". Is the increase significant? It doesn't seem so and the variation between replicate is quite high.
        • (e) I don't see an increase in nSMases1 upon Tm treatment unlike the authors claim in Fig. 2A.
        • (f) The GAPDH band in fig. 4E contains a "bubble" so I am sure how the quantification can be meaningful.
      8. ATF4 mRNA level is not a good indicator of UPR activation. ATF4 mRNA is quite constant but the translation of ATF4 is induced upon PERK activation. Therefore, the authors should look at ATF4 protein levels.
      9. In Fig. 2, are the increase of all these UPR-upregulated genes significant for Tm and Tg compared to DMSO? Not indicated anywhere.
      10. In page 5, the authors stated "under ER stress conditions the LAMP1 mRNA remained significantly downregulated by SMPD2 KD". Is LAMP1 mRNA level significantly upregulated upon ER stress? It doesn't seem to be the case so I am wondering what this statement is implying.
      11. For the experiment reported in Fig. S1J, he inhibition should have been shown in the presence of Tm or Tg.
      12. What are the evidence that SMPD2 KD failed to activate the UPR upon ER stress? All the data in Fig. 2 demonstrate that the UPR is significantly induced with Tm and Tg in SMPD2 KD cells. Also the authors have to be cautious by using drugs that induce the ER stress as they have side effects. For instance, Tg dramatically increases the calcium levels in the cytosol which could affect SMPD2 KD cells independently of ER stress.
      13. I disagree with the authors interpretation of the data "a full-potential UPR signaling activation upon ER stress is not achieved in SMPD2 KD cells, and consequently their cellular fitness is impaired under ER stress conditions.". I am not sure what is their definition of "full-potential UPR" but I don't see any problems in the UPR activation with Tm or Tg in SMPD2 KD cells. Someone has to be very careful to interpret lower UPR activation but still significant activation of the UPR. Overall, the data related to ER stress and the UPR in SMPD2 KD is inconclusive and just a distraction.
      14. It should be clear in the text what is detected by flow cytometry for Fig. S2A.
      15. How many cells are included in the analysis of Fig. 3D? There should be at least 20 cells so at least 20 data points. It shouldn't be the average of cell diameter for each biological replicate. The difference is very small. Also, diameter is meaningless as most cells are uneven so it would be best to compare the area of each cell.
      16. In Fig. 3F, the experiment should include a control that induce cell cycle arrest such as nocodazole.
      17. The authors compared the levels of P21 and P27 at 72h and 96h. These 2 time point experiments were not done together so it is difficult to compare and to make any conclusion. Someone would have to analyse several time points to make any conclusion.
      18. Can we just say that they grow more slowly instead of claiming temporary cell cycle arrest in page 7? It just means that the cells are spending more time in G1 in KD SMPD2 compared to control.
      19. Some of the cell cycle experiments are not done correctly to make any conclusions. For instance, Chk2 is ATM substrate and is phosphorylated upon ATM signaling to enforce checkpoint arrest. Decrease in Chk2 phosphorylation typically means if in DNA damage context, ATR plays predominant role. Usually, ATM and ART are redundant kinases. There is no report of Chk2 phosphorylation from the referred publication.
      20. What is the rational of changing cell likes at Fig. 4H?
      21. The authors conclude that "SMPD2 KD seems to affect many cellular processes by downregulating their signaling components including Wnt signaling - which could explain the reduction in global protein translation and G1 cell cycle arrest". Global protein transcription and translation inhibition is typical of stressed cells. Therefore, their statement and findings are broad and failed to pinpoint to any major players or mechanism.

      Minor points to address

      There are some minor points that should be considered below before publication if they haven't been already addressed by the authors.

      [Unfortunately, the authors didn't include page numbers nor line numbers so I will refer to the page numbers of the PDF file]

      1. Page 3, should be "cancer cell line" and not "cancer line".
      2. Page 5, the authors should clarify what the inhibitor refers to in the sentence "We found BiP to be upregulated at the protein level by both inhibitors, which was slightly impaired by SMPD2 KD after 4 h of treatment".
      3. Fig. 3A, Y-axis labelling not clear.
      4. Fig. 3C, label of x-axis is missing.
      5. Page 7, it should be flow cytometry and not FACS.


      The manuscript in its current form fails to provide an advance to the field as there is no coherent mechanism. Therefore, it is difficult to judge the target audience at this premature stage.

      My expertise includes endoplasmic reticulum stress, autophagy, lipid synthesis and regulation.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements

      We would like to thank the reviewers for their valuable comments. We believe that we can provide all requested revisions.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Comment 1: The study sought to determine whether hippocampal PSD-95 is involved in extinction of contextual fear memory in mice. Although there is considerable work implicating the hippocampus in contextual fear extinction, this study adds to the literature in an important way by identifying an important role for dendritic PSD-95 in this process. The authors observe changes in PSD-95 expression and phosphorylation in dendritic spines in CA1. Disrupting phosphorylation of PSD-95 attenuated fear extinction. These are interesting data, though the lack of behavioral controls for mere context exposure renders the results difficult to interpret.

      ANSWER: The analysis of dendritic spines in Contextual controls (without US) vs 5US (24 hr after fear conditioning) is presented in the manuscript in Supplementary Figure 1. Unlike in the comparison Extinction vs 5US, we found no significant differences here between the groups. In the revised manuscript we will add the analysis of PSD-95 levels in the same group.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      Comment 2: The strengths of the report include a careful assessment of the role for hippocampal PSD-95 in contextual fear extinction, using several methods. The neurobiological assessments and interventions are robust. The primary concern is with the behavioral methodology, particularly the absence of a context-exposure control (e.g., a non-conditioned group that is treated identically to the current Ext group., or a conditioned group that is exposed to another context). This control is necessary to interpret the initial experiments, because changes in PSD-95 protein and phosphorylation may not be due to extinction learning per se, but rather to exposure to the context (and learning about that context that is independent of extinction). Thought the disruption of PSD-95 phosphorylation in the dorsal hippocampus appears to blunt context extinction with multiple extinction sessions, it did not impede the extinction procedure used in the initial experiments.

      ANSWER: The analysis of dendritic spines in Contextual controls (without US) vs 5US (24 hr after fear conditioning) is presented in the manuscript in Supplementary Figure 1. Unlike in the comparison Extinction vs 5US, we found no significant differences here between the groups. In the revised manuscript we will add the analysis of PSD-95 levels in the same group.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):


      Comment 3: In this manuscript, the authors are looking into the effects of PSD-95 phosphorylation at S73 in dorsal CA1 on extinction of fear memories. To do so, they use behavioral, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy approaches. They find that S73 phosphorylation is essential for plasticity related changes mediating fear memory extinction. In general, the data is interesting and experiments appear to have been done with good rigor. However, some experiments lack important controls. Previous literature on the effects of PSD-95 overexpression, which is central to the current study, is not discussed much. Regarding the writing, several typos were found and there are also several instances of overstatements.

      Major points:

      Comment 4: PSD-95 overexpression is documented to cause an increase in spine density and an increase in spine size (El Husseini, Science, 2000). From the data presented it is not clear that this is happening or not in your animals. The only time where animals injected with a control virus are compared with animals injected with WT PSD-95 and PSD-95 S73A is in figure 5 and no data is shown about PSD-95 amounts in these animals. Moreover, PSD-95 overexpression blocks LTP and enhances LTD (Stein J.Neurosci 2003). This would suggest that animals injected with WT PSD-95 would have deficits in memory acquisition and enhanced extinction. Please comment on this._

      ANSWER: The data regarding PSD-95 amounts in the Control, WT and S73A groups are shown on the Supplementary Figure 3. In the revised manuscript we will add the electron microscopy data demonstrating dendritic spine and PSD volume and density in these three groups and discuss the effects of PSD-95 overexpression on LTP and memory. The mentioned literature will be included in the discussion. However, it is important to note that predominantly in vitro studies exist with regards to PSD-95 overexpression. In vivo, although we observed a significant effect of PSD-95 overexpression on dendritic spine density and average PSD volume, the total PSD volume per tissue brick is not affected. Thus compensatory changes may explain why memory formation is not impaired in WT groups.

      Comment 5: In figures 1, 2, 3 and 6 PSD-95 immunofluorescence is used to quantify PSD-95 in the dorsal CA1. From these measurements, several metrics are extracted (PSD-95+ density; total PSD-95; PSD-95+, PSD-95+ puncta...) and they slightly differ in the different figures. Some of these are easy to understand but others would benefit from a more detailed description. Please use consistent metrics and/or provide a rationale for using each of the different analysis methods.

      ANSWER: We will clearly explain the rationale for each metrics used and explain how they were defined in the methods section.

      Comment 6: In Figure 6, immunostaining with the antibody specific for PSD-95 S73 needs to be done in order to link CaMKII to this story.

      ANSWER: The immunostaining comparing phospho-S73 levels in WT and T286A mice will be added in the revised manuscript.

      Comment 7: Line 220: No differences were observed in PSD-95 levels between mice with WT PSD-95 expression and PSD-95 (S73A). What about differences in PSD-95 levels in mice without viral injection, ie what is the level of overexpression?

      ANSWER: We apologize for this mistake in description. We did observe around 40% of overexpression of PSD-95 in WT and S73A groups as compared to the Control. This data is presented in Supplementary Figure 3. In the revised version this will be clearly stated in the results section with the reference to the Supplementary Figure 3.

      Comment 8: Line 270: 'The S73A mutation impaired fear extinction-induced downregulation of dendritic spine density as well as dendritic spine and PSD growth'

      What about the effect of the S73A mutation on the same metrics (Dendritic spine volume, PSD area and PSD volume)? It looks like the 5US groups are different.

      Also, in S73A mice, the PSD area does significantly increase, which is contrary to the statement above; please explain.

      ANSWER: PDS surface area is indeed larger in S37A mice after extinction, however not the volume of the dendritic spines and PSDs. This statement will be corrected to precisely state our observations.

      Comment 9: In the example picture shown in Figure 1 DEF, spine density and amount of PSD-95 puncta are visibly much lower in the stLM of conditioned animals (5US), this is not what is shown in the quantification at all (Figure 1GHIJ). Please provide an explanation for this and a representative example picture. Also, it would be good to show another example in a supplementary figure.

      ANSWER: The quantification is correct. Indeed the stLM 5US image in the current version of the manuscript looks misleading. In the revised version we will submit another picture which better represents the quantification of dendritic spines and PSD-95 in this group.

      Minor points:

      Comment 10: Figure 4D: Impossible to see what is happening here; please present less (3-5) isolated examples of dendritic spines for each condition.

      ANSWER: We will provide isolated reconstructions of dendritic spines.

      Comment 11: In the introduction, it is stated at line 75 that: ' Phosphorylation of PSD-

      95(S73) enables PSD-95 dissociation from the complex with GluN2B'. Another study found that PSD-95-S73A expression blocked the reduction in the NMDAR/PSD-95 interaction during chemical LTP in a manner that is dependent on CaMKII and calpain (Dore et al Plos One, 2014). This is consistent with the current study and the Steiner et al 2008 paper as well and should thus be mentioned and included in the citations.

      ANSWER: We would like to thank the reviewer for reminding us of this important study in line with the current results. We will now include it in the discussion of our results.

      Comment 12: Line 268: 'synaptic changes observed in the WT mice resembled the changes found in Thy1-GFP(M) animals after contextual fear extinction'. Please be more specific, sim ilarities were found in stratum oriens for the Thy1-GFP animals, which is where the SBEM experiments were done for Fig.4. What metrics exactly are similar?

      ANSWER: This is indeed an imprecise statement and will be corrected. We will indicate that the analysis of dendritic spines by confocal microscopy in Thy1-GFP and EM in WT mice observed decreased density of dendritic spines and increased volume of the remaining dendritic spines in stOri after extinction.

      Comment 13: Figure 2A: What is the signification of the H1, H2, H3 samples? Are these different mice? Why is there no band in the H2 sample?

      ANSWER: This information will be added.

      Comment 14: Line 65: PSD-95 is a major scaffolding protein at glutamatergic synapses

      ANSWER: This will be corrected.

      Comment 15: Line 106: formation of fear extinction memory => extinction of fear memory

      ANSWER: This will be corrected.

      Comment 16: Line 112: assess

      ANSWER: This will be corrected.

      Comment 17: Line 211: 30-minute

      ANSWER: This will be corrected.

      Comment 18: Line 460: co-localizes

      ANSWER: This will be corrected.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      This paper provides a new molecular mechanism underlying the extinction of fear memories. It should thus be of interest for the general neuroscience community, especially for people working on synaptic plasticity and fear conditioning.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, the authors are looking into the effects of PSD-95 phosphorylation at S73 in dorsal CA1 on extinction of fear memories. To do so, they use behavioral, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy approaches. They find that S73 phosphorylation is essential for plasticity related changes mediating fear memory extinction. In general, the data is interesting and experiments appear to have been done with good rigor. However, some experiments lack important controls. Previous literature on the effects of PSD-95 overexpression, which is central to the current study, is not discussed much. Regarding the writing, several typos were found and there are also several instances of overstatements.

      Major points:

      PSD-95 overexpression is documented to cause an increase in spine density and an increase in spine size (El Husseini, Science, 2000). From the data presented it is not clear that this is happening or not in your animals. The only time where animals injected with a control virus are compared with animals injected with WT PSD-95 and PSD-95 S73A is in figure 5 and no data is shown about PSD-95 amounts in these animals. Moreover, PSD-95 overexpression blocks LTP and enhances LTD (Stein J.Neurosci 2003). This would suggest that animals injected with WT PSD-95 would have deficits in memory acquisition and enhanced extinction. Please comment on this.

      In figures 1, 2, 3 and 6 PSD-95 immunofluorescence is used to quantify PSD-95 in the dorsal CA1. From these measurements, several metrics are extracted (PSD-95+ density; total PSD-95; PSD-95+, PSD-95+ puncta...) and they slightly differ in the different figures. Some of these are easy to understand but others would benefit from a more detailed description. Please use consistent metrics and/or provide a rationale for using each of the different analysis methods.

      In Figure 6, immunostaining with the antibody specific for PSD-95 S73 needs to be done in order to link CaMKII to this story.

      Line 220: No differences were observed in PSD-95 levels between mice with WT PSD-95 expression and PSD-95 (S73A). What about differences in PSD-95 levels in mice without viral injection, ie what is the level of overexpression?

      Line 270: 'The S73A mutation impaired fear extinction-induced downregulation of dendritic spine density as well as dendritic spine and PSD growth'<br /> What about the effect of the S73A mutation on the same metrics (Dendritic spine volume, PSD area and PSD volume)? It looks like the 5US groups are different.<br /> Also, in S73A mice, the PSD area does significantly increase, which is contrary to the statement above; please explain.

      In the example picture shown in Figure 1 DEF, spine density and amount of PSD-95 puncta are visibly much lower in the stLM of conditioned animals (5US), this is not what is shown in the quantification at all (Figure 1GHIJ). Please provide an explanation for this and a representative example picture. Also, it would be good to show another example in a supplementary figure.

      Minor points:

      Figure 4D: Impossible to see what is happening here; please present less (3-5) isolated examples of dendritic spines for each condition.

      In the introduction, it is stated at line 75 that: ' Phosphorylation of PSD-<br /> 95(S73) enables PSD-95 dissociation from the complex with GluN2B'. Another study found that PSD-95-S73A expression blocked the reduction in the NMDAR/PSD-95 interaction during chemical LTP in a manner that is dependent on CaMKII and calpain (Dore et al Plos One, 2014). This is consistent with the current study and the Steiner et al 2008 paper as well and should thus be mentioned and included in the citations.

      Line 268: 'synaptic changes observed in the WT mice resembled the changes found in Thy1-GFP(M) animals after contextual fear extinction'. Please be more specific, similarities were found in stratum oriens for the Thy1-GFP animals, which is where the SBEM experiments were done for Fig.4. What metrics exactly are similar?

      Figure 2A: What is the signification of the H1, H2, H3 samples? Are these different mice? Why is there no band in the H2 sample?

      Line 65: PSD-95 is a major scaffolding protein at glutamatergic synapses

      Line 106: formation of fear extinction memory => extinction of fear memory

      Line 112: assess

      Line 211: 30-minute

      Line 460: co-localizes


      This paper provides a new molecular mechanism underlying the extinction of fear memories. It should thus be of interest for the general neuroscience community, especially for people working on synaptic plasticity and fear conditioning.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The study sought to determine whether hippocampal PSD-95 is involved in extinction of contextual fear memory in mice. Although there is considerable work implicating the hippocampus in contextual fear extinction, this study adds to the literature in an important way by identifying an important role for dendritic PSD-95 in this process. The authors observe changes in PSD-95 expression and phosphorylation in dendritic spines in CA1. Disrupting phosphorylation of PSD-95 attenuated fear extinction. These are interesting data, though the lack of behavioral controls for mere context exposure renders the results difficult to interpret.


      The strengths of the report include a careful assessment of the role for hippocampal PSD-95 in contextual fear extinction, using several methods. The neurobiological assessments and interventions are robust. The primary concern is with the behavioral methodology, particularly the absence of a context-exposure control (e.g., a non-conditioned group that is treated identically to the current Ext group., or a conditioned group that is exposed to another context). This control is necessary to interpret the initial experiments, because changes in PSD-95 protein and phosphorylation may not be due to extinction learning per se, but rather to exposure to the context (and learning about that context that is independent of extinction). Thought the disruption of PSD-95 phosphorylation in the dorsal hippocampus appears to blunt context extinction with multiple extinction sessions, it did not impede the extinction procedure used in the initial experiments.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements

      We thank the reviewers for their thorough and insightful evaluations of our manuscript and for their constructive feedback, which have significantly improved the quality of our manuscript. We were pleased to read that all three reviewers found our work novel, interesting, and relevant. In this revised manuscript, we have done our best to address all of the points raised by the reviewers by performing new experiments and revising sections of the text, as requested.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      In this manuscript authors show that extracellular Mtb aggregates can cause macrophage killing in a close contact dependent but phagocytosis independent manner. They showed Mtb aggregates can induce plasma membrane perturbations and cytoplasmic Ca2+ influx with live cell microscopy. Next, the authors show that the type of cell death initiated by extracellular aggregates is pyroptosis and they partially supressed cell death with pyroptosis inhibitors. They also identified that PDIM, EsxA/EsxB and EspB all have a role in uptake-independent killing of macrophages even though their impact varies with respect membrane perturbation and Ca2+ influx. Finally, they used a small molecule inhibitor BTP15 to inhibit the effect of ESX-1 during the contact of the extracellular Mtb aggregates with the macrophages and they observed a substantial decrease in membrane perturbation and macrophage killing.<br /> The work describes a very interesting mechanism by which Mtb can kill macrophages that is possibly relevant in the context of infection.

      1. In general, there are two main issues with the experiments and the interpretation: the lack of quantitative analysis showing that in a population of macrophages the ones that are in contact with the aggregates die whereas the ones that are not in contact remain alive. This is currently not shown, and it should be added in figure 1.

      All our data are based on the visual inspection and annotation of time-lapse microscopy image series, from which it is conclusive that death happens more often among cells in contact with Mtb aggregates (see movies S3 and S6 for representative examples). However, we acknowledge the reviewer’s suggestion that quantitative data supporting this observation might help to convey this conclusion more effectively. Therefore, we have quantified the percentage of dead cells in: I) macrophages in uninfected controls; II) macrophages that establish contact with an Mtb aggregate; III) bystander macrophages that never contact an Mtb aggregate despite being in the same sample as the infected cells, in experiments with (figure 1D) or without (figure 1Q) cytochalasin D treatment. These data have been incorporated as two additional plots in figure 1 in the revised manuscript. We find that uninfected and bystander cells have similar survival probabilities over the time-course of an experiment, whereas most of the cells that physically interact with Mtb_aggregates die by the end of the experiment. To further validate these observations, we have also plotted the lifespans of infected cells vs. bystander cells without (figure S3A) and with (figure S3B) cytochalasin D treatment. In these plots, the lifespan of an individual cell is represented by a line; the fraction of the line coloured in black corresponds to the time spent as bystander and the fraction of the line in magenta corresponds to the time spent in contact with an _Mtb aggregate. We hope that these new data convincingly show that bystander cells (black lines) survive longer compared to cells that interact with Mtb aggregates (black-magenta lines).

      1. The second is the cell death mode, as the markers used are very different and considering different outcomes (e.g., apoptosis vs. necrosis) are relevant for the infection it is unclear what is being measured here and the impact on bacterial replication.

      As the reviewer points out, it has previously been shown that different cell death pathways can affect viability and propagation of intracellular bacteria (1, 2). Since in our experiments we are specifically analyzing extracellular bacteria, we cannot directly comment on how cell death affects intracellular bacterial replication. However, to address the reviewer’s comment, we have included additional data in figure S13A of the revised manuscript showing that specific inhibitors of cell death do not affect the growth or replication of extracellular Mtb. These results suggest that while these molecules do not affect Mtb growth per se, the suppression of these specific death pathways also does not significantly affect the microenvironment to alter Mtb growth (i.e., access to nutrients or molecules released by dead cells). In addition, we have included new data in figure S12 demonstrating the responsiveness of our isolated macrophages to the various cocktails of molecules typically used to induce apoptosis, pyroptosis, or necroptosis.

      The authors are showing that infection with Mtb aggregates increase the rate of the macrophage killing but how does this impact infection dissemination and replication of the bacterial aggregates? Is it beneficial for the aggregates? Did the authors check the growth rate of Mtb along with cytochalasin D?

      A previous study has shown that phagocytosis of Mtb aggregates leads to macrophage death more efficiently than phagocytosis of a similar number of individual bacteria (3). It has also been shown that Mtb growing on the debris of dead host macrophages forms cytotoxic aggregates that kill the newly interacting macrophages (3). These observations suggest a model in which host cell death induced by Mtb aggregates supports faster extracellular growth and propagation of infection (3). This study was cited in the Introduction section of our manuscript, and our data support these observations. In the revised manuscript, we show that single Mtb bacilli or Mtb aggregates induce macrophage death in a dose-dependent manner (figure S7A,B); however, bacterial aggregates kill more efficiently when compared to similar numbers of non-aggregated bacilli (figure S7A,B). We also show that infection with Mtb_aggregates leads to faster bacterial propagation compared to infection with similar numbers of individual bacteria (figure S7C,D). These observations, combined with our data showing that _Mtb aggregation also enhances uptake-independent killing of macrophages (figure 2), suggest that Mtb aggregates induce rapid host cell death, allowing the bacteria to escape intracellular stresses, grow faster outside host cells (figure S1B), and propagate to other cells. To address the reviewer’s concern whether cytochalasin D affects Mtb growth, the revised manuscript includes additional data confirming that cytochalasin D does not affect the growth of Mtb aggregates (figure S6).

      1. How did the authors quantify the interactions of Mtb with macrophages in Figure 1D?

      The interactions of Mtb with macrophages were quantified through manual annotation of the time-lapse microscopy image series. If the Mtb aggregates disaggregated upon interaction with the macrophage, resulting in redistribution of smaller aggregates of bacteria, we categorized them as “fragmented”. On the other hand, if the aggregates remained clustered, we categorized them as “not fragmented”. Representative snapshots of these two patterns are presented in figure 1E and 1F and we have included additional representative examples in movies S4 and S5 of the revised manuscript. These interactions are quantified and plotted in figure 1N of the revised manuscript (figure 1D in the original version).

      1. Is it enough to conclude with one example of SEM that the mycobacteria with different fragmentation discriminates if the bacteria is intracellular or extracellularly localised? Can authors use an alternative quantitative method to confirm the localization of the bacteria by a quantification by 3D imaging of these two phenotypes with a cytoskeleton marker (or may be even with tdTomato-expressing BMDMs)?

      In the revised manuscript, we provide additional examples of correlative time-lapse microscopy and SEM images (supplementary figure S5). As suggested by the reviewer, in the revised manuscript we further validate these conclusions using an alternative approach based on correlative time-lapse microscopy followed by confocal 3D imaging. After time-lapse imaging, we fixed the samples and labelled the plasma membrane of the macrophages with a fluorescent anti-CD45 antibody to define the cell boundaries and identify bacteria that are intracellular vs. extracellular. Representative images obtained using this approach have been added to figure 1 and additional examples are shown in supplementary figure S4 of the revised manuscript. The acquisition, processing, and analysis of these 3D images are time-consuming and prevent us from performing an exhaustive quantitative analysis. However, we are confident in our conclusions, since in all of the cells that we analyzed we found that aggregates that are not fragmented within 6 hours of stable interaction with macrophages are visible on the outer side of the plasma membrane.

      1. How do we know if the cell is lysed at 30 h in Supplementary Figure 1, did the authors use a marker to detect the cell lysis or is it based on just the observation from the live cell imaging? Movies in supplementary are actually not very informative as there are many ongoing events and it is hard to visualise what the authors claim. A marker of cell death in the movies should be used.

      In this study, we used brightfield time-lapse microscopy images to identify cell death. Dying macrophages rapidly change shape, lose membrane integrity, and stop moving. Moreover, the intracellular structures and bacteria also stop moving at the time of death of the host cell. While these events can be difficult to distinguish by examining individual snapshots, they are readily identifiable by careful frame-by-frame examination of time-lapse microscopy image series. To exemplify this process, in the revised manuscript we show in supplementary figure S2A how we identify macrophage cell death events. We also include Draq7 (a live cell-impermeable dye commonly used to identify dead cells by flow cytometry and microscopy) in the growth medium during time-lapse imaging in order to label dead macrophages. The timing of staining validates and confirms our strategy of using brightfield time-lapse images to define the time-of-death of individual cells. To further assist readers, in the revised manuscript we provide the time-lapse microscopy movie used to generate this figure (movie S4). Similar images and movies have also been added for cells treated with cytochalasin D (figure S2B; movie S7). As suggested by the reviewer, we also replaced figure S1A with a new figure that shows a representative example of an Mtb intracellular microcolony that, upon death of the host macrophage, grows and forms a large extracellular aggregate on the debris of the dead cell (Draq7-positive). Movie S2 was used to generate this figure. Finally, we replaced figures 1E,F with new figures incorporating the Draq7 staining to label macrophage cell death and we include the time-lapse microscopy movies used to generate these figures (movies S4, S5).

      1. Total macrophage killing after contact in Figure 1L is around 12 hours, whereas it is observed that the macrophage death after contact with cytochalasin D treatment in Figure 1M is even longer than 24 hours. The viability at 12 hours in Figure1M is as fragmented Mtb survival in Figure1L, why there is a difference in timing with respect to macrophage killing?

      We thank the reviewer for this interesting observation. Indeed, we find that macrophages treated with cytochalasin D do take longer to die upon establishing stable interaction with Mtb aggregates in comparison to untreated cells. Although we do not have a clear explanation for this difference in timing, we speculate that by inhibiting actin polymerization and consequently cell motility, cytochalasin D might slow the expansion of the macrophage plasma membrane and the establishment of a larger interface of contact between the cell and the bacterial aggregate, which could influence the timing of cell death.

      1. Did authors perform statistical tests for Figure 1D and Figure 1N? p-values should be added.

      Figure 1D (figure 1N in the revised manuscript) shows the percentage of interactions between macrophages and _Mtb_aggregates that do or do not lead to fragmentation of the aggregate. Each dot represents the percentage of these events in one experimental replicate. We included this plot to show that reproducibly in all our replicates approximately 20% of the interactions do not lead to fragmentation of the aggregate. Since the purpose of this plot is not to compare the “fragmented” and “non-fragmented” populations but rather to highlight the reproducibility of the phenomenon, we do not think it would be appropriate to add a p-value. However, figure 1N (figure 1Q in the revised manuscript) has been updated and modified to include statistical analysis and a p-value.

      1. In Figure 3, do the observations indicated in the Figure 3 happen in all the macrophages that are in contact with aggregates? This is unclear and critical to support the conclusions. Do all the macrophages that are in contact with Mtb aggregates become Annexin-V positive? In Supplementary Figure 2 there is some information regarding this question, but it will be important to show it as a percentage.

      In response to the reviewer’s suggestion, we have modified the figure to include quantitation of Annexin-V staining. Approximately 75% of the macrophages that interact with an Mtb aggregate show detectable local Annexin V-positive membrane domains at the site of contact with the aggregate during a typical 60 hour-long experiment. Since most of the macrophages show local Annexin V-positive membrane domains within the first 12 hours upon contact with an Mtb_aggregate (figure 3C), we used this criterion for comparison of different conditions or strains (for example, those shown in figure 6F). In addition, we added figure 3D, which shows the behaviour of 105 macrophages upon contact with _Mtb aggregates in a typical experiment. In this plot, each line represents the lifespan of an individual cell; the fraction of the line in black represents the time spent as bystander, the fraction of the line in magenta represents the time spent interacting with an Mtb aggregate, and the fraction in green represents the time upon formation of local Annexin V-positive membrane domains at the site of contact with the Mtb aggregate. We believe that this additional information further supports our conclusions that most of the cells in contact with an Mtb aggregate show local Annexin V-positive membrane domains and that cells that show this pattern die faster than cells that do not develop local Annexin V-positive membrane domains.

      1. Did the authors try to stain Mtb aggregates alone with Annexin-V as a control over the duration of the imaging?

      We thank the reviewer for suggesting this control. In supplementary figure S8C of the revised manuscript, we include a representative example of a time-lapse microscopy image series showing Mtb aggregates that never interact with a live macrophage althought they are adjacent to a dead cell. As observed in the Annexin V fluorescence images (yellow), these Mtb aggregates never become Annexin-V positive during the course of the experiment (60 hours).

      1. In Figure 4, did the authors continue to image the cells interacting with Mtb aggregates that do not die after Ca2+ accumulation in Supplementary Figure 3D? Do these cells recover from the plasma membrane perturbation? Did the authors consider using another marker for plasma membrane perturbation together with BAPTA?

      Unfortunately, we are not able to image macrophages stained with Oregon Green 488 Bapta-1 AM for more than 36 hours because they lose fluorescence over time, possibly due to partial dye degradation or secretion. Another issue is that macrophages do not establish synchronous interaction with Mtb aggregates (figure 3D; figure S3B). In order to pool together results from many cells, we analyze all the cells that interact with Mtb within the first 20 hours and we define as timepoint 0 the time at which each individual cell establishes interaction with the bacteria. To compare similar time windows for each cell, we use fluorescence values measured at 16 hours post-interaction with bacteria as a readout. This time window is sufficient to observe formation of local Annexin V plasma membrane domains and death in a relevant number of macrophages (figure 1P; figure 3D). Not all of the contacted cells die within the timeframe of our experiments; however, we believe that if we imaged cells that accumulate Ca2+ for longer durations, we would find that all such cells eventually die. This assumption is consistent with the observation that calcium chelation reduces inflammasome activation and death in macrophages in contact with Mtb aggregates (figure 5D; figure 4E).

      With respect to the reviewer’s query whether cells recover from plasma membrane perturbation, in our time-lapse microscopy experiments, we observe that when macrophages form local Annexin V-positive plasma membrane domains at the site of contact with Mtb aggregates, they never revert to an Annexin V-negative status afterwards (figure 3D; movie S7; movie S8). Our SEM data show that Mtb aggregates colocalizing with Annexin V-positive domains are not partially covered by intact membrane, in contrast to those associated with Annexin V-negative macrophages, although they do present vesicles and membrane debris on their surface (figure 3F,G ). In the revised manuscript, we include additional fluorescence microscopy images showing that Annexin V-positive foci colocalize with markers for the macrophages’ plasma membrane (figure S8A,B) as well as with more distal areas of the bacterial aggregates, where we do not observe any positive plasma membrane staining (figure S8B). Similarly, although _Mtb_aggregates that are never in contact with macrophages never become Annexin V-positive (figure S8C), we see that upon macrophage death, aggregates in contact with dead cells retain some Annexin V-positive material on their surface (figure S8C; movie S8). Vesicle budding and shedding is a common ESCRT III-mediated membrane repair strategy that allows removal of damaged portions of the plasma membrane and wound resealing (4). Thus, we think that in our experiments the Annexin V-positive foci might represent both damaged membrane areas and released macrophage plasma membrane vesicles that stick to the hydrophobic surface of the bacterial aggregates. This means that the time of appearance of Annexin V-positive domains marks the time when the macrophage membrane experiences a damaging event. Interestingly, we do not observe a gradual increase in fluorescence intensity of the Annexin V-positive domains, but rather multiple single intensity peaks over time (movie S8). This might suggest that multiple discrete damaging events occur over time.

      1. In Figure 5D-G it will be important if the authors include dots for each macrophage events for the contact conditions as well, as it was done for the bystander condition.

      We apologize for using a too-pale shade of magenta in the earlier version of the manuscript, which apparently made the dots in these figures hard to visualize. In the revised manuscript, we use a darker shade of magenta to show the dots corresponding to the fluorescence values of the macrophages in contact with Mtb aggregates.

      1. How did the authors discriminate between the macrophages that are in contact or not with Mtb aggregates after the staining with Casp-1, pRIP3 and pMLKL? Do the aggregates stay in contact even after the staining procedures? Representative images of the labelling should be included in this figure.

      Before fixation, we make sure to remove the medium gently to avoid disrupting the interactions between cells and bacteria. This step most likely removes the floating bacterial aggregates that are not in stable contact with cells but apparently does not detach aggregates that stably interact with cells. Our correlative time-lapse microscopy and immunofluorescence images (figure 1; figure S4), as well as our correlative time-lapse microscopy and SEM images (figure S5; figure 3F,G), confirm that Mtb aggregates that interact with cells during time-lapse imaging are retained on the surface of those cells upon fixation and processing for immunofluorescence or electron microscopy. As we can observe in figure 5B (cell indicated by the white arrow), Mtb aggregates are retained on the debris of dead cells. In figure 5 we distinguish between “in contact” macrophages and “bystander” macrophages by inspecting brightfield images showing the cells and the respective fluorescence images corresponding to the bacteria. If the body of a macrophage identified in the brightfield image overlaps with a bacterial aggregate identified in the fluorescence channel, we define the macrophage as “in contact”; otherwise, it is annotated as “bystander”. We provide representative images in figure S12 and we clarify the definition of “in contact” and “bystander” in the figure legend of figure 5.

      1. The labelling of Figure 5H needs to be corrected both in the text and in the figure legend.

      We thank the reviewer for bringing our attention to this error, which has been corrected in the revised manuscript.

      1. Pyroptosis inhibitors did reduce the percentage of cell death, but did it also reduce the number of Annexin-V positive domains? This is important as AnnexinV is a marker of apoptosis and the outcome for Mtb very different.

      As pointed out by the reviewer, Annexin V staining is often used as a marker for apoptosis. Typically, apoptotic cells stain positive for Annexin V but negative for other membrane-impermeable markers such as propidium iodide, because they expose phosphatidylserine (bound by Annexin V) on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane without losing plasma membrane integrity (5). Apoptotic cells often look round and their plasma membrane is stained homogeneously by fluorescently labelled Annexin V (5). In our experiments, we observe that macrophages in contact with Mtb aggregates become Annexin V-positive; however, this happens only at the site of contact with the bacteria (figure 3A; movie S7). Only when cells die and get stained by membrane-impermeable dies such as Draq7 do they also get stained with Annexin V over the entire membrane debris. We thus use Annexin V staining as a marker for membrane perturbation rather than for cell death. If we were using the Annexin V as a marker for cell death, we would expect to see a reduction in Annexin V-positive cells in samples treated with pyroptosis inhibitors. In these samples, we do observe a reduced percentage of cell death in comparison to untreated controls; however, we still observe a comparable percentage of macrophages that stain positive for Annexin V locally, i.e., at the site of contact with bacterial aggregates (supplementary figure S13B). In line with this observation, treated vs. untreated macrophages in contact with Mtb aggregates accumulate similar levels of intracellular calcium. These observations are consistent with our model suggesting that contact with Mtb aggregates induces membrane perturbation, calcium accumulation, inflammasome activation, and pyroptosis in contacted macrophages. Since the death inhibitors used in our study specifically target pyroptosis effectors, we do not expect them to affect upstream events such as membrane perturbation and calcium accumulation.

      1. In Figure 6, The sections for Figure 6 are well described but kept relatively long with too many details, it will be helpful to the reader if the authors can combine the sections in one header.

      We agree that the text linked to figure 6 is long. We tried to make these sections as concise as possible; however, we are concerned that combining all of the sections under a single header might be at the expense of clarity. Thus, unless the reviewer objects, we would prefer to maintain the use of multiple headers.

      1. Figure 6F does not have a statistical test and p-value, it will be important to include the statistical test in the legend and p-values in the

      As recommended by the reviewer, we have analyzed the results in figure 6F by using a one-way ANOVA test and we have added the calculated p-values to the figure.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      Based on the literature, Mtb infection and replication can trigger different types of cell death and most of the studies have addressed cell death only as an outcome of intracellular replication. This study shows another form of host cell death, associated only to extracellular bacterial aggregates that are in contact with macrophages. Plasma membrane damage initiating pyroptosis has been defined in: "Plasma membrane damage causes NLRP3 activation and pyroptosis during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection" by K.S. Beckwith et al. (2020). However, the effect of extracellular bacteria on plasma membrane damage was not addressed before and this paper is addressing an important observation with respect to Mtb evasion and dissemination. These observations represent a novel and interesting aspect in the induction of macrophage cell death by Mtb and potentially relevant for the disease. If the authors consider the comments listed above, this manuscript will be a novel and relevant addition to the field of host pathogen interactions in tuberculosis.

      We thank the reviewer for their perspective and their positive comments about our work.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      In this work, Toniolo and coworkers use single-cell time-lapse fluorescence microscopy to show that extracellular aggregates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis can evade phagocytosis by killing macrophages in a contact-dependent but uptake-independent manner. The authors further show that this process is dependent on the functionality of the ESX-1 type VII secretion system and the presence of mycobacterial phthiocerol dimycocerosate (PDIM). In essence the authors show that M. tuberculosis can induce macrophage death from the outside of the cell, and dissect the different players that are involved in the process.

      Major comments:

      1. I was intrigued by all the different findings of this work, which was done by using bone marrow derived murine macrophages, however, my first question to the authors is how they imagine that this process will take under an in vivo situation? Do they have evidence that these mycobacterial clumps may form during the initial infection process in the lungs? It would be important to provide more insights and discussion into this question in order to see how relevant the described details are inside the host organism.

      Formation of Mtb aggregates in tuberculosis lesions have been documented in several animal models (6, 7) and in humans (8–11). While it is unclear whether mycobacterial aggregates form during the earliest stages of infection, extracellular bacterial aggregates have been observed in animal models of infection within the first month post-infection, and they are often associated with necrotic foci. Moreover, masses of Mtb growing as pellicle-like aggregates are often observed on the surface of cavities in human tuberculosis patients. These observations confirm that Mtb aggregates can form during a tuberculosis infection and that a significant fraction of bacteria are extracellular during different stages of infection. As we observe that macrophages undergo contact-dependent uptake-independent death also in the absence of cytochalasin D in vitro, we assume that this may also happen in vivo when Mtb aggregates are formed or released outside host cells. This process may promote bacterial propagation at early stages of infection as well as at later stages when necrotic granulomas and cavities are formed.

      In the revised manuscript we present and discuss our observations in the context of the in vivo phenotypes reported in the scientific literature and we include additional references showing that extracellular Mtb aggregates are often observed in vivo. We also propose this concept already in the Introduction section to better link our observations to possible in vivo scenarios.

      Minor comments:

      Line 91: here the authors list the different forms of cell death that is induced by MTB infection, and it would be important to add apoptosis as a reported mechanism as well (References: PMID: 23848406, PMID: 28095608)

      As suggested by the reviewer, in the revised manuscript we have modified the Introduction section to include apoptosis as a Mtb-induced mechanism of macrophage death and we have cited the two publications recommended by the reviewer.

      1. Line 95: The secretion of EspE was mainly described in M. marinum while in members of the M. tuberculosis complex no virulence phenotype was reported to the best of my knowledge.

      In agreement with the reviewer’s comment, we have modified the sentence and removed EspE from the list of virulence factors.

      1. Lines 98: In the cited papers it is described that PDIM is required for phagosomal damage/rupture, however, the methods used there do not allow to specifically report about translocation. The wording should be adapted.

      We thank the reviewer for this insightful comment and we have modified the text accordingly.

      1. Line 206: Here it is described that in Figure 3A the BMDMs were expressing tdTomato fluorescence and the bacteria GFP, and the same is also repeated in the Figure legend of Fig3A. However, on the images, BMDMs are shown green and bacterial clumps purple (as also indicated in the description directly on the images) Please check and explain/correct this discrepancy.

      We apologize that the color scheme in figure 3A is confusing. In this figure we used tdTomato-expressing BMDMs and GFP-expressing bacteria; however, we have pseudo-colored the fluorescence images for the sake of consistency with the other figures in the manuscript, which always show bacteria in magenta. We have clarified this point in the figure legend of the revised manuscript.

      1. Line 304: Here the authors could mention that this finding is similar to results found previously in reference PMID: 28095608 and opposite to the results reported previously in PMID: 28505176.

      As recommended by the reviewer, we have added a sentence comparing our results with previous studies and we have cited the two references suggested by the reviewer.

      1. Line 321: It should be mentioned that CFP10 (EsxB) can also be secreted without its EsxA partner (under certain circumstances, i.e. when the EspACD operon is not expressed due to a phoP regulatory mutation (PMID: 28706226)). However, in Figure S7 an EspAdeletion mutant shows loss of EsxB secretion. This should be checked and discussed how the data here compare with data and strains published previously.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this interesting point. Our proteomics data revealed that both our esxA mutant and our espA mutants abolish secretion of both EsxA and EsxB, in line with previously published data (12–14). We do not know why the espA mutant behaves differently from the MTBVAC strain concerning secretion of EsxA and EsxB (although we note that regulatory mutations may have complex pleiotropic effects). In the revised manuscript, we have modified this section to include references highlighting that secretion of these proteins may be uncoupled in some circumstances.

      1. The finding that EspB can substitute the loss of virulence due to loss of EsxA/ESAT-6 secretion is astonishing and also is different to previous observations that strain H37Ra and MTBVAC (two attenuated strains that have no or very little EsxA secretion due to a regulation defect of the espACD operon PMID: 18282096; PMID: 28706226). How does the hypothesis put forward by the authors match with these previously published data ?

      We thank the reviewer for this interesting comment. We would like to clarify that we are not claiming that EspB and EsxA are in general redundant and that EspB can substitute EsxA as a virulence factor. In our experiments we show that EspB can induce contact-dependent uptake-independent death in macrophages in contact with Mtb aggregates in vitro even in the absence of EsxA; however, the precise role of EspB during infection in mice or humans remains to be elucidated and is outside the scope of this manuscript. A previous study comparing Mtb ESX-1 mutants with different secretion patterns linked EspB secretion to Mtb virulence in vivo (14); however, the behavior of an isogenic espB_deletion strain _in vivo was not reported. A M. marinum espB mutant was shown to have reduced virulence; however, in contrast to Mtb, deletion of espB also affects secretion of EsxA in this organism (15). As the reviewer points out, the Mtb strains H37Ra and MTBVAC do not secrete EsxA due to a mutated phoP gene. Previous literature has shown that espB expression is also dependent on PhoP (16). We thus speculate that these strains might behave similarly to our espA espB mutant strain in the context of contact-dependent uptake-independent induction of macrophage death, although we think that this point is outside the scope of our manuscript.

      1. In the same context, it is to notice that the authors report in the paragraph between lines 310-330 about EsxA/EsxB secretion, however, looking at the Western blots of figure S7, there is no blot showing results using an antibody against EsxA. Given the previously published results that EsxA/EsxB secretion may also be disconnected (PMID: 28706226), the wording of the text in this paragraph should be adapted or the results from Western Blots using EsxA antibodies be added.

      We agree with the reviewer’s comment. Unfortunately, we currently do not have access to a good antibody for EsxA. A commercial monoclonal antibody that was previously available for immunoblotting has been discontinued. We tried several other antibodies that were previously shown to work in M. marinum, but none of these antibodies were effective in M. tuberculosis. We agree that analysing secretion of EsxB alone might not be sufficient to support claims about EsxA secretion. For this reason, we performed quantitative proteome analysis of the secretome in all of the relevant mutant strains. In our revised manuscript, we are careful to make sure that whenever we refer to EsxA/EsxB secretion we always provide proteomics data to support our conclusions.

      1. Line 395: Here the authors write that BTP15, a small molecule that in a previous study was shown to inhibit EsxA secretion at higher concentrations (starting from 1.5 uM and higher). However, no effect on the expression of EsxA was described for that compound in reference PMID: 25299337. Thus the corresponding sentence in line 395 needs to adapted to that situation.

      We thank the reviewer for noticing this error, which we have corrected in the revised manuscript.

      1. Moreover, most concentrations of the compounds used are reported in uM, except for BTP15. It would be easier for the reader if the concentration used for BTP15 could also be reported in uM.

      As suggested by the reviewer, in the revised manuscript we report the concentration of BTP15 in μM.

      1. Line 475 The comment on the pore forming activity has to be made with caution, as recombinant EsxA produced from E. coli cultures has been shown to often retain detergent PMID: 28119503 that may be responsible for pore forming activity of recombinant EsxA observed in quite some studies, whereas EsxA purified from M. tuberculosis cultures did not show the detergent, but still retained membranolytic activity. This point should be clarified and discussed, and the wording adapted, as EsxA is not a classical poreforming toxin, but excerts the membrane-lysing activity together with other partners (PDIM) in a yet unknown way upon cell contact.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. In the revised manuscript, we have modified the text accordingly and included the sugggested reference.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      The findings in this work extend the current knowledge on cell infection by M. tuberculosis in a significant way and put extracellular M. tuberculosis clumps in a new context. These data obtained by single-cell time-lapse fluorescence microscopy also need to be discussed for predicting the relevance for an in vivo situation inside the host organism.

      As suggested by the reviewer, in the revised manuscript we discuss additional examples from the literature showing that Mtb aggregates can form during infection and that many bacteria are extracellular and associated with necrotic foci during different stages of the disease in animal models of infection and in human patients. We believe that these previously published observations support the in vivo relevance of the process we observe in vitro.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      This is an excellent study distinguished by the volume of observations, rigor of analysis and clarity of presentation. The results are novel, biologically interesting and pathophysiologically important. The ability of aggregated M. tuberculosis to kill macrophages has been reported, but the understanding was that proliferation of Mtb within macrophages killed them. Here, the authors observe that macrophages are susceptible to pyroptotic death triggered by contact with extracellular Mtb aggregates, and that this is not recapitulated by contact with a comparable number of Mtb as single bacilli. The authors go some way to tracing the mechanism and uncover a complex inter-dependence on PDIM and on components of the mycobacterial ESX-1 secretory system.

      The following comments will helpfully improve the study further.

      Major points

      1. The chief measurement in this study is death of individual macrophages as judged by the observer in videomicroscopy. However, the criteria for calling a macrophage "dead" are not defined with any morphological detail, beyond noting that the cell stops moving and lyses. Of course a cell will stop moving if it has lysed, but do not some if not most cells stop moving before they lyse? If so, lysis alone would seem to be the time-point marker for cell death. Yet from the images in Fig 1E and F, I cannot tell that the cells called "dead" have lysed. Watching the videos, the time of lysis is not clear to me. Eventually, shrunken cell bodies are obvious but it is not clear if these are residua of cells that had been said to "lyse" at an earlier time.

      In this study, we used brightfield time-lapse microscopy images to identify cell death. Dying macrophages rapidly change shape, lose membrane integrity, and stop moving. Moreover, the intracellular structures and bacteria also stop moving at the time of death of the host cell. While these events can be difficult to distinguish by examining individual snapshots, they are readily identifiable by careful frame-by-frame examination of time-lapse microscopy image series. To exemplify this process, in the revised manuscript we show in supplementary figure S2A how we identify macrophage cell death events. We also include Draq7 (a live cell-impermeable dye commonly used to identify dead cells by flow cytometry and microscopy) in the growth medium during time-lapse imaging in order to label dead macrophages. The timing of staining validates and confirms our strategy of using brightfield time-lapse images to define the time-of-death of individual cells. To further assist readers, in the revised manuscript we provide the time-lapse microscopy movie used to generate this figure (movie S4). Similar images and movies have also been added for cells treated with cytochalasin D (figure S2B; movie S7). As suggested by the reviewer, we also replaced figures 1E,F with new figures incorporating the Draq7 staining to label macrophage cell death and we include the time-lapse microscopy movies used to generate these figures (movies S4, S5).

      1. The use of BTP15 as a specific inhibitor of ESX-1 is problematic. The source of the compound is not stated.

      The BTP15 molecule was kindly provided by Prof. Stewart Cole, the corresponding author of the article describing the identification of this compound and its effect on Esx-1 secretion (17). We have included this information in the Materials and Methods section.

      1. The concentration used, 20 ug/mL, is well above the reported IC50 (1.2 uM) for its presumed target, a mycobacterial histidine kinase, and above the concentrations (0.3-0.6 uM) reported to inhibit Mtb's secretion of EsxA almost completely. It is concerning that the concentrations that were reported to work so well on the whole cell are lower than the IC50 for the presumed target, because uptake into Mtb and intrabacterial metabolism will typically lead to a lower potency for an inhibitor against the whole bacterium than against the isolated enzyme; and because 50% inhibition of an enzyme rarely gives a functional effect as complete as what is shown in the cited reference. In other words, it is not clear that the histidine kinase is the functionally relevant target of BTP15 in Mtb. The original report did not consider BTP15's possible effect on mammalian cells and the present authors likewise do not take that into consideration with respect to possible effects on the macrophages. No concentration-response or time course experiments with BTP15 are presented. Most important, unless I missed it, there is apparently no demonstration that the compound inhibited ESX-1-dependent secretion in the present authors' hands, no matter by what mechanism. Without this, I am reluctant to accept that the results with BTP15 demonstrate a dependence of extracellular-aggregate-induced macrophage death on ESX-1-mediated secretion from Mtb. I would recommend that the authors either provide a direct demonstration of BTP15's effect on ESX-1 dependent secretion at concentrations near those that worked on whole cells in the original report, or drop the BTP15 studies from the paper. That said, the genetic experiments remain unequivocal, so the paper's conclusions would not be affected.

      We agree with the reviewer that in the original version of our manuscript we did not provide direct evidence demonstrating that BTP15 inhibits ESX-1 secretion and that it does not affect the host cells. We addressed the first issue by quantifying (by Western blot) the secretion of EsxB and EspB in Mtb cultures treated with different concentrations of BTP15. We show that BTP15 reduces secretion of these two proteins in a dose-dependent manner. These data have been included in figures S21A-B of the revised manuscript. In line with this observation, we also show that BTP15 reduces uptake-independent killing of macrophages by Mtb aggregates in a dose-dependent manner (figure 6H). To show that the dose-dependent effect observed in macrophages does not depend on a direct effect of BTP15 on the host cells, we treated Mtb with different concentrations of BTP15 for 48 hours and removed the compound by washing the bacteria prior to infection. We observe that Mtb aggregates that have been treated with BTP15 show reduced uptake-independent killing of macrophages, even when bacteria have been pre-treated and the small molecule is not present during the incubation with the cells (figure S21C). We hope that these additional results provide clear evidence that BTP15 reduces Mtb-mediated contact-dependent uptake-independent killing of macrophages by inhibiting ESX-1 secretion, consistent with our genetic data. We think these results are important because they provide a chemical validation of our genetic data. To the best of our knowledge, BTP15 is the only available compound known to inhibit ESX-1 secretion, and in the revised manuscript we confirm that this compound has the previously described effect on Mtb also in our hands. Unfortunately, we had to use concentrations higher than those previously reported to inhibit ESX-1 secretion in order to achieve the observed effects. As we had access only to prediluted aliquots that had been stored for a long time, we cannot rule out the posibility that the compound might have undergone partial degradation during storage.

      1. The experiments, or at least the discussion, could consider what may distinguish single Mtb cells from aggregated Mtb in some way relevant to the present observations. The authors seem to assume that all the Mtb cells in their preparations are biochemically equivalent and that their distribution into single-cell or aggregate subpopulations is stochastic. What if it is deterministic instead? For example, what if these two subpopulations are defined by differential expression of PDIM, so that the greater macrophage-killing effect of aggregates than single cells in equivalent numbers reflects a greater amount of PDIM in the aggregates, rather than some sort of valency-of-contact effect? The authors could compare the PDIM-to-DNA ratio in the single cell and aggregated subpopulations, or at least discuss this possibility.

      We thank the reviewer for proposing this extremely interesting idea. In the revised manuscript, we have added a discussion of this point (lines 487-489) and we have floated various possible explanations. However, we believe that experimental dissection of the underlying mechanism could be a very lengthy undertaking and we hope that the reviewer will agree that this is outside the scope of the current manuscript.

      Minor points

      1. Some of the experiments compare "low", "medium" and "high" numbers of Mtb, but I could not find a definition of these numbers.

      We apologize for this oversight. In the revised manuscript, we have clarified the definition of these gates in the figure 2 legend.

      1. There seem to be no positive or negative controls for any of the antibodies used for cell staining (anti-cleaved caspase 1, antiphospho RIP3, anti-phospho MLKKL).

      As recommended by the reviewer, the revised manuscript includes controls for all of the antibodies used for immunostaining. In figure S12 we provide representative immunostaining images and fluorescence quantification of uninfected untreated macrophages (negative controls) and of uninfected macrophages treated with cocktails of molecules typically used to induce apoptosis, pyroptosis, or necroptosis (positive controls).

      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      The results are novel, biologically interesting and pathophysiologically important.

      We thank the reviewer for their appreciation of our findings.

      References 1. H. Gan, et al., Mycobacterium tuberculosis blocks crosslinking of annexin-1 and apoptotic envelope formation on infected macrophages to maintain virulence. Nature Immunology 9, 1189–1197 (2008). 2. M. Divangahi, et al., Mycobacterium tuberculosis evades macrophage defenses by inhibiting plasma membrane repair. Nature Immunology 10, 899–906 (2009). 3. D. Mahamed, et al., Intracellular growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis after macrophage cell death leads to serial killing of host cells. eLife 6, e22028 (2017). 4. A. J. Jimenez, et al., ESCRT Machinery Is Required for Plasma Membrane Repair. Science 343, 1247136 (2014). 5. M. van Engeland, L. J. W. Nieland, F. C. S. Ramaekers, B. Schutte, C. P. M. Reutelingsperger, Annexin V-Affinity assay: A review on an apoptosis detection system based on phosphatidylserine exposure. Cytometry 31, 1–9 (1998). 6. D. R. Hoff, et al., Location of Intra- and Extracellular M. tuberculosis Populations in Lungs of Mice and Guinea Pigs during Disease Progression and after Drug Treatment. PLOS ONE 6, e17550 (2011). 7. S. M. Irwin, et al., Presence of multiple lesion types with vastly different microenvironments in C3HeB/FeJ mice following aerosol infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Disease Models & Mechanisms 8, 591–602 (2015). 8. Kaplan, G., et al., Mycobacterium tuberculosis Growth at theCavity Surface: a Microenvironment with FailedImmunity. Infection and Immunity 71, 7099–7108 (2003). 9. J. Timm, et al., A Multidrug-Resistant, acr1-Deficient Clinical Isolate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Is Unimpaired for Replication in Macrophages. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 193, 1703–1710 (2006). 10. R. L. Hunter, Pathology of post primary tuberculosis of the lung: An illustrated critical review. Tuberculosis 91, 497–509 (2011). 11. G. Wells, et al., Micro–Computed Tomography Analysis of the Human Tuberculous Lung Reveals Remarkable Heterogeneity in Three-dimensional Granuloma Morphology. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 204, 583–595 (2021). 12. S. A. Stanley, S. Raghavan, W. W. Hwang, J. S. Cox, Acute infection and macrophage subversion by Mycobacterium tuberculosis require a specialized secretion system. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100, 13001 (2003). 13. S. M. Fortune, et al., Mutually dependent secretion of proteins required for mycobacterial virulence. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102, 10676 (2005). 14. J. M. Chen, et al., Mycobacterium tuberculosis EspB binds phospholipids and mediates EsxA-independent virulence. Mol Microbiol 89, 1154–1166 (2013). 15. L.-Y. Gao, et al., A mycobacterial virulence gene cluster extending RD1 is required for cytolysis, bacterial spreading and ESAT-6 secretion. Mol Microbiol 53, 1677–1693 (2004). 16. V. Anil Kumar, et al., EspR-dependent ESAT-6 Protein Secretion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Requires the Presence of Virulence Regulator PhoP. Journal of Biological Chemistry 291, 19018–19030 (2016). 17. J. Rybniker, et al., Anticytolytic Screen Identifies Inhibitors of Mycobacterial Virulence Protein Secretion. Cell Host & Microbe 16*, 538–548 (2014).

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This is an excellent study distinguished by the volume of observations, rigor of analysis and clarity of presentation. The results are novel, biologically interesting and pathophysiologically important. The ability of aggregated M. tuberculosis to kill macrophages has been reported, but the understanding was that proliferation of Mtb within macrophages killed them. Here, the authors observe that macrophages are susceptible to pyroptotic death triggered by contact with extracellular Mtb aggregates, and that this is not recapitulated by contact with a comparable number of Mtb as single bacilli. The authors go some way to tracing the mechanism and uncover a complex inter-dependence on PDIM and on components of the mycobacterial ESX-1 secretory system.

      The following comments will helpfully improve the study further.

      Major points

      The chief measurement in this study is death of individual macrophages as judged by the observer in videomicroscopy. However, the criteria for calling a macrophage "dead" are not defined with any morphological detail, beyond noting that the cell stops moving and lyses. Of course a cell will stop moving if it has lysed, but do not some if not most cells stop moving before they lyse? If so, lysis alone would seem to be the time-point marker for cell death. Yet from the images in Fig 1E and F, I cannot tell that the cells called "dead" have lysed. Watching the videos, the time of lysis is not clear to me. Eventually, shrunken cell bodies are obvious but it is not clear if these are residua of cells that had been said to "lyse" at an earlier time.

      The use of BTP15 as a specific inhibitor of ESX-1 is problematic. The source of the compound is not stated. The concentration used, 20 mg/mL, is well above the reported IC50 (1.2 uM) for its presumed target, a mycobacterial histidine kinase, and above the concentrations (0.3-0.6 uM) reported to inhibit Mtb's secretion of EsxA almost completely. It is concerning that the concentrations that were reported to work so well on the whole cell are lower than the IC50 for the presumed target, because uptake into Mtb and intrabacterial metabolism will typically lead to a lower potency for an inhibitor against the whole bacterium than against the isolated enzyme; and because 50% inhibition of an enzyme rarely gives a functional effect as complete as what is shown in the cited reference. In other words, it is not clear that the histidine kinase is the functionally relevant target of BTP15 in Mtb. The original report did not consider BTP15's possible effect on mammalian cells and the present authors likewise do not take that into consideration with respect to possible effects on the macrophages. No concentration-response or time course experiments with BTP15 are presented. Most important, unless I missed it, there is apparently no demonstration that the compound inhibited ESX-1-dependent secretion in the present authors' hands, no matter by what mechanism. Without this, I am reluctant to accept that the results with BTP15 demonstrate a dependence of extracellular-aggregate-induced macrophage death on ESX-1-mediated secretion from Mtb. I would recommend that the authors either provide a direct demonstration of BTP15's effect on ESX-1 dependent secretion at concentrations near those that worked on whole cells in the original report, or drop the BTP15 studies from the paper. That said, the genetic experiments remain unequivocal, so the paper's conclusions would not be affected.

      The experiments, or at least the discussion, could consider what may distinguish single Mtb cells from aggregated Mtb in some way relevant to the present observations. The authors seem to assume that all the Mtb cells in their preparations are biochemically equivalent and that their distribution into single-cell or aggregate subpopulations is stochastic. What if it is deterministic instead? For example, what if these two subpopulations are defined by differential expression of PDIM, so that the greater macrophage-killing effect of aggregates than single cells in equivalent numbers reflects a greater amount of PDIM in the aggregates, rather than some sort of valency-of-contact effect? The authors could compare the PDIM-to-DNA ratio in the single cell and aggregated subpopulations, or at least discuss this possibility.

      Minor points

      Some of the experiments compare "low", "medium" and "high" numbers of Mtb, but I could not find a definition of these numbers.

      There seem to be no positive or negative controls for any of the antibodies used for cell staining (anti-cleaved caspase 1, antiphospho RIP3, anti-phospho MLKKL).


      The results are novel, biologically interesting and pathophysiologically important.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this work, Toniolo an coworkers use single-cell time-lapse fluorescence microscopy to show that extracellular aggregates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis can evade phagocytosis by killing macrophages in a contact-dependent but uptake-independent manner. The authors further show that this process is dependent on the functionality of the ESX-1 type VII secretion system and the presence of mycobacterial phthiocerol dimycocerosate (PDIM). In essence the authors show that M. tuberculosis can induce macrophage death from the outside of the cell, and dissect the different players that are involved in the process.

      Major comments:

      I was intrigued by all the different findings of this work, which was done by using bone marrow derived murine macrophages, however, my first question to the authors is how they imagine that this process will take under an in vivo situation ? Do they have evidence that these mycobacterial clumps may form during the initial infection process in the lungs ? It would be important to provide more insights and discussion into this question in order to see how relevant the described details are inside the host organism.

      Minor comments:

      Line 91: here the authors list the different forms of cell death that is induced by MTB infection, and it would be important to add apoptosis as a reported mechanism as well (References: PMID: 23848406, PMID: 28095608)

      Line 95: The secretion of EspE was mainly described in M. marinum while in members of the M. tuberculosis complex no virulence phenotype was reported to the best of my knowledge.

      Lines 98: In the cited papers it is described that PDIM is required for phagosomal damage/rupture, however, the methods used there do not allow to specifically report about translocation.<br /> The wording should be adapted.

      Line 206: Here it is described that in Figure 3A the BMDMs were expressing tdTomato fluorescence and the bacteria GFP, and the same is also repeated in the Figure legend of Fig3A. However, on the images, BMDMs are shown green and bacterial clumps purple (as also indicated in the description directly on the images) Please check and explain/correct this discrepancy.

      Line 304: Here the authors could mention that this finding is similar to results found previously in reference PMID: 28095608 and opposite to the results reported previously in PMID: 28505176.

      Line 321: It should be mentioned that CFP10 (EsxB) can also be secreted without its EsxA partner (under certain circumstances , i.e. when the EspACD operon is not expressed due to a phoP regulatory mutation (PMID: 28706226)). However, in Figure S7 an EspAdeletion mutant shows loss of EsxB secretion. This should be checked and discussed how the data here compare with data and strains published previously.<br /> The finding that EspB can substitute the loss of virulence due to loss of EsxA/ESAT-6 secretion is astonishing and also is different to previous observations that strain H37Ra and MTBVAC (two attenuated strains that have no or very little EsxA secretion due to a regulation defect of the espACD operon PMID: 18282096; PMID: 28706226). How does the hypothesis put forward by the authors match with these previously published data ?<br /> In the same context, it is to notice that the authors report in the paragraph between lines 310-330 about EsxA/EsxB secretion, however, looking at the Western blots of figure S7, there is no blot showing results using an antibody against EsxA. Given the previously published results that EsxA/EsxB secretion may also be disconnected (PMID: 28706226), the wording of the text in this paragraph should be adapted or the results from Western Blots using EsxA antibodies be added.

      Line 395: Here the authors write that BTP15, a small molecule that in a previous study was shown to inhibit EsxA secretion at higher concentrations (starting from 1.5 uM and higher). However, no effect on the expression of EsxA was described for that compound in reference PMID: 25299337. Thus the corresponding sentence in line 395 needs to adapted to that situation.<br /> Moreover, most concentrations of the compounds used are reported in uM, except for BTP15. It would be easier for the reader if the concentration used for BTP15 could also be reported in uM.

      Line 475 The comment on the pore forming activity has to be made with caution, as recombinant EsxA produced from E. coli cultures has been shown to often retain detergent PMID: 28119503 that may be responsible for pore forming activity of recombinant EsxA observed in quite some studies, whereas EsxA purified from M. tuberculosis cultures did not show the detergent, but still retained membranolytic activity. This point should be clarified and discussed, and the wording adapted, as EsxA is not a classical poreforming toxin, but excerts the membrane-lysing activity together with other partners (PDIM) in a yet unknown way upon cell contact.


      The findings in this work extend the current knowledge on cell infection by M. tuberculosis in a significant way and put extracellular M. tuberculosis clumps in a new context. These data obtained by single-cell time-lapse fluorescence microscopy also need to be discussed for predicting the relevance for an in vivo situation inside the host organism.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      n this manuscript authors show that extracellular Mtb aggregates can cause macrophage killing in a close contact dependent but phagocytosis independent manner. They showed Mtb aggregates can induce plasma membrane perturbations and cytoplasmic Ca2+ influx with live cell microscopy. Next, the authors show that the type of cell death initiated by extracellular aggregates is pyroptosis and they partially supressed cell death with pyroptosis inhibitors. They also identified that PDIM, EsxA/EsxB and EspB all have a role in uptake-independent killing of macrophages even though their impact varies with respect membrane perturbation and Ca2+ influx. Finally, they used a small molecule inhibitor BTP15 to inhibit the effect of ESX-1 during the contact of the extracellular Mtb aggregates with the macrophages and they observed a substantial decrease in membrane perturbation and macrophage killing.

      The work describes a very interesting mechanism by which Mtb can kill macrophages that is possibly relevant in the context of infection. In general, there are two main issues with the experiments and the interpretation: the lack of quantitative analysis showing that in a population of macrophages the ones that are in contact with the aggregates die whereas the ones that are not in contact remain alive. This is currently not shown, and it should be added in figure 1. The second is the cell death mode, as the markers used are very different and considering different outcomes (e.g., apoptosis vs. necrosis) are relevant for the infection it is unclear what is being measured here and the impact on bacterial replication.

      The authors are showing that infection with Mtb aggregates increase the rate of the macrophage killing but how does this impact infection dissemination and replication of the bacterial aggregates? Is it beneficial for the aggregates? Did the authors check the growth rate of Mtb along with cytochalasin D? How did the authors quantify the interactions of Mtb with macrophages in Figure 1D? Is it enough to conclude with one example of SEM that the mycobacteria with different fragmentation discriminates if the bacteria is intracellular or extracellularly localised? Can authors use an alternative quantitative method to confirm the localization of the bacteria by a quantification by 3D imaging of these two phenotypes with a cytoskeleton marker (or may be even with tdTomato-expressing BMDMs)?

      How do we know if the cell is lysed at 30 h in Supplementary Figure 1, did the authors use a marker to detect the cell lysis or is it based on just the observation from the live cell imaging? Movies in supplementary are actually not very informative as there are many ongoing events and it is hard to visualise what the authors claim. A marker of cell death in the movies should be used.

      Total macrophage killing after contact in Figure 1L is around 12 hours, whereas it is observed that the macrophage death after contact with cytochalasin D treatment in Figure 1M is even longer than 24 hours. The viability at 12 hours in Figure1M is as fragmented Mtb survival in Figure1L, why there is a difference in timing with respect to macrophage killing?

      Did authors perform statistical tests for Figure 1D and Figure 1N? p-values should be added.

      In Figure 3, do the observations indicated in the Figure 3 happen in all the macrophages that are in contact with aggregates? This is unclear and critical to support the conclusions. Do all the macrophages that are in contact with Mtb aggregates become Annexin-V positive? In Supplementary Figure 2 there is some information regarding this question, but it will be important to show it as a percentage. Did the authors try to stain Mtb aggregates alone with Annexin-V as a control over the duration of the imaging?

      In Figure 4, did the authors continue to image the cells interacting with Mtb aggregates that do not die after Ca2+ accumulation in Supplementary Figure 3D? Do these cells recover from the plasma membrane perturbation? Did the authors consider using another marker for plasma membrane perturbation together with BAPTA?

      In Figure 5D-G it will be important if the authors include dots for each macrophage events for the contact conditions as well, as it was done for the bystander condition. How did the authors discriminate between the macrophages that are in contact or not with Mtb aggregates after the staining with Casp-1, pRIP3 and pMLKL? Do the aggregates stay in contact even after the staining procedures? Representative images of the labelling should be included in this figure. The labelling of Figure 5H needs to be corrected both in the text and in the figure legend. Pyroptosis inhibitors did reduce the percentage of cell death, but did it also reduce the number of Annexin-V positive domains? This is important as AnnexinV is a marker of apoptosis and the outcome for Mtb very different.

      In Figure 6, The sections for Figure 6 are well described but kept relatively long with too many details, it will be helpful to the reader if the authors can combine the sections in one header. Figure 6F does not have a statistical test and p-value, it will be important to include the statistical test in the legend and p-values in the figure.


      Based on the literature, Mtb infection and replication can trigger different types of cell death and most of the studies have addressed cell death only as an outcome of intracellular replication. This study shows another form of host cell death, associated only to extracellular bacterial aggregates that are in contact with macrophages. Plasma membrane damage initiating pyroptosis has been defined in: "Plasma membrane damage causes NLRP3 activation and pyroptosis during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection" by K.S. Beckwith et al. (2020). However, the effect of extracellular bacteria on plasma membrane damage was not addressed before and this paper is addressing an important observation with respect to Mtb evasion and dissemination. These observations represent a novel and interesting aspect in the induction of macrophage cell death by Mtb and potentially relevant for the disease. If the authors consider the comments listed above, this manuscript will be a novel and relevant addition to the field of host pathogen interactions in tuberculosis.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Point by Point Description of Revisions

      We thank the reviewers for their time, effort and constructive input. Below, our responses are bolded with yellow highlighting, while the reviewers’ comments are italicized.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      The manuscript by Hays and colleagues described the spectrum of mutations that drive adaptation in nitrogen-limit environment by experimental evolution. The approach of serial transfer (fluctuating condition) allowed them to find that Ty insertion is the major mutation type for adaptive evolution. This was neither observed in nitrogen-limited condition when another experimental evolution approach, chemostat (non-fluctuating condition), was applied, nor in glucose-limited condition. The authors concluded that not only selection pressure itself but also how selection is applied are important to shape the adaptive events.

      Major points

      *Both serial transfer and chemostat are commonly used approaches of experimental evolution. In the manuscript, the authors refer serial transfer to "fluctuating" condition because the low nitrogen source would be consumed to none during the interval of transfers. I am wondering whether the authors have estimated the nitrogen uptake (consumption) during the transfer intervals and whether the nitrogen was exhausted within 48 hours. *

      We appreciate the reviewer’s question, and although we did not directly measure nitrogen consumption throughout this specific experiment, ammonium was the limiting nutrient in the defined medium which has been previously used to achieve transient nitrogen starvation conditions in other yeast experimental evolutions (Blundell et al. 2019). In that previous work, it was confirmed that addition of ammonium above 0.04% (up to 0.15%) led to additional rounds of doubling – confirming that the amount of ammonium provided was in fact the limiting nutrient. Finally, we point out that the adaptive mutations recovered in this study predominantly impact genes known to affect nitrogen catabolism, as is expected under nitrogen-limited evolution conditions.

      We’ve updated the methods section to ensure the rationale for this medium choice is clearly stated.

      Since this is not precisely controlled by experiment design, the "fluctuating" condition itself may be not stable during the long-term evolution. For example, as population evolved, the rate and the amount of nitrogen uptake might change. I feel a better experiment setup for "fluctuating" condition is like 24 hour "low-nitrogen (ammonium)" - 24 hour "no ammonium" and so on. If the adaptive mutations (e.g. adaptive Ty) specifically respond to such "fluctuating" condition rather than chemostat, the authors can measure their fitness in nitrogen starvation condition, which is expected to be fitter than mutants observed only in chemostat (e.g. copy number variation of nitrogen transporters).

      The reviewer correctly points out that nitrogen availability will change as the population adapts, and it is likely that some portion of the population become better at utilizing the newly available nitrogen upon transfer into fresh medium over time. This is in fact the intention of this experimental design. We have rephrased the text of the main paper to emphasize that our fluctuating conditions represent fluctuations in the nutrient availability in fresh medium upon transfer, and not strict oscillating nitrogen concentrations that cells experience locally throughout all generations.

      We note that in the reviewer-proposed experimental design (using 2 stages of low- and no- nitrogen media), that the low-nitrogen condition would still exhibit the same population-dependent nitrogen usage dynamics as the population adapts over time. We chose our evolution conditions to apply a selective pressure for cells to become best adapted to the environmental fluctuations associated with this transfer regimen, and we have updated the main paper to clarify this point. We thank the reviewer for helping us clarify this important point.

      The authors compared their results with published dataset using nitrogen-limitation chemostat and the mutation spectrum is different. In addition to the "fluctuating" and "non-fluctuating" difference as mentioned above, other factors need to be considered. First, the nitrogen-limited conditions in the two studies are different. The authors used 0.04% ammonium sulfate while Hong et al used "800 uM nitrogen regardless of the molecular form of the nitrogen", which may influence the mutation spectrum and need to be discussed. Second, bottlenecks were applied for each transfer in this study, in comparison with constant population size in chemostat, which will influence the efficiency of selection and further the evolutionary dynamics and outcomes. Thus, population size and bottlenecks need to take in to account to make comparisons of mutation spectrum.

      We thank the reviewer for their point: we have expanded the section of the main text addressing the differences in how serial transfer and chemostat conditions are applied, the media differences necessitated by such and specifically how the conditions between our study and the Hong et al study differ. We believe the additional detail now better highlights our point that how selection is applied shapes adaptive events, and we thank the reviewer for their helpful input.

      *The authors found that Ty mutagenesis accounts for a substantial number of adaptive mutations in nitrogen limitation. I am wondering for adaptive clones, whether Ty occurred independently or is more likely to co-exist with other drivers. *

      We appreciate the reviewer’s question. In the clones with adaptive Ty insertions, the only co-occurring adaptive mutation is autodiploidization. There were no additional mutational classes that were adaptive and co-occur with adaptive Ty insertions in our dataset. However, many novel Ty insertions are neutral, and these DO co-occur with beneficial mutations. These data are captured in Figure 5A, and in detail in Supplemental File 1. The blue bar in the adaptive haploids reflect neutral-fitness Ty insertions that co-occur with other mutations that drive fitness increase. These are distinct from the Ty insertions that are themselves responsible for the fitness increase, which are captured in the orange bar. We have clarified the text surrounding the Fig 5A results to better emphasize these findings.

      What is the distribution of number of clones with one, two, and multiple mutations? If there is co-existence of driver mutations, what is the relative contribution of each to adaptation? The phenotypic validation of Ty mutagenesis for adaptation is expected while it seems only one case was presented in Figure 2 (mep1Ty−731427).

      Aside from diploidization events, only one clone with two nitrogen-adaptive mutations was identified in this study: a double mutant with mutations in both gat1 and tor1. Please see Supplemental File 1 (which is sortable) for a complete outline of all clones with mutations and fitness remeasurements. In the case of diploids that have additional beneficial mutations, those data are shown in Figure 3 with diploids indicated as well as the ploidy of the secondary beneficial mutation, and again in detail in Supplemental File 1.

      The reviewer is correct in that only one Ty mutation was dissected and validated in Figure 2. However, we inferred adaptation by Ty insertion through the observation of parallel adaptation, and we fitness remeasurements of many independent Ty insertion mutants.

      Statistical analysis needs to be reinforced in the manuscript, including but not limited to Figure 2 fitness comparison among clones with different genotypes, Figure 5 Ty enrichment comparison, etc.

      We thank the reviewer for their helpful suggestion. We have updated figures and figure legends to more clearly include statistical comparisons between genotypes for Figures 2 and 5: specifically describing the analyses used and the associated p-values for differences between WT and adaptive alleles and significance of Ty class enrichments.

      Minor points

      We thank the reviewer for their detailed and careful edits below and have addressed them in the main text and figures as applicable.

      "For diploids, we only sequenced those with estimated fitness greater than diploidy alone would provide." Main text clarified with additional explanation

      "either through impacting alternate start (green triangle) or alternate stop sites (yellow and red triangles)." I do not see yellow and red triangles in Fig. 3. Legend updated to reflect current figure color palette.

      Fig.2. FCY2 mutant fitness can be added as well?

      Unfortunately, data for FCY2 backcrossed mutants were not generated

      "while we found only 212 novel Ty insertions in 488 glucose evolved clones (Figure 5B)" The value in the text does not match the one in the figure.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s attention to detail and have corrected the main text to match the correct value in Fig 5B.

      In addition to adaptive Ty insertion, what is the genome-wide distribution or characteristics of other Ty, especially for nitrogen-limited condition? Is that distinct from glucose-limited condition?

      Figure S5 addresses the major locations of Ty insertions upstream of tRNA genes, in both Glucose and Nitrogen limited evolutions, the insertion location previously published to be preferred; the only difference between glucose and nitrogen is that there are more in the nitrogen limited condition, though the profile of insertions upstream of tRNAs is essentially the same. In addition to insertions upstream on tRNAs, all other specific insertion locations are available in Supplemental File 1 and Supplemental File 4.

      "Studies determining at which step(s) of the Ty life cycle nitrogen starvation shapes ty activity would be needed to determine the specific mechanism underlying the increase in transposon insertions." Here "ty" => "Ty"

      Corrected! We thank the reviewer for their detailed reading.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript is a follow-up work of Levy et al. 2015 and Blundell et al. 2019. In general, the research is interesting and point out the important role of Ty for adaptive evolution in nitrogen-limited environment. It also compared the spectrum of adaptive mutations in response to nitrogen limitation by serial transfer (this work) and chemostat (especially the work of Gresham lab). The paper is well-written as well. Audience from the field of genetics, genomics and evolution will be interested in this work.

      My field of expertise: genetics, experimental evolution, budding yeast

      We thank the reviewer for their kind comments, constructive input, and generosity with their time.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Hays et al. sequence and analyze the mutational spectrum from a set of S. cerevisiae strains evolved in a nitrogen limiting environment, and detail genes that recurrently are found to be mutated in a fluctuating nitrogen limiting environment. These data are contrasted to evolution under glucose limited environments and non-fluctuating environments. Specifically, Hays et al. observe a high proportion of Ty element-mediated mutations arising from strains evolved under the fluctuating nitrogen limiting regime. Their fitness data are robust and clearly demonstrate that these mutations reproducibly lead to improved fitness under nitrogen limitation (based on the authors' defined criteria). Overall, the observed bias of the high proportion of Ty-mediated mutation in fluctuating nitrogen starvation is unexpected and an important finding. Further, the discussion was thoughtful and well executed in detailing interpretations of the data more broadly. We are generally positive about this work and find the analyses robust and convincing. The authors should address the concerns listed below prior to acceptance/publication.

      We thank the reviewer for their kind words and enthusiasm for our study, we have worked to address their constructive feedback as detailed below.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Major comments to be addressed:

      The claim that the 3' UTR Ty insertions in MEP1 are apparently gain of function is very interesting. The authors should consider performing RT-PCR or strand specific RNAseq to see whether the antisense transcript is reduced and the MEP1 transcript is increased in the presence of the 3' UTR insertion. This would provide much stronger support for their claim that MEP1 3' Ty insertions are gain of function. Orientation information is critical to provide!

      We agree that these future directions are exciting and of extreme interest! We however believe they are out of the scope of this current study which already includes substantial data and analysis. We note that we did not claim that the 3’ UTR insertions are gain of function – instead, we suggested that “Ty insertions in the 3’ region unique to the MEP1 locus may affect fitness in nitrogen limitation via a mechanism different than the putative gain of function missense mutations in the coding region itself”. We did not speculate on the mechanism by which these insertions are adaptive, but it is an active line of research and we look forward to discovering the mechanism.

      The authors seemed to miss a golden opportunity to measure Ty1 expression or transposition under fluctuating/non-fluctuating nitrogen starvation. Otherwise, the claims of increased Ty activity are unsupported. The authors measured an endpoint (Ty insertion), but this says nothing directly as to the rate of activity, although it is presumably correlated. However, based on the data one could argue activity may be equal in all environments, but the mutational events caused by Ty activity are uniquely selected for in fluctuating nitrogen starvation. As it stands, either model (increased activity vs. differential strength of selection) are equally likely. At a minimum, the authors should at least address this point.

      We appreciate the reviewer bringing this concern to our attention: we address the reviewer’s concerns in 3 ways: First, we’ve rephrased to more explicitly consider the possibility that the observed difference in novel Ty insertions could be driven at the level of selection, not activity. Second, we’ve clarified the main text to greater emphasize our reasoning for why we speculate the inference of greater Ty activity under nitrogen starvation may be more likely based on the level of presumptive neutral Ty insertions being greater in nitrogen than in glucose (even after normalization for the number of evolved generations). Third, we’ve performed additional experiments that support that, at least with an artificial retrotransposition reporter construct, these starvation conditions show additional Ty activity in nitrogen compared to glucose (note, we have not carried out such experiments in chemostats, and do not currently have a functioning chemostat set up). We’re including these results below, though have not included them in the manuscript, as we intend to generate additional data for a subsequent study to make these claims more robust. We feel that adding them to this manuscript would make it less focused.

      To assess Ty activity in yeast experiencing different nutrient conditions, we used a modified version of a plasmid-based Ty reporter created previously by Curcio and Garfinkel, 1991, PNAS 88(3):936-40. The original reporter construct used an inducible GAL promoter to initiate Ty transcription from the plasmid, and new Ty insertions confer the ability for the strain to grow on SC-His. To assess Ty activity induced by nitrogen limitation, we excised the GAL promoter and instead used the native Ty promoter from the insertion found at YPLWTy1-1. This Ty promoter was selected based on having recovered novel Ty insertions in evolved clones that originated from this locus.

      Plasmid pGS234 was created by replacing the promoter containing XhoI fragment from pGTy1mhis3-AI with XhoI fragment containing promoter from chromosomal location of YPLWTy1-1.

      Strains bearing the Ty reporter plasmid pGS234 were subjected to nitrogen limited media and glucose limited media to assess transposon activity in these conditions. We observe significantly more Ty activity from the reporter plasmid in nitrogen-limited conditions than in glucose limited conditions or in SC-ura medium (see Figure below).

      Panel A: Bars represent average of three WT strains with transposon reporter plasmid; each value is number of colonies on SC-His medium with each His+ colony representing independent Ty transposition events. Strains were grown in SC-Ura and then shifted to M14, M3 or SC-Ura as a control for 48 hours and plated on SC-His plates.

      Panel B. One WT strain with pGS234 was subjected to a fluctuation test (16x 5ml tubes) in M14 and M3 media. Each dot represents the number of colonies on each SC-His plate. Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 23.341, df = 1, p-value = 1.357e-06

      In line with the above, we think the authors should soften some points in the discussion as it stands. For example: "The significant increase of Ty activity under this specific fluctuating nitrogen-starvation..." We feel the data does not exclusively support increased activity of Ty, that would require the aforementioned assays. As it stands, we feel this is more appropriate: ": "The significant increase of Ty insertions under this specific fluctuating nitrogen-starvation..."

      We edited the main text to include this suggested language change.

      Minor comments to be addressed:

      Please provide a citation for the following statement "The single copy of Ty5 in the ancestor is known to be inactive and gives rise to no new insertions under either glucose or nitrogen limitation" - Voytas & Boeke. Nature 1992.

      We appreciate the reviewer catching this, and the reference has been added.

      We found the following to be a confusing sentence: "Indeed, if global Ty derepression reflects a host-parasite coevolution that minimizes host cost and maximizes potential for survival of both, the role of transposons in host evolvability is important (Levin and Moran 2011)."

      We have clarified this sentence by editing it to: “Indeed, the role of transposons in host evolvability is important: global Ty derepression could reflect host-parasite coevolution towards a less parasitic lifestyle: resulting in minimal host cost and maximized potential for survival of both, especially under detrimental environmental conditions (Levin and Moran 2011)”

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Hays et al. studied the genomic changes that lead to adaptation under fluctuating nitrogen starvation. In addition to loss of function alleles, the authors identified adaptive gain-of- function alleles. Furthermore, their results demonstrate that Ty and microhomology-facilitated mutations in several candidate genes contribute substantially (though not exclusively) to the adaptation under nitrogen-limited serial transfer. Importantly, a novel lineage tracking method provides high resolution fitness measurements.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s helpful edits in clarifying and improving the manuscript, and appreciate their time and constructive input.

      Despite the clear merits of the study, we also have a few relatively minor questions and suggestions

      • Please elaborate on the criteria they used to identify adaptive loci. The fact that these mutations occurred repeatedly is highlighted on Table 1, but perhaps numbers could also be included in the text, to increase clarity.* We have added the pertinent numbers to the main text to accompany the values captured in Table 1 and Supplemental file 1 and further emphasize selection criteria outline in the main text.

      • "Were also validated to a fitness effect of >0.01 in nitrogen-limited media". More details about the selection of this cut-off value need to be provided in either the text or the Methods section to increase clarity.*

      We agree and have clarified the limit of detection used in the methods section.

      • In Figure 3 it seems that the type of observed mutations was less important compared to the gene where the mutation occurred. Therefore, it seems that some genes, e.g. GAT1, contribute more to the observed fitness change. It would be beneficial if the authors discussed this observation.*

      We thank the reviewer for their observation and have included some additional discussion in the main text around the per-locus fitness observations as shown in Figure 3.

      • What was the reason to select samples from the 88th generation for glucose and from the 192nd generation for nitrogen, as presented in Figure 5? How does this affect the observations?*

      We thank the reviewer for their question: these generations were determined to best capture peak adaptive diversity (as discussed in Blundell et al 2019), based on population barcode dynamics in the original evolutions (Levy et al 2015, Blundell et al. 2019). The challenge is balancing picking a time point late enough, such that there are sufficient numbers of adaptive clones within independent lineages, yet early enough that few mutations have occurred (ideally only a single adaptive mutation per sequenced clone) and that no very fit clones have taken over the population. Because the fitness effects of beneficial mutations in glucose limited media were larger than in nitrogen limited media it was necessary to choose a later timepoint in the Nitrogen limited evolutions, to allow for there to be a sufficient fraction of the population carrying adaptive mutations. We believe this peak diversity makes these samples the most relevant for broadly assessing the adaptive mutational spectra.

      • The use of statistics is not always clear. Please provide a clear indication of the statistical methods/tests used, eg for Figure 5.*

      We thank the reviewer for this important point and have updated figures 2 and 5 and their corresponding legends for clarity surrounding statistical analysis used.

      • The authors could include a supplementary Table, summarising their findings on GAT1 locus, since the text is extensive and it is difficult to put all the information into perspective.*

      We note that row one of Table 1 in the main text is exactly this overview of the mutations observed at the GAT1 locus. These mutations plus specific location and their fitness remeasurements are shown in Figure 3 panel A, and detailed descriptions of the mutations for each clone are also available in the sortable table in Supplemental File 1. For these reasons we’ve not included an additional GAT1-specific table.

      • The introduction is extremely detailed and informative, but at the same time quite lengthy; shortening it and only keeping the most relevant parts may increase readability.*

      We appreciate the reviewer’s perspective but have not made substantial changes to remove information from the introduction as we feel that each of the subsections of the introduction are necessary to provide the appropriate context to the study.

      • More detailed figure legends (which should also include a brief mentioning of the statistics & sample size) would benefit comprehensibility. For example the black lines in Figure S4 are not described anywhere in the text.*

      We agree and have added further description of statistics used in legends throughout. Description of the black lines in Figure S4 has been included.

      • "Many of the 332 clones ... were beneficial" à rephrase.*

      We have updated this sentence to clarify our intent.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Apart from the elegant characterization of adaptive mutations, perhaps the most important part of the study is that it highlights the importance of a particular selection regime. Together, the findings extend our knowledge on this important topic.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Hays et al. studied the genomic changes that lead to adaptation under fluctuating nitrogen starvation. In addition to loss of function alleles, the authors identified adaptive gain-of- function alleles. Furthermore, their results demonstrate that Ty and microhomology-facilitated mutations in several candidate genes contribute substantially (though not exclusively) to the adaptation under nitrogen-limited serial transfer. Importantly, a novel lineage tracking method provides high resolution fitness measurements.

      Despite the clear merits of the study, we also have a few relatively minor questions and suggestions

      1. Please elaborate on the criteria they used to identify adaptive loci. The fact that these mutations occurred repeatedly is highlighted on Table 1, but perhaps numbers could also be included in the text, to increase clarity.
      2. "Were also validated to a fitness effect of >0.01 in nitrogen-limited media". More details about the selection of this cut-off value need to be provided in either the text or the Methods section to increase clarity.
      3. In Figure 3 it seems that the type of observed mutations was less important compared to the gene where the mutation occurred. Therefore, it seems that some genes, e.g. GAT1, contribute more to the observed fitness change. It would be beneficial if the authors discussed this observation.
      4. What was the reason to select samples from the 88th generation for glucose and from the 192nd generation for nitrogen, as presented in Figure 5? How does this affects the observations?
      5. The use of statistics is not always clear. Please provide a clear indication of the statistical methods/tests used, eg for Figure 5.
      6. The authors could include a supplementary Table, summarising their findings on GAT1 locus, since the text is extensive and it is difficult to put all the information into perspective.
      7. The introduction is extremely detailed and informative, but at the same time quite lengthy; shortening it and only keeping the most relevant parts may increase readability.
      8. More detailed figure legends (which should also include a brief mentioning of the statistics & sample size) would benefit comprehensibility. For example the black lines in Figure S4 are not described anywhere in the text.
      9. "Many of the 332 clones ... were beneficial"  rephrase.


      Apart from the elegant characterization of adaptive mutations, perhaps the most important part of the study is that it highlights the importance of a particular selection regime. Together, the findings extend our knowledge on this important topic.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Hays et al. sequence and analyze the mutational spectrum from a set of S. cerevisiae strains evolved in a nitrogen limiting environment, and detail genes that recurrently are found to be mutated in a fluctuating nitrogen limiting environment. These data are contrasted to evolution under glucose limited environments and non-fluctuating environments. Specifically, Hays et al. observe a high proportion of Ty element-mediated mutations arising from strains evolved under the fluctuating nitrogen limiting regime. Their fitness data are robust and clearly demonstrate that these mutations reproducibly lead to improved fitness under nitrogen limitation (based on the authors' defined criteria). Overall, the observed bias of the high proportion of Ty-mediated mutation in fluctuating nitrogen starvation is unexpected and an important finding. Further, the discussion was thoughtful and well executed in detailing interpretations of the data more broadly. We are generally positive about this work and find the analyses robust and convincing. The authors should address the concerns listed below prior to acceptance/publication.


      Major comments to be addressed:

      The claim that the 3' UTR Ty insertions in MEP1 are apparently gain of function is very interesting. The authors should consider performing RT-PCR or strand specific RNAseq to see whether the antisense transcript is reduced and the MEP1 transcript is increased in the presence of the 3' UTR insertion. This would provide much stronger support for their claim that MEP1 3' Ty insertions are gain of function. Orientation information is critical to provide!

      The authors seemed to miss a golden opportunity to measure Ty1 expression or transposition under fluctuating/non-fluctuating nitrogen starvation. Otherwise, the claims of increased Ty activity are unsupported. The authors measured an endpoint (Ty insertion), but this says nothing directly as to the rate of activity, although it is presumably correlated. However, based on the data one could argue activity may be equal in all environments, but the mutational events caused by Ty activity are uniquely selected for in fluctuating nitrogen starvation. As it stands, either model (increased activity vs. differential strength of selection) are equally likely. At a minimum, the authors should at least address this point.

      In line with the above, we think the authors should soften some points in the discussion as it stands. For example: "The significant increase of Ty activity under this specific fluctuating nitrogen-starvation..." We feel the data does not exclusively support increased activity of Ty, that would require the aforementioned assays. As it stands, we feel this is more appropriate: ": "The significant increase of Ty insertions under this specific fluctuating nitrogen-starvation..."

      Minor comments to be addressed:

      Please provide a citation for the following statement "The single copy of Ty5 in the ancestor is known to be inactive and gives rise to no new insertions under either glucose or nitrogen limitation" - Voytas & Boeke. Nature 1992.

      We found the following to be a confusing sentence: "Indeed, if global Ty derepression reflects a host-parasite coevolution that minimizes host cost and maximizes potential for survival of both, the role of transposons in host evolvability is important (Levin and Moran 2011)."

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript by Hays and colleagues described the spectrum of mutations that drive adaptation in nitrogen-limit environment by experimental evolution. The approach of serial transfer (fluctuating condition) allowed them to find that Ty insertion is the major mutation type for adaptive evolution. This was neither observed in nitrogen-limited condition when another experimental evolution approach, chemostat (non-fluctuating condition), was applied, nor in glucose-limited condition. The authors concluded that not only selection pressure itself but also how selection is applied are important to shape the adaptive events.

      Major points

      Both serial transfer and chemostat are commonly used approaches of experimental evolution. In the manuscript, the authors refer serial transfer to "fluctuating" condition because the low nitrogen source would be consumed to none during the interval of transfers. I am wondering whether the authors have estimated the nitrogen uptake (consumption) during the transfer intervals and whether the nitrogen was exhausted within 48 hours. Since this is not precisely controlled by experiment design, the "fluctuating" condition itself may be not stable during the long-term evolution. For example, as population evolved, the rate and the amount of nitrogen uptake might change. I feel a better experiment setup for "fluctuating" condition is like 24 hour "low-nitrogen (ammonium)" - 24 hour "no ammonium" and so on. If the adaptive mutations (e.g. adaptive Ty) specifically respond to such "fluctuating" condition rather than chemostat, the authors can measure their fitness in nitrogen starvation condition, which is expected to be fitter than mutants observed only in chemostat (e.g. copy number variation of nitrogen transporters).

      The authors compared their results with published dataset using nitrogen-limitation chemostat and the mutation spectrum is different. In addition to the "fluctuating" and "non-fluctuating" difference as mentioned above, other factors need to be considered. First, the nitrogen-limited conditions in the two studies are different. The authors used 0.04% ammonium sulfate while Hong et al used "800 uM nitrogen regardless of the molecular form of the nitrogen", which may influence the mutation spectrum and need to be discussed. Second, bottlenecks were applied for each transfer in this study, in comparison with constant population size in chemostat, which will influence the efficiency of selection and further the evolutionary dynamics and outcomes. Thus, population size and bottlenecks need to take in to account to make comparisons of mutation spectrum.

      The authors found that Ty mutagenesis accounts for a substantial number of adaptive mutations in nitrogen limitation. I am wondering for adaptive clones, whether Ty occurred independently or is more likely to co-exist with other drivers. What is the distribution of number of clones with one, two, and multiple mutations? If there is co-existence of driver mutations, what is the relative contribution of each to adaptation? The phenotypic validation of Ty mutagenesis for adaptation is expected while it seems only one case was presented in Figure 2 (mep1Ty−731427).

      Statistical analysis needs to be reinforced in the manuscript, including but not limited to Figure 2 fitness comparison among clones with different genotypes, Figure 5 Ty enrichment comparison, etc.

      Minor points

      "For diploids, we only sequenced those with estimated fitness greater than diploidy alone would provide." Need edits.

      "either through impacting alternate start (green triangle) or alternate stop sites (yellow and red triangles)." I do not see yellow and red triangles in Fig. 3.

      Fig.2. FCY2 mutant fitness can be added as well?

      "while we found only 212 novel Ty insertions in 488 glucose evolved clones (Figure 5B)" The value in the text does not match the one in the figure.

      In addition to adaptive Ty insertion, what is the genome-wide distribution or characteristics of other Ty, especially for nitrogen-limited condition? Is that distinct from glucose-limited condition?

      "Studies determining at which step(s) of the Ty life cycle nitrogen starvation shapes ty activity would be needed to determine the specific mechanism underlying the increase in transposon insertions." Here "ty" => "Ty"


      The manuscript is a follow-up work of Levy et al. 2015 and Blundell et al. 2019. In general, the research is interesting and point out the important role of Ty for adaptive evolution in nitrogen-limited environment. It also compared the spectrum of adaptive mutations in response to nitrogen limitation by serial transfer (this work) and chemostat (especially the work of Gresham lab). The paper is well-written as well. Audience from the field of genetics, genomics and evolution will be interested in this work.

      My field of expertise: genetics, experimental evolution, budding yeast

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: The authors use an unclassified quaranjavirus, Wǔh�n mosquito virus 6 (WuMV-6), to demonstrate the possibility of orthomyxvirid global transmission dynamic analyses. The focused surface protein analysis strongly indicates a vertebrate host for WuMV-6 in addition to the insect host. The analysis is then expanded to other quaranjaviruses, which differ considerably in their surface glycoproteins, indicating a complex evolution. Finally, the authors scientifically demonstrate that orthomyxovirids are undersampled and hence that this family will have to expand considerably in the future.

      Major comments: none

      We thank the reviewer for a succinct summary of our study and we are very glad the key messages were sufficiently clear.

      Minor comments: The article lacks precision and hence some global edits are in order. Generally:

      1. For clarity to the reader, please introduce the family Orthomyxoviridae, i.e., its current official composition (i.e., 9 genera, 21 species, and 22 viruses) so the reader is not confused by terms such as "quaranjavirus" or "isavirus" etc.).

      This is a fair request though we would prefer to err on the side of caution with regards to the precise number of taxonomic ranks given the flux viral taxonomy has experienced and in light of the deluge of new taxa being discovered all the time. We refer to the “traditional” view of orthomyxovirid taxonomy at the genus level, encompassing the genera described up until 2011.

      After that, please clearly indicate which viruses are classified and which ones are not. For instance, the main virus dealt with in this paper is unclassified, and so are Astopletus and Ūsinis viruses.

      We do not think this is reasonable since virtually all RNA viruses discussed in the text are not classified and their status as such has little bearing on any of our findings.

      Please ensure correct spelling, including diacritics, of the viruses and abbreviations throughout: Wǔh�n mosquito virus 6 (WuMV-6); H�běi orthomyxo-like virus 2 [note the deletion of one "virus"]; Wēnlǐng orthomyxo-like virus 2

      Thank you for the comment, we have added the diacritics where we could identify them but may have missed some.

      For orientation of the reader, please refer to family groups of viruses as -virids (e.g., "orthomyxovirids", "human coronavirids", "some rhabdovirids"). This way it is clear to the reader that, for instance, "quaranjaviruses" refers to a genus-level group

      Thank you, we agree that this adds much needed precision in terminology.

      "influenza" is a disease. There are several viruses that can cause influenza; they belong to four different genera. Please scan for "influenza" and replace each either with a virus name (for instance, in the abstract, "...RNA viruses containing influenza A virus" or with a genus name (e.g., "alphainfluenzaviruses")

      Our apologies for that misnomer. The text has been corrected.

      Please ensure the differentiation of taxa (concepts), such as species, and viruses (things). Orthomyxoviridae cannot infect anything, it can also not be sampled etc. Orthomyxovirids, the physical members of Orthomyxoviridae can infect things. Most instances of "Orthomyxoviridae" should be replaced accordingly.

      Thank you for the comment, this has been corrected as suggested.

      In particular:

      1. The title doesn't make much sense. Orthomyxovirids are not taxonomically incomplete - they are things that we simply may not have samples or may have characterized incompletely. Also, the analyses are largely restricted to quaranjaviruses. Hence, I would suggest "...genome evolution, and broad diversity of quaranjaviruses"

      Our apologies for the confusion. The analyses we carried out to quantify evolutionary orthomyxovirid diversity likely waiting to be discovered was carried out on all known (at the time) members of ____Orthomyxoviridae____ and thus the title must still refer to the entire family rather than quaranjavirids. We felt that the term “taxonomic incompleteness” imparts on the reader exactly what the reviewer refers to, namely that new taxonomic ranks are likely to come as more evolutionary diversity gets uncovered. Alternative and more precise formulations, like referring to evolutionary incompleteness or something similar, would miss the fact that it is taxonomy that discretises the otherwise continuous evolutionary change.

      Abstract: genomes are not employed and do not make money. Please replace "employed" with "used"

      We have to respectfully disagree since the definition of the word “employ” also includes the meaning “to make use of”.

      Re: point 6 above, Introduction: species/families etc. cannot be discovered. They are being established by people for viruses that may be discovered. Please fix here and elsewhere (in most cases, "species" should be replaced with "viruses")

      We agree that taxonomic ranks are designated and not discovered and have changed the text accordingly.

      P3, second paragraph: please place "jingmenviruses" in quotation marks as this is not an official term (yet). Please add "potentially" ("as potentially causing human disease"). Even the authors only speak of an "association" and do not fulfill Koch's postulates

      We have to respectfully disagree here too. “Jingmenviruses” as a term is unambiguous in referring to a group of related segmented flaviviruses even though the groups is not officially assigned a taxonomic rank. We have altered the text to add uncertainty to the claim that jingmenviruses cause disease in humans.

      P3, top right column: "e.g., the tick-borne Johnston Atoll quaranja- and thogotoviruses" is ambiguous. Please change to "e.g., the tick-borne quaranja- and thogotoviruses" or list particular viruses and clarify which belong to which genus

      Apologies for the confusion. We fixed this instance.

      P3, right column "smaller number" - change to "lower number"

      We have altered the offending sentence in response to reviewer 2 and this combination of words is no longer present.

      P3, right column "or only the polymerase" - makes no sense to the reader as it has not been introduced; and grammatically needs to be improved as the polymerase is also encoded on a segment. Likewise, PB1 makes no sense to unacquainted reader - maybe add a few sentences to the intro right after the family introduction on general genome composition and that PB1 is part of the polymerase holoenyzme?

      We have altered the offending sentence in response to reviewer 2 but we take the point. We’ve added detail about the RNA-directed RNA polymerase of orthomyxovirids to the introduction.

      P4: the Ebola virus glycoprotein is called GP1,2 [with 1,2 in subscript] (also Figure 2 legend)

      Respectfully, while the reviewer is technically correct in that the glycoprotein of Ebola virus is referred to as GP_1,2 in proteomics literature (the 1,2 referencing the protein held together by a cysteine bridge post-cleavage), calling it GP is not out of place in evolutionary studies and the term “Ebola virus GP” is unambiguous to the reader.

      P4: please change "West Africa" to "Western Africa" (the designation of the area by the UN)

      Unfortunately, while we agree that the reviewer is correct in that the UN refers to the region as “Western Africa”, references to the “West African Ebola virus epidemic” are ubiquitous in the literature and thus we do not see the reason to change the term here either.

      P6: change "with Rainbow / Steelhead trout orthomyxviruses" to "with mykissviruses (rainbow trout orthomyxovirus and steelhead trout orthomyxovirus)" [note that virus names are not capitalized except for proper noun components; hence also "infectious salmon anemia virus, bottom right column]

      While we recognise that viruses related to infectious salmon anaemia virus discovered in trout have received a separate taxonomic designation we feel very strongly about not mentioning it in our manuscript. Our fear is that “mykissviruses” have been designated too hastily on the basis of a handful of representatives and that relatives discovered in the future may show an indiscernible continuum between “mykissviruses” and isaviruses, invalidating the former as a valid term. We would therefore strongly prefer to keep references to specific viruses rather than a taxonomic designation that may disappear so that a future reader may have an easier time with our study.

      P6, right column: please change "RNA-dependent" to the IUPAC/IUB-correct "RNA-directed"


      Figure 2 is too small. I could not figure out B with or without my confocals... Likewise S2, S3 are way too small. In Fig 2 legend, please place "spike" into lower case

      We understand the reviewer’s concern here but Figure 2B was a compromise between vertical space available on a page, the number of taxa in the PB1 tree, and what we thought important to communicate - the variation in segment number across orthomyxoviruses and mapping of PB1 diversity to gp64 diversity. This was done at the expense of individual taxon name visibility whilst fully zoomed out. To remedy this Figure 2B was rendered in 300 dpi resolution such that zooming in will show individual taxon names clearly. We ultimately hope to publish our study in an online-only journal where printing will not present an issue. Likewise for figures S2 and S3. We have changed “Spike” to be lower case in the legend.

      Figure 3: correct spelling of virus names (from top to bottom): rainbow trout orthomyxovirus, infectious salmon anemia virus, influenza C virus, influenza D virus, influenza A virus, influenza B virus, Wēnlǐng orthomyxo-like virus 2, Dhori virus, Thogoto virus, Jos virus, Aransas Bay virus, ... Johnston Atoll virus, Quaranfil virus, H�běi orthomyxo-like virus 2, Hǎin�n orthomyxo-like virus 2, Wǔh�n mosquito virus 6. Also apply to S6 and others where applicable.

      The names for viruses in Figure 3 were taken directly from their NCBI records and since we do not show their accessions there is no other way to disambiguate them to the reader. We have, however, added the necessary diacritics where appropriate.

      [PS: based on the somewhat backward, non-UNICODE editorial manager system, I am worried that the diacritics in virus names above are not rendered corretly. If so, please look up the Pinyin spelling of Wuhan, Hainan, Wenling etc. - easiest way is to search Wikipedia for the terns and then identify the Pinyin spelling, which is typically pointed out]


      I think we (all reviewers) are all largely in agreement - this is a very useful study; the manuscripts just needs various adjustments. I agree with the requests of the other two reviewers.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The strength of the paper is that it provides a road map on how undersampled taxa may be analyzed and which kind of information can be gleaned from these analyses. The paper also demonstrates that the analysis of seemingly "unimportant" viruses can prove important. The limitation of the paper is that there is no true novel revelation here. The sampling sites of WuMV-2 GenBank records already suggest broad distribution, which often goes along with sequence diversity; the continued discovery of orthomyxovirids in metagenomic studies clearly implied undersampling (but it is nice to have this "gut feeling" scientifically fortified now). The paper is useful for evolutionary virologists, virus taxonomists, orthomyxovirid specialists, and invertebrate virologists.

      We respectfully disagree with the reviewer and believe they may have missed an important point raised by our study. We do not claim that a global distribution of WuMV6 is what makes it remarkable but that its sampled diversity is 1) sufficient to calibrate molecular clocks (in our experience this is not always the case for arthropod viruses) and 2) that WuMV6 has reached its current global distribution ____recently____.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This is a nice example of bringing together a variety of data from metatranscriptomic studies to answer fundamental evolutionary questions in the field of viral evolution. There is a focus on a single virus family, and although some might see this as a little restrictive, I think the 'deep-dive' presented in this paper leaves space for a relatively detailed and comprehensive analysis. No doubt, other studies will gain inspiration from the approach presented here and expand this work to other viral groups.

      Overall, the paper is very well written, and the figures are of a very high quality. It is a shame that there are only 3 main figures in the paper because the supplementary figures are well presented and informative.

      We thank the reviewer for the kind words.

      The manuscript discusses the importance of host quite a bit, and for that reason it would have been nice to try and incorporate the host of the various viruses into the figures somehow (perhaps as a supplementary, since the trees are already quite busy). This might help orientate the reader).

      While we appreciate that host information is of interest, we foresee several issues. For one, we refer to broad host classes (essentially arthropod versus vertebrate) because they are largely determined by membrane fusion protein classes, the actual focus of our study, which exhibit strong phylogenetic signal. Secondly, host information in metagenomic studies can be imprecise, incorrect or unavailable.

      I have some minor comments or suggestions for the authors to consider below. Note, please use line numbers in the future for your submissions.

      A paragraph in the discussion laying out the limitations of this approach would be useful to the reader and would make this excellent paper even more robust.

      Thank you for the suggestion. We presume the reviewer is referring to our interpolation of orthomyxovirid diversity and included a few sentences about the limitations of this approach in the Discussion.

      Pg 3. The sentence starting 'The vast majority of known orthomyxoviruses use one...' should be made into two sentences to make it easier to read. A second sentence for the arthropod description is the obvious edit.

      We appreciate the suggestion and have included it in the manuscript.

      Pg 3. 'The number of segments of orthomyxoviruses with genomes known to be complete varies from 6 to 8'. Rephrase to - 'Orthomyxoviruses genomes are known to have 6-8 segments, but many metagenomically discovered viruses in this group have incomplete genomes...etc...',

      Thank you for the suggestion, it has been included.

      Figure 1 - what do the white triangles mean? Are these the directions of reassortment? This should be explained in the legend...

      We apologise for the omission, this is now explained.

      New Zealand is covered up by the circular tree. It looks like there is a point which is partially obscured.

      The reviewer spotted a mistake on our part here. The figure included the coordinates for Wellington, New Zealand when the detection was actually in Wellington Shire, Australia. This has been fixed.

      PD analysis - t I think you assume that viruses are static in this analysis. As we all know, they continue to mutate and eventually new species will evolve. Is it possible to consider the mutation rate in this analysis and the evolution of new variants/ eventually leading to new species? It might be complicated, and maybe a matter for future work, but it might be worth discussing this as a limitation at the very least. Especially when extrapolating to the future (although you do not extrapolate too far, so maybe this is not an issue here...). You could choose to discuss this in relation to the bird analogy (which was great), and compare the rate of mutation which will lead to the evolution of new species on a totally different time scale.

      We appreciate the point raised by the reviewer and while we wholly agree that the possibility of new viral taxa arising over time is an important caveat, we felt the discussion ends up being rather short. On one hand taxa definitions for different viral groups can be different, and on the other speciation in RNA viruses is difficult to place in absolute time because of a phenomenon called time-dependence of evolutionary rates. Methods accounting for the latter using sophisticated models or external calibration points would seem to imply that speciation timescales exceed those of research.

      Discussion: When discussing the hypothesis that WMV6 diversity is a result of repeat exposure to vertebrate hosts, can you also describe the alternative hypothesis here, and why the evidence leads you to put more weight on the former.

      This is a fair question and we have mentioned an alternative hypothesis in the discussion that’s been brought up by our colleagues before. It’s a hypothesis that alternating between different hosts induces divergent selection pressures on gp64. We contend that since gp64 proteins are thought to use a highly conserved host receptor (NPC1) we think it likely that no major changes are required when switching hosts. We are open to discussing other alternatives if the reviewer has suggestions.


      Seems like we are all in agreement and that after some minor adjustments this will be an excellent contribution.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Please see my review above. I did not use your formatting suggestions since I only saw it upon completing my review.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      This manuscript describes the use of data from metagenomic analyses to make inferences about the evolutionary and geographic history of the Orthomyxoviridae family of viruses and their hosts. Data from Wuhan Mosquito Virus 6 (WMV6) derived from various RNA-seq analyses is used to analyse loss and gain of virus segments over time, the time since the last common ancestor of these segments and the selection pressure acting on different genes. These results are used to hypothesise about which species have vectored this virus in the past and their geographic distribution. The additional phylogenetic diversity provided by characterisation of additional viruses of this species is quantified and projected into the future to demonstrate the value of further work in this area. The study also demonstrates more generally the benefit of additional sequencing and of characterising viruses in metagenomic datasets, even in cases where novel viruses are not identified.

      Major Comments

      The methodology in this manuscript appears to be sound and the results support the conclusions. Appropriate and detailed analyses have been performed and are described in detail. Code is provided to allow the results to be reproduced. The figures are informative and very well presented. I do not think any additional analyses are required.

      We thank the reviewer for the kind words.

      Minor Comments

      The manuscript is a little hard to follow in places. I think a brief introduction of WHV6 in the introduction section would help with this - where has it been isolated previously and what is known about its evolutionary history (if anything), how is it related to other Orthomyxoviruses. This information is included later but it would improve the flow of the paper to include it in the introduction.

      We apologise for the inconvenience and agree with the reviewer. We have improved the flow of the manuscript per reviewer suggestion.

      I think including a little more about the Method in the Results section would also be helpful, to save the reader jumping back and forth in order to understand the results. For example, at the beginning of the results section, briefly detailing how many samples were included, their broad geographic location and what the analysis is intended to show (e.g. "three full length sequences isolated from China, seven from Australia [...], between 1995 and 2019, were used to generate a reassortment network, in order to show.....") would be helpful. Each of the subsections of the Results would benefit from something similar.

      Apologies for the lack of clarity on our part. We have added more methodological information to each section in the results.

      Although it is clear in the Materials and Methods which datasets have been included, it is less apparent why these were selected. For example, in Figure 1A there are five countries listed - are these countries for which a particularly large amount of full length sequences were available or for which any full length sequence is available? Similarly, for Figure 1B, are these all of the countries where a dataset has originated containing any segment of WHV6?

      The confusion is entirely our fault as we have clearly not provided sufficient detail. This has been fixed now by explaining this better in the methods and Figure 1 legend.

      In the Discussion, it is stated that the frequency and fast evolution of WMV6 place it uniquely to enable tracking of mosquito populations, however there is no evidence presented to support this - does WMV6 evolve faster or occur more frequently than other mosquito RNA viruses?

      Our apologies for the jump in logic. We now expand on what we meant by the following sentence in the discussion: “In our experience, metagenomically discovered RNA viruses can be rare or, when encountered often, do not always contain sufficient signal to calibrate molecular clocks (Webster et al. 2015).”


      I also agree with the requests of the other two reviewers and that the manuscript will be in great shape once these are included.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This manuscript is very interesting, for the specific results presented here but, more importantly, in opening up further avenues for investigation. The study provides a proof of concept for using viruses derived from metagenomic data for specific and detailed evolutionary and ecological analyses of a single species. The scope of the analysis performed on WMV6 is not particularly broad, but it differs from the typical analysis of viruses in metagenomic datasets, which tends to focus on identification and characterisation of novel viruses only. I believe that this work is valuable to others working in the field, reveals additional potential in existing data and could provide inspiration for many future studies. To my knowledge, it is one of the first studies to focus on a single, fairly under-studied virus, and draw ecological conclusions based on only bioinformatic analyses.

      I think the results presented here for WMV6 may be of interest to a specialised audience, but that the manuscript overall is valuable to a broad audience, including ecologists, evolutionary biologists and virologists conducting fundamental science research.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s kind words.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This manuscript describes the use of data from metagenomic analyses to make inferences about the evolutionary and geographic history of the Orthomyxoviridae family of viruses and their hosts. Data from Wuhan Mosquito Virus 6 (WMV6) derived from various RNA-seq analyses is used to analyse loss and gain of virus segments over time, the time since the last common ancestor of these segments and the selection pressure acting on different genes. These results are used to hypothesise about which species have vectored this virus in the past and their geographic distribution. The additional phylogenetic diversity provided by characterisation of additional viruses of this species is quantified and projected into the future to demonstrate the value of further work in this area. The study also demonstrates more generally the benefit of additional sequencing and of characterising viruses in metagenomic datasets, even in cases where novel viruses are not identified.

      Major Comments:

      The methodology in this manuscript appears to be sound and the results support the conclusions. Appropriate and detailed analyses have been performed and are described in detail. Code is provided to allow the results to be reproduced. The figures are informative and very well presented. I do not think any additional analyses are required.

      Minor Comments:

      The manuscript is a little hard to follow in places. I think a brief introduction of WHV6 in the introduction section would help with this - where has it been isolated previously and what is known about its evolutionary history (if anything), how is it related to other Orthomyxoviruses. This information is included later but it would improve the flow of the paper to include it in the introduction. I think including a little more about the Method in the Results section would also be helpful, to save the reader jumping back and forth in order to understand the results. For example, at the beginning of the results section, briefly detailing how many samples were included, their broad geographic location and what the analysis is intended to show (e.g. "three full length sequences isolated from China, seven from Australia [...], between 1995 and 2019, were used to generate a reassortment network, in order to show.....") would be helpful. Each of the subsections of the Results would benefit from something similar.

      Although it is clear in the Materials and Methods which datasets have been included, it is less apparent why these were selected. For example, in Figure 1A there are five countries listed - are these countries for which a particularly large amount of full length sequences were available or for which any full length sequence is available? Similarly, for Figure 1B, are these all of the countries where a dataset has originated containing any segment of WHV6?

      In the Discussion, it is stated that the frequency and fast evolution of WMV6 place it uniquely to enable tracking of mosquito populations, however there is no evidence presented to support this - does WMV6 evolve faster or occur more frequently than other mosquito RNA viruses?


      I also agree with the requests of the other two reviewers and that the manuscript will be in great shape once these are included.


      This manuscript is very interesting, for the specific results presented here but, more importantly, in opening up further avenues for investigation. The study provides a proof of concept for using viruses derived from metagenomic data for specific and detailed evolutionary and ecological analyses of a single species. The scope of the analysis performed on WMV6 is not particularly broad, but it differs from the typical analysis of viruses in metagenomic datasets, which tends to focus on identification and characterisation of novel viruses only. I believe that this work is valuable to others working in the field, reveals additional potential in existing data and could provide inspiration for many future studies. To my knowledge, it is one of the first studies to focus on a single, fairly under-studied virus, and draw ecological conclusions based on only bioinformatic analyses.

      I think the results presented here for WMV6 may be of interest to a specialised audience, but that the manuscript overall is valuable to a broad audience, including ecologists, evolutionary biologists and virologists conducting fundamental science research.

      My expertise is in computational genomics, focused on RNA virus evolution.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      1) This is a nice example of bringing together a variety of data from metatranscriptomic studies to answer fundamental evolutionary questions in the field of viral evolution. There is a focus on a single virus family, and although some might see this as a little restrictive, I think the 'deep-dive' presented in this paper leaves space for a relatively detailed and comprehensive analysis. No doubt, other studies will gain inspiration from the approach presented here and expand this work to other viral groups.

      2) Overall, the paper is very well written, and the figures are of a very high quality. It is a shame that there are only 3 main figures in the paper because the supplementary figures are well presented and informative.

      3) The manuscript discusses the importance of host quite a bit, and for that reason it would have been nice to try and incorporate the host of the various viruses into the figures somehow (perhaps as a supplementary, since the trees are already quite busy). This might help orientate the reader).

      4) I have some minor comments or suggestions for the authors to consider below. Note, please use line numbers in the future for your submissions.

      • A paragraph in the discussion laying out the limitations of this approach would be useful to the reader and would make this excellent paper even more robust.

      • Pg 3. The sentence starting 'The vast majority of known orthomyxoviruses use one...' should be made into two sentences to make it easier to read. A second sentence for the arthropod description is the obvious edit.

      • Pg 3. 'The number of segments of orthomyxoviruses with genomes known to be complete varies from 6 to 8'. Rephrase to - 'Orthomyxoviruses genomes are known to have 6-8 segments, but many metagenomically discovered viruses in this group have incomplete genomes...etc...',

      • Figure 1 - what do the white triangles mean? Are these the directions of reassortment? This should be explained in the legend...

      • New Zealand is covered up by the circular tree. It looks like there is a point which is partially obscured.

      • PD analysis - t I think you assume that viruses are static in this analysis. As we all know, they continue to mutate and eventually new species will evolve. Is it possible to consider the mutation rate in this analysis and the evolution of new variants/ eventually leading to new species? It might be complicated, and maybe a matter for future work, but it might be worth discussing this as a limitation at the very least. Especially when extrapolating to the future (although you do not extrapolate too far, so maybe this is not an issue here...). You could choose to discuss this in relation to the bird analogy (which was great), and compare the rate of mutation which will lead to the evolution of new species on a totally different time scale.

      • Discussion: When discussing the hypothesis that WMV6 diversity is a result of repeat exposure to vertebrate hosts, can you also describe the alternative hypothesis here, and why the evidence leads you to put more weight on the former.


      Seems like we are all in agreement and that after some minor adjustments this will be an excellent contribution.


      Please see my review above. I did not use your formatting suggestions since I only saw it upon completing my review.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors use an unclassified quaranjavirus, Wǔhàn mosquito virus 6 (WuMV-6), to demonstrate the possibility of orthomyxvirid global transmission dynamic analyses. The focused surface protein analysis strongly indicates a vertebrate host for WuMV-6 in addition to the insect host. The analysis is then expanded to other quaranjaviruses, which differ considerably in their surface glycoproteins, indicating a complex evolution. Finally, the authors scientifically demonstrate that orthomyxovirids are undersampled and hence that this family will have to expand considerably in the future.

      Minor comments:

      The article lacks precision and hence some global edits are in order. Generally:

      1. For clarity to the reader, please introduce the family Orthomyxoviridae, i.e., its current official composition (i.e., 9 genera, 21 species, and 22 viruses) so the reader is not confused by terms such as "quaranjavirus" or "isavirus" etc.).

      2. After that, please clearly indicate which viruses are classified and which ones are not. For instance, the main virus dealt with in this paper is unclassified, and so are Astopletus and Ūsinis viruses.

      3. Please ensure correct spelling, including diacritics, of the viruses and abbreviations throughout: Wǔhàn mosquito virus 6 (WuMV-6); Húběi orthomyxo-like virus 2 [note the deletion of one "virus"]; Wēnlǐng orthomyxo-like virus 2

      4. For orientation of the reader, please refer to family groups of viruses as -virids (e.g., "orthomyxovirids", "human coronavirids", "some rhabdovirids"). This way it is clear to the reader that, for instance, "quaranjaviruses" refers to a genus-level group

      5. "influenza" is a disease. There are several viruses that can cause influenza; they belong to four different genera. Please scan for "influenza" and replace each either with a virus name (for instance, in the abstract, "...RNA viruses containing influenza A virus" or with a genus name (e.g., "alphainfluenzaviruses")

      6. Please ensure the differentiation of taxa (concepts), such as species, and viruses (things). Orthomyxoviridae cannot infect anything, it can also not be sampled etc. Orthomyxovirids, the physical members of Orthomyxoviridae can infect things. Most instances of "Orthomyxoviridae" should be replaced accordingly.

      In particular:

      1. The title doesn't make much sense. Orthomyxovirids are not taxonomically incomplete - they are things that we simply may not have samples or may have characterized incompletely. Also, the analyses are largely restricted to quaranjaviruses. Hence, I would suggest "...genome evolution, and broad diversity of quaranjaviruses"

      2. Abstract: genomes are not employed and do not make money. Please replace "employed" with "used"

      3. Re: point 6 above, Introduction: species/families etc. cannot be discovered. They are being established by people for viruses that may be discovered. Please fix here and elsewhere (in most cases, "species" should be replaced with "viruses")

      4. P3, second paragraph: please place "jingmenviruses" in quotation marks as this is not an official term (yet). Please add "potentially" ("as potentially causing human disease"). Even the authors only speak of an "association" and do not fulfill Koch's postulates

      5. P3, top right column: "e.g., the tick-borne Johnston Atoll quaranja- and thogotoviruses" is ambiguous. Please change to "e.g., the tick-borne quaranja- and thogotoviruses" or list particular viruses and clarify which belong to which genus

      6. P3, right column "smaller number" - change to "lower number"

      7. P3, right column "or only the polymerase" - makes no sense to the reader as it has not been introduced; and grammatically needs to be improved as the polymerase is also encoded on a segment. Likewise, PB1 makes no sense to unacquainted reader - maybe add a few sentences to the intro right after the family introduction on general genome composition and that PB1 is part of the polymerase holoenyzme?

      8. P4: the Ebola virus glycoprotein is called GP1,2 [with 1,2 in subscript] (also Figure 2 legend)

      9. P4: please change "West Africa" to "Western Africa" (the designation of the area by the UN)

      10. P6: change "with Rainbow / Steelhead trout orthomyxviruses" to "with mykissviruses (rainbow trout orthomyxovirus and steelhead trout orthomyxovirus)" [note that virus names are not capitalized except for proper noun components; hence also "infectious salmon anemia virus, bottom right column]

      11. P6, right column: please change "RNA-dependent" to the IUPAC/IUB-correct "RNA-directed"

      12. Figure 2 is too small. I could not figure out B with or without my confocals... Likewise S2, S3 are way too small. In Fig 2 legend, please place "spike" into lower case

      13. Figure 3: correct spelling of virus names (from top to bottom): rainbow trout orthomyxovirus, infectious salmon anemia virus, influenza C virus, influenza D virus, influenza A virus, influenza B virus, Wēnlǐng orthomyxo-like virus 2, Dhori virus, Thogoto virus, Jos virus, Aransas Bay virus, ... Johnston Atoll virus, Quaranfil virus, Húběi orthomyxo-like virus 2, Hǎinán orthomyxo-like virus 2, Wǔhàn mosquito virus 6. Also apply to S6 and others where applicable.

      [PS: based on the somewhat backward, non-UNICODE editorial manager system, I am worried that the diacritics in virus names above are not rendered corretly. If so, please look up the Pinyin spelling of Wuhan, Hainan, Wenling etc. - easiest way is to search Wikipedia for the terns and then identify the Pinyin spelling, which is typically pointed out]


      I think we (all reviewers) are all largely in agreement - this is a very useful study; the manuscripts just needs various adjustments. I agree with the requests of the other two reviewers.


      The strength of the paper is that it provides a road map on how undersampled taxa may be analyzed and which kind of information can be gleaned from these analyses. The paper also demonstrates that the analysis of seemingly "unimportant" viruses can prove important. The limitation of the paper is that there is no true novel revelation here. The sampling sites of WuMV-2 GenBank records already suggest broad distribution, which often goes along with sequence diversity; the continued discovery of orthomyxovirids in metagenomic studies clearly implied undersampling (but it is nice to have this "gut feeling" scientifically fortified now). The paper is useful for evolutionary virologists, virus taxonomists, orthomyxovirid specialists, and invertebrate virologists.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The Authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: In this study, the authors attempt to discover new effector mechanisms of IFN-gamma mediated cell autonomous immunity using a human malignant lung cell line infected with T. gondii. A genome-wide screen discovered NF2 (neurofibromatoris 2) as a transcriptional modulator of IRF-1 dependent cell autonomous response induced by IFN-gamma. To increase the chance of discovering true effectors, a focused screed was performed, which yielded the E3 ligase RNF213. This E3 ligase is constitutively expressed but its levels are further upregulated upon exposure to IFN-gamma. Functional studies indicate that RNF213 plays a role in both the basal restriction and the induced/enhanced restriction of T. gondii growth, which occurs inside a well-defined vacuole. Data further showed that RNF213 associates with the parasite vacuole, both at basal and activated states, and is associated with molecular players involved in non-canonical autophagy. However, further analysis indicated that non-canonical autophagy was itself not required for growth restriction mediated by RNF213. Additional studies also indicated a role for RNF213 in cell autonomous immunity to an intracellular bacterium and a virus. In summary, the screens identified a regulators of the antimicrobial transcriptional and effector programs induced by interferons.

      Major comments:

      The title of the article seems misleading as the experiments and data described in the study does not truly provide a mechanistic basis for how pathogen growth restriction occurs. A new title that better reflects the limited extent of the advance reported here should be selected.

      Because RNF213 is constitutively expressed, it is possible that it could independently downregulate parasite growth without the need for other interferon-inducible effectors. Have the authors determined whether overexpression is sufficient in cells that are not exposed to interferon treatment?

      Minor comments:

      Figure 4F. Labelling to highlight key structures in this EM photograph would be

      Referees cross commenting

      The comment by Reviewer 1 regarding lack of ubiquitin staining of parasitophorous vacuole should be reconsidered, because it is shown in Figure 4 by use of FK2 antibody.


      Knowledge of how human cells execute cell-autonomous growth restriction of intracellular parasites remains rudimentary. Thus, by identifying regulators of the antimicrobial and effector programs induced by interferons, this study represents an notable advance. However, it did not elucidate a novel effector mechanism of pathogen growth restriction.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript "Molecular Basis for Interferon-mediated Pathogen Restriction in Human Cells" by Sumit Matta et al. describes the identification of RNF213 (ring finger protein 213), an E3 ubiquitin ligase, as essential for IFNg mediated control of T. gondii in human cells (A549, THP-1, HFF). RNF213 was found by a CRISPR/Cas9 based screen of IFNg stimulated genes in A549 cells. Additional data obtained from a genome wide CRISPR/Cas9 screen (using the Brunello library from Addgene) found previously known essential genes for Toxoplasma control such as IRF1, STAT1, JAK2, IFNGR1/2 as well as one novel gene, NF-2, as being important for IFNg mediated Toxoplasma control. Functional data reveal that RNF213 is recruited to the T. gondii PV and that ubiquitination is found at the RNF213 positive PVs. For RNF213 function, ATG5 appears not to be of critical importance. Finally, functional assays determined that RNF213 is also required for the IFNg mediated control of the intracellular pathogen M. tuberculosis and the IFNb mediated control of VSV.

      The study is very well performed and executed, the findings are of broad interest and advance our understanding of host-pathogen relationship on a molecular level.

      There are some critical points that should be addressed by the authors:

      The authors use a vacuolar size growth assay. The authors should verify / compare their assay to determine Toxoplasma control, to e.g. qPCR analysis or 3H-Uracil incorporation in the RNF213ko A549 and THP-1 cells.

      All experiments were conducted with the CTG strain of T. gondii which is a type III strain, the authors should investigate whether RNF213 can also restrict more virulent type II and type I toxoplasma strains.

      The induction (RNA / protein) of RNF213 by titrated amounts of IFNg and IFNb should be investigated and compared in A549 cells.

      Minor points:

      What is the induction of RNF213 in NF-2 deficient cells after IFN stimulation?

      Fig. 1E There are three genes indicated in the top left quadrant (PTEN/TSC1/TSC2) but only 2 green data points shown? Why?


      The presented data corroborate and extend a study by Hernandez et al. (mBio. 2022 Oct26;13(5):e0188822. doi: 10.1128/mbio.01888-22. Epub 2022 Sep 26.) with regard to cell autonomous T. gondii defense and add information with regard to immunity against M. tuberculosis and VSV.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Matta et al. investigated, via an initial crispr screen, the host cellular factors involved in T. gondii growth restriction. In the past, different pathways have been implicated in parasite growth suppression including GBPs and IDO1 via tryptophan restriction. As the authors carefully note, the prior studies have notable caveats, and in human cells, other pathways must be involved. To find genes required for T. gondii growth suppression, the authors set a screen to read out parasite vacuole size after IFNg treatment, in a model cell system (A549). In this way, IFNg is the ultimate upstream cytokine that triggers parasite growth restriction and loss of components downstream of the IFNg-IFNgR-STAT1 pathway should be implicated as host anti-parasite effectors. Thus, the screen has the potential to uncover new pathways involved in host resistance.

      Following the screen, the authors initially found NF2 (see below) and then refining their approach to use an ISG-targeted screen, following which they focused on RNF213, recently described as an LPS E3 ligase. The authors chose to divide their manuscript into these two parts. The main critique of the manuscript concerns the fact that neither of the two parts is fully developed.



      1. NF2 was clearly a top hit in the genome-wide screen and loss of NF2 by targeted knockout clearly recapitulated the screen result. However, (i) what the mechanism of growth restriction by NF2? After Figure 2, NF2 is dropped and the authors focus on RNF213. (ii) NF2 is not regulated (obviously) by IFNg (Fig. 2A, WT +/- IFNg). But what is the link between the IFN signaling pathway and NF2? It seems that the NF2 KO has less ISG expression (heat map, 2D) although this data is not convincingly shown: Proteomics seems essential here in addition to the transcript measurements. If NF2 regulates an "upstream" event in the IFNg pathway (implied in 2F, secondary screen), the authors should be able to track down the point at which it exerts its effect.
      2. RNF213 clearly plays an unexpected and important role in parasite restriction. However, the mechanisms involved are not clear. (i) The authors state in Figure 4, that RNF213 co-localized with ubiquitinated parasite-contained vacuoles, but this is not shown (there is no Ub staining in Figure 4). (ii) The effects of RNF213 are independent of ATG5. However, what is missing is the overall quantification of Ub +/- IFNg in control, RNF213 and ATG5 KO cells (di-Gly MS seems essential here). (iii) What is the effect of parasitophorous vacuole UB in the RNF213 WT vs. KO cells? (iv) The authors explain that RNF213 is not an obvious ISG in that its transcript does not fit with canonical ISG expression. Therefore, how do the authors link RNF213 activity with the IFNg pathway? (v) Finally, since we now know that RNF213 ubiquitinates LPS, further controls using this pathway may be useful (especially as LPS activates the type 1 IFN response).

      Further comments:

      1. The microscopy images are too small in my view (throughout).
      2. 2E should be should as bar graphs.
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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      All the conclusions are based on solid evidence and convincing, and the methodology are in detail to follow or repeat. The writing of the manuscript is logical and easy to follow.

      We thank the reviewer for these comments

      1. The mutation experiments indicated that nkd enhanced the phenotype of scr, but there is no leaf phenotype variation in nkd muations, this is some way difficult to understand, it would much better if the authors can give much more explanation in the discussion.

      We have added more discussion on this point. One possibility is that collectively the four genes function redundantly, however, due to the transcriptional negative feedback loop discovered here (Figure 3B), when NKD genes are mutated then SCR expression is enhanced, hence phenotypic perturbations are less likely to be observed than when SCR genes are mutated.

      2.The word green millet in the first paragraph should be changed to green foxtail. Millet means domesticated small cereal grains, such as foxtail millet, finger millet, proso millet etc.

      We thank the reviewer for this feedback and have made the suggested change.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript, which titled Mutations in NAKED-ENDOSPERM IDD genes reveal functional interactions with SCARECROW and a maternal influence on leaf patterning in C4 grasses by Hughes et al., first reported that SCR works regulating both leaf inner pattern and epidermal stomatal patterning in the C4 model plant green foxtail. The functional difference of this gene in Setaria from that in maize and rice indicated that the inner leaf cell patterning regulation of SCR is not a characteristic of C4 Species; this gave us insight understanding of the complex of C4 leaf cell patterning. In addition to this important discover, the authors found that mutations in NKD IDD genes enhance loss of function scr phenotypes in the leaves of C4 maize and Setaria but not in the C3 rice, indicating NKD IDD was involved in the leaf cell patterning in C4 species, but no in C3. They also identified a maternal effect on cell-type patterning in maize leaves that are initiated during embryogenesis.

      We thank the reviewer for their kind comments and suggestions.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The leaf anatomy that distinguishes C4 from C3 plants has been known for decades, with veins in C4 plants separated by 1 to 3 (generally 2) mesophyll cells whereas those in C3 plants are considerably farther apart. This anatomical pattern appears to be critical for the function of the C4 pathway, which under some environmental conditions is a more efficient way to fix carbon than the C3 pathway. Despite the obvious importance of close vein spacing, the genetic mechanisms that control it have been surprisingly difficult to untangle. The statement on the bottom on p. 2 ("To date, very few regulators of cell-patterning in inner leaf tissues have been identified...") is an understatement. The paper by Hughes et al. offers a major step in uncovering the basis of C4 vein spacing.

      We thank the reviewer for this feedback and agree that this work represents a major step forward in understanding C4 vein spacing.

      The authors build on their previous work in Scarecrow-like proteins in maize and rice. In maize, SCR controls patterning of the mesophyll, whereas in rice it controls development of stomata. This paper pursues the possibility that the differences in SCR roles may have to do with interacting proteins. Based on work in Arabidopsis the authors focus on proteins with an indeterminate domain (IDD) and specifically on the NAKED ENDOSPERM genes.

      The paper presents an analysis of an impressive set of mutants in three species. A major step in this paper is the comparison among three species of grasses - maize, rice, and Setaria - rather than the more common two species, usually maize and rice. Maize and rice differ in photosynthetic pathway but they also differ in many other traits that reflect the ca. 50 million years since their last common ancestor. Setaria is, like maize, C4 and the two species are more closely related to each other than either is to rice, although they represent two independent acquisitions of C4. This paper shows that SCR orthologs control stomatal patterning in both rice and Setaria implying that the stomatal function of SCR may be ancestral in the grasses and also is not directly connected to photosynthetic pathway.

      The availability of allelic combinations of SCR and NKD in maize in particular permits the inference of possible maternal effect on the vein spacing phenotype, although exactly how this happens remains unclear.

      The discussion provides a careful and logical assessment of the state of knowledge on SCR and IDD proteins in general, and the new data on SCR and NKD in particular. Many questions remain unresolved, and many additional experiments could be suggested. However, the power of the genetics and the phenotypic analysis together provide a novel direction for research on vein spacing. I will refrain in this review from suggesting what additional information would be nice to have since I think a review should assess the quality of the paper as it stands, not as it could be with months more of work.

      My only really substantive suggestion is that the micrographs of the Setaria leaves need to be improved. Specifically, in Figure 6E it is hard to see the details of the fused veins. Either the section is too thick or the camera was not focused properly. Because this image in particular is central to the entire paper I would recommend aiming for the clarity of the images of Zea cross sections, which are fine.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. Obtaining leaf cross section micrographs from the Setaria scr1;scr2;nkd mutants was extremely challenging as the growth phenotype is so severe (Figure 5), meaning that the available leaves are small and extremely fragile. Multiple attempts to fix and section leaves using a microtome failed, with leaves consistently collapsing. In our hands, Setaria is not as amenable to fresh vibratome sectioning as maize, and combined with the additional challenges of handling the tiny triple mutant leaves mean that the resultant images are not of the same quality as the maize figures. We have included a supplemental figure (Figure S8) with additional examples of fused veins identified in our screening.

      Very minor point: p. 3 - "double Zmscr1;Zmscr1h mutants" - what does the "h" in Zmscr1h refer to?

      In this context h refers to this gene being a homeologous gene duplicate, as first explained in Hughes et al. (2019). We have included an explanation in the revision.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Strengths of the paper are 1) the inclusion of three species to help determine which aspects of the gene function may be ascribed to C4; 2) thoughtful and comprehensive genetic analysis; 3) careful sections of leaves; 4) outlines of the limitations of the approach. Limitations (several of which the authors acknowledge in the Discussion) include a general lack of molecular genetic data (protein interactions, DNA binding sites, RNA-seq, etc.). While this information would be great to have, I think the strength of the genetics is such that the paper will be foundational for future work in any case. The one bit of additional data that would be ideal would be information bearing on the two mechanistic hypotheses laid out on p. 10. The model that SCR and NKD promote cell division and specify mesophyll identity is the opposite of the model that SCR and NKD inhibit vein formation. An experiment that helped point the reader toward one or the other of these models would be very valuable.

      We agree that an experiment that could distinguish these possibilities would be extremely valuable, and will undoubtedly be the subject of future experimentation.

      The paper fills a critical gap. Little to nothing is known about how the internal anatomy of leaves is patterned and the data presented provide evidence that SCR and NKD are two important players. The paper also provides a conceptual advance in offering a couple of genes and some plausible mechanisms of how they might function.

      The audience will be primarily developmental geneticists and physiologists. The paper addresses an important problem that is of broad interest to developmental biologists and is potentially important for global agriculture.

      We thank the reviewer for their kind comments and suggestions.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript of Hughes et al. aimed to demonstrate the functional interactions between Naked-Endosperm IDD genes and the transcription factor SCARECROW and a maternal effect on leaf patterning in C4 grasses. To this end, the authors conducted a greenhouse and labor experiment to create mutants of related genes and assess the expression of these genes through qRT-PCR combined with fluorescence microscopic images in Rice, Maize, and Setaria. They found an increase in the proportion of fused veins with no intervening mesophyll cells in scr;nkd mutants in C4 species (Maize and Setaria) but not in C3 species (rice). In the end, they revealed a maternal effect of derived NKD on patterning cells in leaf primordia during embryogenesis.

      Major comments - Optional: the authors should have conducted a whole transcriptome experiment through RNA-seq on the mutants as compared to the controls to check if these genes were significantly up-related followed by qRT-PCR for validation. By doing so, the authors should be able to get a broad overview of all key plays involved in leaf patterning.

      We agree with the reviewer that it would be useful to have this data, and such an approach will undoubtedly inform future research.

      • Optional: although the authors may evoke the statistical significance of observing fused veins in mutants sr;nkd, the presence of fused veins in one mutant Svscr1;Svscr2 and Zmscr1-m2;Zmscr1h-m1 may contradict the claim that the authors made regarding the association between scr and nkd. Moreover, the sampling size is not also large enough to draw a substantial conclusion.

      We disagree with the reviewer that our sampling size is not large enough to draw a substantial conclusion. In maize we surveyed 11 quadruple mutants and 588 veins. Although this phenotype is occasionally seen in Zmscr1;Zmscr1h mutants, it is far more penetrant in Zmscr1;Zmscr1h;Zmnkd1;Zmnkd2 quadruple mutants and easily distinguished by eye when viewing each mutant, the statistical analysis only serves to make this point. In Setaria we agree that the differences are less stark, and the sampling size is necessarily lower due to the challenges of working with the triple mutant leaves which are extremely small and fragile (far more so than the maize quadruple mutant leaves). We have already included discussion as to why the phenotype may be less penetrant in setaria. Together we think that the fact the direction of the phenotype matches that of maize is convincing evidence that the increase in fused veins is a real consequence of combining the scr and nkd mutations.

      • There are two copies of nkd in maize but only one copy in rice and Setaria. Does the presence of two copies in maize has any evolutionary or functional meaning? Does the presence and absence of one or two copies has any effect on leaf patterning? It would be interesting to discuss this in the discussion section.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment and have added discussion of this in the manuscript. This situation is common in maize, which underwent a more recent whole genome duplication since its divergence from rice and setaria. Most of these gene-pairs function redundantly, however, there is evidence of functional divergence in terms of expression in some gene-pairs. We have added a sentence in the results explaining why we think the presence of two NKD gene copies in maize is unlikely to have functional significance in this case.

      • The methods section is not easy to read for a non-specialized audience. I suggest providing an explanation of the abbreviations used to describe mutants.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and have made the suggested change.

      • For the results section, you should provide a table summarizing the differences between mutants and controls regarding the leaf structure.

      We have added such a table at the end of the results section and referred to it in the discussion.

      Minor comments: - "Zmscr1-m2;Zmscr1h-m1 seed were" seeds instead

      We have made the suggested change.

      • "Loss of NKD gene function enhances SCR mutant phenotypes in maize and setaria" This section is confusing because several perturbations were observed in triple mutants of Setaria and quadruple mutants of Maize as compared to their double mutants (Svscr1;Svscr2 and Zmscr1;Zmscr1h). You should rewrite this subtitle for clarity.

      We have changed this sub title to read “In maize and setaria, but not in rice, nkd loss of function mutations enhance scr mutant phenotypes”

      • "The accumulation of transcripts in the ground meristem cells" How do you estimate the accumulation of transcripts? What do you mean by the accumulation of transcripts? What do you consider transcripts?

      We use this term as opposed to ‘gene expression in the ground meristem cells’ because we do not know whether the presence/absence/level of detectable RNA is regulated by transcriptional or post-transcriptional mechanisms.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript of Hughes et al. is very interesting in the context of C4 photosynthesis research because there are many transcription factor candidates involved in the development of C4 leaf anatomy but few of them have been validated. However, a whole comparative transcriptome of mutants and controls should provide a broad overview and probably new insight into key players involved in leaf patterning.

      We agree with the reviewer that this would be of great interest, but we feel it is beyond the scope of this study and will be a productive avenue of future research.

      This study goes far beyond the simple validation by outlining the potential interactions between transcription factors. The authors made a substantial effort by combining gene expression results with visual data that strengthen the quality of this manuscript. Therefore, this manuscript is very interesting for the C4 research communities and for the field of developmental biology.

      We thank the reviewer for their kind comments and suggestions.

      A plant biologist working on the evolution and regulation of morphological characters using transcriptomics and genomics.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript of Hughes et al. aimed to demonstrate the functional interactions between Naked-Endosperm IDD genes and the transcription factor SCARECROW and a maternal effect on leaf patterning in C4 grasses. To this end, the authors conducted a greenhouse and labor experiment to create mutants of related genes and assess the expression of these genes through qRT-PCR combined with fluorescence microscopic images in Rice, Maize, and Setaria. They found an increase in the proportion of fused veins with no intervening mesophyll cells in scr;nkd mutants in C4 species (Maize and Setaria) but not in C3 species (rice). In the end, they revealed a maternal effect of derived NKD on patterning cells in leaf primordia during embryogenesis.

      Major comments

      • Optional: the authors should have conducted a whole transcriptome experiment through RNA-seq on the mutants as compared to the controls to check if these genes were significantly up-related followed by qRT-PCR for validation. By doing so, the authors should be able to get a broad overview of all key plays involved in leaf patterning.
      • Optional: although the authors may evoke the statistical significance of observing fused veins in mutants sr;nkd, the presence of fused veins in one mutant Svscr1;Svscr2 and Zmscr1-m2;Zmscr1h-m1 may contradict the claim that the authors made regarding the association between scr and nkd. Moreover, the sampling size is not also large enough to draw a substantial conclusion.
      • There are two copies of nkd in maize but only one copy in rice and Setaria. Does the presence of two copies in maize has any evolutionary or functional meaning? Does the presence and absence of one or two copies has any effect on leaf patterning? It would be interesting to discuss this in the discussion section.
      • The methods section is not easy to read for a non-specialized audience. I suggest providing an explanation of the abbreviations used to describe mutants.
      • For the results section, you should provide a table summarizing the differences between mutants and controls regarding the leaf structure.

      Minor comments:

      • "Zmscr1-m2;Zmscr1h-m1 seed were" seeds instead
      • "Loss of NKD gene function enhances SCR mutant phenotypes in maize and setaria" This section is confusing because several perturbations were observed in triple mutants of Setaria and quadruple mutants of Maize as compared to their double mutants (Svscr1;Svscr2 and Zmscr1;Zmscr1h). You should rewrite this subtitle for clarity.
      • "The accumulation of transcripts in the ground meristem cells" How do you estimate the accumulation of transcripts? What do you mean by the accumulation of transcripts? What do you consider transcripts?


      The manuscript of Hughes et al. is very interesting in the context of C4 photosynthesis research because there are many transcription factor candidates involved in the development of C4 leaf anatomy but few of them have been validated. However, a whole comparative transcriptome of mutants and controls should provide a broad overview and probably new insight into key players involved in leaf patterning.

      This study goes far beyond the simple validation by outlining the potential interactions between transcription factors. The authors made a substantial effort by combining gene expression results with visual data that strengthen the quality of this manuscript. Therefore, this manuscript is very interesting for the C4 research communities and for the field of developmental biology.

      A plant biologist working on the evolution and regulation of morphological characters using transcriptomics and genomics.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The leaf anatomy that distinguishes C4 from C3 plants has been known for decades, with veins in C4 plants separated by 1 to 3 (generally 2) mesophyll cells whereas those in C3 plants are considerably farther apart. This anatomical pattern appears to be critical for the function of the C4 pathway, which under some environmental conditions is a more efficient way to fix carbon than the C3 pathway. Despite the obvious importance of close vein spacing, the genetic mechanisms that control it have been surprisingly difficult to untangle. The statement on the bottom on p. 2 ("To date, very few regulators of cell-patterning in inner leaf tissues have been identified...") is an understatement. The paper by Hughes et al. offers a major step in uncovering the basis of C4 vein spacing.

      The authors build on their previous work in Scarecrow-like proteins in maize and rice. In maize, SCR controls patterning of the mesophyll, whereas in rice it controls development of stomata. This paper pursues the possibility that the differences in SCR roles may have to do with interacting proteins. Based on work in Arabidopsis the authors focus on proteins with an indeterminate domain (IDD) and specifically on the NAKED ENDOSPERM genes.

      The paper presents an analysis of an impressive set of mutants in three species. A major step in this paper is the comparison among three species of grasses - maize, rice, and Setaria - rather than the more common two species, usually maize and rice. Maize and rice differ in photosynthetic pathway but they also differ in many other traits that reflect the ca. 50 million years since their last common ancestor. Setaria is, like maize, C4 and the two species are more closely related to each other than either is to rice, although they represent two independent acquisitions of C4. This paper shows that SCR orthologs control stomatal patterning in both rice and Setaria implying that the stomatal function of SCR may be ancestral in the grasses and also is not directly connected to photosynthetic pathway.

      The availability of allelic combinations of SCR and NKD in maize in particular permits the inference of possible maternal effect on the vein spacing phenotype, although exactly how this happens remains unclear.

      The discussion provides a careful and logical assessment of the state of knowledge on SCR and IDD proteins in general, and the new data on SCR and NKD in particular. Many questions remain unresolved, and many additional experiments could be suggested. However, the power of the genetics and the phenotypic analysis together provide a novel direction for research on vein spacing. I will refrain in this review from suggesting what additional information would be nice to have since I think a review should assess the quality of the paper as it stands, not as it could be with months more of work.

      My only really substantive suggestion is that the micrographs of the Setaria leaves need to be improved. Specifically, in Figure 6E it is hard to see the details of the fused veins. Either the section is too thick or the camera was not focused properly. Because this image in particular is central to the entire paper I would recommend aiming for the clarity of the images of Zea cross sections, which are fine.

      Very minor point:

      p. 3 - "double Zmscr1;Zmscr1h mutants" - what does the "h" in Zmscr1h refer to?


      Strengths of the paper are 1) the inclusion of three species to help determine which aspects of the gene function may be ascribed to C4; 2) thoughtful and comprehensive genetic analysis; 3) careful sections of leaves; 4) outlines of the limitations of the approach. Limitations (several of which the authors acknowledge in the Discussion) include a general lack of molecular genetic data (protein interactions, DNA binding sites, RNA-seq, etc.). While this information would be great to have, I think the strength of the genetics is such that the paper will be foundational for future work in any case. The one bit of additional data that would be ideal would be information bearing on the two mechanistic hypotheses laid out on p. 10. The model that SCR and NKD promote cell division and specify mesophyll identity is the opposite of the model that SCR and NKD inhibit vein formation. An experiment that helped point the reader toward one or the other of these models would be very valuable.

      The paper fills a critical gap. Little to nothing is known about how the internal anatomy of leaves is patterned and the data presented provide evidence that SCR and NKD are two important players. The paper also provides a conceptual advance in offering a couple of genes and some plausible mechanisms of how they might function.

      The audience will be primarily developmental geneticists and physiologists. The paper addresses an important problem that is of broad interest to developmental biologists and is potentially important for global agriculture.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      All the conclusions are based on solid evidence and convincing, and the methodology are in detail to follow or repeat. The writing of the manuscript is logical and easy to follow.

      1. The mutation experiments indicated that nkd enhanced the phenotype of scr, but there is no leaf phenotype variation in nkd muations, this is some way difficult to understand, it would much better if the authors can give much more explanation in the discussion. 2.The word green millet in the first paragraph should be changed to green foxtail. Millet means domesticated small cereal grains, such as foxtail millet, finger millet, proso millet etc.


      The manuscript, which titled Mutations in NAKED-ENDOSPERM IDD genes reveal functional interactions with SCARECROW and a maternal influence on leaf patterning in C4 grasses by Hughes et al., first reported that SCR works regulating both leaf inner pattern and epidermal stomatal patterning in the C4 model plant green foxtail. The functional difference of this gene in Setaria from that in maize and rice indicated that the inner leaf cell patterning regulation of SCR is not a characteristic of C4 Species; this gave us insight understanding of the complex of C4 leaf cell patterning. In addition to this important discover, the authors found that mutations in NKD IDD genes enhance loss of function scr phenotypes in the leaves of C4 maize and Setaria but not in the C3 rice, indicating NKD IDD was involved in the leaf cell patterning in C4 species, but no in C3. They also identified a maternal effect on cell-type patterning in maize leaves that are initiated during embryogenesis.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1

      Major comments: The main conclusions of this work are that promoters of the different classes of genes display differing usage of GTFs and cofactors to promote transcription and likely recruit polymerase by different mechanisms. The in vivo experiments using factor depletion offer strong evidence that certain factors including TBP/TRF2 are differentially required for transcription at the housekeeping/developmental gene classes. The in-depth analysis of different promoter types combined with the genetic approaches outlined above provide compelling mechanistic insights into promoter-specific engagement of regulatory factors. In general, the data supports the authors' suggestions.

      One important shortcoming of these experiments is in the in-vitro DNA binding analysis of GTFs at differing core promoter contexts. The lack of GTFs binding to the housekeeping promoters may be a reflection of low intrinsic transcription activity. If the housekeeping promoters don't assemble active transcription complexes in this in vitro system but the developmentally-regulated promoters do, then a simple comparison of proteins bound to each promoter type is potentially misleading as to the factors required for transcription. For example, results of the in-vivo analysis suggest that the +1 nucleosome is an important factor in the positioning of the transcription start site at housekeeping promoters, therefore the use of chromatinized templates rather than naked DNA would likely better reflect the intrinsic binding properties of factors at promoters.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting that the in vivo experiments constitute strong evidence for the differential requirements of certain factors at different promoter types and that our work provides compelling mechanistic insights into promoter-specific engagement of regulatory factors. We are also grateful to the reviewer for pointing out that we had not sufficiently clearly explained the aim and rationale of the initial in vitro DNA binding analyses (Figures 1 & 2). These which were not meant to assess different factor requirements but to assess if short core-promoter DNA is sufficient recruit transcription-related proteins, as had been reported for TATA promoters, and whether different core-promoter types differ in this ability. We therefore based the in vitro DNA binding assays on the fact that 121bp-short TATA core-promoter DNA is able to recruit and assemble the PIC even in the absence of activators, i.e. when the core promoters are transcriptionally inactive, and assayed all other core-promoter types under identical conditions. Interestingly, while the TATA core promoters enrich for canonical PIC components as expected, housekeeping promoter DNA does not, suggesting that the core-promoter DNA fragments’ abilities to recruit and assemble the PIC differs.

      We agree with the reviewer that one could possibly find conditions in which the different promoter types are active in vitro, e.g. by providing activators or chromatinized templates, and we hope that our explanations above clarify why this has not been the goal of these analyses. As the reviewer pointed out, we assay functional requirements of various TFs and GTFs in vivo in the remainder of the manuscript. We revised the manuscript to improve clarify the aim and scope of these sections (pages 4-9) and are grateful to the author for allowing a discussion of this topic as alternative (see below), many thanks

      One way to address this issue is to test transcription activity of the promoters used in the mass spec analysis. After incubation of promoters with extract, add NTPs and quantitate the basal transcription activity of each type of promoter. If they are the ~same - great. If not, at a minimum, the authors need to acknowledge this as a limitation of the study. The suggested transcription experiment is a simple extension of the work already completed.

      As outlined above, we deliberately assay all core promoter types under identical conditions, such that differences in protein binding reflect the different DNA fragments distinct functional properties. Please also note that while all core-promoter fragments are transcriptionally inactive, they can be activated by input from a strong enhancer (please see Supplementary Figure 2C; housekeeping and developmental core promoters can be induced to comparable levels, and thus weaker binding of GTFs to housekeeping promoters is not a reflection of weaker inducibility or activity).

      We note that all statements and claims are strictly in line of what we tested, namely the core promoter DNA’s ability to recruit transcription-related proteins in vitro. However, we agree with the reviewer that the notion that the core promoters are assayed under identical conditions but are not active is important and discuss it in the main text (pages 8 – 9) and the ‘limitations of this study’ section.

      The authors suggest from the depletion experiments of TBP/TRF2 that the factors are functionally redundant since the level of transcription for target genes recovers after prolonged depletion, though there is not specific functional evidence to support this claim. A suggested experiment to test the functional redundancy of TBP/TRF2 at subsets of genes is to assess the levels of proteins and/or protein binding to promoters after factor depletion. For instance, is there a global upregulation/stabilization of TBP after TRF2 depletion? Or is there an increase in TBP binding at promoters? These can be addressed by western blot for overall protein levels and ChIP-seq or similar method to assess binding to promoters, which are fairly straightforward experiments given that the cells lines have already been produced.

      We thank the reviewer for suggesting potential compensatory mechanism regarding the redundancy of TBP and TRF2 at a subset of tested promoters. To address the question regarding the stability of TBP or TRF2 in the absence of one or the other, we have performed label-free quantitative mass spectrometry on the TRF2-AID cell line and examined TBP levels (Supplementary Figure 4E). We do not see a stabilization of TBP upon the depletion of TRF2 with auxin. The apparent functional redundancy (e.g. Fig. 4J) thus indeed suggests that there might be increased TBP binding. Unfortunately, we are not able to directly test this experimentally due to a lack of resources. We now add a discussion of the potential compensatory mechanisms to the main text (page 14), many thanks.

      A discussion would be appreciated on the generality of the suggested mechanism in metazoans. For example, is DREF conserved only in insects but could other eukaryotes use a similar mechanism at housekeeping genes?

      We agree that some of the specific TFs don’t have one-to-one orthologs outside insects, yet that other prominent features of Drosophila housekeeping promoters are shared more widely. We now discuss the parallel between dispersed patterns of initiation at different promoter types across species, including Drosophila housekeeping and vertebrate CpG island promoters. We also provide an outlook towards future functional, biochemical and structural studies that might reveal more diverse transcription initiation mechanisms at the different promoter types in our genomes (pages 23-24).

      Minor comments: The manuscript is very difficult to read. One major problem is the large number of figures - many of which are not essential for understanding the results. I strongly suggest that the authors think carefully about which figures to include in the manuscript and keep only the most important.

      We agree that the manuscript is complex with six main figures and several different approaches, including biochemistry and mass spectrometry but also genomics and bioinformatics. In addition, the manuscript includes in vitro tests of DNA-protein binding and in vivo assays to probe functional requirement (by depletion) and sufficiency (by recruitment). These different assays assess different properties and complement and validate each other, which is why we feel they are required. We hope that the clarification of the different aspects and their purpose makes the manuscript more easily accessible, many thanks.

      Second, the legends on many of the graphs are very tiny and difficult to read.

      We have revised the figures to improve font size and readability of the figures, many thanks.

      Third, it would greatly help readability if the main figures and legends were imbedded in the manuscript and if the supplemental figures + legends were in a separate document. We have now included the main figures and legends into the manuscript, thanks.

      Fig 4E: very difficult to understand what was done.

      We now add further explanations to the figure legend to describe the different promoter groups compared in the analysis of ChIP-seq coverage of TBP and TRF2. Fig 4A vs G: why are ~ the same number of genes affected by TRF2 vs TBP + TRF2 depletion? I got the impression from the text that there should be a large difference in the number of affected genes.

      We had the same prior expectation, but indeed observed a similar number of downregulated genes upon TRF2 depletion versus TBP and TRF2 double depletion. This may partly be technical, e.g. relating to clonal selection of the different AID-cell lines or thresholding effects, but is likely explained by the relatively few TBP dependent genes (200) that don’t contribute substantially to the larger group of TRF2 dependent genes (3826). The observed number 3935 is 98% of the sum, even ignoring potential overlap. We now clarified this in the text. Fig 5A and similar figures: include the number of affected genes in the figure.

      We added the number to the figure, thanks. Fig S2C: hard to understand what was done from the legend.

      We have added additional explanations to the figure legend, thanks. Fig S2F and similar figures: hard to distinguish the legend and the green colors used. Proofreading: Add citation for Cut&run in the methods.

      We did not analyze CUT&RUN data, however ATAC-seq and ChIP-seq data sets are cited.

      In supplemental Fig1a, the percentage of "INR only" is greater than 100%.

      We thank the reviewer and fixed the typo.

      Supplemental Fig 1a legend-should 170,000 protein coding genes read "17,000"? Santana et al. reference on pg 8 should read 2022.

      We thank the reviewer and fixed the typos Readability: The categorizations of genes classes based on core promoter elements is somewhat unclear-from 1a, is it the case that all TATA contain INRs? A different way of representing the data to capture overlaps in motifs other than a pie chart may better convey these motif relationships. Work could be done to increase clarity in general on the promoter motif subtypes used and how mutually exclusive these elements are in the tested subsets.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We have added a heatmap in Supplementary Figure 1A showing the percent match score to motif PWMs across Drosophila promoters. As the reviewer suspects, most developmental core promoters have a high-scoring INR motif and some have an additional TATA box or DPE motif. We have also revised the remainder of the text and rewritten the methods section regarding the motif analysis (pages 36 to 38) to improve clarity. Many thanks. Figure 5: authors state "all protein coding genes" are downregulated with TFIIA depletion, though it appears some transcripts are unchanged or upregulated in 5B/C. Suggest change in language.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. Less than 70 genes are not downregulated upon TFIIA depletion, and manual inspection shows that these genes include intronic non-coding RNAs such as tRNAs that hinder accurate PRO-seq quantification. However, we agree with the reviewer and revised the text to reflect that essentially all promoters are downregulated, affecting all promoter types. A discussion on the developmental context of the S2 cell line seems appropriate. If S2 cells represent a late stage developmental cell line, would the authors expect the relative utilization of cofactors to be the same/different in other cellular contexts?

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. We indeed expect the relative utilization of cofactors to be the same I most cellular contexts and now added a discussion with relevant references (page 23), many thanks.

      Reviewer #2

      1. The DNA affinity purification method is excellent as a discovery method, but it has some potential caveats. One is that it cannot capture remodeling events that could potentially remove otherwise stably bound factors to allow for transient PIC assembly and gene activation. It is possible that some of the insulator factors such as BEAF-32 and Ibf1/2, which selectively bind housekeeping sequences, could prevent or reduce binding by PIC factors. This could occur if BEAF-32 and/or Ibf1/2 inhibit PIC assembly if bound to DNA and if these factors bind housekeeping promoters with high affinity and slow off-rates. That is, in live cells, a competition could exist between binding of these enriched housekeeping factors and PIC assembly. By contrast, this caveat is not relevant at developmental promoters due at least in part to low/sub-nM TBP binding affinity. Ultimately, this is a minor concern but the authors should address in the article to inform readers about potential limitations of the experiments.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting that DNA affinity purification is an excellent discovery method and for pointing out important differences between such in vitro assays and the in vivo situation. We agree and interpret our results from the DNA affinity purification carefully and specifically regarding differences observed for different types of core promoters under identical experimental conditions. We now highlight these differences more clearly throughout the relevant sections on pages 4-8 and expand the discussion of this issue in the ‘limitations of the study’ section. Many thanks.

      1. More information about how the PRO-seq spike-ins were implemented is recommended. For example, were they fit to a linear regression of read counts/chromosome between all samples, or did they take all hg19 reads as raw fold-change of all samples compared to a control replicate?

      We thank the reviewer for addressing the insufficient information provided about the spike-ins used for PRO-seq. We have added this information to the materials and methods section: We calculated the ratio of spiked-in reads representing the percentage of reads mapping to the human genome over all reads. This ratio was used to determine a scaling factor representing the fold-change of total transcriptional output between the auxin-treated sample and the control samples.

      1. Figure S1C should be cited (not S1B) to support the statement "Mutating either the TATA box or DRE motifs reduced TBP or DREF binding to control levels..."

      We thank the reviewer for this correction and implemented the correct panel citation.

      The authors could note that TATA box mutants still show slight enrichment for TBP compared to negative controls.

      We now note this in the figure legend and explain that it is consistent with TBP binding to non-TATA-box developmental core promoters (Figure 2 B & E).

      In Figure 2A, it would help to remind readers here that TATA, DPE, INR = developmental and TCT, Ohler1/6, DRE = housekeeping.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and implement it

      Figure S2A shows only 121bp and 350bp DRE core promoters but the text refers to 450bp and 1000bp sequences as well. Can the authors show representative results from these longer sequences?

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out these inconsistencies, which we now fixed by revisions to the text and supplementary figures.

      1. In comparing data in Fig 2B and 2E, it seems the statement "the ChIP signals reflected the differential binding preferences observed in vitro for the respective promoter subtypes" should be modified. It is true to an extent but it is more nuanced than indicated by the text.

      We have reworded the section and now discuss the observed trends for GTFs and TFs.

      In Fig S2I, Ohler1 + Ohler6 and TCT are difficult to distinguish because of color scheme choice.

      We agree and now explain in the figure legend that the brighter green corresponds to the Ohler1/6 promoters and the darker green to the TCT promoters, we have additionally edited the legend for better color visibility, many thanks.

      In Fig 3F, perhaps add that Gld has TATA and Fit2 has DRE?

      We now indicate the presence of TATA-box and DRE motifs in the figure, thanks.

      Fig 5D: legend is cut off in the Figure. We thank the reviewer for this comment and now fixed the cropped legend. 11. Fig S2B needs more description and clarification in the main text and the legend. We now deleted Fig.S2B. 12. Page 8, 2nd paragraph "avoiding potential" should be replaced with "minimizing" or similar. We thank the reviewer for this comment and have changed the word choice. 13. Page 16, penultimate paragraph: "Essentially" should be replaced with "Essentiality"

      We thank the reviewer for this comment and correct the wording.

      Reviewer #3

      1. The authors perform a k-means clustering of PWM match scores within 17,000 promoter sequences. They describe in the Methods section that this data revealed 9 groups of promoters. However, although it is likely that several of these promoters contain matches for multiple core promoter motifs, the promoter classes are simply named DRE-promoters, TATA-promoters, TCT-promoters, etc., disregarding any combinatorial association. Furthermore, the clustering data is not visualized to support this naming. The authors should at least provide a heatmap showing the PWM match scores for these clusters and indicate which promoters were used. This is crucial for interpretation of results. We thank the reviewer for pointing out the description of the motif analysis lacked clarity and that the clustering of Drosophila promoters should be visualized. We agree and now provide the k-means clustering heatmap of all 17118 protein coding gene promoters, visualizing the position-weight-matrix (PWM) scores matches for the different promoter motifs in Supplementary Figure 1A. This visualization confirms the reviewer’s suspicion that core-promoter motifs often co-occur in the same core-promoter. For example, TATA promoters typically contain TATA-boxes and INR motifs, etc, which is now clearly seen in the newly provided heatmap. We have also revised the main text, figure legends and have rewritten the method section (pages 36-38) to clarify the analysis of motifs throughout the manuscript. Many thanks.

      2. Relatedly, this paper uses a seemingly over-simplified terminology to describe promoters as housekeeping or developmental. While this terminology has been used in several studies from the Stark lab, this is not well supported by data and the usage of this terminology will likely lead to confusion among readers. Here, housekeeping seems to refer solely to the presence of a motif match in the promoter sequence rather than to ubiquitous expression across cell types. Similarly, developmental promoters seem to refer to anything that is not housekeeping. Are S2 cells best reflecting the activity of developmental genes? What about genes that are not expressed as part of a specific developmental trajectory, but still cell-type restricted? Since focus here is on the behavior of promoters with respect to their core promoter elements, why not just refer to them according to their promoter elements? A good example where the developmental versus housekeeping distinction is not useful is the authors' desire to generalize differences observed in Figure 2B, in which it is quite obvious that there is no clear developmental versus housekeeping split. Rather the data demonstrate that TATA-containing and DRE-containing promoters behave differently.

      We thank the reviewer for raising a concern about the terminology of functionally distinct promoter types in Drosophila. The use of functionally distinct promoter types enriched in different motifs is built on extensive evidence by our lab and others (e.g. the Ohler or Kadonaga groups) that found extensive agreement between promoter sequence, promoter function, initiation pattern, gene annotation, and ubiquitous vs. cell-type-restricted activities. Ubiquitously active housekeeping promoters tend to contain the TCT, DRE and Ohler 1/6 motifs, while cell-type-restricted developmental promoters tend to contain TATA-box, DPE and INR motifs (Arnold & Zabidi, Nat Biotech 2017, Haberle et al. Nature 2019, Ngoc et al. Genetics 2019, Ohler et al. Genome Biol 2002, Ohtsuki et al. Genes & Dev 1998, Rach et al. Plos Genetics 2011).

      We find that the terminology is simple and thus accessible for the non-specialist reader. We agree with the reviewer that clarity is key and revise the introduction of the terminology to clarify that it is based on multiple lines of evidence. We also clarify that Figure 2B – in contrast to the reviewer’s claim – does support a clear developmental versus housekeeping split (please see the dendrogram on top of the heatmap). We now clarified this in the main text and legend to Figure 2B, many thanks.

      1. The authors state that the "prevalent model" in the community is that PIC assembly is the same at all promoters. This is not true. For instance, it is well established that certain core promoter elements have a strong positional effect on TSS selection, while dispersed promoters lack strong positional features. What is less known is how the dispersed pattern, e.g. of non-TATA promoters, arises. The authors should more clearly specify the unknowns and the novel findings of their paper.

      We agree with the reviewer that certain core promoter elements have strong positioning effects on TSS selection and that these occur in promoters with focused initiation patterns such as TATA promoters and developmental non-TATA promoters (e.g. promoters with INR and/or DPE motifs). We also agree that it is unclear how dispersed patterns at housekeeping promoters arise, especially because the initiation sites don’t co-occur with the TF motifs present in these promoters (e.g. DRE or M1BP motifs; see Figure 6A).

      However, the question we address goes beyond TSS selection: we have not seen any study of PIC recruitment and assembly at any promoter with dispersed initiation pattern and the idea of a single uniform Pol II PIC assembly has been the predominant view of transcription initiation during the past two decades (Schier & Taatjes, Genes & Dev 2020). Here, we provide evidence that protein recruitment and GTF usage differs between promoter types, which has mechanistic implications beyond TSS choice alone. In particular, we show that at least two modes of transcription initiation exist that differ between focused developmental and dispersed housekeeping promoters, whereby the developmental promoter DNA directly engages the Pol II PIC via TBP and TFIID, while the housekeeping promoter DNA does not and instead, housekeeping promoters recruit TFs, which recruit COFs and TFIIA. This is exciting and inconsistent with uniform GTF recruitment and assembly, and we hope that this work motivates the study of these different PIC assembly mechanisms at different promoter types.

      One of the major claims made by the authors in the paper is that PIC is recruited directly or indirectly depending on the presence of TATA or DRE. However, their approach seems to pick up a lot of indirect bindings, especially for TATA. This raises concerns of potential biases, which if addressed would strengthen the author's claims. The results do not exclude that TFIIA is directly recruited to TATA but might simply reflect stronger binding to other factors compared to DRE. It is also puzzling that DRE is the only one selected for further validation as it appears to have the lowest affinity for PIC binding and the focus on Ohler1/6 motifs in the final model. Disclaimer, this reviewer is not an expert on DNA-affinity purification assays.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out that we had not sufficiently clearly explained the DNA affinity purifications. They were performed under identical conditions for all promoter types, such that the differential binding to TATA vs DRE promoters reflects the respective promoter DNA’s affinity to various transcription-related proteins – they are key results of our work. Please note that, despite the high number of TATA interactions, many of these interactors are expected and reflect the binding of multi-subunit protein complexes such as the Mediator and TFIID (please see Figure 2B) and reflect the fact that we did not purify the PIC nor reconstitute it from purified components but determine nuclear proteins that bind to TATA-box promoter DNA. We now introduce and discuss these aspects more clearly.

      It is possible that the fewer interactors found for housekeeping promoters stem from lower affinity of the PIC, the lack of chromatin, or the stable binding of sequence-specific binders such as DREF, BEAF-32 and M1BP in our assay (please see our response to reviewer 2 above). As these result from identical experiments under identical conditions, the fewer interactors for housekeeping promoters are also an important result that likely reflects lower affinity or more transient binding. We now clarify these results and their interpretation in the main text and discuss differences between this assay and transcription in vivo in the “limitations of the study” paragraph.

      As the reviewer might appreciate, the follow up experiments, including the creation of AID cell lines, PRO-seq, etc., are a lot of work such that we did them for promoters at the two extreme ends of the spectrum and their respective DNA-binding factors TBP and DREF identified in Figure 1. We think that these representatives sufficiently strongly demonstrate that PIC assembly and factor requirement is distinct for different promoter types, many thanks.

      Their final model is supported by results by Baumann et al (2018), which directly shows binding and interactions between M1BP, putzig, gfzf and TRF2. However, these factors bind to Ohler1, while most of the work within this study (Figures 1, 3) focused on DRE. How do DRE-containing promoters fit with the final model? Currently, these promoters are not even represented in the model figure.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out that the final model highlights the Ohler 1 motif but omits the DRE motif. Based on the functional analyses shown in Figure 6 (pages 19-21), we think that the different motifs function equivalently in recruiting housekeeping cofactors and activating housekeeping transcription and have now included DRE motifs in the final cartoon. Our original choice was indeed based on the fact that previous reports from Baumann et al 2018 corroborate our findings for M1BP. As DRE promoters also recruit and depend on TRF2 (Hochheimer et al. Nature 2002), we now show a model by which housekeeping DRE promoters recruit a TRF2 containing PIC through TFIIA, but would like to stress that both likely function equivalently, leading to dispersed initiation. We also revised the data presentation and the final discussion regarding these promoters, many thanks.

      Minor comments

      1. The TSS patterns of promoters were evaluated using STAP-seq (in vitro data) and developmental CAGE data. For the purpose of the paper and to match the in DNA-affinity purification data better, it would be more reasonable to make use of S2 cell CAGE data (e.g. Rennie et al, 2018 PMID: 29659982).

      We thank the reviewer for bringing up this point. For figure 6 we have used CAGE data from Drosophila embryos instead of S2 cells in order to capture a larger proportion of expressed developmental genes and their promoters, rather than just the ones that are expressed in S2 cells. As promoter motifs are found in stereotypical positions in relation to the TSS (Ohler et al. Genome Biol 2002) and because non-S2-cell core promoters can be activated in STAP-seq (Arnold 2017; Haberle 2019), our use of CAGE data from Drosophila embryos allows us to base all subsequent analyses on many more core promoters and also exclude any cell-type specific effects that may arise in TSS selection.

      Previous models on TSS selection within non-TATA promoters have highlighted the dinucleotide frequency of +1 nucleosomal DNA as a strong positional feature. Here, the authors investigate this model using a rather weak analytical approach. We know that nucleosomes can vary between cells (fuzzy positioning). Variability across promoters may cause larger variability in relative TSS positioning. Hence, what is observed here as a TSS spread relative to the +1 nucleosome positioning might in fact be caused by averaging. A more suitable approach would be to analyze the positional cross-correlation between TSS locations (e.g. revealed by CAGE reads) and nucleosomal positions (e.g. revealed by MNase-seq reads). This would better support claims regarding specific TSS positioning with respect to nucleosome positioning.

      We agree that the analysis of cross correlation between TSS locations and nucleosomal positions at individual promoters would provide a more precise measure of TSS positioning relative to the nucleosome. We had originally chosen a visualization that more directly assesses whether the +1 nucleosome determines the TSSs by centering on the predicted +1 positions. In response to this comment, we have performed two additional analyses: a cross-correlation analysis on CAGE and Mnase-seq read coverage in relation to the dominant CAGE TSS (new Supplementary Figure 6I) and a TSS-centric analysis of Mnase-seq coverage (new Supplementary Figure 7. Both analyses agree with the original analysis and we thank the reviewer for pointing out how to strengthen this analysis.

      The cross-correlation analysis reveals a peak in the mean correlation score 125 base pairs downstream of housekeeping TSS (at TCT, Ohler1 and DRE) promoters but not downstream of developmental promoters (TATA-box, DPE and INR), in line with housekeeping TSS being positioned upstream of the +1 nucleosome.

      The analysis assessing +1 nucleosome positions as derived from MNase-seq coverage relative to the position of the dominant TSS reveals the expected phasing of downstream nucleosomes in housekeeping promoters but not at developmental promoters. Many thanks.

      It is interesting that tethering of housekeeping-associated coactivators leads to a higher positional dispersion compared to the result of developmental-associated coactivators. However, the positional TSS dispersion of housekeeping promoters seems to always be larger than that of developmental promoters regardless of coactivator recruitment. Can the authors explain these results?

      We agree that CAGE data typically show TSS dispersion at housekeeping promoters, yet this reflects the promoters’ transcriptionally active states during which endogenous TFs and coactivators are present. Our analyses are based on short, transcriptionally inactive core promoters that can be activated by cofactor recruitment, leading to the observed outcomes. We now clarify this in the manuscript and highlight that the differences in focused versus dispersed patterns occur even on the very same DNA sequences upon the recruitment of developmental or housekeeping activators (e.g. Fig. 6F).

      The authors seem to suggest that positional dispersion of TSSs within housekeeping promoters is due to stochastic initiation after non-positional specific PIC recruitment mediated via certain co-activators. If TSS selection is truly stochastic, why do these promoters then have dominant TSSs?

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out that our phrasing might have suggested that TSS selection was entirely random or stochastic, which is neither true for STAP-seq nor for endogenous CAGE data. In fact, not all positions have the same probability to initiate transcription, but certain positions or nucleotides seem to be inherently favored. We speculate that favorable positions relate to the local DNA structure, the energy barrier landscape for both DNA helix melting to occur and for the first phospho-diester bond to form (e.g. Dineen, D. et al. NAR 2009 and Vanaja, A. et al. ACS Publications 2022). We now added this discussion and the corresponding references to our manuscript (page 21).

      The authors find Chromator as a likely cofactor for indirect recruitment of TFIIA to housekeeping promoters. BEAF-32 is another factor the authors highlight as being enriched at housekeeping promoters (DRE promoters). Both of these factors have previously been considered insulator proteins or architectural proteins involved in the formation of chromatin folding (Ramirez et al, 2018, PMID: 29335486; Wang et al, 2018. PMID: 29335463). Could the authors comment on this link with their own findings?

      We thank the reviewer for addressing the importance of chromatin topology in the light of our findings, which we now discuss in the main text (pages 22-23).

      1. Can the authors justify PWM match thresholds used and why these were changed from Haberle et al 2019?

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out that these changes had not been justified. We adjusted them to be more stringent (e.g. DPE) or sensitive (e.g. TATA-box) exclusively for the motif enrichment analysis, which we did outside the rule-based promoter-annotation effort. These adjusted thresholds reflect the motifs vastly different information contents, which is low for DPE and high for TATA-box motifs.

      Figure related comments/concerns: • General: Sometimes wrong ordering of figure panels with regards to their first mention in the main text, varying font sizes, and minimal figure legends that are often inconsistent (e.g. PRO-seq is sometimes specified when used, but not always) • Typo: Supp Fig 1: INR only 121.37% • Fig 1E not explained, what does x axis describe and how is it calculated? • Figure 2C-D: The CAGE signal is poorly visualized in panel C, it also poorly describes that this is supposedly done using a pool of promoters. Where is the 450bp blot (it seems plausible that the 450bp fragment could actually facilitate a luciferase signal in Fig S2-B)? How was this pool selected, is it exclusively based on DRE-containing promoters? • Fig 2D: apparent gel leakage and loading on the second panel is low. Preferably, provide positive control on the same gel. • Figure 4C: all classes are negatively affected by TRF2 depletion, thus enrichment (4B) makes little sense here • Figure 5C: Missing axis labels • Figure 6F: A y scale would help here

      We thank the reviewer for these recommendations and have implemented all of them.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript by Serebreni and colleagues examines how core promoter elements influence the binding of general transcription factors and co-activators and the establishment of pre initiation complexes, and how the recruitment of these factors relate to the transcription initiation patterns (focused versus dispersed) within Drosophila promoters. While there is extensive literature on core promoter elements and their association with general transcription factors and promoter classes, a mechanistic link between promoter sequence and dispersed initiation patterns has been lacking. Therefore, the present study is important. Using an impressive range of well planned experiments, combining in vitro (DNA-affinity purification, STAP-seq) and in vivo (CAGE, PRO-seq, ChIP-seq) data, the authors conclude that developmental promoters directly recruit the PIC via positional core promoter elements leading to a focused transcription initiation pattern while housekeeping promoters facilitate PIC recruitment through intermediate binding of additional cofactors leading to a more dispersed promoter initiation pattern. This conclusion is strengthened by experimental data demonstrating increased TSS dispersion upon forced recruitment of cofactors naturally associated with promoters exhibiting dispersed initiation.

      Major comments

      1. The authors perform a k-means clustering of PWM match scores within 17,000 promoter sequences. They describe in the Methods section that this data revealed 9 groups of promoters. However, although it is likely that several of these promoters contain matches for multiple core promoter motifs, the promoter classes are simply named DRE-promoters, TATA-promoters, TCT-promoters, etc., disregarding any combinatorial association. Furthermore, the clustering data is not visualized to support this naming. The authors should at least provide a heatmap showing the PWM match scores for these clusters and indicate which promoters were used. This is crucial for interpretation of results.
      2. Relatedly, this paper uses a seemingly over-simplified terminology to describe promoters as housekeeping or developmental. While this terminology has been used in several studies from the Stark lab, this is not well supported by data and the usage of this terminology will likely lead to confusion among readers. Here, housekeeping seems to refer solely to the presence of a motif match in the promoter sequence rather than to ubiquitous expression across cell types. Similarly, developmental promoters seem to refer to anything that is not housekeeping. Are S2 cells best reflecting the activity of developmental genes? What about genes that are not expressed as part of a specific developmental trajectory, but still cell-type restricted? Since focus here is on the behavior of promoters with respect to their core promoter elements, why not just refer to them according to their promoter elements? A good example where the developmental versus housekeeping distinction is not useful is the authors' desire to generalize differences observed in Figure 2B, in which it is quite obvious that there is no clear developmental versus housekeeping split. Rather the data demonstrate that TATA-containing and DRE-containing promoters behave differently.
      3. The authors state that the "prevalent model" in the community is that PIC assembly is the same at all promoters. This is not true. For instance, it is well established that certain core promoter elements have a strong positional effect on TSS selection, while dispersed promoters lack strong positional features. What is less known is how the dispersed pattern, e.g. of non-TATA promoters, arises. The authors should more clearly specify the unknowns and the novel findings of their paper.
      4. One of the major claims made by the authors in the paper is that PIC is recruited directly or indirectly depending on the presence of TATA or DRE. However, their approach seems to pick up a lot of indirect bindings, especially for TATA. This raises concerns of potential biases, which if addressed would strengthen the author's claims. The results do not exclude that TFIIA is directly recruited to TATA but might simply reflect stronger binding to other factors compared to DRE. It is also puzzling that DRE is the only one selected for further validation as it appears to have the lowest affinity for PIC binding and the focus on Ohler1/6 motifs in the final model. Disclaimer, this reviewer is not an expert on DNA-affinity purification assays.
      5. Their final model is supported by results by Baumann et al (2018), which directly shows binding and interactions between M1BP, putzig, gfzf and TRF2. However, these factors bind to Ohler1, while most of the work within this study (Figures 1, 3) focused on DRE. How do DRE-containing promoters fit with the final model? Currently, these promoters are not even represented in the model figure.

      Minor comments

      1. The TSS patterns of promoters were evaluated using STAP-seq (in vitro data) and developmental CAGE data. For the purpose of the paper and to match the in DNA-affinity purification data better, it would be more reasonable to make use of S2 cell CAGE data (e.g. Rennie et al, 2018 PMID: 29659982).
      2. Previous models on TSS selection within non-TATA promoters have highlighted the dinucleotide frequency of +1 nucleosomal DNA as a strong positional feature. Here, the authors investigate this model using a rather weak analytical approach. We know that nucleosomes can vary between cells (fuzzy positioning). Variability across promoters may cause larger variability in relative TSS positioning. Hence, what is observed here as a TSS spread relative to the +1 nucleosome positioning might in fact be caused by averaging. A more suitable approach would be to analyze the positional cross-correlation between TSS locations (e.g. revealed by CAGE reads) and nucleosomal positions (e.g. revealed by MNase-seq reads). This would better support claims regarding specific TSS positioning with respect to nucleosome positioning.
      3. It is interesting that tethering of housekeeping-associated coactivators leads to a higher positional dispersion compared to the result of developmental-associated coactivators. However, the positional TSS dispersion of housekeeping promoters seems to always be larger than that of developmental promoters regardless of coactivator recruitment. Can the authors explain these results?
      4. The authors seem to suggest that positional dispersion of TSSs within housekeeping promoters is due to stochastic initiation after non-positional specific PIC recruitment mediated via certain co-activators. If TSS selection is truly stochastic, why do these promoters then have dominant TSSs?
      5. The authors find Chromator as a likely cofactor for indirect recruitment of TFIIA to housekeeping promoters. BEAF-32 is another factor the authors highlight as being enriched at housekeeping promoters (DRE promoters). Both of these factors have previously been considered insulator proteins or architectural proteins involved in the formation of chromatin folding (Ramirez et al, 2018, PMID: 29335486; Wang et al, 2018. PMID: 29335463). Could the authors comment on this link with their own findings?
      6. Caan the authors justify PWM match thresholds used and why these were changed from Haberle et al 2019?
      7. Figure related comments/concerns:
        • General: Sometimes wrong ordering of figure panels with regards to their first mention in the main text, varying font sizes, and minimal figure legends that are often inconsistent (e.g. PRO-seq is sometimes specified when used, but not always)
        • Typo: Supp Fig 1: INR only 121.37%
        • Fig 1E not explained, what does x axis describe and how is it calculated?
        • Figure 2C-D: The CAGE signal is poorly visualized in panel C, it also poorly describes that this is supposedly done using a pool of promoters. Where is the 450bp blot (it seems plausible that the 450bp fragment could actually facilitate a luciferase signal in Fig S2-B)? How was this pool selected, is it exclusively based on DRE-containing promoters?
        • Fig 2D: apparent gel leakage and loading on the second panel is low. Preferably, provide positive control on the same gel.
        • Figure 4C: all classes are negatively affected by TRF2 depletion, thus enrichment (4B) makes little sense here
        • Figure 5C: Missing axis labels
        • Figure 6F: A y scale would help here


      The manuscript by Serebreni and colleagues examines how core promoter elements influence the binding of general transcription factors and co-activators and the establishment of pre initiation complexes, and how these factors relate to the transcription initiation patterns (focused versus dispersed) of promoters in Drosophila. While there is extensive knowledge on core promoter elements and how these relate to TSS positional dispersion within promoters, little is known about the mechanism of PIC assembly at non-TATA promoters and how this influences TSS selection. The findings will therefore be interesting for a general audience, although it is unclear how transferable results are to other organisms.

      The authors use an impressive range of well planned experiments, combining in vitro (DNA-affinity purification, STAP-seq) and in vivo (CAGE, PRO-seq, ChIP-seq) data. Their main conclusion is that developmental promoters directly recruit the PIC via positional core promoter elements leading to a focused transcription initiation pattern while housekeeping promoters facilitate PIC recruitment through intermediate binding of additional cofactors leading to a more dispersed promoter initiation pattern.

      While this major conclusion is of interest to the community, the manuscript unfortunately falls short in some regards, in particular in its over-generalizations and simplifications. Throughout the manuscript, the analysis is focused around specific core promoter motifs while ignoring the fact that many of these tend to co-occur within a promoter. In addition, the authors make general statements about housekeeping versus developmental promoters - a terminology based solely on the presence of core promoter elements - rather than attributing their findings to the core-promoter elements themselves. Lastly, the main figures are unpolished with minimal information provided in figure legends, making it sometimes difficult to follow the author's reasoning and raising concerns about the strength of their findings.

      Fields of expertise: mammalian regulatory elements, transcription initiation, genomics

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The article from Serebreni, Stark and co-workers combines biochemical, analytical, computational and cellular methods to uncover different factor dependencies for different classes of promoters in Drosophila. The results are compelling and the data support the conclusions. Important new insights are that housekeeping and developmental promoters have different requirements for initiation factors and that TFIIA is generally required across the different promoter types. Also, the article provides evidence of potential new mechanisms that control focused vs. dispersed initiation. These are groundbreaking results and I have only a few minor comments on the article.

      1. The DNA affinity purification method is excellent as a discovery method, but it has some potential caveats. One is that it cannot capture remodeling events that could potentially remove otherwise stably bound factors to allow for transient PIC assembly and gene activation. It is possible that some of the insulator factors such as BEAF-32 and Ibf1/2, which selectively bind housekeeping sequences, could prevent or reduce binding by PIC factors. This could occur if BEAF-32 and/or Ibf1/2 inhibit PIC assembly if bound to DNA and if these factors bind housekeeping promoters with high affinity and slow off-rates. That is, in live cells, a competition could exist between binding of these enriched housekeeping factors and PIC assembly. By contrast, this caveat is not relevant at developmental promoters due at least in part to low/sub-nM TBP binding affinity. Ultimately, this is a minor concern but the authors should address in the article to inform readers about potential limitations of the experiments.
      2. More information about how the PRO-seq spike-ins were implemented is recommended. For example, were they fit to a linear regression of read counts/chromosome between all samples, or did they take all hg19 reads as raw fold-change of all samples compared to a control replicate?
      3. Figure S1C should be cited (not S1B) to support the statement "Mutating either the TATA box or DRE motifs reduced TBP or DREF binding to control levels..."
      4. The authors could note that TATA box mutants still show slight enrichment for TBP compared to negative controls.
      5. In Figure 2A, it would help to remind readers here that TATA, DPE, INR = developmental and TCT, Ohler1/6, DRE = housekeeping.
      6. Figure S2A shows only 121bp and 350bp DRE core promoters but the text refers to 450bp and 1000bp sequences as well. Can the authors show representative results from these longer sequences?
      7. In comparing data in Fig 2B and 2E, it seems the statement "the ChIP signals reflected the differential binding preferences observed in vitro for the respective promoter subtypes" should be modified. It is true to an extent but it is more nuanced than indicated by the text.
      8. In Fig S2I, Ohler1 + Ohler6 and TCT are difficult to distinguish because of color scheme choice.
      9. In Fig 3F, perhaps add that Gld has TATA and Fit2 has DRE?
      10. Fig 5D: legend is cut off in the Figure.
      11. Fig S2B needs more description and clarification in the main text and the legend.
      12. Page 8, 2nd paragraph "avoiding potential" should be replaced with "minimizing" or similar.
      13. Page 16, penultimate paragraph: "Essentially" should be replaced with "Essentiality"


      As noted in the prior section, the results break new ground and will be of interest to many in the field of gene regulation, broadly defined.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Serebreni et al. Dissect the mechanisms of distinct transcriptional regulation patterns for the housekeeping and developmental classes of genes in Drosophila S2 cells. The authors used two primary lines of experimentation to determine the factors involved in regulation at the core promoters of the different gene classes: in vitro DNA binding with mass spectrometry, and in vivo depletion of factors with transcriptomics. The authors find that general transcription factors bind more strongly to developmental (TATA-containing) promoters and speculate that GTFs interact more transiently with housekeeping promoters. In addition, the authors find distinct preferences for TBP/TRF2 at different types of core promoters and test the roles of cofactors and promoter architecture on differing patterns of transcriptional initiation.

      Major comments:

      The main conclusions of this work are that promoters of the different classes of genes display differing usage of GTFs and cofactors to promote transcription and likely recruit polymerase by different mechanisms. The in vivo experiments using factor depletion offer strong evidence that certain factors including TBP/TRF2 are differentially required for transcription at the housekeeping/developmental gene classes. The in-depth analysis of different promoter types combined with the genetic approaches outlined above provide compelling mechanistic insights into promoter-specific engagement of regulatory factors. In general, the data supports the authors' suggestions. One important shortcoming of these experiments is in the in-vitro DNA binding analysis of GTFs at differing core promoter contexts. The lack of GTFs binding to the housekeeping promoters may be a reflection of low intrinsic transcription activity. If the housekeeping promoters don't assemble active transcription complexes in this in vitro system but the Developmentally-regulated promoters do, then a simple comparison of proteins bound to each promoter type is potentially misleading as to the factors required for transcription. For example, results of the in-vivo analysis suggest that the +1 nucleosome is an important factor in the positioning of the transcription start site at housekeeping promoters, therefore the use of chromatinized templates rather than naked DNA would likely better reflect the intrinsic binding properties of factors at promoters. One way to address this issue is to test transcription activity of the promoters used in the mass spec analysis. After incubation of promoters with extract, add NTPs and quantitate the basal transcription activity of each type of promoter. If they are the ~same - great. If not, at a minimum, the authors need to acknowledge this as a limitation of the study. The suggested transcription experiment is a simple extension of the work already completed. The authors suggest from the depletion experiments of TBP/TRF2 that the factors are functionally redundant since the level of transcription for target genes recovers after prolonged depletion, though there is not specific functional evidence to support this claim. A suggested experiment to test the functional redundancy of TBP/TRF2 at subsets of genes is to assess the levels of proteins and/or protein binding to promoters after factor depletion. For instance, is there a global upregulation/stabilization of TBP after TRF2 depletion? Or is there an increase in TBP binding at promoters? These can be addressed by western blot for overall protein levels and ChIP-seq or similar method to assess binding to promoters, which are fairly straightforward experiments given that the cells lines have already been produced. A discussion would be appreciated on the generality of the suggested mechanism in metazoans. For example, is DREF conserved only in insects but could other eukaryotes use a similar mechanism at housekeeping genes?

      Minor comments:

      The manuscript is very difficult to read. One major problem is the large number of figures - many of which are not essential for understanding the results. I strongly suggest that the authors think carefully about which figures to include in the manuscript and keep only the most important. Second, the legends on many of the graphs are very tiny and difficult to read. Third, it would greatly help readability if the main figures and legends were imbedded in the manuscript and if the supplemental figures + legends were in a separate document.

      Fig 4E: very difficult to understand what was done.

      Fig 4A vs G: why are ~ the same number of genes affected by TRF2 vs TBP + TRF2 depletion? I got the impression from the text that there should be a large difference in the number of affected genes.

      Fig 5A and similar figures: include the number of affected genes in the figure.

      Fig S2C: hard to understand what was done from the legend.

      Fig S2F and similar figures: hard to distinguish the legend and the green colors used. Proofreading: Add citation for Cut&run in the methods. In supplemental Fig1a, the percentage of "INR only" is greater than 100%. Supplemental Fig 1a legend-should 170,000 protein coding genes read "17,000"? Santana et al. reference on pg 8 should read 2022.

      Readability: The categorizations of genes classes based on core promoter elements is somewhat unclear-from 1a, is it the case that all TATA contain INRs? A different way of representing the data to capture overlaps in motifs other than a pie chart may better convey these motif relationships. Work could be done to increase clarity in general on the promoter motif subtypes used and how mutually exclusive these elements are in the tested subsets.

      Figure 5: authors state "all protein coding genes" are downregulated with TFIIA depletion, though it appears some transcripts are unchanged or upregulated in 5B/C. Suggest change in language.

      A discussion on the developmental context of the S2 cell line seems appropriate. If S2 cells represent a late stage developmental cell line, would the authors expect the relative utilization of cofactors to be the same/different in other cellular contexts?


      This work is conceptually significant due to the large in gene-specific regulatory mechanisms in the field of molecular biology. In addition, the authors propose a new mechanism whereby PIC formation is substantially different at different gene classes. Much of our mechanistic understanding of the role of general transcription factors is limited to highly expressed, typically TATA-containing genes, though several lines of research have shown that not all genes are dependent on the same subsets of factors. Notably, TBP has been shown to be required for the transcription of only small subsets of genes in specific cell types, therefore investigations into the roles of general factors at diverse genes is an important step in the field. This work is also technologically significant due to its use of the auxin-inducible degron system to assess the immediate transcriptional effects of factor depletion. Prior work demonstrated that long-term loss of factors through genetic deletions can often lead to compensatory mechanisms including utilization of alternative regulatory pathways and stabilization of cellular RNAs, therefore assessment of the immediate effects of rapid factor depletion is a powerful approach to determine regulatory mechanisms. This research will be of broad interest to molecular biologists studying the basic mechanisms of transcription as well as gene-specific regulation.

      Reviewer expertise:

      Transcriptional regulation, biochemistry, genomics, molecular biology

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      In this study, mice were exposed to a specific form of so-called Intermittent Fasting (IF) and the effects of IF on adult neogenesis in the hippocampus were determined. The specific IF protocol used had no effect on activation, proliferation, or maintenance of adult Neural Stem Cells (aNSCs) and displayed a decrease in number of new neurons in the neurogenic niche but only after 1 month of the IF protocol. These results contrast previously published results from multiple studies that concluded that IF promotes survival of new neurons and by extension promote adult neurogenesis. The unresponsiveness of aNSCs or their immediate cell progeny, the Intermediate Neural Progenitors (IPCs), to IF is a novel finding. The authors make several relevant points in the discussion about the publication bias towards positive results (or omission of negative results), which may reinforce established dogmas. However, the presented results did not convincingly demonstrate that the absence of effects of IF on aNSCs or adult neurogenesis is simply not a result of a specific IF paradigm, which is not robust enough to elicit changes in adult neurogenesis. In other words, there is a lack of positive controls and alternative protocols that would rule out that the observed absence of effects is not a consequence of type II error (the error of omission), or more colloquially, a consequence of false negatives.

      We thank the reviewer for acknowledging the importance and novelty of our findings. On them being the result of a specific IF paradigm, we must point out that we used the same IF paradigm as in previous studies that had shown changes in neurogenesis upon IF. We do not claim that IF is unable to increase neurogenesis in all conditions, but report that IF is not a reliable method to increase adult neurogenesis (in particular, every-other-day intermittent fasting with food re-administration in the evening). We have repeated the experiment multiple times in different strains, always with enough animals to make our experiments conclusive and we never observed an increase in adult neurogenesis, effectively ruling out that our results are a false negative. Of note, even if other protocols might indeed increase neurogenesis (which we never claimed cannot) that would not make our results a false negative.

      Major Comments:

      1. Protocol-driven absence of effects: The absence of IF effects on aNSCs and IPCs observed in this study does not lend it the authority to conclude that aNSCs are resilient to IF or all IF paradigms and protocols. The absence of IF effects on aNSCs and neurogenesis could be specifically related to the chosen IF paradigm. Indeed, not all previous studies that observed IF-driven effects on adult neurogenesis used the same "night-time every-other-day fasting" protocol chosen in this study. For example, Brandhorst et al., 2015 (cited in this paper) used 4 days of IF 2x per month and observed an increase of DCX+BrdU+ cells. On the other hand, certain previous studies used the same or similar IF protocol used here, but often with longer duration or with a post-fasting ad libitum feeding period, which may be responsible for the pro-neurogenic or pro-survival effects. In fact, the authors acknowledge this in the discussion (page 7, lines 289-290 and 292-294). Why would the authors then not include similar feeding/IF paradigm in their study and determine if these would generate effects on survival of new neurons but also on aNSCs and/or IPCs?

      As just stated above, we never claimed that aNSCs are resilient to all IF paradigms. We refer to fasting in general in the introduction but quickly focus on every-other-day fasting throughout the paper and directly compare our results only to similar IF paradigms. We chose the most commonly used IF paradigm that had been shown to increase adult neurogenesis. As the reviewer points out, we speculate in the discussion that a refeeding period may explain the differences between our results and others. This is because a post-fasting ad libitum period was introduced in the study published in Dias et al. 2021. We are currently analysing a new experiment in which we replicate the IF protocol in that study, which we will include in our revised version.

      In addition, the authors acknowledge that the chosen IF paradigm may have affected the stress levels or behaviour of mice (page 9, lines 372-378). Why did they not test if their IF protocol does not increase stress or anxiety of mice by simple behaviour tests such as open field or elevated T maze?

      While testing all possible causes for the lack of positive results in our experiments is not viable, we do agree with the reviewer that stress levels might indeed influence the outcome of the experiments. We will collect blood from ad libitum-fed and fasted mice to analyse the levels of stress hormones (e.g. corticosterone). The results will be included in our revised version. These measurements will give us a more accurate reading of stress levels than behavioural tests. Of note, regardless of the outcome of this experiment, our conclusions will remain identical. We will not be able to compare stress levels with previous publications, as they were not tested. And if the protocol did increase stress levels, it would still argue that IF is not a reliable method to increase neurogenesis (as presumably might or might not increase stress to levels that affect neurogenesis).

      Alarmingly, the used IF protocol does not result in changes in final weight or growth curves (S.Fig.2), which is surprising and raises a question the used IF protocol is robust enough or appropriate.

      We were also surprised by the lack of change in the final weight our IF mice respect to control. Differences in final weight between different labs despite using the exact same protocol are one of the reasons why we conclude that this IF paradigm is not a robust intervention. However, we are not the first ones to report little or no difference in weight upon IF in C57BL6/J mice (Goodrick et al., 1990 and Anson et al., 2003) and this would not be a reason to dismiss the experiment since the benefits in crucial circulating factors induced by IF seem to be independent of weight loss (Anson et al., 2003).

      Finally, the authors acknowledge that their own results do not support well-established findings such as aging-related reduction in number of aNSCs (page 4, lines 177-179). This again questions whether the selected protocols and treatments are appropriate.

      As we already discuss, we believe this might be due to a difference between strains in the time when aNSC numbers decline. Nevertheless, we will complement our current data by counting the number of aNSCs at 1 and 3 months post-tamoxifen (3 and 5 month old mice) using GFAP, Sox2 and Nestin triple stainings (as suggested by another reviewer).

      Lack of topic-specific positive controls: The authors successfully demonstrated that the used IF protocol differentially impacts the adipose tissue and liver, while also inducing body weight fluctuations synchronized with the fasting periods. However, these peripheral effects outside the CNS do not directly imply that the chosen IF protocol is robust enough to elicit cellular or molecular changes in the hippocampus. The authors need to demonstrate that their IF protocol affects previously well-established CNS parameters associated with fasting such as astrocyte reactivity, inflammation or microglia activation, among other factors. In fact, they acknowledge this systemic problem in the discussion (page 8, lines 359-360).

      We fully agree with the reviewer in that even though the chosen IF protocol induces peripheral effects, it is not robust enough to elicit cellular or molecular changes in the hippocampus, and this is precisely the message of our paper. We have looked for references showing the influence of IF on astrocyte reactivity or microglia activation, but the studies we found so far look at the effects of IF and other forms of fasting in the CNS in combination with pathologies such as Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, physical insults or aging (Anson et al., 2003; Chignarella et al., 2018; Rangan et al., 2022; Dai et al., 2022. Reviewed in Bok et al., 2019 and Gudden et al., 2021). Fasting seems to reduce astrocyte reactivity, inflammation or microglia activation in these pathological situations respect to the same pathology in ad libitum mice, but its effect in control, healthy mice is far less clear. In fact, the only reference that we could find where healthy mice were included in the analysis showed that these benefits only happened in the context of the injury (Song et al., 2022).

      Problematic cell analyses: Cell quantification should be performed under stereological principles. However, the presented results did not adhere to stereological quantification. Instead, the authors chose to quantify specific cell phenotypes only in subjectively selected subsets of regions of interest, i.e., the Subgranular Zone (SGZ). This subjective pre-selection may have been responsible for the absence of effects, especially if these are either relatively small or dependent on anatomical sections of SGZ. For example, IF may exert effects on caudal SGZ more than on rostral SGZ. But if the authors quantified only (or predominantly) rostral SGZ, they may have missed these effects by biasing one segment of SGZ versus other. The authors should apply stereological quantification at least to the quantification of new neurons and test if this approach replicated previously observed pro-survival effects of IF. Also, the authors should describe how they pre-selected the ROI for cell quantification in greater details.

      We did analyse only the more septal region of the hippocampus, which we will make clear in the text. As also suggested by other reviewers, we will include stereological counts of the neuronal output of aNSCs in the revised version. As for selecting the SGZ for aNSC counts, this is the standard in the field, as one of the criteria to identify aNSCs is precisely the location of their nucleus in the SGZ. Neuroblasts and new neurons were counted both in the SGZ and the granule cell layer. There was no subjective pre-selection of areas of interest since we counted the whole DG in each section and not a specific random region.

      Alarming exclusion of data points: There appears to be different number of data points in different graphs that are constructed from same data sets. For example, in the 3-month IF data set in Figure 4, there are 14 data points for the graph of Ki67+ cells (Fig.4B), but 16 (or 17) data points for the graph of DCX+ cells (Fig.4D). How is that possible? If data points were excluded, what objective and statistical criteria were applied to make sure that such exclusion is not subjective and biased? In fact, the authors state that "Samples with poor staining quality were also excluded from quantifications" (page 12, line 528-529). Poor preparation of tissue is not only suboptimal but not a valid objective reason for data point exclusion. This major issue needs to be explained and corrected.

      As we disclose in the methods, those stainings that did not work were excluded. This was done always before counting. Different samples were used in different counts because of the variability of staining quality between different antibodies. We will look back into the samples that failed in at least one of the stainings and exclude them from all counts, so that only samples for which all stainings worked are considered. These revised graphs will be provided in our revised version of the manuscript.

      Different pulse-and-chase time-points: One of the reasons why this study has found that aNSCs may not be responsive to IF could be the use of less appropriate pulse-and-chase time-points either after EdU or after Tamoxifen for cell lineage tracing. The authors observed that IF has negative effects on new neurons initially (Fig.4F). Similarly, it is well established that voluntary physical exercise affects SGZ adult neurogenesis only during the first 2 weeks. After this period, the neurogenic effects of exercise are diminished beyond observational detection (i.e., van Praag's and Kempermann's papers in the past 25 years). These two arguments suggest that the observed absence of aNSC responsiveness might be a consequence of the chosen EdU administration and the EdU pulse should not be administered 15 days after Tamoxifen/IF protocol start but earlier, in the first week of the IF protocol. In fact, the decreased number of new neurons during the initial IF phase may not be only a consequence of reduced survival but of higher aNSC quiescence during the first week of the IF protocol.

      We fully agree with the reviewer that BrdU or EdU pulses can give a biased view of the effects of any intervention on neurogenesis and that the EdU and Tamoxifen protocols would not allow us to detect an increase in neurogenesis during the first few days of IF. We cannot rule out that IF has a transient effect on aNSCs at some point of the treatment, but this hypothetical effect does not seem to have any consequences on neuronal output or aNSC maintenance. As for the effects on neurogenesis in the longer IF treatments, we used the same EdU protocol as in previous publications: administration after 2/3 months of IF and analysis after one month of chase.

      Discussion needs more specificity and clarity: The authors claim that the absence of IF effects on neurogenesis is multi-layered (including the influence of age, sex, specific cell labelling protocols etc.) but they do not specifically address why certain studies did find IF-driven neurogenic effects while they did not. In addition, some statements and points in the discussion are not clear. For example, when the authors refer to their own experiments (page 8, lines 331-334), it is not clear, which experiments they have in mind.

      We will double check our discussion and improve its clarity and direct comparison to other studies.

      Minor comments:

      1. Change in the title: The authors have shown that a very specific IF protocol does not affect aNSCs but initially decreases number of new neurons in SGZ. The title should reflect this. For example, it could state "Specific (night-time every-other-day) fasting does not affect aNSCs but initially decreases survival of new neurons in the SGZ".

      We find our title, together with the abstract, clearly and faithfully represent our findings and would rather prefer to keep our current title unmodified.

      Data depiction: Data in 3 datasets were found not normally distributed (Fig. S5A, B and S6A) and were correctly analysed with non-parametric tests. However, the corresponding graphs wrongly depict the data as mean +/- SD while they should depict median +/- IQR (or similar adequate value) because non-parametric statistical tests do not compare means but medians.

      We thank the reviewer for spotting this, we will correct the graphs in Fig. S5A, B and S6A.

      Statistical analysis: For ANOVA, the F and p values are not listed anywhere. The presented asterisks in the graphs are only for non-ANOVA or ANOVA post-hoc tests. This does not allow to judge statistical significance well and should be corrected.

      Again, thanks for spotting this, we will include them.

      Asymmetric vs Symmetric cell divisions: Representative images in Fig.2B suggest that IF may affect the plane of cell division for the Type-1 aNSCs. The plane of cell division is an indirect indicator of symmetric vs asymmetric (exhaustive vs maintaining) modes of cell division. Is it possible, IF influences this, especially during the first week of IF (see major comment 5)?

      This is an interesting hypothesis. However, since we do not see any effects on aNSC maintenance, it is unlikely that IF produces any long-lasting effects on the mode of division of aNSCs. In general, we did not notice a difference in the plane of division of aNSCs between control and IF mice, although we did not systematically test for this (would require specific short EdU pulses to capture aNSCs in M-phase). In Figure 2B, the two stem cells shown in the control are unlikely to be the two daughter cells after the division of one aNSC, as one of them is positive and the other negative for Ki67. We only pointed to the second one to show a Ki67-negative aNSC. We will emphasize this in the figure legend.

      Improved and more accurate citations: Some references are not properly formatted (e.g., "Dias", page 7, line 288). Some references are included in generalizing statements when they do not contain data to support such statements. For example, Kitamura et al., 2006 did not determine the number of new neurons (only BrdU+ cells) in the SGZ, yet this reference is included among sources supporting that IF "promote survival of newly born neurons" (page 2, line 60). Authors should be more careful how the cite the references.

      Thanks for spotting these mistakes, we will correct them and check again all our references. As for the sentence where the Kitamura paper is cited, most of the other references also use only BrdU+ cells while concluding that IF enhances the survival of new neurons. We will change new neurons for new cells to reflect this, which we already bring up in the discussion (see also extended discussion in previous BioRxiv version).

      How do the authors explain that they observe 73-80% caloric restriction and yet the final body weight is not different between IF and control animals? Would it suggest that the selected IF protocol or selected diet are not appropriate (see major point 4)?

      We also found this surprising and were expecting a change in overall activity in IF mice, which we did not observe. Many factors might play a role, like, as the reviewer suggests, changes in stress levels, which we will measure and show in the revised version.

      Given that aNSCs rely more on de novo lipogenesis and fatty acids for their metabolism as shown by Knobloch et al., Nature 2013 and given the interesting changes in RER with the IF shown in this study, it would be interesting to see whether there are differences in Fasn expression in aNSCs between control and IF animals (see minor point 4).

      This is an interesting suggestion but given that we see no effect on aNSCs, we find it’s unlikely and unnecessary to test for Fasn expression differences in our IF protocol.

      Determining apoptosis in the SGZ by picnotic nuclei (Figure S6A) should be supplemented by determining the number and/or proportion of YFP+ cells positive for the Activated Caspase 3.

      We previously found that counting picnotic nuclei is a more accurate and sensitive readout of cell death in the DG, as cells positive for caspase 3 are extremely rare due to the high efficiency of phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by microglia (see Urbán et al., 2016).

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment:

      This study concludes that aNSCs do not respond to the intermittent fasting. This expands and supplements previous findings that suggest that the intermittent fasting promotes adult neurogenesis by increasing survival and/or proliferation in the Subgranural Zone. The study is well designed, however, over-extends its conclusions beyond a specific fasting paradigm and does not acknowledge serious limitations in the experimental design and analyses. In fact, until major revision is done, which would rule out that the absence of effects of fasting on aNSCs is not due to false negative results, many conclusions from this study cannot be accepted as valid.


      As mentioned above, the study has a potential to advance our understanding of how fasting affects neurogenesis and fills the knowledge gap of how fasting specifically affects the stem cells. However, unless the study addresses its limitations, its conclusions are not convincing.


      This study would be particularly interesting for the niche readers from the neurogenesis field. However, the study can also be interesting for researchers in metabolomics and dietology.

      My expertise:

      adult neurogenesis, neural stem cells, dietology, metabolism

      We disagree with the reviewer and find our conclusions well balanced, as we acknowledge our results are to be compared only with similar IF protocols. We also do not believe our results can be attributed to a false negative, as we consistently observe the same with different strains and protocols, always with sufficient animals to make our counts conclusive.

      We nevertheless thank the reviewer for assessing our paper and for the advice to improve it. We hope that the reviewer will maintain the same level of scrutiny and scepticism with all IF-related papers.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this manuscript, Gabarro-Solanas et al. question the suitability of IF (Intermittent fasting - non-pharmacological strategy to counteract ageing, which has been previously shown to increase the number of adult-born neurons in the dentate gyrus of mice) as a pro-neurogenic intervention, since IF treatment did not stimulate adult hippocampal neurogenesis, neither at the stem cell level nor on immature and/or dividing neurons. The Authors used a tamoxifen inducible transgenic model (Glast-CreERT2;RYFP mice) to trace neural stem cell lineage and found that IF did not enhance neural stem cell proliferation, nor the abundance of immature, DCX+ neurons. Three-months of IF failed to increase the number of new adult-born neurons (NeuN+/YFP+), while one month of IF significantly reduced the number of new adult-born neurons.

      The study appears technically sound, including many different approaches in order to reach its conclusions.

      For instance, tamoxifen has been reported to impair various physiological processes, including neurogenesis (Smith et al., 2022), and most studies on adult hippocampal neurogenesis use the C57BL/6J strain of mice; hence, the use of Tamoxifen or that of the GlastCreERT2;RYFP model may have underscored these observations. However, to account for this potentially confounding factor, the Authors characterised the effect of their IF treatment in C57BL/6j mice, also reporting no evident effects of IF as a pro-neurogenic intervention.

      I think the study was carefully planned and the analyses well done. Several possible variables were considered, including sex, labelling method, strain, tamoxifen usage or diet length. Several controls were performed in other organs and tissues (liver, fat) to establish the fasting protocol and to check its effects.

      Data are presented in a clear way. Quality of images is high level.

      In general, it appears as a highly reliable paper reaching an authoritative conclusion for the absence of effect of IF on adult neurogenesis.

      Major comments:

      I think that the key conclusions are convincing and no further experiments are required.

      The methods are presented in such a way that they can be reproduced, and the experiments adequately replicated with proper statistical analysis.

      We thank the reviewer for the encouraging remarks and the appreciation of our efforts.

      Minor comments:

      Prior studies are referenced appropriately, both regarding the IF protocols and the adult neurogenesis modulation.

      Line 288 - a reference is incomplete (Dias); integrate with: (Dias et al., 2021)

      We will re-format the reference, thanks for spotting the mistake.

      There is one concept that is not expressed in the manuscript. Maybe it is not strictly necessary, but I think can be useful to mention it here. It is the fact that most information currently available strongly indicates that adult neurogenesis in humans is not present after adolescence. Of course the research described here is carried out on mice, and in the manuscript it is stated many times that adult hippocampal neurogenesis is strongly decreasing with age, also due to age-related stem cell depletion. Yet, it seems that in humans the exhaustion of such a process can start after adolescence. We know that a sort of controversy is currently present on this subjects, because DCX+ neurons can be detected in adult and old human hippocampi. Yet, it is also clear that there is no substantial cell division (stem cells are depleted) to sustain such hypothetical neurogenesis. Hence, it has been hypothesized that non-newlyborn, "immature" neurons can persist in the absence of cell division, as it has been well demonstrated in the cerebral cortex (see La Rosa et al., 2020 Front Neurosci; Rotheneichner et al., 2018, Cereb Cortex).

      This point can be important in the case someone want to use dietary approached such as IF (or any other pharmacological treatment) to stimulate neurogenesis in humans.

      We agree with the reviewer and also find this a very interesting and timely topic. However, we find it a bit far from our results and would prefer not to comment on it in the context of the current paper.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The significance of this study relies on the fact that adult neurogenesis field (AN) has been often damaged by the search of "positive" results, aiming at showing that AN does occur "always and everywhere" and that most internal/external stimuli do increase it. This attitude created a bias in the field, persuading many scientists that a result in AN is worthy of publication (or of high impact factor publication) only when a positive result is found.

      Personally, I found particularly meaninful the last sentences of the Discussion (reported below), which might seem "off topic" in a research paper, while - I think - underline the real significance of the manuscript:

      "In addition, publication bias might be playing a role in skewing the literature on fasting and neurogenesis towards reporting positive results.

      In some reviews, even studies reporting no effect are cited as evidence for improved neurogenesis upon IF. Reporting of negative results, especially those challenging accepted dogmas, and a careful and rigorous evaluation of the publications cited in reviews are crucial to avoid unnecessary waste of resources and to promote the advancement of science."

      Reviewer field of expertise - keywords: adult neurogenesis, brain structural plasticity, non-newly born immature neurons, comparative neuroplasticity.

      We are very happy that the reviewer shares our concern with the biased publication of positive results in the field. We hope our work (and that of Roberts et al., 2022) will encourage other labs to publish their negative results.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this manuscript, Gabarro-Solanas et al. investigate the effects of intermittent fasting (IF) on adult hippocampal neurogenesis in young adult mice. IF has been reported to increase the number of adult-born neuron in the hippocampus, a region that is important for learning and memory. However, it is not well understood what stages of adult neurogenesis are regulated by IF. To address this, the authors utilized lineage tracing and label retention assays in mice undergoing an IF diet. The authors used 2 months old Glast-CreERT2;RYFP mice in combination with Edu label retention to characterize adult NSCs and placed these mice on 1 and 3 months of IF. Despite seeing a decrease in neural stem cell proliferation with age, the authors did not observe a change due to diet. The authors then used immunohistochemistry to characterize changes in cell proliferation, neuroblasts, and new neurons following 1 month and 3 months of IF. Only 1 month of IF seemed to decrease the number of new neurons; however, by 3 months the neuronal output was the same. There were no differences in neuroblasts or cell proliferation due to diet. Gabarro-Solanas et al. conclude that IF transiently and mildly inhibits neurogenesis. Due to contradicting results, the authors then try to determine what variables (sex, labeling method, strain, tamoxifen usage, or diet length) could be affecting their data. The authors saw no substantial differences due to any of their variables.

      Major Points

      1. The authors analyze NSCs homeostasis and neurogenesis in young adult mice and do not observe any significant changes with their chosen alternate day intermittent fasting paradigm. However, a lot of the data and cell counts appears to be highly variable between animals in the same group. At times, there is an order of magnitude difference between the highest and lowest counts (e.g. Figure 2C,E). According to the method section, it appears that the authors predominantly analyzed a single DG (section?) for most immunostainings, which may explain the large variability in their data. If this is indeed the case, it is insufficient to quantify only a single section for each animal. The authors should quantify several DG sections for each mouse from a pre-defined range along the rostral-caudal axis of the hippocampus in accordance with a standard brain reference atlas. There are also several quantifications, especially of Ki67 where several individuals appear to have no Ki67+ (Figure 3B, 6D) NSCs. These findings are surprising given the still young age of these mice and may be another reflection of the limited brain sections that were analyzed.

      The counts are indeed very variable. The counts were made on 1 to 4 DG sections (counted in full), depending on the staining. We will more clearly disclose this information in the revised version. In addition, we will re-count the neuronal output after fasting using stereology. Regarding the very low number of Ki67+ aNSCs, our counts are lower than those in other publications because we are much more stringent with our aNSC identification. Instead of using merely Sox2 (which also labels IPCs), we rely on the presence of a radial GFAP+ process.

      There appear to be significant cutting or imaging artifacts across most fluorescent images further raising concerns regarding the accuracy of the quantifications (e.g. Figure 3D, 4C,E, 6B) and publication quality of the images and data. Importantly, uneven section thickness, either from cutting artifacts or imaging issues, may lead to inaccurate cell quantifications a could, possibly, account for the high variability. This issue would further exacerbate concerns regarding the quantification of a single DG section for each animal.

      We only processed those samples that passed our QC after sectioning, meaning any unevenly cut brains were never considered (or stained). The stitched images do show artifacts (lower signal in the image junctions), particularly in the NeuN staining. However, this did not affect quantifications, as the measured levels were always clearly above the threshold to consider a cell positive, regardless of the position within the image. The images were cropped to improve the visualisation of NSCs, and to avoid the display of empty tiles. A low magnification image will be provided in the revised version to show that there were no staining artifacts.

      It is unclear how NSCs were counted in the B6 mice (Fig 6D,E). The authors only provide a description for the Glast-CRE mice, where they used YFP labeling and GFAP. We assume they performed Sox2/GFAP or Nestin labeling, however, this is not clear at all. The authors should describe their methodology and provide representative images.

      We used GFAP, location and morphology to count aNSCs in non-YFP mice. We will make this clear in the text and will also add one more count using Sox2, GFAP and Nestin to identify aNSCs.

      NSC populations represent a heterogenous group of stem cells with different replicative properties. As such, the Glast-Cre approach used for the majority of this study may represent a specific subset of NSCs. In line with the previous point, we recommend the authors complement their NSC counts with Sox2/GFAP and Nestin immunostainings.

      aNSCs labelled with Glast-Cre are the great majority of aNSCs (>90%) in both ad libitum fed and fasted mice. The data will be included in the revised version. Nevertheless, we will add counts using Sox2, GFAP and Nestin for key experiments.

      Stress is a significant negative regulator of neurogenesis. Is it possible that the IF mice display higher stress level which could counteract any beneficial effects of the IF intervention. The authors should provide some measures of stress markers to rule out this potential confounding factor in their IF paradigm.

      This is a great suggestion. We will collect blood from control and fasted mice and measure the levels of stress factors (e.g. corticosterone). We will include the data in our revised version.

      Minor Point

      1. The authors state that "Experimental groups were formed by randomly assigning mice from different litters within each mouse strain and all experiments were conducted in male and female mice". Given that neurogenesis, especially at young ages, is highly sensitive to the exact age of the mice, the authors should provide a rationale why animals from different litters instead of littermate controls were used in these experiments.

      Littermate controls were always used in the experiments. But also, more than one litter was used for each experiment, since one litter was never generating enough mice for the experiments. We will clarify this point in text.

      Currently, the statistical tests are only described in the method section, however it would be helpful if this information to be integrated into the figure legend as well. Additionally, the authors provide individual data points for some but not all bar graphs (eg Figure 1D).

      We will consider including the statistical information in the figure legend, provided there is not a maximum length for figure legends. In the case of figure 1D, data points are not shown because of how the food intake was calculated: as an average per cage instead of per animal (included in the materials and methods). We therefore do not consider it useful to show the datapoints in the final version of the manuscript, but will provide them for the reviewer.

      Cell counts per AU is a rather unorthodox unit. With a representative selection of tissue for each animal, the authors could avoid the need to normalize to the DG length and may be able to extrapolate an estimate of cell counts for the entire DG instead.

      Thanks for the suggestion. Our arbitrary units (AU) were in fact already equivalent to cells per mm of DG, and we have updated our graphs to reflect this.

      In Figure 4D, the authors highlight a few NSC with arrowheads. At a quick glance this is rather confusing as it appears that the authors only counted 3 NSCs in each picture. It may be a better option to show a zoomed in picture to highlight an example of a representative NSC.

      Examples of representative NSCs are already shown in Fig 2. With this image, we intended to show a larger number of NSCs. We realise the arrows only pointed to some of them, making the message confusing. We will consider removing them from the figure in the revised version.

      In Supplementary Figure S6, the authors should complement the quantification of the nuclei with representative images.

      We will include representative images in Figure S6.

      For the daytime IF, did the authors assess weights, food intake, RER as well liver/fat measurements similar to night-time IF? If so, this data should be provided in the supplement.

      We do have data for the daytime IF in the metabolic cages, which was taken from mice housed in groups (during the preliminary phase of our study). We also have the weight and data on neurogenesis, which we will show as a supplement.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The authors are commended for compiling a manuscript on what is commonly considered 'negative data', that, at the same time, are also contradicting independent reports on the effects of IF on neurogenesis. The studies outlined in this manuscript are comprehensive and mostly well designed. Given the broad, growing interest in dietary restriction as an aging intervention the study is timely.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive assessment of the significance of our work.

      Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      In this manuscript, Gabarró-Solanas et al. tested the effect of intermitted fasting (IF, every-other-day fasting) on adult neural stem cells and neurogenesis. They demonstrate that the paradigm they have used does not affect NSC activation or maintenance, and does also not promote neurogenesis. As previous reports showed increased neurogenesis with IF, the authors controlled for various parameters such as mouse strain, sex, and diet length. They also used different methods of identification of newborn neurons, such as tamoxifen-induced lineage-tracing versus birth-dating with thymidine-analogues to substantiate their findings.

      Major comments:

      This study is very well done with carefully designed and controlled experiments. The manuscript reads nicely and the data are presented in a clear way, making it easy to follow. The authors have done a "tour-de force" to rule out confounding factors that might influence their findings that IF does not affect NSCs nor neurogenesis.

      The claims and conclusions are supported by the data. The methods are clearly described and should allow to reproduce the data independently. The number of replicates (i.e. the number of mice analyzed) is impressive and statistical analysis is adequate.

      The major findings, namely that the chosen IF does not affect NSCs and neurogenesis is not in line with some previous studies. Despite a careful ruling out of potentially confounding factors (see also "significance" below), it remains unclear why other studies have found an increase in neurogenesis with IF. As each of these studies has some specific experimental design, it is difficult to judge these data in the context of previous data without going through all the details of the other studies. It would thus be a great help for the reader if the authors could provide a table or schematic, which lists the major parameters of each of these studies, such as detailed paradigm of IF, age of mice at start, sex, duration of the intervention, method of identification of NSCs and neurogenesis etc.

      This is a very good suggestion, and we had already created such a table. We, however, consider that it might be better suited for a review on the effects of IF on neurogenesis than for this work. We will include the table in our response to the reviewers together with our revised version.

      Two points that the authors have not discussed might also be worth mentioning in the discussion part:

      1.) The mice in the night-time IF were single caged, could there be a potential negative effect on neurogenesis that would mask the presumably beneficial effect of IF? Although the controls were also single caged, the stress of social isolation might play a role?

      The mice were only single caged for the metabolic phenotyping, but not for the neurogenic counts. We will make this clearer in the text. In any case, we do agree that stress might play a role and we will measure stress levels in the control and fasted mice and will include this data in the revised version.

      2.) The IF mice gained the same weight over time (Fig. S2), but had a ~20% reduction in overall calory intake. This would be explainable by a reduction in energy expenditure, but the overall activity was also not significantly changed (Fig. S1). Can the authors speculate why they reach the same weight with less calories?

      We also found this surprising and were expecting a reduction in the overall activity of the fasted mice. We do not have an explanation for this discrepancy, but perhaps stress levels might explain part of it (we will check stress levels in the revised version). We will also look at whether energy expenditure and activity levels changed over time.

      Minor comments:

      1.) It would be nice to replace the arbitrary units (AU) in the graphs were this is used (e.g. Fig. 2F, 3C, 4B, D and F etc) to the actual number of cells per a certain µm DG, so that the number of cells can be put in context and compared between the figures.

      Yes, our AU already corresponded to mm and we will update our figures accordingly.

      2.) Fig 3 D: can the authors also show the Ki67 channel to illustrate how it looks after a 3 month IF?

      We find it does not help much, as Ki67+ cells are mostly IPCs and that data is already shown in Fig. 4A. We will nevertheless include the image in our response to the reviewers together with our revised version.

      3.) Fig.4E: the NeuN staining looks strangely interrupted, this might be due to tile-stitching? In that case, it would be better to either only show one segment or to try to get a better stitching algorhythm.

      It is indeed because of the tile-stitching and uneven illumination. However, this did not affect the counts, as already discussed in the response to reviewer #3 (major point #2).

      4.) Fig.6 D shows a minus axis in Y-axis, this should only been shown from 0 to positive values, as it is a percentage of cells and cannot be negative.

      True, thanks for spotting this. We will correct the graphs in the revised version.

      5.) Fig.6 B: the same problem with the NeuN staining as mentioned under point 3. This should be improved.

      As with point 3, the stitching did not affect the quantification. We find it more accurate to show the image with the stitching, as that was the one used for quantification. We will provide a new picture with lower magnification to better show the quality of the staining.

      6.) Fig. S6B: maybe add a comment in the result part or in the figure legend that a 10 day chase after an EdU pulse is not the classical protocol to look at mature NeuN positive neurons. But apparently enough newborn neurons were already NeuN positive for this quantification.

      We fully agree 10 days is not the standard for neuronal identification. We did find neurons after the 10-day chase but in low numbers. We will add a comment in the text of the revised version to clarify this.

      7.) The authors refer to personal communications with M. Mattson and S. Thuret to underline that circadian disruption is not enough to explain the differences (line 367 onwards). Can they refer the reader to published data instead?

      While the results are published in their papers, the methods did not specify the time at which the food was added/removed for the IF protocol. That is why we refer to personal communication.

      Further showing that disruption of circadian rhythms is not enough to explain the difference in outcome of the IF protocol, we will show the data for the 1-month daytime IF, which again does not increase adult neurogenesis (reviewer #3, minor point #6).

      Reviewer #4 (Significance (Required)):

      Given the great interest in the seemingly positive effects on health of IF in general, and also for increasing neurogenesis, it is important to better understand the mechanism of this intervention. The study by Gabarró-Solanas et al. clearly demonstrates that IF is not a universal, "works all the time" way of increasing neurogenesis. The study is very well done, with well controlled and measured parameters. It shows that a physiological interference such as IF might depend on many factors and might be less robust across laboratories than anticipated. This study is a very good example that all the details of the experimental settings need to be taken into consideration and are ideally reported with every IF study. It is also a good example how to follow up "no effect" data in a way that they are conclusive.

      The significance of this study is to point out that IF as a strategy to increase neurogenesis needs to be reconsidered. It raises the questions how IF can be beneficial in some studies and not in others, asking for more experiments to better understand the detailed mechanisms of IF action. In a systematic approach, this study rules out some of the potentially confounding factors and shows that at least with the chosen IF paradigm, these factors are not the reason for not seeing increased neurogenesis. The study is thus of clear interest for the neurogenesis field and will also need to be considered by the broader field of IF research, although it speaks against the beneficial effects of IF. It might have the potential to bring together the different study authors who did or did not see increased neurogenesis with IF and discuss together the non-published details of their study design to advance the field.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive assessment of our work and for acknowledging its importance for the broader field of IF research.

      List of references used in the response to reviewers:

      Anson, R. M. et al. Intermittent fasting dissociates beneficial effects of dietary restriction on glucose metabolism and neuronal resistance to injury from calorie intake. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100, 6216–6220 (2003).

      Bok, E. et al. Dietary Restriction and Neuroinflammation: A Potential Mechanistic Link. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20, 464 (2019).

      Cignarella, F. et al. Intermittent Fasting Confers Protection in CNS Autoimmunity by Altering the Gut Microbiota. Cell Metabolism 27, 1222-1235.e6 (2018).

      Dai, S. et al. Intermittent fasting reduces neuroinflammation in intracerebral hemorrhage through the Sirt3/Nrf2/HO-1 pathway. Journal of Neuroinflammation 19, 122 (2022).

      Dias, G. P. et al. Intermittent fasting enhances long-term memory consolidation, adult hippocampal neurogenesis, and expression of longevity gene Klotho. Mol Psychiatry 1–15 (2021).

      Goodrick, C. L., Ingram, D. K., Reynolds, M. A., Freeman, J. R. & Cider, N. Effects of intermittent feeding upon body weight and lifespan in inbred mice: interaction of genotype and age. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 55, 69–87 (1990).

      Gudden, J., Arias Vasquez, A. & Bloemendaal, M. The Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Brain and Cognitive Function. Nutrients 13, 3166 (2021).

      Lee, J., Seroogy, K. B. & Mattson, M. P. Dietary restriction enhances neurotrophin expression and neurogenesis in the hippocampus of adult mice. Journal of Neurochemistry 80, 539–547 (2002).

      Rangan, P. et al. Fasting-mimicking diet cycles reduce neuroinflammation to attenuate cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s models. Cell Reports 40, 111417 (2022).

      Roberts, L. D. et al. The 5:2 diet does not increase adult hippocampal neurogenesis or enhance spatial memory in mice. 2022.10.03.510613 BioRxiv Preprint (2022).

      Song, M.-Y. et al. Energy restriction induced SIRT6 inhibits microglia activation and promotes angiogenesis in cerebral ischemia via transcriptional inhibition of TXNIP. Cell Death Dis 13, 449 (2022).

      Urbán, N. et al. Return to quiescence of mouse neural stem cells by degradation of a proactivation protein. Science 353, 292–295 (2016).

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, Gabarró-Solanas et al. tested the effect of intermitted fasting (IF, every-other-day fasting) on adult neural stem cells and neurogenesis. They demonstrate that the paradigm they have used does not affect NSC activation or maintenance, and does also not promote neurogenesis. As previous reports showed increased neurogenesis with IF, the authors controlled for various parameters such as mouse strain, sex, and diet length. They also used different methods of identification of newborn neurons, such as tamoxifen-induced lineage-tracing versus birth-dating with thymidine-analogues to substantiate their findings.

      Major comments:

      This study is very well done with carefully designed and controlled experiments. The manuscript reads nicely and the data are presented in a clear way, making it easy to follow. The authors have done a "tour-de force" to rule out confounding factors that might influence their findings that IF does not affect NSCs nor neurogenesis. The claims and conclusions are supported by the data. The methods are clearly described and should allow to reproduce the data independently. The number of replicates (i.e. the number of mice analyzed) is impressive and statistical analysis is adequate.

      The major findings, namely that the chosen IF does not affect NSCs and neurogenesis is not in line with some previous studies. Despite a careful ruling out of potentially confounding factors (see also "significance" below), it remains unclear why other studies have found an increase in neurogenesis with IF. As each of these studies has some specific experimental design, it is difficult to judge these data in the context of previous data without going through all the details of the other studies. It would thus be a great help for the reader if the authors could provide a table or schematic, which lists the major parameters of each of these studies, such as detailed paradigm of IF, age of mice at start, sex, duration of the intervention, method of identification of NSCs and neurogenesis etc.

      Two points that the authors have not discussed might also be worth mentioning in the discussion part:

      1. The mice in the night-time IF were single caged, could there be a potential negative effect on neurogenesis that would mask the presumably beneficial effect of IF? Although the controls were also single caged, the stress of social isolation might play a role?
      2. The IF mice gained the same weight over time (Fig. S2), but had a ~20% reduction in overall calory intake. This would be explainable by a reduction in energy expenditure, but the overall activity was also not significantly changed (Fig. S1). Can the authors speculate why they reach the same weight with less calories?

      Minor comments:

      1. It would be nice to replace the arbitrary units (AU) in the graphs were this is used (e.g. Fig. 2F, 3C, 4B, D and F etc) to the actual number of cells per a certain µm DG, so that the number of cells can be put in context and compared between the figures.
      2. Fig 3 D: can the authors also show the Ki67 channel to illustrate how it looks after a 3 month IF?
      3. Fig.4E: the NeuN staining looks strangely interrupted, this might be due to tile-stitching? In that case, it would be better to either only show one segment or to try to get a better stitching algorhythm.
      4. Fig.6 D shows a minus axis in Y-axis, this should only been shown from 0 to positive values, as it is a percentage of cells and cannot be negative.
      5. Fig.6 B: the same problem with the NeuN staining as mentioned under point 3. This should be improved.
      6. Fig. S6B: maybe add a comment in the result part or in the figure legend that a 10 day chase after an EdU pulse is not the classical protocol to look at mature NeuN positive neurons. But apparently enough newborn neurons were already NeuN positive for this quantification.
      7. The authors refer to personal communications with M. Mattson and S. Thuret to underline that circadian disruption is not enough to explain the differences (line 367 onwards). Can they refer the reader to published data instead?


      Given the great interest in the seemingly positive effects on health of IF in general, and also for increasing neurogenesis, it is important to better understand the mechanism of this intervention. The study by Gabarró-Solanas et al. clearly demonstrates that IF is not a universal, "works all the time" way of increasing neurogenesis. The study is very well done, with well controlled and measured parameters. It shows that a physiological interference such as IF might depend on many factors and might be less robust across laboratories than anticipated. This study is a very good example that all the details of the experimental settings need to be taken into consideration and are ideally reported with every IF study. It is also a good example how to follow up "no effect" data in a way that they are conclusive.

      The significance of this study is to point out that IF as a strategy to increase neurogenesis needs to be reconsidered. It raises the questions how IF can be beneficial in some studies and not in others, asking for more experiments to better understand the detailed mechanisms of IF action. In a systematic approach, this study rules out some of the potentially confounding factors and shows that at least with the chosen IF paradigm, these factors are not the reason for not seeing increased neurogenesis. The study is thus of clear interest for the neurogenesis field and will also need to be considered by the broader field of IF research, although it speaks against the beneficial effects of IF. It might have the potential to bring together the different study authors who did or did not see increased neurogenesis with IF and discuss together the non-published details of their study design to advance the field.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Gabarro-Solanas et al. investigate the effects of intermittent fasting (IF) on adult hippocampal neurogenesis in young adult mice. IF has been reported to increase the number of adult-born neuron in the hippocampus, a region that is important for learning and memory. However, it is not well understood what stages of adult neurogenesis are regulated by IF. To address this, the authors utilized lineage tracing and label retention assays in mice undergoing an IF diet. The authors used 2 months old Glast-CreERT2;RYFP mice in combination with Edu label retention to characterize adult NSCs and placed these mice on 1 and 3 months of IF. Despite seeing a decrease in neural stem cell proliferation with age, the authors did not observe a change due to diet. The authors then used immunohistochemistry to characterize changes in cell proliferation, neuroblasts, and new neurons following 1 month and 3 months of IF. Only 1 month of IF seemed to decrease the number of new neurons; however, by 3 months the neuronal output was the same. There were no differences in neuroblasts or cell proliferation due to diet. Gabarro-Solanas et al. conclude that IF transiently and mildly inhibits neurogenesis. Due to contradicting results, the authors then try to determine what variables (sex, labeling method, strain, tamoxifen usage, or diet length) could be affecting their data. The authors saw no substantial differences due to any of their variables.

      Major Points

      1. The authors analyze NSCs homeostasis and neurogenesis in young adult mice and do not observe any significant changes with their chosen alternate day intermittent fasting paradigm. However, a lot of the data and cell counts appears to be highly variable between animals in the same group. At times, there is an order of magnitude difference between the highest and lowest counts (e.g. Figure 2C,E). According to the method section, it appears that the authors predominantly analyzed a single DG (section?) for most immunostainings, which may explain the large variability in their data. If this is indeed the case, it is insufficient to quantify only a single section for each animal. The authors should quantify several DG sections for each mouse from a pre-defined range along the rostral-caudal axis of the hippocampus in accordance with a standard brain reference atlas. There are also several quantifications, especially of Ki67 where several individuals appear to have no Ki67+ (Figure 3B, 6D) NSCs. These findings are surprising given the still young age of these mice and may be another reflection of the limited brain sections that were analyzed.
      2. There appear to be significant cutting or imaging artifacts across most fluorescent images further raising concerns regarding the accuracy of the quantifications (e.g. Figure 3D, 4C,E, 6B) and publication quality of the images and data. Importantly, uneven section thickness, either from cutting artifacts or imaging issues, may lead to inaccurate cell quantifications a could, possibly, account for the high variability. This issue would further exacerbate concerns regarding the quantification of a single DG section for each animal.
      3. It is unclear how NSCs were counted in the B6 mice (Fig 6D,E). The authors only provide a description for the Glast-CRE mice, where they used YFP labeling and GFAP. We assume they performed Sox2/GFAP or Nestin labeling, however, this is not clear at all. The authors should describe their methodology and provide representative images.
      4. NSC populations represent a heterogenous group of stem cells with different replicative properties. As such, the Glast-Cre approach used for the majority of this study may represent a specific subset of NSCs. In line with the previous point, we recommend the authors complement their NSC counts with Sox2/GFAP and Nestin immunostainings.
      5. Stress is a significant negative regulator of neurogenesis. Is it possible that the IF mice display higher stress level which could counteract any beneficial effects of the IF intervention. The authors should provide some measures of stress markers to rule out this potential confounding factor in their IF paradigm.

      Minor Point

      1. The authors state that "Experimental groups were formed by randomly assigning mice from different litters within each mouse strain and all experiments were conducted in male and female mice". Given that neurogenesis, especially at young ages, is highly sensitive to the exact age of the mice, the authors should provide a rationale why animals from different litters instead of littermate controls were used in these experiments.
      2. Currently, the statistical tests are only described in the method section, however it would be helpful if this information to be integrated into the figure legend as well. Additionally, the authors provide individual data points for some but not all bar graphs (eg Figure 1D).
      3. Cell counts per AU is a rather unorthodox unit. With a representative selection of tissue for each animal, the authors could avoid the need to normalize to the DG length and may be able to extrapolate an estimate of cell counts for the entire DG instead.
      4. In Figure 4D, the authors highlight a few NSC with arrowheads. At a quick glance this is rather confusing as it appears that the authors only counted 3 NSCs in each picture. It may be a better option to show a zoomed in picture to highlight an example of a representative NSC.
      5. In Supplementary Figure S6, the authors should complement the quantification of the nuclei with representative images.
      6. For the daytime IF, did the authors assess weights, food intake, RER as well liver/fat measurements similar to night-time IF? If so, this data should be provided in the supplement.


      The authors are commended for compiling a manuscript on what is commonly considered 'negative data', that, at the same time, are also contradicting independent reports on the effects of IF on neurogenesis. The studies outlined in this manuscript are comprehensive and mostly well designed. Given the broad, growing interest in dietary restriction as an aging intervention the study is timely.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Gabarro-Solanas et al. question the suitability of IF (Intermittent fasting - non-pharmacological strategy to counteract ageing, which has been previously shown to increase the number of adult-born neurons in the dentate gyrus of mice) as a pro-neurogenic intervention, since IF treatment did not stimulate adult hippocampal neurogenesis, neither at the stem cell level nor on immature and/or dividing neurons. The Authors used a tamoxifen inducible transgenic model (Glast-CreERT2;RYFP mice) to trace neural stem cell lineage and found that IF did not enhance neural stem cell proliferation, nor the abundance of immature, DCX+ neurons. Three-months of IF failed to increase the number of new adult-born neurons (NeuN+/YFP+), while one month of IF significantly reduced the number of new adult-born neurons.

      The study appers technically sound, including many different approaches in order to reach its conclusions. For instance, tamoxifen has been reported to impair various physiological processes, including neurogenesis (Smith et al., 2022), and most studies on adult hippocampal neurogenesis use the C57BL/6J strain of mice; hence, the use of Tamoxifen or that of the GlastCreERT2;RYFP model may have underscored these observations. However, to account for this potentially confounding factor, the Authors characterised the effect of their IF treatment in C57BL/6j mice, also reporting no evident effects of IF as a pro-neurogenic intervention. I think the study was carefully planned and the analyses well done. Several possible variables were considered, including sex, labelling method, strain, tamoxifen usage or diet length. Several controls were performed in other organs and tissues (liver, fat) to establish the fasting protocol and to check its effects. Data are presented in a clear way. Quality of images is high level. In general, it appears as a highly reliable paper reaching an authoritative conclusion for the absence of effect of IF on adult neurogenesis.

      Major comments:

      I think that the key conclusions are convincing and no further experiments are required. The methods are presented in such a way that they can be reproduced, and the experiments adequately replicated with proper statistical analysis.

      Minor comments:

      Prior studies are referenced appropriately, both regarding the IF protocols and the adult neurogenesis modulation. Line 288 - a reference is incomplete (Dias); integrate with: (Dias et al., 2021) There is one concept that is not expressed in the manuscript. Maybe it is not strictly necessary, but I think can be useful to mention it here. It is the fact that most information currently available strongly indicates that adult neurogenesis in humans is not present after adolescence. Of course the research described here is carried out on mice, and in the manuscript it is stated many times that adult hippocampal neurogenesis is strongly decreasing with age, also due to age-related stem cell depletion. Yet, it seems that in humans the exhaustion of such a process can start after adolescence. We know that a sort of controversy is currently present on this subjects, because DCX+ neurons can be detected in adult and old human hippocampi. Yet, it is also clear that there is no substantial cell division (stem cells are depleted) to sustain such hypothetical neurogenesis. Hence, it has been hypothesized that non-newlyborn, "immature" neurons can persist in the absence of cell division, as it has been well demonstrated in the cerebral cortex (see La Rosa et al., 2020 Front Neurosci; Rotheneichner et al., 2018, Cereb Cortex). This point can be important in the case someone want to use dietary approached such as IF (or any other pharmacological treatment) to stimulate neurogenesis in humans.


      The significance of this study relies on the fact that adult neurogenesis field (AN) has been often damaged by the search of "positive" results, aiming at showing that AN does occur "always and everywhere" and that most internal/external stimuli do increase it. This attitude created a bias in the field, persuading many scientists that a result in AN is worthy of publication (or of high impact factor publication) only when a positive result is found.

      Personally, I found particularly meaninful the last sentences of the Discussion (reported below), which might seem "off topic" in a research paper, while - I think - underline the real significance of the manuscript: "In addition, publication bias might be playing a role in skewing the literature on fasting and neurogenesis towards reporting positive results.

      In some reviews, even studies reporting no effect are cited as evidence for improved neurogenesis upon IF. Reporting of negative results, especially those challenging accepted dogmas, and a careful and rigorous evaluation of the publications cited in reviews are crucial to avoid unnecessary waste of resources and to promote the advancement of science."

      Reviewer field of expertise - keywords: adult neurogenesis, brain structural plasticity, non-newly born immature neurons, comparative neuroplasticity.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study, mice were exposed to a specific form of so-called Intermittent Fasting (IF) and the effects of IF on adult neogenesis in the hippocampus were determined. The specific IF protocol used had no effect on activation, proliferation, or maintenance of adult Neural Stem Cells (aNSCs) and displayed a decrease in number of new neurons in the neurogenic niche but only after 1 month of the IF protocol. These results contrast previously published results from multiple studies that concluded that IF promotes survival of new neurons and by extension promote adult neurogenesis. The unresponsiveness of aNSCs or their immediate cell progeny, the Intermediate Neural Progenitors (IPCs), to IF is a novel finding. The authors make several relevant points in the discussion about the publication bias towards positive results (or omission of negative results), which may reinforce established dogmas. However, the presented results did not convincingly demonstrate that the absence of effects of IF on aNSCs or adult neurogenesis is simply not a result of a specific IF paradigm, which is not robust enough to elicit changes in adult neurogenesis. In other words, there is a lack of positive controls and alternative protocols that would rule out that the observed absence of effects is not a consequence of type II error (the error of omission), or more colloquially, a consequence of false negatives.

      Major Comments:

      1. Protocol-driven absence of effects: The absence of IF effects on aNSCs and IPCs observed in this study does not lend it the authority to conclude that aNSCs are resilient to IF or all IF paradigms and protocols. The absence of IF effects on aNSCs and neurogenesis could be specifically related to the chosen IF paradigm. Indeed, not all previous studies that observed IF-driven effects on adult neurogenesis used the same "night-time every-other-day fasting" protocol chosen in this study. For example, Brandhorst et al., 2015 (cited in this paper) used 4 days of IF 2x per month and observed an increase of DCX+BrdU+ cells. On the other hand, certain previous studies used the same or similar IF protocol used here, but often with longer duration or with a post-fasting ad libitum feeding period, which may be responsible for the pro-neurogenic or pro-survival effects. In fact, the authors acknowledge this in the discussion (page 7, lines 289-290 and 292-294). Why would the authors then not include similar feeding/IF paradigm in their study and determine if these would generate effects on survival of new neurons but also on aNSCs and/or IPCs? In addition, the authors acknowledge that the chosen IF paradigm may have affected the stress levels or behaviour of mice (page 9, lines 372-378). Why did they not test if their IF protocol does not increase stress or anxiety of mice by simple behaviour tests such as open field or elevated T maze? Alarmingly, the used IF protocol does not result in changes in final weight or growth curves (S.Fig.2), which is surprising and raises a question the used IF protocol is robust enough or appropriate. Finally, the authors acknowledge that their own results do not support well-established findings such as aging-related reduction in number of aNSCs (page 4, lines 177-179). This again questions whether the selected protocols and treatments are appropriate.
      2. Lack of topic-specific positive controls: The authors successfully demonstrated that the used IF protocol differentially impacts the adipose tissue and liver, while also inducing body weight fluctuations synchronized with the fasting periods. However, these peripheral effects outside the CNS do not directly imply that the chosen IF protocol is robust enough to elicit cellular or molecular changes in the hippocampus. The authors need to demonstrate that their IF protocol affects previously well-established CNS parameters associated with fasting such as astrocyte reactivity, inflammation or microglia activation, among other factors. In fact, they acknowledge this systemic problem in the discussion (page 8, lines 359-360).
      3. Problematic cell analyses: Cell quantification should be performed under stereological principles. However, the presented results did not adhere to stereological quantification. Instead, the authors chose to quantify specific cell phenotypes only in subjectively selected subsets of regions of interest, i.e., the Subgranular Zone (SGZ). This subjective pre-selection may have been responsible for the absence of effects, especially if these are either relatively small or dependent on anatomical sections of SGZ. For example, IF may exert effects on caudal SGZ more than on rostral SGZ. But if the authors quantified only (or predominantly) rostral SGZ, they may have missed these effects by biasing one segment of SGZ versus other. The authors should apply stereological quantification at least to the quantification of new neurons and test if this approach replicated previously observed pro-survival effects of IF. Also, the authors should describe how they pre-selected the ROI for cell quantification in greater details.
      4. Alarming exclusion of data points: There appears to be different number of data points in different graphs that are constructed from same data sets. For example, in the 3-month IF data set in Figure 4, there are 14 data points for the graph of Ki67+ cells (Fig.4B), but 16 (or 17) data points for the graph of DCX+ cells (Fig.4D). How is that possible? If data points were excluded, what objective and statistical criteria were applied to make sure that such exclusion is not subjective and biased? In fact, the authors state that "Samples with poor staining quality were also excluded from quantifications" (page 12, line 528-529). Poor preparation of tissue is not only suboptimal but not a valid objective reason for data point exclusion. This major issue needs to be explained and corrected.
      5. Different pulse-and-chase time-points: One of the reasons why this study has found that aNSCs may not be responsive to IF could be the use of less appropriate pulse-and-chase time-points either after EdU or after Tamoxifen for cell lineage tracing. The authors observed that IF has negative effects on new neurons initially (Fig.4F). Similarly, it is well established that voluntary physical exercise affects SGZ adult neurogenesis only during the first 2 weeks. After this period, the neurogenic effects of exercise are diminished beyond observational detection (i.e., van Praag's and Kempermann's papers in the past 25 years). These two arguments suggest that the observed absence of aNSC responsiveness might be a consequence of the chosen EdU administration and the EdU pulse should not be administered 15 days after Tamoxifen/IF protocol start but earlier, in the first week of the IF protocol. In fact, the decreased number of new neurons during the initial IF phase may not be only a consequence of reduced survival but of higher aNSC quiescence during the first week of the IF protocol.
      6. Discussion needs more specificity and clarity: The authors claim that the absence of IF effects on neurogenesis is multi-layered (including the influence of age, sex, specific cell labelling protocols etc.) but they do not specifically address why certain studies did find IF-driven neurogenic effects while they did not. In addition, some statements and points in the discussion are not clear. For example, when the authors refer to their own experiments (page 8, lines 331-334), it is not clear, which experiments they have in mind.

      Minor comments:

      1. Change in the title: The authors have shown that a very specific IF protocol does not affect aNSCs but initially decreases number of new neurons in SGZ. The title should reflect this. For example, it could state "Specific (night-time every-other-day) fasting does not affect aNSCs but initially decreases survival of new neurons in the SGZ".
      2. Data depiction: Data in 3 datasets were found not normally distributed (Fig. S5A, B and S6A) and were correctly analysed with non-parametric tests. However, the corresponding graphs wrongly depict the data as mean +/- SD while they should depict median +/- IQR (or similar adequate value) because non-parametric statistical tests do not compare means but medians.
      3. Statistical analysis: For ANOVA, the F and p values are not listed anywhere. The presented asterisks in the graphs are only for non-ANOVA or ANOVA post-hoc tests. This does not allow to judge statistical significance well and should be corrected.
      4. Asymmetric vs Symmetric cell divisions: Representative images in Fig.2B suggest that IF may affect the plane of cell division for the Type-1 aNSCs. The plane of cell division is an indirect indicator of symmetric vs asymmetric (exhaustive vs maintaining) modes of cell division. Is it possible, IF influences this, especially during the first week of IF (see major comment 5)?
      5. Improved and more accurate citations: Some references are not properly formatted (e.g., "Dias", page 7, line 288). Some references are included in generalizing statements when they do not contain data to support such statements. For example, Kitamura et al., 2006 did not determine the number of new neurons (only BrdU+ cells) in the SGZ, yet this reference is included among sources supporting that IF "promote survival of newly born neurons" (page 2, line 60). Authors should be more careful how the cite the references.
      6. How do the authors explain that they observe 73-80% caloric restriction and yet the final body weight is not different between IF and control animals? Would it suggest that the selected IF protocol or selected diet are not appropriate (see major point 4)?
      7. Given that aNSCs rely more on de novo lipogenesis and fatty acids for their metabolism as shown by Knobloch et al., Nature 2013 and given the interesting changes in RER with the IF shown in this study, it would be interesting to see whether there are differences in Fasn expression in aNSCs between control and IF animals (see minor point 4).
      8. Determining apoptosis in the SGZ by picnotic nuclei (Figure S6A) should be supplemented by determining the number and/or proportion of YFP+ cells positive for the Activated Caspase 3.


      General assessment:

      This study concludes that aNSCs do not respond to the intermittent fasting. This expands and supplements previous findings that suggest that the intermittent fasting promotes adult neurogenesis by increasing survival and/or proliferation in the Subgranural Zone. The study is well designed, however, over-extends its conclusions beyond a specific fasting paradigm and does not acknowledge serious limitations in the experimental design and analyses. In fact, until major revision is done, which would rule out that the absence of effects of fasting on aNSCs is not due to false negative results, many conclusions from this study cannot be accepted as valid.


      As mentioned above, the study has a potential to advance our understanding of how fasting affects neurogenesis and fills the knowledge gap of how fasting specifically affects the stem cells. However, unless the study addresses its limitations, its conclusions are not convincing.


      This study would be particularly interesting for the niche readers from the neurogenesis field. However, the study can also be interesting for researchers in metabolomics and dietology.

      My expertise:

      adult neurogenesis, neural stem cells, dietology, metabolism

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Marta Sanvicente-García et al and colleague developed a comprehensive and versatile genome editing web application tool and a nextflow pipeline to give support to gene editing experimental design and analysis.

      The manuscript is well written and all data are clearly shown.

      While I did not tested extensively, the software seems to work well and I have no reason to doubt the authors' claims.

      I usually prefer ready to use web applications like outknocker, they are in general easier to use for rookies (it would be good if the author could cite it, since it is very well implemented) but the nextflow implementation is anyway well suited.

      We have been able to analyze the testing dataset that they provide, but we have tried to run it with our dataset and we have not been able to obtain results. We have also tried to run it with the testing dataset of CRISPRnano and CRISPResso2 without obtaining results. The error message has been in all the cases: “No reads mapping to the reference sequence were found.”

      Few minor points:

      Regarding the methods to assess whether the genome editing is working or not, I would definitely include High Resolution Melt Analysis, which is by far the fastest and probably more sensitive amongst the others.

      Following the Reviewer 1 suggestion, we have added this technique in the introduction: “Another genotyping method that has been successfully used to evaluate genome editing is high-resolution melting analysis (HRMA) [REFERENCE]. This is a simple and efficient real-time polymerase chain reaction-based technique.”

      Another point that would important to taclke is that often these pipelines do nto define the system they are working with (eg diploid, aploid vs etc). This will change the number of reads needed ato unambigously call the genotypes detected and to perform the downstream analysis (the CRISPRnano authors mentioned this point).

      In the introduction, it is already said: " it is capable of analyzing edited bulk cell populations as well as individual clones". In addition, following this suggestion we have added in the help page of CRISPR-A web application and in the documentation of the nextflow pipeline a recommended sample coverage to orient the users on that.

      I am also wondering whether the name CRISPR-A is appropriate since someone could confuse it with CRISPRa.

      CRISPR-A is an abbreviation for CRISPR-Analytics. Even if it is true that it can be pronounced in the same way that CRISPRa screening libraries, it is spelled differently and would be easily differentiated by context.


      Reviewer 2 made an excellent work and raised important concerns about the software they need to be addressed carefully.

      In the meantime we had more time to test the software and can confirm some of the findings of Reviewer 1:

      1) We spent hours running (unsuccessfully) CRISPR A on Nextflow. The software does not seem to run properly.

      2) No manual or instruction can be found on both their repositories (https://bitbucket.org/synbiolab/crispr-a_nextflow/


      We have added a readme.md file to both repositories and we hope that with the new documentation the software can be downloaded and run easily. We have also added an example test in CRISPR-A nextflow pipeline to facilitate the testing of the software. Currently, the software is implemented in DLS1 instead of DLS2, making it impossible to be run with the latest version of nextflow. We are planning to make the update soon, but we want to do it while moving the pipeline to crisprseq nf-core pipeline to follow better standards and make it fully reproducible and reusable.

      Few more points to be considered:

      • UMI clustering is not proper terminology. Barcode multiplexing/demultiplexing (SQK-LSK109 from Oxford Nanopore).

      We have added more details in the methods section “Library prep and Illumina sequencing with Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs)” to clarify the process and used terminology: “Uni-Molecular Identifiers are added through a 2 cycles PCR, called UMI tagging, to ensure that each identifier comes just from one molecule. Barcodes to demultiplex by sample are added later, after the UMI tagging, in the early and late PCR.”

      We had already explained the computational pipeline through which these UMIs are clustered together to obtain a consensus of the amplified sequences in “CRISPR-A gene editing analysis pipeline” section in methods:

      “An adapted version of extract_umis.py script from pipeline_umi_amplicon pipeline (distributed by ONT https://github.com/nanoporetech/ pipeline-umi-amplicon) is used to get UMI sequences from the reads, when the three PCRs experimental protocol is applied. Then vsearch⁴⁸ is used to cluster UMI sequences. UMIs are polished using minimap2³² and racon⁴⁹ and consensus sequences are obtained using minialign (https://github.com/ocxtal/minialign) and medaka (https://github.com/nanoporetech/medaka).”

      We also have added the following in “CRISPR-A gene editing analysis pipeline” methods section to help to understand differences between the barcodes that can be used: “In case of working with pooled samples, the demultiplexing of the samples has to be done before running CRISPR-A analysis pipeline using the proper software in function of the sequencing used platform. The resulting FASTQ files are the main input of the pipeline.”

      Then, SQK-LSK109 from Oxford Nanopore is followed through the steps specified in methods: “The Custom PCR UMI (with SQK-LSK109), version CPU_9107_v109_revA_09Oct2020 (Nanopore Protocol) was followed from UMI tagging step to the late PCR and clean-up step.”

      Finally, we want to highlight that, as can be seen in methods as well as in discussion, UMIs are used to group sequences that have been amplified from the same genome and not to identify different samples: “Precision has been enhanced in CRISPR-A through three different approaches. [...] We also removed indels in noisy positions when the consensus of clusterized sequences by UMI are used after filtering by UBS.” As well as in results (Fig. 5C).

      • Text in Figure 5 is hard to read.

      We have increased the letter size of Figure 5.

      • They should test the software based on the ground truth data

      We have added a human classified dataset to do the final benchmarking. And we can see that for all examined samples CRISPR-A has an accuracy higher than 0.9. As has been shown in the figure with manual curated data, CRISPR-A shows good results in noisy samples using the empiric noise removal algorithm, without need of filtering by edition windows.

      • The alignment algorithm is not the best one, I think minimap2 would be better for general purpose (at least it work better for ONT).

      As can be seen in figure 2A, minimap is one of the alignment methods that gives better results for the aim of the pipeline. In addition, we have tuned the parameters (Figure 2B) for a better detection of CRISPR-based long deletions, which can be more difficult to report in a single open gap of the alignment.

      • The minimum configuration for installation was not mentioned (for their Docker/next flow pipeline).

      Proper documentation to indicate the configuration requirements for installation has been added to the readme.md of the repository·

      • Fig 2: why do they use PC4/PC1?

      Principal Component Analysis is used to reduce the number of dimensions in a dataset and help to understand the effect of the explainable variables, detect trends or samples that are labeled in incorrect groups, simplify data visualization… Even PC4 explains less variability than PC2 or PC3, this helps us to understand and better decipher the effect of the 4 different analyzed parameters even if the differences are not big. We have decided to include as a supplementary figure other PCs to show these.

      • There are still typos and unclear statements thorughout the whole manuscript.

      One more drawback is that the software seems to only support single FASTQ uploading (or we cannot see the option to add more FASTQ).

      In the case of paired-end reads instead of single-end reads, in the web application, these can be selected at the beginning answering the question “How should we analyze your reads? Type of Analysis: Single-end Reads; Paired-end Reads”. In the case of the pipeline, now it is explained in the documentation how to mark if the data is paired-end or single-end. It has to be indicated in “input” and “r2file” configuration variables.

      In the case of multiple samples, and for that reason multiple FASTQ files, there is the button to add more samples in the web application. In the pipeline, multiple samples can be analyzed in a single run by putting all together in a folder and indicating it with variable “input”.

      Since usually people analyze more than one clone at the time (we usually analyze 96 clones together) this would mean that I have to upload manually each one of them.

      All files can be added in the same folder and analyzed in a single run using the nextflow pipeline. Web application has a limit of ten samples that can be added clicking the button “Add more”.

      Also, the software (the webserver, the docker does not work) works with Illumina data in our hands but not with ONT.

      This should be clarified in the manuscript.

      If a fastq is uploaded to CRISPR-A, the analysis can be done even if we haven't specifically optimized the tool for long reads sequencing platforms. We have checked the performance of CRISPR-A with CRISPRnano nanopore testing dataset and we have succeeded in the analysis. See results here: https://synbio.upf.edu/crispr-a/RUNS/tmp_1118819937/.

      Summary of the results:





      42.60 % (-1del); 12.72 % (-10del)

      71% (-1del);

      16% (-10del)

      – 36 (logo)


      37.50 % (-1del); 15.63 % (-10 del)

      65% (-1del);

      28% (-10del)

      – 38 (logo)


      39.29 % (-1del); 8.33 % (-17del)

      10del; 17del; 1del


      80.11 % (-17 del)

      del17; del20; del18; del16;del 16


      80.11% (-17 del)

      del17; del20; del 18; del16; del16


      71.91% (-17 del)

      del17; del18

      As we can see from these exemple, CRISPR-A reports all indels in general without classifying them as edits or noise. Since nanopore data has a high number of indels as sequencing errors the percentages of CRISPR-A are not accurate. Eventhat, CRISPR-A reports more diverse outcomes, which are probably edits, than CRISPRnano.

      Therefore, we have added the following text in results:

      “Even single-molecule sequencing (eg. PacBio, Nanopore..) can be analyzed by CRISPR-A, targeted sequencing by synthesis data is required for precise quantification.”

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      As I mentioned above I think this could be a useful software for those people that are screening genome editing cells. Since CRISPR is widely used i assume that the audience is broad.

      There are many other software that perform similarly to CRISPR-A but it seems that this software adds few more things and seems to be more precise. It is hard to understand if everything the author claims is accurate since it requires a lot of testing and time and the reviewing time is of just two weeks. But 1) I have no reason to doubt the authors and 2) the software works

      Broad audience (people using CRISPR)

      Genetics, Genome Engineering, software development (we develop a very similar software), genetic compensation, stem cell biology

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      CRISPR-Analytics, abbreviated as CRISPR-A, is a web application implementing a tool for analyzing editing experiments. The tool can analyze various experiment types - single cleavage experiments, base editing, prime editing, and HDR. The required data for the analysis consists of NGS raw data or simulated data, in fastq, protospacer sequence and cut site. Amplicon sequence is also needed in cases where the amplified genome is absent from the genome reference list. The tool pipeline is implemented in NextFlow and has an interactive web application for visualizing the results of the analysis, including embedding the results into an IGV browser.

      The authors developed a gene editing simulation mechanism that enables the user to assess an experiment design and to predict expected outcomes. Simulated data was generated by SimGE over primary T-cells. The parameters and distributions were also fitted for 3 cell lines to make it more generalized (Hek293, K562, and HCT116). The process simulated CRISPR-CAS9 activity and the resulting insertions, deletions, and substitutions. The simulation results are then compared to the experimental results. The authors report the Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence between the results. The exact distributions that served as input to the JS are not well defined in the manuscript (see below).

      To clarify the used distributions in the JS divergence calculation, we have changed the following piece of text in section “Simulations evaluation” of methods:

      “ Afterward, we tested the performance on the fifth fold, generating the simulated sequences with the same target and gRNA as the samples that belong to the fifth fold, in order to calculate the distance between these. The final validation, with the mean parameters of the different training interactions, was performed on a testing data set that was not used in the training. Validation was done with samples that had never taken place in the training process. Jensen distance is used to compare the characterization of real samples and simulated samples since this is the explored distance that differentiates better replicates among samples. In order to obtain the different distributions, the T cell data, including 1.521 unique cut sites, was split into different datasets based on the different classes: deletions, insertions and substitutions. For each of these classes, giving as input the datasets with only that class, we obtained the distribution for size and then for position of indels. The same was done for the other three cell lines: K562, HEK293 and HCT116, which included 96 unique cut sites, with three replicates each. The whole datasets (with 1521 and 96 unique cut sites) were split into five-folds (4 for training and one for test) and validation, in order to train and validate the simulator. Using the parameters obtained during the training-test iterations (the average value of the 5 iterations), we generate simulated sequences with the same target and gRNA as the samples that are assigned to the test subset to calculate the Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence between the simulated and real samples of that subset. Finally, the same was performed for validation. The input for the distance calculations were the generated simulated subset and its real equivalent (same target and gRNA) distributions of the classes. ”

      The authors also report an investigation of different alignment approaches and how they may affect the resulting characterization of editing activity.

      The authors examine three different approaches to increase what they call "edit quantification accuracy" (aka, in a different place - "precise allele counts determination" - what is this???): (1) spike-in controls (2) UMI's and (3) using mock to denoise the results. See below for our comments about these approaches.

      Moreover, the authors developed an empirical model to reduce noise in the detection of editing activity. This is done by using mock (control), and by normalization and alignment of reads with indels, with the notion and observation that indels that are far from the cut site tend to classify as noise.

      The authors then perform a comparison between 6 different tools, in the context of determining and quantifying editing activities. One important comparison approach uses manually curated data. However - the description of how this dataset was created is far from being sufficiently clear. The comparison is also performed for HDR experiment type, which can be compared only to 2 other tools.

      We have changed alleles by editing outcomes in the title section “Three different approaches to increase precise editing outcomes counts determination” trying to be more clear.

      There is already a section in methods “Manual curation of 30 edited samples” explaining how the manual curation was done.

      We see the potential contribution aspects of the paper to be the following:

      1. NextFlow pipeline implementation is an important engineering contribution. Same is true for the interactive web application
      2. The option to simulate an experiment to assess it is a nice feature and can help experiment design
      3. Identification of amplicons when not provided as input
      4. CRISPR-A seeks substitutions along the entire amplicon sequence and is less dependent on the quantification window and on the putative cutsite
      5. Analysis of the difference, in edit activity, comparing different cell lines
      6. CRISPR-A supports the use of UMIs
      7. Interesting sequence pattern insights - like "...found certain patterns associated with low diversity outcomes: free thymine or adenine at the 3' nucleotide upstream of the cut site that leads to insertions of the same nucleotide, a free cytosine at the same place that leads to its loss, and strong micro-homology patterns that lead to long deletions " We further comment on the soundness of these contributions in our comments below and on their significance in our comments related to the general potential significance of the paper.

      Major comments:

      • Upon attempting to run an analysis from the web interface (https://synbio.upf.edu/crispr-a) and using: fastq of Tx and mock (control), the human genome and the gRNA sequence provided as input for the protospacer field, our run was not successful. In fact the site crashed with no interpretable error message from CRISPR-A. We have improved the error handling together with the explanations in the help page, where you will find a video. Hopefully these improvements will avoid unexpected crashings.

      • Moreover, there should be more clear context. There is no information regarding the type of experiments that can be analyzed with the tool. We figure it is multiplex PCR and NGS but can the tool also be used for GUIDESeq, Capture, CircleSeq etc.? Experiments that could be analyzed are specified in Results: “CRISPR-A analyzes a great variety of experiments with minimal input. Single cleavage experiments, base editing (BE), prime editing (PE), predicted off-target sites or homology directed repair (HDR) can be analyzed without the need of specifying the experimental approach.” We have also specified this in the nextflow pipeline documentation as well as in the web application help page.

      • No off target analysis. Only on-target The accuracy of the tool allows checking if edits in predicted off-target sites are produced, this being an off-target analysis with some restrictions, since just variants of the predicted off-target sites are assessed. Translocations or other structural off-targets will not be detected by CRISPR-A since the input data analyzed by this tool are demultiplexed amplicon or targeted sequencing samples.

      • No translocations and long/complex deletions The source of used data as input does not allow us to do this. There are other tools like CRISPECTOR available for this kind of analysis. We have added this to supplementary table 1.

      • We view the use of a mock experiment as control as a must for any sound attempt to measure edit activity. This is even more so when off-target events need to be assessed (any rigorous application of GE, certainly any application aiming for clinical or crop engineering purposes). We therefore think that all investigation of other approaches should be put in this context. We agree with the necessity of using negative controls to assess editing. For that reason we have included the possibility of using mocks in the quantification. In addition, there are few tools that include this functionality.

      • It's a nice feature to have simulated data, however, it is not a good approach to rely on it. As can be seen in the manuscript we highlight the support that simulations can give without pretending to substitute experimental data by just simulated data. Simulated data has been useful in the development and benchmarking of CRISPR-A, but we are aware of the limitations of simulations. Here some examples from the manuscripts explaining how we have used or can be used simulated data:

      “Analytical tools, and simulations are needed to help in the experimental design.”

      “simulations to help in design or benchmarking”

      “We developed CRISPR-A, a gene editing analyzer that can provide simulations to assess experimental design and outcomes prediction.”

      “Gene editing simulations obtained with SimGE were used to develop the edits calling algorithm as well as for benchmarking CRISPR-A with other tools that have similar applications.”

      Even simulated data has been useful for the development and benchmarking of CRISPR-A, we have also used real data and human validated data.

      • In p7 the authors indicate the implementation of three approaches to improve quantification. They should be clear as to the fact that many other tools and experimental protocols are also using these approaches. for example, ampliCan, CRipresso2 and CRISPECTOR all take into account a mock experiment run in parallel to the treatment. Even in page 7 (results) we don’t mention the other tools that also use mocks for noise correction, we detail this information in Supplementary Table 1. CRISPResso2 was not included since they can run mocks in parallel but only to compare results qualitatively, i.e. there is not noise reduction in their pipeline. It has been added to the table.

      • Figure1: ○ The figure certainly provides what seems to be a positive indication of the simulations approach being close to measured results. Much more details are needed, however, to fully understand the results.

      We have added more details.

      ○ Squema = scheme ??

      We have changed the word “schema” by diagram.

      ○ What was the clustering approach?

      As is said in the caption of Figure 1 the clustering is hierarchical: “hierarchical clustering of real samples and their simulations from validation data set.” And we have added that “The clustering distance used is the JS divergence between the two subsets.”

      ○ What is the input to the JS calculation? What is the dimension of the distributions compared? These details need to be precisely provided.

      The distribution has two dimensions, sizes and counts or positions and counts.

      As said before, to clarify the used distributions in the JS divergence calculation, we have changed the following piece of text in section “Simulations evaluation” of methods:

      “ Afterward, we tested the performance on the fifth fold, generating the simulated sequences with the same target and gRNA as the samples that belong to the fifth fold, in order to calculate the distance between these. The final validation, with the mean parameters of the different training interactions, was performed on a testing data set that was not used in the training. Validation was done with samples that had never taken place in the training process. Jensen distance is used to compare the characterization of real samples and simulated samples since this is the explored distance that differentiates better replicates among samples. In order to obtain the different distributions, the T cell data, including 1.521 unique cut sites, was split into different datasets based on the different classes: deletions, insertions and substitutions. For each of these classes, giving as input the datasets with only that class, we obtained the distribution for size and then for position of indels. The same was done for the other three cell lines: K562, HEK293 and HCT116, which included 96 unique cut sites, with three replicates each. The whole datasets (with 1521 and 96 unique cut sites) were split into five-folds (4 for training and one for test) and validation, in order to train and validate the simulator. Using the parameters obtained during the training-test iterations (the average value of the 5 iterations), we generate simulated sequences with the same target and gRNA as the samples that are assigned to the test subset to calculate the Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence between the simulated and real samples of that subset. Finally, the same was performed for validation. The input for the distance calculations were the generated simulated subset and its real equivalent (same target and gRNA) distributions of the classes. ”

      ○ What clustering/aggregation approach did the authors use here (average dist, min dist, dist of centers?)

      Hierarchical clustering.

      ○ 5 pairs were selected out of how many? Call that number K.

      We have 100 samples in the validation set. Following the suggestion of indicating the total number of samples in the testing set, we have added this information to the figure caption.

      ○ What does the order of the samples in 1C mean? Is 98_real closer to 22_sim than to 98_sim? If so then state it. If not - what is the meaning of the order? Furthermore - how often, over K choose 2 pairs does this mis-matching occur for the CRISPR-A simulator??

      Exactly, it is a hierarchical clustering, where samples are sorted by JS divergence. It was already stated in Results: “In addition, on top of comparing the distance between the experimental sample and the simulated, we have included two experimental samples, SRR7737722 and SRR7737698, which are replicates. These two and their simulated samples show a low distance between them and a higher distance with other samples.” As well as in Figure 1 caption: “For instance, SRR7737722 and SRR7737698, which cluster together, are the real sample and its simulated sample for two replicates.” Then, since these samples are replicates, its simulations will come from the same input and is expectable to find low distance between these two real samples as well as between both of them and their simulation. We have stated it in the discussion.

      • "From the characterized data we obtained the probability distribution of each class" (page 3) - How is this done? how many guides? how many replicates? what is class? where do you elabore regarding it? how you obtain the distributions? More details of the methods need to be provided. Added in methods.

      • The 96 samples used for development here - where are they taken from? This should be indicated in the first time these samples are mentioned. Namely - bottom of P6 Added: “The 96 samples, from these cell lines, are obtained from a public dataset BioProject PRJNA326019.”

      • CRISPECTOR is not mentioned in the comparison in the section: "CRISPR-A effectively calls indels in simulated and edited samples" (Table S2). Is there a specific reason for having left it out? CRISPECTOR, as well as ampliCan, is not in Table S2, since in this table is shown detailed data from Figure 2. CRISPECTOR is compared with CRISPR-A in figure 5, where the different approaches to enhance precision, like using a negative control, are explored.

      • In the section "Improved discovery and characterization of template-based alleles or objective modifications" - part of the analysis was made over simulated data and then over real data. The authors state "it is difficult to explain the origin of these differences...". Thus, needs to be investigated in more detail ... :) (P5) Moreover - the performance over real data is, at the end of the day, the more interesting one for comparison purposes. We have added this sample to the human validated dataset to understand better what was happening in this case and the results and pertinent discussion have been added in the manuscript: “CRISPResso2 is detecting a 2% more of reads classified as WT. These 2% correspond with the percentage classified as indels by CRISPR-A. In total, the percentage difference between CRISPResso2 and CRISPR-A template-based class is 0.6%, higher in CRISPR-A. CRISPR-A percentage is closer to the ground truth data than CRISPResso2.”

      • We found no explanation of "spike-in"/"spike experimental data" across the entire article. There is some general language about lengths but the scheme is still totally unclear. We have indicated in methods section when we were talking about the spike-in controls.

      • Description of the 96 gRNAs? Is this data from REF26? If so - where do you state this? If so - how do the methods described herein avoid the unique characteristics of the data of REF26? We have added the reference: “The 96 samples, from these cell lines, are obtained from a public dataset BioProject PRJNA326019.” In addition, there are other sources of data, simulations and now even human validated data.

      • "distance between the percentage of microhomology mediated end-joining deletions of samples with the same target was calculated and the mean of all these distances was used to reduce the information of the 96 different targets to a single one." (P6) What is the exact calculation used? which distance? How was clustering performed? What is the connection for gene expression? The used distance was euclidean distance and the clustering was performed using hierarchical clustering. We have added this information to the manuscript. Regarding the connection of gene expression, we are exploring the correlation of two phenotypes: the gene expression of the proteins differentially related with NHEJ and MMEJ pathways, and the gene editing landscape (indel patterns that are related with MMEJ and those that are more prone to be generated with NHEJ). We have tried to improve this explanation in the manuscript.

      • "we have fitted a linear model to transform the indels count depending on its difference in relation to the reference amplicon" (P7) - needs more explanation. Is this part of the pipeline? We have explained better how we have fitted the linear model in methods: “A linear regression model was fitted to obtain the parameters of Equation 1 using spike-in controls experimental data (original count, observed count and size of the change in the synthetic molecules). We have used the lm function from R. Parameter m in Equation 1 is equivalent to the obtained coefficient estimate of x which was 0.156 and n is the intercept (n=10). ”.

      The model is optionally used as part of the pipeline as explained at the end of section “CRISPR-A gene editing analysis pipeline” to correct amplification biases due to differences in amplicon size. Then, what is part of the pipeline is the use of this model to make the transformation of counts from the observed counts to the predicted original counts. This is done with Equation 1 and can be found in the pipeline (VC_parser-cigar.R).

      • What is it "...manually curated data set"? (page 8) This is explained in “Manual curation of 30 edited samples” in methods.

      • Section "CRISPR-A empiric model removes more noise than other approaches" - with what data were the comparisons performed? Moreover, how were the comparison criteria selected (efficiency and sensitivity)? The literature already used several approaches to compare data analysis tools for editing experiments. See for example ampliCan, Crispresso (1 and 2) and CRISPECTOR. Maybe the authors should follow similar lines. The data used in this comparison comes from the reference 26:“26. van Overbeek, M. et al. DNA Repair Profiling Reveals Nonrandom Outcomes at Cas9-Mediated Breaks. Mol. Cell 63, 633–646 (2016).We have added it to the manuscript.

      The values of efficiency and sensitivity were not used directly for the comparison. We wanted to firstly evaluate our own algorithm. For that we obtained the values of efficiency and sensitivity for the previous mentioned dataset. These values were chosen to firstly have an idea of firstly, how much noise the algorithm is able to detect, and secondly, how much of it is able to be reduced after the Tx vs M process. That established a framework of comparison in which we can then compare directly the reported percentage of edition of the different tools.

      Regarding the approaches used to compare data analysis tools for editing experiments, we are going to explain why we haven’t followed similar lines or how we have now included it:

      In the case of ampliCan, the comparison that they do is with a synthetic dataset with introduced errors:

      "synthetic benchmarking previously used to assess these tools (Lindsay et al. 2016), in which experiments were contaminated with simulated off-target reads that resemble the real on-target reads but have a mismatch rate of 30% per base pair".

      In CRISPResso2, they benchmarked the efficiency against an inhouse dataset but this dataset is not published. Finally, for the benchmarking of CRISPECTOR, a manual curated dataset is used as a standard: "Assessment of such classification requires the use of a gold standard dataset of validated editing rates. In this analysis, we define the validated percent indels as the value determined through a detailed human investigation of the individual raw alignment results". In this sense, we have added a human validated dataset to do something similar to complement the analysis that we had already done.

      In the end, we consider that simulated or synthetic datasets, as those used by ampliCan or CRISPResso2, does not capture the complete landscape of confounding events that can be detrimental to the analysis results. Similar limitations are found in the use of a gold standard dataset of validated editing rates, since the amount of reads or samples that can be validated by humans is not big since it is time consuming. In addition, humans can also make errors and have biases. Eventhogh, we have found very valuable talking into consideration adding a human validated dataset to complete our exploration.

      • In the section "CRISPR-A empiric model removes more noise than other approaches" the authors state, incorrectly, that CRISPECTOR only reports the percentage of editing activity per site (there is much more information reported in the HTML report, including the type of edit event detected - deletion, of various lengths, insertions, substitutions etc). (P8) We thank the reviewer for the observation, as indeed the state is incorrect. What we wanted to express is that with CRISPECTOR we cannot trace individually each of the called indels, as any sort of excel or file with this content is given in the output. Therefore we cannot investigate which events have been corrected. To be precise in our statement we changed this sentence to the following:

      “CRISPECTOR, although providing extensive information on the statistics and information about the indels, is not possible to track the reads along their pipeline, thus we cannot know which have been corrected and which have not.”

      • Section "CRISPR-A noise subtraction pipeline" describes a pretty naive method for noise subtraction (P12). Should be rigorously compared, for Tx vs Mock experiments, to CRISPECTOR and to CRISPResso2. In the section "CRISPR-A empiric model removes more noise than other approaches", we perform an exhaustive comparison with a dataset that contains 288 Mock Files vs 864 Tx files. This can be better appreciated in the, now included, figure Sup. 13A. CRISPResso2 was intentionally left out since their pipeline does not use a model to reduce noise but other approaches like reducing the quantification window.

      • "recalculated using a size bias correction model based on spike-in controls empiric data.." (P14). Where is the formula? The formula comes from Equation 1. Now it is correctly referenced.

      • Section "Noise subtraction comparison with ampliCan and CRISPECTOR" - fake mock was generated for comparison. We consider the avoidance of a Mock control in experiments designed to measure editing activity to not be best practice. It is OK to support this approach in CRISPR-A. However - the comparison to tools that predominantly work using a Mock control (including ampliCan and CRISPECTOR) should be done with actual Mock. Not with fake Mock .... (P15) We understand the claims of the reviewer for this point as the use of a “fake” mock may not be the best practice for general comparisons. Nevertheless here what we wanted to compare is the difference in the edition percentages using mock and not using it. Since to make a run for on-target data CRISPECTOR requires a mock, the only way to replicate the conditions of “no mock” was to use a synthetic file with the same characteristics of the treated files in terms of depth, but with no edition/noise events to avoid any correction outside this framework. The other run was made with the 288 real Mocks. This was a solution ad Hoc for CRISPECTOR, with ampliCan we used only real mock since they allow to make runs without a mock for on-target.

      We changed the word fake for synthetic in the Noise subtraction comparison with ampliCan and CRISPECTOR section:

      “As for CRISPECTOR, since it requires a mock file to perform on-target analysis, synthetic mock files were generated”.

      Minor comments:

      • "Also, most of these tools lack important functionalities like reference identification, clustering, or noise subtraction" - bold part incorrect for CRISPECTOR, although it is not aiming only for CRISPECTOR In supplementary table 1, it is already elucidated which are the functionalities that each tool has. We have also added more context to that statement to highlight the differences between different tools:

      “Even not all of them have the same missing functionalities, as can be seen in the Supplementary table 1, CRISPR-A is the only tool that can identifies the amplicon reference from in a reference genome, correct errors through UMI clustering and sequence consensus, correct quantification errors due to differences in amplicon size, and includes interactive plots and a genome browser representation of the alignment.”

      • "Same parameters and probability distributions were fitted for three other cell lines: Hek293, K562, and HCT11626, to make SimGE more generalizable and increase its applicability" (page 3) - how was fitted? It was fitted in the same way as the t-cell samples as specified in methods. We have detailed more methods explaining how SimGE is built.

      • What is the "nature of modification"? (P5) We have changed nature by type for a better understanding.

      • In the section "CRISPR-A effectively calls indels in simulated and edited samples" (P5) towards the end, the authors write that the CRISPR-A algorithm did not give good results for a few examples. They then state that this was corrected and then yielded good results. There is no explanation of what correction was done, if it was implemented in the code and how to avoid/detect it in further cases. The problem was that the used reference sequence was too short. There is no modification in CRISPR-A code, we have just used the whole amplicon reference sequence obtained with the amplicon reference identification functionality of CRISPR-A. We have tried to explain it better in the manuscript: “Once the reference sequence is corrected used is the one corresponding to the whole reference amplicon, obtained with CRISPR-A amplicon sequence discovery function, CRISPR-A shows a perfect edition profile”

      • Cell culture, transfection, and electroporation - explanation only for HEK293, what about the others? (P15) We already had explained it for HEK293 and for C2C12, that are the experiments done by use. In the case of the analysis of the three cell lines and 96 targets we reference the source of the data as this data was not produced in our lab.

      • Typos and unclear wording: ○ "obtention" (P8) → changed by obtaining

      ○ "mico" >> micro (P 7,10) → changed

      ○ "Squema" >> scheme (Fig.1) → changed

      ○ "decombuled" (P10) → changed by separated

      ○ "empiric" >> empirical (P8 and other places) → changed

      ○ "Delins" (P14) → this is not a typo, it is used to indicate that a deletion and insertion has take place (http://varnomen.hgvs.org/recommendations/DNA/variant/delins/)

      ○ "performancer" (P9) → Change to performance

      ○ Change word across all article - "edition" to "editing" → changed. In the case of edition windows it has been changed by quantification windows.

      ○ "...has enough precision to find" (P6) not related to "results" section → We have moved to discussion.

      • Comments on figures: ○ Fig. 2C:

      ■ No CRISPECTOR in the analysis

      It is not included because for on-target analysis this tool requires a mock control sample. For this reason, it is compared in Figure 5D, where samples using negative controls are compared, and in Figure 5E where all tools and their different analysis options are compared.

      ■ It is simulated data only

      Yes, it is. Comparison with real data is done in Figure 2D and 2E. And now we also have added a ground truth data in our comparisons obtained from human validation of the classification of more than 3,000 different reads.

      ■ It is not violin plot as mentioned in the description

      It is a violin plot, but in general there is not much dispersion of the data points making the density curves flat.

      ○ Fig 3A - Is it significant? Yes, it is. We have added this information in the caption of the figure.

      ○ Fig. 4:

      ■ A

      • Each row/column is a vector of 96 guides? No, as it is said in the caption of the figure, it is the “mean between the distances calculated for each of the 96 different targets.”

      • How is the replicate number decided? Is it a different experiment by date? What is separating between experiments? Rep numbers? All this information should be found in the referenced paper from which this dataset comes from as already referenced.

      ■ B - Differential expression:

      We have realized that the caption was not correct, missing the explanations for Fig. 4B and all the following ones moved to a previous letter.

      • How? did you measure RNA? It is already stated in methods that RNAseq data was obtained from SRA database and the analysis was done using nf-core/rnaseq pipeline: “RNAseq differential expression analysis of samples from BioProject PRJNA208620 and PRJNA304717 was performed using nf-core/rnaseq pipeline⁵².”

      • Is the observed data in the figure sufficiently strong in terms of P-value? Yes, at is it is highlighted in the plot with ** and ***. We have also added the p-value in the cation of the figure.

      • Where is the third cell-line? As mentioned in the text, we have just chosen the cell lines that show us higher differences in the the percentage of MMEJ: “HCT116 than in K562, which are the cell lines with the major and minor ratios of MMEJ compared with NHEJ, respectively”.

      ○ Fig.13 - There is no A and B as mentioned in the text

      We thank the reviewer for the observation as we mistakenly uploaded the wrong figure. We corrected it.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      We repeat the aspects of contribution, as listed in the first part of the review, and comment about significance:

      • NextFlow pipeline implementation is an important engineering contribution. Same is true for the interactive web application

        Significant engineering contribution. Nonetheless, we were not able to run the analysis. So - needs to be checked.

      Hopefully now that the documentation is properly added to the repository it will be easier to run analysis.

      • The option to simulate an experiment to assess it is a nice feature and can help experiment design

        An important methodology contribution

      • Identification of amplicons when not provided as input

        Not important in the context of multiplex PCR and NGS measurement assays, as amplicons will be known. Not clear what other contexts the authors were aiming at.

      It is useful to save time, no need to look for the sequence of each amplicon and add it as input. Also, it can help to detect unspecific amplification, since all amplicons of the same genome can be retrieved from the discovery amplicon process. In addition, we have already found one example where this avoids getting incorrect results: “Once the reference sequence used is the one corresponding to the whole reference amplicon, obtained with CRISPR-A amplicon sequence discovery function, CRISPR-A shows a perfect edition profile”. We have added this to the discussion of the manuscript.

      • CRISPR-A seeks substitutions along the entire amplicon sequence and is less dependent on the quantification window and on the putative cutsite

        Importance/significance needs to be demonstrated

      In figure 3 are shown the results of template-based and substitutions detection. CRISPR-A is a versatile and agnostic tool for gene editing analysis. This means that it can be prepared for the analysis of gene editing of future tools, since the cut site or other elements of experiment design are not required. In addition, it has been shown that when a mock is used its performance is comparable to filtering by edition windows, avoiding the loss of edits when the cut site is slided.

      • Analysis of the difference, in edit activity, comparing different cell lines

        Significant contribution. However - the methods need to be much better explained and the results better described in order for this to be useful to the community.

      We have made an effort to try to be more clear in the description of the results.

      • CRISPR-A supports the use of UMIs

        Mildly significant technical contribution. However - only addresses on-target. Also addressing off-target would have been significant.

      The use of UMIs is something that has never been done before in this context. Sequencing biases are not taken into account and editing percentages are reported as observed. Being able to differentiate between different molecules at the beginning of the amplification sequence, allows a higher precision avoiding under or overestimation of each of the species in a bulk of cells.

      In the case of off-targets, can be for sure done using sequencing the predicted off-target sites. In addition, there are other methods, like GuideSeq that can be used to discover off-targets, but this kind of data is out of the scope of CRISPR-A. Even that, we are aware of the importance of being able to analyse off-targets when in a context of a broad analysis platform and we will take these into consideration when participating in the building of crisprseq pipeline from nf-core.

      • Interesting sequence pattern insights - like "...found certain patterns associated with low diversity outcomes: free thymine or adenine at the 3' nucleotide upstream of the cut site that leads to insertions of the same nucleotide, a free cytosine at the same place that leads to its loss, and strong micro-homology patterns that lead to long deletions "

        As stated - interesting.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      CRISPR-Analytics, abbreviated as CRISPR-A, is a web application implementing a tool for analyzing editing experiments. The tool can analyze various experiment types - single cleavage experiments, base editing, prime editing, and HDR. The required data for the analysis consists of NGS raw data or simulated data, in fastq, protospacer sequence and cut site. Amplicon sequence is also needed in cases where the amplified genome is absent from the genome reference list. The tool pipeline is implemented in NextFlow and has an interactive web application for visualizing the results of the analysis, including embedding the results into an IGV browser. The authors developed a gene editing simulation mechanism that enables the user to assess an experiment design and to predict expected outcomes. Simulated data was generated by SimGE over primary T-cells. The parameters and distributions were also fitted for 3 cell lines to make it more generalized (Hek293, K562, and HCT116). The process simulated CRISPR-CAS9 activity and the resulting insertions, deletions, and substitutions. The simulation results are then compared to the experimental results. The authors report the Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence between the results. The exact distributions that served as input to the JS are not well defined in the manuscript (see below).

      The authors also report an investigation of different alignment approaches and how they may affect the resulting characterization of editing activity. The authors examine three different approaches to increase what they call "edit quantification accuracy" (aka, in a different place - "precise allele counts determination" - what is this???): (1) spike-in controls (2) UMI's and (3) using mock to denoise the results. See below for our comments about these approaches. Moreover, the authors developed an empirical model to reduce noise in the detection of editing activity. This is done by using mock (control), and by normalization and alignment of reads with indels, with the notion and observation that indels that are far from the cut site tend to classify as noise. The authors then perform a comparison between 6 different tools, in the context of determining and quantifying editing activities. One important comparison approach uses manually curated data. However - the description of how this dataset was created is far from being sufficiently clear. The comparison is also performed for HDR experiment type, which can be compared only to 2 other tools. We see the potential contribution aspects of the paper to be the following:

      1. NextFlow pipeline implementation is an important engineering contribution. Same is true for the interactive web application
      2. The option to simulate an experiment to assess it is a nice feature and can help experiment design
      3. Identification of amplicons when not provided as input
      4. CRISPR-A seeks substitutions along the entire amplicon sequence and is less dependent on the quantification window and on the putative cutsite
      5. Analysis of the difference, in edit activity, comparing different cell lines
      6. CRISPR-A supports the use of UMIs
      7. Interesting sequence pattern insights - like "...found certain patterns associated with low diversity outcomes: free thymine or adenine at the 3' nucleotide upstream of the cut site that leads to insertions of the same nucleotide, a free cytosine at the same place that leads to its loss, and strong micro-homology patterns that lead to long deletions " We further comment on the soundness of these contributions in our comments below and on their significance in our comments related to the general potential significance of the paper.

      Major comments:

      • Upon attempting to run an analysis from the web interface (https://synbio.upf.edu/crispr-a) and using: fastq of Tx and mock (control), the human genome and the gRNA sequence provided as input for the protospacer field, our run was not successful. In fact the site crashed with no interpretable error message from CRISPR-A.
      • Moreover, there should be more clear context. There is no information regarding the type of experiments that can be analyzed with the tool. We figure it is multiplex PCR and NGS but can the tool also be used for GUIDESeq, Capture, CircleSeq etc.?
      • No off target analysis. Only on-target
      • No translocations and long/complex deletions
      • We view the use of a mock experiment as control as a must for any sound attempt to measure edit activity. This is even more so when off-target events need to be assessed (any rigorous application of GE, certainly any application aiming for clinical or crop engineering purposes). We therefore think that all investigation of other approaches should be put in this context.
      • It's a nice feature to have simulated data, however, it is not a good approach to rely on it.
      • In p7 the authors indicate the implementation of three approaches to improve quantification. They should be clear as to the fact that many other tools and experimental protocols are also using these approaches. for example, ampliCan, CRipresso2 and CRISPECTOR all take into account a mock experiment run in parallel to the treatment.
      • Figure1:
        • The figure certainly provides what seems to be a positive indication of the simulations approach being close to measured results. Much more details are needed, however, to fully understand the results.
        • Squema = scheme ??
        • What was the clustering approach?
        • What is the input to the JS calculation? What is the dimension of the distributions compared? These details need to be precisely provided.
        • What clustering/aggregation approach did the authors use here (average dist, min dist, dist of centers?)
        • 5 pairs were selected out of how many? Call that number K.
        • What does the order of the samples in 1C mean? Is 98_real closer to 22_sim than to 98_sim? If so then state it. If not - what is the meaning of the order? Furthermore - how often, over K choose 2 pairs does this mis-matching occur for the CRISPR-A simulator??
      • "From the characterized data we obtained the probability distribution of each class" (page 3) - How is this done? how many guides? how many replicates? what is class? where do you elabore regarding it? how you obtain the distributions? More details of the methods need to be provided.
      • The 96 samples used for development here - where are they taken from? This should be indicated in the first time these samples are mentioned. Namely - bottom of P6
      • CRISPECTOR is not mentioned in the comparison in the section: "CRISPR-A effectively calls indels in simulated and edited samples" (Table S2). Is there a specific reason for having left it out?
      • In the section "Improved discovery and characterization of template-based alleles or objective modifications" - part of the analysis was made over simulated data and then over real data. The authors state "it is difficult to explain the origin of these differences...". Thus, needs to be investigated in more detail ... :) (P5) Moreover - the performance over real data is, at the end of the day, the more interesting one for comparison purposes.
      • We found no explanation of "spike-in"/"spike experimental data" across the entire article. There is some general language about lengths but the scheme is still totally unclear.
      • Description of the 96 gRNAs? Is this data from REF26? If so - where do you state this? If so - how do the methods described herein avoid the unique characteristics of the data of REF26?
      • "distance between the percentage of microhomology mediated end-joining deletions of samples with the same target was calculated and the mean of all these distances was used to reduce the information of the 96 different targets to a single one." (P6) What is the exact calculation used? which distance? How was clustering performed? What is the connection for gene expression?
      • "we have fitted a linear model to transform the indels count depending on its difference in relation to the reference amplicon" (P7) - needs more explanation. Is this part of the pipeline?
      • What is it "...manually curated data set"? (page 8)
      • Section "CRISPR-A empiric model removes more noise than other approaches" - with what data were the comparisons performed? Moreover, how were the comparison criteria selected (efficiency and sensitivity)? The literature already used several approaches to compare data analysis tools for editing experiments. See for example ampliCan, Crispresso (1 and 2) and CRISPECTOR. Maybe the authors should follow similar lines.
      • In the section "CRISPR-A empiric model removes more noise than other approaches" the authors state, incorrectly, that CRISPECTOR only reports the percentage of editing activity per site (there is much more information reported in the HTML report, including the type of edit event detected - deletion, of various lengths, insertions, substitutions etc). (P8)
      • Section "CRISPR-A noise subtraction pipeline" describes a pretty naive method for noise subtraction (P12). Should be rigorously compared, for Tx vs Mock experiments, to CRISPECTOR and to CRISPResso2.
      • "recalculated using a size bias correction model based on spike-in controls empiric data.." (P14). Where is the formula?
      • Section "Noise subtraction comparison with ampliCan and CRISPECTOR" - fake mock was generated for comparison. We consider the avoidance of a Mock control in experiments designed to measure editing activity to not be best practice. It is OK to support this approach in CRISPR-A. However - the comparison to tools that predominantly work using a Mock control (including ampliCan and CRISPECTOR) should be done with actual Mock. Not with fake Mock .... (P15)

      Minor comments:

      • "Also, most of these tools lack important functionalities like reference identification, clustering, or noise subtraction" - bold part incorrect for CRISPECTOR, although it is not aiming only for CRISPECTOR
      • "Same parameters and probability distributions were fitted for three other cell lines: Hek293, K562, and HCT11626, to make SimGE more generalizable and increase its applicability" (page 3) - how was fitted?
      • What is the "nature of modification"? (P5)
      • In the section "CRISPR-A effectively calls indels in simulated and edited samples" (P5) towards the end, the authors write that the CRISPR-A algorithm did not give good results for a few examples. They then state that this was corrected and then yielded good results. There is no explanation of what correction was done, if it was implemented in the code and how to avoid/detect it in further cases.
      • Cell culture, transfection, and electroporation - explanation only for HEK293, what about the others? (P15)
      • Typos and unclear wording:
        • "obtention" (P8)
        • "mico" >> micro (P 7,10)
        • "Squema" >> scheme (Fig.1)
        • "decombuled" (P10)
        • "empiric" >> empirical (P8 and other places)
        • "Delins" (P14)
        • "performancer" (P9)
        • Change word across all article - "edition" to "editing"
        • "...has enough precision to find" (P6) not related to "results" section
      • Comments on figures:
        • Fig. 2C:
      • No CRISPECTOR in the analysis
      • It is simulated data only
      • It is not violin plot as mentioned in the description
        • Fig 3A - Is it significant?
        • Fig. 4:
      • A
      • Each row/column is a vector of 96 guides?
      • How is the replicate number decided? Is it a different experiment by date? What is separating between experiments? Rep numbers?
      • B - Differential expression:
      • How? did you measure RNA?
      • Is the observed data in the figure sufficiently strong in terms of P-value?
      • Where is the third cell-line?
        • Fig.13 - There is no A and B as mentioned in the text


      We repeat the aspects of contribution, as listed in the first part of the review, and comment about significance:

      • NextFlow pipeline implementation is an important engineering contribution. Same is true for the interactive web application
        • Significant engineering contribution. Nonetheless, we were not able to run the analysis. So - needs to be checked.
      • The option to simulate an experiment to assess it is a nice feature and can help experiment design
        • An important methodology contribution
      • Identification of amplicons when not provided as input
        • Not important in the context of multiplex PCR and NGS measurement assays, as amplicons will be known. Not clear what other contexts the authors were aiming at.
      • CRISPR-A seeks substitutions along the entire amplicon sequence and is less dependent on the quantification window and on the putative cutsite
        • Importance/significance needs to be demonstrated
      • Analysis of the difference, in edit activity, comparing different cell lines
        • Significant contribution. However - the methods need to be much better explained and the results better described in order for this to be useful to the community.
      • CRISPR-A supports the use of UMIs
        • Mildly significant technical contribution. However - only addresses on-target. Also addressing off-target would have been significant.
      • Interesting sequence pattern insights - like "...found certain patterns associated with low diversity outcomes: free thymine or adenine at the 3' nucleotide upstream of the cut site that leads to insertions of the same nucleotide, a free cytosine at the same place that leads to its loss, and strong micro-homology patterns that lead to long deletions "
        • As stated - interesting.
    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Marta Sanvicente-García et al and colleague developed a comprehensive and versatile genome editing web application tool and a nextflow pipeline to give support to gene editing experimental design and analysis.

      The manuscript is well written and all data are clearly shown. While I did not tested extensively, the software seems to work well and I have no reason to doubt the authors' claims. I usually prefer ready to use web applications like outknocker, they are in general easier to use for rookies (it would be good if the author could cite it, since it is very well implemented) but the nextflow implementation is anyway well suited.

      Few minor points:

      Reagording the methods to assess whether the genome editing is working or not, i would definetely include High Resolution Melt Analysis, which is by far the fastest and probably more sensitive amongst the others.

      Another point that would important to taclke is that often these pipelines do nto define the system they are working with (eg diploid, aploid vs etc). This will change the number of reads needed ato unambigously call the genotypes detected and to perform the downstream analysis (the CRISPRnano authors mentioned this point).

      I am also wondering whether the name CRISPR-A is appropriate since someone could confuse it with CRISPRa.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Reviewer 2 made an excellent work and raised important concerns about the software they need to be addressed carefully.

      In the meantime we had more time to test the software and can confirm some of the findings of Reviewer 1:

      1. We spent hours running (unsuccessfully) CRISPR A on Nextflow. The software does not seem to run properly.
      2. No manual or instruction can be found on both their repositories (https://bitbucket.org/synbiolab/crispr-a_nextflow/ https://bitbucket.org/synbiolab/crispr-a_figures/)

      Few more points to be considered

      • UMI clustering is not proper terminology. Barcode multiplexing/demultiplexing (SQK-LSK109 from Oxford Nanopore).
      • Text in Figure 5 is hard to read.
      • They should test the software based on the ground truth data
      • The alignment algorithm is not the best one, I think minimap2 would be better for general purpose (at least it work better for ONT).
      • The minimum configuration for installation was not mentioned (for their Docker/next flow pipeline).
      • Fig 2: why do they use PC4/PC1?
      • There are still typos and unclear statements thorughout the whole manuscript.

      One more drawback is that the software seems to only support single FASTQ uploading (or we cannot see the option to add more FASTQ). Since usually people analyze more than one clone at the time (we usually analyze 96 clones together) this would mean that I have to upload manually each one of them.

      Also, the software (the webserver, the docker does not work) works with Illumina data in our hands but not with ONT. This should be clarified in the manuscript.


      As I mentioned above I think this could be a useful software for those people that are screening genome editing cells. Since CRISPR is widely used i assume that the audience is broad.

      There are many other software that perform similarly to CRISPR-A but it seems that this software adds few more things and seems to be more precise. It is hard to understand if everything the author claims is accurate since it requires a lot of testing and time and the reviewing time is of just two weeks. But 1) I have no reason to doubt the authors and 2) the software works

      Broad audience (people using CRISPR)

      Genetics, Genome Engineering, software development (we develop a very similar software), genetic compensation, stem cell biology

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Dear Editor,

      Please find below our detailed responses (in black font) to the Reviewer's comments (in blue). In addition, and to the request of Reviewer #1, we added a PDF file called “Reply to the reviewers MS data” that shows MS/MS and quantification information of representative peptides which were selected based on their (different) caspase/control abundance ratios. We thank the reviewers for their time and valuable comments.

      NOTE: our original reply includes several tables and graphs that were not incorporated into our reply shown below

      Reviewer #1

      Page 4 - In contrast to the hindrance of N-terminal amine ionization by Nt-acetyl groups concluded by the authors, previous studies reported an improved MS-scoring if α-amino-acetylated (tryptic) peptides by the higher numbers of b and y fragment ions observed as compared to α-amino-free (tryptic) peptides (e.g. (Staes et al., 2008)). It is rather the lack of any N-/C-terminal charged residue in case of Lys-N type N-termini which makes LATE less suitable for studying N-terminal protein acetylation.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. In the HYTANE and LATE workflows, only peptides with modified N-termini (by dimethylation or acetylation) are observed after negative selection, hence we argue that the important comparison here is between Nt-acetylated peptides and Nt-dimethylated peptides with (as in HYTANE) or without basic residue (as in LATE). While we are aware of the study by Staes et al 2008 (PMID: 18318009), we do not believe it contradicts our claim as it discusses the difference between Nt-acetylated peptides and peptides with free N-termini.

      As we indicated in the manuscript (page 5 in the last sentence of 1st paragraph), we observed less overall peptide identifications in LATE, which was expected due the lack of basic C-term residue. The reduction of identification was more pronounced for Nt-acetylated peptides. However, this still does not exclude LATE as a useful tool for identification of such peptides.

      Of note, the overall fragmentation coverage we obtained by LATE and HYTANE for Nt-acetylated and Nt-dimethylated peptides was similar. See the figure below.

      Hence, following Cho et al 2016 (PMID: 26889926), we suggest that the difference in ionization of Nt-dimethylated peptides vs Nt-acetylated peptides is the more dominant factor in peptide identifications.

      Figure 1:relative Ion coverage for modified peptides in LATE and HYTANE

      Page 4 - Besides indication the retained N-termini with high relative caspase-3/control abundance ratio's as putative caspase-3 proteolytic products, also indicate that unique peptides were retained, as many such singletons were reported in previous (caspase-focussed) degradomics studies making use of differential proteomics (e.g. (Van Damme et al., 2005)). Therefore the cut-off ratio of 2 rather seems unsubstantiated, unless the cellular proteomes of so-called control cells were affected by caspase activation. As such, showing some representative MS-spectra of neo-N-termini would be informative.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. We agree that caspase-3 cleavage generates many singletons. This is indeed what we observed in the in vitro experiment as shown in Figure 2B by the long straight lines at Log2(caspase-3/control) >10. We also add here histograms of the obtained ratios that we hope will make this clearer. We chose a cut-off of 2 due to the basal activity of proteases (including caspase-3) as we did not add caspase-3 inhibitors to the cell lysate. In addition, peptides derived from the putative caspase-3 cleavages in the in vitro experiment were required to be identified only in the caspase-3-treated samples (i.e. to appear only with the heavy labeling). Minor changes to Figure 3 legend have been introduced accordingly. As can be seen in the table below, with a cut-off ratio of 2 (Log2=1) and selection of cleavage sites after D or E we identified >98% of the cleavage sites that were identified only in the caspase-3 treated samples (column text in blue). This rate did not change when the cut-off was set to 8 (Log2=3). Therefore, we have chosen to maintain our selection criteria and cut-off ratio as used before for both experiments.

      Figure 2: Histograms of Log2(Caspase/control) ratios indicating the large number of singleton peptides (marked with arrows)

      Table 1: In vitro experiment selection ratio





      Sites identified only caspase-3 treated samples

      % of caspase-treated only sites (singleton)

      Sites D/E with light

      Sites after D/E no light

      % of singleton



































































































































































      In the cell-based experiments of caspase-3, we induced apoptosis on both cell types (over-expressing caspase-3 and the control). Therefore, in this case, as the reviewer has also mentioned, a cut-off of 2 is appropriate because the control cells are also affected by caspase activation. Following the reviewer’s request we have added (in a separate PDF file) several representative MS/MS spectra of neo-N-term peptides and their corresponding quantification data.

      Page 4 - replace 'without labelling of lysine residues (epsilon-amines)' to 'without notable labelling of lysine residues (epsilon-amines)', as residual labelling of lysine side-chains was observed. Also in case of the latter, do note that reduced MS-ionization potential might impact labelling efficiency calculation, and chromatographic detection of labelling efficiency should be considered to conclusify this finding.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. We have changed the sentence as requested (Page 4 marked in red). Regarding the labeling efficiency calculations, it is true that ionization potential might affect them. We used a common way to test this aspect (see e.g. Hurtado Silva et al 2019 (PMID: 30934878)) and we are not aware of any reduction in ionization potential following lysine dimethylation. Although we did not study this aspect thoroughly, we frequently observe the opposite: that dimethylation improves MS detections.

      Page 6 - The experimental setup comparing caspase-3 overexpressing and ABT-199 induced versus ABT-199 induced cells will be highly biased as it will not be able to detect efficient caspase-3 cleavages (Plasman et al., 2011), as such cleavage events are complete and thus do not require any additional overexpressed capase-3. I see this as an important flaw and the authors should demonstrate that the list also includes efficient caspase-3 cleavages.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting this important aspect. We agree that with our setup, we can miss some efficient cleavages of caspases-3. We acknowledged this caveat in the original text (page 6), but chose to perform our experiments this way in order to highlight cleavages that are affected by caspase-3 expression. To address the reviewer’s comment we have added new experiment and data on caspase cleavages that occur following ABT-199 treatment in HCT116 cells without overexpression of caspase-3. The focus of this experiment was on the relatively short time points following the ABT-199 treatment when no cell death is observed based on XTT assay (see Supplement Figure 6B). This experiment was used to prove that neo-Nt-acetylation of NACA is an early event in apoptosis (Figure 5 E-F page 12). We also used this experiment as an indication of the appearance of efficient cleavages. As can be seen from Supplement Table S10, if we consider all 3 time points of the ABT-199 treatment, we quantified 106 cleavages with free neo-Nt that were cleavages after D and were identified only in the ABT-treated samples. We refer to such cleavages, which appeared prior to noticeable cell death, as "efficient cleavages". Out of these efficient cleavages, 82 were also identified and quantified in the cell-based experiment with overexpression of caspase-3. Twenty efficient cleavages show a high ratio (≥2) in both experiments. Fifty six efficient cleavages had a high ratio in the new experiment and ratio below 2 in the cell-based experiment with overexpression of caspase-3. This supports our original claim regarding efficient cleavages and addresses the reviewer’s concern regarding our ability to identify efficient caspase-3 cleavages with the experimental setup of HCT116 cells overexpressing caspase-3.

      Page 12 - The setup doesn't permit ORF N-terminal stability per se, rather the cleavage susceptibly of N-termini holding (a) putative caspase-3 cleavage site(s). Please adjust accordingly. Again since the setup might have missed efficient cleavages, the assessment might be biased.

      Thanks for the comment. As requested, the word “stability” has been deleted. As discussed above, we demonstrate that our setup does allow the identification of efficient cleavages and hence our basis for believing that the assessment is not biased. Please also refer to our reply to the next comment.

      The claim that Nt-acetylation is protective for caspase-3 cleavage should be validated by monitoring cleavage efficiency of an Nt-acetylated versus an Nt-free variant (e.g. by introducing a Pro residue at AA position 2, or comparing cleavage efficiencies in corresponding NAT knockdown versus control cells) of an identified caspase substrate (i.e. a substrate holding a caspase-3 cleavage site in its N-terminal sequence) versus its Nt-free counterpart

      Thanks for raising this point. The reviewer's suggestions have some caveats: a mutation at a protein’s N-terminus in order to generate an Nt-free variant can alter its stability or function and NAT knockdown might have a profound biological impact on the cells. Therefore we chose a different way to study this aspect by selecting from our data ORF N-terminal peptides that were identified with both free N-termini and acetylated N-termini (i.e. the same peptide was identified in some PSMs as acetylated and in other as dimethylated). We managed to find 136 ORF N-terminal peptides that were quantified in both forms, and out of these, 122 contained Asp or Glu residues (the putative caspase cleavage motifs). We added the comparison of the abundance ratios of these peptides in Figure 4C (see also below). It shows a remarkable difference between the groups when the Nt-acetylated peptides ratios did not change as a result of caspase-3 overexpression while the peptides with free Nt were identified mostly in the control cells (negative Log2(caspase-3/control)). Comparison of the 14 ORF Nt-peptides that do not have Glu or Asp in their sequence shows no difference (see below).

      Figure 3: Abundance ratio distributions of the ORF Nt peptides identified with both Nt-acetylated and free Nt in HCT116 cells overexpressing caspase-3 and in the control. A. Comparison of peptides that contain putative caspase cleavage in their sequence (D or E) B. comparison of peptides without putative caspase cleavage

      These results provide additional support for the notion of the protective or shielding effect of Nt-acetylation against caspase-3 cleavage.

      Page 12 - Since post-translational Nt-acetylation of neo-N-termini could be reproduced in vitro in the non-dialyzed sample, enzymatic over chemical Nt-acetylation should be demonstrated (e.g. by the use of a (bisubstrate) NAT inhibitor).

      We think this is an interesting idea for future work. Yet, in our opinion, the fact that only very few neo-Nt-acetylated peptides were affected in vitro and that a similar trend of few selected neo-Nt-acetylation targets was shown in the cell-based experiments indicates that this process is enzymatic and not chemical in nature.

      Other concerns:

      Abstract - The abstracts holds complex/incorrect sentence constructions (e.g. simply indicate 'Protein N-termini', '... undergo ... processing by proteases' (currently: 'not be processed by proteases').

      Thanks for pointing this out. We have changed the abstract accordingly.

      Abstract - 'To expand the coverage of the N-terminome' only applies when this is used in conjunction with other negative enrichment strategies as by itself, LATE doesn't intrinsically provide a better coverage of the N-terminome (this is also noted at page 2).

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have changed the abstract accordingly.

      Change 'that cannot be identified by other methods' to 'that cannot be identified by other negative selection methods'

      Thanks for pointing this out. We believe that our description here is appropriate as we explicitly state “some of which cannot be identified by other methods”.

      Page 1 - Suggestion to change 'Proteases are typically described as degradative enzymes' to 'Proteases used to be described as degradative enzymes'

      Changed as suggested.

      Page 1 - Not really correct how written; 'N-terminomics methods highlight the N-terminal fragment of every protein (N-terminome)'

      Changed as suggested.

      Page 2 - Positive selection techniques .... Enrichment of unblocked (or Nt-free) N-termini

      We are not sure what the reviewer had in mind here but have added the text in the brackets

      Page 2 - Besides altering charge, Nt-acetylation also alters hydrophobicity ...

      Changed as suggested.

      Page 2 - remove 'to better chart'

      Changed as suggested.

      Page 2 etc. - Do note that caspase-3 can potentially activate downstream caspases in vitro

      Following this comment, we have added a sentence on Page 5 with this reservation

      Page 3 - functional crosstalk between proteolysis and neo-Nt-acetylation has already been demonstrated in the case of co-translational acting methionine aminopeptidases and chloroplast N-terminal acetyltransferases. Adjust accordingly.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting this aspect, although we used the term “neo-Nt-acetylation” which we used to mark that this is not the common (co-translational) acetylation. To assure that this is more clear we have added the words “post-translational” to better define the novelty of our findings.

      Page 3 - when discussing the identification of ORF N-termini, note that some of the strategies of which note when used to enrich for in vivo blocked N-termini, can also be used without blocking/labelling of Lys residues, and thus trypsin will also result in Lys-ending peptides. This is important to consider in this context.

      Following the reviewer's remark we have changed the sentence so it now states: “Many of these N-terminomics methods……”

      Page 3 - remove the following sentence part; '... or run individually which can be useful for quantifying naturally modified N-termini.', since also a differential/labelled proteomics setup enables such assessment. Related to this, the authors should comment on the observation that much fewer (i.e. less than 40%) Nt-acetylated N-termini were identified by LATE as compared to HYTANE. How is this reflected in the number of PSMs? Probably these difference are further intensified when considering PSMs.

      We have changed the sentence as suggested.

      Regarding the reduction of Nt-acetylation, we thank the reviewer for this question as it led us to find typos in the numbers in Figure 1E which are now corrected. These typos did not change the overall observation that with LATE we identify fewer Nt-acetylated peptides than Nt-free (dimethylated) peptides. As the reviewer anticipated (see below), the reduction in LATE-based “contribution” to the identification of Nt-acetylated peptides as opposed to the identification of dimethylated peptides, is pronounced when considering PSMs but this is not much different than the peptide-based data. Therefore, we prefer to keep the current presentation of Figure 1E.

      Figure 4: Comparison of HACAT cells N-terminal peptides identification with LATE and HYTANE when considering peptide sequences and PSMs. Peptides identified with both methods are in green and those that are unique to one method are in blue. Shared peptides were determined based on the sequence of the first 7 amino acids of the identified peptides. A. comparison for peptides with dimethylated N-terminal (free Nt) B. comparison for Nt-acetylated peptides.

      Page 6 - Informative to indicate how many of the in silico predicted putative DEVD P4-P1 cleavages were actually present in the list of 2049 putative cleavages identified.

      In our dataset, we identified 17 cleavages after DEVD motif. 11 were identified only with HYTANE, 3 were identified by both methods, and 3 more were identified only with LATE. Of note, it seems that in large-scale proteomic studies of apoptosis, the number of caspase cleavages after DEVD motif is quite low. For example, in the CASBAH database (PMID: 17273173__) __there are 10 reports of such cleavage out of 391 reported sites, and in DegraBase (PMID: 23264352) that combined many different apoptotic experiments there are 64 reported DEVD sites out of a total of 6896 P1-Asp sites.

      Page 6 - Unclear if any of the of 2049 putative cleavages, included non-canonical P1 cleavages besides the P1 Asp and Glu cleavages identified.

      These are 2049 putative cleavage sites with P1 Asp or Glu. We have changed the text to make it clearer.

      Page 6 - Were the 'regular' cells mock transfected?

      No. The control cells used for the cell-based experiments were the non-transfected cells from the same culture of HCT166. We chose this option to guarantee that exactly the same cells that were grown in the same dish went through the same FACS sorting as a control.

      Page 6 -Important to note that an ORF can have multiple N-termini besides neo-N-termini (e.g. in the case of alternative translation initiation)

      Thanks for the great point. We have added an indication if the neo-N-termini site has been reported as an alternative translation initiation site to all of the results of the cell-based experiments (Supplementary Tables S4, S5, S6, S9). We also changed the Figures and text accordingly. Our analysis of reported/unreported neo-N-temini is based on the TopFind database which includes information about alternative translation initiation sites from TISdb. Of note, since our focus is on caspase cleavages and we further select putative cleavages based on D/E in P1 and fold change, out of 973 peptides that we reported as putative caspase cleavage (Table S6) only one is in the vicinity of an alternative initiation site.

      Page 6 - The authors should be more careful with generalization when comparing LATE and HYTANE (and other degradomics approaches) as in this study LATE was only applied for the identification of caspase-3 neo-N-termini, which by its extended substrate specificity might hold specific features enabling the preferred detection by one technique over the other. Also note that as compared to less recent studies, evidently the MS instrument used is a key factor in the increase in cleavages reported in the current study.

      It is conceivable that caspase cleavage may differ from other proteases and thus theoretically work better with LATE, but we fail to see why this would also be the case for other N-terminomics method (like TAILS, Subtiligase, CoFRADIC, ChaFRADIC etc). We showed that LATE provides additional ORF Nt peptides identifications and demonstrated its effectiveness in E. coli (Supplement Figure S2) also, which has a proteome with a different amino acid composition to the human proteome. Furthermore, using LATE in the cell-based experiment led to the identification of many neo-Nt-peptides that do not match caspase cleavage patterns (as indicated for both HYATNE and LATE in Figures 3E and 3F). We reviewed the text again, and believe that we have used a fair description of the results especially when we compared them to previous studies.

      Page 9 - The authors should provide some info/supporting statistics in the text regarding the new putative substrates showing GO-enrichments (compared to which control?) similar to previously reported caspase-3 substrates.

      The results of the GO enrichment analysis are presented in Fig. S8 and details about how the test was performed are provided in the Materials & Methods. In the revised version, we are including the numerical data that include results of the statistical tests per GO term as Table S12. The enrichment analysis was performed with respect to the whole human proteome.

      Page 11 - Indicate that the 11 neo-N-terminal peptides of which note are the neo-Nt-peptides matching (signal peptide) cleavages indicated in the Uniprot database. Were any corresponding di-methylated neo-N-termini of these cleavages identified? In case of the 'other' proteolytic cleavages of which note, refer to these as not-annotated in UniProt.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have added an indication that this analysis is based on UniProt annotations. Yes, all of the reported 11 neo-Nt-Acet peptides shown in Figure 4 were also found as neo-Nt-DiMet peptides.

      Page 11 - post-translational Nt-acetylation is abundant in plant and the responsible NAT has been identified, please reference these studies as well.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out regarding page 11. A relevant reference has been added in Page 11. In the discussion, we already referenced Nt-acetylation in plants in the discussion as well (see page 14).

      Page 12 - Define 'undoubtedly dependent on caspase-3 cleavage'

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. The word ‘undoubtedly’ has been deleted.

      Page 14 - The NAA30 discussion is not really relevant for the discussion of the post-translational Nt-acetylation of mitochondrial neo-N-termini.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. This sentence has been deleted.

      Viewing the harsh in vitro caspase-3 cleavage condition used, namely 1 µg caspase 3 over 20 µg protein, the P1 specificities of all identified neo-N-termini should clearly be shown.

      The P1 specificities of all neo-N-termini found in the in vitro experiment are listed in the supplementary tables S2 and S3. For the reviewer’s convenience, we are providing the table with the P1 specificities below:

      Since acetylation of serine and threonine residues are reported forms of post-translational modification, and many so-called past-translational Nt-acetylated neo-N-termini harbour such AA residues in their N-terminal sequence, b-ion coverage for these neo-N-termini should be provided/inspected.

      We are not sure that we understand this comment. O-Acetylation of amino acids refers to their side chain. Since we are using Di-methylation labeling in both HYTANE and LATE, if we have a peptide with O-acetylated Ser or Thr at its first position, it is possible to distinguish it from the same peptide with Nt-acetylation by MS1 as illustrated in the following table for a hypothetical peptide SAAANPELKR (mass is MH+1)

      Regardless we include in the manuscript MS/MS spectra of NACA Neo-Nt-acetylated peptide by HYTANE and LATE

      Reviewer #2

      Major suggestions:

      • The LATE method relies on digestion with LysN. Can the authors comment on the digestion efficiency of the samples where the LATE workflow was applied?

      The LysN digestion details that we used were based on vendor (Promega) instructions combined with details from the Nature Protocol paper by Giansanti et al 2016 (PMID: 27123950__)__ that describes optimized digestion protocol for LysN. We tested LysN efficiency in terms of the identification of missed cleavage and found that it performed very well with a missed-cleavage rate of

      • The authors state that the number of peptides with acetylated N-termini was lower compared with HYTANE. Yet, the Nt-acetylation can occur co-translationally in approximately 85% of human proteins.

      Did the authors consider optimizing the method (e.g. by fractionating the sample) for better identification of such peptides?

      We thank the reviewer for this important comment. We are certain that it is possible to improve the output of LATE by fractionation and/or optimization by changes to the LC gradient as it is well established for most, if not all, bottom-up proteomics methods. In this work, we concentrated more on the proof of concept of the methodology and hence chose to work without fractionation. We performed one attempt to optimize the LC gradient but found that the results were not significantly different, and we thus used the same LC-MS methods that have been optimized for trypsin.

      Regarding the reduced identification of Nt-acetylated peptides, as we state in the manuscript following Cho et al 2016 (PMID: 26889926), we believe that this is mainly due to the reduced ionization efficiency of Nt-acetylated peptides compared to Nt-dimethylated peptides which is more pronounced when a C-terminal positive charge is missing (due to LysN digestion).

      Also, were the results of the study compared with searches done using other proteomic pipelines (e.g. FragPipe)?

      Unfortunately, when we started this project, MS-Fragger did not support LysN as the digesting enzyme. At the time TPP also provided better visualization and quantification support than FragPipe. Recently, we found that MSFragger is faster while providing similar identifications but we are not convinced of the quantification output via FragPipe. In addition, we performed comparisons of Comet to X!Tandem and while the searches took longer than with Comet, the total number of IDs did not improve significantly.

      Can the authors provide details on the settings used for searches done in COMET, especially for the samples treated with LysN?

      The settings are provided in Table S10 in the supplementary information (Page 14 of the PDF file).

      "Fractions containing relatively pure caspase-3 were pooled together and dialyzed against 20 mM HEPES 7.5, and 80 mM NaCl. Aliquots of the protein were stored at -80{degree sign}C"

      o What exactly is meant by 'relatively pure'?

      We apologize for the inaccurate description. The relevant text has been updated (Page 17) and now explains that this was based on Coommasse stain SDS-PAGE.

      Minor suggestions:

      • Please check the link for the Github as this reviewer could not open it.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We corrected the link. In any case, the relevant scripts can be found here: https://github.com/OKLAB2016

      • Please correct the spelling.

      The manuscript was proofread.

      Comments regarding figures:

      • Figure 2:

      o All figures comparing LATE and HYTANE utilize color green for LATE. Yet, in figure 2G, HYTANE is depicted in green-like color. Please consider staying consistent with the color scheme.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. Done as suggested.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):


      • The LATE method provides an excellent way to study proteases in vitro or in cell-based experiments. It enables deep investigation of N-terminome based on a simple and cost-effective workflow that utilizes digestion with LysN followed by chemical derivatization of α-amines. This approach allows for the identification of N-terminal peptides that may escape detection by other N-terminomics methods. With LATE, proteases' cleavage sites that might not so far be reporter due to technical limitations, can be studied and characterized. Hence, LATE is a useful addition to the N-terminomic toolbox.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive comments and general assessment of LATE.

      Reviewer #3

      In this manuscript, Hanna et al. report LATE, an N terminomics method similar to N-TAILS and HYTANE, with modifications that enhance or change coverages of the N-terminal proteome in proteomics datasets. LATE relies on selective N-terminal modification of protease-treated, LysN digested samples, enabling internal peptides to be depleted based on the presence of the unblocked lysine epsilon amine. Using LATE in comparison with HYTANE, the authors identified a large number of both known and unknown caspase-3 cleavage sites, both in vitro and in vivo. Because LATE enables identification of both proteolytic neo-N termini and natively blocked N termini such as those that are acetylated, the authors were able to discover a number of post-translationally acetylated proteolytic neo-N termini. This finding points to potential functional cross talk between apoptotic proteolysis and Nt-acetylation. Overall, this is a very nice manuscript that adds a valuable new tool to the N-terminal proteomics toolbox. However, the manuscript could be improved by addressing the following questions and comments.

      We thank the reviewer for this assessment.

      1. One of the benchmark points used to describe the need for a new technology such as LATE is the idea that there are 134 putative caspase-3 substrates in the human proteome, of which only about half can be identified based on ArgC cleavages. However, the 134 substrates seem to include only those that have the exact canonical DEVD motif. Many more substrates than this are already known for caspase-3. For example, >900 caspase-3 substrates were identified by Araya et al. alone. It might make more sense to apply a position-specific scoring matric to the human proteome to predict a maximum number of possible caspase-2 cleavage sites and how many would be expected to be identified using other technologies. Otherwise, please provide a rationale for why these 134 putative caspase-3 sites are representative.

      The reviewer is correct. Indeed, most of the identified caspase-3 cleavage are not exact matches to the DEVD motif. We used the DEVD as an example to illustrate the added value of using lysine-based digestion together with ArgC. We obtained a similar trend with some variations when we tested the feasibility of the identification of the human ORF Nt-peptides, E. coli ORF Nt-peptides and more. We are quite confident that any prediction will show a relatively similar distribution. To demonstrate this, we show here the relative contribution of each method for the identification of any peptide that begins after Asp in the human proteome.

      While the distributions are not identical, they are very similar, and the specific additions from LATE (LysN) are between 20% to 22% out of the total and it can help to expand the coverage by 42% to 45%.

      It is definitely plausible and have been previously demonstrated that selective N-terminal demethylation can be achieved under the right reaction conditions, and I do not doubt that it has been achieved here. However, I do not understand how the authors were able to conclude that alpha-amines are blocked with 95% efficiency and lysines are blocked at

      This is a very good point. The reviewer is correct and indeed we don’t have a way to establish if the dimethylation is on the side chain amine of lysine or on its N-terminal amine. A partial support for our claim is from labeling experiments that we (and others) conducted with tryptic and LysC peptides that clearly demonstrate that under the specified labeling conditions, 95% of the N-terminal amines are labeled and not the lysine side chain amines. However, at the end of the day, this does not change the outcome of LATE.

      Related to the above comment, Table S10 seems to indicate that MS/MS data from LATE were searched with dimethylation as a fixed modification at the N terminus. Were LATE samples searched with different parameters to generate Figure 1C? Are the dimethylated Ks identified mostly from missed cleavages and therefore not at the N terminus?

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. The search parameters used for the generation of Figure 1C have been added to Table S10. The reviewer is correct, the few dimethylated Ks identified in the search used for Figure 1C are mostly from missed cleavages.

      For both the in vitro and in vivo experiments, how many of the new caspase-3 cleavage sites occurred in proteins that were not previously known to be caspase substrates?

      In the in vitro experiments, we identified cleavages of 372 proteins that were not reported as caspase-3 substrates based on the databases we used as references. A line specifying this number was also added to text on page 7. In the cell-based experiment, we identified putative caspase-3 cleavages of 67 proteins that were not reported so far as caspase-3 substrates. This information has been added to the main text on page 10. We have added columns indicating the known/unreported protein substrates to Tables S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6.

      For the experiment in cells, can the authors explain the rationale for comparing cells in which apoptosis is induced with ABT-199 to ABT-199-treated cells with caspase-3 overexpression? What is the advantage over comparing ABT-199 treated cells to untreated cells

      Great question. An N-terminomics study of “common” apoptosis would lead mainly to the identification of effector caspases (caspase-3 and -7) substrates. Our aim was to focus mostly on the caspase-3 cleavages that occur in the cell during apoptosis. In choosing this gain-of-function approach we were motivated by the idea that it couldprovide new insights that would otherwise go undetected when using knockout or other loss-of-function approaches. The advantage of this system over comparing ABT-199 treated to non-treated cells (which we have now added as well) is that it can enhance the identification of caspase-3 specific cleavages.

      Can the authors discuss the timescale of cell death in ABT-199 treated cells vs. ABT-199 treated caspase-3-overexpressing cells. Ideally, data showing cell viability over time (e.g. Cell Titer Glo or MTT assays) would be presented, but if the authors could at least describe whether apoptosis is accelerated in the caspase-3 overexpressing cells, it would be helpful.

      Great suggestion. Following the reviewer’s suggestion we have characterized the effect of caspase-3 overexpression of the cells by XTT assay, and indeed caspase-3 overexpressing cells do show accelerated cell-death in response to ABT199 compared to non-transfected cells. These results are now presented as Supplement Figure S6B and are mentioned in the results section.

      The authors say that in their experimental design, they expect to see no difference between ABT-199 only and ABT-199/caspase-3 overexpression for substrates that are cleaved efficiently by endogenous caspases. If the new caspase-3 substrates are not cleaved efficiently by endogenous caspase-3, this seems to call into question their physiological relevance. Can the authors explain more thoroughly how these new substrates fit into the apoptotic program?

      We thank the reviewer for raising this issue. We are aware that our original cell-based experimental design may have some limitations, yet we chose this gain-of-function setup in order to identify caspase-3 substrates in a cell-based system. We believe that this setup does allow identification of substrates that are efficiently cleaved by endogenous caspase-3, such as cleavage and acetylation of NACA at Ser34 (and neo-Nt-acetylation after caspase-3 cleavage in general). To study the physiological relevance of the neo-Nt-acetylation, we have added to the revised manuscript a time-course N-terminomics characterization of early apoptosis events conducted in HCT116 cells (without caspase-3 overexpression). The results of these experiments are now shown in Figure 5C and also in the Supplementary Table

      The authors convincingly show that cleaved NACA is a neo-substrate for Nt-acetylation, suggesting functional crosstalk between proteolysis and acetylation. However, it is not clear if this acetylation event has a functional consequence, so it seems inaccurate to say at the top of page 3 that "This is the first demonstration of functional crosstalk between neo-Nt-acetylation and proteolytic pathways."

      The author is correct. We changed the text accordingly.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Hanna et al. report LATE, an N terminomics method similar to N-TAILS and HYTANE, with modifications that enhance or change coverages of the N-terminal proteome in proteomics datasets. LATE relies on selective N-terminal modification of protease-treated, LysN digested samples, enabling internal peptides to be depleted based on the presence of the unblocked lysine epsilon amine. Using LATE in comparison with HYTANE, the authors identified a large number of both known and unknown caspase-3 cleavage sites, both in vitro and in vivo. Because LATE enables identification of both proteolytic neo-N termini and natively blocked N termini such as those that are acetylated, the authors were able to discover a number of post-translationally acetylated proteolytic neo-N termini. This finding points to potential functional cross talk between apoptotic proteolysis and Nt-acetylation. Overall, this is a very nice manuscript that adds a valuable new tool to the N-terminal proteomics toolbox. However, the manuscript could be improved by addressing the following questions and comments.

      1. One of the benchmark points used to describe the need for a new technology such as LATE is the idea that there are 134 putative caspase-3 substrates in the human proteome, of which only about half can be identified based on ArgC cleavages. However, the 134 substrates seem to include only those that have the exact canonical DEVD motif. Many more substrates than this are already known for caspase-3. For example, >900 caspase-3 substrates were identified by Araya et al. alone. It might make more sense to apply a position-specific scoring matric to the human proteome to predict a maximum number of possible caspase-2 cleavage sites and how many would be expected to be identified using other technologies. Otherwise, please provide a rationale for why these 134 putative caspase-3 sites are representative.
      2. It is definitely plausible and have been previously demonstrated that selective N-terminal demethylation can be achieved under the right reaction conditions, and I do not doubt that it has been achieved here. However, I do not understand how the authors were able to conclude that alpha-amines are blocked with 95% efficiency and lysines are blocked at <5%. This claim seems to be based on PSMs for each type of modification. However, in a LysN digested sample, we would expect the vast majority of peptides to begin with K and the vast majority of Ks to be found at the N terminus of a peptide. In this situation, how is it possible to distinguish whether demethylation has occurred on the alpha-amine or the epsilon-amine? With N-terminal K, all of the MS2 fragments containing the N-terminal a-amine would also contain the lysine epsilon-amine. The m/z values for the y-ions, b-ions, and a-ions containing this residue would be the same. I may be misunderstanding, so it would be helpful if the authors could explain how they are able to distinguish these.
      3. Related to the above comment, Table S10 seems to indicate that MS/MS data from LATE were searched with dimethylation as a fixed modification at the N terminus. Were LATE samples searched with different parameters to generate Figure 1C? Are the dimethylated Ks identified mostly from missed cleavages and therefore not at the N terminus?
      4. For both the in vitro and in vivo experiments, how many of the new caspase-3 cleavage sites occurred in proteins that were not previously known to be caspase substrates?
      5. For the experiment in cells, can the authors explain the rationale for comparing cells in which apoptosis is induced with ABT-199 to ABT-199-treated cells with caspase-3 overexpression? What is the advantage over comparing ABT-199 treated cells to untreated cells
      6. Can the authors discuss the timescale of cell death in ABT-199 treated cells vs. ABT-199 treated caspase-3-overexpressing cells. Ideally, data showing cell viability over time (e.g. Cell Titer Glo or MTT assays) would be presented, but if the authors could at least describe whether apoptosis is accelerated in the caspase-3 overexpressing cells, it would be helpful.
      7. The authors say that in their experimental design, they expect to see no difference between ABT-199 only and ABT-199/caspase-3 overexpression for substrates that are cleaved efficiently by endogenous caspases. If the new caspase-3 substrates are not cleaved efficiently by endogenous caspase-3, this seems to call into question their physiological relevance. Can the authors explain more thoroughly how these new substrates fit into the apoptotic program?
      8. The authors convincingly show that cleaved NACA is a neo-substrate for Nt-acetylation, suggesting functional crosstalk between proteolysis and acetylation. However, it is not clear if this acetylation event has a functional consequence, so it seems inaccurate to say at the top of page 3 that "This is the first demonstration of functional crosstalk between neo-Nt-acetylation and proteolytic pathways."


      See above.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors present a novel N-terminal enrichment method named LATE (LysN Amino Terminal Enrichment) that utilizes chemical derivatization of α-amines that enables characterization of the N-terminome. Using LATE as well as the already established HYTANE method, Hanna et al conducted a study of caspase-3 mediated proteolysis both in vitro and in cell-based apoptosis experiments, which led to the discovery of new potential caspase-3 cleavages. The results are well presented and nicely highlight that LATE is an efficient and inexpensive method that can be used to identify cleavage sites that cannot be found by other N-terminomics workflows.

      Major suggestions:

      • The LATE method relies on digestion with LysN. Can the authors comment on the digestion efficiency of the samples where the LATE workflow was applied?
      • The authors state that the number of peptides with acetylated N-termini was lower compared with HYTANE. Yet, the Nt-acetylation can occur co-translationally in approximately 85% of human proteins. Did the authors consider optimizing the method (e.g. by fractionating the sample) for better identification of such peptides? Also, were the results of the study compared with searches done using other proteomic pipelines (e.g. FragPipe)?
      • Can the authors provide details on the settings used for searches done in COMET, especially for the samples treated with LysN?
      • "Fractions containing relatively pure caspase-3 were pooled together and dialyzed against 20 mM HEPES 7.5, and 80 mM NaCl. Aliquots of the protein were stored at -80{degree sign}C"
        • What exactly is meant by 'relatively pure'?

      Minor suggestions:

      • Please check the link for the Github as this reviewer could not open it.
      • Please correct the spelling. Comments regarding figures:
      • Figure 2:
        • All figures comparing LATE and HYTANE utilize color green for LATE. Yet, in figure 2G, HYTANE is depicted in green-like color. Please consider staying consistent with the color scheme.


      • The LATE method provides an excellent way to study proteases in vitro or in cell-based experiments. It enables deep investigation of N-terminome based on a simple and cost-effective workflow that utilizes digestion with LysN followed by chemical derivatization of α-amines. This approach allows for the identification of N-terminal peptides that may escape detection by other N-terminomics methods. With LATE, proteases' cleavage sites that might not so far be reporter due to technical limitations, can be studied and characterized. Hence, LATE is a useful addition to the N-terminomic toolbox.
    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Manuscript Reference: RC-2022-01676

      TITLE: In-depth characterization of apoptosis N-terminome reveals a link between caspase-3 cleavage and post-translational N-terminal acetylation By Rawad Hanna, Andrey Rozenberg, Daniel Ben-Yosef, Tali Lavy, and Oded Kleifeld

      Summary of key results:

      The manuscript "In-depth characterization of apoptosis N-terminome reveals a link between caspase-3 cleavage and post-translational N-terminal acetylation" by Rawad and co-authors reports on a negative enrichment strategy, named LysN Amino Terminal Enrichment (LATE) to perform N-terminome analysis, a strategy which complements the cohort of existing negative enrichment strategies thereby jointly permitting a more comprehensive capture of the (neo-)N-terminome by additionally enabling the capture of (neo-)N-termini with (semi-)Lys-N specificity. The authors provide preliminary evidence that Nt-acetylation is protective for a proteins' N-terminus to be cleaved by caspase-3 besides the occurence of putative post-translational Nt-acetylation occurring on neo-N-termini generated upon caspase-3 cleavage.


      Page 4 - In contrast to the hindrance of N-terminal amine ionization by Nt-acetyl groups concluded by the authors, previous studies reported an improved MS-scoring if α-amino-acetylated (tryptic) peptides by the higher numbers of b and y fragment ions observed as compared to α-amino-free (tryptic) peptides (e.g. (Staes et al., 2008)). It is rather the lack of any N-/C-terminal charged residue in case of Lys-N type N-termini which makes LATE less suitable for studying N-terminal protein acetylation.

      Page 4 - Besides indication the retained N-termini with high relative caspase-3/control abundance ratio's as putative caspase-3 proteolytic products, also indicate that unique peptides were retained, as many such singletons were reported in previous (caspase-focussed) degradomics studies making use of differential proteomics (e.g. (Van Damme et al., 2005)). Therefore the cut-off ratio of 2 rather seems unsubstantiated, unless the cellular proteomes of so-called control cells were affected by caspase activation. As such, showing some representative MS-spectra of neo-N-termini would be informative.

      Page 4 - replace 'without labelling of lysine residues (epsilon-amines)' to 'without notable labelling of lysine residues (epsilon-amines)', as residual labelling of lysine side-chains was observed. Also in case of the latter, do note that reduced MS-ionization potential might impact labelling efficiency calculation, and chromatographic detection of labelling efficiency should be considered to conclusify this finding.

      Page 6 - The experimental setup comparing caspase-3 overexpressing and ABT-199 induced versus ABT-199 induced cells will be highly biased as it will not be able to detect efficient caspase-3 cleavages (Plasman et al., 2011), as such cleavage events are complete and thus do not require any additional overexpressed capase-3. I see this as an important flaw and the authors should demonstrate that the list also includes efficient caspase-3 cleavages.

      Page 12 - The setup doesn't permit ORF N-terminal stability per se, rather the cleavage susceptibly of N-termini holding (a) putative caspase-3 cleavage site(s). Please adjust accordingly. Again since the setup might have missed efficient cleavages, the assessment might be biased.

      The claim that Nt-acetylation is protective for caspase-3 cleavage should be validated by monitoring cleavage efficiency of an Nt-acetylated versus an Nt-free variant (e.g. by introducing a Pro residue at AA position 2, or comparing cleavage efficiencies in corresponding NAT knockdown versus control cells) of an identified caspase substrate (i.e. a substrate holding a caspase-3 cleavage site in its N-terminal sequence) versus its Nt-free counterpart

      Page 12 - Since post-translational Nt-acetylation of neo-N-termini could be reproduced in vitro in the non-dialyzed sample, enzymatic over chemical Nt-acetylation should be demonstrated (e.g. by the use of a (bisubstrate) NAT inhibitor).

      Other concerns:

      Abstract - The abstracts holds complex/incorrect sentence constructions (e.g. simply indicate 'Protein N-termini', '... undergo ... processing by proteases' (currently: 'not be processed by proteases').

      Abstract - 'To expand the coverage of the N-terminome' only applies when this is used in conjunction with other negative enrichment strategies as by itself, LATE doesn't intrinsically provide a better coverage of the N-terminome (this is also noted at page 2).

      Change 'that cannot be identified by other methods' to 'that cannot be identified by other negative selection methods'

      Page 1 - Suggestion to change 'Proteases are typically described as degradative enzymes' to 'Proteases used to be described as degradative enzymes'

      Page 1 - Not really correct how written; 'N-terminomics methods highlight the N-terminal fragment of every protein (N-terminome)'

      Page 2 - Positive selection techniques .... Enrichment of unblocked (or Nt-free) N-termini

      Page 2 - Besides altering charge, Nt-acetylation also alters hydrophobicity ...

      Page 2 - remove 'to better chart'

      Page 2 etc. - Do note that caspase-3 can potentially activate downstream caspases in vitro

      Page 3 - functional crosstalk between proteolysis and neo-Nt-acetylation has already been demonstrated in the case of co-translational acting methionine aminopeptidases and chloroplast N-terminal acetyltransferases. Adjust accordingly.

      Page 3 - when discussing the identification of ORF N-termini, note that some of the strategies of which note when used to enrich for in vivo blocked N-termini, can also be used without blocking/labelling of Lys residues, and thus trypsin will also result in Lys-ending peptides. This is important to consider in this context.

      Page 3 - remove the following sentence part; '... or run individually which can be useful for quantifying naturally modified N-termini.', since also a differential/labelled proteomics setup enables such assessment. Related to this, the authors should comment on the observation that much fewer (i.e. less than 40%) Nt-acetylated N-termini were identified by LATE as compared to HYTANE. How is this reflected in the number of PSMs? Probably these difference are further intensified when considering PSMs.

      Page 6 - Informative to indicate how many of the in silico predicted putative DEVD P4-P1 cleavages were actually present in the list of 2049 putative cleavages identified.

      Page 6 - Unclear if any of the of 2049 putative cleavages, included non-canonical P1 cleavages besides the P1 Asp and Glu cleavages identified.

      Page 6 - Were the 'regular' cells mock transfected?

      Page 6 -Important to note that an ORF can have multiple N-termini besides neo-N-termini (e.g. in the case of alternative translation initiation)

      Page 6 - The authors should be more careful with generalization when comparing LATE and HYTANE (and other degradomics approaches) as in this study LATE was only applied for the identification of caspase-3 neo-N-termini, which by its extended substrate specificity might hold specific features enabling the preferred detection by one technique over the other. Also note that as compared to less recent studies, evidently the MS instrument used is a key factor in the increase in cleavages reported in the current study.

      Page 9 - The authors should provide some info/supporting statistics in the text regarding the new putative substrates showing GO-enrichments (compared to which control?) similar to previously reported caspase-3 substrates.

      Page 11 - Indicate that the 11 neo-N-terminal peptides of which note are the neo-Nt-peptides matching (signal peptide) cleavages indicated in the Uniprot database. Were any corresponding di-methylated neo-N-termini of these cleavages identified? In case of the 'other' proteolytic cleavages of which note, refer to these as not-annotated in UniProt.

      Page 11 - post-translational Nt-acetylation is abundant in plant and the responsible NAT has been identified, please reference these studies as well.

      Page 12 - Define 'undoubtedly dependent on caspase-3 cleavage'

      Page 14 - The NAA30 discussion is not really relevant for the discussion of the post-translational Nt-acetylation of mitochondrial neo-N-termini.

      Viewing the harsh in vitro caspase-3 cleavage condition used, namely 1 µg caspase 3 over 20 µg protein, the P1 specificities of all identified neo-N-termini should clearly be shown.

      Since acetylation of serine and threonine residues are reported forms of post-translational modification, and many so-called past-translational Nt-acetylated neo-N-termini harbour such AA residues in their N-terminal sequence, b-ion coverage for these neo-N-termini should be provided/inspected.


      Plasman, K., Van Damme, P., Kaiserman, D., Impens, F., Demeyer, K., Helsens, K., . . . Gevaert, K. (2011). Probing the efficiency of proteolytic events by positional proteomics. Mol Cell Proteomics, 10(2), M110 003301. doi:M110.003301 [pii] 10.1074/mcp.M110.003301

      Staes, A., Van Damme, P., Helsens, K., Demol, H., Vandekerckhove, J., & Gevaert, K. (2008). Improved recovery of proteome-informative, protein N-terminal peptides by combined fractional diagonal chromatography (COFRADIC). Proteomics, 8(7), 1362-1370. doi:10.1002/pmic.200700950

      Van Damme, P., Martens, L., Van Damme, J., Hugelier, K., Staes, A., Vandekerckhove, J., & Gevaert, K. (2005). Caspase-specific and nonspecific in vivo protein processing during Fas-induced apoptosis. Nat Methods, 2(10), 771-777. doi:nmeth792 [pii] 10.1038/nmeth792


      The manuscript "In-depth characterization of apoptosis N-terminome reveals a link between caspase-3 cleavage and post-translational N-terminal acetylation" by Rawad and co-authors reports on a negative enrichment strategy, named LysN Amino Terminal Enrichment (LATE) to perform N-terminome analysis, a strategy which complements the cohort of existing negative enrichment strategies thereby jointly permitting a more comprehensive capture of the (neo-)N-terminome by additionally enabling the capture of (neo-)N-termini with (semi-)Lys-N specificity. The authors provide preliminary evidence that Nt-acetylation is protective for a proteins' N-terminus to be cleaved by caspase-3 besides the occurence of putative post-translational Nt-acetylation occurring on neo-N-termini generated upon caspase-3 cleavage.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2022-01588

      Corresponding author(s): Erh-Min, LAI

      [Please use this template only if the submitted manuscript should be considered by the affiliate journal as a full revision in response to the points raised by the reviewers.

      If you wish to submit a preliminary revision with a revision plan, please use our "Revision Plan" template. It is important to use the appropriate template to clearly inform the editors of your intentions.]

      1. General Statements [optional]

      This section is optional. Insert here any general statements you wish to make about the goal of the study or about the reviews.

      The authors thank the reviewers for the positive and valuable comments, which have helped us to improve the quality of this work. We have addressed all comments by providing additional data and/or explanation with a detailed point-by-point response. The revised manuscript included new data: 1) viable cell counts of growth inhibition assay (Fig. 2A), 2) Quantitative data of microscope data (Fig. 2C, Fig. 4), 3) quantitative data of interabacterial competition (Fig. 5A, 5B), western blotting data of growth inhibition (Fig. S1A and S1B), secretion assay of single glycine-zipper mutants (Fig. 5C), and inclusion of full gel of western blot results (Fig. S3 and S5). By integrating these new results, we have substantially strengthened the findings that a glycine zipper motif of a type VI secretion effector T6SS Tde1contributes to its translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane of target cells.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      This section is mandatory. *Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. *

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: In this manuscript, Ali et al. propose that a glycine zipper motif located at the N-terminus of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens T6SS DNase effector, Tde1, can transport the toxin across the cytoplasmic membrane and into the cytoplasm, where its target is found. To support these claims, they perform a series of secretion, competition, toxicity, and fluorescence microscopy assays showing that a mutation in two glycine residues affects toxicity of the effector during competition and its ability to enter a target cell, but not its secretion through the T6SS or its binding to the adaptor protein Tap1. The concept brought forth in this study is quite interesting and important - the notion that T6SS effectors have domains that aid in their transport into the cytoplasm of the target cell. This is similar to a recent finding that a domain common to bacterial pyocins and T6SS effectors can mediate DNase toxin transport through the target cell's cytoplasmic membrane (Atanaskovic et al., mBio, 2022); the authors should mention and discuss this recent work. Nevertheless, it is my impression that the results do not fully support the conclusions and proposed mechanism, even though the general idea seems correct.

      Ans: We thank this reviewer found this work interesting and important. We hope the revised manuscript including the new data and careful interpretation have substantialized the conclusions and proposed mechanisms. We also included the excellent work by Atanaskovic et al., 2022 and discussed the findings in the revision (see lines 344-349).

      Major comments:

      • An experiment that directly demonstrates the ability of the glycine zipper to mediate transport of a toxin across a membrane would greatly support and solidify the conclusions of this work. For example, showing the ability of a purified protein to enter spheroplasts or liposomes in a glycine zipper dependent fashion. Currently, the authors perform experiments that can only indirectly support the proposed function of the glycine zipper to enable the effector to cross the membrane, and as detailed below, some of these experiments are over-interpreted in my opinion. Ans: We agree that the direct evidence for the ability of the glycine zipper to mediate Tde1 transport across target cell membrane is to perform the in vitro translocation assay. Unfortunately, the attempts to purify sufficeint amounts of full-length or N-termial version of Tde1 have not been successful. Therefore, we are unable to perform this experiment. Accoringly, we have tried our best to carefully interpret the data and rephrase the statements accordingly.

      • Lines 153-159: It is not clear how much these results are relevant to the activity of the glycine zipper motif during effector delivery by the T6SS. If I understand correctly, the described experiments are of over-expression of the proteins in the E. coli cytoplasm, where glycine zipper-dependent membrane permeability and toxicity are detected. However, one would expect that if the effector is to be transported from the periplasm to the cytoplasm during T6SS delivery, then the glycine zipper should function from the periplasmic face of the cytoplasmic membrane, and not from its cytoplasmic face, as is the case in these experiments. Is it possible that the observed toxicity and membrane permeability be the result of over-expression in the "wrong place"? Ans: The reviewer is right that Tde1 should permealize cytoplasmic membrane from periplasmic side upon injection from the attacker based on our proposed model. The purpose of ectopic expression of Tde1 and its variant in E. coli is to dissect the region and motif of Tde1 DNase-independent toxicity and the ability in enhancing membrane permeability regardless of which sides of cytoplasmic membrane the Tde1 mediates toxicity and permeability. The results of glycine zipper-dependent toxicity and membrane permeability provide a ground work for the experiments of secretion and interabacterial compeittion in the context of active T6SS action to determine the role of glycine zipper in Tde1 export and translocation.

      • Fig. 4B: This figure appears to be very important, and the authors base a large part of their main conclusion regarding the role of the glycine zipper in membrane crossing on it. However, some controls are missing and part of the results observed in the figure do not match their description in the text. • Lines 233-237 - While the authors state in the text that GFP and mCherry signals did not overlap in E. coli cells co-cultured with Agrobacterium cells expressing Tde1(M)-GLGL, I see many double-colored cells in this sample (bottom panels in Fig. 4B). Actually, all cells appear to have both green and blue colors, except for a few cells that are only green but that also seem to be dead judging by their ghostly appearance in the phase contrast channel.

      Ans: We thank the reviewer pointed this out. By looking at this particular image more carefully, it is striking that the majority of cells seem to emit both green and blue colors from this Tde1(M)GLGL sample. We have performed a total of three indepenent experiments for this translocation assay and all results except this particular sample in this particular experiment are consistent in all three independent experiments. Honestly, we could not explain this result and a possibility is this sample might be accidentally mixed with another sample. Because this is the only sample with inconsistent result with another two independent experiments, we decided NOT to use the results from this independent experiment and instead performed another independent experiment. We now have included the quantitative data from three effective independent experiments and show the representative images in Figure 4.

      How is it that all cells in the bottom panels are blue (indicating that they are E. coli target cells)? Shouldn't a large portion of the cells be Agrobacterium cells that should not be blue, since these are added at the beginning of the competition assay at a 10:1 ratio in their favor? Ans: As explained above, we have no defined answer and decided to perform additional repeats, which are consistent with results of another two independent experiments.

      It is quite remarkable that so much GFP signal is transported into the E. coli target cells so that it is so clearly visible under the microscope. How do the authors know that the GFP signal overlapping with the mCherry is really inside the cell and not outside (for example, proteins secreted to the media that attach to the cell envelope)? Will the GFP signal remain if trypsin is added to the media before visualization under the microscope? Ans: Indeed, our quantitative data show there are ~50% cells have GFP overlapping with mCherry in the translocation positive samples. The signals should be inside the cells because no overlay signals were observed from N-Tde1GLGL or Tde1(M)GLGLeven though they are secreted.

      Can the authors quantify the ratio of E. coli cells that have overlapping green and blue colors over several experiments for each sample, to show that this phenomenon repeats and is statistically significant? Ans: Yes, see quantitative data in Figure 4.

      Can the authors explain why at least some of these E. coli cells should not be dead due to the toxicity mediated by the third effector of the Agrobacterium T6SS, Tae? Ans: In Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58, Tde1/2 are the major effectors contributing to antibacterial activity. Tae effector has little impact on interbacterial competition outcome (see previous publications Ma et al., 2014 doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2014.06.002.; Yu et al., 2020 doi.org/10.1128/JB.00490-20)

      Why were the microscopy competitions performed differently than the regular competition assays? Why wasn't AK media used in these competitions? How active is the T6SS under these conditions compared to the AK media? Ans: We have tried to use AK medium for the translocation assay but only very weak fluorescent signals can be observed likely due to the low expression when grown on this nutrient poor medium. In order to correlate the results of the compeittion assay with translcoation experiment, we have performed E. coli killing assay using LB medium that is used for translocation experiment now. For the interbacterial competition against agrobacterial siblings, we still used AK medium for competition because no detectable interbacterial compettion activity could be observed between two A. tumefaciens strains on LB agar. As reported earlier, stronger interbacterial competition outcome was detected from co-culture on AK than other nutrient rich medium while the secretion activity grown in AK medium is lower (Yu et al., 2020 doi.org/10.1128/JB.00490-20). These results indicate that the factors other than secretion activity also impacted recipient cell susceptibity, which however is not the main focous of this work.

      In the N-Tde1 sample, many Agrobacterium cells appear to have the GFP signal in foci rather than distributed throughout the cell (as it is in other samples), while the E. coli cells have a uniform and strong GFP signal. Can the authors comment on that? Ans: Thanks the reviewer for raising this question.We are also curious about the Tde1 glycine zipper-dependent GFP foci and now include this potential explanation in the Discussion of revised manuscript (line 387-406). To this end, we do not have an answer for it. Because glycine zipper repeats are known to interact with membrane, it is possible that Tde1 proteins may preferntially bind to microdomain of cytoplasmic membrane, which was recently found in A. tumefaciens (Czolkoss et al., 2021). We also found that Tde1 proteins (either tagged with HA or GFP) are proned for truncation when they are ectopically expressed in E. coli or when Tdi1 is absent or not equivalent. Thus, it is possible that Tde1-GFP proteins are truncated after translocation into E. coli cells, in which most GFP signals are emitted from free GFP instead of Tde1-GFP. The stability of free GFP derived from translocated Tde1-GFP may also explain the high percentage of E. coli cells exhibiting overlayed GFP/mCherry signals.

      It might be easier for readers to visualize this figure and see the signal distribution in the different cells if the authors show a zoomed in version in the main text, and provide the wide field images as a supplementary figure. Ans: We have tried to include zoom-in images but the resolution is not good. We have improved the quality of images in the Figure 4 and believe the images are clear to see individual and overlayed fluorescence signals.

      • Fig. 5C-D: The reduced expression and secretion of the GLGL mutant is considerable. How can the authors rule out that this reduction was the cause for the reduced observed toxicity of the mutant in 5A-B? Moreover, the results show that the GLGL double mutant is hampered in expression, secretion, and DNase activity, and it negatively affects overall T6SS activity. Since this mutant was used throughout the paper, and in the absence of a direct assay showing membrane transport mediated by the glycine zipper motif, the claim of the role of this motif in membrane crossing is not well substantiated by the results. If the authors were to show that the single glycine mutants used in Fig. 5D, which are stable and have an intact DNase activity, behave as claimed in the final conclusion sentence (lines 279-283), then the conclusions will be better substantiated by the results. Ans: Thank you very much for suggesting this important experiment. We have now constructed the single G39L and G43L variants expressed together with Tdi1 in A. tumefaciens tdei mutant for both secretion and interbacterial competition assays (see description in lines 259-280 and Fig. 5). As shown in Figure 5, both G39L and G43L variants are expressed and secreted at similar or even higher levels than wild type Tde1 but have no detectable antibacterial activity against either E. coli or A. tumefaciens 1D1609. This result substantializes the role of this glycine zipper motif in translocation.

      Minor comments:

      • Line 93: I am not sure that Ntox15 should still be referred to as a "novel" domain.

      Ans: despite the evidence of this domain as DNase, the name of Ntox15 is used. We think to keep this nomenclatture as it will be easier to be ditinquished from other nuclease or toxin domain.

      • Line 105: The section's heading does not actually describe its content. The results here only show toxicity upon over-expression of the effector or its mutant forms in E. coli. Therefore, this cannot be referred to as a "prey cell" since the effector was not transported into it during competition. Moreover, the results in Fig. 5A do not support DNase-independent toxicity during competition. Ans: The heading is changed to “Tde1 exhibits DNase-independent growth inhibition in E. coli” (line 115).

      • Please consider making all of the symbols in the growth assays semi-transparent. It is impossible to discern between the different, overlapping curves. Ans: The growth curve results are improved by changing line colors and reducing size bars (Fig. 1B, 1C; Fig. 2A, 2D)

      • Please consider making the size bars in all microscopy images more pronounced. They are barely visible in their current form. Also, it would be better to show images of the same magnification/zoom for the different samples, since the current presentation shows cells from different samples at different sizes, and it can be confusing to the readers. Ans: Amended (Fig. 2C; Fig. 4).

      • In Fig. 1B and in Fig. 2A the authors show that expression of Tde1(M) in cells is toxic, yet in Fig. 2D they see no toxicity. Can the authors please comment on this discrepancy? Ans: Fig. 2D showed the viability of E. coli cells after Tde1 variants were induced for 1 hr before ONPG uptake assay to indicate the increased membrane permeability is not due to cell death. In Fig. 1B, the growth inhibition of Tde1(M) is also not evident at 1 hr. So, the results are consistent.

      • I am not convinced that the assay in Fig. 2E can be used to determine bacteriostatic/bacteriolytic effect. It is not clear how such a distinction can be made from OD measurements, since an increase in OD can result from the entire population growing after removal of the stressor, or just part of the population that did not lyse/die. To make such a claim, the authors can spot bacteria on repressing media at different timepoints after protein induction, and then determine CFU.

      Ans: The increased OD600 value during recovery could be caused by either resumed cell division or cell elongation. Based on the newly added growth inhibition assay of all Tde1 variants which we showed nice correlation between CFU counting and OD600value (Fig. 2A, S2) and no increased cell size/length of E. coli cells expressing N-Tde1 or Tde1(M), we think the recovered OD600 value is supportive of N-Tde1 or Tde1(M) exhibiting bacteriostatic toxicity. In addition to that, our interbacterial competition data showed that Tde1(M)-Tdi1 which is still having intact glycine zipper doesn’t show significant detectable killing, supporting the bacteriostatic function of Tde1 glycine zippers. In fact, we performed this experiment based on Mariano et al.(Nat. Commun. 2019 doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-13439-0), which showed the recovery of OD600 value after removal of inducer as the evidence that the Ssp6 toxin is not bacteriolytic.

      • Fig. 3A: A control is missing. To verify that the N-terminal part of Tde1 is not promiscuously interacting with proteins, the authors should include a control sample testing its inability to precipitate a protein other than Tap1 in the same experiment. Ans: Our previous study has showed that Tde1 can co-immunprecipiate Tap1 but not a non-T6SS protein RpoA (Bondage et al., 2016 doi:10.1073/pnas.1600428113), indicating that Tde1 is not promiscuously interacting with proteins. Considering the tight biochemical interaction between Tap1 with N-Tde1 but not C-Tde1 that correlate with their ability for secretion upon loading onto VgrG1, N-Tde1 is unlikely to bind proteins non-specifically. This is also supported by the non-specific protein bands from cellular fractions recognized by anti-Tap1 are not co-immunoprecipitated by any of Tde1 variants (Fig. S3). We could repeat the experiments to include additional proteins as negative controls but we chose to use time for other more critical experiments during the limited revision time.

      • Fig. 3B: the blots are very "dirty". It is not clear how the authors were able to determine expression and precipitation of some truncations (for example, C2-Tde1 in the E. coli IP panel looks like a background band found in other lanes too).

      Ans: We agree that western blots of co-IP experiments in E. coli are not very clear due to the weak signals of some Tde1 variants and background. As pointed out by the reviewer 3, this result is not conclusive and rovide little additional information other than the co-IP results from A. tumefaciens. Because the interaction between Tde1 variants and Tap1 when expressed in E. coli are not physiologically relevant and not the main focus of this work, we have removed the E. coli co-IP results from this manuscript as suggested by the reviewer 3.

      • Lines 222-225 (Fig. 4A): I can't see C-1-Tde1(M)-sfGFP in the cellular blot. All the bands in this lane look like background bands that are also present in all other lanes. Therefore, I am not sure how the conclusion regarding this truncation's ability to be secreted was reached. Ans: We agree that C1-Tde1(M)-sfGFP is barely detectable due to its weak signal overlapping with cross-reacted bands. Since several attemps to improve the western blot quality by changing antibody and pre-blocking with protein lysages of vector control strain did not produce convincing results for detection of C1-Tde1(M)-sfGFP, we have rephrased the description of this result as “However, C1-Tde1(M)-sfGFP protein signal could not be unambiguously determined in the cellular fraction due to the overlapping of its predicted protein band with cross-reacted proteins, and no corresponding C1-Tde1(M)-sfGFP band was detected in the extracellular fraction.” (line 234-237).

      • Fig. 4A: the protein names above the lanes should include the sfGFP that is fused to them. Ans: Amended.

      • It would be preferable to show quantitative competition assays with statistics rather than pictures of a plate showing a single competition result, if conclusions or observations on minor differences in toxicity are made (for example, line 253: "The killing activity of Δtdei(Tde1GLGL-Tdi1) was largely compromised"). Since the authors performed each competition assay more than once, these data should be available to them. Ans: Amended. We have repeated the interbacterial competition experiments including single G39L and G43L variants for multiple biological repeats (see detailed in legends of Fig. 5A, 5B). The quantitative data with statistical analysis were added, which show no statistical difference of any glycine zipper mutants as comapred to Tde1(M) or when expressed in the T6SS mutant. Thus, there are no detectable antibacterial activity of glycine zipper mutants against either E. coli or A. tumefaciens siblings.

      • Fig. 5A: The author claim at the beginning of the manuscript (first results section heading: "Tde1 can cause DNase-independent growth inhibition of prey cells") that the N-terminal region of Tde1 is toxic on its own in the prey cell, yet in this competition assay Tdi1(M) shows no toxicity against the E. coli target cells. In the microscopy assay (Fig. 4B), it appears that a lot of Tdi1(M) enters the prey cell, since we can visualize it under the microscope. Can the authors clarify this discrepancy and explain why they do not expect to see target killing by this mutant even though they claimed it is toxic earlier? Ans: As describbed in earlier response, N-Tde1 amd Tde1(M) toxicity can exhibit toxicity by ectopic expression in E. coli. We mainly used this ectopic expression assay to dissect the region and motif contributing the toxicity. Compared to the interbacterial competiton process where Tde1(M) may only transiently permealze cytoplasmic membrane transiently as the final destination is cytoplasm where wild type Tde1 but not Tde1(M) exerts DNase toxicity. Thus, the toxicity of N-Tde1 and Tde1(M) can be only observed when the proteins are continuously produced in the cytoplasm. The role of N-Tde1, specifically the glycine zipper motifs, is to mediate Tde1 translocation across inner membrane, instead of exerting toxicity during the context of interbacterial competition.

      • Fig. 5B: the GLGL mutant seems to have some residual toxicity, not dissimilar to what is shown in 5A. Why are these similar results interpreted differently (in 5A they are "largely compromised", while in 5B "killing activity... was not detectable")? Also, why was Tde(M)1-Tdi1 used in Fig. 5A but Tdi1(M) without the immunity gene used in Fig. 5B? Ans: As described above, to better quantify the interbacterial competition outcomes, we have repeated the interbacterial competition experiments and used Tde(M)1-Tdi1 instead of Tdi1(M) for at least three biological replicates. The quantitative data with statistical analysis were carried out to clarify this ambiguity (Fig. 5A, 5B).

      • Fig. 5: Does the remaining third effector, Tae, not play a role in these competition assays? If, as shown in Fig. 5C, the entire T6SS is less active when a GLGL mutant is expressed, couldn't the different in toxicity shown in Figs. 5A-B be the result of lack of Tae secretion and toxicity?

      Ans: As decribed above, Tae effector has little impact on interbacterial competition outcome. The quantatitive interbacterial competition results (Fig. 5A, 5B) also clarify the ambiguity because single G39L and G43L variants are expressed and secreted at similar or even higher levels than wild type Tde1 but have no detectable antibacterial activity against either E. coli or A. tumefaciens 1D1609.

      • Lines 359-362: T6SS effectors that bind the inner Hcp tube were suggested to be only partially folded. Ans: Amended.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The concept of T6SS effectors providing their own mechanism of transport from the cytoplasm to the periplasm is very interesting. It will appeal to audience in a wide range of microbiology disciplines, including those interested in toxins, membrane transport, and even translational applications. A similar concept was recently proposed and demonstrated for a domain that is also found in T6SS effectors (Atanaskovic et al., mBio, 2022).

      Expertise: I have been studying the different aspects of T6SS for the past decade.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This manuscript is focused on understanding how the Agrobacterium tumefaciens T6SS effector, Tde1, is translocated across the cell envelope of target cells and how this effector binds to the adapter Tap1. The authors show that GxxxG motifs in the N terminal region of Tde1 are required for delivery into the cytoplasm of target cells and permeabilising the cytoplasmic membrane. Given that these GxxxG motifs resemble glycine zipper structures that are found in proteins involved in membrane channel formation, the authors propose that these Tde1 motifs are involved in channel formation in the target cell. The authors also show that the N terminal region of Tde1 binds to Tap1 to facilitate loading onto the T6SS machinery but that the GxxxG motifs are not involved in this binding. Overall the manuscript was easy to read and followed a logical presentation of the findings. There are a few major comments that this reviewer has below - addressing these would allow the authors' claims to be more robustly supported. Ans: Thank you very much for the positive comments and valuable suggestion. We hope the revised manuscript including the new data and careful interpretation have substantialized the conclusions and proposed mechanisms.

      Major comments:

      1. Fig 1B: Why is this such a short growth experiment (5 hrs total with 2 hr pre and 3 hrs post induction)? Reporting on a growth experiment would normally be at least until the cells reach stationary phase but here the cells are still clearly in exponential phase. This reviewer would query what happens to growth rate in later exponential growth and into stationary phase? Is the toxic effect lessened in later stages of growth? Ans: We have indeed performed the growth curve analysis with longer time period. However, we noted that the growth at later time points are not always consistent and our interpretation is that the continuous expression of toxins may lead to the selection of mutants. Since the 3 or 4 hr time period already showed the toxicity phenotype, we have focused on this time frame for the growh experiments.

      2. It is indeed surprising that C2-Tde1(WT) does not inhibit growth despite it having a functional DNase domain and being expressed in the cytoplasm. Did the authors confirm that this protein variant was expressed by Western blot or other means? This should be done to confirm that this variant is indeed not impacting upon growth instead of it not impacting growth simply because it is not being expressed.

      Ans: Amended. All Tde1 variants including C2-Tde1 are expressed (data included in Fig S1)

      1. The letters used to report significance are not clear to this reviewer. The authors say that "The significant differences were shown by the different letters (p value

      For all fluorescence microscopy experiments how many fields of view were imaged for each biological replicate? Were the fields selected at random or was the field selection biased to what was present in the field before taking the image? The answers to all of these questions should be stated in the methods. Also the microscopy data presented in the manuscript is not quantitative. Quantification of the number of cells with PI vs Hoechst signal (in Fig 2C) and mcherry vs gfp signal (in Fig 4B) for all fields of view and for all biological replicates would be very informative and convince the reader that the authors have not just "cherry picked" the images they are showing in the manuscript. This could be performed manually or the authors could use the freely available image analysis program Fiji (https://imagej.net/software/fiji/) to perform these analysis in a semi-automated manner.

      Ans: The number of images and experiments were now described in the figure legends and the quantititive data are included (Fig. 2C).

      1. For the co-IP experiments in Fig 3 where interaction between HA tagged Tde1 and Tap1 is demonstrated the authors should also show that Tap1 does not interact with a different HA-tagged protein i.e. that the interaction is specific to Tde1 and not the HA motif. Ans: All Tde1 variants were tagged with HA. As shown in Fig. 3A, Tap1was not co-precipitated by C2-Tde1 and C1-Tde1(M), indicating that Tap1 specifically interacts with N-terminal region of Tde1.

      For all Western blot images there should be at least 2 protein standard markers present in each individual blot - i.e. for Fig 3A and B the bottom panel showing Tap1 detection only has the 35 kDa marker, it should have at least one more marker in it. The same is true for other panels in Fig 2, 3 and 4. Having at least two molecular weight markers in a panel is now standard for most journals when presenting Western blot images. Ans: Amended. We have now included the full gel of western blot results in Fig. S3 and S5 of those shown in main figures.

      For the competition assay serial dilution images in Fig 5A-B the images are a nice way to visually represent the experimental outcome but they should accompany graphs showing the competitive index of CFU/ml of the input prey and attacker vs the output prey and attacker for all biological replicates. This will convince the reader that the authors had equivalent amounts of the prey and the attacker going into the experiment and also that all attackers grew at the same rate and so were equally able to target the prey cell. This quantification could also provide more convincing out competition of ID1609 prey by C58 attacker (Fig 5B). Ans: Amended. As indicated above, we have repeated the interbacterial competition experiments for at leaset three biological replicates and show that quantitative data with statistical analysis (Fig. 5A, 5B).

      Minor comments:

      Line 40: should read "...demonstrate that the effector itself..." Ans: The sentence has been rephrased (line 40) .

      Line 41: "...we propose..." instead of "...we proposed..." since present tense makes more sense for this statement.

      Ans: Amended (line 42).

      Line 51: "Each specialized protein secretion system" instead of "Each of...." Ans: Amended (line 52).

      Line 76: "A glycine zipper structure..."

      Ans: Amended (line 83).

      Line 79: "For example..."

      Ans: Amended (line 86).

      Lines 96-100: The present tense should be used here as the current usage of past tense implies that this has been done in previous work and not in the current study - eg "we revealed", "we showed" would be better as "we reveal", "we show".

      Ans: Thanks for the advice. We have made changes throughout the manuscript.

      Fig 5B - The competition assay serial dilution images look a bit blurry, are there images the authors could use that are not blurry?

      Ans: Amended. As indicated above, we now show quantitative data with statistical analysis (Fig. 5A, 5B).

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      This work is significant in as while there is a great deal known about how T6SS effectors cause toxicity there is less known about how these effectors are loaded onto the T6SS machinery and very little known about how T6SS effectors are able to translocate across the cytoplasmic membrane of target cells to reach a cellular component that is in the cytoplasm. This work would be of wide general interest to researchers in the T6SS field as well as those interested in bacterial secretion systems.

      Reviewer expertise key words: Molecular microbiology, T6SS, interbacterial competition

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):



      In this work, Ali et al. demonstrate that the N-terminal GxxxG motif of the T6SS DNase effector Tde1 of Agrobacterium tumefaciens is required for interbacterial intoxication. Using a combination of cell viability, reporter, and microscopy assays, the authors demonstrate that over-expression of the N-terminus of Tde1 results in inner membrane permeability. Moreover, the authors show that both the interaction between Tde1 and its adaptor Tap1 as well as the T6SS-mediated secretion of Tde1 are dependent on the N-terminus of Tde1. Finally, using a combination of in vitro and in vivo experiments, the authors determine that the N-terminal GxxxG motif is essential to Tde1-dependent interbacterial killing by enabling effector entry into competing bacterial cells.

      Major comments:

      If N-tde1 is 1-97 aa, the predicted size is 9 kDa, but it shows up as ~17 kDa? Can the authors comment on this? Does N-tde1 or tde1 dimerize? Ans: The theoretical Mw of N-Tde1-HA is 10.64 KDa, which indeed migrated at higer position ~17 kDa. It is notable that full-length Tde1 with theoretical 29.5-kDa migrated slower in SDS-PAGE with a observed size ~36 kDa as observed previously (Ma et al., 2014 doi:10.1016/j.chom.2014.06.002). Similarly, the full-length HA-tagged Tde1(M) with theoretical 30.89 kDa migrated at a position ~38 kDa. Since the protein samples analyzed by SDS-PAGE including reducing agent, we cannot exclude the possibility that Tde1 or N-Tde1 may form dimer or oligomer that was disrupted by SDS-PAGE but it appears not forming dimer on SDS-PAGE.

      I have many concerns with the data and conclusions drawn from the data in Fig. 3B. I recommend removing it since (1) the data are not accurately represented in the text and (2) it is difficult to ascertain whether biologically relevant conclusions can be drawn from what happens with Agrobacterium proteins in E. coli. Below is a summary of my concerns regarding this section: I disagree with the authors' statements in lines 191-198. Their pulldown with E. coli is not consistent with their pulldown in C58. In fact, given the expression problems of some of the constructs in E. coli, I believe the data shown in Fig. 3B is inconclusive. The amount of Tap1 that co-IP'ed with N-Tde1GLGL and Tde1(M) is very low even though the expression levels of N-Tde1GLGL and Tde1(M) were relatively strong. Therefore, I do not feel confident concluding that these proteins "interact". Secondly, Tde1(M)GLGL was not expressed in E. coli, so no conclusions can be drawn. Moreover, the C1 and C2 variants were also not expressed well, so I believe the authors' statement in line 191-192: "Similar to the results in A. tumefaciens, the N-Tde1 and Tde1(M) interacted with Tap1 but not the C-terminal variants", is unjustified. You cannot rule out that C1 and C2 do not interact with Tap1 because C1 and C2, like Tde1(M)GLGL, were not expressed well in E. coli. Ans: We agree with the reviewer that the E. coli co-IP result is not conclusive due to the low expression and instability of proteins mostly during the process of cell lysis and purification, and it provides little additional information other than data from co-IP in A. tumefaciens. Because the interaction between Tde1 variants and Tap1 when expressed in E. coli are not physiologically relevant and not the main focus of this work, we have removed the E. coli co-IP results from this manuscript.

      Lines 211-214: It looks like C1-Tde1(M) inhibits T6SS secretion. I am aware that in Agrobacterium, it has been shown that effector loading is essential for secretion, but then why does the pTrc200 secrete Hcp? Also, in Fig. 4B, a strain expressing C1-Tde1(M) now secretes Hcp. Ans: Thanks for noting our previous finding that Tde loading is critical for secretion. Our data are indeed supportive of the effector loading in activating T6SS as only very low levels of Hcp secretion could be detected from the strain containing vector only or C1-Tde1(M). In our previous paper (Wu et al., 2020 https://doi.org/10.15252/embr.201947961), there is either little or no detection of Hcp secretions when effectors are not loaded, indicating that effector loading is important but not essential for Hcp secretion. Because overexpression of VgrG can also activate T6SS secretion in the absence of effector loading (Bondage et al., 2016 doi:10.1073/pnas.1600428113), we think the low level secretion under certain conditions could be caused by some cells with higher levels of VgrG protein concentration but more work is required to elucidate the underlying mechanisms.

      Minor comments:

      Fig. 2B could benefit from better labeling to indicate that most strains lack lacY. Also, why is BW25113 WT showing such a low OD420 if it has LacY? Or is WT without lacZ? Please clarify.

      Ans: We apologize for not labeling clearly. The BW25113 strain lacks lacZ, therefore all the ∆lacY strains were complemented with a plasmid encoding lacZ (pYTA-lacZ). We have now added the labels to avoid confusion (Fig. 2B).

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):


      It has been known for over a decade that T6SS effectors have both periplasmic and cytosolic targets (e.g., cell wall and DNA). However, it remains unclear (1) where within the target cell are T6SS effectors are delivered and (2) once delivered, how do effectors reach their intracellular target site. In this work, Ali et al. demonstrate that for Tde1, the N-terminal GxxxG motif is essential for Tde1 to reach its target (DNA). The authors identified Tde1 homologs in several bacteria, suggesting that this model may be relevant across a wide range of bacteria. Additional research is needed to (1) determine whether Tde1 is originally secreted into the periplasm and (2) understand how non-Tde1/non-GxxxG effectors reach their target site.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this work, Ali et al. demonstrate that the N-terminal GxxxG motif of the T6SS DNase effector Tde1 of Agrobacterium tumefaciens is required for interbacterial intoxication. Using a combination of cell viability, reporter, and microscopy assays, the authors demonstrate that over-expression of the N-terminus of Tde1 results in inner membrane permeability. Moreover, the authors show that both the interaction between Tde1 and its adaptor Tap1 as well as the T6SS-mediated secretion of Tde1 are dependent on the N-terminus of Tde1. Finally, using a combination of in vitro and in vivo experiments, the authors determine that the N-terminal GxxxG motif is essential to Tde1-dependent interbacterial killing by enabling effector entry into competing bacterial cells.

      Major comments:

      If N-tde1 is 1-97 aa, the predicted size is 9 kDa, but it shows up as ~17 kDa? Can the authors comment on this? Does N-tde1 or tde1 dimerize?

      I have many concerns with the data and conclusions drawn from the data in Fig. 3B. I recommend removing it since (1) the data are not accurately represented in the text and (2) it is difficult to ascertain whether biologically relevant conclusions can be drawn from what happens with Agrobacterium proteins in E. coli. Below is a summary of my concerns regarding this section: I disagree with the authors' statements in lines 191-198. Their pulldown with E. coli is not consistent with their pulldown in C58. In fact, given the expression problems of some of the constructs in E. coli, I believe the data shown in Fig. 3B is inconclusive. The amount of Tap1 that co-IP'ed with N-Tde1GLGL and Tde1(M) is very low even though the expression levels of N-Tde1GLGL and Tde1(M) were relatively strong. Therefore, I do not feel confident concluding that these proteins "interact". Secondly, Tde1(M)GLGL was not expressed in E. coli, so no conclusions can be drawn. Moreover, the C1 and C2 variants were also not expressed well, so I believe the authors' statement in line 191-192: "Similar to the results in A. tumefaciens, the N-Tde1 and Tde1(M) interacted with Tap1 but not the C-terminal variants", is unjustified. You cannot rule out that C1 and C2 do not interact with Tap1 because C1 and C2, like Tde1(M)GLGL, were not expressed well in E. coli.

      Lines 211-214: It looks like C1-Tde1(M) inhibits T6SS secretion. I am aware that in Agrobacterium, it has been shown that effector loading is essential for secretion, but then why does the pTrc200 secrete Hcp? Also, in Fig. 4B, a strain expressing C1-Tde1(M) now secretes Hcp.

      Minor comments:

      Fig. 2B could benefit from better labeling to indicate that most strains lack lacY. Also, why is BW25113 WT showing such a low OD420 if it has LacY? Or is WT without lacZ? Please clarify.


      It has been known for over a decade that T6SS effectors have both periplasmic and cytosolic targets (e.g., cell wall and DNA). However, it remains unclear (1) where within the target cell are T6SS effectors are delivered and (2) once delivered, how do effectors reach their intracellular target site. In this work, Ali et al. demonstrate that for Tde1, the N-terminal GxxxG motif is essential for Tde1 to reach its target (DNA). The authors identified Tde1 homologs in several bacteria, suggesting that this model may be relevant across a wide range of bacteria. Additional research is needed to (1) determine whether Tde1 is originally secreted into the periplasm and (2) understand how non-Tde1/non-GxxxG effectors reach their target site.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript is focused on understanding how the Agrobacterium tumefaciens T6SS effector, Tde1, is translocated across the cell envelope of target cells and how this effector binds to the adapter Tap1. The authors show that GxxxG motifs in the N terminal region of Tde1 are required for delivery into the cytoplasm of target cells and permeabilising the cytoplasmic membrane. Given that these GxxxG motifs resemble glycine zipper structures that are found in proteins involved in membrane channel formation, the authors propose that these Tde1 motifs are involved in channel formation in the target cell. The authors also show that the N terminal region of Tde1 binds to Tap1 to facilitate loading onto the T6SS machinery but that the GxxxG motifs are not involved in this binding. Overall the manuscript was easy to read and followed a logical presentation of the findings. There are a few major comments that this reviewer has below - addressing these would allow the authors' claims to be more robustly supported.

      Major comments:

      1. Fig 1B: Why is this such a short growth experiment (5 hrs total with 2 hr pre and 3 hrs post induction)? Reporting on a growth experiment would normally be at least until the cells reach stationary phase but here the cells are still clearly in exponential phase. This reviewer would query what happens to growth rate in later exponential growth and into stationary phase? Is the toxic effect lessened in later stages of growth?
      2. It is indeed surprising that C2-Tde1(WT) does not inhibit growth despite it having a functional DNase domain and being expressed in the cytoplasm. Did the authors confirm that this protein variant was expressed by Western blot or other means? This should be done to confirm that this variant is indeed not impacting upon growth instead of it not impacting growth simply because it is not being expressed.
      3. The letters used to report significance are not clear to this reviewer. The authors say that "The significant differences were shown by the different letters (p value <0.01)" and then have a, b, c etc next to lines of the growth experiments in Figure 1B, C and Fig 2A, B, E etc. Which comparisons have a p value <0.01? this is not clear.
      4. For all fluorescence microscopy experiments how many fields of view were imaged for each biological replicate? Were the fields selected at random or was the field selection biased to what was present in the field before taking the image? The answers to all of these questions should be stated in the methods. Also the microscopy data presented in the manuscript is not quantitative. Quantification of the number of cells with PI vs Hoechst signal (in Fig 2C) and mcherry vs gfp signal (in Fig 4B) for all fields of view and for all biological replicates would be very informative and convince the reader that the authors have not just "cherry picked" the images they are showing in the manuscript. This could be performed manually or the authors could use the freely available image analysis program Fiji (https://imagej.net/software/fiji/) to perform these analysis in a semi-automated manner.
      5. For the co-IP experiments in Fig 3 where interaction between HA tagged Tde1 and Tap1 is demonstrated the authors should also show that Tap1 does not interact with a different HA-tagged protein i.e. that the interaction is specific to Tde1 and not the HA motif.
      6. For all Western blot images there should be at least 2 protein standard markers present in each individual blot - i.e. for Fig 3A and B the bottom panel showing Tap1 detection only has the 35 kDa marker, it should have at least one more marker in it. The same is true for other panels in Fig 2, 3 and 4. Having at least two molecular weight markers in a panel is now standard for most journals when presenting Western blot images.
      7. For the competition assay serial dilution images in Fig 5A-B the images are a nice way to visually represent the experimental outcome but they should accompany graphs showing the competitive index of CFU/ml of the input prey and attacker vs the output prey and attacker for all biological replicates. This will convince the reader that the authors had equivalent amounts of the prey and the attacker going into the experiment and also that all attackers grew at the same rate and so were equally able to target the prey cell. This quantification could also provide more convincing out competition of ID1609 prey by C58 attacker (Fig 5B).

      Minor comments:

      Line 40: should read "...demonstrate that the effector itself..."

      Line 41: "...we propose..." instead of "...we proposed..." since present tense makes more sense for this statement.

      Line 51: "Each specialized protein secretion system" instead of "Each of...."

      Line 76: "A glycine zipper structure..."

      Line 79: "For example..."

      Lines 96-100: The present tense should be used here as the current usage of past tense implies that this has been done in previous work and not in the current study - eg "we revealed", "we showed" would be better as "we reveal", "we show".

      Fig 5B - The competition assay serial dilution images look a bit blurry, are there images the authors could use that are not blurry?


      This work is significant in as while there is a great deal known about how T6SS effectors cause toxicity there is less known about how these effectors are loaded onto the T6SS machinery and very little known about how T6SS effectors are able to translocate across the cytoplasmic membrane of target cells to reach a cellular component that is in the cytoplasm. This work would be of wide general interest to researchers in the T6SS field as well as those interested in bacterial secretion systems.

      Reviewer expertise key words: Molecular microbiology, T6SS, interbacterial competition

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, Ali et al. propose that a glycine zipper motif located at the N-terminus of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens T6SS DNase effector, Tde1, can transport the toxin across the cytoplasmic membrane and into the cytoplasm, where its target is found. To support these claims, they perform a series of secretion, competition, toxicity, and fluorescence microscopy assays showing that a mutation in two glycine residues affects toxicity of the effector during competition and its ability to enter a target cell, but not its secretion through the T6SS or its binding to the adaptor protein Tap1. The concept brought forth in this study is quite interesting and important - the notion that T6SS effectors have domains that aid in their transport into the cytoplasm of the target cell. This is similar to a recent finding that a domain common to bacterial pyocins and T6SS effectors can mediate DNase toxin transport through the target cell's cytoplasmic membrane (Atanaskovic et al., mBio, 2022); the authors should mention and discuss this recent work. Nevertheless, it is my impression that the results do not fully support the conclusions and proposed mechanism, even though the general idea seems correct.

      Major comments:

      • An experiment that directly demonstrates the ability of the glycine zipper to mediate transport of a toxin across a membrane would greatly support and solidify the conclusions of this work. For example, showing the ability of a purified protein to enter spheroplasts or liposomes in a glycine zipper dependent fashion. Currently, the authors perform experiments that can only indirectly support the proposed function of the glycine zipper to enable the effector to cross the membrane, and as detailed below, some of these experiments are over-interpreted in my opinion.
      • Lines 153-159: It is not clear how much these results are relevant to the activity of the glycine zipper motif during effector delivery by the T6SS. If I understand correctly, the described experiments are of over-expression of the proteins in the E. coli cytoplasm, where glycine zipper-dependent membrane permeability and toxicity are detected. However, one would expect that if the effector is to be transported from the periplasm to the cytoplasm during T6SS delivery, then the glycine zipper should function from the periplasmic face of the cytoplasmic membrane, and not from its cytoplasmic face, as is the case in these experiments. Is it possible that the observed toxicity and membrane permeability be the result of over-expression in the "wrong place"?
      • Fig. 4B: This figure appears to be very important, and the authors base a large part of their main conclusion regarding the role of the glycine zipper in membrane crossing on it. However, some controls are missing and part of the results observed in the figure do not match their description in the text.
        • Lines 233-237 - While the authors state in the text that GFP and mCherry signals did not overlap in E. coli cells co-cultured with Agrobacterium cells expressing Tde1(M)-GLGL, I see many double-colored cells in this sample (bottom panels in Fig. 4B). Actually, all cells appear to have both green and blue colors, except for a few cells that are only green but that also seem to be dead judging by their ghostly appearance in the phase contrast channel.
        • How is it that all cells in the bottom panels are blue (indicating that they are E. coli target cells)? Shouldn't a large portion of the cells be Agrobacterium cells that should not be blue, since these are added at the beginning of the competition assay at a 10:1 ratio in their favor?
        • It is quite remarkable that so much GFP signal is transported into the E. coli target cells so that it is so clearly visible under the microscope. How do the authors know that the GFP signal overlapping with the mCherry is really inside the cell and not outside (for example, proteins secreted to the media that attach to the cell envelope)? Will the GFP signal remain if trypsin is added to the media before visualization under the microscope?
        • Can the authors quantify the ratio of E. coli cells that have overlapping green and blue colors over several experiments for each sample, to show that this phenomenon repeats and is statistically significant?
        • Can the authors explain why at least some of these E. coli cells should not be dead due to the toxicity mediated by the third effector of the Agrobacterium T6SS, Tae?
        • Why were the microscopy competitions performed differently than the regular competition assays? Why wasn't AK media used in these competitions? How active is the T6SS under these conditions compared to the AK media?
        • In the N-Tde1 sample, many Agrobacterium cells appear to have the GFP signal in foci rather than distributed throughout the cell (as it is in other samples), while the E. coli cells have a uniform and strong GFP signal. Can the authors comment on that?
        • It might be easier for readers to visualize this figure and see the signal distribution in the different cells if the authors show a zoomed in version in the main text, and provide the wide field images as a supplementary figure.
      • Fig. 5C-D: The reduced expression and secretion of the GLGL mutant is considerable. How can the authors rule out that this reduction was the cause for the reduced observed toxicity of the mutant in 5A-B? Moreover, the results show that the GLGL double mutant is hampered in expression, secretion, and DNase activity, and it negatively affects overall T6SS activity. Since this mutant was used throughout the paper, and in the absence of a direct assay showing membrane transport mediated by the glycine zipper motif, the claim of the role of this motif in membrane crossing is not well substantiated by the results. If the authors were to show that the single glycine mutants used in Fig. 5D, which are stable and have an intact DNase activity, behave as claimed in the final conclusion sentence (lines 279-283), then the conclusions will be better substantiated by the results.

      Minor comments:

      • Line 93: I am not sure that Ntox15 should still be referred to as a "novel" domain.
      • Line 105: The section's heading does not actually describe its content. The results here only show toxicity upon over-expression of the effector or its mutant forms in E. coli. Therefore, this cannot be referred to as a "prey cell" since the effector was not transported into it during competition. Moreover, the results in Fig. 5A do not support DNase-independent toxicity during competition.
      • Please consider making all of the symbols in the growth assays semi-transparent. It is impossible to discern between the different, overlapping curves.
      • Please consider making the size bars in all microscopy images more pronounced. They are barely visible in their current form. Also, it would be better to show images of the same magnification/zoom for the different samples, since the current presentation shows cells from different samples at different sizes, and it can be confusing to the readers.
      • In Fig. 1B and in Fig. 2A the authors show that expression of Tde1(M) in cells is toxic, yet in Fig. 2D they see no toxicity. Can the authors please comment on this discrepancy?
      • I am not convinced that the assay in Fig. 2E can be used to determine bacteriostatic/bacteriolytic effect. It is not clear how such a distinction can be made from OD measurements, since an increase in OD can result from the entire population growing after removal of the stressor, or just part of the population that did not lyse/die. To make such a claim, the authors can spot bacteria on repressing media at different timepoints after protein induction, and then determine CFU.
      • Fig. 3A: A control is missing. To verify that the N-terminal part of Tde1 is not promiscuously interacting with proteins, the authors should include a control sample testing its inability to precipitate a protein other than Tap1 in the same experiment.
      • Fig. 3B: the blots are very "dirty". It is not clear how the authors were able to determine expression and precipitation of some truncations (for example, C2-Tde1 in the E. coli IP panel looks like a background band found in other lanes too).
      • Lines 222-225 (Fig. 4A): I can't see C-1-Tde1(M)-sfGFP in the cellular blot. All the bands in this lane look like background bands that are also present in all other lanes. Therefore, I am not sure how the conclusion regarding this truncation's ability to be secreted was reached.
      • Fig. 4A: the protein names above the lanes should include the sfGFP that is fused to them.
      • It would be preferable to show quantitative competition assays with statistics rather than pictures of a plate showing a single competition result, if conclusions or observations on minor differences in toxicity are made (for example, line 253: "The killing activity of Δtdei(Tde1GLGL-Tdi1) was largely compromised"). Since the authors performed each competition assay more than once, these data should be available to them.
      • Fig. 5A: The author claim at the beginning of the manuscript (first results section heading: "Tde1 can cause DNase-independent growth inhibition of prey cells") that the N-terminal region of Tde1 is toxic on its own in the prey cell, yet in this competition assay Tdi1(M) shows no toxicity against the E. coli target cells. In the microscopy assay (Fig. 4B), it appears that a lot of Tdi1(M) enters the prey cell, since we can visualize it under the microscope. Can the authors clarify this discrepancy and explain why they do not expect to see target killing by this mutant even though they claimed it is toxic earlier?
      • Fig. 5B: the GLGL mutant seems to have some residual toxicity, not dissimilar to what is shown in 5A. Why are these similar results interpreted differently (in 5A they are "largely compromised", while in 5B "killing activity... was not detectable")? Also, why was Tde(M)1-Tdi1 used in Fig. 5A but Tdi1(M) without the immunity gene used in Fig. 5B?
      • Fig. 5: Does the remaining third effector, Tae, not play a role in these competition assays? If, as shown in Fig. 5C, the entire T6SS is less active when a GLGL mutant is expressed, couldn't the different in toxicity shown in Figs. 5A-B be the result of lack of Tae secretion and toxicity?
      • Lines 359-362: T6SS effectors that bind the inner Hcp tube were suggested to be only partially folded.


      The concept of T6SS effectors providing their own mechanism of transport from the cytoplasm to the periplasm is very interesting. It will appeal to audience in a wide range of microbiology disciplines, including those interested in toxins, membrane transport, and even translational applications. A similar concept was recently proposed and demonstrated for a domain that is also found in T6SS effectors (Atanaskovic et al., mBio, 2022).

      Expertise: I have been studying the different aspects of T6SS for the past decade.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer 1

      Part of major comment 1. Unfortunately, not all the claims made are adequately supported by the data presented. In many experiments, the number of biological replicates is insufficient (sometimes n=1). This would have to be remedied prior to publication, to ensure the data can be properly interpreted.

      The reviewer is specifically referring to our cell cycle analysis (as these are the only experiments where some of them only contain one replicate; e.g., figure 1D and figure 2E). In the coming months we will perform for each biological replicate two additional technical replicates to increase the number of measurements. Additionally, we will also perform three technical replicates for an additional GIMEN ATRX exon 2-10 clone and three technical replicates for two additional GIMEN ATRX exon 2-13 clones. Also, for SKNAS (Figure 2F) we will perform measurements for two more wildtype clones in triplicate. This will also increase the number of biological replicates where possible.

      Reviewer 1

      Part of major comment 1. Each data point should be indicated in bar graphs (for example in Figure 5, especially given the variability observed).

      In figure 5 we now added the data points in the figures.

      Reviewer 1

      Major comment 2. The Western blot data is often very difficult to interpret, given that many bands are present in addition to the specific ones for the WT and FTT bands. Even for some controls presented as WT, the full-length protein is very faint while other bands predominate. This should be explained in the text. If no explanation is available, I would recommend confirming the results with other ATRX antibodies.

      There are several other known isoforms of ATRX, namely around 250, around 200 and 150 kDa, we now mention them in the text (page 4) and in the main and supplementary figures we made the panels smaller (figure 1B and S3A), to remove all the non-important bands below the IFFs. A possible explanation for the faint full-length bands is that the mutant ATRX protein products are much stronger expressed and therefore during blot development the wild-type bands become faint. Previously, we already tested other ATRX antibodies, and they either showed similar patterns in bands (also many bands observed) or performed much worse.

      Reviewer 1

      Major comment 3. While the Western blot data suggests that ATRX protein products from MEDs are largely retained in the cytoplasm, this is not observed in the immunofluorescence pictures shown in supplementary figures. The authors should make a decision whether to provide more convincing and clear data, or to remove the immunofluorescence data.

      We agree with the reviewer that the ATRX fractionation western blot have superior resolution over the stainings and therefore we decided to remove these stainings from the manuscript.

      Reviewer 1

      Major comment 4. The immunofluorescence data shown in supplementary figures are not of adequate quality. It is impossible to see much of what the authors are claiming. The Telomere and PML images are especially problematic.

      We agree with the reviewer that without zooming in in the word file it might be hard to detect the co-localizations for the telomere and PML images. To resolve this, we made zoom-ins for single cells for the merged panels (only for CHLA-90, SK-N-MM and AMC772T2 co-localization can be observed; many studies only use the TelO staining as telomeric dots are often exclusively observed in ALT lines, however sometimes false positive can be observed and therefore including PML reduces the rate of false positives). Additionally, we also performed southern blots, which confirmed the telomere and PML stainings.

      Reviewer 1

      Major comment 5. More generally, the data is presented in a disorganized way, making it difficult to follow. Some are in main figures, some in supplementary, some experiments are done on only a subset of clones (i.e. cytoplasmic vs nuclear distribution). The authors should try to show all relevant results (for example western, facs data) for all their lines in the main figure, so that they can be compared, with adequate number of replicates and statistical analysis.

      To improve on these points raised by the reviewer, we will perform additional cell cycle analyses to get an adequate number of replicates and we will perform statistical analyses. We also added the cell cycle analysis of SKNAS (old figure S5A) to main figure 2 and we added the western blot for yH2A.X of SKNAS and NB139 (old figure S4C) to main figure 2. Regarding the cytoplasmic vs. nuclear distribution, these experiments will be added for the NB139 models. We won’t perform these experiments for the SKNAS models since they are ATRX knockout.

      Reviewer 1

      Minor comment 1. Some grammatical errors should be corrected throughout.

      We re-read the entire manuscript and changed the grammatical mistakes that we could detect.

      Reviewer 1

      Minor comment 2. Supplementary Table 1 was mislabeled as "Supplementary Figure 1"

      We corrected this.

      Reviewer 1

      Extra comment. The authors should comment on the differences between the protein products (MED exon 2-10 vs MED exon 2-13) that could cause opposite transcriptional effects. What are the protein motifs that will be affected in one but not the other, and could this explain different effects on transcription, especially considering their claim that the majority of these protein products remain in the cytoplasm.

      We added a paragraph to the discussion addressing this (page 18), but unfortunately no domains are currently known for the region of exon 11-13. Our claim that the majority of the protein resides within the cytoplasma is supported by the paper Qadeer et al., 2019.

      Reviewer 2

      Minor comment 1. Can the authors generalize these observations to other cancers with ATRX mutations?

      In our discussion, we already mentioned increased ribosome biogenesis in glioma tumors with nonsense mutations, but we have included an additional sentence about these observations after that sentence (page 18).

      Reviewer 2

      Minor comment 2. RNA-Seq data for many cancers are now available, and so the authors could perform RNA-Seq analysis across ATRX mutant tumors and correlate with the type of ATRX mutation to see if the dichotomy they observed is present in patient data. This could be done for neuroblastoma and other tumors. The authors state that other tumors do not typically contain multi-exon deletions, but the effect of point mutations on the ATRX protein could similarly be non-uniform.

      This is a nice suggestion but is beyond the scope of this study. Our manuscript already contains RNA sequencing data from neuroblastoma tumours (iTHER data), where we find decreased ribosome biogenesis for the two iTHER patients with an exon 2-10 deletion compared to ATRX wild-type neuroblastoma tumors. Nonsense mutations are rare in neuroblastoma, only ~20 patients with such a mutation have been reported in the literature, and our iTHER cohort does not contain any neuroblastoma tumors with ATRX nonsense mutations. More extensive analyses across tumor types might be difficult since many RNA-sequencing data sets only contain a few ATRX aberrant tumors (and combining distinct data sets is very challenging due to potential batch effects) and for the majority of the rare point mutations (nonsense and missense) and rare deletions no (RNA) sequencing data is available and therefore there will not be enough statistical power.

      Reviewer 3

      Major comments 1. In Figures 3 and 4, the authors showed two distinct gene set enrichment profiles in the ATRX deletion constructs ATRXΔ2-13 and ATRXΔ2-10. They used GI-ME-N WT clones C1 and C2 for Figure 4D, whereas in Figure 4E, they utilized WT clones C3 and C4. It is not clear from the above two Figures how WT C1, C2 are different with WT GI-ME-N C3 and C4 and share distinct gene signatures. The authors should put the supplementary Figure 15A into the main Figure 4 and use the same WT GI-ME-N clones while comparing the gene expression with ATRX KO or ATRXΔ2-13, or ATRXΔ2-10. Is the difference in gene signature between ATRXΔ2-13 and ATRXΔ2-10 due to the heterogeneity present in the WT GI-ME-N cells?

      This might indeed be confusing. In our material and methods section, we addressed this under header: RNA sequencing analysis. Here we mentioned: “For the GI-ME-N clones, we observe a batch effect in the wild-type clones. Therefore, we decided to compare the different GI-ME-N ATRX aberrant models only with their corresponding wild-type clones (generated by same person).” To make this more clear, we now mention this in the result section (page 9). Our GI-ME-N models were generated in two batches (each batch by a different person, while the harvest and work-up of the RNA samples was performed by the same person on the same day for all samples) and therefore we decided to send two wild-type clones belonging to one batch and two clones belonging to the other batch (wildtype clone 3 and 4 were created by the same person as the GI-ME-N ATRXΔ2-10, while clone 1 and 2 were created by the same person as all the other GI-ME-N models). In our PCA plot for the GI-ME-N models (Supplementary figure 8B) we observe separation between wildtype clones 1+2 and wildtype clones 3+4 especially on PCA1, which explains the largest proportion of the variance. This clearly indicated a batch effect and therefore we compared the GIMEN ATRX aberrant clones with the batch corresponding wild-type clones. To exclude that the difference in ribosome biogenesis gene signatures between the different models was due to the heterogeneity present in wildtype GI-ME-N cells we also conducted the RNA analysis and GSEA for the distinct isogenic GI-ME-N models using all four GI-ME-N wild-type clones. This GSEA also showed ribosome biogenesis among the enriched gene sets (again down in ATRXΔ2-10 and up in ATRXΔ2-13 and knock-out). Nevertheless, the batch effect could have influence on other terms or single genes and therefore we needed to correct for this in all our analyses. Lastly, we now included supplementary figure 15A in main figure 4F.

      Reviewer 3

      Major comments 2. In Figure 3, the authors compare the differential gene expression and gene ontology analysis with ATRX deletion conditions. The authors should do the gene set enrichment analysis/Gene ontology term with WT vs ATRX KO or ATRXΔ2-10 or ATRXΔ2-13 and see whether the ribosome biogenesis pathway shows up. It is unclear from Figure 4B-E why authors have used two different cell lines for GO term comparison as their genetic background is different.

      If we understand the reviewer correctly, the reviewer wants us to determine the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) by comparing wildtype versus the distinct ATRX mutant. This is what we already performed as DEGs are determined by comparing WT versus the distinct ATRX mutant. To make this clearer we included a new figure explaining how DEGs are determined in figure 3. Similarly, if we understand the reviewer correctly, the reviewer suggests us to perform gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) by comparing the WT versus the different mutants, this we already did as GSEA is performed on the stat values (a value that both represents the fold change and significance and is advised for GSEA. These stat values are acquired by performing DEG analysis on wildtype versus mutant). An overview of how we used the DEG lists for GSEA is shown in figure 4A. For the last comment, we added a new sentence explaining why we compared two different cell lines for GO term analysis (page 11) in Figures 4B-E. This we specifically did because of the different genetic background, as we are only interested in DEGs that always change in ATRX aberrant models irrespective of their (epi)genetic background. The changes in expression of those overlapping genes are more likely the direct result of the ATRX aberrations.

      Reviewer 3

      Major comments 3. The ribosome biogenesis pathway is up-regulated in the ATRXΔ2-13 model. It is better to test their hypothesis in mice with a xenograft model with WT and ATRXΔ2-13 cell lines in combination with Pol I inhibitor or other well-known drugs which will inhibit the ribosome biogenesis and determine the effects on the growth of the tumor.

      This is an interesting suggestion for a follow-up study but would take too much time to perform within the scope of this revision. Additionally, it would be of limited added value to the patients as only two patients with an ATRXΔ2-13 have been reported world-wide. Lastly, the most commonly used RNA polymerase I inhibitor Pidnarulex was recently discovered to inhibit topoisomerase 2B (TOP2B) instead of RNA polymerase 1 (DOI:10.1038/s41467-021-26640-x).

      Reviewer 3

      Major comment 4. In Figure 2D-E, cell cycle analysis was performed with ATRX WT and multi-exon ATRX deletions and there is an increased percentage of cells visible in the S phase compared to WT cells. Still, it is not clear from the Figure whether the result is statistically significant. The experiment should be repeated one more time and a statistical test should be done.

      These comments were also postulated by reviewer 1. We will increase the number of measurements for our FACS experiments and include the statistical analysis (for more detail see the response to the comments of reviewer 1).

      Reviewer 3

      Major comments 5. As the ribosome biosynthesis was increased in ATRX KO/ ATRXΔ2-13 compared to ATRXΔ2-10. ATRXΔ2-13 deletion was generated only in GI-ME-N cell line model. To bypass the cell line-specific effect, it is necessary to prepare ATRXΔ2-13 deletion in other cell lines and validate whether the ribosome biogenesis pathway is still induced in another cell line.

      Originally, we attempted to also create the ATRXΔ2-13 model in the NB139 cell line (we screened more than 70 clones, which were all wild-type), however generating such large deletion is extremely difficult as the efficiency is very low (several 100 kbs have to be removed). It would take too much time to generate such clones for the revision. Additionally, as mentioned above this ATRX aberration is less relevant to patients as it is very rare. However, the reviewer does have a good point about this limitation and therefore we have included a part in the discussion regarding this limitation (page 18, included in the new paragraph).

      Reviewer 3

      Part of major comment 6. Statistical analyses is missing from almost every Figure.

      As mentioned above we will include the missing statistical analyses on the cell cycle analysis. Due to this comment, we noticed that we forgot to include the text about the statistical analyses in the legend of figure 5 (the p-values and statistics were mentioned in the result section), which we now changed in this revision.

      Reviewer 3

      Part of major comment 6. Statistical analyses is missing from almost every Figure.

      This was also mentioned by reviewer 1. For the FACS measurements, we will first perform additional experiments before we add the statistical analysis. For figure 5 the p-values and statistics were mentioned in the result section, but we now also added this information to the figure legend.

      Reviewer 3

      Minor comment 1. The immunofluorescence labeling text in the supplementary Figures is not visible. The imaging should be done with confocal microscopy to avoid the background signal and to get a better resolution.

      We changed these images and improved the labeling text. Additionally, we show a zoom-in for the merged figures to increase the interpretability. We decided not to perform confocal microscopy as we also performed telomere southern blots which are in agreements with our microscopy pictures.

      Reviewer 3

      Minor comment 2. Please put the appropriate color symbol in supplementary Figure 12A. Currently, the color symbol in the Figure panel does not match the Figure.

      We understand that the current labeling of the ATRX status using circles might have led to confusion to the reviewer, therefore we changed the depiction of the ATRX status and also changed the order of the two legends.

      Reviewer 3

      Minor comments 3. The WT GI-ME-N clone should be consistent in all supplementary western blots.

      The wild-types samples are only included in the western blots as a positive control and as reference to compare the mutant with. Re-performing all those western blots with the samen WT GI-M-EN would not lead to any changes in the conclusions. Therefore, we think it is not of added value to repeat these western blots.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Michael R. van Gerven and his co-workers studied the role of ATRX in neuroblastoma. Specifically, they focused on multi-exon deletions, the most frequent aberrations found in neuroblastoma. The multi-exon deletions often generate in-frame fusion protein with the potential gain-off function generation. To understand the importance of ATRX multi-exon deletions and mutations, the authors generated several isogenic cell lines using the CRISPR/Cas9 system and performed RNA-seq analysis. The gene set enrichment analysis showed increased gene expression in ribosome biosynthesis and metabolic processes in ATRX KO and ATRXΔ2-13 and deceased expression in ATRXΔ2-10 model. They validated the expression of ribosome biosynthesis genes with qPCR. They concluded that this study suggests the need for different therapeutic options for neuroblastoma patients.

      Major Comments:

      1. In Figures 3 and 4, the authors showed two distinct gene set enrichment profiles in the ATRX deletion constructs ATRXΔ2-13 and ATRXΔ2-10. They used GI-ME-N WT clones C1 and C2 for Figure 4D, whereas in Figure 4E, they utilized WT clones C3 and C4. It is not clear from the above two Figures how WT C1, C2 are different with WT GI-ME-N C3 and C4 and share distinct gene signatures. The authors should put the supplementary Figure 15A into the main Figure 4 and use the same WT GI-ME-N clones while comparing the gene expression with ATRX KO or ATRXΔ2-13, or ATRXΔ2-10. Is the difference in gene signature between ATRXΔ2-13 and ATRXΔ2-10 due to the heterogeneity present in the WT GI-ME-N cells?
      2. In Figure 3, the authors compare the differential gene expression and gene ontology analysis with ATRX deletion conditions. The authors should do the gene set enrichment analysis/Gene ontology term with WT vs ATRX KO or ATRXΔ2-10 or ATRXΔ2-13 and see whether the ribosome biogenesis pathway shows up. It is unclear from Figure 4B-E why authors have used two different cell lines for GO term comparison as their genetic background is different.
      3. The ribosome biogenesis pathway is up-regulated in the ATRXΔ2-13 model. It is better to test their hypothesis in mice with a xenograft model with WT and ATRXΔ2-13 cell lines in combination with Pol I inhibitor or other well-known drugs which will inhibit the ribosome biogenesis and determine the effects on the growth of the tumor.
      4. In Figure 2D-E, cell cycle analysis was performed with ATRX WT and multi-exon ATRX deletions and there is an increased percentage of cells visible in the S phase compared to WT cells. Still, it is not clear from the Figure whether the result is statistically significant. The experiment should be repeated one more time and a statistical test should be done.
      5. As the ribosome biosynthesis was increased in ATRX KO/ ATRXΔ2-13 compared to ATRXΔ2-10. ATRXΔ2-13 deletion was generated only in GI-ME-N cell line model. To bypass the cell line-specific effect, it is necessary to prepare ATRXΔ2-13 deletion in other cell lines and validate whether the ribosome biogenesis pathway is still induced in another cell line.
      6. Statistical analyses is missing from almost every Figure.

      Minor Comments:

      1. The immunofluorescence labeling text in the supplementary Figures is not visible. The imaging should be done with confocal microscopy to avoid the background signal and to get a better resolution.
      2. Please put the appropriate color symbol in supplementary Figure 12A. Currently, the color symbol in the Figure panel does not match the Figure.
      3. The WT GI-ME-N clone should be consistent in all supplementary western blots.


      The ATRX multi-exon deletions people have studied before in the context of neuroblastoma. But, in this manuscript, the authors showed for the first time the in-frame multi-exon deletions and their involvement in ribosome biogenesis using isogenic cell lines.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This is an important study investigating the roles of ATRX mutations in neuroblastoma using isogenic CRISPR models. The authors introduced ATRX multi-exon deletions into neuroblastoma cell lines and characterized those cell lines and tumoroids using RNA-Seq, ALT assays, Western blot, and rRNA assays. The study found two different patterns of gene expression and a potential role for ATRX in ribosome biogenesis. The authors state that these findings are potentially very important for the clinic, as patients with the different types of ATRX mutations should be treated differently.

      I found the study well-written and well-thought-out. I recommend the manuscript for publication.


      This is a very important study for the field of neuroblastoma, but also for the pediatric field more broadly, as many tumors harbor mutations in ATRX.

      Minor comments:

      Can the authors generalize these observations to other cancers with ATRX mutations? RNA-Seq data for many cancers are now available, and so the authors could perform RNA-Seq analysis across ATRX mutant tumors and correlate with the type of ATRX mutation to see if the dichotomy they observed is present in patient data. This could be done for neuroblastoma and other tumors. The authors state that other tumors do not typically contain multi-exon deletions, but the effect of point mutations on the ATRX protein could similarly be non-uniform.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: In this report, van Gerven et al have characterized several available neuroblastoma cell lines with or without ATRX multi exon deletions (MEDs) that produce in-frame fusions, as well as comparable CRISPR-Cas9 generated ATRX MEDs in diverse cell lines. They examined the length and cellular localization of ATRX proteins produced by Western blot, the ALT status by immunofluorescence staining and southern blot, proliferation with the violet trace approach and co-localization with HP1alpha (heterochromatin) by immunofluorescence staining. Finally, they compared transcriptional profiles of the different original and modified neuroblastoma cell lines. They observed that several MED products appeared to be largely cytoplasmic by Western blot. They observed no consistent changes in proliferation or S and G2/M phase length. Transcriptional profiling demonstrated that while MED exon2-10 resulted in a prolife most similar to ATRX-null cells, MED exons2-13 had a very different profile. Importantly, the effect on genes involved in ribosomal and metabolic processes were opposite between these two types of deletions.

      Major comments:

      1.Unfortunately, not all the claims made are adequately supported by the data presented. In many experiments, the number of biological replicates is insufficient (sometimes n=1). This would have to be remedied prior to publication, to ensure the data can be properly interpreted. Each data point should be indicated in bar graphs (for example in Figure 5, especially given the variability observed). 2.The Western blot data is often very difficult to interpret, given that many bands are present in addition to the specific ones for the WT and FTT bands. Even for some controls presented as WT, the full length protein is very faint while other bands predominate. This should be explained in the text. If no explanation is available, I would recommend confirming the results with other ATRX antibodies.<br /> 3.While the Western blot data suggests that ATRX protein products from MEDs are largely retained in the cytoplasm, this is not observed in the immunofluorescence pictures shown in supplementary figures. The authors should make a decision whether to provide more convincing and clear data, or to remove the immunofluorescence data.<br /> 4. The immunofluorescence data shown in supplementary figures are not of adequate quality. It is impossible to see much of what the authors are claiming. The Telomere and PML images are especially problematic. 5. More generally, the data is presented in a disorganized way, making it difficult to follow. Some are in main figures, some in supplementary, some experiments are done on only a subset of clones (i.e. cytoplasmic vs nuclear distribution). The authors should try to show all relevant results (for example western, facs data) for all their lines in the main figure, so that they can be compared, with adequate number of replicates and statistical analysis.

      Minor comments:

      Some grammatical errors should be corrected throughout.

      Supplementary Table 1 was mislabelled as "Supplementary Figure 1"


      A major finding from this study is that there is an opposite effect of MED exon 2-10 vs MED exon 2-13 on expression of genes involved in ribogenesis and metabolic processes. While a role of ATRX in ribogenesis is not new, as pointed out by the authors, it indicates that tumor states could be quite different depending on the type of ATRX MED fusion products and could potentially require very different therapeutic approaches. The authors should comment on the differences between the protein products (MED exon 2-10 vs MED exon 2-13) that could cause opposite transcriptional effects. What are the protein motifs that will be affected in one but not the other, and could this explain different effects on transcription, especially considering their claim that the majority of these protein products remain in the cytoplasm. It will be interesting to start exploring the location of these ATRX mutants on chromatin, chromatin structure changes and histone modifications, histone variants by ATAC-seq and ChIP-seq to better under understand the underlying mechanisms.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This study by Ghosh et al. proposes a role for phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase (PIP4K) in regulating PI3P levels in vivo. They use loss-of-function Drosophila model of the only PIP4K gene (dPIP4K29) to investigate the PI3P and PI(3,5)P2 metabolizing enzymes. First, they showed that loss of function of PIP4K leads to reduced cell size in larval salivary glands and this was attributed to the elevated level of PI3P. Then, they modulated enzymes involved in PI3P metabolism (kinases and phosphatases) and propose the implication of the PI3P phosphatase myotubularin (Mtm) and the Pi3k Class III (PI3K59F) in PIP4K-dependent cell seize control. Finally, as PI3P has an established role in autophagy, they modulate the autophagy related gene (atg1) and connect the observed increase of PI3P level to the upregulation of autophagy in dPIP4K29 model. The authors used genetic manipulations of dPIP4K29 models as well as specialized lipidomic expertise (phosphoinositide measurement using mass spectrometry and PI-kinase/phosphatase assays) to address their conclusions. The experimental strategies were well designed and major conclusions were in line with the obtained results.

      Major comments:

      • Are the key conclusions convincing?

      Almost yes, however there is two major concerns for me: Concern 1 is about the level of PIP2/PI4,5P2, the product of PIP4K, in the dPIP4K29 model. This was not measured in the study. The authors claim page 5 that: "This observation suggests that the ability of dPIP4K to regulate cell size does not depend on the pool of PI(4,5)P2 that it generates... based on the fact that re-expression a mutation that hPIP4Kβ[A381E] in the salivary glands of dPIP4K29 (AB1> hPIP4Kβ[A381E]; dPIP4K29) (Figure S1A) did not rescue the reduced cell size. This mutation hPIP4Kβ[A381E] was generated in a study by Kunz et al. (2002) where they demonstrated by in vitro kinase assay that it cannot utilize PI5P as a substrate but can produce PI(4,5)P2 using PI4P as a substrate. In the same study, using MG-63 cells, Kunz et al. propose that the A381E mutation did not metabolize PI5P as it lost its plasma membrane localization. In my opinion the author should strength their claim about the role of dPIP4K independently of PI(4,5)P2 by addressing the level of PI(4,5)P2 in their model biochemically by mass spectrometry as they have this powerful tool and support this by using PH-PLCd probe to detect PI(4,5)P2. Also, as they use completely different model as Kunz et al. they should verify, if possible, the localization of hPIP4Kβ[A381E] vs WT PIP4Kβ in salivary glands.

      Concern 2: Page 7: The author used Mtm tagged constructs (mCherry and GFP) and measure its phosphatase activity toward PI(3,5)P2 and they did not show any obvious activity. I would like to suggest the use of untagged (or small tag construct, Flag or HA) for the expression experiment in S2R+ cell as it is known that active myotubularins in other cell model as well as in vitro have a strong 3-phosphatase activity toward PI(3,5)P2. By looking at the graph FigS2 Bii, we could clearly see a big disparity within mCherry-Mtm data points. This experiment should be more strengthen by additional experimental points but also by using a positive CTRL where PI(3,5)P2 level drops (inhibition of PIKfyve by Apilimod).

      Concern 3: Page 10: "we tagged dPIP4K with the tandem FYVE domain at the C-terminus end of the protein (dPIP4K2XFYVE) to target it to the PI3P enriched endosomal compartment and reconstituted this in the background of dPIP4K29. We did not observe a significant change in the cell size of dPIP4K29" I really don't understand the relevance of this experiment. FYVE tandem will bind to PI3P whenever it was in the cell (Lysosomes, autophagosome). Why the authors claim that the expression of restricted dPIP4K2XFYVE will be restricted to the endosomes. I think that this experiment is confusing and should be removed. - Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?

      See concern 1 to 3. - Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.

      Yes, the proposed experiments in concern 1-3 are not difficult to address as the authors have all the appropriate tools to manage this. - Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.

      Yes. It is not time consuming and not costly according to their expertise, available tools and materials that they used through the study. - Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?

      Yes - Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?


      Minor comments:

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.

        1. Address the level of PI(4,5)P2 in dPIP4K29 model by mass spectrometry.
        2. Address the localization of hPIP4Kβ[A381E] vs WT PIP4Kβ in salivary glands.
        3. Test the Mtm phosphatase activity toward PI(3,5)P2 using untagged or small tagged (HA or Flag) Mtm and repeat/homogenize the PI(3,5)P2-phosphatase assay (FigS2ii).
        4. Are prior studies referenced appropriately?

      Yes - Are the text and figures clear and accurate?

      The figures needsmore organization. - Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?


      Referees cross-commenting

      Overall, Reviewer #1 and #2 found the study by Ghosh et al interesting well designed and written providing insights into the role of PIP4K in regulating cell seize. However, they comment few points that would be very helpful to improve the study. I am agreeing with both reviewers for the raised comments.


      The author addressed how elevated PI3P in dPIP4K29 model impacted cell seize. Indeed, they connected this cell phenotype to the autophagy where PI3P plays a crucial role. However, I am still questioning how deletion of PIP4K enhances PI3P level.

      • Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).

      The role of PIP4K in cellular homeostasis and organismal physiology is still unclear. This study brings additional insights into how PIP4K could be involved in important cellular process such as autophagy by regulating additional phsophoinositides.<br /> - State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.

      Phosphoinositide metabolism<br /> - Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      Phosphoinositides, Myotubularin, endolysosomal trafficking, skeletal muscle.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors utilise a drosophila model to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the role of dPIP4K in regulating cell size. They suggest that PIP4K directly regulates PI3P levels in cells, which through upregulating autophagy, can reduce cell size. Overall, this is an interesting and well-designed study. The main downfall of this study is whether the regulation of PI3P levels by dPIP4K is occurs via direct or indirect mechanisms, which is unclear in the data provided in this study.

      More specific comments are as follows:

      Major Comments:

      It's not clear why there are no differences in PI3P/PIP2 levels in Figure 4B, but this is overcome by normalising to organic phosphate levels (4C)? Can differences in PI3P/PIP2 levels be seen in Figure 4B without normalisation if additional controls such as PI3K59F/VPS34 KD were used (as done in figure 5B)? A discussion of this could be useful.

      Figure 4D: Does the A381E mutant of PIP4K affect PI3P levels in cells as it cannot reverse the cell size phenotype in Figure S1B?

      Figure 4G: The conclusion on line 255 that all phosphatase transcripts are unchanged in this figure when two of them appear to have significant reduction appears inaccurate. In addition, changes of transcript levels of these enzymes may not necessarily reflect their overall activity in cells. A localised reduction in MTM levels or activity may well play a role in dPIP4K29 cells even though an overall phosphatase activity is seen increased in the in vitro assay in Figure 4F. Similarly, not clear that the authors can completely rule out a potential activation of PIP3K59/vps34 and subsequent increase in PI3P levels in cells by simply looking at RNA levels. Is there a reason why the authors could not measure the enzyme levels in cells as mentioned in the text? VPS34 activity can be measured in mammalian systems. This is important as PI3PK59 KD does seem to reverse change in cell size (Figure 5A).

      Another method to test the involvement of PI3K59/Vps34 is to target its adaptor proteins. Can the authors distinguish the endosomal and autophagosomal PIP3K59/vps34 complex and PI3P production by looking at drosophila homologues of Atg14 and UVRAG? The majority of PI3P in mammalian cells is found in the endosomal compartment rather than autophagosomal vesicles. If the authors predict that only autophagosomal PI3P levels are changed, then an overall change in enzymatic activity required for PI3P accumulation may not be easy to detect in total cell extracts.

      Figure 5C&D: how specific is the FYVE domain fused probes to endosomal PI3P? Such probes are used in mammalian cells to measure overall PI3P, whether endosomal or autophagosomal. In addition, such probes when expressed in live cells can alter PI3P generation. In line with this comment, FYVE-domain probes can be used to quantify PI3P levels in fixed cells, this method could be used to verify changes in PI3P levels seen in PIP4K mutant flies.

      Minor Comments:

      Fig 1A: this is a slightly confusing diagram and could perhaps be made a little clearer. For an example, the arrows are not clearly differentiating phosphorylation from dephosphorylation events. Also, the choice of colour for the phosphatase arrows (brown-red) and kinases (also appearing brown-red) makes it harder to follow this figure.

      Similar comment applies to S4B: PI could be depicted as an unphosphorylated version of PI3P/PI5P and drown in the centre.

      Line 301: "lipidated Atg8a fuses with the formed omegasome" Atg8a fusion with omegasome is not an accurate description of the early autophagosome biogenesis events.

      A new image (similar to Fig 1A) depicting how PIP4K affect PI3P levels to summarise the findings of this manuscript would be helpful.

      The material and methods is an important section in this paper: a more thorough description of the methods, especially those referred to previous publications would be very helpful. The authors can at least add a brief outline of the methods they followed and include contents of buffers used.


      Overall, this is a well designed and written study providing insights into the role of PIP4K in regulating PI3P levels and cell size in Drosophila. The authors develop interesting methods to measure endogenous levels of PI species, which can be useful for the wide research community. As I am not an expert in these Mass Spec analyses, it would be important for these assays to be thoroughly reviewed by a specialist to ensure that the methods used to quantify these phospholipids have been carefully controlled.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Here Ghosh et al describe a potentially novel role for PIP4K in controlling PI3P in Drosophila tissues. Using PIP4K loss of function mutants and innovative lipid measurement techniques the authors try to address how cell size and autophagy are affected and report it may be through a PIP4K-regulated PI3P pool in flies.


      Overall, the paper is interesting, pretty well written and it has a lot of details in it that have addressed most of the questions, however they do refrain from stating that actually the PIP4Ks phosphorylate PI3P. Is it possible to measure the product PI3,4P2 if this were true? The authors claim that the regulation is direct but never show if by expressing dPIP4K it can phosphorylate PI3P to PI34P2. Using their optimized label-free LC-MS/MS methods this should not be trivial or by performing an invitro kinase assay.

      Further, the authors claim there is an increase in autophagy in the dPIP4K animals however they only measured autophagosome numbers. Autophagy flux and lysosome functional assays need to be performed to accurately show this, as it has been demonstrated that the inhibition of PIP4kinases in mammalian cells does indeed cause an increase in the autophagosome pools but because of an autophagosome-lysosome fusion defect which ultimately impairs autophagy not increasing autophagy. This needs to be addressed in the fly system.

      Also, localization studies with PIP4K in Drosophila should be performed to explain the role in autophagy or see if they localize at the same compartments as the enzymes that have been shown to regulate PI3P levels in flies.

      Also of note, PI3P in mammalian epithelial cells has been shown to control cell size through regulation of autophagy (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31941925/), but I guess it's novel in flies.


      Overall, as it has already been shown that the PIP4K can regulate PI3P levels in vitro as well as PI3P has been shown to control cell size in mammalian cells so the novelty is diminished as well as how their results really impact autophagy are not complete as the authors only quantified Atg8a puncta. If the authors can show the activity in flies is real by measuring the product PI34P2 this would be compelling evidence. Also, they need to complete localization, autophagy flux assays, westerns of LC3 or p62, etc to accurately state that autophagy is enhanced.

  3. Dec 2022
    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements

      We want to thank the three reviewers for their thorough revisions provided, which have helped us improve the manuscript. Following their comments, we have pursued two new main lines of analysis, the results of which are included in the new version of the manuscript.

      • We have now validated the signal of platinum CN footprints observed across tumor types in the Hartwig Medical Foundation cohort in an independent cohort of metastatic tumors (POG570). Despite differences between these two cohorts, the same signal of increased chromosomal fragments of size below 10 Mb is observed in two tumor types.
      • We have extended the analysis of CN signatures to those recently identified by Steele et al., 2022 (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04738-6) across primary tumors. This new analysis revealed that no CN signature shows significant different activity between tumors exposed or unexposed to most frequent anticancer therapies. A simple measurement –i.e., the number of CN fragments of a range of lengths– proves in this case more effective than more complex CN signatures that capture combinations of CN features to identify the signal of exposure to platinum.

      Other minor points raised by the three reviewers have also been addressed in the new version of the manuscript (see below).

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      In this study, the author examine WGS data from two cohorts of cancer samples from previous studies: PCAWG, mostly representing primary tumors, and HMF, representing metastatic tumors. The HMF dataset represented 4902 metastatic tumors (including 2709 whole-genome doubling, i.e., WGD, metastatic tumors) from patients who had been exposed to 85 anticancer therapies. The study identified a pattern of large LOH events associated with the exposure of tumors of some cancer types to platinum-based therapies. This pattern is characterized by a significant increase in the number of chromosomal fragments in exposed tumors with respect to their unexposed counterparts. The findings could support the hypothesis that WGD may provide tumors with an advantage to withstand the effects of structural variation.

      We thank the reviewer for their accurate summarization of our manuscript.

      Specific comments:

      1. There are a number of statements that would suggest that there is some uncertainty regarding the robustness of results, and that the analysis of additional cohorts may be needed to substantiate the overall findings. For example, page 4: "It is also plausible that more numerous cohorts of exposed tumors are required to understand whether the observed differences are indeed robust." Page 5: "Further analysis with larger cohorts are required to clarify this point, which appears especially to clarify whether a significant imbalance in favor of deleted chromosomal fragments does occur across platinum-exposed lung tumors." However, the abstract does not seem to reflect this level of uncertainty in reporting the main findings.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. It is important to highlight that the first statement cited by the reviewer refers to the potential taxanes-related CN pattern, which is not mentioned in the abstract. The second statement refers to the fact that while we observe no significant differences of ploidy between platinum exposed and not exposed WGD tumors, we caution that this may change in larger cohorts. Following the reviewer’s observation, we have now deleted this sentence from the abstract. Therefore, in the current version of the manuscript, all statements presented in the abstract are robustly observed across tumors.

      Moreover, we have now replicated the finding of the platinum CN footprint across the POG570 cohort (https://www.nature.com/articles/s43018-020-0050-6), the second largest cohort of whole-genome sequenced metastatic tumors available. (See answers below for details.)

      1. Many of the findings made appear to apply not to all tumors but are found within tumors of specific cancer types. However, the abstract does not appear to note this.

      As stated in the previous point, all statements contained in the abstract in the current version of the manuscript are replicated across platinum-exposed tumors of different cancer types across the Hartwig Medical Foundation metastatic cohort. Results on different tumor types with WGD samples exposed to platinum treatment are presented in Figures 2d and 3c and Supplementary Figure 5. A summary of the platinum CN footprint resulting from the aggregation of platinum CN patterns observed across all WGD exposed tumors is presented in Figure 3a.

      We consider precisely this robustness of the CN pattern observed across platinum-exposed tumors of different cancer types as evidence supporting the proposed universal platinum CN footprint. Conversely, we do not propose a taxane-related CN footprint, precisely due to the lack of such robustness, as explained in the manuscript. We haver rewritten this part of the manuscript to make this point clearer.

      Finally, as mentioned above, we have now replicated the platinum CN footprint across platinum-exposed tumors in the POG570 cohort (https://www.nature.com/articles/s43018-020-0050-6). Despite the limitations in sample size and the overall shorter time elapsed between the end of the treatment and the biopsy of the metastasis compared to the HMF cohort, as well as a different method for CN calling 2 out of 3 tumor types (breast and lung) with at least 10 platinum exposed and unexposed samples show exactly the same footprint while comparing platinum treated vs untreated. (See details below.)

      1. With regards to additional cohorts, there is a POG570 cohort of WGS data on 570 recurrent or metastatic tumors (Nature Cancer 2020, PMID: 35121966), some 82% of which were from patients receiving systemic therapy before biopsy. Is it possible that some of the patterns identified using the HMF datasets could be validated in the POG570 datasets? If not, what numbers of tumors would be needed for the patterns of interest to be reliably identified?

      We thank the reviewer for pointing us in the direction of this very interesting dataset. We have now analyzed the POG570 cohort (https://www.nature.com/articles/s43018-020-0050-6) using the clinical and treatment data and chromosomal fragment calls provided by the authors. Briefly, for each tumor, we computed the length of each chromosomal fragment identified and then counted the number of fragments with copy number 1-4 and length below 10 Mb, which constitutes our measurement of the intensity of the platinum CN footprint. Then, we compared the number of these fragments across platinum exposed and unexposed colon, breast and lung tumors. We selected these tumor types because only for them are there at least 10 exposed and unexposed tumors in the POG570 cohort.

      The results of this comparison are shown in the new Figure S7a of the manuscript, which we reproduce here.

      (See PDF version included as Supplemental Material)

      We found that platinum-exposed breast and lung tumors have a significantly higher number of chromosomal fragments of CN 1-4 and length below 10Mb than their unexposed counterparts, thus replicating our observation across HMF tumors. In the case of colon tumors the difference is not significant. Several differences in the composition of the cohorts and the analysis of the data must be taken into account in the analysis of these results. On the side of the data, the calls of chromosomal fragments have been done using different algorithms. On the side of cohorts composition, one important difference is the number of days elapsed between the end of the exposure of the patients to platinum and the moment of the biopsy of the metastatic or recurrent tumor. The differences between the three tumor types analyzed across both cohorts are now represented in Figure S7b of the manuscript, reproduced here.

      (See PDF version included as Supplemental Material)

      Across the HMF cohort, colorectal tumor patients exposed to platinum have a median of 300 days between end of treatment and biopsy of the metastasis, but only 178 across POG570 colon tumors (difference close to significance). The same gap is appreciable across breast tumors (289 days vs 41 days; significantly higher across HMF patients) and lung tumors (242 days vs 187.5 days; borderline significantly higher across HMF patients).

      In a previous work (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-24858-3) we demonstrated that longer time elapsed between the end of the treatment and the biopsy accounted for a higher likelihood of a full clonal expansion upon treatment and, as a consequence a higher probability to detect the SBS platinum footprint through bulk sequencing. Since the same must apply to the CN footprint, the significantly shorter time between the end of treatment and biopsy across POG570 tumors would make its detection more difficult. Nevertheless, it is still nicely reproduced at least across breast and lung tumors.

      In summary, despite the differences between the HMF and POG570 cohorts, the platinum CN footprint is replicated across tumors of the latter, thus providing independent support to its presence in platinum-exposed tumors.

      1. The PCAWG cohort is described as comprising all primary tumors, but in fact there are some metastatic tumors in PCAWG cohort. In particular, most of the TCGA melanoma (SKCM) samples are metastatic (PMID: 30401717). This may have bearing on using comparisons between PCAWG and HMF as a surrogate for primary versus metastases.

      The reviewer is correct that there is a very minor representation of metastatic tumors in the PCAWG cohort, specifically, across melanomas. It is nevertheless a good choice for a whole-genome sequenced cohort of tumors, which has been used repeatedly in primary-to-metastatic comparisons (see, for example, PMID: 31645765; https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.06.17.496528v1). Since the vast majority of tumors in the PCAWG cohort are primary, and the comparisons presented in Figure 1 encompass the entire cohort (with the exception of Fig. 1b, where melanomas are not included), the influence of a few tumors are not expected to confound the results. In any case, differences between primary and metastatic tumors are still very apparent in Figure 1c; exclusion of PCAWG melanomas, if anything, would make them still more apparent.

      1. For each boxplot, the number of tumors represented in each group should be indicated somewhere (e.g., along the bottom).

      We thank the reviewer for bringing this oversight to our attention. We have now added the number of tumors in each group in all relevant figures. Specifically, the number of tumors in each group appear now in Figures 1c and d, 2d and e, 3 c and d, and 4 a and b, as well as in relevant Supplementary Figures.

      1. For Figure 1a, is a color legend needed here?

      Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have now added a color legend to represent WGD and near diploid (non-WGD) tumors in this panel.

      1. For analyses comparing HMF to PCAWG (e.g., Figure 1c), the p-values ought to corrected for cancer type (e.g., using a linear regression model with cancer type as a factor).

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion to look at the influence of tumor types in the observed differences in the fraction of LoH tumors in primary and metastatic cohorts. Following their suggestion, we have now carried out separate comparisons of the overall ploidy and fraction of genome LoH of tumors per cancer type (Fig. S1b-i in the reviewed version of the manuscript). This analysis is, of course, limited to tumor types represented in both PCAWG and HMF cohorts. As in the pan-cancer analysis, no significant differences in ploidy are observed in any cancer type. Conversely, significant differences in LoH fraction appear in colorectal, prostate and kidney WGD primary and metastatic tumors. Regardless of statistical significance, in the majority of cancer types, the fraction of LoH genome across tumors appears greater in metastasis than in primaries. Therefore, our starting observation that more LoH is observed across metastatic than primary WGD tumors and that this could be related with the former’s exposure to anticancer therapies holds in this per-tumor-type analysis.

      1. For Figure 1d, are the numbers of tumors in each category indicated in parentheses?

      The reviewer is correct. We have clarified this in the caption of Figure 1d.

      1. For figures 2d and 2e legend, the numbers of tumors in exposed vs unexposed groups for each category should be indicated. Similar for Figures 3a, 3c, 3d.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this oversight. We have now added the numbers of exposed and unexposed tumors in the relevant plots in Figures 2 and 3. Moreover, we have added a new Supplementary Table (Table S2) with the numbers of tumors of each cancer type exposed and unexposed to each treatment across the HMF cohort.

      1. For figure 2c, what is the statistical test used and multiple testing correction applied? Could this be noted in the figure legend?

      Following the reviewer’s observation, we have included the name of the test (Wilcoxon signed-rank test) in the caption of Figure 2c. The p-values shown are corrected for False Discovery Rate: this is now indicated in the Figure caption.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      The study makes effective use of public genomic resources to make new observations regarding platinum-based anticancer therapies. The observations identify patterns within specific cancer types. The analysis is exploratory in nature and would benefit from independent observation in an independent cohort, though it is not clear whether such cohorts may exist in sufficient numbers.

      As explained above in detail, motivated by this comment by the reviewer, we have now validated the platinum CN footprint across an independent cohort of metastatic tumors (POG570).

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Analyzing the genome wide copy number patterns across publicly available ~2700 primary and ~5000 metastatic tumors treated by a number of different classes of chemotherapy agents, the authors find a distinct signature of CNVs in tumors treated with platinum-based agents. These platinum-exposed tumors are characterized by a significant increase in the number of chromosomal fragments of lengths between 10 Kb-10 Mb, and this tendency correlates with dosage (approximated by previously published platinum induced mutational signatures). Also, it is interesting that comparison of WGD with non-WGD treated-vs-untreated samples shows that WGD samples tolerate larger CNVs, suggesting relaxed selection against large CNVs in WGD (or WGD as a mechanism to accumulate large CNVs).

      Previous works have focused on mutational signatures of various environmental exposures and drugs. This paper attempts to extend the previous research by looking at patterns of copy number variations. The work is somewhat motivated (see comment below) and the experimental design and execution are reasonable.

      The manuscript is well written. The method section could be elaborated more for reproducibility.

      We thank the reviewer for their appreciative comments on our manuscript. Following their observation, we have carefully reviewed the methods section thinking on the reproducibility of our results.

      Major comments:

      1. Overall, the results are modest. Although statistically significant, the increase in specific classes of CNVs in treated v untreated WGD mets is modest (Fig 2d), casting a doubt on clinical significance.

      While the statistical significance of the association of independent CN features to the exposure to platinum-based drugs is not as high as that observed for platinum-related single nucleotide variants (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-019-0525-5), this does not mean that the signal is modest. When the number of CN fragments of length below 10Mb with CN 1-4 of tumors exposed and unexposed to platinum (across three cancer types) are compared, the signal is very clear (Figure 4a). Across cancer types, these particular chromosomal fragments are more abundant (significantly in most cases) in platinum-exposed tumors than in their unexposed counterparts. The increase across exposed tumors is between 13% and 387%.

      The number of CN fragments in this range of sizes that may be identified due to the exposure to platinum is much more stringently limited by the size of the genome than the corresponding number of SNVs. This is why while we observe thousands of platinum-related SNVs in exposed tumors(https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-019-0525-5), the numbers of observed CN fragments are smaller, making the signal less strong. However, while each single nucleotide variant affects a single nucleotide, a chromosomal fragment in the middle of the range observed would affect thousands of base pairs. This makes the cumulative effect of the platinum CN footprint on exposed tumors and normal cells is much larger than that of single nucleotide variants. In other words, the effect of the exposure to platinum on the landscape of CN fragments, far from modest is more consequential than that of SNVs. Thus, while a clinical application of the identified platinum CN footprint is out of the scope of this work, we do believe that, like its mutational footprint counterpart (described in the abovementioned papers) it does have implications for chemotherapy survivors.

      To clarify further the effect size of the exposure to platinum, following the reviewer’s comment, we have now added a fold-change to the comparisons between exposed and unexposed tumors presented in figure 4a. Furthermore, we have added the following consideration to the last paragraph of the Discussion section:

      Moreover, these SVs –as described by the platinum CN footprint– are bound to affect much larger genomic portions than platinum-contributed point mutations (6, 11). Therefore, their impact on exposed healthy cells and on the development of late effects of the chemotherapy could potentially be greater than those caused by previously recognized platinum-related SBS footprints.

      1. Three of the four drugs that yielded significant patterns seems to have largest sample sizes (Fig 2a). Is there a link between sample size and detection power? In general, robustness of the signals is not analyzed, relative to subsampling of tumors or genomic regions etc. Indeed, the authors have noted the potential lack of robustness somewhere in the manuscript.

      The reviewer is right that the sample size is an important limiting factor for the detection of CN patterns related to anticancer therapies. This is much more acute than in the case of footprints of single base substitutions, thousands of which are contributed by platinum (for example) to the genome of exposed cells. In contrast, limited by their sheer size, only a few dozen extra chromosomal fragments are contributed by the same treatment to metastatic tumors. This is the reason why, rather than carrying out a subsampling exercise, we have resorted to identifying CN patterns in the tumors of different tumor types separately. As suggested by the reviewer, we have only considered robust the CN pattern that is detected across all cancer types with exposed samples, that is, that of platinum-based therapies.

      Adding robustness to the detected platinum CN footprint, we have now replicated its finding in a totally independent cohort of tumors, the POG570 cohort. See above answer to point 3 raised by reviewer 1.

      Moreover, we include a paragraph in the Discussion section dedicated to comment on the question of power for the detection of the CN footprints associated to other therapies.

      1. Given inter-individual heterogeneity, analyzing longitudinal data of pre-treated primary and post-treated mets rom same individuals would really help strengthen the findings.

      We agree with the reviewer that such a comparison would be very interesting. Unfortunately, pretreatment samples of the primary tumors of patients in the Hartwig Medical Foundation cohort are not available.

      1. The authors show that several CN features show and increase upon platinum treatment. Are these independent observations? A global correlation among the 48 features in various samples classes (WGD/non-WGD, Primary/Met, treated/untreated) should be done and equivalence class of features defined. Otherwise, the biological significance of these observations could be overstated.

      The reviewer is right that there is correlation between the CN features used to identify the CN footprint. Nevertheless, these features, which have been defined elsewhere (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04738-6) for the identification of CN signatures are only used in the context of our analysis to determine that some of them (despite their potential correlation) are different between platinum exposed and unexposed tumors. Precisely, taking into account the correlations between CN features, our conceptualization of the platinum CN footprint is the number of chromosomal fragments with copy number between 1 and 4 with length below 10 Mb. Moreover, using this definition and not the original CN features, we are able to replicate the observation of the platinum CN footprint across an independent cohort, which provides further robustness to its identification.

      In our work, in summary, the CN features are only a means to the end of identifying a quantitative difference in the structure of chromosomal fragments between tumors exposed or unexposed to a certain anticancer therapy.

      1. The only mechanistic link between platinum treatment and the observed CNV patterns is speculated to be via platinum-induced DNA breaks and errors during correction. This seems like a very general mechanisms applicable to any exposures (environmental or drug) that induces breaks. This lack of specificity makes it hard for me to understand the rationale to study CNV patterns - why, after all, should one expect to see a CNV signature?

      The question posed by the reviewer –are there any treatment related CN footprints?– is precisely the starting point of our study. We thus carried out an unbiased discovery of CN patterns related with the exposure to different treatments. Upon identification of the association between the exposure to platinum and the increase of LoH chromosomal fragments of 10kb-10Mb signatures with different copy number, we hypothesize that the platinum-induced increase of double strand breaks and their faulty repair may be the underlying mechanism. We absolutely agree with the reviewer that other therapies inducing double strand breaks could lead to a similar –or other– CN footprint. Nevertheless, we have not been able to detect other consistent CN footprint associated with any anticancer therapy across tumors in the Hartwig Medical Foundation cohort. Whether this is due to the lack of statistical power or some underlying mechanistic difference between platinum-based and other drugs (see for example the causes underlying differences in the detectability of platinum and 5FU-related footprints; https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-24858-3) we are not currently able to answer.

      1. Authors should contrast their findings with those in https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04738-6.pdf

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. Actually, taking advantage of the fact that the tool employed to extract CN signatures de novo (the original SigProfiler aimed at mutational signatures extended to CN features) was available prior to the publication of this article, we had already carried out a CN signatures extraction de novo from the HMF cohort. We then asked if any of these CN signatures (their activity across tumors) is significantly associated with the treatments in the cohort, and found none (current Fig. S3a). In the manuscript we hypothesize that this is due to the intrinsic difficulties in defining CN signatures, as opposed to SBS and DBS signatures. This is why we decided in our study to focus on a collection of individual CN features that show differences between platinum-exposed and unexposed tumors to define the platinum CN footprint.

      Following the suggestion by this (and other) reviewer, we have now carried out the same analysis (identification of CN signatures potentially related to exposure to anticancer therapies) using the set of CN signatures originally defined by Steele et al in their paper (reference 21 in our manuscript). This analysis yields negative results too (current Fig. S3c). We also now include the equivalence (established through linear reconstruction) between the CN signatures extracted de novo from the HMF cohort and the CN signatures originally defined by Steele et al. across primary tumors. (This equivalence is provided by the SigProfiler upon extraction.) In general, the signatures extracted across HMF tumors bear little resemblance to those extracted from primary tumors (highest cosine similarity of a linearly reconstructed signature, 0.775). This is presented in current Figure S3b.

      Taken together, these results further strengthen our point that a CN footprint defined from differences in individual CN features are probably more appropriate than CN signatures in their current format to identify the effects of anticancer therapies on the CN landscape of exposed cells.

      1. For pyrimidine treated samples... "significance is lost across non-overlapping tumors". Authors should ascertain that this is not simply a matter of power. Also, would the significance not be lost for non-overlapping platinum-treated samples?

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out the lack of clarity in our statement. To solve it, we have included a new Supplementary Table (Table S4) containing the number of WGD tumors exposed to different pairs of anticancer therapies across cancer types in the HMF cohort.

      Let’s look at three cancer types showing the platinum CN footprint with different degrees of overlap of platinum and pyrimidine analogs exposed tumors. In the case of colorectal tumors, 194 out of 220 pyrimidine analogs exposed WGD tumors are also exposed to platinum. No signal is observed when the 26 tumors solely exposed to pyrimidine analogs are compared to tumors that are unexposed to pyrimidine or platinum (as shown in the Figure below, the p-values of which correspond to a two-tailed Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test).

      (See PDF version included as Supplemental Material)

      The reverse analysis is impossible, as only 4 WGD tumors are exposed to platinum but not to pyrimidine analogs. In the case of lung tumors, the 22 tumors exposed to platinum and pyrimidine analogs constitute the entire pyrimidine analogs exposed set. When only the 84 tumors exposed solely to platinum are compared to tumors unexposed to platinum or pyrimidine analogs, CN features associated to platinum exposure still appear different. Finally, in the case of ovarian tumors, no exposure to pyrimidine analogs is recorded, as it is not employed in the treatment of this malignancy.

      In summary, the significance of platinum-related CN features is present when only platinum-exposed tumors are included in the comparison. The signal observed is thus attributable to the exposure to platinum-based drugs. The number of exclusively pyrimidine-exposed tumors are few across tumor types, and thus at this stage we are not able to rule out the existence of a pyrimidine associated footprint.

      1. Interpretation of Fig 3b. "Had this increase in the number of 10Kb-10Mb chromosomal fragments across exposed tumors arisen through positive selection, we would expect to observe a concentration at specific genomic regions containing resistance genes." This needs to be tested specifically. A "concentration" perhaps would not jump out in a visual inspection of the global pattern, which does seem to show variability.

      Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we have now compared the number of chromosomal fragments of CN 1-4 and size smaller than 10 Mb observed in each chromosome across platinum exposed or unexposed lung and colorectal tumors. The results of these comparisons are presented in Figure S4a,b. This figure shows that more fragments of this size range are observed for all chromosomes across exposed tumors than across their unexposed counterparts. In most cases the differences are significant. This means that the increase of chromosomal fragments of size below 10Mb is not restricted to one or few chromosomes. It is rather a general effect distributed along the entire genome.

      Minor comments:

      1. "the ploidy of tumors with WGD varies in a range between 2.9 and 3.6 (quartiles 1 and 3, Fig. 1a)". I am not sure, there seem to several orange (WGD) points with ploidy below 2.9.

      The reviewer is correct that several WGD tumors possess a ploidy below 2.9. This is because the cited values 2.9 and 3.6 correspond, respectively to the lower and upper limit of the first and third quartiles. In other words, 25% of all WGD tumors possess ploidy below 2.9. Following the reviewer’s comment, we have clarified this statement.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      The novelty is to look at CNV signatures upon drug treatment (beyind mutational signatures). However, as mentioned above, it is not clear how different exposures that ultimately cause DNA break would have distinct CNV pattern. Overall, the results seem modest to me. Although statistically significant, the increase in specific classes of CNVs in treated v untreated WGD mets is modest (Fig 2d), casting a doubt on clinical significance. This work could still be of interest to some researchers, in particular, those interested in mutational signatures of environmental exposure. This work should be interpreted in the context of pan-cancer signatures of CNVs very recently published https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04738-6.pdf.

      The increase of chromosomal fragments below 10 Mb across platinum-exposed tumors is between 13% and 387% with respect to unexposed tumors (Fig. 4a). The statistical significance of the signal of platinum exposure on the number of CN fragments is smaller than that observed for single nucleotide variants produced by the exposure to platinum (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-019-0525-5). However, while each single nucleotide variant affects a single nucleotide, a chromosomal fragment in the middle of the range observed would affect thousands of base pairs. In other words the cumulative effect of the platinum CN footprint on exposed tumors and normal cells is much larger than that of single nucleotide variants. (See also response to point 1.)

      With respect to CN signatures, motivated by the reviewer’s comments we now demonstrate, using the activity of CN signatures extracted from the HMF cohort (using the methodology presented in https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04738-6) that none of them is significantly different between tumors exposed or unexposed to major anticancer therapies. Note are there any significant differences in the activities of the original CN signatures extracted in the aforementioned paper across primary tumors between exposed and unexposed tumors in the HMF cohort.

      My background is in computational biology, working on transcriptional regulation for decades and more recently in cancer systems biology. I am comfortable with the techniques employed in this work but not so much with the mechanisms linking a specific drug to specific copy number signatures and also with the clinical significance of this problem. Keywords: "Computational biology", "Bioinformatics", "Transcriptional regulation", "NGS", "Omics", "Cancer systems biology"

      Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):


      This paper by Gonzalez et al attempts to identify copy number footprints of anti-cancer therapies. It follows previous work by the group looking at single base mutational footprints of anti-cancer therapies, which provides clear evidence of the effect of these drugs on the genome. This study into copy number footprints is less convincing, mainly due to the challenges in identifying these low frequency copy number signatures. The authors present weak evidence using CN signatures for an increase in the number of chromosomal fragments less than 10 Mb in size. However, this is not consistently significant between different cancer types treated with the same drugs. The interesting finding of an effect of platinum treatment intensity on copy number is seen quite nicely in Fig 4b when pooled into one simple effect. Signature analysis in this case seems unnecessary as the main finding is that platinum treatment results in increased 10 kb- 10 Mb fragments but only when pooled in this way. The paper is otherwise nicely written, although some clarity adjustments are required in the Figures and Figure legends.

      We thank the reviewer for their appreciative summarization of our work.

      Major comments:

      Whilst a commendable effort has been made to identify copy number footprints, the evidence presented here for the identification of CN signatures is not so convincing. The main focus of the paper is the effect of Platinum based therapies and yet the two featured cancer types lung non-small cell and colorectal do not have consistent significant effects in the signature analysis.

      The reviewer is correct that we don’t identify a CN signature (in the sense understood in recently published manuscript by Steele et al. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04738-6) associated with platinum treatment. A clearer statement to this effect has now been added to the manuscript as a result of novel analyses of these CN signatures in the cohort studied in our work.

      What we identify (as the reviewer states in their summary of our work) is a general increase of chromosomal fragments below 10Mb among platinum-exposed tumors. This is consistent across tumor types as shown in Figure 4a, and it is what we describe in the manuscript as the platinum CN footprint. We precisely avoid the term signature in an effort to prevent confusion with the canonical usage of this term.

      The referenced BioRXiv paper by Steele et al. is now published https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04738-6 and one wonders whether additional methods and analyses performed during their peer review may be useful in this paper as well. Can reanalyse using the predefined 21 CN signatures from Steele et al?

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. Actually, taking advantage of the fact that the tool employed to extract CN signatures de novo (the original SigProfiler aimed at mutational signatures extended to CN features) was available prior to the publication of this article, we had already carried out a CN signatures extraction de novo from the HMF cohort. We then asked if any of these CN signatures (their activity across tumors) is significantly associated with the treatments in the cohort, and found none (current Fig. S3a). In the manuscript we hypothesize that this is due to the intrinsic difficulties in defining CN signatures, as opposed to SBS and DBS signatures. This is why we decided in our study to focus on a collection of individual CN features that show differences between platinum-exposed and unexposed tumors to define the platinum CN footprint.

      Following the suggestion by this (and other) reviewer, we have now carried out the same analysis (identification of CN signatures potentially related to exposure to anticancer therapies) using the set of CN signatures originally defined by Steele et al in their paper (reference 21 in our manuscript). This analysis yields negative results too (current Fig. S3c). We also now include the equivalence (established through linear reconstruction) between the CN signatures extracted de novo from the HMF cohort and the CN signatures originally defined by Steele et al. across primary tumors. (This equivalence is provided by the SigProfiler upon extraction.) In general, the signatures extracted across HMF tumors in general bear little resemblance to those extracted from primary tumors (highest cosine similarity of a linearly reconstructed signature, 0.775). This is presented in current Figure S3b.

      Taken together, these results further strengthen our point that a CN footprint defined from differences in individual CN features are probably more appropriate than CN signatures in their current format to identify the effects of anticancer therapies on the CN landscape of exposed cells.

      From Fig 2a there are 5 cancer types in HMF with Platinum treatment: Lung non-small cell, colorectal, esophagus, urothelial and ovary and it is not clear if all these cancer types are combined or separated in the final analysis. All but urothelial are featured at some point though, but e.g. ovary has no significant differences between treated and untreated. Are samples from all 5 cancer types combined in the "treated versus untreated" analyses?

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. The analysis is carried out separately by cancer type. We have now included a statement in the Profiles of chromosomal fragments associated with anticancer therapies section clarifying this.

      The strongest evidence for a real effect on copy number for platinum treatment comes in Figure 4, where there is a significant increase in LoH segments CN 1-4 with samples showing high SBS 35 mutations (a clever idea!). Attempting to separate out the samples into a "Copy number signature" in Figures 2 and 3 seem a bit like fillers to get to this actual potentially interesting finding. What is the benefit of separating out the copy number and zygosity when the real effect is much clearer when you pool everything and simplify it?

      As the reviewer points out, and we highlight above, it is this type of chromosomal fragments that we conceptualize as the platinum CN footprint. This, however, is a discovery that stems from the unbiased analysis carried out across tumor types and treatments, the results of which are presented in Figure 2 and which is further characterized in Figure 3. It would have been impossible to identify this footprint from the outset. We reasoned that the CN features defined by Steele et al. were a good starting point to capture differences in the overall landscape of chromosomal fragments of tumors exposed or unexposed to DNA damaging drugs.

      Can you investigate other drug treatments using this bulk approach using the proxy of the SBS drug mutations to indicate the "strength" of the mutational process of the drug.

      In theory this is possible for treatments that leave both discernible mutational and CN footprints. So far, only platinum-based drugs fulfill this criteria. In the case of 5-FU a salient mutational footprint is associated with the exposure to the drug, but we were unable to identify any discernible CN footprint.

      Another point of interest is the overlap between treatments. A judgement call is made as to which is the overriding drug corresponding to the effect. Is it possible to separate these effects with NMF as per SBS? Or could a combination effect be detected? Likely the numbers would be too low for this separated analysis. But just looking at LoH 10kb to 10 Mb might show something?

      This is a very interesting suggestion. Several lines of evidence support the idea that the observed CN footprint is associated with exposure to platinum and not 5-FU and that it is not a combination of both drugs (see above response to point 7 raised by reviewer 3). The most important is that the CN footprint is also observed across tumors that are not exposed to 5-FU. For example, in the case of the ovarian tumor cohort, which are not exposed to 5-FU the CN footprint is recovered (Fig. 3c; 4a), although the individual CN features are not significant, due to the low numbers.

      With respect to the overlap specifically between platinum-based therapies and pyrimidine analogs, we have included in the manuscript a new Supplementary Table (Table S4) presenting the numbers of WGD tumors exposed to different pairs of drugs across cancer types. We have also extended the statements about the overlaps in the manuscript to further clarify the decisions made. (See above our reply to point 7 by reviewer 3.)

      A table summarizing the included samples, treatments, overlap, etc per cancer type is missing.

      Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we have prepared and included in the manuscript two new Supplementary Tables. Table S2 details the number of WGD and non-WGD metastatic tumors of each tumor type across the HMF cohort exposed to different anti-cancer therapies. Table S4 presents the number of tumors exposed to different pairs of treatments across tumor types in the cohort.

      Your study may also benefit from a comparison to the latest Hartwig cohort paper https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.06.17.496528v1.full particularly focusing on the suggestion of Treatment enriched drivers (TED) some of which are infact copy number driven.

      We thank the reviewer for this interesting suggestion. The only TED identified by the authors, which is related to platinum-based drugs (with the criteria described in the Supplementary Table 8 of their manuscript) concerns point mutations of TP53 across metastatic stomach adenocarcinomas (where we are unable to identify the CN footprint due to a low sample size). Although some driver amplification or deletion events do appear significantly enriched across platinum exposed tumors of different cancer types, they are discarded by the authors due to lack of orthogonal evidence of being associated with the specific mechanism of action of the drug.

      We now include this observation in the revised manuscript:

      As anticipated, we observed that chromosomal fragments smaller than 10 Mb (representative of the platinum CN signature) are evenly distributed along the genomes of WGD colorectal and lung tumors (Fig. 3b; Fig. S4a,b). Had this increase in the number of platinum-related chromosomal fragments across exposed tumors been constrained to one or few genomic regions, it would point to positive selection of one or more resistance-associated genes. A recent systematic analysis of the HMF cohort revealed that only mutations in TP53 across stomach adenocarcinomas appear as a potential bona fide driver event associated with the exposure to platinum in the HMF cohort (Martínez-Jiménez et al, 2022).

      Minor comments:

      The Figure legends and Figures themselves need to be altered for clarity. Axis should be labelled more specifically, e.g Fig 1d axis currently reads "percentage". Fig 3b says left and right and there is no such thing. What do the sizes of the circles in 2c represent? Can you indicate cancer type as well in this plot (shading or line type) or are all treated samples pooled- this is not clear?

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have checked all figures and figure legends to enhance their clarity.

      It is not clear why Fig 2a only includes HMF samples and not PCAWG- PCAWG could be in supplement?

      Figure 2a describes the types of anticancer treatments received by patients bearing different types of malignancies. PCAWG tumors are primary and treatment-naive; this is why all the study to identify treatment-related CN features focuses on the HMF cohort.

      Be consistent with labelling as well, in the text everything is referred to as 10 kb -10 Mb and some Figures labeled as such but others with 10^4- 10^7. How is the size 10 kb established? All the plots show 0-100 kb, where did the 10 kb limit come from?

      We thank the reviewer for this recommendation. It actually led us to review our definition of the platinum CN footprint and to realize that, indeed, fragments smaller than 10 kb are part of this footprint. All analyses (and relevant figures and supplementary tables) have been updated accordingly. The rationale to define the CN footprint is now more thoroughly explained (Fig. 3a).

      Why is ovary not in 4b?

      There are very few platinum-exposed ovarian tumors with WGD and activity of SBS35. Therefore, the groups of tumors with high and low activity of SBS35 are too small to carry out a meaningful comparison of the platinum CN footprint in Fig. 4b.

      Methods needs clarification. Are the visualized samples the average of the cancer types in each of the two groups (untreated vs treated) how many samples in each group? The table suggested above would help a lot with understanding what is actually being compared. How reliable is the calculation of WGD status? Some explanation into the values used in the calculation "WGD: 2.9 -1.7*LoH <= Ploidy" is warranted.

      Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we have added two new Supplementary Tables (Tables S2 and S4) presenting a more thorough description of the subset of HMF tumors employed in the detection of treatment-related CN features (Table S2) and the overlap between treatments in terms of numbers co-treated tumors (Table S4). We have also expanded the rationale behind the inequality used to separate WGD and non-WGD tumors (see new version of Methods).


      Everyone seems to be in relative agreement that the results are modest, should be compared to https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04738-6.pdf and require some clarity throughout the manuscript.

      Additional analyses, such as comparing to other datasets such as POG570 would benefit the paper.

      Reviewer #4 (Significance):

      Whilst previous studies have looked at the effect of anti-cancer drugs on single base mutations, owing to the challenges also seen here, no thorough investigation of the effect of these drugs on copy number has been performed. Therefore, this is an advance, albeit minor as the "copy number signature" of the exposed cancers was not particularly clear.

      The use of WGD samples was a clever step forward for the analysis of copy number, as the effects of selection are weakened with an extra copy of the genome.

      The finding that increased treatment with platinum results in increased copy number changes of size 10 kb to 10 Mb is an interesting finding, and something that could be considered when looking at treatment options in the future, particularly if it is shown to also affect normal cells in this way.

      The cancer genomics field in which I am a part, would be interested in this finding.

      We thank the reviewer for their appreciative comment of our work.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This paper by Gonzalez et al attempts to identify copy number footprints of anti-cancer therapies. It follows previous work by the group looking at single base mutational footprints of anti-cancer therapies, which provides clear evidence of the effect of these drugs on the genome. This study into copy number footprints is less convincing, mainly due to the challenges in identifying these low frequency copy number signatures. The authors present weak evidence using CN signatures for an increase in the number of chromosomal fragments less than 10 Mb in size. However, this is not consistently significant between different cancer types treated with the same drugs. The interesting finding of an effect of platinum treatment intensity on copy number is seen quite nicely in Fig 4b when pooled into one simple effect. Signature analysis in this case seems unnecessary as the main finding is that platinum treatment results in increased 10 kb- 10 Mb fragments but only when pooled in this way. The paper is otherwise nicely written, although some clarity adjustments are required in the Figures and Figure legends.

      Major comments:

      Whilst a commendable effort has been made to identify copy number footprints, the evidence presented here for the identification of CN signatures is not so convincing. The main focus of the paper is the effect of Platinum based therapies and yet the two featured cancer types lung non-small cell and colorectal do not have consistent significant effects in the signature analysis.<br /> The referenced BioRXiv paper by Steele et al. is now published https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04738-6 and one wonders whether additional methods and analyses performed during their peer review may be useful in this paper as well. Can reanalyse using the predefined 21 CN signatures from Steele et al?

      From Fig 2a there are 5 cancer types in HMF with Platinum treatment Lung non-small cell, colorectal, esophagus, urothelial and ovary and it is not clear if all these cancer types are combined or separated in the final analysis. All but urothelial are featured at some point though, but e.g. ovary has no significant differences between treated and untreated. Are samples from all 5 cancer types combined in the "treated versus untreated" analyses?

      The strongest evidence for a real effect on copy number for platinum treatment comes in Figure 4, where there is a significant increase in LoH segments CN 1-4 with samples showing high SBS 35 mutations (a clever idea!). Attempting to separate out the samples into a "Copy number signature" in Figures 2 and 3 seem a bit like fillers to get to this actual potentially interesting finding. What is the benefit of separating out the copy number and zygosity when the real effect is much clearer when you pool everything and simplify it?

      Can you investigate other drug treatments using this bulk approach using the proxy of the SBS drug mutations to indicate the "strength" of the mutational process of the drug.

      Another point of interest is the overlap between treatments. A judgement call is made as to which is the overriding drug corresponding to the effect. Is it possible to separate these effects with NMF as per SBS? Or could a combination effect be detected? Likely the numbers would be too low for this separated analysis. But just looking at LoH 10kb to 10 Mb might show something?

      A table summarizing the included samples, treatments, overlap, etc per cancer type is missing.

      Your study may also benefit from a comparison to the latest Hartwig cohort paper https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.06.17.496528v1.full particularly focusing on the suggestion of Treatment enriched drivers (TED) some of which are infact copy number driven.

      Minor comments:

      The Figure legends and Figures themselves need to be altered for clarity. Axis should be labelled more specifically, e.g Fig 1d axis currently reads "percentage". Fig 3b says left and right and there is no such thing. What do the sizes of the circles in 2c represent? Can you indicate cancer type as well in this plot (shading or line type) or are all treated samples pooled- this is not clear?<br /> It is not clear why Fig 2a only includes HMF samples and not PCAWG- PCAWG could be in supplement?<br /> Be consistent with labelling as well, in the text everything is referred to as 10 kb -10 Mb and some Figures labeled as such but others with 10^4- 10^7. How is the size 10 kb established? All the plots show 0-100 kb, where did the 10 kb limit come from?<br /> Why is ovary not in 4b?<br /> Methods needs clarification. Are the visualized samples the average of the cancer types in each of the two groups (untreated vs treated) how many samples in each group? The table suggested above would help a lot with understanding what is actually being compared. How reliable is the calculation of WGD status? Some explanation into the values used in the calculation "WGD: 2.9 -1.7*LoH <= Ploidy" is warranted.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Everyone seems to be in relative agreement that the results are modest, should be compared to https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04738-6.pdf and require some clarity throughout the manuscript.<br /> Additional analyses, such as comparing to other datasets such as POG570 would benefit the paper.


      Whilst previous studies have looked at the effect of anti-cancer drugs on single base mutations, owing to the challenges also seen here, no thorough investigation of the effect of these drugs on copy number has been performed. Therefore, this is an advance, albeit minor as the "copy number signature" of the exposed cancers was not particularly clear.

      The use of WGD samples was a clever step forward for the analysis of copy number, as the effects of selection are weakened with an extra copy of the genome.

      The finding that increased treatment with platinum results in increased copy number changes of size 10 kb to 10 Mb is an interesting finding, and something that could be considered when looking at treatment options in the future, particularly if it is shown to also affect normal cells in this way.<br /> The cancer genomics field in which I am a part, would be interested in this finding.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Analyzing the genome wide copy number patterns across publicly available ~2700 primary and ~5000 metastatic tumors treated by a number of different classes of chemotherapy agents, the authors find a distinct signature of CNVs in tumors treated with platinum-based agents. These platinum-exposed tumors are characterized by a significant increase in the number of chromosomal fragments of lengths between 10 Kb-10 Mb, and this tendency correlates with dosage (approximated by previously published platinum induced mutational signatures). Also, it is interesting that comparison of WGD with non-WGD treated-vs-untreated samples shows that WGD samples tolerate larger CNVs, suggesting relaxed selection against large CNVs in WGD (or WGD as a mechanism to accumulate large CNVs).

      Previous works have focused on mutational signatures of various environmental exposures and drugs. This paper attempts to extend the previous research by looking at patterns of copy number variations. The work is somewhat motivated (see comment below) and the experimental design and execution are reasonable.

      The manuscript is well written. The method section could be elaborated more for reproducibility.

      Major comments:

      1. Overall, the results are modest. Although statistically significant, the increase in specific classes of CNVs in treated v untreated WGD mets is modest (Fig 2d), casting a doubt on clinical significance.
      2. Three of the four drugs that yielded significant patterns seems to have largest sample sizes (Fig 2a). Is there a link between sample size and detection power? In general, robustness of the signals is not analyzed, relative to subsampling of tumors or genomic regions etc. Indeed, the authors have noted the potential lack of robustness somewhere in the manuscript.
      3. Given inter-individual heterogeneity, analyzing longitudinal data of pre-treated primary and post-treated mets rom same individuals would really help strengthen the findings.
      4. The authors show that several CN features show and increase upon platinum treatment. Are these independent observations? A global correlation among the 48 features in various samples classes (WGD/non-WGD, Primary/Met, treated/untreated) should be done and equivalence class of features defined. Otherwise, the biological significance of these observations could be overstated.
      5. The only mechanistic link between platinum treatment and the observed CNV patterns is speculated to be via platinum-induced DNA breaks and errors during correction. This seems like a very general mechanisms applicable to any exposures (environmental or drug) that induces breaks. This lack of specificity makes it hard for me to understand the rationale to study CNV patterns - why, after all, should one expect to see a CNV signature?
      6. Authors should contrast their findings with those in https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04738-6.pdf
      7. For pyrimidine treated samples... "significance is lost across non-overlapping tumors". Authors should ascertain that this is not simply a matter of power. Also, would the significance not be lost for non-overlapping platinum-treated samples?
      8. Interpretation of Fig 3b. "Had this increase in the number of 10Kb-10Mb chromosomal fragments across exposed tumors arisen through positive selection, we would expect to observe a concentration at specific genomic regions containing resistance genes." This needs to be tested specifically. A "concentration" perhaps would not jump out in a visual inspection of the global pattern, which does seem to show variability.

      Minor comments:

      1. "the ploidy of tumors with WGD varies in a range between 2.9 and 3.6 (quartiles 1 and 3, Fig. 1a)". I am not sure, there seem to several orange (WGD) points with ploidy below 2.9.


      The novelty is to look at CNV signatures upon drug treatment (beyind mutational signatures). However, as mentioned above, it is not clear how different exposures that ultimately cause DNA break would have distinct CNV pattern. Overall, the results seem modest to me. Although statistically significant, the increase in specific classes of CNVs in treated v untreated WGD mets is modest (Fig 2d), casting a doubt on clinical significance. This work could still be of interest to some researchers, in particular, those interested in mutational signatures of environmental exposure. This work should be interpreted in the context of pan-cancer signatures of CNVs very recently published https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04738-6.pdf.

      My background is in computational biology, working on transcriptional regulation for decades and more recently in cancer systems biology. I am comfortable with the techniques employed in this work but not so much with the mechanisms linking a specific drug to specific copy number signatures and also with the clinical significance of this problem. Keywords: "Computational biology", "Bioinformatics", "Transcriptional regulation", "NGS", "Omics", "Cancer systems biology"

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, the author examine WGS data from two cohorts of cancer samples from previous studies: PCAWG, mostly representing primary tumors, and HMF, representing metastatic tumors. The HMF dataset represented 4902 metastatic tumors (including 2709 whole-genome doubling, i.e., WGD, metastatic tumors) from patients who had been exposed to 85 anticancer therapies. The study identified a pattern of large LOH events associated with the exposure of tumors of some cancer types to platinum-based therapies. This pattern is characterized by a significant increase in the number of chromosomal fragments in exposed tumors with respect to their unexposed counterparts. The findings could support the hypothesis that WGD may provide tumors with an advantage to withstand the effects of structural variation.

      Specific comments:

      1. There are a number of statements that would suggest that there is some uncertainty regarding the robustness of results, and that the analysis of additional cohorts may be needed to substantiate the overall findings. For example, page 4: "It is also plausible that more numerous cohorts of exposed tumors are required to understand whether the observed differences are indeed robust." Page 5: "Further analysis with larger cohorts are required to clarify this point, which appears especially to clarify whether a significant imbalance in favor of deleted chromosomal fragments does occur across platinum-exposed lung tumors." However, the abstract does not seem to reflect this level of uncertainty in reporting the main findings.
      2. Many of the findings made appear to apply not to all tumors but are found within tumors of specific cancer types. However, the abstract does not appear to note this.
      3. With regards to additional cohorts, there is a POG570 cohort of WGS data on 570 recurrent or metastatic tumors (Nature Cancer 2020, PMID: 35121966), some 82% of which were from patients receiving systemic therapy before biopsy. Is it possible that some of the patterns identified using the HMF datasets could be validated in the POG570 datasets? If not, what numbers of tumors would be needed for the patterns of interest to be reliably identified?
      4. The PCAWG cohort is described as comprising all primary tumors, but in fact there are some metastatic tumors in PCAWG cohort. In particular, most of the TCGA melanoma (SKCM) samples are metastatic (PMID: 30401717). This may have bearing on using comparisons between PCAWG and HMF as a surrogate for primary versus metastases.
      5. For each boxplot, the number of tumors represented in each group should be indicated somewhere (e.g., along the bottom).
      6. For Figure 1a, is a color legend needed here?
      7. For analyses comparing HMF to PCAWG (e.g., Figure 1c), the p-values ought to corrected for cancer type (e.g., using a linear regression model with cancer type as a factor).
      8. For Figure 1d, are the numbers of tumors in each category indicated in parentheses?
      9. For figures 2d and 2e legend, the numbers of tumors in exposed vs unexposed groups for each category should be indicated. Similar for Figures 3a, 3c, 3d.
      10. For figure 2c, what is the statistical test used and multiple testing correction applied? Could this be noted in the figure legend?


      The study makes effective use of public genomic resources to make new observations regarding platinum-based anticancer therapies. The observations identify patterns within specific cancer types. The analysis is exploratory in nature and would benefit from independent observation in an independent cohort, though it is not clear whether such cohorts may exist in sufficient numbers.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      The manuscript reports effects on brood size, lifespan and healthspan upon manipulation of C. elegans genes encoding RagA, TOR and Pol III orthologs, as well as other well-characterized lifespan-affecting genes. The results point to complex relationships among TOR and Pol III that are not fully resolved, suggest a role for rpc-1 Pol III that is additive with well-characterized lifespan pathways, indicate a late-life requirement for rpc-1 Pol III to limit lifespan, and, contrary to a previous publication, suggest a muscle requirement for rpc-1 Pol III for lifespan limitation.

      Major comments regarding key conclusions:

      The work demonstrates that brood size is reduced upon rpc-1 Pol III RNAi feeding from the L4 stage. However, no further analysis is provided to show how later aspects of reproduction impair brood. Minimally, ruling out effects on spermatogenesis would be important since sperm number limits self-fertile brood size. It is also unclear from the methods whether the brood size results include embryonic lethality (post-reproduction). Internal hatching, if it occurred, could also affect interpretation of the results. A change in the reproductive period should be noted if it occurred.

      The reviewer is correct that it is important to address the role of Pol III more thoroughly in relation to reproduction.

      • The brood size experiments we present simply record the number of hatched progeny. To develop this analysis further we will present the age-specific fecundity data that we generated whilst doing these assays to demonstrate the impact of Pol III on the reproductive period. In addition, we will quantify and present data on the total brood size (dead eggs and hatched progeny) to address whether Pol III also impact embryonic development.
      • At 25oC (the temperature that we did these experiments) very few animals suffered internal hatching and those that did were taken out of the analysis – therefore this is unlikely to skew the results.
      • The question as to whether Pol III limits egg or sperm function (or later developmental roles) is also interesting and is not yet addressed. To examine this we will: Quantify brood size (dead eggs and hatched progeny) in elegans +/- Pol III RNAi that have been exposed to males during the reproductive period compared to those that reproduce solely as hermaphrodites.

      The authors claim that, similar to the relationship previously concluded from aging studies, rpc-1 acts downstream of TORC1. However, this claim is not well supported. In an effort to circumvent early lethality caused by loss of let-363 ("CeTOR"), they use a mutation in raga-1 RagA and demonstrate a further reduction in brood with rpc-1 RNAi. If raga-1(ok386) were a null this result would demonstrate a relationship that is at least partially parallel, not linear. By contrast, double RNAi with let-363 was "non-additive", suggesting a more linear relationship. However, interpretation of these experiments requires (1) that the raga-1 mutation is null and affects only TORC1 signaling, (2) evidence that the double RNAi worked well (e.g., qPCR; see Ahringer et al. 2006 review regarding issues with multi-RNAi), and (3) failure to consider alternative effects of loss of let-363 (e.g., TORC2). Negative results with RNAi are particularly problematic in the absence of convincing evidence that the RNAi worked well. Moreover, results in Figure 1G are difficult to interpret since the initial values are low. Here and elsewhere the genetics descriptions are unconventional, hampering interpretation. For example, what is meant by a mutation being "incomplete"? That it acts as a hypomorph?

      We understand the concerns of the reviewer:

      For reference, this has been used in several other studies, e.g. doi.org/10.7554/eLife.49158

      • We agree that double RNAi can be challenging. Appropriate controls were used here e.g. each RNAi diluted 50:50 with control RNAi in the single treatments and phenotypes were observed in each case (either brood size or lifespan). However, to address the precise knockdown of rpc-1 and let-363 obtained with RNAi we will perform qPCR in response to single and double RNAi treatment (both in WT and raga-1 mutant elegans).
      • In addition, we will attempt to measure S6Kinase phosphorylation, a downstream readout of TORC1 signalling in response to raga-1 mutation or let-363 RNAi treatment with and without rpc-1 A phosphor S6 Kinase antibody is commercially available and has been used successfully in C. elegans - doi.org/10.7554/eLife.31268
      • Our apologies that the nomenclature was confusing. The CeTOR RNAi nomenclature was ’borrowed’ from other papers describing this tool e.g. org/10.7554/eLife.31268 and doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000972. Here, to make our work clearer, we will change ceTOR to let-363 TOR RNAi and raga-1 to raga-1 RagA in the manuscript – as suggested by the reviewer (see below). The description of ‘incomplete’ mutations will also be amended, and informed by our proposed qPCR analysis.

      Another claim is that rpc-1 Pol III limits adult lifespan downstream of TOR. These results are not convincing. The two treatments (raga-1 mutation as "embryonic" and L4 stage "CeTOR" let-363 RNAi as late) are not directly comparable for reasons noted above, and the double RNAi problem hampers interpretation.

      Our lifespan data points out that the longevity increase upon Pol III knockdown is additive with TOR/let-363, suggesting a mechanism independent of TOR. Indeed, due to lack of ideal reagents, we were forced to try the double RNAi knockdown approach for TOR/let-363 and Pol III/ rpc-1. To make the data interpretation easier, and rule out the possibility of confounding background RNAi to the maximum possible extent, we have included appropriate RNAi controls. Wherever double RNAi has been used, the effect on the phenotype by 50% dilution of target RNAi with empty-vector control, has also been shown independently and used for the statistical comparison with combinatorial RNAi. Our results have shown that diluting let-363 RNAi and rpc-1 RNAi both to 50%, is enough to impart lifespan increase when initiated from L4 stage.

      The nomenclature might be easier to follow if the authors state the actual C. elegans genes manipulated (e.g., let-363 TOR versus raga-1 RagA) rather than using "CeTOR" as a catch-all since these genes are not identical in action.

      Thank you for this suggestion. We will implement this in the manuscript where appropriate.

      Based on genetic interactions (rsks-1, ife-2, ppp-1, daf-2 and germline loss) they show that rpc-1 RNAi further extends the long lifespan conferred by each of the mutant alleles tested, as well as germline loss induced by two different mutant conditions. These results, though negative, are important. The statement that rpc-1 does not affect global protein synthesis is somewhat overstated without additional experimental support.

      We thank the reviewer for supporting our inclusion of ‘negative data’. We agree that our statement relating to protein synthesis is overstated given the data presented. We will soften this to: “rpc-1 does not seem to affect the lifespan incurred by reducing global protein synthesis, although this does not rule out the possibility that Pol III affect protein synthesis by other mechanisms”.

      Extending and challenging their own previous work showing an intestinal focus of activity for rpc-1 in limiting longevity (Filer et al., 2017), and noting that RPC-1::GFP detection can be knocked down by RNAi in several tissues, they use a tissue restricted rde-1 expression approach (or sid-1 for neurons) to test the contribution of intestine, hypodermis, neurons, muscle and germline. This new analysis points to a role for the muscle. This result is intriguing and warrants further experiments. To shore up tissue-specific claims the authors could consider (1) additional drivers for intestine and muscle rde-1 in the RNAi experiments, or, ideally, a different approach such as tissue-specific protein degradation (again with multiple drivers), (2) a sufficiency experiment for muscle (wild-type muscle expression in the mutant to demonstrate reversal of the phenotype, or rescue of RNAi defects with an RNAi-insensitive reagent expressed in muscle).

      Thank for you appreciating the work we have done here and suggesting further experiments. To take your points one at a time: (1) We have already used the most robust tissue-specific alleles generated and reported in the C. elegans literature so far. It would be a significant amount of work to generate new rde-1 driven tissue specific alleles to double check the Pol III levels/ rpc-1 knockdown response in certain tissues, and we feel this is beyond the scope of this project. Suggestion (2) is interesting and would require us to generate a muscle specific rpc-1 strain. However, there are issues with this approach. Firstly, it would require that we have a rpc-1 mutant to rescue – which we don’t as it is embryonically lethal and secondly it would not be possible to do this experiment using RNAi as the RNAi would then knock down the muscle construct.

      The possible explanation for the differences in rde-1 results from the previous work should not be buried in the legends of Figure 3 and Figure S3. Perhaps this leaky background hypothesis should be directly tested (e.g., using the RPC-1::GFP to examine whether residual expression exists in ne219 but not in ne300)? In any case, legend to Figure S3 needs editing: The ne219 background is not itself "intestine-specific", as implied, and the last sentence of Figure S3 legend should be "Thus, the rde-1(ne219)...", right?

      The differences between the different tissue-specific strains is interesting. On reflection we agree with the reviewer that it should be included in the main text. We will describe the differences between the two rde-1 alleles ne219 and ne300 in the appropriate section in the manuscript and state our results.

      Finally, they show that late-adult rpc-1 RNAi extends lifespan over control RNAi and that, by several movement assays, healthspan is improved upon L4 rpc-1 RNAi, even when RNAi is active in muscle (based on WM118).<br /> The most significant new results are that rpc-1(RNAi) affects brood size, can extend lifespan (though modestly) after day 5 of adulthood, and that muscle may be involved rather than intestine.

      Additional comments:

      Text throughout should clarify TOR vs presumed TORC1. Methods are insufficient. Important aspects of the lifespan methods and raw data are missing - e.g. exact numbers of worms censored. Exact information regarding statistical analysis is lacking (e.g., which tests, corrections for multiple testing). References should be given for all strains. For the rde-1 strains, it would be helpful to include, in addition to the transgene alleles, the actual promoters used to claim tissue specificity. Note, worms do not have "skeletal" muscle, as implied in the discussion. Figure 5 was not helpful for this reviewer. Figure legend to S3A is confusing: the intestinal signal appears stronger or at least equal, not weaker, in the rpc-1 RNAi background. Were these images collected using the exact same exposure settings?

      To address this we will:

      • Standardise genetic notation throughout the manuscript (see specific comments above)
      • Provide more detail on the transgenic alleles used e.g. promoters driving rde-1.
      • The majority of strains were obtained from the CGC but wherever appropriate we will also supply a reference.
      • Expand and revise Material and Methods section to appropriately describe all the statistical analyses performed.
      • Revise lifespan methods to include censoring detail and lifespan Tables to include information on censored animals.
      • Remove the reference to ‘skeletal muscle’ and replace with ‘body wall muscle’.
      • Once we have generated new data on the specific knockdowns and downstream targets achieved with let-363 TOR RNAi and raga-1 RagA mutation, as well as on the brood size/dead eggs effects, we will incorporate this information into Fig. 5A for better clarity and readability.
      • We can see on reflection that Figure S3A is confusing, mainly due to the gut autofluorescence in both the control and rpc-1 RNAi conditions. We will amend this figure to make this clear and include a selection of close up images of each tissue to make it easier to see the tissue specific knockdown by RNAi.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      See above. Study will be of interest to aging community.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      The study by Malik and Silva et al describes results of the study investigating the role of RNA Polymerase III in regulating fecundity and lifespan in C. elegans. The authors show that knockdown of Pol III, similar to mTOR suppression, is detrimental for reproduction. Likewise, suppression of either Pol III or mTOR in adult animals extends lifespan via apparently the same pathway. In contrast, Pol III knockdown has an additive effect on lifespan in combination with other established genetic lifespan-extending approaches suggesting that they are working via different mechanisms. Furthermore, using the tissue-specific knockdown of Pol III the authors found that suppression Pol III expression is the muscle, but not other major worm tissues, is sufficient for its lifespan extending effect. Finally, the lifespan extension is also observed when Pol III knockdown is initiated late in adulthood. The overall conclusion is that suppression of Pol III expression late in animal life, particularly in the muscle, is a potential strategy to extend life- and health-span. Overall, the study is well-designed, the tools and results are robust and analysed appropriately. The data presentation is excellent, and the manuscript is clearly written. Addressing the points below will help to improve the clarity further.

      We thank the reviewer for their very positive response to our study and are pleased that they found the data convincing. We are extremely pleased that the reviewer agrees with the design and tools used in this study. We can address all of the review’s comments – as discussed below.


      Significant amount of GFP signal is still present in RNAi treated animals, what is the tissue that maintains particularly high levels of expression (Fig. 3A) and how does it affect the conclusions? What is the level of Pol III reduction in different tissues? Could different efficiency of knockdown explain the tissue-specific effect of Pol III downregulation on lifespan? It would be important to show (and, if possible, to quantify) the knockdown efficiency in different tissues using the available reporter

      • This experiment had originally been done to test the efficiency of the RNAi, particularly in tissues where rpc-1 RNAi did not impact lifespan. The reviewer is right though, and this information could be analysed further to enhance our study. Figure 3A shows C. elegans expressing the rpc-1::3xflag::gfp reporter. This was used to a) determine the expression pattern of RPC-1 and b) determine the effect of rpc-1 RNAi on this. We noted that RPC-1::GFP is expressed a wide number of tissues and when the reporter strain is treated with rpc-1 RNAi, it is decreased in all tissues. The ‘green’ observed in the RNAi treatment is unfortunately attributable to autofluorescence generated by lysozymes in the C. elegans intestine and masks some of the effects we saw by eye.
      • To establish the tissue-specific efficiency of Pol III knockdown and also address the confounding issue of the autofluorescence we will now use a combination of quantitative and qualitative fluorescent microscopy to measure the percentage RPC-1::GFP knockdown in each tissue relevant to this study.

      Minor:<br /> Fig. S3B is not cited in the text and the legend for the figure is somewhat confusing, potentially containing errors, this needs to be clarified.

      We thank the reviewers for pointing this out. The legend for this figure will be re-written as a result of the analysis described above and we will cite it in the main text.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      This is the first thorough study of Pol III knockdown as a lifespan extending strategy in C. elegans. In addition to the different laboratory model (previous study of Pol III in ageing primarily focused on Drosophila), this manuscript also offers several novel insights into consequences of Pol III perturbation at phenotypic, as well as mechanistic level in terms of interaction with other longevity pathways. The study will be of interest to those interested in processes underlying longevity and ageing. Considering that this topic is currently in fashion the publication will probably attract attention of not only specialist but also general public.

      We are extremely pleased that the reviewer shares our enthusiasm for this study and that they find the experimental evidence compelling.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Summary: The paper by Yasir Malik et al investigates the genetic interrelationship between TOR signalling and Pol III expression regarding fecundity and longevity in C. elegans. Based on a previous study that defined a role of Pol III downstream of TOR in longevity across various species, this study looks particularly at the relative timing and tissue requirements for TOR and Pol III inhibition in longevity. Data indicate that Pol III acts downstream of TOR in regulating fecundity while there are additive effects regarding survival. The Pol III effect on longevity is based on its role in the muscle. Finally, health-span parameters mirror the survival data.

      Major comments: This is a nice study the relies on genetic interaction to ask how TOR and Pol III interact. I find the observation that Pol III inhibition extends survival when initiated at day 5 of adulthood very exciting. In general, the study would benefit from additional data that back up the genetic observations._We thank the reviewer for appreciating the study and the novel insights it provides about the TOR-Pol III inter-relationship. We can address reviewer’s comments with the a few, limited experiments. Discussed below.

      In Fig. 1, experiments are done to inhibit TOR to varying degrees in order to perform epistasis experiment. Of course these are difficult to interpret without the use of full KOs/loss of function. So while this is a good solution, it would be important to quantify the level to which TOR signalling is inhibited, optimally with biochemical experiments. We fully appreciate the reviewer’s point. A similar concern was raised by reviewer 1. We propose to address this in two ways: 1) by quantifying mRNA levels by qPCR of let-363 in response to either let-363 TOR RNAi; and 2) by determining the extend of TORC1 activity by using a biochemical readout of the pathway’s activity – S6 Kinase phosphorylation using Western blotting as described here: doi.org/10.7554/eLife.31268 2. General brood size is very low in the WT worms. Normally, one would expect 250-300 offspring per adult worm. It would be helpful if the authors could address this.

      Indeed, as pointed out by the reviewer, the WT worms have a brood size of 250-300 eggs when kept at 20oC. but C. elegans exhibit different brood sizes dependent on temperature and these decline in size with increasing temperature. The experiments shown here were carried out at 25oC, where C. elegans produce less offspring. Our observation is in agreement with other studies of similar nature e.g. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112377 and doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0145925

      1. Why were lifespan assays performed at 25C? The standard temperature for the worm is 20C and here I think this is very relevant as the TOR pathway is responsive to suboptimal conditions. I wonder if the results are also true for lower temperatures.

      The reviewer raises an interesting point. This study follows from the previous study of Filer et al., Nature 2017 which demonstrated the role of Pol III in ageing. During this study we found and reported that there was a high proportion of intestinal bursting when lifespans were carried out at 20oC, which was ameliorated by carrying out the experiments at 25oC. This was quantified in the original manuscript. To maintain consistency, we continued carrying out Pol III lifespans at this slightly higher temperature. Due to this limitation it is not possible to test the impact of TOR signalling on Pol III at lower temperatures.

      Minor comments: 1. It would help to better delineate the rationale for the experiments in Fig. S1. Experiments here are aimed to find mediators of TOR effects distinct from Pol III. Such distinct mediators would be additive to Pol III (as is the case in the figure) and downstream of TOR.

      Interpreting epistasis analysis is challenging. We were looking for interactors of Pol III using this targeted genetic approach and working on the premise that if two genes interacted then their effects would be non-additive. However, the reviewer is correct that if two genes are doing the same thing independently then their effects may be additive. Although our data does not suggest these mediators interacting with Pol III in the same pathway, it does not rule out the other possibility. When we re-work the manuscript we will explain our rational more clearly and outline the two scenarios.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      Strengths: The study advances our knowledge regarding the timing of the Pol III targeting intervention for survival effects.<br /> Limitations: The study relies only on genetic data and not all of it is conclusive.

      This study will be interesting for the geroscience community with an eye on TOR inhibition and is relevant to worm biology. I work with C. elegans as a genetic model and I am interested in protein homeostasis, metabolism, health, and longevity.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The paper by Yasir Malik et al investigates the genetic interrelationship between TOR signalling and Pol III expression regarding fecundity and longevity in C. elegans. Based on a previous study that defined a role of Pol III downstream of TOR in longevity across various species, this study looks particularly at the relative timing and tissue requirements for TOR and Pol III inhibition in longevity. Data indicate that Pol III acts downstream of TOR in regulating fecundity while there are additive effects regarding survival. The Pol III effect on longevity is based on its role in the muscle. Finally, health-span parameters mirror the survival data.

      Major comments:

      This is a nice study the relies on genetic interaction to ask how TOR and Pol III interact. I find the observation that Pol III inhibition extends survival when initiated at day 5 of adulthood very exciting. In general, the study would benefit from additional data that back up the genetic observations.

      1. In Fig. 1, experiments are done to inhibit TOR to varying degrees in order to perform epistasis experiment. Of course these are difficult to interpret without the use of full KOs/loss of function. So while this is a good solution, it would be important to quantify the level to which TOR signalling is inhibited, optimally with biochemical experiments.
      2. General brood size is very low in the WT worms. Normally, one would expect 250-300 offspring per adult worm. It would be helpful if the authors could address this.
      3. Why were lifespan assays performed at 25C? The standard temperature for the worm is 20C and here I think this is very relevant as the TOR pathway is responsive to suboptimal conditions. I wonder if the results are also true for lower temperatures.

      Minor comments:

      It would help to better delineate the rationale for the experiments in Fig. S1. Experiments here are aimed to find mediators of TOR effects distinct from Pol III. Such distinct mediators would be additive to Pol III (as is the case in the figure) and downstream of TOR.


      Strengths: The study advances our knowledge regarding the timing of the Pol III targeting intervention for survival effects.

      Limitations: The study relies only on genetic data and not all of it is conclusive.

      This study will be interesting for the geroscience community with an eye on TOR inhibition and is relevant to worm biology.

      I work with C. elegans as a genetic model and I am interested in protein homeostasis, metabolism, health, and longevity.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The study by Malik and Silva et al describes results of the study investigating the role of RNA Polymerase III in regulating fecundity and lifespan in C. elegans. The authors show that knockdown of Pol III, similar to mTOR suppression, is detrimental for reproduction. Likewise, suppression of either Pol III or mTOR in adult animals extends lifespan via apparently the same pathway. In contrast, Pol III knockdown has an additive effect on lifespan in combination with other established genetic lifespan-extending approaches suggesting that they are working via different mechanisms. Furthermore, using the tissue-specific knockdown of Pol III the authors found that suppression Pol III expression is the muscle, but not other major worm tissues, is sufficient for its lifespan extending effect. Finally, the lifespan extension is also observed when Pol III knockdown is initiated late in adulthood. The overall conclusion is that suppression of Pol III expression late in animal life, particularly in the muscle, is a potential strategy to extend life- and health-span. Overall, the study is well-designed, the tools and results are robust and analysed appropriately. The data presentation is excellent, and the manuscript is clearly written. Addressing the points below will help to improve the clarity further.


      Significant amount of GFP signal is still present in RNAi treated animals, what is the tissue that maintains particularly high levels of expression (Fig. 3A) and how does it affect the conclusions?

      What is the level of Pol III reduction in different tissues? Could different efficiency of knockdown explain the tissue-specific effect of Pol III downregulation on lifespan? It would be important to show (and, if possible, to quantify) the knockdown efficiency in different tissues using the available reporter.


      Fig. S3B is not cited in the text and the legend for the figure is somewhat confusing, potentially containing errors, this needs to be clarified.


      This is the first thorough study of Pol III knockdown as a lifespan extending strategy in C. elegans. In addition to the different laboratory model (previous study of Pol III in ageing primarily focused on Drosophila), this manuscript also offers several novel insights into consequences of Pol III perturbation at phenotypic, as well as mechanistic level in terms of interaction with other longevity pathways. The study will be of interest to those interested in processes underlying longevity and ageing. Considering that this topic is currently in fashion the publication will probably attract attention of not only specialist but also general public.

      My expertise is in cellular proteostasis and its perturbation in age-related diseases.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript reports effects on brood size, lifespan and healthspan upon manipulation of C. elegans genes encoding RagA, TOR and Pol III orthologs, as well as other well-characterized lifespan-affecting genes. The results point to complex relationships among TOR and Pol III that are not fully resolved, suggest a role for rpc-1 Pol III that is additive with well-characterized lifespan pathways, indicate a late-life requirement for rpc-1 Pol III to limit lifespan, and, contrary to a previous publication, suggest a muscle requirement for rpc-1 Pol III for lifespan limitation.

      Major comments regarding key conclusions:

      1. The work demonstrates that brood size is reduced upon rpc-1 Pol III RNAi feeding from the L4 stage. However, no further analysis is provided to show how later aspects of reproduction impair brood. Minimally, ruling out effects on spermatogenesis would be important since sperm number limits self-fertile brood size. It is also unclear from the methods whether the brood size results include embryonic lethality (post-reproduction). Internal hatching, if it occurred, could also affect interpretation of the results. A change in the reproductive period should be noted if it occurred.
      2. The authors claim that, similar to the relationship previously concluded from aging studies, rpc-1 acts downstream of TORC1. However, this claim is not well supported. In an effort to circumvent early lethality caused by loss of let-363 ("CeTOR"), they use a mutation in raga-1 RagA and demonstrate a further reduction in brood with rpc-1 RNAi. If raga-1(ok386) were a null this result would demonstrate a relationship that is at least partially parallel, not linear. By contrast, double RNAi with let-363 was "non-additive", suggesting a more linear relationship. However, interpretation of these experiments requires (1) that the raga-1 mutation is null and affects only TORC1 signaling, (2) evidnce that the double RNAi worked well (e.g., qPCR; see Ahringer et al. 2006 review regarding issues with multi-RNAi), and (3) failure to consider alternative effects of loss of let-363 (e.g., TORC2). Negative results with RNAi are particularly problematic in the absence of convincing evidence that the RNAi worked well. Moreover, results in Figure 1G are difficult to interpret since the initial values are low. Here and elsewhere the genetics descriptions are unconventional, hampering interpretation. For example, what is meant by a mutation being "incomplete"? That it acts as a hypomorph?
      3. Another claim is that rpc-1 Pol III limits adult lifespan downstream of TOR. These results are not convincing. The two treatments (raga-1 mutation as "embryonic" and L4 stage "CeTOR" let-363 RNAi as late) are not directly comparable for reasons noted above, and the double RNAi problem hampers interpretation. The nomenclature might be easier to follow if the authors state the actual C. elegans genes manipulated (e.g., let-363 TOR versus raga-1 RagA) rather than using "CeTOR" as a catch-all since these genes are not identical in action.
      4. Based on genetic interactions (rsks-1, ife-2, ppp-1, daf-2 and germline loss) they show that rpc-1 RNAi further extends the long lifespan conferred by each of the mutant alleles tested, as well as germline loss induced by two different mutant conditions. These results, though negative, are important. The statement that rpc-1 does not affect global protein synthesis is somewhat overstated without additional experimental support.
      5. Extending and challenging their own previous work showing an intestinal focus of activity for rpc-1 in limiting longevity (Filer et al., 2017), and noting that RPC-1::GFP detection can be knocked down by RNAi in several tissues, they use a tissue restricted rde-1 expression approach (or sid-1 for neurons) to test the contribution of intestine, hypodermis, neurons, muscle and germline. This new analysis points to a role for the muscle. This result is intriguing and warrants further experiments. To shore up tissue-specific claims the authors could consider (1) additional drivers for intestine and muscle rde-1 in the RNAi experiments, or, ideally, a different approach such as tissue-specific protein degradation (again with multiple drivers), (2) a sufficiency experiment for muscle (wild-type muscle expression in the mutant to demonstrate reversal of the phenotype, or rescue of RNAi defects with an RNAi-insensitive reagent expressed in muscle). The possible explanation for the differences in rde-1 results from the previous work should not be buried in the legends of Figure 3 and Figure S3. Perhaps this leaky background hypothesis should be directly tested (e.g., using the RPC-1::GFP to examine whether residual expression exists in ne219 but not in ne300)? In any case, legend to Figure S3 needs editing: The ne219 background is not itself "intestine-specific", as implied, and the last sentence of Figure S3 legend should be "Thus, the rde-1(ne219)...", right?
      6. Finally, they show that late-adult rpc-1 RNAi extends lifespan over control RNAi and that, by several movement assays, healthspan is improved upon L4 rpc-1 RNAi, even when RNAi is active in muscle (based on WM118).
      7. The most significant new results are that rpc-1(RNAi) affects brood size, can extend lifespan (though modestly) after day 5 of adulthood, and that muscle may be involved rather than intestine.

      Additional comments

      Text throughout should clarify TOR vs presumed TORC1. Methods are insufficient. Important aspects of the lifespan methods and raw data are missing - e.g. exact numbers of worms censored. Exact information regarding statistical analysis is lacking (e.g., which tests, corrections for multiple testing). References should be given for all strains. For the rde-1 strains, it would be helpful to include, in addition to the transgene alleles, the actual promoters used to claim tissue specificity. Note, worms do not have "skeletal" muscle, as implied in the discussion. Figure 5 was not helpful for this reviewer. Figure legend to S3A is confusing: the intestinal signal appears stronger or at least equal, not weaker, in the rpc-1 RNAi background. Were these images collected using the exact same exposure settings?


      See above. Study will be of interest to aging community.