7,747 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2021
    1. Hackathon: Climate denial and COVID-19 misinformation: birds of a feather? .t3_jjk00r ._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #edeeef; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #6f7071; }
    1. indeed, that is the definition I am familiar with. Tobacco/Facebook may face a choice between profits vs. lives/democracy, but that is not a moral dilemma. The reason this is important is because good-faith actors can face agonizing moral dilemmas, but here we have something else
    1. Systematic evaluation and external validation of 22 prognostic models among hospitalised adults with COVID-19: An observational cohort study
    1. Unrealistic optimism and HEXACO traits as predictors of risk perception and compliance with COVID-19 preventive measures during the first wave of pandemic
    1. The 20% Statistician A blog on statistics, methods, philosophy of science, and open science. Understanding 20% of statistics will improve 80% of your inferences.
    1. Staying home so you can keep going out: A multiplayer self-isolation game modelling pandemic behaviour
  2. Feb 2021
    1. What influences people’s responses to public health messages for managing risks and preventing infectious diseases? A rapid systematic review of the evidence and recommendations