79 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. We read terms of service, consider the ways that our identities are tracked to maximize goals that might not be in our best interests, and imagine ways that our digital identities could be exploited. Students leave the course with a critical eye toward digital environments and those who own those environments, but begin to think of the web as a space where the possibility of self-expression exists.

      Hi Everyone,

      Digital citizenship is important for:

      1. Future-Readiness: In order to be prepared for future academic and professional endeavors, students should be competent and moral digital citizens, given the growing reliance of both higher education and the workplace on digital technology.

      2. Safety: Knowing how to communicate online securely lowers the possibility of running into hazardous circumstances or acting recklessly.

      3. Integrity: Developing an awareness of digital ethics aids students in realizing the significance of being truthful and upright in their academic endeavors.

      4. Participation: Being an effective and responsible member of the community is essential for being a good digital citizen in a society where many social issues are debated and resolved online.

      There are a lot of new things that I learned here, especially about the colleges that I have never been to, although I, like others, cannot and should not go to every school in the world, and I will only go to the ones that are best for me, recommended for me, and/or the ones that I choose, which others should also do. I agree with the issues covered in the case study because it talks about our identities being tracked to maximize goals that might not be in our best interest, which should not happen to anyone, including me. Also, it is a very bad thing if a person's digital identity, including mine, is exploited, and that should not happen to anyone, including me. We, including me, can all express ourselves on the web, but we must be careful when doing so because it can harm and destroy our future, as well as the future of others. Just because we, including me, are energetic on day one, it doesn't mean we should not ruin it by posting something online or in the media somewhere else on that same day that in the future we will regret, because not everyone is supported by 30 people; sometimes we are only supported by one person, or sometimes we only have to support ourselves, which is a very tough thing to do, which no one, including me, should go through.



      Digital citizenship + liberal Arts = students empowered for life. (n.d.). EDUCAUSE Review. https://er.educause.edu/articles/2017/6/digital-citizenship-liberal-arts-students-empowered-for-life

      Team, L. (2024, January 31). Digital Citizenship in Education: What It Is & Why it Matters. Learning. https://www.learning.com/blog/digital-citizenship-in-education-what-it-is-why-it-matters/#:~:text=Future%2DReadiness%3A%20As%20higher%20education,future%20educational%20and%20professional%20pursuits.

  2. Dec 2022
    1. This disjunction between, user queries and their real questions on the one hand, and information retrieval systems on the other, makes understanding the complex linkages between the content of the results that appear in a search, and their import as expressions of power and social relations of critical importance.

      This is true.

    1. Women and young adults were more likely than others to experience harassment on social media

      Very true, as young people and women are more on social media than any other group. However, this doesn't mean that they deserve to be harassed.

    2. Online harassment tends to occur to different groups in different environments with different personal and emotional repercussions

      These can happen to anyone, we can all become victims of online harassment. It so sad because social media, internet is there for us all to learn from, entertain ourselves and to network.

    1. These include lowered self-esteem, sleep disruption, depression, and in some cases suicide.

      Someone could lose their lives while others are entertaining themselves. It shouldn't be allowed.

    1. These outcomes can include depression, social anxiety and low self-esteem

      These are just few of the example's of the consequences of online harassment.

    2. “Trolls” may pretend to be part of the group, but their real intent is to create conflict for their own amusement

      It is very childish and cowardness to engage in such behaviour.This are attention seeking individuals who have nothing to do but to amuse themselves at other people's expense.

  3. Nov 2022
    1. he deskilling process occurred as the factorysystem began to displace the artisan shop, and it picked up pace as produc-tion increasingly mechanized with the adoption of steam power (Goldin andSokoloff, 1982; Atack, et al., 2008a). Work that had previously been performedby artisans was now decomposed into smaller, highly specialised, sequences,requiring less skill, but more workers, to perform.

      Deskilling/reskilling/upskilling will all be needed in the specialisation process in order for humans to learn new skills to contribute effectively to the new economies.

    2. hile the computer substitution for both cognitive and manual routinetasks is evident, non-routine tasks involve everything from legal writing, truckdriving and medical diagnoses, to persuading and selling.

      Transportation, medical, advertising and marketing as well as Autos will be replaced.

    1. In terms of content, while it has given place for new ways to spread stories, and this is particularly true in terms of international news, newspapers are now able to reach a bigger audience out of national borders and to adapt storytelling to the context, thanks to a wider range of multimedia tools.

      The availability of all content together on the same platform globally via internet makes business sense and assist in strategic decision making process.

    2. Also while it is accepted that “good writing is good writing wherever and however it is published” (Hicks, Adams, Gilbert, & Holmes, 2008, p. 132) differences still apply between print and online news. One of the reasons being the readers’ volatility. Titles, style of writing and content were all important in print papers but it must now be adapted to the user interface of online websites.

      In my opinion, this refers to personal preference. Our daily lives are too busy to buy, sit and read newspaper while it could have been done while travelling in a taxi or a cap on my phone tablet. By the time I reach office/workplace, I'm up to date with what's happening in the world, therefore, most of us prefer online news.

    1. Therefore they demonstrated a commitment which was worth exhibiting. In a digital world this effort is greatly reduced, and as a result, so is the emotional attachment one feels towards them. How often would people say that their book collection or record collection would be the things they would want to save from a burning house? This simply doesn't apply anymore

      Yes,since everything is available in the digital format and easily available on devices such as phones, laptops, tv's etc. We listen to music when we are sad to feel lonely and or when in love, but it doesn't require spending too much money and or effort.

    2. Piracy is seen as the major threat to the music industry's traditional business model, with the IFPI (2009) estimating unauthorised file sharing at over 40 billion files in 2008 and accounting for about 95 per cent of downloaded music tracks.

      The music Industry needs to find alternative and more secure measures to protect latest/just released music.

    1. Most people experience the problem, but they have no idea that’s there’s a solution, and they have no idea that the manufacturers are behaving badly,

      Information regarding product repair should be made readily available to customers. Also affordances such as lay-buy or monthly installment repayment should be available to customers.

    2. Manufacturers have made it increasingly difficult for individuals or independent repair people to fix electronics. A growing movement is fighting back

      Electronics are normally very expensive, people safe number of years to buy electronics and cannot afford to take these products to expensive manufacturers for repairs and or to replace them with much more expensive products.

    3. It's just easier (and sometimes cheaper) to buy something new. 

      Not everyone can afford to replace products all the time. Also, deny local people the right to repair also takes away employment and funds from the small businesses.

    1. we pay for their vehicles. But we don’t own them. Not according to their corporate lawyers, anyway.

      I don't agree with this notion. What if I have the skills to do the repairs myself which will anyway be cheaper? Why must a pay for the service after I have paid of the vehicle or will consensus be made to buy the vehicle at at cheaper price with the service plan built in? Consumers should have the right to decide for themselves.

    1. activeparticipants, passive participants, drop-ins, lurkers/observers”, and “no-shows”

      I personally prefer this categorisation. Having been a teacher at a project school where the non-performing students were dump who didn't perform in normal schools have taught me patience and kindness needed to deal with this learners. They are already stigmatised as failures and some often act to proof a point while others just need attention.

    2. Lurkers, who are also known as silent learners, observers, browsers, read-only participants,vicarious learners, free-riders, witness learners, or legitimate peripheral participants (our preferredterm), tend to be hard to track in a course because of their near invisibility

      There are various reasons for lurking behind. Some maybe due to learning difficulties, attention seeking, no interest or just general laziness. However, no matter the reasons, we as educators must attempt to pull this learners through with the rest to make a difference.

  4. Sep 2022
    1. The best courses will be global in design and contribution, offering multiple and multinational perspectives.

      With technology, it is so much easier to be innovative and use all tools and pedagogies to cater for different learning styles of students. The one size fits all never worked before, however, it is possible with multinational perspectives.

    2. Online learning has the potential to ensure that this right is a reality for a greater percentage of the world’s population than has ever been realizable before.

      Everyone around the world has access to online learning, there is no limitation as long as you have internet access, you may improve your knowledge and access to information whether through formal qualifications, micro credentials, short courses or MOOCS. It is liberating to live in this era.

    1. The better educated or “digitally fluent,” students are, the more likely they are to make good decisions online, like supporting others instead of making negative comments

      Empowering everyone to be digitally fluent is necessary to make every day better decisions to affects and influence everyone on daily basis. People will make informed and safe decisions.

    2. Teachers can include Digital Etiquette as part of the classroom rules or academic goals. Whether in the classroom or online, being aware of others is an important idea for everyone

      In my opinion Digital etiquette should be compulsory and included in the school curriculum from primary through to secondary education. I believe, it should serve as life skill learners need in today's world.https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1311721.pdf Additional reading.

    3. Digital Communication and Collaboration

      In this world of constant information change, it is vital to communicate and collaborate all the time. It includes teaching and learning, assessment and research where information is exchange every second. Peer and collaborative research and practices enhance and speeds up knowledge.[https://www.teachthought.com/technology/best-digital-collaboration/]

    4. Digital Commerce

      I'm personally involved in digital commerce; buying and selling goods online. One has to be very careful about some sites to buy from. Safety is sometimes guaranteed as long as you don't leave your personal details/banking online.

    5. Digital Access

      My view is that tertiary education students are generally fortunate in that they have access to internet/Wifi in the libraries and around campuses. All Universities offer access to technology as students needs to learn and submit assessments online. However, much still needs to be done at primary and secondary schools as most government schools don't even offer computer literacy let alone computer skills. Students in the present age need both, free access can also be offered at primary and secondary schools. Most parents cannot afford to have internet at home.

    6. Digital citizenship is the continuously developing norms of appropriate, responsible, and empowered technology use.

      This is a comprehensive definition of digital citizenship which encompasses all aspects of being a digital citizen no matter where you operate from. To remain current in the digital world, investing in your digital learning is crucial.

  5. May 2021
    1. Identifying a child’s dyslexia doesn’t limit their potential. It empowers them to understand the nature of their difficulties and strengths and their path for success

      This is a powerful statement. My son was diagnosed with Dysgraphia, he has always struggled with writing sentences and no matter how hard he tried, it looked like a scramble of letters on a page. Now he has been diagnosed, He can move on and focus his attention to learning, he now has the ability to use tools to help his dysgraphia (speech to text, laptops in exams) in exams and class project work. He is a smart kid and now on a path for success.

    1. His words run together, the letters are different sizes, and his sentences trail off in the middle. His spelling tests are atrocious, even though he can often spell the words correctly out loud in class

      This is exactly what my son shows in his written work. He is great at spelling and has no problems typing his thoughts down on a keyboard/ laptop. He has since been diagnosed with dysgraphia which now allows him to use a computer for his NCEA exams and tests. With out being tested, he would have struggled, I wonder how may other students might have been missed and as a result of it, have been disadvantage in learning?

    1. It may have to do with the growing sense that digital justice isn't only about who has access but also about what kind of access they have, how it’s regulated, and how good it is.

      Digital redlining was also about what kind of access they have.

    1. Yet, much of the content surfaced in a web search in a commercial search engine is linked to paid advertising, in part, which helps drive it to the top of the page rank,9 and searchers are not typically clear about the distinctions between “real” information and advertising.

      That's true.

  6. Apr 2021
    1. User 32behaviour is also changing, with single-track downloads far more popular than whole albums. The move to online downloading has seen many record and DVD stores close.

      Now a days, There's no need for us to buy DVDs in DVD stores. Every music can be downloaded online.

    1. Why, it imposes on each proud “owner” of one of its tractors a licence agreement that says that the moment they turn the key in the ignition they have accepted its terms.

      Because, functioning of a motorized land vehicle such as personal automobile, commercial motor vehicle mechanized agricultural vehicle, provided that circumvention is a necessary step undertaken by the authorized owner of the vehicle to allow the diagnosis, repair or lawful modification of a vehicle function.

  7. Mar 2021
    1. The difference among these areas was race. In Detroit, "redlining" was a practice that efficiently barred specific groups—African-Americans, Eastern Europeans, Arabs—from access to mortgages and other financial resources. We can still see landmarks such as the Birwood Wall, a six-foot-high wall explicitly built to mark the boundary of white and black neighborhoods.

      My goodness, I can hardly imagine that even in the internet access there's still a discrimination. What more in the real wolrd.

    2. She moves on to something else, unaware of the invisible walls erected that prevent her from accessing information that might allow her to do her I am work. The student has been digitally redlined, walled off from information based on the IT policies of her institution.

      Gosh.. to be unaware of these 'walls' is one thing, but to be digitally redlined because of it is quite another. But the worst part of all is that you can have all these happen to you and still not know about it!

    1. Search is one of the most under-examined aspects of power and consumer protections online, and regulation in the provision of information to the public through the Internet.

      I agree with this that Search is the most powerful method you may always wanted to do. To know more, to discover, to think, and to evolved new ideas. Then stop being racial and bias especially in informaion.

    2. Analyzing Discursive Representations: Black Girls as Commodity Objects

      Sadly this does happen in some countries too including my own where if a younger female is talking to an older male, it doesn't matter what race or religion the female is; she will be talked down to.. such discriminating behaviour must stop to end this stereotyping

    1. the data show that men are more likely to experience name-calling and embarrassment, while young women are particularly vulnerable to sexual harassment and stalking.

      It's true, the men usually embarrass them in their names and their faces. Young women vulnerable with this and abuse by anyone in social media.

    2. Some 83% of those who ignored it

      Yes and I'm one of them who ignored. To be completely honest I'm not even mad being called bad things at the person but instead I feel sorry because it must be really exhausting having to do what they do all day, day in and day out..

    1. Now new research into the personality of trolls suggests building their empathy for others could be one way to modify their behaviour.

      Trolling is way for them to giving some comments in the topic weather it is good or bad, but don't have any courage to show the real identity.

    2. Surprisingly, people with high levels of cognitive empathy and psychopathic traits were more likely to troll.

      I actually know someone who resembles this and definitely fits the profile of a troll. I don't claim that every troll is the same but in my case, I'm friends with a 'troll' not because he is one but because there's so many underlying issues that defaulted him into being one and because I already know this, every time I get trolled at.. I'm always prepared, and that usually neutralises the situation..

    1. Trolling behaviours typically include deliberately posting inflammatory comments and argumentative messages in an attempt to provoke, disrupt and upset others.

      This thing usually do in social media destroying one's persona with negative comments, yet doesn't show the real identity. Coward

    2. So it appears that the classic internet adage really does hold true: don’t feed the trolls. Deny them the pleasure of an angry reaction, and they’ll probably leave you alone.

      Yes! Absolutely agree on this 100%. There would be no end if the conversation continues and for trollers it serves as an entertainment avenue for them so by not feeding the trolls is the best strategy..

    1. Both papers are aware of the more international characters of their websites and stories are adapted to it.

      I agree with this statement. You can explore more stories through online.

    2. Technically it means that everyone with access to internet can get involved in a story, “global news can be produced from anywhere and by anyone” (Williams, 2011, p. 43).

      From an innovation standpoint yes, this has been brought on in this digital age where the traditional linear way on a story has transcended to include societal participation ..

    1. Why is there so much interest in the future of newspapers, you may wonder. Obviously, they represent significant social artefacts of our age, and so their rapid change is interesting in itself. But more significantly they can be seen as a case study, or a warning from the future, about the impact of the Internet on well-established, often highly regarded, businesses.

      We began to experience the evolution of the newspapers these days. One good thing about this is newspapers can be read online with exact content from the printed one. You are always up to date on what's happening in world right now. Avoid fake news though.

    2. Higher education offers human elements in support and guidance which go beyond that of a content industry.

      An example such as the MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have placed renewed emphasis on the idea of openness in education, but again the challenges of open and closed environments continues.. https://prezi.com/inpbejcnyctv/open-vs-closed-elearning-environments/

    1. The idea of planned obsolescence is nothing new. But the use of “repair prevention” as a method of making products obsolete is growing, say right to repair proponents. Many companies that manufacture electronics—anything from laptops to refrigerators to your car’s onboard computer—now have restrictions that prevent consumers from having them fixed anywhere besides a licensed repair shop.

      The repair prevention is an act of a manufacturer to protect their products from the person who are not licensed or not authorized personnel to repair such product. It is also protect them from the fraud repair guy that could ruin the reputation and the design of the manufacturer's product and the damage could have been worsen.

    1. “Thanks to [streaming] – especially Spotify, I would say – we were taken out of the dark times,” he said in a trade press interview. “We went from bad boys to something much better.”

      However, now with the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the noticeable impact was on Spotify's advertising revenues which fell by 21% although subscription revenues did grow 17% so yes it continues to be the lion's share of Spotify's total revenues..

    1. So it turns out that farmers in those parts have taken to hacking John Deere’s software.

      Yes, and that's exactly the age-old issue because as with any product that has copyright stamped on it will only invite demand in the black market which is something that's been going on for ages, and for an essential occupation like a farmer who can't even repair his/her most prized personal vehicle then John Deere Inc knew it had it coming.. I can't even fathom that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act supports this!

    1. These include: expanding personal learning networks, participating collaborative activities, and learning new skills

      All three are my exact reasons. And yes the research applies to my own behaviour from the focus on motivational factors such as individual, commitment, and quality requirement factors as well as personal and security reasons too and of course that includes goals and interests..




    1. From that we can all consider deeply our responsibilities to teach well, to learn appropriately and to have experiences relevant to intellectual autonomy and the contributions toward global citizenship.

      Viewing learning as a biological process through which we form identity, and learning how we learn, is essential in the digital environment. It is essential because it demands a critical stance from the perspective of self and social analysis. It demands that we understand ourselves in interaction with others, which is at the heart of civic involvement.

    1. A wide variety of pedagogical approaches, learning tools, methods and practices should support students’ diverse learning modes.

      The approach is to optimise digital technologies for teaching and learning, the main policy consideration is to invest in the use of digital learning innovations by teaching professionals to develop, test, peer review, publish and share their effective practices.

    2. Students can participate and shape one another’s learning through peer interaction, new content, enhancement of learning materials and by forming virtual and real-world networks.

      Yes, collaboration fosters development of essential 21st century skills, employment situations, critical thinking, problem-solving, self-management and leadership skills; but more importantly it is the build-up of openness and trust in building relationships that contributes to the learner experience of feeling more interconnected with the people with whom we interact and learn from. By working collaboratively in sharing our opinions and being involved in discussions and dialogues enables us to open up and embrace new ways of thinking, engaging and working; for us to understand different perspectives and look for new insights.

    1. When discussing the topic of digital citizenship, digital health, digital safety or whatever it may be called in your school or district there are certain universal themes that seem to surface and be at the heart of the issue.  Whether it is through topics of cyberbullying, viewing (or posting) inappropriate content, or plagiarism these and other topics of concern that are discussed most among parents and educators. This section geared towards the “social” element defines the general topic of digital citizenship and its main elements of discussion.  Humans are social by nature.  People choosing to group with others like themselves in cities, states, and countries.  As members of a community we tend to connect with those like us. This can be the difficult aspect of trying to interact with others online, everyone is given the opportunity to join this thing called the Internet and even though we try and stay with those most like us, it is almost impossible not to bump into others that want to try and change our minds, our beliefs.

      In reflection, it’s astounding to have read how much we take for granted when it comes to digital access and privacy issues of this digital age. By taking a more proactive stance in the responsibility, continuous awareness and education of social, ethical laws and access related to digital use would ensure a continued lineage of digital citizens around the world in this era and beyond.

    2. Protect Yourself/Protect Others

      Learning to protect oneself and know the laws that govern internet activities because many laws and federal regulations apply to youth and online social technology which would require to explore approaches to teaching students about their role as responsible digital citizens. The past decade has seen an exponential increase in digital tools and opportunities, which carry the need for students to master a new set of life skills for behaving responsibly online.

    3. Teachers and administrators need to be aware of their community and who may or may not have access, not only in school but at home as well.

      Example.. students from low-income countries may not have reliable or affordable access to the internet in which the elements include digital access, digital commerce, digital communication, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital law, digital rights and responsibilities, digital health and wellness, and digital security. Other examples like the prolific use of the internet in tertiary education advocates the responsible use of technology, in which practices and standards are essential informants on the importance of digital citizenship.

    4. Digital citizenship is the continuously developing norms of appropriate, responsible, and empowered technology use.

      In my opinion, I would describe ‘digital citizenship’ as having best practices of using technology appropriately for the benefit of all digital citizens. Where this encompasses the participative quality of a member to engage ethically in a digital community which finds attributes such as digital literacy, communication, education, etiquette, online safety are crucial, the understanding of how information is produced and valued are also of great importance.

    1. better world through my teaching and enlightenment

      It reflects a much deeper insight into the joy of my teaching. I see teaching as a noble profession that can inspire young people to make a better world that is not broken up into fragments. I truly believe proper education of digital literacy is fundamental to bring social change through improving universal access to online resource and through understanding the value of empathy and responsible use of social media.

    2. The Joy of Teaching

      This article is about my professional reflection of teaching. I talked about what makes me most excited about teaching, my preferred teaching methodology and future aspirations.

  8. Feb 2021
    1. a liminal space where lurkers, novice learners, are looking to make sense of the MOOC by observing and practicing skills and behaviours that are associated with active participation

      I am totally agree with this, for you to learn something on it, first observe but definitely after observation then participate.

  9. May 2020
    1. This text addresses questions about which tech is good, safe and appropriate to use in these complex times if we want to act and work responsibly and remotely.

      This text is a good read for OERu Digital Citizenship learners.

  10. Apr 2018
    1. Gourlay’s argument that in what we know today as engagement, in Gourlay’s case ‘student engagement,’ there is a “reification of the notion of ‘participation’ which – although appearing to support a ‘student-centred’ ethos – may serve to underscore restrictive, culturally specific and normative notions of what constitutes ‘acceptable’ student practice” (2015; p.403). It is interesting to look at lurking from this angle because of othering effects toward lurkers.

      Yes, totally. This is a very important argument as we must struggle to not impose our own values on others.

    2. and in any specific instance there might be many reasons for lurking; reasons that community organizers can’t foresee in advance.

      There is often an assumption that legitimate peripheral participation (LPP or lurking) is a negative status. I have been in situations where LPP is a positive approach to engaging with a particular community. Often the LPP is because of factors described such as importance or other commitments. However, active listening while in that community means that LPP is not necessarily a negative approach wrt learning. We must be careful to not be judgemental and assume stances which deny learners ways of learning that are not our own. #lida102

    3. A frequently used rule to describe participation in online communities is the 90-9-1 rule. This rule posits that approximately 90% of the members consume content, 9% participate to some extent by contributing content from time to time, and 1% contribute a lot and regularly (Nielsen, 2006).

      A frequently used rule to describe participation in online communities is the 90-9-1 rule. This rule posits that approximately 90% of the members consume content, 9% participate to some extent by contributing content from time to time, and 1% contribute a lot and regularly (Nielsen, 2006).

    1. Can it be a global concept where being a digital citizen means being a citizen of the digital world or must it remain more localised?

      To my mind - this is a critical question. In a globally connected online world - local is not enough. Take the LiDA course for example - there are participants from 59 different countries with very different world views and on different sides of the digital divide. That said , context is important - the definition of digital citizenship for a secondary school learner is likely to emphasise different priorities when compared, for example to what LiDA learners might prioritise.

    1.    The definition of digital rights and responsibilities is having the right and freedom to use all types of digital technology while using the technology in an acceptable and appropriate manner. As a user of digital technology, you also have the right to privacy and the freedom of personal expression.

      Sums up the definition of digital citizenship.

    1. The educational system transforms into a time catcher where students, during a determinate number of daily hours, live in an analog parallel world.

      I love how this article talks about the paradoxes and attempts to distinguish between these to present a more nuanced view of digital citizenship.

    2. In this context, the challenge consists in trying to comprise, from the theory, the identity of these bi-dimensional cyber-citizens and the spaces where they move and learn. In this regard, Reig and Vilchez [21] propose that, with the rise of internet and the social networks, we are confronted with a paradigm change and with the evolution of a new type of individual, a hyper individual or connected individual who is difficult to surprise. Because of the reciprocal influence between the cultures like the consequence of globalization [22], there have been an increased number of people who have seen too many things to be surprised easily [23].
    3. In the current era, great changes are being experienced in which interconnected societies are demanding new ways to reformulate society, human interactions, and education.
    1. Digital citizen participation can be defined as citizen involvement in a particular activity using digital technologies.

      Digital citizen participation

    2. The UN defines electronic participation as follows [11]:“E-Participation is about fostering civic engagement and open, participatory governance through Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs). Growing evidence points to the rapid expansion of e-Participation as a tool for engagement and strengthened collaboration between governments and citizens. Its objective is to improve access to information and public services as well as to promote participation in policy-making, both for the empowerment of individual citizens and the benefit of society as a whole.”
    1. Over 100 years ago, John Dewey (1909) argued for better citizenship education in schools. He believed that the school’s definition of a citizen as an informed voter and follower of the law was too narrow and asserted that a good citizen was many things – a voter and a rule follower, but also a community member who must function as a worker, a leader, a parent or mentor who can use the sum of their experiences and skills to “contribute to the values of life [and] add to the decencies and graces of civilization wherever he is” (p. 10).
    1. While GCE can take different forms, it has some common elements, which include fostering in learners the following competences:[17][18] An attitude supported by an understanding of multiple levels of identity, and the potential for a collective identity that transcends individual cultural, religious, ethnic or other differences (such as a sense of belongingness to common humanity, and respect for diversity); A deep knowledge of global issues and universal values such as justice, equality, dignity and respect (such as understanding of the process of globalization, interdependence/ interconnectedness, the global challenges which cannot be adequately or uniquely addressed by nation states, sustainability as the main concept of the future); Cognitive skills to think critically, systemically and creatively, including adopting a multi-perspective approach that recognizes different dimensions, perspectives and angles of issues (such as reasoning and problem-solving skills supported by a multi-perspective approach); Non-cognitive skills, including social skills such as empathy and con ict resolution, and communication skills and aptitudes for networking and interacting with people of di erent backgrounds, origins, cultures and perspectives (such as global empathy, sense of solidarity); and Behavioural capacities to act collaboratively and responsibly to find global solutions to global challenges, and to strive for the collective good.[18]
    1. . Unfortunately, many users have not been taught how to make appropriate decisions when faced with so many different digital communication options.

      This leads straight to trouble and perhaps court cases, as slander, bullying, smear campaigns, threats, hacking, etc are commonplace when they are not taught digital etiquette.

    2. To become productive citizens, we need to be committed to make sure that no one is denied digital access

      This is a complex challenge. In many developing countries the cost of Internet access is unfordable. How do we address these challenges in our individual capacity?

  11. Aug 2017
    1. Librem 5, the phone that focuses on security by design and privacy protection by default. Running Free/Libre and Open Source software and a GNU+Linux Operating System designed to create an open development utopia, rather than the walled gardens from all other phone providers.

      This is relevant to anyone uncomfortable with the degree of control multinational corporations have over their digital identity, which is increasingly becoming peoples' main identity.