21 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. The law in many countries allows users certain rights over data whose copyright they do not own (including text, images, and other media), often under headings such as fair use or public interest. Depending on jurisdiction, these may cover issues such as whistleblowing, production of evidence in court, quoting or other small-scale usage, backups of owned media, and making a copy of owned material for personal use on other owned devices or systems. The steps implicit in trusted computing have the practical effect of preventing users exercising these legal rights.
  2. Jun 2024
    1. Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization (TEACH) Act. Signed into law by President Bush on November 2, the TEACH Act loosens the restraints created by the DMCA insofar as education is concerned

      TEACH Act - loosens DMCA in favor of fair use

    2. More importantly, the idea of Fair Use was effectively removed from Web-based education because of the DMCA

      Fair Use revoked b/c of DMCA

    1. It is not necessary to prevailon each of the four factors for asuccessful fair use claim.

      You don't have to prove fair use in all 4 factors

    2. Fair use is a flexible standard andall four statutory factors areconsidered together.

      Fair use flexibility

    3. The US Constitution clearlystates that the purpose of theintellectual property system is to“promote the progress of science andthe useful arts

      Purpose of Intellectual property system

    4. ir use is a right explicitly recognizedby the Copyright Act.1 The SupremeCourt has recognized this right as a“First Amendment safeguard” becausecopyright law might otherwiseconstrict freedom of speech

      Fair Use is a right - I really don't understand this but Ok

    1. Using the Four Factors

      Four Factors Test for Fair Use

      Read about each factor (character of the use, nature of the work, amount used, effect upon the market)

      Answer each factor's question about your use See how the balance tips with each answer

      Make a judgment about the final balance: overall, does the balance tip in favor of fair use or in favor of getting permission?

    1. are a small subset of the uses of online resources educators may wish to make. It only covers in class performances and displays, not, for example, supplemental online reading, viewing, or listening materials. For those activities, as well as many others, we'll need to continue to rely on fair use. Remember, however, when relying on fair use, the fair use test is sensitive to harm to markets. This means that in general, where there is an established market for permissions, there will often be a narrower scope for fair use, and our reliance on fair use should be limited.
  3. Jun 2022
    1. We write on behalf of plaintiffs Hachette Book Group, Inc., HarperCollins PublishersLLC, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and Penguin Random House LLC (the “Plaintiffs”) to request apre-motion summary judgment conference pursuant to Individual Practice 2(B).

      Purpose of Letter

  4. Sep 2021
    1. From a media point of view, Genius was offensive for its initial underlying claim: that it was okay to take anyone’s content for zero compensation, so long as it “added transformative value” by tacking on a comment box where people could say it sucked.

      Hot take 🔥

  5. Aug 2020
    1. More information about limitations and exceptions to copyright

      Under more information about limitations and exceptions to copyright add section titled Case Studies: Case studies provide valuable information relating to the state of affairs in various countries, as well as the opposing views when debating copyright issues.

      • South Africa: a case study of politics and the global economics of limitations and exceptions to copyright. The current debate in South Africa regarding proposed amendments to the Copyright Bill allows showcases the different sides of the debate, and how legal frameworks, e.g. the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa also informs decision making.
      1. US Government Threatening To Kill Free Trade With South Africa After Hollywood Complained It Was Adopting American Fair Use Principles, by Mike Masnick, 4 November 2019.
      2. South Africa’s Copyright Amendment Bill – one year on, by Denise Nicholson, 30 March 2020. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
      3. South Africa’s Copyright Amendment Bill Returned to Parliament for Further Consideration, Mike Palmedo, 22 June 2020. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
      4. See the light and pass the Copyright Amendment Bill, by Mugwena Maluleke, Tebogo Sithathu, Jack Devnarain, Tusi Fokane, Ben Cashdan and Jace Nair, 24 June 2020. © Mail & Guardian Online.
      5. South African President’s Reservations to Copyright Bill Not Supported by Law, by Sean Flynn, 13 July 2020. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

      For a comprehensive list of materials relating to the South African Copyright Amendment Bill processes, see Copyright and Related Issues: USTR GSP trade threats re: Bill, list compiled and amended by Denis Nicholson

  6. Mar 2019
  7. Oct 2015
  8. Jul 2015
  9. Feb 2014
    1. These rights are quali- fied, however, by the application of various limitations set forth in the next several sections of the Act, §§107 through 122. Those sections, typically entitled “Limitations on exclusive rights,” include, for example, the principle of “fair use” (§107), permission for limited library archival reproduction, (§108), and the doctrine at issue here, the “first sale” doctrine (§109)
      • §107 - the principle of “fair use”
      • §108 - permission for limited library archival reproduction
      • §109 - the “first sale” doctrine