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  1. Dec 2024
    1. we think of kindness and compassion in a way that's very similar to the way scci other scientists think about language

      for - comparison / key insight - compassion is like language (and also like genetics) - every infant has the biological capacity for these - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson

      comparison / key insight - compassion is like language (and also like genetics) - compassion, like language and genetics is intrinsic to our human nature. Every newborn comes into the world with the biological capacity for kindness/compassion, language and for genetic expression. However, - how we actually turn out as adults depends on what variables exist in our environment - If we have a compassionate mOTHER, our Most significant OTHER, she will teach us compassion - just like a child raised in a community of other language speakers in the environment will enable the child to cultivate the language capacity and - without a community of language speakers, a feral infant will grow up not understanding language at all - a healthy environment triggers beneficial epigenetic processes - Again, the chinese saying is salient: (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture

      to - feral children - Youtube - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FTKaS1RdAfrg%2F&group=world - Chinese saying: (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture - https://hyp.is/TWOEYrlUEe-Mxx_LHYIpMg/medium.com/postgrowth/rediscovering-harmony-how-chinese-philosophy-offers-pathways-to-a-regenerative-future-07a097b237a0

  2. Jun 2022
    1. New insights on infant word learning

      infant word learning

    2. "The idea is that over long periods of time, traces of memory for visual objects are being built up slowly in the neocortex," Clerkin said. "When a word is spoken at a specific moment and the memory trace is also reactivated close in time to the name, this mechanism allows the infants to make a connection rapidly." The researchers said their work also has significant implications for machine learning researchers who are designing and building artificial intelligence to recognize object categories. That work, which focuses on how names teach categories, requires massive amounts of training for machine learning systems to even approach human object recognition. The implication of the infant pathway in this study suggests a new approach to machine learning, in which training is structured more like the natural environment, and object categories are learned first without labels, after which they are linked to labels.

      visual objects are encoded into memory over a long period of time until it becomes familiar. When a word is spoken when the memory trace associated with the visual object is reactivated, connection between word and visual object is made rapidly.

  3. Mar 2021