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  1. Nov 2023
    1. COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of care and calls for a change in how it is valued and prioritized

      crisis point, now care crisis has come into focus. i like how she didn't focus just on this but took into account long-term systematic problems with the UK's social care system. but not so convinced by the suggestions because the analysis is specific but suggestions are ideological and vague rather than practical.

    2. s-subsidization from more productive parts of the economy and public investment in the care sector

      suggestion of what to do, are there any more?

    3. "asset-based approaches," which view communities and individuals as having valuable skills and abilities that can contribute to the community.


    4. "co-production" in social care, which involves involving different stakeholders in the production of care outcomes
    5. Advice given to healthcare workers focused on self-care,

      self-care as a type of get of jail free card, could be expanded more

    6. Social care workers had higher mortality rates than healthcare workers.
    7. Black and minority ethnic groups had higher infection and mortality rates due to underlying health conditions, lack of healthcare access, living conditions, and being essential workers.


    8. Care workers received little support during the pandemic and are dealing with increased stress and exhaustion.
    9. exploitation of domestic workers and the need for fair pay and working conditions.Many nannies lost their jobs and housing
    10. structural changes to address the housing crisis, such as banning real estate speculation and building more affordable housing.
    11. The social structures and inequalities in society determine who is most vulnerable to the virus.
    12. concept of interdependence
    13. hlighting issues such as underfunding, lack of protective equipment, and the increase in unpaid carers. It also mentions the impact on refuge vacancies, food distribution, and the lack of occupational sick pay.
    14. It mentions the disproportionate impact on disabled individuals and minority ethnic groups.
    1. neoliberal regime that values productivity and growth.
    2. complex needs behind

      exclusion of marginalised groups due to technology in social care

    3. the pursuit of a "reliable body" in an uncertain world.

      link to no space for female bodies

    1. arguing that care is often subordinated to the demands of capitalism.

      creates a care vs capitalism narrative which is a little reductive?

    2. t financialisation, the process of allocating resources through financial instruments, can worsen inequality and social issues.
    3. cerns that easy targets are prioritized over more challenging cases, and the costs of implementing and scaling these projects may outweigh any potential savings

      SIBs not very effective

    4. Critics argue that this system allows private investors to profit from cost savings that should benefit society.

      criticises capitalism

    5. social impact investing, where investors provide funding for projects that have a social impact.
    1. o reduce staff costs by 30 per cent through wage reductions, changes to bank holiday pay or reductions in staffing level
    2. Personal budgets create extra work and potential exploitation for care recipients who become employers when hiring personal assistants.
    3. improve communication and support for those in need of care, but it has economic implications, such as charging fees or relying on volunteers.
    4. Decisions about technology in care are influenced by politics, economics, and cultural contexts.
    5. more severe in social care due to its lower status compared to healthcare.
    1. assroots social movements and self-help groups can often provide better care than professional services, while creating alternative structures that promote mutual aid and reduce reliance on expensive commodities.

      supports charity but acknowledges that it can't be good without gov funding for everyone- unsure?

    2. "landscapes of care" in everyday places where people gather, such as homes, cafes, community centers, and parks.

      informal social care system- not just a political problem, personal is political

    3. quality and safety of services provided by untrained volunteers.

      link to Tory austerity- Big community, reliance on charity and volunteers rather than public services

    4. Household work is often invisible and paid domestic work is characterized by informality and lack of social protection.

      exploitation of 'female' careers

    5. The text discusses various aspects of care work, including the impact of contracts on unpaid care, the gendered effects of these contracts, the increase in unpaid care work, the rise of informal carers, the financial struggles of carers, the rise of young carers, the reliance on volunteers in the care sector, the dilution of the nuclear family, and the need for collective care that challenges structural inequalities.
    1. The Institute for Fiscal Studies has reported that a 30 per cent reduction to social care spending for people over the age of sixty-five, between 2009 and 2016, led to a significant rise in visits to A&E by the same cohort, signalling increased costs for hospital emergency departments.

      lack of routine social care increases the need for crisis services, so it doesn't really help much by cutting these services

    2. The United Nations has criticized the British government's austerity measures, calling them punitive and mean-spirited.

      uses IOs to reinforce the situation.

    3. cuts in social services and benefits, affecting the most vulnerable populations.

      non proportional affecting of all areas of the population, marginalised people are marginalised by policies

    4. care

      lack of care in social services- key component, she critiques economic focus

    1. Global Financial Crisis and its aftermath, with austerity measures disproportionately affecting certain groups
    2. certain groups of people were excluded from the welfare state, such as women, people of color, migrants, LGBTQIA communities, and those with mental health or disability issues.
    3. The lens of social reproduction helps to identify the unpaid work that is necessary for the production of economic value in a capitalist economy.

      challenges capitalist way of thinking- challenges status quo through lens of social reproduction, Marxist, women's role in the home that contributes to production

    4. Care can be provided for free or bought and sold as a commodity, but it is best understood as a configuration of social relationships that are politically and economically conditioned
    5. consumer culture


    6. interdependence of our lives


    1. he welfare state has played a role in the provision of care, but certain groups have been excluded. Care work is deeply intertwined with power dynamics, and feminist movements have challenged traditional gender roles.
    1. non-academic audience and aims to contribute to the political debate on the topic.


    2. criticizes the neoliberal ideology that promotes individual responsibility and privatization of care, arguing that caring for others should be a collective and public responsibility.

      challenges neoliberalism- theoretical and practical text with applications. links political theory to the real world

    3. crisis of care is influenced by material conditions, ideological assumptions, and inequality
    4. lobal crisis of care, where a growing number of people are unable to access the care and support they need.
    5. Privatization of health and social care services has led to financial difficulties and debts for care home providers.


    6. Access to care is becoming more dependent on financial ability,

      impact of capitalism driving down value of care

    7. f elderly people not receiving necessary care is increasing, and there has been a significant rise in children with mental health disorders accessing social services.
    8. issues such as the lack of care facilities for an aging population, reduced mental health services, cuts to disability care budgets, and overworked doctors and nurses
  2. Aug 2021
    1. The goal of this text is topresent a version of the history of psychologythat resists the traditional storylines of greatachievements by eminent people or schools ofthought that rise and fall in the wake of scientificprogress and that instead attempts to reveal thecomplex trajectory of psychology as a sociallyembedded set of theories and practices thatboth reify and reflect the contexts from whichthey arise and to which they return.

      This seems to be the key idea of the authors writing. Identifying that their approach to the history of Psychology will differ from the usual "traditional storylines" and to bring in a more complex, messy(?) and overlapping narratives that reflects the contexts that these psychological knowledge emerge from.

  3. Mar 2019
    1. Social Anxiety and Academic AchievementTo the best of our knowledge, only two research groupshave tested the hypothesis that social anxiety is directly and

      The author gets to the main point of the article and establishes the main concept by citing two sources that will later be explained in further details

    2. In fact,Russell and Topham (2012) propose that social anxietymay have a negative impact on university/college students’academic achievement

      The author cites a secondary source to present his claim through a similar opinion

    1. It is rather unclear what the purpose of the paper is as the author continues to discuss or mention other sources' viewpoints about the problem and not his own. There is basically no argument whatsoever in the article.

    2. The literature has revealed that anxiety was one of the predictors which contribute to several results of academic performance specifically to students at high school and university level. Therefore, in order to achieve better academic performance, students must be able to control and present themselves in a moderate and appropriate level of anxiet

      main claim again is discussed along with the way the author thinks the affected students should deal with the disorder

  4. Oct 2018
    1. Second, and more importantly: political toleration does not require the strong and doctrine of philosophical relativism. Increased awareness of diversity together with an awareness of the historical contingency of one’s own convictions will promote political toleration just as effectively.

      This is it chief

    2. The anti-relativists counter-argue that even if we grant that political tolerance is an important value, and that accepting relativism would promote it, we should never adopt philosophical views about the nature of truth or justification simply because of their assumed good moral or political consequences.

      There is a key difference between moral relativism and tolerance, and making decisions and being a dick.

    3. Advocates of relativism, particularly outside philosophical circles, often cite tolerance as a key normative reason for becoming a relativist. On this rationale, all ways of life and cultures are worthy of respect in their own terms, and it is a sign of unacceptable ethnocentrism to presume that we could single out one outlook or point of view as objectively superior to others.

      This is the main point I will be arguing against, the belief that I thought I previously had.

  5. Oct 2017
    1. The catalyst forthe novel, however, seems to have been a straightforward reaction to a newwork by an author Austen considered her competition*the Scottish MaryBrunton’sDiscipline(1814).Disciplineis a fictional autobiography with the strong religious themes ofsin, repentance and redemption.

      The author claims here that Emma was inspired by the 1814 novel Discipline by Mary Brunton, which surely is not part of the male literary canon laid out earlier in the article. The author outlines the main themes of Discipline and explains the relationship between the two authors.

      I feel like a broken record here, but again, this seems to be a very tenuous point without computational analysis. The author's own language belies this tenuousness as she says that the novel's inspiration "seems to have been a straightforward reaction" to another novel. The word "seems" does not inspire confidence.

  6. Sep 2017
    1. The solution is to focus not onwhois greatenough to exert influence, or strong enough to grapple with the‘‘anxiety’’oftheir literary inheritance, but rather onhowinfluence operates. What we canlook to, then, are instances of‘‘misreading’’,‘‘misinterpretation’’,‘‘carica-ture’’,‘‘distortion’’and‘‘wilful revisionism’’for what they reveal. Austen isnot the only writer whose works must benefit from such an analysis, but she,perhaps more than any other writer, unrelentingly demands it of her readers.Austen insists that her readers follow her in deliberately, playfully misreadingand reconceiving a broad range of literature, both‘‘high’’and‘‘low’’.Mimicking her misprision in our response to Romantic theories of influence,we can at last recognize how such influence operates on writers whom thecanon ignores or marginalizes: women and novelists, certainly, but alsothose whose influential moment was fleeting, rather than historicallytranscendent

      This seems like the article's thesis to me. Here, the author argues that we should not seek to identify which authors/works are seemingly "worthy" of having an influence on other authors/works. Rather, we should explore on how literary influence is actually functioning in related works.Readers must look to different methods of influence, such as "distortion" and "misinterpretation" in their study of the topic. In the demands that she places upon her readers to be well-informed and attentive, Austen invites us to be a part of a complicated and ongoing literary conversation. Additionally, through studying Austen's works, we can observe the influence of those traditionally left out by the canon.

      This argument does seem relevant and original to me. In my admittedly brief study of literary influence, the discussion is usually exclusively related to the canon. Murphy asks us to consider influence in a broader sense. However, the main question that I have after reading this article relates to computational literary study. Franco Moretti, Matthew Jockers, and other such scholars have made significant strides in the application of computational tools in the study of literary influence. I am very curious as to how this article's premises and main argument would hold up when subjected to such tools. This seems like a weakness to me. Even after my brief study of computational literary analysis, it seems that any conversation of literary influence is incomplete without actually looking at the data.

    2. If we enlarge our understanding of the concept of‘‘influence’’, we canbegin to see the ways in which artistically unremarkable, canonicallydisregarded works inform the development even of masterpieces. Ros Ballastercorrectly states that:[...] most women novelists of the eighteenth century tended to locatetheir own writing in relation to a strong line of male predecessors orcontemporaries [...] if women read each other’s work they did not, forthe most part, openly acknowledge influence.16Jane Austen is the exception to this rule. Far from shamefacedly concealing herdebt to Brunton’s novel, on the contrary, Austen’s linguistic allusions toDisciplineinEmmadraw the reader’s attention to the two novels’intimateconnection

      This is a key section. Here, the author claims that Jane Austen's Emma is influenced by the rather unremarkable and certainly much less well known novel Discipline. This is in contrast to the existing tradition. Murphy cites and agrees with Ballaster's argument that 18th century women authors situated their own work within the male tradition and did not seek recognition for the influence of other female authors. However, Murphy argues that Austen makes obvious the connection to Brunton.

    3. his essay demonstratesAusten’s career-long preoccupation with the nature and practice of reading, andher attempts to train an ideally critical reader. It is through such active, critical,objective reading that Austen developed her manifesto for a new kind of novel inthe face of ongoing cultural conservatism*a form which, unburdened by theinfluence of heroic predecessors, could maintain its connections with a rich literaryheritage without suffering from the creativity-stifling anxieties of poetic influence.

      Here, the author outlines the main argument of the article, which is that Jane Austen aimed to cultivate a critically aware reader and, in doing so, creates a new novel that gains influence from manifold sources, not just the literary canon.

    4. This essay argues that her attitudetowards literature was equally critical.

      This follows up on the author's comparison of influence and inheritance systems. Here, we can see that Austen turned a critical eye not only upon patriarchal inheritance laws but also patriarchal systems of literary influence.