- Jul 2022
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Many of the workers reported that first thing in themorning, or after any interruption in their thought(like a ‘phone call), they have the “where was 1?”problem in a complex and ill-defined space of ideas.The layout of physical materials on their desk givesthem powerful and immediate contextual cues torecover a complex set of threads without difilcultyand delay, “this is my whole context, these are mypersonal piles”
Following interruptions by colleagues or phone calls at work, people may frequently ask themselves "where was I?" more frequently than "what was I doing?" This colloquialism isn't surprising as our memories for visual items and location are much stronger than actions. Knowledge workers will look around at their environments for contextual clues for what they were doing and find them in piles of paper on their desks, tabs in their computer browser, or even documents (physical or virtual) on their desktops.
- Jun 2022
www.kcet.org www.kcet.org
If a guy got lucky at a restaurant, it got included.” Jauregui waxes poetic about The Address Book, calling it “sexual memory…told by spaces.”
Something interesting here about a "gossipy collaboration" of an address book that crystallized a "sexual memory...told by spaces".
- Apr 2022
tvrctkmytfln.gitee.io tvrctkmytfln.gitee.io
The case where two pointers may designate the same memory location isknown as memory aliasing.
什么是 memory alias?
- Mar 2022
Wanta JampijinpaPatrick, a Warlpiri Elder, teaches that north corresponds to ‘Law’,south to ‘ceremony’, west to ‘language’ and east to ‘skin’. ‘Country’lies at the intersection of these directions, at the centre of thecompass: Westerners conceptualise it as ‘here’.
In Warlpiri, the cardinal directions of north, south, east and west associatively correspond with the ideas of "Law", "ceremony", "skin", and "language" respectively. The idea of "Country" lies at the center of these directions in a space that Westerners would describe as "here".
This directional set up underlines the value of each of the related concepts and provides pride of place to "Country" and one's being "in Country".
Compare these with the Japanese pattern of こ (ko), そ (so), あ (a), ど (do) which describe a location with respect to the speaker.
Western readers should notice here, that the author centers the name and position of the origin of this knowledge at the start of the sentence. While it is associated with him, it is also certainly associated with all his preceding ancestors and Elders who passed this information down.
One might suspect that this practice isn't as common with base-level cultural knowledge, but that it becomes more important at succeeding levels of intimate area-based restricted knowledge. Placing the origin of the knowledge here at a more basic level of knowledge may help to instruct Western readers slowly and more surely understand how this foreign culture works.
How closely does this practice generally look like the Western idea of citing one's sources which only evolved slowly over history and became more common with the flood of information in the 1500s?
- Feb 2022
tvrctkmytfln.gitee.io tvrctkmytfln.gitee.io
The array elements areordered in memory in row-major order, meaning all elements of row 0, whichcan be written A[0], followed by all elements of row 1 (A[1]), and so on.
array 在 memory 中的排列顺序是怎么样的?
The final example shows that one cancompute the difference of two pointers within the same data structure, with theresult being data having type long and value equal to the difference of the twoaddresses divided by the size of the data type.
如何计算两个 pointers 的差?
- Nov 2021
tvrctkmytfln.gitee.io tvrctkmytfln.gitee.io
As with themov instructions, the two operands cannot both be memory locations.
binary operation 的两个操作数可以是 memory location 吗?
- Oct 2020
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
Therefore it is a great valuefor fixing a memory-image that when we read books, we strive to impress onour memory through the power of forming our mental images not only thenumber and order of verses or ideas, but at the same time the color, shape,position, and placement of the letters, where we have seen this or that writ-ten, in what part, in what location (at the top, the middle, or the bottom)we saw it positioned, in what color we observed the trace of the letter or theornamented surface of the parchment
I've always been able to generally remember how far into a book and on what part of the page (left/right; top/middle/bottom) the thing was. This obviously is not a new phenomenon, though obviously the printing of texts in the modern age helps standardize this for students in comparison with this particular example which discusses different versions of the same text.