- Jun 2024
www.laspositascollege.edu www.laspositascollege.edu
Cheating, plagiarism Conduct that jeopardizes health and safety Tardiness Profanity Pornography Children or pets in class Private conversations or inappropriate displays of affection Uncooperativeness Continually leaving one’s seat Eating and drinking Reading unrelated materials Use of all unauthorized electronic devices, such as walkmans, phones, beepers, pagers, ipods, and music players. Soliciting of funds and/or signatures
some of these seem mild - but it could be great if they were enforced. Students need to learn how to behave professionally.
Disruptive behavior includes behavior that interferes with the legitimate instructional, administrative, or service functions of the college. However, should any behavior threaten the personal safety of any student, faculty member, staff, or administrator, or be displayed with such emotional intensity that it causes fear or concern in others, at that point such behavior is classified as a CRISIS and will necessitate a call to Campus Safety (925) 424-1699.
distinguishes between disruption and crisis
catalog.umd.umich.edu catalog.umd.umich.edu
If online class, faculty can moderate and/or temporarily disable LMS functions to prevent the student from further activity until a resolution is determined.
disable LMS access....not sure how we could do that.
Talking when the instructor or others are speaking
while I agree, I don't see this enforced much
www.sydney.edu.au www.sydney.edu.au
The following behaviours do not constitute bullying.(a) A single incident of unreasonable behaviour. However, single or one-offincidents of unreasonable conduct can also cause a risk to health and safetyand may breach other University policies and should not be ignored.(b) Reasonable management practices.(c) Low-level conflict as defined in subclause 8(3).(2) Reasonable management practices include (but are not limited to):(a) a direction to carry out reasonable duties and instructions;(b) a direction to comply with University rules, protocols, policies andprocedures;(c) setting reasonable goals, standards and deadlines;
Now this makes sense and defining "not bullying" is a great idea to protect people against false accusations.
catalog.belhaven.edu catalog.belhaven.edu
Project Teams serve several purposes:
Could easily be translated to online environment
the program provides a combination of traditional instruction and the enhancement of nontraditional instruction and learning that takes place within a Project Team.
These policies could many times apply to online teams - most of this is outdated info since there are no inperson AGOS courses anymore
The classrooms, student center, and project team locations are places to learn, to socialize and to grow. Each person must be recognized to have certain rights which do not conflict with the Community Expectations nor infringe upon the rights of others in the spirit of the University motto “to served, and not be served.” These rights include the following: The right to study without distraction. The right to personal privacy. The right to study in a clean environment. The right to be treated with respect and dignity. The right to hold different values. The right to redress grievances. The right to serve the community.
Online environments are not listed here but should be.
Right to be treated with respect and dignity
Academic Misconduct/Honor Code violations are related to a student’s class work, the appropriate response is vested in the professor.
Professor has to judge on academic misconduct / honor code violation
All communication between students and other students, or between students and faculty, must be conducted in a manner that is respectful, using language that is professional.
BU's 2 lines on student to student communication
scf.edu scf.edu
Degrees of Disciplinary Sanctions:
8 levels before permeant dismissal
The use of mobile devices (cellphones, beepers, tablets and other smart devices) in the classroom is determined by the faculty member’s mobile device use guidelines for that class. Adhere to the expectations communicated by the faculty member for that course.
phone use can be against policy if faculty state it is
. Computer and Network Abuse
Interesting the tech conduct is in the general conduct policy now.
any act that constitutes violent behavior and any other behavior that adversely affects the College or its educational programs or mission. Attempts to commit acts prohibited by the Code may also be addressed through the conduct process. All members of the College community, students, faculty and staff, have the responsibility to report nonacademic misconduct.
Everyone is a reporter
If a disruptive student refuses to leave when told, the faculty member will contact SCF Public Safety to remove the student.
explicit statement about having students removed by security
www.wiu.edu www.wiu.edu
Permanent Removal of Disruptive Student
Administrative withdrawal form
Violation of Student Code of Conduct ReportStudent's Name: _______________________________________________________________Student Identification Number: __________________________Instructor’s Name: ________________________________ Office Phone #: ________________Instructor’s E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________Course Title: _________________________________________________________________Course Number: _________________________ Section Number: ________Description of Incident (use additional pages if necessary)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Describe the instructions that were given to the student:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Was the student asked to leave the class? Yes _____ No_____N/A_________Did the student leave voluntarily? Yes _____ No _____Were the police contacted? Yes ____ No ____If yes, officer’s name: _____________________ Officer’s Department: ____________________Action taken by Police (list report number and whether arrest occurred):______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Faculty Member’s Signature_____________________________________Date: ____________Submit copy of form electronically to: student, department chair, and to Student Judicial Programs (who will sharewith Student Development Office) at tp-sheridan@wiu.edu or via fax to 309-298-1203
form sample
www.k-state.edu www.k-state.edu
Non-threatening Disruptive Students
I live the division to non-threatening vs threatening students
- Jul 2021
NIHR HPRU in Behavioural Science and Eval Bristol. (2021, May 27). Event: The CONQUEST study has collected data on the contacts, behaviour & symptoms of staff & students @BristolUni during #COVID19 to inform policy & math modelling. Join us for this webinar on 8 June for an update on the study, its impact & future plans. Https://t.co/DHrmferP0L https://t.co/25cOASdyKJ [Tweet]. @HPRU_BSE. https://twitter.com/HPRU_BSE/status/1397906695775473671