14 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Apr 2024
    1. William Nestle’s Vom Mythos zum Logos (1940) is the classical statement of this reading. On the opening page, Nestle claims mythos and logos are “the two poles between which man’s mental life oscillates. Mythic imagination and logical thought are opposites,” the former being “imagistic and involuntary,” rooted in the unconscious, while the latter is “conceptual and intentional, and analyzes and synthesizes by means of consciousness” (quoted in Glenn Most, “From Logos to Mythos,” in From Myth to Reason?, 27).

      Dichotomy of "mythic imagination" rooted in the unconscious versus "logical thought" rooted in the conscious

      Also, see this as a reading of "chaos versus order". See, for example, Apollonian and Dionysian theory or Confucius order and Lao Tzu chaos (with respect to wu-wei). In PKM, this would correlate to the gardener vs architect archetypes.

  3. Nov 2023
  4. Sep 2023
    1. 08:00 True mastery lies in flow, where action is not forced (Musashi on flow)

      09:00 harmonising mind, body, and universe, as way to reach flow & detachment

      • see zk on following natural interest, our following the quickening of the spirit, as a process of understanding and harmony
    1. To do this, we allow the full range of emotions to flow through us, without putting up resistance to the process. We set the intention to experience the full range of feelings—be they good or bad. This requires moral courage, but, while it is uncomfortable (especially in the early stages), it affords the same benefits as a well-working spleen: We are more resilient. We have more energy. Our spirit is purified. And, most of all, we begin to be aware of the meaning behind the pain we experience. As the Buddha said, the more conscious we become, the less we suffer. The development of consciousness serves to deliver us from meaningless suffering.

      Feeling everything, no resistance, reminds me of wu wei

    1. thinking process when writing had to be inspired (by something deeper)

      • see only writing what comes natural, following natural movements, wu wei
      • 20:47 Only creating out of flow a problem for people; “how often, or can we even, get there” (good market research)
      • 24:17 you can’t force the process of creativity (exactly, Wu Wei)
  5. Aug 2023
      • Wu wei as not forcing
      • Lao Tzu: man who isn’t conscious of his superior virtue, is this virtuous
      • Watts: Wu Wei as not intentional Wu Wei, and is thus Wu Wei
      • Doing opposite of society is not spontaneity (you are trying)
      • go back to your childhood, realise the grandness of the universe
  6. Oct 2021
    1. Plenum: A Collective Story of Regeneration

      Last year, as artists in the Design Science Studio, Ilaria Forte and I were discussing a possible collaborative project called Plenum: A Collective Story of Regeneration. Rather than attempt to create a new narrative, we would collect and document the experiences of people who are experiencing the effortless action of nature’s systems in the process of regeneration.