123 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. The point has been not to simplify the world of ideas and connection, or force others to simplify (as today's software and hypermedia do); the point has been to represent the world of ideas correctly and clearly, which is much harder-- replacing not just paper media, but conventional computer files and hierarchy, with finer-grained and wholly different families of structure.
    1. Web browser history is a rich source of potentially useful information. Just think about it: it's zero effort lifelogging.
  2. Dec 2024
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20241221133519/https://danielwirtz.com/blog/bottom-up-note-taking-in-capacities

      Daniel Wirtz writes about his note making, 'writing at the speed of thought', based off his interstitial journaliing as day log, w links/tags for finding things back similar to my mo, types/actions added. Objects used for things w more permanence, like I split off notes from my day log too. All that doesn't say 'at the speed of thought' to me however.

    1. Working with the Collaborative Network of Ideas

      For me the purpose of a collab zk would need to be aligned to what drives the collaborators. E.g. how I tie pkm to individual professional activism and autonomy, and extended/aggregated to teamkm it drives the core value of constructive activism of my company, and how we use [[Systems convening denken Wenger Trayner 20230914131102]] to translate that into interventions and desirable client projects. Vgl [[PKM systems convening activisme relatie 20241123085857]] expressing that connection.

  3. Nov 2024
  4. Oct 2024
    1. A knower does not stand apart from the universe, but participates personally within it. Our intellectual skills are driven by passionate commitments that motivate discovery and validation. According to Polanyi, a great scientist not only identifies patterns, but also significant questions likely to lead to a successful resolution. Innovators risk their reputation by committing to a hypothesis.

      Knower / observer not separate from the universe, not outside the system boundary Vgl [[Systems convening landscape als macroscope 20230906115130]] where the convener is integral part of it too, not an external change agent.

    1. “e mind is for having ideas,not holding them.”7 Taken from David Allen’s seminal text on productivity,Getting ings Done, this idea, above all others, binds lawyers to Luddites,helping thousands who struggle to put ideas into action.

      I really don't like this David Allen quote which is often seen in these spaces. It's usually used by people who haven't spent any time training their memory.

      I'll give BD the benefit of the doubt that the entirety of this PKM paragraph is sidelining the "PKM scene" altogether.

    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20241005072338/https://ruk.ca/content/blog-posts-are-breadcrumbs#comment-28817

      [[Peter Rukavina]] on how his blog is something others come across and make connections. Commented that [[Hoe emergence tot stand komt 20040513173612]] is from longer traces. My PKM system is leaving those traces for me, my blog for me and others. My blog is the longest, due to it being 22+ yrs old, trace I'm leaving publicly for others to connect around.

    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20241002133454/https://tracydurnell.com/2024/09/29/the-secret-power-of-a-blog/

      Tracy Durnell on the personal affordances of keeping a blog. Haven't read just glanced, but usually she makes interesting points, marked to read -[ ] Read this wrt #pkm #15mins

      via [[Euan Semple]]

    1. adding to what clemp wrote. Structure or categorisation is earned imo and emergent from working with my material. Any categorisation, indexing, tagging also is personal imo meaning no external standard as to how things should be organised applies in any way. Structures are personal tools and can be temporary. Which ones do you need and can add to over time while your interacting with your material? That way there’s a ratchet effect, but no need to structure everything as a separate task. I start everything I do with a search in my stuff. I add to the things I find and seem relevant at that time as tags the things I was searching for. If I found a piece about gardening while searching for things about health, I will add that health relation as tag. Or as link to another note. This lengthens the traces of my work with my material, and longer traces I’m more likely to cross. Over time I will see the stuff emerge that is most relevant to me over time. The start for me is when I save something external I always add the following 2 things: the reason I wanted to save it, what made me interested, in my own words (might include some tags). And always a link to something already in my notes that I associate it with. For me the switch in mindset is that there is no intrinsic information contained in anything I keep, all meaning is in my own eyes when I use it later. Any structuring reflects that, and I work form the assumption there are no objective descriptors I must use as categories or tags etc. Rather than organize/structure during note taking, I organize/structure during note using. With my initial remark and internal link as curation to help me on my way.

      my comment, in response to someone getting lost in up front organising of notes, and ending up in a 'mess'. Embrace the mess, lengthen traces to stumble upon, earn structure (they're a personal tool not an outside standard or demand). Organise during note usage rather than during note taking, except for curation when saving something external with a remark (tags sometimes) and an internal link.

  5. Sep 2024
    1. This method allows individuals to manage and interlink their information more effectively by creating interconnected nodes, known as knowledge graphs.
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240923175503/https://www.baldurbjarnason.com/2024/the-promise-and-the-distraction/

      glorious rant by Baldur Bjarnason, but not much surprisal here. As with other stuff, albeit agile scrum, getting things done, and any of the pitched perfect ways to make notes, whenever the process becomes the thing rather than a tool in the hand of an knowledge artisan stuff is useless and boring.

      It's about output, not in units or volume, but in quality. Needing to know why your are making these notes, and weaving your network of meaning.

      The people who do things with their system usually don't talk about it much. I've done it on occasion and am happy to share and show how/why I do things, but never with the intention to convince another to do the same or similar.

  6. www.rachelwu.com www.rachelwu.com
    1. http://www.rachelwu.com/Wu_2019.pdf

      proposes ...adaptation is relevant for all age groups because the environment is dynamic, suggesting that learning what to learn is a problem relevant across the lifespan

      reviews new research demonstrating the importance and ways of learning what to learn across the lifespan, from objects to real-world skills 2018/2019pub

    1. One key motivation for Latticework was how wonderful it feels to stumble upon a past moment of shining clarity, to point and revel. We want to be able to carry those moments with us, to see them all at once when we’re lost, and to use them as landmarks as we navigate our messy notebooks. We’ve used Latticework to do this in small ways so far, and we’re excited to see how our upcoming projects might feel different with its extra affordances.

      this paragraph reads like making commonplacing navigable in a new way. Also turns 'snippets' into potenital entry points without them being separate notes, and pivots like tags. Note the clear spatial overtones (landmarks, being lost, navigate, ways, stumble upon, point).

    2. We had a strong personal motivation for this project: we often find ourselves stuck in our own creative work. Latticework’s links might make you think of citations and primary sources—tools for finding the truth in a rigorous research process. But our work on Latticework was mostly driven by the problems of getting emotionally stuck, of feeling disconnected from our framing of the project or our work on it.

      Again the important distinction, here in the context which itch Latticework scratches, between 'evidence' and 'kindle' perspectives. The latter is an emotional thing, where knowledge is not an external thing, but a internal network of meaning.

    3. Adjustable snippet ranges. After working with a snippet link, some test users found that they wanted to shift its endpoints, to include more context or to tighten its focus. Latticework doesn’t currently allow this, but one could create an interaction which modified its current snippet links accordingly

      adjustable snippet ranges, letting your emergent insight impact your original highlighting/annotation sounds like a very interesting idea. Not because you're pinpointing the info at source more accurately, but because the emergent purpose of your sensemaking reflects back on your source material. It shifts the exact point where your Surprisal originates around.

    4. Giving a cluster a name can impose formality prematurely, adding friction to the process.

      Naming clusters can be incorporated into sensemaking efforts though, when not used as result but as intermediate step. As in [[2 step archetype extraction 20121130152904]]

    5. Alongside disorientation, working memory overload is one of the biggest problems when distilling these large unstructured documents. We believe that’s why people in these situations so often try to collect everything important into once place: that way, everything can be viewed at once, and it’s possible to notice connections and themes without relying on working memory. Unfortunately, as snippets accumulate, the working document itself can become quite long—leaving you stuck scrolling around, trying to remember where everything is.

      The processing document can get as unwieldy as the source material for which it is a solution. Latticework lets you collapse stuff therefore.

    6. While you’re gathering these snippets, you may also want to capture observations about them. Each workflow has a natural way to handle this. If you’re reading a source document with a highlighter, you can write comments in the margins. If you’re copying snippets into a working document, you can type observations alongside them. As with highlighting and copying, Latticework makes these operations interchangeable.

      adding small observations to either the foraging or sensemaking side of things is reflected in the other. Another bi-directionality. Nifty, also because this is exactly what happened to me when I tried out an early version with Matt/Andy watching. Working with material leads to new thoughts/observations which I threw in for later follow-up/expansion. It allows me to capture my conversation with a text both as annotation at source, and as refinement in the working doc.

    7. You’ll get the same result no matter which direction you go—a highlight in the source document and a snippet link in the working document. Conceptually, highlighting doesn’t actually modify the source document. Highlights are a dynamic style applied to all the snippets linked in your working document. So if you delete a snippet link, the corresponding highlight will disappear, too

      Bi-directionality is a key feature in Latticework, which is great. At the same time, on the source end it is also ephemeral. If your remove a linked snippet from the sensemaking document, the highlight, which is just a styling element, gets removed from the source. The source is not modified to produce the highlight. (Any permanent link to source should be made consciously, which is right) Bidirectionality, other than linking seems to me a key affordance in #pkm, something that not now exists in either my annotations / reading / processing flows. #openvraag: where in my workflows would bidirectional trace leaving be useful.

    8. this process isn’t linear. It’s often convenient to do a bit of preliminary sensemaking in the midst of foraging; conversely, observations you uncover during sensemaking will often lead to another round of foraging, and so on, in a loop.

      Making sense of material is not a linear process of ever more refinement, as e.g. Tiago Forte suggests with [[Progressive summarising 20200922080651]]. Siu/Matischak embrace the non-linear, recognising you go from 'foraging' (their term, great, K-garden style) to annotating, rearranging, noting an idea, back to foraging, back to rearranging etc. This is a key thing imo.

    9. This is the 'final' result of [[Matthew Siu]] [[Andy Matischak]] research into an Obsidian plugin for making sense of several sources into one, emerging an outline. I tested an earlier beta on #2024/02/1 [[Andy Matthew Obsidian plugin]] https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2024/02/matthew-and-andy-watched-me-test-the-obsidian-reference-plugin/ I stopped using it after a few weeks due to clashes with other plugins I could not pin down. At first glance this is a good description of the process and intended purpose. Re-installed this version of the plugin.

  7. Jul 2024
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240714180109/https://hyperphor.com/ammdi/Agency-Made-Me-Do-It

      Mike Travers site is a wiki more than a blog but not quite a wiki either. It's Logseq based and tied to a self-rolled publishing tool. Also uses Zotero in their stack. Seems he transformed his blog into this garden in Oct 2021.

    1. I read an early draft in April and know it’s excellent. If knowledge management, zettelkasten, or writing are of interest to you, this is one of the best books on these topics. If you’re just getting into these areas, it’s required reading and will advance your practice more quickly than any four other books you’ll find.

      [[Chris Aldrich]] is enthousiast over [[A System for Writing by Bob Doto]] bij publicatie want hij las een preprint versie.

      Quick glance at Amazon shows Doto adds in illustrations of his processes, might be interesting.

    1. When I sit down to begin things, I just marinate in my own stew for a while. It'll be a couple of weeks and my task at that time is to go through those notes of all those things that caught my eye at some point. As you spend time with them, you start to gather things together and you start to see themes emerge or clumps. There are characters in here that are three different notes that sort of found each other and I put them together

      His writing process is for several weeks to go through notes, just looking through them, let it mingle in his head. Then put things together and look for emergent clusters / topics.

    2. I have a very diligent and disciplined note-taking practice. I have many other weaknesses as a writer, but I think one of my Olympic-caliber strengths is being disciplined about capturing interesting thoughts and ideas I come across. It's a mix of little bits of science stories that I encounter, things I overhear people saying, and things that occur to me when I’m doing something else that I dictate into a voice note and send it. I capture all that stuff and I collect it all into one big stew pot. It’s a really productive process.

      Sloan says he has a very 'disciplined' note taking process. But continues he actually means he is always capturing things, thoughts, stories, overheard conversations. Uses voice dictation.

  8. Jun 2024
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240607201833/https://mcgeesmusings.net/2024/06/06/knowledge-is-personal-manage-it-that-way/

      Fellow KM blogger from back in the day [[Jim McGee]] (he blogs since Oct 2001) articulates in a slightly different way something that is key ot my perspective on org KM too: PKM is the foundation for org KM. I picked that up from Sveiby's 1997 book. n:: Jim phrases it here as K sharing doesn't happen between people when they have nothing to share, bc they don't do PKM. Then any sharing is a burden as it requires formulation first. I share stuff with colleagues daily, because it is a benefit to share things I already formulated.

  9. May 2024
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240503124032/https://karl-voit.at/2022/01/29/How-to-Use-Tags/

      Long post on 'how to' tag with a set of rules. Not a word on why to tag as a personal practice. Retrieval is key, and not just retrieval but retrieval in contexts. Not merely descriptive but mostly associative. That there is e.g. a #longtail of tags only used once is also a piece of information itself. E.g. when finding the starting point for a new branch of exploration. I find that [[Tags are valuable as pivots 20070815104800]]. The mostly used tags (unavoidable if you use a limited set as suggested in rule 2) become useless because they no longer demarcate a manageble chunck of material.

  10. Apr 2024
    1. William Nestle’s Vom Mythos zum Logos (1940) is the classical statement of this reading. On the opening page, Nestle claims mythos and logos are “the two poles between which man’s mental life oscillates. Mythic imagination and logical thought are opposites,” the former being “imagistic and involuntary,” rooted in the unconscious, while the latter is “conceptual and intentional, and analyzes and synthesizes by means of consciousness” (quoted in Glenn Most, “From Logos to Mythos,” in From Myth to Reason?, 27).

      Dichotomy of "mythic imagination" rooted in the unconscious versus "logical thought" rooted in the conscious

      Also, see this as a reading of "chaos versus order". See, for example, Apollonian and Dionysian theory or Confucius order and Lao Tzu chaos (with respect to wu-wei). In PKM, this would correlate to the gardener vs architect archetypes.

    1. Five types of wayfinding behaviors exist in PSKNThis study identified five types of wayfinding behaviors in PSKN for learners: creating nodes, finding important nodes and forming cognitive maps, connecting important nodes, and finding and filtering information. Our findings verified the diversity of wayfinding in the PSKN. Previous studies have focused on wayfinding difficulties, such as information evaluation (Kammerer et al., 2013; Kiili et al., 2020), resource disorientation (Wang et al., 2022) and technical difficulties (Kop, 2011; Li et al., 2016). However, few studies have examined technological factors influence the ways learners access resources in connectivist learning, such as the PSKN. Four wayfinding behaviors were defined in this study based on a connection-forming model (AlDahdouh, 2018). We further defined a new wayfinding behavior, creating nodes, in the PSKN, with three types of creating behavior: learning communities, knowledge nodes, and course knowledge bases. Consistent with previous studies, the results demonstrated that generating knowledge nodes facilitated learners acting as teachers or content producers (Griesbaum, 2014), contributing to more connections (Duan et al., 2019; Yu et al., 2019).Furthermore, we revealed creation of behavior-supported indirect wayfinding for individuals, through which learners can navigate the network and identify diversity nodes effectively (Kizito, 2016). Our results indicated that all learners navigated the PSKN and oriented additional nodes. Compared with previous studies, this study found that creating nodes was an essential wayfinding feature in the PSKN. This may be because, with the increase in network connectivity, resource navigation moved from relying on pre-existing nodes to wayfinding by creating nodes to identify more important nodes and make connections. This reflects a change in the role of learners during the wayfinding process, that is, a gradual move from finding to creating nodes. This also means that indirect wayfinding was a crucial wayfinding feature, and creating nodes was a critical behavior in the PSKN. Moreover, as the connection proceeds, the learner becomes like a teacher, and creating nodes becomes a critical wayfinding behavior in connectivist learning.

      Five types of wayfinding in PSKN: 1) node creation 2) finding key notes, 3) forming mental maps 4) making a connection between nodes deemed important 5) finding/filtering information. Note how these 5 are also, in a different way perhpas, core elements of my [[PKM Personal Knowledge Management 20041004192620]] First mentioned, the creation of nodes is a novel type defined by this study. Three types of creation behaviour are involved: learning communities, knowledge nodes, and course knowledge bases. These there are common in pkm circles too, vgl Discord servers some have started, or DF platform, published notes and vids e.g.

    1. differences in wayfinding behavioral patterns between high- and low-performing learners." Most interesting to me is the finding that "creating nodes was an essential wayfinding feature in the PSKN." The best way to make connections is to contribute. "As the connection proceeds, the learner becomes like a teacher, and creating nodes becomes a critical wayfinding behavior in connectivist learning."

      Om je te oriënteren in een persoonlijk social kennisnetwerk is het creëren van nodes van groot belang. Maw je moet actief het sociale kennisnetwerk mede vlechten. Netwerkleren betekent connecties maken.

      Vgl [[Wie deelt bestaat 20130131133926]] only nodes that share (i.e. contribute) exist in the general perception of the network. Wrt [[Netwerkleren Connectivism 20100421081941]]

  11. Mar 2024
    1. a few interesting suggestions, but based on shaky assumptions and practices I think, and then jumping to (over)engineering an alternative system/tool, rather than updating one's (understanding of) tiny methods. The reference frames are useful notion I suspect, but as emergent structure. It seems as if author is thinking the actual work involved in writing / placing / linking is a bug rather than a feature.

    1. Hi Muhammed, Thank you so much for the workshop friday. It was Nice to hear others geek out and talk about the Zettelkasten principle and with interactive exercises it was wonderful. I have done my PhD with inspiration in Luhmann’s system for knowledge creation so I am quite familiar with it. Still I have a question for you that I am sad I didn’t get around to discuss with you in person at the summit. Instead I thought I could ask it here and hope you would still see it. Are you doing your Zettelkasten in obsidian - and if so why do you still number them? Best Agnes

      /reply at Digital Fitness in response to Agnes Lausen about folgezettel

      Hey Agnes, thanks a lot for attending. I rlly loved the energy and loved doing the workshop. As to your question, yes I do use obsidian for my zettelkasten. As to the numbering, it gives me a few benefits. Firstly, it forces me to make a link. If I am going to import a new note, I will have to link the note to another note, because I have to give an ID (number). This prevents orphan notes. And, it gives me a visual sense of what is going on in my zettelkasten. I can see at a glance if a section has more notes than others (my section 4, for example, has more notes.) Both the ID and the statement title, for me, gives me so much context just seeing the title without looking at the contents.

    1. Daarbovenop nog een ander waardevol ding, waarvoor ik de woorden nog niet precies van vinden. Een vorm van bewustzijn over tijd en ruimte, en de loop der dingen in mijn leven daarin. Het klinkt vast vaag, maar dagelijks moeiteloos kunnen zien waar je vandaag de afgelopen 20 jaar mee bezig was doet iets met een mens, en op een goede manier.

      Dit doet me denken aan dat PKM kan functioneren als een persoonlijke geschiedenis van jezelf.

  12. Feb 2024
    1. Zenkit Suite

      • Zenkit ToDo (interested in)

      also has: Zen Hypernotes (knowledge, notes & Wiki)* interesting ZenProjects zenForms (forms & surveys) ZenChat Base (all-in-one collaboration platform)

  13. Jan 2024
    1. This overview of Alper's Obsidian day template contains some useful items to mimick. Should also blog my own template as it contains some tweaks that help in different ways around associating content with each other. - [ ] lees dit en kijk wat ik er van in eigen daily log template zet.

    1. I’ve stopped using the phrase "productivity systems" because it implies that our most important work is that of production. Creation is much more important to me.

      Nice, 'creativity system' in opposition to the productivity fetish that others express.

    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240125111157/https://boffosocko.com/2024/01/24/rev-dr-martin-luther-king-jr-s-zettelkasten/

      Chris keeps surfacing nice examples of people using index card systems for pkm and learning. Here Martin Luther King jr.

    2. https://web.archive.org/web/20240123154817/https://boffosocko.com/2024/01/18/note-taking-and-knowledge-management-resources-for-students/

      Chris provides a nice overview of who's who around notetaking. There are some names in there that I may add to my feeds. Also go through the reading list, with an eye on practices that may fit with my way of working. Perhaps one or two names are relevant for #pkmsummit too.

    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240118121305/https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/1120/a-notebook-zettelkasten/p1

      A numbering/indexing system for notes in notebooks that is more granular than merely page numbers. I wonder how big his notebooks are (hundreds of pages, and multiple entries per page sounds like big folios)?

      Mentions several notebooks, see [[The Notebook by Roland Allen]] with the Italian examples of using multiple for different stages.

      How does he process them into his 'main' repository of notes? How might this connect to a practice of scanning pages from notebooks into Obsidian for further processing and indexing, as I've been doing?

  14. Dec 2023
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20231228181017/https://www.historyofinformation.com/index.php large resource on the history of information, presented in timelines. Useful for finding earliest examples of certain artefacts (not methods though)

    1. Evernote Vs UpNote

      Useful thread overwhelmingly supporting leaving Evernote for Upnote. 討論串壓倒性支持從Evernote出走,奔向Upnote。

      The video does an in-depth comparison of the two apps. 影片深入比較兩者功能。

    1. 模仿 Notion 的工具(affine),走出自己的道路是把「Heptabase 的白板概念」加進去,挺酷的。​​而且有全中文化

      Affine 免費版新增內容無上限,除了單一檔案上限10M,雲端儲存上限10GB,感覺很佛心,可以試用很久。

    1. Test-Driving a New Generation of Second Brain Apps: Obsidian, Tana, and Mem

      I'm a bit surprised at the conclusion: Evernote still the best and can't be supplanted easily. Seriously?

      But there are some naked truths about Tana and Mem (and Mem X). The Second Brain guy didn't mince words.

      I think he is too harsh on Obsidian. You can't have your cake and eat it. If local-first philosophy is of utmost importance to you, you've got to learn where the vaults are stored locally. Duh!

  15. Nov 2023
    1. Heptabase review

      A heavy-weight in-depth look at Heptabase, comparing with other PKMs.

    1. Grabe, Mark. “Student and Professional Note-Taking.” Substack newsletter. Mark’s Substack (blog), November 10, 2023. https://markgrabe.substack.com/p/student-and-professional-note-taking?publication_id=1857743&utm_campaign=email-post-title&r=77i35.

      Educator Mark Grabe looks at some different forms of note taking with respect to learning compared lightly with note taking for productivity or knowledge management purposes.

      Note taking for: - learning / sensemaking - personal knowledge management - productivity / projects - thesis creation/writing/other creative output (music, dance, etc.)

      Not taken into account here is the diversity of cognitive abilities, extent of practice (those who've practiced at note taking for longer are likely to be better at it), or even neurodiversity, which becomes an additional layer (potentially noise) on top of the research methodologies.

  16. Oct 2023
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux1GXpzXt0U

      Yet another PKM Guru channel. A mixture of (he says) Tiago Forte (BASB, CODE), zettelkasten, and PKM.

      Uses Craft, Canva, Figma, Spotify (for ambient focus).

      He's actively creating/using some of the words and definitions of others, but also creating his own "system" definition. (hubs, etc.) He redefines Forte's C.O.D.E. to give it his own spin: Capture, Connect, Create Share.

      He's got a subtle proselytizing Christian underlying message. Mentions Bible. Has hat with word "WRSHP". "Adding value to someone else's life" by sharing. Personal conversation is important to him (proselytizing). Speaking at his church about what "God has put in his heart."

      Turning notes into "diamonds"

      There's an outline of a system here, but he doesn't show actual practice, which is possibly the most important part, otherwise it may be unusable theory. To be able to do this system, I think, one would need to already be conversant in what is going on generally in the space or have Forte's system under control. By this point, what is Wheeler's real contribution other than a small example?


    1. It could be that suddenly, more people understood what Michael Polanyi realized back in the 1950

      Also Sveiby on corporate KM starts out from professional's PKM, and tacit K is about half of what Nonaka's about.

      Polyani as pdf in Zotero: zotero://select/library/items/FGEACIKL a 1964 edition of his 1958 text.

    2. surge in 2020-2022. This would not be the first such jump in the history of PKM tools. Another one occurred during the Renaissance.

      This is an odd jump, ignoring the early digital era (1980s-1990s) which also saw many different tools from Apple cards to Brain, wikis and Tinderbox, Xanadu even before that.

    1. You don’t connect notes as the pinnacle achievement in dealing with knowledge (or at least should not, because it is an insult to your potential). You should go way deeper. To make sure that you go as deep as you can, you should try to actually create something. Create (knowledge) tools you want to use. If you process a book, an article or whatever, ask yourself what tools you (or perhaps your clients) need. Then you marry the two concepts, Depth of Processing and Value Creation, properly. The depth is the necessary condition to create something valuable. You notice if you hit the threshold of proper depth of processing when you have created something of value.

      List/explore this in [[Maak machientjes in je PKM 20230304092406]]

  17. Aug 2023
    1. Marco over Tiago's boek. Vind de vele nieuwe acroniemen voor methoden en taktiekjes die al heel oud zijn onnodig, en mis het historisch besef bij Forte (en Milo et al). Vgl [[Transcript digitale fitheid Tiago Forte]]. en [[BASB Building a second brain 20200929164524]]

    1. Sortes Vergilianae: taking random quotes from Vergilius and interpret their meaning either as prediction or as advice. The latter as a trigger for self reflection makes it a #leeswijze #reading manner that is non-linear

      Vgl. [[Skillful reading is generally non-linear 20210303154148]]

      St. Antonius (of Egypt, 3rd century) is said to have read the bible this way (sortes sanctorum it's called if you use it for divination), and Augustinus followed that thus picking up Paul's letter to the Romans and getting converted in the 4th century.

      Is this ripping up of the text into isolated paragraphs to access and read a text an early input into commonplace books and florilegia? As a gathering of such things?

      Mentioned in [[Information edited by Ann Blair]] in lemma 'Readers' p730.

    1. [[Information edited by Ann Blair]] bought #2023/08/19 in Groningen at Godert Walter

    1. It should be trivially easy to create a new Activity, and it ought to be possible to create such a workspace even when you’re part-way into already doing the thing. This is a common, frequent need: While working on something (or playing games, reading news,…) I get an email/call from a contact wherein they ask me for some insight into how I might be able to help them. My context has switched, though my PC doesn’t know it yet. I send them an email, some links, documents and so on, some to-and-fro happens via several channels, and suddenly I find myself in the midst of a new Acivity that already has some history. I need a way to hotkey a new Project and say to it, “And include these existing artefacts, the links between them, and their history and provenance.”

      One is usually not aware of a new project (as a set of activities) starting, only some time after you have started do you realise it is a project. Meaning that 'starting' a project in your (pkm) system, always includes a bit of existing history. Starting templates / sequences (like making folder structures etc) should incorporate that existing brief history.

      I recognise this, but this description also seems to assume that a project starts in a sort-of vacuum without pre-existing context and notes, until you creat the first few steps before realising it is indeed a project. Having an established note making routine (day logs, etc whatever) means projects are emergent out of ongoing activity, out of an existing ratcheting effect. Vgl [[Vastklik notes als ratchet zonder terugval 20220302102702]] Meaning you can always point back to existing notes, tracing the evolution of something into a project. That can be covered by a few pointers/fields/tags in a new project's template.

    1. Nieuws kwam tot ons via een combinatie van kranten, bladen en radio of tv. Papieren media hadden het te doen met beperkte fysieke ruimte omdat papier geld kost, ook iets weegt en meer papier is ook nog duurder te vervoeren. Bij radio- en tv-zenders was het niet anders door beperkte tijd, een beperkt aantal kanalen en zeer hoge kosten. Dus een redactie maakte een beperkte selectie voor ons: een filter.Ook informatie-uitwisseling onderling ging per post en ook dat was bewerkelijk en bepaald niet gratis. Iets dergelijks gold eigenlijk voor alle vormen van informatie die tot ons kwam.En sinds een tijdje worden die filters minder belangrijk of ze verdwijnen compleet. Het zelf massaal verspreiden van (nep-)nieuws en andere informatie kost niets meer, dus iedereen kan iedereen onbeperkt bekogelen met extreme hoeveelheden informatie.In veel gevallen is er geen enkel filter meer op die toestroom van informatie. En al is dat filter er wel, dan moet je dat zelf maar zien in te stellen. Of, nog erger, het filter is er, maar functioneert niet in jouw belang en is daarmee onbetrouwbaar

      info filters niet meer ingebouwd in het systeem; dat moeten we nu zelf zien te creëeren, of deze worden anders voor ons gemaakt (zie bijvoorbeeld algoritmes, enzo)

  18. Jun 2023
  19. May 2023
    1. Chatti notes that Connectivism misses some concepts, which are crucial for learning, such as reflection, learning from failures, error detection and correction, and inquiry. He introduces the Learning as a Network (LaaN) theory which builds upon connectivism, complexity theory, and double-loop learning. LaaN starts from the learner and views learning as the continuous creation of a personal knowledge network (PKN).[18]

      Learning as a Network LaaN and Personal Knowledge Network PKN , do these labels give me anything new?

      Mohamed Amine Chatti: The LaaN Theory. In: Personalization in Technology Enhanced Learning: A Social Software Perspective. Aachen, Germany: Shaker Verlag, 2010, pp. 19-42. http://mohamedaminechatti.blogspot.de/2013/01/the-laan-theory.html I've followed Chatti's blog in the past I think. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Amine Chatti is professor of computer science and head of the Social Computing Group in the Department of Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen. (did his PhD at RWTH in 2010, which is presumably how I came across him, through Ralf Klamma)

    1. I have decided that the most efficient way to develop a note taking system isn’t to start at the beginning, but to start at the end. What this means, is simply to think about what the notes are going to be used for

      yes. Me: re-usable insights from project work, exploring defined fields of interest to see adjacent topics I may move into or parts to currently focus on, blogposts on same, see evolutionary patterns in my stuff.

      Btw need to find a diff term than output, too much productivity overtones. life isn't 'output', it's lived.

    2. seriously considering moving my research into a different app, or vault to keep it segregated from the slip box

      ? the notes are the research/learning, no? Not only a residue of it. Is this a mix-up between the old stock and flow disc in (P)KM and the sense it needs to be one or the other? Both! That allows dancing with it.

    1. One alternate approach is to start with our own curated datasets we trust. These could be repositories of published scientific papers, our own personal notes, or public databases like Wikipedia.We can then run many small specialised model tasks over them.

      Yes, if I could run my own notes of 3 decades or so on an LLM locally (where it doesn't feed the general model), that I would do instantly.

    2. It’s difficult to find people who are being sincere, seeking coherence, and building collective knowledge in public.While I understand that not everyone wants to engage in these activities on the web all the time, some people just want to dance on TikTok, and that’s fine!However, I’m interested in enabling productive discourse and community building on at least some parts of the web. I imagine that others here feel the same way.Rather than being a primarily threatening and inhuman place where nothing is taken in good faith.

      Personal websites like mine since mid 90s fit this. #openvraag what incentives are there actually for people now to start their own site for online interaction, if you 'grew up' in the silos? My team is largely not on-line at all, they use services but don't interact outside their own circles.

  20. Mar 2023
  21. Feb 2023
    1. He didn’t just put his notes anywhere, but rather, in a place that made sense at the time, near something related, even if this was not the only or even best place for the note to go in the long term. Again, this difficulty of there being no one, best place for a particular note was addressed through the use of cross-links between notes, making it so that any given note could "exist" in more than one spot.

      Folgezettel are per the linked https://web.archive.org/web/20220125173712/https://omxi.se/2015-06-21-living-with-a-zettelkasten.html posting also a way to create some sort of initial overview in a physical system. In digital systems network maps serve a similar purpose as initial overview to be able to start with something. The outline Lawson mentions as origin is a thing in itself to me, esp as the connections / place in a system of a note can be reconsidered over time. Physical placement is by def a compromise, the question if it is a constraint that has a creative effect?

    2. hough I don’t know for certain, it seems possible that his system is a hybrid of the outlining method from law and the notecard method from history and sociology. The use of copious cross-links between the individual notes stems from his particular project of synthesizing knowledge from multiple disciplines, thus making it difficult to ever place most cards in one and only one spot in the ever-growing outline.

      presumption: L's Folgezettel are a combination of outlining (as common in US maybe not German law edu) and the note cards used in sociology. Cross linking as a way to escape forced categorisation into exclusive buckets. Is there also in cross linking an element perhaps of escaping established idiom while building new (fields) of knowledge? (Vgl. Richard Rorty's struggle when forced to explain pragmatism in the language of Platonic dilemma's. [[Taal als zicht beperkend element 20031104104523]] )

    3. Luhmann’s particular implementation of zettelkasten method should not necessarily be seen as a universal model for all knowledge work because his implementation was tailored to his own project and research questions–i.e. the production of big social theory by drawing on disparate literatures from many disciplines.

      Yes. Any pkm system or method is (or should be) tailored to one's own needs. Vgl [[% Interessevelden 20200523102304]] as [[Macroscope 20090702120700]]

    1. Here is the template I use for any Zettelkasten-related note:<%*const fileName = await tp.system.prompt("File Name");const fileType = await tp.system.suggester(["🌱", "🌿", "🌞", "🌲", "🧒", "🗺️"], ["seed", "fern", "incubating", "evergreen", "orphan", "moc"]);await tp.file.rename(fileName)let filePath = "100 Zettelkasten/"+fileNamelet mocQuery = ""switch (fileType) { case 'moc': filePath = "100 Zettelkasten/120 MOC/"+fileName mocQuery = '```dataview\nLIST\nFROM "100 Zettelkasten"\nWHERE contains(Topics,[['+fileName+']])\n```' break; case 'seed': filePath = "100 Zettelkasten/110 Zettelkasten Inbox/"+fileName break; }await tp.file.move(filePath)%>---aliases: tags: zettelkasten/<% fileType %>---Topics:: References:: # <% fileName %>---<% mocQuery %>

      An interesting bit of code that could let me have a single template to create a note or a project or a MOC. I could replace 3 of my current templates with a single one, and reduce the number of special hotkeys too.

    1. 「跨时距传递 」(What is difficult is not transferring content from place to place, but transferring it through time.)







  22. Jan 2023
    1. You’re not going to have a clear picture at the start. So start with a fuzzy one

      This sounds like what I call soft-focusing. Some years ago I let go of being strict with myself, and stopped having defined goals in favor of course/directions and a vaguer sense of the destination. I also started soft-focusing my inputs (if there's a connection to my running list of interests connected to my sense of direction it qualifies), and am now trying to soft-focus my outputs. Not blogpost / project A or deliverable B as I would earlier, but more emergent. Then when I have task / creative thing to do, I use it to formulate questions to my notes and see what comes up. This evolved from doing the same in conversations with clients and colleagues where the value of that and resulting associations was clearly visible.

    1. Here I’ve summarized Christian Tietze’s process, which I’m presently adopting / adapting:

      Andy is Adapting the approach of zettelkasten writer Christian Tietze

    2. You need to take a step back and form a picture of the overall structure of the ideas. Concretely, you might do that by clustering your scraps into piles and observing the structure that emerges. Or you might sketch a mind map or a visual outline.

      Andy suggests taking a step back and clustering annotations into piles or using a mind map or visualisations to identify common themes.

      I wonder if this is a bit overkill for the number of notes I tend to take or a sign that I'm not taking enough notes?

      What tools are out there that could integrate with my stack and help me do this.

    1. Note taking tools I’ve been keeping notes in systems like OneNote and Evernote for ages, but for my memory-related research and work 17 in combination with my commonplace book for the last year, I’ve been alternately using TiddlyWiki (with TiddlyBlink) and WordPress (it’s way more than a blog.) I’ve also dabbled significantly enough with related systems like Roam Research, Obsidian, Org mode/Org Roam, MediaWiki, DocuWiki, and many others to know what I’m looking for. Many of these, particularly those that can be used alternately as commonplace books and zettelkasten 9 appeal to me greatly when they include the idea of backlinks. (I’ve been using Webmention 19 to leverage that functionality in WordPress settings, and MediaWiki gives it grudgingly with the “what links to this page” basic functionality that can be leveraged into better transclusion if necessary.) The major problem with most note taking tools The final remaining problem I’ve found with almost all of these platforms is being able to quickly and easily get data into them so that I can work with or manipulate it. For me the worst part of note taking is the actual taking of notes. Once I’ve got them, I can do some generally useful things with them—it’s literally the physical method of getting data from a web page, book, or other platform into the actual digital notebook that is the most painful, mindless, and useless thing for me.

      conscise summary - backlinking as crucial factor

  23. Dec 2022
    1. Positive fantasies allow you to indulge in the desired future mentally…You can taste the sensations of what it’s like to achieve your goal in the present — this depletes your energy to pursue your desired future.

      It's easy to get caught up fantasising about what you could achieve rather than actually taking action to achieve it.

    1. They also do not fall into the limits of what is obvious because we must cross the border between the one who takes note and the slip box itself. Every new entry can of course become isolated, like with the key word “Picasso” for the Picasso exhibition. If, however, we seek communication with the slip box, we must seek internal possibilities for linkings which result in the unexpected (i.e. information).

      Estas preguntas sobre las nuevas posibilidades del archivo algorímico pasan por su intervención a partir de visualizaciones, búsquedas y otros algoritmos o emergencias.

      Hay un diseñador (cuyo nombre no recuerdo, aunque está en mis notas de Telegram), que propone una manera de revisar las notas propias a partir de una aleatoriedad en forma de Oráculo, que propone nuevas conexiones "detonantes" (aleatorias más que relacionadas) a partir de lo previo en la medida en que se toman notas nuevas. Que la toma de nuevas notas sea así una manera de crear conexiones inesperadas. Algo similar ocurre cuando al agregar nuevas etiquetas a las notas que ya tenemos, se nos sugieren las etiquetas que ya están, haciendo que esa catalogación emergente conecte entre lecturas y notas, más que dentro de un mismo texto.

    1. It’s always worth gathering information, nurturing other projects, and putting together some backup plans. You’ll need to define what success means to you for each of them, because you won’t make overnight progress; instead, you’re best served picking projects that you can learn critical lessons from, even if you fail

      It's interesting because this way of thinking is eminently compatible with the zettelkasten way of thinking e.g. don't necessarily set out with a hypothesis in mind that you're trying to prove but rather explore until something interesting emerges.

  24. Nov 2022
    1. Annotations are the first step of getting useful insights into my notes. This makes it a prerequisite to be able to capture annotations in my note making tool Obsidian, otherwise Hypothes.is is just another silo you’re wasting time on. Luckily h. isn’t meant as a silo and has an API. Using the API and the Hypothes.is-to-Obsidian plugin all my annotations are available to me locally.

      This is key - exporting annotations via the API to either public commonplace books (Chris A Style) or to a private knowledge store seems to be pretty common.

    2. In the same category of integrating h. into my pkm workflows, falls the interaction between h. and Zotero, especially now that Zotero has its own storage of annotations of PDFs in my library. It might be of interest to be able to share those annotations, for a more complete overview of what I’m annotating. Either directly from Zotero, or by way of my notes in Obsidian (Zotero annotatins end up there in the end)

      I've been thinking about this exact same flow. Given that I'm mostly annotating scientific papers I got from open access journals I was wondering whether there might be some way to syndicate my zotero annotations back to h via a script.

    1. Whatever your thing is, make the thing you wish you had found when you were learning. Don’t judge your results by “claps” or retweets or stars or upvotes - just talk to yourself from 3 months ago

      Completely agree, this is a great intrinsic metric to measure the success of your work by.

    2. a habit of creating learning exhaust:

      not sure I love the metaphor but I can definitely see the advantages of leaving your learnings "out there" for others to see and benefit from

  25. Oct 2022
    1. often say that my PKM approach is technology-neutral. I do not promote one tool about another. I share my top tools but do not ask others to use them. But it seems I do have a chosen technology — the blog.

      Practice informs tool choice, tools do influence practice in return, and can become 'favourites' temporarily as exploration, but also long term. Here I'd say Harold's blogging is a practice more than a technology.

    2. My understanding of PKM began in 2004 with Lilia Efimova’s blogging of her journey through her doctoral dissertation on personal knowledge management entitled  — Personal productivity in a knowledge intensive environment: A weblog case. So I came to PKM through my blog, Lilia’s blog, and the blogs of the researchers she was observing

      I first encountered PKM in the form of Mick Cope's book Know Your Value, Value What You Know, which did little in terms of system for me, but helped cement setting the individual as key element in KM. That was the summer of 2000. Before that I had read Sveiby's New Organisation Wealth (first published 1997, read it in 2000), which wasn't about PKM, but still put the individual knowledge worker very much at the center of how KM evolves and why it is needed. For me PKM and KM were largely the same thing, with KM the aggregate over an organisation of the PKM of its people. In 2001 I joined KnowledgeBoard where I met Lilia, David Gurteen, Johnnie Moore, and many others active in this field. They reinforced the P in KM for me. It led me to blogging in nov 2002, after publishing an essay on KBoard about trust's role in KM, which very much centered on the P and relationships. In nov 2004 I co-org'd a PKM workshop at KM Europe, together with Lilia and Piers.

    3. I concluded that PKM is bullshit only when it is technology-centric, and not a set of processes, individually constructed, to help each of us make sense of our world and work more effectively.

      PKM is defined by the P, not by the tools for M. This means an individual system aimed at what is of import to its user. In that system processes and methods come first, then tools. Although all tools in return influence the system. It's an artisanal perspective on tools: to be informed and shaped by the artisan's intent and experience, plus the experience gained of using the tool.

    4. This was when I came across the concept of PKM. It was a framework to connect with other professionals and make sense of our digitally connected world. I embraced it, especially as the financial cost was low.

      I probably follow Harold's blog since then too. I remember Lilia and Harold interacted about PKM early on, and Lilia I and others organised a PKM workshop at KM Europe in Nov 2004. That came out of conversations on Knowledge Board, then a EU funded KM network of learning. KB based conversation was also what led me to blogging from Nov 2002.

    5. PKM is coming full circle to be a framework for people to connect and make sense without jumping on airplanes and convening in fancy conference ballrooms. It’s using digital networks for people to understand people. PKM takes time and effort but not endless hours in airports, airplanes, taxis, and conference rooms. I embrace th

      I agree, it's all about the interaction and digital makes that easier, richer and ever more powerful. Reading that paragraph I also realise that my own practical interpretation is simultaneously one more of private knowledge management, rather than personal embedded in my network. Am happy to share my pkm practices, am happy to share most of the material I process in my pkm system, but the core of it feels private, perhaps due to seeing it as fragile still / less robust types of insights?

    1. Being the architect of her own intellectual journey led her to create Sane

      This sounds very PKM-ish, and the type of thing the IndieWeb community sees as starting point for the creation of independent webtools. Personal software that may be of interest to more users than yourself.

    1. useful in that it will catch readers up with the current state of the literature in extended cognition, looking at discussions of extended perception, belief and memory

      Downloaded the paper to Zotero

      I'm mostly interested in the current thinking about the role of the external environment in extended congition. Offloading K to our environment is extremely old, and digital PKM takes it on faith. At the same time personal experience suggests interplay with what I offload is also key. Sveiby saw external structure as the next component after PKM, for KM. The better I remember what I offloaded and how/why the more useful it is to work with the offloaded stuff.

  26. Sep 2022
    1. How is it possible to memorized every single Vim command, how can we, for example, delete two words? Well, we want to delete, two, words. We have delete as a verb, word as a subject and two as a movement. It’s so easy as positioning our cursor behind the first word we want to delete, and in normal mode type d2w. Is it really that easy? what does that mean? Literally delete two words. That’s how vim commands work. How can we change a word? cw (Change Word), delete an entire paragraph? dip (Delete Inside Paragraph), change the content of a quoted text? ci" (Change Inside “). We could spend the entire day listing example, but you get the point.

      verb-movement-subject. This really hits me home. This I get. Very interesting to try and learn.

    2. what’s the philosophy behind modal editing? We can summarize it in a few lines, but I’ll probably forget something. Optimize the use of the keyboard. Minimize the distance our hand travels from what we call the home row. This is our keyboard’s main row, in which our hand normally rests. Make use of modes (this is where modal editing comes from), that change the behaviour of the different keys in our keyboard so we can make use of the specific functions our text editor gives us. Understand that, either writing or programming, we actually spend more time editing text than adding it, and for that reason the optimization of it should be prioritized. Reduce the amount of repetitive actions we perform. For this, modal editors give us macros, that really facilitates this matter.

      I like this way of thinking and I understand the philosophy. Although I don't quite agree with the line "we actually spend more time editing text than adding it". As a writer, I spend a lot of my time actually creating new texts. But I like to optimize the use of keyboard and minimize hand travels.

    3. If you’re reading this it’s because you’re interested in learning about a concept that’s not common or you want to know what all this is about

      That's a better way to approach various notetaking philosophies than the "mine is better than yours"

    1. Essentially: * Top - structures of structures (of notes) * Middle - structures of notes (indexes) * Bottom - notes/content

  27. Aug 2022
    1. In short, a zettelkasten is not a life operating system. LYT is. Though a zettelkasten can include notes on literally any subject a person has an interest in, these notes are intended to yield something tangible. LYT is not bound by output, and thus includes more. People, projects, calendars, ephemera, the stuff we manage in our day-to-day lives, all of it can have a place in LYT. So, while both methodologies deal with the same "stuff"—knowledge—and both engage notes as their primary units for knowledge exploration, each has a different expectation as to what should be done with it all.

      Author posits ZK is for writing, Milo's type of stuff not aimed at output but at 'progressing' in multiple ways. I'd assumed that would be clear to all. Any (p)km is geared towards action, or at least towards increased ability to act. It's rarely the aimed for ability is just academic written output. My pkm has always contained a 'get stuff done' component as well as a 'conceptual stuff' component. My ZK so you will is a trio (Notions, Notes, Ideas) of folders of networked elements inside a more hierarchically oriented larger set of folders (GTD like) to keep moving forward on everything I'm involved in. I've at times wondered what Luhmann did to manage his academic work, in terms of notes. Is there another kartei somewhere? It's one thing to write a lot, another to get it published / organise academic life.

    1. “Deconstruction creates knowledge. Recombination creates value.”

      This is the 2 sentence description of Zettelkasten.

  28. Jul 2022
  29. May 2022
    1. If overused, “Progressive Summarization” indirectly develops habits of over-collecting, over-summarizing, and under-thinking.

      side-effect of progressive summarisation

  30. Apr 2022
    1. story begins with Konrad Gessner, a sixteenth-century Swiss polymath who described a new method of processing data: to cut up a sheet of handwritten notes into slips of paper, with one fact or topic per slip, and arrange as desired.

      Origin of Atomic notes (zettels) Konrad Gessner

    1. main principles that I apply from GTD:Capture everything that is relevant: what I’ve explained above and also the mindmap that I always carry around with meReview the notes a first time and decide what is actionable2 minute rule: if it takes less that 2 minutes, do it immediately; otherwise, delegate what can be (see Management 3.0 delegation guidelines)Put reminders for important tasks / tasks where there’s a strict deadlineReview the backlog regularly enough to update/prioritize and decide what to do nextJUST DO IT

      main principles of modified GTD

  31. Mar 2022
    1. This quote from G.R.R. Martin, the author of A Song of Ice and Fire and other novels, offers a good illustration of the key difference between Roam and Notion: “I think there are two types of writers, the architects and the gardeners. The architects plan everything ahead of time, like an architect building a house. They know how many rooms are going to be in the house, what kind of roof they’re going to have, where the wires are going to run, what kind of plumbing there’s going to be. They have the whole thing designed and blueprinted out before they even nail the first board up. The gardeners dig a hole, drop in a seed and water it. They kind of know what seed it is, they know if planted a fantasy seed or mystery seed or whatever. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they don’t know how many branches it’s going to have, they find out as it grows. And I’m much more a gardener than an architect.”

      A good way to think about Roam vs. Notion.

      Notion is more for the "architects" and Roam is better suited for the "gardeners."

      The thing is, we ALL have parts of our life that require precision and parts where we need creativity. Both tools might be used successfully.

  32. Feb 2022
    1. the systems theory is the 00:00:38 study of systems i.e cohesive groups of interrelated interdependent parts that can be natural or human made every system is bounded by space and time influenced by its environment defined by 00:00:51 its structure and purpose and expressed through its functioning

      What is Systems Theory - how i relate it to note taking

  33. Dec 2021
    1. second step is 00:00:51 to connect and you will connect the things that you capture to the existing knowledge all the things that could be useful in the future so you connect backwards and you connect forward or you 00:01:03 can even connect upward to the area or the topic that are interesting to you and those would be recorded in hub notes so hub notes are like the entry points of your knowledge management system so 00:01:17 it will be the list of the things that are interesting to you the topics that you would like to research

      Hub notes

      • i have to change all my 700 Sources Ref notes into hub notes
  34. Oct 2021
    1. Synthesis is about describing a clear idea that can be represented in a (atomic) succinct note, with supporting evidence as applicable.

      At the moment, I guess I’m currently doing this in Drafts, but without any real rigour. What I’ve intended to do is host my atomic notes in iThoughts. But maybe this is part of my system that needs closer attention. Maybe there’s legitimate cause for another tool in the stack? Or maybe this just calls for another workspace? I think this is the space I wanted Project Meta to fill…

  35. Jul 2021
    1. Feature Idea: Chaos Monkey for PKM

      This idea is a bit on the extreme side, but it does suggest that having a multi-card comparison view in a PKM system would be useful.

      Drawing on Raymond Llull's combitorial memory system from the 12th century and a bit of Herman Ebbinghaus' spaced repetition (though this is also seen in earlier non-literate cultures), one could present two (or more) random atomic notes together as a way of juxtaposing disparate ideas from one's notes.

      The spaced repetition of the cards would be helpful for one's long term memory of the ideas, but it could also have the secondary effect of nudging one to potentially find links or connections between the two ideas and help to spur creativity for the generation of new hybrid ideas or connection to other current ideas based on a person's changed context.

      I've thought about this in the past (most likely while reading Frances Yates' Art of Memory), but don't think I've bothered to write it down (or it's hiding in untranscribed marginalia).

  36. Mar 2021
  37. Jan 2021
  38. Sep 2020
    1. I save the things I read online, too, in a digital research library. I’ve long used Evernote to clip the full text of articles I find and gather them in various digital notebooks, separated into categories for easy reference. I can full-text search everything that I've saved over the past decade, to find the citation really quickly. The combination of my physical library and my note-taking softwares act as a kind of external brain—in other words, my memory gets me to the original source of what I’ve read by searching my notebooks, Evernote, or Pinboard.Recently I’ve been migrating this clip-taking to Pinboard, inspired by a Superorganizers post. Pinboard is much like Evernote, but allows you to tag clipped articles into multiple categories. Pinboard automatically saves a full-text version of each page you clip, so you can search and reference the text even if the website is removed or the page is no longer available. 

      Pinboard, huh? I should take a look at this.

  39. May 2020
    1. Wiki-Style creation of new pages is cool, but there is no tracking of changes. This means you can create a new page simply by referencing it right from your writing, e.g. I like [[JS]]. But should you later rename the JS page to JavaScript, any of your old reference will go awry, creating yet another new note called "JS".

      Also automatic backlinks would be really helpful, to see where references are coming from.