11 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Jan 2024
  3. Jun 2023
    1. I'm curious if anyone has ever experimented with making an online Luhmann-esque Zettelkasten using WikiMedia as their platform?

      What were the pros/cons you found for doing so?

      Have you tried other methods (index cards, Obsidian, other(s)?), and if so what affordances did MediaWiki provide or were lacking for what you were attempting to accomplish?

      Did you use transclusion functionality?

      Did you attempt to build or implement backlink functionality? Use the API or plugins for this?

      Did you build some sort of custom index (manually, programatically, other)?

      If you used it for writing, what methods did you attempt with respect to taking the smaller pieces/ideas and building them up into longer written pieces?

      Links to specific public examples are welcome here. I'll also accept links to public versions of commonplace books or similar forms which also use MediaWiki as their infrastructure.

      syndication link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/144hzn9/zettelkasten_with_mediawiki/

  4. May 2022
    1. This is all too correct. Sadly the older methods for writing, note taking, thinking, and memory have fallen by the wayside, so most literate moderns don't have the tradition most of (elite educated) Western culture has had for the past 2000+ years. The long tradition of commonplace books and their related versions including waste books, florilegium, sudelbücher, scholia, glossae, notebooks, anthologies, sylvae, table books, vade mecum, memoranda books, diaries, miscellanies, pocket books, thesauruses, etc. underlines your thesis well. The Zettelkasten, exactly like almost all of these others, is simply an iteration of the commonplace book instantiated into index card form. One of the reasons that Umberto Eco's advice on writing seems so similar to the zettelkasten method is that he was a medievalist scholar who was aware of these long traditions of writing, note taking, and memory and leveraged these for himself, though likely in a slightly different manner. Would anyone suggest that he didn't have a voluminous output or an outsized impact on society and culture? If one really wants to go crazy on the idea of backlinks and the ideas of creativity and invention, perhaps they ought to brush up on their Catalan and read some Ramon Llull? He was an 11th century philosopher and polymath who spent a lot of time not only memorizing much of his personal knowledge, but who invented combinatorial creative methods for juxtaposing his volumes of information to actively create new ideas. I guarantee no backlinking system held a match to his associative methods. Now if someone wanted to mix some mysticism into the fray, then perhaps there might be a competition... Many who are now writing so positively about Zettelkasten or backlinks are doing so in much the same way that humanist scholars like Desiderius Erasmus, Rodolphus Agricola, and Philip Melanchthon did when writing about and re-popularizing commonplace books in the 1500s. The primary difference being that the chance that they leave as lasting a legacy is much smaller. Worse many of them are crediting Luhmann for the actual invention of the Zettelkasten when his is but one instantiation on a long evolution of many note taking devices over literal millennia. I'm still waiting for folks to spend more time talking about Carl Linnaeus' revolutionary invention and use of the index card. Or John Locke's system for creating a new indexing system for commonplace books. Generally we don't talk about these innovations because their users spent more of their time using their systems to get other more important things done for their legacies. In the end, the message seems clear, anyone can be incredibly productive; most of it boils down to having some sort of system of reading, thinking, note taking, and new production and sticking with it for a while. Have a system; use your system; evolve it slowly to work well for you and the way you think and work.

  5. Apr 2022
    1. How to earn good backlinks for free 2022 afterwardsThe proven ways to earn SEO backlinks at no cost at all - No spamming No harmful software No spend a dimeWhat is backlink? Know the backlink definition from the expert. Find out backlink meaning on Semrush BlogThe proven ways to earn SEO backlinks at no cost at all. No need money to pay SEO agency. No black hat tricks and fast result. More than 300 good domains available as your target link building. To be honest, they are SEO checker, website value estimator, Whois Api sites, Alexa ranks , scam checking tools and so on. They will check and record your site (cached) for different time ranges, sometime recorded permanently and that's your backlinks (short story btw). Most of those sites are partner of Turbo SEO Reviewer network and many thanks to the founder of Turbo SEO organization, we could do more SEO troubleshoots and feel much better with your free SEO tools ;)So, copy paste these domains on your browser, insert your own domain or website onto their test box, click the URLs that link back to your website (if available) to let crawler bot know about a new page that contains your backlink, wait around 3 - 7 days, check your SEO tools dashboard, for example Semrush new backlink monitor or even you can use  your GSC as well (although slower in appearance rather than Semrush).There are several ways to create backlinks for free:1. Check  your site's SEO score on their homepage2. Give good comments properly and then add your link onto form they provide. You may post good comment such as appreciate his articles but don't spam their sites3. Contact the author if the site is not SEO checker and there is no comment box
  6. Feb 2022
    1. useful to help us gather information from your literature notes or permanent notes or see references from pleading notes


      *fleeting notes

  7. Jun 2021
    1. Extension:DynamicPageList3 suggested by:

      I'm using the DynamicPageList3 extension to show backlinks and the NamespacePreload extension to preload this in all new pages:<br>{{#dpl:<br>linksto={{FULLPAGENAME}}<br>|ordermethod = lastedit<br>|order = ascending<br>}}

      — Doug Holton (@edtechdev) June 8, 2021
      <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

      for adding [[backlinks]] to [[MediaWiki]] sites

  8. May 2021
    1. “If only I had channels in my head,” Lichtenberg had fantasized, “so as to promote domestic trade between the stockpiles of my thought! But alas, there they lie by the hundreds without being of use to one another.”

      A fascinating quote in the history of the commonplace book on it's way to becoming the Memex.

  9. Nov 2020
    1. Connected to this are Andy Matuschak’s comments about contextual backlinks bootstrapping new concepts before explicit definitions come into play.

      What Joel says here about Contextual Backlinks is that they allow you to "bootstrap" a concept (i.e. start working with it) without explicit definitions coming into play (or as Andy would say, the content is empty).

    1. Systems which display backlinks to a node permit a new behavior: you can define a new node extensionally (rather than intensionally) by simply linking to it from many other nodes—even before it has any content.

      Nodes in a knowledge management system can be defined extensionally, rather than intensionally, through their backlinks and their respective context.

    1. In such cases it is important to capture the connections radially, as it were, but at the same time also by right away recording back links in the slips that are being linked to. In this working procedure, the content that we take note of is usually also enriched

      By adding a backlink for every link we make, we are also enriching the content we are linking to.