31 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Sep 2023
  3. Sep 2021
    1. The classic SPA example is a to-do list. But, you know what? I don't like to-do lists. They make me think about all the things I have to do, many of which I don't want to do.So why don't we make a To-Don't List app? That way we can list all the things we're not going to do. Ever.
  4. Jun 2021
    1. This stuff is all rather boring or frustrating when you just want to get your app finished
    2. Handling 401s well is important for the user's experience. They won't happen often (though more often than I expected), but really do break everything if you're not careful. Getting a good authentication abstraction library for Vue or Ember or whatever you are using should help with a lot of the boring parts. You'll probably need to define some extra strategies/rules for this cookie session approach, but if it's anything like in ember-simple-auth they're so simple it feels like cheating, because the Rails app is doing all of the hard work and you just need the js part to spot a 401 and handle logging in and retrying whatever it was doing before.
  5. May 2021
    1. Building an app with all the modern best practices — code-splitting, offline support, server-rendered views with client-side hydration — is fiendishly complicated. SvelteKit does all the boring stuff for you so that you can get on with the creative part.
  6. Apr 2021
    1. I would be really proud to show it off it was "my baby", but as a player, it's incredibly boring.
    2. The gameplay (swim to treasure chests to loot them and kill sharks on your way) is basic.
    3. The movement speed is painfully slow. There's nothing to do on your way.
  7. Mar 2021
    1. A Low Bar to Entry, and then What?There is an interesting tension between making something accessible and making it boring. Lowering the barrier of entry is a good thing, but if all you do is low-bar stuff, you end up losing the people again that you managed to attract. There needs to be a path forward beyond the entry level.
  8. Feb 2021
    1. Keeping bootstrap-sass in sync with upstream changes from Bootstrap used to be an error prone and time consuming manual process. With Bootstrap 3 we have introduced a converter that automates this.
    1. We got this email from Parabo, the print shop app, and smiled. Instead of the very standard “Please confirm subscription” header text, we were greeted with a funny, whimsical hello that’s totally in their brand voice. “We really want you to want us” is a clever way to break up the usual mundane greeting, and, guess what? It totally reaffirmed why we thought we wanted to sign up for their emails in the first place.
    1. So what's the worst part? Well, if you're like most entrepreneurs, marketers, and salespeople... it's finding your potential clients' email addresses to reach them out. (Yawn... I almost fall asleep just writing about it.) You see, it's boring and time-consuming, you wish you could skip this part and go straight to the sales process.
  9. Nov 2020
  10. May 2020
    1. Use tools in preference to unskilled help to lighten a programming task, even if you have to detour to build the tools and expect to throw some of them out after you've finished using them.
  11. Apr 2020
    1. no need to learn a new framework it's just Ruby's syntax + new methods and actually that's one of the reasons Google invented a simple and stupid language called Golang instead of a magical one to prevent developers from doing magic and just shipping features instead of playing with DSLs.
    1. minitest doesn't reinvent anything that ruby already provides, like: classes, modules, inheritance, methods. This means you only have to learn ruby to use minitest and all of your regular OO practices like extract-method refactorings still apply.
  12. Mar 2020
  13. Feb 2020
    1. Use the simplest and most boring solution for a problem, and remember that “boring” should not be conflated with “bad” or “technical debt.” The speed of innovation for our organization and product is constrained by the total complexity we have added so far, so every little reduction in complexity helps. Don’t pick an interesting technology just to make your work more fun; using established, popular tech will ensure a more stable and more familiar experience for you and other contributors.
  14. Mar 2019
    1. For years now, Bret Easton Ellis has been accused of being a racist and a misogynist, and I think these things are true; but like most things that are true of Bret Easton Ellis, they are also very boring.

      This is brilliant.

  15. Nov 2017
  16. Sep 2017
    1. a reading group is a common activity amongresearch labs. The purpose of a reading group is to stay on topof newly published research in a specific field. In most formats,one student is selected to present a research paper to the restof the group. Most reading group formats meet weekly from30 minutes to an hour.
  17. May 2017
    1. The FAQ laid out a detailed seven-step plan for tunneling faster, but also addressed the big dirty concern of digging underground. The answer, according to the Boring Company team, is to make bricks.

      Sounds like a good plan!