18 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2023
  2. Nov 2022
    1. From the beginning I found myself deeply challenged and stuck — freaked out by the blank page. So I started to use my skills as a filmmaker. I note-carded it. I had the notes above my computer, and I got to do a little “X” when I finished the draft of a chapter; it was this really satisfying moment.

      Erin Lee Carr talks about using index cards to write a book about her father, but her practice sounds more like index cards with headings as a means of structuring a story and not actually writing the entire work out on cards.

    2. “Don’t buy into your myth.”

      Stanley Meyer always said, "Don't believe your own publicity."

    3. <small><cite class='h-cite via'> <span class='p-author h-card'>Billy Oppenheimer</span> in The Notecard System: Capture, Organize, and Use Everything You Read, Watch, and Listen To (<time class='dt-published'>11/03/2022 16:53:44</time>)</cite></small>

  3. Mar 2022
    1. Engine-assisted search in itself is not a fragmenting, decontextualizing, shallowing force. Again, I reject the simple deterministic answer that the machine’s affordances inevitably control the way we use the mechanism. Shallow inquiry—the uninformed way in which many people use search engines to find answers—is the deeper problem, and one that can be rem-edied culturally. Just as the ancient arts of rhetoric taught citizens how to construct and weigh arguments, a mindful rhetoric of digital search would concentrate attention on the process of inquiry—the kinds of questions people turn into initial search queries, and the kinds of further questions that can deepen their search.
      1. Stalder: Algorithmizität - eine Eigenschaft der Kultur der Digitalität - Wir brauchen Algorithmen (z.B. Suchmaschinen), die die schieren Datenmengen vorsortieren.
      2. Latour/Callon: Handlungsprogramme. Algorithmen sind recht eindeutig Handlungsprogramme technischer Natur. Aber eben nur auf den ersten Blick sind sie ausschließlich das. Sie lassen sich genauer und für den hier interessanten Fokus als techno-soziale Handlungsprogramme beschreiben, die wenn sie auf einen wie Rheingold sagt uninformed way der Suchmaschinennutzung treffen eben dominante Handlungsprogramme werden. Hier trifft also Carrs Furcht teilweise zu. In terms of ANT kann und muss man jedoch sagen und fragen: Welche konkurrierenden Handlungsprogramme brauchen, wollen und können wir erdenken (wie die Rhetorik der Antike den Bürger lehrte, Argumente zu konstruieren und abzuwägen), die die techno-sozialen Handlungsprogramme der Algorithmen nicht die alleinigen oder die für Nutzer:innen der letzten blinden Programme sein lassen. Und jetzt der ANT hint für die Lösung dieses Problems auf erstmal abstrakt-theoretischer Ebene: Wir müssen uns auf die Übersetzungsprozesse konzentrieren, in denen eben jene oben genannten Handlungsprogramme unterschiedlicher Provenienz mal so mal so dominant sind. Wollen wir also lernen, wie ein achtsamer Umgang mit digitalen Medien gelingen kann, so sind unsere Augen, unsere Tastaturen, unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die Expert:innen zu richten. Auf jene, die unterschiedliche Formen von gelingender Praxis in einer Kultur der Digitalität ständig wieder erschaffen.

      Bspw für eine Einleitung, in dem oben geschriebenen zeigt sich nämlich ein crucial point der Wahl von ANT, Stalder, Rheingold: Die ANT hilft mit ihrem offen gehaltenen Vokabular die von Rheingold im Kontext von Stalders Theorie beschriebenen (er selbst macht das nicht, ich lese das so) tatsächlichen Phänomene aus der Welt herauszugreifen und dem gezielten und breiten Reflexionsprozess zugänglich zu machen. Weitergehend kann in Anknüpfung daran qualitativ oder auch quantitativ geforscht werden. Die Stränge akademischer Diskussion, die sich an diesen Zugriff reihen stehen außerdem nicht im Widerstreit o.ä. zu jenen denkbaren Strängen des nicht- bzw. post-akademischen Diskurses, der (auch) ein Kennzeichen digitaler Kultur, nämlich von many-to-many Kommunikation ist.

  4. Jul 2021
    1. Carr’s argument is something I resisted for a long time, but his main assertion — that the tools we use to think shape how we think — is hard to ignore.

      While this may be Nicholas Carr's statement, it's actually pre-dated significantly by Marshall McLuhann

  5. Jun 2021
    1. Nicholas Carr is the author of The Shallows and The Glass Cage: Automation and Us. He has written for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Wired.

      This author bio had to have been modified after the publication of this article as The Shallows came out in 2010. I have to suspect that a lot of what appears here was early work and research that heavily influenced his subsequent book.

      I remember discussing portions of it with P.M. Forni in preparation of his own book The Thinking Life.

    2. The idea that our minds should operate as high-speed data-processing machines is not only built into the workings of the Internet, it is the network’s reigning business model as well. The faster we surf across the Web—the more links we click and pages we view—the more opportunities Google and other companies gain to collect information about us and to feed us advertisements. Most of the proprietors of the commercial Internet have a financial stake in collecting the crumbs of data we leave behind as we flit from link to link—the more crumbs, the better. The last thing these companies want is to encourage leisurely reading or slow, concentrated thought. It’s in their economic interest to drive us to distraction.

      Here it is in July 2008, Nicholas Carr has essentially specified and created a small warning bell about the surveillance capitalism we've been experiencing for the past 13 years. He's also put a bright yellow highlight on the method by which they would do it.

      What are other early surveillance capitalism warning sources from this period?

  6. Apr 2020
    1. David could be a terror when you got it wrong, but when you got it right—when you wrote something that made him smile—he’d make you feel like you’d hung the moon. I can remember coming to his office after closing a piece on day laborers and him looking at me and saying, “I was just talking about how fucking great your piece was this week.” I was a kid who had never felt like he’d done anything great for anyone. And it was only when working for David that I came to understand that I might actually be “good” (to say nothing of great) at anything. Part of that realization wasn’t just in what David said about my own work, but where he set the bar. David would bring in writers from Vanity Fair to hold workshops with the staff. He’d introduce me to journalists who were doing incredible work. He’d clip articles from the New Yorker or Esquire and leave them on my desk with a note attached: “This is the level of work I expect of you.”
  7. Jan 2017
    1. ace of the mass anti-Japanese hysteria of the day, critics maligned Governor Carr bitterly as a "Jap lover," even within his own state. (9) A loss in his 1942 bid for a U.S. Senate seat rang the death knell for Carr's promising political future on the national stage. Thereafter, even the name of this man of principle has been mostly obliterated from the memory of both the general populace and the political circuit.

      after his attempt to stand up for Japanese-Americans he people started thinking of him as a bitterly "Jap Lover" which faded to a loss for US senate and the thought became very unpopular.

    2. "one cannot test the degree of a man's affection for his fellows or his country by the birthplace of his grandfather!" He declared that "I am dedicated to the proposition that the Constitution must operate and function in time of war just as it does in time of peace," and insisted that "if we do not protect and preserve the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for all men today, it will not serve as a protection for any man six months from now." (8)

      Quote from Ralph Carr and crucial info

    3. Carr was elected the governor of Colorado in 1939 and served two terms through 1943.

      when Carr was serving his term as a governor from 1939-1943

  8. Jul 2015
    1. For those who think Google is making us stupid

      Image Description

      Namely Nicholas Carr, who wrote an oft-cited Atlantic article entitled "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" to which the author answers "yes," concluding:

      ...As we come to rely on computers to mediate our understanding of the world, it is our own intelligence that flattens into artificial intelligence.