5 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
  2. Aug 2023
    1. others have demonstrated, for instance, Professors Haidt and Keltner, have told us that people feel small but connected to the world. And their prosocial behavior increases, because they feel an increased affinity towards others. And we've also shown in this study that people have less need for cognitive control. They're more comfortable with uncertainty without having closure.
      • for: awe experiments
      • Haidt and Keltner experimental results
        • more prosocial
        • less need to be in control
        • more comfortable with uncertainty
  3. Feb 2019
    1. reasoning was not enough

      This is a pretty lie that we like to tell ourselves, that reasoning and logic are what we allow to guide our choices and actions. Cf. Haidt's The Righteous Mind, where he argues that our gut responses (those not based on logic) come first and reason/rationalizations come second.

  4. Sep 2018