16 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Jul 2022
    1. or this reason, that the matter of the Diamond touches them both nearly. How hard I try to get on with my statement without stopping by the way, and how badly I succeed! But, there!–Persons and Things do turn up so vexatiously in this life, and will in a manner insist on being noticed.

      It seems like most characters in the novel will be introduced in this way by Gabriel Betteredge. Given that the novel is epistolary, there will likely be other narrators with different perspectives on the same characters. I wonder how those differences will impact the development of the mystery and the suspense for the reader.

  3. Nov 2020
    1. Nur an ein Medium wie einen Roman, einen Spielfilm oder einen Comic gebunden kann eine Erzählung räumliche und zeitliche Grenzen überschreiten

      wie wird eig. Erzähler in Comics konstruiert?..

  4. Oct 2020
    1. We followed him along the corridor. We followed him down the stairs. We followed him along the second corridor. He never looked back; he never hesitated.

      I think that this little paragraph exhibits what stands out most about Ezra Jennings' writing. Compared to the other narrators, he is extremely matter-of-fact and easy to follow, and he doesn't go off on major tangents. His sentences are usually very short and his language is pretty simple. I like that he tells us what we need to know really concisely while still making it entertaining and occasionally humorous. He's for sure one of my top narrators.

    2. A time was settled between us for paying the money back; and when the time came, I found it (as thousands of other honest men have found it) impossible to keep my engagement.

      As I'm reading Franklin's narrative, he seems so put together that I keep forgetting about this aspect of his character. The way that he attempts to absolve himself of blame here, by brushing aside the matter entirely and even equating it with "honest men", emphasizes the degree to which he doesn't see his tendency to amass debts he can't pay as an issue, or, it would seem, as a priority to change. I think that this emphasizes the degree to which all of these characters have different concerns and moral systems. What would be a major fault of Franklin's in another narrator's section is able to be thrown away in a quick aside in his own.

    3. my own name

      I find it so interesting that Franklin chose to write "my own name" here in his explanation of what he saw instead of "Franklin Blake". Maybe this stood out to me more because in my print edition (Penguin), they format this by putting it on its own line in a different font in all caps, so that it looks like he's showing us what was actually embroidered. At risk of reading too much into this, it's almost like the impact of seeing his name there was too much for him to revisit in his writing, and that he couldn't deal with the reality of it even as he was recounting this narrative. Or, he could just be adding some drama for effect.

  5. Apr 2019
    1. Such sights and sounds were highly blissful to Mr. Parker

      Austen's narration of Sanditon is highly fragmented compared to her other novels. Chapter 4 unfolds with Charlotte as the observer of Mr. Parker's ramblings, but this particular paragraph seems to be free indirect discourse via Mr. Parker's perspective. Austen usually adheres to an interplay of narration between her heroine and the speaker (Ex. Elizabeth of Pride and Prejudice and Fanny of Mansfield Park), yet Sanditon is less defined and balances several different perspectives.

    2. Yes indeed, I am sure we do

      This exchange demonstrates the dynamics that characterize the Parker's relationship. Mr. Parker is domineering, while Mrs. Parker is passive. Austen uses their relationship to explore married life, similar to her characterization of the Gardners of Pride and Prejudice or the Westons of Emma as positive examples, and the Bennetts of Pride and Prejudice as a dysfunctional example.

    3. new buildings might soon be looked for

      The setting of Sanditon is unique from the settings usually featured in Austen. Most of her previous novels take place at large stately manors, symbolic of the wealthy and titled gentry class. Sanditon, however, is a location that is being actively developed, much like the rising middle class that is uniquely featured in Sanditon.

  6. Jul 2018
  7. course-computational-literary-analysis.netlify.com course-computational-literary-analysis.netlify.com
    1. Epilogue

      Previous narrators make a brief statement in the Epilogue. I think it looks like a curtain call of the narrators which make the reader vividly feel the emotion of narrators. I really appreciate the structure of the novel a lot and very enjoy reading it. The story is told by different narrators which do not make the novel disconnected but make the novel full of mystery.

  8. Sep 2017
    1. Charlotte knows her views and states them without ambiguity, rendering Austen’s great formal innovation, free indirect speech, notably irrelevant.

      Interesting insight. Austen's narration style becomes unnecessary, as Charlotte's language speaks for itself (pardon the pun)

  9. Apr 2017
    1. You may already provide students with your static PowerPoint presentations in the File section of your course. To make this content more engaging, you could take that same PowerPoint file and narrate the slides. It may be best to break up long slide decks into smaller files so you have shorter videos that are no longer than 10 minutes.

      This a great, little tutorial that is perfect for the Windows-using faculty who want to quickly do a narrated presentation.

  10. Oct 2013
    1. Since of narrations (besides that which we use in pleadings) we understand that there are three kinds: the fable, which is the subject of tragedies and poems, and which is remote, not merely from truth, but from the appearance of truth; the argumentum, which comedies represent and which, though false, has a resemblance to truth; and the history, in which is contained a relation of facts.

      Three types of narration: history, argumentum, and fable

    1. The narration should depict character;
    2. Slip in anything else that the judges will enjoy

      I like this line, entertain your audience.

    3. We are not to make long narrations, just as we are not to make long introductions or long arguments. Here, again, rightness does not consist either in rapidity or in conciseness, but in the happy mean; that is, in saying just so much as will make the facts plain, [1417a] or will lead the hearer to believe that the thing has happened, or that the man has caused injury or wrong to some one, or that the facts are really as important as you wish them to be thought: or the opposite facts to establish the opposite arguments.

      Narratives need to be long enough to say what you need to but not too long.