2 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. from the buddhist point of view it's about the nature of perception and conception usually our perception of the world that is to say the life that we have through our senses what is revealed through our senses is instantly merged with our conceptualization so that interpretation which is essentially the play of our imagination it's our mental activity when it gets as it were fused into the appearance
      • for: epoche, perceptual interpretation, perception - epoche, perception - bottom up sensation and top down conceptualisation, lebenswelt

      • key insight

        • Those is an important observation, namely that our ubiquitous, everyday act of perception, performed thousands of times a day is a near-instantaneous fusion of
          • sensory information and
          • conceptualising from our accumulated lebenswelt
        • in third context, Husserl's epoche or phenomenological reduction is a way to give us insight into this otherwise invisible process that normative social learning deeply conditions into us.
        • Indeed, one of the unique traits of our species is our individual and collective immersion into a virtual world of ideas, the symbolosphere.
        • The 24/7 immersion in this world would not be possible unless we institutionalised decades of education in our stake childhood years to steep use all in at m language training that forges ideas out of intention and symbols, creating the deep associations necessary for effortless meaning-making and linguistic participation as adults
  2. Sep 2021
    1. Building upon Sweeney and Rhinesmith’s approach, and bringing the conceptualizations of care [14,33,34], I propose the following framework:I define social practices as the acts of care performed by individuals and afforded by CTCs in order to promote self and community needs;Based on this study’s ethnography, I categorize social practices into three groups:Care work: the invisible work performed by the infomediaries, or any CTC worker, as described by Sweeney and Rhinesmith;Peer-to-peer care: individuals (CTC users) collaborating with each other so they can inform, take decisions, and strive towards their individual needs; andCommunity care: individuals (CTC users and infomediaries) acting collaboratively or individually in order to promote community wellbeing.It is important to emphasize that social practices also include other social acts that are not necessarily “care”, but given the interactions observed in the CTCs in the favelas, I chose an explicit care-focused lens as the basis of this framework in order to breakdown the social practices in a way that could help make a case for the importance of the CTCs beyond their ICT-focused roles.