- Oct 2017
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Close reading is basically standardized in Common Core--it's referenced in the first ELA anchor standard for reading. Hypothesis is a means to assess competency in that standard by recording, measuring, and allowing feedback on
Students working in waysthat best leverage their individual learning styles
In annotation, each student bringing their style, expertise, experience to the text with the class as a group sharing a more wholistic view of the related issues.
“What did you do? What did you observe? What did you revise as a result? How did you test your revision? What did you learn?”
Students annotating their own revisions as self-review.
electronic journals as a way to reflect on their learning and “make their thinking visible.”
This could be accomplished in annotation if Hypothesis had the concept of a 1:1 note.
Motivation and persistence. Because learning is more relevant and relationship-based, students are motivated to complete tasks and learn
Collaborative annotation can be used to scaffold self-directed learning, providing a means for a student to explore their own interests and provide evidence of that activity, and enabling teachers to monitor and interact with these knowledge pathways.
students “own” their learning
Student ownership and agency through annotation as an intellectual practice with a record.
Students encouraging and supporting eachother to work through diicult challenges
via annotation made explicit in prompt for assignment
Students constructivelycritiquing eachother’s work
via annotation
Assessment feedback focused on what students can do to improve
Hypothesis needs a 1:1 channel internal to the client. For now, the LMS app allows for this type of feedback.
no single “right answer”?
Social reading is discussion not test-driven knowledge production.
Are students required to defend and revise their work, creating multiple drafts?
The natural thinking processes of a threaded conversation in annotation with comment replies, replies to replies, etc.
Teachers talking less, students talking more
Social reading is active reading. Texts filled with student voices.
Are students constantly revising and improving their work? How often? How explicit and central is this expectation?
Annotation as final product but also as pre-writing, harvested for summative assignments.
Are students regularly asked to present, explain, and defend their ideas orally and in writing?
This is the basic work of a critical annotation.
And outside the classroom, meetings with public oicials, nonprofits, and other community members, where students are given a chance to present their findings and recommendations on an issue they’ve researched
Public annotation of government documents/websites, newspaper articles, etc.
Communications skills being explicitly taught
Again, social annotation/reading provide an opportunity for this kind of instruction: teacher has a view into how students are interacting with each other (and text).
Multimedia portfolios of student work
Profile pages of annotation are a kind of this portfolio or a contribution.
A big part of social reading: listening to the text and to other readers.
review and critique each other’s work.
This is the process of replying to annotations. But annotation can also be leveraged for peer review of student writing.
Public presentations of their work. Students routinely have to describe and defend their thinking with peers, teachers, and the community. Students say that such public presentations reinforce their sense of accountability and make them be more careful with their work.
Moving annotation from a private practice with little accountability to something shared with the immediate social group of the classroom and finally to the larger public of the annotated web with students making interventions as digital citizens.
learning how to conduct their own research, often on the Internet.
Collaborative annotation and independent inquiry: students reading what they're interested and annotating; teachers following along in the process through activity pages.
more engaging
Because social and interactive, collaborative annotation can make reading more engaging.
peer-to-peer conversations about big issues that defy yes/no answers and ask students to think more analytically
Pretty good definition of social reading in fact!
embedding communications skills into everything they do in all of their courses: speaking, listening, reading, and writing?
Again, socializing reading (and writing) to an extent, makes those skills more real, necessary, part of a relationship, a community, rather than an individual task.
working with members of the community
Public annotation.
holding themselves accountable
Can annotation portfolios/profile be leveraged to this end? Students have an activity page that represents their engagement with reading and with each other. Maybe ask students to reflect on their contributions.
build relationships through mechanisms
Annotation as one such mechanism: learning, reading in community.
egularly working on teams
Social reading makes reading a team sport!
constructive feedback
Via annotation. As a measurable skill.
Lots of talking and listening; a constant exchange of ideas
Live and asynchronously using collaborative annotation.
Inter- and intra-personal skills. Character and culture are important values that are emphasized as much as academic subjects
A student's "social reading" profile provides a window not only into how they interact with text (comprehensively, critically?) but also into how they interact with their classmates (respectfully? discursively?).
listen well—to be a good “critical friend.”
Read classmate's annotations, respond appropriately: respectful, challenging...
learn as much from their peers as from their teachers or a textbook
Or combing all three in a single conversation...
Students working collaboratively through the meaning of a text in annotation, asking questions, answering others, building off each other's comments and knowledge.
key skills they then can apply to other situations beyond this specific course or assessment
Collaborative annotation as a way to assess skills rather than content mastery. Or in addition to.
Teachers stepping into conversations or stopping work from time to time for “teachable moments” to supplement knowledge
Via annotation in the case of readings/reading discussion.
reading original sources
Primary sources, reading of, key.
- portfolios
- feedback
- Hewlett
- civic engagement
- annotated web
- community
- listening
- deeper learning
- peer to peer learning
- digital citizenship
- assessment
- learning styles
- close reading
- annotation
- collaboration
- peer review
- inquiry
- communication skills
- social reading
- accountability
- engagement
www.hewlett.org www.hewlett.org
providing teachers and students with real-time, actionable feedback.
Via annotation?
go beyond basic math and English skills.
Not content based, but skills based?
- Feb 2017
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
mastery of content that engages students in critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and self-directed learnin
It's not "mastery of content" it's mastery of the skills to engage with content.
- Jun 2015
www.hewlett.org www.hewlett.org
effective democratic participation
Emphasize annotation as key to civic literary and participation.
Collabora-tive annotation?
the Common Core standards are strongly aligned with deeper learning—and represent an especially promising leverage point for the Program to help advance its goals . 9
"Deeper learning"=Common Core
www.hewlett.org www.hewlett.org
Ding-ding-ding! hypothes.is needs to build out profile page as portfolio-like...
The new Common Core State Standards are an enormous step forward toward the goal of preparing all students for the future: across forty-five states, schools are now required to teach skills like critical thinking and effective communication alongside core academic content.
So Hewlett is also investing in CC...