5 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. Lingophil Review – Listening Comprehension on Steroids?

      One-time fee for "3 seasons" of show in 3 languages including French (and ES and DE).

      what show? can I preview? what is the range of difficulty levels?

  2. Nov 2024
  3. Oct 2024
    1. they can beworked with extraordinary rapidity, especially if theyare combined with Dictation (see p. 69),

      Dictation from index cards can be done quickly for drafting one's writing to improve the efficiency of composing and writing essays.

      This is essentially the sort of advice which Nabokov used in his writing work in combination with his wife Vera.

  4. Mar 2024
    1. The most straightforward way to transcribe audio from an existing file is to open the audio or video file in Drafts. Here’s a few of the ways to access transcription: iOS Tap and hold the “+” button for new draft options, select “Transcribe…” Use a share button in another app (such as Voice Memos, or the Files app) that can share audio or video content, then select Drafts in the share sheet.

      How to transcribe an audio file into Drafts text? Just share the file to Drafts.

  5. Jun 2023
    1. Tipps for purchasing a Dictation Device

      reply to Sascha at https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/2583/tipps-for-purchasing-a-dictation-device#latest:

      I've got an older Livescribe Pulse pen I love with a small pocket notebook or Post-It Notes. It has an optical character reader and special paper but also records audio and links it to the written text (either before or after the fact). I primarily use it for longer lectures where I'll take scant notes, but have the ability to add to them based on the recorded audio later. They've also got some 3rd party OCR solutions that will take your handwriting and convert it to digital text later. While they do larger sized notebooks and a variety of other papers as well (including printing your own), the small pocket size and ease of use has been fantastic. I've owned one version or another for more than a decade and really love them for this sort of audio on-the-go functionality. Since it's a digital pen, it's also unobtrusive in meetings. The added ability to share pdf documents with embedded audio after the fact isn't bad for classmates or meeting attendees.